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pdf - EphMRA
13 Lunch ch 6 Evening Refreshments Company Name Refreshments Agency Fair Evening Events Evening Events exhibitors Refreshments Fie y place that facilitates Mobile +34 674 007 612 Events enc discussions and medical Contact n fie Ag Fair 5 atio r t crowdsourcing. is 21 22 5 Reg Area ind oom R / Fieldwork 8 9 ry l Evening 7 na 21 21 qu le n 22 Ground Floor Ple ais 4customer Sam ral sa o Scott, Head of Fieldwork Fieldwork International International Events Nicole Drake, Director Client international insights agency P eSKIM Evening s i mhighly 23 24 y s is anspecialised tra S oo 4 enc ir 11 10 Events R g n 23 24 Healthcare International fieldwork consultancy dedicated to the healthcare which specialises in decision behaviour. Lunch a 6 Solutions atio WithAmore pa FUK istr a m g e o e Stand Company R 25 26 Ar 14 3specific Ro se than 35 years of market industry. Operating across 54 countries, we offer y/ expertise, we r a 25 26 7 3 No. Name Plen ra14 Fieldwork llel n n.drake@skimgroup.com o i a 14 SKIM s P Lunch take an individual approach to solving our clients’ 5 21 Yo qualitative and quantitative, patients andLunch medical Sesoomssam.scott@ R International Fieldwork International is a highly 21 2215 2 the business 6 2 translations, alongside our globalproblems. online physician 15 fieldworkinternational.com Evening fieldwork +31 6consultancy 46 93 58 47dedicated an 4 Mobile Events 23 24 panel and a broad portfolio of specialist healthcare 19 Genactis industry. 16 Operating across 54 be co 1 Fieldwork 5 16 Mobile 1 Stand Company772231 SKIM | the 21 joy of decision. www.skimgroup.com ne services. +44 (0)7887 qualitative and quantitative, patie 25 26 3 International No. Name Stand Company translations, Kio Tsuzaki, Vicealongside Presidentour globa SSRI and SSRI CHINA; your trusted healthcare Contact y 20 19 18 17 18 to17reveal 20 19 4 of spF Lunch No. Name Contact expert Lucie Schüller, YouL can trust the Genactis teams panel and a broad portfolio market L research partner for Japan and China Room: Grote Zaal Room: Grote Zaal 2 Stand Company Contact Account Director the full potential of your products. Our integrated fi services. GfC with the knowledge and experience to satisfy ktsuzaki@ssri.com Sarah Phillips, Partner Sam Scott, Head of Prescient Fieldwork is an evidence based consultancy Fieldwork International is a highly specialised No. Name 3 SSRI / SSRI and flexible skin approach to your market research goes needs. International UK fieldwork consultancy dedicated to the healthcare 1 Fieldwork specialising in the integration of market research You can trust the Genactis exper Sam Scott, Head of Fieldwork Fieldwork InternationalChina is a highly specialised Sarah Phillips Prescient is an21 evidence 1based consultancy turq Main Entrance Operating across 54 countries,beyond we offer data gathering Main Entrance 19 Genactis industry. to and get the insights you lschuller@genactis.com the full research potential of your 2products International sphillips@prescienthg.com business intelligence data.in We build Prescient k International UKother fieldwork consultancy dedicated to the healthcare for specialising the integration of market 8 GfK tr sam.scott@ qualitative and quantitative, patients and medical and flexible approach to market al 17 need to decisions. industry. 22 Operating across 54 countries, wemake offer informed a holistic view of the current future market appr andand other business intelligence data. We 20 build19 18sphillips@pre Prescient actionable Healthcare Stand Company translations, fieldworkinternational.com alongside our global online physicianStand L Room: Grote Zaal Stand Company Company Contact 19 Genactis data get the sam.scott@through customer qualitative and quantitative, patients and medical a holistic view of the This current and beyond future market Contact No. Name panel and competitor insights. Mobile +44 gathering 7408 867to 22 Healthcare 1029 rels and No. a broad portfolio of specialist healthcare Group No. Name Stand Name Company need to make actionab fieldworkinternational.com translations, alongside our global online physician through customer and competitor insights. This informed Mobile +44tha 7 Contact services. Mobile +44 (0)7887 supports 772231 Group better business decision making. Christine Maï, International KPI,are ATU, Patient No. Name Qualitative, Quantitative, Global,We Dori Stern market researchers with Strategic Brand Stand Company Sam ScoY Fieldwork International is a highly specialised supports better business decision making. panel and a broad portfolio of specialist healthcare Christine Maï, International Qualitative, Quantitative, Global, KPI, ATU, Patient Main Entrance GI Lucie Schüller, You can trust the Genactis expert teams to reveal Business Development Chart, Hospitals, KOL, Patients, HCP, Specialists, Global Client Strategy Director Planning as well as client-side marketing and No. Name Contact Room: Grote Zaal Anton Richter, Managing M3 Global Research provide and data Internatioth fieldwork consultancy dedicated to theLhealthcare services. Mobilecombine +44 (0)7887 772231 David Mackenzie, GfK’s Health experts global industry THE Our integrated Business Development Hospitals, KOL,fieldwork Patients, HCP, Specialists, ag Director Chart, the full potential of your products. Launch tracker,Account Communication Platform, GIM a Director collection services the Healthcare sector ofOperating the market researchtoexperience. Our growth in industry. across 54 countries, we offer Stand Company F for GfK’s Health expertsCedric combine glo and flexible approach to market fieldwork research goes PLANNING Global Lead, Genactis Health skills with proven market research Cedric Degraeuwe, CEODegra Experts tracker, inexpertise, Healthcare, Experts in Qualitative, Fieldwork Launch Communication Platform, Lucie Schüller, You can trust the Genactis expert teams to reveal Anton Richter, Managing M3 Global Research provide and data c.mai@aplusaresearch.com Positioning, Patient Journey, Segmentation, Gesellschaft Experts in Healthcare, Experts in Qualitative, dori.stern@ 19 b Market Research Industry. We offer a full range 4 21 sam.scot qualitative and quantitative, patients and medical international pharmaceutical research is through No. Name 25 M3 Global s oth beyond data gathering to get the insights you lschuller@genactis.com fi skills with proven market researc International SHOP Experts in Fieldwork. QualWorld isFieldwork. an Account Director the full potential products. Our integrated Director collection services the Healthcare sector of the 26 A+A turning research into smart business decisions c.mai@aplusaresearch.com Positioning, Patient Journey, Segmentation, Experts in QualWorld is an für Innovative Main En 3oftoyour Compliance, Communication Platform, arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitative services fieldworki translations, alongside global online physician fiftni need to make informed actionable decisions. understanding how to help clients build Brands not ourplanningshopintl.com Research turning research into smart busin Market Research Industry. We offer a full range and flexible approach to market research goes Christin Qualitative, Quantitative, Global, KPI, ATU, Patient 26 A+A cedric.degraeuwe@ independent fieldwork provider specialising in cedric.degrae independent fieldwork provider specialising in international Marktforschung Fieldwork Compliance, Communication Platform, +33 (0)478 644portfolio Positioning, Prescription tracker, Conjoint, underpinned and driven byMobile our active and verified david.mackenzie@gfk.com for health companies. We shape your innovation Stand Company panel and a718 broad of specialist healthcare We shape 8 anq StandGfKCompanyofbeyond 21 just sell products. healthSpecialists, companies. both Qualitative and Quantitative services Stand Company 8market GfK tracker, data to get the insightsManagement, you 10 arichter@eu.m3.com lschuller@genactis.com Busines Chart, Hospitals, KOL, Patients, HCP, qualitative market research for thefor healthcare Contact QualWorld Healthcare panel. qual-world.com qualitative research for the healthcare Lifecycle MarketGlobal sizing, Patient flow, International Mobile +33 (0)478qual-world.co 718 644+ Positioning, Prescription Conjoint, 10 gathering QualWorld No. Name services. Mobile approaches, strengthen your customer brand No. Name underpinned No. Name industry. and driven byactionable our active decisions. and verified need to make informed is a boutiqueapproaches, agency with strengthen your cust Launch QualWorld tracker, Communication Platform, Brand Equity, Emerging Markets,Lifecycle Insight, TPP, industry. QualWorld is aMarket boutique agency with Management, sizing, Patient flow,224014 relationships and craft market strategies Mobile +44 7970 Go David Mackenzie, GfK’s Health experts panel. combine globalM3 industry p G relationships and craft market ac Global Healthcare Anton Richter, Managing Global Research provide fieldwork andaccess data Lucie Sch You can trustPatient the Genactis expert teams to40reveal Industry unique global capabilities (covering Mobile +33 6 M3 Global Research provid Positioning, Journey, Segmentation, Brand mapping, Market potential. Qualitative, Quantitative, Globa Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions is a Global Market Research Industry uniqueDirector global capabilities (covering 40 Mobile +33 6 13revenue. 26 48c.mai@ 01 Stand Company Stand Companythat Markets, Insight, TPP, cossD Global HealthBrand skills with proven market research expertise, collection services tointo theLead, Healthcare sector Equity, of the Emerging translate into Contact that translate revenue. Account the full potential of your GoodDr products. Our integrated markets). 26 A+A Compliance, Communication Platform, collection services to the H No. Nameturning research into smart businessAdecisions Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. No. CEOName Chart, Hospitals, KOL, Patients setu markets). Gaku Sasaki, Boardapproach Director leading healthcare marketing research Brand mapping, Market potential. We offer a full range Marketing &research and flexible to market goes Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ presence Market Research Research Industry. M3 GlobalMarkelytics Solutions is a Global Market Mobile Positioning, tracker, Conjoint, We have worldwide to facilitate real Prescription Market Research Industry. Y 12 Launch tracker, Communicatio se david.mackenzie@gfk.com forGfK’s healthHealth companies. Wecombine shape your innovation David Mackenzie, experts global industry Markelytics 3 Anton Richter, Managing M3 Global Research provide fieldwork and data M3 Global GIM is one of Germany’s leading Eva Laparra, SERMO (formerly WorldOne) is the #1 consultancy in Asia with 20+ years experience. arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitative services Pfo Consulting Co., 19 of CEO Genactismarket beyond data toMarket get the insights you Board lschuller@ 8gathering GfK Agency providing research solutions. 24end-to-end Research Sigrid Schmid, Corporate GIM is one Germany’s leading market research Lifecycle Management, sizing, Patient flow, Gaku Sasaki, Director ASERMO leading healthcare marketing research jasal@markelytics.com intelligence using latest methodology, 3 ne t approaches, strengthen your customer brand Positioning, Patient Journey, S of both Qualitative and Qu Global Lead, Health skills with proven market research expertise, Eva Laparra, MD UK and (formerly WorldOne) is the #1 Solutions Director collection services to the Healthcare sector of the Northern Eur international social network for doctors that underpinned and driven by our active and verified We are offering marke sa gaku.sasaki@anterio.co.jp Our team researchers deliver Research Ltd agencies. need toEquity, make informed actionable decisions. We have worldwide presence to facilitate realof multi-cultural GIM best in class research techniques & cost-effective s Brand Emerging Markets, Insight, TPP, and craft market access strategies Mobile +44offering 7970 224014 18 Anterio Increlationships consultancy Asia with 20+ 26 in A+A a Director, Head of GIM Health agencies. We are marketing research Compliance, Communication P turning research into smart business decisions Market Research We offer aWe fulloffer rangecustom underpinned and driven by collects highexperience. quality dataPrescient from itsfor 1.8 million Global Healthcare panel. are Northern Europe international social network foryears doctors that the entire health industry and insights with trueIndustry. local expertise. GIM jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using latest methodology, M3 Global Gesellschaft measures for research professional and agencies. Mobile +91 98862 54463 Prescription trackeb that into revenue. We shape your innovation Brand mapping, Market potential. 