exhibitor manual - 3rd European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation


exhibitor manual - 3rd European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
1. IMPORTANT ADDRESSES AND CONTACT DETAILS ...................................................................... 3
2. VENUE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Entrance Location of the ECNR 2015 .......................................................................................... 6
4. SET-UP, DISMANTLING AND EXHIBITION SCHEDULE ................................................................... 7
5. DELIVERY & STORAGE INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 9
6. TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITION AREA / BOOTH BUILD-UP ..................................... 10
7. EXHIBITION REGULATIONS ...................................................................................................... 12
8. EXHIBITION PLAN .................................................................................................................... 14
9. LIST OF EXHIBITORS ................................................................................................................. 15
10. CATERING FACILITIES ............................................................................................................... 15
10. REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................ 16
11. GENERAL INFORMATION & IMPORTANT DATES ....................................................................... 17
12. EXHIBITION/SPONSORING PARTICIPATION TERMS & CONDITIONS .......................................... 18
13. HOFBURG EXHIBITION REGULATIONS ...................................................................................... 19
APPENDIX – Order Forms
Form 1:
Stand Construction Declaration
Form 2:
Booth Cleaning
Form 3:
Internet Connection
Shell Scheme stands and structural elements, carpeting, furniture, etc.
Video, Audio & IT
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Exhibition Organiser & Sponsoring
Mondial Congress & Events
Mondial GmbH & Co. KG
Operngasse 20b
1040 Vienna, Austria
Ellen Valckenaere
E valckenaere@mondial-congress.com
T +43 1 58804 – 143
Ms. Franziska Klein
T: +43 1 5873666 213
F: +43 1 5356426
Venue & On-site Operations
1014 Vienna, Austria
Ms. Franziska Klein will be on maternity leave as of early autumn.
Substitute representative will be named accordingly.
Official appointed suppliers
Shell Scheme / Furniture / Carpeting / Cleaning / Signage / Flowers
Expoxx Messebau GmbH
Messeplatz 1, Postfach 277
1021 Vienna, Austria
Mr. Martin Moser
T: +431727206207
Mrs. Hermelinde Steiner
T: +43 1 4703700
F: +43 1 4703700 -19
Mr. Mischa Volavsek
T: +43 2262 7333 – ext. 23
F: +43 2262 7333 – 11
Mr. Alexander Zehrfuchs
T: +43 1 728 31 60 8714
Richard Lesonitzky GmbH
Lacknergasse 78
1180 Vienna, Austria
AV-Equipment & Computer
Steiner Mediensysteme GmbH
Gewerbegebiet 11,
2100 Stetten-Korneuburg, Austria
DHL Freight & Storage
1020 Wien, Austria
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Gerstner Catering
Kärntner Straße 51
1010 Wien, Austria
Ms. Katrin Lindbichler
T: +43 1 316 65 2489
Registration & Accommodation
Mondial Congress & Events
Mondial GmbH & Co. KG
Operngasse 20b
1040 Vienna, Austria
Stand Personnel
Ellen Valckenaere
Scientific Badges &
Accommodation Booking
Christiane Tronigger
E valckenaere@mondial-congress.com
T +43 1 58804 - 143
E tronigger@mondial-congress.com
T +43 1 58804 - 607
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Heldenplatz, 1014 Vienna, Austria
How to reach the HOFBURG Vienna
By Car
Vienna can be reached via the following motorways:
from Western Europe/Northern Europe: A1/E60
from Southern Europe: A2/E59
from Eastern Europe: A4/E58/E60
The city centre is signposted. Please keep in mind that you need a valid Austrian motorway toll label. You can get
these at Austrian petrol stations and tobacconists’ as well as at border crossing points along the motorway. Since
parking near the congress venue is generally short-term only, it is highly advisable to use one of the marked
By Public Transportation
Underground U2 to “Volkstheater” or U3 to “Volkstheater” or “Herrengasse”.
© HOFBURG Vienna
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
3. Entrance Location of the ECNR 2015
The main entrance to the HOFBURG Vienna Congress Center is at Heldenplatz. The registration will be located in
the Foyer for both, delegates and exhibitors. The exhibition area is located on the first floor.
The entrance for delivery is through the Gate 2.
to 1st floor
for Delivery
Main Entrance
© HOFBURG Vienna
Pictures from the Venue
© HOFBURG Vienna
Gate 2
© HOFBURG Vienna
Main Entrance HOFBURG Vienna
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Exhibition Service & Registration Desk
Opening Times
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015
Exhibition Registration Desk – Check-in
Exhibitors (registered booth staff for the period of the congress) have to come to the Exhibition Registration Desk
upon their first arrival at the Hofburg Vienna. They will then receive further instructions as well as their exhibitor
badges. It will be located in the main registration area.
Personnel for setup/breakdown also need to sign in at the Exhibitor Service & Registration Desk.
Exhibition Set-up Times
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
08:00 – 23:00 Finish of all technical set-up. Load up and clear up of booth building material such as hand lifts,
boxes etc. in order to clean the aisles.
23:00 – 24:00 you can still work within your booth
All exhibition booths must be fully operational for the approval by the Local Authority by 23:00 on Tuesday,
December 1, 2015.
Each booth will be clearly labelled with the name of its organization. A preliminary floor plan, displaying all the
booths and their allocated exhibitors, can be viewed on page 14.
Please contact the Exhibition Manager, Ellen Valckenaere at valckenaere@mondial-congress.com, if a longer setup time is required.
Exhibition Opening Times
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015
Please note that your booth has to be staffed during all these times!
Dismantling Time
The exhibition breakdown is scheduled for Friday, December 4, 2015
12:30 to 14:30 packing activities are allowed only inside the stand
14:30 to 24:00 break-down and taking materials and exhibits out of the exhibition hall
The organisers and the venue management team will not allow any exhibition stand setup or breakdown during
refreshment breaks, lunch times, or at any other times when any delegates are present within the exhibition area.
Non-adherence will force the venue management team to close the exhibition hall and any penalties or charges
incurred will be passed on by the organizers to the exhibitor(s) who has/have not adhered to this regulation.
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Note: The Exhibitor must dismantle the booth and return hired furnishings by 00:00 on Friday, December 4, 2015.
The Exhibitor must clear the booth area and clean the floor. Stored materials, empty containers and packing
materials must be disposed of. Items for which the Exhibitor has made no arrangements regarding removal and
storage at his/her cost and which are left behind become the property of the Organising Secretariat, which may
demand that Exhibitors restore the exhibition area to the original condition at the Exhibitor’s expense. If the
Exhibitor does not dismantle and clear away his/her exhibit in a timely manner, these items will be removed by
the Organising Secretariat at the Exhibitor’s cost. The Exhibitor is liable for the actual cost incurred by the
Organising Secretariat for such removals of abandoned exhibits.
Maintenance of booths and exhibition area
Exhibitors are responsible for the proper care of the floors, walls and staircases as well as the hired booths and
furnishings. Hired booths and furnishings must be returned in an orderly condition and in an orderly way. To
avoid scratches and furrows on floors as the result of sliding heavy packing cases, exhibitors are required to use
protective coverings. Exhibitors and their shipping agents, on specific orders from the exhibitor, must take special
care when transporting heavy packing cases and heavy loads. It is not permitted to drive nails or hooks into the
walls of the exhibition hall, to install electric wiring or to cut or drill holes in the walls of the rented booths. Empty
containers and packing materials must be disposed of at the exhibitor’s cost before the start of the exhibition;
cleaning the booth is the Exhibitor’s responsibility. No part of an exhibition booth may be suspended from the
ceiling. No part of an exhibit or of the booth’s structure may protrude beyond the allotted area on any side. No
signboards may protrude beyond the booth’s walls. Decorating materials and wallpaper used by the exhibitor
must be fire-proof. Prior to use, written proof of this fact must be presented to the Organising Secretariat. Police
regulations, fire regulations and other official regulations must be observed at all times, also during the
construction and dismantling of the exhibits.
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Night/Weekend Traffic Ban
The following traffic bans exist in Austria:
Night traffic ban: for all freight vehicle with a gross vehicle weight above 7,5t, between 22:00 and 05:00
Weekend traffic ban: for all freight vehicle as well as for tractor trailers with a gross vehicle weight over
7,5t, between Saturday 15:00 and Sunday 22:00 hrs as well as on national bank holidays between 00:00
and 22:00 hours.
Please note that in transit countries en route to Austria – e.g. Italy or Germany – different traffic ban regulations
may apply.
Access to ‘HOFBURG Vienna’ with vehicles
Trucks, vans or private cars used for delivery of booth material only, via the Gateway - accessible from
Heldenplatz (see map on page 5) No other vehicles are allowed to access the Fairgrounds of the “HOFBURG
Upon completion of loading/offloading, vehicles must immediately leave the Gateway. Please note that no
parking is available for cars or vans in the service area.
Car Parking
The nearest parking garages within walking distance are the Garage am Museumsquartier (Museumsplatz 1, 1070
Vienna) with 980 parking spaces in total and the Garage Freyung (Freyung, 1010 Vienna) with 693 parking spaces
Truck Parking
The nearest parking area for trucks of all kinds is at the motorway service area “Wien Auhof” on motorway
“Westautobahn A1” approx. 15 km away from the “HOFBURG Vienna”. Please note that there is no public
transport available for returning to the city centre.
Access to Exhibition Area
The exhibition area is located in the Festsaal (1st floor), which includes catering areas and probably the internet
area. The Welcome Reception on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 will also take place in the exhibition area.
For delivery please use “Gate 2” (see also page 6).
Please note that the Exhibition Area is not on the same level as the loading area.
Depending on size and construction time special delivery time may be allocated by the organizer.
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Deliveries have to be marked with the name of the company, the event and the stand-number. They have to be
delivered with all carriage paid to
Hofburg VIENNA
ATTN: ECNR congress
1010 Vienna
Equipment should not be sent for arrival before Friday November 27, 2015.
Deliveries outside the official set-up and dismantling times are not possible, as there is not enough storage
room available in the venue.
Freight Forwarding / Storage
DHL Freight is in charge of storage and will give any help by freight forwarding to / from Vienna as well as
import/export of exhibits. For contacts, please see Important Addresses & Contact Details.
Unfortunately, there is no storage space available inside the Congress Center (except from Friday November 27,
2015). DHL Freight will offer solutions. Your stored materials will then be delivered at the requested time.
All exhibits and materials should be properly insured for transportation and for the conference. Please note that
ECNR and Mondial Congress & Events are not taking responsibility for the transported material.
General Information
All exhibitors who chose to use the space-only and will bring their own, pre-constructed booths, must send their
detailed stand plans including length, width and height of the booth, floor plan, front and side elevation in for
approval by Wednesday, October 1, 2015 to valckenaere@mondial-congress.com.
Deadline submission of stand plan/stand construction declaration
Wednesday, October 1, 2015
Exhibitors are obliged to grant official supervisor staff and accredited representatives of HOFBURG Vienna
access to their booth. Exhibitors, their staff, and all visitors to the fair must obey the instructions of these
Eligible exhibits
Only the sign of the company whose name appears on the contract may be placed in the stand or appear on any
printed or online list of exhibitors at the ECNR 2015.
Booth and Booth Equipment
The Exhibitor has the choice either to design his own booth or to rent a shell scheme system as well as to rent
additional booth equipment. For ordering, please use the relevant order forms in Appendix 5.
For more information, please get in contact with our service partner EXPOXX (Contact Details: please see page3).
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Booth Heights / Suspension
According to the regulations of the Organisers, the following restrictions for booth building apply:
Standard height of booths: 2,50 metres
Bordering on a visitors’ aisle, only 20 - 30% of the booth wall may be obscured and any decoration, etc
must be reasonably spaced. According to international custom, a corner booth shall be built open on 2
sides, peninsula booths shall be built open on 3 sides and island booths shall be built open on 4 sides
The side and back walls of all booths should be finished on the outside as well as the inside
Two-tier booths and / or ‘double-decker’ booths are not permitted
For any extension, permission must be obtained in advance from Mondial Congress & Events
Booth ≥ 12:
Maximum height of the outer walls: 3 metres
Maximum height of walls, columns and/or other fixed constructions with a minimum distance of 1 meter
to the stand border and the confirmation of Mondial Congress & Events: 3 metres
For any extension, permission must be obtained in advance from Mondial Congress & Events
For any questions, please contact Mondial Congress & Events.
Accessibility of Booth – Ramps
Booths with a technical (raised) floor higher than 2 cm must include an 80 cm wide access ramp with a maximum
slope of 8 %. Ramps must be integrated into the booth design and may not extend beyond allocated floor space.
Power Supply
The rented space is provided without any power supply. To order the proper power connection, please see the
relevant order form in Appendix 4.
Water supply
Please note, that there is no water supply in the exhibition area.
Daily Booth Cleaning / Waste Disposal
The Organiser is only responsible for general cleaning of the Exhibition Hall (aisles and public areas) during the
Meeting. Empty containers and packing materials must be disposed of at the Exhibitor’s cost before the start of
the exhibition; cleaning the booth is also the Exhibitor’s responsibility. If required, the Exhibitor may order
cleaning services for the booth. Please see the relevant Order Form in Appendix 2.
Please find also further information in the Exhibition Regulations of the HOFBURG Vienna.
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
The Organiser provides general guard service and third party insurance at the Congress site. This excludes
equipment and all related display materials installed by exhibitors. The Organiser will under no circumstances be
liable for any loss, damage or destruction caused to equipment, goods or property belonging to
exhibitors/sponsors. The Exhibitor agrees to be responsible for his property and person and for the property and
persons of his employees and agents and for any third party who may visit his space through full and
comprehensive insurance, and shall hold harmless the Organiser for any and all damage claims arising from theft
and those perils usually covered by a fire and extended-coverage policy.
Exhibitors are reminded of the need to consult their own Insurance Company or Insurance Broker to cover
themselves fully against all risks at the Exhibition. Particular attention is drawn to the need for the following:
Abandonment insurance: Exhibitors should note that the Organisers are not obliged to return any amount paid
for the space in the event of the Exhibition being abandoned, postponed or altered in any way in whole or in part
or if the Organisers find it necessary to change the dates or the venue of the Exhibition.
Stands fixtures and similar insurance: All risks on loss or damage to Exhibitor’s property, fixtures, fittings and all
other property of a similar nature such as personal property of directors, principals and employees whilst on the
Exhibition premises and transit risks to and from the Exhibition.
Public Liability
Remove all Liability to the public may arise out of the Exhibitor’s activities and should be covered by insurance.
Each Exhibitor must have its own individual Public Liability Insurance in place. Insurance should be affected with
the minimum delay.
Whilst the Organisers will endeavour to protect exhibition property whilst on display at the Exhibition it must be
clearly understood that the management of the Premises and the Organisers cannot accept liability for any loss or
damage sustained or occasioned from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors will be responsible for all damage to
property and for any loss or injury caused by them or their agents or employees and will indemnify the Organisers
against all claims and expenses arising there from.
In the event of it being necessary for any reason whatsoever for the Exhibition to be abandoned, postponed or
altered in any way in whole or in part or if the Organisers find it necessary to change the dates or venue of the
Exhibition or the layout, the Organisers shall not be liable for any expenditure loss or damage incurred by an
Exhibitor or exhibition contractor resultant upon such change. Nor shall the Organisers be liable for any
expenditure loss or damage resultant upon the intervention of any Authority which restricts the use of the
Premises in whole or in part in any manner whatsoever. The organisers shall not be held liable for too low a
number of registered delegates or for any lack of interest for the entire event.
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Failure to vacate
If the Exhibitor should fail to remove all his property or otherwise fail to vacate the Exhibition premises on Friday,
December 3, 2015 by 24:00 due to any cause whatsoever, the Exhibitor shall be fully responsible for any penalties
imposed by the Premises or any losses and costs incurred by the Organisers as a result of the Exhibitor failing to
vacate the premises by the agreed time and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Organisers. The
Organisers may remove any property of the Exhibitor left at the Exhibition Area by the Exhibitor after the said
time and the Exhibitor shall pay all costs of such removal to the Organisers on demand.
Industrial Relations / Ethical Code / Pharma Code
All exhibitors, contractors and sub-contractors within the exhibition halls are advised to conduct their industrial
relations in accordance with good practice. Persons carrying out work contrary to the requirements of the Local
Authority will be required to stop work immediately and may be directed off the premises.
All exhibitors are obligated to follow the appropriate Country- as well as the European Pharma Code.
Promotional Activities
The booths may only be used for exhibiting and advertising the Exhibitor’s own products, materials or services as
described in the application form, not for the sale of any products. Advertising materials may be distributed only
within the confines of the booth. Any kind of promotion outside the respective exhibition booth is forbidden
(such as Working Acts, distributing flyers etc.)
Promotion activities (e.g. quiz show, presentations) at the booth must be reported to Mondial Congress & Events
in writing in advance. The Exhibition organiser reminds you that such activities are only permitted if:
The activity is staged within the confines of the booth and not at the edge thereof
It can be demonstrated that sufficient space is available within the booth to accommodate the expected
number of onlookers/participants
Sound is directed towards the interior of the booth and not directed outside; the noise level at the
perimeter of the booth may not exceed 40dB(A). Special sound systems are highly recommended
Special care is taken to avoid the use of lights, spotlights or sound systems which may annoy visitors or
neighbouring booths
Activities planned are registered punctually, at the latest 3 weeks prior to the event, and are accompanied
by a precise sketch and a detailed description of how the events is to be staged
It is forbidden to distribute promotional material or to engage participants in other ways outside of the exhibition
Signage directing the delegates and visitors to the exhibition will be installed. Exhibitors are not permitted to
erect their own signs (hanging or standing) anywhere within the exhibition halls and the Congress Centre, other
than on their own booths.
Smoking Policy
Smoking is prohibited in the Hofburg.
