Business After Hours Meet your CHAMBer stAff Business At its Best


Business After Hours Meet your CHAMBer stAff Business At its Best
May 2014
pg. 2
Coffee Ho
Friday, May 30,
:45 am
Doors open at 6 0 am
at 7:3
Program starts
on Center
Sloan Conventi
Sponsored by:
Meet your
pg. 6
at its best
pg. 14
Chairman’s Comments
May is a very special month at the Bowling Green
Area Chamber of Commerce. During the month
of May, we honor our small business community
with Small Business Appreciation Month. Small
businesses make up ninety percent of our Chamber partnership and they are the bedrock of our
community. They provide vital services and add
to the enviable quality of life we enjoy here in
South Central Kentucky.
This month, we salute our small businesses with a
long list of exciting events!
May 5th: “Business on the Greens” Chamber
Golf Challenge sponsored by Overhead Door
Company of Bowling Green at Indian Hills Country Club.
May 15th: Excellence Awards Luncheon where
the keynote speakers will be 2014 Small Business
Person of the Year, Mike Coffey of BlueCotton,
Inc. and 2014 ATHENA Award winner Michelle
Gorman of US Bank. Awards to be presented at
this event include: the inaugural Administrative
Professional and Agriculture Innovation Awards
Chamber Board of Directors
and the Business Education Partnerships.
May 29th: Women in Business Breakfast, sponsored by The Medical Center and Kerrick, Bachert, and Stivers. This is a wonderful opportunity
for the business women in our community to
get together for a nice breakfast and celebrate
the accomplishments of women in the Bowling
Green and Warren County business community.
The event will be held at the Medical Center –
WKU Health Science Complex.
Registration for each of these events is available
online at
Looking ahead, I want to encourage you to mark
your calendar for June 12th, when we will host
the annual Chamber Roast to support the Charles
M. Moore, Jr. Leadership Foundation. The event
will be held from 11:00 – 1:00 at the National Corvette Museum where we will roast the one and
only Wendell Strode. It’s sure to be a great time,
so please reserve your ticket today.
At the same event, we’re excited to host graduation festivities for the inaugural class of Leadership South Central Kentucky. The Leadership
South Central Kentucky program is a groundbreaking effort to increase awareness and cooperation on a regional level. I am very proud of
this group of young leaders, and I look forward
to seeing how this experience transforms into increased regional cooperation and growth.
As you can see, it’s a great time to be a Chamber
partner and I’m looking forward to seeing you all
there! Thank you for your partnership!
Do you know someone who you think would be a great addition to the Chamber’s Board
of Directors? If so, the Chamber is accepting nominations for our 2015 board.
Nomination forms are available at If you have questions
about the nomination process, contact
Business After Hours
June 26, 2014
Vision Builders, LLC
500 Traditions Blvd.
July 31, 2014
Village Manor
1800 Westen Street
President and CEO
Ron Bunch
John Mark Fones
Vice Chair
Mark Iverson
Immediate Past Chair
Brad Howard
Tommy Adams
Vice Presidents
Joy Rogers
Dave Tatman
Robbin Taylor
Board of Directors
Bill Borders
Alex Nottmeier
Steve Davis
Alan Palmer
Dion Houchins
Brett Reynolds
Doc Kaelin
Robert Teixeira
Kim Thomas
Todd Matthews
Chris Thorn
Amy Milliken
Eric Walker
Clinton Mills
Regina Webb
Bill Murphree
Bruce Wilkerson
Phil Neal
Joe Nishijima
Your Chamber Staff
Ron Bunch
President and CEO
Christina Beliles
Chelsea Johns
Workforce Coordinator
Emilee Buttrum
Economic Development
Tonya Matthews
Vice President,
Maureen Carpenter
Vice President,
Kim Phelps
Communications and
Regional Development
Public Policy Director
and Talent
Melinda Rector
Kayla Cruse
Marketing and
Research Coordinator
Crystal Cummings
Meredith Robinson
Office Manager
Katie Dykes
Julie Sapp
Programs & Events
Project Manager,
Carrie Felix
Abbie Siljendahl
Executive Assistant
Programs and Events
Yvonne Franks
Finance Coordinator
Liz Stevenson
Partnership Sales
Britney Harris
Economic Development
Chamber Connection
Designed & Printed By:
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. No Fee; Online Registration Requested.
