Whitesburg Baptist Church
Whitesburg Baptist Church
Know Jesus Christ. Make Him known. HOW MAY WE PRAY FOR YOU? SERMON NOTES learn about events and more at WhitesburgBaptist.org I outout find more more atthese whitesburgbaptist.org at whitesburgbaptist.org LIFE groups ____________________________ connect. grow. serve. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Labor Day Weekend Schedule ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ At Whitesburg, we offer many LIFE Groups for different stages of life. Get plugged in today! ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Stop by the Guest Information Desk to find a LIFE Group. ____________________________ Friday, September 2 ROC will close at noon Sunday, September 4 No evening service Monday, September 5 ROC & Church Offices closed ____________________________ ____________________________ SETAPART ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Submitted by: ___________________ WEEKLY REPORT AUGUST 21, 2016 Attendance 1,664 Budget Receipts this week $119017.48 Non-Budget Receipts $30,294.35 Budget Receipts YTD $6,352,603.51 Budget Requirements YTD $6,326,925.00 Vision & Victory YTD $606,239.61 PSALM 4:3 Singles Retreat • Labor Day Weekend WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31 SCHEDULE 4:30 pm Fellowship Meal | Fellowship Dining Room* 5:30 pm Acteens & Challengers | Room 211-218 & 247 6:00 pm Singles Bible Study | Hearthside Room* 6:30 pm Mission Friends | Rooms 132 & 134 Girls in Action | Room 206 Royal Ambassadors | Rooms 250-252 Middle School Student Worship | Room 180 High School Student Worship | Student Chapel Prayer Meeting | Chapel* Choir/Orchestra Rehearsal | Music Suite 8:30 pm Verge (College) | Student Center *At the Whitesburg South Campus Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal August 31 Baked potato bar and dessert choice. Adults $5, Kids $3. For more on our menu call ext. 777 Pray for our Singles, Speakers, and Staff at the Singles Retreat. You have made known to me the paths of life; You will make me full of gladness with Your presence. Acts 2:28 LIFE Group Fellowship Night Friday, September 9 Connect as a LIFE Group and enjoy doing life Together! For childcare please call ext. 352, by noon on Wednesday, September 7. Whitesburg Welcome to August 28, 2016 11:11 AM TODAY IN WORSHIP 11:11 AM CONTEMPORARY SERVICE whitesburg student ministry 6th Grade Parent Meeting TONIGHT @ 5 pm Welcome Baptism Worship Room 180 in the Student Center Rejoice Faithfulness Holy Spirit WhitesburgBaptist.org Know Jesus Christ. Make Him known. Middle School Fall Retreat November 11-13 Vision Ministry Retreat Lacey’s Spring, AL Registration is open now! Don’t wait to register your 6-8th Grader for only $60. We’ll have an amazing weekend of worship, teaching, crazy games and s’mores! Come meet the Student Ministry Staff and learn about regular and upcoming events. Message by Dr. Don Whitney Song of Response Forever Reign AFTERNOON SCHEDULE Café 246 | 4 - 6:15 pm Resolved Student Choir | 4:30 pm Children’s Choirs | 4:45 pm AWANA | 5:50 pm Adult Discipleship Classes | as scheduled 6:15 PM EVENING WORSHIP Welcome and Fellowship Worship It is Well with My Soul I Will Not Be Shaken Worship Through Giving Song of Encouragement Special Music: Claude Lang Message by Dr. Joe Godfrey What the Bible Teaches about Gambling Time of Response There is a Way Parting Praise 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is asking for financial help for those in the flooded areas of Louisiana. To contribute, visit sbdr.org and click on donate. If you have a need you may contact Steven Dunne, Minister of Teaching & Preaching at ext. 247. CONTACT US 256-704-5678 Christian Citizens Task Force Tonight at 4 pm in Room 290 Dr. Joe Godfrey will host a documentary and discussion about state-sponsored gambling and what it would mean for Alabama. Dr. Godfrey will be speaking at our evening service tonight at 6:15 in the Worship Center. Receptionist: 256-881-0952 Dr. Jimmy Jackson Senior Pastor | ext. 224 Terry Herald Executive Pastor | ext. 235 John Crocker Evangelism & Missions Pastor | ext. 211 David Dye Communications Pastor | ext. 279 David Loyed Family Pastor/Education | ext. 222 Rick Stone Worship Pastor | ext. 229 Kenny Spain Operations | ext. 261 Emails: firstname.lastname@whitesburgbaptist.org Office Hours & Location: Mon-Thu 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-1:30pm 6806 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802 Do you love to drive? Then come be a driver for our Bus Ministry at the Pulaski Pike Campus! We need drivers with a CDL license. If you do not have a CDL but are interested in being a driver, the church will pay the cost to obtain the license. For details, contact Dr. Richard Hendrix at ext. 507. Get a part-time job in Children’s Ministry! The Children’s Ministry is looking for 11th Graders through adults who love kids to work at Kid’s Crossing on Thursday afternoons during the school year. Applicants must be available to work Thursdays from 2-6 pm beginning August 25. Contact Bro. Guy at ext. 327 to apply. WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH Connect. Grow. Serve. New to Whitesburg? The Recreation Ministry is accepting applications for a full-time administrative assistant. When Revival Comes - Acts 2 Giving Prayer Introduction of New Members Benediction AUGUST 28, 2016 11:11 AM Women’s Empowerment Self Defense Class Learn how to neutralize the 15 most common attacks. Techniques used will employ leverage, technique and timing, so anyone, regardless of age or athletic ability, can make t h e m w o r k a g a i n s t l a rg e r opponents. Previous martial arts or self-defense experience is not required. Cost is $25. Register today by calling Jane at ext. 715. Saturdays 8 am - Noon September 24 - October 15 Applicants must be well-organized, proficient in Microsoft Office, have a flexible schedule and the ability to do light physical work. Contact Jane Baker at ext. 715 or send resume to jane.baker@whitesburgbaptist.org. CPR CLASS CPR will be offered on Monday, September 19, from 5:45-8:30 pm in the Craft Room at the South Campus. This class will teach adult, child and infant CPR with AED training. Payment of $40 is required to reserve your place in the class. Contact Debbie at ext. 713. Connect with us by filling out the form below. Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Name ____________________________________ Married Single Date of Birth_________________________ Please introduce us to your family. Spouse & children at home / Date of birth ________________________ ___________ ________________________ ___________ ________________________ ___________ ________________________ ___________ --- FOLD AND TEAR OFF --- Learn more about all of these events and many others at Address ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Home/Cell Phone ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ Substitute Teachers are needed for the grammar and upper school. To apply, email your resume to michele.tate@whitesburgchristianacademy.org. I am: A member A first time guest New to the area A regular attender An out of town guest I want a minister to contact me
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