19 Genactis 3 gaku.sasaki@anterio.co.jp Our team of multi-cultural researchers deliver david.mackenzie@gfk.com fortranslate health companies. Positioning, arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitative services for the entire health industry and for about twenty eva.laparra@ verified HCPs. Inside SERMO, doctors come a 25 other branches. We are doing bu 9 SERMO 22 Healthcare Global Healthcare panel. th research, analytics, and insights based consulting Mobile +81 its 90 1.8 8454million 6172 collects high quality data from techniques & cost-effective Researchbest in class Gesellschaft 18 research Anterio Inc underpinned für Innovativetogether in a unique, safe online meeting Ips approaches, strengthen your customer brand andSigrid driven our active and verified Lifecycle Management, Market th insights with true expertise. We offer custom Gaku Sn A leading healthcare marketing research markets, qualitative and quan 25 s.schmid@g-i-m.com other branches. We are doing business inlocal over Group fifty measures for research professional agencies. Mobile +91 98862 54463 Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions isSchmid, aby Global Market Research Corporate GIM is one of Germany’s leading market research to and support your decision with confidence. eva.laparra@sermo.com verified HCPs. Inside SERMO, doctors come 9 SERMO Tom Pugh, Managing DirectorEmerging With unmatched capabilities in Europe, North Marktforschung op für Innovative agencies. David Ma GfK’s Health experts combine global industry Global Healthcare panel. relationships and craft marketing market access strategies Mobile +44 7970 224014 place that facilitates discussions and medical Mobile +34 6 StandDirector, Company sG Brand Equity, Marke consultancy in Asia with 20+ years experience. and online. research, analytics, and insights based consulting Mobile +81 90 8454 6172 Head of GIM Health We are offering research CEO Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. fifty markets, qualitativeAmerica, and quantitative, offline together a unique, online meeting - UK researchMarkelytics LatininAmerica and safe Asia,crowdsourcing. Medefield Solutions is ahe G Global Le skills with proven market expertise, No. presence Name that translate intoindustry revenue. Tom Halliday, SVP, Commercial Decision Resources Group offers best inDirector Brand mapping, Market potent for theunmatched entire health andinfor about twenty Ipsos gaku.sa Our team of multi-cultural researchers deliver a Marktforschung We have worldwide to facilitate real to support your decision with confidence. Tom Pugh, Managing With capabilities Europe, North Markelytics aft GIM 25Mobile is aplace global that provider of onlinediscussions quantitative and 20 facilitates and medical +34providing 674 007 end-to-e 612 ou and online. Mobile +49 (0)162 25 901 18 s.schmid@g-i-m.com Anterio Incanalytics, turning research into smart business decisions Agency 24 other branches. We are doing business in over Operations EMEA & APAC class, high value information, data, Healthcare Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions is a Global Market Research jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using latest methodology, fo insights with true local expertise. We offer custom - UK Latin America and Asia, Medefield A leading healthcare marketing Sarah 15 Medefield Prescient is an evidence based consultancy ve SolutionsAmerica, cu qualitative fieldwork services to pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com Gesellschaft GoodDr provides professional ne EG Nicole Drake SKIM is an international customer insights agency crowdsourcing. Sigrid Schmid, Corporate GIM is onequalitative of Germany’s leading market research Decision fifty david.ma for health companies. Weinsights shape your innovation markets, and quantitative, offline 8 critical GfKresearch CEO Group Agency providing end-to-end solutions. best in class research techniques &Decision cost-effective and insights on issues within the have worldwide presen 25 research, analytics, and based consulting Mobile Tom Halliday, SVP, Commerc Resources offers best in the integration is a global provider of online quantitative and Markelytics ung mu consultancy inwell AsiaSolutions with 20+ yos specialising in ofWe market research market research agencies. connections as as the marke für Innovative E He which specialises in decision behaviour. With more and online. Mobile +49 (0)162 25 25 901 Director, Head of GIM Health agencies. We are offering marketing research approaches, strengthen your customer brand GoodDr 13 Resources We have worldwide presence to facilitate real 24 measures forindustry. research professional and agencies. Mobile +91 98862 54463 your thalliday@ healthcare We partner with leading fila qualitative fieldwork services to pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com to support decision with 7787 confidence. market intelligence using Markelytics Operations EMEA & APAC class, high value information, analytics, data, Mobile +44 434491 Our team of multi-cultural resea sphilli and other business intelligence data. We build Prescient in Solutions services through basic data colle Shanshan Ning, Managing GoodDr provides professional network Marktforschung 24 Nicole strategies Drake, DirectorMobile Client+at SKIM isand international customer insights agency 35 years ofand market we for the entire health industry and for about twenty using relationships craftspecific market expertise, access Streicher &an Brotschin Treuhand AG jasal@markelytics.com intelligence latestc/o methodology, 18 Anterio Inc Marketing &than Group dresourcesgroup.com biopharmaceutical, medical technology, t Decision market Solutionsmarket research agencies. best in class research tech and insights on critical issues within the insights with true local expertis 8into GfKto solving a holistic view of theQualWorld current and future market n.drake@skim qf 12 Stand Company service to meet KJ 22 Healthcare 10 14 SKIM s.schmid@g-i-m.com other branches. We are doing business incare over take an individual approach ourcomponents clients’ Director Europe connections as well the market research that translate revenue. Solutions best in class research techniques & which cost-effective Gartenstrasse 101 Tomeac Ha Decision Resources Group offers best inHealthcare specialises decision behaviour. With more Shanshan Ning, Managing GoodDr provides professional network Ca TominPugh, Managing Director With unmatched capabilities inas Europe, North Mobile +44 7787 434491 Consulting Co., managed companies to make informed GoodDr e 13 Resources No. Name measures for research pro research, analytics, and insigh in thalliday@ healthcare industry. We partner with leading through customer and competitor insights. This Mobile co Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of Against a landscape of stringent regulation and needs in Pharmaceutical & Healt fifty markets, qualitative and quantitative, offline Group measures for research professional and agencies. 98862 business problems. 4as well Director Europe connections as the market research Operati class,54463 high value information, analytics, data, 4052 Basel generalsecretary@ephmra.org UK America, Latin America and Asia, Medefield services through basic data collection to more full than 35 years of-Mobile market specific expertise, we decisions critical to their success. Ltd+91 ng r In Mobile +31 6 tomarket support your decision with cG Marketing & services Qualitative Healthcare costly product development healthcare clients clie supports better business decision making. dresourcesgroup.com biopharmaceutical, medical technology, and Sigrid Sc GIM is one of Germany’s leading research and online. Mobile +49 (0)162 25 25 901 through basic Group data collection to more full Decision KJT Group, Sarah Phillips Prescient is an evidence based consultancy is a service global and provider ofCarolyn online quantitative and and insights our on critical issuesn.drake@skimgroup.com within Switzerland www.ephmra.org & 12 components to need meet each client’s specific comthe 14 Chamberlain, Head ofthinking 2clients’ Against a landscape ofSKIM stringent regulation take an individual approach to sales-group@gooddr. solving t m fast forward insights with over 40 Elena Ripamonti, Managing My name is Elma, I am curious and dynamic. str c service components to meet each client’s specific sales-group@gooddr. com Director, agencies. We are offering marketing research Inc specialising in the integration of market research managed to make informed 15 Medefield Millward qualitative Consulting Co., costly product development 13 capabilities Resources Tom Pugh, Managing With unmatched in North care companies fieldwork services to Europe, pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com GoodDr SKIM | theDirector joy of decision. With unmatched thallida healthcare industry. Wewww.skimgroup.com partner with leading GIM Co., Qualitative Healthcare healthcare clients Decision Resources capabilitie Group offe 23 Carolyn.chamberlain@ years consultancy toindustries. 90% Director of the world’s largest needs inproviding Pharmaceutical & Healthcare infs I have been market research solutions business problems. needs in Pharmaceutical &Company Healthcare industries. for the entire health industry and for about twenty sphillips@pre and other business intelligence data. We build Stand Prescient UK America, Latin America and Asia, Medefield Brown market research agencies. decisions critical to their success. Marketing & Group dresour biopharmaceutical, medical technology, and Ipsos Healthcare aKio global spec America, Latin America an Gesellschaft LtdElma need SaG fast provides forward thinking insightsnetwork with over 40 Mobile Contact Tsuzaki, SSRI and SSRI CHINA; your trusted Shanshan Ning,Millward Managing GoodDr class, high value Mobile +31 6 46isinformation, 93 58 47 millwardbrown.com brands Brown offers global healthcare +31 (0)640519023 ap 12 Cedric Experts in Healthcare, inhealthcare Qualitative, and consultancy the pharmaceutical industry sV No. professional Name is Mobile (0)640519023 25 holistic view of+31 theWe current and future market s.schmid other branches. are Experts doing business in over over 40 countries. a global provider ofCarolyn.chamberlain@ online quantitative and Mobile +44 a7787 434491 22 to Healthcare 11 operating in O managed care companies to make informed Consulting Co., Decision years consultancy to 90% of the world’s largest in market research partner for Japan and China für Director Innovative is a global provider of onlin Europe connections as well as the market research and insights on critical issues a expertise in brand strategy performance Elena Ripamonti, Managing My name is Elma, I am curious and dynamic. Research across Europe since 2008. You can find me in eripamonti@elmaresearch.com Experts in Fieldwork. QualWorld is an 15 Medefield GIM through customer and competitor insights. This Mobile +44 n7w fifty markets, qualitative and quantitative, offline qualitative fieldwork services to pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com Group Anton Richter, Managing M3 SKIM Global15 provide fieldwork and data |Research the of decision. www.skimgroup.com healthcare market research advis millwardbrown.com brands Millward Brown healthcare cf decisions critical and to their success. with the knowledge experience to satisfy ktsuzaki@ssr Ltd 13 joy Resources Medefield services through basicoffers dataglobal collection to more full Marktforschung communications. Mobile +44 (0) 7825 761381 Lig healthcare industry. We partne qualitative fieldwork servic Ipsosmarket Director I have been providing research solutions supports better business decision making. Milan, Rome and London. cedric independent fieldwork provider specialising in Gareth Phillips, Managing Ipsos Healthcare is a global specialised practice market research agencies. and online. Mobile + SSRI / SSRI Gesellschaft Director collection toCarolyn the Healthcare sector of theof Chamberlain, Head Against a landscape regulation services and20com expertise in brand strategy performance vo outcome-oriented acros your needs. 9 Neil SERMO 1 of stringent pro sales-group@gooddr. service components to meet each client’s specific 25 Elma biopharmaceutical, medical tec Elena R My name is Elma, I am curious and dynamic. Kio Tsuzaki, Viceinsights, President SSRI and CHINA; your trusted healthcare market research agencies. Rees, Head of Research OPEN Plan areSSRI the fullMobile service market Healthcare Director UK & of Western operating in over 40 countries. Our team of 500 Healthcare Gareth Phillips, Managing Ipsos is +44 a Head global specialised practice consultancy toGroup the pharmaceutical industry +44 7787 434491 Stand Company qual-w qualitative for the healthcare o., China 10development QualWorld fürresearch Innovative Market Research We offer a research full rangemarket 11 Qualitative Healthcare costly product healthcare clients communications. Mobile (0)and 7825 761381 Industry. to custom research frameworks and Contact uti M3 Global needs in Pharmaceutical & Healthcare industries. fi managed care companies to m Directo I have been providing market research solutions Europe healthcare market research advisors Lightspeed No. Name deliver Research division of OPEN Health. Utilising a variety of market research partner for Japan and China 3 industry. QualWorld is a boutique agency with across Europe since 2008. You can find me in eripamonti@elmaresearch.co arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitative services Director UK & Head of Western operating in over 40 countries. Our team of 500 need fast forward thinking insights with 40 1 Marktforschung pIp 16 inn services. Shanshan GoodDr professional network Research Elma Neil Rees, Head ofover Research OPEN Plan are the full service Millwardoutcome-oriented Mobile +31 (0)640519023 Cedric Degra Experts in provides Healthcare, Experts in multi-client Qualitative, a insights, acrossmarket marketresearch leading decisions critical to their succe neilrees@ All Global and consultancy to the pharmaceutical industry Stand Company novel techniques and methods, such as the use with the knowledge and experience to satisfy ktsuzaki@ssri.com 23 underpinned and driven by fieldwork our active and verified 11 market Industry unique global capabilities (covering 40 Mobile Anton Richter, Managing Global Research provide and data e Carolyn Chamberlain, Head Against a landscape stringent regulation and Carolyn.chamberlain@ years consultancy to of 90% ofresearch the M3 world’s largest Milan, Rome and London. hig coE Europe healthcare advisors deliver connections asofwell as2008. the market research divisionresearch of OPEN a standard variety of No. gareth.phillips@ipsos.com Experts indepth Fieldwork. QualWorld is an frameworks andPlan gold Research SSRI /Utilising SSRI openplanresearch.com GoodDr Name 6Health. OPEN across Europe since You can find is meElma, in I amDirector eripam IpsosBrowncustom of Wearables and Apps, to gather greater of Director collection services to the Healthcare sector of the Global Healthcare panel. My name curious Qualitative Healthcare costly product development healthcare clients millwardbrown.com brands Millward Brown offers global healthcare your needs. glo markets). 1 neilrees@ services through basic data collection to in more full multi-client services. 