4 de Mayo 2014 - St. Johns Cathedral of Fresno


4 de Mayo 2014 - St. Johns Cathedral of Fresno
St. John’s Cathedral
Parish Office: 2814 Mariposa St; Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 485-6210 / fax: (559) 485-8409
Most Rev. Armando X. Ochoa, D.D
Rev. Salvador González, Pastor/Rector
Rev. Carlos Serrano, Vicar
Neira Herrera, Clergy/Parish Administrative Assistant
Stella Juarez, Ministries Liaison/Records Keeper
Irma Rodríguez, Assistant Wedding Coordinator/Front Office/Bulletin
Arlyne Rodríguez, Wedding Coordinator
Rebecca Velarde, Accountant
Efren Rubio, Music Director
Margaret Reta, Cathedral Organist
José A. Rodríguez, Religious Education Coordinator
Roy Guzmán, Confirmation/ Young Adult
Parish Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 12:45 pm / 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Email: stjohnscathedral@sbcglobal.net
Rev. Mr. Salvador De La Torre
Weekdays/Entre Semana 8:00 AM Spanish
12:10 PM English
4:15 PM English
7:00 PM Español
5:00 PM
6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM,
5:15 PM
7:45 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM,
7:00 PM
Immediately After 12:10 Mass
Después de la Misa de 12:10 PM
8:00 AM
Holy Days /
Días de Obligación
To Be Announced
Se Anunciará Con Anticipación
WELCOME. We at St. John’s Cathedral extend our heart warm welcome to you, whether a long term resident or newly arrived in the
parish. We thank God that you are with us. If you have not registered, or would like to update your registration information, please fill
out this form. Please place this form in the collection basket or mail/drop off at the Parish office.
Mr./Mrs. Mrs. Ms.: Name_______________________________Adress_______________________________City______________
State_______ Zip___________ Telephone # ______________________
Cell #___________________
* New Parishioner____ *New Address_____ *New Phone____ *Request Weekly Envelopes____ * Moving, Please remove____
Third Sunday of Easter
You have made known to me the paths of life; you will find me with joy in your
May 4, 2014
--Acts 2:28
Pg. 2
Saturday, May 3, 2014
4:15 PM †William Angell, Jr.
7:00 PM †Cecilia Fregoso
Sunday, May 4, 2014
6:30 AM †Rev. Msgr. John Morton
7:45 AM Sociedad Guadalupana
3 de Mayo del 2014
Su Hija Edith
4 de Mayo del 2014
9:00 AM St. John’s Parishioners
10:30 AM Knights of Columbus
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
5:15 PM
7:00 PM
†Maria Valencia & Jose Martinez
†Cesar Villaseñor
†Virginia Mae Moore
†Felipe Rivera
Monday, May 5, 2014
8:00 AM Almas del Purgatorio
12:10 PM † Gerald Culleton
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
8:00 AM † Jose Antonio Guajardo
12:10 PM † Jose Luna
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
8:00 AM Jonathan Pena
12:10 PM Dolores Luna
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Su hija Aurora e hijos
Familia Villaseñor
Gina Taro
5 de Mayo del 2014
6 de Mayo del 2014
Dolores Luna
7 de Mayo del 2014
8 de Mayo del 2014
8:00 AM † Maria Valencia y Jose Martinez
12:10 PM † Laura Best-Rodriguez
Friday, May 9, 2014
8:00 AM † Soledad y nicacia Pacheco
12:10 PM † Zenaida y Francisco Camarena
10 de Mayo del 2014
4:15 PM † William Angell Jr.
7:00 PM † Catalina Bello & Juana Bello
Sunday, May 11, 2014
6:30 AM Souls in Purgatory
7:45 AM Feligreses del Catedral de San Juan
9:00 AM † Mabel & Nick Bonetto
10:30 AM † Isabel Castro Walker Detalleri
David Rivera
11 de Mayo del 2014
1:30 PM †Gonzalo Chavez Jr. Y Gonzalo Chavez Ramas
5:15 PM In thanksgiving to the Virgen Mary
7:00 PM † Ofelia y Benita De La O
Oremos por todos aquéllos que están enfermos, en asilos y hospitales:
Oremos para que Dios les de fuerza, confianza y paciencia.
Dalia Garcia, Zaragoza Rodriguez,
& Arnold Rocha
Please remember in your prayers the recently
deceased of our parish families and for all those
who mourn the loss of a loved one.
