Glasney Student Village


Glasney Student Village
Glasney Student Village
Residents Handbook 2012
The Accommodation Service and
Glasney Student Village
Support for students in residences
General information
Health, safety, emergency, fire,
and security information
Services available in Glasney Lodge
and at Glasney Student Village
Glasney Student Village flats
Residential services and facilities
11 Maintenance guidelines
Information relating to your contractual
obligations and institutional regulations
15 Leaving Glasney Student Village
Finance and accommodation charges
18 Facilities & services
19 Frequently asked questions
Welcome to Falmouth Exeter Plus accommodation. We hope
you will enjoy your stay here and we look forward to meeting you
upon your arrival at Tremough.
Please read this handbook in conjunction with the rules and regulations
before you accept your Residence Contract. It is essential to take note
of the information within this handbook as it:
contains terms and conditions that will apply to your stay in our
accommodation and the rules and regulations of stay in the
residences. Keep it for reference throughout the year.
holds information we believe will help you to make your stay at
Tremough as easy and as pleasant as possible. Although the
information it contains is not exhaustive, it may provide the answers
to some questions you have regarding your accommodation.
explains that as a student at Tremough, you will, of course, be
bound by your Institution’s general regulations. In this document
we emphasise certain points concerning your well being and that of
your fellow students; please see your Accommodation Agreement
and accompanying Residences Regulations for further information.
Falmouth Exeter Plus –
the Accommodation Services and Glasney Student Village
Who are Falmouth Exeter Plus?
Falmouth Exeter Plus is a company jointly owned by
University College Falmouth and the University of
Exeter. The group comprises
of Accommodation Services, Student Support Services,
IT, Catering and Bars, and the Sports Centre at
The company is an exempt charitable company
limited by guarantee. Registered in England
and Wales No 5103240.
Glasney Student Village Residence Team
The ResidencesTeam are on hand to support all
residents during their stay at Glasney Village. Further
information regarding the team can be found in your
yellow Flat Folder left in your kitchen.
Staff are available in Glasney Lodge 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year, to deal with your enquiries
or problems (times of availability may be affected
by unforeseen circumstances)
Student Support Services comprises of Accessibility
Services, Counselling, Living Support, the Nursery and
the Chaplaincy.
Residences Team contact
Glasney Lodge, Tremough Campus
Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9EZ
Tel: + 44 (0)1326 253503
Who manages the residences?
Glasney Student Village is managed by Falmouth Exeter
Plus Accommodation Services. Two offices look after the
day to day running of the residences and also manage
the contractual element.
Student Support
Glasney Lodge can also be the place to discuss any
welfare concerns or problems you may have in or with
the accommodation. You will then be supported and
referred to the appropriate person.
Accommodation Office Services
The Accommodation Office Team will be able to help
you with contract queries, room moves and with
information on the private sector for your second year.
Accommodation Office contact
Accommodation Office, Tremough Campus
Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9EZ
Tel: + 44 (0)1326 253639
Support for students in residences
Residents’ welfare
If you have any welfare concerns whilst living at
Glasney, the Accommodation, Residence and Student
Support Services Teams are available if you need
assistance. Whatever the circumstances the staff are
there to provide support or refer issues where necessary.
The Services promote a supportive environment within
the Residences and therefore ask that residents look out
for one another and let staff know if they feel that there is
any cause for concern.
An Out of Hours Team are available at the Glasney
Lodge throughout the night to support staff and students
in the event of an emergency or when there is cause for
Living Support Team (LST)
Welfare issues/concerns may be referred to or brought
to the attention of the LST who refers to and liaises with
other internal and external support services as well as
the relevant departments of University College Falmouth
and University of Exeter. Students can contact the LST
directly if they have welfare concerns about themselves
or others, and in some cases, may just need assistance
with reference to who they need to speak to.
Welcome inductions
You will be asked to complete an on-line induction
prior to your arrival. The inductions are an important
introduction, as they offer you an understanding
of residences and the campus support services
available, and generally help you get the most from
your accommodation. These inductions will also form
part of the Terms and Conditions of your stay and it
is essential that you fully understand the information
being provided before commiting to have completed the
induction. If you have any queries please contact the
Accommodation Office.
The information will include
• An introduction to Falmouth Exeter Plus staff and
structures including Accommodation Services and
the Student Support Team.
• Advice on living in a shared environment
• Who to contact in the first instance; for example
pastoral matters or fault reporting.
• How to react in the event of a fire or on hearing the
fire alarm.
• Personal Safety and Security Issues involving local
Police and Fire Brigade representatives.
Information boards
Inside every kitchen at Glasney is an information board –
essential information will be posted here throughout the
year. We also produce a regular newsletter which will be
posted here too, so remember to have a look.
Inventories when you arrive
A completed inventory will be left in your room for you to
check and sign off when you arrive. You must return this
form to Glasney Lodge within 48 hours of your arrival.
We strongly recommend that you take a few minutes
to fill this in as it is a record of the way the room was
found at the beginning of your tenancy. If there is any
damage when you leave, you may find it difficult to prove
that it was there when you moved in if you didn’t return
your completed inventory at the start of the tenancy. If
you disagree with the inventory then please mark so
accordingly and a member of staff will investigate further.
General information
Arriving at Glasney Student Village
There are different move in weekends for University
of Exeter (Cornwall Campus) & University College
Falmouth Students outlined below:
Further information on your Contractual and
Institutional Regulations can be found on page 13.
For full information please refer to the Accommodation
Agreement and University Regulations.
University of Exeter (Cornwall Campus)
• Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 September 2012
between 9am and 5pm
University College Falmouth
• Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 September 2012
between 9am and 5pm
• In order to reduce pressure over the arrivals
weekend, University College Falmouth students are
being invited to arrive from the 20 September at no
extra charge.
• Please note that we expect waiting times to be
significantly less on Thursday 20 and Friday 21
September 2012.
As part of your e-Induction you will be asked to complete
e-Arrivals, where you will be able to select a date and
time slot for your arrival.
Data protection
Personal information held about you is protected by
the Data Protection Act 1998. This means that we
only hold information about you which is relevant to us
allocating and managing Glasney Student Village and
managing campus facilities. Any information provided to
Falmouth Exeter Plus will be treated confidentially and
only used for appropriate management purposes. We
will only disclose personal information about you to staff
within Falmouth Exeter Plus, University of Exeter and
University College Falmouth on a need to know basis.
We do not divulge this information to anyone else other
than you. This also means we do not communicate with
students’ parents or agents without the student’s written
authority except as permitted by the Data Protection Act.
This is usually only in very serious circumstances.
We appreciate that the time does not always coincide
with travel plans, however, we hope the majority of
students will be able to adhere to their chosen slot. If
you arrive early or late please be guided by the staff and
students on site. We will endeavour to get you moved
in as soon as we are able, however we ask you to be
patient as sometimes unforeseen circumstances can
occur .
Responsibilities of residents
By nature, the residences are areas of communal living,
and it is essential that each person shows consideration
towards everyone else. Residents are expected to be
particularly quiet after 11pm, although excessive noise
at any time is prohibited; there are strict conditions about
noise nuisance in your Accommodation Agreement
and in the Regulations Applicable to Residences. It is
every residents’ responsibility to behave in a reasonable
manner towards both fellow students and members of
staff. This is the foundation upon which a happy and
successful year is built.
