export support services
export support services
3 4 5 6 Editorial About OSV OSV governance Key figures and Context 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 Objectives & Actions OSV Action Areas Cost Savings HR Management & Employment Promoting the Industry & Region Export Support Services Innovation & Sustainable Development Business Support & Creation OSV executive team contacts 25 27 28 30 The OSV Network OSV member brands Other OSV members OSV membership criteria 6 great reasons to join OSV EDITORIAL After two terms under the leadership of Jean-Luc Diard, you have decided to place your trust in me as the new President of Outdoor Sports Valley. Over the next three years, I hope to be a worthy successor and to continue to develop and grow our association. I would like to first thank the public agencies who provide us with our funding, without which none of this would have been possible, the local governments who have placed their confidence in us since 2010, as well as our longtime partners EuroSIMA, Sportaltec, and Cluster Montagne. I would also like to acknowledge everyone who has volunteered their time and energy to support our efforts. The objectives set for the next three years are based on three strategic pillars: >> First, to continue to focus on providing effective solutions to our members to address the economic, human resources, and technical issues they face (expanding shared business services, training and education programs for companies, international trade show support, and developing market intelligence and business financing tools among other economic drivers). >> Second, launching the business incubator and network of business nurseries labeled “Base Camp” to assist the entrepreneurs of tomorrow to launch projects, to create jobs, and to create a new dynamic in the industry and economy. >> Third, to reinforce the regional economy through high growth markets (running, winter sports, mountaineering, cycling and e-bike, water sports,etc.) by encouraging participation in outdoor sports, and always in an Thank you to our partners for their support 3 environmentallyfriendly manner. We will continue to bolster our business services offering to allow member companies to significantly reduce costs, improve their bottom line, and gain a competitive edge. We will encourage the launch of new B-to-B or sporting events to offer our members increased visibility and participants more opportunities. We will continue to promote innovation and sustainability through support of initiatives such as the Outdoor Textile Repair Center, by encouraging eco-design, and by continuing to keep members informed about the latest European regulations. Finally, without losing sight of our primary objectives and mission, we plan to work more closely with national and international institutions to ensure OSV is visible at a global level. OSV plans to take on new challenges and I am counting on you and your involvement to ensure the success of these projects together. Our strength resides in sharing and our overall commitment to working together. Patrick Giraudon, President ABOUT OSV “Outdoor Sports Valley” designates both a region and an industry cluster dedicated to outdoor sports. This region covers the entire Alps and encompasses the thousands of people who work in the sports and recreation industries, the headquarters for most outdoor industry companies, and represents one of the planet’s most unique playgrounds. Our primary objectives are: To federate, represent, and contribute to growing the outdoor sports industry To create an appealing environment to encourage companies to set up business and initiate new projects To share purchasing and business services to reduce costs for member companies To train future managers and employees in the specifics of our industry To encourage and support innovation and sustainable development To promote the outdoor sports industry’s know-how To contribute to employee well-being To encourage participation in sports and promote the region OUTDOOR SPORTS VALLEY OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE 2010 Founding date 2011 Recognized as the official national trade association for the outdoor industry * The steering committee is composed of members of the Outdoor Sports Valley Board of Directors (BoD) as well as elected officials from the public entities that finance OSV. The steering committee meets twice per year to discuss the association’s strategic orientation. 