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FREE… TAKE ONE San Leon - Gilchrist - High Island - Port Bolivar - Arcadia - Bacliff - Crystal Beach - Texas City - Tiki Island - Alta Loma - League City - Santa Fe Seabrook - Jamaica Beach - Kemah - La Marque - Friendswood - Galveston - Hitchcock - Bayou Vista - Clear Lake Shores - Dickinson VOLUME 1, NUMBER 2 PUBLISHED ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB: February 2006 Get’n High, Got’im Dead Locking Up Our Kids? By Breck Porter, Galveston County Police News —— The product of a broken home, Steven From the Cold Case Files of the got involved with drugs by the time he was Texas City Police Department fourteen. It was typical of the stories we Case Number 04-004508 – Murder hear all too often when kids turn to drugs May 9, 2004 and wind up in police custody or dead, as Steven Kraus was the case with Steven Kraus. was no Saint. In May of 2004 Steven was living with his At a very young mother in Houston and traveling to Texas age he was a City each day to his job at the Mainland problem child, Center Medical Center where he worked as in and out of hot a records clerk. According to his mother water at school, Steven actually held two part-time jobs at that is, when he 20-year old Steven Eric Kraus the hospital. He worked a half day for a went to school. lived life in the fast lane He was which lead to his death on temporary personnel service who contractdescribed as a the waters edge at the Texas ed with the hospital to do some of the record keeping. When he completed four “tough guy” by City Dike. (Courtesy Photo) hours for that company he would then go those who knew him best. Steven wasn’t a bully and he didn’t on duty for the hospital itself doing the go about looking for trouble, but if someone same work in the same office. He was wanted a fight, Steven would be quick to oblige them. He ran with the tough crowd in Texas City. “He never even made it to high school,” said a relative that we interviewed for this story. “He was in so much trouble all the time that he was put in BAC classes here in Texas City,” they said. “That’s were they put kids after they were kicked out of Jessica Kraus Smith looks down upon the rock groins where school.” the body of her brother was discovered (GCPN Photo) At participating Liberty Tax Service Locations LIBERTY TAX SERVICE ® j This Coupon is Good for $20 OFF TAX PREPARATION 409-740-0020 2115 61st Street Suite 108-B Galveston, TX 77551 hoping to get on with the hospital full-time so that he would get better pay and benefits. He had become good at his job and finally in March the hospital employed him on a full-time basis. According to his mother, Steven was thrilled and he set out on a course of self improvement. “He was really trying to clean up his act and make a life for himself,” said his mother. At about 2 o’clock in the morning on Sunday, May 9th of 2004, Texas City Firefighters were dispatched to an alley in the 700 block of 14th. When they arrived they found a 1998 Toyota 4-Runner totally engulfed in flames. When fire officials dis- continued on page 4 (Kraus Murder) — Not Always By Breck Porter, GCPN Editor —— Sitting across the table from a 15-year old young man at the Galveston County Juvenile Justice Center was like sitting across the dinner table from my own grandson. He was cute, sweet innocence was not a violent offender and he was not institutionalized. He was living at home, a rural Galveston County community just a short 15 miles from the facility. He had been in trouble more that once at his View of the Galveston County Juvenile Justice Center from Attwater Avenue near Texas City. (GCPN Photo) exuded from his appearance as well as his speech and mannerism. A clean-cut, neatly dressed young man sat with me for over an hour one morning at the facility on Attwater Avenue near Texas City, where some of Galveston County’s most vicious and cunning young criminals are housed. Lieutenant Ron Tolbert in charge of Special Programs at the center, warned me right off, “You can’t be taken in by these kids because many of them are masters of deception and once they think they have won your confidence they will manipulate and use you to their own benefit.” I thought to myself, not unlike my own grandchildren or my puppy for that matter. It is a different situation here. Some of these kids are locked up in this facility as violent criminals. They are thieves, sex offenders, drug dealers, you name it. The young man that I spent an hour with ON THE SCENE with Galveston County Police News hometown school district where he had been expelled and sent to the alternative school for problem students. While in the alternative school he was busted for selling prescription drugs. Here was a young man who excelled in Junior High School football, a running back with lightning speed. He took care of himself physically, working out and lifting weights. He looked fit and it would seem that he had everything going for him yet he confessed to stealing 175 prescription pills from a family member and selling them on the streets. “I needed the money,” he said. This young man falls into the category of many juvenile offenders. They are where they are for one of several reasons, poverty, broken homes, alcohol or drug abuse in the home to mention a few. The youth that I was visiting with fell into more than one of those. His parents were divorced when he was 11-years old and a year later he had his first run-in with police. He lives with Mom and her boyfriend. Dad lives in the same community and the boy visits with him every other weekend but continued on page 11 (Locking Up Our Kids?) CRIME The Galveston County Police News is published monthly by PoliceNewsOnline.Com and is not copyrighted. Other law enforcement publications are invited to reprint materials which originate with Galveston County Police News. We require only that you give credit to the author and this paper when reprinting. We encourage readers to submit letters for publication on the Opinion/Editorial pages. All letters and articles are subject to review by the publisher. Letters and guest editorials are the sole opinion of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the publisher or our advertisers. The GCPN reserves the right to refuse publication of any letter, article or other materials submitted. Notice: Articles and/or photos submitted for publication in the GCPN must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Submissions received after the 15th may appear, space permitting, in the next issue. Breck Porter, Editor/Publisher P.O. Box 5396 Galveston, Texas 77554 409-762-NEWS (6397) 409-632-0103 Fax CREATIONS UPHOLSTERY 409-927-2747 11709 FM 1764 in Santa Fe Aaron Chambers S TO P P E R S The La Marque Police Department holds an active felony warrant for the arrest of Aaron Walter Chambers (DOB 11/14/1972) charging him with the offense of Robbery. If you have information which may aid in the location and/or arrest of Aaron Chambers, please call the La Marque Police Department at (409) 938-9269 or La Marque Crime Stoppers at (409) 938-TIPS. La Marque Crime Stoppers will pay a cash reward for information leading to the apprehension of Aaron Chambers. Boats - Motorcycles - Jeeps Pickups and Convertibles Come see us for all your Upholstery Needs! IT TAKES A LEADER NOT JUST A LAWYER... 832-385-4372 17 Years Criminal Law Experience 11 Years as a Prosecutor 17 Years US Army and Army Reserve Galveston County Resident since 1965 Paid Pol. Adv. Jon Hall Campaign, Robin Hall, Treas. 1803 Vaquero, Friendswood, Texas 77546 Your Republican Candidate – A Lifetime of Leadership Training and Experience Quality Workmanship at Affordable Prices Specializing in Driveways and Approach Solutions • Walls • Walkways • All Types of Flat Work • Break-Outs • and Repairs – Large or Small References Available Free Estimates ALAN HELFMAN, OWNER Page 2 - Galveston County Police News The Public’s Misconception K Dumb Crooks K Hey! Can I Get a Ride? A burglar broke into an Oslo, Norway, home one afternoon, and filled three large suitcases with stuff. Then he phoned for a taxi. When the cab arrived, he gave the driver his card, with his name and address on it, and asked to be driven there. He was sorting through the loot when there was a knock at the door. It was the cops, come to arrest him. The bewildered crook’s only comment was, “I had this planned perfectly. What went wrong?” SUBSCRIBE TO GALVESTON COUNTY POLICE NEWS ❑YES - $24 a year. All subscriptions mailed First Class, 12 issues for Galveston County Police News to: Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ ✁ By Scott Westerman – Portland, OR After most police shootings, members of exist in our community. the public often criticize that the officer Should it bother us these critics are could have or should have handled the sit- unfamiliar with the violent part of the comuation differently or better. What almost munity around them? I know some of you every one of these critics fails to offer, are thinking, “But these are the people though, is a viable alternative the officers who are trying to influence what happens involved could have used instead. I was to me after a critical incident.” To me, the recently talking with two officers from a answer is no. It shouldn’t bother us that different precinct about a local shooting of they are unfamiliar or unaware, it should a violently aggressive mentally unstable give you pride that we have so successfulwoman, and that’s when it dawned on me ly shielded them from a frightening part of — we should be grateful that the citizens of reality. On the other hand, it does bother the Portland Metro area feel that the offi- me a little, and it should bother them, that cer should have handled the situation dif- they are speaking publicly about someferently. We, the officers who protect and thing they know very little about. That is serve our area with the utmost profession- the nature of our society. alism, should take comfort in the notion I once asked why we don’t have an inforthat the people we serve really don’t have mation unit, either through the Public a true understanding of what it is like to Information Officer or District Attorney’s deal with a person who is trying to kill office that