Issue #14 - 15 May - Bishop Druitt College
Issue #14 - 15 May - Bishop Druitt College
BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 From The Principal College News Next week, I will send parents an invitation to donate to our Building Fund’s major project for 2015. We wish to erect covered walkways throughout the campus. This will provide much needed shelter for our students, staff and visitors as they walk around BDC. In recent times, we have provided shelter at the new Kiss and Ride area, and will link this to the Roger Oates Centre in the coming weeks. Whether it is irony or bad luck, it often rains hardest when our students are arriving at or leaving school. In the afternoons, this is particularly a problem at bus lines. There is almost no shelter and too often, our children must get wet before getting onto their buses. Our intention is to fix this unsatisfactory situation as soon as we can. To that end, I will invite parents, carers and friends of BDC to make tax-deductible donations to our building fund before the end of the financial year. Previously, donations to these special project appeals have allowed us to install lockers for all students in the Secondary School, as well as completing the playground that houses the play equipment that was donated by the P&F. I look forward to seeing this project unfold over the next twelve months. It will be a wonderful outcome for our children. Congratulations this week to: • Reece Fretten (6), who became a black belt in the Korean art of Taekwondo on 24 April. A fantastic achievement! • Serena Waters (8) who has been selected to play in the NSWCIS Open girls basketball team Alan Ball Principal Chaplain’s Chat view the current edition of the North Coast Anglican Newspaper This week has proved to be an interesting time with the machinations of politics leading up to release of a new budget by the Government. In contrast to this has been the terrible news of another earthquake in Nepal, which has resulted in further devastation and loss of life. Both of these events lead us to question the attitudes and values of governments and individuals. I recently read a quote by Jacob ‘Jack’ Lew who served as the 25th White House Chief of Staff from 2012 to 2013, and prior to as Director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Clinton and Obama Administrations. Lew said, “The budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations.” Lew’s quote caused me to think about ‘the expression of our values’ as a nation and aspirations for the future. Not only in Australia but also in a world where 10% of the population hold 90% of wealth. On reading the newspaper on Wednesday it was disappointing to see that our government has reduced the amount of foreign aid in the budget by $3.7 billion dollars over the next three years on top of the 1 billion cut in overseas aid previously. Africa, which contains 18 of the poorest countries in the world, will see aid drop by 70%. Ironically the devastated country of Nepal will suffer a budget cut of 40% to the Nepalese Aid Program. These figures draw us to think about values, aspirations, generosity and hospitality. The hospitable spirit of God transcends mere tolerance and tokenism, and passive benevolence of the powerful towards the less favored. The transformative power of Jesus’ life and mission was evident in the divine hospitality expressed through his generosity to all during his life on earth. God’s spirit of hospitality can be identified with the concept of solidarity to all of humanity, regardless of race, religion or gender. Solidarity should not only be an aspiration, but also a moral imperative. It demands a profound conversion of heart, and a conscious commitment to the quest for the common good, as an essential ethical virtue. A quest that reflects the gaze of God that is redemptive and transformative. The disciples, who journeyed on the road to Emmaus were supported by the living presence of the risen Christ and in turn become the traveling companions of their brothers and sisters offering them hospitality. The question for our nation, corporately and individually is, how to we offer hospitality that is ‘an expression of our values and aspirations’? Christ taught us the second greatest commandment, is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39) Blessings, Rev David Morgan Assistant Chaplain Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 1 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 WATOTO CHILDREN’S CHOIR College News Don’t miss the rare and unique opportunity coming to Coffs Harbour! Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda travel the world as advocates for the estimated 50 million African children who are orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS, war, poverty or disease. Each child in the choir has suffered the loss of one or both parents and are now living in a Watoto village in Uganda. Through their unique personalities, the children communicate through vibrant songs, dance and the sharing of their stories, the belonging they have found in God their Father. Come and see these amazing children present their new “Oh What Love” free concert in the hall of Narranga Primary School in Robin Street, West Coffs Harbour (off West High Street) on Sunday 24th May at10am. secondary school from the head of secondary Rights and Responsibilities It is very pleasing to hear many parents, staff and students comment that Bishop Druitt College is a safe and respectful environment and how important this is for them. It is one of our guiding principles in the secondary school. When I interview prospective students, I always tell them that at Bishop Druitt College every student has the right to learn and that no student has the right to interfere with another’s right to learn. Mrs Sue O’Connor, year coordinators, heads of house, counselors and chaplains, our pastoral care team, have committed time and energy this year to reviewing what we publish for our community about behavior. We talk to our students in terms of their rights and responsibilities. There are no major changes to the behavior we have always encouraged – we will continue to talk to students about the guiding principles of respect for all, to encourage acceptance and for our young people to be informed so that their decisions and choices are not made in ignorance. It is not always easy to explain complex concepts such as respect, acceptance and tolerance to students but one of the most common ways we see these concepts in practice is through our manners. It is a credit to parents and families that most of our students use positive manners regularly in their daily interactions with others. It makes working at Bishop Druitt College very enjoyable when our conversations with students are positive and respectful. Winter Uniform 2nd June 2015 Carmel Spry Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary) RECONCILIATION ACTION PLAN Earlier this term a group of parents, teachers and community members gathered to discuss how Bishop Druitt College could proceed with the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan. From this an exciting range of ideas and initiatives has been prioritised. Representatives of the secondary school, staff and students, attended the Recognise event held at the Coffs Harbour Showground to hear local Elders discussing the development of a referendum to have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples included in the constitution. On Thursday 4th June the whole school will gather to celebrate a Reconciliation Week Assembly. We are also developing Personalised Learning Plans for all of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students where they will be setting goals and discussing ways they can develop their academic performance. The RAP Group will be meeting again at the end of Term 2 on Tuesday 9th June at 3:30pm in the ROC to have an informal talk about what has been achieved in Term 2 and to set some specific goals and concrete plans for Term 3. All community and school members are welcome to attend. This will not be a presentation – but a very hands-on planning activity. For more information on the RAP in schools, Reconciliation Australia have a very informative website Kathleen Collin Director of Learning and Teaching LANGUAGE PERFECT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS The Language Perfect World Championships start on Monday 18th May at 8.00am. All language students are already signed up, so if you have forgotten your login and password, please see your language teacher this week to ensure you are ready. There are some fantastic prizes to be won, including a student internship in New Zealand, a Macbook Air, iPads, iPods and iTunes cards. This year students who achieve a gold award will also be in the running to win a student scholarship to France, Japan or Italy to the value of $5000. In addition, Language Perfect will be donating money to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal based on the number of points students earn. The more points, the more funds raised to help the injured and the homeless. So get typing! Katherine Wyndham Head of Languages Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 2 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 College News VISUAL ARTS Year 10 have been studying landscapes in oil painting. Here is Tegan Hannaford’s effort. It appears abstract and allows the students to explore the texture and layering technique required when applying oil paint to canvas. Rebecca Brown Visual Arts Teacher STUDENT ENVIRONMENT GROUP NEWS On Wednesday 6th May a select group of students from the Environment Group set out on a mission to help sustainably preserve and restore our natural habitat, Coffs Harbour. As part of the NPWS Tree Parents Project we have joined forces with other community teams to improve koala habitat in the Bongil Bongil National Park. Our BDC group (the Giant Barred Frogs) have been allocated a two hectare plot within the park and given sixty koala friendly species to plant and nurture. This is a long-term program and will require