December 2014 Newsletter - Alder Grove Charter School


December 2014 Newsletter - Alder Grove Charter School
Telephone: 707-268-0854
Fax: 707-268-0813
Alder Grove Charter School
714 ‘F’ Street
Eureka, CA 95501
~Alder Grove News ~
December 2014
December 19th from 3:00 to 5:00.
at Alder Grove Charter School
Drop your children off for an afternoon of gift making.
Children participate in a variety of supervised
craft activities.
This month we will have the opening of our student art gallery!!!
Would you like some of your art to be a part of our opening??
We would love to see it!
Talk to your CT about showing your art!!
CT's contact Kathy Yeager for more details
Alder Grove’s Fall Music Concert!
Saturday, December 13th
4:30 p.m.
in the Platform area at Alder Grove
Presenting the students from our onsite classes:
-Rock Band
Come hear the wonderful sounds!
Randi’s History class welcomed Vietnam army veteran
Pat Fox to the classroom to talk about being a veteran.
Vision and Hearing Testing:
Our school nurse will be here for
Vision and Hearing testing
Thursday December 11th
from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
At Alder Grove Charter School
Alder Grove Charter School’s
Theater Production Class Presents!:
Friday, December 12th
Runeberg Hall, 411 W. Wabash, corner of Wabash & Union
(door is on Union St, across from Caltrans)
The show is a fractured fairytale where the Big Bad Wolf is
on trial for the wrongs he has done in Fairytale Land. The
show is free of cost. There will be a bake sale for donations
to help cover the production costs.
Our very own Becca Robison—Library
Aide, Inventory Account Clerk, and volunteer FIRE FIGHTER—demonstrates proper
use of her Fire Fighter gear in Cedar’s
Social Studies/Art Class.
College and Career Update!
I've Been Admitted to College!!
Our 7th and 8th graders have been invited to participate in this county-wide program that provides
7th grade students with exposure to the courses and workshops offered at College of the Redwoods.
8th graders experience a similar exposure at Humboldt State University!
Both programs include a focus on student support services, admission requirements, and financial aid overview.
All participants receive a compact guaranteeing future admission.
(Compact is an agreement that outlines the admission requirements for each school.)
8th graders to HSU: March 17
7th graders to CR: April 3
As of now, students will need their own transportation to the events. Carpooling is advised.
Please reserve your spot by Dec 12. There are 25 spots available for each date.
The sign up sheet will be by Ruth's desk. Thank you!
This is a great opportunity to get help filling out the FAFSA and applying for CalGrants. These workshops are especially focused
on low-income or first generation college students. There will be several workshops throughout the county.
Our students are welcome to attend these events at local schools. The next upcoming workshops are:
Jan. 6 12:30-4:30 pm - Ferndale High
Jan. 8 2:00-7:00 pm - Mckinleyville High
Jan. 14 2:00-7:00 pm - Fortuna High (w/Dream Act: Undocumented Students)
Jan. 22 2:00-7:00 pm - Arcata High
Jan. 27 2:00-7:00 pm - Eureka High (w/Dream Act: Undocumented Students)
Events are drop in and there are several people there to help.
Even if your students are planning on going to CR or a vocational school, FAFSA and CalGrants have $$ to help them out.
I'm working on an AGCS date, but just in case, these are for sure available.
You are always welcome to make an appointment with me if you are unable to make one of theses events and would like personalized assistance with this process. Please email me at
2015 Career Speaker Series
Learn about different careers by attending one or more of these sessions. Most sessions will be on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm in
the Arcata High School Library. All students, families and community members are welcome!
Dec. 15: Business/Entrepreneurship; insight from four of McKinleyville's most dynamic businesses. *Held in McKinleyville High
Library. Jan. 12: High School 8 Years later; get job insight from local alumni in the early years of their careers. Jan.
26: Working in Technology; learn about careers in technology and how computers and the Internet influence every job in today's
work place. Feb. 9: Working in Health Care; learn about careers in physical therapy, as medical technicians, physician's assistants
and doctors!
Mark your calendar and join us for these dynamic conversations!
Alder Grove Science Fair coming in February!
In preparation for the Humboldt County Doris Niles Science Fair in March, and in an attempt to offer an
opportunity to our students to display their scientific endeavors, Alder Grove will be holding a schoolwide science fair open to students in grades 4-12. The exact date of our school Science Fair is still to be
determined, but will be held in the month of February on site. The County Fair is March 16-20 at Humboldt State, and students who meet the county criteria will have an opportunity to move on to that fair as
well. Science fair projects, their categories and topics, and information on assisting a student with the
creation of a project are all available by contacting Ami Brusca, School Science Fair Coordinator at 707834-8965 or Resources, information, and one-on-one assistance is
readily available. The deadline to apply for our school fair is January 9th, however, the sooner the students start working on their projects, the better! To apply, please call Ami!
Calling all students Grades K-2!
New Day, New Time!!
Join Language Arts Workshop in the Rainbow Room at Alder Grove Charter School where a Group of parents and kids work,
sing, play, read, write and learn together with Teacher Sunshine!
Wednesdays 10:30am-noon:
December 3rd, 10th, 17th
January 7th, 14th, 21st
Future Sessions: Jan. 28, Feb 4, 1, 18, 25, Mar. 4th
Mar. 11, 18, 25, Apr 1, 15, 22
Apr. 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27
Alder Grove Teacher Aides provide free child care onsite for younger siblings during workshops.
Math and Computer labs are open for older students.
Sign up for one or more Free six week sessions at the AGCS front desk
Sunshine has a new website! You can
 The Alder Grove Parent Guides for Math and Language Arts.