20 cedric.degrae independent fieldwork provider specialising insights, across market leading Against landscape of strh novel techniques and methods, suchoutcome-oriented as the use Ipsos KJT Group isa an evidence based Rome and London. Marketing & Market Industry. offer aMilan, full range insight toManaging help buildWe their brands. Gareth Phillips, Ipsos Healthcare is aChina global specialised practice So Dorimarket Stern We are market researchers with Strategic Brand the need fast in forward thinking insights with Research over 40 clients expertise brandMobile strategy performance I have been providing rG Healthcare M3 Global Anton M3 Global Research fieldwork and data qual-world.co 20 Millward of Wearables openplanresearch.com +44 (0) 777 522 3604 12 service components toprovide meet each client’s specific sales-gro qualitative market research for the healthcare n Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 10 QualWorld and Apps, to gather greater depth of 1 costly product developmen 3 gareth.phillips@ipsos.com custom research frameworks and gold standard Elma arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitative services Healthcare 23 consulting firm focused on guidin Global Client Director UK & Head of Western Carolyn.chamberlain@ communications. Mobile +44 Market (0) 7825 761381 years consultancy 90% of theCo., world’s largest operating in over 40 countries. Our team of 500 toConsulting Eva La SERMO (formerly WorldOne) is the #1 w Planning as well as client-side marketing and and consultancy to the pharma c Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions is a Global Research Research Directo collection services toaGoodDr the&Healthcare sector of the c 11 BrownKJT industry. QualWorld is boutique agency with THE needs in Pharmaceutical Healthcare industries. 2 insight to help clients build their brands. Kenneth Tomaszewski, Group is an evidence based advisors research and underpinned and driven by our active and verified need fast forward thinking millwardbrown.com brands Millward Brown offers global healthcare Research multi-client services. Europe healthcare market research deliver clients toain uncover insights that en Ltd Northe international social network for doctors that th market research experience. Our growth 1are the across Europe since 2008. You CEO Agency providing end-to-end research s Millward Neil Rees, Head ofsolutions. Research OPEN Plan full service market research KJT Group, Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 m Market Research Industry. We offer full range Industry unique global capabilities (covering 40 Mobile +33 6 Mobile + PLANNING President and CEO Marketing & years consultancy Global Healthcare consulting firm focusedinsights, on guiding life sciences M3 Global 23 2 panel. dori.stern@ expertise in brand strategy performance toarichte 90% outcome-oriented across market leading 14 SKIM strategies and and execution. We pro We haveStrategix worldwide presence facilitate collects high quality data from its3604 1.8 million tas international pharmaceutical research is through Mobile (0) 777 522 12+44 Milan, Rome London. Asif Javed, Chief Executive Group isInc theto Catalyst forreal 3 4Health. division of OPEN UtilisingOptimal a variety of Markelytics markets). of both Qualitative and Quantitative services Brown SHOP clients to uncover insights that enhance their Consulting Co., Research communications. Mobile +44 (0) 7825 761381 planningshop p, 24 frameworks and gareth.phillips@ipsos.com custom research gold standard jasal@markelytics.com market latest methodology, brands Millward Brown offe neilrees@ inform and guide create bn eva.la verified HCPs. Inside doctors come understanding how to helpSERMO, clients build Brands not strategy, Officer, Europe and APAC Customer-Centered Marketing. Using analytics, novel techniques and methods, such as intelligence the use SERMO Solutions underpinned and driven by our active and verified Dori Stern We areSolutions marketusing researchers with Strategic Brand international strategies and execution. provide insights to: 9 ken@kjtgroup.com Jasal Director/ Markelytics isopenplanresearch.com a Global Market Research K Ltd isManaging Gareth Ph Ipsos Healthcare is a Shah, global specialised practice Kenneth Tomaszewski, KJT Group an evidence based research and Asif Javed, Chief Executive Optimal Strategix GroupWe is the Catalyst for multi-client services. best in class research techniques & cost-effective Neil Rees, Head of Research Eva Laparra, OPEN Plan are theis full service market research SERMO (formerly WorldOne) the #1 6 OPEN Plan just sell products. together in a unique, safe online meeting expertise in brand strategy approaches to address business consulting and technology, we guarantee growth of Wearables and Apps, to gather greater depth of 1 asend-to-end Global Healthcare panel. Global Client Strategy Directo inform and guide strategy, create personalised Planning well as client-side marketing and CEO Agency providing research solutions. Optimal Officer, Europe and APAC Director operating in over 40 countries. Our team of 500 measures for research professional and agencies. Mobile +91 98862 54463 Customer-Centered Marketing. Using analytics, Mobile +44 (0) 777 522 3604 Northern Euro international social network for doctors that asif.javed@ THE division of OPEN Health. Utilising a variety of President and CEO consulting firmbuild focused onhave guiding lifepresence sciences ScU place that facilitates discussions and medical Mobile for Clients. insight to help clients their brands. communications. approaches to address business challenges. We worldwide to facilitate real 5 Strategix Markelytics market research experience. Our growth Europe hc healthcare market research advisors deliver Mobile +44 collects (0)7717 663 185 neilrees@ consulting and technology, we guarantee growth and methods, high qualityindata from its Lightspeed 1.8 million optimalstrategix.com novel techniques such as the use KJT Group, All Global provides crowdsourcing. PLANNING Ipsos 24 OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic Kenneth Tomaszewski, KJT Group is an evidence based research anduncover jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using latest methodology, SS clients to insights that enhance their Group 2Inside dori.stern@ asif.javed@ Solutions KJT Jasal Markelytics isPugh, a Global Market Research OPEN Plan are eva.laparra@ the commun full serv 20 outcome-oriented insights, across market leading openplanresearch.com verified HCPs. Solutions SERMO, come Tom Managing Director With unmatched capabilities in into Europe, North for Clients. 4 sI 6 Group, OPEN Plan international pharmaceutical research is through 9Oualid SERMO of Wearables and Apps, to gather greater depth of professional and patient Inc doctors techniques turn customer data actionable Jendoubi, Director, Lightspeed Allfirm Global provides Healthcare best in class research techniques & cost-effective President and CEO m 2 SHOP consulting focused onhealthcare guiding life sciencesand ken@kjtgroup.com optimalstrategix.com o strategies execution. We provide insights to: CEO planningshopintl.com Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. gareth.ph custom research frameworks and gold standard together in a unique, safe online meeting UK America, Latin America and Asia, Medefield OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic division of agency OPEN Health. U in Inc insight to help clients build their brands. Nicole SKIM is build an international customer insights understanding how to help clients Brands not utilising a powerful healthcare pa professional and patient community solutions, measures for research professional and agencies. Mobile +91 98862 54463 insights decision making for our client’s w clients to uncover insights that Optimal enhance their Business Asif Javed, Chief Executive Strategix Group isDevelopment the Catalyst forabout Lightspeed international h Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 place that facilitates discussions and medical Mobile +34 6 multi-client services. is a global provider of online quantitative and We have worldwide presence to facilitate real SSRI / SSRI techniques turn customer intoWith actionable inform strategy, create personalised Ipsos utilising a powerful healthcaredata panel. a long and guide a Markelytics 16 Solutio innovative healthcare research he novel techniques and meth which specialises in decision behaviour. With more y customers. ken@kjtgroup.com just sell products. 1 d Officer, Europe and APAC Customer-Centered analytics, strategies and 15 execution. We provide insights to: Marketing. Using 20 Medefield All Global crowdsourcing. qualitative fieldwork services to pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com Mobile +o jasal@ market intelligence using latest methodology, China innovative healthcare research heritage, we offer 24 oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com insights about decision making for our client’s high quality healthcare Healthcare Tom Pugh, Managing Director unmatched capabilities in Europe, North 6 challenges. OPEN Plan approaches toSolutions addressWith business than 35 years of market specific we and research l ofexpertise, Wearables Apps, toc Andrew Scott, Managing Phoenix Healthcare is invested in the business consulting growth inform and guide strategy, personalised market research agencies. quality healthcare researchcreate services for topand technology, we guarantee best in class research techniques & cost-effective Optimalhigh customers. UK America, Latin America and Asia, Medefield global research companies andLa Kenneth KJT Group is an evidence based research and n.drak asif.javed@ Asif Javed, Chief Executive Optimal Strategix is the Catalyst for clients are trying 14 GroupSKIM Nicole Drake, Director SKIM is anindividual international customer insights agency take an approach solving our clients’ problems to solve. Our strategic for Clients. Mobile +44 to 7787 434491 insight toagencies. help clients buildm approaches address and business challenges. research to companies agencies across measures for research professional andwww.allglobal.com. Mobile 5 Strategixglobal is aManaging global provider of online quantitative and p the world. President Andrew Scott, Phoenix Healthcare is invested inCustomer-Centered the business optimalstrategix.com Officer, Europe and APAC consulting firm focused on guiding life sciences Using analytics, which specialises in decisionDirector, behaviour. With more Solutions Hea approach combines our big picture perspective OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic business problems. world. www.allglobal.com. Phoenix Oualid Jendoubi, Lightspeed AllMarketing. Global provides healthcare 15 Medefield qualitative fieldwork services to pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com Groupthe u Directorwe guarantee problems clients17 are trying to solve. Our strategic Mobile andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com clients to uncover insights that enhance their consulting and technology, growth Lightspeed than 35 years of market specific expertise, we with knowledge-based, custom implementation turn customer data into actionable KJT Group, Oualid Jendoubi, Director, providestechniques healthcare 2 agencies. Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of Against a landscape of stringent regulation and16 Development Optimal Lightspeed All GlobalHealthcare market research W Business professional and patient community solutions, in K Tom P With unmatched capabilities in Europe, North 2 asif.javed@ ken@kjtg approach combines our big picture perspective n.drake@skim for Clients. strategies and execution. We provide 14 SKIM take anclients individual approach to solving ourinsights clients’ to: All +44 Global strategies aimed at solving larger market insights about decision making our client’s Inc for Mobile 7787 434491 Business Development solutions, Qualitative Healthcare costly product development healthcare 5 Strategix professional and patient community SKIM | the joy America of Mobile decision. www.skimgroup.com Phc andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com optimalstrategix.com utilising a powerful healthcare panel. With a long - UK is America, Latin and Asia, Medefield +44 (0) Optimal 7585 963837 THE with knowledge-based, custom implementation OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic e inform and guide strategy, create personalised Strategix Group business problems. problems. customers. Lightspeed need fast forward thinking insights with over 40 panel. With a long Group utilising a powerful healthcare m Millward g6c is a global provider of online and Mobile Kio +31Ts SSRI and SSRI CHINA; your quantitative trusted healthcare PLANNING strategies aimed23 at solving largertechniques market 16 oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com innovative healthcare research heritage,90% we of offer turn customer data into actionable KJT Group, approaches business challenges. Carolyn.chamberlain@ years consultancy the world’s largest oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com innovative healthcare research heritage, we offer Customer-Centered Marke Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of a landscape stringent regulation and to 4address Scott, Managing Phoenix Healthcare isMobile invested inAgainst the7585 business +44 (0) 963837 toofAndrew in All Global Brown th 2 15 Medefield qualitative fieldwork services to pharmaceutical tom.pu market research partner for Japan and China problems. SHOP c/o Streicher & Brotschin Treuhand AG s Julie Nam, Client Services PLAMED ASIA is your one stop shop for fieldwork insights about decision making for our client’s millwardbrown.com brands Millward Brown offers global healthcare high quality healthcare research services for top Inc SKIMclients | the joy of decision. www.skimgroup.com high quality healthcare research servicesclients for topare trying to solve. Qualitative Healthcare costly product development healthcare Director problems Our strategic u consulting and technology market research agencies. Gartenstrasse 101 with the knowledge and experience to satisfy ktsuza Manager international services with healthcare professionals in Asia. Optimal i customers. expertise in agencies brand strategy performance need fast forward thinking insights with over 40 Oualid Je Lightspeed All Global provides healthcare global research companies and agencies across 2 global research companies and across approach combines our picture perspective Millward Kio Tsuzaki,juV SSRI and SSRI CHINA; your trusted for healthcare SSRI / SSRI Phoenix PLAMED ASIA is your Juliebig Nam, Client Services based in China, stop shop for fieldwork 4 Clients. 4052 Basel generalsecretary@ephm Mobilea your needs. 