Issue #06 - 04 March - Bishop Druitt College
Issue #06 - 04 March - Bishop Druitt College
BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 College News From The Principal Last Friday, I attended a forum in Sydney hosted by the NSW Ombudsman ’16 Years of Reportable Conduct – What we have learnt and where we are heading’. Professor John McMillan, Acting Ombudsman, the Hon Brad Hazzard, NSW Minister for Family and Community Services and Social Housing, and NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione addressed the forum. Panels ran throughout the day, and the 800 delegates heard from a range of experts in the field of child protection. Our sector was represented by the Association of Independent Schools NSW (AISNSW). It was refreshing to hear the commitment to child protection from all sectors of child care – out of home care; education and early childhood; children and young people with disability; and religious and community bodies. BDC has four trained child protection investigators. Our policy is to refer any serious matters to AISNSW for professional advice and action. We offer an annual professional learning session for all staff. On Tuesday, I attended the NCIS swimming carnival in Lismore. It was terrific to see so many of our swimmers achieve fabulous results in the pool. These students were fine ambassadors for the school, and many have been rewarded by selection to swim at the CIS carnival in Sydney in March (Primary) and April (Secondary). Thank you to Mrs Hilton, Mr Kelleher, Mr Penny, Ms Bird, Mr Murtha and the many parents who supported the day. Parents are reminded that the top car park is not a drop off or pick up point for students. Please use the Kiss and Ride area. Dropping or picking up students at peak times is unsafe, and causes disruption to traffic flow from the Kiss and Ride area. Your assistance is appreciated. For your convenience, I have listed the 2017 term dates below. Congratulations this week to: • Sam Carswell (3) who placed 1st in 70m, 100m and 60m Hurdles, 2nd in Long jump at the Regional Little Athletics championships in Newcastle • Tom Neal (7) who captained the winning Under 12’s Coffs Harbour inter-district cricket grand final, taking 3 wkts, a catch and scoring 49 runs • Jesse Robinson (12, ’15) whose major Textiles work from last year’s HSC was presented as one of the best 29 Major Works in the state at Rose Hill on Thursday the following students who competed at the NCIS swimming carnival: • The BDC Primary Swim team for winning the NCIS Swimming shield • Sylas Phillips (4) – equal Junior Boy’s Champion • Kaleah Doherty (5) – 11yr Girl’s Champion • Keira Williams (6) – 11yr Girl’s Runner Up • Millie Robinson (6) – Senior Girl’s Champion • Harry Ward (6) – Senior Boy’s Champion • Tayla Hall (7) – 13yr Women’s Champion • Lucy Alkemade (8) – 14yr Women’s Champion • Max Jones (9) – 15yr Men’s Champion • Georgia Ensbey (10) - 16yr Women’s Runner Up • Keaan Van Venrooij (11) – 16 yr Men’s Champion • Luke Mallia (11) – 17yr Men’s Champion • Sean O’Reilly (11) – 17yr Men’s Runner Up • Lachlan O’Reilly (12) – Men’s Champion Record Breakers: Sylas Phillips (4) 10 & under 200IM, 3:24.28; Harry Ward (6) Snr Boy’s 50m Breaststroke 41.68; Snr Men’s Relay Sean O’Reilly (11), Luke Mallia (11), Keaan Van Venrooij (11) and Lachlan O’Reilly (12) 1:49.35 STRANGER DANGER This week, two of our Year 5 boys were approached by a stranger. The boys were approached by a man in a white van after they got off the bus and were walking home. The man drove past them, turned around and came back stopping his van and staring at the boys for approximately 30 seconds. The man then made a move to get out of the van and move towards the boys and both boys instinctively turned and ran into the nearest house. The man then quickly got back into his van and drove away. The police have been informed. We will reiterate the ‘stranger danger’ message with students at school assemblies and in classes. Please have this discussion with your children, outlining the safety strategies they might follow if confronted by a threatening or suspicious stranger. Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 1 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE Firm Foundations Bright Futures COFFS HARBOUR Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 College News 2017 Term Dates (Students) Term 1 Tuesday, 31 Jan to Friday, 7 Apr Term 2 Monday, 24 Apr to Friday, 23 Jun Term 3 Monday, 17 Jul to Friday, 22 Sep Term 4 Monday, 9 Oct to Wednesday, 6 Dec Easter Good Friday 14 April, Easter Monday, 17 April Alan Ball Principal Chaplain’s Chat view the current edition of the North Coast Anglican Newspaper Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 So often in history, churches have been places where children need to be quiet and wait while the adults have their time together. As School Chaplain, it is my job to turn this upside down. I am passionate about inviting children and young people to be the leaders and creators of faith experiences and the adults in the school often learn so much as they step into these special moments. Adults are not the experts on faith – in fact Jesus told adults to learn from children if they wanted to understand more about what it means to be part of his way of living, his ‘kingdom of heaven’ (Matthew 18:3). I love my ministry because I spend my days immersed in the very important and serious work of children’s spirituality which, is playful, earnest, inspiring, innovative and a place for growth. Our school has space for variety in ways students explore and express faith. We have times of engaging in the very formal and traditional liturgical rituals of the church. These are sacred and special moments where we are invited to experience the awe of our place in creation and church history. And we have times where we sit in a circle to create and share our own faith experiences. As part of extending the diversity of opportunities to express faith at school, I am in the process of starting a lunchtime bible study fellowship group for students in secondary school. This is a group for students who really want to explore and extend their faith. I’m also looking for student leaders for this. This is a great opportunity for leadership – if you know your daughter or son might be gifted in this area, please encourage them to volunteer to be part of the team. Rev Naomi Cooke Chaplain secondary school from the head of secondary During the year our Year 12 student leaders each present a ‘Senior Spotlight’ at assembly. This is an opportunity for them to talk about something that is important to them, that they feel passionate about and inspire our community. This week our first speech was from Alexis Warncken and she presented her ideas in the form of Slam Poetry. It was an inspiring presentation and I have included it today for everyone to enjoy. Hi everyone My name is Alexis and I have been at Bishop Druitt College since kindergarten. This is my slam poetry senior spotlight, I hope you enjoy it! Appreciation. You need to recognise the full worth of something to be grateful. Grasp the implications in your inexperienced hands to entirely understand what you don’t know. Appreciation. This so called “freedom” that you speak of so highly is nothing but a profound lie that your minds conjure up to ease your educational pain. Yet with freedom comes employment, with freedom comes bills and taxes, with freedom comes a vast bundle of responsibilities that you have not yet grappled. Once, just once, once in your life you will attend school, grow up with these wonderful humans for… 13 years… of schooling gone, lost in oblivion. The incredible opportunity, the GIFT of education, that was so delicately presented to you by your parents, will perish. Yet, these memories, the Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 2 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 College News time you dropped your violin, the time that red shirt got the last cheese melts, the time you rang the primary school bell, the time you got your first 100%, those 57 times you had a ball thrown at your head, and those 6 times you called Mrs Colman ‘mum’. These, these are the moments, the GIFTS, that you only appreciate once you say goodbye, au revior, sbohem, totsiens, adios, see ya mate. Could you comprehend being shot in the head by the Taliban? Why? Why would I speak of this? Pakistan, 2012. Malala Yousafzai fought for her RIGHT to an education. A females RIGHT to an education. Females are lesser, lower, useless, yet vital for the reproduction of the very being that may shoot that same woman in the head. Her fight for a RIGHT to an education it not forgotten, it is concealed, buried beneath the Pakistani soil, yet engraved into society and honored by the Nobel peace prize. WE. We are ALL privileged, yet we do not necessarily appreciate what we have been blessed with. Advocating for education in Australia is unheard of yet not unknown, advocating for education in Pakistan shows courage, tenacity, audacity, in the face of death, inspiration! Malala you’re an inspiration to my education! Malala taught me to appreciate the fact we have the pleasure of going to a wonderful school, today, everyday needing not to worry if we will be returning home this afternoon. No recognition, no label, no joke, no award, could inspire me more to appreciate my year group, the class of 2016, I love you. My teachers, the roots of my knowledge, with smiles that could make flowers grow with beauty beyond the eyes desire. You inspire me, I appreciate you, for every