Letter from the President - Ontario Reining Horse Association
Letter from the President - Ontario Reining Horse Association
THE ORHA SLIDER FALL 2014 THE PATTERN: Upcoming Events Show Results Ask A Trainer: - Issues at Center 2015 BOD Elections NRHA Green Reiner ORHA Candids ORHA Marketplace Letter from the President As another successful year comes to an end, I would like to acknowledge and thank all the volunteers, Show Managers and Board members, who tirelessly devote their time helping us to better our association. For nearly 20 years I have had the privilege of being a part of the growth of this incredible organization; growing not only as competitors but as a community. From the pros to the beginners, we support and encourage each other in and out of the pen. This past year, ORHA members have represented themselves with true sportsmanship, both at home and internationally. The ORHA continued to shine on the world stage; Hayley Stubbs and Gotta A Magnum Dream, owned by John Fletcher took the Limited Open World Championship; and Ontario riders placed an outstanding 18 times on the NRHA Top Ten World Standing. Congratulations to you all. The sport of reining is always changing and evolving; while we follow suit we must keep our foundation and values strong. An association like the ORHA is a reflection of its members. We need you to let us know what we are doing right and what you would like to see change. Therefore I ask the membership to bring their ideas and thoughts forward, keeping the lines of communication with the open. Email us, call us, come to board meetings, attend the AGM, talk me directly - let’s work together. Newsletters@orha.on.ca www.orha.on.ca The AGM is held at 1 PM on January 25, 2015 and will include the ORHA and ORHyA Executive elections as well as the Reining Canada’s Annual Meeting. The Board and I are eager to report on the show year, as well as present some of the projects we have been working on. We are also looking forward to hearing your input on some of the new initiatives we are planning for 2015. So I encourage everyone to come out for the banquet, congratulate our Year-End Champions, stay for the AGM and voice your thoughts. Mike Munroe ORHA President THE ORHA SLIDER FALL2014 UPCOMING EVENTS Jan 24, 2014 Guelph, ON ORHA 2014 Year- End Awards Banquet At Holiday Inn (601 Scottsdale Dr. Guelph ON) Cocktails at 5PM, Dinner at 6PM FMI: Dan or Berenice Fletcher at 519 443 5700 Tickets are $50.00 and children under 12 are $25.00 Jan 25, 2014 Guelph, ON ORHA Annual General Meeting 1 pm at Holiday Inn (601 Scottsdale Dr. Guelph ON) FMI: Mike Munroe president@orha.on.ca Mar 3-5 Markham, ON Can-Am All Breeds Equine Expo Markham Fairgrounds Markham, ON FMI: www.canamequine.com May 2-3 Hillsburgh, ON Prepare for the Reiny Season Clinic At Rustic Meadows FMI: Joanne Milton 519-855-6865 or info@rusticmeadows.com May 9-10 Waterford, ON Spring Thaw – TENTATIVE At Fletcher’s Horse World Affiliate Qualifier BOTH DAYS FMI: John & Sharon Fletcher 519-443-7333 or johnfletcher@kwic.com May 23-24 TBA ORHA Rookie/ Non Pro Clinic – TENTATIVE June 13-14 Pickering, ON Pickering Horse Centre Show – TENTATIVE At Pickering Horse Affiliate Qualifier BOTH DAYS FMI: Gary Yaghdjian gary.yaghdjian@live.ca July 4-5 Waterford, ON Fletchers Horse World Show – TENTATIVE At Fletcher’s Horse World Affiliate Qualifier BOTH DAYS FMI: John & Sharon Fletcher 519-443-7333 or johnfletcher@kwic.com Aug 15-16 Waterford, ON Canadian Reining Classic – TENTATIVE At Fletcher’s Horse World Affiliate Qualifier BOTH DAYS FMI: John & Sharon Fletcher 519-443-7333 or johnfletcher@kwic.com Aug 29 - 30 Pickering, ON Pickering Horse Centre Show – TENTATIVE At Pickering Horse FMI: Gary Yaghdjian gary.yaghdjian@live.ca *Please refer to our Events Calendar on our website for up to date info on all our events. 