Fast, Simple, Proven, what`s holding us back
Fast, Simple, Proven, what`s holding us back
Industrial Energy Efficiency: Fast, Simple, Proven, what's holding us back? Climate Solutions Asia Pacific 24 May 2011 The Journey Begins …………. ‹#› Insert Footer 1983—Condenser water flow study • • • • • • 2 x 480 RT screw chillers + 2 x 120 RT reciprocating Design condenser flows 1,440 usgpm & 360 usgpm Magnetic flowmeter on main riser pipe 480 RT chiller flows ~ 1400usgpm 120 RT chiller flows ~ 1300 usgpm Same flowmeter on riser is reading both flows so accuracy not in question • ―There are 3 kinds of people—those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who don’t know what is going on‖ ‹#› Insert Footer Engineering Education…… • Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. • William Butler Yeats • “In Germany when an engineer says he has 25 years of experience it means he spent one year making mistakes and then 24 years repeating them” …………….Professor Kratel • Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela ‹#› Insert Footer STM Factory, AMK Chiller retrofit energy project - 1.53 years pay back = ROI > 50% ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer FREE PHASE : One chiller operation status ‹#› Insert Footer Analyse manufacturing curves vs real time operating points Real time operating point Manufacturing curves Deletion of triple valve of PMP21-202 during 8Mar200216Mar2002 Install new 20” check valve with low friction checkvalveand change the pipe to 20 “ Deletion of 14” TDV AHU ENERGY RETROFIT CASE STUDY 1. ST Microelectronics Pte Ltd Replacement of two Outside Air AHU Year of completion: 2000 SUMMARY: Savings of 140 kW or 80% on operating cost ‹#› Insert Footer AHU ENERGY RETROFIT CASE STUDY 1. ST Microelectronics Pte Ltd Executive Summary OLD and NEW AHU PERFORMANCE # AHU Parameter (100% fresh air): Unit OLD AHU NEW AHU Ton refrigerant 340 2 Chilled water supply temperature Degree C 3 Chilled water temperature rise Degree C 6 5.5 35 212 0.1 354 15-pre-cool, 6-final cooling 11 7 170 0.02 1 Total cooling capacity 4 Fan power consumption KW 5 Chiller power consumption KW 6 AHU efficiency KW/Ton SAVINGS kW 1 Fan power consumption 56 2 Chiller power consumption 84 3 Total 140 ‹#›Payback Insert Footer period of investments 1.9 years # Savings (for 2 units): % 80 20 $Sin/Year 72,800 109,200 182,000 ―Good‖ ideas to save energy….. ‹#› Insert Footer Measured by SISIR and others…… ‹#› Insert Footer Perpetual Motion Machine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ‹#› Insert Footer Exhaust Fan Efficiency = 70% Exhaust Fan Motor Efficiency = 85% Windmill Fan Efficiency = 60% Windmill Generator Efficiency= 80% Total Efficiency = 0.7 x 0.85 x 0.6 x 0.8 = 29% The Best Way to make a small fortune is start with a BIG one ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Labor is a big part of costs for chip packagers. In Muntinlupa City, just outside Manila, Pilipinas has over 6,000 employees. But given the need for huge clean rooms with oceans of filtered air, energy costs are high. Two years ago the company called in a Singapore engineering firm, Supersymmetry Services, and asked it how to reduce the electric bill in the 689,000-square-foot Muntinlupa plant as well as in a new facility planned not far away. Supersymmetry was founded in 1988 by Lee Eng Lock, a Singapore-born British-educated engineer with a growing international reputation for an iconoclastic approach to the design and construction of HVAC systems, particularly for electronics-plant clean rooms. Lee says there is "no special magic" needed to cut HVAC costs, just a "return to basic value-for-money thinking, careful measurement and analysis, openness to new ideas, and willingness to do hard work." He contends that the reasons companies settle for less efficient HVAC systems, at least in Asia, are "fear of loss of face, payola, very nice entertainment in Hawaii, karaoke lounges, golf, total disinterest, vested interest...." Turn Down the Energy/Tune Up the Profits Only a third of U.S. manufacturers are seriously scrutinizing energy usage, where savings in five areas can move billions to the bottom line. Philip Siekman ‹#› Insert Footer In Manila, Lee started with the easy ones: upgrading the lighting, turning off the office air conditioning at night, replacing screw-type air compressors with highefficiency centrifugal units. Then he rebuilt or tuned up the air-conditioning and handling system. Ed Ornela, the company's corporate engineering director in the Philippines, calculates that the new air compressors cut the annual electric bill by $580,000; a new chiller and changes in chiller