us to maintain responsibility for our plot over the next 3-5 years. Once we got to Bongil Bongil we met up with NPWS Ranger Martin Smith who provided us with the skills and informed us of the risks. The team then set out in groups, each specialising on different tasks required during the process of planting. This made us productive and efficient. One of our main goals by planting trees such as Tallowwood, Grey Gum and Swamp Mahogany is to hopefully attract koalas back into the area that had been used as tree plantations in the past. After this the group was feeling extremely fulfilled, however, our day was not over yet! We made our way to Sawtell Beach for a clean up. Rubbish is like a weapon if it isn’t disposed of correctly, injuring wildlife and damaging your favourite beaches. We dragged a huge amount of litter from Sawtell Beach and the sad part was that we didn’t have to look very hard. It’s a real eye opener to the negative impact each and every piece of rubbish that is carelessly tossed can add up to and become a significant problem. We must change our attitudes and become aware that it is everyone’s responsibility to do the right thing. Overall congratulations are in order to Mr Bennett and Mrs Lang for making such a day possible. Without their help we wouldn’t be nearly as aware, educated or have such great opportunities come our way. It’s safe to say that doing such things satisfies the need to make a difference and so we will continue on our journey and I hope you will begin yours. Laura Cross – Year 10 Student Environment Group primary school from the head of primary I was pleased to see so many visitors to our Annual Travelling Art Show. There were many fine pieces from our students as well as from other independent schools in the state. It is interesting that there is always that group of parents who support anything going in the school. You are showing your children that school and education are important to you and they will respond to this in a positive way. Many thanks to our fine musicians who played for us this evening, it was great to hear so many pieces being played so expertly. The NAPLAN tests are over for another year, I was happy to see students do their best without too much stress. At this school we already know the students who will do well, and those who will find these types of tests difficult. It is good to have children be challenged in a safe environment, they can build up resilience in this way. E C I V R SE I often ask parents what they want their children to look like as adults. Do they want them to still run home to mum or dad when they have a problem to solve at the age of 35? We really need to help our children accept the responsibility of their actions, to not react to Dynamic • Caring • Optimistic | Page 3 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE College News FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 the slightest hurtful comment, to stand up against people who are not nice to them without negativity. I do know how hard it is when your child is upset about something that has happened in the playground, but we need to support our kids to work out a solution for themselves. Every year the primary school undertakes a program called, ‘SEAL’, that stands for Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. There are seven units of study in the program, look up the details on the internet: htm. At the moment we are all working on ‘Good to be Me’ and exploring all the great things we are and can be. This includes how to resolve conflicts with friends. I have seen a vast improvement in the way students treat each other since the program was introduced over 6 years ago and we will continue to undertake social skills with the support f parents and carers at home. Fundraising Friday will be held at lunchtime on Friday Week 8 (this is Friday Week 4). It is heartening to see so many children who want to help others, this time we will be fundraising for World Vision. We are meeting next Wednesday at lunchtime with all the students who applied to run a stall, so we can help them with the details. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email me. Next Monday night the P & F are holding their monthly meeting and it would be great to see some more faces at the meeting. You are able to discuss things that are going on at school, there is no pressure on anyone to take on jobs! Many thanks to the mums who ran the Mothers Day stall, especially Rachael Roberts who took on the purchasing of gifts and running the organisation. It was heartening to see so many people join us for Mothers Day breakfast as well, a great way to start the morning. I am happy to see parents speak with the class teacher if they have any questions or concerns for their children. Please remember that the coordinators are also there to speak, and also myself. I welcome any parents who have concerns, but I also like to hear about the great things that you notice happening at our school. Have a great weekend, everyone. Karin Lisle Assistant Principal (Head