2014 Event Program - Scott Medlock
2014 Event Program - Scott Medlock
Celebrity Golf & Concert Event Program Mo n day, S e pt e m b e r 2 2 , 2 01 4 • Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b benefiting presented by Leading-edge Embedded System Solutions S c ot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b EVENT SCHEDULE Monday, September 22, 2014 • Moorpark Country Club 11800 Championship Drive • Moorpark, CA 93021 8:00 a.m. Registration & Breakfast 10:30 a.m. Shotgun Start Modified Best Ball / Team Format Hole-In-One Prizes: (4) Mercedes-Benz Automobiles (4) Chevrolet Camaro Automobiles (4) Harley-Davidson Motorcycles (4) Rolex Watches (1) Lamborghini Automobile (1) McLaren Automobile 5:00 p.m. 19th Hole Festivities Musical Guests, Hors D’oeuvres Reception Awards, Contest Winners and Live Auction 8:00 p.m. All-Star Concert featuring Robby Krieger of THE DOORS • Alex Lifeson of RUSH • Alice Cooper Tommy Thayer of KISS • Danny Seraphine of CHICAGO/CTA Cherie Currie of THE RUNAWAYS • Sebastian Bach of SKID ROW David Sikes of BOSTON • Lita Ford, Jonny Lang, Phil Chen Ty Dennis, Ray Goren, Dave Brock, Kit Potamkin Steve Molitz of PARTICLE • Brett Scallions of FUEL BENEFITING S cot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b TOURNAMENT BOARD CHAIRS SCOTT MEDLOCK ROBBY KRIEGER Artist The Doors TOURNAMENT BOARD DAVE BATES DEAN LESIAK MICHELLE CZERNIN VON CHUDENITZ PAUL LESTER BOB LEVEY LEE DAVIS MINDY MILLER ROBERT DEAN BOB MILNER WENDI DEMMERLE TERRY MORAN RITA DULEK MELLISA NIELSEN TOM DULEK GEORGE POWLICK STEVE GIVEN BRIAN ROBIN BENJAMIN HILL EDIE RUGE BRANDON HILL SCOTT RUGE JESSICA KILL RICK SIEMONS MATTHEW KREIGER HAL WARD DAREN LASKY BENEFITING S c ot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b THANK YOU Dear Friends, First and foremost, we would like to take this opportunity to personally THANK EVERYONE for participating and supporting the Annual Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Concert & Golf Classic held at beautiful Moorpark Country Club. Each year we strive to make the event bigger and better with over-the-top fun golf and incredible music. We’re very fortunate to have an amazing TEAM at the helm, bringing together some of the most iconic musicians in history, for an All-Star Jam benefit concert. We are thrilled to help the wonderful children of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital again. Personally, we cannot think of a more worthy cause. For those of you have not had the opportunity to visit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, we would strongly encourage you to do so. It will change your life for the better. We are so thankful to all of our sponsors, donors, volunteers, participants and celebrity guests who have helped make this event such a huge success year after year. Special thanks go out to Microsemi, Mercedes-Benz, Monster Energy and Waste Management for being our presenting sponsors this year. We hope you enjoy the event! Sincerely, Scott Medlock Robby Krieger BENEFITING Photo by: Pete Ibarra S cot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b ABOUT ST. JUDE St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other deadly diseases. Everything we do is centered on finding cures and saving children. And families never receive a bill from St. Jude. We pay for treatment, travel, housing and food – because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. By sharing our knowledge freely and exchanging ideas openly, we’re inspiring more collaboration between doctors and researchers worldwide, and, as a result, more lifesaving treatments for children everywhere. Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since it opened 50 years ago. And we are working to drive the overall survival rate for childhood cancer to 90 percent in the next decade. We won’t stop until no child dies from cancer. Because most of our funding comes from individual supporters, we have the freedom to focus on what matters most – finding cures and saving children. At St. Jude, we won’t give up. We do everything possible to end childhood cancer and other deadly diseases. For more information, go to www.stjude.org and follow St. Jude on www.facebook.com/stjude and www.twitter.com/stjude Get involved in local fundraising efforts! Call (800) 227-6737 or email stjude-pacificcoast@stjude.org BENEFITING S c ot t M e d lo c k– Ro b by K r i e g e r I n v i tat i o n a l at Mo o r pa r k C o u n t ry C lu b ST. JUDE PATIENT: Auston Age 9 - California Medulloblastoma O ne morning in January 2012, Auston woke up a seemingly healthy child. But later that afternoon, his parents, Jill and Dustin, noticed he was having trouble walking and talking and he couldn’t grip anything with his left hand. Panicked, they took him to a local hospital, where tests soon revealed Auston suffered from a brain tumor. His parents were stunned. The very next day, Auston underwent a nine-hour surgery to remove the tumor. A biopsy identified the tumor as a medulloblastoma. Auston’s parents turned to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® for his treatment, which included radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since