Be a good neighbour
Students are generally welcomed by the other residents
of Falmouth and Penryn. Falmouth Exeter Plus,
University of Exeter and University College Falmouth
greatly values its reputation in the local community. You
are asked to be mindful of the impact of your conduct
on your neighbours in residence and also our local
community, many of whom are not associated with the
Universities. We have strong links with the local Police
and work together to ensure a harmonious environment.
Car Park
Due to the excellent subsidised transport available,
cars are not a necessity whilst studying in Falmouth
and Penryn. The current car parking regulations are
being reviewed. If you would like further information
please contact the Estates Team via email (carparking@ fo rmore information. Students with
mobility impairment or other disability-related transport
needs please contact the Estates Department. The
Accommodation Office and Residence Team will refer
you to the Estates Department if you do contact with
queries regarding parking. FAQ regarding parking can
be found on the website under ‘Estates and Facilities’.
Tremough operates a Green Transport Policy. A regular,
subsidised bus service operates from Tremough,
through Penryn and into Falmouth town centre. The
journey time is currently approximately 30 minutes.
Further details of the service can be found at www.
No smoking policy
Falmouth Exeter Plus, the University of Exeter and
University College Falmouth have a strict no smoking
policy in all of their university owned or managed
accommodation in Cornwall, which includes Glasney
Student Village. The ban applies to all internal areas
and within 5 metres of the external area of the flats.
Those caught smoking within residence will be
charged or fined accordingly and where necessary
disciplinary action will be taken.
Complaints procedure
We hope that during your stay in our accommodation,
you will be happy with the service that you receive
from our staff. However, should you feel that our service
has not met with your expectations and you wish to
make a complaint, you should in the first instance
contact a member of staff in either the Accommodation
or Residences Team.
We value your opinions as they will help us plan for
the future and continually develop our services. Our
complaints procedure is available on our website at and full
details are available in the yellow folder in each kitchen.
Health, safety, emergency, fire and security information
Fire & safety precautions
Please note, due to Fire Safety regulations, our
procedures have been changed in order to ensure
that all aspects are adhered to.
For example, the following acts are severe breaches
of health and safety regulations and, if reported to the
Fire Safety Officer, could result in criminal action or a
fine of £5,000. The Fire Safety Officer may access the
residences at any time without notice – such activity is
also a serious breach of your accommodation contract
which could lead to it being terminated, and a serious
offence under the University’s disciplinary regulations…
please do not let this be you.
Propping open of fire doors
Smoking in Residences
Covering up sensors
Obstruction of fire escape routes
Tampering with fire equipment
Willful false instigation of a fire alarm
This list is not exhaustive and further information will
be available for you on arrival. Advice will also be given
at the induction and full details are given in the yellow
folder in each kitchen.
In an emergency, the fire bells/sirens sound and
everyone – without exception – is required to evacuate
the residence immediately. You must proceed to the
designated assembly point. If you discover a fire,
activate the nearest alarm whilst leaving the building,
call the Fire Brigade immediately. When calling the Fire
Brigade, always remember to identify your residence by
road and town, ie Glasney Student Village, Treliever
Road, Penryn TR10 9EZ. Details of the fire evacuation
procedure are displayed in each study bedroom.
In the event of accidental activation, the normal
evacuation procedure should still be followed but please
make a member of staff aware that it is a false alarm as
soon as possible. Your main responsibility is to ensure
your own safety.
Students with a disability, who may require assistance
during fire evacuations, should ensure that they contact
a member of the Residences Team when they arrive
on campus so that a personal evacuation plan can be
drawn up. Students with hearing difficulties who need a
visual alarm should contact the Accommodation Office
when accepting their Accommodation Agreement so that
a suitable room can be allocated.
If you have an injury which impedes your movement
or means you need assistance in an emergency at
Glasney please make the staff at Glasney Lodge aware.
Consideration must be given to this throughout your stay,
eg if you have an injury/accident during term time.
There will be a fire practice during the early part of
the academic year and your participation is essential
for Health and Safety reasons. If it is not carried out
correctly, the practice will have to be repeated. Anyone
who does not vacate the building with all due haste on
the occasion of any alarm, practice or not, is liable to
disciplinary action.
Smoking and fire hazards
Please remember that smoking is not permitted in
residence. There are designated smoking points on
the main campus and in residences where you can
do so freely. Disciplinary action and a charge or fine
will be imposed if smoking or smoking paraphernalia is
found in residences. We will give you more information
about this issue when you arrive and full details are
given in the yellow folder in each kitchen.
The use of candles, incense sticks, fireworks or
anything that may be a fire risk is also not permitted
within residences. Those caught smoking or using the
above items will be subject to a charge or fine and
disciplinary action taken (offending items will also be
confiscated). You are also legally obliged to comply with
any safety instructions given to you by a member of staff.
The walkways and the hallways in the flats must be
kept clear of any obstruction. Items left unattended
will be removed.
We also ask you to be vigilant on behalf of other
residents, staff and visitors to Glasney – please report
any situations which could constitute a hazard to
Glasney Lodge. Any accidents within Glasney must
be recorded on the “ AT1 - Accident, Incident, Disease
Report Form” available at Glasney Lodge.
Maintenance/Division staff/Contractors have authority
to check electrical apparatus for safety. All portable
electrical items must be capable of passing pat
testing according to IEEE Regs. 16th edition and we
will provide opportunity for you to get your portable
electrical equipment that is over one year old to be
tested– a charge will be levied for such a test. We
reserve the right to impound any equipment deemed
to be unsafe.
9999 is for the Emergency Services from your
bedroom phone - please do not use this number
unless it is a genuine emergency. False calls to the
emergency services number can be traced and callers
will be prosecuted. Do not endanger the lives of others.
Please ensure you inform Glasney Lodge if you have
had to call the emergency services.
Illness, accidents and First Aid
First aid is available at Glasney Lodge. In the case
of emergency where an ambulance is required please
contact Glasney Lodge. You should register with a
local GP at the earliest opportunity. A Practice Nurse is
available on campus during term time. Information on
local surgeries and availability of the Practice Nurse are
available from the Student Support Services Team on
01326 370460.
Student information/medical sheets
If you have declared a medical condition or disability
during your application your details will be passed to the
Assesibilty Team who may contact you with a request for
further information.
Personal safety
You are expected to keep away from roof spaces, boiler
houses and electrical switchgear rooms. Access to roofs,
balconies, window ledges and fire escapes is forbidden
except in an emergency.
The study bedrooms are easy targets for sneak thieves
and you should shut all windows, especially in ground
floor rooms, and lock the door whenever you leave the
bedroom unattended, even if you are away for only a
few minutes. Flat doors should be locked at all times.
Please remember that the responsibility for the securit
of any item within your room remains with you and, in
addition, items within communal areas are the collective
responsibility of all those that live in the flat.
Don’t let strangers into the buildings. Be aware of
‘tailgating’ – people following you into the flat. Ask for
people’s ID if you do not recognise them and challenge
intruders, if you think it is safe to do so, by asking “can
I help you?” for example.