2 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL 2014 EASTERN CANADA REGIONAL AFFLIATE FINALS By Laura Henderson Despite the cooling autumn weather, the reining was hot at the Eastern Canada Regional Affiliate Finals held on September 26-28 at Fletcher’s Horse World in Waterford Ontario. The Ontario Reining Horse Association was honoured to host this event for third consecutive year and we Photo Credit: Becky Ros were also pleased to include the Ontario Born Bred and Owned Futurity to the program. The show, officiated by Marlin Holroyd & Jesse Westfall, saw participants from both Ontario and Quebec compete for a spot at the North American Affiliate Finals. OPEN Maryse Dupaul and Banjos Sparkle, representing Association Québécoise de Reining, were untouchable capturing the title of both Open and Intermediate Open Champion. Banjos Sparkle, a 2010 chestnut mare born and raised in Texas, is owned by Regina Brown. Maryse couldn’t say enough good things about her; “This little mare got a heart big as a mountain and she is solid as a rock. It’s been a pleasure to have her in training. I am very excited to head to Oklahoma with her and for next year show season.” A runoff was required in the Limited Open and in the end Smart Jailbird (owned and ridden by Chet Martin of Fergus Ontario) edge out his competition winning both Limited Open and Rookie Professional by a half a point. This win was special one for Martin, the “new kid”, as it is the first year of competition for both his horse and himself. Chet said “I am so grateful for all the help and support at the shows. Everyone is always ready to lend a hand and there is plenty of opportunity to learn from great horsemen. I feel very blessed to have had such a great year.” Open Reserve Champion was Photos by: DW Equine Photography Whata Whata Whiz, a 2009 palomino gelding owned by Anderson Performance Horses and ridden by Jon Newnham. Resting Whiz, a 2009 mare owned by John Fletcher and ridden by Hayley Stubbs, took Reserve Champion in the both the Intermediate and Limited Open. Chet Martin and Maryse Dupaul & Rustic Colorado Skip, owned by Banjos Sparkle Betty Wilkie, were Rookie Professional Reserve Champion. NON PRO The Champion of the Non Pro and Intermediate Non Pro was none other than ORHA’s own John Purdie and Lectric N Chic. This 6 year stallion has been a great match with John and dynamic team has been a force all year. Conquistadors Fox and her rider, owner and breeder Donald Pletch has also been racking up the wins this year and was Champion of both the Limited Non Pro and the Prime Time Non Pro. Annie K. Decroix and her wonderful mare Miss Reminic N Dunit represented the Quebec proudly taking Reserve Champion of the Non Pro and Intermediate Non Pro. (continue on page 5) Chet Martin & Smart Jailbird John Purdie and Lectric N Chic 3 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL2014 Thank You to all the generous sponsors of the Grand Finale Show The Ivey Group Of RBC DOMINION SECURITIES Fletchers Horse World Cofell Performance Horses Hayes Horsemanship Rustic Meadows Stevens Training Center Rinzema Quarter Horses Chet Martin - Martin Ranch Melanie Cressman Stoneridge Farm The Saddle Shack Cofell Tack Positive Fulfillment Services 4 Dr. Ernie Perry EQUINE CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES Donna Vansegbrook EMERGENCY VETERINARY Heavens Gate Farms Cordner Science John Purdie Lectric N Chic Diarosso Farm Jamie Wilson Palden Schoonman Purina Canada DW Equine Photography Kubota Canada THE ORHA SLIDER FALL 2014 EASTERN CANADA REGIONAL AFFLIATE FINALS Reserve Champion of Limited Non Pro when to Clays Kid Olena, owned by Mary Jo MacDonell and rider Starr Boisvert. Dan Fletcher and Far To Chic, owned by John Fletcher were Reserve Champions of the Prime Time Non Pro. NOVICE HORSE The Novice Horse Open was a well fought battle between Jon Newnham and Maryse L. Dupaul where both riders conquered and conceded. Jon was champion of the Novice Horse Open Level 2 riding Wimpys