Issue #10 - 5 April - Bishop Druitt College


Issue #10 - 5 April - Bishop Druitt College
Issue # 10
5 April | 2013
From The Principal
College News
This shorter week has been very busy.
The weather held for a very successful Secondary Cross Country carnival on Boambee Beach on Wednesday. My task was as
roving patroller, driving up and down the beach. I was very pleased with both the dedication of the serious competitors, who
trundled down the beach at a good clip, and with the good humour of those less serious competitors, for whom the carnival was
more social than athletic.
Special thanks to Mr Webber and Mrs Hilton, who coordinated and ran the Cross Country, and to Mr Murgatroyd, who managed
the staffing logistics for the day. Having such a successful event relies on many factors – those organising it, the staff supervising
it, and the hundreds who competed so willingly.
Our Senior Primary students will have a damp Cross Country carnival this afternoon.
The Mid-North Coast Rugby Sevens were held on Thursday at BCU stadium, where 56 of our students participated. Some excellent
results were recorded, particularly that of the Open Boys team, who will now play in a curtain raiser match against Macksville High
School at the NSW/QLD Country v. British and Irish Lions at Hunter Stadium on Tuesday, 11 June.
One drawn match over the course of the tournament meant our Open Girls Sevens team meant our girls just missed out on their
own curtain raiser in Newcastle.
Our Years 5 and 6 students were involved in the Tournament of the Minds Taster Day on Wednesday and the winning teams were:
(Year 5) Bianca De Jong, DJ Hart, Keanu Cleary, Kaleb Ryan, Charlie Kerr, and Chelsea Williams. (Year 6): Luke Andrews, Reuben
Lewis, Max Aldred, Tahnee Marr, Breanna Zwolsman, Lilly Hemer, and Daniel Oroszvari. Well done to these young thinkers!
The last week of Term will be business as usual, with Medieval Day for Year 8 next Thursday, and the departure on Friday of Ms
Kiemski, Mr Bennett and 18 students from Years 10, 11 and 12 on a study tour to Italy. Quite exciting ‘business as usual’!
Congratulations to:
• Kalina Bennett (12), who finished 7th in the National All Schools
Triathlon at Penrith yesterday
• Rebecca Black (9), who played for the champion team Australian
Country All Stars at the Basketball Pacific Easter Tournament in
New Zealand last weekend. Rebecca’s team played ‘up’ and age
division and still won the tournament.
• Casey Wooderson (8), who was crowned Australian Champion in the
Under 14 Girls Water Skiing championships held at Port Macquarie
over the Easter weekend. Winning a national championship in any
event at any age group is a magnificent achievement. Well done,
Principal’s App of the week: RunKeeper
Alan Ball
Chaplain’s Chat
view the current edition of the
North Coast Anglican Newspaper
Christ is risen! Alleluia! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Happy Easter and welcome to
a new season in the liturgical calendar. Eastertide is the period of 50 days from Easter
Sunday until Pentecost. Christians all around the world are in a period of celebration
of the risen Christ as we are reminded of new life through resurrection. We use these
50 days to sing Alleluia, while we celebrate Gods rule of justice and peace fully among
us. It’s a time of recreation that re-creates us with the message of new life and new
hope through baptism. In this weeks reading, we hear the words from John’s Gospel:
John 20: 24-31
“But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when
Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, ‘We have seen the Lord.’ But he said to
them, ‘Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of
the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.’
A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood
among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand
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Issue # 10
5 April | 2013
College News
and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.’ Thomas answered him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have you believed
because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.’
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you
may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.”
Have you ever had an experience where you could not believe what you were hearing? And the only way that you could believe it
was to see it for yourself? This is the story of Thomas, one of the twelve disciples who had trouble believing that Jesus could still be
alive after all; there had been a crucifixion. Yet here he came face to face with the risen Lord who spoke words of peace and showed
his wounds and Jesus asks Thomas “Have you believed because you have seen me?” Thomas responds immediately with “My Lord
and my God” Jesus then says, ”Blessed are the ones who have never seen me but still believe.” Jesus words ring true for us today;
do we need proof of the risen Lord? or do we count ourselves blessed that we believe and have never seen him?”
