2014 lapa board of directors and officers
2014 lapa board of directors and officers
www.lapa.org FEBRUARY 2014 IN RE VIE W... 1 2014 LAPA Board of Directors and Officers: 1 President’s Message: New Year, New Faces 2 Travel Log: Midwinter Musings 3 Letter from the Editor: New Year Changes 4 Healthy Living: How to Lose Weight in 2014! 5 Book Review: California Family Law for Paralegals by Marshall W. Waller 6 Restaurant Review: Marco’s Trattoria....Simply Delicious SAVE THE DATE: February 11th LAPA Probate & Estate Planning MCLE Seminar see ad on page 17 March 21st, 6-9 pm Westside Networking Mixer! Seasons 52; Westfield Mall; Century City First 50 people to arrive receive free drink ticket. 3 hours free parking with validation. Drawing for special prize Register for these events at www.lapa.org Also In This Issue: Calendar of Events 3 Ask LAPA 7 December Facts & Findings NALA News 8 LAPA Career Center Info. 9/13 Working Advantage LAPA Member Benefit12 NALA Commercial Bankruptcy APC Course13 LAPA 2013 CA Legislative Roundup Seminar 17 New & Renewing Members 18 LAPA Member Benefit Health Insurance 19 Board of Directors Listings 19 Sections, Committees & Other LAPA Info. 19 LAPA Member Benefit Dental Insurance 19 reporter VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 2 014 L A PA B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S A N D O F F I C E R S Announcing: LAPA’s Officers & Board of Directors for 2014 PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE V.P. V.P. MEMBERSHIP & POLICY V.P. MARKETING & PLANNING Donna Reznick-Goodich Patricia Leedom Michelle Tabb, ACP Cathernine Peck TREASURER PRO TEM Terry Riggins DIRECTORS AT LARGE Kai Ellis, ACP Wayne Kiser Bogdana Koiso, CP Anthony Sipp Sharon Fluxman Tamara Loveland Larry Thigpen Kari Wenger PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE New Year, New Faces by Donna Reznick-Goodich – LAPA President It is my pleasure, as 2014 LAPA President, to introduce the Directors of LAPA’s 2014 Board of Directors. But first, I would like to acknowledge and thank the membership who voted in the recent Board elections. The Board they chose has already shown confidence, professionalism, intelligence and humor. If it weren’t for Roberts’ Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, this group could run itself. Some names you will recognize from last year’s Board. Executive VicePresident Patti Leedom is with us again along with our hard-working Vice President of Membership and Policy, Michelle Tabb, ACP – both elected to continued on page 10 TR AVEL LO G For your reading pleasure, a regularly recurring column on the fun of travel. Midwinter Musings by Elisabeth Patmore Sillars This past December I was reminded yet again of the decided pleasures of that close relative of the family “Sunday Drive,” the “pile your whole gang into the car and head out somewhere you can find plenty of holiday lights and decorations drive.” On one hand, it seems each year increasing numbers of homeowners around the country begin loading up their properties with lights on every available surface as early as October, more and more often accompanied by programmed seasonal music that controls the displays. And there are carloads of families driving by, presumably to enjoy all this ungreen excess. I suspect there must be something infectious about it, so that once a neighborhood has one such homeowner, others feel challenged to compete (think 2006’s Deck the Halls, with Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick), or at least join in the fun, or else why would it happen that whole LAPA’S OFFICE HOURS Direct your inquiries to LAPA’s Administrative Manager, Tracey Booth, at 866.626.LAPA: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. L APA REP ORTER The Reporter is published monthly by the Los Angeles Paralegal Association. The news and views presented express the authors’ views and not necessarily those of LAPA. Publication of any article or advertisement does not imply endorsement of the opinions, products or services offered. LAPA assumes no responsibility for verifying facts offered by contributing authors or in reprinted articles. Readers should consider information contained in these articles as guidelines to be independently confirmed as to timeliness. ©2013 Los Angeles Paralegal Association. All rights reserved. THE ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL DEADLINE IS THE 5TH OF THE MONTH PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. Articles and News items should be directed to LAPA at editor@lapa.org. Inquiries about making a submission should be directed to LAPA at info@lapa.org, or call Tracey Booth at (866) 626-LAPA. Inquiries about advertising placement, applications, membership materials and address changes should be directed to Tracey Booth, LAPA Administrative Manager, at (866) 626-LAPA. Articles will be published as space permits. The Newsletter Committee reserves approval and edit rights on any article submitted. The Los Angeles Paralegal Association is a non-profit, mutual benefit corporation within the meaning of section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. Membership dues and donations to LAPA are not tax deductible as charitable gifts, but may be deductible as related business expenses. LAPA suggests that you consult your tax advisor in this regard. 