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
by Alphabetical order
ABILITY Switzerland AG
albrecht GmbH
BOSANA Medizintechnik GmbH
Guger Technologies
Hasomed GmbH
Idrogenet - Gloreha
Interactive Motion Technologies
Ipsen Pharma GmbH
Kinestica d.o.o
Magrathea Informatik GmbH
MindMaze SA
Motekforce Link
Nordic NeuroSTIM
NovaVision GmbH
Otto Bock HealthCare Deutschland GmbH
P.A.N. Zentrum für Post-Akute Neurorehabilitation
Pro-Walk Rehabilitationshilfen Und Sanitätsbedarf GmbH
Reha & Medi Hoffmann GmbH
Rehder/Partner GmbH
Sintetica GmbH
Sporlastich GmbH
St. Jude Medical
Tobii Dynavox
Tyromotion GmbH
Booth Catering
Booth catering is available during the set-up, dismantling and opening hours of the exhibition. If you wish to order
booth catering, please contact Gestner Catering, the official contractor of the “HOFBURG Vienna” & ECNR 2015.
No other catering companies are admissible. Orders need to be submitted until Tuesday November 24, 2015
Gerstner Catering
Kärntner Straße 51
1010 Wien, Austria
Ms. Katrin Lindbichler
T: +43 1 316 65 2489
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Delegate Catering
Coffee, tea and soft drinks, will be available at the coffee stations in the exhibition area during the official coffee
breaks in the programme.
During the exhibition hours, refreshments and snacks will be provided on a cash-only basis.
Registration of Booth Personnel
For security reasons, booth personnel must wear the official ECNR name badges at all times.
2 exhibitor badges (no access to scientific sessions) per 6m² rented exhibition space are included in the rental
price. To avoid time-consuming on-site registration, you are advised to send in the “Stand Personnel Registration”
Excel-File (enclosed) until Tuesday, October 27, 2015.
Badges will not be mailed in advance! Upon arrival, they need to be collected from the Exhibition Registration
Desk. For the Exhibition Registration Desk opening hours see page 7.
For any additional booth personnel, a fee of EUR 80.00 (excl. VAT) will be charged.
To order additional badges please send in the “Stand Personnel Registration” Excel-File until Tuesday, October
27, 2015.
The exhibiting company will be responsible for the actions of anyone authorised to receive a badge under the
exhibiting company’s name, including their invited guests. An invoice will be sent based on your order.
Each representative who is issued with an Exhibitor’s badge must be employed by the Exhibitor or have a direct
business affiliation.
Exhibitor badges will not be issued to registrants who should pay the registration fee or to representatives of
leasing companies, financial institutions, suppliers, vendors, or others who wish to gain admittance for the
purpose of making contacts.
Access to Scientific Sessions
Exhibitor badges will not grant access to scientific sessions. If exhibitor staff wants to attend the scientific
programme, they need to register as delegates.
Please refer to the ECNR website www.ecnr.org, which provides further information and time schedules of the
scientific sessions and networking programme.
The Organisers reserve the right to make changes to the programme and time schedule without prior notice.
Delegate Registration & Group Registration
To register as a delegate, please visit the Online Registration Website
To register a group (more than 10 participants) please contact Christiane Tronigger (tronigger@mondialcongress.com)
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Important Dates & Deadlines
August 2015
Scientific Programme online
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Deadline Early Fee for Delegate Registration
Deadline for Stand Personnel Registration
Deadline Regular Fee for Delegate Registration
Wednesday, October 1, 2015
Deadline submission of the stand construction declaration and
the stand plan
Deadline for all additional exhibition orders
(power supply, cleaning, furniture, shell scheme,…)
Tuesday November 24, 2015
Deadline for Catering Order
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Wed/Thu/Fri, December 1-4, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2014 – 14:30
3rd European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation ECNR
Set-up of Technical Exhibition
Dismantling of Technical Exhibition
Networking Programme
Welcome Reception
Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Time: 17:30 – 19:30
Location: Hofburg
Costs per Person: included in the Registration fee
Refers to website for other networking events.
Hotel Accommodation
Mondial Congress & Events has secured a sufficient number of hotel rooms in 4*, 3* and 2* hotels at competitive
rates. For any details, please visit www.ecnr.org or contact Mondial Congress & Events (see important addresses
and contact details on page 3 of this manual).
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
1. Application for Exhibition/Sponsoring: In order to be considered for
Exhibition/Sponsoring, the application form must be filled in, completed with a legally
competent signature and a company stamp, and delivered to us on time. However, mailing or
delivering of the Application Form for Exhibition/Sponsoring to the Organising Secretariat
does not constitute a formal agreement that the Exhibitor/Sponsor will be admitted to
participate. Contractual conditions are constituted only after the Organising Secretariat has
sent written confirmation of acceptance to the Exhibitor/Sponsor. In case of acceptance,
Exhibitor/Sponsor will be bound by the Terms and Conditions listed in the prospectus and in
the Application Forms for Exhibition and Sponsorship. The Organising Secretariat reserves the
right to refuse any application to exhibit/sponsor without giving cause. Exhibition space and
sponsorship items are allotted according to the terms and conditions as listed in the
Exhibition/Sponsorship prospectus. Any company which disobeys the directives of the
Organising Secretariat may be excluded from the exhibition/sponsoring with immediate
effect by the Organising Secretariat. Such companies are liable for the whole rental sum, for
the registration fee(s) and for all incidental expenses including the legal value added tax. All
agreements shall remain in full force and effect in case of merger or acquisition of the
contracting company. All oral agreements, special permissions and special arrangements are
valid only upon receipt of written confirmation.
2. Obligations and Rights of the Exhibitor: The booths may only be used for exhibiting and
advertising the Exhibitor’s own products, materials or services as described in the application
form, but not for the sale of any products. Advertising materials may be distributed only
within the confines of the booth. Any kind of promotion outside the respective exhibition
space is forbidden (such as Working Acts, distributing flyers, surveys among participants etc.).
The partial or complete subleasing or otherwise relinquishing of a booth to a third party, as
well as private agreements for switching booths or floor space between two exhibitors is
prohibited. The Organising Secretariat reserves the right to enter any booth at any time.
Booths need to be occupied during exhibition hours. The exhibition rooms are to be used only
during regular opening hours. Prior written permission from the Organising Secretariat is
obligatory for the presentation of advertising lectures, advertising films, slide projections, for
the distribution of samples, beverages or food. It is strictly forbidden for companies which are
not exhibitors/sponsors to advertise in any way in the exhibition hall or in the entrances to
the exhibition hall.
3. Obligations and Rights of Organising Secretariat: The Organising Secretariat reserves the
right to revise the time and location of the exhibition, to shorten the duration of the
exhibition and to cancel the exhibition altogether. Any change regarding the exhibition’s time
and duration neither entitles the exhibitor to cancel the contract nor to request a fee
reduction or to put forward a claim to damages incurred by these changes.
4. Cancellation by Congress Organising Secretariat – Force Majeure: In case of force
majeure, the Congress Organising Secretariat has the right to alter or cancel the Congress
without prior notice, however a notice of the occurrence shall be given by the Organising
Secretariat as soon as reasonably possible. Force majeure shall mean any circumstance
beyond the reasonable control of the Organising Secretariat which prevents or impedes the
holding of the Congress, including, but not limited to, government action, war or hostilities,
riot or civil commotion, plague or other epidemic, earthquake, flood, hurricane, cyclone, fire
or other natural physical disaster, explosion, accident or breakdown, strike, lack of the usual
means of transportation or terrorism or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful
intent or gross negligence of the Organising Secretariat. The Organising Secretariat shall not
be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages, losses, expenditures
or any other inconveniences or costs caused by such modification or cancellation of the
Congress. The Organising Secretariat shall, in its sole discretion, determine the amount of the
exhibition fees or Sponsorship fees to be refunded, if any.
5. Liability Insurance: The Organiser provides general guard service and third party insurance
at the Congress site. Equipment and all related display materials installed by exhibitors are
not insured by the Organiser, and they will under no circumstances be liable for any loss,
damage or destruction caused to equipment, goods or property belonging to
exhibitors/sponsors. The Exhibitor agrees to be responsible for his property and person and
for the property and persons of his employees and agents and for any third party who may
visit his space through full and comprehensive insurance, and shall hold harmless the
Organiser for any and all damage claims arising from theft and those perils usually covered by
a fire and extended-coverage policy.
6. Set-up of booths: To ensure a smooth course of events, Exhibitors must obey all directives
and instructions of the Organising Secretariat regarding the use of booths, their decoration,
the use of self-designed and self-constructed booths, and the fitting and furnishings of the
booths. Before setting up their booths/displays/installations, Exhibitors must first contact the
Organising Secretariat and reconfirm placement of the booth as well as inform themselves of
any special regulations relating to their booth. Side and back walls of booths are to be 2,5
metres high. For any variation from this norm, specific permission must be obtained in
advance from the Organising Secretariat. Written permission also needs to be obtained for
any changes in the size or structure of the floor space, or for any changes to the rented
objects. Booths must be set up and completed during the timeframe designated. An Exhibitor
or advertising company contracted by the Exhibitor who wishes to set up a booth or exhibit
of their own design and construction must first submit sketches and plans with a statement
of colour schemes of such a booth or , if any, exhibit to the Organising Secretariat. The
Organising Secretariat reserves the right to demand changes in such booths or exhibits should
safety regulations, technical requirements, or the responsibility of preserving or obtaining the
best possible overall image for the exhibition, as judged by the Organising Secretariat, so
require. The side and back walls of all stands should be finished on the outside as well as the
inside. Exhibitors must avoid obstructing the view of or access to neighbouring booths.
Special care must be taken to avoid the use of lights or spotlights that may annoy visitors or
neighbouring booths. Should an exhibitor not follow the directives of the Organising
Secretariat or not carry out such directives punctually, the Organising Secretariat reserves the
right to take the necessary steps at the cost of the Exhibitor. The Organising Secretariat
reserves the right to close or obstruct unused entrances or exits to the exhibition rooms and
the right to direct the Exhibitor to another space in the exhibition hall if necessary even if this
directive conflicts with previous written agreements. Organising Secretariat also reserves the
right to rent floor space of a booth not finished on time to another applicant. In such a case,
the Exhibitor is responsible for all costs arising from cancellation.
7. Maintenance of booths and exhibition area: Exhibitors are responsible for the proper care
of the floors, walls, staircases and storage rooms as well as the hired booths and furnishings.
Hired booths and furnishings must be returned in an orderly condition and in an orderly way.
To avoid scratches and furrows on floors as the result of sliding heavy packing cases,
exhibitors are required to use protective coverings. Exhibitors and their shipping agents, on
specific orders from the exhibitor, must take special care when transporting heavy packing
cases and heavy loads. Exhibitors who wish to display extra heavy exhibits demanding special
supports or foundations must request prior permission specifically in this matter from the
Organising Secretariat. It is not permitted to drive nails or hooks into the walls of the
exhibition hall, to install electric wiring or to cut or drill holes in the walls of the rented
booths. Empty containers and packing materials must be disposed of at the exhibitor’s cost
before the start of the exhibition; cleaning the booth is the Exhibitor’s responsibility. No part
of an exhibition booth may be suspended from the ceiling. No part of an exhibit or of the
booth’s structure may protrude beyond the allotted area on any side. No signboards may
protrude beyond the booth’s walls. Decorating materials and wallpaper used by the exhibitor
must be fire-proof. Prior to use, written proof of this fact must be presented to the
Organising Secretariat. Police regulations, fire regulations and other official regulations must
be observed at all times, also during the construction and dismantling of the exhibits.
8. Electrical Installations – Power consumption: Within the Shell Scheme rental, a threesocket extension cord and basic power supply is included. Any additional costs related to a
main power supply for a booth and the wattage of the booth’s electric equipment will be
invoiced to each Exhibitor separately and is not included in the rental fee. Electrical
installations within the booth are also at the Exhibitor’s expense; however, such installations
may only be carried out by an electrician appointed by the Organising Secretariat. The
Organising Secretariat however is not responsible for any losses or damage which may occur
from interruptions or defects in the electric power supply.
9. Dismantling of booths: The Exhibitor must dismantle the booth within the allotted time
and return hired furnishings on time. Upon leaving, the Exhibitor must clear the booth area
and clean the floor. Stored materials, empty containers and packing materials must be
disposed of. Items for which the Exhibitor has made no arrangements regarding removal and
storage at his/her cost and which are left behind become the property of the Organising
Secretariat, and no reimbursement will be made for such items. The Organising Secretariat
can demand that Exhibitors restore the exhibition area to the original condition at the
Exhibitor’s expense. If the Exhibitor does not dismantle and clear away his/her exhibit in a
timely manner, these items will be removed by the Organising Secretariat at the Exhibitor’s
cost. The Exhibitor is liable for the actual cost incurred by the Organising Secretariat for such
removals of abandoned exhibits. Rented Items which were originally accepted as satisfactory
for rental by the exhibitor are to be returned undamaged and in satisfactory condition. All
rented items are considered to be in satisfactory condition unless a written notation signed
by the Organising Secretariat is made at the time of rental. Exhibitors must bear the costs of
repairs to damaged exhibition areas and of repairs of or necessary cleaning of rented items.
10. Payments – Breach of contract: Please refer to the terms of payment, reduction and
cancellation policy and corresponding deadlines as given in the Exhibition/Sponsoring
prospectus and the application forms for Exhibition/Sponsoring. The dimensions of floor
space, booth measurements and rented items given are approximate. The Organising
Secretariat reserves the right to change these dimensions in order to most efficiently use the
available exhibition area and to adjust the booths to the blueprints of the exhibition hall.
Prices charged are however based on the actual dimensions; if more floor space is later
allotted and actually used than was originally ordered, the additional fee for it is to be paid
immediately. Special requests regarding placement of the booths/sponsorship items will be
considered. However, such requests do not constitute a condition of registration on the part
of the Exhibitor/Sponsor. Furthermore, Organising Secretariat reserves the right to reduce
the amount of floor space initially requested. Failure to comply with local authorities and
international regulations may not be used as a reason to declare the contract void. Failure to
comply with the Rules and Regulations will not expose the Organising Secretariat to any suits
or demands by the Sponsor/Exhibitor/any third party. The Exhibitor bears the costs of the
Contract Fee which is one per cent (1%) of the rental costs, as well as all other taxes, fees or
official charges on the rental sum, if applicable. In case of delayed payment, ten per cent
(10%) interest per annum is charged. If a company wishes to renounce all claims to taking
part in an exhibition after having contracted to do so, the company is nevertheless liable for
the rental sum and for incidental expenses. In case of cancellation of the exhibition, the
Organising Secretariat will return the part payments received less the sum equivalent to the
costs which have arisen for the Organising Secretariat up to the time of cancellation; the
registration fee will not be returned.
11. Bankruptcy or liquidation: In the event of an exhibitor/sponsor becoming bankrupt or
entering into liquidation (other than voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation
or reconstruction) or having the receiver appointed, the contract with such an exhibitor will
terminate forthwith, the allotment of stand space will be cancelled and all sums paid by the
exhibitor under contract shall be forfeit.
12. Place of Legislation: In all cases of litigation it is agreed to by the Exhibitor that the
competency of the duly authorised court in Vienna, Austria is recognised. Electively, the
Organising Secretariat may choose to appeal to the competent court in whose jurisdiction the
exhibitor falls. Austrian law is to be applied.
These regulations form an integral part of the agreement between the Contractor (Definition of
“Contractor” find in General Terms and Conditions Clause 2.) and Wiener Kongresszentrum
Hofburg BetriebsgesmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Hofburg Vienna”). The Contractor shall ensure
that these rules are known to and complied with by its business partners (e.g. stand assembly
firms, partner companies, and other contractors), hereinafter also referred to as “Third Party
Companies” or “Agents”.
The validity of Hofburg Vienna’s General Terms and Conditions, House Rules and Fire Safety
Regulations shall neither be altered nor restricted by these exhibition regulations.
Please treat the floors, walls and doors with the utmost care, as the premises largely comprise
historic buildings.
Tours and inspections
Prior to the commencement of event/exhibition set-up, the or an authorised representative thereof
and the project manager assigned by Hofburg Vienna shall conduct a joint inspection of the
facilities hired. The purpose of such inspection shall be to identify and record in writing any existing
damage in the event/exhibition area. The Contractor (or authorised representative) shall sign the
record of the inspection. Following the conclusion of the event and removal of all relevant objects,
an acceptance report recording any damage shall be drawn up and signed by both parties to the
contract. An authorised representative of the Contractor must be present for the entire duration of
set-up and dismantling.
Lift dimensions, floor loadings
Goods lifts are available for transportation purposes. The loading surface of the lift at the Hofburg
Congress Center (main entrance on Heldenplatz) is 1.50 m wide and 4.20 m long; maximum
loading height is 2.10 m, and load capacity is 4,200 kg or 56 persons. The loading surface of the lift
in the Redoutensäle area of the building (entrance on Josefsplatz) is 1.50 m wide and 2.40 m long;
maximum loading height is 2.25 m and load capacity is 2,000 kg or 26 persons.
If the internal lifts are to be used to transport materials during set-up, Hofburg Vienna shall provide
one lift attendant per lift used, at the expense of the Contractor.
In order to prevent damage to floors (stone and parquet), the Contractor and/or Third Party
Companies or Agents shall use suitable carts, trucks and trolleys which do not leave marks or
scratches. Use of forklift trucks or pallet trucks is prohibited.
If materials are transported via the stairways the ramps must be used; otherwise, the items in
question must be carried by at least two persons.
The maximum permitted floor loading capacity of 350 kg per square metre must be adhered to.
This also applies to loading carts, trucks or trolleys.
Exhibition Regulations - Updated 05/2014
Page 1 of 4
Hofburg Vienna reserves the right to require the Contractor to provide a structural and/or technical
report on the objects that the Contractor wishes to set up on the premises.
Loading zones
Loading zones next to Hofburg Vienna’s premises may be reserved for the Contractor on request.
The area required and the anticipated duration of loading must be notified to Hofburg Vienna. The
vehicles used must display a parking permit (available from the porter). Heavy goods vehicles are
absolutely prohibited from parking in the loading areas for the duration of the conference/exhibition.
Please observe this rule strictly, as infringements can result in considerable expense for the
Contractor. Hofburg Vienna accepts no liability for parking fines or tow-away fees. The loading
zones must be kept clear outside set-up and dismantling times.
