- Inspiration Ministries


- Inspiration Ministries
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 * June 2012
138 East 7th Street
Auburn, Indiana 46706
“He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8
Facebook: Inspiration Ministries & The Cupbearer Café
Unifying the body of Christ in order to most glorify God and inspire
others to accept the saving and satisfying love of Jesus Christ.
Newsletter Features
June 2012
Letter from the Editor………………………………………….. Andrew Foster
Princely Mindset...…………………………………….…… Christian Peterson
From the A.C.C. to You.............................................................. Anthony Ponds
Never Been Better ........................................................................... Skyler Awad
Continue to Stand ……................................................................. Colelle Carter
Psalm 91…………………………………………………….….. Lester Schwalm
The Heart of God………………………….………….…. Christopher Bachman
Have a Taste .................................................................................... James Pirtle
Life Sentence …….......................................................................... James Rogers
I bring blessings and greetings in the name
of Jesus Christ this Friday afternoon from The
Cupbearer Café here in Auburn, Indiana. I have
to admit that this is pretty awesome; I’m
finishing the fifth edition of the Inspiration
newsletter while we eady for this weekend. We
have live music the next two nights. These
nights are filled with worship, fellowship, and
confirmation of what the Lord is doing with
Inspiration Ministries. We are humbled to be a
part of the move of God here in this community.
Our devotions each day, along with our A.C.C. wall, remind us that we have
brothers and sisters who cannot be out here to experience The Cupbearer, but
that their role for Inspiration is so vital. And nothing is more important than the
role the incarcerated church has on the souls of those who find themselves
unsatisfied with life and searching for the answer to life’s questions on the other
side of the wall. Of course, we know that the love of Jesus Christ is the only
thing that is going to bring remedy to the heart that desires to be fulfilled.
The fact is that every newsletter is our opportunity to boast about the
faithfulness of our Heavenly Father. We are so excited to share new reports with
you because these blessings are being poured out constantly by a God who is
specific about His desires for our lives. Inspiration is chasing after the heart of
God which consumes us with the desire to love Him and others with our whole
hearts. We pray that you let the Lord Jesus Christ fill you with that same love
that cradles you in peace and whispers assurance into your life.
Our June newsletter contains some fantastic writing from brothers on both
sides of the wall. We are so thankful for Christian Pederson’s diligence in
seeking the face of God, and his article is filled with inspiration. Our A.C.C. has
been hard at work, and we are proud to present some new authors and
testimonies. Be encouraged as you read, and let the Holy Spirit minister to you.
Inspiration is committed to glorifying God in all that we do. Please keep us
in prayer as new parts of the ministry are born, and people continue to walk in
our doors who are looking for love and acceptance. Until next month, always
remember that we love you, and we are here for you. Be blessed in all that you
do in the name above all names, Christ Jesus our King, Lord, Savior, and Best
Friend. Oh, praise Him, Saints. Hallelujah!
Be inspired knowing that we are in this together,
Andrew L. Foster
Inspiration Ministries INC, Director
The Cupbearer Café, Owner
Writing for Inspiration Ministries
It is awesome to receive mail about what the Lord is doing in the lives of so
many. God is inspiring men and women in prisons and on this side of the wall to
forfeit the things of this world and pledge obedience to the One who deserves all
the glory from our lives.
The most amazing part is that often our inspiration comes from the Word of
God. No matter how many times we have read the Bible, it is the Holy Spirit
who speaks to our hearts and teaches us to be like Christ. We pray that these
tracts, testimonies, and other spiritual nuggets will inspire you as they have us.
Please feel free to write or email us as you diligently seek God’s face to
share your heart and what the Lord is teaching you through His Word. I
guarantee the Lord will use it to inspire others.
Assurances of God
by Kenny Thurman, A.C.C.
Quincy Annex, FL
What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against
us? He did not even spare His own Son, but offered Him up for us all;
how will He not also with Him grant us everything? Romans 8:31-32
In these verses Paul is giving the reader time to consider the gravity of
all these assurances of our salvation. As Christians, we are assured that God
and His Spirit are at work in our lives and that God's love for us is eternal.
That's just a small comparison to the protection, provision, purpose and
power that we have through Christ. Just as Paul asked his readers in verse 31,
what do you have to say about these things?
If Christ gave His life for us, the heavy lifting has already been done. For
Him to see us through into eternity is a cakewalk for Him. He that believeth
on Him is not condemned (John 3:18). He that believeth on the Son hath
everlasting life (John 3:36). I give to them eternal life and they shall never
perish (John 10:28). He that hath the Son hath life (1John 5:12). These things
have I written that you might know that you have eternal life (1John 5:13).
There is now therefore no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus
(Romans 8:1). For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, not height,
nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of
God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8: 38-39). So we began with
no condemnation and we close it out with no separation. And in between God
is working all things out for our good.
Life Sentence
by James Rogers, A.C.C.
Quincy Annex CI, FL
Life: noun – a period of incarceration from the
day of judgment, until your day of death.
