Maniglie metallo Metal handles
Maniglie metallo Metal handles
Maniglie metallo Metal handles Polimor maniglie metallo, belle da vedere e da toccare Polimor Zamak handles nice to look at and to touch Evoluzione del prodotto e del design I prodotti Polimor sono in evoluzione costante, perchè l’attenzione è rivolta ai mutamenti estetici e tecnologici degli ambienti d’arredamento e al cambiamento del modo di vivere moderno. Perciò la ricerca è costante coinvolgendo l’aspetto formale, materico, cromatico. Nascono prodotti ben equilibrati, che rispettando gli standard qualitativi, fanno tendenza. La linea di maniglie in metallo nasce da un processo stilistico indirizzato ad una fascia di mercato più esigente. Anno dopo anno la collezione di maniglie si è sviluppata con stile, facendo sempre attenzione al dettaglio. Prodotti in sintonia con i mobili che accolgono, le maniglie in metallo Polimor sono anche oggetti belli da vedere e piacevoli da toccare. Design and product in evolution Polimor products are in constant development. The main focus is towards the esthetical and technological changing of the furniture environments and the modern living. Shapes, colors and materials are the result of a constant research and the products comply with quality standard and set the trend. The zamak handles are the result of a stylistic process addressing to a more demanding market. Year by year the collection has developed with style, always giving a special attention to the detail. The products are so tuned in with the furniture that Polimor zamak handles turn out to be nice to look at and to touch. 1 Le finiture Colours Verranno considerate anche richieste di finiture particolari. Request for special clours will be taken into consideration. Cromo lucido Bright Chrome 2 Platinato cromo Mat Chrome Spazzolato Brushed MZ1703 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 27,9mm. 385 mm. 28,6mm. 385 27,9 28,6 MZ1700 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 21,6 mm. 213,2 mm. 26,4 mm. 213,2 21,6 26,4 160 4 5 MZ1670 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 27,4 mm. 205,4 mm. 25,5 mm. 205,4 27,4 25,5 MZ1665 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 23,25 mm. 240,4 mm. 28,6 mm. 240,4 23,25 28,6 MZ1663 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 96 mm. 23,2 mm. 164 mm. 27,4 mm. 164 23,2 27,4 96 6 7 MZ1661 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 256 / 320 mm. 11 mm. 327,6 mm. 25,25 mm. 327,6 11 25,25 MZ1659 256 / 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 171 zama 128 / 160 mm. 11 mm. 171 mm. 23,75 mm. 11 23,75 128 / 160 8 9 MZ1648 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 288 / 320 mm. 8,8 mm. 327,2 mm. 31 mm. 327,2 8,8 31 MZ1646 288 / 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 / 160 mm. 8,8 mm. 167,51 mm. 31 mm. 167,5 8,8 31 128 / 160 10 OK foto - suggeriamo neutralizzare il fondo 11 MZ1655 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 17 mm. 189 mm. 26 mm. 189 17 26 MZ1643 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 25 mm. 183 mm. 23,5 mm. 183 25 23,5 160 12 13 MZ1625 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 32 mm. 45 mm. 90 mm. 28 mm. 90 45 28 MZ1558 32 materiale / material zama interasse / cd 96 mm. (2 fori / 2 holes) largh. / widht 39 mm. lungh. / length 120 mm. alt. / height 21 mm. 120 39 21 96 39 21 14 MZ1538 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 40 mm. 213 mm. 20,5 mm. 213 40 20,5 MZ1535 160 materiale / material zama interasse / cd 0/32 mm. largh. / widht 53 mm. lungh. / length 53 mm. alt. / height 20,5 mm. Doppio interasse Double centre distance 53 53 20,5 0 32 15 MZ1545 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 