June 13, 2015 - Yonkers - Church of Saint Eugene
June 13, 2015 - Yonkers - Church of Saint Eugene
Roman Catholic Church of Saint Eugene Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia Tuckahoe Road and Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, New York Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00-4:45 and 7:30-8:30 PM Sacrament of Baptism Sundays at 1:45 PM. Please call the Rectory to arrange for the Sacrament and parental instruction. Baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Parental instructions are the 1st Thurs. of each month. Adoration Chapel Mon.to Fri. Open from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sacrament of Matrimony Please call the Rectory at least 6 months in advance. A marriage preparation program is required. Sacraments for the Sick Please contact the Rectory for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Communion for the homebound. Choir Rehearsals Thurs.7:30PM. New members welcome. Parish Membership Our parish invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Every new parishioner is requested to register at the Parish Office. If you move to another parish, or change your address, please notify the Parish Office. Served by Rev. Anthony Mizzi-Gili, Administrator Rev. Leo Perera, Parochial Vicar Deacon John Duffy Ms. Lauren Lewis, Interim Principal Mrs. Marisela DeVictoria, Religious Education Coordinator Mill Hill Missionaries, Weekend Associates Mass Schedule Saturday: 9:00 AM Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 10:45 Traditional Latin Mass, 12:15 & 6:00 PM Weekdays: 6:45, 9:00 AM Holy Days Vigil Mass (day before the Holy Day) 5:00 PM 6:45, 9:00 AM, & 12:00 noon, 7:30 PM First Friday: Evening Mass each month at 7:30 PM. Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Parish Office 31 Massitoa Rd., Yonkers, NY 10710 914-961-2590 Rectory 32 Massitoa Rd., Yonkers, NY 10710 School 707 Tuckahoe Rd., Yonkers, NY 10710 914-779-2956 Religious Education 707 Tuckahoe Rd., Yonkers, NY 10710 914-337-9868 New Email: churchofsainteugene@gmail.com Internet Address: www.churchofsainteugene.org Check our web page for updated information Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 Page two - Sunday June 14, 2015 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. SUNDAY 6/14 8:00 Mass for the Parish 9:30 Virginia A. Lasicki 10:45 12:15 John Procaccino 6:00 Ana Lorena DiMaira MONDAY 6/15 6:45 Fr. Matthew Reiman (Special Intentions) 9:00 Fr. Michael Morrow (Special Intentions) TUESDAY 6/16 6:45 Marie Angela Steele 9:00 Frances & Christine DiPietro (25 year Anniversary) WEDNESDAY 6/17 6:45 Herman G. Eitzenberger 9:00 Charles Troiano THURSDAY 6/18 6:45 Ann E. Daly 9:00 Joseph Mallon FRIDAY 6/19 St. Romuald 6:45 James Paul Franggos/Catherine& William Cronin 9:00 Luisa & Gino Gandolfi SATURDAY 6/20 9:00 Carmine Antonio Cavaliere 5:00 Richard & MaryJo Lucey (Special Intentions) PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH… Especially, , John Ahearn III, Curtis Arditi, Terry Arlotta, Julie Barbato, Dolores Beaver, Dolores Betances, Elisa Burslem, Christopher Capano, Catherine Cabin, Cesar Casiano, Marie Castry, Lawrence Christian Jr., Fr. Steven E. Clark, James Patrick Conneely, Nancy Cornell, Aurora Crevani, Frances Cuevo, Dominic D’Angelo, Ann DiCarmine, Silvio DiSalvatore, Nicole Pisani-Frame, G. DeNike, Stephen Forlenza, Jessica Galloza, Nicholas Gardini, Bill Gelpi, John Gibson, James Gibson, Peter Gioella, Nanci Hennes, Ana Herrera, Rita Ianni, Bill Iannuccilli Jr., (Little); Kathy Joyce, Margaret Kielkucki, Lanyi Family, James LaRosa, Alexandra Laurent, Jack Lenehan, Lana Leonelli, Peter Lombardo, Dave McCarthy, William McDonald, Clara Magno, Marie Mangieri, Angelo Manginelli, Fred and Sasa Meindl, John Mescall, Earl Micheline, Betsy Miranda, Angelo Morra, Teresa Multari, James O’Connor, Joseph O’Reilly, Theresa Patanella, Louis Petrulo, Maria Pian, Tomasz Przywarczak Marjorie Putorti, Michele Ragusa, Giovanni Ramos, Lorraine Rhine., Teofilo Rodriguez, Kristin Sadlon, Vincent Sangalli, Tony and Terry Scatola, Terrence J. Semler, Helen Sheedy Peter Sheridan Jr., D. Mario A. Sindona, Michael Sirocco, Sade Sorentino, Daniel