Business After Hours is a networking program that gives Chamber partners and guests the
opportunity to make new contacts, renew acquaintances and exchange business information.
The event includes heavy hors d’oeuvres and possible entertainment at no cost. Business
After Hours has an average attendance of 60-100.
2 | Chamber Connection
Coffee Hour
May 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Doors open at 6:45 am • Program starts at 7:30 am
Sloan Convention Center
pg. 2
Coffee Hour
Friday, May 30, 2014
Doors open at 6:45 am
Program starts at 7:30 am
sloan Convention Center
sponsored by:
Meet your
pg. 6
At its Best
pg. 14
The Warren County Public Library has served the citizens of Warren County since 1956. With four
permanent locations throughout the county, as well as an active delivery system, the library works
toward its mission of providing equal access to the discovery of ideas, the joy of reading, and the power
of information.
Since its transition from a city library to a county-funded system in 2008, the library has experienced
significant growth. The library built a new facility in the Smiths Grove community in 2012 which
offers high speed Internet access, expanded collections and more adequate space for its very popular
children’s events. This new library has more than doubled its circulation and computer use in the past
two years. The 13,000 square foot expansion of the Bob Kirby Branch was completed two months early
in February 2014 thanks to our friends at Scott, Murphy & Daniel. The new space features a beautiful children’s room, dedicated teen
space, a collaborative learning center, expanded collections, expanded hours, casual reading areas and meeting space available for
community use. The meeting space is large enough to host popular author events and will allow exploration into further lifelong
learning opportunities for patrons.
A hub of activity, resources and information, the library serves community members in all ages and stages of life. While providing
literacy-rich programs for emerging young readers is traditionally what the library is known for, the Warren County Public Library has
recently worked toward providing a fuller range of programming and services for adults. Digital resources have been added to the
existing database selections to meet the demands of an ever-evolving community. Library users now have access to downloadable
ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, music, and streaming video. Staff members provide training workshops on the use of common
computer software, popular gadgets and a variety of general interest topics. Book discussion groups and writer workshops are
available throughout the system.
Early childhood literacy has become the foundation for library services to young children. Library programs for preschool children are
built around five activities (play, talk, sing, read and write) that are the basis of early learning. Programs for older children are designed
to encourage continued growth in reading and creativity. Summer and Winter Reading programs have always supported this goal.
However, recently the library has been able to add art programs, book clubs and lego clubs for older children.
According to board president Steve Marcum, “Libraries are now at a pivotal time in history, and by integrating digital technologies with
the written word, we are able to serve our patrons in more ways than ever before. Compare our system today to where we were just
ten years ago and you’ll see tremendous strides in the quantity and quality of our services.”
Mary McDonough is best known for her portrayal of Erin Walton, on the hit series, The Waltons.
McDonough has appeared on numerous series; ER, Will and Grace, Boston Legal, and The New
Adventures of Old Christine, among others. She has served as a special correspondent for
Entertainment Tonight and a host of programs for The Travel Channel and The Family Channel.
the story of her transformation from a normal kid to child star. Touching, funny, sometimes
heartbreaking, it is the story of everything Mary learned on her journey over—and beyond—
that famous mountain.
Mary works as a life coach with businesses, organizations and individuals to help them attain
their goals. McDonough spent fifteen years lobbying congress on behalf of women’s health.
She was a founding director of the Lupus LA, and currently heads In The Know, an organization
dedicated to educating women.
Mary is an award-winning Director, Writer and Producer of theatrical, corporate and video
productions. The highlight of her career remains the “production” of her only child, Sydnee. Chamber Connection | 3
Your Chamber Websites REDESIGNED!
In an effort to better serve you, we’ve been busy over the last few months redesigning the Chamber
and South Central Kentucky websites! Here are just some of the many new features you’ll find!
We’ve partnered with Coggno, an online training and learning
management system to offer online training opportunities for our
Chamber partners. Coggno brings together content creators, HR
organizations, and employees in a single, cloud-based ecosystem –
enabling simplified training and certification anywhere in the world.