52 mm. 199,8 mm. 24,5 mm. 199,8 52 24,5 MZ1541 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 32 mm. 79 mm. 78,5 mm. 22,5 mm. 78,50 79 22,50 MZ1542 32 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 54 52 24,5 32 16 zama 32 mm. 52 mm. 54 mm. 24,5 mm. 17 MZ1470 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 39,5 mm. 335,5 mm. 18 mm. 335,5 39,5 18 MZ1463 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 39,5 mm. 175,5 mm. 18,3 mm. 175,5 39,5 18,3 MZ1462 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 143,5 39,5 18 128 18 zama 128 mm. 39,5 mm. 143,5 mm. 18 mm. MZ1460 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 32 mm. 47,5 mm. 39,5 mm. 18,3 mm. 47,5 39,5 18,3 32 19 MZ1399 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 256 mm. 23 mm. 341 mm. 28,2 mm. 341 23 28,2 MZ1397 256 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 23 mm. 216 mm. 27,5 mm. 216 23 27,5 160 20 21 MZ1392 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 256 mm. 22,15 mm. 286,5 mm. 26,5 mm. 286,5 22,15 26,5 MZ1390 256 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 22,15 mm. 190,35 mm. 26 mm. 190,35 22,15 26 MZ1377 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 256 (128+128) 16,5 mm. 337,5 mm. 16,50 mm. 337,5 16,5 16,5 256 (128+128) 22 MZ1375 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 16,5 mm. 177,5 mm. 16,5 mm. 177,5 16,5 16,5 MZ1318 160 materiale / material zama interasse / cd 128 / 96 mm. largh. / widht 20 mm. lungh. / length 198 mm. alt. / height 25 mm. Doppio interasse Double centre distance 198 20 25 MZ1316 96 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 32 mm. 20 mm. 102 mm. 16,6 mm. 102 20 16,6 32 23 MZ1388 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 14,5 mm. 343,5 mm. 25 mm. 343,5 14,5 25 MZ1385 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 14,5 mm. 178,5 mm. 25 mm. 178,5 14,5 25 MZ1383 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 112,5 14,5 25 96 24 zama 96 mm. 14,5 mm. 112,5 mm. 25 mm. 25 MZ1295 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 10,6 mm. 349 mm. 25,5 mm. 349 10,6 25,5 MZ1292 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 10,6 mm. 189 mm. 23,5 mm. 189 10,6 23,5 MZ1255 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height Finiture Inserto plastica M1255i colours plastic insert M1255i legno / wood laccato colorato / colored painted verniciato cristal / crystal painted platinato cromo / mat chrome zama + ABS 128 mm. 31 mm. 135 mm. 26 mm. 135 31 26 128 26 MZ1230 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 7,2 mm. 328 mm. 18 mm. 328 7,2 18 MZ1227 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 116 zama 96 mm. 7,2 mm. 116 mm. 16 mm. 7,2 16 MZ1226 96 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 54 zama 32 mm. 7,2 mm. 54 mm. 16 mm. 7,2 16 32 27 MZ1218 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 9 mm. 210 mm. 22 mm. 210 9 22 MZ1216 128 materiale / material zama interasse / cd 32 / 64 mm. largh. / widht 8 mm. lungh. / length 101,5 mm. alt. / height 22 mm. Doppio interasse Double centre distance 101,5 8 22 32 MZ1214 64 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 35,3 6 22 0 28 zama 0 mm. 6 mm. 35,3 mm. 22 mm. 29 MZ1220 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 30 mm. 168 mm. 26,2 mm. 168,5 30 26,2 MZ1565 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 29,5 mm. 368 mm. 32,15 mm. 368 29,5 32,15 MZ1198 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 28,5 mm. 165 mm. 24,2 mm. 165 28,5 24,2 128 30 MZ1161 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 32 mm. 28,1 mm. 50 mm. 20,4 mm. 50 28,1 20,4 MZ1160 32 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 