Window to the world


Window to the world
Year III - Issue n° 8 - July | August 2013
Window to the world
Marcopolo bus welcomes international delegations
Breakthrough in the online world A journey through Canada
Marcopolo launches an After Sales application
and approximates customers from around world
Multicultural and bilingual, the country stands out
through the diversity of attractions and leisure options
5. Latest News
Viajante Magazine is a quarterly
publication by Marcopolo
General Coordination
Marcopolo Marketing Dept.
Editorial Board
Andre Luis de Oliveira, José Carlos
Secco, Méri Steiner, Paulo Corso,
Ricardo Portolan, João Paulo Ledur,
Humberto Oselame and Walter Cruz
Ana Rech Unit
Av. Rio Branco, 4889
Neighborhood: Ana Rech
Caxias do Sul - RS – Brazil
CEP (Zip code) 95060-145
Telephone no.: (0800) 702-7070 (Brazil)
or +55. 54. 2101.4000 (other countries)
Planalto Unit
Av. Marcopolo, 280 Neighborhood: Planalto
Caxias do Sul - RS – Brazil
CEP: 95086-200
Telephone no.: (0800) 702-7070 (Brazil)
or +55. 54. 2101.4000 (other countries)
Marcopolo at major events
Delivery of buses in RS, SC and PR
8. Interview
Eduardo Tude,
Auto Viação Progresso
10. Tourism
The multicultural Canada
16. Special
Mobile technology approximates customers
19. Representative
Polobus, from Recife
20. Article
Renovate my Microbus Project, from Chile
21. The World of Marcopolo
Coordination, Production and Editing
Invox Mais Comunicação
Rua Bento Gonçalves, 2221, suite 502
Centro | Caxias do Sul | RS
(+55 54) 3028.2868
Responsible Journalist
Adriana Schio MTB RS 8107
Simoni Schiavo MTB RS 8821
Graphic Design and Art Direction
Cíntia Colombo
Cover Photo
Marcos Andres/Planet
Printing Grafilme
Distributed free of charge
Reproduction without prior and expressed
authorization prohibited. All rights reserved.
DDs debut in Mexico
22. Transport
Guanabara Express
24. Cuisine
Torta Sbrisolona Dessert
25. Memory
Selection Bus
Brazilian in the 1998 World Cup
Julio Soares/Objetiva
A global company, but closely
linked to its local customers
When, back in the 1990s,
Marcopolo realized that to continue
growing it needed to internationalize
its business and establish presence
in the world’s leading markets. We
knew it was a tough, long road with
difficult lessons, a veritable journey
of discovery, but one without a way
back, while sure to provide benefits
for the company and its partners.
Today, 20 years, countless
countries, partners success
cases and experience later, we
have begun to “deal” with this
internationalization and, mainly, to
also extend this “baggage” to our
partners. The recent acquisition
of Volgren, a leading Australian
bus body manufacturer, and
the strategic investment in New
Flyer, the largest North American
producer of city buses, have
transformed Marcopolo into the
only company in the segment with
manufacturing operations on the
five continents.
In the near future, this will
provide us with great amounts of
synergy and allows us to further
expand our expertise in terms of the
latest advancements – in products,
productive processes and even
in management practices – and
apply it in our operations, fostering
evolution across the board, with
direct gains for each of our partners,
above all Brazil and South America,
our leading markets.
What are the benefits and
advantages that this “global
presence” offers or may offer to
our partners/general public that
we relate with, our stakeholders?
What do customers, suppliers and
even our Brazilian employees gain
through this?
The answer: more than global,
we are local. In fact, our strategic
path of internationalization is
based precisely on what we have
always sought to apply in Brazil and
Latin America: being close to our
customers, community, suppliers
in each market, learning about
their characteristics and needs and
offering the most suitable products
for that specific market, constantly
striving to be a leader in terms of
innovation and technology.
These learning and exercise of
internationalization has allowed us
to offer even better products, more
efficient and modern management
and the capacity, like no other, to
quickly understand and “deliver”
everything customers want and
even that which they did not know
they needed.
This is the role of a leader, to
define and steer trends. This is our
challenge, take the best of what we
do to the world while, at the same
time, integrating and “directing” all
this technology and experience so
as to apply them here with gains for
every one of our partners.
Ruben Bisi
Corporate Director
of Strategy and
Cinto de segurança salva vidas.
Há 14 anos, a Marcopolo chegou ao Rio de Janeiro com
o objetivo de desenvolver soluções eficientes para a
mobilidade urbana. A unidade fabril, montada junto à
Ciferal, conta com a dedicação de 2,5 mil colaboradores,
que se comprometem a produzir ônibus urbanos para
aproximar pessoas, agregando qualidade ao transporte
coletivo e à vida de todos os cariocas.
Marcopolo Publicity
New Features
Marcopolo in the country’s leading events
Part of the country’s leading events,
Marcopolo was present at the Football
Confederations Cup, held from June 15 to 30,
and will also be at World Youth Day, from July
23 to 28, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which will
be visited by Pope Francis I. The company signed
a partnership with Infraero for the provision of
vehicles responsible for transfer of delegations
part of the sporting competition and the Pope’s
committee from the aircrafts to the arrival area.