2 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 areas become known for their annual displays. Here in L.A. County, I suppose one of the most famous is in Sierra Madre, although I intend to make a concerted effort next Christmas to check out at a minimum one or more others: Sleepy Hollow, off Pacific Coast Highway in Torrance; Naples Island in Long Beach; Christmas Tree Lane and the Balian House in Altadena; or maybe Candy Cane Lane in Woodland Hills. Part of the problem for me is always finding time to set aside the annual holiday related errands and traditions long enough to allow an evening just for this. After all, the timing is crucial: not much point scheduling it for after Christmas! For years, I drove to work in the San Fernando Valley through Griffith Park, and always planned to take time during the Christmas season to tour the lighting display put on jointly by the Park and the DWP. Somehow I never did – and now they’ve stopped doing it, of course. I also keep meaning to get sufficiently organized to be able to show up for one of the Christmas Boat Parades, either in Marina del Rey or Newport Beach in Orange County, either of which would probably constitute Paul’s idea of Christmas Hell, reminding him of his nights working on the CBS-TV technical crew at the Rose Parade. I have managed to drag him out here and there around town from time to time and I did warn him a couple of weeks ago that one of these years we will be among the happy seniors spending several hours enjoying the floats in the Post-Parade viewing event, which strikes me as being truly fraught with photographic portent. All of which is well and good, but one shouldn’t overlook the possibilities of venturing a little farther afield to find great lighting displays. After all, this is a column devoted to the fun of driving! So probably first on any such list should be the Festival of Lights at the Mission Inn hotel in Riverside. The famous hotel, originally built in the mid-1870’s as a small boarding house and expanded over several decades after the beginning of the last century (that still feels weird to say) to its present size of more than 225 rooms and suites in four different wings, just wrapped up its 21st annual Festival, which celebrates the season with close to four million lights illuminating the structure and grounds during the month of continued on page 12 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEBRUARY 5 - LAPA Board of Directors Meeting – Contact Donna ReznickGoodich at 213.576.1000. 11 -LAPA Probate & Estate Planning MCLE Seminar – The Olympic Collection, West Los Angeles, 6pm – 8:30pm; Topic: 2013 California Legislative Roundup- A Review of Laws Affecting Estate Planning, Probate and Conservatorships; Contact Bobby Rimas at bobby.rimas@alumni.ucla.edu, see page 17. 19 -Executive Committee Meeting – Telephone Conference. MARCH 5 - LAPA Board of Directors Meeting – Contact Donna ReznickGoodich at 213.576.1000. 8 - Public Counsel’s Run for Justice – Dodgers Stadium; Contact Bobby Rimas at bobby.rimas@alumni.ucla.edu; see ad on page 15. 19 -Executive Committee Meeting – Telephone Conference. APRIL 2 - LAPA Board of Directors Meeting – Contact Donna Reznick- Goodich at 213.576.1000. 3 - LAPA CLA/CP Review Course– National University (near LAX); Contact Kari Wenger at 626.256.1956, kariwenger@ hotmail.com or Michelle Tabb, ACP 213.894.2060, michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov; see page 14. 5 - LAPA CLA/CP Review Course– National University (near LAX); Contact Kari Wenger at 626.256.1956, kariwenger@ hotmail.com or Michelle Tabb, ACP 213.894.2060, michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov; see page 14. 10 -LAPA CLA/CP Review Course– National University (near LAX); Contact Kari Wenger at 626.256.1956, kariwenger@ hotmail.com or Michelle Tabb, ACP 213.894.2060, michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov; see page 14. 12 -LAPA CLA/CP Review Course– National University (near LAX); Contact Kari Wenger at 626.256.1956, kariwenger@ hotmail.com or Michelle Tabb, ACP 213.894.2060, michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov; see page 14. 16 -Executive Committee Meeting – Telephone Conference. 24 -LAPA CLA/CP Review Course– National University (near LAX); Contact Kari Wenger at 626.256.1956, kariwenger@ hotmail.com or Michelle Tabb, ACP 213.894.2060, michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov; see page 14. 26 -LAPA CLA/CP Review Course– National University (near LAX); Contact Kari Wenger at 626.256.1956, kariwenger@ hotmail.com or Michelle Tabb, ACP 213.894.2060, michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov; see page 14. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR New Year Changes by David Faulkner LAPA Reporter Editor As we all settle in to the New Year, I want to take this opportunity to introduce the changes in and about the newsletter. My colleague and long time Reporter editor Thomas Horlick has retired from monthly duty but will remain a welcomed contributor. It was a wonderful experience working with Thomas to produce a publication that we were both proud of and served the membership so well. So I stand alone as your trusty editor. I am wide open to any and all contributions and feedback. On the subject of the latter, the first new feature to debut with this issue is entitled “Ask LAPA.” Our Administrator, Tracey Booth, receives many questions from both members and non-members. The answers to some of these inquiries are probably of interest to more readers than just the sender. So these questions and answers will be published in the Reporter each month. Rest assured that strict anonymity will be exercised at all times. Another new feature is the review of new and relevant (and sometimes fun and/or exciting) books on paralegaling or just all around legaling. The reviews will be by Christine Langteau, paralegal and reference librarian at the Los Angeles Law Library. Besides the usefulness of the book being reviewed this feature offers more proof that the LALL is a fantastic and FREE resource you should use whenever possible. Some things will not be changing. The always informative and exciting Travel Log section from Elisabeth Sillars, the inspirational Health Tips from Arzo Yusuf, and the mouth-watering restaurant reviews from Martha Padgett will continue. These and our traditional reports from LAPA MCLE and social events, LAPA calendar, and NALA news will keep the Reporter a monthly must read. I look forward to keeping everyone informed in 2014. G VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 3 H E A LT H Y L I V I N G How to Lose Weight in 2014! by Arzo Yusuf It is that time of year again, to make our resolutions of becoming healthy and losing weight. For most of us, we make losing weight a focus that lasts for a short time then we are back to our old habits. So what do we do and how can we increase our chances of keeping our health goals? The answer is, to be realistic and keep it simple. However, there is a process to it; reflect, resolve, act and maintain. Reflect over the past few months or even year and think about your overall quality of life. I lost 70 lbs. two years ago and kept it off for a year and a half. The past six months have been a very busy and stressful time for me, which shifted my priorities around. Without realizing it, I gained about 10 lbs. I was devastated as I had worked very hard to lose so much weight and become healthy and here I was 10 lbs. later. As we all know, 10 lbs. can easily turn to 15, to 20 and before you know it, you are back where you started. I did not want to go down that path again. The good news is, I still had the roadmap to success and it was time to start using it again. 