creenisgaa 2015 - creenisgaa clothing
creenisgaa 2015 - creenisgaa clothing
TM creenisgaa 2015 • welcome to creenisgaa clothing located on the tradi3onal territory of the the sto:lo na3on..............made on the rez! • this is the second edi3on of our catalogue which is expanded with new designs and accessories for 2015! the prices have also been revised to reflect the reality within which we find ourselves • creenisgaa clothing presents a fusion/interpreta3on of woodland cree tradi3onal artwork and bootmaking prac3ces and northwest coast nisga’a tradi3onal artwork this catalogue is a work in progress and as such will be revised as more designs are created • bootmaking at creenisgaa is based on footwear and leatherwork experience handed down from mother to daughter for generations • creenisgaa artwork is leather cutwork, h andpainted or beaded / introducing airbrush techniques. Leather hides from elk, bison, deer and moose are natural products and imperfec3ons in the leather finish may be visible in the final product. creenisgaa considers this part of the character of the handmade product • the logo trademark is called “the protector” by luugigyoo patrick stewart © cnc 2003 • creenisgaa clothing is a family owned and operated ar3st coopera3ve represen3ng the wearable art of linda lavallee / patrick stewart / cory lavallee / carlie lavalle e • each and every pair of cnc boots are created following a protocol of smudging and prayer – for those who wear our boots be protected and walk in health note : products may vary from photographs patrick & linda all rights reserved © cnc 2015 duncan mccue, cbc reporter at creenisgaa photoshoot on the banks of the vedder river march 2014 regina 2012 ganada / frog white deer boot/white cowskin upper abalone bu@ons nisga’a artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart 101 ganada #101 white (also available in red #102 and black #103 elk and beaver fur trim #104) $330.00cdn (#101, 102, 103) (#104) with fur trim as shown $400.00 models: roxanne lavallee & twila lavallee at Kmber bay sk 104 102 103 neekhl (killerwhale) / gibuu (wolf) buRon blanket red elk boot/red elk upper black elk trim / abalone bu@ons nisga’a cutwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart neekhl / gibuu bu@on blanket #120 red le/e/e $400.00cdn 120 actor adam beach 2013 used with permission flight of the sun white or black elk boot/upper black cowhide nisga’a painted artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart 150 151 152 flight of the sun white #150 / $330.00cdn with painted foot #151 / $380.00cdn with wolf design #152 boots$400.00cdn backpack $250.00cdn 150 model : elysia lavallee in spirit lake north dakota bear / smax nisga’a artwork luugigyoo patrick stewart 160 190 red cow hide boot / upper #160 $330.00cdn tan cowhide / upper #165 $330.00cdn black cowhide / upper #167 white cowhide / upper #170 $330.00cdn detail 165 170 dragonflies white cowskin boot/upper nisga’a artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart 200 dragonflies # 210 white / black leather $330.00cdn 210 dream catcher wolf black cowskin boot / upper #220 – $380.00 bear #221 – $380..00 rose #222 -‐ $380.00 lilies cree painted artwork / cory lavallee 220 220/221 221 222 231 dreamcatcher cree painted artwork / cory lavallee $330.00 white #225 black #227 225 232210 231 227 bu@erflies / flowers cory lavallee black #235 -‐ $380.00cdn bu@erflies #236 -‐ $330.00cdn black#237 -‐ $330.00cdn 235 237 236 flight of the sun with wolf white cowskin mi@s with lynx fur trim white mi@s #240 – $275.00cdn Tan mi@s #241 mi@s $250.00cdn with fur trim #242 $300.00cdn 242 240 ange sterri@, arKst and cbc reporter wearing mi@s #242 241 242 Inez boots 245 cowskin boot / upper tan varies in color depending on availability cree painted artwork / cory lavallee 245 245 designs may vary from photos 245 #245 tan $380.00 with painted foot Inez jasper neekhl (killerwhale) and gaak (raven) tan elk boot/upper nisga’a painted artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart tan killerwhale raven #250 $330.00 cdn sun with killer whale #251 $330.00 cdn raven with killerwhale # 252 $330.00 cdn 250 251 252 251 252 gibuu / wolf Laidman Fox Jr. (Mni Wakan Dakota), Medicine Man, cleansing the runway new york fashion week 2013 used with permission boots : black cowskin backpack : black cowskin 276 nisga’a painted artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart 275 275 boots #275-‐ $330.00cdn backpack #276 -‐ $200.00cdn kihiwkwan / feathers black/white /tan /uppers cree painted artwork / cory lavallee white with art on toe #301 -‐ 380.00 tan no art work on toe #302-‐330.00 301 302 short boots various colors boots/uppers winter boots / faux