VJTI - GH Raisoni College Of Engineering Nagpur
VJTI - GH Raisoni College Of Engineering Nagpur
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between Veermata Jijabai technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai And G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, N agpur This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING IS ENTERED INTO ON 8th Oct. 20J4 between, the Yeermata JUabai technological Institute located in Mumbai hereinafter referred to as YJTI, Mumbai, and the G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering located at Nagpur hereinafter referred to as GHRCE, Nagpur. 1. PREMBLE A collaborative effort in engineering edui:ation has become the key to success. The TEQIP Project encourages institutions to establish MoUs with neighbouring institutions and Industries on viable collaborative / consultancy projects with specific time-frames and well-defined outputs . The collaboration could be in the areas of credit transfers, Joint projects of students and faculty, Joint publications, joint sponsored projects from funding agencies, joint faculty and staff development programmes, joint consultancy projects with a sound revenue sharing model etc . faculty is to be encouraged to participate in seminars, conferences and workshops, both national and International. Participation in such activities would give a good exposure on the developments taking place in different areas and also encourage visits to close-by institutions and laboratories of interest. Besides, accrual of benefits to students and in their own researches, such participation is expected to bring about collaborations with academic institutions and R&D organizations within and outside the country. The institutions are required to establish collaboration through MoUs. The two institL1'fions signing this MoU have agreed to work on the philosophy mentioned in this preamble. 2. PURPOSE The aim of this MoU is primarily to establish a written document under which both the technological institutes may enter into a 'vvritten agreemenl to rerform collaborative programmes in the areas of mutual interest. 3. AREA OF COLLABORATION 1. To work jointly on research projects (to be subm itted to various funding agencies), consultancy assignments, faculty and staff development programmes. 11. Credit transfer for students of the institutes. Ill. To consider Institute faculty for admission to M.Tech'/Ph.D. programmes (with credit transfer for the courses at Institute level) of these institute as approved from time to time. 4. IV. To make collaborative efforts for establishment of Centers of Excellence (CoE) v. Faculty and students exchange as decided on case to case basis VI. To attend activities organized by institutions. VII. To start Collaborative research Programme of mutual interests . VIII. Any other activity not covered by this MoU with the prior agreement of both institutes. AGREEMENT OF COLLABORATIVE PROGRAMMES a) Each such collaboration undertaken by the institutes shall describe lJl details the following: I. The nature, scope and the time of collaborative schedule in form as pursuant to Clause No.3 above . ii. b) Any other provision as deemed to be necessary and mutually agreed upon. To prepare and finalize a concrete action plan and schedule for collaboration on priority areas of interest as agreed upon . 5. NODAL AUTHORITY The Nodal authority from YJTr shall be the Director, YJTI, Mumbai or his nominee and the Nodal authority from GHRCE, Nagpur shall be the Director, GHRCE, Nagpur or his nominee for all decision making and concurrence on matters of mutual interest under this MoU. 6. IMPLEMENTATION AND ACTION PLAN GHRCE, Nagpur and YJTI, Mumbai shall endeavour to finalize the details of implementation and action plan of collaborative efforts to execute the parts of this MoU in the academic year 2014-15 and there onwards. This MoU shall be effective from the date of signing the same and shall remain in effect for the subsequent five years and may be renewed or discontinued by mutual consent. In witness where of, the two Technological Institutes hereto have executed this Agreement the date and the year first herein above written . Dr. O. G. Kakde Director, Veennata Jijabai technological Institute, Mumbai - 400 019 Dr. P. R. Bajaj Director, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur - 440 016 Witness 1. Prof. R. N. Awale TEQIP Coordinator VJTI, Mumbai 2. Prof. Amol Y Deshmukh TEQIP Coordinator GHRCE, Nagpur Place: VJTI, Mumbai Date: <6 II D ( ?-eJ I 4- 011
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