Whitesburg Baptist Church
Whitesburg Baptist Church
Know Jesus Christ. Make Him known. HOW MAY WE PRAY FOR YOU? find out more at whitesburgbaptist.org SERMON NOTES ____________________________ Discover Whitesburg Class ____________________________ Morning Class 9:30 am in Room 148 Evening Class 5-7 pm in Room 114 ____________________________ Part 1: March 6 ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ WinShape Camps ____________________________ ____________________________ Grades 1 - 9 Completed ____________________________ ____________________________ Submitted by: ___________________ WEEKLY REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 2016 Attendance 1,748 Budget Receipts this week $104,574.07 Non-Budget Receipts $117,389.78 Budget Receipts YTD $3,037,510.95 Budget Requirements YTD $2,826,935.00 I Love My Church Offering May 2014 - Present $263,740.53 bind my wandering heart Part 2: March 13 Attending Discover Whitesburg will help you understand what it means to be part of our church family. If you have already joined Whitesburg, this class will complete your membership process. ____________________________ WEDNESDAY MARCH 2 SCHEDULE 4:30 pm Fellowship Meal | Fellowship Dining Room* 5:30 pm Acteens | Rooms 213-218 Challengers | Room 247 6:30 pm Mission Friends (Preschool) | Room 132 + 134 Girls in Action | Rooms 204-210 Royal Ambassadors | Rooms 248, 250 Activate (Middle School) | Student Center Encounter (High School) | Student Center Prayer Meeting | Chapel* Singles Bible Study | Fellowship Dining Room* Choir/Orchestra Rehearsal | Music Suite 8:30 pm Verge (College) | Student Center *At the Whitesburg South Campus Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal March 2 Lasagna, Caesar salad, garlic bread and dessert choice. Adults $5, Kids $3. Menu Line: (256) 704-5678, ext. 777. Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, to Thee Parts 1 & 2: March 6 ____________________________ ____________________________ Annie Armstrong Sunday, March 13 Week of Prayer March 6-13 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing WBC Goal $165 Thousand North American Goal $82,500 Cooperative Goal $82,500 2016 North American Mission Board Goal $70 Million connect. grow. serve. One person in one church can make a difference. One member committed to going can be a spark that ignites a fire. – Thom Rainer Save the Date! Camp Week July 18 - 22 Get ready to register for WinShape Camps March 6 at 12:01 am EST $50 will hold your spot! Get your kids ready for the... WEEK! Whitesburg Welcome to @WhitesburgBC #IWill February 28, 2016 9:30 AM find out more at whitesburgbaptist.org Whitesburg Baptist Christian School Open House Considering home schooling? We can answer your questions! Join us on March 13, 2016 from 2-4 pm at the Martha Fleming Center. For more information contact Home.school@wbccares.org or call 256-704-5678, ext. 719. Orchestra Special Congregational Singing Baptism Prayer and Welcome Worship Message by Bro. Jimmy Jackson Scripture Reading Worship Time of Response David Hope Never Once Worship Through Giving Special Music: Matt Sloma The Only Name (Yours Will Be) Presentation of New Members Parting Praise A DRAMATIC STORY TELLER He Keeps Me Singing March 3 5:45 - 8 pm A Mighty Fortress is Our God Open Up the Heavens Celebration Choir & Orchestra There’s Something About that Name Resolved Student Choir | 4:30 pm Children’s Choirs | 4:45 pm Adult Discipleship Classes | as scheduled 6:15 PM EVENING WORSHIP Welcome and Fellowship Worship Bless His Holy Name 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Blessed Be Your Name Worship Through Giving Song of Encouragement Special Music: Nawana Finley Message by Dr. Richard Hendrix Time of Response My Jesus I Love Thee Parting Praise Bless His Holy Name Dinnerwith Christians in an Age of Terror Jeremiah 2 Have Your Way Lord The altar flowers today are given in honor of Lynn and Joy Stuckey on their 31st wedding anniversary by Julia Stuckey, Steven and Jessica Clontz, and Gordon and Doris Gilbreath. AFTERNOON SCHEDULE Est. 1989 I Love America 5K Registration opens March 1! Register online at active.com or at