Recordemos también en nuestras
oraciones a las almas de los que han
fallecido y por el consuelo de sus familias.
Frances Ann Martin, John Cipriono Pineda
& Manuel Chaidez
Su hija Aurora e hijos
Frye Family
9 de Mayo del 2014
Sus hijas
Saturday, May 10, 2014
12:00 PM Padre Guillermo Preciado
We pray for our parishioners who are sick and home-bound, in
convalescent homes, in hospitals: Please pray for them, that God give
them strength, courage and patience.
Linda Galindo
Familia López
La familia
Peña Family
Comienzan el
5 de Mayo y el 12,
19, 26 y 2 de junio.
$50.00 por
persona. 5 clases
Inscripciones en la
Catedral de San Juan
Tercer Domingo de Pascua
Me has enseñado el sendero de la vida y me saciarás de gozo en tu presencia.
4 de Mayo 2014
--Hechos 2:28
Pg. 3
Religious Education Program
Congratulations to students who received the Sacrament of
First Holy Communion today. May His sacred Body and Blood
strengthen you on your journey through life. Blessings on this
Special Blessed Day!
-Jose Rodriguez, DRE
Felicidades a los estudiantes que recibieron el Sacramento de la
Primera Comunión hoy. Que Su Cuerpo y Sangre sagrada los
fortalece en su viaje por la vida. Bendiciones en este día tan especial!
-José Rodríguez, DRE
Learn to pray in the tradition of St. Teresa of
Avila, St. John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart,
Thomas Merton, St. Therese of Lisieux and other
Christian saints and mystics. Would you like to
develop a relationship of deeper intimacy with
God? Feeling stressed? "Come aside and rest a
while," as Jesus says, and join us in a 3- or 7-day
Centering Prayer retreat in the beautiful St. Anthony's Retreat Center. Centering Prayer allows us
to receive the grace of contemplative prayer by
preparing us to receive this gift. 3-Day (June 2729) is $215 for a shared room and $255 for a
private room. 7-Day (June 27-July 3) is $555 for a
shared room and $615 for a private room.
Email: CenteringPrayerRetreats@gmail.com for a
flyer. $20 fee after June 18th. Please make
check payable to "Everardo Pedraza" and mail to
Centering Prayer Retreats, 2243 S. Bundy Drive,
Fresno, CA 93727. Call: Everardo at 559-230-9736.
Central Valley Charismatic Retreat
-May 16-18, 2014—$175.00 per person—
St. Anthony’s Retreat Center—Three
Rivers, CA. —Fr.Ben St. Croix from
Ottowa, Canada
Healing Mass—Thursday, May 15, 2014
Fr. Ben St. Croix from Ottowa, Canada—
6:30 PM Praise —Mass 7:00 PM —Sacred
Heart Church in Fresno, CA.
Third Sunday of Easter
You have made known to me the paths of life; you will find me with joy in your
May 4, 2014
--Acts 2:28
Pg. 4
St. Peter speaks to us twice today. In
the first reading, we hear an excerpt
from his sermon on Pentecost; in the
second, part of his first Letter. Once a
frightened, uneducated fisherman who
often said just the wrong thing, now
Peter is speaking what he knows to be
true. Everything Jesus had said now
makes sense. His death and rising were
all part of God's plan, and our faith
and hope can be centered on God.
Today's Gospel tells the story of Jesus'
walk to Emmaus with two of the disciples. Frightened, sad, and confused, the two don't recognize
Jesus, who tells them what we heard Peter say
above: all this had to happen as part of God's
plan. In the end, these disciples recognize Jesus as
we are to recognize him--in the breaking of the
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
San Pedro nos habla dos veces hoy. En la
primera lectura, escuchamos una parte de su
sermón el día de Pentecostés; en la segunda,
parte de su primera carta. Antes, un pescador asustado y sin mucha educación que a
menudo decía lo que no debía, ahora dice lo
que él sabe es la verdad. Todo lo que Jesús
había dicho ahora tiene sentido. Su muerte y
resurrección eran parte del plan de Dios y
nuestra fe y esperanza se pueden centrar en
El Evangelio de hoy nos relata la historia de
la caminata de Jesús hacia Emaús con dos
de los discípulos. Asustados, tristes y confusos, ninguno de los dos reconoció a Jesús, quien les dice lo
mismo que escuchamos de Pedro en la lectura
anterior: todo eso sucedió como parte del plan de
Dios. Al final, los discípulos reconocieron a Jesús por
la misma acción que nosotros debemos
reconocerlo-- al partir el Pan.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading -- God has raised the crucified
Jesus, who now pours forth the Holy Spirit upon
(Acts 2:14, 22-33).