operation saved another $620,000; and other improvements lopped off $919,000. Amkor/Anan's electricity bill actually went up, from $7.2 million in 1995 to $8.5 million in 1997, as chip output doubled. But the power cost per chip, adjusted for chip size, tumbled by 37%. Examples like these ought to inspire companies that have paid little attention to their energy bills. A lot of waste, ironically, can be found in some U.S. semiconductor plants that feed work to companies like Amkor. A chip plant's electricity bill can easily hit $2 million a month. That concerns utilities and governments, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. The Northwest Power Planning Council, made up of representatives of four of the region's state governments, sponsored a workshop where Lee Eng Lock showed how to reduce HVAC power requirements in clean rooms from a current 1.2 kilowatts to two kilowatts per ton of cooling capacity to what he says is an achievable 0.6 kilowatt to 0.7 kilowatt per ton. Power cost per chip produced, saved 37%. In terms of $ - savings of more than US$2 million annually Removal of secondary pumps Installation of high efficiency chillers Installation of magnetic flow meters and inverters ‹#› Insert Footer Inefficient Design is replaced by efficient and simple design with proper controls ‹#› Insert Footer Energy savings of 90% of total electricity Air Handling Unit electricity use with additional 180 RT on top of original design tonnage. Production room specs met without fail! RM 350,000 per annum savings on RM 900,000 investment! Western Digital Factory Using high efficient axial fan for re-circulation air. Energy Project of the Year - International, 1996 Unit cost comparison: ‹#› Insert Footer Testing the roof with white reflective paint. Sanyo Factory at Gifu ENERGY USAGE Total electrical energy= 82,194,039 kWh Total energy bill Largest Solar Array in the world for Sanyo Wafer Fab Total energy used in G2+G3 plant =Electrical + LPG =USD 8 millions + USD 1.61 millions =USD 9.61 million 12 Recommendations to save US$5.4 million in utility cost. ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Recommendation 1 : Free Cooling and Free Heating • • • • • Energy Saving (kWh) per year Utility bill saving per year Investment USD 5,000,000 Simple Payback 3.24 Simple ROI 30.81 60,907,538 kWh (LPG fuel energy) USD 1,540,636 per year Years % Recommendation 2 : Cogen Plant ڵEnergy Saving (kWh) per year (Steam energy gain) 43,800,000 kWh LPG saving ڵEnergy Saving (kWh) per year*(transmission loss 3%) 2,628,000 ڵUtility bill saving per year USD 5,220,000Per year ڵInvestment USD25,000,000 ڵSimple Payback 4.78 Years ڵSimple ROI 20.92 % ‹#› Insert Footer kWh Electrical saving Energy Efficiency Project for Sony Semiconductor Capital Cost 4 Billion Yen Energy Savings 25% of Bill Payback within 3 Years ‹#› Insert Footer Optimising Fluid Movement 1. >250 Vacuum Pumps • Presently using 13C Cooling water, >150 kW pumps • Constant water flow • Specs is <30C inlet water, <40C outlet water • Convert to variable temperature, variable flow • Savings on chiller + Pumps >170 kW. ‹#› Insert Footer Insert subtitle here ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Energy Audit/Workshop for Shell Oil Refinery at Fredericia, Denmark ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer EDS Newcastle data centre—reverse clean room…March2008 --97% annual free-cooling ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Insert subtitle here ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Low quality sensors lead to wrong results Site • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Seagate City • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chiller Performances per Energy Audit data by Others Subj Description CHW Set Temp CHWS T ( degC ) CHWR T ( degC ) dT Design CWS Temp ( degC ) CWR Temp ( degC ) dT Design kW % RLA Avg A B C Approach Temp Cond Approach Temp Evap IGV position % Remark Ch 1 5.5 5.8 11.2 5.4 2 5.5 5.8 10.8 5.0 3 5.5 6.3 11.1 4.8 30.5 29.7 33.8 4.1 30.5 29.6 34.2 4.6 730.0 87.0 85.0 90.0 86.0 1.0 1.5 6.1 10.9 4.8 7 5.5 5.8 11.3 5.5 30.5 30.1 34.6 4.5 30.5 30.1 33.8 3.7 30.5 30.5 35.3 4.8 730.0 90.3 89.0 93.0 89.0 730.0 98.0 95.0 100.0 99.0 730.0 91.7 89.0 94.0 92.0 730.0 93.7 88.0 100.0 93.0 0.9 2.3 0.9 2.0 0.0 2.1 0.4 1.3 100 100 97.1 Limit by Vane stop Lim by I 4 5 6 - 100 lim by I - 86.9 Flow CHW Lo Flow CHW Hi 2960 3500 2500 3000 3150 3650 3100 3350 3700 3700 Design RTon RTon Lo RTon Hi 1,250 1,199 1,418 1,250 938 1,125 1,250 1,134 1,314 1,250 1,116 1,206 1,250 1,526 1,526 RTon Average measured RTon Average at 100% 1,308 1,504 1,031 1,142 1,224 1,249 1,161 1,267 1,526 1,629 0.58 0.53 0.45 0.49 0.58 0.70 0.59 0.64 0.58 0.63 0.54 0.59 0.58 0.60 0.55 0.58 0.58 0.45 0.45 0.45 Design kW/Ton Efficiency Lo Efficiency Hi Efficiency Avg Filling in other trended data revealed questionable results ‹#› Insert NoteFooter : Per Others Data, all Chillers are peformance within design or better !! Chiller efficiency too good to be true !! ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Typical overkill is educational….. Cooling Tower CWP CHWP Cooling Tower CWP CHWP Cooling Tower CWP CHWP Chiller 300 RT Chiller 300 RT Chiller 300 RT Transformer 1,000 KVA Transformer 1,000 KVA Transformer 1,000 KVA Total Electrical: 3000KVA Total Cooling: 900RT (Actual Use= 250RT) ‹#› Insert Footer Actual Use: 350KVA (Best Practice= 200KVA) ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer System kW Comparison of System kW (Before & After) System kW (Before – 25th Nov to 19th Dec 2006) Savings in kW System kW (After – 1st May 2007 to 14th May 2006) ‹#› Insert Footer Chilled Water Ton Singapore Post Centre System Efficiency (kW/Ton) – Daily/Weekly Analysis For the week: 15-June-2007 to 21-June 2007 35,000 0.6000 0.5900 30,000 0.5800 25,000 0.5700 0.5600 20,000 0.5745 kW/Ton 0.5670 kW/Ton 0.5688 kW/Ton 5,000 0.5830 kW/Ton 10,000 0.5840 kW/Ton 0.5753 kW/Ton 15,000 0.5758 kW/Ton 0.5500 Ton-hr kW-hr kW/ton 0.5400 0.5300 0.5200 0.5100 0 Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 0.5000 Thu 15-Jun-07 16-Jun-07 17-Jun-07 18-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 20-Jun-07 21-Jun-07 Average Ton-hr 28,652 20,811 15,133 28,707 28,071 27,379 27,404 kW-hr 16,483 11,982 8,838 16,736 15,968 15,525 15,744 kW/ton 0.5753 0.5758 0.5840 0.5830 0.5688 0.5670 0.5745 25,165 14,468 0.5755 ‹#› Insert Footer System kW/RT SingPost 18~20 Feb 2008 ‹#› Insert Footer Galen Chiller Plant Retrofit ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Action on HFC Gases "Low Hanging Fruit" Opportunity to Combat Climate Change • Nairobi, 22 June 2009 – A scientific paper, highlighting the need to accelerate action over a group of gases known as Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) as part of the climate change agenda, was today welcomed by the head of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The findings, by an international team of researchers are published in the Proceeedings of the National Academy of Sciences……. Under a scenario where carbon dioxide emissions are pegged to 450 parts per million HFCs could equal nine Gigatonnes equivalent to around 45 per cent of total C02 emissions - by 2050 if their growth is unchecked. ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer JARN interview with USEPA’s Director Dr Stephen Anderson “The cost of the refrigerant is a small part of owning an air conditioner or a refrigerator. The biggest part is the purchase price and the electricity. So, I think that the refrigerant costs are of minor significance.” So far, there’s no essential use for HCFCs because the phase-out comes many years into the future. Most people believe there will be an essential use exemption for HCFC. And if that were true, and the HCFC-123 building air conditioners retained their competitive advantage for high energy efficiency, then they probably would get that exemption. So you could keep using 123 until a better refrigerant comes. But here’s the more important question, why would someone believe that HFC-134a will be in the market longer than HCFC-123? There is no plan to further accelerate the HCFC phase-out, but there is every intention to accelerate the HFC-134a phase down. So HFC-134a may be gone from chillers before HCFC-123. Today when you go to buy, and you ask the question, which refrigerant will last the longest in the market, I don’t think it’s HFC-134a. HFC-1234yf should work anywhere HFC-134a is working today. Both HCFC-123 and HFC-134a are in regulatory jeopardy, but the difference is that HCFC-123 gets higher energy efficiency. For large chillers, it’s the top-runner. HCFC-123 is currently the best in the market. With 134a under phase-out worldwide for cars, stationary is next. It’s exciting! Nov2008 ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Insert subtitle here ‹#› Insert Footer Insert subtitle here ‹#› Insert Footer Ansari X prize --- Space Flight ‹#› Insert Footer IDEAS SOUGHT FOR BETTER DESALINATION – Aug 2007 Business Times, Singapore • The Environment and Water Resources Ministry is looking for better ways to make clean water out of seawater. • Its Environment and Water Industry Development Council is asking all local and overseas institutes of higher learning, research institutes and private sector companies to submit proposals for technologies which can desalinate seawater using a total energy consumption of not more than 1.5 kWh per m3 of water produced less than half the energy now used by other technologies. • The closing date is Nov 2. For more information. go to . ‹#› Insert Footer Cheaper way found to make sea water drinkable—Straits Times, 24June2008 …...Siemens Water Technologies team yesterday bagged a S$4 million grant from the Environment and Water Industry Development Council (EWI)…. used electricity instead of high pressure or heat to remove salt from sea water, and produced a cubic metre of pure drinking water on 1.