of Primary) Book Fair 2015 Last Thursday the Library held our annual Book Fair and it was another huge day of shopping. The theme this year was ‘Kings, Queens and Castles’. Our doors opened at 8am and the crowds rushed in early. Many Mums took the opportunity to visit the Library after enjoying a lovely Mother’s Day Breakfast in the Branson Centre beforehand. Many books sold out on the day, so if we had to order a book for your child, it should arrive very soon. It will be delivered to your child’s class as soon as possible. Thank you to the many parents who purchased books.The Library benefits greatly from your shopping, as we are able to then choose books for our collection to the value of 35% of our overall sales. This will boost our stock and introduce lots of new titles to the students when they come in to borrow. We have had three competitions running in the lead up to Book Fair this year. Congratulations to the following people who entered and won a prize from the Book Fair. Guessing Competition: K-1 Winner - Flynn Sage 3-4 Winner - Jaskirit Khunkhun 5-6 Winner - Aaron Baker Coat of Arms Designs: K-2 Winner - Indigo Harris 3-4 Winner - Heather Nivison 5-6 Winner - Osca Baudet-Cook Story Writing Competition: K-2 Winner - William Hodgson 3-4 Winner - Tilly Howard 5-6 Winner - Tashi Goodrich Jen Booth Primary Librarian writers of the week ELC have been learning about Cartoons, Then and Now. We have looked at the early cartoons and compared them to cartoons today. We have also been writing Responses to the cartoons. We have been watching videos. The videos told us how to draw cartoons. I think you should watch cartoon videos because they stop and wait for a little while for you. I recommend you should watch these videos. By Winnie Mills Year 2 ELC This week ELC have been learning how to draw cartoons. First we got two bits of paper and watched it and then Mrs Campbell slowed it down at each stage so we could copy it. Most of it was easy because they did it step by step. But one did guidelines to make it easier. I am so surprised that I could draw so well and I recommend other kids and adults should watch. By Layla Oliver Year 2 ELC Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 4 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE College News FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 Today ELC watched a dangerous video called How To Train a Dragon. It was dark and fiery. One dark, dangerous night a little weak boy called Hiccup killed a dragon. Then he got a beautiful girlfriend. Hiccup finally got a girlfriend and married her. I think you should watch it because it has good action. By Duke Easman Year 1 ELC This term 4DJ are learning to write non-fiction texts. Last week we wrote a procedure to explain how to build a winter vegetable garden. Here are two of our procedures by Heather and Arabella. Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic 3C’s writer of the week award goes to Alice Driscoll. She always presents creative and detailed arguments in her persuasive texts and her work is ALWAYS beautifully presented. | Page 5 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE COFFS HARBOUR Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 College News FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE Firm Foundations Bright Futures Yasanthi Grootscholten (3L) Persuasive writing that contains interesting arguments and excellent structure. Musical Notes Travelling Art Show Many thanks to the following primary students who performed (at short notice!) at the Travelling Art Show opening ceremony on Monday night: Luca Foster, Tai Crismale, Hunter Black, Tilly Howard, Isiaha Phillips, Tashi Goodrich, Rose Light and Katie Hodgson. And of course, many thanks to these student’s musical tutors, in particular Mr Santo Cimino. Congratulations To Mrs Bev Babbage for her significant achievement in becoming recognised as an official provider of Music Professional Development for teachers through the BOSTES. Well done Bev! “Anything Goes” This fabulous show continues at the Jetty Theatre this weekend. Be sure to get your tickets soon as it will sell out! Please support the BDC contingent in the cast and crew. Classroom Happenings As part of the unit on Rock Music, Year 8 Music students have been performing Raps or their composition and performance assessments. Some students have really got into the Rap genre with clever lyrics on topics including ‘Climate Change’ and ‘School’, some groups dressing up and some entertaining performances. Pictured are Keelan Singh, Matthew Corcoran, Jonah Summersell, Olivia Gerrard, Lucy Spain and Manahil Afraz. Wind Soiree Students of Mrs Hazel Buchanan will be performing at a Woodwind Soiree on Thursday 21st May at 5:30pm in Music. The aim is to provide a performance opportunity in a relaxed setting for students who are preparing for AMEB exams. We will also be introducing two new woodwind ensembles: Flutissimo and Double or Nothing. Come along to find out what they are! Why do we practice scales and technical work? I work closely