helps educate the public about them. I realize that this is a drastically dif- these types of things. I was given several ferent approach in perspective. Typically, reasons: one being money, the other being when a person makes a comment like, “I lack of interest on the public’s part. The think the officer should have done some- Citizen’s Academy is a good start. I think thing different,” or “why did the officer it should be expanded to show those who have to kill him/her when they could have are actively involved in our community the just shot them in the leg,” we dismiss realities of the environment in which we them as being unfamiliar with the dark work. side of the world. But it is this very unfaOne of the few places the general public miliarity that we should take comfort in. can learn about the situations we face They are unfamiliar with the dark side of every day is when they serve on a jury. The society, in part, because of us. The gener- city attorney’s office and district attorney’s al public typically doesn’t have to deal office take the time to educate the juries first-hand with the aggressive, violent ele- about procedure, policy, law, and most ment within our community, in part, importantly, reality. This is done before because the police are doing an outstand- any other testimony is presented. ing job! The jury is placed in an unfortunate situConsider this - The vast majority of peo- ation because they have to have their ple in this community have never had sense of reality and safety shattered in someone shoot the person standing right order to know what it really is like on the next to them. They have never had some- street. When they are in the jury box, they one charge at them in a full run with a big learn that on the street, things are differknife in both hands over their head intent ent than in an office building or hospital. on plunging the knife into their heart. They Things are actually quite different from don’t know that a person who is mentally what they had previously thought. imbalanced can be as dangerous as a perThey learn that people have the ability to son high on methamphetamine. They have kill in a fraction of a second. They learn never had a person track them with a shot- that most of the less lethal items the gun. They have likely never had someone police are authorized to carry have casually walk up to them and pound on absolutely no effect on a subject who is so their head until they were unconscious. out of their mind – be it from drugs, crimThey have never been the lone obstacle inal intent, or mental impairment – that that stands between a criminal and his they are completely detached from reality. freedom or a lifetime of incarceration. They learn that when an officer has to They don’t even know what a “tweaker” is. react, the officer has to react immediately All of this causes me to think that we and that social experimentation is not an should be glad that they don’t. option. They learn that if an officer choosMost people have had very minimal es one of the less lethal options, and it experience with mentally ill people. It doesn’t work, the officer could end up might be a cousin who was never “quite dead. They also learn that the image of right,” or the guy they saw on the side of police work that movies and TV create on the street with tin foil on his head. But such issues as reaction times, placement even those with more experience still may of shots, use of alternative tactics, simply not know what it is like to deal with a vio- aren’t realistic. In the academy and in field lent, mentally ill person, but they do still training, officers learn how things work in the real world of policing. This is our reality, and unfortunately for those on the juries, it becomes theirs too and they may never feel as safe again. So, when you hear a person commenting about how the police should have done it differently, take pride in the fact that they are unaware of the harsh realities of our community, in part, because of the work you are doing in a world they don’t even know exists. Reprint by permission of City ______________________________________ State _____ Zip ___________________ ❑ Check Enclosed ❑ Money Order ❑ Visa ❑Master Card ❑ Bill Me ❏ Charge my credit card Expiration Date__________________________________ Card Number_________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________ < Send form and payment to: Galveston County Police News > P.O. Box 5396 Galveston, TX 77554 E-mail to: or Call Toll-Free: 1-888-788-8967 Or subscribe online at: Galveston County Police News - Page 3 continued from page 1 (Kraus Murder) covered that the sporty SUV had been purposely torched they called police. Within minutes police officer Allen Bjerke arrived on the scene. He reported that the Fire Department Captain at the scene had discovered that the 4-Runner had been set ablaze after being saturated with a flammable liquid accelerate. The Captain pointed to a line of some type of oil based liquid in front of the vehicle that was leading away from the vehicle to a nearby garage. This apparently had allowed the arsonist to ignite the fuel from a distance away. The fire would travel the length of the fuel to the 4-Runner, giving the arsonist time to flee before it went up in flames. After the fire was extinguished Officer Bjerke ordered the burned vehicle impounded and it was loaded on a wrecker. As the wrecker drove down 9th Avenue, North with Bjerke following, the driver stopped for a moment to secure a door on the pickup that had not been tied securely. As Bjerke sat in his cruiser waiting, two young men approached and asked if the burned vehicle on the wrecker was Steven Kraus’s and if Steven was all right. One of the men asked Bjerke if he knew where Kraus was and said that he had seen him earlier that morning. The officer thought that the man’s line of questioning was strange because no one had mentioned anything about anyone being injured or that anyone had even been in or with the that hour of the morning, besides, the furburned vehicle. Both men seemed very ther from Steven’s friends he was, the betnervous and fidgety according to the offi- ter he liked it. He and Theresa loved cer. Steven, in fact were letting him spend Wanting to learn more from the two, the officer asked the one who had identified himself as Dave, if he knew how to get in touch with this Steven Kraus since he was so sure that it was his car. Dave said that he didn’t know how to contact Kraus but that he had been at a party with him the previous evening and had seen Kraus leave the party with “some black guy.” John, the man with Dave, had little to say but Bjerke told them both that if they made contact with Kraus to have him call the police station regarding the burned 4-Runner. At that, the officer and the tow-truck drove away. At about three o’clock in the Jessica Kraus Smith and a familiar cross which marks morning Kenneth and Theresa the spot where Steven Kraus was beaten to death then dragged to the rocks 100 feet away. (GCPN Photo) Kraus were awakened by someone beating on the front door of their west weekends in their home after getting off Texas City home. Kenneth went to the work at the hospital. Instead of driving door and found Dave standing on his back home to Houston he would bring porch asking about Steven and explaining clothes with him and stay in Texas City so that he had seen Steven’s car burned and that he could run with his friends until being towed by a wrecker. Kenneth was Sunday when he would return to his mothaggravated that he had been disturbed at er’s home in nearby Houston. Kenneth ACE OF GALVESTON COP STOP Law Enforcement Equipment and Accessories 6831 Broadway Suite. F Pearland, Texas 77584 Owned & Operated by Ofr. Rick Fernandez Office: 281-412-7358 Fax: 281-412-7354 Mon-Fri 9am - 7pm Saturday 10am - 7pm E-mail: WANTED Dirty Houses & Messy Offices Free Estimates – Bonded – Insured Linda Barnett CLEAN CORNERS 409-737-1637 Page 4 - Galveston County Police News WRECKER SERVICE • Local & Out of Town • All Private Property Tows • Local & Long Distance Towing • Fast Service To The Beach • Flat Bed Available • Mud & Water Stucks “We Buy Junk Cars” Serving Galveston and Texas City thought little of the story that Dave was all excited about and told him to “get lost and don’t bother me anymore.” There was another man with Dave but Kenneth could not tell who he was. Awhile later at nearly four o’clock, Officer Mark Moreno was on duty at the front desk in the police station lobby when two men came in and inquired about the burned vehicle that had been recovered and impounded by Office Bjerke. The men identified themselves as Dave and John and according to Moreno were both acting strange and asking questions about the vehicle and the registered owner who by now had been determined to be Steven Kraus. After learning that Officer Bjerke had made the investigation, Moreno made contact with him and learned that these were the same two men who had approached Bjerke and the wrecker driver on 9th Street. Moreno told the men that the burned car had been identified as belonging to Steven Kraus but that he knew nothing about where Kraus was or how the car caught on fire. Shortly after the two men left the police station, Moreno was called from desk duty and dispatched to the 4000 block of Levee Road to investigate the discovery of a dead body. It was a few minutes after 6 a.m. when he arrived and was met by a Houston fisherman. He told the officer continued on page 6 (Kraus Murder) USA Decon SM DECONTAMINATION & RESTORATION OF • Accidents • Homicide • Suicide • Human Decompositions • Gross Filth • Meth Labs 713-850-0555 1-877-627-7458 MASTERCARD - VISA - DISCOVER - AMERICAN EXPRESS Fax: 281-412-3496 (409) 744-1831 Call Delesandri Tours for All Your Vacation Plans Paul Grizzle Leisure, Vacation & Cruise Specialist Accredited Cruise Agent 281-535-5703 — 409-789-2068 E-mail: Abbey Roofing KIRK LAND All Types of Roofs • Reroofs • Repair Specialists • Historical Specialists 765-4343 1-800-699-4514 Free Estimate COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL WANTED JUAREZ, Nicolas Vasquez RMS # 423103 W M 11251978 LKA : LEAGUE CITY BURG BUILDING MTRP Galveston County Sheriff 409-766-2322 CUMMINS, Jeremie Roshawn WRT#FO50310 LKA: 1218 11TH ST. GALVESTON AGGRAVATED ROBBERY MARK J. KELLY Criminal Defense Former Assistant District Attorney Board Certified - Criminal Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization 1501 Amburn Rd. Ste 9 (409) 938-1000 or (281) 480-0505 ESCO PEST CONTROL WDI Inspections Termites - Rodents Roaches - Ants - Fleas Birds - Trapping GALVESTON POLICE DEPT. 409-797-3702 (409) 737-3200 Steve Spicer State Certified 9355 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX 77554 FRANCIS, CARL WRT#F060012 3209 AVE K GALVESTON AGG SEXUAL ASSLT OF A CHILD GAMBLE, Quinston INDECENCY WITH A CHILD AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD 409-797-3702 GALVESTON POLICE DEPT. 409-797-3702 D E T S E R GALVESTON A R POLICE DEPT. Fine Jewelry Since 1967 Jewelry Repair & Designers SAMUEL DIAZ DE LEON JEWELRY Mon.Sat.