Deliveries with trucks should note that there is a night and weekend driving restriction in
Austria. Night driving restrictions are from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. as well as limited to trucks with 7.5
tons gross load weight, with the exception of low-noise trucks. The weekend driving
restrictions are from Saturday, 3 p.m. until Sunday, 10 p.m. as well as on legal holidays from
midnight to 10 p.m.This concerns trucks with trailers and their highest permitted gross load
weight (hzG) or trailers weighing more than 3.5 tons and/or for trucks, tractor trailers with a
hzG of more than 7.5 tons. Should an exception need to be made for truck access during the
above mentioned times, special authorization is needed. This can be found under:
Alterations to the premises, Third Party Companies and equipment, objects brought
onto the premises
In the event that alterations to the premises are required in connection with the event/exhibition or
that Third Party Companies, third party equipment or any other objects are brought onto the
premises of Hofburg Vienna, particular care shall be taken to comply with clauses 13, 14 and 15 of
the General Terms and Conditions. Objects of any kind whatsoever may only be brought onto the
premises upon prior agreement between the Contractor and Hofburg Vienna. The parties shall
agree on the time and means of delivery, and storage if necessary.
Hofburg Vienna also reserves the right to reject Third Party Companies desired/engaged by the
Contractor if there are justified concerns with regard to such companies’ care and diligence.
In the event that passenger cars are brought onto the premises, the applicable safety requirements
must be fulfilled, and proof of compliance in the form of the necessary official and technical permits
furnished to Hofburg Vienna. Please note that the fuel tanks of such vehicles must be completely
drained and flooded with nitrogen (proof of same must be furnished), and the batteries
disconnected. In the case of newer vehicles, due to technical innovations it may not be necessary
to disconnect the battery.
Exhibition set-up and dismantling, supervision
The exhibition area inside the Hofburg Vienna premises must be treated with care at all times. This
applies in particular to the floors, walls, doors and doorposts, light fittings, staircases and lifts.
Exhibition Regulations - Updated 05/2014
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It is not permitted to drill, screw or hammer nails into the building’s walls, ceilings, floors or pillars.
Walls and pillars may not be subjected to loading by the weight of exhibition stands or exhibits.
When planning your event, please bear in mind that all structures, stand elements, equipment, etc.
must be self-supporting.
Where objects (stand structures, rigs, etc.) are set up for exhibitions the Contractor shall lay
suitable protective sheeting or carpeting (minimum thickness 2 mm) under them. Such structures
must be positioned at least 15 cm away from the walls. If rigs are erected on stands, these
superstructures must immediately be approved and declared structurally sound in writing by a
structural engineer; this must take place prior to the inspection by the authorities.
The maximum permitted height of assembled stands is 3 m. Care must be taken to ensure that
stand constructions do not touch the bottom of chandeliers. Wall mounted light fittings in the
Hofburg must be carefully incorporated into stand designs; they cannot be dismantled due to their
age and the nature of their construction.
Painting and wallpapering within the exhibition facilities during the course of stand set-up works is
only permitted if the floors and walls are protected by suitable sheeting that has been approved by
Hofburg Vienna.
The Contractor shall make best efforts to prevent dust being generated. Woodworking equipment
such as milling cutters may not be used unless fitted with an appropriate integrated automatic dust
extraction system (dust bag).
If double-sided adhesive tape is employed to fix carpeting or tiles to the floor, and/or secure
decorations, only tape approved by Hofburg Vienna from the company Tesa; name: tesaOberflächenschutzband 4128 and label: Schutztape PVC-Träger Naturkautschuk 28mm wide x
66m long per roll may be used. Such tape must be removed by the Contractor after the event so
that no residues remain.
Only loose laid carpets or floor tiles may be used to cover the floor or staging blocks inside the
exhibition facilities. Use of adhesives to fix floor coverings to the floor, or of self-adhesive carpet
tiles, is prohibited. Use of adhesives to fix tiles on top of a carpet that has been affixed (e.g. on
staging blocks or fixed stage) is also prohibited.
Dismantling must be performed competently and completed by the contractually agreed deadline,
otherwise Hofburg Vienna shall be entitled to have all items that have been brought onto the
premises put into storage or completely removed at the Contractor ’s risk and expense, regardless
of ownership.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of all and any waste arising from the event
itself, and/or set-up and dismantling. If the Contractor fails to comply with this obligation, Hofburg
Vienna shall be entitled to arrange for the disposal of waste at the Contractor’s expense.
The Contractor shall deploy supervisory staff in the exhibition facilities at its own expense during
set-up and dismantling. Such staff shall ensure that exhibitors and their employees or Contractor s
perform the necessary work with care and without damaging the building or its contents.
Exhibition Regulations - Updated 05/2014
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All hall entrance and exit doors, emergency exits, corridors, stairwells and the like must be kept
completely free and unobstructed at all times. Circulation and escape routes must be at least 2.25
m wide.
Emergency exit signs must be visible at all times and may not be obstructed nor enclosed by
Fire protection equipment such as hand-held fire extinguishers, fire alarms (push-button alarms)
and hydrants must be visible and accessible at all times. They may neither be obstructed nor
enclosed by structures. The location of the safety equipment is indicated on the floor plans. In the
event that walls or stands are nonetheless erected in front of a push-button alarm, it must be
possible to activate the alarm at all times (via openings in the stand partitions), and signs should be
used to clearly indicate the position of the alarm.
Fire doors must be kept closed when not in use. If a fire door needs to be kept open as part of a
circulation route, magnetic door holders designed for this purpose must be used. In this case, the
fire door must be opened far enough to engage with the magnetic door holder. Should this not be
possible, the door may only be held open with a wedge if an alternative fire safety measure is
deployed, namely a fire watch, and provided that the fire watch submits written confirmation of this
arrangement. The Contractor shall bear the costs relating to the fire watch.
Flammable materials such as paper, cardboard, reed matting or highly inflammable plastics may
not be used for stand construction or facing, or for decorative purposes. Valid impregnation
certificates must be submitted to Hofburg Vienna for any decorations posing a potential fire hazard
(TR1 EN 13773, C1, DIN 4102 B1).
Naked flames, cooking appliances, lasers and gas cylinders of all kinds are prohibited.
Storage of empties and packaging in and behind stands is prohibited.
Storage on the premises of Hofburg Vienna requires prior agreement.
Please refer to the General Terms and Conditions.
On-stand hospitality may only be provided in consultation with Hofburg Vienna, and by the catering
companies authorised by Hofburg Vienna, which will be specified in the quotation provided to the
Contractor a separate agreement with respect to such services shall be made with one of the
companies named in the quotation. The Contractor is strictly prohibited from bringing its own food
and beverages onto the premises or engaging its own catering Contractor s.
Subsidiary agreements, amendments
Amendments or additions to this agreement shall only be applicable if made in writing.
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Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
APPENDIX – Order Forms
Form 1:
Stand Construction Declaration
Form 2:
Booth Cleaning
Form 3:
Internet Connection
Shell Scheme stands and
structural elements, carpeting,
furniture, etc.
Video, Audio & IT
Gestner: Catering
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Form 1:
Stand Construction Declaration
Stand assembly
We shall make our own arrangements for assembling our stand.
Person in charge:..........................................................................................................................................
We have commissioned the following company with our stand assembly, in accordance with safety and construction
rules for this event
Company: .....................................................................................................................................................
Person in charge:..........................................................................................................................................
Address: .......................................................................................................................................................
Phone, fax: ...................................................................................................................................................
email: ...........................................................................................................................................................
Technical standards
We hereby confirm that our stand construction meets the requirements for a NORMAL STAND as defined by the
following features.
• Indoor site
• built from prefabricated modular components (e.g. Syma, Octanorm, Meroform etc.)
• maximal height 2,50 m
• fire resistant carpeting (Austrian classification B1, Q1)
Our stand will not conform to the above standards, but will meet the requirements announced in the Technical Manual
(see also page 5 in the Technical Manual and Appendix Exhibition Regulations).
Please note, all Exhibitors (or their stand constructors) have to submit plans (floor plan, front and side elevation) to
Congress & Events for approval purposes. Email to: valckenaere@mondial-congress.com
We enclose one copy of the following documents for stand approval purposes:
floor plan
front elevation
side elevation
wiring diagram
technical specification
static plan
.....consent declaration from the neighboring stand tenants
It is essential to return this form together with the plans for your stand in good time! Stand assembly permits will not be granted unless
all bills have been paid upon presentation of invoice no later than the first move-in day. Extensions beyond the stated move-in and moveout periods require the express approval of the organizers, which must be obtained in good time (at least eight days in advance). The
organizers are entitled to invoice exhibitors for resultant expenses. The exhibitor’s signature indicates unreserved acceptance of the
organizers’ terms & conditions, the House Rules & Regulations, and the Vienna City Council by-laws dated 29 Dec. 1949 (Mag.-Abt. 74050/49) concerning the policing of trade fairs and building safety.
Company ____________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
Country _______________ Zip-Code, City __________________
Telephone __________________ Fax _____________________
E-mail ________________________ VAT-No. ______________
Person in charge ______________________________________
Stand N° _______________
& Events signature
Place, to:
and obligatory
FAX: +43 1 58804 185
Operngasse 20b, 1040 Vienna
Company stamp and customer`s legally binding
signature. By signing this document, customer
acknowledges our Terms of Business stated herein.
Place of performance and legal venue is Vienna, Inner
Place, date
Stamp and Obligatory Signature
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Form 2:
Booth Cleaning
Please fill in and return per Fax to: Mondial GmbH & Co KG – F: +43 1 58804 185
Company Information / Billing Address
Company: ......................................................................................................................................
Person in charge: ...........................................................................................................................
Address: .........................................................................................................................................
Phone, fax: .....................................................................................................................................
Email: .............................................................................................................................................
Booth Cleaning
Daily Booth cleaning: services include cleaning of the floor, tables and chairs and all horizontal
Surfaces up to 1.70m height (not including exhibits and locked cabinets)
EUR 3,00 per square meter of exhibition space
All rates in EUR and excl. 20% VAT
Declaration of Liability
Mondial GmbH & Co. KG shall act as mediator only and cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred or any
damage inflicted on persons or objects irrespective of whatsoever cause. The liability for transport and other
service companies shall not be affected by the above. Only written agreements shall be valid. The place of
jurisdiction shall be Vienna.
Place, date
Stamp and obligatory signature
Exhibitor Manual
(as per July 2015)
Form 3:
Internet Connection
A general WIFI connection for mobile device will be available by the congress organizers throughout
the congress venue.
For additional LAN internet connection, please fill in and return per Fax to:
Mondial GmbH & Co KG – F: +43 1 58804 185
Company Information / Billing Address
Company: ......................................................................................................................................
Person in charge: ...........................................................................................................................
Address: .........................................................................................................................................
Phone, fax: .....................................................................................................................................
Email: .............................................................................................................................................
Internet Connection
LAN Connection 2 Mbit
LAN Connection 4 Mbit
LAN Connection 6 Mbit
IT support for the preparation per hour
IT support for a whole conference day (8 hours)
Eur 45,-Eur 64,-Eur 150,-Eur 80,-Eur 520,-All rates in EUR and excl. 20% VAT
Declaration of Liability
Mondial GmbH & Co. KG shall act as mediator only and cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred or any
damage inflicted on persons or objects irrespective of whatsoever cause. The liability for transport and other
service companies shall not be affected by the above. Only written agreements shall be valid. The place of
jurisdiction shall be Vienna
Place, date
Stamp and obligatory signature
Richard Lesonitzky GmbH. partner of Kongresszentrum Hofburg BetriebsgesmbH.
Dear Exhibitor!
Ref: Electrical equipment for exhibition – power supply
The „Kongresszentrum Hofburg BetriebsgmbH“ in Vienna has asked us (Richard Lesonitzky GmbH) to send you an order
form for the desired circuit lines, outlets as well as the desired lighting. We took care to make some packages of different
power (ampere) for you. – Please choose as you need it/them! Each connection consists of the proportionate offshore net
construction as well as specified switch with connection belonging to it and on loan, including assembly and dismantling.
Perhaps there is a need of a booth-grounding if you have a metal stall as well as the report of results of the commission
before you start your event. You have to submit the examination report to the „Magistrat of the City of Vienna“.
If you do some installations on your own, you have to carry out a booth-grounding separatly and you also need a separate
report result of the commission. Please be informed that we have to charge you for these costs, too. You also have the possibility to have your own material installed by us if it is corresponding to the standard. Please do not forget to order these
services timely before the beginning of the event.
If you carry out the electrical installations for your stall on your own, we have to check the proper execution of your work
according to the appropriate exhibition determinations in Austria (no matter how much connections you have within your
In case that the electrical installations have been ordered by you or have been carried out by your own staff, this check
passes the liability for your part to the „Kongresszentrum Hofburg BetriebsgmbH“ in Vienna. You guarantee that all this
work was performed properly and carried out corresponding to the appropriate legal determinations. If this is not the case,
the „Kongresszentrum Hofburg BetriebsgmbH“ in Vienna will charge you for all damages which will occur.
For Neonsystems (High voltage) you have to submit a certificate of the source unit which is a proof that the construction
corresponds to the „OEVE – Instructions“. We will also have to charge you for the cost of electricity as following:
costs during the installation
costs during the event
Please take note that for our company and for the „Kongresszentrum Hofburg BetriebsgmbH“ in Vienna the person who is
authorized to sign (this means who is authorized to place oders with us or the „Kongresszentrum Hofburg BetriebsgmbH“
in Vienna) has to be present during the installation and during the event at the stand or premises rented.
As already agreed in our contract, the payment has to be carried our after accounting, within 8 days, net, without any
discounts. We reserve the right to require a bail in certain cases before the execution of the order. If there is a delay in payment, we will charge you for all costs which will arise from it (fine, collection costs, interest on arrears are 12% per anno as
already agreed in our contract).
Jurisdiction and place of execution Vienna.
Please do not forget to fill in the enclosed order form and eventually send us an outline for the electrical installations.
Please send it by return mail to Richard Lesonitzky GmbH, 1180 Vienna, Lacknergasse 78 (at latest 3 days before the start of
the installations for the exhibition).
After receiving your order, you will get the invoice immediately. The inovice should be payed until 14 days before
the event starts, so that we can guarantee your power supply.
We point out that the contents of this letter also become object of our agreement.
Yours faithfully,
Richard Lesonitzky GesmbH
1180 Wien, Lacknergasse 78, Tel. +431/47 037 00, Fax +43/1/470 37 00-19
partner of Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg BetriebsgesmbH
Richard Lesonitzky GmbH. partner of Kongresszentrum Hofburg BetriebsgesmbH.
Invoice address (Must filled in):
Booth number:
Exhibitor name:
Order Form 2015: Power Supply and Lighting
According to the „principle of public functions“ all supplies have to be installed to be switched off heteropolar.
The main switch and the report result are a must. The offshored mains connections with heteropolar main switches and related
possibility of supply (socket), booth-grounding, report result, and commission with the „Magistrat der Stadt Wien“ are part of the
installation of the power supply. All materials are on loan including the installation and dismantling during the event. Costs for
electricity: kWh € 0,85.
Price €
Price €
99,70 mini power supply 250W/230V
Power Supply
195,20 power supply 2kW (2000W/230V)
50,70 cantilever halogen „Piccolo“ 75W
444,40 power supply 6kW (3x2000W/230V)
51,60 halogenspot „Saturn“ 100W
444,40 power supply 6kW (6000W/400V)*
61,20 cantilever halogen „Saturn“100W
51,90 extension over 6kW every kW
70,90 halogenspot 12V/50W
52,70 switch 2kW 2pol.
78,00 cantilever halogen 12V/50W
104,10 switch 6kW 3pol.
37,80 spot „Solo“ 100W
242,80 distribution board 15kW (230V)
47,30 cantilever „Solo“ 100W
374,20 distribution b. 25kW (230V/400V)
33,60 socket 3x 230V max. 500W
37,80 halogenspot „Piccolo“ 75W
57,20 LED-Strahler 10W(50W) warmw.
76,60 LED-Ausleger 10W(50W) warmw.
50,40 socket 230V max. 2kW
54,00 downlight 230V/50W
113,80 powersocket CEE 16/5
66,20 downlight 12V/50W
242,80 powersocket CEE 32/5
68,80 halogenspot 12V/50W Vertico
31,10 converter CEE16/5 to CEE32/5
78,00 halogenlight flood „Schauferl“ 300W
14,10 flatcable 3x1,5² (floor)
93,10 cantilever flood „Schauferl“ 300W
25,40 flatcable 5x1,5² (floor)
93,10 halogenlight flood 500W
36,70 cable duct for floor
144,20 halogenlight flood 1000W
112,60 mast 3m
29,50 booth-grounding
63,90 certificate for self-installation
70,80 fitter hour
*at least one power supply is necessary
For more information concerning our lightings please have a
look at our homepage:
WWW.LESO.AT/HOFBURG or please ask for our catalogue. All
prices are mentioned in Euro without VAT.
Based upon the prices 2015.
Richard Lesonitzky GmbH.
1180 Wien, Lacknergasse 78
Phone: +43/1/470 37 00 Fax: +43/1/470 37 00 19
Handy: +43/664/470 37 00 www.LESO.at - event@leso.at
Jurisdiction and place of execution Vienna. VAT: ATU 155 82 108
name in block letters
Orders must be payed until 14 days before the event starts. Please fax (+43/1/470 37 00 19) or mail
(event@LESO.at) this form to us. It would be kind, if you could use the back of this page for the
sketch of the electrical installation or to send it on a separate page!
service forms for rental elements
Messebau • Events • Kongresse • Promotion & Displays • Grafik • Mietmobiliar
Expo construction - Events - Congresses - Promotion & Displays - Graphics - Furniture hire
Komplettstand „STARTER“
Complete booth „STARTER“
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
 Reihenstand / Row-stand
Fax / Fax
L ____ x B ____
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No.  Eckstand / Corner-stand
L ____ x B ____
 Kopfstand / Head-stand
L ____ x B ____
Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Dieser Komplettstand beinhaltet folgende Ausstattung:
This complete booth includes following equipment:
 TEPPICH (bitte Farbe auswählen!)