This particular life began one cold winter night back in 1987, December
23rd to be exact. I grew up in an average size city – Easton, Pennsylvania. My
dad was a sloppy, belligerent alcoholic, and my mom was a confused woman
who eventually turned gay. Yes, I come from the average “broken home.”
Growing up, my dad and I were nomads in my city; we moved around a lot.
We were also a low-income, welfare household. I believe my dad’s alcoholism
was the major cause of this. Eventually, we settled down into an apartment that I
would live in until I was 13. I was about seven at the time.
During my childhood I endured a lot of mental and emotional abuse due to
my father’s alcoholism from both him and my peers. I played football and went
to school as much as possible to escape my home life, but endured the
embarrassment of dad showing up to games and school events drunk. I often
went days without clean clothes or food to eat. Friends were hard to come by.
As life moved along – fast at times, slow at others – my home life never saw
improvement. I was getting older and began to understand the problem between
my dad and I; it was the beer can constantly in his hand. I began to hate him for
the way the alcohol made him act. Soon I was asking him to choose between me
and the beer. He chose the beer.
The summer before seventh grade, I moved in with my mom. She was living
with her girlfriend. Our apartment was located on the other side of town, and I
moved into a foreign neighborhood once again. My mom’s finances were
healthier than my dad’s, so I finally had new clothes and food to eat. Life began
to be something worth living. So I thought. School returned quickly and my past
situation with my dad still lingered with my classmates. But now, they had more
ammo; my mom was gay. Friends were hard to come by; however, I did make
two good friends near home. Sometimes the good does outweigh the bad.
High school years seemed to hit me like a landslide. I wanted to fit in, and I
tried extremely hard to do so. The summer before my junior year I joined the
marching band’s drum line. Finally I found a place for me. Life was going great,
giving me wonderful opportunities and memories, but not for long. My mom
then moved to Florida without me the summer before my senior year. “What was
with all the ups and downs in life?” was a question I often asked myself.
Now I’m 16 and left without a place to live. I have school, marching band,
and a job. I was, however, blessed to live with my aunt who lived 20 minutes
outside of the city. Life had just thrown me a curve ball, and I had never even
learned how to hold the bat! I ended up making it through my senior year. I
graduated, had an awesome time in band, and had no idea what was next.
The “streets” had a plan for me. After I graduated, I was introduced to weed.
During school I was sheltered because of marching band, even though I drank
here and there (yeah, the same kid who said he’d never be like his dad).
Smoking, drinking, and sometimes working became life for me. Once my work
schedule became a conflict with partying, I took off like a G4 flying to Miami; I
quit. I then began to hustle weed for income and to support my addiction. In
2007 I moved to Florida for the first time.
My brief year in this new state was spent partying, working, and being
depressed. I was not happy with life, not even the high I chased so often.
Something was off, but I had no idea what was wrong. I lost my job and
apartment; then I moved back home. My 21st birthday was celebrated back home
with a tattoo on my neck, getting high, and plans to bring my best friend to
Florida. He and I worked and hustled, so we could move back to Florida in 2009.
One month after we moved back to Florida, we committed a robbery. We
thought it was our only hope of getting the money to pay rent. After committing
to the plans, it felt as if the night was out of my control.
Six days after the attempted robbery of a TJ Max store in 2009, my brother
(best friend), my cousin, and I were arrested. We were charged with three
felonies that were punishable by life and another second degree felony. My first
time in trouble and I’m sitting in a jail 2,000 miles from my family, facing life in
prison. I thought it was three strikes you’re out; where were the first two?
A few days after I was placed in general population, I was invited to a Bible
study. This being my first time in jail, I was slightly apprehensive. The voice
inside my head that always said, “Don’t do this, it’s wrong!” was now saying,
“Go in there, this is right.” For the first time, I followed the advice. I was afraid
for some reason. The brothers were so happy I came. One brother handed me a
yellow and white book titled “Holy Bible – God’s Story.” The very moment my
fingers grasped the spine of this unfamiliar, foreign Bible, I felt something
release inside of me. This feeling swept through my body, taking away the
numbness I’ve always felt. No shot of alcohol or hit of the best weed could ever
match it. I later learned it was the Holy Spirit beginning His work in me.
There was a brother preaching, giving a loud, powerful message. I do not
recall what exactly he said. I was “zoned out,” only catching words such as:
“God, blessings, Jesus, transform, new creation, Holy Spirit, renewal,
forgiveness, peace, comfort, repent, Heaven, joy, everlasting life, hell, sin, death,
cross, resurrection, Victory.” These words that were not part of my vocabulary
spoke their own message to my broken spirit and lowly heart. Tears streamed my
cheeks, guilt stained my heart, shame gripped my soul, and family crossed my
mind. God was cleansing me; I couldn’t move; I couldn’t speak. He had finally
caught my attention. I accepted Christ that night. Also, for the first time in my
life, I fell to my knees and prayed. I asked God to forgive me, first for the
robbery, then for every single sin prior to that. I cried and cried, begging Him for
my life back, to see my family, and to help me. I didn’t yet know or understand
that He already had a plan to grant these desires. I went to church and soaked up
His Word like a barren land receiving rainfall for the first time. I committed my
life unto Him, trusting His plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11-14).
