Mr. Hiroki Mitsumata - ICEF Innovation for Cool Earth Forum


Mr. Hiroki Mitsumata - ICEF Innovation for Cool Earth Forum
Japan's policy to promote innovation
in low-carbon technologies
April 22nd, 2016
Hiroki Mitsumata
Deputy Director-General for Environmental Affairs
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Positioning of NESTI2050 (National Energy and Environment Strategy for Technological Innovation towards 2050)
Ⅰ. Discussion in COP21
Paris Agreement adopted in COP21:
◆ 2℃ target as a long-term target on a world wide scale was set. Pursuing 1.5℃ target was referred to.
◆ All countries including major emitters submit and update their reduction targets every 5 years.
◆ Positioning of the importance of Innovation, etc.
Extracts from the Speech by Prime Minister Abe:
◆ “The key to acting against climate change without sacrificing economic growth is the development of
innovative technologies. By next spring Japan will formulate the “Energy and Environment Innovation
Strategy.” Prospective focused areas will be identified and research and development on them will be
strengthened.” (The strategy was formulated on April 19th and are currently called NESTI2050)
Ⅱ. Domestic global warming measures after COP21
Global Warming Measure
Energy Innovation Strategy
(Global Warming Prevention Headquarters)
NESTI2050 (National Energy and Environment
Strategy for Technological Innovation towards 2050)
(Council for Science, Technology and Innovation)
【Cabinet office】
【Cabinet Secretariat・MOE・METI】
1. Total program based on Paris
Agreement and INDCs
Based on Act on Promotion of Global
Warming Countermeasures,
reductions compared with the level of 2013
is clearly written as a Japan’s target of
GHG emission reductions,
and the
measures by such entities as companies
and universities as well as the plans by the
country and autonomous bodies are set
forth in the program.
Moreover, new directions are offered for the
strategic efforts looking ahead to the longterm targets and for the efforts to the worldwide reduction of GHGs.
Taking the public comments into account,
the cabinet decision will be made on May,
3. Strategy for innovative
2. Strategy to realize the planned
energy mix looking ahead to the
year 2030
To realize the planned energy mix in 2030,
the related systems will be integrally
consolidated through completion of energy
savings, expansion of renewable energy
and formulation of new energy systems as
main pillars.
By implementing the strategy to increase
energy-related investments and to improve
energy efficiency, the contribution of
Abenomics to realizing 600 trillion yen of
GDP will be reached while reducing CO2
This strategy will be developed by METI.
technologies looking ahead to the
year 2050
The total amount of global emissions in 2030 is
expected to be about 57 billion tons. In a
scenario that will realize the 2℃ target, more
than 30 billion tons of additional reductions are
The innovation to realize drastic emission
reductions on a world-wide basis is essential.
Looking ahead to the year 2050, promising
innovative technologies that have big potential
impacts of reductions were identified, and a
system to promote the long-term R&Ds be
This strategy was developed in the Council for
Science, Technology and Innovation this April.
Outlook on of NESTI2050
Ⅰ.Positioning of the Strategy
◆ To meet the “2℃ target” referred in COP21, reducing the amount of global GHG emissions to about 24 billion tons by 2050 is necessary. At present, the
total amount of global GHG emissions is about 50 billion tons. Since the amount is expected to be about 57 billion tons by calculating the total global
emissions based on the INDCs of each country, about 30 billion tons of additional reductions are necessary. In so doing, it is essential to promote the
innovation for drastically reducing emissions on a world wide scale.
◆ On the premise that the entire energy system will be optimized with the advent of “Super smart society”, and with looking ahead to 2050, promising
innovative technologies that have big impacts of potential reductions were identified. Technological issues are clarified and medium- and long-term
development will be facilitated.
⇒ As a part of 30 billion tons of CO2 reductions, which is necessary to meet the 2 ℃ target, several billion to 10 billion tons or more of the
reductions will be possible through this strategy.
* Based on the figures estimated by IEA. In the selected technological areas, the application of innovative technologies is added to the application of technologies whose development and demonstration have already been advanced
Ⅱ.Identifying promising technological fields
1. The innovative technologies that are not the extension of the existing efforts but are discontinuous and have big
2. The technologies that can introduce on a large scale and are expected to have big potential reductions.
3. The technologies that need medium- and long terms to be practical and require to gather the total powers of
business, academia and government.
4. The technologies that Japan can lead the world and utilize our superiority.
Technologies to integrate energy systems
Innovative technologies in
each area
(each areas of energy production, transport, consumption
are networked by ICT, and energy system is optimized by
AI, big date, IoT.)