little thing that you have and will do, for it will be no more. Graduation. Will strip us of the best years of our lives, but our appreciation of the gift of school is the limiting factor that will keep us together. My broken heart and shriveled brain capacity and its inability to absorb, reabsorb my memories, OUR memories, is something that I should have valued from day 1. Appreciation. Carmel Spry Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary) PASTORAL CARe FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL CARE Getting the most from 2016 Goal setting at the start of each school year is an important activity that we encourage all of our students to do. Setting goals can help set students on a pathway to success. Andrew Fuller the internationally acclaimed clinical psychologist that visited BDC last year has highlighted 13 important goals that students should consider which may help make 2016 a great year. 1. Build positive relationships with everyone you know. One of the ways of reducing your stress levels is to set out to have as many positive friendships this year as you can. 2. Challenge yourself. You are much, much smarter than you know. If you practice doing your best in life you will succeed because very few people ever practice doing their best. 3. Prepare yourself for learning. Implement ways to reduce distractions, at least for a few hours at a time, else learning will become a frustrating experience. 4. Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep helps you to manage stress, stay happy and also increases your marks. You need at least 8 hours and sometimes as much as 9 and a quarter hours a night. 5. Eat breakfast every day. You often learn best at school in the morning and it helps to have some protein in you to feed your brain. A lack of protein can actually cause headaches. 6. Do the most important things first. Get into the habit of being organised and effective. Write a to-do list each week. Ask yourself the question, “What is the one thing I could do this week in each subject area that would improve my results?” Then do it. 7. Use your time well. If you can focus and listen well while at school you can save yourself endless hours of having to catch up. 8. From little things big things grow. Do a little bit often. Succeeding at school can be easy if you do a little bit each day. 9. Focus and immerse yourself. For at least some time every day switch all forms of technology off and focus on whatever you’re studying. 10. Don’t try to predict the future. Don’t spend the year thinking how awful your results could be. Just do the most important things first and do them regularly. 11. Be curious. Look out for and learn things that are fun and interesting. 12. Play more. Lack of blood flow is a common reason for lack of concentration. Get active! Getting your blood flowing sharpens both concentration and recall. 13. Decide to be happy. Have a look at the things in your life you can feel lucky that you have. Appreciate the people who like you and love you. Make the most of the moment and seize the day. Have a fantastic year. Jamie Murgatroyd Director of Pastoral Care SECONDARY IMPORTANT DATES – TERM 1 Year 7 Immunisations – Wednesday 9th March (9.00am – 12.30pm) Stage 6 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews – Wednesday 9th March (4.00pm – 8.00pm) Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations – Monday 14th March to Thursday 24th March inclusive Year 7 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews – Wednesday 16th March (4.00pm – 8.00pm) Year 10 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews – Wednesday 23rd March (4.00pm – 8.00pm) Easter Weekend – Friday 25th March to Monday 28th March inclusive. Secondary Cross Country – Monday 4th April (during Sport) Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 3 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 aboriginal and torres strait islander education College News Reconciliation Action Plan The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was first established in 2015 for BDC. This is an important evolving document that outlines our school’s commitment and accountability to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and to the students and families that access our school, as well as the community of which we are a part. It is envisioned that our RAP will be instrumental in strengthening the relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, both within our school and into our community. The initial stages of our RAP focused on community consultation, with members of our school community and wider community invited to share their ideas and visions for BDC. This process was very successful, with a number of the initiatives outlined in our RAP, coming from these initial