Lori Lee a 5 year old mare is owned by John Fletcher of Waterford Ontario; a team that has been all over the continent this year, racking over $5,340 and at last count were leading the NRHA World Standing. Maryse L. Dupaul and Banjos Sparkle (owned by Regina L. Brown) were Reserve Champions for the Level 2, but topped the leader board in the Novice Horse Open Level 1 and edge over Jon Newhamn and his second mount, Custom Quixote Mama owned by Silver Spurs Stable. There were only Champions in the Novice Horse Non Pro, Myriam Jolin & Precious Anikah (continued from page 3 ) Co-Champions that is. Darby Photos By: DW Equine Photography Mailhot and her 9 year old gelding Custom Crome Wonder Co-Championed the Non Pro Level 2 with Todd Sherrer and his 21 year old gelding Hillbillie With Cash. John Purdie, riding Lectric N Chic and Donald Pletch riding Conquistadors Fox also Co-Championed the Jon Newnham & Wimpys Lori Lee Non Pro Level 1. ROOKIE & YOUTH Co-Champions may be a on the rise because the Rookie 1 also finished in a tie. Nicole Van Esch and her mare Jo C Yankee scored a 139.5 to tie with Sara Jane McKenzie riding FS Lucky Starbuck, a gelding owned by John Fletcher. Quebec’s Myriam Jolin St-Laurent was Champion of the Youth 14-18 on Precious Anikah owned by Manon Jolin. Sara Jane McKenzie took Reserve Champion on FS Lucky Starbuck owned by John Fletcher. Todd Sherrer & Hillbillie With Cash Darby Mailhot & Custom Crome Wonder Sara Jane McKenzie & FS Lucky Starbuck Donald Pletch & Conquistadors Fox Nicole Van Esch & Jo C Yankee 5 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL2014 ONTARIO BORN BRED OR OWNED FUTURITY By Laura Henderson The Ontario Born, Bred or Owned (OBBO) Futurity is usually a stand-alone show, however, this year due to a scheduling issue they held their three feature classes with Ontario Reining Horse Association (ORHA) Grand Finale/ Eastern Canada Regional Affiliate Finals show. The OBBO is the only foal nomination program in Ontario and features a Futurity and a Derby and the ORHA was quite honoured to add these classes to this year’s show program. This year’s Futurity was well attended with 43 entries and paid out over $21,700. Jon Newnham Photo Credit: Tristan Stevens and Tinseltown Prize, owned and bred by John Fletcher, were the Champions of the Limited Open and the Co-Champions the Open. Tinseltown Prize is a gelding by Fletcher’s stallion Wimpys Tinseltown and out of a BH Enterprize mare. Sharing the title of Co-Champion in the Open was Jose Vazquez ONTARIO AT THE QH CONGRESS Congratulations to all the Ontario competitors and owners at the 2014 All American and Juice N Shine, owned by Smart Like Quarter Horse Congress. Here are the top results from Ontario riders Juice Inc., who were also the Champions of Horse Name Owner(s) Exhibitor Score the Non Pro. Juice N Shine is by Vazquez’s NRHA Open Reining Level 3 Futurity Final stallion Smart Like Juice and finished with 14 ML Wimpys Charlotte Heather Ruthven Loris Epis 213 winnings over $5,600. The Limited Non-Pro NRHA Open Reining Primetime Futurity 13 Got It Resolved Linda Barnes Ken A Van Alstine 202 was all about family as Larry McDougall, NRHA Non‐Pro Reining Primetime Stakes riding Guns Girls Rule, and his sister-in-law 13 Gun Girls Rule Larry And Lynne Mcdougall Larry McDougall 200.5 Carrie Patterson, riding Dealin In Guns, Junior Reining co-champion the class and Co-Reserve 11 Smoky Little Step Glenn Young Loris Epis 213.5 Senior Reining Champions in the Non Pro. Larry & Lynne 7 Hesa Chics Dream Wendy McIntyre Palden Schooneman 211.5 McDougall bred and own both horse by NRHA Intermediate Open Reining Gun Dealer. Larry and Guns Girls Rule were 10 Dun Whiz It Ruth Hamlin Melanie Cressman 214 NRHA Limited Open Reining also Co-reserve champions of the Limited 3 Dun Whiz It Ruth Hamlin Melanie Cressman 214 Open tying with Ken Ken VanAlstine on Got 12 Conquistadors Fox Donald Pletch Donald Pletch 205.5 It Resolved owned by Lynda Barnes. NRHA Primetime Open Reining Along with the Futurity the OBBO also 8 Juice Is My Hope Jeff Damphouse Jeff Damphouse 202.5 NRHA Novice Horse Level 2 ‐ Open offers a special Graduated Derby for horses 3 Hesa Chics Dream Wendy McIntyre Palden Schooneman 210.5 who have shown in there 2 Year Reining NRHA Intermediate Non‐Pro Reining Pleasure class as well as the OBBO Futurity. 