(Next generation power electronics,
Innovative sensor; Superconductivity)
Innovative separation membrane, catalyst
2 Structural material
Ultralight and heat-resistant
Post lithium battery
CO2 free hydrogen
Perovskite structure, quantum dot
Hot dry rock geo-thermal, super critical geo-thermal
Ⅲ.Reinforcing R&D
Core technologies constituting energy systems
1 Production Process
CO2 fixation and utilization
Leading the world through innovation, and keeping climate efforts and economic growth compatible with each other 2
Targeted fields of NESTI2050 (1/2)
Technologies to integrate energy systems
◆Technologies to optimally coordinate and control the entire energy systems by
utilizing IoT/AI, with assuming the future energy systems to which renewable energy
is widely introduced.
Core technologies constituting energy systems
◆Next-generation power electronics technologies to reduce the loss of power
conversion by 50%, downsize the device by more than 75%, and attach the
functions of controlling and communicating to the devices.
◆Sophisticated sensing technologies that can be driven without power feeding and
under harsh environments such as high-temperature and high-pressure.
Innovative production process
◆Currently, high-temperature and high-pressure process in distillation tower is mainly
adopted. Innovative process of material productions without distillation tower will be
developed by utilizing membrane separation and catalyst technologies that Japan
has the competitive power. More than 50 % of energy efficiency improvement will be
Ultralight/superheat resistant structural materials
◆For example, complex materials that can lighten the weight of automobile by more
次世代 that can be applied to gas turbines at more than
than 50% and heat resistant materials
蓄電池60% of generation efficiency will be developed.
1800℃ in a stable way and realize
(Currently, 1600℃-class gas turbine is in practical use. Technological development to
realize 1700℃-class gas turbine is on the way.)
Targeted fields of NESTI2050 (2/2)
Next-generation storage battery
◆To develop safe and long-life storage battery that can overcome the limitation of lithium
secondary battery (ex. all solid battery, metal-air battery, etc.), the energy density that
is 7 times larger and the cost that is 10 times less compared to current batteries
will be realized. Also, 700 km range per charge for general passenger vehicles will
be realized.
Hydrogen production, storage, transport and utilization
◆Technologies to economically mass-produce hydrogen without CO2 emissions by
using renewable energy and technologies to generate energy by directly burning such
energy carriers as hydrogen will be developed.
Next-generation solar power
◆The next-generation solar battery using materials whose structure and function are
totally different from the conventional ones (ex. quantum dot, perovskite, etc.) will be
developed. The cost that is equal to or less than the conventional main power
generation (7 yen/kWh in Japan) will be realized. (Currently, 23 yen/kWh)
Next-generation geothermal power
◆Hot Dry Rock geothermal power (artificially creating geothermal reservoir. Building
the plant without hydro thermal resource belowground will be possible. The geothermal
resources for introducing geothermal plants within Japan can be doubled.), and
supercritical geothermal power (utilizing high temperature and high pressure of the
unused natural resource, supercritical water.) will be realized.
fixation and
◆Technologies to halve the energy for CO2 separation and recovery(1.5GJ/t-CO2),
which can absorb the same amount of CO2 as the current chemical-liquid absorption
method can.
◆Technologies of effective CO2 utilization to produce raw materials for chemical
products (ex. artificial photosynthesis) and to convert the large amount of CO 2 fixing
biomass into hydrocarbon fuel or raw materials for chemical products etc.
Relation between NESTI2050 and technology roadmaps
NESTI2050 strongly promotes the R&Ds which realize the targets after 2030 described in existing technology
roadmaps. In NESTI2050, the technological issues will be clarified, the strategic technology development
plans will be created and Investments will be focused on the identified technology areas. Also, NESTI2050 will
incorporate the outcomes from existing R&D projects.
Relation to existing technology roadmaps:
Example 1: NEDO*1 secondary battery roadmap 2013
NESTI2050 strongly
promote the R&Ds
Energy density oriented secondary battery
At present (at the end of 2012)
From 2030 onwards
The Battery
Energy density: 60-100Wh/kg
120-200 km range per charge
Current lithium
secondary battery
Advanced lithium
secondary battery
Approx. 500km
Approx. 700km
Break trough metal-air battery(Al,
Li, Zn etc.) etc.
is required
Example 2: NEDO*1 PV Challenges (2014)
PV system
Power generation cost
23yen/kWh (Current
realize by improving energy
efficiency and reducing
production costs
14 yen/kWh (Commercial
NESTI2050 strongly
promote the R&Ds
realize by innovative
technologies such as new
material and structure etc.
electricity rate)
7yen/kWh (Conventional
Further cost reduction by
innovative technologies
main power)
2013 2015
*NESTI2050 has thin relation with ICEF 1st roadmap “Distributed Solar and Storage” since it focus on deployment of
the technologies rather than the development
Note *1: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) is one of the largest public research and development management
organizations in Japan. It has two basic missions: addressing energy and global environmental problems, and enhancing industrial technology.