consultations. Our RAP focuses on the three main areas of Relationships, Respect and Opportunities, with a number of activities and initiatives outlined under each category such as: building local resources and connections; dual cultural signage of public spaces; continuation of cultural programs; creating and maintaining meaningful relationships with our local Goori community; incorporating Gumbaynggirr language and providing opportunities for staff to build and extend their knowledge and application of local Aboriginal content. Please see an overview of our RAP at the end of this newsletter. Congratulations - This fortnight we congratulate Zac Hart, Jaydyn Hoskins and William Crowe for their powerful and meaningful Acknowledgement of Country speeches at the secondary assemblies. Ms Fiona Webb and Mr Louis Van Dartel Secondary Learning Resource Centre LANGUAGES NEWS French study tour to New Caledonia Unfortunately I have not received enough expressions of interest to be able to go ahead with this tour. I would like to encourage students who were intending to go on this tour to explore the opportunities below. Exchange Opportunities Two exchange organisations will be holding evening information sessions in Coffs Harbour this month: WEP (World Education Program) Coffs Harbour Community Village 22 Earl St Thursday 17 March 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Student Exchange Australia New Zealand The Professional Centre 9 Park Ave (next to Woolworths) Wednesday 23 March Representatives from the exchange organisations will also be giving a short presentation at the college on Friday 18th March during lunch (1.30pm – 2.10pm) in C2. Early-bird rates are available from both organisations if you apply this month. Student Exchange Australia New Zealand also has scholarships they are currently offering. The deadline for these is 31 March. For more information about exchange go to the websites listed above or see the Languages staff. Year 8 Language Playoffs Congratulations to 8C French who won the Year 8 Language playoffs with a grand total score of over 9000 points. Enjoy your class party! Congratulations also to individual students Jordan Hill (8A), Asra Salman (8C) and Kyah Lintner (8E) who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd with 4069, 3526 and 1640 points respectively. Well done! Katherine Wyndham Head of Languages Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 4 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 College News OnSTAGE I can confidently speak on behalf of Year 12 Drama student in saying that our recent excursion to OnStage in Sydney was an enlightening experience. From the moment we arrived we were rushed from place to place ensuring we kept to our tight schedule of workshops and performance experiences. First, we participated in an Onstage workshop where we filled our logbooks with techniques that make a Band 6 Drama performance. Shortly after that we arrived at OnStage Program One. The standard was amazing and when the performances wrapped up, our Year 12 Drama class collectively wondered how we could possibly live up to that standard of performance. Going to sleep was a challenge that night as our minds were overwhelmingly inspired, spinning with ideas and thoughts regarding our year ahead. The next morning we had the privilege of watching “Life Without Me”, one of the Australian plays that we are studying this year. This was incredibly beneficial for us as we witnessed an interpretation of the set, lighting and the characters of this play. We also visited the Performing Arts Bookstore where many of us read and purchased books to use as part of our IP monologue process. That night it was OnStage Program 2 which encouraged us to believe in our own abilities, even though we were still amazed by the standout group and monologue pieces. Writers Onstage took place on our final day in Sydney and included a variety of thought-provoking and incredibly well executed short films and scripts, some of which induced a few students to shed a tear (or many). Overall, our OnStage excursion was a learning experience for all of us. For some, it made us rethink our original ideas regarding performance entirely and for others, it reinforced their original ideas. However, it is realistic to state that none of the students that went on this excursion returned home without having acquired ideas or thoughts on their plans for Drama in Year 12. Ella-Louise Wooldridge Year 12 Drama Student VISUAL ARTS Year 10 students are learning how to use oil paints and as such have done a study of the Australian artist Brett Whiteley. Here is the work of Rose Simmonds! Rebecca Brown Visual Arts Teacher SHAVE FOR A CURE – YEAR 12 FUNDRAISER Hello all, my name is Matthew and I am a member of the student leadership team