Psalm -- Lord, you will show us the path of life
(Psalm 16).
Second Reading -- Our faith and hope are in
God who raised Jesus from the dead
(1 Peter 1:17-21).
Gospel -- Through his words and in the breaking
of the bread, the risen Christ made himself known
to two disciples on their way to Emmaus
(Luke 24:13-35).
Primera lectura -- No era posible que Jesús
quedara bajo el dominio de la muerte
(Hechos 2:14, 22-33).
Salmo -- Señor, nos mostrarás el sendero de vida
(Salmo 16 [17]).
Segunda lectura -- Han sido salvados por la
Sangre preciosa de Cristo, como con un cordero
sin mancha ni defecto.
(1 Pedro 1:17-21).
Evangelio -- Reconocieron a Jesús en la fracción
del pan (Juan 24:13-35).
Tercer Domingo de Pascua
Me has enseñado el sendero de la vida y me saciarás de gozo en tu presencia.
4 de Mayo 2014
--Hechos 2:28
Pg. 5
Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30;
Jn 6:22-29
Tuesday: Acts 7:51 -- 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a,
17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40
Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20;
Jn 6:44-51
Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59
Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69
Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps 23:1-6; 1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10
Lunes: Hch 6:8-15; Sal 119 (118):23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29
Martes: Hch 7:51 -- 8:1a; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 7b,
8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Miércoles: Hch 8:1b-8; Sal 66 (65):1-3a, 4-7a;
Jn 6:35-40
Jueves: Hch 8:26-40; Sal 66 (65):8-9, 16-17, 20;
Jn 6:44-51
Viernes: Hch 9:1-20; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59
Sábado: Hch 9:31-42; Sal 116 (115):12-17; Jn 6:60-69
Domingo: Hch 2:14a, 36-41; Sal 23 (22):1-6;
1 Pe 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10
Table Prayer for the Season
of Easter!
This is the day the Lord has made!
On this Day of days we are filled with Easter
joy and nourished by the fruits of earth. On
this Day of days may we know the presence
Confirmation Registrations begin
this Tues. 5-6pm or
Sunday 2:30pm-3:00pm in the
Basement Hall for HS Youth.
Please bring copies of Baptism &
First Communion. Also have your
child come for interview. Fee is
$80 Families can choose classless
on Sun. 2:30pm or Tues 5pm. We
have a limit of 200 Youth, so
please register early. Registrations
will be going throughout the
Summer. Any questions, please
call Roy Guzman 485-3619
of Christ in breaking bread with those we
love. On this Day of days let us show his
presence to the poor and hungry as our
service to them is a sign of his glory. This is
the day the Lord has made! Let all the earth
cry out with joy on this
Day of days. May this
meal be blessed, as we
will be at the feast of
heaven. Amen.
Third Sunday of Easter
You have made known to me the paths of life; you will find me with joy in your
May 4, 2014
--Acts 2:28
4:15 PM
$ 1,180.88
7:00 PM
$ 689.66
6:30 AM
$ 940.00
7:45 AM
$ 1,279.23
9:00 AM
$ 1,338.86
10:30 AM
$ 1,374.36
12:00 PM
$ 963.53
1:30 PM
$ 946.78
5:15 PM
$ 696.78
7:00 PM
$ 1,083.77
$ 10,493.85
Second Collection TODAY 5/3-4/14 for
Home Missions.
The Catholic Home Missions Appeal
will take place next week. One way that
this Appeal works to support
mission dioceses here at home is by
supporting seminarian formation in
poor dioceses. The blessing of
seminarians places a financial burden on
these dioceses, which educate each
seminarian at a cost of $35,000–$40,000
per year. Your support is needed for
these young men, so that they can return
to serve their parishes. Please
strengthen the Church at home by
making a generous gift to today’s
Segunda Colecta de HOY 5/3-4/14 para Misiones
La próxima semana se realizará el Llamado para
las Misiones Católicas. Una de las maneras en
las que obra el Llamado para apoyar a las
diócesis misioneras aquí en casa es financiando
la formación de seminaristas en las diócesis
pobres. La bendición que son los seminaristas
coloca una carga financiera en estas diócesis, las
cuales educan a cada seminarista a un costo
anual entre $35,000 y $40,000. Necesitamos que
apoye a estos jóvenes para que ellos puedan
regresar a servir a sus parroquias. Por favor,
fortalezca la Iglesia en casa contribuyendo
generosamente en el Llamado de hoy.