--Fri.9:008:30- 1:00- 5:30 (409) 744-5127 JACKSON, Lawrence Charles WARRANT#FL050890 3010 AVE Q GALVESTON FAILURE TO REGISTER AS A SEX OFFENDER GALVESTON POLICE DEPT 409-797-3702 MILLER, Sonny WARRANT #MS00122560 ADDRESS: 140 HILL RD, HOUSTON FRADULENT BUSINESS PRACTICE DICKINSON POLICE DEPT 281-337-4700 6506 Stewart Rd.–Galveston, Tx. 77551 Joe Carpet Cleaning “We Clean the out of your carpet!” • Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning • Stripping & Waxing • 24 Hour Water Extractions PIZANO, Salvador Ramires WRT#F060019 5118 AVE S GALVESTON, TX 77551 FAIL TO REGISTER AS A SEX OFFENDER GALVESTON POLICE DEPT. 409-797-3702 Bonded & Insured~Galveston’s Finest SCHUBERT, Richard William RMS # 421196 LKA LEAGUE CITY FELONY THEFT INDICTMENT GALVESTON SHERIFF’S OFFICE 409-766-2322 SHAMPOO & STEAM CLEANING LIVING ROOM, $59.95 FORDINNING & HALL Additional Rooms $12.95 Pager (409) 641-8869 (409) 256-1569 SOUTHERN KEYS LOCKSMITH SWANSON, David Duane RMS # 421581 LKA SAN LEON ENGAGE ORGANIZED CRIM ACTIVITY MTRP SMITH, Latiya Naree WRT# F060001 04/13/1981 TEXAS CITY AGG ASSLT W/DEADLY WEAPON BOND: $40,000.00 GALVESTON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Galveston Police Dept. 409-766-2322 409-797-3702 Quality Professional Service • Commercial • Residential • Auto Dennis Fitzgerald 409-741-5397 License # C12249 Galveston County Police News - Page 5 The Mailbox Dear Editor; Thanks for letting the people of this area know the police and citizens are working together in controlling crime. We are not overlooking little clues. Your newspaper arrangements and color pictures are put in a very attractive way. It lets everyone know they, the criminals and murderers, will be caught. The citizens and police are pulling together to get them off the streets. We will get them. With the pictures on page 14 showing their faces and putting them on the execution gurney, lets them know not to follow this path. Sincerely many thanks, Ms. LYT Galveston Dear Editor; Monday evening, January 9th, about 4:30, in the north parking lot of the Stewart Beach pavilion, a woman driving a gold Chevy Trail Blazer license (license number edited out) unleashed all 4 of her dogs so that they were running free in the parking lot. As I drove up, the littlest dog ran out in front of my car, followed by a little toddler, while the woman was not watching, busy with other dogs and child. One of the dogs was initially muzzled, but she removed the muzzle and the leash and let her run free. That dog subsequently started chasing the other dogs around, snarling and growling. When I asked her if she realized the dogs needed to be leashed, she told me to F- - - myself, that this was a dog beach and I could just go somewhere else. She had 2 medium to large sized shepherd type dogs, a pug and a Chihuahua. When I subsequently called the police, because of the unleashed dogs, and especially the snarling, aggressive dog, I was referred to animal control, given an incorrect phone number and informed “they won’t come out anyway unless the dogs are actually biting someone.” Meanwhile, the woman, kids and dogs proceeded down the beach, headed north. Today, I contacted Animal Control to file a complaint, and was informed I needed the person’s actual physical address. All I have is her license plate number. Please help me with this. I think it is dangerous to have loose dogs running on the beach, and I know it’s against city ordinance. Thank you very much, CW, MD Galveston Dixie Shoe Repair •Fair and Balanced •Former Felony Prosecutor •Former Probation Officer •Island Resident MAKE COUNTY COURT 2 WHAT IT SHOULD BE AND VOTE FOR JOHN HENRY GRADY ON MARCH 7th Political ad paid for by John Grady Election Campaign, Ronald B. Helson, Treasurer. All Types Leather Repair & Cleaning 616 21st Street Galveston,Texas 409-762-7452 ★ Deem Realty Three Locations to Serve You! Apartments 2701 - 13th Avenue North / Texas City 409-945-0135 Nestled in the Neighborhood… Dedicated to the Community… Home is Just Around the Corner… Page 6 - Galveston County Police News Galveston: 1411 39th Street 409-765-7773 Jamaica Beach: 18001 San Luis Pass Rd 409-737-4567 Dickinson: 2822 Main St. (F.M. 517 E.) 281-309-9797 Dear Editor; I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read about a single complaint that turns into two decisions by both the Galveston County Criminal District Attorney Kurt Sistrunk’s office as well as the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office in regards to the consideration that a motorcycle poker run, whether for charity or otherwise, is a form of gambling and therefore illegal. A SINGLE COMPLAINT?…Must be slow in the capitol this week! I’m sure that the decision these lawmakers made would apply to ANY poker run regardless of means of transportation. Most of these poker runs only benefited the community and raised thousands of dollars for charitable causes. Even some police continued from page 4 (Kraus Murder) that he was preparing his gear for some early morning fishing. The fisherman told the officer that as he was preparing his gear to begin fishing he thought he heard some gun shots and saw a car speed away from a spot near him. After the car got out of sight he walked over to the area of the disturbance and discovered a man’s body lying face down on the jagged, granite rocks which shore-up the levee. He pointed out a pool of blood which became a long, continuous trail of blood that lead from the roadway down the grassy slope about 100 feet to the sharp drop-off to the rock groins where the body lay. Moreno climbed down onto the rocks to examine the body. It was a young, white male about 20-years old, lying face down on the rocks. His head and face was smashed, his hair matted with blood, he was wearing no shirt and his pants were down below his buttocks. Among several tattoos Moreno noticed on the body was a large KRAUS across his back just below the neck, stretching from shoulder to shoulder. The name instantly stood out in his mind as he flashed back to the name being mentioned earlier in connection with the car fire. Moreno radioed his dispatcher and confirmed the name of the registered owner of the burned Toyota. It was Steven Eric Kraus. There was little doubt now that the dead man, lying face down on the rocks, was the owner of the burned Toyota 4-Runner, Steven Kraus. Soon there were at least ten police officers on the scene plus Galveston County Medical Examiner Joe Howell. Homicide Sergeant Bryan Goetschius took charge of the investigation. Sergeant Curtiss Pope made the scene to prepare for the onslaught of media inquiries that were sure to follow when word got out that there had been a murder and arson in the city. C.S.I. officers and Criminal Investigators swarmed the area in search of clues. Positive identification of the dead man was made by Sergeant Goetschius from a color photo furnish by Kraus’ older sister and fire organizations and their members were the beneficiaries of these runs. In fact, the very poker run that prompted these decisions was to benefit an injured police officer…How sad. Their demise, however, will not deter the spirit of us local bikers who do much for not only our own fellow bikers, but the community as well. We will find other ways to raise that money, loud and proud. Rest assured that we won’t stand idly by and let those who do not appreciate and see the good in our efforts determine how we can help. We will write our local and state lawmakers and voice our opinions on the matter. And we’ll remember this on election day as well. R. Fontenot Friendswood, Texas Jessica, the same photo that is shown with this story. Jessica, for many years had been sort of a surrogate mother to Steven. She counseled him, consoled him and protected him through many of his scrapes with the police and school authorities. According to Jessica, who was five years his senior, Steven was afraid of nothing or no one. For one reason or another Steven had clashed with a couple of the BA’s and Steven had come out on top. The BA’s were, and still are, a notorious gang of street thugs in Texas City who call themselves the Brown Assassins. The story goes that Steven “kicked some ass,” which brought retaliation from the gang. Soon after that clash Steven was attacked by a swarm of BA gang members and suffered a severe beating which resulted in a trip to the hospital emergency room for some head and face repairs. The beating didn’t seem to take any of the fire out of Steven Kraus. He was soon back on the streets just as tough and cocky as ever. Jessica made the hospital trip with her brother and nursed him through his brief recovery. She was always there for him. Even when he died she was the one that got the call. The 1998 Toyota 4-Runner of which Steven was so proud had been his father’s. Steven and Jessica’s father had died eleven months previous to Steven’s death, eleven months to the day. Their father had passed away at the young age of 48 on the prior July 9th, Steven died May 9th. When their father died he left a mortgage free home in Texas City, and the 1998 4-Runner which Jessica agreed to give Steven. Having been his father’s car, Steven was especially proud of it and treated it with tender care. The only remnants remaining of the 4-Runner today are the custom wheels which Jessica salvaged and still has as a lasting reminder of her dead brother. The autopsy report revealed that Steven Kraus died of