Sacred Heart Church


Sacred Heart Church
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
Sacred Heart Church
Mass Schedule
5:30 PM
9:00 AM
Saturdays 4:30 PM
Easter Vigil
Saturday, 5:30 PM
Presentation &
Preparation of the Gifts:
Ye Sons & Daughters
1115 S. 8th Ave E., PO Box 1478, Newton, IA 50208
Rev. William E. Reynolds — Ext #227
Rectory: 641-792-4625
Deacon Dan Goetz
Ann Ratliff, Administrative Assistant
Kathy Hammerly, Stewardship Coordinator,
Ext. #222
Mass Setting:
Mass of Christ the Savior
Renny Crawford, K-12 Faith Formation
Coordinator, Ext. #231
Communion Chant:
I Am the Bread of Life
Ila Mae Hanisch, RCIA, 641-521-7576
Sending Forth:
Jesus Christ is Risen
Today #264
Easter Sunday
9:00 & 11:00 AM
Entrance Chant:
Jesus Christ is Risen
Today #264
Presentation &
Preparation of the Gifts:
Ye Sons & Daughters
Mass Setting:
Mass of Christ the Savior
Communion Chant:
I Am the Bread of Life
Sending Forth:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Emilee Steinbach, Sr. High Youth Ministry
SHARE Preschool: 641-792-8639
Web Pages:
Facebook Page:
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Parish Office: 641-792-2050
FAX: 641-792-8639
Business Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
McCann Center Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Prayer to the
Sacred Heart
O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I give myself to You.
Take all I do,
all my joys,
and all my sorrows.
Take all of me.
I want to be all
and do all things
for love of You.
Help me to do only what
pleases You.
Please make my heart
like Yours.
Mission Statement
We, the members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, as a caring Christian community,
help one another to live, to nurture, and to celebrate God’s gifts.
We encourage others on their faith journeys to join us in giving witness to our Catholic
faith and to grow as disciples.
We celebrate the sacraments and receive the gift of grace to strengthen our faith and to enrich our relationships with Christ and his Church.
We gather together to pray, to worship, to give thanks, to petition, to seek comfort, to share
joys and sorrows, and to experience God’s love, joy, and peace.
Page 2
Easter Sunday
Holy Saturday, April 4:
 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass will be offered for
the repose of the soul of Rosemary McKinstry,
wife of Jim McKinstry
 Reception following Mass in McCann Center
Easter Sunday, April 5:
 8:30 AM The Rosary will be prayed in the church.
 9:00 AM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of Alice Schroyer, wife of Jerry Schroyer
 10:00 AM Coffee & Donuts will be served in
McCann Center following Mass.
 10:15 AM Exploring the Catechism will be held in
McCann Center
 11:00 AM Mass will be offered for the members
of the parish
Monday, April 6:
 Office closed
 11:30 AM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of Fr. Richard McBrien
 6:30 PM
Liturgy Commission will meet in
McCann Center
Tuesday, April 7:
 No Mass today.
 7:00 PM RCIA Session will be held in McCann
Wednesday, April 8:
 11:30 AM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of Ruth Keller, mother of John Keller
 12:00 PM Parish Potluck will be held in McCann
Center following Mass.
 4:15 PM K-6 Faith Formation Sessions will be
held in McCann Center
 5:30 PM Community Meal will be held at First
United Methodist Church
 7:00 PM Jr. High Faith Formation will meet in
McCann Center
Thursday, April 9:
 9:30 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet in
McCann Center
 11:30 AM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of Richard Goodman, husband of Sandra
 1:00 PM St. Monica Book Club will meet at the
Fisher residence.