On the right
hand side of
the bgchamber.
com homepage,
you’ll find
links to timely
information, and
frequently used
We’ve partnered with the US Chamber to bring you an interactive legislative portal that
allows you to take part in the legislative process right from your computer. Here you’ll find
current information on legislation of interest, news stories from local sources, customized
information about your elected representatives, and the ability to communicate directly
with those elected officials on issues that are important to you.
4 | Chamber Connection
The Chamber recently made an investment in the Size Up tool for our
partners. This tool is GIS based and provides business intelligence
information such as customer demographics, competitive analysis, and
industry performance. Along with Coggno, it is available exclusively to
our Chamber partners.
No longer do you have to search around to find the
Chamber or South Central Kentucky on social media.
In our new Social Media Room, you can find it all in
one place.
Our website isn’t all that’s new and improved. On
you’ll find a brand new property search GIS software that allows you to
see all the sites and buildings available in the region. Search any of our
ten counties, pull demographics for areas surrounding a property and
generate a PDF that showcases property details. Look for quick and easy
access on our home page!
Use our new South Central Kentucky
website to learn more about each of
the ten counties in our region. Learn
about the demographics of the county,
workforce characteristics and fun
things to do, all in one place for your
convenience! Chamber Connection | 5
Meet Your Chamber Staff!
We proudly serve you!
Ron Bunch
President and CEO
Katie Dykes
Programs and Events
Britney Harris
Economic Development
Research and Data Coordinator
Meredith Robinson
Liz Stevenson
Partnership Sales
Crystal Cummings
Office Manager
Tonya Matthews
Vice President of
Partnership Services
Chelsea Johns
Partnership Services
Melinda Rector
Database Administrator/
Maureen Carpenter
Vice President of Talent and
Regional Development
Julie Sapp
Project Manager, Attraction
Yvonne Franks
Finance Coordinator
Kim Phelps
Director of Communications
and Public Policy
Kayla Kruse
Economic Development
Marketing Coordinator
Christina Beliles
Workforce Coordinator
Abbie Siljendahl
Director of Programs and
Emilee Buttrum
Economic Development
Carrie Felix
Executive Assistant to the
President and CEO
6 | Chamber Connection
The Chamber Is
Proud to Welcome
New President’s Club
Bronze Partner!
Scott & Ritter
Scott & Ritter, Inc. is the direct
descendant of the utility
division of Scotty’s Contracting,
Inc. Scotty’s Contracting started
in 1972 and the utility division
split off as a separate entity,
Scott & Ritter, Inc., in 1983.
Scott & Ritter specializes in
heavy construction, including
storm and sanitary sewers,
water facilities, underground
electric facilities, gas lines, and
highway work, just to name
a few. They have extensive
experience in residential,
commercial and industrial
subdivision development. In
addition, Scott & Ritter performs
site excavation, blasting, mobile
rock crushing, and water
and wastewater treatment
plants and pumping station
Scott and Ritter, Inc. pursues
many types of contracting
opportunities, including
Design Build and Performance
Contracting, and their work area
is generally within a 150 mile
radius of Bowling Green.
Please join us in welcoming
Scott & Ritter, Inc. to the
Bowling Green Area Chamber of
Commerce’s President’s Club. These businesses invest in economic development.
Chamber Connection | 7
The Chamber Celebrates Small Business A
Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce Announces
2014 Small Business Person of the Year and 2014 ATHENA Award Winners
On April 23rd, The Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce awarded two prestigious awards to outstanding business people in our community.
Small Business Person of the Year
Mike Coffey, owner of BlueCotton, Inc. was awarded the 2014 Small Business Person of
the Year Award, sponsored by Overhead Door Company of Bowling Green. “Small businesses are vital to this community, and we are thankful to have so many accomplished
business owners to honor. BlueCotton is a great success story, and we are so proud to
have them as a leader in our outstanding small business community here in Bowling
Green. ” said Chamber Board Chairman John Mark Fones.
The Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce has named a community member
the “Small Business Person of the Year” since 1985. The award recognizes a business
leader who owns and operates a for-profit company that employs 100 or fewer fulltime employees, who has invested his or her own money in that small business, who
has experienced recent business growth, and who is involved in the development and
growth of the Bowling Green community.
Past Small Business Person of the Year recipients pose with 2014 Small Business Person of
the Year Mike Coffey of BlueCotton, Inc. Pictured are (L to R): David Wiseman, Thad Connelly,
Regina Webb, Mike Coffey, Doug Gorman, Mike Murphy, and Tim Earnhart.