blunt force trauma to his head. He had been savagely and brutally continued on page 7 (Kraus Murder) GALVESTON FLOORING & FURNITURE FLOORING: 409-762-5244 Since 1979 FURNITURE: 409-762-3213 Rugs Carpet Ceramic Tile Custom Windows Wood & Laminate Appliances Leather Sofas Recliners Accessories Mattresses 43rd & Broadway About an hour and a half later they were back at Dave’s house. It was about two o’clock in the afternoon and Dave’s mother noticed that her son was driving Steven’s car when they arrived. Charles was riding in the front passenger seat and Steven was in the back seat with some girl. Dave went in the house for just a minute then returned to the car and they all drove off again. According to the mother everyone seemed to be sober and normal at that time. The second time they returned to the continued on page 8 (Kraus Murder) Re-Elect Penny L. Pope “ Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 Your Continued Support is Appreciated “ continued from page 6 (Kraus Murder) the night at his aunt and uncle’s home in beaten to death by at least two people who Texas City as he usually did on weekends. also relieved him of some of his jewelry. On this particular morning he took his Steven was a flashy dresser. Jewelry was overnight bag with him when he left which part of his personality. But why did the his aunt thought was unusual because killers take only some of his jewelry and normally he would stay until Sunday, leavnot all of it? Why didn’t they take his bill- ing his bag and clothes at their house fold and his money? It sure would not while he ran with his buddies. appear that robbery was the motive for the killing of Steven Kraus. To get just a glimpse of the day that lead up to the murder of Steven Kraus we talked with friends, relatives, and acquaintances that knew him, knew how he lived and what made him tick. Some had seen him on that fateful day, others had just heard through Texas City Homicide Sergeant B.T. Goetschius seeks killers the street grapevine of Steven Eric Kraus. (GCPN Photo) how Steven Kraus According to Dave’s mother, the three spent his last day. And we talked with investigators who still want desperately to boys left her home about noon saying they arrest the killer or killers. Some of them were going to “go riding around for say the killers are on borrowed time and awhile.” It’s what they call “cruising”, just probably are living on pins and needles driving around aimlessly, going nowhere, doing nothing and looking for nothing or wondering when their time will run out. Saturday morning before his death, no one in particular. They just seem to Steven and one of his running buddies stay in motion with no clear-cut destinaCharles showed up at Dave’s house about tion or objective, often winding up in cus10:30 in the morning. Steven had spent tody of the local constabulary. Pd. Pol. Adv. Penny L. Pope Re-election Campaign Robert E. Hoskins, Treas., 1026 Tremont, Galv. Tx. 77550 ~ 409-763-1400 st e B " Family Owned and Operated Since 1999 st" a f ak e r B Working Man’s Lunch Open Thursday - Tuesday 6am to 2pm Closed Wednesdays Mom - Terri & Kerri THE DINER 1017 61st Street (409) 744-3223 BEST BREAKFAST 2004 & 2005 by BEST OF CITYSEARCH “I have known and worked with Bryan Lamb for over thirty years. You can always count on Bryan to do the right thing for the right reasons. I’m proud to call him my friend. He will make a Great County Commissoner for Precint 2.” — Mike Garino Retired Galveston County District Attorney 2727 Santa Fe Place Galveston Island 409-939-0648 25th Street One Block From Ship Terminal Length of Cruise Drive-up Rate Online Rate $40* $35* Fenced, Secure Parking Area 4 or 5 Nights* $55 $50 Harborside Cruise Terminal 7 Nights Santa Fe 9 or 10 Nights $70 $65 11 Nights $75 $70 12 Nights $80 $75 Broadway Galveston County Police News - Page 7 continued from page 7 (Kraus Murder) house was about five o’clock. Dave was still driving, but this time Charles was in the back seat by himself and Steven was in the front passenger seat. There was no girl and this time Steven was noticeably impaired. The mom said his speech was slurred and he was not acting normal. Within a few minutes Charles and Steven left again and Charles was driving. Dave stayed home, according to his mother, but within a half hour they were back and Steven was sweating and had LOAN COMPANY 2327 Broadway Galveston, Tx 77550 (409) 765-8410 815 W. Main St. League City, Tx 77573 (281) 338-4060 3307 Palmer Highway Texas City, Tx 409-941-9403 Page 8 - Galveston County Police News his shirt off. Mom noticed a big red mark on Steven’s chest. According to their story, Charles and Steven had got into a fight with two of the BA’s. From the looks of the two, Steven had done most of the fighting. At this, all three boys, Steven, Dave and Charles, piled into Stevens 4Runner and they were off again. Again Dave took the wheel and did the driving. When Dave’s mother went to bed that night at about 11:30, the boys had not returned yet, but sometime between midnight and 12:30 Dave and Steven came in, Charles was not with them. Steven had his shirt back on and they were both higher than a kite. When Steven decided that he wanted to leave, an argument ensued over the car keys. Steven wanted to leave but Dave did not want to let him drive and neither did Dave’s mom. In the end Steven won out and left in his car. About 2:30 the following morning which was Mother’s Day Sunday, Juan showed up at Dave’s house and shortly after that is when the car fire episode occurred within a block of Dave’s house. The question now is: Where did Steven go when he left Dave’s house? What did he do and who did he see between the time he left Dave’s house at about 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. when his car was reported on fire to the Fire Department? It is known that Steven had been drinking and eating Xanax, a tranquilizing pill, throughout the day. It was reported that at times during the day he was passed out in the backseat of his car while Dave was doing the driving. It is doubtful that when he was attacked by his assailants that he had the capacity to defend himself and may have been a victim of his own defenseless condition. In other words, someone killed him because he was helpless. But who and why? It seems that this time, getting high got Steven Kraus dead. Do you know anything about the murder of Steven Kraus? Have you heard anything about this murder? Something that you have heard or seen may seem insignificant to you but may be the very piece of information that police need to solve the brutal murder of Steven Eric Kraus. To speak with the investigators call Sgt. B.T. Goetschius (409) 6435832 or (409) 643-5830 or Texas City Crime Stoppers (409) 948 TIPS (8477.) The Galveston County Police News features stories of unsolved crimes each month, from the files of law enforcement agencies throughout Galveston County. Back issues of the paper are archived on the internet at COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS A/C REPAIR FRONT END ALLIGNMENT Automotive Service Family owned & Operated 2812 Broadway – Galveston Island – 409-763-5531 where you may also subscribe to free, daily police news updates. K Dumb Crooks K Honey...Have You Seen My I.D.? A burglary suspect in Richmond, Virginia, was picked up after police found the tool he had used to open the lock on the door of a home. It was an identification card bearing his name, address, photograph and fingerprints. And the criminal had unthinkingly left it behind! %% SANDPIPER COVE “A Community That Cares” Looking for a New Home? Do You Need Assistance with Your Rent? If the answer is “yes”, we invite you to visit Sandpiper Cove Apartments, 3916 Winnie. We have apartments ranging in size from 1 bedroom to 5 bedrooms. We employ a friendly, professional staff whose goal is to help you as you help yourself to a better way of life. Sandpiper Cove is a quality low-income housing development which has its own section 8 contract. No need to wait on your name to come up on the voucher list. Come to Sandpiper Cove now and receive the assistance you need. Sandpiper Cove Apartments T 3916 Winnie • (409) 763-2461 CRIME Paul Eugene Butler, III S TO P P E R S Galveston Crime Stoppers is seeking information to help law enforcement authorities locate and arrest Paul Eugene Butler, III. Butler is wanted on a criminal warrant charging him with Escape From Custody, a third degree felony. Butler is described as a black male, born 11/16/1988, 5’7” tall, 132 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. This fugitive is a known gang member and is thought to be armed and may be dangerous. He has relatives that live in the area of 2800 Avenue M and in Cedar Terrance in Galveston. If you have any information that may aid in the arrest of this fugitive, please call Galveston Crime Stoppers (409) 763-8477 or your nearest law enforcement agency. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards for information leading to arrest of this and other fugitives. Callers identification will remain anonymous. HOMETOWN BANK •Galveston •Friendswood •League City O MEMBER FDIC ➠ 10% Discount For Peace Officers ➠ N.A. Galveston Main Bank: 1801 45th St., 763-1271 ~ Seawall Branch: 45th and Seawall Blvd., 763-5252 Friendswood: 3211 FM 528, (281) 648-9000 ~ League City: 1406 W. Main, (281) 554-3265 Galveston County Police News - Page 9 Protect Your Community! RE-ELECT JUDGE GOTCHA SUSAN CRISS 22th DISTICT COURT The Judge Who Works for YOU! Pd. Ad. Judge Susan Criss Campaign — Cadillac - 411-BNJ Registered address: 1501 17th Street, Galveston Preparing the worlds elite for todays threats Police Equipment – Tactical Gear Protective Services —-------------- March 6-9 Self-Defense Courses & Training Command Post Operations — March 22-23 Airsoft & Paintball Gear Operational Training Course — March 20-21 CALL US TODAY FOR A SCHEDULE OF SELF DEFENSE CLASSES Now Open 9am – 7pm 1923 45th Street – Galveston – 409-762-3300 Special Pricing for ALL Police, Fire, Coast Guard, EMS Employees and Family Members! This vehicle was parked in a space belonging to someone else, a handicapped person. It is registered at 1501 17th Street in Galveston. Feel free to park in the driveway at that address anytime you wish, even though it is not yours. (GCPN Photo) GOTCHA Green Mustang - H68-RJH Registered address: 1811 39th Street, Galveston This car was parked in a handi cap parking space at Kroger’s in Galveston where it was not authorized to park. It is regis tered at 1811 39th Street in Galveston. Feel free to park in the driveway there at anytime, even though it is not yours. (GCPN Photo) ’s t a P Discount Tires GET HOOKED ON US! •ALIGNMENTS •AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE •FRONT END WORK •QUICK LUBE •STATE INSPECTIONS 2211 Highway 87 – P.O. Box 2160 Crystal Beach, Texas 77650 409-684-3553 Page 10 - Galveston County Police News WHISKERVILLE PET FAIR Come meet our many wonderful, adoptable pets and more… •Pet Supplies •Vaccines & Testing •Micro-Chipping •Pet Care Education When: The 1st and 3rd Saturday of Each Month 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. kervill s i h 6106 Stewart Road Animal Sanctuary, Inc. 1112 6th Street North Texas City, Texas 77590 (409) 948-1112 Loans Up To $1000 WE PAY MORE Top Dollar for Diamonds & Gold 9AM-8PM M-F 9AM-5PM Sat 409-740-7111 SOAPS Washateria & Linen Service A complete line of laundry options. ➨ Dry Cleaning ➨ Self Service ➨ Wash-N-Fold ➨ Linen Rental ➨ Commercial Washers & Dryers 409-632-9300 409-632-9300 16708-H San Luis Pass Rd. Jamaica Beach Residential/Resort Cleaning by KleenSweep Services Open 7 days a Week I would appreciate your vote for the following clients of The Markum Group in the March 7th R E P U B L I C A N primary. They are friends of law enforcement and they share our conservative values. Onzelo Markum lll NEW LOCATION e tice center where he and others live in a strict paramilitary environment and a detention center sergeant sits in each classroom. They are marched from place to place throughout the facility with hands folded behind them. Not a word is spoken unless they are first addressed by the Sergeant. Their whole world is controlled and revolves around that Sergeant. Strict discipline is the rule, something that was sorely missing from their previous lives. Classes are conducted under the auspices of the Dickinson Independent School District. DISD teachers conduct the classes with a JJC Sergeant sitting nearby. School credit is earned so that the students do not fall behind while away from their home schools. Lieutenant Ron Tolbert is the perfect man to be charge of such a program. A former U.S. Marine with previous experience in various areas of security, he Lt. Ron Tolbert explains working with kids at the has been at the Galveston County JJV where he supervises Special Program and is Juvenile Justice Center for seven known as “LT” (GCPN Photo) years. Tolbert is the epitome of then he was expelled from school for fight- the old proverb, “Walk softly but carry a ing and discovered to be armed with a big stick.” Soft spoken, polite, and a knife. He says that he was jumped by pleasant personality, he says what he three other students and the fight was means and means what he says. He is over a girl. Whatever the reason, it result- known as “LT”, a short name abbreviation ed in an appearance before a juvenile for Lieutenant. One wonders when visitcourt judge, and a sentence of one-year ing with him if anyone in the center actualprobation and daily trips to classes at the ly knows his real name. Were it not for the county detention center where every move name tag over his pocket I may well have is watched and every word is uttered only thought that his name was actually LT. with permission from a watchful Sergeant. That is what everyone called him. LT has During probation he reports for school the “the stuff” to be tough. After all he classes every weekday at the juvenile jus- was a Marine. But talking with him, one continued on page 15 (Locking Up Our Kids?) W continued from page 1 (Locking Up Our Kids?) it is obvious that those visits are less than memorable and probably not anticipated. There is little money for child-raising or for the things that children need or want. Like so many kids from these circumstances, this boy discovered his own method of fund raising, selling stolen drugs. At 12 years old the local police picked him up for throwing rocks at passing cars, E a r l y Vo t i n g s t a r t s Fe b 2 0 t h Winter Hours 8 am to 7 pm Elect Albert Choate for County Commissioner Precinct 2 TCLEOSE Commissioner, Ret. Re-Elect Elect Judge John Ellisor Judge Miles Whittington 122nd District Court for the 212th District Court THE MARKUM GROUP Re-Elect A Political and Public Affairs Consultancy County Treasurer Kevin C. Walsh C.P.A. www. Pol. Adv. - The Markum Group, Albert Choate, Kevin Walsh Pol. Adv. - Miles Whittington, John Ellisor and Bret Griffin in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act Elect Bret Griffin for Judge of County Court at Law #2 Galveston County Police News - Page 11 FINANCIAL SUCCESS I N M E MOR I A M This month we honor the following Galveston County Law Enforcement Officer who sacrificed thier lives in the line of duty in the month of February. Police Officer O.E. Evans Texas City Police Department End of Watch: February 13, 1928 Shot during grocery store robbery Community: Working together, helping each other, realizing goals, and reaching them. Serving our community’s financial needs with lower fees, great rates and personal service — all with people who make banking better. Don’t Face the TAX MONSTER Alone! TAX and FINANCIAL HELP! at S&F TAX LLC Tax Prep/IRS Audit Rep Toll FREE 1-866-755-1120 17511 El Camino Real, Ste 103 Houston, Texas 77058 Jeff’s Cab Co. Galveston locations: 2302 Church Street, (409) 765-6067 2421 69th Street, (409) 741-9675 Join us today. Be a part of it. We accept most major credit cards Service to all Houston Airports 409-621- JEFF (5333) The office of Criminal District Attorney demands experience, dedication and a commitment to law enforcement personnel throughout Galveston County. Since 1990 I’ve been serving all the citizens of our County and maintaining good working relationships with our law enforcement agencies. Your District Attorney, Your Dedicated Public Servant, Your County This is my chosen profession. I know what it takes to get the job done and when you vote this November I will have been getting the job done for over fifteen (15) years. REQUEST US Ken /Cynthia’s Wrecker Service PRIVATE PROPERTY TOWS LONG DISTANCE TOWS LIBERAL DISCOUNTS FLATS REPAIRED MUD STUCKS LOCK-OUTS FULL SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY BIG OR SMALL ... WE DO IT ALL! VOTE TO RE-ELECT KURT SISTRUNK DISTRICT ATTORNEY (409) 762-2700 Political Advertising Paid for by Reelect D.A. Kurt Sistrunk Campaign. Norma Villarreal Treasurer, 36 Quintana Drive, Galveston Texas 77554. 590 Lennox Street Galveston Owned & Operated by Kenneth Ferguson Page 12 - Galveston County Police News Sound Bites That You Can Read SAN ANTONIO — In an effort to crack down on drivers who run red lights at traffic intersections, the Alamo Heights City Council is considering having cameras installed on traffic lights. BISMARK S.D. — No-smoking law applies to construction site. Workers were banned from smoking inside a Wal-Mart building under construction in Dickinson after a union employee complained to police that smokers were violating a new state law. The state’s smoke-free law, which went into effect Aug. 1, bans smoking in most enclosed public places. DALLAS — Dallas businesses may be getting more time before the city institutes its controversial “Verified Response‚” policy. The city council has already approved the burglar alarm plan. It requires business owners to confirm a crime has been committed before calling police. Now the alarm industry is requesting the delay. HOLLYWO0D — After wowing “American Idol” judges during Tuesday night’s premiere episode, Terrell Brittenum was told he’d be “going to Hollywood”—once he gets out of a Tennessee jail, of course. The 28-year-old wannabe star has been sitting in the Shelby County jail since January 10, when he was arrested on a Georgia warrant charging him and his twin brother Derrell with forgery, theft by deception, and financial identity fraud. Derrell Brittenum, who performed on “Idol” with his brother, also advanced to the show’s next round (the duo was widely hailed as the standouts of the Fox program’s first two 2006 episodes, the performances from which were taped in Chicago four months ago). AUSTIN — A University of Texas student had a blood alcohol level more than six times the legal limit for driving when he died of alcohol poisoning in December at an off-campus fraternity, a state investigator said. Autopsy shows ‘incredible’ blood content of 0.50 percent when he died at a fraternity Dec. 1 Landlord dismayed over sex offender PORTER - The landlord of a home site was shocked and appalled to learn one of her tenets, whom she also hired as the property’s maintenance worker, was a registered sex offender and did not disclose his offense to her. After violent crime, teen wants diploma ARLINGTON — School officials to fight law that says he can’t be expelled Allen Roman wants to graduate from Arlington’s Sam Houston High School. But the 18-year-old has been studying at home while awaiting sentencing for his role in an armed robbery last year. His case has triggered a debate about whether students convicted of a violent crime should be allowed to attend public schools. ISLAND MUFFLERS A-ALTERNATOR & STARTER REBUILDERS OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE ➧ Custom Exhaust Work ➧ Catalytic Converters ➧ All Aluminized Pipe 5120 Broadway •Alternators •Starters •Generators •Auto •Truck •Industrial •Marine • Automotive Air Conditioning •Engine Diagnostics •Voltage Regulators Rebuilt–Installed Exchange 409-740-1400 • Heavy Duty A&A–D&P • Unlock Any Car WRECKER SERVICE • Jump Start 24 HOUR SERVICE • RV Towing • Off Road Service NO JOB TOO SMALL • Out of Town Towing or TOO FAR! • Emergency Auto Repair 900 Grand Ave. Bacliff Tx. 77518 NOAH’S SERVICE CENTER & TIRES Noah S. Rice Owner Operated by the Anderwalds (409) 740-0581 - (409) 740-1622 Toll Free: 866-740-1622 El Nopalito Restaurant Home Style Mexican Food Danny Hudson 281-339-9099 Your Satisfaction is our Pride 409-744-1314 7428 Stewart Road Galveston, Tx 77551 614 – 42nd Street — Galveston, Tx