4 osv GOVERNANCE The OSV board of directors is made up of company representatives. Each member is in charge of developing one of our strategic actions. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Patrick Giraudon ARVA - Nic Impex, CEO Benjamin Thaller Julbo, Marketing Director Michel Gaillard Scott Sports Jean-Marc Pambet Salomon, CEO Pascal Aymar Elan, Non executive board member Frédéric Ducruet Millet Mountain Group, DG Thomas Rouault Snowleader, CEO Cédric Georges Odlo, CEO Armelle Solhelac SWiTCH, CEO Business services Business services Business services for employees Jean-Marc Decloître Nord-Ouest Distribution, CEO Frédéric Vernet Columbia Sportswear, HR Jérôme Elbaz The North Face, Director FR Education & employment Education & employment Sporting & professional events Karen Allais-Pallandre Links communication, Associate Director Frédéric Mouyade Patagonia Europe, Sales Manager Benjamin Marias AIR, Director Sporting & professional events Sustainable development Michel Rayot Tecnica Group France Roland Pesty Sporaltec, President Innovation Innovation [President] Oversight & Coordination for all projects [Vice President] National & international governmental & NGO relations [Secretary] Sporting & professional events [Vice President] Sports business nursery & incubator [Treasurer] Sports business nursery & incubator [Vice President] Local & regional government relations Directors Sustainable development Cyril J. Pliquet Vista Outdoor, Sales Director EMEA Intl. relations & trade shows Julien Durant Picture Organic Clothing, CEO Intl. relations & trade shows *Appointed by the CEO associate directors Honorary directors •Wilco Prins, EuroSIMA, President •Xavier Gallot-Lavallée, Cluster Montagne, President Founding members of OSV’s board of directors, they are called upon to lead specific projects. •Jean-Luc Diard •Bernard Liatti •Philippe Gallay •Alain Vuarnet •Olivier Cantet •Frédéric Basse 5 key figures and context key figures for the outdoor industry in the rhone-alpes region (France)* osv key figures chiffres osv 370+ MEMBERS 220+ MANUFACTURerS & DISTRIBUTORS 328 companies + 3% 5 730 jobs + 1% from 2013 from 2013 765 brands 3.3 billion € revenues + 10% IN THE OUTDOOR INDUSTRY 480+ 1.8+ SPORTS BRANDS BILLION € IN REVENUES Sell-in 7500+ JOBS from 2013 *2014 data from the Outdoor Industry Economic Observatory, Haute-Savoie Department - Outdoor Sports Valley European Sports market* REVENUES 20% BILLION € 12.4% Market share: rank by country *Source: EOG (European Outdoor Group) State of Trade Survey 2015 6 53% 27% france +1.2% Hard goods Apparel GERMANY growth FROM 2013 TO 2014 13.5% UK IRELAND 4.83+ 26.2% Sell-in Footwear Market share: by product type ©Gilles Reboisson 7 ©Gilles Reboisson OSV action AREAS OSV’s action strategy serves to address the economic development needs of existing companies, as well as to create a fertile ecosystem for new projects to emerge in the outdoor industry. •Market intelligence and studies •Topical meetings •Economic observatory •OSV Cocktails & Networking •Membership extension to EuroSIMA •Base Camp network •Business incubator •New business mentoring •Startupper club •Shared purchasing and services •Reduce company management costs •Benefits for employees in the industry •Innovation intelligence & information •Working groups •Outdoor Textile Repair Center •Digital x Outdoor (DxO) •Design Summer Camp (DSC) •International trade show support •Export working group 9 •Education programs •Employment platform •Employee well-being (Activ’OSV, Team building) •Brand villages - Camp de Base •Regional partner events •Web portal for outdoor sports cost savings Simplify access to several services WITH preferred prices catégory 1 Shared purchasing and services Take advantage of the negotiating power of an organization with more than 370 member companies and save costs on purchasing goods and services. Expanding our business services offering allows member companies to take advantage of preferred pricing, cost-effective negotiations, high-quality services, and time savings to provide you with a genuine cost benefit. •Delivery services for <30kg - GLS •Delivery services for >30kg - DACHSER / DB SCHENKER •Mobile phone plans - ORANGE / SFR •Packaging solutions - CENPAC •Office supplies - FIDUCIAL catégory 2 •Photocopies - C’PRO / KONICA MINOLTA •Supplemental health insurance - MUTUELLE DE FRANCE UNIE / PRÉVIFRANCE •Vehicle rentals - AVIS / HERTZ Management, human resources, administrative, and support services A wide range of company and personnel management tools are available to members. House-hunting services for