23 onePlamed With researchers Japan, and andCarolyn.chamberlain@ communications. Mobilecommunity +44 (0) 7825 761381 1 years consultancy to Strategix 90% of the world’s largest 17 Business professional patient solutions, the world. www.allglobal.com. 5 andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com Andrew Scott, Managing Phoenix Healthcare isManager invested in the business market research partner for Japan and China Brown with knowledge-based, custom implementation the world. www.allglobal.com. 7 China brands Millward Brown offers global Healthcare services with healthcare professionals in Asia. julie.nam@plamedasia.com Switzerland www.ephmra.org OSG’s proprietary method healthcare Korea, our highly experienced combines the millwardbrown.com Asia problems clients are trying to solve. utilising a powerful healthcare panel. With a long ktsuzaki@ssr Neil Rees, Head Research are the fullDirector service team market research OurPlan strategic with the knowledge and experience toofsatisfy Group aimed at solving largerOPEN market Lightspeed With researchers based in China,strategies Japan, and expertise in brand strategy performance SSRI / SSRI convenience of a single point of contact with true 16 Mobile +44 (0) 7585 963837 oualid.jen innovative healthcare research heritage, we turn customer CarolyL a landscape of stringenttechniques regulationoffer and division of OPEN Health. Utilisingyour aAgainst variety of approach combines our big picture perspective needs. 1 Phoenix Korea, our highly experienced team julie.nam@plamedasia.com 2 problems. AllChina Globalcommunications. combines the Mobile +44 (0) 7825 761381 17 local expertise. andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com neilrees@ high quality healthcare research services for top Qualita costly product development healthcare clients novel techniques and methods, such as the use with knowledge-based, custom implementation insights about decision map Healthcare convenience of a single point of contact with true Rees, Head Research OPEN Plan areand the full service market research openplanresearch.com global research companies andofagencies across 6 OPEN Plan u ofmarket Wearables Apps, toNam, gather greater depth of Neil need fast forward thinking insights with over 40 Julie Client Services PLAMED is your one stop shop for fieldwork strategiesASIA aimed at solving larger Lightspeed Millward division of OPEN Health. local expertise.3 Dori Si We are market withcustomers. Strategic Brand Utilising a(0) variety of963837 Mobile +44brands. 7585 the world. www.allglobal.com. 16 researchers Manager c/o Streicher Brotschin Treuhand AG insight help&clients build their services with 23 healthcare professionals intoAsia. Caroly years consultancy to 90% of the world’s largest problems. All Global Brown novel techniques and methods, suchPlanning neilrees@ Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 Globa as the useas well as client-side marketing and Phoenix Healthcare is inveh With researchers based in China, Japan, and 101 Gartenstrasse millwa brands Millward Brown offers global healthcare Plamed THE openplanresearch.com 2 6 OPEN Plan 7 Dori Stern g We are market researchers with Strategic Brandin of Wearables and Apps, to gather greater depth of julie.nam@plamedasia.com market research experience. Our growth Julie Nam, Client Services PLAMED is your one stopteam shop for fieldwork 4 problems clients are trying Korea, ourASIA highly experienced combines the expertise in brand strategy performance Asia 4052 Basel generalsecretary@ephmra.org PLANNING Global dori.s Client insightin toAsia. help clients build their brands. Planning as wellpharmaceutical as client-side marketing and Manager 4 a single point services with of healthcare professionals international research is through THEofSwitzerland convenience contact true Group communications. Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 www.ephmra.org approach combines Mobile our bit Asif Javed, Chief Executive Optimalwith Strategix is the Catalyst for SHOP Phoenix market research experience. Our growth in plann With researchers in China, Japan, and Plamed 17 PLANNING local expertise. based understanding how to help clients build Brands not Officer, Europemarket and APAC Marketing. Using analytics, Neilcu Re OPEN Plan are the full service research dori.stern@ 7 with knowledge-based, internationalCustomer-Centered 2pharmaceutical julie.nam@plamedasia.com international research is through Korea, our highly4 experienced combines the Healthcare Asia SHOPteam just sellgrowth products. consulting and technology, we guarantee division of OPEN Health. Utilising a variety of planningshop Stand No. Evening Events September 2015 3 strategies aimed at solving Optimal convenience of a single point of Optimal understanding howAsif to Javed, help clients Brands not Chief build Executive for contact Strategix with true Group is the Catalyst asif.javed@ international for Clients. 7 7 51 Room: Grote Zaal L Exhibitor Name 6 4 5 3 About 4 2 10 8 1 21 22 Lunch 23 24 25 21 26 22 10 20 Evening 11 20 11 26 17 19 Evening Lunch Events Lunch Lunch 13 9 Events18 19 14 12 Lunch Main Entrance 25 Evening Events 268 Evening 9 Events Evening Events 3 1 Evening Events EphMRA agency fair exhibitors 2015 15 26 25 Evening Events Lunch 23 24 2 Main Entrance A+A 12 16 15 16 13 18 14 17 14 Contact 15 14 16 Contact Contact 15 ATU, Patient 2 Qualitative, Quantitative, KPI, Chart, 17 20 19 18 Global, L Christine Maï, International Qualitative, Quantitative, Global, KPI, ATU, Patient Room: Grote Zaal Hospitals, KOL, Patients, HCP, Specialists, Launch tracker, Business Development International Chart, Hospitals,Quantitative, KOL, HCP, Specialists, 16 1 Patients,Global, Christine Qualitative, KPI, ATU, Patient Platform, Positioning, Patient Maï, Journey, Launch tracker,Communication Communication Platform, BusinessPlatform, Development Chart, Hospitals, KOL, Patients, HCP, Specialists, Main Entrance Segmentation, Compliance, 20 19 18 17 Communication c.mai@aplusaresearch.com Positioning, Patient Journey, Segmentation, L Room: Grote ZaalLaunch tracker, Communication Platform, Positioning, Prescription tracker, Conjoint, Lifecycle Compliance, Communication Platform, Contact c.mai@aplusaresearch.com Positioning, Patient Journey, Segmentation, Management, Brand718 Equity, Mobileflow, +33 (0)478 644 Positioning, Prescription tracker, Market Conjoint,sizing, Patient Compliance, Communication Platform, Main Entrance Emerging Markets, Insight, TPP, Brand mapping, Lifecycle Management, Market sizing, Christine Maï, International Qualitative, Quantitative, Global, KPI, ATU,Patient Patient flow, Mobile +33 (0)478 718 644 Positioning, Prescription tracker, Conjoint, Brand Equity, Emerging Markets, Insight, TPP, Business Development Chart, Hospitals, KOL, Patients, HCP, Specialists, Market potential. Evening Events me A Company Name +A Company Name A+A 25 62 Room: Grote Zaal L any me pany 3 24 Refreshments Refreshments Evening Events n atio istr Reg Area / ry na l Ple aralle ion P ess s S oom R 3 Refreshments Evening Evening Events y enc Ag Fair m Roo o Ro 23 Events24 23 ents king Pharma AreaNetworking Area ary 4 nts / l n Ple aralle ion d Floor P ess s m S 4 Lunch y enc Ag Fair m Roo n atio istr Reg Area ch d Floor Christine Maï, International Business Development c.mai@aplusaresearch.com Mobile +33 (0)478 718 644 Lifecycle Market Launch tracker,Management, Communication Platform,sizing, Patient flow, Contact Brand mapping, Market potential. Anterio Inc Inc A+A o Inc c.mai@aplusaresearch.com Positioning, Patient Journey, Segmentation, Brand Equity, Emerging Markets, Insight, TPP, Gaku Sasaki, Board Director AQualitative, leading healthcare marketing research Christine Maï, International Quantitative, Global, KPI, ATU, Patient Compliance, Communication Platform, Brand mapping, Market potential. Development Chart, Hospitals, KOL,with Patients, HCP, Specialists, consultancy in Asia 20+ years experience. Business Mobile +33 (0)478 718 644 Positioning, Prescription tracker, Conjoint, Launch tracker, Platform, gaku.sasaki@anterio.co.jp Our of multi-cultural researchers deliver ACommunication leading healthcare marketing research consultancy in Director Gaku Sasaki, Board Director Gaku Sasaki, Board Ateam leading healthcare marketing research Lifecycle Management, Market sizing, Patient flow, Positioning, Segmentation, insights withPatient true local expertise. Weyears offer customc.mai@aplusaresearch.com Brand Equity, Emerging Markets, Insight, TPP, Asia with 20+ years experience. Our team of multi-cultural gaku.sasaki@anterio.co.jp consultancy inJourney, Asia with 20+ experience. Compliance, Communication Platform, Brand Market potential. research, analytics, and insights basedinsights consulting Mobile +81 90 8454 6172 researchers deliver with true local expertise. We offer Mobile +81 90 8454 6172 gaku.sasaki@anterio.co.jp Ourmapping, team of multi-cultural researchers deliver Mobile +33 (0)478 718 644 Positioning, Prescription tracker, Conjoint, toA support your decision withexpertise. confidence. Gaku Sasaki, Board Director leading healthcare marketing research custom research, analytics, insights based consulting to insights with true local We offerand custom Lifecycle Management, Market sizing, Patient flow, consultancy Asia with Markets, 20+ years experience. Brand Equity,inEmerging Insight, TPP, support your decision withconsulting confidence. research, analytics, and insights based MobileSVP, +81Commercial 90 8454 6172 Tom Halliday, Decision Resources Group offers best in gaku.sasaki@anterio.co.jp Our team of multi-cultural researchers deliver Brand mapping, Market potential. nterio Inc to support your decision with confidence. Operations EMEA & APAC class, high value information, analytics, data, insights with true local expertise. We offer custom Gaku A leading analytics, healthcareand marketing on research, insights based consulting MobileSasaki, +81 90Board 8454 Director 6172 insights on critical issuesresearch within the Decision Resources and Group consultancy in Resources Asia with 20+ years experience. Tom Halliday, SVP, Commercial Decision Group offers best in to support your decision confidence. ces thalliday@ healthcare industry. Wewith partner with leading gaku.sasaki@anterio.co.jp Ourclass, team ofhigh multi-cultural researchers deliver Operations EMEA & APAC value information, analytics, nterio Inc p dresourcesgroup.com biopharmaceutical, medical technology, and data, Decision Resources Group offers best inSVP, class, high value Tom Halliday, SVP, Commercial insights true local expertise. We Tom Halliday, Commercial Decisionwith Resources Group offers bestoffer in custom sion and insights on critical issues within the managed care companies to make informed analytics, insights on&critical Operations EMEA & APAC research, and insights based consulting Mobile +81EMEA 90 8454 6172 issues Operations APAC class, highanalytics, valueinformation, information, analytics, data, data, and urces thalliday@ healthcare industry. We partner leadingWe partner Decision decisions critical to their success. to support your decision with confidence. and insights on within critical issues within the with the healthcare industry. with leading thalliday@dresourcesgroup.com up esources biopharmaceutical, medical technology, and Group a Decision rch esources Group Elma Research maElma Research arch Elma Research Company Name Fieldwork pany ernational me work tional work tional Genactis Genactis actis actis GfK K K GIM esellschaft Innovative M ktforschung schaft vative M schung schaft GoodDr vative arketing & schung Director I have been providing market research solutions managed care companies to make informed consultancy to the pharmaceutical industry andand consultancy to pharmaceutical industry decisions criticalMy to the their success. name is Elma, I am curious and dynamic. I have been Elena Ripamonti, across Europe since 2008. can find in find me eripamonti@elmaresearch.com across Europe sinceYou 2008. Youme can in Elena Ripamonti, Managing My name is Elma, I am curious and dynamic. providing market research solutions anderipamonti@elmaresearch.com consultancy to the Managing Director Milan, Rome and London. Milan, and London. Director I have beenRome providing market research solutions across pharmaceutical industry Europe since 2008. You can eripamonti@elmaresearch.com and consultancy to the pharmaceutical industry find me in Milan, Rome and London. across Europe since 2008. You can find me in eripamonti@elmaresearch.com Milan, Rome and London. Fieldwork International pany me GfK dresourcesgroup.com thalliday@ healthcare We with leading biopharmaceutical, medical technology, and managed Elena Ripamonti, Managingcare My nameResources isindustry. Elma, I Group am partner curious and dynamic. Tom Halliday, SVP, Commercial Decision offers best in dresourcesgroup.com biopharmaceutical, medical technology, and informed managed care companies to make Director I class, have been providing market research solutions companies to make informed decisions critical to their success. Operations EMEA & APAC high value information, analytics, data, managed care companies to make informed decisions critical their success. and consultancy to theto pharmaceutical industry and insights on critical within the decisions critical to theirissues success. healthcare industry. We partner with leading across 2008. can find medynamic. in thalliday@ eripamonti@elmaresearch.com Elena Ripamonti, Managing My Europe name issince Elma, I amYou curious and Elena Ripamonti, Managing My name is Elma, I am curious and dynamic. dresourcesgroup.com biopharmaceutical, medical technology, and Milan, Rome andproviding London. Director I have been market research solutions Contact Sam Scott, Head of Fieldwork Fieldwork International is a highly specialised is a highly Fieldwork International specialised fieldwork International UK fieldwork consultancy dedicated to the healthcare Contact consultancy dedicated to the healthcare industry. Operating industry. Operating across 54 countries, we offer across 54patients countries, we offerScott, qualitative and quantitative, Head of Fieldwork Fieldwork International is a highly specialised qualitative and quantitative, and medical Samsam.scott@ Contact patients translations, alongside our global International UK fieldwork consultancy dedicated to themedical healthcare fieldworkinternational.com translations, alongside our and global online physician industry. across 54physician countries, wepanel offer panelOperating and a broad portfolio