and at lunchtime on Friday 11th March we have organised a fundraiser for the Leukaemia Foundation’s ‘Shave for a Cure’. We have a multitude of Year 12 students shaving their heads and waxing their legs to raise money and awareness for this important cause. Our goal is to raise $4000 but to do that we need everyone’s help. By donating $1 or $2 you can help us reach our goal, and we can help people in our community and elsewhere who are suffering from this disease. Year 12 students will be waiting at parent pick-up and at the front of the school, where buses arrive, with buckets collecting donations for this cause. We also have an online site where you can sponsor specific students shaving or waxing or donate to the school. The link to the website for BDC is http:// Please help, for it is important to so many. Matthew Robertson Captain and Student Leader Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 5 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 primary school College News from the head of primary I spoke at assembly yesterday about a little boy who has struggled with his learning over a number of years. He would not write a sentence last year and found it very difficult to focus. Yesterday he brought me a three page story that he had written, not only could he read it to me, but he had remembered full stops, commas and speech marks. He didn’t notice the tears in my eyes, I was so proud of him for the effort he has made. But it was not only he that made the effort. This was a huge commitment from his mum and dad and his teachers. No one gave up on him. After assembly he came to me and said, “Was that me you were talking about, Mrs Lisle?” When I nodded yes, his face beamed and he ran off with a huge grin on his face. Sometimes we forget how hard it is for some children to come to school and perform just like everyone else. I believe our school caters so well for all our children (I know I should call them students but they are more than this). Every single one of them is unique and special and most have to struggle at some point. I am happy to say we are here to help them on their journeys. Hopefully in the next couple of days you will receive a letter in the mail explaining about our Parent Lounge. As we are just learning our new system, please be patient if there is a ‘glitch’, we are still learning ourselves. Next Monday you will get an email explaining how to book in for our Parent/Teacher/Student interviews that will be conducted from Tuesday – Thursday, 15-17 March. This will be done via the Parent Lounge and as the year progresses you will see many other applications appear. This is part of our ongoing effort to communicate better with our College community. Have a lovely weekend, everyone Karin Lisle Assistant Principal (Head of Primary) writers of the week The Year 1/2 group of the ELC have been constructing descriptive sentences using nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Here are some of our descriptive sentences about our topic, ‘Farms’ Here are some of ELC’s masterpieces in Art. Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 6 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE College News FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 The Lost Thing Orientation “Muuuuuuuuuuum!!!” I screamed. “What?!” Mum said. “I’m going to the old farm,” I said. “Ok, see ya”. When I got there, there was something that didn’t quite fit. It had a sort of sad lost look on it so I went over to look at it. It looked like a weird rockstar pig and then I heard a shout coming from the abandoned house so I decided to investigate. by Noa Baudet-Cook 3/4H The Lost Thing Orientation “Ahhh, what a nice morning,” I thought as my friend and I were driving in our golf buggy. Suddenly we bumped into something and our buggy stopped. Curiously, we stepped out of the old machine and looked in front of the car. by Caitlin Kerr 3/4H Here is a story that was created as a group effort by the 6F writing group. It is structured on the plot ideas of Goldilocks and crafted into a new narrative. CRUISIN WITH JUSTIN BEIBER “Bob don’t you dare!” Bob’s despondent mother knew it was useless. ‘All the trouble I can do on this a ship is unlimited,’ he told himself. In a flash he saw his moment. Bob swiftly pick pocketed a ticket from an unsuspecting lady’s hand bag and grabbed an unattended golden suitcase with the initials J.B embossed on the front.. Without hesitation he clambered up the walkway trying to look as natural as possible. Handing the attendant the ticket, Bob couldn’t believe his good fortune when the employee’s attention became focused on Justin Beiber almost floating up the V.I.P. gangway and onto the ship. Bob seized the moment and kept walking before any suspicion was aroused. When he was out of sight Bob breathed a sigh of relief. He turned a number of corners and headed up stairs ditching the suitcase as he ventured deeper into the boat. Out of the Blue there was Justin Beiber linking arms with Taylor Swift as they departed in the opposite direction, no doubt looking for the closest bar. ‘Jackpot!’ he whispered to himself, charging for the slightly ajar door. In a flash he was in. Soundlessly slipping through the gap letting the door close behind him. The strong smell of deodorant filled his nostrils. While the hint of mischief filled his thoughts. Curiosity. Adrenaline. Possibilities! When Bob finally got over the sparkles and shimmers he found a spot on the luxurious leather sofa. Bob thought, ‘First class alright!’ Sitting next to him in the corner of the room was Beiber’s expensive egg collection. They were too good to resist. “EGGCELLENT! Time to make some scrambled eggs.” Bob said out loud. After throwing the last of the 3 dozen eggs onto the walls, windows and the chandelier something caught Bob’s attention. UNLEASHED, THE ALBUM! ‘Hmmm I save this for later!’ Jackets, pants, socks. It was like a department store. First he tried some shirts on. They were all too big. Feeling like he failed he headed to his undie collection the first gold pair he put on were way too small. “What are these, like size 1?” Bob’s voice went an octave higher and he couldn’t get them off. Finally the young wrongdoer tried on a pair of slip on golden sneakers. ‘Eureka, these are just right but man I gotta find a way to get these undies off!” Not yet done, Bob headed for the toilet and bathroom area, As he pushed back the toilet door he almost fell over. A golden toilet! Sitting conveniently next to the toilet was J.B’s iphone 30ST. Toilet Selfie time! Even more conveniently placed was a CD player. Bob took a number of dodgy selfies and placed Unleashed into the player. Sadly, listening to the opening track made him feel ill and he fainted. Justin and Taylor were settling into a lovely duet on stage when Beiber felt his other iphone vibrate in his pocket. upon opening it he instantly saw Bob pulling weird faces on his golden toilet seat. In his shirt, in his undies and on his Instagram account. Without hesitation J.B ran back to his room and stormed into the bathroom to confront the trespasser. In the biggest atomic wedgie the world had ever seen, without thinking, J.B picked up the intruder . Past the egg disaster and over the rail of the ship he was flung. Bob saw his life flash before his eyes. Luckily, his golden shoes were the floating kind. As he drifted off into the distance he could hear the faint voice of Justin Beiber call ”You can keep the undies. They’re too big anyway!” Musical Notes MUSIC • Primary music - primary music is ‘humming’ along. Stage 1 is exploring percussion and ostinatos with Mrs Meulenbroeks, Mr Penny and Mrs Stuart. Stage 2 has started strings with Ms Ray and recorders with Mrs Stuart and Stage 3 is enjoying their guitar program. • Primary choirs are also up and running. ELC and Kindergarten are learning a special song to sing for the Easter bunny at our hat parade this year. Stage 1 are singing lots of action songs and Year 3 are lucky to have Mrs Meulenbroeks share her song from Holland with them (after they conquer the tongue twisters!). Years 4, 5 and 6 are rehearsing for the Multicultural Harmony Festival on 20 March (notes have been emailed home) and they are also learning pieces for our Easter service with Mrs Meulenbroeks, Mrs Stuart and Mr Condon. There is a lot happening in primary classroom music! Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 7 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE College News FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 • Lower strings tuition – Charlotte Hayes has left the college. We are in the process of engaging a new lower strings tutor and will advise the outcome of this in due course. • Assembly performances – Concert Band will be performing ‘Sway’ at secondary assembly on Thursday 10th March. The orchestra will be performing ‘Tu Too Tango’ at secondary assembly on Thursday 1st April. A reminder to all instrumental students, particularly those in secondary, that slots are available for you to perform individually at assembly and we strongly encourage this. Please talk to your instrumental tutor and Mr Hodges. • Secondary choir – After a hiatus last year, the secondary choir is returning, bigger and better than ever! Cathryn Burgess will be running this exciting choir every Wednesday at lunchtime, starting next Wednesday 9th March. All secondary students are welcome (you don’t have to be learning an instrument or singing) and it promises to be a whole lot of fun. Please bring your lunch and your friends! • Orchestra folders – Those students who went