employees and managers • Real estate platform for finding professional office, commercial, or warehouse space • Sustainability consulting • Business and labor law support • PEFC eco-friendly printing • Meeting room rental • Product testing in lab catégory 3 Services for employees in the industry Dedicated to employees in the outdoor sports industry, these small “extras” will allow you to take advantage of, or provide your employees with a wide variety of benefits all throughout the year. OSV - Obiz “Carte Privilege” discount card • Discount subscription to Outdoor Experts magazine • Business concierge services testimonial “Joining Outdoor Sports Valley has allowed us to considerably reduce our procurement costs through the variety of shared services available to member companies. Our startup now has the same purchasing power as a large company on such line items as delivery services and packaging. For an e-commerce platform such as ours, these are two major cost centers for the company. Delivery costs are a key component of our sales strategy, and without OSV we wouldn’t be as competitive for 24hr-48hr home deliveries. OSV also provides the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs in the region who are in markets similar to our own.” Charles Boschetto, Cycletyres.com For more details on all services, log in to the Member Area on the OSV website. 10 HR MANAGEMENT & EMPLOYMENT To train the future talent and employees in the outdoor industry Higher Education Programs for the Industry In partnership with EMLYON Business School, IUT Annecy, and the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, OSV developed 3 specialized education programs to train future managers, product managers, and sales representatives for the outdoor sports industry. To address the need for specific skill sets, OSV has also partnered with other education projects to provide access to qualified individuals with skills specific to the sports industry. Companies now have the opportunity to recruit students with an international profile, who are quickly operational, and who understand the intricacies of the outdoor sports industry. OSV higher education programs: •MSc in Sports Industry Management (SIM) In partnership with EMLYON •Bachelor Performance Sports Textile & Footwear (PSTF) In partnership with IUT Annecy & Université SMB •Bachelor International Sales Specialists in Sports (I3S) In partnership with IUT Annecy & Université SMB •DUT GMP Action Outdoor Mechanical Engineering (GMP) In partnership with IUT Annecy & Université SMB •Project in progress: Design & Marketing Bachelor’s 200+ graduates 80% already recruited by the industry 25+ nationalities 100% taught in English For more information: edu.outdoorsportsvalley.org Created in September 2011, the employment platform allows association members to publish, for free, their job and internship offers as well as to consult a large CV / resume database. KEY FIGURES OSV EMPLOYMENT PLATFORM Visit the platform: emploi.outdoorsportsvalley.org 11 3000+ CVs AVAILABLE +1 OFFERS posted DAY Job offers 68% Internship offers 32% PROMOTING THE INDUSTRY & REGION Contribute to growing the industry both locally and internationally, to encourage participation in outdoor sports, and to promote the region promoting outdoor sports, THE industry & region •Through “Camp de Base” brand villages and a common OSV booth space at partner events: Big Up & Down - High Five Festival - Interlac Trail - Roc des Alpes •By supporting professional trade shows: Annecy Showroom Avant-Première (ASAP) - Performance Days - Sport Achat - SportsGear Sourcing Days •By supporting general public and team building events: Fête de la Montagne et de l’Escalade - La Grande Odyssée Savoie Mont-Blanc - Maxi-Race du Lac d’Annecy Oxfam Wintertrail - Red Bull Linecatcher - Vars Mountain Trail - World Snowboard Day •By organizing events for employees in the outdoor industry: Activ’OSV: snowshoeing, adventure film showings, yoga and crossfit sessions, etc. •Through the OSV website for outdoor sports and clubs in the region: The OSV website provides information on outdoor sports, destinations, events, and clubs in the Rhône-Alpes region: www.outdoorsportsvalley.org/home Outdoor Sports Valley’s virtuous cycle 12 EXPORT SUPPORT SERVICES Facilitate member companY growth in export markets Access to foreign markets To facilitate member access to foreign markets OSV provides current market data on a regular basis, is in constant contact with our key partners abroad, assists members at international trade