GOOD NEWS WEEK - Woolgoolga High School


GOOD NEWS WEEK - Woolgoolga High School
Woolgoolga High School
See pages 4 & 5 o f this Newsle tter
August 21, 2015
Issue No. 12
To complete the survey follow this link
Woolgoolga High School
25th August 2015
High School Hall
Tickets at door from
Adult $7.00
Student/Concession $4.00
Canteen open for dinner: see page 11
From the Principal
Important coming dates
P.3 & P.6
Tell them from me Survey
VALID Science
Community News
Web address:
Page 2
Issue No. 12
From the Principal’s Desk
It is always a pleasure to
reflect on and realise the
great educational and extra
-curricular activities taken
up by the students of
Woolgoolga High School.
All of these opportunities
are a direct reflection of the
expertise of our staff, the
enthusiasm of our students
and the support of parents
and the community.
The Woolgoolga High School 2015 Concert of
Excellence in on this Tuesday 25th August at 7pm
in the school hall. This night showcases student’s
talents in performance, including music, drama and
dance. The Concert of Excellence is always
amazing and Tuesday night’s event promises to be
another outstanding evening of entertainment. One
night only so don’t miss out. Tickets are on sale at
the door.
Thank you once again to the Woolgoolga Rotary
Club for organising, staffing and funding Thursday’s
RYDA (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness) for all of
our Year 11 students. The day was an absolute
success, with students, staff and Rotarians very
pleased with every aspect of the event. Months of
planning by Rotary along Woolgoolga High School
has paid off with our Year 11 students being the
beneficiaries of the awareness education delivered
by experts in a relevant, engaging fashion. Our
students are fortunate to be the beneficiaries of the
support of our local community volunteers. If your
child is in year 11 they have, most likely, already
told you about RYDA. The day leaves a valuable
impression on anyone involved. There will be more
news to come of the day in our next newsletter.
Year 12 students have completed their Trial HSC
exams. Analysis of the results will allow each
student to make steady, incremental improvements
in each subject.
For Year 11, whose exams are in two weeks and
Year 12 leading into the HSC exams, a study plan
and a quiet place at home free from distractions is
essential to be as successful as possible. Each senior student can and needs to build steady improvement with the help of their teachers and support from
The staff of Woolgoolga High School are continually
striving to deliver excellence throughout our school
and we appreciate feedback from our parents and
carers. Please look at the following information and
consider responding to the “Tell Them From Me”
parent and carers survey. Following the link will allow you to give us valuable information about how
our school responds to your child’s needs. This survey should only take a few minutes and it is important that we have a large number of respondents.
It is also important that we gain a response that is
representative of our school community, so if you are
someone who doesn’t usually respond to surveys we
want to hear from you too.
On Wednesday our Science Faculty hosted a STEM
Science Week enrichment day for Year six students
from our Northern Beaches Community of Schools.
Year 5 from each of these schools will be here next
Wednesday for a similar day. The students enjoyed
themselves, learnt about and developed interest in
Science and Technology. It was an absolute pleasure to host these students and celebrate National
Science Week together. We look forward to sharing
Science with Year 5 next week.
Our disco is on next Wednesday. It is a pleasure to
offer extra-curricular events as a reward to students
who consistently do their best at Woolgoolga High
School. The Year 9 Camp was a great success this
week. There will be more news and photos to come.
Well done to all of our students who are doing their
best each day and to the parents, carers and community whose support is critical to the ongoing success of the students of Woolgoolga High School.
Iain Henderson
Relieving Principal
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Issue No. 12
Tue August 25
Concert of Excellence
Wed Aug 26
Thur Sept 3
Year 7 Vaccinations
Thur Sept 3—
Fri Sept 4
State Athletics Carnival
The WHS P & C
meets on the
second Tuesday of
every month at
Invoiced accounts for Semester 2 will be mailed to families next week.
Please continue to pay your school contribution of $55.00 (juniors), $65.00 (seniors)
to the Front Office. Your child’s educational experience will be enhanced by this
Now Available At Woolgoolga High School
A secure Westpac banking facility has now been added to the Woolgoolga High School
website to allow parents/carers to make online Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card
payments for things like voluntary school contributions, excursions, sporting activities
or sales to students.
Look for the $ Make a Payment button next to Contact Us at the top of our homepage.
For those experienced in paying online, the process will be familiar. Detailed instructions are available by opening the Parent Online Payment Instructions on the Information tab on our website.
We hope that you will find this payment option convenient. Payments can still be made
at the Woolgoolga High School Office by cash, cheque or EFTPOS.