The nominees were: Leo Eggleton, Leo Eggleton Accounting; Marsha Wyzkowski,
Merry Maids ServiceMaster; Mary Meszaros, Mary Jane Chocolates; Mike Coffey, Blue
Cotton, Inc.; Thomas Thompson, Southern Kentucky Oral Surgery Associates; Robert
Ramsey, Container World, Inc.
“The selection committee faced a tough decision this year, as it does every year. The high quality of our small business community continues to make our decision a very
difficult one. We are so proud of our small businesses and we are delighted to be able to honor our small business leaders with this award. Their businesses are invaluable to
our local economy and our quality of life,” said Ron Bunch, President and CEO of the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce.
On the same day, Michelle Gorman of US Bank was named the 29th recipient of the
ATHENA Award, given by the Chamber and The Martin Management Group. Chairman
John Mark Fones commented “The ATHENA Award is a very special award, and once
again we are honored to have such a strong group of nominees. I’d like to personally
thank the Martin Group for co-sponsoring this ground-breaking award that highlights
positive role models for women. ”
The Chamber, with the generous support of the Martin Management Group, has
honored local business people for contributing to the advancement of women in the
workplace by presenting well-deserving business leaders with the ATHENA Award for
the past 28 years. Cornelius Martin first brought this award to Bowling Green as a salute to Women in Business and the Martin Family continues to support his legacy with
this award. The ATHENA Award celebrates positive role models in the business world
– more than 3,000 women and men to date – on local, state, national, and international stages. The ATHENA Foundation is dedicated to recognizing individual leaders
that have opened doors of opportunity for women in the workplace and beyond.
The nominees were: Robbin Taylor, WKU; Dena Nelson, ARGI Financial Group;
Michelle Gorman, US Bank; Shannon Vitale, Hilliard Lyons
Past ATHENAs pose with 2014 ATHENA winner Michelle Gorman of US Bank. Pictured are (L to
R): Tamara Vogler, Mary Cohron, Sue Parrigin, Kim Thomas, Ann Elliott, Pearl Taylor, Michelle
Gorman, Award Sponsor Gail Martin, Regina Webb, Joy Rogers, Vickie Elrod, and Heather Rogers.
Both award recipients will be honored at the Chamber’s Excellence Awards Luncheon on May 15th at the Knicely Conference Center. The event is the highlight of Small Business
Appreciation Month and will feature both winners as keynote speakers. To attend the event, online registration is required at Individual tickets are
$30 and tables of 10 are $300.
8 | Chamber Connection
Appreciation Month
to the Outstanding Administrative Professionals Nominated for the
Chamber’s Inaugural Administrative Professional Award!
Join Us at the Excellence Awards Luncheon May 15th to find out the winner!
Amy Wilson......................................................Hancock Bank & Trust Company
Denise Clubb................................................................... Scott, Murphy & Daniel
Jane Yates-Bryant....................Southern Kentucky Rehabilitation Hospital
Karen Dinwiddie.........................................WKU Career & Prof. Development
Kathy Simpson...................................... TriStar Greenview Regional Hospital
Kyla Houchins................................. Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Corp.
Mary Loyce Wheeler.................................................Regina Webb Salon & Spa
Pam Pillow................................................................ National Corvette Museum
Phyllis Davis.................................................................................Lawton Insurance
Shala Hudson.................................................................................................US Bank
Sonja Taylor-Byrum....................................American Bank & Trust Company
Stacey Haynes.....................................................................................................BB&T
Teresa Rogers............................................................ Canteen Service Company
The Genuine. The Original.
Overhead Door Company
Of Bowling Green Chamber Connection | 9
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 - 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
South Lawn
Registration fee is only $275 per space for early birds or
$315 after June 30th
Your fee includes; a 10’ area under a tent, 8’ table and two chairs*
1,500 – 2,000 WKU students attend this anticipated event!
The event continues to grow each year as interest booms both on campus and within the business
community. The University is a significant contributor to our successful business climate, and this event
gives Chamber partners the first opportunity to tap into this market. In turn, the students will be
provided the opportunity to see what businesses in Bowling Green have to offer – without leaving
How to prepare: Come armed with giveaways and samples to really showcase your product and/or
service. Casual (and cool) dress is most appropriate for staff members working the booth area.