 5:45 PM Social Action Commission Meeting will
be held in McCann Center
April 5, 2015
Friday, April 10:
 9:00 AM Communion Service will be held in the
 9:30 AM Coffee & Visiting will be held in
McCann Center following Communion Service
Saturday, April 11:
 4:30 PM Confessions will be heard
 5:00 PM Rosary will be prayed in the church
 5:30 PM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of Leonard Marnell, husband of Mary
Marnell and father of LuAnn Lucas
Sunday, April 12:
 8:30 AM Rosary will be prayed in the church
 9:00 AM Mass will be offered for the members
of the parish. April Anniversary Blessings will be held
during Mass.
 10:00 AM Coffee and Donuts will be served following Mass in McCann Center
 10:15 AM Exploring the Catechism will be held
in McCann Center
 10:30 AM Divine Mercy Faith Festival will be
held in McCann Center
The parish offices will be closed on Monday in observance of Easter. However, Fr. Reynolds will celebrate
Mass on Monday at 11:30 but there will not be Mass
on Tuesday, April 7.
Thank You . . .
Thanks to the many people, staff and parishioners,
who worked so hard during Lent, and especially during Holy Week and Easter, to assist us with the liturgical experiences of the Lord’s saving work.
Sacred Heart Parish
Sacred Heart parish will be awarding scholarships to current high school
parish seniors who plan on continuing their education at an accredited college or university. Application forms are now available on the counter outside
the McCann Center office. Completed forms must
be returned May 3rd, 2015.
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
Page 3
Divine Mercy
Faith Festival
Frank & Mary Brindza, Keith
Stratton, Judy Lammers, Don
Wignall, Bobby Tedrow, Shirley Dont, Lenette
Swanson, Jim Golik, Evelyn Tedrow, Vera Venenga, Pam Rausch, Betty Dickinson, Barb
Poole, Carol Wilson, Dodie Wheeler, Helen
Hughes, Fanny Shores, Mike DePenning,
Richard Varnum, Mary Lukavsky, Joyce Sabel,
Donna Baker (daughter of Mary Marnell),
Angi Reed (sister of Pam Zaabel), Rita Ryan
(sister of Jody Barr), Chris Schwanabeck
(nephew of Joanie Lukavsky), Mary Roper
(daughter of JoAnn Shannon) Doris Gironseth
(sister of Alexzandra Anderson), Shawn Bollhoefer (son of Mike & Linda Bollhoefer), Jacki
Aikeyns (uncle of Dana Determan), Madelyn
Kecki (great-granddaughter of Bill & Carmen
Gill), Brad Wiese (brother-in-law of Joanie Lukavsky), and Judy Reed (mother of Bill Reed),
Mark Girsch (father of Lorraine Kalkhoff),
Robert Wendell (brother-in-law of Lee Cochran).
. . . For the repose of the soul of Robert Torringhaus, father of Kay Riney, who died March
29th and comfort for his family.
Plan to attend the final
Faith Festival on Sunday, April 12th. We
will meet after Mass
and end with a luncheon at 12:30. Join us
as we explore the origins of Divine Mercy
Sunday, grow in our
understanding of God’s
Mercy and the message
he sent to us through
Saint Faustina, a humble Polish Nun. We’ll
discuss Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Pope Saint John Paul II and the role they have
played in the Divine Mercy Devotion. There will be crafts
and a movie for the youth and time for families to come together. Like us on Facebook and participate in the Divine
Mercy Chaplet beginning on Good Friday and ending on Divine Mercy Sunday.
Next weekend Father Reynolds will be attending the state
convention of the Knights of Columbus. Father Bill Wiegand
will be here for the weekend liturgies; Brutus also will be visiting.
May the joy and peace of the risen Christ invade your very being,
bringing the comfort of His risen presence for many months.
The clergy and staff of Sacred Heart wish you a very blessed Easter!
Thanks to all whose efforts have contributed to our Holy Week and Easter celebrations.
