May 2015 - Yorkville CUSD 115


May 2015 - Yorkville CUSD 115
May 2015
WE Are Yorkville:
Schools and Community Together
Y115 Introduces Online
Registration for the 2015-16
School Year
It is time to enroll students for the 2015-2016 school
year! Yorkville CUSD 115 is pleased to announce a new
online registration system to simplify registration for
our families. Please visit to log into the
Home Access Center to complete your child(ren)’s registration enrollment information and electronically
submit to District 115. Please update and submit this information no later than June 1, 2015. A video with stepby-step directions is available for your assistance under
the registration link, available at
In this issue
classroom spotlight
program spotlight
project spotlight
Seussical the Musical
Student and staff success
News You can use
upcoming events
Students Prepare for Advanced
Placement Exams
Students at Yorkville High School have been working hard preparing for Advanced Placement exams that will take place this
month. The exams, which represent a culmination of the material learned throughout the course, test students’ knowledge
and require learners to apply what they’ve learned to solve
problems and compose thoughtful written responses. This
year, 398 Yorkville High School students enrolled in Advanced
Placement Courses in subject areas ranging from English to
Music Theory. In recent years, YHS has continued to add AP
courses to its student offerings and has seen steady growth in
the number of students who elect to take the challenging options. AP courses demand time and commitment from students, as the score they achieve on the exams may earn them
college credit in a specific subject area. To prepare, students
spend countless hours reviewing and practicing for the grueling tests. In April, for instance, 28 AP US History students voluntarily gathered on a Sunday afternoon to take a practice AP
exam offered by teachers Lauren Vriezen and Dave Schmelzle.
“Having close to 30 students willingly give up four hours
on a Sunday afternoon to practice taking a very difficult and intense exam shows just how invested these
students are,” said Vriezen. “Hopefully, this will help
them feel more confident and prepared on exam day!”
For more information on Advanced Placement, visit
Yorkville School District 115
Our mission is to cultivate learners who
enrich society.
Our vision is that our community of learners will
have consistent opportunities to be:
• Accountable and results-oriented learners
• Collaborative team members
• Open and effective communicators
• Creative and resourceful producers
• Flexible problem solvers
• Technologically empowered global citizens.
Classroom Spotlight:
YHS Creative Writing Students are Dedicated to Their Craft
Student Novellas
Samantha Gerardy is writing a
survival story set in a corrupt
juvenile detention center.
Nick Miesuk is writing a threeact play titled Speak Up- a comedy about a story within a story
that pushes the four wall.
Samantha Sury is writing about
“the interconnectivity of life
and death and the existence of
someone who lives on a plane
between them.”
Jenna Arnold is writing a novella
titled Love is When... - a love
story about a girl who advises
her peers on how to handle
relationship issues but struggles
to find that same connection for
Lauren Vallie is writing a novella
about a girl coming to terms with
her mother’s abandonment and
learning to trust herself in new
Sarae Underwood is writing a
novella about a young celebrity
who’s desperately trying to hide
a secret that may break her budding career.
Heather Quincy is writing about
a curator of a failing art museum
who is given a life-sized drawing
mannequin (for an exhibit) that
holds a beautiful, tragic past.
Taylor Damron is writing about
a girl who struggles to develop
positive connections, including
love, in the wake of abuse within
her family and the fight to protect her younger sister.
“Creativity is like pushing a couch through a doorway. Don’t force ideas; they will come to
you.” – YHS Junior, Nick Miesuk
In Jennifer Waldvogel’s Creative Writing class, students are dedicating a great deal of time
and energy to “pushing a couch through a doorway,” as they craft their own full-length
novellas and plays. Creating a lengthy piece from start to finish requires commitment and
dedication, qualities Waldvogel’s students demonstrate through the development of their
unique products.
Currently, seven junior and senior students in her class are writing novellas and one is writing
a full-length play. Three of the seven also completed a full-length piece during first semester. The 30,000 word endeavor showcases these students’ creativity and dedication to their
“These writers
are true writers.
They’re battening
down the hatches
and dedicating
themselves to this
process despite
all other hectic
elements in their
lives. Their writing
is so vivid and
candid and enPhoto by YHS Yearbook Staff Photographer, Amber Verstadt.
tertaining- I’m so
proud of the work
they are doing,” said Waldvogel.
Topics of the students’ work vary greatly, a freedom of expression the young writers value.