Traditionally, the afternoon gets pretty hot!
How to reserve a space: Complete the form below and send it to the Chamber. We’ll send you
confirmation information with more details regarding the event, such as parking, etc.
Space is limited!
Please return form by Friday, August 15th
Fax: (270) 843-0458 or Email:
Contact Name:
Payment enclosed
Send invoice to following address:
Electricity is needed
Note other needs here:
*Additional space inside or outside of the tent requires an additional fee.
10 | Chamber
Thank You
to Our Partners Celebrating 50+ Years of Dedication to the
Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce in 2014!
Hinton Cleaners, Inc.
AT&T Kentucky
Holley Performance Products
Atmos Energy
Houchens Industries, Inc.
Johnson-Vaughn-Phelps Funeral Home
Bell, Orr, Ayers & Moore, PSC
Kentucky Association of Manufacturers
Kentucky Tire Exchange
David Browning
Campbell Chevrolet
JC Kirby & Son Funeral Homes
& Crematory
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Leachman Buick-GMC-Cadillac
Center of Insurance
Martin Autoplex
Christ Episcopal Church
Charles M. Moore Insurance
Clark Beverage Group, Inc.
PNC Bank
College Heights Herald
Riley’s Bakery
Consolidated Paper Group, Inc.
Royal Music Company, Inc.
Daily News
Southcentral Kentucky Community
& Technical College
First Security Bank
Fruit of The Loom Corporate Headquarters
Geoghegan Roofing & Supply, Inc.
U.S. Bank
Valor Oil
Golden Farley
Warren Rural Electric Cooperative
Graves-Gilbert Clinic
Greenwood Ford Lincoln
Harlin Parker Attorneys at Law
Whayne Supply Company
Hill-Motley Lumber Company
Like our Facebook Fan Page. Follow @BGChamber on Twitter. Join us on Linkedin. Chamber Connection | 11
Thank You Partners for Renewing Your Chamber Investment
Advanced Sheet Metal
AEP Industries, Inc.
Akins Construction, Inc.
Alpine Pet Care Center
American Chemical Technologies, Inc.
Arlo Richardson & Son Construction, Inc.
Arnold Consulting Engineering Services, Inc.
Blake Richey
Bowling Green Junior Woman’s Club
Bowling Green Retirement Village
Bowling Green Woman’s Club
Brantley Appraisal Company
C. T. Nuckols, DMD
Campbell Chevrolet
Charlene Rabold
Crown Lift Trucks
David Browning
DaVita Dialysis of Warren County
Destiny Dental
Digital Doc
Disability Resource Initiative
Diversified Electrical, Inc.
Double Dome Systems, Inc.
Eloise B. Houchens Center
Evergreen Life Services
EWA Government Systems, Inc.
Gaddie-Shamrock, LLC
Gary Dillard
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Greenwood Ford Lincoln
Greenwood Urgent Clinic
Haven4Change, Inc.
Homeland Management
Home-Towne Suites
Industrial Electrical Contractors
JBK Network Consulting
JC Kirby & Son Funeral Homes & Crematory
Jim Johnson Nissan & Jim Johnson Hyundai
Jody Richards
John H. McCracken and Associates, PLLC
Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield/Family Court
Junior Achievement of South Central KY
KapStone Container Corporation
Keller Williams First Choice Realty
Kindred Transitional Care & Rehabilitation-Rosewood
KIRIU USA Corporation
Kiwanis Club of Bowling Green
Leachman Buick-GMC-Cadillac
Lost River Pizza Company
Magna CAR TOP SYSTEMS (Bowling Green) LLC
Megan Casebier
Merrick Place Homeowners Association
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Midtown Plaza Shopping Center
Mister B’s Pizza
Morgantown Bank & Trust
Noon Lions Club
Odd Fellows Lodge
One Stop Wellness
Party 1 Superstore
Paul Burrell Management Company dba McDonald’s
PBI Bank
Porter Paint
Proforma Cornerstone Concepts, LLC
Rafferty’s Restaurant & Bar
RC Components, Inc.
S & K Powder Coating, Inc.
Smith Interiors, Inc.