Throughout our journey may we grow and reap the good harvest as we too discover Jesus together.
Rev Marion Tanfield
In an effort to support the environment BDC will no longer receive hardcopies of the Diocesan newspaper. You can access the North Coast Anglican
online by the link provided on the previous page.
secondary school
from the head of secondary
On Wednesday selected Year 10 students attended a forum on bullying in schools organized by the local Youth Mental Health and
Wellbeing Network and Headspace. The students heard personal stories and gained advice from local counsellors, education
specialists and doctors in an open forum style presentation. Students will bring that information back to their own tutor groups for
discussion and use the information from the day in their mentor sessions with Year 7 students as part of our peer support program.
I would like to thank the staff and students who attended on behalf of the school.
There will be a Secondary School Social next Wednesday 10 April here at the College. Start time is 6:30pm and pick up is 9pm.
Please take note of the times, particularly the finish time as staff need to go home to their families at a reasonable hour. Thank you
to the Student Executive and Mr Kadwell for their organisation of this event.
Tim Egan
Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary)
Visual Arts
This term Year 9 have worked diligently to complete
their oil paintings of landscapes. Painting in oils
is a dying art and we are pleased to provide the
students with this challenging but rewarding
experience. Next term, watch this space for details
about the Year 9 Visual Arts student Landscapes in
Oils exhibition!
Rebecca Brown
Visual Arts Faculty
Monday Sport
Term 1 has been very busy, where many sports have taken place during some testing weather conditions. Here is some information
to help with Sport for the remainder of Term 1 and for Term 2 organisation.
Week 11 House Sport - Volleyball
All students 7-10 are to attend. Sport will start at 1.25pm on the oval and students will play other Tutor Groups in their Year level.
Term 2 Sport
Sport lists for year 9-10 are on sport notice boards. Students need to check these to make sure they are in the correct sport.
Changes of sport forms are available from Secondary office. They have until the end of Term 1 to make any changes, please discuss
this with students. Sports for 7-8 are also published on notice boards. These are also on College website at the following link These sports are set for Year 7-8 for Term 2 & 3.
Trials for the Athletics Carnival
This will happen during Term 2 Sport. All Year 7 will have trials on Week 1, Term 2 at Toormina Oval, Week 2 for all Year 8. Week 3 is
reserved for students in Years 9 & 10 choosing to trial for the Athletics Carnival. Students must attend trials if they want the chance
to make selection for the following field events: javelin, shot put, discus, long jump. Any questions please contact me.
Kellie Reinhold
TIC Monday Sport
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Issue # 10
5 April | 2013
College News
Recently Year 8 completed an assessment task whereby they were asked to choose or write a poem, analyse it by using a range of
poetry techniques and submit with a visual image that illustrated the main theme of the poem.
The following visual image is by Shanae Purcell, it is in response to the classic poem ‘The Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth and
shows her dedication to the task. Her accompanying analysis was also of an excellent standard.
The following poem was written and submitted by Jordan Hogben and is an outstanding example of poetry writing. Her work shows
great maturity and depth and the poem itself has a strong atmospheric presence.
The Calm Before the Storm
Weight crunches onto the autumn leaves
Colours as warm as a fiery sunset
Trees entwine in a line
To make the meadow wall
A river flows through the meadow’s centre
A snake of trickling glass
Streams flowing, birds sweetly singing
All around the grass
A cat purrs in the distance, as if giving a warning
The ceiling of the meadow is filled with grey, full clouds
Scattering fills the forest
Animals going into their hiding places
Deadly silence echoes through the meadow
But is quickly broken, unspoken
As the first of the lions loud growl erupts through the scene
Making the ground vibrate and the wind whoosh
The drumming from my chest increases
The leaves follow behind me, fading from my footsteps
I finally find a place to hide
Buried inside the Meadow
By Jordan Hogben
Year 9 Bell Shakespeare Company performance
On Tuesday 9th April, Year 9 students will be treated to a presentation from the famous Bell Shakespeare Company as an introduction
to their study of Shakespeare’s famous play, Macbeth. ‘Macbeth: Undone’, a one hour version of the play, delves deeply into action
and consequence, responsibility and blame. Tracking Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s journey from ambition to destruction, ‘Macbeth:
Undone’ highlights interpretation and performance choices in staging this play. Dark deeds and guilty consciences combine with
illuminating and entertaining contemporary commentary, for an impressive and thrilling retelling. Students will be given a letter for
parents explaining this exciting compulsory event.