There are eight Marcopolo buses at the
Santos Dumont and Tom Jobim (Galeão)
airports, in Rio de Janeiro; Confins, in Belo
Horizonte; and Deputado Luís Eduardo
Magalhães airport, in Salvador, in addition to
15 Volare, also used to cater to the greater
demand of passengers and tourists that the
country has been receiving. The partnership
for the transport of people within the airports
is a test run for other major events the country
is preparing for: the 2014 FIFA World Cup,
and the 2016 Olympic Games. Furthermore,
it increases the comfort and convenience for
tourists and passengers in these airports. “The
vehicles are the most advanced in application
in the country, both in terms of modernity
and sophistication”, stated Paulo Corso,
Marcopolo’s director of commercial operations.
Modern and sophisticated models
Among the vehicles provided by Marcopolo are the Viale BRT and BRS, developed for
application in the advanced public transport systems in major urban centers. The versions run
from the conventional, measuring 13.2 meters in length, to bi-articulated buses, measuring 26
meters and a transport capacity for 200 passengers, with complete comfort, safety and efficiency.
The Paradiso 1800 DD, with sophisticated configuration, has received excusive decoration,
allusive to the event. With a comfort and convenience standard comparable to the first class
sections of international flights, the vehicle has a capacity for 44 people on the upper deck, with
semi-reclining seats, and nine on the lower deck, with fully-reclining seats.
Latest News
30 new buses in Paraná
Besides offering customers the option of
choosing, Top Line adds comfort items that
include everything from onboard Internet, snacks
for all seat and even pillows and blankets for the
fully reclining seats. Being a low driver model,
Top Line is higher, offering more space, offering
a sense of amplitude and making the journey all
the more pleasant.
Twelve buses are the Paradiso 1050 model,
with 44 seats. Another seven are the paradise
1200 model, this being a higher vehicle with 40
seats equipped with leg-rests.
The investment by Princesa dos Campos for
renovation of 10% of its fleet, which carry almost
900,000 people per month, was to the tone of
BRL 17 million.
Princesa dos Campos Publicity
30 new Marcopolo buses have already begun
circulating in the city of Ponta Grossa (PR),
as part of the Expresso Princesa dos Campos
fleet. Equipped with the most modern onboard
technology, the models are in full accord with
the Proconve P7 (Euro V) regulation on the
control of gas emissions.
The interior highlights include maximum
seat comfort thanks to viscoelastic foam in the
headrest and back area, retractable seatbelts,
LED monitors and intelligent air-conditioning.
Of the total, 11 vehicles are the Top Line
model, offering a new concept in service by
offering the fully reclining seat option (nine seats
in the front section) and 28 executive seats on
the same deck.
Viale BRS part of Joinville transport
Ten new Viale BRS city busses are part of the
Joinville (SC) transport system. These modern
vehicles are used by the Gidion and Transtusa
(Transporte e Turismo Santo Antonio) operators
along central routes linking bus terminals. The
companies in Joinville are renewing their fleets
and each one has acquired five buses for city
passenger transport.
The new vehicles measure 13.5 meters long,
which allows for extra seats to be installed
while still maintaining ample internal
space. They are also wider inside, offering
greater ergonomics and safety. In line with
the seat configuration and the larger free
area, the vehicles offer better passenger
circulation, making the journey more
comfortable. The internal height has also
been increased, permitting the inclusion
of efficient air ducts, speakers and a large
area of advertising on the upper sides.
Developed for application in the
advanced public transport systems in major
urban centers, the Viale BRS, as well as the
BRT model, are amongst the most modern ever
produced in Brazil.
With a robust concept, elevated reliability
and excellent cost-benefit ratio, attributes
highly regarded by passenger transport
operators/business executives, they are ideal
for city transport.
Vitor Le
Sogil Publicity
Sogil renews fleet
Marcopolo Publicity
Marcopolo Day, June 6, 2012
Marcopolo Day, June 6, 2012
During a festive atmosphere, Sogil,
from Gravataí (RS), presented the 70 new
Marcopolo buses part of the fleet renewal
process launched in May, when the company
celebrated its 59th anniversary. Acquisitions
included 55 Torin models, with 47 seats;
13 Viaggio G7 900, with 49 seats; and two
Paradiso G7 1200, with 46 seats. Over the
past two years, Sogil has improved its fleet
with the renewal of 135 vehicles, which have
attracted attention due to their innovation and
investment in technology, comfort and safety
for users and drivers.
The new models include a high
performance electric engine with low gas
emissions, as well as the modern design
characteristic of the bus manufacturer.
The high definition external signage and
contrast facilitate identification of the bus lines
by users and, in the case of semi-direct coaches,
there is modern air-conditioning, LED lights and
internal signage with the local time and external
temperature, ensuring extra comfort.