with the HSC and senior musicians and enjoy hearing all around me, from 7:45am until well after 4pm each day, a plethora of musical sounds. BDC is very fortunate to be a K-12 school that supports music education so strongly. We have highly credentialed ensembles and music students of very high calibre. It is certainly lovely to hear pieces of music being performed at school assemblies, formal events, soirees, recitals and other. To play a musical instrument well is not easy. It takes many years of hard work and discipline – like it takes to do anything that is meaningful, well. The key to success on any musical instrument is a solid technical grounding. As a serious young piano student, I practised my scales and arpeggios, dominant and diminished sevenths, chromatic scales in single and double octaves … long before I went near my pieces. This technical work ‘warmed up’ my fingers Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 6 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 College News much as an athlete would stretch prior to a run or other sporting activity. I have always practised scales, long before I went to the Melbourne Conservatorium to study Piano. Now, as a serious music educator, I am in a position to pass on these ideas to younger people and share with my colleagues. What applies on the piano, applies for every musical instrument. The trick is to find the time! Here’s an example of someone who did. The following is an extract from Blitz Music Books. Wilhelm Backhaus: (Germany, 1884-1969) Backhaus was a most highly esteemed pianist. One of the greatest Beethoven exponents of his generation, he regularly toured the music centres of the western world, and his brilliant performances would often leave audiences open-mouthed. Asked about his remarkable command of the keyboard and his practice program for the concert stage, Backhaus said: “Personally I practise scales in preference to all other forms of technical exercises when I am preparing for a concert. Add to this arpeggios and Bach, and you have the basis upon which my technical work stands. Pianists who have been curious about my technical accomplishments have apparently been amazed when I have told them that scales are my great technical mainstay – that is, scales plus hard work… and I may reiterate with all possible emphasis, that the source of my technical equipment is scales, scales, scales…” Dates for the diary: Sunday 17th May – Piano Soiree for students of Leanne Swanson Thursday 21st May – Wind Soiree for students of Hazel Buchanan Thursday 28th May – String Soiree for students of Louise Ray Wednesday 10th June – Ensembles Concert Wednesday 17th June – Piano Soiree for students of Liz Jamison Dale Condon Head of Music K-12 sport & outdoor education Football On Monday, the girls U15 Bill Turner Trophy Football team played a tough match against Woolgoolga High. Both teams were equally matched and were unsuccessful with their shots at goal during normal time and pushed the game into extra time. Thankfully after a great cross from Chelsea, Regina scored the winning goal not too far into extra time. I would like to give a special thank you to Tallulah for her great goal keeping skills, especially with the one-on-ones. Also to Cicely Bennett who came from nowhere to save a certain goal in the second half. Thank you to all our support and to the ref and linesmen who helped on the day. Amy Gibbins - Captain Secondary Cross Country Beautiful weather on Friday 1 May saw the Secondary Cross Country finally run and won. Congratulations to O’Shane and Cottee who were joint winners of the house shield. Congratulations to the following students who are the 2015 age champions and runners up. 12 yr Girls Hannah Joseph Alex Hill 12 yr Boys Monyping Malou Tully Portus-Keen 13 yr Girls Kate Murray Lucy Spain 13 yr Boys Thomas Henderson Luke Neal 14 yr Girls Zara Baldwin Sophie Medway 14 yr Boys James Lowe Ishaan Dhabwala 15 yr Girls Cicely Bennett Grace Koster 15 yr Boys Keaarn Van Venrooij Luke Judd 16 yr Girls Laura Cross Ariat Bekele 16 yr Boys Karman Malou James Murray 17 yr Girls Claire Spain Naomi Howe 17 Yr Boys Hamish Martin Jack Conlan 18 yr Girls Annaliese Schoeffel-Weber Zoe Burgess 18 yr Boys Toby McCann Zac Freuden NCIS Regional Cross Country has been run today in Ballina and results will be in next week’s newsletter. Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 7 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 Basketball College News As Term 2 draws to a close, so does the current basketball competition, with most BDC teams qualifying for finals. Good luck to all the teams for the remaining games. If your child would like to continue playing or join a team for the Term 3 & 4 competition, please email me to confirm a position. New players are required to fill in a registration form which can be found on the college website. Trinity Rugby and Football Annual Visit Trinity Grammar School will be arriving on Monday 15 June on their annual North Coast Tour. On Tuesday 16 June BDC will play Trinity in both rugby and football on the BDC ovals. This tour is a tradition for our two schools, we have had many staff over the years work at both Trinity and BDC. I will be sending notes home during next week asking for families to host the Trinity boys for two nights during their stay in the Coffs Harbour area. Host families will be required for Monday 15 June and Tuesday 16 June. If you can assist in hosting the boys please email A valid Working with Children Check will be required by anyone over the age of 18 in the host house. Upcoming Events Coffs Coast Futsal Championships – Fri 22 May, Coffs Harbour NSWCIS Football Trials – Mon and Tues 25 & 26 May, Glenwood NSWCIS Primary Touch Football Trials – Wed 27 May, Penrith Regional Surfing Titles – Thursday 28 May, Foster NSWCIS Secondary Touch Football Trials – Tuesday 2 June, Penrith Swans U15 AFL cup – Wed 10 June, Coffs Harbour NSWCIS Cross Country – Thursday 11 June, Eastern Creek Secondary Athletics Carnival – Friday 12 June, CEX Stadium Trinity Grammar School visit – Monday 15 June to Tuesday 16 June, BDC Primary Athletics Carnival – Wednesday 17 June, BDC OUTDOOR EDUCATION Year 9 camp notes are now OVERDUE! Thank you to all the families that have returned notes or contacted us regarding camp. If you need to contact either Troy Sodeau or myself regarding camp please do so as soon as possible as camp is approaching fast and we would like to discuss any questions you may have sooner rather than later. or If you returned or have misplaced the front pages of the camp note with all the relevant packing, times and date information you can download one from the College website. Duke of Edinburgh Award Zoe Burgess (12) completed her Bronze D of E award last year and spoke to the Year 9’s this week about the award. I have emailed Year 9 parents with a link to the D of E website explaining the award. The award is open to students over the age of 14 who would like to take on a great challenge while they are at BDC. For more information please have a look at the D of E website. Kathmandu Corporate Sale Kathmandu Corporate Sale starts on May 14 and will continue until May 25. There are some fantastic deals in store during the corporate sale with savings of up to 70% if you present your BDC ID card. Currently primary students need to request a card. Please remember terms and conditions apply. Beth Hilton Sport Administrator and Outdoor Education Coordinator K-12 college community important dates and events Year 7, 11 & 12 Vaccinations 20 May Year 10 Careers Expo 21 May 26-27 May da Vinci Decathlon More on the College Calendar Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 8 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE COFFS HARBOUR Firm Foundations Bright Futures Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 ALUMNI College News Michael Yelf (Foundation student) and wife Penny live in Pymble, Sydney and have just welcomed their second child, brother to William. Michael is the Senior Mining Engineer at Runge Ltd. Monika Singh (HSC 2001) and husband Jasdeep Gangotra and had their first child Gurbani in March 2015. Chanel Stewart (HSC 2013) is working for eMg Models as a way of financing her studies. She is hoping to be crowned Miss Universe Australia in June, having moved from university study to working full time modelling with overseas prospects. Bryn Jenke (HSC 2009) has secured an acting contract to perform at Universal Studios in Singapore starting at the end of June 2015. Samantha Harcombe (HSC 2009) is the Events Assistant Co-ordinator at the University of Newcastle. Scott MacKenzie (Staff 1997-8) is now Head Teacher of Science at Oatley Senior High after transferring from Penshurst Girls High School. Former students are encouraged to maintain their contact details on our alumni database by emailing Scott Rodham Alumni Officer and Archivist Parents And Friends Parents Join us for quick, informative and friendly Parents and Friends Association meetings. Don’t worry, you won’t be given a job - all committee positions are already filled! Our focus is on building our school community and fundraising is only a small part of what we do. We meet on the third Monday of each month (varies between daytime and night-time) for a onehour meeting with refreshments and socialising after. Find out what is happening at your child’s school, as heads of primary, secondary and our principal Alan Ball, report each month. Can’t make meetings? Contact us to join an email list of people we keep informed about P&F, or find us under “Our Community” on the school website for links to information and our Facebook page. Next Meeting: 6pm, Monday 18 May in the Roger Oates Centre. Contact Us President: Claire Simmonds 0415 495 010 P&F email: Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 9 BDC BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE COFFS HARBOUR Issue # 14 15 May | 2015 College News FAITHFULNESS IN SERVICE Firm Foundations Bright Futures Dynamic • Caring • E C I V R SE Optimistic | Page 10
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