Southern Kentucky Property Management, Inc.
Southern Sealing & Striping Company, Inc.
Sowders Company Designers/Builders
Steal The Moment, LLC Photo Booth Rental
Stengel Hill Architecture
Stewart-Richey Construction, Inc.
Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems, Inc.
The Fortress Group dba Park Mammoth Resort
The UPS Store #2058
The Yard Park
Tire Pro’s of Southern Kentucky
Toby’s Pest Control Service
Tony Witty/Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Toot’s Restaurant
Woodmen of the World Lodge 36
Wright Implement 1, LLC
New Partners
Tune in to Hear Your Business
Named on the Radio
South Warren Greenways
Celebrating their Grand Opening
8140 Nashville Rd
Saylor’s Golf Carts
Celebrating their expansion
302 Laurel Rd. Smiths Grove
Southcentral Kentucky Community
and Technical College
Celebrating their 75th anniversary
1845 Loop Drive
12 | Chamber
Welcome New Partners...
Align Pilates, LLC
“Classical Pilates with a contemporary approach.”
952 Fairview Avenue, Suite 3
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 904-4019
Loralee Stephens, Owner
JOB Partners, LLC
“Real estate developers.”
2600 Chandler Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42104
(270) 991-3503
Andy Shultz, Partner
Art Education Task Force, Inc. dba BG OnStage
“Extensive community service programs for arts and
607 E 10th Avenue
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 282-6166
Flora Templeton Stuart
Kentucky Health Cooperative, Inc.
“We are a non-profit, member-governed health
insurance company serving the citizens and small
businesses of Kentucky.”
9700 Ormsby Station Road, Suite 100
Louisville, KY 40223
(502) 287-1285
Jack Tillman, Vice President
COWs-Container on Wheels of Bowling Green
“Mobile storage containers delivered to you!”
227 Riverwood Avenue
PO Box 10052
Bowling Green, KY 42102
(270) 779-1063
Lee Hatcher, Business Manager
Lowe’s of Bowling Green
“Home improvement retail, installation services
and professional services.”
150 American Avenue
Bowling Green, KY 42104
(270) 796-5000
Chad White, Assistant Store Manager
Fletcher Excavation
“We are committed to our customers with cost effective excavation services while ensuring their quality,
schedule and budget goals regardless of project size.
Constructing the future for generations to come!”
PO Box 480
Smiths Grove, KY 42171
(270) 563-2020
Emily Fletcher, Member
Hangout Creative Group
“Digital marketing company specializing in social
media marketing. We help small businesses build a
community on the web.”
1017 Magnolia Street
Bowling Green, KY 42103
(270) 991-3770
Joel Nivens, Jr., Co-Owner
President’s Club Silver Star Partner LEE Company
Celebrating the Grand Opening of their BG location
5237 Nashville Rd Bldg 6 Sterling Chiropractic Center
“Providing gentle and tailored adjustments to restore
your health. Evaluations and treatments of injuries
sustained from accidents and sports injuries.”
1143 Fairway Street, Suite 103
Bowling Green, KY 42103
(270) 783-4500
Chad Folk, DC, Owner
The Law Firm of Flora Templeton Stuart
“We are personal injury attorneys with extensive
community service programs for arts and education.”
607 E 10th Avenue
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 782-9090
Flora Templeton Stuart, Attorney
Potter Children’s Home
Celebrating the grand opening of their new quadplex
2350 Nashville Rd.
Stucky Music Festival
“We host charity fundraisers for the Son Rhea
1249 Huron Way
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 670-8960
Rebecca Sales, Director
Dave Tatman
2210 Browning Road
Rockfield, KY 42274
(270) 349-2355
Vette City Music Conference & Arts Festival
“This five day event will bring in music and entertainment industry leaders and professional to expose
attendees to new ideas, resources, technology and
knowledge to help further their careers and the careers
of the next generation.”
310 Snyder Branch Road
Scottsville, KY 42164
(270) 202-2805
Nicholas Moore, Executive Director
Alan Vilines
690 Scottsborough Circle
Bowling Green, KY 42103
(270) 843-3155
Western Kentucky Chiropractic Center
661 US 31-W Bypass, Suite A
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 904-3499
John Ratusny, Chiropractor
Work Therapeutics, Inc.