CARPET (please choose colour!)
 DECKENRASTER 1 x 1 m an der jeweils offenen Standseite
CEILING GRID 1 x 1 m at concerning open side
 WÄNDE weiss beschichtet, H = 250 cm
WALLS white foiled, H = 250 cm
 BESCHRIFTUNGSBLENDE pro offener Standseite
FASCIA lettering at each open booth side
 1 TISCH 80 x 80 cm
1 TABLE 80 x 80 cm
3 CHAIRS, grey
€ 77,50
per m² / sqm
 1 STRAHLER / 3 m² Standfläche, montiert auf Stromschienen
1 SPOT / 3 m² booth area, fixed on an electricity rail
 1 abschließbare KOJE (1 x 1 m)
1 lockable BOX (1 x 1 m)
 Planung & Organisation mit AUF-/ABBAU
Planning & organisation inc. MANTLING and DISMANTLING
Farbauswahl für Teppich / choose carpet colour: Bahnenteppich
ist zu einem Aufpreis von EUR 5,-/m² in den folgenden Farben erhältlich / roll carpet can be orde/ red
 rot
 dunkelgrau
/ dark grey
red with extra charge EUR 5,-/sqm in following colours:
 azurblau/middle blue
 hellgrün/light green
 dkl.blau/dark blue
 dkl.grün/dark green
 signalrot/light red
(nähere Information siehe Seite "Bodenbelag" / further information at page "floor covering")
Weitere Standausstattungen können Sie im Serviceheft für Mietelemente bestellen (siehe folgende Seiten) / Further equipment for the booth you can order with
the technical orderform for rental elements (look at the following pages)
 schwarz /black
Bitte tragen Sie den gewünschten Firmenwortlaut ein /
please fill in the exact company wording:
Farbe schwarz, max. 20 Buchstaben / colour black, max. 20 letters
Aufpreis für Originallogo / original logo with surcharge EUR 39,50
Bitte die Datei für das Logo als eps file senden / please send the logo as eps file!
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten, ohne Anschluß- und Verbrauchskosten sowie 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis
zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT, transportation costs, without main connections and consumption costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract
fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Komplettstand „EXPERT“
Complete booth „EXPERT“
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
 Reihenstand / Row-stand
Fax / Fax
L ____ x B ____
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No.  Eckstand / Corner-stand
L ____ x B ____
 Kopfstand / Head-stand
L ____ x B ____
Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Dieser Komplettstand beinhaltet folgende Ausstattung:
This complete booth includes following equipment:
 TEPPICH (bitte Farbe auswählen!)
CARPET (please choose colour!)
 WÄNDE weiss beschichtet, H = 250 cm, Seitenwand ROT
WALLS white foiled, H = 250 cm, side wall RED
 BESCHRIFTUNGSBLENDE an jeder offenen Standseite, gebogen
FASCIA lettering at each open booth side, curved
€ 90,00
per m² / sqm
b 12
m² S
 1 STEHTISCH, H=103 cm
1 HIGHTABLE, H=103 cm
 1 abschließbare KOJE (1 x 1 m)
1 lockable BOX (1 x 1 m)
 1 STRAHLER / 3 m² Standfläche
1 SPOT / 3 m² booth area, fixed on an electricity rail
 Planung & Organisation mit AUF-/ABBAU
Planning & organisation inc. MANTLING and DISMANTLING
Farbauswahl für Teppich / choose carpet colour: Bahnenteppich
ist zu einem Aufpreis von EUR 5,-/m² in den folgenden Farben erhältlich / roll carpet can be orde/ red
 rot
 dunkelgrau
/ dark grey
red with extra charge EUR 5,-/sqm in following colours:
 azurblau/middle blue
 hellgrün/light green
 dkl.blau/dark blue
 dkl.grün/dark green
 signalrot/light red
(nähere Information siehe Seite "Bodenbelag" / further information at page "floor covering")
Weitere Standausstattungen können Sie im Serviceheft für Mietelemente bestellen (siehe folgende Seiten) / Further equipment for the booth you can order with
the technical orderform for rental elements (look at the following pages)
 schwarz /black
Bitte tragen Sie den gewünschten Firmenwortlaut ein /
please fill in the exact company wording:
Farbe schwarz, max. 20 Buchstaben / colour black, max. 20 letters
Aufpreis für Originallogo / original logo with surcharge EUR 39,50
Bitte die Datei für das Logo als eps file senden / please send the logo as eps file!
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten, ohne Anschluß- und Verbrauchskosten sowie 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis
zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT, transportation costs, without main connections and consumption costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract
fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Komplettstand „HERMES“
Complete booth „HERMES“
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
 Reihenstand / Row-stand
Fax / Fax
L ____ x B ____
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No.  Eckstand / Corner-stand
L ____ x B ____
 Kopfstand / Head-stand
L ____ x B ____
Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Dieser Komplettstand beinhaltet folgende Ausstattung:
This complete booth includes following equipment:
 TEPPICH (bitte Farbe auswählen!)
CARPET (please choose colour!)
 WÄNDE weiss beschichtet, H = 250 cm, Seitenwand GRAU
WALLS white foiled, H = 250 cm, side wall GREY
 BESCHRIFTUNGSBLENDE pro offener Standseite, H = 300 cm
FASCIA lettering at each open booth side, H = 300 cm
 1 INFOTHEKE Maxima
1 BARDESK Maxima
€ 93,00
per m² / sqm
b 12
m² S
 1 TISCH 80 x 80 cm
1 TABLE 80 x 80 cm
 1 abschließbare KOJE (1 x 1 m)
1 lockable BOX (1 x 1 m)
 1 HQI Ellipsoid STRAHLER je 4 m² Standfläche
1 HQI Ellipsoid SPOT per 4 m² booth-area
 Planung & Organisation mit AUF-/ABBAU
Planning & organisation inc. MANTLING and DISMANTLING
Farbauswahl für Teppich / choose carpet colour: Bahnenteppich
ist zu einem Aufpreis von EUR 5,-/m² in den folgenden Farben erhältlich / roll carpet can be orde/ red
 rot
 dunkelgrau
/ dark grey
red with extra charge EUR 5,-/sqm in following colours:
 azurblau/middle blue
 hellgrün/light green
 dkl.blau/dark blue
 dkl.grün/dark green
 signalrot/light red
(nähere Information siehe Seite "Bodenbelag" / further information at page "floor covering")
Weitere Standausstattungen können Sie im Serviceheft für Mietelemente bestellen (siehe folgende Seiten) / Further equipment for the booth you can order with
the technical orderform for rental elements (look at the following pages)
 schwarz /black
Bitte tragen Sie den gewünschten Firmenwortlaut ein /
please fill in the exact company wording:
Farbe schwarz, max. 20 Buchstaben / colour black, max. 20 letters
Aufpreis für Originallogo / original logo with surcharge EUR 39,50
Bitte die Datei für das Logo als eps file senden / please send the logo as eps file!
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten, ohne Anschluß- und Verbrauchskosten sowie 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis
zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT, transportation costs, without main connections and consumption costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract
fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Komplettstand „EASY“
Complete booth „EASY“
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
 Reihenstand / Row-stand
Fax / Fax
L ____ x B ____
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No.  Eckstand / Corner-stand
L ____ x B ____
 Kopfstand / Head-stand
L ____ x B ____
Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Dieser Komplettstand beinhaltet folgende Ausstattung:
This complete booth includes following equipment:
 TEPPICH (bitte Farbe auswählen!)
CARPET (please choose colour!)
 WÄNDE weiss beschichtet, H = 250 cm
WALLS white foiled, H = 250 cm
FRAME, H = 175 mm
€ 39,00
per m² / sqm
Farbauswahl für Teppich / choose carpet colour: Bahnenteppich
ist zu einem Aufpreis von EUR 5,-/m² in den folgenden Farben erhältlich / roll carpet can be orde/ red
 rot
 dunkelgrau
/ dark grey
red with extra charge EUR 5,-/sqm in following colours:
 azurblau/middle blue
 hellgrün/light green
 dkl.blau/dark blue
 dkl.grün/dark green
 signalrot/light red
(nähere Information siehe Seite "Bodenbelag" / further information at page "floor covering")
Weitere Standausstattungen können Sie im Serviceheft für Mietelemente bestellen (siehe folgende Seiten) / Further equipment for the booth you can order with
the technical orderform for rental elements (look at the following pages)
 schwarz /black
 Beschriftungs-Messe-Package inkl. Blende per Stk./pc. EUR 88,00
Lettering trade fair package incl. fascia Bitte tragen Sie den gewünschten Firmenwortlaut ein /
please fill in the exact company wording:
Schriftart/Font:  Futura  Arial  Times
Farbe schwarz, max. 20 Buchstaben / colour black, max. 20 letters
Aufpreis für Originallogo / original logo with surcharge EUR 39,50
Bitte die Datei für das Logo als eps file senden / please send the logo as eps file!
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten, ohne Anschluß- und Verbrauchskosten sowie 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis
zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT, transportation costs, without main connections and consumption costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract
fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Sehr geehrte/r Aussteller/In,
Dear Exhibitor,
herzlichen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme an der Messe!
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen diese Servicemappe überreichen zu können. Sie finden darin wichtige
Formulare, um Serviceleistungen und Equipment
bestellen zu können. Darüber hinaus bieten
wir Ihnen Messestandarchitektur – kreatives
Design und umfassende Projektabwicklung
mit nur einem Ansprechpartner. Ob in
Systembauweise oder als Individualstand - wir
realisieren Ihren Messeauftritt nach Ihren persönlichen Vorstellungen. Falls Sie spezielle Fragen
oder Wünsche haben, bitten wir Sie, sich einfach
telefonisch unter +43 1 72 720 - 6101
an unsere Mitarbeiter zu wenden, die Sie jederzeit
gerne beraten und unterstützen.
thank you for your decision to take part at the fair.
We take pleasure in giving you this service kit,
which is intended to serve you as guide to your
Moreover we offer you stand architecture – creative design and comprehensive project settlement up with only one counterpart.
Whether as a system construction method or as
an individual booth - we realise your fair appearance according to your personal requirements.
If you have any special questions or wishes, please
do not hesitate to call our staff call no. +43 1 72 720 - 6101 - which is looking
forward to advise and assist you.
Wir wünschen einen erfolgreichen Messeauftritt!
Ihr Expoxx Team
We wish a successful fair appearance!
Your Expoxx Team
01 14
Besprechungstische & Tische I Meeting tables & Tables
Wände & Türen I Walls & Doors
15 Tische & Stehtische I Tables & Hightables
Blenden & Fächer I Fascias & Shelves
Couchtische & Barhocker I Couch tables & Barstools
Deckenkonstruktionen I Ceiling construction
04 I 05
Barhocker & Sessel I Barstools & Chairs
Bodenbelag I Floor covering
Loungemobiliar I Loungemobiliar
Planskizze I Technical layout
07 I 08
Sitzgruppen I Seating groups
Beschriftung & Digitaldruck I Lettering & Digital Print
09 I 10 I 11
Ausstattung I Equipment
Standinstallationen I Booth installations
12 I 13
Vitrinen & Pulte I Showcases & Bars
Beleuchtung I Lighting
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Besprechungstisch "Chrom 1" / Table "Chrome 1"
Tisch "Chairman" / Table "Chairman"
€ 30,00
€ 191,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Platte weiß / tabletop white
Fußgestell chrom / legs chrome
L x B x H = 80 x 80 x 72 cm
Platte Makassar dekor / plate makassar decor
Gestell Aluminium / frame aluminium
L x B x H = 180 x 90 x 74 cm
Besprechungstisch "Chrom 2" / Table "Chrome 2"
Tisch "Business" / Table "Business"
€ 37,00
€ 30,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Platte weiß / tabletop white
Fußgestell chrom / legs chrome
L x B x H = 120 x 70 x 72 cm
Platte weiß / tabletop white
Fußgestell chrom / legs chrome
ø 70 cm, H = 72 cm
Tisch "Kaffeehaus" / Table "Coffee house"
Tisch "Florence" / Table "Florence"
€ 44,50
€ 37,00
Stk. /pc.
Platte weiß-beige / tabletop white-beige
Fußgestell schwarz / legs black
ø 60 cm, H = 72 cm
Stk. /pc.
Platte lichtgrau / tabletop lightgrey
Fußgestell chrom / legs chrome
ø 70 cm, H = 72 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Tisch "Salzburg" / Table "Salzburg"
Stehtisch "Veneto" / High table "Veneto"
€ 34,50
€ 54,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Platte lichtgrau / tabletop lightgrey
Fußgestell chrom / legs chrome
L x B x H = 80 x 80 x 70 cm
Glasplatte 8 mm / tabletop glass, 8 mm
Fußgestell verchromt / legs chromium
ø 60 cm, H = 103 cm
Tisch "Lifestyle" / Table "Lifestyle"
Stehtisch "Business" / High table "Business"
€ 43,50
€ 34,50
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Platte weiß hochglanz / tabletop white
Gestell niro / leg niro
L x B x H = 80 x 80 x 74 cm
Platte weiß / tabletop white
Fußgestell chrom / legs chrome
ø 70 cm, H = 110 cm
Stehtisch "Lifestyle" / High table "Lifestyle"
Stehtisch "Florence" / High table "Florence"
€ 53,00
€ 41,50
Stk. /pc.
Platte weiß hochglanz / tabletop white
Gestell niro / leg niro
L x B x H = 65 x 65 x 110 cm
Stk. /pc.
Platte lichtgrau / tabletop lightgrey
Fußgestell chrom / legs chrome
ø 70 cm, H = 110 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Couchtisch "Cosa" / Couch table "Cosa"
Barhocker "Standard" / Barstool "Standard"
€ 43,00
€ 26,70
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Couchtisch "Cosa" / Couchtable "Cosa", Holz / wood
Farbe / colour:  Birke / birch  schwarz / black
L x B x H = 55 x 55 x 45 cm
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Polster schwarz / upholstery black
H = 80 cm
Couchtisch "Milano" / Couch table "Milano"
Barhocker "Zeta" / Barstool "Zeta"
€ 63,50
€ 31,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Glasplatte / tabletop glass
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
L x B x H = 65 x 65 x 38 cm
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Polster schwarz / upholstery black
H = 80 cm
Couchtisch "Napoli" / Couch table "Napoli"
Barhocker "Florence" / Barstool "Florence"
€ 52,00
€ 38,70
Stk. /pc.
aufgelegte Glasplatte / tabletop glass, L x B x H = 45 x 45 x 45 cm
Unterteil Lederhocker "Napoli" / leathertable "Napoli"
Farbe / colour:  weiss / white  beige / beige  schwarz / black
Stk. /pc.
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Polster schwarz / upholstery black
H = 72 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Barhocker "Capri" / Barstool "Capri"
Bürodrehstuhl / Office chair
€ 45,00
€ 41,50
Stk. /pc.
Gestell chrom / frame chrome, Sitz ABS Kunststoff / seat plastics
H = 60-81 cm, verstellbar / adjustable
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  silber / silver
 rot / red
 schwarz / black
Barhocker "Prato" / Barstool "Prato"
Stk. /pc.
Gestell schwarz / frame black
Polster schwarz / upholstery black
Sessel "Tosca" / Chair "Tosca"
€ 52,50
€ 17,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Sitz Kunststoff / seat plastics, H = 60 - 74 cm
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  schwarz / black
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Sitz Kunststoff dunkelgrau / plastic seat dark-grey
Reihenverbindung / with row-connection
Barhocker "Lifestyle" / Barstool "Lifestyle"
Sessel "Alice" / Chair "Alice"
€ 54,50
€ 28,00
Stk. /pc.
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Polster schwarzes Leder / upholstery black leather
H = 70 cm
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  schwarz / black
Stk. /pc.
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Sitzfläche Leder, schwarz / leather seat, black
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Sessel "Disco" / Chair "Disco"
Sessel "Kaffeehaus" (Geflecht) / Chair "Kaffeehaus" (Weave)
€ 27,50
€ 28,50
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Polsterung schwarz / upholstery black
Gestell Stahlrohr schwarz / frame steel black
Sitzgeflecht beige / seat mashwork beige
Sessel "Comodo" / Chair "Comodo"
Sessel "Kaffeehaus" (Holz) / Chair "Kaffeehaus" (Wood)
€ 27,50
€ 29,70
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Gestell chrom / frame chrome
Sitzfläche Polster / upholstered seat
Farbe / colour:  blau / blue  grau / grey  schwarz / black
Gestell Holz, schwarz / frame wood, black
Sitz schwarz / seat black
Sessel "Salzburg" / Chair "Salzburg"
Sessel "Lifestyle" / Chair "Lifestyle"
€ 28,00
€ 29,50
Stk. /pc.
Gestell anthrazit / frame anthracite
Sitzfläche Buche / seat beech
Stk. /pc.
Gestell chrom / frame chrome,
Sitzfläche weiß / seat white
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Lederfauteuil "Milano" / Leatherchair "Milano"
Lederfauteuil "Cosa" / Leatherchair "Cosa"
€ 125,50
€ 101,50
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Polster schwarzes Leder / upholstery black leather
B x H x T = 65 x 66 x 71 cm
Polster Leder / upholstery leather
B x H x T = 70 x 78 x 61 cm
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  schwarz / black
Ledercouch "Milano" / Leathercouch "Milano"
Ledercouch "Cosa" / Leathercouch "Cosa"
€ 211,00
€ 181,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Polster schwarzes Leder / upholstery black leather
B x H x T = 120 x 66 x 71 cm
Polster Leder / upholstery leather
B x H x T = 126 x 78 x 61 cm
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  schwarz / black
Sitzbank "Napoli" / Bench "Napoli"
Hocker "Napoli" / Stool "Napoli"
€ 71,00
€ 47,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Polster Leder / upholstery leather
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  beige / beige  schwarz / black
B x H x T = 90 x 45 x 45 cm
Polster Leder / upholstery leather
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  beige / beige  schwarz / black
B x H x T = 45 x 45 x 45 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Set "Tosca" / Set "Tosca"
Set "Alice" / Set "Alice"
€ 69,50
€ 106,50
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
3 Stk. Sessel "Tosca" / 3 pcs chair "Tosca"
1 Stk. Tisch "Chrom1" / 1 pc table "Chrom1"
3 Stk. Sessel "Alice" / 3 pcs chair "Alice"
1 Stk. Tisch "Florence" / 1 pc table "Florence"
Set "Standard" / Set "Standard"
Set "Zeta" / Set "Zeta"
€ 99,50
€ 112,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
3 Stk. Sessel "Comodo" / 3 pcs chair "Comodo"
1 Stk. Tisch "Chrom1" / 1 pc table "Chrom1"
Farbe / colour:  grau / grey  blau / blue  schwarz / black
3 Stk. Barhocker "Zeta" / 3 pcs barstool "Zeta"
1 Stk. Stehtisch "Business" / 1 pc high table "Business"
Set "Salzburg" / Set "Salzburg"
Set "Florence" / Set "Florence"
€ 107,00
€ 139,50
Stk. /pc.