With the renewal, Sogil now boasts
257 adapted buses. Elevators with electric
platforms to aid the access of people with
reduced mobility and devices that facilitate use
of the transport for people with hearing and
visual difficulties are some of the additional
highlights of the buses.
Saritur, Minas Gerais
Innovation revamps road transport in Northeast Region of Brazil
The second oldest passenger transport company in
Brazil, Auto Viação Progresso, from Pernambuco,
was established in 1932 by João Tude de Melo, in
the city of Garanhus. Twenty years later, it was transferred to Recife and is currently run by the holding
ADT, headed up by the third generation of the Tude
family. Company director and grandson of the founder, Eduardo Tude emphasizes the success in the
succession for the companies longevity. Recognized
for innovation and pioneerism, in the middle of the
20th century, Progresso was actively involved in the
evolution of road transport in Latin America, discussing issues with major companies from the sector.
Besides interstate and intercity road transport over
medium and long distances in nine states of the
Northeast Region, the Tude Group also has car, truck and bus dealerships. It also operates a modern
Central Cargo Terminal in Recife.
VJ: How did Auto Viação Progresso begin?
Tude: The history of Progresso began with my grandfather, João Tude de Melo. He was born in Garanhus
and began working at the age of 12 as a baggage
handler. At 15 he was already a mechanic and, at 18,
a truck driver. At a young age, he opened a mechanic workshop and began building his fleet of trucks,
becoming the chief transporter of goods from Garanhus to its surrounding regions. But the idea was to
transport people. as such, in 1932, he founded Auto
Viação Progresso and, four years later, established
his first regular passenger transport service linking
Garanhus to Recife. In 1940, aged 44, he designed
and built the first bus in South America with the engine built into the body and, using it, opened his first
line from Recife to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. My
grandfather though constantly about innovating,
improving transport, and for that reason he was a
reference to the early truck and bus chassis assemblers that set up shop in Brazil. He made important
contributions to the growth and development of
road transport throughout the country.
VJ: How did Progresso transform into a successful company?
Tude: With the name closely linked to city passenger transport in Recife and the company growing, my
grandfather decided it was time to invest in roads.
He sold his city lines and began operating intercity
and interstate segments, exclusively. This was back
in the 1940s and 50s, when the company launched
its first reclining seat service in the Northeast Region,
on the Recife-Rio de Janeiro line. Many years later,
we were also the first company to use double decker
buses in the region. In 1952, the company was transferred to Recife, at the invitation of the government
of Pernambuco. Another important moment was the
exclusive concentration of Progresso in the Northeast
Region, despite having maintained lines to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo for a number of years.
VJ: What is your focal point and what is the company’s market position?
Tude: Progresso is the second oldest transport company in Brazil. It operates in the medium and long
distance interstate and intercity transport segment
in nine states in the Northeast Region, under the jurisdiction of Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (National Land Transport Agency).
Besides Pernambuco, we offer lines to Rio Grande do
Norte, Ceará, Paraíba, Alagoas, Sergipe, Maranhão,
Piauí and Bahia, carrying an average 450,000
passengers a month.
VJ: What reasons would you attribute
to the longevity of the company?
Tude: It’s a tough question to answer.
Generally speaking, I’d say, being a family-run business. Progresso was lucky
due to succession, because succession,
besides the competency and hard work,
must be accompanied by a little luck.
VJ: Describe the company’s structure.
Tude: We have 170 branches in the states we operate and 1,400 employees.
Our head office is in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, in the metropolitan region of
VJ: What percentage of the Progresso fleet is
made up of Marcopolo buses?
Tude: 90% of our fleet is Marcopolo. We use G7
and G VI buses exclusively. We have Viaggio,
Paradiso 1200 and Paradiso 1800 models.
especially in terms of vehicle dimensions.
Over the years buses have become a lot “slimmer”,
which benefits the weight greatly This influences
all aspects of the sector, such as the Law of Balance, for example.
VJ: How long has Progresso been a Marcopolo customer and what is the reason behind the choice?
Tude: We have been Marcopolo customers since
1970, in other words, 43 years. We have always
enjoyed a relationship based on respect, and
quality products and service.
Because it’s not only the quality of the product
that counts, service is vitally important and here
in Recife it is great. This demonstrates the seriousness the plant presents in dealing with us.
VJ: What are some of the leading challenges
ahead for Progresso?
Tude: Our main challenge is with regards to illegal transport, which is not taxed and, in the North
and Northeast Regions, exists on a major scale.
Progresso still has room for growth in the Northeast, but it will always be disputing space with
illegal transportation and air travel.
VJ: What differences do you not in the Marcopolo buses?
Tude: The main differences are they great resale
values of the models in the used vehicle market,
good acceptance by passengers and low maintenance. The quality of the finish and comfort of
the vehicles are also notable features.
VJ: Over these 43 years, how would you evaluate the evolution of the models?
Tude: The evolution of the buses
has been enormous,
Marcopolo Publicit
VJ: Based on your experience, how would you
evaluate the future of the passenger transport
sector in Pernambuco and Brazil over the next
few years?
