Newsletter - June 2016


Newsletter - June 2016
The snow has started falling!
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Newsletter - June 2016
Please enjoy this latest issue of the Yaraandoo Ski Club newsletter! In this
Cooler Weather Has Arrived
Thank you Kelli Warren
Perisher Peak Festival
Perisher Fireworks
Introducing...Ken Holder & Family
Special Offer for Last Week of July
L’Étape Australia by Le Tour de France
NPWS Park Entry Passes
Dates for Your Diary
Photo Gallery
Cooler Weather Has Arrived
Whilst it felt like the east coast summer may never end, we have finally
received colder weather and the mountains have received some long
awaited snowfalls. In fact it was so cold last week that ABC News reported
that Cooma-Snowy Mountains Airport in the state's south recorded the coldest
May morning [30 May] since the weather station was established 27 years ago
with -9.7 degrees Celsius.
The Bureau of Meteorology has said that the 2015-16 El Niño has come to an
end, and that most of their models suggest a La Niña is likely to form during
winter bringing above average rainfall to Eastern Australia. Let's hope this
moisture is accompanied by some strong cold fronts.
Meanwhile, in preparation for the opening weekend, Perisher mountain
operations are hard at work making the most of the cold weather to build up a
snow base whilst we wait for some decent snow storms to arrive. The past
couple of seasons have seen some great dumps of snow arrive at very
opportune times, so let's hope we see more of these this winter.
Are you looking for a forecast? Try one of these sites:
Front Valley Perisher, Sunday 29 May 2016 (photo courtesy of Perisher Resort)
Thank you Kelli Warren
For a number of years Kelli has been tirelessly
putting together this newsletter, and at the recent
AGM she did not stand for re-election as a
director and passed the newsletter editor role
onto Ken Holder. We would like to thank Kelli for
all of her hard work as both a director and in
finding and writing articles and gathering photos
to keep us informed and entertained.
Thank you Kelli! You have done a great job!
The Perisher Peak Festival is back in 2016. Peak will
celebrate the opening weekend of the 2016 snow
season at Perisher Valley. Over 4 days, June 10-13,
the Peak Festival will feature over 120 concerts
across 10 venues in the unique environment of the
Perisher snowfields!
Accommodation at Yaraandoo is still available.
Perisher Fireworks
Have you ever sat in the ski lodge and heard fireworks without seeing them?
Every Tuesday night from 28 June to 20 September Perisher has a fireworks
display on Front Valley from 7:20pm. You can see some of the fireworks from
Yaraandoo if you look back up the hill, but if you want to be closer to the action
you can walk over to Front Valley or maybe head over for some night skiing.
Introducing…Ken Holder and family
(Disclaimer! I had prepared this insert for Kelli to put into the newsletter – and
then surprise, surprise – I ended up as editor! I hope to be introducing
someone more interesting in the next issue!)
Caitlyn, Ken, Breanna, Mitchell & Tammy Holder at the top of Thredbo chair about to
head on the Kosiuszko Walk (April 2016)
“We're longtime Sydneysiders. I’m an electrical engineer running an Industrial
Automation and Home Automation business based in Australia, operating here
and overseas. Tammy is a Teachers’ Aide working in a role she absolutely
loves. We have three wonderful kids: Breanna, 17 and in her final year of high
school; Mitchell, 16 and in Year 10; and Caitlyn, 13 and in Year 8.
Yaraandoo has featured in my
memories for as long as I can
remember, literally having been born
into the club and skiing by Trish and
Jim, and given my first skis when I
was 2 years old. So many of my
childhood memories involve the
lodge and skiing in winter, along with
summer working bees and lodge
The photo at right is one of my
favourites, taken in 1971 a few
months before I arrived - mum
(Trish) with her brother and sister-inlaw, Nev and Wendy Oates.
I was in Yaraandoo’s first ever Perisher Cup team in 1980 and although we
placed poorly I did come home with a trophy and a mug for being the youngest
ever Cup competitor (I was aged 8).