12 Juiced Up Joke Cara Brown Cara Brown 209.5 This year’s Open Derby was won by Jon NRHA Limited Non‐Pro Reining 11 Conquistadors Fox Donald Pletch Donald Pletch 209.5 Newnham and Wimpys Lori Lee, owned by NRHA Primetime Non Pro Reining John Fletcher. Lacey Siemonson and her 6 Conquistadors Fox Donald Pletch Donald Pletch 209.5 horse Spooks Dealin Aces were the ChamLadies Reining pions for the Non Pro Derby and Co-Reserve 8 Dun Whiz It Ruth Hamlin Melanie Cressman 210 NRHA Novice Horse Level 2 ‐ Non‐Pro Champions for the Open Derby with Chet 7 Juiced Up Joke Cara Brown Cara Brown 204.5 Martin and Miss Pepto Footworks, owned 10 Custom Crome Wonder Darby Mailhot Darby Mailhot 203.5 by Elizabeth Laros. Larry McDougall and NRHA Rookie Reining 12 Jo C Yankee Nicole Van Esch Nicole Van Esch 206.5 Guns Don’t Spook Me, owned by Larry and NRHA Short Stirrup Lynne McDougall were Reserve Champions 5 Whizzin Chiclet Dean Brown Katelyn Cofell 209.5 of the Non Pro Derby. 6 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL 2014 REINING TRAINER SERIES ASK A TRAINER: WE ASKED TWO TRAINERS HOW THEY WOULD SOLVE... ISSUES AT CENTER. THE PROBLEM: I enter the show pen and walk my horse to center stopping in the middle. Immediately they begins to “dance” around. Photo Credit: Milena Kwiecien TRAINER: JON NEWNHAM After a reining horse has been shown for several times/years they have a tendency to become “ring smart”. Dancing and fidgeting at Center before spins or lead departures is a common problem. Generally I put a down button on all of my horses that develop this habit. A down button is used to drop the horse’s neck and raise their back. I do so by gently squeezing with both legs and asking for their attention. Then I prevent them from going forward with contact on the bit. For a severely disobedient or anxious horse I have found that a spur stop can be very useful. A spur stop is when both spurs are applied gently on the horse’s sides. Should your horse look into one leg or try to bite at your leg, as if to say “Hey don’t touch me”; I gently apply the opposite leg to straighten their neck out. Then I ask gently with my hand, in an upward motion to my chin, for the horse to grab the bridle and lower their neck. By doing this the horse becomes round and collected in their back and soft on the bridle. At this point they are totally focused on me and are ready to depart into a circle or spin based on how I cue them. Some horses just get so wound up that you may need to school them during a show and repeat this multiple times while in the show pen. At home I test this “button” every day. Even when I am sitting talking to someone; I still like to make sure my horse is listening. There are some horses that just become so ring smart that the moment you even twitch a muscle they start to anticipate a maneuver. Using paid warm ups to sit in the middle and outsmart your horse is the best way to fix this. Bait your horse to make the mistake. Walk to center and see what happens. If you horse wants to spin, then just walk off and lope a circle and stop in center again. If they want to lope off, then spin 5 or 6 times one way and then sit and wait. I usually do the opposite of what the horse anticipates. This process isn’t fixed immediately at one show. As you are aware, learning to anticipate a maneuver was gradually taught to the horse and it takes just as much time to correct the issue. Show horses are like circus animals, they learn the routine and then add interesting