Tude: As with Pernambuco, Brazil will need to
define the space for road and air passenger
transport activities, which is happening slowly but
surely. They are two different markets and they
must be outlines, as there are lines along which
the market should be divided, others exclusively for airplanes and other for buses alone. The
market will define this.
Bilingual, multicultural
and full of attractions
The second largest country in the world, Canada is
known for its sparsely inhabited regions, extensive
grasslands, forests, snow-capped mountain, wellconserved environment and excellent quality of life
in urban areas. Enriched by a myriad of cultures, it
is a global tourist destination, receiving some 35
million visitors per year
Canadian Parliament Building,
at Parliament Hill
Formed by many cultures, languages and
religions, Canada is also marked by highly diversified
geography, ensuring its place amongst the world’s
leading tourist destinations. On the one side, the
adventurous joviality of Vancouver. On the other, the
East Coast, with the diversity and buzz of Montreal,
Toronto, Quebec and Ottawa. In the Center, the
vibrant city of Winnipeg, home of New Flyer, the
new Marcopolo plant – with three branches in the
USA. For those visiting the country, the best tip is to
choose one coast and leave the other for another
visit, as the country is simply enormous.
Colonized by two rivals, Canada is a nation of
immigrants. Those of English origin respond for 37%
of the population, while those of French origin make
up 32%. As such, English and French are the two
official languages. With temperatures that drop well
below zero in winter (-20°C to -30°C), the large cities
in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec are covered
in snow. That being, the best time of year to visit the
country is from May to September, when the days
are longer and the temperature far more agreeable.
Bilingual and multicultural, Canada offers a scenario
that one can simply not afford to miss.
The famed Niagara Falls are one of
Canada’s most popular tourist stops.
Dropping from a height equal to a 13-story
building, they form the second largest
waterfall in the world, flowing at a rate of
168,000 m3 of water per minute.
Ottawa - The pride of Canada
The nation’s capital, Ottawa is a dynamic city, with over a million residents. Located in the province of
Ontario, on the border with Quebec, it is the region where French and English come together. Canadian
pride is clearly demonstrated through impressive national destinations and famed landmarks, such as the
Rideau Canal (a World Heritage Site) and Parliament Hill. It is a city that breathes culture, with world-class
museums and galleries, exhibiting renowned national collections and which host special expositions from
Canada and other countries. Each year, Ottawa is visited by 8 million tourists.
Don’t forget to visit: The Central Park, Rideau Canal, National Gallery of Canada, Confederation Park,
Laurier Palace, National War Memorial, Canadian War Museum, National Arts Center, Canadian Museum
of Civilization, Canadian Museum of Nature, the Canada Science and Technology Museum, the Canada
Aviation and Space Museum and Parliament Hill.
Vancouver - Ocean City
Ten beaches, 220 parks and a number of ski stations located in the mountains close to the city
are just a few of the attractions of Vancouver, which basically lives off of tourism. Stanley Park,
perfect for a bicycle ride along the dyke, and Whistler-Blackcomb Resort, one of the headquarters
of the 2010 Winter Olympics, stand out among the many tourist points. The natural landscape
blends in harmoniously with a number of famous buildings and constructions in the European style.
The most common languages are English (50%), Chinese (25%), Tagalog, Punjabi and Vietnamese.
Don’t forget to visit: Stanley Park, the Museum of Anthropology, Robson Square, Vancouver Art
Gallery, Christ Church Cathedral and Canada Place.
Montreal - Style and urban sophistication
The second largest French-speaking city in the
world – behind only Paris – Montreal is jam-packed
with style and renowned for its urban sophistication,
French culture and creative arts. Strolling along the
cobblestone street of Old Montreal gives you a taste
of its history. Art and design from end to end, including the metro system, which doubles as a public
art gallery. A great tip is to ascend Mount Royal,
the peak of the city, and to locate the 1976 Olympic
Stadium and spot the Laurentian Mountains. The
view is unforgettable. Bicycle riding is another treat:
there are over 5,000 for rent. And be sure to visit the
underground part of the city. There are over 30 km
to explore. Despite French predominating, English is
also an official language.
Don’t forget to visit:
- Montreal Botanical Garden
- Mount Royal Park and Parc Jean-Drapeau
- Redpath Museum, McCord Museum of Canadian History and the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
- Place-des-Arts and Palais des Congrès
- Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral
- Saint Catherine Street
- Boulevard Saint-Laurent
Joseph’s Orator
of Mount Royal
Toronto - A vibrant urban center
Winnipeg - Cultural adventure
It is the sum of its elements
that make Winnipeg, in the
province of Manitoba, the vibrant
city it is. It all began long ago,
when the Assiniboine and Red
Rivers met and created a natural
point of trade. The site reveals
the history of its Aboriginal people and was once the heart of Canada’s fur trade. In the Exchange
District, striking centenary architecture blends in with chic stores,
trendy restaurants and a bustling
cupcake industry. The Winnipeg
Art Gallery boasts 11,000 pieces
of Canadian Inuit art. English is
mostly spoken, though French is
also an official language.