3 Stk. Sessel "Salzburg" / 3 pcs chair "Salzburg"
1 Stk. Tisch "Salzburg" / 1 pc table "Salzburg"
Stk. /pc.
3 Stk. Barhocker "Florence" / 3 pcs barstool "Florence"
1 Stk. Stehtisch "Florence" / 1 pc high table "Florence"
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Set "Kaffeehaus" / Set "Kaffeehaus"
Set "Napoli 2" / Set "Napoli 2"
€ 118,00
€ 304,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
3 Stk. Sessel "Kaffeehaus" / 3 pcs chair "Coffee house"
1 Stk. Tisch "Kaffeehaus" / 1 pc table "Coffee house"
Farbe / colour:  beige / beige
 schwarz / black
2 Stk. Sitzbänke, 2 Stk. Hocker / 2 pcs benches, 2 pcs stools
2 Stk. Couchtisch, 2 pcs couch tables
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  beige / beige  schwarz / black
Set "Lifestyle 1" / Set "Lifestyle 1"
Set "Cosa" / Set "Cosa"
€ 117,50
€ 314,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
3 Stk. Sessel "Lifestyle" / 3 pcs chair " Lifestyle"
1 Stk. Tisch "Lifestyle" / 1 pc table "Lifestyle"
3 Stk. Fauteuil "Cosa" / 3 pcs leatherchair "Cosa"
1 Stk. Couchtisch "Cosa" / 1 pc couch table "Cosa"
Set "Lifestyle 2" / Set "Set Lifestyle 2"
Set "Napoli 1" / Set "Napoli 1"
€ 168,00
€ 391,00
Stk. /pc.
1 Stk. Stehtisch "Lifestyle" / 1 pc high table "Lifestyle"
3 Stk. Barhocker "Capri" / 3 pcs barstool "Capri"
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  silber / silver
 rot / red
 schwarz / black
Stk. /pc.
2 Stk. Sitzbänke / 2 pcs benches, 2 Stk. Hocker 30° / 2 pcs stools 30°
2 Stk. Hocker 60° / 2 pcs stools 60°, 2 Stk. Couchtisch / 2 pcs couchtables
Farbe / colour:  weiß / white  beige / beige  schwarz / black
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Wandkleiderhaken / Wall coat hook
Rollspiegel / Rolling mirror
€ 20,50
€ 153,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
dreiteilig / three-piece
silber / silver
H = 183 cm, B = 50 m
Kleiderstange / Clothes rack
Garderobenständer / Coat rack
€ 28,50
€ 33,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
(ohne Kleiderbügel / without clamp)
höhenverstellbar / height adjustable
L =  100 cm  150 cm  200 cm
weiß / white
H = 183 cm, Ø 50 cm
Konfektionskleiderständer / Tailor's clothes rack
Absperrband / Barrier
€ 55,50
€ 59,50
Stk. /pc.
L x H = 145 x 155 cm
Stk. /pc.
ausziehbar bis / extendible up to 150 cm
H = 100 cm
Farbe / colour:  rot / red
 schwarz / black
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Prospektständer A4 / Leaflet dispenser A4
Wandregal / Shelf unit
€ 59,00
€ 71,00
Stk. /pc.
3 Stk Fächer A4 / 3 pc. shelves A4
H x B x T = 130 x 35 x 30 cm
Stk. /pc.
4 Stk. Einlegeplatten / 4 pc panels
H x B x T = 198 x 100 x 50 cm
Prospektständer / Leaflet dispenser
€ 74,50
Stk. /pc.
3 Stk Fächer A4 / 3 pc. shelves A4
H x B x T = 135 x 32 x 52 cm
Farbe / colour:  beton / concrete  weiß / white
Papierkorb / Waste paper basket
Kaffeevollautomat / Coffee machine
€ 245,00
€ 7,40
Stk. /pc.
ohne Bohnen / without beans
1,3 kW / 230 V / H x B x T = 39 x 38 x 32 cm
Stk. /pc.
ø 28 cm, H = 34 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Kühlschrank / Refrigerator
Spüler/ Dishwasher
€ 80,00
€ 558,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
140 L, 0,1 kW / 230 V
H x B x T = 85 x 50 x 55 cm
 Gläserspüler / Dishwasher for glass
H x B x T = 70 x 45 x 55 cm - 2,2 kW / 230 V
 Geschirrspüler / Dishwasher professional
H x B x T = 93 x 60 x 60 - 5,4 kW / 400 V
Messeküche / Fair kitchen
Beistellschrank / Sideboard
€ 285,00
€ 84,50
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
ohne Anschluss / without connection
Kühlschrank, Abwasch und Kochplatte / Refrigerator, sink and plate
H x B x T = 90 x 90 x 60 cm - 4,5 kW / 230 V
1 Fach, Auflegeplatte, versperrbar / 1 shelf, support plate, lockable
H x B x T = 85 x 97 x 44 cm
Farbe / colour:  wenge / wenge  weiß / white
Spüle / Sink unit
Beistellschrank "Standard" weiss /
Sideboard "standard" white
€ 183,50
€ 75,50
Stk. /pc.
ohne Anschluss / without connection
inkl. Unterschrank und Kleinspeicher / incl. cupboard unit
and water heater, H x B x T = 90 x 80 x 53 cm - 2,2 kW / 230 V
Stk. /pc.
1 Fach, versperrbar / 1 shelf, lockable
H x B x T = 85 x 97 x 44 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Vitrine "Standard 1" / Showcase "Standard 1"
Barpult / Bar desk
€ 203,00
€ 96,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Schiebeglas versperrbar / sliding glass lockable
H x B x T = 248 x 99 x 49,5 cm
weiß / white
H x B x T = 98 x 99 x 49,5 cm, inkl. Fach / incl. shelf
Vitrine "Standard 2" / Showcase "Standard 2"
Infopult / Information desk
€ 234,00
€ 113,50
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Schiebeglas versperrbar / sliding glass lockable
Korpus mit Schiebetür / corpus with sliding door
H x B x T = 248 x 99 x 49,5 cm
versperrbar, weiß / lockable, white
inkl. Fach / incl. shelf
H x B x T = 98 x 99 x 49,5 cm
Tischvitrine versperrbar / Table display case lockable
Barpult m. Board, weiß / Bar desk with board, white
€ 152,00
€ 136,00
Stk. /pc.
Glasteil 20 cm hoch / Glass unit 20 cm high
H x B x T = 100 x 100 x 50 cm, weiß / white
Stk. /pc.
H x B x T = 90 | 110 x 100 x 70 cm
inkl. Fach / incl. shelf
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Niro-Bar "D-3200" / Niro-Bar "D-3200"
Segmentbar "D-2500" / Round bar "D-2500"
€ 159,00
€ 349,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Auflegeplatte carbongrau / top plate carbon-grey
H x B x T = 105 x 100 x 50 cm
inkl. Fach / incl. shelf
H = 90|120 cm, B = 190 cm
inkl. Fach / incl. shelf
PC-Pult "Pisa" / PC-desk "Pisa"
Bar "Maxima" / Bar "Maxima"
€ 135,00
€ 146,50
Stk. /pc.
H x B x T = 60|95|115 / 70 / 60 cm
Stk. /pc.
H x B x T = 90|110 x 60 x 100 cm
inkl. Fach / incl. shelf
Bar "Future" / Bar "Future"
€ 163,00
Stk. /pc.
H x B x T = 90|110 x 75 x 100 cm
inkl. Fach / incl. shelf
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Wand weiß / Wall white
Flügeltür "Stuttgart" / Wing door "Stuttgart"
€ 37,00
€ 151,50
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
3 mm Homogenplatte / 3 mm panels,
inkl. Steher und Zargen, incl. poles and frames
H x B = 248 x 99 cm
versperrbar / lockable
H x B = 248 x 99 cm
Wand färbig / Wall coloured
Falttüre "Business", weiß / Folding door "Business", white
Farbauswahl / choose
€ 51,50
€ 138,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
3 mm Homogenplatte / 3 mm panels,
inkl. Steher und Zargen, incl. poles and frames,
H x B = 248 x 99 cm
versperrbar / lockable
H x B = 248 x 99 cm
Lochwand weiß / Perforated wall white
Vorhang lichtgrau / Curtain lightgrey
€ 73,50
€ 65,00
Stk. /pc.
Hartfaserplatte 3 mm, HDK weiß beschichtet / hardboard 3 mm
HDK white covered, inkl. Steher und Zargen, incl. poles and frames
H x B = 248 x 99 cm
Stk. /pc.
inklusive Blende / including trim
H x B = 248 x 99 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Einschubblende weiß / Infill fascia white
Fach (Höhe variabel) / Shelf (variable height)
max. Belastung 5kg / Fach
max. weight 5kg / shelf
€ 26,40
€ 22,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
3 mm Platte / 3 mm panels
Schriftfeldhöhe 28 cm / fascia 28 cm high
H x B = 38 x 99 cm
L x T = 99 x 30 cm, weiß / white
 waagrecht / horizontal  10°  25°  45°  60° schräg / angular
Einschubblende färbig / Infill fascia coloured
Podest / Platform
Farbauswahl / choose
€ 29,30
€ 73,00
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
3 mm Platte / 3 mm panels
Blendenhöhe 28 cm / fascia 28 cm high
H x B = 38 x 99 cm
 99 x 99 x 48 cm  99 x 49,5 x 48 cm
andere Abmaße / other dimensions
 ____ x ____ x ____ cm
Fachwerkblende / Frame-work fascia
Vitrinenglasfach / Shelf for show
max. Belastung 15kg / Fach
max. weight 15kg / shelf
€ 32,30
€ 27,70
Stk. /pc.
grau / grey
H x B = 38 x 99 cm
Stk. /pc.
L x B = 97 x 47,5 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Steher / Pole
Kombidecke mit / Ceiling grid with:
€ 11,30
€ 36,40
Stk. /pc.
Stk. /pc.
Aluminium / aluminium
H = 248 cm
Einlegeplatte / Slide in panel
H x B x T = 17,5 x 99 x 99 cm
Zarge / Frame
Kombidecke mit / Ceiling grid with:
€ 11,30
€ 36,40
Stk. /pc.
Aluminium / aluminium
H x B x T = 17,5 x 95 x 1,6 cm
Stk. /pc.
Lochblech / perforated metal sheet
H x B x T = 17,5 x 99 x 99 cm
Rasterdecke / Ceiling grid
€ 21,20
Stk. /pc.
Felder offen / fields open
H x B x T = 17,5 x 99 x 99 cm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Teppichfliesen / Carpet tiles
Bahnenteppich / roll carpet
leihweise, inkl. Verlegung / loan for use, incl. laying, L x B = 50 x 50 cm inkl. Verlegung u. Folienabdeckung / incl. laying and sheet covering
 sand / beige
 rot / red
 grün / green
 dunkelgrau / dark grey
 braun / brown
 schwarz / black
€ 12,50
m² / sqm
€ 12,50
m² / sqm
€ 12,50
m² / sqm
 signalrot / light red
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
 bordeaux / dark red
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
 azur / middle blue
€ 12,50
m² / sqm
 blau / dark blue
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
 hellgrün / light green
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
 flaschengrün / dark green
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
 grau / grey
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
 dunkelgrau / dark grey
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
 schwarz / black
€ 12,80
m² / sqm
€ 12,50
m² / sqm
€ 12,50
m² / sqm
Folienabdeckung / Sheet covering
inkl. Verlegung & Entsorgung
incl. laying & disposal
€ 1,90
m² / sqm
Laminatboden / Laminate floor
leihweise, auf Verlegeplatten, inkl. Alukanten / loan for use, laying on shifting plates,
incl. alu edges
 Nuss / walnut
€ 34,50
m² / sqm
 Aruba / Aruba
€ 34,50
m² / sqm
 Ahorn / Maple
€ 34,50
m² / sqm
 Wenge / Wenge
€ 34,50
m² / sqm
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Maßstab / scale 1:100 (1 cm = 1 m)
Bitte zeichnen Sie den Grundriss und die Zusatzeinbauten maßstabgerecht ein / Please fill layout and exact positions for the fittings
in at the plan below! Maßstab 1:100, d.h. 1 m = 1 cm / Scale 1:100, i.e. 1 m = 1 cm
Bitte exakt eintragen / please indicate exactly
Bitte exakt eintragen / please indicate exactly:
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Beschriftungs-Messe-Package inkl. Blende und 20 Buchstaben
per Stk./pc.
Lettering trade fair package incl. fascia and 20 letters
Schriftart / Font:  Futura  Arial  Times
gewünschte Schriftart & Farbe / preferred font & colour:
Farbe / Colour:
 schwarz / black Beschriftung auf / lettering on:
 Trapezblende / trapezoid trim 1954 x 600 mm
 Einschubblende / slide-in trim 1954 x 200 mm
Ihr Text / your text:
Art.Nr.: x
Regiearbeiten für Datenaufbereitung / labour for data preparation
per Std./hr.
Zusätzlicher Buchstabe / additional letter per Stk./pc.
Datenübertragung / data transfer:
Druckdaten müssen im Format 1:10 eine Auflösung von mindestens 600dpi haben, Schriften müssen vektorisiert, im CMYC Farbraum angelegt
und als druckoptimiertes pdf gespeichert sein / Printing data: use scale 1:10; Printing data has to have a resolution of at least 600 dpi
at a the scale 1:10. Convert all fonts into vectorized paths, color sheme should be CMYK, the pdf has to be print optimized.
Richtlinien für motivzusammenhängende Großformatdrucke / Guidelines for art work printed on several panels:
Bei Grafiken die über mehrere geteilte Flächen gedruckt werden, bitten wir Sie, uns eine Datei mit der gesamten Grafik zu senden. Sollte das aus
technischen Gründen nicht möglich sein, bitten wir bei motivzusammenhängenden Großformatdrucken einen Überfüller von 10 mm an allen 4 Seiten jeder Datei mit Schnittmarken außerhalb des Sujets anzulegen / If your art work is printed on several panels, we kindly ask you to provide one
file with one continuing graphic. If this is not possible for technical reasons, please provide the motif contiguous large format artwork with an over
filler of 10mm and crop marks on all 4 sides of each artwork file.
Farbverbindliche Vorgaben / Colour-use regulations:
Abhängig von Produktion und verwendetem Material können gedruckte Farben variieren. Um sicherzugehen, dass wir Ihren Farbvorstellungen
entsprechend drucken, benötigen wir eine farbverbindliche Vorlage (PROOF). Ein PROOF muss immer auf dem selben Medium wie der Druck
erstellt werden. Wird das Proof nicht rechtzeitig vor Druck bereitgestellt, sind Reklamationen ausgeschlossen / Colours can vary due to different
materials. To ensure that we are able to print to your satisfaction, please provide a colour proof.A conventional colour copy is not accurate enough.
If no representative colour proof (on used material) is provided, no subsequent complaints regarding colour variations can be accepted. If the proof
does not reach us in time, there is no reclamation possible.
Adobe Photoshop CS 6 / Adobe Photoshop CS 6: TIFF und EPS Daten können am besten verarbeitet werden. Dateien müssen im CMYK Modus
angelegt werden / We can process TIFF and EPS data the best. Do not send compressed JPG data. Please set up files in CMYK-Code.
Adobe Illustrator CS 6 / Adobe Illustrator CS 6: Bitte immer alle Schriften als Vektordaten senden / Please convert all fonts into vectorized paths.
Adobe Indesign CS6 / Adobe Indesign CS6: Bitte als druckoptimiertes PDF-File abspeichern / Please save as print optimized file.
Adobe Acrobat X Professional / Adobe Acrobat X Professional: Bitte druckoptimiert abspeichern / We request you to save print data optimized.
Den Link zum Filedrop erhalten Sie von Ihrem Projektleiter / You will receive the filedrop link from your project manager!
E-Mail: an den zuständigen Projektleiter (Achtung: max. 10 MB / Mail) / E-Mail has to be send to the project manager (max. 10 MB / E - Mail)
Postweg / post adress: Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I 1021 Wien I z.Hd. des Projektleiters / attn. to
the responsible project manager
Firmenschriftzüge, Logos, individuelle Beschriftung und Sonderwünsche auf Anfrage / Company lettering, logos, individual lettering and special designs on request!
 WICHTIG: Preise gelten bei Bereitstellung von druckfertigen Grafikdaten. Erforderliche nachträgliche Druckdatenaufbereitung wird nach Aufwand verrechnet!
 IMPORTANT: The prices are valid if the data sets are complete. Necessary additional corrections are quoted on demand!
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Machen Sie Eindruck
Unsere Grafik - Ihr Auftritt / our graphics - you look great !
Was wir für Sie tun können erledigen wir gerne persönlich und mit hohem Qualitätsanspruch. In unserer hauseigenen Grafikabteilung sind Sie in Sachen Digitaldruck und Folienschriften in besten Händen. Unterstützt von einem modernen Maschinenpark
- UV-Plattendrucker, Digitaldrucker, Flachbettschneidplotter und Summagraph-Schneidplotter - setzen unsere kreativen Köpfe
Ihre Ideen effektvoll um. We like to provide a personal service and results of the hightest standards. Our in-house praphics department
ensures you are in the best possible hands, wether you require digital prints or plotter sheet lettering. We offer the benefits of a wide range of modern equipment - including a direct UV plate printer, digital printer, flatbed cutting plotter and a summagraph cutting plotter.