Readings: April 6 through April 12:
Acts 2:14, 22-33
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41
Jn 20:11-18
Acts 3:1-10
Lk 24:13-35
Acts 3:11-26
Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12
Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21
Mk 16:9-15
Second Sunday of Easter or
Divine Mercy Sunday
Acts 4:32-35
1 Jn 5:1-6
Jn 20:19-31
Page 4
Easter Sunday
Saturday, April 11
5:30 PM
Lector: Michelle Modlin
Carol Price
Hospitality: Bob Schaffer
Dick & Marty Wendl
Extraordinary Ministers:
Robert Wadzinski
Joan Schneider
Marlis Strike
Valerie Steinbach
Carolyn Sullivan
Bill Ehler
Pat Hoff
Meggan Machin
Altar Servers: Matthew Montgomery
Ethan Machin
Nicholas Tremel
Rosary: Nancy Smith
Sunday, April 12
9:00 AM
Lector: JoAnne Price
Grace Coen
Hospitality: Frank & Lois Vogel
Bob & Nancy Steingreaber
Extraordinary Ministers:
Joe & Linda Coen
Rich & Marie Van Beek
Terry & Char Townsend
Lorraine Kalkhoff
Mark Allen
Altar Servers: Hunter Kennedy
Adam & Luke Maharry
Children’s Liturgy: Mary Beth Lawson
Nursery: Kerri Reed
Sarah Kalkhoff
Coffee Host:
Becoming & Being Catholic
April 5, 2015
Easter Lilies
in Memory of. . .
by IlaMae
"We've heard about the RCIA, what do those letters
mean?" Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a
process the universal Church has to prepare adults
and children for any or all of the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
Ed Wegner by Liz Wegner
Bonnie Baker by Dean Baker
Leon Welp by Gloria Welp
Michael Jerome Beary & Kelley
Anne Beary by Betty Beary
Frank LaRosa, Marian & Earl
Daly, & Marian & Angelo LaRosa by Mary LaRosa
Deceased Family Members by Barbara Ellis
Scott Strike by Burt & Marlis Strike
Jason Green by Bill & Jean Green
Myers & Lyons Families by Joan Myers
Clarence Yoch by John & Cheryl O’Roake
Elaine O’Roake by John & Cheryl O’Roake
Ed O’Neill Family, Chester Stratton Family, &
Amy Metzger by Keith & Ce Stratton
Dee & Vince Waltz by Pat Hammons
Russell Green by Marilyn Lamb & Dorothy Green
Gene Flattery by Mary Flattery & Marcia Graber
James & Adeline Haycock by Marsha Haycock
Francis & Fern McDermott by Joan & Scott
Power & Family and Sheila & Bill Clair & Family
Joseph, Velva, & Brian Becker by Susan Becker
Harry Peterson by Joanna Peterson & Family
Mary McNeer, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McNeer, &
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rosenberger by John McNeer
Kristin Schwickerath by Dale & Nancy Schwickerath
Bob Carter, Joe & Ruth Huggins, & Zada Igoe by
Cathy Carter
Mary Babinat by Tim & Clarissa Bloom & Family
Leonard Marnell by Mary Marnell
Robert V. Anderson & John Anderson by Martha
Lincoln Hammerly by Ike & Liz Hammerly
Ed & Rowena Pierce, Janet Pierce, Margaret &
Ray Hammerly, & James Kelly Family by Galen &
Kathy Hammerly
Deceased Family Members by Tom & Pam
“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.”
Are you being called to proclaim the new life of the resurrected Christ to the world with His Spirit and His
power? Call Fr. Thom Hennen, diocesan vocations director at 563-324-1911, or write: HennenT@
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
Hungering for Celebration!
We prayed, fasted and gave alms
— and now we celebrate! Our
Lenten journey with CRS Rice
Bowl ends in our own hearts,
where Jesus reigns forever. Let us
rejoice in our risen Lord — and in the lives we’ve changed this
Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic
Republic of Congo and all over the world! Don’t
forget to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl. Please
place your Rice Bowl in the collection box on
the table in the Gathering Space or leave in the
parish office.