on the Japan Tour at the end of last year and are no longer in the orchestra, please return your black folders to Music administration as soon as possible. Dale Condon Head of Music K-12 sport & outdoor education SPORT Congratulations to the 54 swimmers that competed at the NCIS Regional Swimming Carnival on Tuesday in Lismore. The champions and runners up have been congratulated in the Principals report. NSWCIS Secondary permission notes will be ready to be collected on Monday from the Sport Administration Office. Football The first round of the boys CIS Football cup was played on Thursday the 3rd of March. With limited preparation time a squad of 16 took on The Armidale School (TAS) here at Bishop Druitt College. It was to be a long game for the boys as the ball travelled from end to end at a frenetic pace. TAS boasted some solid defenders coupled with some pacey strikers that in the end brought about the first goal. A through ball finding it’s way through the defence before being cut back & tucked away passed Will Booth. Missed penalties either side of the break showed signs that it might not be our day however, the boys showed tremendous fight to dominate the second half. So much so, that with 30 seconds to go James Murray (Year 11) latched onto a through ball from Keaan Van Venrooij (Year 11) to chest it down & volley home from 18 yards (for you non sporty folk, it was a quality goal that sent the game to penalties). Cool heads from Will Booth, James Lowe, Andre Pocilujcko & Bill Shanahan meant we eventually won the penalty shoot out 4-3. Thanks to Mr Andrews & Mr Verbruggen for their tactical nous. On to the second round ! National Primary Games These fantastic games are on 9 & 10 April this year. If you would like more information please go to Last year we took basketball, netball, rugby 7’s and some water polo players to Tamworth for this great event. In 2016, I am hoping BDC can take some teams up again. The games are mainly for Year 5 & 6 students, except for rugby 7’s this year as the dates clash with the TAS rugby carnival. Darren Jameson has volunteered to take a Yr 3/4 rugby 7’s team to Tamworth, so if your son is interested in being part of this please let me know. BDC has a great representation in basketball, touch football, football, netball, mountain biking, tennis and several other sports that are included in the games. I would love BDC to represent in as many sports as possible. However, entering teams relies on great parent support and I appreciate all the voluntary support that sport receives from parents. Please contact if you would like any more information or can help out at the games. Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 8 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE College News FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 Upcoming Events Wednesday 9 Mar – NCIS Football Gala Day, TAS, Armidale Wednesday 9 Mar – Secondary Rugby League 9’s, Coffs Harbour Tuesday 15 Mar – Yr 9/10 Indoor Cricket, Coffs Harbour Wednesday 16 Mar – NSW Netball Schools Cup, Coffs Harbour Tuesday 22 Mar – Yr 7/8 Indoor Cricket, Coffs Harbour Thursday 24 Mar – NSWCIS Cup, Open girls, Port Macquarie Wednesday 30 Mar – Coffs Coast Primary Rugby 7’s, Coffs Harbour Thursday 31 Mar – Bill Turner Cup, U15 Boys, BDC Monday 4 April – Secondary Cross Country, BDC Wednesday 6 April – Bill turner Trophy, U15 Girls, BDC Friday 8 – Sunday 10 April – National Primary Games, Tamworth Friday 8 – Sunday 10 April – TAS Rugby Carnival, Armidale OUTDOOR EDUCATION Information regarding Year 5 camp is still being collated and will be sent home in the coming week. The great news is that we are reintroducing the Year 1 Outdoor Education program in 2016. The Year 1 students will undertake a day of games, team building activities and shelter building to coincide with the Yr 1 curriculum. Beth Hilton Sport Administrator and Outdoor Education Coordinator K-12 college community important dates and events 9 March 9 March 9 March 14 March 16 March Immunisations - Round 1 Stage 6 Parent-Teacher Interviews Kindy Reading Information Session Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations commence Year 7 Parent-Teacher Interviews More on the College Calendar ALUMNI Beth Condon (HSC 2009) - following a one-year exchange to France in 2007, she attended Bishop Druitt College from 2008 to 2009 where she completed her Year 11 and 12 studies. She graduated in 2012 from Melbourne University with a Bachelor of Arts degree (double major in French and Sociology). Beth decided to pursue her career as a musician so completed a Bachelor of Music Performance (viola) in 2015. Beth was awarded the David Helfgott Scholarship by the Coffs Harbour Regional Conservatorium for instrumentalists under age 21 in 2009 and is the 2013 Corinna