“Projects like this show maturity
“It shows that we’re capable of much more
and the intelligence of high school
than worksheets and tests and that we are
able to do things more independently as well
students that doesn’t get seen in
as on a larger scale. Projects like this show matraditional methods.”
turity and the intelligence of high school students that doesn’t get seen in traditional methods,” notes senior, Heather Quincy. “Projects
like this allow us to do more than just prove we know things that have been fed to us. This
enables us to take it one step further and use those things to make our mark on the world
through creativity and intellect alike.”
“Conferencing with my writers, I feel so invigorated and inspired,” says Waldvogel. “As I read
their words, I’m encouraged to dedicate more time to my own writing- to return to the long
works I’ve placed in the ‘Someday’ category for too long. I’m grateful to these students for
invigorating both my love of teaching writing and my personal desire to write.”
These high school students who embarked on the journey to create a full-length piece will
have completed a goal to which many aspire, but few realize. The collective experiences
gained through tapping into their creativity, writing, revising, and then writing some more
will undoubtedly benefit this group of writers far beyond high school.
Program Spotlight:
Project Lead the Way Pairs Students with Learners Throughout the Nation
At Yorkville High School, students interested in the
design process and its application may enroll in Project Lead the Way Introduction to Engineering Design
class, where they use standard 3D modeling software
and engage in hands-on learning. Current engineering
students recently completed virtual design projects
in which they were given a product and connected
with a partner at another school. Intended to emulate
the workplace, the virtual project connects Yorkville
students with Project Lead the Way students from
around the country to collaborate on the design of
their unique products.
“I like working with different people across the country,” said one student.
Above: Teacher Seth Hettel assists a
student with his design question.
Below: Project Lead the Way meets
in one of the new 21st Century classrooms at YHS.
The project, which is largely student-directed, gives
learners ownership of their designs and allows them to develop their own timeline.
“It’s great that I come to class, and decide what I need to do for that day, what kind of progress I need to make.”
Projects range from designing a coffee table to a miniature golf course. Students
use Inventor, a 3D software they are taught at the beginning of the school year, to
perfect their designs and regularly communicate with their partner using Google
Chat and Skype technology.
“It’s 21st Century learning,” said teacher, Seth Hettel. “The emphasis on collaboration is the way college classes are run and represents the way education will be
At the conclusion of the project, students and their nationwide partners present
their designs to their classmates. The virtual design project gives aspiring engineers exposure to actual project design and workplace-like collaboration.
Project Spotlight:
Students Build Scooters to Discover Newton’s Laws of Motion
Sixth graders at Yorkville Intermediate School completed a fun, engaging
activity to help them discover Newton’s Laws of Motion. Teachers presented
students with a specific challenge, “You are part of a civil engineering company asked to submit a proposal for the next great Newton Scooter. Your
scooter should be fast, fun, and safe.”
Learners were given scooter design parameters: the car must be a box and
small enough to fit in a backpack, the wheels must be from household materials, and balloons, straws, tape and sticks provided must be used. Working
independently, learners designed, constructed, tested and raced their unique scooters. After the race,
students reflected on the reasons some scooters raced faster and farther than others. At the conclusion
of the project, the sixth grade engineers explained how the laws of motion played a role in the success
of their creation.
Seussical the Musical Raises Scholarship Funds
Several photos courtesy of Jessica Harrison
On May 1, 2 and 3, 50 Yorkville CUSD 115 faculty, staff and students gave an energetic
performance of Seussical the Musical. Directed by elementary music teacher, Ryan Martinez and produced by YMS drama teacher, Tammy Eaton, the show gave students an
opportunity to see their teachers on-stage.
Two to three times a week for more than a month, the actors, directors and crew members volunteered their time to the production. All proceeds from ticket sales benefit the
Yorkville Education Association Scholarship Fund, all of which are awarded to Yorkville
“The production gives the students an opportunity to see their music teachers perform and also gives
staff a student’s perspective of just how much work goes into a show,” Martinez said.
Martinez was also quick to point out that the production engages the entire community.
“Everybody pitches in where they can. Y115 custodians are so helpful, local restaurants donate dinners, teachers and administrators participate in set building, student crew members give their time.
It’s really a group effort.”
This year’s “group effort” raised more than ten thousand dollars for the YEA Scholarship Fund.
For a list of cast, crew, and sponsors, visit
YHS Musical: Grease
In April, Yorkville High School presented the iconic: Grease. Directed by Mr. Joseph Fitzpatrick, the entertaining musical incorporated high energy vocal and instrumental performances from students throughout the school.