of specialist healthcare online and a broad portfolio of specialist Sam Scott, Head of Fieldwork Fieldwork International is a highly specialised sam.scott@ qualitative and quantitative, patients and medical services. Mobile +44 (0)7887 772231 healthcareservices. International UK fieldwork consultancy dedicated to the healthcare fieldworkinternational.com translations, alongside our global online physician Lucie Schüller, You can trust theacross Genactis expert teams to reveal industry. Operating 54 countries, we offer panel and a broad portfolio of specialist healthcare Account Director the fulland potential of your patients products. integrated sam.scott@ qualitative quantitative, andOur medical services. Mobile +44 (0)7887 772231 and flexible approach market research goes fieldworkinternational.com translations, alongside our to global online physician Lucie Schüller, You can trust the Genactis expert teams to reveal beyond data gathering to specialist get the insights you lschuller@genactis.com panel and a broad portfolio of healthcare You can trust the Genactis expert teams to reveal the full Account+44 Director the full potential of your products. Our integrated need to make informed actionable decisions. services. Mobile (0)7887 772231 potential of your products. Our integrated and flexible approach and flexible approach to market research goes Lucie Schüller, You can trust the Genactis expert research teams to reveal to market goes beyond data gathering to get the beyond data gathering to get the insights you lschuller@genactis.com Director the full potential of your products. integrated insights youOur need to makeAccount informed actionable decisions. need to make informed actionable decisions. David Mackenzie, GfK’s Health experts combine global goes industry and flexible approach to market research Global Lead, Health skills withgathering proven market expertise, beyond data to get research the insights you lschuller@genactis.com research into smart business decisions needturning to make informed actionable decisions. Mackenzie, GfK’sforHealth combine david.mackenzie@gfk.com healthexperts companies. We global shape industry your innovation David Global Lead, Health skillsapproaches, with proven market research expertise,brand strengthen your customer turning research into business decisions relationships andsmart craft market access strategies Mobile +44 7970 224014 David Mackenzie, GfK’s Health expertsGfK’s combine global experts industry Health global industry skills with proven david.mackenzie@gfk.com for health companies. shape your innovationcombine that translate into We revenue. Global Lead, Health skills with proven market research expertise, approaches, strengthen your customer brand market research expertise, turning research into smart business turning research smart business decisions Sigrid Schmid, Corporate GIM is one ofinto Germany’s market researchMobile relationships and craft market leading access strategies +44 7970 224014 decisions for health companies. We shape your innovation david.mackenzie@gfk.com for health companies. We shape your innovation Director, Head of GIM Health agencies.into Werevenue. are offering marketing research that translate approaches, strengthen your customer brand relationships and approaches, strengthen your customer for the entire health industry and forbrand about twenty relationships craft market access strategies +44 translate 7970 224014into revenue. craft market access that Sigrid Schmid, Corporate GIM other is onebranches. ofand Germany’s leading market research s.schmid@g-i-m.com We are doing business instrategies over Mobile that translate agencies. Weinto arerevenue. offering marketing researchoffline Director, Head of GIM Health fifty markets, qualitative and quantitative, for the entire health industry and for about twenty and online. Mobile +49 (0)162 25 25 901 Sigrid Schmid, Corporate GIM is one of Germany’s leading market research s.schmid@g-i-m.com other branches. We are doing business in over Director, Head of GIM Health agencies. We are offering marketing research fifty markets, qualitative and quantitative, offline Shanshan Ning, Managing GoodDr provides professional for the entire health industry and fornetwork about twenty and online. Mobile +49 (0)162 25 25 901 Director Europe as well as thebusiness market research s.schmid@g-i-m.com otherconnections branches. We are doing in over services qualitative through basic collection to more full fifty markets, anddata quantitative, offline Shanshan Managing GoodDr provides professional network service components to meet each client’s specificMobile sales-group@gooddr. com and online. +49Ning, (0)162 25 25 901 Sam Scott, Head of Fieldwork International UK sam.scottfieldworkinternational.com Mobile +44 (0)7887 772231 Lucie Schüller, Account Director lschuller@genactis.com David Mackenzie, Global Lead, Health david.mackenzie@gfk.com Mobile +44 7970 224014 Company national Name sam.scott@ Contact qualitative and quantitative, patients and medical services. Mobile +44UK (0)7887 772231 International fieldwork consultancy dedicated to the healthcare fieldworkinternational.com translations, alongside our global online physician industry. Operating across 54expert countries, we offer Lucie Schüller, You can trust the Genactis teams to reveal panel and a broad portfolio specialist healthcare work Sam Scott, Head of Fieldwork Fieldwork International is of a highly specialised sam.scott@ qualitative and quantitative, patients and medical Account Director the full potential of your dedicated products. Our integrated services. +44 (0)7887 ational Company International UK 772231 fieldwork consultancy to the healthcare Mobile fieldworkinternational.com translations, alongside our global online physician Contact and flexible Operating approach across to market research goes Name industry. 54 countries, we offer Lucie Schüller, You can trust the Genactis expert teams to reveal panel and a broad portfolio of specialist healthcare Fieldwork enactis beyond dataand gathering to get patients the insights lschuller@genactis.com sam.scott@ qualitative andyou medical Account Director theFieldwork full potential ofquantitative, your products. integrated Sam Scott, Head772231 of Fieldwork International is a highlyOur specialised services. Mobile +44 (0)7887 ernational need to make informed actionable decisions. fieldworkinternational.com translations, alongside our global online physician and flexible approach to dedicated market research International UK fieldwork consultancy to the goes healthcare Lucie Schüller, Youpanel can trust the Genactis expert to reveal andOperating a broad portfolio of teams specialist healthcare nactis beyond data gathering to get the insights you industry. across 54 countries, we offer lschuller@genactis.com Fieldwork Account Director the full potential of your products. Our integrated services. Mobile +44 (0)7887 772231 need to makeand informed actionable decisions. sam.scott@ qualitative quantitative, patients and medical ernational and flexible approach tocombine market research goes David Mackenzie, GfK’s Health experts global industry fieldworkinternational.com translations, alongside our global online physician Lucie Schüller, You can trust the Genactis expert teams to reveal actis beyond dataproven gathering to get the insights you lschuller@genactis.com Lead, Health skills with market research expertise, panel and a broad portfolio of specialist healthcare Global Account Director the full potential of your products. Our integrated need to make informed actionable decisions. turning research into smart business decisions services. Mobile +44 (0)7887 772231 and flexible approach to market research goes David Mackenzie, GfK’s Health experts combine global industry david.mackenzie@gfk.com forbeyond health data companies. Wetoshape your innovation Exhibitor Name skills About GfK Genactis get the insights lschuller@genactis.com Health market research expertise, LucieLead, Schüller, Youwith canproven trust gathering the Genactis expert teams toyou reveal Global approaches, strengthen your customer brand need topotential make into informed decisions. turning research business decisions Account Director the full of smart your actionable products. Our integrated relationships and craft market access strategies Mobile +44 7970 David Mackenzie, 224014 GfK’s Health experts combine global industry david.mackenzie@gfk.com forand health companies. Wetoshape your innovation flexible approach market research goes GIM Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung GfK that translate into revenue. Global Lead, Health skills with proven market research expertise, Genactis approaches, strengthen customer brandyou beyond data gatheringyour to get the insights lschuller@genactis.com turning research into smart business decisions relationships craft market access strategies Mobile +44 7970Corporate 224014 need to make informed actionable decisions. GIM is one of Germany’s leading market research agencies. DavidSchmid, Mackenzie, GfK’s Health experts combine global industry Sigrid GIM is one ofand Germany’s leading market research david.mackenzie@gfk.com for health companies. We shape your innovation fK that translate into revenue. Global Lead, Health skills with proven market research expertise, Director, Head of GIM Health agencies. We are offering marketing research We are offering marketing research for the entire health GIM approaches, strengthen your customer brand research into smartand business decisions forturning the entire health industry forfor about twentytwenty industry and about other branches. We are doing relationships and craft market access strategies Mobile +44 7970 224014 ellschaft Sigrid Schmid, Corporate GIM is one of Germany’s leading market research david.mackenzie@gfk.com for health companies. We shape yourindustry innovation s.schmid@g-i-m.com other branches. We arecombine doing business in over GfK David Mackenzie, GfK’s Health experts global that translate intoare revenue. nnovative business in over fifty markets, qualitative quantitative, Director, Head of GIMand Health agencies. We offering marketing research GIM approaches, strengthen your customer brand fifty markets, qualitative andresearch quantitative, offline Global Lead, Health with proven market expertise, forschung forskills the entire health industry and for about twenty offline and online. relationships and craftsmart market access strategies Mobile +44(0)162 7970 25 224014 and Mobile +49 25 901 ellschaft Sigrid Schmid, Corporate GIM is online. one of Germany’s leading market research turning research into business decisions s.schmid@g-i-m.com other branches. We are doing business in over thathealth translate revenue. novative Director, Head of GIM Health agencies. We areinto offering marketing research david.mackenzie@gfk.com We shape your innovation MGfK fiftyfor markets,companies. qualitative and quantitative, offline orschung forGoodDr the entire health industry and about twenty approaches, strengthen yourfor customer brand Shanshan Ning, Managing professional network and online. (0)162 25 25 901 schaft Sigrid+49 Schmid, Corporate is provides one of Germany’s leading market research Mobile GoodDr Marketingother &GIM Consulting Co., Ltd s.schmid@g-i-m.com branches.asWe are doing business instrategies over relationships and craft market access MobileEurope +44 7970 224014 Director connections well as the market research ovative oodDr Director, Head of GIM Health agencies. We are offering marketing research GIM fifty markets, qualitative and quantitative, offline that translate into revenue. services through basicindustry data collection to more full rschung for theprovides entire health and for about twenty keting & GoodDr provides professional network connections as well as Shanshan Ning, GoodDr professional network and online. Mobile +49 (0)162Managing 25 25 com 901 esellschaft service components toare meet each client’s specific sales-group@gooddr. s.schmid@g-i-m.com otherisbranches. We doing business in over ulting Co., Director Europe connections as well as the market research Sigrid Schmid,basic Corporate GIM one of Germany’s leading market research the market research services through data collection to Innovative oodDr needs in Pharmaceutical & Healthcare industries. fifty markets, quantitative, offline Ltd services through basic dataand collection toresearch more full Director, Head ofeach GIM Health agencies. Wequalitative are offering marketing ktforschung GIM& more full service components to meet specific Mobile +31 (0)640519023 keting Shanshan Ning, Managing GoodDr provides professional network and online. Mobile +49 (0)162 25 25client’s 901 service components meet each specific com for the entire healthtoindustry andclient’s for about twenty sales-group@gooddr. esellschaft lting Co., needs in Pharmaceutical & Healthcare industries. Director Europe connections as well as the market research odDr needs Pharmaceutical & doing Healthcare industries. s.schmid@g-i-m.com otherinbranches. We are business in over Innovative Ltd services through basic collection to more full Gareth Phillips, Managing Ipsos Healthcare is professional adata global Mobile +31 (0)640519023 ting & fifty markets, qualitative andspecialised quantitative, offline Shanshan Ning, Managing GoodDr provides network practice service components tocountries. meet eachOur client’s specific sales-group@gooddr. com ktforschung Director UK & (0)162 Head of operating in over 40 team of 500 and online. Mobile +49 25Western 25 901 ing Co., Director Europe connections as well as the market research GoodDr needs in Pharmaceutical & Healthcare industries. Europe healthcare market research advisors deliver d services through basic data collection to more full psos Gareth+31 Phillips, Managing Healthcare is a global specialised practice Mobile (0)640519023 arketing & Ipsos Healthcare Ipsos outcome-oriented insights, across market leading service components to meet each client’s specific Director sales-group@gooddr. com althcareCo., UK &Ning, HeadManaging of Western operating over 40 professional countries. Our team of 500 Shanshan GoodDrin provides network nsulting gareth.phillips@ipsos.com custom frameworks and gold standard needs research inmarket Pharmaceutical & Healthcare industries. Europe healthcare research advisors deliver Director Europe connections as well as the market research Ltd GoodDr