The State Prosecution pushed for 15 to life. Facing that much time pushed
my faith further in to my Heavenly Father’s lap. He spoke through His Word,
His Saints, and a dream, confirming His calling on my life. After a year of
fighting my case, I signed two deals. The first: 8 years D.O.C. and 7 years
probation; the second: a life sentence, serving my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Not only did God do this amazing work in my life, but He also called my
best friend and brother, Joshua Rose, into His arms. We are both living
transformed lives by the grace and mercy of God. We signed the same deals, and
God delivered us. Hallelujah!
“Blessed is he who trusts in the LORD” (Proverbs 16:20b). I came to trust
God, and He has kept this promise. I am blessed to be here at Quincy C.I., where
I’ve had the opportunity to be in fellowship with brothers Anthony Ponds,
Kenneth Thurman, Rigdel De Lardilles, James Summers, and Donovan Wright.
God has continually been opening doors for me, not just to share His Word but
also to learn and do great things here in prison. God has, by unusual
circumstances, helped my dad break his alcohol dependency. He has helped me
break my addictions as well. I am no longer in the darkness, for my life has been
transformed by the Light of Jesus Christ.
I pray for all of you who continue to serve a “life sentence” as bondservants
to Christ. Praise and glory be to Our Father in Heaven. Amen.
Abundant Life
James Summers, A.C.C.
Bay CF, FL
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10b (NASB)
Throughout my walk with Christ I've come to realize that the intimate
moments spent with our Savior are the times when He shows Himself to us. The
Bible teaches us that we cannot do His will unless we learn to walk in His ways.
Sure, trying things your way may produce favorable results; however,
understand that if Christ is not your foundation, you'll find yourself going in
circles in the long-run, always ending up in the same spot looking for answers.
Don't be fooled by success; rather, be 100% dependent on God, and you'll
understand the real meaning of living an abundant life.
Never Been Better
by Skyler Awad
Quincy Annex CI, FL
Today feels like the first day of the rest of my
life. The cacophony of demonic instruments has
finally subsided and the inner turmoil is
dissipating. Confusion, anxiety, fear, and anger no
longer plague my existence. I know who I am and
remember what God has called me to do. To say everything is okay would be a
lie, but there is a peace now, something I had been running from. I was scared
that if I stopped to listen to the Lord that all I would hear from Him was
judgment and condemnation. Instead, I’ve heard understanding and forgiveness.
I was like a drowning victim; I had to come to the end of my own strength
before I could allow myself to be rescued. In a way, I feel just like Jonah
must’ve felt. I know what the Lord has called me to do; I have just been running
from it. The fear of failure and my own insignificance has haunted me. Only
after being in the “belly of the beast” did I realize that God hadn’t called me
because of my own strength; He called me to rely on His. Of my own strength, I
am incapable and weak, but with God no task is impossible.
I see now that these last few months have been an answer to prayer. Months
ago, I had earnestly prayed for the Lord to break me. It always amazes me how
the Lord works. He used my own rebellion to answer those prayers. Even as I
ran from Him, He pursued me. When I couldn’t feel His presence or hear His
voice, I wanted to believe that He had left, but like always, He was there and was
speaking. I just chose to ignore Him; I was running; He was faithful. Now I am
tired and broken with a long journey before me, and I’ve never been better.
Abraham Believed
by Rigdel de Lardilles
Vice President, A.C.C.
And Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I
will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.” (Genesis 22:5)
This verse is so familiar, most people don’t really read it. I just want to point
out one thing Abraham says, “And we will come back.” These words speak
volumes about his confidence in God’s promise of the seed. Abraham knew that
God could not lie. “He promised this boy and promised to multiply my
descendants and therefore though I kill him, we will come back.” This is faith.
Concluding that God was able to raise up, even from the dead,
from which he also received Him. (Hebrews 11:19)
Have confidence. If God said it; He is faithful!
Breaking Down Walls
Unifying the Body of Christ
“I was in prison, and you came to me” Matthew 25:36c
Princely Mindset
by Christian Pederson
As the Lord constantly reminds me of just how far I have come in the last
few years, I can’t help but glorify His Name at how awesome He really is. I have
come to realize that even though four years ago I had a family, a business, was
active in the community and local church, I still suffered from a pauper mentality
instead of a princely mentality. Webster’s dictionary defines prince as:
1. A male member of a royal family other than the monarch, especially a
son of the monarch.
2. a. A man who is a ruler of a principality.
b. A hereditary male ruler; a king.
3. A nobleman of varying status or rank.
4. An outstanding man, especially in a particular group or class.
5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) A son of the sovereign or of one of
the sovereign's sons.