B 43rd Street Open Daily 5am - 2pm W R Ph: 409-763-9815 Fax: 409-763-7155 I O nd A MOODY N 42 N D COMPRESS I W l E E palito A No st Y 41 Street Fine Steaks and Seafood Telephone: (409) 744-0881 Fax: (409) 744-9623 11126 F.M. 3005 Galveston, Tx. 77554 LOSE 45lbs in 90 days! - No calorie counting - Increase metabolism - Eat foods you love - 30-day guarantee Programs Start at $2.99 per day UTMB Employee & Police Discounts Phone: 800-686-2714 K Dumb Crooks K STEWART JAMAICA ME SWEAT A small time hood broke into a home in Charleston, South Carolina. He had burglary on his mind, but was extremely tired after having pulled a number of other jobs earlier that same night. So the man flopped down on the couch in the living room and promptly dozed. He was still soundly sleeping when the family got up the next morning. The result? A full 18 months in prison. PLUMBING SERVICE GOTCHA GOTCHA 409-737-5559 Prompt, Professional Service Licensed & Insured Owner Operated Lance Stewart, Owner Master Lic. M-21753 9443 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX 77554 FITNESS CENTER (409) 632-9200 FAX: (409) 632-9202 16708 SAN LUIS PASS SUITE F JAMAICA BEACH, TX 77554 ISLAND DRIVING SCHOOL •Teen Drivers Education •Adult in Car Driving Texas License - L47-LDM Van / 3PC-T54 Photographed January 19, 2006 I live at at 7600 Palmer Hwy, #605 in Texas City and I park illegally in handicap parking spaces Photograped January 19, 2006 I live at 519 Lake Road in La Marque and I illegally park in handicap zones. We Offer the Following Services •Defensive Driving Class •Instructor Training/Continuing Education ✃ Okay...Just Give Me 15... Start your New Year with the Knowledge to Drive! 2329 Palmer Hwy. Texas City 409-943-5770 Bring This Ad by First Day of Class & Receive $30.00 OFF Teen Class Expires 02/28/06 1814 45th St. Galveston 409-766-7880 www.island Galveston County Police News - Page 13 s ’ a l l e B i D N LIA RE S R TA U A &C T N R AT E I TA Closed Mondays Tues. – Fri.············Lunch Tues. – Thurs.······Dinner Fri. – Sat.··············Dinner Sunday··················Dinner Who Stole Christmas From Kraig? ING Voted Best Italian Reataurant & Friendliest Service in Galveston County 11 – 2 p.m. 5 – 10 p.m. 5 – 11 p.m. 5 – 10 p.m. See our Review at 31st & Avenue P Galveston (409) 763-9036 ✁ Seawall at 89th street – Galveston Movie Hotline: 409-741-1700 Featuring the latest in stadium-seating, comfortable high-back rocking seats and DTS digital sound Systems. — Lobby ATM — All major credit cards accepted All “R” rated Movies Require an ID – Visit us @ FREE 46oz POPCORN WITH LARGE DRINK Expires 2/28/2006 TOMMY HARRISON’S GROCERY DVD & Video Movies - 6,000 square feet of groceries 150 feet frozen or refrigerated food - Fresh fruit & Vegetables Full-service Meat Counter - Custom Cut Meats BBQ Brisket, Chicken, Sausage and Ribs CHEVRON GAS / DIESEL FUEL / KEG BEER ATM -- CREDIT CARDS -- COUPONS ACCEPTED LOTTO • LOTTERY • SOUVENIERS • GIFTS Serving West Galveston since 1963 1 mile west of Jamaica Beach 409-737-1152 INTERNATIONAL CAR CARE General Auto Repair American & Import A/C Repair Engines Mufflers TONY JR Brakes Transmissions Tune-Ups State Inspections UTM Oil Changes B M T Disc B U Dealer Required Maintenance ount t un Monday thru Friday: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Disco Tuesday specials–Oil Change for $19.95–Emission Stickers on models ‘96 and newer’ for $35.00 409-763-1515 1328 Postoffice Page 14 - Galveston County Police News 4 Blocks from UTMB Editorial I cannot imagine what life must have been like for Kraig Jenkins. He had been removed from the custody of his mother for reasons of which we are not privy and placed into the custody of his maternal grandmother. Supposedly when these custody changes take place it is to remove the child from a dangerous or unhealthy environment and place him or her in another surrounding where the child has a fair chance at life, a place to be protected and nurtured while making the trip from childhood to adulthood. Unfortunately for Kraig Jenkins, life did not work out that way. Kriag became a victim like so many children that we see and hear about on the nightly news. Three days before Santa Claus came, 4year old Kraig died of asphyxia in the Jamaica Beach apartment where he lived with his grandmother and her ex-convict boyfriend. His death was ruled homicide. In case you are not clear on what a homicide is “Dictionary.Com“ defines it as, “The killing of one person by another” An ambulance and police were summoned to the apartment in the early morning hours of December 22nd where they found the grandmother administering CPR to Kraig. EMS personnel took over but it was too late, Kraig Jenkins was dead. While Jamaica Beach Police were in the apartment they discovered equipment which was obviously being used to manufacture methamphetamines. The apartment was being used for what the cops and the underworld call a “meth lab.” Without getting into a lot detail, this drug requires the use of several very dangerous chemicals that when combined and “cooked” properly become a much demanded product for drug dealers and addicts. Each of the chemicals that are used in the formula are capable of killing a person individually, even before being cooked into the final product. Before the day was over, the body of young Kraig Jenkins was taken to the Galveston County Morgue and his grandmother and her boyfriend were taken to the Galveston County Jail where they remain in lieu of substantial bail bonds requested by the District Attorney. The first question that always comes to my mind when I read or hear about an infant death under these circumstances is why did this baby die and who caused it. In this case there may be more than one reason. First and foremost is that the grandmother, who was responsible for the welfare of this young life chose to shack-up with a worthless drug dealer who has a long criminal history, dating back to 1979. He has been convicted in Austin, San Antonio, and San Marcos for everything from DWI to Possession of Controlled Substances, to Manufacturing Controlled Substances to Possession of Marijuana to Aggravated Assault on a Public Servant to Driving With an Invalid Drivers License and at the time he was arrested in Jamaica Beach on December 22nd, he was on parole from prison until the year 2014. Question: Do you know of anyone in their right mind who would allow their child to even be in the same town with this character, much less live in the same apartment? What sort of grandmother would shack-up with a low-life, drug dealer of this caliber while she had custody of minor children? Yes, children. Kraig’s 2year old little sister was also living in the meth kitchen and could very well have met with the same fate has her brother. According to his conviction record, this guy has spent about as much time in the courtrooms and jailhouses of Texas as he has cooking drugs. Reading his rap sheet would leave one to draw no other conclusion but that this guy is a career criminal and when he was arrested in the same room with a dead, four year old boy, he should have been in the penitentiary and not on parole and not in Jamaica Beach cooking drugs. So, who killed Kraig Jenkins? Or maybe I should say why did Kraig Jenkins die at age four, just three days before Christmas, while his Christmas stocking was hung in anticipation of gifts and candy canes and sugar plumbs? Each of you who read this will come to your own conclusions. Did the justice system fail Kraig Jenkins by allowing this known drug dealer to wander free on the streets and ply his trade in a home where babies lived? Where was CPS in all of this mix? Why was Kraig Jenkins in the custody of this grandmother who elected to shack-up with this criminal? Was CPS making visits to the apartment? Hopefully a Galveston County Grand Jury will bring both of these so-called adults before a criminal court jury and hopefully that jury will see that they spend the rest of their Christmas’ watching for Santa Claus through the window of the Crossbar Hotel in Huntsville, Texas. We should all be outraged that tragedies like this occur, that circumstances and conditions are permitted to go unchecked which allow children to be subjected to criminals and to die while in their custody. But our outrage will not change the circumstance, nor will it solve the problem of a lax justice system which coddles criminals and makes deals with continued on next page –(Editorial) continued from page 11 (Locking Up Our Kids?) can feel that he really cares about every kid in the center. He cares that while in his care they are safe, that they achieve, that they learn and that they leave the center honest and honorable citizens. There are many valuable and unique programs and services that make up the overall operation of the juvenile justice center, one being caseworker services which provides supervision of juvenile offenders. This section utilizes many community resources to meeting the needs of the juveniles and to carry out the orders of the juvenile courts. Included is the Operation Outreach, community service restitution, long term residential placement, outpatient substance abuse counseling, outpatient psychological counseling, specialized outpatient sex offender counseling, in-house drug and alcohol testing and group education. There are 18 officers who mostly handle probation or deferred prosecution cases, but also serve in other specialized positions. The young man who we visited not only must live by the rules during the daytime while he is in classes at the center, his probation officer schedules regular office visits as well as meeting with his mother at home. His level of supervision was determined by his sanction level and his degree of compliance. He was determined to be placed at sanction level four requiring twelve months of intensive supervision which generally consist of weekly home and office visits. Progressive sanction level four allows the Juvenile Justice Department or the court to choose between two programs: the child remains at home and attends his local school and receives maximum supervision by his officer, or he may be assigned to the department’s About Face program, a day program operated at the center. This requires that he attend