This allows our creative specialists to implement your ideas to the best possible effect.
Unsere Leistungen im Überblick / An overview of our services:
 Digitaldrucke / Digital prints: Hier können Sie zwischen diversen Untergrundmaterialien (Selbstklebe-Folien, BackliteFolien, Canvas, Photopapier, uvm.) und verschiedenen Plattenmaterialien wählen, die wir nach Ihrem Wunsch bedrucken. Choose
from a wide range of printing surface materials (self-adhesive foils, backlite foils, canvas, photo paper etc.) and from verious sheet, board
and plate materials we can print according to your exact requirements.
 Großformatdrucke / Large format prints: bieten wir auf Stoff, Planen und Netzplanen mit verschiedenen Konfektionen
an, wahlweise mit Keder, Ösen, Hohlsaum oder Klettband inkl. Montagezubehör wie Stoffhalteprofile, Kederschienen, etc.! These
can be realised on fabrics, canvases and meshes in various sizes. Choose from several mounting options- including piping edges, eyelets,
hemstitch seams and Velcro strips - plus the necessary assembly and mounting accessories, such as fabric tensioning frames and pipedge rail grips.
 Klebebeschriftungen / Adhesive lettering: : hier können Sie aus verschiedensten Folienqualitäten auswählen. Select from
a comprehensive range of foil qualities.
Baustellentafeln / Building site signs
 Fahrzeugbeschriftungen / Vehicle printing: egal welches Fahrzeug Sie beschriftet haben möchten, vom Motorrad bis
zum Autobus oder LKW-Zug – unsere Grafikabteilung setzt Ihre CI entsprechend um. Regardless what type of vehicle you wish to
promo-print, from partial foil adhesion prints on motorcycles, to full wrapping on cars, vans or HGV trailers - our graphics department
guarantees your CI is seen in the best possible light.
Digitaldruck / Digital printing: für Displays und Präsentationsmedien / for displays and presentation infrastructure.
Hinweisschilder / Information signs:, Firmen- und Gebäudebeschriftungen / In and around companies and buildings.
(Die Kosten für die Datenaufbereitung werden nach Aufwand berechnet – Preise auf Anfrage!)
(the price for processing graphics depends on the amount of time/effort involved and can be stated on request!)
Vertrauen Sie uns Ihre grafische
Lösung an! Wir beraten Sie gerne!
Rufen Sie uns an! Call us!
+43 1 72 720 - 6101 oder
 info@expoxx.at
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 / 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 / 72 720 6109
Dru tS
GRA hics
BES ering
Wir stehen Ihnen bei allen grafischen
Anfragen zur Seite!
Rufen Sie uns an!
+43 1 72 720 - 6101 oder
 info@expoxx.at
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 / 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 / 72 720 6109
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Booth installations - socket (not available without main electric connection)
Schutzkontaktsteckdose / socket
Kraftsteckdose CEE-5*63 A socket CEE-5*63 A
€ 30,50
Anschluss bis / Connection up to 2,2 kW - 230 V
 einfach / single
Kraftsteckdose CEE-5*16 A socket CEE-5*16 A
Anschluss - 40 kW / 400 V
Connection - 40 kW / 400 V
Kraftsteckdose CEE-5*125 A socket CEE-5*125
€ 99,80
Anschluss - 10 kW / 400 V
Connection - 10 kW / 400 V
Kraftsteckdose CEE-5*32 A socket CEE-5*32 A
 dreifach / triple
Anschluss - 20 kW / 400 V
Connection - 20 kW / 400 V
auf Anfrage
on request
Anschluss - 60 kW / 400 V
Connection - 60 kW / 400 V
Kraftanschluß power supply
€ 168,00
€ 288,50
auf Anfrage
on request
Anschluss über 60 kW / 400 V
Connection above 60 kW / 400 V
Wir bitten Sie, Ihre technischen Wünsche (Elektro) in diesen Plan genau einzutragen / Please state exactly your technical requirements (electrical supply) in the chart below.
= Strahler
(Pfeil in Leuchtrichtung)
/ spotlight
(arrow in direction of light)
exakt eintragen
/ please indicate
= Einfach Steckdose / single socket
= Dreifach Steckdose / triple socket
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code
Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Standinstallation - Beleuchtung (ohne Elektrohauptanschluss nicht möglich)
Booth Installations - Lighting (not available without main electric connection)
Strahler Standard
Spotlight Standard
Stromschiene 1 lfm inkl. 2 Strahler "Halojet" € 74,50
Electricity rail 1 rm incl. 2 spots "Halojet"
€ 33,60
Anschluss 120 W / 230 V
Connection 120 W / 230 V
Auslegestrahler Standard, Halogen, chrom € 52,50
Extention arm spotlight, halogen, chrome
€ 94,00
Stromschiene 1 lfm inkl.
1 Bühnenstrahler, silber
Electricity rail 1 rm incl. 1 stage spot, silver
Anschluss 70 W / 230 V
Connection 70 W / 230 V
Bühnenstrahler, silber 
Stage spot, silver
€ 98,00
Anschluss 70 W / 230 V, eloxal
Connection 70 W / 230 V, eloxal
€ 171,00
Anschluss 1000 W / 230 V
Connection 1000 W / 230 V
Deckenfluter silber 
uplights silver
Anschluss 150 W / 230 V, silber
Connection 150 W / 230 V, silver
€ 83,50
Anschluss 300 W / 230 V
Connection 300 W / 230 V
Strahler Halogen, schwarz 
Halogen spotlight, black
€ 98,50
Stromschiene 1 lfm inkl. 1 Strahler "Powerspot" € 102,50
Electricity rail 1 rm incl. 1 spot "Powerspot"
Anschluss 1000 W / 230 V
Connection 1000 W / 230 V
Strahler Halogen, silber 
Halogen spotlight, silver
€ 74,50
Anschluss 200 W / 230 V
Connection 200 W / 230 V
Stromschiene 1 lfm inkl. 1 Strahler "Ellipsoid"
Electricity rail 1 rm incl. 1 spot "Ellipsoid"
Anschluss 80 W / 230 V
Connection 80 W / 230 V
€ 36,50
Anschluss 50 W / 230 V
Connection 50 W / 230 V
Stromschiene 1 lfm inkl. 2 Strahler "Concord"
Electricity rail 1 rm incl. 2 spots "Concord"
€ 88,00
Anschluss 300 W / 230 V
Connection 300 W / 230 V
Einbaustrahler Decke, Halogen, silber
Fitted ceiling spotlight, halogen, silver
Stromschiene 1 lfm inkl.
€ 85,50
2 Hängeleuchten "Halopin"
Electricity rail 1 rm incl. 2 hanging lamps"Halopin"
Anschluss 100 W / 230 V
Connection 100 W / 230 V
Auslegestrahler "Nova", silber
Extention arm spotlight "Nova", silver
Anschluss 100 W / 230 V / 12 V, silber
Connection 100 W / 230 V / 12 V, silver
€ 243,00
Anschluss 400 W / 230 V
Connection 400 W / 230 V
erhältlich nur für Montage am Messestand! / Only for assembly at the fair-booth!
Nur in Verbindung mit Trägersystem auf Anfrage. / Only in connection with a carrying-system on request.
nur in Verbindung mit Rasterdecke und Einlegeplatte mit Ausschnitt! / Only with ceiling
Stk. grid and fitting panel!
Stromversorgung erfolgt über die Bodenauslässe. / Power is supplied through the floor outlets.
Die Preise verstehen sich für die betriebsfertige Montage, Miete für Material u. Beleuchtungskörper sowie Demontage. Um eine ausreichende Stromversorgung Ihres Messestandes zu
gewährleisten, ist es unbedingt erforderlich, dass Sie die genauen Anschlußwerte bekanntgeben! All prices include installation, rental fees for material and lightening fixtures and dismantling.
To provide sufficient power supply for your booth, it is required that you notify the exact connected loads.
Alle Preise verstehen sich für eine Messedauer bis zu 7 Tagen sowie exkl. MWSt., Transportkosten und 1 % Bestandvertragsgebühr. Bei einer Dauer bis zu 10 Tagen 15 % Aufschlag, zuzüglich
etwaig anfallender Rechtsgeschäftsgebühren, Spesen und Transportgebühren. Preisänderungen bleiben vorbehalten. All prices are quoted for a period of up to seven days and are quoted exclusive VAT,
transportation costs and 1% legal charges. For up to ten days, a 15 % surcharge is added, plus contract fees, expenses and transportation costs incurred during that time. Subject to alteration of prices.
WICHTIG - BESTELLFRIST: Bei Bestellungen innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Messebeginn muss ein Manipulationszuschlag von 25 % verrechnet werden!
IMPORTANT - ORDER DEADLINE: For orders receiving during the last 14 days before fair opening a manipulation surcharge of 25 % is charged!
Durch seine Unterschrift bestätigt der Auftraggeber unsere allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen (abgedruckt am Ende dieses technischen Bestellheftes)
zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und deren Inhalt als verbindlich zu akzeptieren.
Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
By signing this document the customer acknowledges our general terms and
conditions (printed on the last page of this technical order form) as noted and
accepts it as binding. Place of jurisdiction is Vienna.
Retour/return to:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
Displays & Präsentationssysteme
Displays & Presentation Systems
Roll Up
Roll Up
Fabric display
Bealer bar
Promo Flag
maßgeschneiderte POS Systeme
Bespoke POS systems
Folding display
Bleiben Sie flexibel ! / be flexible !
Machen Sie auf Ihr Unternehmen aufmerksam - mit unseren modernen und prestigebringenden
Präsentationssystemen. Draw attention to your company with our impressive, attractive and modern presentation systems.
Präsentation Präsentieren Sie sich, Ihre Produkte & Dienstleistungen von Ihrer besten Seite!
Wir bieten technisch innovative Präsentationssysteme, die universell einsetzbar
und schnell zu montieren sind. Present yourself, your goods and your services in the
best possible light! We provide technicaly innovative, all-purpose presentation systems that can be assembled very quickly.
Wir planen, konstruieren und fertigen Sonderlösungen nach Ihren Vorstellungen
in unseren eigenen Werkstätten. We plan, design and manufacture bespoke solutions in
our own workshops, precisely according to your requirements.
Nützen Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihr Unternehmen im rechten Licht zu präsentieren
und profitieren auch Sie von unserem Produktportfolio! Seize the opportunity to put
your business in the spotlight and benefit from our comprehensive product portfolio!
Wir stehen Ihnen bei allen Ihren
Anfragen zur Seite! We can help!
Rufen Sie uns an! Call us!
+43 1 72 720 - 6101 oder
 info@expoxx.at
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 72 720 - 6109
Veranstaltungsname / Name of Event
Halle & Standnr. / Hall & Standno.
Firmenname / Company’s name
Straße / Street
Postleitzahl / Postal Code Ort / Place
Ansprechpartner / Responsible person
E-Mail / E−Mail
Telefon / Phone
Fax / Fax
Standgröße in m² / Booth size in sqm
UID - Nr. / VAT-No. Bitte unbedingt ausfüllen! / Please fill out!
Welche Produkte oder Dienstleistungen bieten Sie an?
Which products or services do you offer?
Was ist der Grund für Ihre Messebeteiligung?
What are your reasons for participation at the fair?
Kundenpflege / customer‘s service
An welchen weiteren Messen beteiligen Sie sich?
On which further fairs do you take part?
Imagepflege / imagecare
Markteinführung / launch
Planen Sie einen Erlebnismessestand?
Do you plan an adventure booth?
Erfahrungsaustausch / exchange of experience
Planen Sie einen Informations- oder Präsentationsmessestand?
Do you plan an information- or a presentation booth?
Gewinnung von Neukunden / new customers
Neuheitenpräsentation / presentation of news
Wie hoch ist Ihr Budget für den Standbau und den Messeauftritt?
Which budget do you calculate for booth-build-up and the whole fair?
Gemeinschaftsstand / community booth
Sonstiges / other
Beispiele für Individualstände / examples for individual booths:
Projekt / Project:
Messe / Fair:
Bereich / Branche:
Grösse / Size:
Retour/return to:
Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg
750 m²
Projekt / Project:
Messe / Fair:
Bereich / Branche:
Grösse / Size:
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I 1021 Wien I Messeplatz 1
 FAX +43 1 72 720 - 6109  info@expoxx.at
Julius Meinl
Alles für den Gast
104 m²
Ort, Datum
Place, date
Projekt / Project:
Messe / Fair:
Bereich / Branche:
Grösse / Size:
Cebit Hannover
IT Branche
110 m²
Firmenstempel und rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Stamp and obligatory signature
Expoxx Messebau GmbH I Messeplatz 1 I PF 277 I A-1021 Wien I info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at I T: +43 1 / 72 720 - 6101 I F: +43 1 / 72 720 - 6109
DVR: 0577677 I Firmenbuch FN 58814t I UID-Nr.: ATU 37633003 I Steuer-Nr. (91)075/1718 I Preisliste gültig ab 01.01. 2015 I Prices valid from 01.01.2015
1. Anbot/Vertragsverhältnis: Für sämtliche Vertragsverhältnisse zwischen Expoxx Messebau und Auftraggebern (nachstehend „Kunden“) kommen ausschließlich diese AGB zur Anwendung. Entgegenstehende oder abweichende Bedingungen von Kunden gelten nur soweit Expoxx Messebau diesen ausdrücklich schriftlich zugestimmt hat. Bei Miete oder Kauf gelten zusätzlich die besonderen Bestimmungen des II. und III. Abschnittes. Die Bestellung des Kunden ist für diesen verbindlich und nicht widerruflich. Sie kann von Expoxx Messebau binnen 30 Tagen durch Erfüllung oder durch Übersendung
einer schriftlichen Bestätigung oder einer Akontorechnung gemäß Punkt 13. angenommen werden. Hat der Kunde eine Lieferung zu einer bestimmten Messe bestellt und ist der Auftrag bis 1 Woche vor
Veranstaltungsbeginn von Expoxx Messebau nicht angenommen worden, so hat der Kunde dies Expoxx Messebau unverzüglich mitzuteilen. Eine Verpflichtung von Expoxx Messebau, die Bestellung des
Kunden anzunehmen besteht nicht. Anbote der Expoxx Messebau an den Kunden sind unverbindlich und freibleibend.
2. Mitwirkung des Kunden: Mit der Bestellung verpflichtet sich der Kunde auch, die für die ordnungsgemäße Ausführung der Bestellung nötigen Unterlagen (etwa Pläne, Modelle, Genehmigungen, Richtlinien für die Ausführung etc.) gemäß den Terminvorgaben von Expoxx Messebau zeitgerecht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Diese Unterlagen müssen so beschaffen sein, dass eine einwandfreie Ausführung der
Bestellung gewährleistet ist. Insbesondere hat der Kunde für sämtliche für die Ausführung der Bestellung erforderlichen Genehmigungen auf seine Kosten Sorge zu tragen. Ausführungs- und Materialmuster,
die Expoxx Messebau dem Kunden zur Begutachtung vorlegt, müssen von diesem fristgerecht schriftlich bestätigt und retourniert werden: Andernfalls gelten sie als „ohne Korrektur“ genehmigt.
3. Leistungsumfang: Sofern nicht anders angegeben, schuldet Expoxx Messebau dem Kunden nur die Lieferung der bestellten Gegenstände an den Ort der Übergabe. Montageleistungen und andere
zusätzliche Leistungen muss der Kunde mit Expoxx Messebau gesondert vereinbaren.
4. Ort der Übergabe: Der Ort der Übergabe ist grundsätzlich die vom Kunden in der Bestellung angegebene Lieferadresse. Bestellt der Kunde eine Lieferung zu einer bestimmten Messe, so ist Ort der Übergabe der vom Kunden angegebene Stand in der vom Kunden bezeichneten Halle am Ort der betreffenden Messe.
5. Zeitpunkt der Lieferung: Der Zeitpunkt der Lieferung wird grundsätzlich von Expoxx Messebau festgelegt und dem Kunden bekannt gegeben. Nach Möglichkeit wird Expoxx Messebau hierbei Wünschen,
die der Kunde in der Bestellung äußert, nachkommen oder sonst ein Einvernehmen mit dem Kunden herstellen. Bestellt der Kunde eine Lieferung zu einer bestimmten Messe, so hat die Lieferung jedenfalls
während der vom betreffenden Messeveranstalter in seinen öffentlich zugänglichen allgemeinen Anmeldeunterlagen für Aussteller vorgegebenen Aufbauzeiten zu erfolgen, sofern mit dem Kunden nichts
anderes vereinbart wird. Ansonsten muss Expoxx Messebau die Lieferung spätestens 30 Werktage nach Annahme der Bestellung ausführen.
6. Übergabe/Gefahrtragung: Der Kunde hat dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass er selbst oder eine zur Übernahme der gelieferten Gegenstände befugte Person zum Zeitpunkt der Lieferung am Ort der Übergabe
anwesend ist. Ist dies nicht der Fall, ist Expoxx Messebau berechtigt, die an den Kunden zu liefernden Gegenstände am Ort der Lieferung zurückzulassen. Expoxx Messebau ist nicht verpflichtet, die Legitmation der auf dem Stand bei Anlieferung des Mietgutes angetroffenen Personen zu überprüfen. Die von Expoxx Messebau an den Kunden zu liefernden Gegenstände sind übergeben, wenn der Kunde sie
unbeanstandet entgegennimmt oder Expoxx Messebau sie – im Falle der Abwesenheit zur Übernahme befugter Personen – zum abgesprochenen Zeitpunkt der Lieferung am Ort der Übergabe zurücklässt.
Mit der Übergabe geht die Gefahr des zufälligen Untergangs auf den Kunden über.