METI Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Future direction for the measures for realizing a hydrogen society:
◆ To realize a hydrogen society, Japan will promote collaborative efforts on the following step-by-step process among
academia, government and industry, while resolving imbalance between supply side and demand side.
Phase 1 (Dramatic expansion of hydrogen use) : Dramatically expanding the use of stationary fuel cells and fuel cell
vehicles, which are in the process of being realized, leading to the successful acquisition of a global market in
the field of hydrogen and fuel cells, in which Japan leads the world
Phase 2 (Full-fledged introduction of hydrogen power generation/Establishment of a large-scale system for
supplying hydrogen) : Further expanding the demand for hydrogen, while widening the scope of hydrogen
sources to include unutilized energy, so as to establish a new secondary energy structure in which hydrogen
will be added to existing resources, namely electricity and heat (gas); and
Phase 3 (Establishment of a zero-carbon emission hydrogen supply system throughout the manufacturing
process) : Combining the technology for manufacturing hydrogen with a CCS process, or with making use of
hydrogen derived from a renewable energy resource, so as to establish a zero-carbon-emission system for
supplying hydrogen throughout the manufacturing process.
Phase 1
Dramatic expansion of hydrogen use
(Full-fledged introduction of fuel cells into
Release onto the market: residential fuel cells in
2009; Fuel cell vehicles in 2014
Releasing fuel cells for commercial and industrial use
onto the market
Conveying to the world
the information on the
potential of hydrogen
by taking advantage of
the 2020 Summer
Olympic Games in
Around 2020
- PEFC(polymer electrolyte fuel cells): 800 thousand
yen(*1) / SOFC(solid oxide fuel cells): one million
yen (*1)
- Achieving a reduction of hydrogen price to a level
equal to or lower than that of fuels for hybrid
- 40 thousand FCVs(*2) /160 hydrogen stations(*3)
Around 2025
- Fuel cell vehicles: Achieving a reduction of vehicle
prices to the level of hybrid vehicles of the same
class and price range
- 200 thousand FCVs(*2) /320 hydrogen stations(*3)
Around 2030
- 800 thousand FCVs(*2)
Note *1 Future price targets for house hold fuel cells
*2 Targets for the dissemination of fuel cell vehicles
*3 Targets for the construction of hydrogen stations
Phase 2
Phase 3
Full-fledged introduction of hydrogen power
Establishment of a large-scale system for
supplying hydrogen
Establishment of a zero-carbon emission
hydrogen supply system throughout the
manufacturing process
Accelerating development and demonstration
Establishing a strategic partnership with hydrogen-suppliers
Realizing inexpensive hydrogen , anticipating growth in
Systematic development and demonstration of such a
system, based on its potential for development
Mid 2020s
-Plant delivery price of hydrogen from overseas: 30 yen/Nm3
Around 2030
-Full-fledged operation of manufacturing, transportation and
storage of hydrogen derived from unutilized energy resources
imported from overseas
- Full-fledged introduction of hydrogen power generation for
power-producing business
Around 2040
Full-fledged operation of manufacturing, transportation and
storage of zero-carbon emission hydrogen, by combining
the manufacturing technology with a CCS process or with
making use of domestic and overseas renewable energy
Linkage between the Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism
Paris Agreement Article 10
 Accelerating, encouraging and enabling innovation is critical for an effective, long-term global response to
climate change and promoting economic growth and sustainable development. Such effort shall be, as
appropriate, supported, including by the Technology Mechanism and, through financial means, by the
Financial Mechanism of the Convention, for collaborative approaches to research and development, and
facilitating access to technology, in particular for early stages of the technology cycle, to developing country
Parties. (Paragraph 5 of Article 10)
 Support, including financial support, shall be provided to developing country Parties for the implementation
of this Article, including for strengthening cooperative action on technology development and transfer at
different stages of the technology cycle・・・. (Paragraph 6 of Article 10)
COP (Conference of Parties)
Financial Mechanism
Report Guidance
Technology Mechanism
Report Guidance
Facility (GEF)
Green Climate
Fund (GCF)
Linkage between the Technology
Mechanism and the Financial
Mechanism in Decision 13/CP.21
●Recognizing the importance of
functional linkages
●Ensuring financial resources for,
and scaling up action on, technology
development and transfer
●Continue to consult on and further
elaborate the linkages between the
Technology Mechanism and the
Financial Mechanism
Climate Technology Centre
and Network(CTCN)
Basic Concept of the JCM
 Facilitating diffusion of leading low carbon technologies, products,
systems, services, and infrastructure as well as implementation of
mitigation actions, and contributing to sustainable development of
developing countries.