Sandra James
English Faculty
What a pleasure it was to run into six former students from 2012 arriving back home last weekend after their first half semester
studying at universities in Sydney. Thank you to Gus Leclerc (Year 12 2011) for recently sharing his journey with Year 10 students
including the education and training he is undertaking to become a pilot.
Careers has a new website: A link is also available through the College website
Parents and students are encouraged to visit this site and check out the great features and subscribe to receive the careers
newsletter. There is a calendar of national career related events in the menu link. There is also a facebook ‘like’ box to allow you to
get important information via facebook as a newsfeed. Just click the ‘like’ box on the home page.
Upcoming events:
• May 3 Day trip to University of New England (UNE) Armidale
• May 24 WHS white card course held at the College
Congratulations to so many Year 10 students for developing the skills and confidence to apply and secure work experience for 24-28
June. Approval letters will be sent in Term 2. As I am away next term, in advance I wish all these Year 10 students the best for a safe
and memorable experience and I look forward to catching up in Term 3 to hear your stories.
Finally some interesting reading:
• The Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) agrees with findings from the second Evaluation Report under the National
Partnership for Youth Attainment and Transitions that more needs to be done to create an effective national career development
strategy that assists young people make quality career decisions. Read more...
• The Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency (AWPA) has developed Future focus, 2013 National Workforce Development
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Issue # 10
5 April | 2013
primary school
College News
from the head of primary
Well, the Easter break was short and we are back into the swing of school for a short
time yet. Many thanks to all the parents who came to the Easter Hat Parade and morning
tea. It was lovely to meet new parents and to catch up with many others.
On Wednesday the Senior Primary held a TOM Taster Day and the Year 5’s and 6’s had
a fun day exploring their talents. The winning teams not only solved the set problems in
a unique way, but they did so with humour and a variety of problem-solving skills. It is
when I visit classrooms that I am reminded of how many talented students we have and
how their special talents are being nurtured by our wonderful teachers.
Next Friday we are holding a ‘Coins for Compost Bins’ day to see if we can raise sufficient
funds to purchase some compost bins for the “Crunch and Sip” scraps. The Year 5
teachers have started an initiative to develop a kitchen garden as part of their learning
program to develop better eating habits for our students. One of our parents has already
donated money for one compost bin, and we thank her very much for generosity. So
next Friday, please encourage your children to bring along a coin to add to our tapes.
Our holidays are almost upon us and I can see the children getting tired. It will be good
for them to have some late mornings and not have to rush to school every day for a
while. Just a reminder that as a school we will be marching in the ANZAC Day parade
in town. We will meet at 8.45am at the top end of Park Avenue and I would ask that all
students to be in full school uniform. (Yes, blazers for Years 5 and 6).
Thank you to all parents who made the time to meet with teachers for a parent/student/
teacher interview. I am sure you are all so proud of the progress your children have made
this term and it is rewarding for the children to see how interested their parents are in
their progress. The feedback I have received from teachers has been most positive.
Karin Lisle
Assistant Principal (Head of Primary)
we’re keen to go green!
Teachers and students in primary are extremely motivated to make our school a ‘greener’ place. We have
started a worm farm and would now like to install a series of compost bins so that we can recycle our
‘Crunch & Sip’ scraps into rich, beautiful organic compost for our school gardens (one class can accumulate
up to 2kg of ‘Crunch & Sip’ scraps each week!). The piece de resistance for schools is a tumbler bin like
the one below (approx. $95), but any compost bin is a good one! If you have a compost bin at home that
isn’t being used and you would like to donate it to the College, or you would like to donate money towards
a new tumbler bin, we would LOVE to hear from you.