Operation Outreach, perform community service hours, attend some form of treatment or education program and allow himself to be drug tested. In some cases he may be ordered to receive services at a long-term residential treatment program in which he and his parents participate. The story of the Galveston County Juvenile Justice Center is a long story. There are many facets to the extensive operation of the center and we plan to return and report more on the work being done there. continued from previous page –(Editorial) worker or anyone else who works in the juvenile justice system will tell you, today’s criminals are giving birth to tomorrow’s criminals. Young people are being influenced in the home by their criminal parents, and in many cases the parents are teaching their children the art of criminality, how to be a good criminal. And the end is nowhere in sight. them and reduces the charges against them and gives them probation on top of probation or small fines or 10-days in jail for selling drugs. Our outrage will not provide for more CPS workers so that custodial parents and grandparents like these can be weeded out and the children saved from the fate that befell young Kraig Jenkins. As any juvenile police officer or CPS Jamaica Beach Food Store 737-2414 Lowest Gas Price BREAKFAST 7AM Open 7am - 9pm EVERYDAY 7 DAYS A WEEK Picnic/Beach Supplies Deli - Beer - LOTTO Groceries - Diesel Fuel ATM Pulse Machine Frozen Bait FRIENDLY SERVICE At The Traffic Light in Jamaica Beach Breck Porter — Editor 2114 61S T STREET GALVESTON,TEXAS 740-1463 Hours: M-F 10-5:30 • Sat. 10-1 • Sun. Closed WIRELESS Pilgrim Cleaners Voted Galvestons’ Number 1 Dry-Cleaner Four Convenient Locations • SALES/SERVICE • LIGHTBARS • INSTALLATION • FIRE PAGERS • PROGRAMMING WE SUPPORT LAW ENFORCEMENT, EMS, & VFD…OFFERING UP TO A 20% DISCOUNT. WEST SIDE EAST SIDE 705 Holiday Dr. 6222 Stewart Rd, ALTERATIONS CENTER SERVICING UTMB 409-744-3327 409-762-9013 409-744-2444 YOUR HOME MAIN PLANT or OFFICE FREE PICK-UP 1210 Tremont (23rd &L) & DELIVERY 6702 Oleander Avenue 409-354-6239 409-762-0644 Additional 5% off with this ad on first order Galveston WEST END E LECTRIC Inc. • ELECTRICAL REPAIRS • NEW HOME ELECTRICAL • METER LOOPS • BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE • SIGN REPAIRS & INSTALLATION ce n i S 4 8 9 1 Office: ........ 409-737-4142 or: ............... 281-316-0500 24 Hour: .... 409-737-1407 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Galveston County Police News - Page 15 TONY & B R O S More Police Officers? 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE WRECKER SERVICE & GARAGE Serving Galveston County Since 1933 ✓ Request Us ✓ Radio Dispatched ✓ Complete Motor Repairs ✓ Automatic Transmissions ✓ Recovery Large or Small we Tow them All 5907 Broadway Galveston, Tx 744-4557 or 744-1024 LOUGHRIDGE HOUSE MOVERS • Moving • Leveling • Raising • Demolition By Jes Garza CURTIS CRUNK Sales Executive Island Realty Bus: (409) 744-9700 Each Office 123 Cell: (409) 939-4787 Independently Owned Fax: (409) 744-7479 & Operated Toll Free: (800) 324-6364 8610 Seawall Blvd.–Galveston,Tx 77554 MONTHLY AUTO AUCTION IN HOUSTON AREA 100 + CARS FOR FULL LISTINGS CALL OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE: ☞ 361-939-7749 ☞ Will Move Anything Anywhere 409-939-9780 Texas Auto Title & Registration Consultants, Inc. Donald Mcclure TXE 12482 Family owned & operated over 30 years Candles from the Heart Lisa Marie ♥ Hand Poured Candles ♥ Gift Baskets, Holiday Arrangements — and Fragrant Tea Lights ♥ Call us for Holiday Deliveries Today I heard a Houston City Councilman comment on radio station 950 KPRC, that more police officers are needed to help bring down the homicide crime rate in Houston, Texas. This is a familiar refrain from politicians who often use the issues of a high crime rate and shortage of police officers as their mantra for media attention. In Dallas, Texas, last year there was a call by some elected officials to increase the number of Dallas police officers by one hundred officers. The public expects that there will be a sufficient number of police officers to respond to the calls by citizens. Additionally, police executives and managers must properly allocate the police officers within their organizations to achieve the desired level of public order and security. As a veteran police officer and now an upper level police manager, let me share with you that there must be a certain minimum number of police officers for any given geographic area. This ensures that the public receives the necessary police protection and it also helps to reduce the public’s fear of crime perception. This is very important, especially to the law-abiding citizens. Now, here is the key to the real need for all law-abiding citizens and the victims of crime. Justice must be served. Whenever a person or group of persons violates the law, they must face the consequences of their anti-social destructive behavior that causes the disintegration of a peaceful and ordered society. The citizens expect and deserve to be safe and secure in their homes and their communities. The police officers are the front line defenders of civil order and the enforcers of the laws that keep us all safe. Furthermore, police officers also maintain our civilized society. As important as police officers are in the grand scheme of our ordered and civilized society, can you guess what the other factor is that is equally as important? The other factor is the court system in our Criminal Justice System. You can have an adequate number of police officers on the streets, but too often courts, judges and juries, do not administer justice. The end result is that the offenders/violators of the laws do not face the consequences of justice. The offenders are too often released into our society to once again prey on innocent victims who expected the Criminal Justice System to work for them and to protect them from those in our society who totally disregard the rights of law-abiding citizens. More high quality professional police officers are only one half of the need. Shouldn’t we hold our elected representatives accountable? (The author is a retired Houston Police officer and currently a Captain with the Harris County Constables Office. He is a noted and respected writer of articles and insights on law enforcement) 1510 39th Street – Galveston Island – (409) 256-4469 Deadline for complying with ID theft law was Dec. 31 Chicago Title Insurance Company * Chicago Title…the name you want to remember for your title insurance needs. Chicago Title – Galveston 6025 Heards Lane Galveston, Texas 77551 409-744-2928 Fax: 409-744-2991 Chicago Title – Crystal Beach 2275 Highway 87 Crystal Beach Texas 77650 409-684-3721 Fax: 409-684-3723 Albert G. Redmond Approved Attorney Page 16 - Galveston Police CountyNews Police News Chicago Title – Friendswood 121 East Edgewood Friendswood, Texas 77546 281-993-5773 Fax: 281-993-5772 Chicago Title – West Galveston 13655 FM 3005, Suite B Galveston, Texas 77554 409-632-0106 Fax: 409-632-0232 Peter J. Sapio Approved Attorney AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today reminded Texas consumers and businesses that all receipts for goods or services paid for with credit or debit cards must now conceal all but the final four digits of the card number. Dec. 31, 2005, was the deadline for all Texas retailers to comply with a law, enacted in 2003, that sought to reduce the chances of identity theft by requiring retailers to print no more than the last four numbers of the card or the cards’ expiration date on the receipt. Retailers with cash registers or other types of receipt-printing machines that were installed before Aug. 31, 2003, were required to comply by Aug. 31, 2004. The Attorney General and local prosecutors are responsible for enforcing the law. “Identity theft is a problem that threatens every Texas consumer, and this commonsense measure helps reduce that threat,” Attorney General Abbott said. “I appreciate the efforts of Texas retailers to comply with this law, and I am issuing this reminder to any who have not yet done so that the deadline has now passed. I urge consumers to check their receipts and notify my office if they see noncompliance.” Consumers who notice that a receipt generated after Dec. 31, 2005, contains more than the last four digits of their credit or debit card number should file a complaint with the Attorney General. Complaints can be filed on the Attorney General’s Web site at <> or by calling (800) 252-8011. Violators are liable for a civil penalty of up to $500 for each calendar month during which a violation occurs. The law, found in Section 35.58 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code, also requires entities that lease or sell cash registers or other receipt-printing machines to notify the lessee or buyer of the law’s requirements. SEX OFFENDERS Convicted Sex Offenders are required by Texas law to register with law enforcement in the city in which they reside. Carnes Brothers FUNERAL HOME Where the family name on the outside is the same family on the inside. CAMPBELL, JAMES COOPER WM 04/16/1967 LKA: CRYSTAL BEACH SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD VICTIM: FEMALE AGE 12 RISK LEVEL: LOW GILBERT, CLAUDE MORRIS WM 03/30/1960 LKA: CRYSTAL BEACH SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD VICTIM: FEMALE AGE 13 RISK LEVEL NOT AVAILABLE (409) 765-8080 1201 Tremont Galveston AUTOMOTIVE PROFESSIONALS Quality Repair MARTIN, JAMES DEAN WM 02/12/1965 LKA: BACLIFF INDECENCY W/A CHILD BY EXPOSURE VICTIM: FEMALE AGE 14 RISK LEVEL: NOT AVAILABLE ALEXANDER, GARY WAYNE WM 09/15/1960 LKA: Bacliff Sexual Assault Of A Child Victim: Female Age 7 at a Price That’s Fair… 5012 Broadway •✶ Galveston, Tx (409) 762-3541 MARTINEZ FURNITURE CENTER Furnishing your Home with the Finest Brands like Millennium, Ashley, American, Standard, Harden and more at LOW P R I C E S . CONNER, JOSHUA WADE WM 02/15/1977 LKA: Bacliff Aggravated Sexual Assault Of A Child Victim: Female Age 12 PETERS, CARL WM 04/21/1949 LKA: Bacliff Aggravated Sexual Assault Of A Child Indecency With A Child 4-Counts Victim: Female Age 11 4913 Broadway – Galveston, Tx. 77551 Phone: (409) 762-9746 Fax: (409) 770-0007 Business Hours–Mon