Report any suspicions to a member of the Residences
staff or Campus Security. Campus Security are available
on a 24hr basis and can be contacted on 07768 557779.
Occasionally when there is an emergency elsewhere
on campus there may be no reply so please phone the
Glasney Lodge on 01326 253503 (internal 3503) and
they will radio reception on your behalf. Be prepared
that members of staff may ask you for ID and all staff
members will carry their own ID cards at all times.
The Residences have 24hr CCTV coverage to ensure
security. Falmouth Exeter Plus follows the CCTV Code
of Practice 2008 and has policies in place to ensure full
compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Salesmen, cold-callers and strangers
Door-to-door salesmen and the like are not permitted
at any of the Residences. Any non-residents found
wandering about the residence or behaving suspiciously
in the grounds should be challenged if you feel it is safe
to do so; otherwise contact a member of the Glasney
Lodge Team on 01326 253503 (internal 3503)
or Campus Security on 07768 557779.
cover for valuable items such as laptops, mp3 players,
cameras, musical instruments, bikes and mobile phones.
Your on-line induction will provide further information on
personal safety, including Police talks about security and
Endsleigh Insurance contact details
Phone: General Enquiries | Claims Enquiries:
0800 0327081
Important numbers for your mobile phone
Glasney Lodge Team on 01326 253503
Campus Security on 07768 557779
Possessions insurance
Falmouth Exeter Plus do not accept responsibility for
loss or theft of or damage to residents property unless it
is caused by Falmouth Exeter Plus’ negligence or breach
of contract. Falmouth Exeter Plus has a basic block
insurance policy that covers students’ personal property
in Glasney Student Village. It is important that you
check the limitations and exclusions of the policy
to ensure that sufficient cover is in place for your
individual requirements.
What is covered?
Your possessions are covered by Endsleigh Insurance
Services Ltd from theft whilst in your room.
Please log on to to find out
if you need to extend the benefits provided to include
You are strongly advised to keep all valuables
in the safe provided. Full details of the insurance cover
provided and quotations to extend the basic policy
can be obtained via the Endsleigh’s specific student
insurance website.
How to make a claim
In the event of an insurance claim, residents should:
Report the incident to the Police (in the event of
theft, accidental loss or malicious damage) and
obtain a crime reference number, or lost property log.
Report the incident to Glasney Lodge, who may be
contacted on 01326 253503 – you will also need to
fill in a Glasney incident report form.
To obtain a claim form, either, download a claim
form from
Or, telephone Endsleigh’s Claims Team on
0800 0327081.
Before forwarding the claim form to the insurers,
please obtain a validation stamp from a member of
the Residences Team
The completed and stamped claim form, plus
any supporting evidence of loss, should then be
forwarded to the insurers at the address listed
on the claim form.
Services available in Glasney Lodge and Glasney Student Village
Keys and entry card
On arrival, all residents will be given a key and/or entry
card for access to the flats and bedrooms. Never lend
your key or entry card to anyone, not even your friends.
Keys should not be copied, lending or copying keys,
or lending an entry card are breaches of your
Residence Contract.
Lost keys/entry cards
A lost key/entry cards should be reported immediately
to a Porter or to the Residence Team. You will be liable
for the replacement charge – this can be expensive if
we have to change the locks.
Post is delivered directly to flats (or in some cases, the
letter box for a flat). Please ensure that all mail always
has the full name, exact flat address and full postal
address as below as incorrectly addressed post may be
retruned to sender:
Block, Flat, Room Number
Glasney View or Glasney Parc
Glasney Student Village, Tremough Campus, Treliever
Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9EZ
The Residences Team does not redirect mail; therefore
you are required to make your own arrangements
regarding redirection with the Post Office prior to your
departure. Post will be sent ‘Return to Sender’ if you no
longer reside in the accommodation.
Currenty. there are coin-operated launderettes on site.
The opening hours are Monday to Sunday, 08.00 –
23.00 (last wash 22.00). Any updates made to the
Launderettes will be provided to you during your stay.
Surfboards – have allocated store areas too. For health
and safety reasons, bikes and surfboards must not be
stored in any area in the residences.
Free keys for the storage areas are available at
Glasney Lodge. These must be returned when you
vacate or a charge of £25 will be made.
Bicycle & surfboards storage
Bicycles – in the cycles sheds or on the external bike
hoops dotted around the residences.
Glasney Student Village flats
What do I need to bring?
We will provide curtains and a mattress protector. You
will have to provide everything else – pillow/s, duvet and
bed linen (sheets, pillow cases, duvet cover), towels, and
all cooking utensils (including pans, plates, cutlery, can
openers etc). If you have further enquires regarding the
room please phone Glasney Lodge on 01326 253503.
Study bedrooms
All rooms have a safe, telephone, desk and data points
and are all en-suite; facilities include a shower cubicle,
toilet, basin and cabinet.
The majority of rooms have a double bed; however 27
en-suite single bedded rooms are suitable for students
with a range of disabilities and are charged at the same
rate. These can also be allocated to those without
disabilities. We also have a number of shared occupancy
rooms. If you have been allocated a single bedded or
a shared occupancy room you will have been advised
in the Accommodation offer prior to accepting your
Accommodation Agreement.
Communal areas
These areas consist of a kitchen/diner with two fridge
freezers, iron and ironing board, oven, hob, microwave,
water heater/kettle, television, dvd/video, table, chairs
and a notice board.
Information folders
Each flat has a yellow folder – located in the kitchen –
with essential information regarding Glasney. This will
be available when you move in and should be used for
reference throughout your stay. The folder will include;
a copy of the Handbook, a standard Accommodation
Agreement, regulations for both Institutions, copies of
our standard forms, details of Endsleigh Block Halls
insurance, information on all Student Support Services
and other services available to you on campus.
This folder may be updated throughout the year and
we ask residents to regularly check for new or updated
Television Licences
Students with personal televisions in their bedrooms
will need to purchase an individual licence. Only the
communal areas of the residences are covered by a
University television licence. Any letters from the TV
Licensing Department relating to previous tenants should
be returned, along with a note stating that you are a new
resident and that you either have a licence, or do not
need one.
Internet access
Internet access is provided in all rooms with the cost
included in your rent. Information as to how to register
and gain access when you first arrive will be made
available on enrolment and in the online Accommodation
A telephone is provided in each bedroom with free
incoming and internal calls. Phone-cards for external
calls can be purchased from local shops.
last 4 digits of the external number – these calls are free.
Electrical equipment
Please note you are not permitted to bring or use your
own heating appliances.
International students should be aware that voltages in
the United Kingdom may differ from their own country
and they should check for this before using electrical
equipment. They should also note that in the UK electric
is supplied via a 3-pin plug, not 2-pins.
To make external calls please dial ‘9’ before the area
code and number. To dial internally you usually dial the
Residential services and facilities
Responsibility for keeping the accommodation clean
and tidy day-to-day lies with you! We clean the
communal areas termly. For Health and Safety reasons
we are unable to provide cleaning products for your
personal use. A full schedule of what to expect from the
Residences Housekeeping Service will be available
when you move in; it will also clarify what is your
responsibility – however we have provided the following
summary below.