0 mm. 27 mm. 27 mm. 20 mm. 27 27 20 MZ1148 0 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 32 mm. 50 mm. 50 mm. 22 mm. 50 50 22 32 31 MZ1153 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 96 mm. 9,4 mm. 105,7 mm. 20,5 mm. 105,7 9,4 20,5 MZ1131 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 96 mm. 19 mm. 136 mm. 21,7 mm. 136 19 21,7 MZ1130 96 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 60 19 21,7 32 32 zama 32 mm. 19 mm. 60 mm. 21,7 mm. MZ1105 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 23 mm. 235,3 mm. 27 mm. 235,3 23 27 MZ1103 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 96 mm. 19 mm. 139,5 mm. 24 mm. 139,5 19 24 96 33 MZ1110 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 12 mm. 331 mm. 26 mm. 331 12 26 MZ1108 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 173 zama 160 mm. 12 mm. 173 mm. 22,5 mm. 12 22,5 160 34 35 MZ1090 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 28 mm. 168,9 mm. 31,5 mm. 168,9 28 31,5 MZ1089 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 28 mm. 136,9 mm. 31,5 mm. 136,9 28 31,5 MZ1076 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 22,4 mm. 182,7 mm. 28,1 mm. 182,7 22,4 28,1 160 36 MZ1072 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 26 mm. 175 mm. 28,2 mm. 175 26 28,2 160 37 MZ1015 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 0 mm. 12 mm. 12 mm. 22,5 mm. 12 12 22,5 MZ1012 0 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 23,9 mm. 156 mm. 26,8 mm. 156 23,9 26,8 MZ1010 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 23,8 mm. 150 mm. 21,5 mm. 150 23,8 21,5 128 38 MZ1006 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 31 mm. 184 mm. 28,7 mm. 184 31 28,7 MZ1005 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 28,5 mm. 165 mm. 26 mm. 165 28,5 26 MZ1003 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 31 mm. 184 mm. 27,7 184 31 27,7 160 39 MZ1002 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 28,5 mm. 165 mm. 25,2 mm. 165 28,5 25,20 MZ992 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 48 mm. 201 mm. 25 mm. 201 48 25 MZ991 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 23 mm. 201 mm. 25 mm. 201 23 25 128 40 MZ990 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama + abs 0 mm. 22,2 mm. 35,2 mm. 22,7 mm. Finiture Inserto plastica M990i colours plastic insert M990i legno / wood laccato colorato / colored painted verniciato cristal / crystal painted platinato cromo / mat chrome cromo lucido / bright chrome 22,2 35,2 22,7 MZ988 0 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 96 mm. 7 mm. 105,4 mm. 30 mm. 105,4 7 30 96 41 MZ975 Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 256 mm. 22,2 mm. 265,8 mm. 27 mm. 265,8 22,2 27 MZ973 256 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 22 mm. 173 mm. 26 mm. 173 22 26 MZ972 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 108,4 22 25 96 42 zama 96 mm. 22 mm. 108,4 mm. 25 mm. 43 MZ971C Maniglie metallo Metal handles materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 12 mm. 332 mm. 24,5 mm. 332 maniglia per anta curva: R. 638 mm. handle curved door: R. 638 mm. 12 24,5 MZ971 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 320 mm. 12 mm. 329 mm. 23,9 mm. 329 12 23,9 MZ968 320 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 136 12 21,4 128 44 zama 128 mm. 12 mm. 136 mm. 21,4 mm. MZ965 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama + ABS 0 mm. 22,2 mm. 22,2 mm. 24 mm. Finiture Inserto plastica M965i colours plastic insert M965i laccato colorato / colored painted verniciato cristal / crystal painted platinato cromo / mat chrome 22,2 22,2 24 MZ961B 0 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 