2015 Event Program - Scott Medlock
2015 Event Program - Scott Medlock
Celebrity Golf & Concert Event Program Mo n day, O cto b e r 5 , 2 01 5 • Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b BENEFITING presented by Microsemi applauds the dedication of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and thanks them for their unwavering commitment to children. Learn more about Microsemi at www.microsemi.com. S cot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b EVENT SCHEDULE Monday, October 5, 2015 • Moorpark Country Club 11800 Championship Drive • Moorpark, CA 93021 8:30 a.m. – Registration & Breakfast 10:30 a.m. – Shotgun Start Modified Best Ball / Team Format Hole-In-One Prizes: (6) Hyundai Genesis Automobiles (4) Harley-Davidson Motorcycles (6) Chances to qualify for $1 Million Shoot-Out (2) Exotic Trips (1) Shoot-Out for $1,000,000.00 5:00 p.m. – 19th Hole Festivities Cocktails & Hors D’oeuvres Reception • Hole-in-One Shoot-Out for $1,000,000.00 Musical guest Aeb • Comedian guests Gary Mule Deer and Scott Henry Awards • Contest Winners • Live Auction 7:00 p.m. – All-Star Concert featuring Robby Krieger of THE DOORS • Orianthi of Michael Jackson & Alice Cooper Richie Sambora of BON JOVI • Jack Black of TENACIOUS D • Terri Nunn of BERLIN Danny Seraphine of CHICAGO/CTA • Cherie Currie of THE RUNAWAYS Jake Hays of MAUDLIN STRANGERS • Sebastian Bach of SKID ROW Adrian Young of NO DOUBT • Brett Scallions of FUEL • Ronn Moss of PLAYER Steve Molitz of PARTICLE • David Sikes of BOSTON • Paul Barrere of LITTLE FEAT Kenny Gradney of LITTLE FEAT • Ray Goren • David Vanacore • Patrick Lamb Phil Chen • Dave Brock • Ty Dennis • Kit Potamkin BENEFITING S c ot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b TOURNAMENT BOARD CHAIRS SCOTT MEDLOCK ROBBY KRIEGER Artist The Doors TOURNAMENT BOARD MICHAEL BUCHANAN PAUL LESTER MICHELLE CZERNIN VON CHUDENITZ BOB LEVEY ELIZABETH McDONNELL LEE DAVIS MINDY MILLER ROBERT DEAN TERRY MORAN WENDI DEMMERLE MELLISA NIELSEN RITA DULEK GEORGE POWLICK STEVE GIVEN BRIAN ROBIN BENJAMIN HILL EDIE RUGE BRANDON HILL SCOTT RUGE JESSICA KILL RICK SIEMONS MATTHEW KREIGER HAL WARD DEAN LESIAK ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S RESEARCH HOSPITAL ODETTE GUTIERREZ ANGELA NORTHRUP BENEFITING S cot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b THANK YOU Dear Friends, First and foremost, we would like to take this opportunity to personally THANK EVERYONE for participating and supporting the Annual Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Concert & Golf Classic held at beautiful Moorpark Country Club. Each year we strive to make the event bigger and better with over-the-top fun golf and incredible music. We’re very fortunate to have an amazing TEAM at the helm, bringing together some of the most iconic musicians in history, for an All-Star Jam benefit concert. We are thrilled to help the wonderful children of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital again. Personally, we cannot think of a more worthy cause. For those of you have not had the opportunity to visit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, we would strongly encourage you to do so. It will change your life for the better. We are so thankful to all of our sponsors, donors, volunteers, participants and celebrity guests who have helped make this event such a huge success year after year. Special thanks to our presenting sponsors Microsemi, Monster Energy and Hyundai. We hope you enjoy the event! Sincerely, Scott Medlock Robby Krieger BENEFITING Photo by: Pete Ibarra S cot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b ABOUT ST. JUDE St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other deadly diseases. Everything we do is centered on finding cures and saving children. And families never receive a bill from St. Jude. We pay for treatment, travel, housing and food – because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. By sharing our knowledge freely and exchanging ideas openly, we’re inspiring more collaboration between doctors and researchers worldwide, and, as a result, more lifesaving treatments for children everywhere. Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since it opened 50 years ago. And we are working to drive the overall survival rate for childhood cancer to 90 percent in the next decade. We won’t stop until no child dies from cancer. Because most of our funding comes from individual supporters, we have the freedom to focus on what matters most – finding cures and saving children. At St. Jude, we won’t give up. We do everything possible to end childhood cancer and other deadly diseases. For more information, go to www.stjude.org and follow St. Jude on www.facebook.com/stjude and www.twitter.com/stjude Get involved in local fundraising efforts! Call (800) 227-6737 or email stjude-pacificcoast@stjude.org BENEFITING S cot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b ST. JUDE PATIENT: Damien Age 5 - California medulloblastoma F or several months on and off, Damien was unwell. He was often nauseous or sick to his stomach. At first, it seemed as though he had the stomach flu or was developing food allergies. But when Damien started to lose his balance and experience headaches, his parents began to worry it was something far more serious. In September 2014, tests confirmed their fears: Damien had a brain tumor identified as a medulloblastoma. His family turned to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, where Damien’s treatment included surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food – because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. “This allowed us to focus on Damien,” his mom said. “We could focus on making memories and having a support system, and not worrying about how to pay for our hospital bills.” Damien recently finished treatment and will visit St. Jude for regular checkups. “He’s outgoing and inquisitive,” said his dad. Damien likes basketball and playing video games. He’s also a fan of older cartoons like Scooby-Doo and He-Man. ST. JUDE QUICK FACTS • St. Jude has increased the survival rates for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) from 4 percent before opening in 1962 to 94 percent today. • St. Jude is where doctors often send their toughest cases, because St. Jude has the world’s best survival rates for some of the most aggressive forms of childhood cancers. • St. Jude creates more clinical trials for cancer than any other children’s hospital and turns laboratory discoveries into lifesaving treatments that benefit patients – every day. • St. Jude freely shares its groundbreaking discoveries, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists can use that knowledge to save thousands more children around the world. • The daily operating cost for St. Jude is $2 million, which is primarily covered by individual contributors. • St. Jude has treated children from all 50 states and from around the world. • On average, 7,800 active patients visit the hospital each year, most of whom are treated on an outpatient basis. BENEFITING 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational Honoree JAMES J. PETERSON CHAIRMAN & CEO, MICROSEMI CORP. B orn in Port Jefferson, NY, Jim Peterson has retained an East Coast spirit while spending the last 30 years in California. As chairman and CEO of Microsemi Corporation, he is the leader of Orange County’s third largest semiconductor manufacturer with more than $1 billion in annual revenue. Traded on Nasdaq (MSCC), the company is a global provider of semiconductor solutions focused on delivering the highest levels of power, reliability, security and performance. Jim was the recipient of the Orange County Technology Alliance’s 2014 “Outstanding CEO in Technology” award. “Jimmy P,” as he is known, was introduced to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by Scott Medlock and Robby Krieger in 2013 and quickly became one of the biggest supporters of the annual Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Concert & Golf Classic. Famous for his “it’s all about the children” approach to philanthropic giving, Jim was drawn to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s methodology of never turning a child away from its incredible healthcare services. Jim is a staunch supporter of education, sitting on the boards of UC Irvine Board of Trustees, the university’s Engineering Industry Advisory Board and Paul Merage School of Business Advisory Council, as well as The MIND Research Institute, which is developing advanced teaching methods geared to improving math skills in students from under-privileged homes. Named Orange County’s Philanthropist of the Year in 2011 with his wife Sheila, Jim’s broad philanthropic interests locally include the Discovery Science Center, where he is co-chair of the capital campaign; CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of OC, a non-profit organization training volunteer mentors and advocates for severely abused, abandoned and neglected children; Talk About Curing Autism (TACA), a national non-profit organization dedicated to educating, empowering and supporting families affected by autism; and The Academy Charter High School, a community project of Orangewood Children’s Foundation. S c ot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b A SPECIAL THANK YOU To all of the donors who helped make this event Rock! AUCTION DONORS OPPORTUNITY BOARD DONORS BILL BELLAH DAVE BRAZELL COUNT’S KUSTOMS DRONEFLY ERNIE BALL MUSIC GEORGE POWLICK GALLERY 319, MICHELE ROSEN ISLAND EXPRESS HELICOPTER GUITAR CENTER JERRY FESTA/GRAPHAIDS HYATT JIM NOVACK MASTRO’S STEAKHOUSE LOU WEISS ROB HENDON MARK WILSON ROBBY KRIEGER MELISSA NIELSEN SCOTT MEDLOCK ROB ROUSSELET STEVE EBERHARDT ROBBY KRIEGER STEVE LUEKE, FORD HARRISON SCOTT ALLEN TERRY AND KAREN CAMPBELL SHAVE IT THE ROCKIN EDGE SURF SHOP TOMMY THAYER WAVE FRONT SURF SHOP BENEFITING NOW