Parish Potluck
Join us Wednesday, April 8th right after the 11:30
AM Mass for a potluck luncheon. A parish potluck
will be held the second Wednesday of each month at
noon. Everyone is welcome. This is always a terrific
lunch and a nice time to spend with fellow parishioners.
RCIA Topics For This Week!
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
by IlaMae
Topic: Conversion-A Lifelong Process. Discover
how we seek God our entire lives. God's revelation
and our response deepens and enriches our faith.
Newly baptized and fully initiated Adults in the RCIA will be
discussing this topic. Other adults in the parish are welcome to
join us who have an interest in learning about this topic. There
is no cost and pre registration is not necessary. Just come. We
meet in McCann Center from 7-9 p.m.
Page 5
O God, Giver of all good gifts:
In the beginning, you spoke — and all
That is came to be.
In the fullness of time, you spoke — and
your Word took on Flesh, and the
Church was born from the water and
blood which poured from his side.
In our time, you still speak — through
the Scriptures and through the
In baptism, you call us to be a
chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people
for your own possession.
You gather a Eucharistic
people to yourself, so that
from the rising of the sun to its setting,
a pure sacrifice may be offered to your
When we sin and wander far from you,
you seek us out speaking words of
mercy and forgiveness through the
sacrament of reconciliation.
You call us to lives of generous service,
whether in the sacrament of marriage
Or the sacrament of holy orders,
whether as vowed religious or as single
persons in the world.
Hear us, O God.
Spring Clean Up Thank You
Thank you to those who helped with the Spring Clean
Up of the church grounds last Saturday: Dean Baker, Ralph
Buchmeier, LaVerne Dietrich, Tom & Linda Kepler, Harley,
John, & Cole Neal, Lee Mangrich, Mark Pollastrini, Nick &
Chase Steinbach, Art Ryan, Marty Stratton, Terry Townsend,
Craig Trotter, & Ken Untrauer. Thanks also to Doug Price for
the use of his trailer to haul brush away. Thanks again to everyone — with so much help a lot was accomplished in a short
amount of time!
May your Holy Spirit come to rest in our
hearts and set them aflame, so that we
may become what we receive, Bread,
broken for the life of the world, and
make of our lives, and of the Diocese of
Davenport, a return—gift to you.
Through Christ our Lord.
Official prayer of the Diocese of Davenport, 2015
Page 10
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
Community Meals
The Community Meals will be held every
Wednesday evening from 5:30-6:30 PM at
the First United Methodist Church.
Menu for Wednesday, April 8th
Cream of Chicken on Biscuits, Green Beans,
Peach Crisp & Beverage
This week’s meal sponsored by Sacred Heart Church
Wedding Anniversary Blessings
Sacred Heart Church wishes to honor
couples of the parish who are celebrating wedding anniversary milestones
(every 5 years— 5 years, 10 years, 15
years, and so on). Please complete the
form available at the church office or on the website
under “Family Life”. The deadline to be included in the
bulletin is the 15th of the month before your anniversary.
Marriage Moments
Easter Monday. Lent is over and now we are in the time
of Easter - the time in Emmaus when the disciples recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread. Be mindful
tonight as you break bread (or rice, noodles, or potatoes)
with your beloved that Jesus dwells in him or her. Pause.
Parenting Pointers
Good Friday. On many days parenting is a joy, but on
some days it certainly can be a cross. Let the cross have
purpose by looking beyond it and believing that your
child will overcome his or her difficulties.
Are You Ill or Homebound?
Anyone who is ill or homebound please let me
know so I can schedule a visit. Contact Lori
Ward at 792-4242.
Knights of Columbus
2015 State Convention
Need Your Help!
Knights of Columbus 2015 State
Convention will be held April 1012, 2015 at the Marriott Hotel and Convention
Center in Coralville, IA. The Women’s Hospitality
Committee needs your help! We are seeking donations of food: IE: cookies; bars; quick breads;
fruits; and veggies to serve in the Hospitality
Room. We also need help staffing our Hospitality
Room. Food Items can be dropped off at the
Marriott Hotel. If you can provide food or donate
an hour or more of your time for a good cause,
kc2015convention for our online sign up page; OR
call a committee member. Jane Weber 319-6392211; Jo Ellen Ritchie 319-400-5682 or Lisa Bormann 319-330-0623. Thank you in advance for
your help!