 Parent Workshop follow-up information, links, and slide shows.
We now have Visitor and Teacher Sign-In sheets. Please remember
to sign IN and to sign OUT when you come into the office. Students
in classes with Attendance Sheets do not have to sign in but everyone
else who comes into Alder Grove Charter School needs to sign in so
we know where everyone is located.
Thank you!
Follow up on November 5th
workshop with Diana Nunes:
 Take care of yourself - it helps you recharge and be a power teacher for your child.
 Keep self care light and playful. Do what brings you joy.
 Notice what you need and what your child needs.
 Look for ways to take care of your physical, creative, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs in both short and long term ways.
For more information visit
My mother has a 2 1/2 foot macaw named Marlin. Marlin is as big a part of the family as I am. When my mom first got her, she came with a 6 foot
cage. She has a red head and belly. Her wings are dark blue on the ends, and green and light blue closer to her body. Her back and tail are red,
green, light blue, dark, blue, red, and light blue (from top).
She thinks four-legged creatures, like dogs, are beneath her in both a literal and a metaphorical sense, literally, because she stays on her cage, which is
5 1/2 feet above the ground. Metaphorically, it’s because she thinks dogs, and other four legged creatures, are a lesser species than she is. Sometimes,
she drops some of her food onto the paper around her cage, so the dogs will go to get it; then, she drops a peanut on their heads and laughs as they run
away yipping. She will also bark when the dogs are outside, so they start to bark. And when my dad yells at them to stop barking, Marlin laughs. She
will also tell them to shut up when they bark.
She likes people food more than macaw food. Her favorite foods are barbequed chicken, noodles, and Cheetos. She eats almost everything we eat, but
she isn’t allowed to eat chocolate, avocados, or onions. If someone goes into the kitchen to make a snack, Marlin will keep repeating, “Hello”, until
she gets a portion of it.
She loves to watch T.V. and listen to music with us. Sometimes, when we are watching something really funny, she will laugh before we do. She also
likes to listen to music. She even dances to some of her favorite songs. Her all-time favorite is “When The Sun Goes Down”. When we leave the house,
we leave music on for her to listen to.
She is very young, so she doesn’t know very many words, but she says them all very often. She says words like, “Hello”, “Hi”, “Boo”, “Shorty”,
“Dad”, and “Come Back”. She gives air kisses and laughs, sneezes, coughs, and yawns just like we do.
Marlin is obviously a very interesting bird, and a huge part of our family.
By Erin Malcom
Grade 8, Alder Grove Charter School
Field Trips for Grade K-6:
Los Bagels
Caroling at Alder Bay Assisted Living
Thursday, December 18, 2014
10:30—11:30 a.m
K—6th Grades
Marian will be playing the piano and Hilson will be
playing the guitar while we all come together and
sing carols to the residences of Alder Bay Assisted
Living at 1355 Myrtle Ave. Park across the street
from Alder Bay in the open parking lot, and meet in
the front lobby of Alder Bay. Students will be
handed a sheet with various carols on them, and
will be able to sing along to some well known carols. Only 20 students are allowed due to the small
space. To sign up, stop by the office or call the
school 268-0854.
Thursday, January 15, 2014
10:00—11:00 a.m.
K—6th Grades
The tour is at Arcata Los Bagels. Kids we'll get to
see the bagel process from beginning to end and we
will talk a little about the "Jalapeno Bagels" book
which is about our owner Dennis, and read by 2nd
graders all across the country. The field trip is
FREE!!! Parents have to stay outside while the students go inside for the tour because the space is
small. Only 20 students can go in at a time, and
there is only space for 40 students.
Directions: 1061 I St Arcata, CA
To sign up, stop by the office or call the school 2680854.
Field Trip for 6th-12th Grades:
Center Activities
Indoor Rock Climbing
Tuesday, January 20, 2014
9:00—12:00 noon
6-12th Grades
$20.00 Cash or out of school budget
Drawing by Andrew Stedman,
Painted in by Meriah Gardner
Students and Teachers wish All The Best
to Hailey Horn. Get Well Soon...
Students have an opportunity to rock climb at the HSU Student
Recreation Center’s Indoor Climbing Gym. Students will learn
essential climbing skills in a fun, challenging, and supportive environment. Students will be introduced to climbing gear, climbing
techniques, safety checks, knot tying, belaying, and clear communication skills. Students attending this trip should meet at the gym at
9AM. The gym is located on the east side of the HSU Football Stadium. The stadium is at the north end of Union Street in Arcata,
where the road dead ends. There will be 20 available spots for this
trip. The cost of the trip is $20, which can be paid for using the
student’s budget or the student can pay $20 cash when he/she signs
up. The sign-up sheet and required forms will be available starting
December 8th at the front office (Ruth’s desk). If a student needs to
cancel, it needs to be done by noon on the 19 th of January to not be
charged for the trip. Terri Tripp will be there to greet and check-in
students as they arrive. .If you have any questions or concerns, contact Terri Tripp at home: 826-0682 or by email:
December 2014
11st day of ENROLLMENT for
Onsite Classes
310:30a—1st day of 4
Sunshine’s Lang Arts
Field Trips, K-6th gr.
(these are full)
Vision & Hearing
Leadership Meeting
Fall Music show
6:30—”Big Bad” play at
Runeberg Hall
10:30—K-6 field trip
caroling at Alder Bay
Gift Making Project
January 2015
51st Day of On- 6
1510:00—K-6th gr 16
19Martin Luther 209:00—12:00— 21
site Classes—
Spring Sem.
King Jr. Day
6th-12th grades rock
climbing field trip
field trip to Los Bagels
Leadership Meeting

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