Communal areas
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the communal
areas are kept clean and tidy. However, house keeping
staff are on hand to offer advice and support. and carry
out termly inspections and deep cleans.
Study bedrooms
The bedroom is wholly your responsibility. Maintenance
inspections will be made on a termly basis and advice
given where the room does not meet acceptable
standards. You are responsible for keeping the room and
its furnishings in good condition and not moving furniture
from one room to another. Pictures or posters need to go
on notice boards; you will be charged for any damage to
paintwork caused by nails, pins, blue tack or tape.
Cleaning standards
If a flat is reported by cleaners to be consistently
inaccessible, or if standards of day-to-day cleanliness
are below a reasonably acceptable level, then the
a member of the Housekeeping Team may serve notice
on the students requiring improvement by a specific date
prior to any cleaning fines or charges.
If the required standard has not been met by the time
of the follow up inspection, the Residences Team will
arrange to have the accommodation professionally
cleaned and the cost of any fines/additional cleaning
will be divided amongst the students in the flat as an
additional charge.
In the case of a study bedroom the same standard will
apply and the cost passed on to the individual student.
Details of charges will be made available to you
when you move in.
Managing your communal space
In order to assist with ensuring that all residents in flats
contribute equally, the Housekeeping Supervisor will
issue every flat with a cleaning rota. Where there are
issues/difficulties with respect to residents managing
this, the Housekeeping Supervisor will meet with flats to
discuss and try and assist, prior to any cleaning fines.
Energy efficiency
You are expected to follow good practice in the use of
heating, lighting and cooking appliances – you should
switch off lights, electrical and heating appliances when
not in use or when you are not in the room.
Disposal of rubbish
You are responsible for disposing of your rubbish from
the bedrooms and kitchens. When disposing of your
rubbish, tie a knot in the bag, and place in large bins
located on the service road ensuring bin lids are closed.
Please do not overfill bags,
because this makes them burst, and please take care
that no liquids are leaking out of the bags as you carry
them through the building. Residents will be fined for or
charged for the removal of any rubbish left lying around.
Clearing of crockery etc
It is essential that residents wash up regularly and put
crockery etc away. Surfaces must be kept clear for the
sake of all residents and the cleaning staff. Washing
up that is left for an unreasonable amount of time may
be removed.
Sharp items
Eg razor blades; broken glass etc. must not be placed
in these bins for Health and Safety reasons. If you
wish to dispose of razor blades or needles please see
a member of the residence team who will be able to
instruct you on how to dispose of these safely.
Falmouth Exeter Plus actively promotes recycling
throughout the Campus and provides recycling points
in all residences and recycling bins are provided in
each kitchen. We ask that you dispose of rubbish
in the specific bins provided. Please ensure that all
recyclable materials are clean before putting them into
the appropriate bins as contaminated materials cannot
be recycled.
Inspections of communal areas and study rooms
Regular inspections of bedrooms and communal
areas of all flats will take place to ensure standards
of cleanliness are being maintained. At least 24 hours
notice will be given for these inspections. Where the
levels of cleanliness are not acceptable, you will be
advised on what steps you should take and the date
for the re-inspection.
If inspections reveal a breach of your Accommodation
Agreement, you will normally be given a reasonable
opportunity to put things right. If you fail to rectify
matters that have been drawn to your attention,
or if the level of cleanliness is persistently not of an
acceptable standard, staff may be employed to provide
a cleaning service or put right other breaches, and
the cost will be charged to you.
These inspections take place to monitor any damage/
maintenance issues that may not have been reported.
The consistent up keep of the residence is to ensure
all living areas are maintained for both you and future
residents. They are also to ensure that our occupancy
records are correct and that those who are contracted
to be in residence actually are.
Charges for damages/replacements will be available
at the beginning of the autumn term, and if applicable,
charged to you in due course. For further information
see the section on “Damage and Misconduct”.
Departure from room
When leaving the accommodation at the end of your
contract period your room should be returned to the
level of cleanliness, as at the start of the contract.
Litter clearance
Ground staff keep litter to a low level in the outdoor
areas. However, all students are urged to refrain
from dropping litter and use the bins provided. Those
responsible for creating mess/litter will be expected
to clear it up. Please also be reminded to keep bin lids
Snow and ice clearance
Ground staff have a policy of making better the worst
effects of ice, snow, leaves and algae on paths and
roads. Students should take extra care when the
weather is bad, and any students with disabilities
who may need extra help during such conditions should
contact a member of the Residence Team.
Maintenance guidelines
Maintenance problems must be reported in writing to
Glasney Lodge by completing the appropriate report
forms which are then passed on to the Estates Team.
Maintenance issues are dealt with at varying speeds
depending on the importance and pressure of work of
the various tradespersons involved. Please bear with the
Estates staff; they do endeavour to have work carried
out as quickly as possible. Please do not ask or expect
your cleaner to report matters for you.
Work will be carried out by one of the following:
Whenever possible, please report maintenance
problems in the morning so as to provide sufficient time
for the work to be carried out. Please understand that
non-vital maintenance issues reported late on a Friday
may not be dealt with until the following Monday.
How long will the repair take?
The Estates Department will prioritise work across
the Campus. They will endeavour to complete within
the following guidelines, however, this cannot be
guaranteed. (This will often depend upon the ease
of access and parts required).
Out of office hours, only genuine emergencies can be
dealt with via a report to Glasney Lodge and the issues
will be referred to the out of hours on-call Estates staff.
What to do if you find a fault or maintenance
problem within the residence
Report the problem immediately by calling in to Glasney
Lodge and completing a maintenance report sheet.
What will happen then?
Depending on the nature and urgency of the problem,
Residences staff will report the fault to the Estates
Department. Once you have reported a fault an
authorised person will enter the room to assess/carry
out a repair. Please note that no prior notice will be given
(although the member of staff or contractor will knock
before entering) and you should allow access to the
room in order to avoid delay. However, if you wish to be
present whilst any work is taking place, you can indicate
this on the maintenance form.
How will I know who they are & when they have been?
All Falmouth Exeter Plus Maintenance staff wear uniform
and/ or name badge. If in doubt please ask to see
their ID. They will leave a ‘job done’ slip in your room
indicating whether it has been possible to complete the
work or not. Workmen may need to return to your room
at a later date to complete the work.
Outside contractors need to report to Glasney Lodge
in the first instance; they will have some form of
identification with them. If work is carried out in your
study bedroom a ‘job done’ slip will be left for you.
Estates Handypersons
eg, simple repairs, light bulbs, blocked drains.
Estates Department Liaison
eg, emergency work, most other routine maintenance.
Outside Contractors
eg, boilers, reglazing, TV repairs, Fridge freezer.
EMERGENCY REPAIRS if your problem is
considered an emergency it should be dealt
with within 24 hours of reporting the fault.
URGENT REPAIRS should be completed
within 5 days of reporting the fault.
Please note that the above time scales are based on
the time you report the repair to the appropriate point
of contact, as set out above. If you report the fault to
someone else there may be a delay in communicating
your request. For further information please to your
yellow folder.