Toronto, the capital of Ontario, is a vibrant and
multicultural city, with a large number of attractions and events. No less than 128 languages and
dialects can be heard in the streets of the city,
most famed for its landmark, the CN Tower, a national icon and one of the world’s tallest buildings.
Visitors rocket to the top at 24 km/h in a dizzying,
58-second elevator ride then enjoy 360-degree
city views from the fine dining restaurant at the
Don’t forget to visit: Toronto City Hall, CN Tower,
Casa Loma, Union Station, Royal Ontario Museum,
Toronto Art Gallery, Ontario Science Center, Canadian Opera Company, High Park, Sunnybrook Park
and Queen’s Park.
Don’t forget to visit:
Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Winnipeg Railway
Museum, the Western Canada
Aviation Museum, Dalnavert
Museum, Manitoba Museum
and the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada, as well as the Planetarium, St. Boniface Cathedral,
Manitoba Theatre Center,
Manitoba Parliament Building,
Winnipeg Zoo and the Winnipeg Art Gallery.
Quebec - The charm of 400 years
The city that gave rise to French civilization in America, Quebec invites you to step back 400 years in
time with an outing through the Citadels, the last walled city in North America. There are 4.6 km of walls
declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. Old Québec City is a breathtaking blend of old and new, and a
ride in a horse-drawn carriage along the narrow streets is a traditional tourist treat. The Plains of Abraham,
site of one of the continent’s most famous battles some 250 years ago, and Rue du Trésor, an open-air art
gallery featuring wandering musicians, are places not to miss. Just like sipping a steamy café allongé on a
terrace of Quartier Petit Champlain, where boutiques and bistros are housed in 17th century buildings in
the oldest French district in North America.
Don’t forget to visit: Parliament of Quebec, Château Frontenac, the Citadel, Parliament Hill, Parc des
Champs-de-Bataille, Montmorency Falls, National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec, Museum of History, the Ice Hotel, and the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré.
Find out more:
Marcopolo Bus Paradiso 1050
Cidade do Aço
Social networks bring customer from
around the world closer together
Continuing the award-wining strategy of online presence, Marcopolo has
launched an After Sale application, which provides exclusive services and
greater easy, in the palm of your hand
Combining the traditions of over six decades of bringing people closer together through
the vehicles it manufactures with the expertise
it holds in always remaining attentive and anticipating changes in the technology at the service of its stakeholders, Marcopolo is celebrating
the results of implementing its online presence
strategy by launching something new: applications for mobile devices. The first of them,
already available for download, its Marcopolo
After Sales. Compatible with the iOS system –
installable on both the iPhone and iPad – and
Android system, for smartphones and tablets,
the app places a series of services and information in the palm of your hand, anywhere in
Brazil and the rest of the world.
Conceived to create even more facility for
clients the apps are veritable work tools, able to
speed up process, solve problems and even help
in possible emergencies. For example, through
Marcopolo After Sales, it is possible to locate the
closest representative and access maintenance
tips and explicative videos. Other groundbreaking feature coming soon.
Numbers that
Website: 60,000 visits per
The result of intensive research and a
permanent quest for innovation, brand
management in online media has been
recognized as the most successful
through the ADVB Top Marketing
Award, in the Industry category.
The launch of the apps is another step Marcopolo is taking
in the direction of bringing people closer together. Recognized
in the most recent edition of the ADVB (Association of Sales
and Marketing Managers of Brazil) Top of Marketing Award, in
the National Industry category, as the most successful in brand
management in online media, the Marcopolo case is the result
of intensive research and the permanent quest for innovation.
Relevant presence and expressive growth
Youtube: almost 800,000
views. A total of 595889
minutes watched in 189
Facebook: more than
450,000 fans (likes), which
represents a connection network of 80 million people.
Flickr: more than 75,000
page views.
Marcopolo’s entry into the world of social medias was
aimed at establishing a direct relationship channel with its
stakeholders, contributing to the strengthening of the brand
that is a global benchmark in the manufacture of passenger
vehicles. Social media also represent an important source of
information for research and the development of products
and services, aiding in the constant quest for innovation.
According to Gelson Mello da Costa, a marketing analyst,
everything began with the remodeling of the website,
making it more dynamic and facilitating interaction with social networks. The investment led to a record in the number
of visits in the first month that the website was on air – double the monthly average of visits to that point.
An award-winning social media project was created
through meticulous research with bus spotters, which represent a public of 45,000 people around the world. With
relative and pertinent participation from the outset, the
brand made use of interactive actions that involved the creation and sharing of multimedia content, news related to
the company, cultural contests and the promotion of products.
The results couldn’t have been better: in less than six
months, the Marcopolo fan page on Facebook exceeded
100,000 fans, the largest number in the bus industry segment in terms of ‘likes’ in global rankings. The number of
visits and participation of fans, liking and sharing content,
leveraged the Marcopolo page to first place in fan engagement, surpassing 30,000 interactions in a single month.