“Working with employers to reduce work injury and
disability costs with prevention and early intervention
1143 Fairway Street, Suite 104
Bowling Green, KY 42103
(270) 781-9202
Ginnie Halling, PT, President
Zest! Juice for Life
“Zest! Juice for Life creates your juice fresh from the
gardens and farms of Warren County, Kentucky. We use
the “Big Daddy” of all juicers, Goodnature X-1, (which
we named Gordy) to cold press our produce to get the
maximum nutrition and taste.”
288 Boddeker Way
Bowling Green, KY 42104
(270) 535-4289
Natalie Boddeker, Owner
Chamber Connection | 13
2014 Chamber Roast
Charles M. Moore, Jr. Leadership Fundraiser
Charles M. Moore, Jr. Leadership Fundraiser
Headlining the Roast is National Corvette Museum’s,
Headlining the Roast is National Corvette
Also featuring the graduation
of the
Also featuring
of theclass
Leadership South Central Kentucky class
June 12th
11:00 AM –June
AM –Museum
1:00 PM
National Corvette $35
Per Ticket
$350 $35
Per Table
Per Ticket
Register online$350
Per Table (10)
Register online at
Sponsorship Available –
– Scholarship (EXCLUSIVE sponsorship) - $2,500
*Leadership South Available
Central Kentucky
For more information on tickets or
sponsorship, please contact Abbie,
For more information on tickets or
Director of Programs & Events at
sponsorship, please contact Abbie, or 270-901-4610
Director of Programs & Events at or 270-901-4610
South Central
(EXCLUSIVE sponsorship) - $2,500
*Leadership Bowling
(limit 3) -Scholarship
Green (limit 3) - $1,500
*Program Sponsor
- $500
*Program Sponsor - $500
Chamber Chatter
I am very excited to announce the association of William Skaggs of Bowling Green with
Bratcher Financial Group. William holds two
degrees from WKU and spent six years in retail banking in Bowling Green before spending the last 12 years with WKU’s Division of
Development and Alumni Relations. I believe
William’s creativity and attention to detail will
be a huge asset in helping meet the needs of
individuals and families in the region. Please contact William to
congratulate him and let him know how he can be of assistance.
Watch the May Chamber Monthly Magazine On
Time Warner Cable Channel 5
The Leader in Me Lighthouse Schools
Chamber Monthly Magazine airs daily at:
7:30 a.m., Noon, 6:30 p.m., 10 p.m.
Note, airing may be preempted by
special programming.
2014 Business at its Best: Seminars for
Business Success
7:30AM – 9:00AM @ Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce
How to engage a global customer base locally
by Leyda Becker with City of Bowling Green
May 20th
The City of Bowling Green has become increasingly diverse, with
nearly 50 different languages and dialects being spoken throughout
our City. This seminar will help your business explore strategies that
will expand your existing customer base by engaging and attracting
different groups of people. Topics covered in the seminar include:
• Why is Bowling Green so diverse? facts and statistics
• 7 Steps to Diversify your Customer Base
• The debate for language access – is my business legally
required to provide interpreters?
Leyda Becker serves as the International Communities Liaison
for the City of Bowling Green and coordinates the City’s role
in communicating and working effectively with the diverse
international communities represented in Bowling Green, and
serves as an advocate for LEP (Limited English Proficient) persons
who may seek City services. Contact Leyda at leyda.becker@bgky.
org or (270) 393-3766.
The Genuine. The Original.
Sponsored by:
Overhead Door Company
Of Bowling Green
14 | Chamber
Small Business Spotlights
Does my small business really need a
website, Facebook, and Twitter presence? Here’s your answer, 51% of consumers are more likely to purchase
from companies with a mobile-specific website and over 78% of consumers now rely on social networks
when researching new products and
services. Yes! You need a website!