little changes. Some do it to just get the pattern done and run back to their stall, some do it because the rider is learning and along the way the horse becomes wise. Remember, what you do at home is what they will do in the show pen. Set up a mock class with judges chairs and wear your hat and chaps. Most people don’t realize that a horse sees whether you have a hat and chaps on and they know when they are in the show pen. If all else fails, find a coach or trainer who has quiet standing horses in the show pen. I am sure they can analyze and remedy the problem quickly. WE WANT YOU... TO JOIN THE NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE!!! Ever wanted to be a reportor or photographer? Maybe its behind the scenes for you with design, marketing and layout for The Slider. Either way, from every issue start to finish, planning to print we have a job for you, so come and join our team. Anyone interested please email Laura Henderson newsletters@orha.on.ca 7 THE ORHA SLIDER 8 FALL2014 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL 2014 THE PROBLEM: I enter the show pen and walk my horse to center stopping in the middle. Immedi- TRAINER: LORIS EPIS In my opinion, there are three major things that cause issues at center: •ANXIETY is usually seen in young or green horses, who do not have a lot of expeience in the show pen. They may have “alone” issues which causes a failure to pay attention to their riders. This is a simple fix but the key is to not get frustrated or upset with this young/green horse and end up with a Rider Created Issues. Instead expose the horse to the show pen and be patient and let them to gain confidence. •ANTICIPATION, you will see more in seasoned show horses, who are trying to do their job and anticipate the next manoeuver rather then waiting for the rider to give instructions. Anticipation can be corrected by schooling your horse in the show pen as well as breaking yourself of the repetitive exercises you do at home. For example; if you always stop in the middle of your circles and spin, your horse will learn that the middle of the pen means spin and anticipate this manoeuver. Therefore, try to practice spinning in other areas of the arena and keep spinning in the middle to a minimum. •RIDER CREATED ISSUES the subtle and not so subtle cues, movements, reactions and practices riders do at home that create center issues. The three most common Rider Created Issues I see are when a rider repositioning their horse while practicing spins; when a rider sends multiple cues to their horse during the maneuvers; and when a rider constantly fixes or picks at the horse’s headset. Rider Created Issues are more complicated to fix as it requires the Rider to analyze their cues, movements, reactions, etc. This is where a coach comes in handy, as an experienced set of eyes can be invaluable. Some tips for the three rider issues mentioned above are: – Unless you are working on spin shutoffs try not to reposition your horse (move your horse to face another direction) after a spin. If you horse has spun and stopped where you asked, then do not reposition them. – Understand your cues and be aware of your hand movements while riding. – Keeping your hands quiet and still when standing can greatly help you both during practice and at the show. HOMEWORK EXERCISE: Pick a spot in your arena (it should not be in the middle because of anticipation, anywhere away from the wall is good). Put your hand down and just sit there. If your horse moves to the right, spin them to the left. Let the horse take one or two steps before spinning. If your horse moves to the left, spin to the right. One or two spins is fine as we are working on standing not spinning. Stop and start again. The principle of this exercise is that every time the horse starts to anticipate the manoeuver you put them to work (spin) so that they will learn wait for your command. Photo Credit: Laura Henderson Photo Credit: Waltenberry ately they begins to “dance” around. 