And the advances didn’t stop there. In April, upon celebrating the production of bus number 360,000, Marcopolo
passed the mark of 360,000 fans on Facebook, becoming
the most liked bus manufacturer with the highest number
of fans in the world. Today, there are more than 450,000
fans on Facebook. According to Marcopolo’s
manager of strategy and corporate marketing,
Walter Cruz, the milestone reached is proof of
the strategy’s success, in a short space of time,
achieving expressive and focused growth. “We
initiated a gradual and very meticulous project,
but one that was extremely aggressive, so that
we would become the leading reference among
companies that use social media. The results
couldn’t be better: in just 18 months, we reached the mark of 450,000 fans. The company
innovated and leveraged its involvement in the
online world in a very relevant and pertinent
manner”, emphasized Cruz.
Marcopolo After Sales App
Developed to facilitate the daily routine of customers, the Marcopolo After Sales app offers a range of
functions. Available in three languages (Portuguese,
English and Spanish), it has three presentation interfaces: the Technical Assistance and Parts Sale Network, Technical Assistance and Original Parts.
Through the first, it is possible to locate points
of sale for original parts and technical assistance
workshops. Using the device’s browsing application,
it is possible to trace a route to the closest representative. In the second area, users find technical notes, tips on operation and maintenance – like how
to clean the headlights and lubrication table – and
tutorial videos that show everything from assembling
and disassembling seats to operating the Multiplex
G7. “These operational and preventative maintenance help customers to use the vehicle correctly”, says
Marcopolo’s after sales manager, Antonio Carlos
In the Original Parts subdivision, users can access
photographic and technical catalogs of components,
carrying detailed information on the buses in PDF or
online viewing formats.
Network profiles
The Marcopolo Youtube channel is a video storage and sharing network, carrying everything from institutional videos to instructions for the maintenance of
vehicles and after sales issues in general.
The Facebook fan page is a direct channel between the company and its stakeholders, contributing to the construction
and strengthening of the brand on online
media, along with Marcopolo’s business reputation.
Flickr is a photo storage and sharing tool
used the world over. People have access
to photos of products and are able to
share this material, which is not published
on other social media.
Through Twitter, the short message network
that connects millions of internet users
around the world, Marcopolo publishes
news and information, directing users of the
social network to other company channels.
Polobus Publicity
Efficiency in the Northeast Region
Concepts of seriousness, quality and agility in the services
provided to customers are the pillars of Polobus’ growth.
With operations in the states of Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte, Polobus was
created in September 1994, when Belmir Antônio
Contin was invited to acquire the Marcopolo branch
in Recife (PE), which then became a commercial representation. The change was part of the new sales and
after sales network policy implemented by the bus
manufacturer in the 1990s, and Contin took advantage of the opportunity.
The partnership of almost 20 years offers a complete
range of services for Marcopolo and Ciferal, which include the areas of sales, after sales, authorized parts stores,
repair shop “and everything necessary for the development of the Marcopolo/Ciferal brand in region”, affirms Contin, who highlighted Polobus’ constant quest for
customer satisfaction.
The evolution of the operation is chiefly translated
through the expressive increase in Marcopolo’s market
share in the Northeast since the outset of the activities.
“In 1994, we found a market in which Marcopolo represented approximately 20% of the sales of new buses. In
recent years, this rate has been higher than 50%.” Growth made possible thanks to concepts of seriousness,
aligned with quality and agility in services, which have
always been Polobus’ pillars. “Furthermore, we have
always maintained a firm belief in the fact that customers cannot stop part of their fleet due to a lack of availability concerning part and services.”
For the future, the focus will lie on expanding the
range of services that are already provided directly in
the customers’ garages. To reach this objective, Polobus
will invest in human capital, increasing its team with the
creation of new work positions. The idea is to speed up
the service provision process even more, reducing the
response time to any demand presented by customers.
“We will also begin relying on a larger sales team, which
will impact the quality of services and the participation
of Marcopolo and Ciferal in our markets of operation.”
‘Renew your Micro’ is a milestone in public transport in Chile
Chile is undergoing an important change in the public transport sector. In November 2011, it initiated a project to scrap buses, a process that will run to 2016. The
goal is to encourage the renewal of the microbus, city and rural bus fleet, which have
been in use for 12 years, as from 2001 and earlier; next year it will be as from 2002
and so on, successively. To present, 130 units have been scrapped.
Over the years, the buses removed from circulation in Santiago and other major
regional capitals continued operating in the country’s interior regions, which, as a
result, created a fleet of old buses, very often obsolete, and which did not provide
the safety and comfort conditions their users deserved.
This unfair reality is already being to change. since last year, the Program “Renueva Tu Micro” (Renew your Micro) has been using resources from the Lei Espelho da
Transantiago to provide the owners of old buses with economic incentives, so that
they are able to change their vehicles for more moderns one and, thus, provide users
with a higher quality service.
A fundamental part of the program is that the old buses are destroyed (scrapped),
and thus prevented from returning to circulation somewhere else.
A better quality of life for Chileans is one of the project’s main objectives, and for
this reason the initiative seeks to provide the most modern buses, with better technology, less pollutant and safer, both for passengers and drivers.