Miss Lynch - Taylor Neville
Patty Simcox - Amanda Armitage
Euguene Florczyk - Wesley Smith
Jan - Rachel Tassi
Marty - Mackenzie Burke
Rizzo - Emma Whaley
Doody - Vince Pizzo
Roger - Chad Castilla
Kenicke - Connor Lord
Sonny LaTierri - Matt Schumacher
Frenchy - Megan Schmit
Sandy Dumbrowski - Lorelei Zahn
Danny Zuko - Nick Damato
Vince Fontaine - Adam Dwyer
Johnny Casino - *Declan Weaver
Cha-Cha DiGregorio - Elizabeth Forlano
Teen Angel/Greaser - Isaiah Jackson
Female Chorus
Jori Stewart
Taylor Neville
Becca Husar
Huntar Jones
Olivia Weiland
Alicia Rosier
Danielle Alicz
Carleigh Heriaud
*Caitlin Chrastka
Brittany Appell
Mikayla Fiala
Male Chorus
Ali Qamar
Ryan Pizzo
Petey Ferrer
Nick Miesuk
Edric Yu
Kyle Straznickas
Danny Zuko understudy - *Declan Weaver
Sandy Dumbrowski
understudy - *Caitlyn Chrastka
*multiple roles
Kenneth Miller
Megan Aileen-Ryan
Jazmine Aguilar
Alex Hamilton
Eric Redmon
Eve Cone
Jake Holter
Production Assistants/Stage Managers
Amber Verstat
Alexis Jones
Rob Delgado
Pit Musicians
Dylan Andersen
Sam Daughtery
Terry Chilliard
Robin Campos
Lucas Erb
Alex Swartwout
Y115 Student and Staff Success Update
Y115 Step Teams Win State Competitions
Congratulations to the YHS and YMS Step Teams on their state championships!
Having achieved success at the state level, the Yorkville Stepping Foxes are
raising money to go to the Youth Step USA Nationals High School Stepping
Championship in Harrisburg, PA on May 23. Donations are now being accepted
to help with bus transportation, hotel costs, food and competition registration
fees for the 4-day weekend. If you are interested in making a donation, please
send a check, payable to Yorkville High School, to Wamecca Rodriguez at Yorkville Middle School or visit
Circle Center Grade School Raises Money for
Local Family in Need
In April, students and staff at Circle Center Grade School raised more than $5,200
for Jaxon Broom, the son of Kristi Broom, a Yorkville teacher. Jaxon is currently
being treated for chronic illness at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in
Chicago. The Character Counts Committee at the school, who raises money each
quarter for a local cause, coordinated a week-long coin drive during which students
dressed up and donated each day. Students were engaged in the week of giving
through themes such as “wear neon and donate nickels” and “wear quirky socks
and donate quarters.” The successful fundraising event demonstrated the school’s
commitment to encouraging students to engage with their community through
donating to those in need.
YIS Science Projects Impress
Throughout the spring months, 5th graders at Yorkville Intermediate School develop their projects for the annual Science Fair. From projects measuring the impact fertilizer has on petunia
growth rates to determining which color candle burns the fastest, students asked interesting
questions and scientifically deduced their conclusions. After performing a series of experiments, each 5th grader prepared a presentation board that highlighted their testable question,
purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedures, results and conclusions. Not only did students
perform and record their experiments, but they also presented them to judges as part of their
final assessment, a component that incorporates public speaking skills. During the week-long
Science Fair, the impressive projects were on display for fellow students, families, visitors and
Congratulations to the following Judges’ Choice Winners:
Jack Stillmunkes (Mrs. Fahey)
Justin Jakstys (Mrs. Fahey)
Julian Halsey (Mr. Higgins)
Emma Kokes (Mr. Higgins)
Kylie Loquercio (Mrs. Johnson)
Paige Ingemunson (Mrs. Cooper)
Logan Caho (Mrs. Cooper)
Augie Staudacher (Mrs. Cooper)
Maddie Battaglia (Mrs. Legendre)
Kaitlyn Gerrick (Mrs. Legendre)
Dylan Middendorf (Mrs. Flodberg)
Brynn Krempski (Mrs. Flodberg)
Kyle Maszak (Miss Snell)
Heidi Speckman (Miss Brue)
Zoe Schuberth (Miss Brue)
Y115 Student and Staff Success Update
Yorkville Students Named to IVVC Technical Honor Society
Congratulations to the following Yorkville CUSD 115 students who were recently named to the Indian Valley Vocational Center (IVVC)
Technical Honor Society for 2015. Way to go, Foxes!