Now, almost four years after my initial arrest I truly realize who I am. Am I
still married? No. Do I have access to my children? No. Do I still own my
business? No. So what has changed? I KNOW who I am. I am chosen (to
display the power and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven), a royal priest (to
minister His grace to others), part of a holy nation, a person that belongs to God
(I am His property, not to be stolen, damaged or used up). Of course this is my
own paraphrase of 1 Peter 2:9, but you get the idea that if this is who God says
we are, then shouldn’t we be acting like it?
Too often believers simply reduce themselves to the least common
denominator in the kingdom when God has sent His prophets shouting from the
rooftops “Arise, shine for your light has come and the GLORY of the Lord rises
upon you” (Isaiah 60:1). Saints, you have to get this: the Spirit of the Lord is IN
you for you, but He is ON you for others. The light of the world has come which
is our Redeemer the Lord Jesus, but He said He would send another once He left
referred to as Comforter, Breath of God, Eternal Spirit…these are just but a few
of the names of the Holy Spirit. Do you know that the Holy Spirit wants to
reveal to you the mysteries of the kingdom? As a prince in the King’s domain
(kingdom) you have an inheritance that is beyond just a guarantee of eternal life.
It is an all access pass that gets the believer past the veil (and heavenly
bodyguards) to see and experience more of God’s glorious nature, character, and
goodness. But, there is a requirement on the believer’s part…princely mentality.
Think about it, if you owned and operated a multi-billion dollar
conglomerate, who would you choose to put in charge: the pauper who thinks
small of himself, limits his creativity and in false humility says he is satisfied
with continuing as a slave only, or the prince who comes from royal blood, has
royal DNA engrafted in him, and comes with a very high price? Part of this
mentality comes from renewed thinking (Romans 12:2). What and how you
think of yourself projects onto others. Try this simple experiment: meditate on
these scriptures today, let them come alive in you and change your DNA…your
way of thinking.
I am accepted - Ephesians 1:6
I am a joint heir with Jesus, sharing His inheritance with Him - Rom. 8:17
I am united with God and one spirit with Him - 1 Corinthians 6:17
I am a temple of God. His spirit and his life live in me - 1 Cor. 6:19
I am redeemed and forgiven - Colossians 1:14
I am complete in Jesus Christ - Colossians 2:10
I am free from condemnation - Romans 8:1
I am a new creation because I am in Christ -2 Corinthians 5:17
I am established, anointed, and sealed by God - 2 Corinthians 1:21
I don’t have a spirit of fear, but of love, power, & sound mind - 2 Tim. 1:7
I am seated in heavenly places with Christ - Ephesians 2:6
I have direct access to God - Ephesians 2:18
I am chosen to bear fruit - John 15:16
I can know the presence of God because He never leaves me - Heb. 13:5
God works in me to help me do the things He wants me to do - Phil. 2:13
I can ask God for wisdom and He will give me what I need - James 1:5
Now, watch how others see you, perceive you, and interact with you. You
WILL see change; God’s word creates princely mentality! God bless each of you
as you discover your hidden prince longing to rule and manifest God’s glory on
Earth as it is in Heaven!
Psalm 91
by Lester Schwalm
I had given my life to Christ in 2002 after another battle with drug
addiction. With the love of my mother, I was recovering from living on the
streets of Jacksonville. I had pleaded with her to let me come home and stay on
her couch in Lake Worth, Florida, and she reluctantly agreed. It was there that I
got saved.
Just two houses over was Victory Worship Center where I started attending
church regularly and received my believer’s baptism. I had recently lost my
marriage, house, job and two kids in a nasty divorce. My divorce helped trigger
my relapse, and it was off to the races…
While my homeless adventure in Jacksonville was short lived, it was a taste
of what was to come. I had given my life back to Christ, and by the grace of
God, I landed back on the sales floor of a Toyota dealership in North Palm
Beach and was even given a company car to drive. God is good!
After four months, I got a management job in Stuart. It was fifty minutes
north of my mother’s house and I didn’t own a car. “God, help me,” I prayed. I
tried to buy a cheap car with my check from Toyota, but they didn’t have
anything in that price range; so, I told my manager that I had taken a manager’s
position at another store and really needed to buy a car. He said they would like
to keep me, but they didn’t have a management position open; however, I could
keep their car until I bought one in Stuart. Praise God!
I married the girl of my dreams, and we bought a house in Port St. Lucie. I’d
gone from the streets a year prior to a newly constructed 2,600 square foot house
with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. I was managing a Chevy store and
buying and selling classic muscle cars such as 1960’s Camaros, Chevelles, etc.
We were trying to live according to God’s word: attending church, tithing,
everything the Bible says to do. True to His word, He opened the doors of
Heaven and poured out more blessings than I could count (Malachi 3:6-12). Two
years after giving my life to Christ, we owned a house and three lots in Ocala.