it opened 50 years ago. Jill and Dustin are grateful for everything St. Jude provided their family during Auston’s treatment. “From the custodians at St. Jude to the nurses to the doctors, everyone is wonderful,” Jill said. “It’s clearly about the kids here.” Today, Auston is finished with treatment and back home in California. When he grows up, he’d like to be an art teacher or a game designer. Auston also likes basketball, reading and playing with his dog. He’s an outgoing, talkative kid. ST. JUDE QUICK FACTS • St. Jude has increased the survival rates for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) from 4 percent before opening in 1962 to 94 percent today. • St. Jude is where doctors often send their toughest cases, because St. Jude has the world’s best survival rates for some of the most aggressive forms of childhood cancers. • St. Jude creates more clinical trials for cancer than any other children’s hospital and turns laboratory discoveries into lifesaving treatments that benefit patients – every day. • St. Jude freely shares its groundbreaking discoveries, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists can use that knowledge to save thousands more children around the world. • The daily operating cost for St. Jude is $2 million, which is primarily covered by individual contributors. • St. Jude has treated children from all 50 states and from around the world. • On average, 7,800 active patients visit the hospital each year, most of whom are treated on an outpatient basis. BENEFITING Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital A N U N PA R A L L E L E D D I N I N G E X P E R I E N C E Proud supporters of the 2014 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 2 0 87 E . Tho us a nd Oaks Blvd. | Thousand Oaks, CA 91361 Re s e r ve o nl i ne at ma strosrest aurant s.com. Follow us on Facebook . Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital brokenearthwinery.com | Paso Robles - California Proud to support the 2014 Scott MedlockRobby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital The Proud Host of the Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Luxury of Convenience Proud Sponsor of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Long Beach Airport 2300 E. Spring Street Signal Hill, CA 90755 (562) 988-8300 mbzlongbeach.com Southern California’s Lease Return Center Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to be the Official Energy Drink of the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and supporter of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ® Pr oud t o s up p o r t t he 2014 Scott Medlo c k-R o b b y K r ie g er Inv it a t io na l for t he b enefit o f St. Jude C hild r e n ’s R es e a r c h H o s p it a l Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital We are proud to support the 2014 Scott MedlockRobby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud supporters of the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital www.cafefirenze.net 805.532.0048 563 W. Los Angeles Ave. Moorpark, California Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Dollar Loan Center is a proud supporter of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. WE CONGRATULATE THEM ON YEARS CHANGING AND SAVING LIVES. OF Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital HUB International Insurance Services Inc. is proud to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Dedication and teamwork is key to any success. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital continues to bring together their physicians and scientists to pioneer the work and research to continue to improve survival rates for our children suffering from catastrophic childhood diseases. HUB International is proud to participate for the benefit of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. HUB International is a leading North American insurance brokerage that provides a broad array of property and casualty, employee benefits, life and health, risk management and personal insurance products and services. Let our Team of Professionals help you with all of your insurance needs. For assistance, contact: Lee Davis Senior Vice President 6701 Center Drive West Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 568-5994 lee.davis@hubinternational.com Kenneth L. Kessler, CIC Executive Vice President 6701 Center Drive West Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90045 (310) 568-7660 ken.kessler@hubinternational.com ________________________________________________________________________________________ www.hubinternational.com Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Enjoy Responsibly © 2011 Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Budwiser® Beer, St. Louis, MO Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Why America Clicks with Santa Paula Chevrolet Savvy buyers know a great deal when they find one. It just clicks. It happens every day via our website. And when they meet our friendly staff and experience our superior customer service, they understand why we’re the #1 Chevrolet dealer throughout California in sales effectiveness. See for yourself. Click and get started today. Try us. You’ll like what you see. 