There is a page on the government’s website that explains the entire process,
which is comprised of two stages: the presentation of the bus for its approval in the
scrapping process and presentation of the new or used bus; however, with a manufacture date of at least five years newer than the one being scrapped, after which
payment is approved.
In my view, the project has been a great success. We are meeting many new customers and we expect even more in the years ahead.
Personal archive
“A fundamental part of the
program is that the old buses
are destroyed (scrapped), and
thus prevented from returning
to circulation somewhere else.”
Matías Castro Escobar
Commercial manager
of Epysa Buses,
a Marcopolo
representative in Chile
The World of Marcopolo
Paradiso 1800 DD debuts in Mexico
The 40 units of the Paradiso 1800 DD G7 bus model sold to Grupo Transpais began circulating on the
street of Mexico in May, debuting the Marcopolo
double decker in the country.
The vehicles also
mark a new concept in passenger transport in Mexico, with a highlight being the modern design, comfort and expressive safety of the buses, which are to
be used along the routes of cities including Tampico, Ciudad Mante, Cidade Valles, Tamazunchale and
Ciudad Victoria.
Located in Victória, in the northern state of Tamaulipas, Transpais is a family-run company active
in the urban and intercity transport sectors and currently entering the field of tourism transport. Group
CEO, Osuna Abelardo Morales affirms that the decision to purchase these units is chiefly due to the
excellent technology used. The two deck units, which
cost around US$ 500,000 each, were created especially for this company, which boasts some 1000 buses in its fleet. “We looked at all the options around
the world and decided that this double decker mo-
del was the best choice, as it offers more advanced
development and a higher level of comfort and safety, making it the best vehicle for our clients”, he
said, during the delivery of the buses in the city of
Fundiodora Park.
The first Mexican company to acquire Marcopolo DDs, Transpais stands out for its boldness and
unprecedented attitude. Catering to over 500,000
passengers per month, it is a leader in its industry
and seen as a benchmark by other sector companies
in the region. Furthermore, it was a pioneer in deploying this model in the country.
To Marcopolo, the partnership with Transpais,
besides representing the expansion of the brand
around the world, is strategically important in identifying and promoting the benefits of the DD models
for the wide range of companies.
The Paradiso 1800 DD G7 model offers unique
comfort, safety and ergonomic features, in addition
to a futuristic design, the identity of the bus manufacturer.
Client fidelity, the
feature of
Over a period of 10 years, more than 500,000 prize
tickets have been distributed with the creation of
Programa Afetividade (Affection Program), which
currently boasts some 240,000 users.
One of the five leading companies in the country in the passenger road transport segment, headquartered in Fortaleza, Ceará, Expresso Guanabara was a pioneer in Brazil thanks to the creation
of a client fidelity program. Created in October
2002, Programa Afetividade, over 10 years later,
now boasts an impressive 240,000 users and has
already distributed more than 500,000 courtesy
According to Rodrigo Mont Alverne, Expresso Guanabara’s marketing manager, the program
demonstrates a constant quest for modernization
and compliance with the requirements of a new
era, something that has always guided the company’s operations. “With the program, we strengthen ties with our clients and, more than this, we
offer a simple, prompt and practical tangible benefit that can be used”, points out the executive.
According to Rodrigo, it is very simple to acquire the Afetividade Guanabara program card.
Simply present the ticket for a journey taken in
the past six months, in the name of the person
requesting the card, register completely free of
charge in any Guanabara agency in the bus stations and through the Internet, where pre-registration can be completed. By registering, the
client will receive the card by post directly at the
specified address.
“After that, the client simply has to use the Afetividade Guanabara program card and for every
10 routes travelled along stretches starting at
200 km, the client gains a courtesy ticket to
Amy destination served by the company.” Besides this advantage, through the company’s
partnerships, the program offers discounts
and special payment conditions in a variety of
trade segments, such as restaurants, performance venues, rental companies, gyms and
A young company
Other unique features of the company include heavy investments in information technology to integrate a number of the organization’s departments, bus fleets equipped
with GPS and GPRS real time monitoring, and
a driver and vehicle management system that
informs the traffic department which driver is
available to be called upon for a specific journey, according to their work hours, their rest
periods and their location after each trip.
Expresso Guanabara is one of the newest
companies in the passenger transport segment. Created in August 1992, it operates in
the Northeast, North and Central-West regions, linking the main capitals and cities of
these regions, covering over 1000 locations.
Currently, its fleet includes 400 cutting-edge vehicles, one of the newest in the country,
with an average age of just one year and eight
Remaining at the vanguard of passenger
road transport is the chief objective of the
company, which began operating with 43 buses. The company is also celebrating success
in the vehicle leasing segment for reception,
freight and excursions, relying on its unique
operational structure in the leading cities of
Brazil, a modern fleet, which is 100% tracked
and insured, in addition to garages and support points in the regions it operates.