Taylor Sr., Michael Tomanelli, Joseph Volpe, Ann Wallace, Marie Young, Barbara Zunker, (Little) Mary Zuzulo. AND FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED RECENTLY Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church’s enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith. St. Peter Canisius S.J. —Psam 92.14 IN MEMORY OF A LOVED ONE (The Sanctuary Lamp on the Main Altar), the (Blessed Mother’s Lamp on our Lady’s Altar) and the (Altar Bread and Wine) can be memorialized for a loved one for the week. The donation for these items are $25.00 for the week and the name/names of your loved ones will be noted in the bulletin along with which item . Also Fr. Mizzi-Gili has opened the Mass book for weekend Masses. (The donation for a weekend Mass will be $25.00@) BANNS OF MARRIAGE 1st Lynda Kwartler & Eric Konzelman 2nd Sarah Phillips & Kevin Suehnholv 3rd Meghan Macdonald & Kevin Keeler PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY Jannelle Amador, Jose Luis Petrovich, Matthew Valentinetti, Brian Mulhern & John Kollinger If you have family members or friends you would like to put on our Military Prayer list please notify the Parish Office 961-2590. FUND RAISER CLUB Winner of the Fund Raiser Club is Linda Hoffman Congratulations, Please call the Parish Office for your check. CHURCH COLLECTION Sun. June 1st. $ 8,542.00 We appreciate the generosity of you, our parishioners. When we have a second collection, people tend to split their usual offering between the two collections, which is understandable given the pressure of our economic times. However we rely on the first collection to keep the parish going and pay the bills. We ask that if there are two collections you include the usual amount you give in the first collection and do the best with the second if you are able to. SOCIETIES AND ACTIVITIES Adoration Chapel –Natalie Philpin 793-4757/Patricia Finan 961-0146 Altar Guild - Jennie Sepe - 776-9847 Bereavement Group—Carolyn Walsh—961-8689 Boy Scouts - Donna Ragusa - 472-7567 C.C.D. - Marisela DeVictoria - 793-7822H/337-9868W C.Y.O. - Rob Pechin (646)208-6385 Mike Raimondi 779-3848 Catholic Daughters–Rita DiPippo 793-3065 /Catherine Blanco 793-1539 Cheerleaders - Lori Fox 325-0333 Children’s Choir & Cantor - John Sacco - 654-9110 Couples for Christ—Cesar Tipwan 343-0914 Girl Scouts - Jerilin Carota 968-5526 H. S. A. - Caroline Bagan 224-5995 / Nancy Arzola 274-0016 Holy Name - Frank Giacoio—793-5392 Legion of Mary - Josephine Bitetti 337-1372 Living Rosary– Natalie Philpin—793-4757 Organist & Adult Choir—Lakambini Ramos - 202-8590 Parish Activities Committee—Parish Office- 961-2590 Parish Council - Fr. Anthony Mizzi-Gili 961-2590 parishcouncil@live.com Respect Life Society - Jackie Barton - 793-9322 Serra Club of Bronx and West.—George Alessi—779-8719 Senior Club—Jennie Sepe—776-9847 St. Vincent DePaul - Walter Whitmore 779-1826 Page Three St. Eugene Catholic School is currently accepting applications for Grades PK4—8. Please contact the school at 914-779-2956 to arrange for a tour, STUDENTS APPLYING FOR PRE-K Must be 4 Yrs. of age by 12/31/15. STUDENTS APPLYING FOR KINDERGARTEN Must be 5 yrs. of age by 12/31/15 IMPORTANT NOTE: St. Eugene Catholic School is starting a program for 3 year old children. If you would be interested in a full day PreK3 program for your child, please contact the school office at 914-779-2956. PARISH RAFFLE First of All, Thank you to the many parishioners who have already returned their sold raffle books. Your Generosity is most appreciated. Final drawing is Tues. June 30th. RESPECT LIFE SOCIETY Monthly Meeting: 2nd Thurs. of the month, 7:30 pm in the Parish Center. New members welcome. Next Meeting: No Summer Meetings Cenacle of Life: The purpose of this simple prayer group is to petition Our Lord through His Blessed Mother for the end of the Culture of Death by meeting once a week to pray. Cenacle Meeting: Sat. after the 9:00 AM Mass SENIOR TRIPS END OF THE YEAR PARTY: Members are going to the Olive Garden on Friday, June 19th. Please bring your money to the meeting for your reservation. This will be our end of the year Social. ACE IN THE HOLE: September 25th –cost is $75.00. Show features Mary Mancini, Mario Tacca, Rinaldo Toglia & Uncle Floyd. Lunch served family style, dancing to a live Band, dessert coffee, door prizes, 50/50 drawing and free drinks. WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE: :”SHOW BOAT” on Friday October 9th, cost is $55.00 includes show and lunch. Don’t have many seats, if interested so call quickly for reservation. Jennie Sepe 776-9847 BEREAVEMENT GROUP St. Eugene’s Bereavement Group next meeting is on Thurs. June 25th and on every third Thursday of the month at 1:00PM in the Parish Office. Through caring support, we hope to lessen the pain and confusion brought on by the death of a loved one. Please join us. THE ST. VINCENT DEPAULSOCIETY We are always looking for volunteers to cook chicken. If you are interested in helping, you can do so in many forms, by cooking, by making phone calls, by organizing, by using your computer skill etc. It only takes an hour or two of you time, once every two months. Also, We NEED MORE Packaged & Can foods to be put in our baskets. Please bring these foods with you to Mass and put them in the basket in the school corridor (boxes of pastas, cereals, rice, cans soups, assorted vegetables, etc. GRADUATING CLASS OF ST. EUGENE’S Gods Blessing and Congratulations to all our Graduates of St. Eugene School — Class of 2015 Alamon, Matthew Edward Alviar, Jonathan F. Berardini, Michael Joseph Breheny, John Timothy Canastra Jr. Arthur Dominador Casado, Melaine Marie Da’Costa, Berna Theresa D’Agostino, Michelle Nicole Durgaprasad, Brendon Samuel Guzman, Johnny Miguel Khalid, Sherina Kosteas, Jillian Elizabeth Marku, Albert Mota, Ana Patricia Przywarczak, Elena Krystyna Rago, Nicolaus Antoni Riley, Danielle Amanda Rivera, Briana Marie Rosendorn, Samantha Marie Sharpe, Aaron Kayel Taormina, Giancarlo Torres, Gabriella Alexis Abbassi, Malak Ethen Al-Fakhoury, Paul Astriab, Peter Steve Barrett, Kelley Ann Bordas, Kennedy Anne Cioppa, Emily Anne Dass, Ryan Suren Donohue, James Arthur Goncalves, Anthony Nicholas Delfino Guzman, Aaron Thomas John, Devin Koshy, Priyanka Heed, Kelly Elizabeth Iengo, Domenick Antonio Lauria, Anna Mary Malota, Nicholas Anthony Ota, Kaitlin Makiko Pechin, AriAna Rose Pita, Victoria Elizabeth Ruiz, Jacob Anthony Liberatore Smith, Noleen Elizabeth Torres, Gabriella Marie PARISH BLOOD DRIVE Today, June 14th 8:30 to 2PM in Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms Whole Blood Donation, Red cell Donation, also free screening is available for Cardiovascular Disease. . LEGION OF MARY During the month of May the Legion of Mary will say the Rosary in front of the Statue of Mary in the Church parking lot at 7:00PM every Wednesday. EVENTS IN THE AREA SING MEMORABLE SONGS WITH MICHAEL: at the Grinton I. Will Library 2:00 to 3:30PM on June 15th, & 29th, July 13th & 27th, Aug. 10th & 24th, Sept. 28th, Oct. 5th & 19th—1500 Central Park Ave. (Free & Open to the Public / Handicapped Accessible) 337-1500. Page Four FROM THE DESK OF FR. MIZZI-GILI .11th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 Greetings to All! After a long festive season that is the Easter Season and the other solemnities within and afterwards, we come to again, Ordinary Time in the Church’s calendar. Today in Mark’s Gospel, we hear the parable of the mustard seed. A mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds, and what is so amazing is that, when the seed dies and the tree grows it becomes the largest of all the plants. What we need to understand is that, the use of the mustard seed parable in the Gospels is for us to understand faith itself. Faith is a gift from God; it is the first of the theological virtues. How can one explain the meaning of faith? Faith has at its core, belief. Belief in the one true God which leads to Hope, which another word to describe Hope is to trust. Trusting in the promises made by God Himself. Faith in of itself enables us to believe in things that we don’t see and it enables us to believe in the God we don’t see, but yet, still believe. We need to hold on to that virtue. Faith, also, humbles us. It humbles us because the notion or idea that “I can do it myself without anyone” is not there. It means