Haley Bonnet - Health Occupations CNA
Staci Caho - Law Enforcement
Renee Farren - Automotive Technology
Rebecka Gardine - Health Occupations CNA
Samantha Gill - Law Enforcement
Karyssa Hoehn - Health Occupations Exploring Medical Careers
Olivia Ingraham-Health Occupations CNA
Michaela Jelinkova - Culinary Arts
Hailey Maurico - Cosmetology
David McDonough - Computer Technology
Austin Meyers - Automotive Technology
Rebecca Moment - Cosmetology
Alison Murphy - Early Childhood Development
Shianne Nelson - Health Occupations CNA
Caili Payne - Health Occupations CNA
Valerie Perrotta - Law Enforcement
Samantha Pierce - Sports Medicine/Management
Joshua Polowy - Fire Science
Trenton Schmit - Law Enforcement
Regan Wardell Health Occupations CNA
Ty Wheaton - Culinary Arts
YHS Wrestling Coach Earns State Honors
Congratulations to Yorkville High School Assistant Wrestling Coach, Jake Oster, who was named
the Assistant Wrestling Coach of the year in Class 3A. Oster was recognized by the Illinois Wrestling Coaches and and Officials Association for his “time, effort and dedication to Illinois Wrestling.”
News You Can Use from Y115
Y115 Foods and Transportation
Committees Membership
Camp Imagination Registration
Open Now
Yorkville CUSD 115 Camp Imagination Information is available
now! Students may register for courses in everything from
weather to stem to music and theater. Check out all the summer enrichment opportunities at
The Yorkville CUSD 115 Foods and Transportation Committees
seek new members for the 2015-16 school year. Interested parents, teachers and community members are welcome to apply.
Each of the two committees meets once every other month
on Monday at 11 a.m. The Committees work to develop school
lunch and transportation programs that meet the needs of students. Please contact Cathy Anderson at
for more information.
Upcoming Events
On Thursday, May 14 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Yorkville High School will host a STEAM Expo. The evening will highlight the five areas of
STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Students and families will have the opportunity to sit in two 30-minute
sessions of their choice. Each session will have a Career Expert, College Expert and a YHS Alum who is studying the subject area in
their college major. Participants will be able to hear from a speaker in the coroner’s office, an IT representative, a petroleum engineer, a graphic designer or a video game designer. Some of the colleges that will be in attendance are Northern Illinois University,
Bradley University and Waubonsee Community College. For more information, contact Anne Kuntz or Sarah Pottinger at 630-5534380 ext. 6330.
TRY Club Suicide Prevention Event
The Teens Reaching Youth Club at YHS is hosting the annual Suicide Prevention Event and 1 Mile Walk to raise awareness on Friday
May 15 from 4 - 6 p.m. at the Yorkville High School Academy Track and Field. Please come to show support, raise awareness, access
great resources and walk in honor or memory of someone. Community agencies will provide resources, great raffle prizes, music,
Jimmy Johns and more! For more information, contact Sarah Macko, or Amy McMahill, or
Yorkville Public Library May Events for Students
The Yorkville Public Library is offering several exciting events for school-aged children throughout the month. Visit their website for more information.
Yorkville Stepping Foxes Host Fundraising Event
On May 16 and 17, the Yorkville Stepping Foxes will host Stepping in the Kitchen Dessert Bar from 1-4pm at the YHS Café. Tickets,
worth two desserts, are $5. Cake, cookies, ice cream, and more will be available. Raffle tickets and other items will be for sale at the
event. To donate baked goods for this event, contact Wamecca Rodriguez at
Autumn Creek Elementary
School Color Run
Yorkville Middle School Book Swap
The YMS library is collecting books during the month of
May. For each book you bring in to donate, you will receive a coupon for the same number of books to “swap”
from June 1st – 5th. All book donations are welcome.
The library needs books for all ages and interests – fiction or non-fiction.
The Autumn Creek Elementary School
Color Run is May 31st beginning at 9 a.m.
To register, visit
Yorkville High School Graduation
Congratulations, graduates! Yorkville High School Graduation will be held on Friday, June 5 at Northern Illinois University Convocation Center at 6:30 p.m.
For a complete list of upcoming events, visit the District calendar