Issue No. 12
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Issue No. 12
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Issue No. 12
Page 6
Excluded from Woolgoolga
High School - school discos
Any student who has received a SUSPENSION
WARNING is excluded from the disco for the
school term of that warning.
Any student who has been SUSPENDED from
school is excluded from the disco for 6 calendar months from the date of that suspension.
Any student who continually refuses to wear
UNIFORM, has been notified at least three
times, and receives a uniform letter, is
excluded from the disco for the school term
of that letter.
Any student who TRUANTS twice is excluded
from the disco for the school term of the
second truancy and the next school term.
Mr Henderson
Relieving Principal
Final round of vaccinations
for 2015
Year 7 Boys and Girls
Year 11 Exams
7 to 15 September
September 3rd
Gardasil (HPV) Dose 3
Issue No. 12
Page 7
Letter to parents about VALID Science 10 2015
The Validation of Assessment 4 Learning & Individual Development (VALID) test for
Year 10 students will be held between Monday 7 September and Friday 11 September
2015. The test takes approximately 80 minutes. The VALID Science 10 test is an interactive,
multimedia test completed entirely on a computer.
VALID Science 10 contains multiple choice, short response and extended response tasks
that are grouped around real-world issues, including scientific investigations. This is a diagnostic test, with tasks framed on Stage 5 outcomes and essential content in the NSW
Science Years K–10 Syllabus. Students will be tested on their:
• knowledge and understanding of science
• understanding and skills in the process of scientific investigation
• ability to evaluate evidence, make judgements and think critically
• ability to access information and communicate scientific ideas.
Students also complete a survey about their opinions, attitudes and values.
Since students complete VALID Science 10 on a computer, each student needs to bring
headphones or earbuds that plug into a school computer. Earbuds for an iPod or portable
player are suitable.
If your child has a disability that needs special consideration or has been educated in English for less than one year, please contact your child’s school to discuss special provisions or
possible exemption from the test.
Results of the test will be available during Term 4 2015. Information about each student is
treated confidentially and held securely to ensure that the right to privacy of all students is
maintained. A personal report for each student will be sent to parents/carers to describe the
science knowledge and skills demonstrated by the student in the test. There will also be information about how your child’s results compare with overall performance of all students in
the test.
The principal of your child’s school is able to provide you with more details about the VALID
Science program if you require additional information.
Phil Dalton
Head Teacher Science
Woolgoolga High School
Issue No. 12
Page 8
Five dedicated Woolgoolga High School students exchanged two hours of their Saturday to further
develop an understanding of the Medical Physics HSC elective at Coffs Harbour Radiology.
The students gained insight into the functioning, capabilities and importance of ultrasound, CAT
scans and MRI. They developed an appreciation for imaging options, diagnostic techniques, magnetic field strength of MRI and career opportunities within the field of medical imaging. The visit to
the medical imaging centre provided a practical and interesting aspect to their studies.
The excursion provided a valuable enrichment experience for the students. Huge thanks to the
helpful and knowledgeable staff of Coffs Harbour Radiology for opening their doors to enhance the
educational opportunities for these students.
Robert Pursch
Physics Teacher
Pictured left to right: Shai Bargwanna, Josh Murray, Arjun Gill, Jeremy Rush, Khushdeep Dhaliwal
Students at CAT scan machine
Shai getting an ultrasound
Students at MRI machine
Issue No. 12
Page 9
Standing Tall 2015
Leadership Camp
Blake Cox, Coby Lodge, Jayden Perkins, Lachlan Nash and Mereki West were selected to attend the “2015 Standing Tall” Leadership Camp
at Yarrawarra Aboriginal Cultural Centre with
Aboriginal Education Worker Kelly Hine. The
Camp was run in partnership with Coffs Harbour
City Council, Mission Australia and the North
Coast Primary Health Network. It was aimed at
‘building tomorrow’s leaders in our community’.
The boys were constantly on the go with numerous activities
throughout the week which included Uncle Milton Duroux taking
us on a tour of significant local Aboriginal sites, bush tucker and
bush medicine walks, didgeridoo lessons, screen printing and
art workshops, canoeing and stand up paddle boarding, bubble
soccer as well as health promotion education and plenty of yarn
ups around the campfire about issues facing young people today.
The highlight of the camp was cultural dance lessons with Uncle
Jeremy Devitt, resulting in the boys perfecting and performing
their traditional dance
PROUDLY for the local
Gumbaynggirr Elders
Kelly Hine and the boys
would like to thank Uncle
Barry Hoskins, Uncle
Milton Duroux, Lloyd
Lynwood, Jesse Taylor,
Helen Lambert, Jeremy
Devitt, Eric Lockwood and all who were involved
in making this camp not only possible,
but a success.