Photos Julio Soares/Objetiva
Leve como As light as a breeze
A traditional recipe from the Italian region of
Lombardy, more precisely the city of Mantua, dating
back to the 1600s, Torta Sbrisolona is prepared based
on wheat and maize flour and almonds. Its name is
derived from the word for breeze, in the Mantovani
dialect, meaning crumb, in reference to its principal
attribute, that is, its pastry crumbles easily.
It is a dessert with characteristics very similar to
Torta Sbrisolona
170 g of wheat flour | 50 g of skinless and
ground almonds | 150 g of maize flour | 170 g
sugar | 150 g of butter | 4 egg yolks | 1 egg |
grated lemon rind | confectionary sugar
Method of preparation
Beat the yolks, egg and sugar. Add the wheat
and maize flour slowly along with the melted
butter. When the mixture is even, add the
lemon rind. Grease a round baking tray with
butter and pour in the batter. Dust with the
almonds and confectionary sugar. Bake for
one hour at 180°C, until golden brown. Let
cool, remove from baking tray and serve with
Mascarpone cream.
Sfregolá, very popular in the highland region of Rio
Grande do Sul, brought over by immigrants from
Trento. Simple and more versatile, its goes well
with tea or coffee and can be served as a dessert,
accompanied by a glass of Moscatel Sparkling
Wine, suggests Maria Beatriz Dal Pont, from Amada
Cozinha Gastronomia e Events, who provided us
with the recipe.
Gelson Mello da Costa
Associates, a global vision
Integration is the Key to Global Competitiveness. This was the theme of the First Marcopolo Associates Meeting, held from June 10 to 13, at the
Ana Rech unit, in Caxias do Sul (RS). The activity,
which brought together 10 companies from around
the world, was aimed at encouraging integration,
motivation and teamwork, as well as giving managers incentive to think globally, provide a view of
the world of Marcopolo and exchange experiences.
The meeting’s dynamic activity included presentations of cases of good practices both at the company, by the Corporate Acquisition and Logistics
team, as by Associated companies. A demonstration
of indicators, the purchase policy and the code of
conduct were also part of the program. Managers
were charged with the responsibility of approaching
a more strategic view of business and activities key
to each area. Participants were also afforded the
opportunity of visiting the Ana Rech and Planalto
manufacturing plants, in addition to learning more
about global projects (such as the development of
global bus models) and the identification of the Marcopolo brand through design, presented by those
responsible for corporate engineering.
“It was a very positive experience. We noted
great integration among the participants. Now we
need to harvest the fruits”, stated the manager of
Acquisition and Logistics, Roberto Stallivieri.
Participating associates
Superpolo (Colombia), Polomex (México), Metalpar (Argentina), Metalsur (Argentina), Masa (South Africa), Mac (China), Volgren (Australia), TMML
(India), GBPolo (Egypt), Marcopolo (Brazil)
Marcopolo archive
The Paradiso GV 1450 model
was the bus chosen to
carry the Brazilian National
Football Team at the 1998
FIFA World Cup, hosted by
France. Personalized with
the colors blue, green and
yellow, the bus highlighted
four lateral stars, allusive to
the team’s four titles, as well
as the CBF (Brazilian Football
Confederation) logo.
Contact Marcopolo
Brazilian Market
Cuiabá / Centro Polo Bus
(65) 3634.3101
Manaus / Amazônia Representação
Belém / Marconorte
(91) 3039.1800
Salvador / Norbus
(71) 3359.6533
Fortaleza / Ferrari J.G.
(85) 3444.3222
Recife / Polobus
(81) 2125.2222
Goiânia / Topline Bus
(62) 3297.1177
SP / Brasil Bus
(11) 3556.8286
Londrina / Roccopeças
(43) 3379.4444
Belo Horizonte / Marcobus
(31) 3201.1971
Curitiba / Sulbrave
(41) 3595.4940
Florianópolis / Carmar
(48) 3381.8888
Porto Alegre / Marcopeças
(51) 3272.7777
Cariacica / Vitória Mar
(27) 3336.2796
Rio de Janeiro / Riomarci
(21) 2590.3449
Peru / Mercobus
51 1 223 2350
Uruguay / Dusil S.A.
598 2 209 0297
Rússia / Marcopolo Rússia
7 495 647 6220
Australia / Volgren
61 3 9767 8530
522 2818012 –
2818020 – 2818032
United Arab Emirates /
Marcopolo Middle East
971 4 883 3680
Africa / Marcopolo South
Africa Pty Ltd.
27 11 418 0800
Egypt / GB Polo Bus
Manufacturig Company S.A.E
202 4215 0790
Paraguay / Cia. Imperial
del Paraguay S.R.L.
595 21 440 644
58 414 233 4533
Cuba / Carlos Cañedo
53 7 273 9747
Argentina / Metalpar
54 11 4841 8900
Chile / Comercial Epysa Ltda.
56 2 620 9010
Colombia / Superpolo S.A.
57 1 877 6900
El Salvador-NicaraguaGuatemala-HondurasBelize / Centrobus S.A.
503 2237 9541
Mexico / Polomex S.A.
(52) 81 8130 2301
Foreign Market