THAT’S ETIQUETTE. After a five-hour round, let your car give you a hand. Meet the Genesis, with an automatic hands-free smart trunk that knows exactly when you need it to open. Just one of many premium amenities you won’t want to drive without. On the Hyundai Genesis. #HyundaiGolf 2015 Genesis 5.0L with optional features shown. Smart trunk not available on all trims. Smart trunk will open when the smart key is within 40 inches of the detection area for at least 3 seconds. Radio transmitters and other vehicle smart keys may interfere in normal operation of the feature. Make sure you close the trunk before driving. Dealer stock may vary. Please consult Owner’s Manual for further details. Hyundai is a registered trademark of Hyundai Motor Company. All rights reserved. ©2015 Hyundai Motor America. Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital A N U N PA R A L L E L E D D I N I N G E X P E R I E N C E Proud supporters of the 2015 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 2 0 87 E . Tho us a nd Oaks Blvd. | Thousand Oaks, CA 91361 Re s e r ve o nl i ne at ma strosrest aurant s.com. Follow us on Facebook . Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Hyatt Ka’ānapali Beach, a Hyatt Residence Club Resort, Maui, Hawaii Extraordinary resorts. Exclusive locations. Welcome to the ultimate vacation freedom. To the time honored Hyatt standards in 16 world class properties, excellent service, and cultural fluency. To building memories in a place that inspires and rejuvenates. Welcome to Hyatt Residence Club, proud sponsor of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. aspen, co • beaver creek, co • bonita springs, fl • breckenridge, co • carmel, ca • key west, fl • lake tahoe, nv • maui, hi • puerto rico san antonio, tx • sedona, az • siesta key, fl hyattresidenceclub.com HV Global Group, Inc. independently owns and manages the Hyatt Residence Club program and uses the Hyatt Vacation Ownership name and other Hyatt names and marks under license from an affiliate of Hyatt Hotels Corporation. The right to use the Hyatt names and marks shall cease if such license expires or is revoked or terminated. Hyatt Hotels Corporation and its affiliates make no representations, warranties, or guaranties with respect to the resort or the Hyatt Residence Club program. HV Global Group, Inc. is not an affiliate of Hyatt Hotels Corporation. Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to be the Official Energy Drink of the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and supporter of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 䜀爀愀渀搀 䘀漀爀洀愀琀 䈀爀愀渀搀椀渀最 匀瀀攀挀椀愀氀椀猀琀猀 㠀㜀㔀㤀 䰀椀漀渀 匀琀⸀ 刀愀渀挀栀漀 䌀甀挀愀洀漀渀最愀Ⰰ 䌀䄀 㤀㜀㌀ 㤀 㤀⸀㈀㔀㤀⸀ 㔀㌀ 倀爀椀渀琀䈀㌀⸀挀漀洀 䈀甀椀氀搀 䔀氀攀瘀 倀攀漀瀀 氀攀 䴀漀 愀 䘀 琀漀爀 ☀ 氀漀漀爀 瀀栀椀 愀 爀 䜀 椀渀最 䈀 愀渀渀攀 爀猀 挀猀 䔀 氀攀 瘀愀 琀 漀爀 圀 椀渀 搀 漀眀 䜀 瘀攀爀 䜀 爀愀瀀栀椀 挀猀 䄀 渀 搀 䴀 甀 挀 栀 Ⰰ 䴀 甀 挀 爀愀 瀀 栀 椀挀 猀 栀 䴀 漀 爀 攀 ℀ 倀爀椀渀琀䈀㌀ 椀猀 愀 瀀爀漀甀搀 猀瀀漀渀猀漀爀 漀昀 琀栀攀 ㈀ 㔀 匀挀漀琀琀 䴀攀搀氀漀挀欀 ☀ 刀漀戀戀礀 䬀爀椀攀最攀爀 䤀渀瘀椀琀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀 戀攀渀攀昀椀琀椀渀最 匀琀⸀ 䨀甀搀攀 䌀栀椀氀搀爀攀渀ᤠ猀 刀攀猀攀愀爀挀栀 䠀漀猀瀀椀琀愀氀 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital proudly supports the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital MUSIC heals the soul www.vanacoremusic.com Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital The Proud Host of the Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Dana Olmes & Jeff Biebuyck Dana and Jeff are ranked 1% Nationwide: &JEFF DANA E X T R AO R D I N A R Y P R O P E R T I E S Dana Olmes & Jeff Biebuyck 818. 581.6 0 6 8 • 818.486.1763 DanaOlmes@gmail.com • Jeff@JeffBRealty.com . www.DanaAndJeff LuxuryHomes.com Dana and Jeff are one of the country’s premiere real estate agent teams and consistent top producers, ranking among the top 1% of agents nationwide. As consummate professionals, Dana and Jeff provide their clients with the highest level of service to reach their unique real estate goals. With a combined experience of more than 40 years, both hold Vice President positions for their firm and are well respected within the industry by agents and clients alike. HIGHEST SALE RECORDED IN CALABASAS! A va l o n R a n c h ~ l i s t e d a t $ 1 4 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 Dana Olmes & Jeff Biebuyck are Realtor Associates, CalBRE#s 00944676 & 01383921. We do not guarantee accuracy of square footage, lot size, condition, features, or income provided by sellers, third parties, or public records. Buyers are advised to verify accuracy of all information through independent inspection by professionals. Buyers and sellers are advised to seek legal and tax advice when purchasing or selling real property. Broker does not guarantee specific school availability. Each office is independently owned and operated. Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to support the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational for the benefit of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital brokenearthwinery.com | Paso Robles - California Proud to support the 2015 Scott MedlockRobby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital HUB International Insurance Services Inc. is proud to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Dedication and teamwork is key to any success. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital continues to bring together their physicians and scientists to pioneer the work and research to continue to improve survival rates for our children suffering from catastrophic childhood diseases. HUB International is proud to participate for the benefit of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. HUB International is a leading North American insurance brokerage that provides a broad array of property and casualty, employee benefits, life and health, risk management and personal insurance products and services. Let our Team of Professionals help you with all of your insurance needs. For assistance, contact: Lee Davis Senior Vice President 6701 Center Drive West Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 568-5994 lee.davis@hubinternational.com Kenneth L. Kessler, CIC Executive Vice President 6701 Center Drive West Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 568-7660 ken.kessler@hubinternational.com ________________________________________________________________________________________ www.hubinternational.com Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Enjoy Responsibly © 2011 Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Budwiser® Beer, St. Louis, MO Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Duke’s proudly supports St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital A LOCAL TRADITION Honoring Duke and the Spirit of Aloha On the beach in Malibu, Huntington Beach, Waikiki, Kauai & Maui 21150 Pacific Coast Highway | Malibu, California | 310-317-0777 | dukesmalibu.com DM_StJude.indd 1 8/19/11 3:50 PM Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to support the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational for the benefit of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Official surfboard maker of the 2012–2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational 154 E. Thompson Blvd. Ventura, CA 93001 wavefrontsurfshop.com Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Official Transportation Provider of the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational Proud sponsor of the 2015 Scott Medlock– Robby Krieger Invitational 5 HOUR MALIBU WINE tasting Experience for as low as $49.00 PER PERSON* Price includes luxury limousine transportation, table reservations, exclusive private table service with 5 flight tasting of your choice. Experience what everyone is talking about and what the Malibu area wine tasting BUZZ is all about. Take advantage of our low introductory rates and visit Malibu Wines’ breathtaking views, sprawling vineyards and entertainment. For rates and information, please call (805) 499-5666 or (888) 497-8333 www.performancelimola.com | scott@performancelimola.com *Price per person based on group booking. Tax & gratuity not included. 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Service. 1-888-777-2700 hertzequip.com Proud supporter of the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 6/6/12 9:56 AM Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Tender, smoky, and unmatched - that’s our Smokehouse Beef & Cheddar Brisket™. USDA Choice Brisket, hickory-smoked 16+ hours in one of Texas’ best smokehouses, melty cheddar, and Sweet Baby Ray’s® BBQ Sauce. Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital FEBRUARY 4, 2016 • 5:00 - 8:30 PM HILTON SAN FRANCISCO UNION SQUARE INDIVIDUAL TICKETS: $250 (INCLUDES OPEN BAR, DINNER & PROGRAM) CORPORATE TABLES: $3,500 FOR MORE INFO VISIT WWW.LEGENDSFORCHARITY.COM BENEFITING 2016 PAT SUMMERALL AWARD RECIPIENT JOHN MADDEN LFC AD_Medlock.indd 1 9/18/15 3:38 PM Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is proud to support the Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Benjamin & Brandon Hill, Principals 2815 Townsgate Rd. Suite 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361 805-449-1132 Proudly supports the 2015 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital “We Don’t Wait For Things To Happen... We Make Them Happen” Proud supporters of the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud supporter of the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud supporters of the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital www.cafefirenze.net 805.532.0048 563 W. Los Angeles Ave. Moorpark, California Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital proudly supports the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital PRG Concert Touring and PRG Nocturne are honored to support the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. PRODUCTION RESOURCE GROUP Copyright © 2014 Production Resource Group, LLC. Production Resource Group and the PRG logo are trademarks of Production Resource Group, LLC. All other brands or names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Integrity l Quality l Experience Graphic Design l Large Format Printing l Digital & Offset Printing Honored to provide graphic design services to support the Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational & St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital prints@sdg-design.net l 805.559.8455 GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR PRINT & WEB mpowereddesign.net . matt@mpowereddesign.net . 