They would also like to extend their gratitude to Joshua Dooner for his commitment
and hard work in supporting our young
leaders of tomorrow.
Issue No. 12
Page 10
Last Thursday Year 8’s awesome
Year Adviser organised a movie
night. The movie was “Home”, it
was great and we all had fun. The
Amazing SRC helped along.
Year 8 SRC
Year 8 movie night
On Thursday night 40 Year 8 students, along with our SRC students, attended the movie night in
the forum. It was an enjoyable and fun evening for all.
Thanks to:
Mrs Bear, Mr Pursch and Miss Austin for joining us.
The SRC who helped with the set up and during interval.
Our local Woolworths who kindly donated all the fruit.
And also to all the parents and students who support these extra curricula activities at the school.
On Friday the 7th August, Woolgoolga High SRC representatives
held a Jeans for Genes day to raise
funds for childhood diseases. Students came to school wearing their
best denim and the prize for best
dressed was awarded to Sherydan
Simson. To raise extra funds, SRC
also held a cake stall for morning
tea. In total $580 was raised which
was a massive achievement. Well
done Woopi High!
Photo : Sherydan Simson, Sophy
Simson and Michael Tucker
Issue No. 12
Page 11
Woolgoolga High School is once again preparing for the annual
Concert of Excellence which traditionally showcases our talented
Performing Arts students within the school and, in particular, the
HSC candidates for Music, Drama and Dance.
The performances are set across two stages in the school hall and
tickets can be purchased on the night at the doors ($4.00 student/
concession or $7.00 adult). Early-birds get the best seats, of
course, so doors open at 6.15pm and the show starts promptly at
7.00pm, finishing around 9.30pm.
Our canteen will be serving a delicious $7.00 dinner menu from
6.15pm, as well as during the 20 minute interval:
Chicken Carbonara
Beef Stroganoff + Pasta
Lambs Fry + Bacon w Mash
Plus from $3.20
Home-made pies and quiches
Sushi and Vietnamese rice rolls
Salad bowls
Freshly brewed tea and coffee
Home-made cakes
Soft drinks and snacks
Page 12
Issue No. 12
North Coast Regional Athletics Carnival was
conducted at Coffs Harbour International
Sports Stadium on 31 July, 2015. Congratulations to the 25 Woolgoolga High students who
competed with great sportsmanship and prowess on the day. Listed below are the Woopi students who have qualified for the NSW CHS State Athletics carnival in early September. Good
Luck at the next level.
April Flaherty
High Jump
Jade Tapfield
Shot Put, Discus
Berach Bekele
Gemma Hutchinson
Jessica Midavaine
Emily Nudd
Ryley Smidt
Long Jump
Sam Burke
1500m, 3000m
Isaiah Koopmans
800m, 1500m, 2000m steeplechase
Izack Smidt
Jonathon Gusman
800m, 1500m
Pictured are the Woolgoolga High School
15 and 17 girls relay teams who both run
3rd at the North Coast Athletics carnival
and narrowly missed out on qualifying for
the carnival. Well done girls.
WHS 15 Girls Relay Team L to R: Berach
Deslagn Bekele, Abby Nudd, Zoe Batty,
Tanish Wallace
WHS 15 Girls Relay Team L to R: Berach
Deslagn Bekele, Abby Nudd, Zoe Batty,
Tanish Wallace
Thanks to all the parents who came to
support the Woopi students and the Woopi
teachers who worked as officials all day at
the North Coast Athletics carnival: Mr Morgan (Shot Put), Mr Feeney (High Jump),
Ms McIntosh (Long Jump) and Mrs Hyder
Issue No. 12
Page 13
Boys U/15 Basketball Team
Tuesday 18th August, Woolgoolga boys
U15 basketball team played in the CHS
knock out comp at Sportz Central.
We played two difficult games against
Coffs High in the first round and Bellingen
High School in the second.
Due to a number of injuries and last minute
scheduling issues, our boys team consisted
of year 7 and 8 students. With only 6 players, the boys played well up against their
older, bigger opponents. Sadly, we lost
both games and will not be progressing to
the next knock out round, however the
boys are feeling inspired and ready for next
year already!
Tennis News
Congratulations to Billy Flanagan of Year 8
who has been selected in North Coast under
16 boys tennis team. Billy will travel to
Broadmeadow in October to compete at the
NSW CHS state tennis championships.
Good luck Billy!
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Issue No. 12
Congratulations to all the Woolgoolga High School students who competed at the NSW CHS gymnastics championships held at the Hunter sports centre. The Woopi students performed extremely well and were a credit
to their school according to the team manager. Some of the places gained are outlined below.