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of power. . ….PUB technology director Harry Seah described the novel approach as one which 'blows convention away'. ….Prof Lui …. 'This is what we call disruptive technology - and it's exactly what we're looking for.' News of this new technology is a prelude to the cutting-edge technologies that will be on show at the Singapore International Water Week, which officially opens today. . ‹#› Insert Footer Negawatt - X Prizes • First High Temp Chiller Plant to achieve 0.40 kW/RT • First Low Temp Chiller Plant to achieve 0.50 kW/RT • First low cost M&V hardware/software product for chiller plant to achieve ARI-550 accuracy or better • First Lighting System to achieve 200 Lumens/Watt • First HVAC system to achieve 0.65 kW/RT • First property developer to allow real time access to various properties types for MEP systems, online documentation, etc setting high standards ‹#› Insert Footer Latest NEA guidelines for energy audits in Singapore—June 2009 • • • – Chilled water plant system performance System performance measurement error shall not exceed ±5%. This implies the use of high accuracy thermometry and calorimetry. Detailed method statement explaining how the required degree of accuracy was achieved with the instruments and data acquisition hardware employed. Data required to establish system performance must be sampled and acquired simultaneously and continuously for a minimum of 1 week at one-minute intervals. ‹#› Insert Footer Latest NEA guidelines for energy audits in Singapore—June 2009 • The appendices should include: • Schematics and layout drawings of facility or building audited • Details of instrumentation used – parameters monitored and • • • • duration of monitoring for each parameter Data plots of performance of systems or equipment audited Energy efficiency of major equipment compared against industrial benchmarks Measurement and verification (M&V) plan for monitoring and verifying energy savings for each of the recommendations CD-ROM containing the raw measurement data ‹#› Insert Footer ‹#› Insert Footer Performance metric : 9.69 secs/100 meters Making Energy Efficiency Accountable Right now there is no off-the-shelf delivery process in place to develop truly effective energy efficiency improvements with long term performance assurance. Thomas Hartman, P E The Hartman Company June 2007, ‹#› Insert Footer Ashrae--Chiller Plant Efficiency New Technology All-Variable Speed Chiller Plants EXCELLENT High-efficiency Conventional Older Chiller Optimized Code Based Plants Chiller Plants Chiller Plants GOOD FAIR Chiller Plants with Correctable Design or Operational Problems NEEDS IMPROVEMENT kW/ton 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 C.O.P. (7.0) (5.9) (5.0) (4.4) (3.9) (3.5) (3.2) (2.9) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHILLER PLANT EFFICIENCY IN KW/TON (C.O.P.) (Input energy includes chillers, condenser pumps, tower fans and chilled water pumping) Based on electrically driven centrifugal chiller plants in comfort conditioning applications with 42F (5.6C) nominal chilled water supply temperature and open cooling towers sized for 85F (29.4C) maximum entering condenser water temperature and 20% excess capacity. Local Climate adjustment for North American climates is +/- 0.05 kW/ton ‹#› Insert Footer Simple Guide to retrofit success • Ask for 1 minute trend data for chiller plant parameter • • • • eg tons, kw/ton, flow rates, kw, pressures, temperatures, ambient temp and wet bulbs for 3 months in spreadsheet format Ask for previous performance contract examples with bank guarantees Ask for online internet access to previous projects Ask for ARI-550 accuracy of +-5% for chiller plant efficiency, using as guides ASHRAE 14P & 22. Ask for 0.60 kW/RT or better for chiller plant ‹#› Insert Footer The Evolution of truth… • • • • All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. – – ‹#› Insert Footer Arthur Schopenhauer German philosopher (1788 - 1860)