Please contact Mrs Wendy Phillips at or by calling the College on 6651 5644.
grade of the week - year 6
Seals are mammals that have four flippers and a streamlined body. They are a part of the animal
order called Pinnipedia. Seals are fluent movers in water but are awkward moving on land.
Seals are meat eaters. They mainly feed on sea animals like, squid, lobster, octopus, crab, krill,
shrimp and other shellfish. Seals are fierce hunters of penguins and will eat one when it can.
Seals are suited to life in the water because of their streamlined body and their strong flippers.
They can be found in the cold icy waters of the Arctic Sea. Seals also like to chill out on rocky land
and watch out for prey to pass by.
Seals are sophisticated animals. You would wonder HOW they don’t freeze to death in such a
cold habitat? Well, it’s because of their warm thick underfur and blubber. Seals have long hard
tusks on their faces for display, fighting and hauling themselves out of the water.
Seals are sophisticated, ferocious and majestic animals. They are fierce and, to some sea life,
dangerous. I wouldn’t want to come face to face with one! They play a massive role in the food
chain and are being hunted for their fur and blubber. If these animals become extinct the food
chain will fall apart. Lets not let this happen!
Imogen Cratchley 6M
Jonah Summersell (6M)
Aquatic Biome in Chalk Pastel
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Issue # 10
College News
Declan O’Hara (6C)
Taiga Biome Diorama
5 April | 2013
Mackenzie Smith (6F)
A single point perspective gallery)
Musical Notes
Support Earn & Learn 2013!
Woolworths Earn & Learn program is back! Starting on
Monday 8th April, when you shop at Woolworths you will
be given one Woolworths Earn & Learn Point for every $10
you spend. You will get a sticker sheet from your Cashier,
just pop the stickers on the sheet. Our school will then
be able to redeem these for fantastic new educational
resources. So don’t forget to collect your points when
shopping at Woolworths. Your support behind this
program is much appreciated!
You can drop your point sheets in at the Music Office, the drop-off box is just outside the office doors.
Practice, practice, practice!
Secondary Choir
Secondary Choir has recommenced for the year. All are welcome and new members encouraged. This is held at the College on
Wednesdays from 3:20 – 4:30pm. Afternoon tea is provided. Come along, make some friends and enjoy the music.
Australian Girls’ Choir Visit
The Australian Girls’ Choir are touring to our region at the beginning of Term 3 2013. This outstanding vocal group will be arriving in
Coffs Harbour late afternoon on Sunday 14 July and departing for Newcastle on the morning of Wednesday 17 July. Musical details
are still in the planning stage, but I am seeking support from our community to assist with billeting girls in pairs for 3 nights. An
example of the work of the Australian Girls’ Choir is on the following URL. Click on the Qantas television commercial. You may have
seen it already.
Percussionists required
Several of our Secondary Ensembles require a Percussionist or two. These include Concert Band and Orchestra. Any music student
who plays drums or piano may be interested. Please see Mr Condon for more details.
Dale Condon
Head of Music K-12
college sport
On Tuesday 26 March, 44 students took part in the inaugural NCIS AFL Gala day. 20 Primary students were split into two teams and
played against other NCIS schools, they finished the day undefeated, until playing a friendly at the end of the day, where the BDC
Bombers came out on top.
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Issue # 10
5 April | 2013
College News
The Secondary students were split into a 7/8 Barbarians team, a 9/10 BDC team and a 9/10 Barbarians team. The BDC 9/10 team
were undefeated on the day. All BDC players showed great skill and sportsmanship on the day and everyone had a great time.
Special thanks to Adam Kornhauser, Tony Horan and Brett Bennett who came along to coach, also to Harry Phillips and Nick Murray
for umpiring games for the younger players. We hope AFL will continue to be on the NCIS calendar.