4 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 I resolved that the key to staying on track with health goals was meal planning. This is exactly where I had fallen off track. I had a crazy schedule and had to be a dozen places at once. My life was driving me I was not driving it. Now that things are more under control, it was time to realize my true potential and the main ingredient was to make sure I was well fed. Having a big breakfast is important to give you the energy you need to start your day. If I’m on the go and time is an issue I’ll have a protein shake/ smoothie, a handful of nuts and a banana and I’m on my way. The most important thing is simply, to eat. For lunch, having a grass fed/organic piece of meat or veggie protein alternative with a salad and a yam will keep you going for a while. Having a similar dinner and healthy snacks throughout the day will give your body enough nutrients to curb cravings. You will be shocked how quickly cravings disappear when you are eating nutritious meals. Knowing what you did wrong and what you should do is meaningless without action. Taking action means keeping your health on your mind throughout the day. When being healthy becomes part of your continued on page 10 BOOK REVIEW by Christine Langteau California Family Law for Paralegals by Marshall W. Waller What are some ethical considerations for paralegals in a family law practice? Are there any major cases concerning child visitation? How are important property issues resolved before trial? Where does a paralegal find a comprehensive resource to turn to in a busy family law practice? In the last few months the Los Angeles Law Library has purchased several new publications specifically written for California paralegals. California Family Law for Paralegals written by Marshall W. Waller and published by Wolters Kluwer is one of them. As the author explains the essence of this book is the California Family Law Code. Throughout the text he integrates law, including major family law cases, along with judicial interpretation to provide a comprehensive and useful resource for this oftenturbulent practice area. Each chapter is organized in the same manner – discussion, a summary, key terms, questions for discussion, and endnotes. Initial chapters discuss the basics of jurisdiction and venue, paralegal ethics, and validity of marriage. The next several chapters focus on the relationship of parent and child covering a variety of relevant subjects including remedies for “interferences” with visitations, grandparent and stepparent visitation, calculating child support, and modification and termination. The remaining chapters cover support centered on the Family Law Code sections 4320 and 4360, property rights and obligations, the litigation process, resolving issues before trial, and enforcement of orders. The final chapter called “Selected Issues” acts as a catchall for many matters in family law cases such as bankruptcy, domestic violence, and marital agreements which do not fall into any one specific category. A glossary and chart outlining organization of the family code complete the text. As the prefaces mentions, the book is intended to “provide a source of reference and explanation on continued on page 12 VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 5 RE S TAU R A N T RE V IE W Marco’s Trattoria....Simply Delicious by Martha Padgett When in West Hollywood, I love to visit one of my favorite eateries, Marco’s Trattoria on the famed Santa Monica Boulevard. The dictionary defines the word trattoria, as an Italian restaurant serving simple food. Marco’s is definitely Italian and I would describe the food not as simple but simply delicious! Marco’s was previously located across the street in a strip mall and the square footage of the original restaurant was rather small. However, in the last several years, they moved over to their new, much larger location. Marco’s is very popular with the locals, as well as others visiting from other parts of Los Angeles. The restaurant is able to accommodate group gatherings of up to 30 people. The dim lights and the tea light candles on each table provide a romantic setting for you and your significant other. 6 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 Upon your arrival at Marco’s you are served up some insanely good focaccia bread, which is a flat oven baked Italian bread. Their flatbread is not exactly flat, but maybe about an inch in thickness. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar is provided for dipping purposes. The menu is vast so I couldn’t possibly name everything in this article. Marco’s has everything you would expect an Italian restaurant to have; everything from a multitude of pasta dishes, pizzas, fish, chicken, pork and steak. I would like to describe some of the few dishes that I have sampled. I recently had their pork chop which was cooked up with peaches. It also served with whipped sweet potatoes. This dish is not on their regular menu, so you may have to ask for it, since I believe it may be seasonal. Another favorite of mine is Chicken Piccata; it comes with a lemon butter sauce and capers. Many times at Marco’s, we order the Tempura Calamari, which is the Italian word for “squid” (Calamari that is). It comes with a trio of dipping sauces: sweet chili, marinara and citrus aioli. Other menu offerings include some typical continued on page 11 ASK L APA This is a reoccurring column intended to address some of the most frequently asked questions concerning LAPA practices and policies. Q.What is the difference between a Voting Member and a Associate Member? A.A Voting Member of LAPA must be employed as