9 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL2014 Report of the Nominations Committee For 2015 Election of the Board of Directors The election of officers and directors will be held at the Annual General Meeting of the Association at the Holiday Inn, Guelph on Sunday January 25, 2014 at 1 p.m., as designated by the Board of Directors. The deadline to submit a declaration of candidacy has past and the nominations are now closed. Current Candidates are as follows: POSITION President Second Vice President Elected Directors (x2) Current ORHA Board of Directors: Position Name President Mike Munroe Past-President Carol Ivey First Vice-President John Purdie Second Vice-President Vacancy Elected Director Joanne Milton Elected Director Blair Spedaler Elected Director Vacancy Elected Director Vacancy Appointed Director Rebecca Ros Appointed Director Laura Henderson Director /Treasurer Carolyn Kormendi Director Gail Gimpelj Recording Secretary Patti Spedaler CANDIDATES Mike Munroe Harvey Stevens Carol Ivey Rebecca Ros Laura Henderson Status Finishing second year of two year term Completing first year of two year term Completing first year of two year term Completing second year of two year term Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed - Membership Secretary Appointed – not a Director GETTING STARTED IN REINING – NRHA GREEN REINER CLASSES By Laura Henderson Getting started in reining has never been easier or more rewarding! In 2010, the NRHA launched a new entry level reining reward program which offers a chance for beginner reiners to compete with others of the same skill level, gain experience and receive some awesome awards in the process. The program is sponsored by Pard’s Western Shop and recognizes achievement level through a points system. Participants are not required to own their own horse and the horse does not need an NRHA Competition License to compete. How Does it Work? The Green Reiner classes are open to any rider with a valid NRHA non-pro membership card (including general and associate memberships), who has less than $100 in lifetime NRHA earnings and less than 25 lifetime NRHA Youth Points. NRHA patterns 1 -11 are used, and riders can choose to ride with one or two hands as well as can choose to perform simple or flying lead changes. (continue on page 13) 10 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL 2014 NRHA Futurity & NAAC Results Congratulations to all the Ontario competitors and owners who competed at the NRHA Futurty & Adquan North American Affiliate Championships (NAAC). Here are the top results from Ontario riders Horse Owner Exhibitor NAAC Rookie of the Year 24 Eloquently Dun Terri Lynn Dekker Terri Lynn Dekker 33 Jo C Yankee Nicole Van Esch Nicole Van Esch 49 FS Lucky Starbuck John Fletcher Sara Jane Mckenzie Level 1 Open Rider Challenge 9 Plus One Master Anderson Performance Horses Jon Newnham 10 & Under Short Stirrup 6 Whizzin Chiclet Dean Brown Katelyn Cofell NAAC Youth 14-18 18 FS Lucky Starbuck John Fletcher Sara Jane Mckenzie Youth 14-18 22 FS Lucky Starbuck John Fletcher Sara Jane Mckenzie NAAC Novice Horse Open 1 19 Custom Quixote Mama Silver Spurs Stable Jon Newnham Novice Horse Open 1 28 Custom Quixote Mama Silver Spurs Stable Jon Newnham 38 A Whiz in Wranglers Silver Spurs Stable Jon Newnham Novice Horse Non Pro 1 16 Smart Docker Mike Joslin Mike Joslin Novice Horse Non Pro 2 38 Eloquently Dun Terri Lynn Dekker Terri Lynn Dekker NAAC Intermediate Open 15 Gotta Magnum Dream John Fletcher Hayley Stubbs 15 Resting Whiz John Fletcher Hayley Stubbs Intermediate Open 18 Gotta Magnum Dream John Fletcher Hayley Stubbs 18 Resting Whiz John Fletcher Hayley Stubbs NAAC Limited Open 8 Gotta Magnum Dream John Fletcher Hayley Stubbs 13 Resting Whiz John Fletcher Hayley Stubbs Limited Open 12 Gotta Magnum Dream John Fletcher Hayley Stubbs 18 