shows via a full range of support services, offers individual support on a case by case basis, and created an export working group to address specific topics. •Market studies: more than 160 studies in the Member Area on the OSV website •Export working group: to identify the key export-related topics of focus (ex.: countries or trade shows to target, regulatory issues, etc.) •Networking: in partnership with our contacts in-country (CCI, national associations, private partners) •Topical meetings: expert presentations on specific topics (market reviews, regulations, sales specificities, etc.) international trade show support In partnership with Sporaltec and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, OSV provides French companies with support to major international trade shows by offering shared services, personalized assistance, and a highly focused communications plan: ISPO Munich - ISPO Beijing - OutDoor Show Friedrichshafen Testimonial “TSL Outdoor has taken advantage of OSV trade show support services for ISPO (Munich) and the OutDoor Show (Friedrichshafen) over the last few years. Participating in this operation offers our company several benefits: showcasing French companies and outdoor products in one unifying location; cost savings on floor space, booth construction, communications…; as well as the opportunity to receive financial aid from the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, which is vital. The Camp de Base also offers the opportunity to organize important meetings in one location. In addition, we really appreciate being able to take advantage of the OSV executive team’s invaluable assistance, follow-up, and expertise… all important aspects to ensure a successful trade show.” Jean-Marie LATHUILLE - TSL Outdoor View more detailed information about the Camp de Base at www.camp-de-base.fr 13 innovation & sustainable development Initiate, meet, collaborate & inform innovation To encourage innovation and making the right tools available for all member companies The Innovation & Sustainable Development committee seeks to cover all aspects of innovation in a very practical and comprehensive manner. We examine digital, collaborative, technological, organizational, and even user innovation. OSV member companies have a wide range of expectations regarding topics and projects. One of our roles is to facilitate member access to innovation by analyzing, selecting, and then exploring the most relevant topics through different tools and events. This year, digital technology takes center stage; OSV will organize the Digital x Outdoor, a must-attend event for the industry. A rendezvous to innovate and decode the major digital trends, the DxO serves to offer a pragmatic approach and to provide tangible solutions to companies in our industry. Events and projects Sept. 30, 2016 Understand digital technology’s potential, what’s at stake, and to provide companies with real-world solutions Nov. 2-5, 2016 4 days dedicated to product and service design, as well as innovation in the Action Outdoor Sports industry 2x/yr Innovation breakfast: expert presentations and discussion to define the key innovation topics to address info And Resources Newsletters Collaborative studies “Financing innovation” Toolkit Coming soon: Collaborative skills platform For more information about the committee, log into the OSV Member Area. 14 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sharing and building a sustainable development approach together to encourage best practices The “sustainable development” component within OSV creates a genuine opportunity for member companies to discuss and think about best practices together. Sustainability projects managed by OSV address the current key issues at stake in the outdoor industry and offer member companies the chance to participate in the discussion, to benefit from the latest advances and sound expertise, and to become better aware of the 2x/yr Sustainability breakfasts: expert presentations and discussions to define the key sustainability topics to address info and Resources Newsletters Eco-labeling and eco-design Environmental philanthropy Working groups (DWR treatment, Polybags, etc.) Updates on REACh regulations 15 ever changing regulatory envoronment to help improve best practices. To provide real answers to key issues, we have established working groups, launched scientific studies, and initiated collaborative projects. OSV integrates sustainable development into its overall strategy, and encourages awareness at every level. OSV