 Appropriately evaluating contributions from Japan to GHG emission
reductions or removals in a quantitative manner and use them to
achieve Japan’s emission reduction target.
 Contributing to the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC by facilitating
global actions for GHG emission reductions or removals.
Leading low carbon technologies, etc,
and implementation of mitigation actions
Operation and management
by the Joint Committee which
consists of representatives
from the both sides
Used to achieve Japan’s
emission reduction
GHG emission
*measurement, reporting and verification
JCM Partner Countries
 Japan has held consultations for the JCM with developing countries since 2011 and
has established the JCM with Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet
Nam, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Palau, Cambodia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia,
Chile, Myanmar and Thailand.
Jan. 8, 2013
Aug. 7, 2013
Mar. 19, 2013
Aug. 26, 2013
May 27, 2013
(Addis Ababa)
Jun. 12,2013
Jun. 29, 2013
Viet Nam
Jul. 2, 2013
Costa Rica
Dec. 9, 2013
Jan. 13, 2014
Apr. 11, 2014
(Phnom Penh)
Jul. 25, 2014
(Mexico City)
 In addition, the Philippines and Japan
signed an aide memoire with intent to
establish the JCM.
Saudi Arabia
May 13, 2015
May 26, 2015
Sep. 16, 2015
(Nay Pyi Taw)
Nov. 19, 2015
Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF)
Japanese government launched an international conference, ICEF,
in order to establish a global platform for leaders from
governments, business and academia to promote innovation in low
carbon technologies including their dissemination.
◆The 1st Annual Conference◆
Date, Venue:October 8th 2014, Tokyo
Participants: About 800 policymakers,
business leaders and researchers from
as many as 80 countries and regions
◆The 2nd Annual Conference◆
Date, Venue:October 7th and 8th 2015, Tokyo
Participants: over 1000 policymakers,
business leaders and researchers from
as many as 70 countries and regions
◆Participants(The 2ndAC)◆
◆The 3rd Annual Conference◆
Date, Venue:October 5th and 6th 2016, Tokyo
If interested,
please contact us:
Innovation for Cool Earth Forum(ICEF) 2nd Annual Meeting
October 7th, 2015
Opening Session(9:00-9:30)
Shinzo Abe (Prime Minister of Japan) ※Video message
Daishiro Yamagiwa (State Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
John Holdren (Assistant to the President for Science and Technology,
October 8th, 2015
Concurrent Sessions (Part 2)(9:00-11:30)
・Artificial Photosynthesis
・Business Engagement in
Climate Change
・Electricity Storage
・Low-Carbon Mobility
Plenary Session (Part 1) ( 9:30-11:50)
-Principal Issues in the Future GHG Reduction-
Anwar Hossain Manju (Minister of Environment and Forest,
Laurence Tubiana (Special Representative for the COP21)
Philippe Benoit (Director, IEA)
Héla Cheikhrouhou (Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund)
Richard Lester (Professor of MIT),etc
Special Presentation by IEA
Plenary Session (Part 2) (13:00-15:45)
-Future Perspectives from Innovators, Visionaries
and Global Leaders-
FIDEL CASTRO DIAZ-BALART (Scientific Advisor of State
Council, Cuba)
Chiheb Bouden (Minister of Higher Education and Scientific
Research, Tunisia)
Muhammad Yunus (Chairman, Yunus Centre)
Vaclav Smil (Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of
Takehiko Nakao (President of the ADB)
Peter Robinson (USCIB President),etc
Concurrent Sessions (Part 1)(16:15-18:45)
・Energy Systems
・Geothermal Power
・Hydrogen Energy
・Iron and Steel
・Nuclear Energy
・Technology Transfer to Developing
Countries and Investment Promotion
・Role of Public Funding for
Research, Development
and Demonstration
・Smart Grids
・Wind Power
・Zero Energy Building
Concurrent Sessions (Part 3)(12:45-15:15)
・Advanced Liquid Biofuels
・Solar Energy
・International Framework
for Complementing UN
Press Release of Roadmap by IRENA
Plenary Session (Part 3)(15:45-18:15)
-Future Strategy for Climate Change-
Win Tun (Union Minister for Environmental Conservation
and Forestry, Myanmar)
John Loughhead (Chief Scientific Advisor, UK Department of
Energy and Climate Change)
Robert N. Stavins (Professor of Harvard University)
Peter Bakker (President & CEO, WBCSD)
Patrick Pouyanné (CEO, Total),etc
Closing Session(18:15-18:45)
Yoshihiro Seki (Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy,
Trade and Industry, Japan)
Kazuo Furukawa (Chairman, New Energy and Industrial
Technology Development Organization (NEDO))11