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Our friendly and knowledgeable staff has all been trained at the Gemological Institute of America. Moyen & Co. Jewellers considers it an honor and privilege to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. 2806A Townsgate Road • Westlake Village • CA 91361 818-707-1230 • 805-494-8114 | www.moyenco.com Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to support the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational for the benefit of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Official surfboard maker of the 2012, 2013 & 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational 154 E. Thompson Blvd. Ventura, CA 93001 All SUP’s $999.00 wavefrontsurfshop.com Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital proudly supports the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Official Transportation Provider of the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational Proud sponsor of the 2014 Scott Medlock– Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 5 HOUR MALIBU WINE tasting Experience for as low as $49.00 PER PERSON* Price includes luxury limousine transportation, table reservations, exclusive private table service with 5 flight tasting of your choice. 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CEO Taylor Chien and President Frank Tesoro are both founders of the new high tech company started in early 2013. With Drones starting at $479 and ranging to its more top of the line drone at $1299, its easy to get involved. The two most popular models feature technology ranging from an on board GPS system, to live video & picture streaming to an iOS or android device. Other features include, auto return to home, GPS waypoint autonomous flights, 3 axis stabilized camera gimbal system, 3,280 feet of range, 25 minute flight times, and even auto landing. One model called the Phantom 2 H3-3D, carries a Gopro camera for professional level video making. The other model called the Phantom 2 Vision Plus, comes with it’s own built in 14mp, Full 1080p HD camera. We are proud to support the 2014 Scott MedlockRobby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital DRONEFLY.COM 2630 TOWNSGATE RD. UNIT I WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91361 P. 805-480-4033 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital On Site, On Time, Every Time. www.rentfence.com Contractor’s License # 792091 CAL-STATE Cal-State Site Services Can Cover All of Your Needs! 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As North America’s leading environmental solutions company, Waste Management has the experience your business can rely on to get the most return from its assets – all while growing your bottom line. To learn more about how our unique ideas can maximize value while minimizing your environmental impact, visit ThinkGreen.com. Proudly Supporting ©2011 Waste Management, Inc. Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital When you need to get it done, call the experts with the biggest tool box. 800-736-2504 24/7 Sunbelt Rentals’ Pump & Power Services division provides innovative rental solutions for a wide range of equipment needs including generators, pumps, air compressors, dehumidifiers, temperature control and trench shoring equipment. In addition to state-of-the-art equipment, Pump & Power Services also offers highly trained specialists and technicians with the knowledge and experience to respond quickly and provide an effective rental solution, no matter what your challenge may be. For unmatched 24/7 service and support and guaranteed one-hour emergency response, contact the experts at Sunbelt Rentals. sunbeltrentals.com GENERATORS & POWER DISTRIBUTION LARGE AIR COMPRESSORS PUMPS TRENCH SHORING EQUIPMENT TEMPERATURE CONTROL & DEHUMIDIFICATION Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Official Sub Sandwich of the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational Proud supporter of the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital proudly supports the 2014 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital “We Don’t Wait For Things To Happen... We Make Them Happen” Proud supporters of the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital “We are honored to continue to be a sponsor to this worthy cause.” Lydia Derian – General Manager 30205 Canwood Street, Agoura Hills, CA 91361 818-584-3240 www.lavaggio.net Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is proud to support the Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Benjamin & Brandon Hill, Principals 2815 Townsgate Rd. Suite 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361 805-449-1132 P ROU D SUPPORTER OF TH E 2014 Scott MedlockRobby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital brennanrockandrollacademy.com Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR PRINT & WEB mpowereddesign.net . matt@mpowereddesign.net . 