a paralegal, be self-employed or have been employed within the last six months. This employment must (a) be the paralegal’s primary source of income, (b) involve the paralegal in the generation of substantive legal work product that, if not performed by a paralegal, would otherwise be completed by an attorney, and (c) as an employee or on a freelance basis be under the ultimate direction and supervision of an attorney or as authorized by administrative, statutory or court authority to perform this work. A LAPA Voting member must also be (a) a graduate of a paralegal training program or (b) in-house trained and classified as a paralegal. A Voting Member may also be an individual who is employed as a paralegal and concurrently attending a paralegal training program. Voting Members have the right to vote in all matters brought before the membership of LAPA and may hold office. Associate Members of LAPA include attorneys and other legal professionals who do not meet the qualifications of a Voting Member, but who are interested in promoting the goals of the association. An Associate Member has no voting privileges and may not hold office, but is eligible for all benefits. In addition, a Student Member who has not found employment within six months of graduation will be required to convert his or her LAPA membership to Associate status. UCLA’s PARALEGAL TRAINING • ABA-approved • 5- and 12-month program options • Taught by judges, attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals • Financial aid available • In 2 locations — Westwood and Downtown LA Details at uclaextension.edu/LAPA or call (310) 825-0741. Q.When do I have to start earning Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit? A.6450. (d) Every two years, commencing January 1, 2007, any person that is working as a paralegal shall be required to certify completion of four hours of mandatory continuing legal education in legal ethics and four hours of mandatory continuing legal education in either general law or in an area of specialized law. All continuing legal education courses shall meet the requirements of Section 6070. Certification of these continuing education requirements shall be made with the paralegal’s supervising attorney. The paralegal shall be responsible for keeping a record of the paralegal’s certifications. 14548-half.indd 1 Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law. 14548-13 VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 7 6/17/13 10:02 AM N O V E M B E R F acts & F indings N A L A N E W S by Kari S. Wenger – NALA Liaison, PCC Committee Co-Chair www.nala.org For your information, here follows the latest news from NALA: This special edition of Facts & Findings is the annual Career Chronicle edition. Prepared by the NALA Professional Development Committee, this issue focuses on career options for paralegals. Included are articles about the Washington State Limited Licensed Legal Technicians introduced to the legal community in 2013, freelance business for paralegals, mediation, criminal law, and tips for all of us in “Happiness and Professional Growth.” NALA Campus LIVE begins January 2014 Career Chronicle....Now Available in February 3 NALA has quite a line-up of classes for you from Digital Format, iTunes and February 3 to May 16, from review for the Certified Paralegal exam to advanced classes. The full GooglePlay schedule is on the NALA web site under Continuing The popular Career Chronicle edition of Facts & Findings is now available to NALA members and subscribers in digital format. The printed issue will be in your mailbox soon! Download this from the NALA web site Facts and Findings/Current Issue Information, or from the app stores. You will need your NALA Net login which is listed above. Our People Make the Difference Advanced Discovery provides the perfect balance of the right technology and the human factor... Advanced Discovery understands the ESI challenges and provides the ultimate, full-service electronic discovery solution, committed to delivering the most efficient and cost-predictive approach with the highest level of customer service. Our service offering includes: • Data Collection • Forensic Investigation • Data Analysis • Processing • Attorney Review • Web Hosting • Paper Discovery Services • Consulting Our people are committed to providing strategic guidance, practical advice and the expert resources needed to meet your discovery requirements. Our people consist of: • Project Managers • Expert Attorney Reviewers • Forensic Consultants • Technology Specialists • Workflow Design Consultants • Programmers • Trainers Advanced Discovery combines the right people with the right technology because we believe that software is simply not enough. Contact us today for more information. 866.342.DATA www.advanceddiscovery.com 8 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 Education/Online Education. NALA members should start receiving the printed brochure and calendar shortly. Remember - NALA active members receive annually an $80 gift certificate to be used to defray the costs of registration fees for NALA CLE programs. Now is a great time to plan how you will continued on page 11 use yours for 2014. VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 9 P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E - continued from page 1 serve for 2014-2015. Also elected for new two-year terms are Kai Ellis, 2013 October Conference Chair, and Downtown Section Chair Tammi Loveland, who many of you know through her LAPA mixers and from the December Holiday Benefit Gala. Two other holdovers from the 2013 Board who will be serving through 2014 are Kari Wenger, our NALA Liaison, and Bogdana Koiso who served as Treasurer pro tem in 2013. The new faces this year include one Director who had filled a vacancy late last year and will now be serving his own two year term, Larry Thigpen. Larry contributes a special insight from his nonparalegal, earlier career and has one of the more interesting resumes of any I’ve seen. Catherine Peck has rejoined the LAPA Board after a brief absence. Catherine will be our Vice President of Marketing and Planning. She has also served as a Committee Chair and October Conference Co-Chair. Welcome back, Catherine. New Director