Then, unfortunately, my unfaithfulness ruined it all. I lost it all. In less than a
year, I was back on the streets and angry with God. I hooked up with another
addict and ex-con who was a prostitute and heroin addict. Between the two of us
we had a one thousand dollar-a-day habit. I sold four to five hundred dollars a
day while she tricked for four or five hundred dollars. I was a crack head, and
she was a junkie who was becoming worse. Our addictions grew worse and
Satan’s grip was getting tighter. For five years this lifestyle went on. I eventually
got hooked on heroin and Roxies and stole just about anything that would meet
our needs and habits at the time. Eventually on December 16, 2010, God
allowed certain events to take place that would eventually lead His lost sheep
home. Psalm 91 was about to come to life.
I decided to steal a car that I was going to load up with Christmas gifts for
our drug dealer…flat screen TVs, Play Station 3s, etc. It took two hours for me
to find a car running with the key left in it at a gas station in Boynton Beach.
During that time, the Holy Spirit pleaded with me not to do this, but I wouldn’t
listen. So as I walked past this SUV, and I realized it was unlocked and running.
I jumped in it and took off, never hesitating to see who was watching.
Almost immediately after the theft, a high speed pursuit started that lasted
sixteen minutes. I never had time to explore the vehicle’s contents. Thirteen
squad cars and one helicopter were on the pursuit, and I was eventually
apprehended. I was then told that there was a five-week-old infant sleeping in the
car. I never saw the car seat because it was positioned directly behind the
driver’s seat. Photos that came out in the trial also showed two sun visors on the
rear windows to shade the child. I never saw the baby. I never knew.
I was one of two people in the whole state to have stolen a car with a
sleeping kid in it. The stage was set, and a true battle between good and evil had
begun. I was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail and charged with
Kidnapping a Minor under thirteen, a P.B.L. (Punishable by Life) charge; Grand
Theft Auto; Burglary of an Occupied Conveyance; High Speed Felony Fleeing
and Eluding; Leaving the Scene of an Accident without Injuries; D.U.S.,
Habitual; seven counts of Grand Theft for which a warrant was about to be
issued by the same town from a prior boosting spree plus seven tickets. The law
had thrown the book at me. My bail was set at $956,000 and I was ordered to be
held in lieu of my bond. I needed an O.J. Simpson dream team of lawyers to help
me because, unlike with O.J., the glove fit me…all but the kidnapping.
I admitted guilt to everything else at the time of my arrest, but who could
prove that I never knew that the kid was in the car? I didn’t have a witness, at
least not one I could put on the stand. In all, I was facing up to Life plus seventy
years. With seven prior felonies on my record, I was in a bad spot.
For three months the state offered me no deals and insisted on taking me to
trial. My friend in China said he heard about it, and my bunkie’s mom in Boston
saw me on the news. My sin had made me infamous. For months I pondered
suicide. I have two kids of my own; I refused to go through life being thought of
as someone who would hurt a child. The Devil had me ready to quit before it
even got started.
I knew I had to return home and face my Father. I had squandered all He had
given me, yet He couldn’t wait for me to return home. Finally, I picked up my
Sword, broke down in my cell and cried out to God to please forgive me for
trampling His grace and to please help me. He was the only one who could prove
I never knew about the baby. And God would soon show that greater is He that
is living in me than he that is in the world. I discovered Psalm 91, which says if I
make the Most High God my dwelling place, and put my trust in Him, surely He
will save me from the fowler’s snare, His faithfulness will be my shield and no
harm will befall me, for He will command his angels to protect me (vs.9-11). So
I prayed Psalm 91 and asked God to prove my innocence in the kidnapping.
Satan tried again to overcome me with fear and doubt. I landed in Judge Rapp’s
courtroom, one of the sternest judges in Palm Beach County.
My Public Defender was overwhelmed by his workload and the number of
charges I had pending against me. I prayed for God to help him, so he could help
me. To this day, I don’t know what God did, but that P.D. either quit or got fired
and I was assigned a new public defender, Addy Griffin. She was one of the
preferred public defenders by inmates because she was a fighter and wanted
what was best for her client, not just the best plea deal – Miracle #1.
About one month before the trial, I was on the news again and my case was
seen by a private lawyer who used to work for the state attorney’s office. He
called Ms. Griffin and asked if she’d like his help free of charge. William Tesh
joined the team pro bono – Miracle #2.
Both of my lawyers came to see me at the jail and both agreed that they did
not want to go to trial with Judge Rapp on the bench. I was really scared, so I
prayed for God to get me out of Judge Rapp’s courtroom. Three weeks before
trial, Judge Rapp got tied up in trials, and I ended up in the courtroom of Judge
Cohen, who’s know for being fair – Miracle #3.
Then during jury selection, a man and women claimed to be Christians, and
they were from the same church. I prayed for them to get selected. What were
the odds of two Christians from the same church being randomly selected to sit
on the panel of jurors who would determine another Christian’s future? Praise
God they both got selected - Miracle #4.