Resting Whiz John Fletcher Hayley Stubbs 34 Customery Juice Rebecca Ros Rebecca Ros NAAC Limited Non Pro 26 Conquistadors Fox Donald W Pletch Donald W Pletch Limited Non Pro 51 Conquistadors Fox Donald W Pletch Donald W Pletch NAAC Prime Time Non Pro 15 Conquistadors Fox Donald W Pletch Donald W Pletch Prime Time Non Pro 19 Conquistadors Fox Donald W Pletch Donald W Pletch 11 THE ORHA SLIDER N O T H G RA U CA AME C Photo Credit: Anne Lorimer and Laura Henderson 12 FALL2014 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL 2014 ORHyA NEW FR S OF M R OTM H ET H YO E UY TOHU TR HE I RN EE IRNSE R S As our show season ends, I cannot help but reflect upon the great things that have happened this year. This youth group has been working very hard to accomplish great things and it is paying off. We have held many fundraisers which have gone over very well and the teamwork shown by the youth has been phenomenal! Not only have we excelled as a group this season, there have also been many individual improvements in the show pen which are quite easy to see. We are looking forward to the Year End Banquet and I would like to wish everyone good luck in the New Year. Sarah O’Grady 2015 ORHYA EXECUTIVE CANDIATES FOR ELECTION 2014 ORHyA President Tristan Stevens - President Brianna Pecore - Vice President Amber Van Segbrook - Secretary TBA - Treasurer GETTING STARTED IN REINING (continued from page 10 ) Standard NRHA rules for legal bits and attire (long sleeve shirts, hats/helmets, boots, etc.) apply. Green Reiners can also still compete in ORHA classes such as Green As Grass, Beginner, Advanced Beginner, should they meet the eligibility. To compete in the Pard’s Green Reiner Level 1 class, you must have less than 50 Green Reiner points. To compete in the Pard’s Green Reiner Level 2 class, you must have less than 100 Green Reiner points. Reaping the Rewards The Pard’s Green rewards program is structured Photo Credit: Laura Henderson into a ladder system, where the participants “graduate up” with the points they cumulate while competing. Once a competitor has reached 50 points they are awarded with a Gift Certificate to Pard’s Western Shop and a jacket. Once a competitor has reached 100 points there are awards with another Pard’s Western Shop Gift Certificate and Montana Silversmiths trophy buckle. After achieving 100 points, the rider is no longer eligible for the Green Reiner class but can move on to Rookie or other ORHA/NRHA classes. For more information on Green Reiner classes visit www.nrha.com. For information on the ORHA entry level class please visit our website, www.orha.on.ca. 13 THE ORHA SLIDER FALL2014 ORHA MARKETPLACE WHY ADVERTISE WITH THE ORHA SLIDER? • • • • Electronically sent directly to our members Current and backdated issues are posted and archived on website Hardcopy versions are available at shows and other ORHA events (tradeshows, conferences, etc.) More is better! - Maximize your advertising budget with volume discount. Price Size (inches) 1X 4X 8X 3.875 x 2.25 $15 $50 $95 1/8 Vertical 1.875 x 4.688 $15 $50 $95 1/4 Page Vertical 3.875 x 4.688 $25 $90 $175 1/3 Page Vertical 2.5 x 9.625 $35 $130 $255 1/2 Page Horizontal 7.875 x 4.688 $50 $190 $375 1/2 Page Vertical 3.875 x 9.625 $50 $190 $375 Full Page (non bleed) 8.375 x 9.875 Size 1/8 Horizontal - Prices are subject to applicable taxes. - We accept Microsoft Word, Photoshop and Illustrator files as well as .tif, .jpg, .gif, .eps, & .pdf files. - Photos should be 150 dpi or larger. - For additional questions email newsletters@orha.on.ca. - Payment can be made by cheque and issued to: Ontario Reining Horse Association. Contact for Pricing THE NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE Laura Henderson, Becky Ros, Carol Ivey THANK YOU TO ALL OUR CONTRIBUTORS: Mike Munroe, Loris Epis, Jon Newnham, Anne Lorimer, Gilliam Joyce, Tristan Stevens 14
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