I had a long break from skiing and Yaraandoo when our kids were very young,
and I’m thrilled to have recently been able to join as a Member and introduce
my family to skiing and the terrific privilege and lifelong memories that come
from being part of Yaraandoo.”
Special offer for Yaraandoo members and friends!
We’re currently offering a special deal for the last week of July. Members stay FREE
if they take TWO OR MORE guests with them, whether they be family members who
are eligible for members' rates or non-members, but not including other members.
Furthermore, non-members stay at members' rates.
The week in question is: July 24-31
(9 places available Sun to Wed, 3 places available Thu, lodge is full on Fri & Sat)
Members' rates in this week are $100 per night. If you would like to take up the
special deal, please send a booking form and full payment to the Booking
Secretary. Bookings will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
General Vacancies
Some vacancies still exist for some good weeks of the winter season. The latest
vacancy information is available by clicking the link at the top of this newsletter.
If you would like to stay at Yaraandoo during the first week of the July school
holidays (3rd to 10th), there is now a vacancy for four people for the entire week, or
as many as six from Sunday to Wednesday, following a forced withdrawal.
Note also that we are now accepting bookings of ONE or TWO nights in any given
Sunday-to-Sunday week.
L’Étape Australia by Le Tour de France
The inaugural L’Étape Australia cycling event is coming to the Snowy
Mountains on 3 December 2016. This is an amateur cycling event with a
choice of two routes, along with some smaller side events. If you are keen to
compete, or if you wish to know more then head to the official
website for registration and other details.
NPWS Park Entry Passes
It is much better to buy your National
Parks entry pass at the entry station
on the Kosciuszko Road at Sawpit
Creek. This is because 95% of the
amount you pay goes towards the
running of the Perisher Range
Resorts. Only 35% is contributed if
you buy the pass from the Jindabyne
NPWS office or purchase it online!
Dates for your Diary
10 to 13 June - Perisher Peak Music Festival (Queen's Birthday long
12 June - Perisher Historical Society Annual Dinner, Guest Speaker - Ian
Curlewis QC (venue: Marritz Hotel)
17 September - Perisher Cup: Australia's longest running snow-sports
race. Racing details when available will be posted on the SLOPES
website. Yaraandoo needs some competitors!
21 November - SLOPES AGM
Photo Gallery
Thanks for your photos! A selection have been included below. Please send
me more! Details of how to get them to me are at the end of this newsletter.
Graham French tending the front lawn over summer. Thanks Graham!
Graham & Helen French (centre in orange and pink) with Cooma Cycling Club, who
recently held a weekend ride to Mt Kosciuszko. On the way home some keen
members even rode all of the way back to Jindabyne.
Cooma Cycling Club enjoying a break in the lodge.
Dennis Elford at the top of Mount Perisher on a perfect day for skiing!
Martin French with Mason and Brooke.
Three generations of Holders! Jim Holder (right) with three grandchildren Mitchell,
Caitlyn & Breanna and daughter-in-law Tammy.
Board & Executive Committee
Martin French - Chairman
Michele Owen - Ski Development Officer
Gabija Simmonds - Co-operative Officer
David Tanner - Booking Secretary
Kate Keleher
Secretary: Elisabeth Elford
Treasurer: Peter Funnell
Executive Committee:
Graham French - Lodge Manager & Building Manager
Jim Holder - OH&S Officer
Kaveh Haddadi - Web Manager
Ken Holder - Newsletter Editor
Future Articles: If you would like to have something included in the next newsletter (an article,
information, items for sale, photos, etc.) please feel free to email me at or text me
on 0405699349. Feel free to upload your photos and anything else to my Dropbox folder.
Newsletter Editor: Ken Holder
Copyright © 2016 Yaraandoo Ski Club Cooperative Limited, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are either a club member or you have stayed at Yaraandoo.
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Yaraandoo Ski Club Cooperative Limited
9 Stephen Street
Willoughby, NSW 2068
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