Michael Sturgeon, owner of Sturgeon
Construction, loves what he does. He
specializes in custom woodworking
with an emphasis on treehouses,
decks, play rooms and custom design. The Sturgeons moved to Bowling Green a year ago to be closer to
family. Last Halloween, he helped
his wife, Janie, transform the bank
she worked at into the ‘Old West’ by
Crowd South gives businesses the building a movie like set, taking the
tools they need to build relation- bank back in time. One of the bank
ships with their clientele using mo- customers asked who built the set.
bile-friendly websites that allow the That referral turned into Surgeon’s
consumer to find information quick- first Bowling Green treehouse.
ly. They also help businesses engage
customers through Facebook and “In one short year, my list of referTwitter. “Things have changed since ences in the area has grown nicely. “I
the days when you simply opened have spent the last 20 years building
the Yellow Pages, says Crowd South and running construction projects all
Co-founder Jason Heflin. “Every busi- over the US. I have enjoyed building
ness needs a website. Check ours out log cabins (my 2nd love), magnificent ”
custom homes, and too many commercial properties to mention. I have
Jason Heflin and Chad Webb, found- always enjoyed what I do, but nothers of CrowdSouth, chose Bowling ing compares to the joy I get when
Green as their base of operations someone experiences a treehouse I
because of the overwhelming op- have created,” Sturgeon shares.
portunity here. They saw a way to
help small businesses just like their He enjoys the challenge to add creown succeed and reach their full po- ativity and detail into each project.
tential. “Bowling Green is home to “My grandmother once told me, ‘The
us. There is no other community we key to happiness is to find something
want to see have a successful future, you love to do and figure out a way
more than the Bowling Green Area. to make a living doing it.’ If you can
We have over 15 years of experience dream it, I can build it.”
in online marketing; we’re here to
help,” says Jason. Low cost manufacturing requires reliable machines. Dynamic Solutions,
Inc., helps industrial clients achieve
reliability doing Predictive Maintenance inspections using vibration
analysis. Analysis tools are expensive
and contacting the services is a reasonable alternative. Larger operations will contract the service for the
flexibility. Joe Strader is the President
of Dynamic Solutions and has been
doing these industrial vibration inspections since 1980. Vibration based predictive maintenance detects mechanical failures at
an early stage. Early repairs prevent
additional costs of a catastrophic, unplanned failure. Catastrophic failures
often occur when the machines are
under maximum production, require
more time to repair, and more parts
are needed. An early repair can be
done during planned outages, parts
can be ordered and available, and
repair crews can be scheduled. All of
these save money and reduce maintenance costs.
Chamber Connection | 15
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A Mother’s Perspective
The Leader in Me – From the Eyes of the Parents
At the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce, we are more than proud
of The Leader In Me and the leadership qualities it is instilling in our children.
On a regular basis we hear success stories from educators, parents, and the
children themselves. Today, we wanted to share a couple of those stories
from parents who have seen firsthand the impact of The Leader In Me in their
child’s school. Together we are making a difference!
A Father’s Perspective
I was at the doorstep of life on my own and I was lost. I didn’t know what I
wanted. I wasn’t sure how to get there. And I had no clear vision of my future.
My junior year in high school was a harsh wakeup call. It took me 10 years of
school to truly learn many of the principles my 6-year-old daughter is learning
today as a part of the Leader in Me initiative.
She was introduced to the program during her kindergarten year. Since then,
it’s impacted her directly both in school and, more importantly, in her everyday
life. She is constantly citing the 7 Habits in various contexts and circumstances.
Already she is learning to be proactive - to put first things first. And those
principles are putting her ahead of the curve in life. They’re sending her down
a path that many kids – like me - do not have the benefit of knowing.
She may not know it now. She may not realize it for years. But when her junior
year rolls around, I trust the Leader in Me principles will take her down a
different — and much better — road than the one her father took.
When I asked my fourth grader what she liked best about The Leader in Me
at her school, she answered that her favorite thing was getting “to be like
grownups”and that it“prepares us for our future.”Just yesterday I watched her
present a speech she had prepared earlier in the day during a Writing Project
class for students in 3rd--5th grades at our local university. When I asked her
if she was nervous about speaking in front of her peers and their parents,
she told me she was not worried about it because she had talked in front
of a big crowd before due to her involvement with The Student Lighthouse
Team, a product of the The Leader In Me initiative. Students on this team are
involved in decision-making, school projects, and public appearances, like the
one my daughter was referring to when she presented to the group parents
and students. These leadership opportunities are a tremendous asset for my
daughter. After all, she will use those skills as a high school student, college
student and later as President, or whatever it is she becomes!
For more information on The Leader In Me, please contact Tonya Matthews,
Vice President for Partnership Services at
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