is proactive and aware of the major social and environmental issues of tomorrow. Outdoor Textile Repair Center: outdoor textile repair services for manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in the industry testimonial “Outdoor Sports Valley was able to offer Fusalp its expertise and network regarding a sustainable approach. This allowed us to evaluate the key issues and to define the main pillars of our strategy in order to build a solid foundation for an environmentally responsible organization, all in line with our goal to improve Fusalp’s products and services for its customers.” Yannick Vignot - Créations Fusalp Business Support & creation encourage new company creation within the outdoor sports industry base camp Network The Base Camp network consists of three office builidings in the Northern French Alps in the cities of Annecy, Chambéry, and Chamonix. All three are dedicated to providing support to sports and outdoor industry startups. •Annecy Base Camp: located in downtown Annecy, the Annecy Base Camp includes both an incubator and a business nursery, and hosts OSV’s head offices. •Chambéry Grand Lac Base Camp: located in the Savoie Hexapôle business park just north of Chambéry, this business nursery offers office space, a showroom, and startup support services for entrepreneurs. •Mont-Blanc Base Camp: located in the Chamonix Valley, these offices were built by the company Blue Ice and include a business nursery, an open co-working area as well as a showroom right at the base of Mont-Blanc. Testimonial Business mentoring Every year OSV and its partners provide mentoring support to several innovative outdoor industry startups who are less than 3 years old. The entrepreneurs selected benefit from the following services: • Mentoring by experienced executives from OSV member companies who provide valuable support and advice to each startup • Expanding their network through a one-year OSV membership paid for by the program • Strategic guidance via free consulting services and financial support awarded in the form of an OSV scholarship and a no-interest loan (certain conditions apply) “2015 was an exciting year for the Shelter Collective, and the mentoring program was a key part of this dynamic. We shared with our mentors the day-to-day obstacles and doubts we had about our strategy. They skillfully challenged key elements of our development plan, how to temper our overexcitement when a phone call from the USA forecasted out-ofthis world sales figures, or when we needed to boost moral for the team. Their unwavering support allows us to move forward in the right direction and to hone our skills. It’s really too bad that the year went by so fast…” Emeline Barat - Collectif Shelter startupPer club Open to startups (companies 5 years old or less), this quarterly meeting allows entrepreneurs to discuss their key needs and the main issues they encounter, and 16 to share their experience and best practices. Every meeting is run by a chief executive or company manager who shares their expertise regarding a specific topic. Here are a few examples of past topics: online sales, sales agents, preparing for a trade show… focus on the Annecy base camp Accelerating innovation and encouraging startup creation Through a common initiative between OSV and its public partners (C2A, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, CD74), entrepreneurs in the outdoor sports industry will receive support in the form of a project accelerator, the Annecy Base Camp, which includes both an incubator and a business nursery. •Annecy Base Camp Incubator Open to projects in the pre-company creation phase, the incubator serves projects with a sports and outdoor focus. Mentoring provided by experts in the industry offers the opportunity to validate, fill in the gaps, and test the project in ideal conditions before launch. Anyone with an innovative idea, a draft business plan, or a prototype can apply. The personalized and professional coaching is provided over several phases: TE EA CR ANY MP CO PHASE 1 PHASE 2 2 months 6 months PHASE 3 50 hours of consulting 165 hours of consulting 265 hours of consulting Office space in a business nursery >> Test concept and business model >> Define product offer & write business plan >> Market launch & funding strategy >> Establish & grow business 12 months PHASE 4 12 months The incubation process takes place in 3 phases over a 20-month period for a total of 480 hours of mentoring and support, equal to 8 half-days per month. Services are provided by