Read the flyer - Church On The Rock Ocho Rios
Read the flyer - Church On The Rock Ocho Rios
Church on the Rock Ocho Rios 13th Happy Birthday! David Cox -3rd Eileen Terroade-12th Marvin Seaton-4th Petula Wright-14th Jodiann Cunningham 4th Winsome Lammie-15th Lorraine Miller- 5th Nordia Smith-Brown 18th Adrian Masters-7th Wade Bourne-19th Abby Russell-7th Carla Thomas-21st Nickiah Buchanan-9th Roul Francis- 22nd Latesha Saunders-9th Keijah Duksah-26th Roadian Slue-10th Marcia Angus-28th OCHO RIOS Making Disciples Who Make Disciples Charlene Plummer-28th Happy Anniversary! Omoya Davis Brown-2nd Kenrick & Jodiann Cunningham 6th Norris & Stacey Ricketts 20th Elmore Swire-23rd Pastor O-mar & Lady Annilessa Stennett-24th Wade & Kareen Bourne-24th Marvin & Natalie Seaton-26th July 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS July 21st-26th Service Times: Sundays 7:45am and 10:30am Midday Prayer For more information about the announcements or anything pertaining to the church please call 974-4334 (o) 564-1137(c) Fax # 974-5246 or email us at: Website: Office hours: Weekdays 10am - 5pm. Come celebrate with us!!! July 19th @10 - 4 pm Wednesdays 12noon-2:00pm Family Church on the Rock - Ocho Rios JN Building Unit 5 5 Graham Street, Ocho Rios, St. Ann New Series – Job’s Experience Pastor O-mar & Lady Stennett Job’s plight of undeserved suffering compels us to ask the age-old question, ―Why do bad things happen to good people?‖ The answer given to Job may or may not satisfy the reader. God allows pain for good reason, but He may never reveal those reasons. Job did not reject God, but Job did challenge and accuse Him. The Almighty quieted Job decisively when He finally thundered His own perspective on the situation. God did not answer Job’s question of ―Why?‖—He instead overwhelmed Job and his friends with the truth of His majesty and sovereignty. Job came away with a deeper sense of God’s power and splendor, trusting Him more: Tues. July 21th & 28th @ 6:30 pm Monday July 27th– Friday 31th Ages 5-12 @ The Ocho Rios Baptist Church special Please collect registration forms at the office and return by July 19, 2015 Women’s Ministry Prayer Breakfast 2015 Job 42:5–6 ―I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You; Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes.‖ Wed., July 8, 2015 @ 6:30 with Pastor Thaylee Dickerson from Prattville, Alabama Sat. July 25 @ 8:00am @ The Almond Tree Restaurant Cost: $2000.00 Pain inevitably afflicts each one of us. Suffering is unavoidable in this life. Will your relationship with God be enough when trials come? Will you trust Him through your suffering? Spend time with the Almighty. Pray for a stronger faith in the powerful Creator described in those chapters. Pray for a right perspective of Him so that you might see your situation through His eyes. We will be reading... For the month of July Instead of asking where God is in the midst of your pain, the book of Job affirms God’s control and asks us, ―Where are we in our pain? Do we trust our Creator, even though we cannot understand our circumstances?‖ Grace & Peace CALLING ALL REGULAR ATTENDEES — YOU ARE INVITED TO A FELLOWSHIP JUST FOR YOU, SUN., JULY 19, 2015 RIGHT AFTER 2ND SERVICE. WIN CONNECT TRAIN SEND - WIN CONNECT TRAIN SEND - WIN All Teenagers are welcome Every Friday Night @ 7 CONNECT TRAIN SEND