What should I do if this does not happen?
If your problem has not been resolved within the
guidelines stated above, and you have not been
notified that there is likely to be a delay, please advise
Glasney Lodge. Staff will endeavour to find out from the
Estates Department what is happening ie, waiting for
parts, outside contractors etc.
Routine maintenance
From time to time the Estates Department and outside
contractors carry out routine maintenance within the
residences. These include testing of portable electrical
appliances, water quality testing, cleaning of shower
heads and replacement of PHS bins. Prior to each visit
posters displaying the necessary information will be
placed strategically within the building. At least 3 days’
advance notice will usually be given.
Students will be charged for repair and maintenance
required as a result of damage they or their visitors
cause. A sample list of charges will be available
when you move in.
Our legal requirements
Occasionally external authorities inspect the Campus
for safety and security reasons. These inspections
can happen without Falmouth Exeter Plus staff having
advance warning. Please note the statutory authorities
have a right of entry and inspections to your flat at
any time and you are required to comply with their
instructions. It is a criminal offence not to comply with the
requirement of these inspection authorities. Failure to do
so can lead to prosecution.
We reserve the right
to take reasonably
practicable action to
carry out all health and
safety requirements for
the residents and the
staff. We will endeavour
to ensure that this does
not affect your normal
use and occupation
of the residences,
however, there are
occasions where
your co-operation
over matters of safety
and security will take
precedence over other
obligations the organisation
may have. In this situation we will
endeavour to keep you
fully informed and will take all reasonable actions to
safe guard our services to you.
Electrical equipment
All electrical supplies in the residences operate at 240
volts and if used incorrectly, can give a fatal electric
shock. For this reason, all students’ electrical equipment
must be safe and in particular have sound mains lead
and plug, be correctly rated for fuses and not be used
in a combination which overloads the electricity supply.
It is your responsibilty to ensure that all portable
electrical items are capable of passing PAT testing in
accordance with IEEE regulations (16th edition) If you
are unsure as to whether an item has been PAT tested
please contact the Residence Team and we will provide
an opportunity for you to get your portable electrical
equipment tested – a charge will be levied for such a
test. Details will be available when you move in.
International students should be aware that voltages in
the United Kingdom may differ from their own country
and they should check for this before using electrical
equipment. They should also note that in the UK
electric is supplied via a 3-pin plug, not 2-pins.
Gas, water and electrical testing
The gas and electrical equipment
provided by Falmouth Exeter Plus
is routinely checked, in line
with statutory requirements,
to ensure it is safe. Copies
of current certificates
are available to view
on your notice boards
and from the Estates
Department.This includes
all food preparation
electrical equipment in
communal kitchens. In
the interest of safety, no
deep fat fryers are permitted
anywhere in the residences and no
cooking apparatus of any kind is permitted in
bedrooms. However, should you have any concerns
about a particular item please speak with a member of
the residence team at the Glasney Lodge.
Equipment which Falmouth Exeter Plus reasonably
considers to be unsafe or a fire or health or safety
risk may be removed at the residents expense and
returned only at the termination of the Accommodation
Agreement. In the case of electrical equipment, students
may be given the option of having it tested at their
own expense and be allowed to keep it if test result is
Information relating to your contractual obligations
and institutional regulations – your responsibilities as a student
Contractual obligations
There are over 1400 students at Glasney Student Village
living in close proximity to one another. To ensure the
Residences run as smoothly as possible, every resident
enters into a legally binding contract (Accommodation
Agreement) with Falmouth Exeter Plus, setting
out minimum standards of behaviour we expect from
our student tenants. Failure to abide by these regulations
could result in disciplinary action being taken by,
Falmouth Exeter Plus, University College Falmouth,
University of Exeter and the Police (where an illegal
act has taken place). A serious or persistent breach
of the Accommodation Agreement entitles Falmouth
Exeter Plus to take legal action against you and under
certain circumstances terminate the Accommodation
Disciplinary procedures
Persistent and severe breaches of residence and
institutional regulations will be referred to the Living
Support Team(LST) for a formal investigation, action
or referral for disciplinary procedures. The LST liaises
with University College Falmouth, University of Exeter,
the Police and other representatives in the community
to ensure that behavioural issues are dealt with
proactively and to ensure a trouble-free environment
for all concerned. Patterns of behaviour are therefore
monitored. Any criminal activity will always be referred
to the Police. Full details on disciplinary procedures are
available in the yellow folder in each kitchen.
Institutional obligations – Student Charter
In addition to the Accommodation Agreement, your
institution has set regulations, which protect and
promote an atmosphere conducive to studying and living
together. It is everyone’s responsibility to comply with
these regulations – by doing so you will help to ensure
everyone enjoys their time at Glasney. A breach
of the regulations is automatically a breach of the
Accommodation Agreement, and serious or persistent
breach will lead to termination of the contract.
Falmouth students,com_
Exeter students
Please also note, we are sometimes contacted by
private landlords for references and are asked to provide
information on your suitability as a tenant eg damage
to property, anti-social behaviour, rent arrears etc. We
will only pass this information on with your authorisation.
Some of the most important regulations are summarised
here, with some extra useful information on the topics
covered, but you should also read the Regulations in full.
Consideration to other residents and neighbourhood
With over 1400 students living in close proximity to
one another, it is essential that each person shows
consideration and behaves in a reasonable manner
towards fellow students, members of staff and our
neighbours in the community. This is the foundation
upon which a happy and successful year is built.
Residents are expected to be particularly quiet after
11pm, although excessive noise at any time is never
acceptable, and there are strict conditions about noise
nuisance in the Accommodation Agreement and the
Residence Regulations. Repetitive offences may result
in confiscation of equipment, a charge, or if necessary,
further disciplinary action. Do not bring high powered
sound equipment that is likely to cause an unnecessary
nuisance into residences eg amplifiers.
Parties – consideration for your neighbours
We have experienced an increased problem with
respect to residents having parties. Issues have included
excessive noise, excessive amounts of people in one
area causing disruption and damage to property etc.
This has meant that residents have been penalised
for their guests through fining and disciplinary action.
refer to the residence regulations and feel free to
speak to staff for further advice.
Visitors and guests
All guest and visitors must be signed in at Glasney for
fire safety purposes. In the first two weeks we do not
allow overnight guests or at any time in a shared
occupancy room where it may not be in the co-occupiers
interest. No consent will be given for overnight guests
who are under 18. You are responsible both for the
conduct of any visitors/guests you invite to Glasney
Student Village and for ensuring that overnight visitors
are restricted to 1 per room - the total number of visitors
to the flat must not exceed 7. Overnight guests/visitors
can only stay for a maximum of 3 nights. If you wish
for your guest to stay longer than 3 nights, this request
must be put in writing to, and is at the discretion of the
Residences Team.
Damage and misconduct
It is only fair that those who damage property, or
create a serious nuisance, either through malicious
or irresponsible acts, should expect to pay for their
misdeeds. Non attributable damage in the communal
areas of the flat will be costed and the charge divided
equally between all residents of the flat. Serious or
persistent damage is not only a disciplinary offence;
it may also lead to your Accommodation Agreement
being terminated. Damage is considered to be any
deterioration of the Residences which is over and above
normal “fair wear and tear”. Some damage can be easily
identified eg broken items, but others are less obvious,
for instance, marks in carpets. Charges are made for
damage, as there is no allowance in the accommodation
charges for any damage in the accommodation
accidental or otherwise.