Tercer Domingo de Pascua
Me has enseñado el sendero de la vida y me saciarás de gozo en tu presencia.
4 de Mayo 2014
--Hechos 2:28
Pg. 7
Join Us for Breakfast on Friday,
May 9th with Noel Irwin Hentschel
 Date: Friday May 9th,
Time: 7:20am - 8:30am
(Doors open at 7:00am
for networking)
Where: Pardini's Banquet Room - Van Ness
& Shaw Avenue
 Cost:
$20.00 non-members
$15.00 members &
guests of members
Altar Servers: 3rd Saturday of the Month 2:00pm -Church Basement
Adoradores Nocturnos: 1st Friday of the month 9pm-6:00am Church
Altar Society: 3rd Sunday of the Month 10 am Church Basement
Catholic Daughters: 4th Sunday of the Month 10 am Room 4
Christ The King: Please call Parish Office .
El Verdadero Amor Espera (EVAE ): Fridays 7:00 pm Room 3
English Eucharistic Ministers: Please call parish office.
English Youth Ministry, True Love Waits, Recollection,
Confirmation: Tuesdays 7:00 pm Church Basement
Estudio de Biblia en Español: Tuesdays 9:30 am Church Basement
Génesis: Friday’s 7 pm Room 1
Noel Irwin Hentschel is Chairman, CEO and co-Founder of
Guadalupe Society: 1st Sunday of the Month 9 am Room 1
AmericanTours International (ATI), America's largest privately held,
Grupo de Estudio De Biblia “La Montaña”:
American-owned, inbound/outbound tourism and marketing
Fridays 8:30 am Church Basement
organization. Serving one-million visitors annually, ATI is
headquartered in Los Angeles and Orlando with regional offices in
Grupo De Oración: Friday’s 10 am Church Basement
Miami, New York, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Honolulu and
Beijing. One of California’s largest woman owned businesses, ATI is
Knights of Columbus: 3rd Thursday of the Month -Rm.1
one of the nation's largest tour operators for foreigners visiting the
United States. Hentschel served as advisor to seven Secretaries of
Lazarus Ministry: Please call Parish Office.
Commerce, both Republican and Democrat. She is currently serving
Legion of Mary: Tuesdays 4 :00pm- Church Basement
as Deputy Secretary General of the World Tourism Cities
Federation headquartered in Beijing. She is active in strengthening
Matthew 25 Detention Ministry: 2nd Saturday of Month 10:00am -Rm. 3
America’s international relations by working with government
leaders in China, Cuba, Vietnam, Jordan and Israel. Inspired by
Music Ministry: Tuesday-Friday 6:00pm -Music Room
Mother Teresa, Hentschel established The Noel Foundation in 1988
to help those most in need around the world. Hentschel is a
Natural Family Planning (NFP): Call Parish Office for information
Franciscan-Mariologist, well versed on the Blessed Virgin Mother,
Christology, Moral Theology, Spiritual Warfare and Comparative
Pan de Vida: Please call Parish Office for dates
World Religions of Christianity Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and
Daoism. She is a pioneer opening doors with governments,
Pilares de Fe: Fridays 7:00pm -Church Basement
businesses and ministries in China, Cuba, Vietnam, Jordan and
Israel. "I am looking forward to returning to my hometown of
R.C.I.A: Wednesdays 7:00pm -Church Basement
Fresno to share my recent amazing experiences in China and all the
Recolección: Sundays 5:30pm -Church Basement
holy hidden treasures I discovered there from Inner Mongolia to
Shanghai," says Hentschel. “Prayer leads to grace; grace inspires
Religious Education CCD: Monday-Wednesday 5:30pm –7:00pm
light; light offers clarity; clarity brings truth and humility and truth
and humility affirms ‘Trust in God for love, peace and eternal life.”
Spanish Eucharistic Ministers: Please call parish office .
For questions, more information or reservations for breakfast call
(559) 434-2722
Ushers: 2nd Thursday of the month 6:00pm -Church Basement
or email us at reservations@cpbcfresno.org

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