WhitesburgChristianAcademy.com. CONTACT US Receptionist: 256-881-0952 Automated Line: 256-704-5678 Senior Pastor Dr. Jimmy Jackson ext. 224 Executive Pastor Terry Herald ext. 235 Evangelism & Missions Pastor John Crocker ext. 211 Communications Pastor David Dye ext. 279 Family Pastor/Education David Loyed ext. 222 Worship Pastor Rick Stone ext. 229 Operations Kenny Spain ext. 261 Emails: firstname.lastname@wbccares.org Office Hours & Location: Mon-Thu 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-1:30pm 6806 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802 Words of appreciation The following people express their appreciation to the church family: • Mark and Jennifer Talton during her recent hospitalization and surgery. • Ouida J. Eidson during her recent surgery and recuperation. • Joyce White during her recent hospitalization. WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH WHITESBURG Mentoring Orientation Coffee BAPTIST CHURCH Join us this afternoon, at 2 pm at the South Campus to learn the blessings and responsibilities of mentoring relationships. Interested? Then also reserve March 8 for Kick-Off and Training. Details at WhitesburgBaptist.org/Mentoring Join us, today at 4:15 pm in Room 290, to hear candidates and the constitutional amendment for the March 1 election. Connect. Grow. Serve. New New to to Whitesburg? Whitesburg? Connect with us by texting Connect with us by filling out WELCOME to (256) 344-0023 the form below. or fill out the form below. Mr. XYZ Xtra Years of Zest CENTER RE-CREA ION R O WHITESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH C Whitesburg Christian Academy is now open for enrollment for Grades PreK-12. Please contact Lynn Lewis at 256-489-7680 for more information or visit us at WhitesburgChristianAcademy.org 16 20 NEW Run for God Join this 12-week training plan aimed at running a 5K or 10K with a Christian focus. Training is led by Heath Ferry and Kevin Zurmuehlen. The 5K class will meet on Thursdays, starting March 10 at 6:00 pm. The 10K class will meet on Saturdays, starting March 12 at 8:00 am. For more information or to register, contact Jane Baker at 256-704-5678, ext. 715. Whitesburg Baptist Church summer camps High School Camp June 3 - 7 Vacation Bible School June 13 - 17 4yrs - Grade 5 (by 9/1/15) Middle School Camp June 19 - 23 WinShape July 18 - 22 Details and registration at WhitesburgBaptist.org/camps Mrs. Miss Ms. Name ____________________________________ Married Tickets are $20 and are available in the North Lobby. Today is the last day to get your tickets! OUTREACH Sympathy The church family expresses sympathy for: • John (JJ) and Rhonda Johnston in the death of his father, Rev. John Johnston, Sr. • Jerry and Rosie Bong in the death of her mother, Sara Vickers. Women’s Ministry South Campus Fellowship Dining Room Brought to you by FEBRUARY OCTOBER 28, 11, 2016 2015 9:30 AM Single Date of Birth_________________________ The following dates are available for Worship Center flowers: April 24, May 1, 15, 22 & 29, September 4, 18 & September 25, October 2, 9 & 30, and November 20 & 27. For more information contact Karen Tidwell in the Pastor’s Office at 256-704-5678, ext. 224. Please introduce us to your family. Spouse & children at home / Date of birth ________________________ ___________ ________________________ ___________ ________________________ ___________ ________________________ ___________ --- FOLD AND TEAR OFF --- WH ITESBU RG PTIST CHR IS SCHOOL 9:30 AM BLENDED TRADITIONAL BA AN TI TODAY IN WORSHIP Know Jesus Christ. Make Him known. Address ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Home/Cell Phone ____________________________________ Are your children angry, hurt, and confused about your separation or divorce? DivorceCare for Kids is a safe, fun place where your children can learn skills that will help them heal. Join us Thursdays at 6pm at the South Campus! For more information call Bro. Guy at 256-704-5678, ext. 227. Email ____________________________________ I am: A member A first time guest New to the area A regular attender An out of town guest I want a minister to contact me
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