Damage should be reported immediately to a member
of the ResidencesTeam, who will arrange for the repair.
The costs will be passed to those responsible. Students
are responsible for any damage that occurs in their
room (unless caused by an insured risk, in which case
they may still be liable to pay a contribution towards the
cost). Where damage occurs in shared areas, we will try
to ascertain who is responsible so that charges can be
made accordingly. If we are unable to identify the person
In communal areas of a flat, the cost will be
charged equally to all residents of the flat.
In communal areas of a Residence, outside a flat,
the cost will be charged equally to all residents
who have access to the area.
An invoice will be raised through the
Finance Department.
If you disagree with any charge for damage, you
have a right of appeal through our Complaints
Procedure, available at:
accommodation/. Full details are available in the yellow
folder in each kitchen.
Summer accommodation
During the vacation, Glasney Student Village is let to
conferences and other visitors. Some accommodation
may be available to rent if you are required to stay on
at the University for academic purposes. Students who
have a requirement to stay for academic purposes
may apply (at the beginning of the Summer Term)
for accommodation during the long vacation after the
end of their contract date, but accommodation will be
subject to availability and successful students must enter
into a new Accommodation Agreement for the period
they wish to be in occupation. Please note, we cannot
guarantee that you will remain in your term-time room as
operational priorities may dictate otherwise. Information
detailing how to apply for accommodation is circulated
early in the summer term.
Storage of dangerous and inflammable materials
It is forbidden to store petrol, kerosene, turpentine,
white spirit or other dangerous materials at Glasney.
If such items are discovered, they will be confiscated.
Illegal substances, illegal acts and fire arms
You are NOT permitted to:
Use, grow, supply or in any other way possess
illegal substances within Glasney Student Village.
Use or knowingly allow the study bedroom to be
used for committing any illegal act.
Be in possession of any weapon, firearm,
crossbow, air-rifle or pistol etc or martial art aid
including replicas.
Remember these issues can constitute an illegal act
and result in criminal proceedings. Please note we will,
in every case, take Police advice.
The illegal use of drugs on the campus will result in
disciplinary action being taken by Falmouth Exeter
Plus, University College Falmouth, University of Exeter
and the Police. Also illegal use of drugs in the location
which comes to our attention (eg a student arrested in
possession of illegal drugs in the town)
will also result in disciplinary action.
There is information available through the Student
Support Services team regarding drugs and drug abuse.
If you have a problem or are concerned about drugs,
you should seek advice from your GP. Although many
people are tempted to experiment with drugs, you should
remember that even a one-off incident could result in
serious harm to health and could irreparably damage
your future.
Leaving Glasney Student Village
Leaving Glasney Student Village before the end
of the Accommodation Agreement
Contractually you are legally bound to pay the charges
for the full period as stated. If you decide to leave
the accommodation before your Accommodation
Agreement expires, you will remain liable for the charges
until a suitable replacement student (one who is not
already in Falmouth Exeter Plus accommodation, or
who has not been expelled from Falmouth Exeter Plus
accommodation) takes over the remainder of your
Accommodation Agreement. The replacement student
must be deemed appropriate to Falmouth Exeter Plus
and agreement will be subject to satisfactory references.
The Accommodation Agreement is for accommodation
at Glasney Student Village for the period stated in your
accommodation offer, not for a specific room. Falmouth
Exeter Plus has discretion to refund charges only in
exceptional circumstances – check the Regulations
for details. Please make an appointment to discuss your
circumstances with a member of the Accommodation
Office Team so you are fully aware of the implications.
You must follow the procedure in this handbook if you
want to leave early – otherwise you could find that you
miss the opportunity for someone on the waiting list to
take your place, and then you will continue to be liable
for accommodation charges.
Early termination procedure
ACCOMMODATION. The standard accomodation
agreement sets out the terms on which students may
terminate their contract early. Regulations applicable
to Residences also apply to early terminations. You
would need to make a formal application to vacate the
accommodation – using a “Request to Vacate” form
available from the Accommodation Office. Please
contact the Accommodation Office to discuss your
request to leave. You will be given advice on your
options, on what information you may need to supply
before a request is considered formally and if you
meet the criteria outlined in the Regulations. Falmouth
Exeter Plus will notify the student in writing whether the
application is accepted or rejected and correspondence
will be sent to the students’ term-time address.
Withdrawing or interruption of studies
If you want to leave the accommodation early because
you are wishing to withdraw from your institution or
interrupt your studies, you will need to complete and
provide a copy of:
‘Release form’ from the Registry Department/ASU
‘Request to Vacate form’ from the
Accommodation Office.
You should contact the Accommodation Office to inform
them of your expected date of departure, to ensure
that they have received the relevant paperwork and
to arrange for a room inspection on your departure.
Once you have cleared the room of your belongings
please ensure all keys/entry cards are returned to
Glasney Lodge. Falmouth Exeter Plus will charge for a
replacement if the keys/entry card are not returned, and
you may be liable for the rent until that time. Please note
there is a £110.00 early leaving fee.
Fitness to study
The fitness to study procedure is intended to be used as
an alternative procedure when there is sufficient concern
over a student’s behaviour. Any decisions made
on a student’s fitness to study will be made through
a collective process of consideration of the ability to
study, learn, graduate and live amongst the student
community. Academic and support staff may initiate use
of the procedure if concern for the student is sufficient.
Complaints/appeals procedure
We value your opinions as they will help us plan
for the future and continually develop our services.
Our complaints procedure is available on our website
End of Residence Contract and return of keys
Your Accommodation Agreement will indicate the date
by which you should vacate your accommodation.
You will be expected to clear and vacate your room
by 10.00am on this day. We have no suitable space
for keeping packing boxes or large items of equipment.
After unpacking, all boxes of combustible material must
be disposed of immediately in the waste receptacles
provided at the Residence. Storage facilities are
not available after the end of your Accommodation
Agreement period. Information about local storage
companies able to store items for the vacation periods
are available on request from the Accommodation Office.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your room is left
in a clean and tidy condition including the removal of
all rubbish at the end of the Accommodation Agreement.
Falmouth Exeter Plus will pass on to you the costs of
removing any rubbish or carrying out extra cleaning if
you have not left your room in the agreed condition.
Your room should be cleared of all personal belongings.
Falmouth Exeter Plus may dispose of any personal
belongings left in rooms at the end of term if it
reasonably considers that the items have no discernible
value, and it may pass on to the student any costs
properly and reasonably incurred in the removal and
Finance and accommodation charges
Accommodation charges
Accommodation fees must be paid to the Finance Office.
The charges are levied on an annual basis; they can be
paid in full on arrival or paid termly, on the dates shown
in your accommodation offer.
Finance office
All payments should be made to:
Finance Office, Tremough Campus, Penryn,
Cornwall, TR10 9EZ
Tel: 01326 253607
Fax 01326 253623
Open 09.00 – 14.00 Mon-Fri (15.00 Wed)
Payments for the deposit and accommodation fees
should be made online at https://paymentportal.falmouth. or by cheque made out
to Falmouth Exeter Plus, with the student name and
number written on the back.