During the whole course of the jury selection, one woman was sitting in the
jury box watching. My lawyers asked if I knew who she was. I knew she looked
familiar, but could not remember who she was or where I knew her from. After
jury selection, the deputies took me downstairs and asked me the same question
– who was the lady in the jury box? I didn’t know until they walked back with
my blues. God revealed to me at that moment that she was someone from my
church from 2002, where I first gave my life to God. I never had any
communication with her, other than that which was exchanged at church. The
next day during the trial, she wasn’t there. Why go through sitting and watching
a jury selection if you’re not planning on being there for the trial? Psalm 91 – “I
will command my angles to protect you” – Miracle #5.
It only took fifty-five minutes for the jury to find me not guilty of
kidnapping and guilty of Grand Theft Auto, Burglary and Fleeing and Eluding. I
was sentenced to eight years out of a possible thirty-five – Miracles #6.
Psalm 91 is real for all believers! I pray that God’s work in my life might
make others realize that if God is for us, who can be against us.
The Heart of God
by Christopher Bachmann
To know a person is to know the heart of a person. To know God we must
know the heart of God. It then begs the question: can we really know the heart
of God? And the answer is “Yes, we can!”
The Bible teaches that those who have accepted Jesus make up the body of
Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27), and that Christ is the Head of the body (Colossians
1:28). So, if we represent the body and Christ represents the head, then who
represents the heart?
Everybody has a heart. The human heart is described as, “a muscular organ
that sustains the circulation of blood (life) through the body.” So who would
qualify to represent the heart of Christ’s body? There’s only One, the Holy Spirit
of God! He is the One that gives life (Romans 8:10). Those who have entered
into the Christ have a new power operating within them - the Spirit of life
(Romans 8:1-2). And what the law could not do is accomplished in us when we
simply embrace what the Spirit is doing within us. Those who think they can live
the Christian life on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own
muscle. But those who trust God find that God’s Spirit is in them – living and
breathing (Romans 8:3-4).
Through faith in Christ each of us is now a part of Christ’s resurrected body,
refreshed and sustained by His Spirit. As the human heart sustains life in our
bodies, so the Holy Spirit sustains life in the body of Christ.
The Holy Spirit also represents the heart of God because He reveals the heart
of God to us. “For what person knows and understands what passes through the
heart of a man, except the man’s own spirit? Just as no one discerns, knows, and
comprehends the heart of God, except the Spirit of God! But God has revealed it
unto us by His Spirit” (1 Cor. 2:9-10).
The Bible also teaches that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead
(1 John 5:7). Jesus also referred to Him as a person, “He shall teach you all
things” (John 14:26). Sadly, many have never experienced the love, joy, and
power that comes from establishing a personal relationship with Him. Paul
writes, “The amazing grace of Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the
intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14).
If you do not have an intimate friendship with the Holy Spirit, ask Him to
draw you to Him today. And be ready, for no one remains the same once they
embrace “The heart of God!”
From Behind the Walls
From the A.C.C. to You!
I want to first say thank you, and I pray that you understand the fact that
though we are in chains, we are here to work hand in hand with you. We want to
join you in screaming to the world that our God is good and uplift the church of
the living God who is “… a pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).
On behalf of the A.C.C. (Ambassadors for Christ in Chains), I want to say
thank you to Heritage Community Church in Auburn, Indiana, for welcoming
our brother Foster into your fellowship. You are getting a first-hand opportunity
to see his zeal for the Lord. I thank God He has given you all the heart to look
beyond the physical and know the Lord takes the weak things of the world to put
to shame the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). Inspiration Ministries truly is a vessel the
Lord is using to touch people’s lives and inspire them to holy living, committed
to sharing all that Jesus has done for them. Skyler Awad is one of those brothers.
Skyler is a part of our Quincy Annex fellowship and devoted to sharing the
good news of Jesus Christ. Like all of us in chains, our lives have not been a bed
of roses; however, we serve a God who is in the business of bringing His
children to glory. We are redeemed! Skyler is serving a five year sentence here
in the Florida prison system and is facing more time in Colorado for past cases.
He has been raised in a strong Christian family and made several decisions that
would leave his soul wanting. Even prison has been rocky, but God is faithful,
even if we are faithless. He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13). Brother
Skyler has come crawling back because he is not faithless, by the grace of God.
God is doing amazing things in our lives. To Denny and Cheryl Myers, and
the Cupbearer Café staff and its customers, may God continue to touch you in
radical ways. Thank you for being willing! Radical, crazy inspiration is the first
thing that comes to mind when I think of the abundant love our Lord Jesus has
spread in your heart. This is only the beginning! Auburn, Indiana and beyond!
May God prepare your hearts because there is only one way to go: falling deeper
in love with God, more saturated in His presence, and stronger in our active
service as soldiers of Christ. Remember that though we are imprisoned, Paul
says, “… but the word of God is not imprisoned” (2 Timothy 2:9).
Be strong in His grace,
Anthony V. Ponds, President, A.C.C.