that we need help. That help comes from God through Jesus Christ our Lord. As it has been stated, “When we ‘walk by faith, not by sight’ the hidden depths of things become apparent.” The Collect ( the opening prayer) needs to be our prayer not just this week but always. So pray with me, O God, strength of those who hope, graciously hear our pleas, and, since without you mortal frailty can do nothing, grant us always the help of your grace, that in following your commands we may please you by our resolve and our deeds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. I would like to congratulate our Eighth Grade Students who have graduated this past Friday. You are a blessing to us. May God bless you and keep you, may His Face shine on you always. Amen. God Bless you in high school and may you become good Christian men and women for this world to see. Remember, your second home, here at St. Eugene! God Bless! Buona Domenica! Good Sunday! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CARDINAL’S APPEAL 1. Who benefits from the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal? Every parish and all people within them benefit from the Cardinal’s Appeal, as well as those who turn to the archdiocese for charitable and spiritual assistance. 2. What is the goal of the 2015 Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal? The overall goal for the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal is $20 million. However, the needs of the archdiocese exceed $20 million. It will be to the benefit of the ministries that are supported by the Cardinal’s Appeal to be as successful as possible. 3. Is the money going towards a good cause? The money collected from the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal will be used for the ministries of the archdiocese explained in the brochure. The six areas funded are: Pastoral Offices and Programs, Support for Needy Parishes, The Departments of Education and Religious Education, Preparing the Clergy, Retired Priests and Religious, and Works of Charity. 4. Does my parish benefit from the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal? The Cardinal’s Appeal benefits the entire archdiocese. Much of the money is made available to support parishes that are in financial difficulty. In addition, many archdiocesan offices provide valuable professional assistance in areas such as real estate, insurance, and legal services. 5. Why should I give to the 2015 Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal? The Archdiocese of New York is an extremely worthwhile organization. It exists not only to care for the spiritual needs of the 2.5 million Catholics who worship in its churches, but also as a great source of social and charitable outreach. While many people support their local parish, it is important to remember how vital the Archdiocese is to the life of all parishes. The programs supported by the Cardinal’s Appeal are invaluable to all Catholics, as well as others in need who regularly turn to the Archdiocese of New York. 6. How can I make my gift to the Archdiocesan Cardinal’s Appeal? You can make your gift to the Cardinal’s Appeal in the following ways: - Credit card - Website - Check - Matching gifts - Direct Debit - Stock 7. How much should I give? Your gift should be determined after prayer for God’s guidance, one of which you can be proud, and one that you know will help the people of the Church of New York. 8. Where should I send my pledge/gift? Send your check or order money payable to the “2015 Cardinal’s Appeal” ( our Parish Number is #577) send to: The Cardinal’s Appeal Office Archdiocese of New York 1011 First Avenue, Suite 1410 New York, NY 10022 COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: Church of St. Eugene 707 Tuckahoe Road Yonkers, New York 10710 Phone Number 914) 961-2590 Bulletin number 911216.614 Software Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional Windows XP Professional Printer HP Laserjet 5700 Date of publication JUNE 14, 2015 Number of pages transmitted: (5) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS; Please contact Jo Ann or Anna @ 914-961-2590.
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