April 5:
April 6:
April 7:
April 8:
April 10:
April 11:
Lecia Haggard
Abby Jackson
Paul Maharry
Collin Daniels
Hazel Gertsma
Stephanie Hoebelheinrich
Theresa Swanson
Riley Maple
Betty Ellis
Hudson Meyer
Doug Thoma
Ashely Koons
Kevin Newton
Daniel Lopez-Sanders
Jacob Jackson
Michael Cox
Joey Hughes
Hope Bauer
For Birthdays to be listed in the bulletin, you need to submit
names and dates to Ann.
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
Page 11
In The Catholic
Messenger the week
of April 2:
 St. Alphonsus-Mount Pleasant couple share their story of
joining the Catholic Church.
100th anniversary of Armenian genocide
inspires interfaith prayer service.
Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. will include
a meeting at the White House Sept. 23.
Pope Francis joins homeless touring the
Sistine Chapel.
Report shows modest, steady church
growth worldwide.
Survey reveals millennials’ attitudes on
church issues.
Utah bishop decries firing squad as
method of capital punishment.
Haitian health minister hopes to reduce
cholera spike before rainy season.
Fr. Rolheiser writes about the Passion.
Diocesan Social Action volunteer Glenn
Leach identifies the many forms of poverty.
Thank you for your support. Please let us
know of any stories or suggestions you’d like
to share with The Catholic Messenger!
Marriage Encounter
He is risen! May the joy of Easter be with
you. Let Marriage Encounter help you resurrect the romance in your marriage. Sign up
today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on May
1 – 3 in Iowa City, September 18-20 in Ankeny or October 23-25 in Cedar Falls. For
more information visit our website at: or call 563-927-4352
A thought or two on stewardship in the Sunday readings
In tonight’s reading from Saint Paul’s letter to the Romans, we
are reminded that we are alive in Christ. And it is not merely
once a year that we remember what Jesus did to give us this
new life, forgiveness and peace. Every day good stewards remember their baptism. They remember that they are united
with Jesus in his death; that daily they drown the old sinful
nature, and that daily they rise to their new life in Christ. Let
us be mindful every day, especially when we are troubled by
life or tempted by sin, that our lives are no longer about us,
but about Christ’s active, loving presence within us. That is
our baptism. Alleluia! He is risen!
Ministry Schedule
Ministers who have a scheduling conflict
for the Ministry Schedule should contact
Terry Townsend at 792-3637 or by e-mail at by the 15th. Lectors with a scheduling conflict should contact Monica Skokan at 641-792-9599
or by e-mail at by the 15th.
If you no longer have a telephone land line and have
switched to cell phone only, please inform the parish office so that we have a working phone number for you.
Also, if your have a new e-mail address please keep the
parish updated.
Cell Ph. # ___________________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________________
Mark here if you’re willing to share this information with the Knights of Columbus.
Page 12
Easter Sunday
Life After Loss
Farewell is said by the living, in life, every day. It is
said with love and friendship, with the affirmation
that the memories are lasting if the flesh is not.”
― R.A. Salvatore, The Legacy
In Thanksgiving
for God’s Blessings,
We return to the Lord:
March 28th & 29th
$ 210.50
Votive Candles
$ 250.00
Sunday Coffee
$ 84.00
Catholic Relief
$ 75.00
Food Pantry
$ 25.00
Flower Fund
$ 210.00
Rice Bowl
$ 283.20
$ 55.00
Holy Land
$ 45.00
Need Help?
People who need assistance for shoveling their
walk, or mowing of grass, or for doing odd jobs
around the house, the Knights of Columbus would
like to help. Please contact the parish office at 641792-2050. They will handle all requests with privacy.
