Plan Nouvelle France Industrielle Véhicule Autonome JF


Plan Nouvelle France Industrielle Véhicule Autonome JF
Plan Nouvelle France Industrielle Véhicule Autonome JF Sencerin, Renault MOBILIS 2014 – 2/12/14 Introduc)on Goal: Put on the market affordable autonomous car for all before 2020 Ambi+ons for France : -­‐ a place for autonomous vehicle experimenta)on -­‐ a center of excellence for embedded intelligence technologies -­‐ a key player within cri)cal system safety domain MOBILIS 2014
The 34 industrial plans •  Compe))ve advantage for Industrial employment •  Criteria : Growth poten)al, Posi)on of the French industry, Technological readiness, State levers •  “Autonomous Car” plan led by C.Goshn (CEO Renault/Nissan) •  2/7/14: Roadmap approved by Minister of Industry MOBILIS 2014
3 Projects contributors Open consultaOon and wide projet group with more than 90 actors CoordinaOon Industrial Individual car vehicle Public Transport PFA (Renault, PSA, Valeo, Michelin), Deways, Iveco, Ligier, RATP, Renault Trucks, RobosoZ, Sanef, UTAC, Vulogy AJS-­‐ID, Akka Technologies, All4Tec, Apojee, Assystem, AVL, BerOn Technologies, Car&D, ConOnental France, Dassault Systèmes, Effidence, EcosysGroup, ESI Group, Esterel Technologies,, Intempora, JCAE, LMS Imagine, M3 Systems, Magna Steyr France, Marben Products, Navecom, Nexyad, OKTAL, Spirops, StatXpert, STMicroelectronics, Tecris, TrustInSoZ, Vici Consult, Vimades, Vulog Vehicle intelligences Technologies MOBILIS 2014
Safety ID4CAR, IMobS3, LUTB Transport & Mobility Systems, Movéo, SystemaOc, Véhicule du futur, ViaMéca DGCIS, Intérieur/DSCR, MEDDE/DGTIM, MEDDE/DGEC, MERPN, CEREMH, CEA LIST, CEESAR, ESIGELEC/IRSEEM, GdR RoboOque, Heudiasyc, IBISC, ICST, IEF, IFSTTAR, InsOtut Pascal, INRIA, IRCCyN, IRTES, IRSTEA, IRT SystemX, ISIR, ISM, ITE Vedecom, LAAS, Labex IMobS3, LAMIH-­‐CNRS, LIMOS, LITIS – Rouen, LISV – UVSQ, Laboratoire PRISM, Mines Paritech, Telecom Bretagne, Telecom Paritech, Université Grenoble 1, ISAT Nevers Stake: Radical change of individual, public and industrial transport •  90% accidents due to human errors •  78 minutes by day in Ile de France in his car •  30% à 60% delivery )me for driving in urban city •  45% of french popula)on with access to public transport MOBILIS 2014
Automation çè Driver
Level of Automa)on Driver con)nuously performs the longitudinal and lateral dynamic driving task Driver con)nuously performs the longitudinal or lateral dynamic driving task The other driving task is performed by the system Driver must monitor the dynamic driving task and the driving environment at all )mes System performs longitudinal and lateral driving task in a defined use case No intervening vehicle system ac)ve Level 0 Driver Only Level 1 Assisted Level 2 Par1al Automa1on Driver does not need to monitor the dynamic driving task nor the driving environment at all )mes; however he must be aeen)ve to and follow system’s requests / warnings to resume the dynamic driving task.
System performs longitudinal and lateral driving task in a defined use case. Recognizes its performance limits and requests driver to resume the dynamic driving task with sufficient )me margin. Level 3 Condi1onal Automa1on Driver is not required during defined use case System performs the lateral and longitudinal dynamic driving task in all situa)ons in a defined use case. Level 4 High Automa1on System performs the lateral and longitudinal dynamic driving task in all situa)ons encountered during the en)re journey. No driver required. Level 5 Full Automa1on *terms acc. to SAE J3016 MOBILIS 2014
Major challenges •  Automo)ve embedded safety intelligence technologies @ right •  Availability of its related cost/performance ecosystem •  Design of a safe autonomous •  Establish the legal framework vehicle and demonstrate its •  User acceptance *terms acc. to SAE J3016 MOBILIS 2014
Embedded intelligence technologies •  All Environment Localisa)on System •  Affordable 360° Surrounding Sensing. Integrated Percep)on System (Radar/Laser/cameras) •  Autonomous Driving Capabili)es: decision-­‐making, situa)on awareness, task planning under uncertainty •  Digital maps: precise, dynamic upda)ng, … •  Mul)-­‐channel Connec)vity: V2X, infrastructure support & monitoring, informa)on harves)ng, … •  Driver-­‐ Vehicle Interac)on: Hand Over, Take Over, shared control, driver-­‐occupants monitoring, innova)ve HMI •  Safety System: Full integrity monitoring, Opera)onal-­‐Fail, Fail-­‐Safe. MOBILIS 2014
Ac)on Plan (1) ExperimentaOon from 2015 MOBILIS 2014
1. CoordinaOon 2. Societal benefit and acceptability 3. Safety 4. Technologies 5. RegulaOon 6. Deployment Deployment from 2020 9 Ac)on Plan (2) Ac)on Topics Date 1. CoordinaOon •  Autonomous driving zone •  NaOonal & internaOonal 2015 2. Societal benefit and acceptability •  Studies 2015-­‐2020 3. Technologies •  Roadmap •  Call for projects •  Challenges 2015 2015-­‐2018 2016-­‐2018 4. Safety •  Roadmap •  Call for projects •  DemonstraOon 2015 2015-­‐2018 5. RegulaOon •  Framework for experimentaOon •  Safety label 2015-­‐2017 2017 6. Deployment •  Infrastructure •  Insurance •  Driver training 2018-­‐2020 MOBILIS 2014
Conclusion Goal: Put on the market affordable autonomous car for all before 2020 Ambi+ons for France : -­‐ a place for autonomous vehicle experimenta)on -­‐ a center of excellence for embedded intelligence technologies -­‐ a key player within cri)cal system safety domain Contact: jean-­‐ MOBILIS 2014