Ryley Smidt: Floor (4th), Parallel Bars (4th), Pommel (4th), High Bars (2nd), Rings (2nd), Vault (2nd), Overall (4th)
Jaxon Elliott Floor (2nd), Parallel Bars (1st), Pommel (2nd), Rings (2nd), Vault (2nd), High Bars (1st), Overall (2nd)
Kasey Frahm: Vault
(6th), Beam (6th)
Sasha McNab: Vault (2nd)
Tanisha Wallace: Vault (5th)
Abby Nudd: Floor (9th)
The North Coast Level E girls team of Maddie Nimbs, Tanisha Wallace, Kasey Frahm, Sasha McNab and Abby Nudd came 3rd overall in the teams
The woopi students in the North Coast Level D team - Alex Greenhalgh,
Sarah Longhorn and Aimee Carr all competed well.
Thanks to Julie Wales (North Coast team coach from So Fun Gymnastics in
Woolgoolga) and Leisa Moar (North Coast team manager from Grafton
High School) and all the parents who transported students down to Newcastle for the competition.
Pictured above: Abby Nudd on beam
Left: Level E team with coach Julie Wales
L-R Kasey, Maddie, Sasha, Tanisha, Abby
Below: Jaxon Elliott on bars
Issue No. 12
Page 15
Left: Aimee on bars with Julie Wales looking
Centre: Sasha on the podium receiving her
silver medal.
Centre left: Tanisha on the vault.
Centre right: Maddie on the
Below left: Julie with Jaxon
and Ryley with their medals.
Below right: Level D
team—Sarah, Alex and
Issue No. 12
Page 16
Ryans Bus Service are pleased to announce that our partner, transportme, have now released the transportme Passenger App on the Apple App store.
The free app is available for download, and will allow schools, parents, passengers and
school children the ability to track all of our school and passenger buses in real time. The
tracking will be within 10 seconds of where the bus is located- providing GPS info is accurate.
The download link is:
Or a simple search in the apple app store for: "transportme passenger” will display the app.
To track your child’s school bus, look for the ‘Route Number’ ie if they catch Bus 52 in the
morning, look in the app for ‘Route 52am’.
Extra curricula opportunities
UNE Science Experience - 19th-21st January 2016 - 3 days of wild and wonderful
science investigations; meet new people and stay on campus at UNE Armidale - Cost $120*
(including accommodation and meals). For current Year 9 and 10 students.
RyMarine (a Rotary program for youth interested in marine science or related fields)
Residential School for current Year 10 & 11 students - 8th-11th October 2015 in Coffs Harbour.
The cost of the program is $450* per student. This will include accommodation, all food and
travel to various field trips, venues and also snorkelling if weather permits. Accommodation will
be provided at the Australian Youth Hostel, 51 Collingwood Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450.
RyAG Dairy Youth Camp 27th Sept-1stOct 2015 at Wingham. This five day camp is for current Years 9, 10 and 11. Cost is $200* per student.
Future Vet Kids Camp - current Years 8, 9 and 10 students - $595* five day camp in Sydney January 4-8th or 11-15th 2016. Two full scholarships are available.
*Rotary may contribute to the cost of this activity.
Contact Mrs Hart for additional information.
—Eat Fresh
See menu with price list on the school’s website
Volunteers needed to serve in only 1 hour increments:
8.30am - 9.30am
11.00am - 12.00 noon
1.00pm - 2.00pm
If you can help please ring the school on 66541500 or follow the link on
the school’s website to complete the expression of interest.
Page 18
Issue No. 12
Woolgoolga Social Sports Club Inc. “Seaview
Summer Six’s”
Registration packs for teams can be picked up from ‘Woolgoolga Real Estate’
now! Rego dates are 1st & 8th September from 7 - 8pm, Seaview Tavern.
The Six-a-side Committee is looking for High School students to:
Referee games each week—Set-up fields each week.—These are paid positions!
If you are interested and can commit to turning up regularly every week please contact 6654 2333
Further Information: WUFC website OR 66542333 or 0427956755
Page 19
Issue No. 12
paid advertisement
Woolgoolga High School Silver Awards
are generously supported by:
Fawcett Street, Woolgoolga
Phone 13 14 33 or 6654 9433
EFTPOS Facilities for credit/debit
card transactions are now available
for making payments at the school
office. There is no cash out facility.
The office is open for students to
make payments before school and
during Break 1.
Pacific Highway,
Coffs Harbour
Beach Street, Woolgoolga
Phone: 6654 2744
Woolgoolga High School
Centenary Drive
Woolgoolga NSW 2456
Phone: 6654 1500 Fax: 6654 1936