Terri Riggins, a paralegal at Walt Disney Company, joined the Board at the January Retreat along with first-time Director Anthony Sipp from Litchfield & Cavo in Pasadena. They both have already shown enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. At our February Board Meeting, we will be including the last two Directors to round out the Board. Wayne Kiser, LAPA’s Bankruptcy Chair and Sharon Fluxman, Family Law Section Chair will be joining us - more on them later. Lastly, I would like to announce our two Advisory Board Members. Susan Oder, Esq., who has also been serving as LAPA’s pro bono counsel, will be familiar to those of you who witnessed her selection as LAPA’s Lifetime Achievement Award Winner in 2013. Susan has been a patient and always goodnatured dispenser of both legal and non-legal advice. And as she is a former LAPA president, I hope she will be my new best friend. Finally, I come to Board Advisor and former President, Bobby Rimas. What can I say? He is has given his all for this organization for the last three years and brought every aspect of LAPA to a higher level. He’s a tireless supporter of everything the Association does. He constantly promotes LAPA membership, involvement and professionalism. Have you ever seen him without his gold LAPA lapel pin? Maybe when he sleeps? Because he is a friend, I can assure you he truly believes that the Los Angeles Paralegal Association can make us better paralegals and better people. Thank you, thank you, Bobby, you are a very hard act to follow. G H E A L T H Y L I V I N G - continued from page 4 daydream and you are always thinking about it, it is in the forefront of your mind. If it helps, create a vision board and put pictures of healthy foods and people exercising to keep you motivated. Put quotes about being healthy on your bathroom mirror or your desk at work. Plan what you are going to buy at the grocery store so you have enough of what you need for a few days. Make sure you plan what you are going to eat tomorrow, today. If you promise to do this, coupled with a simple 30 minute walk a day, I promise you will lose weight. I already started losing a few pounds just by planning my meals. Finally, maintenance is the reality of it all. There is no magic pill that will keep excess weight off permanently. Maintenance requires a true commitment to long-term health. Commitment requires being accountable to us. We must let go of excuses and creating scapegoats and instead takes responsibility of our health. Part of being realistic 10 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 understands this is a long-term process and we must nurture it. If you want to keep your resolution of losing weight, be kind to yourself if you make a mistake. Go back to the steps; reflect what you did wrong, resolve what you need to do, take action and get back to maintaining. It has taken us many years to engrain in our brains our bad habits so don’t expect to change overnight. Life happens and some things are out of our control like family crisis, financial stress, personal illness or a list of other things. We all have setbacks in life. What is great about setbacks is that they are temporary. It is what we do after the setback that can make all the difference in the world. We can choose to feel defeated or we can choose to put the best foot forward and start again in a positive direction. I’m doing it again, and so can you, Happy New Year! Arzo Yusuf is Director of Business Development at U.S. Legal Support. They provide court reporting and record retrieval services. ayusuf@uslegalsupport.com. G N O V E M B E R F acts & F indings N A L A N E W S - continued from page 8 APC Board Announces Completion of New Course for Family Law Paralegals The Advanced Paralegal Certification Board has announced the completion of the third course in the Family Law series - Dissolution Case Management. This course concentrates on practice and procedure in the area of marriage dissolution case management. Modules in the course begin with the legal framework that provides the substantive and procedural structure for marriage and dissolution; legal requirements, obligations, and benefits of a valid marriage; the process of marriage dissolution; issues to be resolved in dissolution cases; information intake, client interviews, and case assessment; preparation and initiation of a dissolution case; discovery in a dissolution case; and resolution of the case, including entry, enforcement, and modification of court orders. The course is in final production stages and will be available in early 2014. Access all of the 22 programs now available plus general review courses, and Certified Paralegal exam review programs, through your mobile device! Annual Membership Meeting Information – 2014 The January issue of Facts & Findings includes information you will need regarding candidacy, voting during the 2014 annual meeting, and the official notice of the annual meeting of members. Go to http://www.nala.org/Upload/file/PDF-Files/2014Convention/2014vote.pdf for all the details. If you are a voting member of NALA and cannot attend this meeting: The Designation of Proxy form is also on the NALA web site, and may be completed electronically. The link is found on the 2014 Annual Meeting Information page Founders & Presidents Award Nominations Due April 15 The Presidents’ Award is exclusively for NALA members, recognizing achievements in the growth and development of the profession. Recipients must be members for at least two years and have at least five years of experience as a paralegal. Go to http://www. nala.org/Upload/file/PDF-Files/2011-Convention/11Pres-form.pdf for the nomination form. NALA Affiliated Associations Awards recognize both affiliates and individual members for service and outstanding contributions. These awards include the National Affiliated Associations Achievement Award and the Affiliate Awards for general recognition of resolute service and valuable contributions to the members’ affiliated associations. Nominations for NALA’s annual awards at the July Convention in Charleston, South Carolina, are due May 1. These tributes are a meaningful function of a professional association to express esteem for members who excel and to inspire