expert consultants who are specialists in a specific profession and/or the sports industry. Valued at 40,000 €, these mentoring services are co-financed by the entrepreneur, OSV, and local government partners. For more information go to www.outdoorsportsvalley.org/incubateur •Business nursery The business nursery offers companies less than 18 months old, cost-effective office space and an advantageous and productive work setting. For 2 years, entrepreneurs can launch their company with their minds at ease by benefitting from startup services and the OSV network. The business nursery allows several tangible benefits on a day-to-day basis: furnished office space at reduced rates (including a 31m² showroom), common areas, shared office equipment, other companies right next door to share ideas with, growing one’s business network… Located in downtown Annecy, the Annecy Base Camp will move to a new building in the Glaisins Business Park in Annecy-le-Vieux at the end of 2017. 17 osv EXecutive team contacts outdoor sports valley 6 bis, avenue des îles - 74000 Annecy - France contact@outdoorsportsvalley.org / +33(0) 450 675 391 Rémi Forsans Executive Director Anne Schott General manager anne@outdoorsportsvalley.org Marie Chiabaut Administrative manager marie@outdoorsportsvalley.org Aleksandra Liberatore Administrative assistant aleksandra@outdoorsportsvalley.org Meryl Bertrand Director, Marketing & Communications, Business Services meryl@outdoorsportsvalley.org Romain Tarrusson Director, Events romain@outdoorsportsvalley.org Darin Reisman Director, International Relations & Market Research darin@outdoorsportsvalley.org Boris Fournier Director, Sustainable Development & Innovation boris@outdoorsportsvalley.org Guillaume Bouvaist Director, Entrepreneurship guillaume@outdoorsportsvalley.org 18 ©Gilles Reboisson ©Gilles Reboisson osv member brands (1/2)* 21 osv member brands (2/2)* 22 other osv members* product designers retailers Certain product designers also manufacture sporting goods, but their primary business activity is product design. Certain retailers also manufacture sporting goods and distribute sports brands, but their primary activity is retail. sponsoring members 7 Aventures // 8 Mont-Blanc // Action Planet Events // Adrenaline Project // AG Sport Consulting // Agrocomposites Entreprises // Air Agence // Alfa Conseil // Algedis // Alpes Bivouac // Altimax // Altus // AN Rafting // Ananda Pictures // Apache Conseil // Ascenso // Aspom // Athlete 2.0 // Axelyo // Baby Park // BJ Logistics // Bloch Consulting // Broadcast to be // C2J // Cameleon Organisations // Cap Mer et Montagne // Caroline Duhamel // Cegid // Centric Software // CESNI // Chipee // CIDI // Cilea // Club des Entreprises // Cluster Montagne // CNPC // Coordination Montagne // Copilden // Cordonnerie du Pont Neuf // CRITT de Savoie // DCA // Des-I-D // Design & Development // Destination Poudreuse // Do’In 3D // Dokever Assistance Médicale // Drive2spot // ECTRA // EMLYON // Entreprendre & Sport // Entrepreneurs sous 0° // EPEA Switzerland // Equature // Espace Evasion // EuroSIMA // Evolution 2 // Feel Event // Focus Vision // Freepresse // Front de Neige // Gilles Reboisson Photographe & + // GPS Interfaces // GM Snow // Groupe Amallia // Hays // Helium Management // Homework // Imprimerie Villiere // Initiative Grand Annecy // Inle Associés // In-Visio - Sportsvision // Ipac // Kaptura // KCIOP // KCO // La Clusaz // Lake Annecy Ski Resorts // Les Bonnes Etoiles // Les Saisies // Like That // Links Communication // Livevent // Logidyne // LVO // Ma femme préfère le bleu // Mark’Event // Mazars // MBI // Medicairn // Moon // Mountain Bikers Foundation // Mountain Riders // Muzzle // Obalys // OIA UK // OIA USA // Okiwi // Outdoor Experts // Outdoor Finisher // Oxfam France // Paral’Aile Contrôle // Prioriterre // Pure // Pure Illusion // RD Cimes // Reactive & Co // Réseau Entreprendre Haute-Savoie // Riot House Production // Savoie Hexapôle // Savoie Mont-Blanc Angels // Service Personnel // SGS // Sitour // Skiinfo // Spacesheep // Sporaltec // Sport Premium // Sportair // Sportsgear Sourcing Days // SR Conseil // SWiTCH // Synpeak // Temporis Consulting // Textile Exchange // Thésame // Thierry Paris Conseil // Ton Logo Partout // Trèfle RH // TTD Outdoor Consulting // Webmecanik // Wesurf Conseil // White Peak // Winning Search // Wood Stock Creation // Wooloomooloo // World Snowboard Federation // Xline Studio // Yves Loisance // Zeoutdoor 23 *List as of May 17, 2016 affiliate members OSV membership criteria