Bill Turner Cup - Round 1
Our under 15 boys travelled to the “Lions Den” at Orara High last week to play the first round of the Bill Turner Cup schools knockout
competition. We had a mix of Year 8 and 9 students, also Solomon Ferguson from Year 7, and every player made a great commitment
and incredible effort on the day. We were out muscled by a bigger faster team, but that didn’t stop our boys playing some fantastic
phases of football. Orara scored first, but we managed to hit back quickly. Orara scored again, and just before half time we managed
to equalise at 2-2. Orara came out fired up in the second half and scored an early goal and dominated for a major period of the
second half, but to their credit, our young team stuck to the task at hand and produced two fantastic goals to stun the opposition
and silence the crowd, to win a really exciting match 4-3. Well done to all the boys, who now must prepare to take on JPC, next
The Open Boys Futsal Team won the local championship last week, beating CCCS
10-0 in the Semi Final and coming from behind to beat Bellingen 4-2 in a very exciting
and hard fought Grand Final. Congratulations Boys!
A “Try Rugby” night will be held on Friday 12 April at Coffs Harbour Rugby grounds
on Hogbin Drive. This is for ALL age groups and is a fun way for those who haven’t
tried Rugby before to come and have a go and learn some basic Rugby skills.
Upcoming events:
Wednesday 10 April – 2nd Round Bill Turner Cup; 10.00am at JPC
Wednesday 10 April – Bill Turner Trophy,; 1.00pm at Orara High School
Term 2
Wednesday 8 May – NCIS Touch Football Carnival - Murwillumbah
Wednesday 8 May – Junior Primary Cross Country, BDC
Jim Webber
Sports Administrator K-12
college community
important dates and events
9 April
10 April
11 April
12 April
Bell Shakespeare - Macbeth (Year 9)
Bill Turner Cup (Girls)
7-12 Social
Medieval Day (Year 8)
Term 1 concludes
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Issue # 10
5 April | 2013
College News
out of school hours care
This week the OSHC children have been learning all about sun safety and healthy living. This week
we learnt about healthy eating and how to use ordinary ingredients to create delicious treats.
Children got to make yummy banana muffins down in the OSHC room. We also had various
competitions through out the week including running races, skipping competitions and ball
We are also happy to announce the winners of the Easter Colouring competition. Taking 1st place
was Amber Davidson with her masterpiece work, 2nd Place went to Georgina Morrall, 3rd place
went to Reese McErvale and 4th place to Jasmeh Kaur. A big pat on the back to everyone who
entered the competition you all did a great job.
Next week we will be continuing to learn about sun safety and healthy living. We will be looking into
the food pyramid and creating our own pyramid.
Parents And Friends
Dyslexia Interest/Support Group
We are having another get together next Tuesday 9 April at 10am. Come along for cup of coffee and a chat at the Rainforest Café.
We’re catching up and planning the where to from here. Anyone with an interest in Dyslexia is welcome Any queries please contact
Susan Robertson on 0414 343 027 or
Calling for Expressions of Interest!
Want to be involved in your child’s schooling? The P&F currently have an email group that is often used to inform parents of upcoming
P&F/College events, news, volunteer requests etc. You do not have to be a P&F member to be included, so if you want to help out
every once in a while or just want to hear about upcoming events or information please email
Mother’s Day – Sunday, 12th May 2013
Mother’s Day is on Sunday, 12th May and the P&F will be holding their very popular Mother’s Day stall on Wednesday, 8th May. If
you would like your child/children to be able to choose a gift for their mother, step-mum, guardian or Nan, please book your gift(s)
on TryBooking, via the College Website before 29 April to avoid running out of gifts on the day.
Next P&F Meeting – Monday 20 May, 6.30pm
Don’t forget our next meeting is on Monday 20 May at 6.30pm in the Senior Common Room. We will be voting on the proposal
to hand over the Canteen Management from the P&F to the College. Please come along for information and discussion about the
College and upcoming events, refreshments provided.
Contact Us
For more information, to view our Constitution or read our latest meeting minutes, click on “Our Community” then “Parents and
Friends” on the College Website. We look forward to your support.
President: Allan Williams 0408 332 082
P & F email:
Next Meeting: 20 May 2013, 6.30pm in the Senior Common Room - refreshments provided
The Bishop Druitt College Parents and Friends Association is an organisation that supports the aims and objectives of the College. It does so through the promotion of
fundraising, fellowship, friendship and fun.
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