D’Hage Mayer string scholarship recipient at the University of Melbourne. She participated in Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO) projects in 2013, 2014 and 2015 and was invited to play with the ANAM (Australian National Academy of Music) Orchestra under Simone Young in 2014. In February 2014 Beth was awarded grants from Global Mobility to enable an exchange to the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland learning under Lilli Maijala. She performed with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra in May 2015 as part of the AYO mentorship program and in December toured Australia as a member of the orchestra for Hugh Jackman’s ‘Broadway to Oz’ show, which played to packed audiences. In 2016 Beth has taken up a position to tour Europe with the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) and the AYO and has recently been invited to play viola in a newly formed Australia String Quartet. concert%20program%20March%202015.pdf Former students are encouraged to maintain their contact details on our alumni database by email me on Copies of The Collegian – 20 Years On – can be purchased from the college or online at Scott Rodham Alumni Officer and Archivist Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 9 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 College News Parents And Friends Parents Join us for quick, informative and friendly Parents and Friends Association meetings. Don’t worry, you won’t be given a job - all committee positions are already filled! Our focus is on building our school community and fundraising is only a small part of what we do. We meet on the third Monday of each month (varies between daytime and night-time) for a one-hour meeting with refreshments and socialising after. Find out what is happening at your child’s school, as heads of primary, secondary and our principal Alan Ball, report each month. Can’t make meetings? Contact us to join an email list of people we keep informed about P&F, or find us under “Our Community” on the school website for links to information and our Facebook page. Next Meeting: 2.00pm, Monday 14 March in the Roger Oates Centre. Contact Us President: Claire Simmonds 0415 495 010 P&F email: travel concession Cards 2016 NSW School Pupil Identification Cards, allowing travel concessions, are available at the Front Office for students who have reached 16 years of age and over attending a certified day school. These cards permit pupils/students to travel at the discounted rate of fare on all CityRail trains, State Transit and privately operated buses and government ferries for journeys to and from sport, evening, weekend and vacation travel. Concession cards will also be available for interstate rail journeys on Countrylink services as indicated on the back of the card. Full fee-paying overseas students are not entitled for a concession card. Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 10 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE COFFS HARBOUR FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 6 4 March | 2016 Nar r agunnawali ReconciliationinSchoolsandEarlyLearning College News ReconciliationActionPlan BishopDruittCollege iscommittingtothefollowingactionstowardsreconciliationin2016 RELATIONSHIPS AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeopleintheclassroom CulturallearningopportunitiesforAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderstudentsandchildren Intheclassroom Aroundtheschoolor earlylearningservice AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderrepresentationoncommittees EldersandTraditionalO wnerssharehistoriesandcultures Culturalawarenessforstaff RAPapprovedbyPrincipalorDirector Wholeschoolorearlylearningservicereconciliationprojects CelebrateNationalReconciliationWeek Culturalawarenessforstudentsandchildren Withthecommunity RESPECT Intheclassroom Aroundtheschoolor earlylearningservice Withthecommunity Teachaboutreconciliation Teachaboutdaysofnationalsignificance ExploreAboriginalandTorresStraitIslandercontemporaryissues AcknowledgementofCountry WelcometoCountry VisiblydemonstraterespectforAboriginalandTorresStraitIslandercultures Celebratedaysofnationalsignificance AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderflags PhysicalAcknowledgementofCountry RAPlaunch OPPORTUNITIES Intheclassroom Aroundtheschoolor earlylearningservice Embedcross-curriculumpriority-SchoolSpecific Curriculumplanning AustralianProfessionalStandardsforTeachers-SchoolSpecific Inclusivepolicies StaffmeetingabouttheRAP RAPbudgetallocation CelebrateRAPprogress TeachaboutAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderLanguages Withthecommunity Signature(s) Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic Date | Page 11
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