excellence in others. Go to http://www.nala.org/awards.aspx for the nomination packet. G R E S T A U R A N T R E V I E W - continued from page 6 American fare, such as hamburgers, sandwiches and also vegetarian dishes. Marco’s has a great wine selection, serving Italian and California wines and some great Prosecco (sparkling wines). There are also great Italian sodas that come in flavors such as almond, cherry and mint. Marco’s has a small bar with a flat screen TV, if you prefer not to sit at a table and catch up on the news or sports. Even though Los Angeles has an abundance of Italian restaurants, Marcos stands out as having some of the best food in the area. Give them a try, you won’t be disappointed. Check them out on the web at www.marcoswesthollywood.com. Buon Appetito! Martha Padgett is a Billing Administrator at OneWest Bank. She is currently working on a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing at Cal State Los Angeles. G VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 11 T R A V E L L O G - continued from page 2 December. Among the added attractions of the hotel for me would be the “Famous Fliers’ Wall” at the Saint Francis Chapel, which was dedicated in 1932 as the International Shrine of Aviators. I’m not sure what the relationship was between aviation and the original owner/developer of the Inn, Frank Miller, but certainly Saint Francis was known as the patron saint of birds, and it appears that Mr. Miller extrapolated that connection to denote him as the patron saint of “birdmen” as well. Regardless, the Chapel has also long been a favored wedding location, with its fabulous gold-leafed Mexican altar and Tiffany stained-glass windows. B O O K R E V I E W - continued from page 5 the material discussed in a class in family law.” However Waller has provided much more than just a basic overview in the detailed and expanded coverage provided to so many issues. Employing the Family Law Code as the cornerstone of the court’s process and procedure, along with its application to major cases, enables paralegals in a family law practice to gain a stronger working knowledge of how the code is applied to the various situations. Christine R. Langteau is a librarian in reference and research with the Los Angeles Law Library. In addition to reference work she teaches several legal research courses and conducts tours for paralegal programs. Before becoming a librarian she worked for 20 years as a litigation paralegal for a number of law firms in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas. G And at the other end of the Southern California spectrum would be the December Julefest (no, that’s not a typo, but it is pronounced “Yulefest”) in the super-Danish city of Solvang (the “Most Christmas-y Town in America,” according to Time Magazine), northeast of Santa Barbara in the Santa Ynez Valley. More than a hundred of the local Solvang businesses display brightly lit evergreens and other living foliage during December, making the whole town into a winter wonderland. From the Solvang Brewing Company’s barrel-fermented Yulefest (nope, that’s not a typo either) Ale, through the traditional lighting of the huge town tree in Solvang Park, the Julefest Parade and Nativity Pageant, the understandably popular Holiday Wine Walk, a temporary outdoor ice rink was set up to add to the festivities, skates included, an entirely new event, the “S’moresFest,” (described as the opportunity to roast your own marshmallows and create your own custom “S’mores” using locally produced goodies), to what must be a truly spectacular sight, the Annual Christmas Tree Burn, where area residents are invited to bring their denuded trees to be set ablaze this year on January 3rd, heralding the official end of the Julefest celebrations – and all of it to the strains of live holiday music. If autumn brings Leaf Peeping, what about calling this kind of trip Light Sighting? G Are you looking for a job? If so, please be sure to view LAPA’s Career Center webpage and consider submitting your resume! http://p.ca.la.associationcareernetwork.com/Common/HomePage.aspx 12 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 If you are interested in making a difference, please be sure to visit www.LAPA.org to connect with LAPA Chairs or Co-Chairs of committees and sections. Being involved with a LAPA committee or section is a great way to network, develop leadership skills, and ensure that 2014 is even a better year for LAPA! VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 13 CLA REVIEW COURSE – CO-SPONSORED BY LAPA & NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 2014 SPRING CLASS SCHEDULE WEEK 1 04/03 04/05 7-9 p.m. Introduction/Ethics 9-11 a.m. Communications 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Legal Terminology and Human Relations WEEK 2 04/10 04/12 7-9 p.m. Legal Research 9-11 a.m. Judgment & Analytical Ability I 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Judgment & Analytical Ability II Study Course Designed to Prepare Paralegals for the 2014 CLA/CP Exam WHEN: Thursdays and Saturdays April 3, 5, 10, 12, 24, 26, May 1, 3 COST: $125.00 Members $175.00 Non-Members $20.00 Per Individual Class (Members) $25.00 Per Individual Class (Non-Members) WEEK 3 04/24 04/26 7-9 p.m. Substantive Law 9-11 a.m. Civil Litigation 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Contracts WEEK 4 REGISTRATION FORM 05/01 05/03 Name: 7-9 p.m. Business Organizations 9-11 a.m. Test Taking Skills 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Mock Exam Street Address: CLASSES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE WHERE: National University Los Angeles Campus (near LAX) 5245 Pacific Concourse Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045-6905 Phone: 310.662.2000 www.nu.edu REQUIRED TEXT: City/State/Zip: Business Phone: Home Phone: E-mail: ■ ■ LAPA Member: $125.00 Check Visa CLA/CP Review Manual 4th Ed. Virginia Koerselman Newman Credit Card #: AVAILABLE FROM: Expiration Date: www.nala.org amazon.com www.cengage.com/community/paralegal Card Holder Name: RECOMMENDED TEXT: CLA/CP Study Guide and Mock Examination, 5th Ed. The Bluebook-A Uniform System of Citation The Elements of Style, 4th Ed., Strunk and White QUESTIONS: Kari Wenger