Missing Any Dishes?
If you have any dishes from funeral
luncheons, other parish activities or
from taking meals to the ill and homebound they are available to pick up in
the kitchen on the counter by the microwave.
April 5, 2015
SHARE Preschool
The week of April 5 will be spent talking about
the weather. Weather related activities for
SHARE Preschool include:
 making thunder and lightning
 conducting a wind experiment
 constructing
“God’s Promise” rainbows to hang
in our classroom
 observe the sky, discuss objects
in the sky
 constructing a cloud mobile
 meeting the “Y” letter
 conducting an evaporation experiment
 participating in “Jump the
 participating in “Stay out of the
Rain” game
 constructing Noah’s
 listening to the
story of Noah’s
Ark and acting
it out
 constructing a
wind sock
 learning weather-related songs
Prayer Chain
To have someone added to the Sacred Heart
Prayer Chain, contact Marilyn Lamb at 2750020, Mary Pritchard at 792-3518 or Theresa
Stewart by e-mail: If no
one can be reached, you may call Margaret Dimon at
Mass Attendance
Saturday, March 28th at 5:30 PM
Sunday, March 29th at 9:00 AM
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
Page 13
Add the Parish Calendar to Your
Sacred Heart
Open every Sunday morning during the 9:00 am
Mass. The Nursery is
open to children ages 1-4. Two trained volunteers will be present at that time!
Sacred Heart on FaceBook
We are doing more and more with our presence on FaceBook, and invite all parishioners
to like and follow our facebook page: Sacred
Heart Catholic Church.
Go to the parish website:
Under “Browse Our Site” on the right side of the page, click
on “Calendar of Events”. It brings up the parish calendar.
To add it to your personal calendar, click on the “+Google
Calendar” icon at the bottom of the calendar. It will prompt
you to sign in to your google account. If you do not have a
google account you can create one by clicking on the blue button that says “Create an account” and follow the instructions.
When prompted “Do you want to add this calendar?” click
“Yes, add this calendar”. Now you can access the calendar at
Scrap Steel Collection
Do you have some scrap steel lying around your house or property? Scrap iron, machinery, cars, trucks, industrial
scrap, aluminum, brass, copper, catalytic converters, insulated wire, lead, batteries, electric motors, radiator,
stainless steel, etc. Sacred Heart Youth will take it! The youth are fund raising for Faith Journey this summer and
National Catholic Youth Conference, which is every two years. There will be a roll off container available April
11th & 12th in the Sacred Heart Church parking lot to collect any scrap steel donations. If you prefer not to haul
it yourself, we will pick it up! We can pick up any scrap steel items you want to donate on Sunday, April 12th from
2:00—5:00 PM. We’ll then take all metal scraps we collect to Gralnek-Dunitz Co., who’ll give us pricing normally
reserved for higher volume accounts. This money will go a long way toward helping our group and also our
planet! Saving even the smallest piece of metal can really help! Please contact Renny at
or call 641-792-2050.
Gralnek-Dunitz’s Scrap Drive program is a big win for community groups and the environment. Local nonprofit organizations raise money by collecting scrap metal, and the environment wins when metal is kept in use
and out of the landfill.
How Much is a load of scrap worth?
This is an estimate only because scarp metal prices fluctuate hourly on the global commodities market.
Page 14
Easter Sunday
dear Padre
Why is the story of the empty
tomb inconsistent among the
In the Gospel of Luke, the three women
who discover the empty tomb are greeted
by two men. However, Mark says they were
greeted by one man, Matthew says one angel, and John
says two angels. Why the discrepancies?
When considering the contents of the
gospels, we need to remember a few key
First, the Scriptures as we
know them developed out of an
oral tradition that was later
written to preserve it.
The process of actually getting them in
writing took many
In addition, the Gospels were written by different
authors who had different audiences with different needs.