160 mm. 12 mm. 179 mm. 22,5 mm. 179 12 22,5 MZ960B 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 12 mm. 147 mm. 22,5 mm. 147 12 22,5 128 45 Maniglie metallo Metal handles MZ959B materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 96 mm. 12 mm. 115 mm. 22,5 mm. 115 12 22,5 MZ956B 96 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height 51 zama 32 mm. 10 mm. 51 mm. 22,5 mm. 10 22,5 MZ955 32 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 0 mm. 12 mm. 41,2 mm. 22,5 mm. 41 12 22,5 0 46 MZ961 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama + ABS 160 mm. 12 mm. 179 mm. 22,5 mm. Finiture Inserto plastica M961i colours plastic insert M961i legno / wood laccato colorato / colored painted platinato cromo / mat chrome 179 12 22,50 MZ960 160 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama + ABS 128 mm. 12 mm. 147 mm. 22,5 mm. Finiture Inserto plastica M960i colours plastic insert M960i legno / wood laccato colorato / colored painted platinato cromo / mat chrome 147 12 22,5 MZ959 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama + ABS 96 mm. 12 mm. 115 mm. 22,5 mm. Finiture Inserto plastica M959i colours plastic insert M959i legno / wood laccato colorato / colored painted platinato cromo / mat chrome 115 12 22,5 96 47 Maniglie metallo Metal handles MZ956 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama + ABS 32 mm. 10 mm. 51 mm. 22,5 mm. Finiture Inserto plastica M956i colours plastic insert M956i legno / wood laccato colorato / colored painted platinato cromo / mat chrome 51 10 22,5 32 MZ931 materiale / material zama + ABS interasse / cd ∞ largh. / widht 19,3 mm. lungh. / length int. + 42,5 mm. alt. / height 22,9 mm. Interasse a richiesta Centre distance by request Finiture Inserto plastica M931i colours plastic insert M931i legno / wood laccato colorato / colored painted platinato cromo / mat chrome cromo lucido / bright chrome 42,5 19,3 22,9 Interasse a richiesta Centre distance by request 48 MZ920 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 32 mm. 50 mm. 50 mm. 20,9 mm. 50 50 20,9 MZ1011 32 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 23,8 mm. 150 mm. 21,5 mm. 150 23,8 21,5 MZ1013 128 materiale / material interasse / cd largh. / widht lungh. / length alt. / height zama 128 mm. 23,9 mm. 156 mm. 26,8 mm. 156 23,9 26,8 128 49 Indice Index I prodotti Polimor Polimor products P 1 MZ1535 P 15 P 2 MZ1545 P MZ1703 P 4 MZ1541 P 16 MZ1383 P 24 MZ1542 P 16 MZ1295 P Qualità e certificazioni Quality and certifications MZ1700 P 4 MZ1670 P 6 18 24 MZ1385 P 24 26 MZ1292 P 26 MZ1655 P 6 MZ1463 P 18 MZ1255 P 26 MZ1663 P 6 MZ1462 P 18 MZ1230 P MZ1661 P 8 MZ1659 P 8 MZ1648 P 10 MZ1646 P 10 MZ1655 P 12 MZ1643 P 12 MZ1625 P 14 MZ1558 P 14 MZ1538 P 50 MZ1470 P 16 MZ1388 P 15 27 MZ1460 P 19 MZ1227 P 27 MZ1399 P 20 MZ1226 P 27 MZ1397 P 20 MZ1392 P 22 MZ1218 P 28 MZ1216 P 28 MZ1390 P 22 MZ1214 P 28 MZ1377 P 22 MZ1220 P MZ1375 P 23 30 MZ1565 P 30 MZ1318 P 23 MZ1198 P 30 MZ1316 P 23 MZ1161 P 31 39 MZ960B P 45 MZ1160 P 31 MZ1006 P MZ1148 P 31 MZ1005 P 39 MZ959B P MZ1003 P 39 MZ956B P 46 MZ1153 P 32 40 46 MZ955 P 46 P 40 MZ961 P MZ991 P 40 MZ960 P 47 MZ990 P MZ959 P 47 MZ988 P 41 MZ956 P MZ975 P MZ931 P 48 MZ973 P 42 MZ920 P MZ1089 P 36 MZ972 P 42 MZ1011 P 49 MZ1076 P 36 MZ971C P MZ1131 P 32 MZ1002 P MZ1130 P 32 MZ992 MZ1105 P 33 MZ1103 P 33 MZ1110 P 34 MZ1108 P 34 MZ1090 P 36 41 42 44 MZ1072 P 37 MZ971 P 44 MZ1015 P 38 MZ968 P 44 MZ1012 P 38 MZ965 P MZ1010 P 38 MZ961B P 45 47 48 49 MZ1013 P 49 45 51 Finito di stampare_Ottobre 2012 Grafica_Illogicodesign Fotografia_Alberto Ghiddi Stampa_Litosat 52 2012_REV03 Polimor srl via della Tecnologia 61122 Pesaro Italy Tel. 0721.482157 Fax 0721.481362