at 626.256.1956 kariwenger@hotmail.com To register for individual classes, please contact LAPA administrator, Tracey Booth at 866.626.LAPA 14 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 Non-Member: $175.00 Mastercard Am Ex Signature: Register on-line at lapa.org, or return a completed Registration Form and payment, which can be made by check or money order payable to “LAPA” or by credit card. Mail to: LAPA/NU, CLA Review P.O. Box 71708 Los Angeles, CA 90071 I M P O R T A N T : You must also register for the CLA exam through NALA. Applications may be obtained by contacting NALA at: NALA, 1516 S. Boston, #200, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918.587.6828; fax 918.582.6772; www.nala.org). JOIN THE TEAM TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 5K PUBLIC COUNSEL’S Marathon RUN FOR JUSTICE Please join the Los Angeles Paralegal Association (LAPA) Pro Bono & Community Services Committee and its supporters at the Run for Justice 5K marathon on Saturday, March 8th at Dodger Stadium! This event will raise funds for Public Counsel, the nation's largest public interest law firm specializing in delivering pro bono legal services to low-‐income communities. To officially register for the LAPA Team, please click on the below link, and then click on "CREATE YOUR OWN FUNDRAISER". This option will allow you to create a webpage (as a LAPA Team Member) to raise funds with your friends, co-‐workers, or colleagues in your name for this event. http://www.crowdrise.com/LAPA After your webpage has been completed, you can e-‐mail your link to all potential donors! To register for the 5K marathon for this event, please visit http://www.lamarathon.com and click "Register Now" at the upper right corner of the page. • On the registration page, select "LA Big 5K" and proceed with registration. • Follow the instructions and be sure to designate Public Counsel as your official charity. If you cannot participate in this event, but would like to donate (or know of other individuals that may donate), please utilize this link and click on the orange "DONATE" button: http://www.crowdrise.com/LAPA SATURDAY MARCH 8TH 7:00 a.m. @ DODGER STADIUM JOIN THE LAPA TEAM! For more details about this event and to join the LAPA Team at the Run for Justice 5K marathon, please contact Pro Bono & Community Services Committee Chair Bobby T. Rimas at probono@lapa.org. Thank you very much for your support! VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 15 16 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 TO ALL ATTORNEYS, PARALEGALS & LEGAL PROFFESIONALS 2013 California Legislative Roundup: A Review of Laws Affecting Estate Planning, Probate and Conservatorships Featuring James R. Birnberg, Esq. Mr. Birnberg will present his popular annual legislative update. Mr. Birmberg will discuss new California legislation and its effects on estate planning, trusts, probate, conservatorship, and guardianship proceedings. He will also give his predictions for the year 2014 and his recap of 2013. James Birnberg, Esq. Mr. Birnberg is a partner of the firm of Oldman, Cooley, Sallus, Birnberg & Coleman, LLP, in Encino, California. Mr. Birnberg received his undergraduate degree from Pomona College, a Master of Arts degree from Stanford University and his law degree from the University of California, Berkeley. Mr. Birnberg has been an active member in the California State Bar, the Los Angeles County Bar and the Beverly Hills Bar, having been the member of Trusts and Estates Executive Committees for each in charge of state legislative matters. He is also a member of the Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee to the State Judicial Council, where he is the legislative chair. Mr. Birnberg has received awards for service from the California State Bar Taxation Section (V. Judson Klein Honorary Award, 1986), the Los Angeles County Bar Estates and Trusts Section (Arthur K. Marshall Award, 2000) and the Beverly Hills Bar Estates and Trusts Section (Timothy A. Whitehouse Award, 2008). He is a member of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and has been selected as a Super Lawyer for each of the past several years. Mr. Birnberg is a frequent lecturer on legislative developments and estate, gift and inheritance taxation. He has prepared legislative update materials for the California State Bar, local bars and other groups for the past 20 years, has written articles for the U.S.C. Institute on Taxation, the U.S.C. Probate Institute, and has written a chapter on estate taxes for the California Continuing Education of the Bar Estate Planning text. LAPA is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider and certifies that this seminar is approved for 1.0 hours of credit. Tuesday, February 11, 2014 The Olympic Collection 11301 Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90064 6:00-7:30 pm: Registration, Networking, and Dinner 7:30 to 8:30 pm: Presentation $47 registration fee for LAPA members (if registered by February 4, 2014) $62 non-members and late registration For registration information please call: 1-866-626-LAPA For all other questions, please call Bobby Rimas at (213) 952-9914 To register by mail, please make checks payable to “LAPA” and mail to: Probate/Estate Planning Section, Post Office Box 71708, Los Angeles, California 90071 No refunds or cancellations. Name: ________________________________ Firm Name: _______________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________ Facsimile: _____________________ E-mail: _______________________________ LAPA member? (Circle one) Yes No Amount enclosed or to be charged: $______________________________ Credit Card No. (Visa/MC/AmEx): ____________________________ Expiration date: _____________________________ Name of Credit Card, if charging: _______________________________________________________________________ To join LAPA today and attend this meeting and subsequent meetings at member rates, enclose an additional check for one year’s dues: Voting Member $77 __ Associate Member $77 __ Student Member $62 __ Benefactor Member $202 __ VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 17 WELCOME NEW & RENEWING LAPA MEMBERS The following is a listing of legal professionals and paralegal students who joined or renewed their membership in Los Angeles Paralegal Association within the last 30 days. The employer and work telephone number also are included when available. If any information is incorrect, please fax corrections to 866-460-0506, call LAPA at 866-626-LAPA or e-mail updates to info@lapa.org. VOTING Jennifer Baker Curt Bersche Aileen Candlish Pat Chesney Ericka A Delahoussaye Jenny Dirks Benzell Evans Marti Gerardi, CLA Jennifer Herron Elizabeth Jutila Shirley McClaine Andrea Mitchell Sarah Morgan Sergio Moya Enriqueta Navarro James Kamau Nganga Janice Okanishi Cynthia D. Osmon Susan J. Perry Shirley Potash Proskauer Rose LLP Bowman & Brooke, LLP Law Offices of Caren R. Nielsen Edison Mission Energy Vans, Inc. Metro Legal Assist of L.A. Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Steptoe & Johnson Hansen, Jacobson et al Law Firm Ramey & DeBlanc, LLP Law Offices of Joseph P. Foley The Law Firm of Fox and Fox Pollard Mavredakis Cranert Crawford Hittelman Law Group Jones Day Potash Probate Service 18 LAPA FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 (310) 792-3654 (310) 284-5617 (310) 768-3068 (818) 793-5622 (213) 220-5178 (714) 889-3209 (323) 296-3544 (310) 221-0776 (818) 309-6445 (310) 203-4059 (310) 231-5520 (310) 248-3161 (614) 560-6220 (562) 619-8473 (562) 965-9615 (626) 380-5655 (626) 793-4440 (949) 289-9086 (213) 243-2845 (213) 480-6551 VOTING cont. JRobert Rodriguez Judith C. Ross, ACP Eric Schwartz Laverne Smith Mark D. Smith Anna Thursland Alice Toy Schwartz, Steinsapir, Dohrmann & Sommers Goodwin Procter LLP Hinojosa & Wallet The Reape-Rickett Law Firm Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. (323) 655-4700 (626) 794-2004 (310) 493-2695 (310) 473-7000 (714) 890-0772 (661) 288-1000 (626) 405-5634 A S S O C I AT E Brian D. Alexander Mary Diaz Kevin A Kaufman T. Scott Miller Diana Rodriguez Maria Pitones Stroud Kathy M. Ussery The Trademark Guy Playboy Entertainment Group Optum360 Arthur B. Wood, Esq. (323) 755-0350 (951) 371-6868 (818) 508-9270 (805) 895-9805 (626) 744-2424 (213) 760-5095 STUDENT Mayeli Amezcua Phyllis Howard Georgina Madrigal Anaheita Yazdipour Pasadena City College Paralegal Association (310) 908-3117 (626) 338-4114 (323) 313-8931 (818) 568-2701 L O S A N G E L E S PA R A L E G A L A S S O C I AT I O N - 2 013 B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Name Donna Reznick-Goodich Patricia Leedom Michelle Tabb, ACP Catherine Peck Terry Riggins Maria Teresa Bravo Title President Executive V.P. V.P. Membership & Policy V.P. Marketing & Planning Treasurer Pro Tem Parliamentarian DIRECTORS AT LARGE Name Kai Ellis, ACP Sharon Fluxman Wayne Kiser Bogdana Koiso, CP Tammi Loveland Larry Thigpen Tony Sipp Kari S. Wenger Employer Alston & Bird Lower & Kesner, LLP United States Attorney’s Office The Lanier Law Firm Law Offices of Neil Newsom & Assoc. Office # 213.576.1002 818.933.0930 213.894.2060 310.277.5100 310.278.7555 Fax # Eddress 213.576.1100 donna.reznick-goodich@alston.com ppleedom@aol.com 213.894.8601 michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov ceepack@yahoo.com okinawa62@sbcglobal.net 310.278.4310 mtbravo@ix.netcom.com Employer Barbanel & Treuer, P.C. Zonder Family Law Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP Litchfield Cavo LLP Stone & Grzegorek LLP Office # Fax # Eddress 310.282.8088 310.282.8779 kellis@btlawla.com 805.777.7740 805.777.7774 sharonfluxman@yahoo.com vbas@virtualbankruptcyattorneyservices.com bogdanakoiso@hotmail.com tloveland@hotmail.com 818.640.5530 larrybthigpen@aol.com 626.683.1100 626.683.1113 takeasipp@yahoo.com 213.627.8997 213.627.8998 kariwenger@hotmail.com SE C TI O N S, C O M MIT T EE S & O T H E R L A PA IN F O RM ATI O N Administrative Manager Tracey Booth 866.626.LAPA Advertising Tracey Booth 866.626.LAPA Advisory Board Members Susan Oder, Esq. advisorymember@lapa.org Bobby T. Rimas advisorymember@lapa.org Bankruptcy Section Wayne Kiser vbas@virtualbankruptcyattorneyservices.com Mryna Richardson mrrvaa@pacbell.net Budget & Finance Committee Patricia Leedom ppleedom@aol.com CAPA Web Site www.caparalegal.org Compliance Committee 866.626.LAPA Corporate/Real Estate Section Terry Riggins okinawa62@sbcglobal.net Corporate Sponsors info@lapa.org/866.626.LAPA Downtown Section Tammi Loveland tloveland@hotmail.com Editor of Reporter David Faulkner davidpaulfaulkner@gmail.com Family Law Section Sharon Fluxman sharonfluxman@yahoo.com General Information 866.626.LAPA Holiday Benefit Gala Committee Tammi Loveland tloveland@hotmail.com Immigration Law Section 866.626.LAPA Intellectual Property Section 866.626.LAPA Edith Tapia edith.tapia@disney.com Legislative Committee Maria Teresa Bravo maria.bravo3@gmail.com Thomas Horlick thorlick@lasuperiorcourt.org Litigation Section 866.626.LAPA Marketing Committee 866.626.LAPA MCLE Review Committee Donna Reznick-Goodich donna.reznick-goodich@alston.com Membership Committee Michelle Tabb, ACP michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov NALA Liaison Kari S. Wenger kariwenger@hotmail.com Newsletter Committee editor@lapa.org Nominations & Elections Committee Andrea Mitchell am@hjth.com Kimberly Bradley, ACP October Conference Committee 866.626.LAPA Online Education Section Martha McLaughlin onlineedu@lapa.org PCC/CLA/ACP Committee Michelle Tabb, ACP michelle.tabb@usdoj.gov Kari S. Wenger kariwenger@hotmail.com Probate & Estate Planning Section info@lapa.org Pro Bono Committee Bobby T. Rimas 213.952.9914 San Fernando Valley Section Emily Lanza emilyeliza24@yahoo.com David Faulkner davidpaulfaulkner@gmail.com Santa Clarita Section Scholarship Committee Schools Liaison South Bay Section Speakers Bureau Coordinator Spring Career Conference Student Advisory Committee Website Committee Emily Lanza emilyeliza24@yahoo.com Martha McLaughlin martha.mclaughlin@disney.com 866.626.LAPA 866.626.LAPA 866.626.LAPA info@lapa.org/866.626.LAPA 866.626.LAPA Bobby T. RimasBobby.Rimas@alumni.ucla.edu VOLUME 42 / ISSUE 02 / FEBRUARY 2014 LAPA 19 Los Angeles Paralegal Association P.O. Box 71708 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Telephone (866)626-LAPA Fax (866)460-0506 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Pasadena, CA Permit #740
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