Email for queries regarding accommodation charges
If you are studying at Woodlane – the Woodlane
Finance Office is also able to take rent payment.
They are located in Rosehill Building on Woodlane
Campus, contact number 01326 213778.
Payment dates
Also called the due date - accommodation charges
are levied on an annual basis, but may be paid termly.
The termly payment deadlines for the 2012/2013
academic year are:
Term 1: Payment due 24 September 2012
Term 2: Payment due 7 January 2013
Term 3: Payment due 15 April 2013 (UCF)
Payment due 29 April 2013 (UoE)
Charges are due to be paid on or before the first day
of each term. Your accommodation offer will show the
charges you are due to pay for all three terms.
Problems paying your rent
Students are aware in advance of the cost of their
accommodation, and the dates that payments are
due. Students will not be able to break their Residence
Contract on the grounds that they have insufficient
funds available to them. The accommodation charges
are a priority debt. Any student with financial difficulties
should contact Finance or the Accommodation Office
immediately as there is help and advice available on
campus. For example there are limited funds available
to help students who are resident in the UK and who
are in financial difficulties. Please contact the fxu Advice
Service (see contact details on page 18) to arrange
an appointment; they are able to provide you with
assistance in making an application. Please note there
is no guarantee of receiving funding.
For other information please check out the
following websites:
Debt procedure
If a student fails to pay the rent by the dates as set out
in the Accommodation Offer the procedure outlined in
‘Accommodation Fees, deadlines and debt procedures’
document will be followed. This forms part of your
Accommodation Agreement.
It is important that students keep the Finance Office
informed of any problems or delays in paying items by
the due date. This way we are able to offer you help and
advice before a significant problem occurs. Action will
be taken against you for any non-payment of
accommodation charges.
Falmouth Exeter Plus and the Finance Office will
take action against you for any non-payment of
accommodation charges (all debts are pursued).
There is a range of actions that can be taken including
contacting your sponsors or guarantors. If a county court
judgement is made against you for debt, this can affect
some career options and it will almost certainly affect
your ability to get credit cards, mobile phone contracts or
a mortgage. Please contact the fxu – your Student Union
who will be happy to help you with financial advice.
Damage deposit
The damage deposit will be held until the end of
the Accommodation Agreement. Any charges for damages/replacements will be itemised after your final room
inspection. Non attributable damage in the communal
areas of the flat will be costed and the charge divided
equally between all residents of the flat and if necessary
deducted from your deposit. See Damage and
Misconduct section on page 14.
Finance aim to return the deposit balances to students
in pounds sterling (GBP) no later than 28 days after the
end of the Accommodation Agreement by cheque.
Any student who objects to a deduction should
follow the complaints procedure available at
The complaints procedure is also available at
Glasney Lodge, yellow kitchen folder and from
the Accommodation Office.
Facilities and services
Accommodation Office
The office is situated on the top floor of the Annex at the
Tremough Campus. They will be happy to help with any
questions you may have, from swapping rooms, your
Accommodation Agreement or just a general enquiry.
They also produce a list of accommodation available for
students in the private sector.
Tremough Campus Shop
Located between the Media Centre and the Stannary,
stock includes newspapers, magazines, alcohol,
confectionery, mobile top-up, cash back facilities, course
materials, stationery, groceries etc.
Accommodation Office,
Tremough Campus
Treliever Road, Penryn, TR10 9EZ
We are open Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.00,
available on 01326 253639, or Website available at
Sports Centre
The Sports Centre is considered the most modern
and up to date facility within the local area. The
gymnasium is designed to accommodate everyone
from the absolute beginner to the superbly conditioned.
Fully qualified staff are available to help and may
also help develop personal training programmes.
The exercise studio has a diverse health & fitness
programme including popular aerobics and circuit
training, alongside contemporary Yoga, to name a
few. Different levels of membership are available
to suit specific needs.
Reprographics Department
Situated next to Shop on campus, Reprographics can
help with all aspects of printing. They offer printing from
A4 up to AO in colour or black & white, binding – perfect
for dissertations – laminating, paper sales, copying onto
paper, card or acetate for overhead projections. They
can print from hard copies, electronic copies or e-mail
The Stannary
Situated in the ground floor of the Stannary opening
from 8am to 2.30pm during the week you are able to
purchase a selection of breakfast items, snacks and
drinks, soup or salad and a choice of hot meals.
‘Koofi’, our new café is also open from 8am till 5.30pm
serving coffee and snacks with a pizza order and
collection service from 6 to 9pm.
A voucher scheme is available and further information
will be provided during your induction or canbe found at under Food and Drink.
Stannary Bars
The Stannary Bars are a friendly and warm place to
have a drink or a bite to eat and relax with friends or on
your own. The bars are open seven days a week during
term time and frequently host events that cater for all
from live bands and DJ’s to beer festivals.
Other services on Campus
Finance Office
The Finance Office is located in Peter Lanyon building.
(Please read the section Finance and Accommodation
charges on page 16)
fxu is the Students’ Union for University College
Falmouth and University of Exeter students studying at
their Cornwall Campus. fxu co-ordinates and manages
all the sports clubs and societies; student volunteering
opportunities through Community Action; and many
of the numerous social, charity and RAG events,
entertainments and activities throughout the year,
including ‘Freshers’ Fortnight’ and the end-of-term balls.
Aside from all the fun stuff, fxu runs an Advice Service,
represents students’ interests within the Institutions
and promotes welfare issues.
There are fxu offices at each Campus – in the Annex
building at Tremough and Library building at Woodlane.
You can drop in or phone the offices on 01326 213742
(Woodlane) or 01326 370447 (Tremough),
with any enquiries or check out the website
uk for more information.
Student Support Services
Includes Counselling, the Accessibility
Service, Living Support, Chaplaincy,
the Nursery Service and the new Wellbeing Centre due
to open in Glasney Village this September. The team
is available to ensure you have all the information,
advice and support you need to make the most of your
time as a student. The friendly, confidential services
provide a range of specialist help and also offer general
information and signposting to other sources of support.
Contact them at Kathmor, Woodlane on 01326 213735
and The Annex, Tremough on 01326 370460.
Accessibility Service
The Accessibility Service provides confidential advice,
advocacy and support for students at Tremough and
Woodlane, support and advising students with physical,
sensory, mental health and learning difficulties.
For further information and appointments please call
Accommodation and Welfare on 01326 370460 / 213735.
Careers Services
The Careers Advisory Service for UCF students can be
contacted for an appointment via telephone on 01326
253735 or email For University of Exeter
Students please call 01326 255756.
Bullying and harassment
To ensure a comfortable work and study place
for diverse groups of people, both institutions have
published equality and diversity policies to guide
students, staff members and other people on campus
on appropriate behaviour. Details can be found
at You can also
for relevant information
There are libraries on both campuses, Tremough
and Woodlane, which all students can use and
borrow from. Students can also borrow books from
the University of Exeter Library. There is a wide range
of materials including books, journals and access to
electronic resources.