multi-client services. psos Gareth Phillips, Ipsos Healthcare is Ipsos a globalHealthcare specialised practice ismore a global specialised practice operating Mobile +31 Managing (0)640519023 outcome-oriented across markettoleading services throughinsights, basic data collection full MobileUK +44 (0) 777of522 3604 arketing lthcare & Head Western operating in over 40in countries. Ourcountries. team of 500 OurDirector over 40 team of&500 healthcare market custom research frameworks and gold standard service components to meet each client’s specific gareth.phillips@ipsos.com sales-group@gooddr. com nsulting Co., Europe healthcare market research advisors deliver Kenneth KJT Group is an evidence based research and multi-client sos needs in services. Pharmaceutical & Healthcare industries. research advisors deliver outcome-oriented insights, across Gareth Tomaszewski, Phillips, Managing Ipsos Healthcare is a global specialised practice outcome-oriented insights,on across market leading Ltd President and CEO consulting focused guiding lifeteam sciences Mobile +44 (0)& 777 522of3604 Mobile +31 (0)640519023 hcare Director UK Head Western operatingfirm in over 40 countries. Our of 500 research market leading custom frameworks and gold gareth.phillips@ipsos.com custom research frameworks and gold standard clients to uncover insights thatadvisors enhancedeliver their Europe healthcare market research T Group, standard multi-client services. Kenneth Tomaszewski, KJT Groupservices. is an evidence based research and multi-client Ipsos ken@kjtgroup.com strategies and execution. Weacross provide insights to: outcome-oriented leading Inc President and CEOManaging Gareth Ipsos Healthcare isinsights, a on global specialised practice consulting firm focused guiding lifemarket sciences Mobile +44Phillips, (0) 777 522 3604 Healthcare inform andresearch guide strategy, create personalised gareth.phillips@ipsos.com custom frameworks and gold standard Director UK & Head of Western operating in over 40 countries. Our team of 500 clients to uncover insights that enhance their Group, Kenneth Tomaszewski, KJT Group is an evidence based research and multi-client to services. approaches address business challenges. ken@kjtgroup.com Europe healthcare research advisors deliver to: KJT Group, Inc consulting strategies andmarket execution. We provide insights Ipsos Inc President firm focusedinsights, on guiding life market sciences Mobileand +44CEO (0) 777 522 3604 outcome-oriented across leading inform and guide strategy, create personalised Healthcare clients to uncover insights that enhance their Oualid Jendoubi, Director, Lightspeed Allis Global provides healthcare Group, gareth.phillips@ipsos.com custom research frameworks and gold standard Kenneth Tomaszewski, KJT Group an evidence based research and KJT Group is an evidence based research and consulting firm approaches to address business challenges. ken@kjtgroup.com strategies and execution. provide insights to: Business Development professional and patientWe community solutions, multi-client services. nc President and CEO consulting firm focused on guiding life sciences focused on guiding life sciences clients to uncover insights utilising powerful healthcare With a long inform andaguide strategy, createpanel. personalised Mobile +44 (0) 777 522 3604 htspeed clients to All uncover insights that enhance their Oualid Jendoubi, Director,We provide Lightspeed Global provides healthcare JT Group, that enhance their and execution. oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com innovative to healthcare research heritage, we strategies offer approaches address business challenges. ken@kjtgroup.com Global Development professional patient community solutions, strategies execution. We insights Kenneth Tomaszewski, KJT Groupand is an evidence based research andto: Business Inc high quality healthcare research services forand top guide strategy, create personalised insights to:provide inform utilising a and powerful healthcare panel.personalised With a long President and CEO inform guide strategy, create consulting firm focused on guiding life sciences global research companies agencies across business tspeed Oualid Jendoubi, Director, Lightspeed All Global providesand healthcare approaches to address challenges. oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com innovative healthcare research heritage, wetheir offer approaches to address business challenges. clients uncover insights that enhance the world.towww.allglobal.com. JT Group, Global Business Development professional and patient community solutions, high quality healthcare research services for top ken@kjtgroup.com strategies and execution. provide Inc utilising a powerful healthcare We panel. With insights a long to: global research and agencies across speed Oualid Jendoubi, Director, Lightspeed Allcompanies Global provides healthcare inform and guide strategy, personalised oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com innovative healthcare research create heritage, we offer Lightspeed All Global theprofessional world. www.allglobal.com. lobal Business Development and patient community solutions, to address business challenges. highapproaches quality healthcare research services for top utilising a powerful healthcare panel. With a long global research companies and agencies across ghtspeed Lightspeed heritage, All Global provides healthcare professional and oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com innovative healthcare we offer Oualid Jendoubi, Director, Lightspeed All Global research provides healthcare the world. www.allglobal.com. All Global patient community solutions, utilising a powerful healthcare high quality healthcare research services for top Business Development professional and patient community solutions, global companies and across panel. With aagencies long healthcare research heritage, utilisingresearch a powerful healthcare panel. Withinnovative a long ghtspeed the world. www.allglobal.com. oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com innovative healthcare research heritage, we offer we offer high quality healthcare research services for top All Global high quality healthcare services for top globalresearch research companies and agencies across the world. global research companies and agencies across www.allglobal.com. the world. www.allglobal.com. ompany Name EphMRA agency fair exhibitors 2015 M3 Global Research 3 Global esearch Global search arkelytics olutions kelytics utions edefield defield Millward Brown Markelytics Sigrid Schmid, Corporate Director, Head of GIM Health s.schmid@g-i-m.com Mobile +49 (0)162 25 25 901 Shanshan Ning, Managing Director Europe sales-group@gooddr.com Mobile +31 (0)640519023 Gareth Phillips, Managing Director UK & Head of Western Europe gareth.phillips@ipsos.com Mobile +44 (0) 777 522 3604 Kenneth Tomaszewski, President and CEO ken@kjtgroup.com Oualid Jendoubi, Director, Business Development oualid.jendoubi@allglobal.com Contact M3 provide Global Research provide fieldwork and data collection Anton Richter, Managing M3 Global Research fieldwork and data Contact services to thesector Healthcare sector Director of the Market Research collection services to the Healthcare of the Market ResearchIndustry. Industry. We offer a full range We offer a full of both Qualitative Richter, Managing and M3 Global Research provide fieldwork and datarangeAnton arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitativeservices services Quantitative Directorand driven by our active collection services to the Healthcare sector underpinned of the underpinned and driven by our active and verified Market Research Industry. We offer a fullHealthcare range and verified Global panel. Global Healthcare panel. mpany ame Contact arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitative services underpinned and driven by our active and verified Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions is a Global Market Research Global Healthcare panel. Solutions CEO Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. We have worldwide presence to facilitate real Markelytics Solutions is a Global Research Agency JasalMarket Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions is latest a Global Market Research jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using methodology, providing end-to-end research solutions. We have worldwide CEO Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. best in class research techniques & cost-effective We have worldwide presence facilitate real presence totofacilitate real market intelligence measures for research professional and agencies. Mobile +91 98862 54463 using latest jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using latest methodology, methodology, best in class research techniques & costbestunmatched in class research techniques & cost-effective Tom Pugh, Managing Director With capabilities in Europe, North effective measures for research professional and agencies. measures for America researchand professional and agencies. - UKMobile +91 98862 54463 America, Latin Asia, Medefield is a global provider of online quantitative and qualitative fieldwork services toinpharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com Tom Pugh, Managing Director With unmatched capabilities Europe, North market research agencies.and Asia, Medefield - UK America, Latin America Mobile +44 7787 434491 is a global provider of online quantitative and qualitative fieldwork services to pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of Against landscape of stringent regulation and market aresearch agencies. Qualitative Healthcare costly product development healthcare clients Mobile +44 7787 434491 need fast forward thinking insights with over 40 Carolyn.chamberlain@ years consultancy to 90% of the world’s largest Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of Against a landscape of stringent regulation and Anton Richter, Managing Director arichter@eu.m3.com Jasal Shah, Managing Director/CEO jasal@markelytics.com Mobile +91 98862 54463 Contact Name ompany Name Anton Richter, Managing M3 Global Research provide fieldwork and data Contact Director collection services to the Healthcare sector of the Market Research Industry. offer a full Anton Richter, Managing M3 Global Research provideWe fieldwork andrange data 3 Global arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative Quantitative Director collection services and to the Healthcareservices sector of the esearch pany underpinned and Industry. driven by We our offer activea and verified Contact Market Research full range 3me Global Global arichter@eu.m3.com of both Healthcare Qualitative panel. and Quantitative services ompany esearch Managing M3underpinned Global Research provide and data and driven byfieldwork our active and verified Anton Richter, Contact Name Director collection services to panel. theisHealthcare sector Research of the Global Healthcare Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions a Global Market Company Contact Anton M3 Global Research provide fieldwork data Market Research Industry. We offer a full and range Name ompany CEO Richter, Managing Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. Global Contact Director collection services the Healthcare sector of the arichter@eu.m3.com ofGlobal both Qualitative andtopresence Quantitative services Name We have worldwide to facilitate real Anton Richter, Managing M3 Research provide fieldwork and data earch Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ rkelytics Markelytics Solutions is a Global Market Research Market Research Industry. We offer a full range Exhibitor Name About underpinned and driven by our active and verified Director collection services to the Healthcare sector of the jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using latest methodology, 3 Global CEO Anton Richter, Managing Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. M3 Global Research provide fieldwork and data olutions arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitative Market Research Industry. We offer a full range Global Healthcare panel. best in class research techniques & services cost-effective M3 Global esearch Director We have worldwide to facilitate real collection services topresence the Healthcare sector of the rkelytics arichter@eu.m3.com of both Qualitative and Quantitative services underpinned drivenprofessional by our active and verified Research measures for and research and Mobile +91 98862 54463 Medefield jasal@markelytics.com market using latest methodology, Market intelligence Research We a fullagencies. range underpinned driven byIndustry. our active and offer verified 3 Global olutions Global and Healthcare panel. Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions is atechniques Global Market Research arichter@eu.m3.com best in class research & services cost-effective ofHealthcare both Qualitative and Quantitative Global panel. esearch Agency providing end-to-end solutions. With unmatched capabilities inMobile Europe, North America, Tom Pugh, Director With unmatched capabilities in Europe, North measures for and research professional and agencies. +91Managing 98862 54463 underpinned driven by research our active and verified CEO Jasal Shah, Managing Director/of Solutions is and a Global Market Research WeMarkelytics haveSolutions worldwide toAsia, facilitate real - UK is America, Latin Medefield JasalMedefield Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics isAmerica a presence Global Market Research Global Healthcare panel. Latin America and Asia, a global provider elytics CEO Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. CEO Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using latest methodology, is a global provider of online quantitative and online quantitative fieldwork services Tom Pugh, Managing Directorto With unmatched capabilities in Europe, and Northqualitative tions We have presencetechniques to facilitate We have presence facilitate real edefield best inworldwide classworldwide research & cost-effective Markelytics qualitative fieldwork services totoreal pharmaceutical rkelytics -tom.pugh@medefield.com UKagencies. America, Latin America and Asia, Medefield Jasal Shah, Managing Director/ Markelytics Solutions ismethodology, a Global Market Research pharmaceutical market research jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using latest jasal@markelytics.com market intelligence using latest methodology, Solutions measures for provider research and agencies. Mobile +91 98862 54463 market research agencies. olutions is a global ofprofessional online quantitative and CEO Agency providing end-to-end research solutions. best in class techniques & cost-effective best in research class research techniques & cost-effective Mobile +44 7787 434491 edefield qualitative fieldwork services pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com measures for research professional andtoagencies. Mobile +91 98862 54463 We have worldwide presence to facilitate real arkelytics measures for research professional and agencies. Mobile 98862 54463 Tom Pugh,+91 Managing Director With unmatched capabilities in Europe, North market research agencies. jasal@markelytics.com intelligence using latest methodology, olutions UK America, Latin America and Asia, Medefield Tom Pugh, Managing Director With unmatched capabilities in Europe, North Mobile 7787 434491 Carolyn+44 Chamberlain, Head of Against a landscape stringent regulation and best in class researchoftechniques & cost-effective Millward Brown America, Tom Pugh, Healthcare Managing Director unmatched capabilities in Europe,and North - UK Latin Americadevelopment and Asia, Medefield is aWith global provider of online quantitative costly product healthcare measures for research professional andclients agencies. Qualitative Mobile +91 98862 54463 is a global provider of online quantitative and efield - UK America, Latin America and Medefield qualitative fieldwork services toAsia, pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com need fast thinking with over 40 Carolyn Chamberlain, of product Against a forward landscape ofpharmaceutical stringent regulation and Against a insights landscape of stringent regulation andHead costly Medefield Millward qualitative fieldwork services to tom.pugh@medefield.com is a global provider online quantitative and market research agencies. Carolyn.chamberlain@ years consultancy toof90% of healthcare the world’sclients largest market research agencies. Tom Pugh,fast Managing Director With unmatched capabilities in Europe, North Qualitative Healthcare costly product development Brown development healthcare clients need forward thinking edefield qualitative fieldwork services to pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com Mobile +44 7787 434491 millwardbrown.com brands Millward Brown offers global healthcare Mobile 7787 434491 - UK America, Latin America and Asia, Medefield need fast forward thinking insights with over 40 +44 insights with over 40 years consultancy to 90% of the world’s Millward market research expertise inprovider brandagencies. strategy is a global online quantitative and Carolyn.chamberlain@ years consultancy toof90% ofperformance the world’s largest Mobile +44 7787 434491 Brown largest brands Millward Brown offers global healthcare communications. Mobile +44 of(0) 7825 761381 Carolyn Chamberlain, Head Against a landscape of stringent regulation and healthcare Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of Against a landscape ofservices stringent regulation and edefield qualitative fieldwork to pharmaceutical tom.pugh@medefield.com millwardbrown.com brands Millward Brown offers global expertise in brand strategy communications. Qualitativeperformance Healthcare costly product development healthcare clients Qualitative Healthcare costly product development healthcare clients marketPlan research agencies. expertise in are brand strategy performance Neil Rees, Head of Research OPEN the full service market research needAgainst fast forward thinking insights with overregulation 40 Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of a landscape of stringent and Millward need fast forward thinking insights with over 40of 7787 434491 communications. Mobile +44 (0) 7825 761381 of OPEN Utilising a variety ward Carolyn.chamberlain@ yearsdivision consultancy to 90%Health. of the world’s largest Brown Qualitative Healthcare costly product development healthcare clients Carolyn.chamberlain@ years consultancy to 90% of the world’s largest neilrees@ millwardbrown.com brands Millward Brown offers healthcare novel techniques and methods, such as the use own Neil Rees, Head of Research OPEN Plan are the fullglobal service market research OPEN Plan needinMillward fast forward thinking with over 40 millwardbrown.com brands Brown offersinsights global healthcare expertise brand strategy performance Millward EN Plan of Wearables andHealth. Apps, toUtilising gatherregulation greater depth Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of Against a landscape of stringent and of openplanresearch.com division of OPEN a variety of years consultancy to 90%performance of the world’s largest expertise in brand strategy communications. Mobile +44 (0)Carolyn.chamberlain@ 7825 761381 Brown Qualitative Healthcare division of costlytechniques product development healthcare clients neilrees@ insight to helpOPEN clients their brands. novel and build methods, such asfull the use Plan are the service market research millwardbrown.com brands Millward Brown offers global healthcare communications. Mobile +44 (0) 7825 761381 Neil40 Rees, Head of Research OPENneed Plan are the full service marketinsights researchwith over Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 fast forward thinking openplanresearch.com EN Plan of Wearables and Apps, to gather greater depth of Millward expertise in brand strategy performance OPEN Health. Utilising a variety of novel techniques division ofPlan OPENare Health. Utilising a variety of research Neil Rees, Head of Research and OPEN the full service market Carolyn.chamberlain@ years consultancy to 90% oftheir the brands. world’s largest insight to help clients build neilrees@ Mobile +44 (0) 7825 761381 Brown novelcommunications. techniques and methods, such such as the use ashealthcare the and Apps, to gather division of Millward OPEN methods, Health. a variety of use of Wearables millwardbrown.com brands Brown Utilising offers global Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 OPEN Plan of Wearables and Apps, toGroup gather greater depth ofresearch Asif Javed, Chief OptimalPlan Strategix is the market Catalyst foropenplanresearch.com Neil Rees, Head Research OPEN the full service greater depth ofasinsight clients buildofExecutive their brands. neilrees@ expertise in are brand strategy performance novel techniques and methods, such the use to help insight to help clients build their brands. Using analytics, Officer, Europe and APAC Customer-Centered Marketing. division of OPEN Health. Utilising a variety of of+44openplanresearch.com Mobile (0)7717 663+44 185 (0) 7825 761381 N Plan communications. Mobile of Wearables and Apps, to gather greater depth consulting and technology, we Catalyst guarantee growth neilrees@ Asif Javed, Chief Executive Optimal Strategix Group is the novel techniques and methods, such asfor the use Optimal insight to help clients build their brands. Neil Rees, Head of Research OPEN Plan are the full service market research asif.javed@ openplanresearch.com for Clients. and Apps, Officer, Europe and APAC +44 (0)7717 663 185 EN Plan Customer-Centered Marketing. Using analytics, of Wearables to gather greater depth of Mobile trategix Asif Executive Optimal Strategix Group isHealth. the Catalyst for division of OPEN Utilising a variety ofJaved, Chief optimalstrategix.com OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic Optimal Strategix Group consulting and technology, we guarantee growthEuropeneilrees@ insight to help clients build their brands. Officer, and APAC Customer-Centered Marketing. Using analytics, Group Optimal novel techniques and methods, such as the use Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 asif.javed@ techniques turn customer data into actionable for Clients. consulting and technology, we guarantee growth openplanresearch.com PEN Plan trategix Optimal of Wearables Apps, to gather greater depth of Asifoptimalstrategix.com Javed, Chief Optimal Strategixand Group is the Catalyst for asif.javed@ Optimal Strategix Group is the Catalyst forExecutive Customerinsights about decision making forand our analytic client’s for Clients. OSG’s proprietary methodologies Strategix Group insight to help clients build their brands. Officer, Europe and APAC Customer-Centered Marketing. Using analytics, optimalstrategix.com OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic Centered Marketing. Using analytics, consulting customers. techniques turn customer data into actionable Mobile +44Chief (0)7717 663and 185 Group Asif Javed, Executive Optimal and Strategix Group is the Catalyst growth for consulting technology, guarantee techniques turn customer data intowe actionable mal technology, we guarantee growth for Clients. OSG’s insights about decision making for our client’s Andrew Scott, Managing Phoenix Healthcare is invested in the business Officer, Europe and APAC Marketing. Using analytics, asif.javed@ insights about decision making for our client’s forCustomer-Centered Clients. egix customers.clients methodologies analytic techniques turn Director problems are trying to solve. Our strategic optimalstrategix.com consulting andproprietary technology, we guarantee growth and customers. OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic Asif Javed, Chief Executive Optimal Strategix Group is the Catalyst for Optimal oup asif.javed@ customer data into actionable insights about decision making approach combines our big picture perspective Scott, Managing Phoenix Healthcare is invested the business hoenix for Clients. Andrew Scott, Andrew Managing Phoenix Healthcare invested indata the business techniques turniscustomer intoinUsing actionable Officer, Europe and APAC Customer-Centered Marketing. analytics, trategix andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com optimalstrategix.com with knowledge-based, custom implementation for our client’s customers. Director Director problems clients are trying to solve. Our strategic problems clients are trying to solve. Our strategic althcare OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic insights aboutand decision makingwe forguarantee our client’sgrowth consulting technology, Group Optimal approach combines ourcustomer big picture perspective strategies aimed at solving larger approach combines our big picture perspective Phoenix techniques turn data intomarket actionable hoenix asif.javed@ customers. for Clients. Mobile +44 (0) 7585 963837 andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com with knowledge-based, custom implementation andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com trategix Healthcare problems. with knowledge-based, custom for implementation about decision making our client’s optimalstrategix.com althcare Phoenix Healthcare insights OSG’s proprietary methodologies and analytic Andrew Scott, Managing Phoenixaimed Healthcare islarger invested in the business strategies at solving market Group strategies aimed at solving larger market Mobile +44 (0) 7585 963837 customers. problems. techniques turnare into actionable problems clients trying todata solve. Our strategic Mobile +44Client (0) 7585 963837 Julie Nam, Services PLAMED ASIA iscustomer your one stop shop for fieldwork Director problems. Phoenix Healthcare is invested in the business Andrew Scott, Managing problems Phoenix Healthcare is big invested infor the insightscombines about decision making ourbusiness client’s approach our picture perspective Manager services with healthcare professionals in Asia. enix Nam,Our Client Services PLAMED ASIA is yourclients one stop shop fortrying fieldworkto Julie areto solve. strategic approach Director problems clients are trying solve. Our strategic andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com customers. with knowledge-based, custom With researchers based in stop China, Japan, and hcare Manager lamed Julie Nam, Client Services PLAMED ASIA isprofessionals your one shop for fieldwork services with healthcare inimplementation Asia. combines our big picture perspective with knowledgeapproach combines our big picture perspective julie.nam@plamedasia.com hoenix strategies aimed atinsolving largerteam market With researchers based China, Japan, and Korea, highly experienced Plamed Andrew Scott, Managing Phoenixour Healthcare is invested in thecombines business Manager Asia services with healthcare professionals in Asia. the andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com Mobile +44 (0) 7585 aimed 963837 at solving julie.nam@plamedasia.com with knowledge-based, custom implementation based, custom implementation strategies althcare Korea, our highly experienced team combines the Asia problems. Director convenience of a are single point of contact problems clients trying to solve. Ourwith strategic With researchers based in China, Japan, andtrue lamed strategies at solving larger market convenience of a aimed single point ofmarket contact withproblems. true larger julie.nam@plamedasia.com local expertise. approach our big picture Korea, ourcombines highly experienced team perspective combines the Asia hoenix Mobile +44 (0) 7585 963837 local expertise. problems. Julie Nam, Client Services PLAMED ASIA is your one stop shop for fieldwork andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com with knowledge-based, convenience of a single custom point of implementation contact with true althcare Manager services with healthcare professionals in Asia. strategies aimed at solving larger market local expertise. Julie Nam, Services PLAMED ASIA based is your in one stop Japan, shop for fieldwork Plamed Asia Mobile +44Client (0) 7585 963837 With researchers China, and med problems. Manager services with healthcare professionals in Asia. julie.nam@plamedasia.com Korea, our highly experienced team combines the sia With researchers based in ASIA China, and isJapan, your one stopJulie shop for fieldwork services lamed convenience of aPLAMED single of contact withfieldwork true Nam, Client Services PLAMED ASIA is yourpoint one stop shop for julie.nam@plamedasia.com Korea, our highly experienced team combines the Asia with healthcare professionals in Asia. local expertise. Manager With researchers based services with healthcare professionals in Asia. convenience ofina China, single point of contact with true our highly experienced team