805.405.9426 Honored to provide graphic design services to support the Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to support the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Making a difference We support the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Valdez Wealth Management Group Louie A. Valdez, CFP® Senior Vice President–Wealth Management Wealth Advisor louie.valdez@ubs.com UBS Financial Services Inc. 3011 Townsgate Road, Suite 300 Westlake Village, CA 91361 805-367-3666 ubs.com/team/valdezgroup Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. owns the certification marks CFP® and Certified finanCial Planner™ in the U.S. ©UBS 2015. All rights reserved. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC. 7.00_Ad_7.5x4.875_HY0821_Valdez WMG Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to support the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to provide t-shirts for the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Fully automated screen printing, graphic design & color separation T-shirts • Long Sleeves Sweats • Polos Girly Tees • Jerseys Promotional Items and More! 805.498.0457 888.599.9469 info@trendgraphics.net www.trend-graphics.com 1200 Lawrence Dr., #465 Newbury Park, CA 91320 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is proud to support the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 818.707.1327 / 805.496.1177 pierrec4u@aol.com www.pierrecatering.com 31210 La Baya Dr. Suite 220 • Westlake Village, CA 91362 Dinner For 2 to 2500 • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Later Picked Up • Delivered, Fully Catered 365 Days Sanctioned by the Health Department, Fully Insured & Licensed All Styles of Tables, Chairs, Chair Covers, Linens, Napkins, Utensils, Glassware, Umbrellas, Cappuccino Machines, Tall Cocktail Tables, Center Pieces, Themed Displays, Ice Delivery, and Much, Much More! Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to support the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud supporter of the 2015 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud sponsor of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital C, I N LB C C. Buisness owners, save money and time on all of your credit card processing. Call: (844)462-8483 www.nativemerchantservices.com “Your Success is our focus.” Concrete Construction Commercial / Residential Lic.# 797137 Steve Brown (818) 991-4515 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital We proudly support The Scott Medlock & Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Society Social Calendar reflects the heartbeat of the philanthropic community... each issue features over 500 faces of our friends & neighbors! 2012 AREAS. SURROUNDING D HILLS AND E VILLAGE, WOODLAN VENTURA, WESTLAK THOUSAND OAKS, SIMI VALLEY, OAK PARK, OXNARD, NEWBURY PARK, MOORPARK, For advertising information, visit www.societysocialcalendar.com or email info@society-mag.com PROOF PROOF PROOF MARCH / APRIL COMPLIMENTARY Enhance your company’s image by connecting with affluent communities from Woodland Hills to Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks to Ventura, Malibu, Moorpark and beyond! O, MALIBU, S, CAMARILL A PICTORIAL ESSAY OF THE “SOCIAL SCENE” IN AND AROUND AGOURA, CALABASA Provided by 1st Impri 805-981 Fax 805. 98 All of us at the Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital hope you have enjoyed this great event. If you’ve enjoyed yourself a little too much, please don’t drink & drive. Use one of these on-site services to get you back home safely. We want to see you again next year. We’re Driving Your Car, Sit Back and Relax weredriving.com 805-421-9706 805-421-8723 Call or Text Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is proud to support the 2015 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital proudly supports the 2015 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud supporter of the 2015 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and Proud to support the 2015 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Featured Restaurants - On-Course & 19th Hole Party Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Featured Restaurants - On-Course & 19th Hole Party Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2015 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Have a Great Tournament! 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