805.405.9426 Honored to provide graphic design services to support the Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Integrity l Quality l Experience Graphic Design l Large Format Printing l Digital & Offset Printing Honored to provide graphic design services to support the Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational & St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital prints@sdg-design.net l 805.559.8455 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital proudly supports the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital PRG Concert Touring and PRG Nocturne are honored to support the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. PRODUCTION RESOURCE GROUP Copyright © 2014 Production Resource Group, LLC. Production Resource Group and the PRG logo are trademarks of Production Resource Group, LLC. All other brands or names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Agoura Hills 30315 Canwood St 818-874-9400 Camarillo 1755 East Daily Drive 805-383-4100 Newbury Park 495 N. Ventu Park Rd 805-498-5050 Large party bookings, reservations, or upcoming events, visit us at Brendans.com! Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is proud to support the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 818.707.1327 / 805.496.1177 pierrec4u@aol.com www.pierrecatering.com 31210 La Baya Dr. Suite 220 • Westlake Village, CA 91362 Dinner For 2 to 2500 • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Later Picked Up • Delivered, Fully Catered 365 Days Sanctioned by the Health Department, Fully Insured & Licensed All Styles of Tables, Chairs, Chair Covers, Linens, Napkins, Utensils, Glassware, Umbrellas, Cappuccino Machines, Tall Cocktail Tables, Center Pieces, Themed Displays, Ice Delivery, and Much, Much More! Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Proud to support the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital “To Provide the Best Customer Service and Greatest Efficiency in the Electronic Transaction Processing Industry Today” www.appliedmerchant.com is proud to support the 2014 Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital We proudly support The Scott Medlock & Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Society Social Calendar reflects the heartbeat of the philanthropic community... each issue features over 500 faces of our friends & neighbors! 2012 AREAS. SURROUNDING D HILLS AND E VILLAGE, WOODLAN VENTURA, WESTLAK THOUSAND OAKS, SIMI VALLEY, OAK PARK, OXNARD, NEWBURY PARK, MOORPARK, For advertising information, visit www.societysocialcalendar.com or email info@society-mag.com PROOF PROOF PROOF MARCH / APRIL COMPLIMENTARY Enhance your company’s image by connecting with affluent communities from Woodland Hills to Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks to Ventura, Malibu, Moorpark and beyond! O, MALIBU, S, CAMARILL A PICTORIAL ESSAY OF THE “SOCIAL SCENE” IN AND AROUND AGOURA, CALABASA Provided by 1st Impri 805-981 Fax 805. 98 All of us at the Scott Medlock-Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital hope you have enjoyed this great event. If you’ve enjoyed yourself a little too much, please don’t drink & drive. Use one of these on-site services to get you back home safely. We want to see you again next year. We’re Driving Your Car, Sit Back and Relax weredriving.com 805-421-9706 805-421-8723 Call or Text Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is proud to support the 2014 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital screen printing • embroidery • ad specialty fully automated screen printing, graphic design & color separation t-shirts • long sleeves • sweats • polos • girly tees jerseys • promotional items and more! 805.498.0457 888.599.9469 info@trendgraphics.net trend-graphics.com 1200 lawrence dr. # 465 newbury park, ca 91320 proudly supports the 2014 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital NEW LOCATION! 109 Cochran St., Simi Valley, CA Proud to support the 2014 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Fe at u r e d R e stau r a n t s - O n - C o u r s e & 1 9 t h Ho l e Pa r t y Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Fe at u r e d R e stau r a n t s - O n - C o u r s e & 1 9 t h Ho l e Pa r t y Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital #1 HouseSOLD Name CA Real Estate License DRE # 00545184 Rosemary Allison For all your Real Estate needs! No one works harder! www.CallRosemary.com (805) 491-2100 RosemaryAllison@aol.com 2368 Eastman Ave. #15 • Ventura, CA 93003 T: 805.650.1935 • F: 805.650.1435 • Toll-Free: 1.800.244.2054 www.venturalaminating.com Have a Great Tournament! Scott Medlock and Friends are the Best! WEST COAST OFFICE 17145 Vose Street Van Nuys, CA 91406 Tel. (818) 713-0223 EAST COAST OFFICE 664 Tara Lane Augusta, GA 30809 Tel. (706) 855-0303 email: paullesterphoto@aol.com www.paullesterphotoonline.com Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital DESTIN THOMAS COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS 2387 Portola Road, Suite A Ventura, CA 93003 Scott Medlock–Robby Krieger Invitational 2014 at Moorpark Country Club benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
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