fur lining’ summer boots nisga’a / cree painted artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart / cory lavalallee raven black #330 $220.00 cdn with no lining and no fur trim. 330 Add $50.00 cdn for fur lining and $50.00cdn more for fur trim westcoast abstract tan elk boot/upper nisga’a painted artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart plo'on / sea oRer tan elk boots/uppers nisga’a painted artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart 350 351 o@er #350 $330.00cdn o@er with water #351 $380.00cdn westcoast abstract #400 Tan $330.00cdn 400 flower (me3s) black cowskin boot cree painted artwork / cory lavallee flower #560 / $330.00cdn flower on the toe #561 -‐ $380.00 560 moosehide slippers beaded vamp / beaver fur trim #770 $250.00cdn beaded vamp / without beaver trim #771 $200.00cdn non-‐moosehide slippers #772 $150.00cdn 770 neekhl (killerwhale) / gibuu (wolf) white elk boots/uppers #501 neekhl (killerwhale) white deer boot / cowskin upper #500 nisga’a painted artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart 501 500 $330.00cdn new york fashion week 2013 photo by udor used with permission 530 winter boots/ miRs cowskin boot / upper #530 any design can be made into winter wear. No fur trim, art work on just upper $350.00cdn with abalone : mi@s with lining, no fur trim $250.00cdn sheep skin lining is $100.00 more if requested. 530 530 flowers (woodland tradi3onal) white boots/uppers #550 – $380.00 cdn black elk trim #551-‐ $330.00 cree painted artwork / cory lavallee darian boots tan upper #555 – $380.00 cdn cree painted artwork / cory lavallee 550 550 551 555 602 x sgaak / eagle cowhide boot/upper #600 nisga’a painted artwork / Luugigyooo patrick stewart $380.00 with painted foot 601 cutwork/upper #601 –$330.00cdn black boot/upper #602-‐$380.00cdn with painted foot white leather #603 -‐ #330.00cdn 602 600 604 603 603 flower (me3s) elk buckskin boot / elk buckskin upper black elk trim cree painted artwork / carlie lavallee flower on the toe #650 -‐ $380.00 flower #651 off white $330.00cdn 650 650 651 701 saginaw grant and lani grant used with permission saginaw grant on red carpet for lone ranger movie 2013 omg disney best dressed used with permission saginaw grant and johnny depp for lone ranger movie 2013 used with permission men’s suit jackets average cost $500.00cdn price upon request murray porter and elaine bomberry at 2012 juno awards used with permisison new york 2013 darian lonechild, model new york fashion week 2013 used with permission 555 245 inez jasper, singer , in her signature inez boots #245 north american indigenous games 2014 used with permission andrea menard, singer/actor used with permission 560 carmen moore, actor used with permission 700 705 705 designer shirts 100 % co@on #705 $175.00 700 700 mispiskwan / ribbon shirts 100 % co@on #700 $200.00 starblanket shirt 100 % co@on #710 $175.00 705 craig lauzon, actor designer shirt 705 lorne cardinal, actor designer shirt aboriginal peoples choice music awards 710 model: david jean, arKst flowers (beaded look) black elk boot/upper cree painted artwork / cory lavallee 760 flowers (beaded look) #175 white / black $330.00cdn beaded black melton coat/lined #760 $700.00cdn 175 model: linda lavallee 175 k ’ask 'oos / crane nisga’a artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart black melton coat/lined/white ultrasuede #765 $700.00cdn 765 model: jennifer blocker ganada / frog faux fur trimmed nisga’a artwork / luugigyoo patrick stewart red melton short jacket/lined / black ultrasuede #766 $500.00cdn 766 new york fashion week 2013 mooso makeekin / moosehide jacket brain tanned / leather laced / handmade beaded “tree of life” design / fringe #767 $1800.00cdn moosehide mukluks beaded vamp beaver fur trim / fringe #769 $500.00cdn moosehide jacket brain tanned / leather laced handmade / fringe 767 model: linda lavallee 769 #768 $1500.00cdn 768 wedding dresses silk dress #800 $1800.00cdn organza #810 $800.00cdn email for availability men’s wedding suit #815 100% wool $1000.00cdn 800 815 810 linda lavallee and patrick stewart community models : “aboriginal youth to elders” photo shoot everyone modelling creenisgaa boots catalogue photography by creenisgaa clothing / ledboot producKons / udor ( ( ( Kmber bay sk (linda’s hometown) june 24, 2012 sales order creenisgaa clothing please email to order TO SHIP TO DATE: 46401 Bedford Parkway, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5N4 Tel: 604-307-0433 / QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE SHIPPING LINE TOTAL SUBTOTAL SALES TAX TOTAL • visit us on facebook at :cree nisgaa clothing • Rev #5: 2015.1.3
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