7. Urheberrechte: Sämtliche im Zuge der Anboterstellung oder Vertragsdurchführung von Expoxx Messebau oder deren Bediensteten erstellten Unterlagen (insbes. Entwürfe, Pläne und Modelle) bleiben
mit allen Rechten Eigentum der Expoxx Messebau und dürfen ohne vorherige Genehmigung weder Dritten zugänglich gemacht, noch veröffentlicht oder vervielfältigt werden. Sie dürfen vom Kunden ausschließlich für den vereinbarten Zweck verwendet werden und sind für den Fall, dass ein Vertragsverhältnis nicht zustande kommt oder wieder storniert wird, unverzüglich an Expoxx Messebau zurück
zu stellen.
8. Zustimmungserklärung gemäß Datenschutzgesetz: Der Kunde stimmt der Verwendung der von ihm in der Bestellung bekannt gegebenen Daten („Kundendaten“) durch Expoxx Messebau
(DVR Nr. 0577677) sowie der Weitergabe an und Verwendung durch die mit Expoxx Messebau verbundenen Unternehmen System Standbau (DVR Nr. 0807583), Reed Messe Salzburg Gesellschaft m.b.H.
(DVR Nr. 0079944), Reed Messe Wien GmbH (DVR Nr. 2108555) und Reed CEE GmbH (DVR Nr. 3003805) (nachstehend „Verbundene Unternehmen“), jeweils zu Zwecken des Marketings und der Werbung
für Produkte und Leistungen dieser Unternehmen gegenüber dem Kunden zu. Ein Widerruf ist jederzeit möglich und bewirkt die Unzulässigkeit der weiteren Verwendung der Daten, soweit keine gesetzliche
Berechtigung oder Verpflichtung dazu besteht.
9. Zustimmungserklärung gemäß Telekommunikationsgesetz: Der Aussteller ist - gegen jederzeitigen Widerruf - damit einverstanden, in Zukunft von Expoxx Messebau und den Verbundenen Unternehmen über Produkte und Leistungen dieser Unternehmen per E-Mail informiert zu werden.
10. Werbeerlaubnis: Der Kunde erteilt weiters seine Zustimmung, dass Expoxx Messebau sowie die Verbundenen Unternehmen die Kundendaten, Firmenwortlaut und Firmenlogo des Kunden, sowie Abbildungen des von Expoxx Messebau oder vom Kunden nach den Plänen von Expoxx Messebau errichteten Standes für eigene Werbezwecke (etwa durch Aufnahme in Referenzlisten, Darstellung im
Internet, in Kundenzeitschriften oder in anderen Werbemitteln) verwenden.
11. Rücktritt: Für den Fall, dass (a) der Kunde mit Zahlungen an Expoxx Messebau (aus diesem Auftrag oder anderen Aufträgen) oder mit Zahlungen an Verbundene Unternehmen im Verzug ist, oder
(b) ein Insolvenzverfahren gegen ihn eröffnet wurde bzw. droht, hat Expoxx Messebau das Recht, von diesem Vertrag zurückzutreten bzw. ungeachtet der Zahlungsverpflichtung des Kunden die eigene
Leistung zurückzubehalten. Im Falle des Rücktritts durch Expoxx Messebau schuldet der Kunde eine Stornogebühr in Höhe des vereinbarten Entgelts.
12. Preise: Sämtliche Preise verstehen sich netto zuzüglich Umsatzsteuer in der jeweiligen gesetzlichen Höhe und zuzüglich aller sonstigen mit Abschluss und Durchführung des Auftrages verbundenen
Steuern und Gebühren (z.B. Rechtsgebühr [siehe Punkt 24] oder Werbeabgabe). Die Preisangaben beziehen sich auf Lieferungen und Leistungen im Messezentrum Wien und Salzburg, die Verkaufspreise gelten ab Lager Wien. Bei anderen Leistungsorten werden Spesen, Diäten, Bearbeitungs- und Transportkosten separat verrechnet. Zusätzliche, nicht im Anbot enthaltene Leistungen, werden
nach tatsächlichem Aufwand in Rechnung gestellt.
13. Zahlungsbedingungen: Expoxx Messebau hat das Recht, dem Kunden nach Erhalt der Bestellung eine Akontozahlung in Höhe von 50% des Auftragswertes in Rechnung zu stellen. Bei Kunden, die
ihren Wohnsitz im Ausland haben, bei Neukunden oder bei Kunden, die bei früheren Bestellungen bereits mit Zahlungen im Verzug waren oder bei denen Zweifel an der Bonität bestehen, kann Expoxx
Messebau Vorauszahlung von 100% des Auftragswertes verlangen. Lieferungen zu einer bestimmten Messe, die der Kunde erst eine Woche vor oder während der Veranstaltung bei Expoxx Messebau
bestellt (maßgeblich ist das Einlangen der Bestellung bei Expoxx Messebau), werden nur gegen Vorauszahlung durchgeführt. Rechnungen sind nach Erhalt netto ohne Abzug zahlbar. Bei Zahlungsverzug
schuldet der Kunde Verzugszinsen in Höhe von 12% p.a.. Der Kunde ist nicht berechtigt, wegen Gegenforderungen welcher Art auch immer aufzurechnen oder fällige Zahlungen zu verweigern.
14. Tarifänderungen: Bei Tarifänderungen (etwa Transport-, Versand- oder Energiepreise) erfolgt die Verrechnung auf Basis der jeweils zum Leistungszeitpunkt geltenden Tarife.
15. Stornobedingungen: Die Stornierung bestehender Verträge bzw. der Rücktritt von einer Bestellung ist nur hinsichtlich der für eine bestimmte Messe gemieteten bzw. gekauften Gegenstände zulässig und
nur (a) gegen Bezahlung einer Stornogebühr sowie (b) sofern diese Gegenstände nicht von Expoxx Messebau für diesen Auftrag selbst produziert oder von Dritten erworben werden und (c) nur durch
schriftliche Erklärung des Kunden, sofern diese bei gemieteten Gegenständen spätestens bis 2 Wochen und bei gekauften Gegenständen spätestens 4 Wochen vor Veranstaltungsbeginn bei Expoxx
Messebau einlangt. Bei gemieteten (gekauften) Gegenständen beträgt die Stornogebühr bei Stornierung bis längstens 4 Wochen vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 30% (50%) und bei gemieteten Gegenständen
bis längstens 2 Wochen vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 50% des Auftragswertes. Wird die bestellte Ware nicht zum vereinbarten Zeitpunkt abgenommen bleibt der Kunde zur Bezahlung des vollen Preises
16. Schriftlichkeit: Soweit nach diesen AGB auf die Schriftform abgestellt wird, wird diesem Formerfordernis auch mit Erklärungen (ohne eigenhändige Unterschrift) Genüge getan, die per E-Mail von und an
maßgebliche E-Mail-Adressen übermittelt werden. Maßgebliche E-Mail-Adressen im Sinne dieser Bestimmung sind: 16 a. für den Kunden: jene E-Mail-Adresse, mit der er für den von Expoxx Messebau
betriebenen Online-Shop registriert ist, oder die er im Rahmen einer Bestellung (im Bestellformular) angegeben hat. 16 b. für Expoxx Messebau: die E-Mail-Adresse info@expoxx.at.
17. Rechtswahl: Es gilt österreichisches Recht unter Ausschluss der Verweisungsnormen und des UN - Kaufrechts. Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Wien.
18. Haftungsbeschränkung: Expoxx Messebau haftet nur für vorsätzlich oder grob fahrlässig verursachte Schäden und beschränkt auf den positiven Schaden.
19. Mietdauer: Bestellt der Kunde einen Mietgegenstand für eine bestimmte Messe, so entspricht die Mietdauer der Dauer der Messe (inklusive der vom Messeveranstalter für den Aufbau vorgesehenen Zeiten)
sofern diese nicht mehr als 7 Tage beträgt. Eine längere Mietdauer muss der Kunde mit Expoxx Messebau jeweils gesondert vereinbaren.
20. Verwendung: Mietgegenstände dürfen ausschließlich für den vereinbarten Zweck verwendet und nicht Dritten überlassen werden. Sie sind unter möglichster Schonung der Substanz zu verwenden und
dürfen ohne vorherige Zustimmung von Expoxx Messebau nicht verändert werden. Insbesondere dürfen besondere Kennzeichnungen auf dem Mietgut nicht entfernt und das Mietgut darf nicht beklebt,
genagelt, gestrichen oder sonst wie beschädigt werden.
21. Haftung und Rückgabe: Das Mietgut ist unmittelbar nach Veranstaltungsende abholbereit zur Verfügung zu stellen. Gerät der Kunde in Verzug, so ist Expoxx Messebau berechtigt, die Gegenstände auf
Kosten und Gefahr des Kunden für den Abtransport vorzubereiten. Das Einverständnis des Kunden wird hierzu vorausgesetzt. Der Kunde haftet verschuldensunabhängig für Verlust oder Beschädigung
der Mietgegenstände ab Übergabe bis zur Rückgabe. Bei Beschädigungen oder Verlust ist Expoxx Messebau berechtigt, die fehlenden bzw. beschädigten Gegenstände dem Kunden zum Neupreis in
Rechnung zu stellen. Von Expoxx Messebau festgestellte Mängel am rückgelieferten Mietgut werden dem Kunden angezeigt. Die Feststellungen gelten als anerkannt, wenn der Kunde nicht innerhalb
einer Woche nach Zugang schriftlich widerspricht.
22. Reklamationen / Gewährleistung: Mietgegenstände werden in der Regel mehrfach verwendet und sind daher nicht neuwertig. Kleinere Abweichungen in der Ausführung, den Maßen und Farben gelten
nicht als Mängel. Der Kunde hat bei Übergabe den ordnungsgemäßen Zustand und die Vollständigkeit des Mietgutes zu prüfen. Mit dem Empfang bestätigt der Kunde den mangelfreien Zustand der ihm
überlassenen Sachen, es sei denn er erhebt unverzüglich eine schriftliche Mängelrüge. Hat der Kunde zu Recht die Mängelrüge erhoben, so ist die Gewährleistungspflicht von Expoxx Messebau auf Verbesserung beschränkt, soweit es sich bei der mangelhaften Sache um eine bereits gebrauchte handelt.
23. Mietpreise / Zuschläge: Für Lieferungen von Mietgegenständen zu einer bestimmten Messe, die später als 2 Wochen vor Messebeginn bei Expoxx Messebau bestellt werden (maßgeblich ist das Einlangen der Bestellung bei Expoxx Messebau), wird ein Last-Minute Zuschlag von 25% auf die Listenpreise verrechnet. Alle Preise gelten für eine Mietdauer von max. 7 Tagen. Bei einer Mietdauer von bis zu
10 Tagen wird ein Zuschlag von 15% verrechnet. Bei einer Mietdauer von mehr als 10 Tagen werden individuelle Preisvereinbarungen getroffen. Bei verspäteter Rückstellung von Mietgegenständen werden
dem Kunden die der Expoxx Messebau durch die Verspätung tatsächlich entstandenen Schäden, mindestens aber 15% des gesamten Auftragswertes in Rechnung gestellt. Wird eine Rechnung von Expoxx
Messebau über Wunsch des Kunden neu ausgestellt, etwa im Falle von Änderungen der Rechnungsanschrift oder anderer auf der Rechnung anzuführender Angaben des Kunden, so wird dafür ein
pauschales Entgelt von € 70,- exkl. USt. in Rechnung gestellt.
24. Vergebührung: Mietverträge unterliegen einer Rechtsgebühr von 1%. Bemessungsgrundlage ist das Mietentgelt einschließlich Umsatzsteuer sowie des Entgelts für mit der Miete zusammenhängende
Leistungen. Die Vergebührung erfolgt durch Expoxx Messebau. Die Rechtsgebühr wird dem Kunden von Expoxx Messebau in Rechnung gestellt. Die Rechtsgebühr ist vom Kunden auch im Falle einer
Stornierung zusätzlich zum Stornoentgelt zu bezahlen.
25. Eigentumsvorbehalt: Die gelieferte Ware bleibt bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung des Kaufpreises sowie sämtlicher zum Zeitpunkt der Lieferung bestehender Forderungen Eigentum von Expoxx Messebau.
Forderungen aus der Weiterveräußerung der gelieferten Ware tritt der Kunde schon jetzt im Voraus an Expoxx Messebau ab. Der Kunde hat seinen Abnehmern von der Abtretung Mitteilung zu machen und
diese aufzufordern, nur noch direkt an Expoxx Messebau Zahlung zu leisten. Ersatzweise ist eine Bankgarantie in der Höhe des Auftragswertes vorzulegen. Die Kosten der Bankgarantie trägt der Kunde.
26. Preise bei Drucksachen: Bei Bestellung von Drucksachen gelten die angegebenen Preise nur bei Bereitstellung von druckfertigen Grafikdaten durch den Kunden. Allfällig erforderliche nachträgliche
Druckdatenaufbereitung wird gesondert nach Aufwand in Rechnung gestellt.
27. Verpackung und Versand: Verpackungs- und Versandkosten werden gesondert verrechnet. Expoxx Messebau versendet nur auf Rechnung und auf Gefahr des Kunden. Eine Haftung ist ausgeschlossen.
Beschädigungen muss sich der Empfänger sofort bescheinigen lassen und dem Transporteur melden.
28. Reklamationen: Mängel sind vom Kunden bei sonstigem Verlust jeglicher Mängelhaftung innerhalb von 2 Tagen nach Übernahme schriftlich anzuzeigen.
Please find the english version here: www.expoxx.at
Offers and contractual relationships: All contractual relations between Expoxx Messebau and clients/customers (hereinafter to be referred to as the ‘customer’) shall be solely subject to these
‘terms’. All other contradictory or deviating conditions mentioned by the customer shall only be accepted on condition they have been explicitly approved by Expoxx Messebau. In cases of hire
or purchase the additional conditions in sections II and III shall also apply. Orders Placed by the customer are binding and irrevocable. Expoxx Messebau shall be entitled to accept this order
within 30 days by way of provision/completion, or the sending of written confirmation, or by issuing an invoice for part payment according to point 13. If the customer has placed an order for
goods/services for a specific trade fair and the order has not been officially confirmed by Expoxx Messebau by 1 week before the beginning of the event, the customer shall be obliged to inform
Expoxx Messebau of this fact immediately. There shall be no obligation on the part of Expoxx Messebau to accept an order placed by a customer. Quotes or offers provided by Expoxx
Messebau shall be non-binding.
Customer cooperation: On order placement the customer shall also become obliged to ensure proper and punctual provision of all documentation according to the dates agreed (i.e. plans,
models, permits, and guidelines for execution etc.) that shall be necessary for completion of the order by Expoxx Messebau. This documentation must be provided in such a form
as to ensure faultless completion of the order. In particular, the customer shall be responsible for the collection of, and payment for (at his/her own expense), all permits required for the
execution of the order. Samples of items and materials provided to the customer by Expoxx Messebau, must be confirmed as accepted in writing and returned within the deadline
provided; otherwise they will be considered to have been ‘accepted without changes’.
Scope of services: If not stated otherwise, Expoxx Messebau shall only be obliged to deliver the items ordered to the place determined for collection. The customer shall be obliged to place
a separate order with Expoxx Messebau for assembly/dismantling and other additional services.
Venue for collection: As a general principle the venue for collection shall be the address provided in the order for deliveries. If the customer places an order for a delivery to a specific trade fair
the venue for collection shall be at the stand in the hall named by the customer at the trade fair in question.
Time of delivery: As a general principle the time of delivery shall be determined by Expoxx Messebau and announced to the customer. When possible Expoxx Messebau will take into account
wishes stated by the customer in the order; or seek to make an agreement with the customer. If the customer orders a delivery to a specific trade fair the delivery must be conducted during the
assembly times provided by the trade fair organiser in the freely and publicly available general registration forms for exhibitors, unless otherwise agreed with the customer. Otherwise, Expoxx
Messebau shall be bound to complete service provision within 30 working days after acceptance of the order at the latest.
Delivery/Transfer of risk: The customer must ensure that he/she himself/herself, or a person authorised by the customer to the purpose of receiving the goods, is present at the point of delivery
at the agreed time of delivery. If this is not the case Expoxx Messebau shall be entitled to leave the goods intended for handover to the customer at the agreed point of delivery. Goods to be
delivered by Expoxx Messebau to the customer shall be considered to have been handed over if the customer takes them without complaint or if, at the agreed time and place of delivery,
Expoxx Messebau deposits the goods intended for collection by the customer or by his/her authorised representative. Once the goods have been handed over, liability for risks of coincidental
damage or destruction of goods shall be transferred to the customer. Expoxx Messebau is not obliged to inspect the accreditation of people present at the stands when the goods for rent are
Copyrights: All documents and drafts produced by Expoxx Messebau or their employees and subcontractors for the purpose of producing an offer or for the purpose of sealing a contractual
agreement (particularly drafts, plans and models) remain subject to complete ownership by Expoxx Messebau and may not be made accessible to third parties, published or copied
without receiving prior permission from Expoxx Messebau. The customer may only use such documents for the sole purpose agreed. If a contractual relationship does not materialise or is
subsequently cancelled, all such documentation must be returned to Expoxx Messebau immediately.
Declaration of approval according to the data protection law: The customer approves the right of Expoxx Messebau (DVR no. 0577677) to use information provided in the order
(customer details), and approves the forwarding of such information to, and usage by the other related companies affiliated to Expoxx Messebau, such as System Standbau (DVR no. 0807583),
Reed Messe Salzburg Gesellschaft m.b.H. (DVR no. 0079944), Reed Messe Wien GmbH (DVR no. 2108555) and Reed CEE GmbH (DVR no. 3003805) (hereinafter ‘associated businesses’),
each for the purpose of marketing and advertising their own products and services for the customer. Approval can be rescinded at any time rendering any further use of data inadmissible,
unless there is a legal entitlement or obligation to do so.
Declaration of approval according to the telecommunication law: The exhibitor hereby permits Expoxx Messebau and its associated businesses to inform the exhibitor about their goods
and services. The exhibitor is entitled to revoke this permission at any time.