Japan, and Korea, With researchers based in China, Japan, and Plamed local expertise.combines the convenience ofjulie.nam@plamedasia.com a single point of contact with Korea, our highly experienced team combines the Asia true local expertise. convenience of a single point of contact with true local expertise. mpany ame scient lthcare roup alWorld EphMRA agency fair exhibitors 2015 Prescient Healthcare Group Tom Pugh, Managing Director – UK tom.pugh@medefield.com Mobile +44 7787 434491 Carolyn Chamberlain, Head of Qualitative Healthcare Carolyn.chamberlain@ millwardbrown.com Mobile +44 (0) 7825 761381 Neil Rees, Head of Research neilrees@openplanresearch.com Mobile +44 (0)7717 663 185 Asif Javed, Chief Executive Officer, Europe and APAC asif.javed@optimalstrategix.com Andrew Scott, Managing Director andrew.scott@phoenixmi.com Mobile +44 (0) 7585 963837 Julie Nam, Client Services Manager julie.nam@plamedasia.com Contact Sarah Phillips, Partner Prescient is an Prescient evidence based consultancy is an evidence based consultancy specialising in the specialising in the integration of market research integration of market research and other business intelligence sphillips@prescienthg.com and other business intelligence data. We build data. We build a holistic view of the current and future market a holistic view of the current and future market through customer and competitor insights. This through customer and competitor insights. This Mobile +44 7408 867 029supports decision making. supports betterbetter businessbusiness decision making. Experts in Healthcare, Experts in Qualitative, Experts in Fieldwork. QualWorld is an independent fieldwork provider specialising in qualitative market research for the healthcare industry. QualWorld is a boutique agency with Industry unique global capabilities (covering 40 markets). Contact Cedric Degraeuwe, CEO cedric.degraeuwe@ qual-world.com Mobile +33 6 13 26 48 01 Sarah Phillips, Partner sphillips@prescienthg.com Mobile +44 7408 867 029 mpany ame EphMRA agency fair exhibitors 2015 Contact ompany scient Name thcare oup mpany pany escient me ame althcare ompany Group Name cient scient hcare thcare up escient oup World althcare Group ualWorld World World ualWorld RMO ERMO MO RMO ERMO SKIM KIM IM KIM SKIM RI / SSRI China SSRI na / SSRI / SSRI hina hina RI / SSRI THE China ANNING HE SHOP NING OP ernational HE ational HE NNING THE NNING HOP ANNING ational HOP SHOP ational ernational Exhibitor Name Sarah Phillips, Partner Prescient is an evidence based consultancy specialising in the integration of market research and other business intelligence data. We build Contactsphillips@prescienthg.com a holistic view of the current and future market SarahThis Phillips, Partner Prescient is an evidence based consultancy through customer and competitor insights. Mobile +44 7408 867 029 specialising in the integration of market research supports better business decision making. About Contact sphillips@prescienthg.com and other business intelligence data. We build Contact Contact a holistic view of the current and future market Sarah Phillips, Partner Prescient is aniscustomer evidence based consultancy Sarah Phillips, Partner Prescient an evidence consultancy through and based competitor insights. This Mobile +44 Contact 7408 867 029 QualWorld specialising in the of market research specialising inintegration the business integration of market research Cedric Degraeuwe, CEO Experts in Healthcare, Experts in Qualitative, supports better decision making. sphillips@prescienthg.com andand other business intelligence data. We build Sarah Phillips, Partner Prescient is an evidence based consultancy sphillips@prescienthg.com other business intelligence data. We buildExperts Experts in Fieldwork. QualWorld is an Experts in Healthcare, in Qualitative, Experts in Cedric Degraeuwe, CEO a holistic viewview of theof and future market specialising incurrent the integration market research a holistic current andoffuture market Fieldwork. QualWorld is an independent fieldwork provider cedric.degraeuwe@qual-world.com cedric.degraeuwe@ independent fieldwork provider specialising in through customer and competitor insights. This Mobile +44 7408 867 029 Cedric Degraeuwe, Experts in business Healthcare, Experts indata. Qualitative, sphillips@prescienthg.com and other WeThis build through customer andintelligence competitor insights. Mobile +44 7408 867 CEO 029 supports better business decision making. specialising in qualitative market research for the healthcare Mobile +33 6 13 26 48 01 qual-world.com qualitative market research for the healthcare Experts in Fieldwork. QualWorld is an a holistic view of the current and future market supports better business decision making. industry. QualWorld is This ain boutique agency with cedric.degraeuwe@ independent fieldwork provider specialising through customer and competitor Mobile +44 7408 867 Industry 029 industry. QualWorld isinsights. a boutique agency with qual-world.com qualitative market research for thecapabilities healthcare supports better business decision making. unique (covering 40 markets). Cedric Degraeuwe, Experts in Healthcare, Experts inglobal Qualitative, Industry unique global capabilities (covering 40CEO Mobile +33 6 13 26 48 01 Cedric Degraeuwe, CEO Experts in Healthcare, Experts in Qualitative, industry. QualWorld is a boutique agency with Experts in Fieldwork. QualWorld is an markets). Experts infieldwork Fieldwork. QualWorld is an(covering Industry unique provider global capabilities 40 Mobile +33 6 13 26 48 01 cedric.degraeuwe@ independent specialising in Cedric Degraeuwe, CEO Experts in Healthcare, Experts in Qualitative, cedric.degraeuwe@ independent fieldwork provider specialising in qual-world.com markets). SERMO qualitative market research for the healthcare Eva Laparra, MD UK and SERMO WorldOne) is the #1 Experts in Fieldwork. QualWorld iswith an qual-world.com qualitative market for the healthcare industry. QualWorld is research a(formerly boutique agency Eva Laparra, MD UK and SERMO (formerly WorldOne) isnetwork the #1 independent fieldwork provider specialising industry. QualWorld is asocial boutique agency with Industry unique global capabilities (covering 40WorldOne) Mobile +33 6 13 26 48international 01 Northern Europe international for indoctors that SERMO (formerly iscedric.degraeuwe@ the #1 social Eva Laparra, MD UK Northern Europe international social network doctors that40 qual-world.com qualitative market research for the healthcare markets). Industry unique global capabilities (covering Mobile +33 6 13 26 48 01 from collects high quality data from its collects 1.8 million network for doctors that high quality data and Northern Europe collects high quality data from its 1.8 millionwith industry. QualWorld is a boutique agency markets). itsInside 1.8 is million verified HCPs. Inside doctors come eva.laparra@sermo.com verified HCPs. Inside SERMO, doctors come Eva Laparra, MDSERMO, UK SERMO (formerly WorldOne) the #1 doctors eva.laparra@sermo.com verified HCPs. SERMO, come40 Industry unique global capabilities (covering Mobile +33and 6 13 26eva.laparra@sermo.com 48 01 Northern Europe international social network for doctors that together in a unique, safe online meeting place that facilitates Mobile +34 674 007 612 together in a unique, safe online meeting Eva Laparra, MD UK and SERMO (formerly WorldOne) is themeeting #1 together in a unique, safe online markets). collects highthat quality data from its for 1.8 doctors million discussions and medical international social network that place facilitates discussions and medical crowdsourcing. Mobile Europe +34 674 007 612 +34 674 007 612 place that facilitates discussions andNorthern medical Mobile eva.laparra@sermo.com verified HCPs. Inside SERMO, doctors come Eva Laparra, MD UK and SERMO (formerly WorldOne) is 1.8 the million #1 collects high quality data from its crowdsourcing. together in a crowdsourcing. unique, safe online meeting Northern Europe international doctors that eva.laparra@sermo.com verified HCPs. social Insidenetwork SERMO,for doctors come place SKIM that facilitates discussionscustomer and medical Mobile +34 674 007 612Director Client Nicole Drake, isinan international insights collects high quality dataonline from meeting its 1.8 millionagency together a unique, safe SKIM crowdsourcing. Drake, Director Client SKIM isInside an international customer insights agency Solutions eva.laparra@sermo.com verified HCPs. SERMO,behaviour. doctors come which specialises in decision With more place that facilitates discussions and medical Mobile +34 Healthcare 674 007 Nicole 612 together in a unique, safe online meeting Solutions Healthcare Nicole Drake, SKIM is specific an international customer insights which crowdsourcing. which specialises in decision behaviour. more than years of market expertise, Nicole Drake,With Director Clientagency SKIM is an 35 international customer insights agency we n.drake@skimgroup.com that facilitates discussions and more medical Mobile +34 674 007 than 612 35 years Solutions Healthcare take an individual approach toinsolving our clients’ specialises decision behaviour. With more Director Client whichplace specialises in35 decision behaviour. With than years of market specific expertise, we Nicole Drake, Director Client SKIM is an international customer insights agency crowdsourcing. business than 35 years of problems. market specific expertise, we expertise, we take an individual of market specific approach Solutions Healthcare n.drake@skimgroup.com take an in individual approach tomore solving our clients’ Solutions Healthcare Mobile +31 6 46 93 58 47 specialises decision behaviour. With n.drake@skimgroup.com takewhich an individual approach to solving ourclients’ clients’ to solving our business problems. n.drake@skimgroup.com Nicole Drake, Director Client SKIM is an international customer insights than 35 years of market specific expertise, weagency problems. business problems. SKIM |business the joy of decision. www.skimgroup.com Mobile Solutions Healthcare which specialises in decision behaviour. With more Mobile +31 6 46 93 58 47 +31 6 46 93 58 47 n.drake@skimgroup.com Mobile +31 6 46 93 58 47 take an individual approach to solving our clients’ SKIM | the joy of decision. www.skimgroup.com Kio Tsuzaki, Vice President SSRI and SSRI CHINA; your trusted healthcare than 35 years of market specific expertise, we business SKIM | the joyproblems. of decision. www.skimgroup.com | the joy for of Japan decision. www.skimgroup.com market research partner andour China n.drake@skimgroup.com +31 6 46 93 58 47 take anSKIM individual approach to solving clients’ Mobile Kio Tsuzaki, Vice President SSRI and SSRI CHINA; yourand trusted healthcare with the knowledge experience to satisfy ktsuzaki@ssri.com business problems. SSRI / SSRI Chinamarket Kio Tsuzaki, Vice President SSRI and SSRI CHINA; your trusted healthcare SKIM | the joy of decision. www.skimgroup.com research partner for Japan and China your needs. Mobile +31 6 46 93 58 47 withSSRI the knowledge and experience to satisfy ktsuzaki@ssri.com market research partner for Japan and China Kio Tsuzaki, Vice President and SSRI CHINA; your trusted healthcare and SSRI CHINA; your trusted healthcare market Kio Tsuzaki, Vice President SKIM | the joySSRI of decision. www.skimgroup.com yourmarket needs. research for Japanand andexperience China with thepartner knowledge to satisfy ktsuzaki@ssri.com research partner for Japan and China with knowledge ktsuzaki@ssri.com Kio Tsuzaki, Vicethe President SSRI SSRI CHINA; your trusted healthcare with theand knowledge and experience to satisfy ktsuzaki@ssri.com your needs. and experience to satisfy your needs. market research partner for Japan and China your needs. Dori Stern We researchers with Strategic Brand withare themarket knowledge and experience to satisfy ktsuzaki@ssri.com your needs. Planning as well as client-side marketing We are market researchers with Strategic Brand andDori SternGlobal Client Strategy Director THE PLANNING market research experience. Ourand growth in Global Client Strategy Director Planning as well as client-side marketing dori.stern@ pharmaceutical research is through marketinternational research experience. Our growth in Dori Stern We are market researchers with Strategic Branddori.stern@ SHOP international understanding toresearch help clients build Brands not planningshopintl.com international pharmaceutical is through Dori Stern We arehow market researchers with Strategic Brand Global Client Strategy Director Planning ashow welltoas client-side marketing understanding help clients build Brands and not planningshopintl.com just sellPlanning products. Global Client Strategy Director as well as client-side marketing and Dori Stern We are market researchers with Strategic Brand researchWe experience. Our growth in are market researchers with Strategic Brand Planning as Dori Stern just market sell products. Global Client Strategy Director Planning aspharmaceutical wellresearch as client-side marketing and dori.stern@ market experience. Our growth international research is marketing through well as client-side and in market research experience. Global Client Strategy Director market research experience. Ourbuild growth in not planningshopintl.comdori.stern@ understanding how to help clients Brands international pharmaceutical research is through Our growth in international pharmaceutical research is dori.stern@planningshopintl.com dori.stern@ international pharmaceutical research is through planningshopintl.com just sell products. understanding how to help clients build Brands not through understanding how to help clients build Brands not planningshopintl.com understanding how to help clients build Brands not just sell products. sell products. just selljust products. c/o Streicher & Brotschin Treuhand AG c/o Streicher & Brotschin Treuhand AG Gartenstrasse 101 101 Gartenstrasse 4052 4052 Basel Basel generalsecretary@ephmra.org generalsecretary@ephmra.org Switzerland www.ephmra.org Switzerland www.ephmra.org c/o Streicher & Brotschin Treuhand AG Gartenstrasse 101 c/o Basel Streicher & Brotschin Treuhand AG 4052 generalsecretary@ephmra.org Gartenstrasse 101 Switzerland www.ephmra.org 4052 Basel generalsecretary@ephmra.org c/o Streicher & Brotschin Treuhandwww.ephmra.org AG Switzerland Gartenstrasse 101 4052 Basel Switzerland generalsecretary@ephmra.org www.ephmra.org EphMRA agency fair exhibitors 2015