So it’s understandable that there may be minor discrepancies
on minor details between the different accounts.
However, it’s important to note that the substance
of the accounts remains essentially the same across the versions we have from the different gospel authors.
The detail of whether there was one man or two angels at Lord’s tomb— or 5,000 or 3,000 fed at Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves, to give another example—isn’t as
important as the fact that the Lord had risen or that the
multitudes were fed by him.
2012 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In
accordance with c.827, permission to publish has been granted by the Most Reverend
Robert J. Hermann, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of St. Louis. All Rights Reserved.
Thanks to Scott & Francine Farver
of Farver True Value
for being a bulletin sponsor.
See ad on back of bulletin.
April 5, 2015
If you are admitted to a
hospital please remember to inform the parish
office so that parish staff can attempt to visit
you. When you are admitted to a hospital
please be sure to be identified as a Catholic at
the time of your admission.
The Library’s Latest
Welcome to Sacred Heart Library’s
column of reviews of current books,
DVDs, and CDs that our available in our
library. Please come and check out these
and other items.
Rather or not
you have had the
opportunity to go
to the Holy Land
and walk along the
road to Calvary
you still can appreciate
DVD, The Via
Dolorosa Experience. Here you
will join the Franciscan friars on
their annual Good
Friday walk that follows the exact steps Jesus took to his death. You begin on the site
of his trial proceed through the streets and
venues of Jerusalem to Golgotha and finally
His tomb. You will hear and can pray the
prayers of the Friars and pilgrims as they
make their slow and somber journey. What
a beautiful and prayerful way to participate
in the Way of the Cross!
The Library is open after weekend
Masses or Monday, Tuesday, & Friday
mornings. Contact Kay Fisher at 792-2863.
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
Page 15
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34a, 37–43 / Col 3:1–4 or 1 Cor 5:6b–8 /
Jn 20:1–9 or Mk 16:1–7
We’ve all been waiting for this. For six weeks we’ve focused on letting go of
our treasure to help others, taking in a little less food, and reaching out to God a little
more, all so that we might in some small way prepare for this day—the greatest
celebration of our Church year.
So now, after the alleluias have been sung, the baptismal vows repeated, and the Easter lamb or ham eaten, it’s time to ask ourselves, “What was
all that preparation for? How have I changed?”
When I was young, I gave up candy or little treats for Lent, but after
Easter I happily went back to eating
candy and carried on as before. As a young adult, I began using Lent to correct
bad habits. I had a little more success keeping those at bay after
Easter but, I confess, I didn’t see myself as transformed.
“How have I drawn closer to Christ through this Lent?”
“How will I show forth the glory of his resurrection in your life?”
“How will I do these things?” These are good questions for all of
us to ask as this Easter winds down.
Once they realized what had happened, the early
Christians couldn’t keep it to themselves. They preached
about Jesus’ death and resurrection wherever they went,
witnessed to the change he’d made in their
lives, and tried to live differently. They invited others to
join them. Jesus calls us to do no less.
How have Lent and Easter and the memory of
Christ’s death and resurrection changed you?
How will you live out that change?
2012 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with c.827, permission to publish has been granted by the Most
Reverend Robert J. Hermann, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of St. Louis. All Rights Reserved.
Pray for our Military
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Please pray for the safety of these military
personnel who have ties to members of our
parish: Zachary Geringer, Tyler Daly,
Joey Anderson, Nicholas J. Huggins,
Caitlin Huggins McCay, Jordan Koser,
James Hovar, Tim Dodge, Sean Healy,
Joe Scranton, Scott Anderson, Philip Mead,
Jake Berger, Joshua Oberheu, Mark Modlin,
Bill Kopsa, Jimmy Bennett, Jake Bennett,
& Jason Lee Bennett
220 1st Ave W., Newton, IA
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To report child abuse contact: Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-3622178 and if it involves clergy or church personnel also notify Alicia Owens, the Victim Assistance Coordinator,
563-349-5002; or PO Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004.