Library Staff are available to help with queries and
further details of services can be found on the Library
website at
IT suite
IT facilities within the Learning Resource Centre
building include a large open plan 60 seat IT suite with
full Internet access, colour and black & white printing
up to A3.
Local information
Local press includes The West Briton, Falmouth/Penryn
Packet and Cornish Guardian.
Try, also
Frequently asked questions
What do I need to bring?
Please note the following items are provided in
the bedroom:
• Curtains and mattress protector
• You will have to provide everything else eg
pillow/s, duvet and bed linen (sheets, pillow cases,
duvet cover), towels, and all cooking utensils
(including pans, plates, cutlery, can openers etc)
Should I bring all these items with me?
No, not necessarily – it is usually a good idea to bring
what you need for the first few days – bedding, basic
crockery and a saucepan.
Have a chat with your flat mates – there is no point
duplicating items if people are willing to share – so work
out what you need as a flat. But please, always ask
before you borrow a piece of equipment.
A limited number of Starter Packs will also be
available from the Tremough shop when you arrive;
more information will be sent to you prior to you
moving into Glasney Student Village.
How many people will I be living with?
You will be sharing the flat with up to eight students.
How big will my room be and what is in it?
The rooms are standard size and the standard sized
rooms have a 4ft 6in double bed with approx 10.75in/
27cm high storage space under. The ensuite bathroom
contains a shower, washbasin, toilet and cabinet. The
majority are single occupancy rooms, unless you have
been allocated a shared occupancy room. All rooms
have a wardrobe with a built in safe, desk, shelves,
chest of drawers and bedside cabinet.
Are there any rooms with single beds?
Yes, there are several disabled adapted rooms at
Glasney Village. These rooms have a larger shower
area and a single bed over the same floor space
and are charged at the same rate as the standard
single occupancy rooms. If you are allocated one of
these rooms this will be made clear to you when the
Accommodation Agreement is sent out.
Are there any shared rooms?
Yes, we have a number of single sex shared occupancy
ensuite rooms for students to apply for. If you have been
allocated a shared room you will have been advised
prior to accepting your Accommodation Agreement.
Shared occupancy means two people sharing one
What size are the shared
These are the same size
as the standard double/
single ensuite and are
equipped with a bunk
bed and second
work station. Both
students will be able to
access the internet.
Do I have to vacate the
room during the
vacation periods?
No, all Accommodation
Agreements at Glasney
cover the Christmas and
Easter vacation.
Can I change the dates
on the Accommodation
No, therefore if you have any
queries in relation to the dates
on the contract please contact the
Accommodation Office team prior to signing
the Accommodation Agreement to discuss any
queries you might have.
Where do I collect the keys?
You will be notified about moving into Glasney in early
September through e-Arrivals in your RoomServies
account – full details will be given then.
How and when do I pay
for accommodation?
Accommodation charges are due on the first day of
every term. Payment should be made online at https://
20 or
at the Finance Office in Peter Lanyon Building at
Tremough Campus. Please contact them on 01326
What information do I need to put on the cheque?
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Falmouth Exeter
Plus’ with student ID number (if available) and student’s
full name on the reverse.
If I bring my own television do I need to
purchase a licence?
Yes you do. You may decide not to bring a television for
your room, as you will need to purchase an individual
licence. It is your responsibility to ensure you have a
license to cover this TV. A TV and video is
provided with access to the satellite
channels in each flat’s communal
area. In line with the digital
switchover, the aerials at Glasney
are digital compatible and we
provide a digibox for the
communal area. Please
provide your own digibox
for your study bedroom.
Can I bring my car with
For parking information
please email carparking@
Can I smoke in the
No, there is a strict no
smoking policy at Glasney.
There are outside areas
allocated around the
Residence for those who wish to smoke.
Is there a phone in the room?
Telephones and data points are provided at Glasney.
You will need to purchase a phone card from the local
shops to make external calls.
Would I be able to move to another room?
We do not allow students to move rooms in the first two
weeks. After that the decision will be at the discretion of
management staff. A £40 administration fee is applied.
Can I bring any pets with me?
Pets of any kind are not permitted in accommodation,
unless it is for the assistance of a disabled person. If
this applies to you please contact us to discuss your
requirements prior to arrival.
Is there building work on campus?
Yes, however work is carefully programmed to keep
any disruption to a minimum. If you experience any
problems, please in the first instance talk to staff at
Glasney Lodge. A complaints procedure is in place.
Can I stay at Glasney once the contract has ended?
Accommodation may be available to rent if you are
required to stay on. You will be given further information
regarding this at the beginning of the summer term.
We cannot guarantee that you will remain in the room
you were occupying during term-time.
Is there any part-time work available?
There are a number of opportunities for part-time work
in Falmouth. On campus, many of the student services
and facilities, such as the bar, will employ students.
The Careers Service will have details 01326 253735.
How do I find out what’s happening on
campus before I arrive?
Contact fxu (students’ union) on – 01326 370447
or check out their website at
How do I contact other students before I arrive?
The student chat forum at
is available to both Exeter and Falmouth students.
And finally...
Some helpful hints for when you arrive
DO – go and knock on your neighbour’s door and
introduce yourself.
DO – make sure you have a supply of food and drink
for socialising.
DO – remember if you are not sure about anything –
just ask!
DON’T – annoy your flat mates or staff on site on the first night, or at all if possible!
DON’T – just sit in your room on your own.
DON’T – forget to keep in contact with your friends
and family.
Some helpful hints on living together
University is the perfect time to meet new people,
but living together means that the odd disagreement
is bound to occur – these are often caused by small
things like:
Remember it is better to deal with a problem before
it escalates – many problems are easily resolved –
here are a few tips:
Washing up
Disappearing food
Visitors outstaying their welcome
A clash of personalities
Talk to your flat mates – they may be unaware
that you are upset.
Establish what the problem is – you may be
arguing about different things.
Try to talk to them about their behaviour rather
than their personality.
Discuss possible solutions and agree on an
If you can’t reach agreement contact a
member of staff at Glasney Lodge.
More information about the
Accommodation Service Team
The Accommodation Services Team
Oliver Lane
Accommodation Manager
Richard Wilkins
Private Sector Liaison Officer
Robyn Chesterman
Accommodation Office Manager
Teresa Smith
Accommodation Assistant
Claire Rolfe
Accommodation Assistant
We are contactable at:
The Accommodation Office
Tremough Campus,
Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9EZ
Tel: + 44 (0)1326 253639
Fax: + 44 (0)1326 253649
The accommodation information is available at:
Christian Topf Design (CTD) 01326 315551
The office is open Monday to Friday
09.00 to 17.00.
There is a message service available
outside the opening hours and when
we are busy, calls will be returned
as soon as we are able. Please
leave a message or email us.
Thank you for your patience.
This Information Booklet is available in large print.
Please contact the Accommodation Office, 01326 253639 if you require a copy.
UK CODE OF PRACTICE – Tremough Campus Services has signed the Universities UK Code of Practice and
has achieved compliance with this code, which promotes best practice over a range of management activities in
student residences. The full code can be viewed at
This document is correct at time of publication but may be subject to change.