Continue To Stand!
by Colelle Carter, A.C.C.
Bay CF, Florida
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid,
stand firm and you will see the deliverance the
Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you
see today you will never see again. The Lord
will fight for you: you need only to be still.”
(Exodus 14:13-14)
to my brothers and sisters who are
saved through faith by grace, that can only
comes from our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we share a common inheritance.
What does it mean to live in Christ? It took me too many long years of
unnecessary pain and sorrow to figure this out. I came to realize what it
means to hurt God because He is the one I let down. I certainly have reaped
the fruit from many years of sowing with my wickedness. But God is good! I
have been forgiven and even though my body is locked up, my spirit is free!
Now after years of struggle and being lukewarm for Christ, I have let go
of my life and submitted. It has been the best decision I or anybody else
could, can, or will ever make! It is hard realizing that I was so ignorant
wasting years chasing the “American Dream” only to recognize that it truly
is just that…a dream.
Jesus showed me reality. Through God I am wide awake. For the first
time in my life I want Christ. I hunger, thirst, and cry out to know Jesus
Christ! And I have found that He will answer! Can you imagine? Jesus is
real! Not only that, He’s alive! And our Heavenly Father is waiting for His
children to humble themselves, repent, and allow Him to glorify Himself
through us. I have also discovered that after you make the choice, the next
thing you must do is continue to stand!
Be careful! Satan is not a fool. A liar, yes, but not a fool! He knows our
weaknesses, as well as our strengths. He has been studying us from the
moment we were born. What we need to do is get to know him. He is our
enemy! Learn his tricks, and ask God to give us insight and wisdom in the
time of temptation, so we can continue to stand!
When trials come, rejoice! Thank God that you are able to suffer for
something that we are unworthy to even suffer for, but continue to stand!
But rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ. (1 Peter 4:13)
If anybody has ever told you that becoming a Christian is a walk on Easy
Street without difficult times, you have been told a complete lie.
Paul states, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a
Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:22)
It’s going to happen, and there is nothing we can do about it. Here are a
couple things to keep in mind: 1) God is with you! Jesus will never forsake
us. Never! 2) We are not alone. We all fight the good fight, not just against
Satan, but against the world as well. It is not just a spiritual war; it’s a
constant battle within our own flesh. Daily we have to die to ourselves, deny
the fleshly desires, pick up our cross, and follow Christ.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will
carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)
No matter how bad it gets, how long it takes, how alone you feel, or what
people may think, say, or do, continue to stand!
Never let anyone cause you to stumble! Be unmovable in Christ! Never
be shook nor shaken in your faith, and when you stumble, keep your balance.
When you fall, get back up even when it feels like all is lost, it hurts too
much, or you cannot possibly go on any longer.
When everything has been stripped away, and it is only you, Christ, and
the Word of God, rejoice and continue to stand!
Lets be Friends
by Robert Waterhouse, A.C.C.
Bay City Work Camp, FL
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.
You are my friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer
do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing:
but I have called you friends, for all things I have heard from My Father
I have made known to you. John 15:13-15
We must realize that to have life we must give our life; to obtain love, we
must love; and to make friends, we must be a friend. This is easier said than done
considering it seems as though people are becoming more unlovable everyday.
Always remember that our ability to love is not based on our efforts, but on the
love of Christ Jesus who is inside of us.
Have a Taste…
by James Pirtle
Quincy Annex CI, Florida
Living my life in sin
Women, drugs, and destruction
I’m in a battle I can’t win
Putting my best foot forth
Trying harder and harder
But Satan got his hold
And he won’t let me go
I’m on the highway to hell
This time they gave me no bail
Skin crawling, no sleep, and cold sweats
You got to love those Loracets
Delusional and wacky, I strike a CO
And then off I go 40 days
to the one man black hole
Cold and dark I’m all alone
Then I hear His voice
“It’s me, taste and see
Happy is the man who seeks refuge in Me”
Then I begged, “Lord, please comfort me”
He asked, “Do you believe in Me?”
My sins have now been forgiven
And here I am, giving my testimony
Walking in the newness of life
Just trying to share the Gospel
About who I am in Christ
I’m 26 years old, and I’ve been arrested 24 times in my life, mostly for acts
of violence towards random people, usually motivated by hate, money, or drugs.
My first prison sentence was at the age of 18. I was sentenced to 26 months for
aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. I was in an altercation and hit a guy
multiple times in the head with a pair of channel locks, causing him to be
hospitalized. He received staples in his head.
Through that prison sentence I told myself I would change, but I really had
no intention of doing so. All I could think about was getting out and partying
with my friends. I went to church a couple times, for what reason, I don’t know.
I was as far away from God as I could be. I used to mock the Christians and
picked at them saying things like, “You are only carrying the Bible because
you’re in prison.” I did not know that God could do a work in someone’s heart. I
was under the impression that being a good person would get me to Heaven, but
I wasn’t even that. I had prayed before, but it seemed as if no one was listening.