member categories Starting out with a dozen member companies in 2010, today OSV represents more than 370 professional stakeholders in the industry: 65% are located in the Northern French Alps (Haute-Savoie, Savoie, Isère), 25% elsewhere in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and France, and 5% abroad. Depending on their business focus, they are divided into three categories: active members affiliate members Sponsoring members Manufacturers, distributors, agents, retailers, product designers and suppliers in the outdoor industry. Products include hard goods, apparel, accessories, footwear, and bags from brands who serve a wide variety of outdoor sports. Event organizers, the media, marketing and communications agencies, training centers, professional associations, consultants, and other service providers for the outdoor industry. Companies or organizations that do not fit into one of the first two categories, but who would like to support the association, can become sponsoring members. This is the case for insurance companies, banks, real estate agencies, and other organizations who work in partnership with the outdoor industry. osv member GROWTH Active members have access to services that correspond to their specific needs and are involved in group projects within the association. Note: 2 companies out of 3 are SMEs with less than 10 employees. 24 Affiliate members have access to the network, the employment and real estate platforms, as well as our market intelligence and information services. They are allowed access to more services if certain criteria are met. Sponsoring members have access to the network and represent preferred contacts for the association. becoming A member All companies connected to the outdoor sports industry can become an OSV member, as long as they fit within one of the member categories, and agree to pay annual dues. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st. For companies who join after September, dues will be prorated by quarter. The minimum required membership fee is 200 € (ex.VAT), whatever the date when joining. OSV membership for EuroSIMA and Sporaltec members is subject to specific price conditions. •ACTIVE MEMBERS Annual dues for active members are based upon revenues in France of the company applying for membership, and provide access to all OSV services. •< 1 million euros in annual revenues: •1 to 5 million euros in annual revenues: •5 to 10 million euros in annual revenues: •10 to 20 million euros in annual revenues: •20 to 50 million euros in annual revenues: •50 to 100 million euros in annual revenues: •>100 million euros in annual revenues: 200 € (ex.VAT) 335 € (ex.VAT) 670 € (ex.VAT) 1200 € (ex.VAT) 1800 € (ex.VAT) 3600 € (ex.VAT) 7000 € (ex.VAT) •AFFILIATE MEMBERS Annual dues for affiliate members are 200 € (ex.VAT) and provide access to the OSV business and member network, to the employment and real estate platforms, and to our market and information intelligence services. Otherwise, for affiliate members who would like access to all OSV services, annual dues are the same as active member dues (based on annual revenues according to the above scale). •sponsoring members Annual dues are 1000 € (ex.VAT) minimum and provide access to the OSV business and member network, as well as the real estate platform. To become a member: www.outdoorsportsvalley.org/pro/en/membership 25 OSV BENEFITS BY THE NUMBERS 100,000+ Packages sent in 2015 with GLS & amazing cost savings for member companies 387 job and internship offers published for free in 2015 by members on the OSV employment platform 6000 Privilège OSV/Obiz discount cards sent on January 1, 2016, to employees in the industry for acces to preferred pricing everywhere in France 6 great reasons to join OSV 1 Become part of the leading network for key outdoor industry stakeholders 2 Increase your knowledge base and benefit from high-quality support 3 Take advantage of preferred pricing and other cost-saving services 4 Recruit and train colleagues in line with industry needs 5 Participate in a comprehensive approach to innovation and in developing environmentally responsible best practices 6 Bolster your visibility in France and internationally at sporting and professional events www.outdoorsportsvalley.org A huge thanks to Gilles Reboisson photographe &+, for his photos and support. www.gillesreboisson.com A huge thanks to Imprimerie Villière for their support on the brochure design. www.imprimerie-villiere.com 26
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