Permission to advertise: Furthermore, the customer shall permit Expoxx Messebau and its associated companies to use customer details, company names and corporate logos, as well as
pictures of stands erected by, or erected according to plans made by Expoxx Messebau or the customer for Expoxx Messebau’s own advertising purposes (such as for addition to reference
lists, presentation on the internet, entries in customer magazines or in other forms of advertising).
Rescission: If (a) the customer is in arrears with payments to Expoxx Messebau or to any of the other affiliated companies, regardless of whether these debts stem from this or other orders;
and/or (b) insolvency proceedings have been initiated against him/her or there is a threat of such proceedings being initiated, Expoxx Messebau shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract
and to withhold the provision of services, regardless of the duty of the customer to pay. Should Expoxx Messebau choose to withdraw from the contract the customer shall be liable to pay
the agreed cancellation fee.
Prices: All prices are quoted net, plus the applicable statutory VAT rate, plus all other taxes, duties and contributions due on placement, acceptance, execution and completion of the order
(i.e. legal transaction fees [pt. 24] and advertising duties). Price information pertains to deliveries and services at the exhibition centres in Vienna and Salzburg; sales prices are quoted
ex works in Vienna. At other points of service the expenses, allowances, handling and transportation costs may be invoiced separately. Additional services not included in the offer shall be
invoiced at the actual price of services and goods used. If Expoxx Messebau revises an existing invoice based on a customer’s request, for example to change the billing address or other
information on the invoice, this will be subject to a flat fee of € 70.- (plus VAT.)
Conditions of payment: Expoxx Messebau reserves the right to demand a part payment of 50% of the order value on receipt of the order. If a customer resides in a foreign country, is a new
customer or a customer who has previously been late on a payment or whose creditworthiness is not assured, Expoxx Messebau is entitled to demand a full payment of 100% of the order value
in advance. Deliveries made to a specific trade fair that the customer only ordered from Expoxx Messebau from a week before the fair up to during the fair itself, (the valid time of receipt being
the date upon which Expoxx Messebau officially received the order), will only be completed after a full advance payment. The customer is at no point entitled to set off or withhold due payments
against counterclaims of any kind.
Changes in fees and prices: Should prices or fees change (i.e. transport, forwarding or energy prices), charges shall be based on the prices and fees valid at the moment of service provision.
Terms for cancellation: The cancellation of existing contracts or the revocation of an order shall only be permissible for deliveries made to a specific trade fair and only (a) if a cancellation
fee is paid in cash, (b) if the objects in question were not produced by Expoxx Messebau for this specific order or purchased by a third party and (c) only with a written declaration made by the
customer, provided it is received by Expoxx Messebau in the case of rented objects at the latest 2 weeks before the trade fair and in the case of purchased objects at the latest 4 weeks before
the trade fair begins. In the case of cancellations made at the latest 4 weeks before the event is due to begin for rented (purchased) objects the cancellation fee shall be 30% (50%) of the
order value and for rented objects cancelled at the latest 2 weeks before the event is due to begin this fee shall be 50% of the order value. If ordered goods are not received by the customer at
the agreed handover time the customer shall nevertheless remain liable for payment of the full price.
The written form: Wherever these terms and conditions insist on the use of written communication, this obligation will also be considered to have been fulfilled in the case of declarations
made (without a personal signature) that have been sent from and to an authoritative e-mail address. An authoritative e-mail address in compliance with this condition is: 16 a. for the
customer: the e-mail address with which he/she is registered with the online shop run by Expoxx Messebau, or the one that has been given in the course of placing an order (using the order
form) and 16 b. for Expoxx Messebau: the following e-mail address: info@expoxx.at.
Choice of legal basis: Austrian law shall apply. Legal reference provision norms for international commercial disputes and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of
goods shall not apply. Legal venue is Vienna.
Limited liability: Expoxx Messebau shall only be held liable for damage caused by deliberate or grossly negligent behaviour and only for positive damage.
19. Rental period: If the customer orders a rentable object for a specific trade fair the rental period shall be for the duration of the trade fair (including the assembly period provided
by the fair organiser) as long as the entire period does not exceed 7 days. A longer rental period must be agreed between the customer and Expoxx Messebau in a separate agreement.
20. Usage: Rental objects may be solely used for the agreed purpose and may not be used by third parties. They must be subjected to the least wear, tear and stress as possible and may not be
changed without prior receipt of consent from Expoxx Messebau. Special markings on items for rent may under no circumstances be removed by the customer. The customer shall be prohibited
from applying any stickers to the said goods, from gluing items to these goods, from attaching items with nails or staples of any type, and from damaging the goods for rent in any way.
21. Liability and return of goods: The rented object must be made available for collection immediately after the event has ended. If there is a delay Expoxx Messebau shall be entitled to prepare the
rented objects for collection at the risk and expense of the customer. The consent of the customer shall be a prerequisite in this regard. Regardless of the question of guilt, the customer shall be
held liable for loss of, or damage to, rented objects from the point of handover to the point of return. In cases of damage or loss Expoxx Messebau shall be entitled to invoice the customer for
the price of brand new replacements for missing or damaged objects. Any faults identified by Expoxx Messebau on returned rented goods will be reported to the customer. These findings shall
be considered to have been accepted if the customer does not object in writing within 1 week of receiving this information.
22. Complaints / Warranty: As a general principle rental objects are used on a number of occasions and are thus not classified as being brand new. Small deviations in the versions, dimensions and
colours available cannot be categorised as faults. The customer shall be obliged to ensure the rented item(s) is (are) complete and in full working order when it is (they are) handed over to the
customer. Receipt of the rented goods by the customer shall signify confirmation of the fault-free condition of the items in his/her possession unless a written complaint specifying defects is
submitted immediately. If the customer’s complaint is justified, Expoxx Messebau’s obligation to honour warranty rights shall be limited to rectification of the fault(s) as regards items that have
already been used.
23. Rental prices / surcharges: As regards deliveries of hired objects to a specific trade fair, which have been ordered from Expoxx Messebau later than 2 weeks before the trade fair commences
(the valid time of receipt being the date upon which Expoxx Messebau officially received the order), there will be a last-minute surcharge of 25% added to the listed price. All prices are intended
for a maximum rental period of 7 days. A surcharge of 15% will be charged for a rental period of up to 10 days. Special agreements shall be made with each individual customer for events
lasting more than 10 days. If rental objects are returned late, the customer shall be liable to pay Expoxx Messebau for all actual resultant costs or losses. A minimum of 15% of the full order
value shall be charged in such cases.
24. Billing: Rental contracts are subject to a legal fee of 1%. The fee assessment is based on the rental charge including value-added tax, along with compensation for the services associated
with the rent. Expoxx Messebau issues the billing. The customer will be invoiced for the legal fee by Expoxx Messebau. The customer is obliged to pay the legal fee even in case of a cancellation
in addition to the cancellation fee.
25. Retention of title: The goods delivered shall remain the property of Expoxx Messebau until the purchase price and all other debts existing at the time of delivery have been paid in full.
Any payment gained from the selling-on of any goods delivered shall be forfeited a priori to Expoxx Messebau. The customer shall be obliged to inform his/her customer of this cession and
to demand the said customer pay directly to Expoxx Messebau only. Alternatively, a bank guarantee covering the total order value can be accepted in its place. The costs of a
bank guarantee shall be borne by the customer.
26. Prices of printed materials: When printed materials have been ordered the prices provided shall only be valid if these materials have been produced using graphics and texts provided in a
print-ready form by the customer. All subsequently necessary processing work on print graphics and text will be invoiced separately.
27. Packaging and forwarding: Packaging and forwarding costs are invoiced separately. Expoxx Messebau only delivers on account and at the risk of the customer. No liability shall be
accepted on the part of Expoxx Messebau. The recipient must certify all cases of damage immediately and report them to the forwarding agent.
28. Complaints: Any faults, damage or omissions must be reported in writing within 2 days of receipt of goods, otherwise all claims for damages shall be rendered null and void.
Sanitär Heinze
Brau Union
Österreich AG
Salzburg Milch
für Unterricht
und Kunst
Julius Meinl
Fritz Holter
La Cimbali
HB Austria
Austria Center
Stiegl Bier
Post AG
Trumer Pils
Tirol Milch
Events &
EXPOXX Messebau GmbH
Messeplatz 1
PF 277
1021 Wien
T: +43 1 727 20 - 6101
F: +43 1 727 20 - 6109
info@expoxx.at I www.expoxx.at
video-, audio-, light- & IT-equipment
3rd European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation Dec. 1st - 4th, 2015, Hofburg Congress Center
Order deadline: Mon, Nov. 2nd, 2015
Dec. 1st - 4th, 2015
Hofburg Congress Center
Vienna, Austria
STEINER Mediensysteme GmbH
+43 (0)2262 / 733 33-0
HOTLINE +43 (0)664 / 960 2000
Item and description
Rental price for 4 days
HD LCD display: 16:10, 1920 x 1200 incl. basement for table, slim wall mount, speaker
196 €
HD Pro LED display: 16:9, 1920 x 1080 incl. slim wall mount, built-in speaker, USB media player
310 €
HD Pro LED display: 16:9, 1920 x 1080 incl. slim wall mount, built-in speaker, USB media player
345 €
HD Pro LED display: 16:9, 1920 x 1080 incl. slim wall mount, built-in speaker, USB media player
440 €
HD Pro LED display: 16:9, 1920 x 1080 incl. slim wall mount, built-in speaker, USB media player
602 €
HD Pro LED display: 16:9, 1920 x 1080 incl. slim wall mount, built-in speaker, USB media player
on request
Optional equipment (only combined with the above-mentioned displays)
Quantity Item and description
Rental price for 4 days
Table stand for displays: 32’’ to 55’’ instead of wall mount
for electronic devices
from 65’’/ 165cm
Prices incl. insurance
12 €
Floor stand in stainless steel for displays: 32’’ to 55’’ instead of wall mount
116 €
Floor stand in stainless steel for displays: from 55’’ instead of wall mount
185 €
BluRay Player / DVD Player (for displays)
38 €
Full-HD laptop 15’’ (player for displays)
231 €
Quantity Item and description
Rental price for 4 days
Full-HD laptop 15’’ / Mini-PC incl. WIN 7 & Office 2010 (Software in English or French)
311 €
576 €
Multimedia-Designterminal with Sony Vaio Tap 20” Touchscreen incl. stand in stainless steel (Windows 8.1)
Tablets: Apple iPad (with or without floor stand), Microsoft Surface Pro
from 265 €
video walls, touch screen displays, projectors, camera equipment, … PCs, printer, copier, …
sound systems, microphones, …, lighting equipment, truss constructions, …
on request
Equipment with minimum energy class A+ or Energy Star 5.0
All prices are including delivery, setup, hand-over and dismantling. All prices are valid until November, 2nd, 2015. Afterwards we have to add a late order charge of 20%.
We accept prepayment by bank transfer or VISA / Mastercard.
Country, ZIP-Code, City
Town / City
Telephone number
VAT-ID number (EU countries only)
Mobile phone
Mobile number
date, stamp, signature
Ideal hand-over time
Credit card
Card number
Expire date
return to:
Fax: +43(0)2262/733 33 11
E-mail: ecnr2015@mediensysteme.at
We gladly offer you more multimedia equipment and solutions upon request. For any more information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Gerstner Catering, Kärntner Straße 51, 1010 Wien, Österreich, Tel.: +43 1 316 652489 , Fax: +43 1 316 65 4480,
catering@gerstner.at, www.gerstner.at
Please complete:
Booth number:
Company address:
Credit card number:
Valid through:.
Telephone number onsite:
Mineral water still
Mineral water sparkling
Coca Cola
Coca Cola light
Apple juice
Orange juice
per 0,75 liter
per 0,75 liter
per 0,75 liter
per 0,75 liter
per liter
per liter
Selection of tea
€ 14,00
25 pieces
€ 14,00
per liter
Gerstner Roast, Espresso vero 1847
Tea bags (earl grey, herb and fruit tea)
€ 30,10
€ 12,00
€ 2,20
per kg
per 25 pc.
per Liter
Espresso machine
Taps for espresso machine
€ 95,00
€ 1,50
per day
per piece
(incl. milk, 1 box tea bags & Kettle)
Filter Coffee
(incl. milk & Sugar)
(incl. milk and sugar)
Please be informed that the order for non alcoholic cold beverages have to be ordered in the
minimum unity of 6 bottles per brand and unity.
Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH
Sitz: Wien, FN 258620z beim HG Wien, UID Nr. ATU 61417577
Gerstner Catering, Kärntner Straße 51, 1010 Wien, Österreich, Tel.: +43 1 316 652489 , Fax: +43 1 316 65 4480,
catering@gerstner.at, www.gerstner.at
Please note that there is a requirement for a minimum order of 15 pieces per type!
Panini filled with:
Tramezzini filled with:
2,80 per piece
2,60 per piece
2,10 per piece
Turkey - curry salad
Ham, cheese, tomatoes and eggs
Mascarpone, parma ham und rucola salad
Salmon with horseradish
Roast beef with asparagus
Prosciutto ham with honeydew melon
Pepperoni with onions and corn
Chicken breast with Waldorf Salad
Gorgonzola cheese with walnuts
Brie with grapes
Marinated Mediterranean vegetables
Canapés refined with…
3,00 per piece
Tuna and black olives
Pepperoni with cornichons
Spinach with feta cheese
Ham and eggs
Marinated Mediterranean vegetables
Sandwiches with:
Prosciutto and melon
Tomato, Mozzarella and basil
Avocado and shrimp
Pepper salami and olives
„Liptauer“ spread
Smoked salmon with capers
Basil spread with a pearl of Mozzarella
Roastbeef with baby corn on the cob
Prager ham with fresh horseradish
Prosciutto ham and melon
Carrot-ginger-spread with pumpkin seeds
Smoked tofu spread
Trout ham with pine-apple
Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH
Sitz: Wien, FN 258620z beim HG Wien, UID Nr. ATU 61417577
Gerstner Catering, Kärntner Straße 51, 1010 Wien, Österreich, Tel.: +43 1 316 652489 , Fax: +43 1 316 65 4480,
catering@gerstner.at, www.gerstner.at
2,10 per piece
Selection of Danish pastries
1,90 per piece
Fruit Basket (10 – 12 pieces)
13,50 per piece
Salty snacks (Chips, nuts, etc)
8,50 per kg
Ice cubes
4,50 per kg
Apple, pear and curd cheese strudel
Fruit tartlets
Viennese temptations
Fruit salad with mint
Mini crème brulée
28,00 per hour
MINIMUM 4 hours
45,20 per hour
MINIMUM 4 hours
Please note that all necessary equipment has to be ordered additionally and will be charged separately!
Coffee Set (Cup, Saucer, Spoon)
Small bowls
30 pieces
30 pieces
20 pieces
á € 0,50
á € 1,50
á € 0,50
Glass ware:
Wine glass
Champagne glass
Water glass
Beer glass
24 pieces
24 pieces
36 pieces
24 pieces
Cutlery (Knive, fork, spoon)
per 30 pc.
á € 0,25
White table cloth, 320 cm round
á € 16,00
We would like to let you know, that our rates are all in € and net, and do not include VAT.
Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH
Sitz: Wien, FN 258620z beim HG Wien, UID Nr. ATU 61417577
Gerstner Catering, Kärntner Straße 51, 1010 Wien, Österreich, Tel.: +43 1 316 652489 , Fax: +43 1 316 65 4480,
catering@gerstner.at, www.gerstner.at
1. General
1.1.1. The organizer agrees with Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH that these General Terms and
Conditions exclusively apply to this event. Divergent agreements require a writing version
and are valid only with the signing of both business partners.
1.1.2. Agreements of performances and deliveries become valid and definite only with a written
reconfirmation from the organizer.
1.1.3. The object of agreement is the last valid offer of the Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH or a
possible written amendment of this.
1.1.4. In case of deviations between verbal and written order and the resulting confirmation of
Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH, the latter is substantial.
2. Payment policy
The invoice can be settled either by means of announced credit card details or by means of
transfer. The outstanding amount is due upon receipt of the invoice without discount.
2.1.1. The product remains the property of Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH until the complete
2.1.2. Default interest and expenses are settled in bank usual height at delay in payment.
3. Cancellation Policy
3.1.1. No fee shall apply in case of cancellation within 30 days prior to the event.
3.1.2. In case cancellation is made 14 days prior to the event 40% of the last valid offer will be
3.1.3. In case of cancellation 4 days prior to the event 80% of the last valid offer will be charged.
3.1.4. 100% of the last valid offer will be charged at cancellations within 72 hours prior to the event.
3.1.5. The conditions specified under item 3 also apply to cancellation invoices.
3.1.6. If either a payment, a deposit or a partial payment from this or another contract by the
organizer to Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH delays or in case a probable bad financial
situation of the organizer becomes public (e.g. protest of a bill, dishonour of checks, legal
actions, executions), Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH reserves the right to withdraw from
this agreement.
4. Order and delivery
The products and articles can only be delivered in provided minimum order quantities. Set
up, dismantling and collecting the articles is not included.
Per delivery we charge € 10,00 excl. VAT
A refund of ordered articles is not possible
During the event orders for the next day have to be placed till 13.00 via Mail:
hofburg@gerstner.at or by phone: +43 1 316 65- 2489
Please let us know your billing address.
Obligation to Registration
In case of events that are subject to entertainment tax according to the Austrian law (like balls,
fashion shows, music events etc.) the prices for food and beverage increase about 8%.
Place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction and performance is Vienna.
Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH
Sitz: Wien, FN 258620z beim HG Wien, UID Nr. ATU 61417577
Gerstner Catering, Kärntner Straße 51, 1010 Wien, Österreich, Tel.: +43 1 316 652489 , Fax: +43 1 316 65 4480,
catering@gerstner.at, www.gerstner.at
6 Final regulations
If single regulations for this agreement should be or should become ineffective, this will not affect the
validity of the other regulations.
UID Nr.:
Signature & Company stamp
Place, Date
With you signature you confirm that you have read & agree with the General Terms and Conditions
Gerstner Catering Betriebs GmbH
Sitz: Wien, FN 258620z beim HG Wien, UID Nr. ATU 61417577