Nevertheless, I got out in September 2005 and was right back at my same
lifestyle. After only three days of freedom, I almost died from doing
methamphetamines, not knowing I had a pre-existing heart condition. Still, that
did not slow me down; I was still using drugs and partying constantly. Soon
after, I met a girl and got involved in a relationship. I thought it was working out
great because she liked to party just as much as I did. Only about nine months
after my release, I was already on my third arrest. The first was for battery, the
second for D.U.I., and the third was pretty serious in which I was in another
altercation. This time I hospitalized a man by hitting him in the face with a brick,
knocking him unconscious. I was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly
weapon and throwing a deadly missile into an occupied vehicle. My mother
spent thousands of dollars on a lawyer to keep me out of prison. I eventually
plead out to simple battery.
Then, in the beginning of 2007 my girl and I found out that we were having
a baby. So now, it was time to clean up my act and do the right thing. I had a
decent job at the time, but I still longed to get high. My son was born on
Christmas Day 2007. It was one of the best days of my life. I now had a family,
and I loved being a dad. I still just felt the need for some “me” time, so my son’s
mother and I still partied on occasion. Then in June 2008, after a small stint of
sobriety, I had a work related injury that caused me to lose the end of my finger.
That’s when I met Oxycodone. I took them as prescribed, but when my script
was gone I was already psychologically addicted to them. Now I was buying
Percocets and Loracets off the streets. I really liked the energy and euphoric
effect they gave me. I was functioning everyday and nobody even knew I was on
them. Eventually, I was introduced to Roxies. Then I began taking something
stronger and more expensive. My addiction was now turning physical and I
didn’t even know it because I was never without.
In the beginning of 2009 my son’s mother and I split up. That really took a
toll on me. I thought I couldn’t live without her, and I was left taking care of a
child by myself. Then one night of innocent fun took a disastrous turn. A 16 year
old girl overdosed on Roxies and ended up in a coma. I and one other person
were arrested for allegedly selling her the pills. I bonded out immediately, just to
find out I was being laid off from my job. The depression hit hard. First, my
family split up, and now I’m charged with aggravated child abuse for the
overdose (later this charge would be dismissed). And now I have a drug
addiction that I couldn’t afford. On a good day, I was taking about 20 Roxies and
10-15 Xanex. I started bouncing my own checks for cash to pay for my habit.
One day when my son’s mother and I were together, and I was drunk and on
Xanex, we got into a big fight and she left with my son. A couple hours later, I
was walking home and somebody approached me and asked if I was interested in
buying their script of Loratabs. I was broke, so I strong-armed them from him. I
knew they wouldn’t get me high, but they would be good for withdrawals. I
ended up getting arrested with them and charged with trafficking by possession.
I didn’t know the charge carried a 25 year mandatory sentence.
After the arrest, I sat in jail with no bond. Then the “detox” process started.
After about six days of my skin crawling and no sleep, I started hallucinating.
They put me in the psych wing for observation. I was delusional and talking to
myself. I actually convinced myself that my family was dead. I started freaking
out, screaming and banging on the glass walls of my cell. I was banging so hard
and long that my hands were bleeding. They realized I needed medical attention,
so they tried to abstract me from my cell. When the door rolled, I attacked the
Correctional Officer; the officers then “gassed” me and gave me a shot that
knocked me out. I don’t really remember much about the trip to the hospital, but
eventually they brought me back to the county and put me in confinement, as
well as charged me with battery on a C.O.
So there I sit, alone and broken. I was thinking about my past wondering
how it all led to this so extremely fast. The only thing I could do was cry,
thinking about my once sober family life. I remembered when I was working and
doing right but no matter how hard I tried I would always slip back into my old
ways. The next day I got a Father’s Day card in the mail. It broke my heart just
looking at it, knowing my son was out there without me.
I opened the card and read it, and at the bottom was a scripture: Psalm 34:8.
It said, “… Taste and see that the LORD is good, happy is the man who seeks
refuge in Him.” And there it was; the seed was planted. I immediately began to
cry; first to myself and then to God. For the first time in my life, I knew without
a doubt that God was real. I could feel His presence in the room. Something I’ve
never felt before. I cried and begged God to forgive me for the things I’ve done
in my life and to change me into the person He wanted me to be. Jeremiah 29:13
says, “You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your
heart.” I finally understood the one thing I was missing all along.
When I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, I felt a peace that I didn’t know
existed. At that moment it was like nothing else mattered. I thought my life was
over, but little did I know that I had just started living. I eventually signed a ten
year plea for the pill charge, but that didn’t steal my joy. I knew God would see
me through this. It’s been almost three years since that day. I am continually
growing into the person God has called me to be through a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ. He gives me the strength to overcome all the obstacles in my
life. So, here I am to tell you that God is real and wants a relationship with you.
It’s only through Him that you can have real victory in your life. So, in the name
of Jesus Christ, why don’t you “taste and see?”