to Sat 10am-6pm Closed on Sundays OUTSIDE BLINDS, INC. SPRAKER, DENNIS LANE SR WM 11/15/1943 LKA: Bacliff Indency With A Child Aggravated Sexual Assault of A Child Victim: Male Age 10 THERIAULT ,BRETT ANTHONY Alias: BHERIAULT,BRETT / BOUDREAUX,BRETT WM 07/07/1965 LKA: Bacliff Indecent Exposure Multiple Times Victims: Females Serving Galveston County since 1938 • Outside Blinds • Folding Shutters • Roll-up Shutters Factory: 5105 Broadway Galveston, Texas (409) 762-9652 1-888-627-2626 LIFE, WORK & WELLNESS Annette H. Martinez, THOMPSON, THERRIL DENNIS WM 04/13/1945 LKA: Bacliff Sexual Assault Of A Child Victim: Male Age 13 WHITE, DAVID EUGENE WM 05/10/1965 LKA: Bacliff Indecency With A Child Sexual Exposure Victim: Female Age 3 LCSW, LCDC, SAP, CEAP •Psychotherapist and Trainer •Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (family support available) •SAP services and training required by DOT •Employee Assistance Professional •ICISF approved trainer and interventionist in Critical Incident Stress Management Evening and Saturday Appointments Available 409-996-3131 4623 Fort Crockett Blvd • Galveston, Texas 77551 Galveston County Police News - Page 17 GALCO HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO, IMMACULATE PAINTING “WE ARE THE PROBLEM SOLVERS” (409) 925-6323 • (409) 925-4155 FAX 12920 Hwy. 1764 • Santa Fe • Heavy Duty A&A–D&P • Unlock Any Car WRECKER SERVICE • Jump Start 24 HOUR SERVICE • RV Towing • Off Road Service NO JOB TOO SMALL • Out of Town Towing or TOO FAR! • Emergency Auto Repair and Pressure Washing Paining, Mildew Removal and Drywall Repairs Beach Homes & Victorian Homes Free Estimates • Insured Juan F. Carcano - Owner 409-599-8107 Operated by the Anderwalds (409) 740-0581 - (409) 740-1622 Toll Free: 866-740-1622 Galveston Health & Racquet Club Galveston’s Finest & Only Family Fitness Center O'D O N O H O E A LLSTATE A GENCY • AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • LIFE • HEALTH • COMMERCIAL Offering POLICE FAMILY MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT 5928 Stewart Road Galveston, TX 77551 409-744-1888 (409) 744-3651 2318 83rd Street ROBISON REAL ESTATE WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE David P. Rogers Teri Lowry TEXAS EXECUTIONS — FEBRUARY Steven Kenneth Staley WM Born: July 30, 1962 Education Level: 11 years, Occupation: Laborer Robert James Neville Jr. WM Born: October 5, 1974 Education Level: 11th Grade, Occupation: Laborer Staley was convicted in the October 1989 murder of 35-year old Robert Dorsey Read during the robbery of a Fort Worth restaurant. Staley and two accomplices pulled semi-automatic weapons after eating a meal at the Steak & Ale Restaurant on Highway 80 West. The trio rounded up thirty customers and six employees and then demanded their billfolds. Staley then forced Read, the restaurant’s General Manager, to open the safe and deposit the day’s receipts in a briefcase. Police were alerted by an employee who managed to escape. Officers surrounded the building and the robbers took Read hostage, hijacked a car and fled with police in pursuit. The hostage was shot in the head, chest and arm after being pulled inside the car by Staley. All three were arrested after a high-speed chase. Co-defendants Brenda Kaye Rayburn received a 30-year sentence for Aggravated Robbery and Tracey William Duke got life in prison for murder and attempted murder with a deadly weapon. Staley was 27-years old at the time of the offense. If he is executed as scheduled on February 23, he will be 43-years old. On February 15, 1998, in Arlington, Texas, Neville and co-defendant, Michael Wayne Hall, kidnapped a 19-year old white female and took her to a remote area where they shot her seven times with a .22 caliber pistol. Neville and Hall knew the victim from work. The subjects fled the scene and attempted to flee the country but were apprehended at the Mexican border. Co-defendant Michael Wayne Hall was also sentenced to death At the time of his crime Neville was 23 years old. If he dies as scheduled on February 8th, he will be 31-years old. has joined our firm as a financial consultant. 8910 Seawall Blvd, Suite C - Galveston, Tx 77554 Cell: 409-682-5393 Fax: 409-740-271 1 123 E-mail: B A R R ER A 305 21st Street, Suite 100 The Marine Building Galveston, Tx.77550-1695 409/765-9991 – 800/460-4199 fax: 409/765-7557 2005 A.G, Edwards & Sons,Inc. • Member SIPC • www, Electrical Enterprises Tropical Taxi BRAD ENDER & Galveston Island ON (409) 621-4000 CALL 24/7 Licensed and Insured Biz.: 409-256-2344 Cell: 409-939-6960 Home: 409-621-1041 Page 18 - Galveston County Police News Clean, Full Sized Cars and 7 Passenger Vans 24 Hour a Day Service On the Island or Off the Island K Dumb Crooks K Clyde Smith, Jr. B/M Born August 31, 1973 Education Level: 9th Grade Occupation: Security Guard Convicted in Harris County, Houston, Texas in the February 6, 1992 murder of Yellow Cab driver David Jacobs. Jacobs picked up Smith at the Hyatt Regency and was told to drive to a deserted area where he was shot three times in the head. Smith is also charged in the March 1992 killing of United Cab driver Victor Bilton in Houston. At the time of the murder Smith was 18 years old. If he is executed as scheduled on February 15th, he will be 32. A Stroll To There and Back Most jail escapees don’t want to be back in the lock-up, but George, from Elk City, Oklahoma, was an exception. Serving time at a minimum security jail, he walked off, went to his ex-girlfriends home, vandalized it and stole a gold bracelet. Then he tried to walk back into the jail. Guards weren’t buying his story that he fell asleep in a nearby field, especially when they found the bracelet. They did take him back into jail, but to a maximum security unit. D a i l y Po l i c e News Updates Visit Us Online E-Mail Us at Visit Us Online E-Mail us at West End 5401 Broadway 409-740-4276 Galveston, Tx 77551 5am – 6pm Chandara & Eric are not responsible for any COP jokes told in this donut house. The man in this picture was lucky. He crawled out of this pickup truck after it flipped over on the southbound Galveston Causeway during heavy morning traffic. (GCPN Photo) HONEY’S PETS & PALS •BONDED • Mosier 24 Hour Service & O l 0PennyOwner o e 409-392-0110 cell 409-741-8885 CARPET SALE! • Hardwood Refinishing • Paste Wax Buffing s oom 9 ad 3 R $ 49d w/P. d e l tal q.y Ins 45 s AS LITTLE AS 995 $ Covers 930 sq. ft. Also Available: • Wood • Ceramic Tile • Laminate • Padding • Supplies SAVE $ INSTALLED W/ 1/2” PAD Bedroom One 10’ x 12’ Master Bedroom 15’ x 12’ Dining Room 12’ x 10’ Living Room 15’ x 10’ Bedroom 12’ x 10’ Den 12’ x 10’ TACL - B024601E 409-737-5701 Cell: 409-682-7565 W A F F L E H O U S E ® Buy one AL L - STAR SPECIAL Breakfast Second one of equal value 1⁄2 price VALUABLE COUPON VAL ID AT GALVESTON, LAMARQUE & LEAGUE CITY LOCATIONS Expires – February 28, 2006 Dine In Only - No Carry Outs AUTO • HOME • LOCKOUT SERVICE • EMERGENCY SERVICE • MOBILE SERVICE FOR BUSINESS •REPAIRS • REKEYS • KEYS MADE Gardall Safe Distributor Bonded for Your Protection Rem nant $ 9 - $9 s 9 WHOLE HOUSE of CARPET! Randy Allen — Owner/Operator LO C K S M I T P E ZEst. 1974 H LODEADBOLTS INSTALLED • Hardwood Repairs • Custom Hardwood Staining all &H I Don’t Recall His Face..But... Here’s a bank robber who really knew his business. The bold thief simply walked into a crowded bank in Horse Cave, Kentucky, and pulled off his heist as stunned customers stared in disbelief—-he was stark naked! Yes, this rather unique”disguise” worked like a charm. A totally flustered female teller was grilled by the police. All she could tell them was that she couldn’t remember a thing about the culprit’s face. • Service • Sales • Installation • Retrofit • New Construction ✁ Pet Sitter Service • Pet Taxi • Doggie Beach Day Let Us Be Sweet to Your Pet in Your Home While You’re Gone! A Time to Play... A lot of men like electric trains, and a burglar in Holland, is apparently one of them. After breaking into a toy store and rounding up a lot of merchandise and cash from the store’s safe, he spotted a set of trains. He started playing with them, became enthralled and forgot where he was. He was so engrossed in train play the cops didn’t even have to sneak up on the playful burglar to arrest him. Air-Heat 409-765-9551 Come Visit Our Shop SE HABLA ESPAÑOL 1624 21st STREET On the Corner of 21st and Ave. O Open Monday – Saturday 6am - 2pm (409) 763-9289 413 24th Street – Galveston • All Repairs • Restretching SAVE $ COASTAL CARPET ST. E E FRE Call Today! FRE 409-762-2400 EE ST. Galveston County Police News - Page 19 CHEVYCountry NEW 2006 CHEVY AVEO 4 Door Sedan, Auto, A/C, Nice Package! NEW 2006 CHEVY COLORADO NEW 2006 CHEVY SILVERADO NEW 2006 CHEVY CREW CAB LT1 2WD ’S THAT A FOUR DO O R! R V-8, Automatic, Trailer Tow WEOARDY TO KO Package, All Power PLAY! R Aluminum Wheels, Street Package, A/C $11,495 $11,995 $15,995 $20,795 MSRP $12,960, less $1465 dealer discount. Stk #552879, 1-Only. MSRP $16,865, less $1000 GM Rebate, less $3870 dealer discount. MSRP $23,392, less $2500 GM Rebate, less $4897 dealer discount. MSRP $28,520, less $2500 GM Rebate, less $5225 dealer discount. From TMS with any purchase of a new 2005 or 2006 Sienna,Tundra, or 4Runner! New 2005 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab New 2006 Toyota Camry New 2006 Toyota Corolla New 2006 Toyota Solara SR5, All Power, Texas Edition, Side Air Bags, Limited Slip All Power Power Windows & Locks, Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Automatic, Leather, Sunroof, V-6 $3000 OFF MSRP MSRP $29,041, less $3000 dealer discount. Stk #T114080, 1-Only. $16,488 $13,995 $3000 OFF MSRP MSRP $19,266, less $1000 factory rebate, less $1778 dealer discount. Stk #T056536, 1-Only. MSRP $15,412, less $500 factory rebate, less $917 dealer discount, Stk# T647865, 1-Only. Ex: MSRP $26,412, less $3000 dealer discount, Demo, Stk # T321012. Two to Choose. GULF FREEWAY PRE-OWNED SUPERCENTER LARGE INVENTORY OF CERTIFIED & PRE-OWNED VEHICLES HUGE SELECTION OF MAKES, MODELS, COLORS AND PRICE RANGES TOYOTA CERTIFIED VEHICLES, GM CERTIFIED VEHICLES 6-year/100,000 Mile 6-year/100,000 Mile - plus Limited Powertrain Warranty 24 Hour Roadside Assistance 3220 I-45 • Exit #15 Across From Gulf Greyhound Park 1-800-796-9999