38) September 20, 1962
38) September 20, 1962
l:i:;;, A ;\J1(~)h ~tl'(T ()\II!I'd ~~::,,, (;'''',;~":'','':;"Il::'';u;",, ~~~';::,~",\;::':,~~::di::'U""';":I'::'" JOhnl Sandalll l'{J{,(~I~'('d t!ll' 11\ :','," Broken Bone Plague Still With Wackers \\:IIl~ldt'-Hl'l'tl and Diann JaCk PI', dllJdl'l'n of Mr muJ Mrs. IJon und hl,,,t Pl:I('(' III $:~'~;JO. paid by ~;':~l'/:~/)t~";:(I:U~,~~~lil\J";I\ ~i(~:,t;.' kt'n Utlll'I' ~ijl,' 1'1",ulls III II hldl I/]('Y \\';I~kl'r, fur' 1111' (lrdl'l' <tl'{' hlJtH'S ('Oll1jJUIIIH] """"""dl",,' ",1111.IJ1:.!t,n n, a Dud 9 lhe leIl IlrlH foulbClll at ~('hooJ I:!, frllctul'ed ILllllplllg' ropl' III from hro. suffel'{'d fr;\tlul"e of pia.IIJjg Wlllll' lJ;tek r('('ovcr!ll~ [{c('d. 11('1' Bolh Wn.~l' an' "chool <:lu.<,s('s. l'!i)l)\~ f()~)r~ll~.JJ:.j~~'r.~jllP' ·1 hn't! yean, ugo, I>iunn uro!I(' I)ulh IJ(JIlI'S III her left wri...,i • OS 1111, ,II "r\' I l'melel', Ll~tl. f)lslnd I \lH.,yahl1 ),(Ing·; [n'il-lll'l'l" Ach dj](l Idl[flldillU I I I J'!OSkIW,. vic'(' I I alll I 'II, ~'(·(·rl.ll'\, St III I In theJ<;;:~~.~~,~.~(~J;: ,P~'~"J(,J(~11t, i 'WSTC ,;rets t pR~.'IE 'I iiYSICa Fitness Test Clinic (,10111 n1eeting, a ltc-I'd hrok(' hI." All 1.1'iH'jWrS 'Iin. Wil . . m· plaYll1g al uoth o;:il\ ,llld rural ar( \l'al~ 11\\ 11(\1 busjne~s the Maciel wski will give report on the Elevlmth Annual Leaderfillip C nfC'renc,e held during the summer at Camp Norwesca near Chadr~n. ' At erA lll(!Il,l!( <Ill oj lbolll 71!~L('~ 0 S{ Iwol ~\~\{\~l\S(' (:; 1~:~lt~~ I Society eet ' h.\llIHlh 1\lI)WJ.dUlJll liS lJl1(J 10 dt!l\O!l Iral£' theIr ph)"lfal fJI I l ~.!'l Homa] J( (111\1(11'1 lis Illess S,ltlilday Sl'pt 2[), tit vY<lyne Ptof lAl1ldtd Wollenh 1 of IJH'I IOWI Sv. Ill' S!()I(~ \'v,nnlIIS!.t!, Vv"\J]( Stillt lillStne$s fdcu]l\ Ht 11,1\ liS 1!l7'! $11 "ll) S!Htl '" !PIl,I(>(! d m(('ltng of 1111' ehldsktJ I s 1,1111 i\l,lgl1l1slItl IIS,1 The physl,cal educatIon dIV1S-ISOlI('I~ 01 «(lllfled PUhIJl Ac 00 SI il, :\,t!lun,d Ilank Ion has mVlted hIgh schools to U)llll!.tt!~ Hl r 11I{o!n St'pt lIOn j)<l~td SII HII') I send theIr students to a Physl Sepl 2 Jl( ',',111 <JttuHl d J\Lltl<Jgy I I\lll'(ch Vv11l1lt, cal FItness Testmg Cllmc from meIl! )f 'l~lX Pradlt( C()lllc;t In[ [1](1 S,~(I ")I! IJ[)~I\lllS (lll JolllI 2 to 430 pm that day Iln(J!r I IIll :-l:-lS:)iW lO Saft'\\ll} E:,I(!lL..!JO\ ,inri girl \11111 PE"rfOlml \ 111(1 1111 S\(J q\!U] I!tms iJste<l In tl Ipst tip I\lnk Jllll 1\1s1d 11\ lilt AnH'llldll Assu(wllon '.; II! IHI J ,tIll\( I I 1('\ llul I ,tlSI';( I VI L"nk \\ l.lSI 1\111 I W.Ie. di Ift, G'lye· R :IC:~r1 :~~ :1~~]~IJO~'.h\;111~ \\U\tl~~~:: I .I r to. .'"' ,~::,~~,' ,:,~." ~,~;"nrJiGAIVernOrnnrismg.·S~ft!IlRIWe' 'ek "1 ' "U.Bli \ttVI~ I on ~ ~-"~·I:- ~p'Art 'J;v , throw and GOO·yard I . Hon~dd J\Ir ;lntl Hoh'rl ('13) IOJ], Instrll('(Ol'; i.11 ;;11;;. ;f:~(;~'111 Wlll,l): l h ~pll~ .sl{',ll edu('a!lOn who ~ll dir('d Illl' (~Inl{" _'<lYS Ihe s('ore of PH('iJ :\nnui I f;o\'pl'Ilor of "Iudl'nl wl11 be sent to principals, Ihl' SI!le' dunn~ Scout 1 ,J!( n..., \\J!h <l bllpf Slll11mdl) of tl, W('pk lin h'hnl:lry , : OV( I ,ill OCl fOllJlanec~ H~J w,1I compete til stilte try I outs In Nov€mber for fPort to All \\ lJo t nte I \\~ll he ,It Nat! n Scout The wmn r of the W.l\IH Sldtl Ilu:-;llnt:s state I and regIOnal try ut Will ;.., Hll(' l!Jdl night ' mal(~a report to the lesldent ~ of th Unlff'd States d'Jr n9 Scout .~ 1 l 1 Wee i Martin JO!H'S, liS, D9!i, $28,00, Filjst National Hank, Wayne; ,John $:)0 so, Wayne HerW';, 1O00l, $:JO,. lbnny ~,~JI:ink~\lI;~~', !~~;,(,pl Na. tiona I llank, \\'a\'lH': SIC\,. ff~;, 1~,S, Naval Officer Tests Rpn IIi! The Navy OffICer Prol:Uremenl Team £rom Omaha will be lat WS1C Oct 1 and 2"to mterview dpphc:::mts for the male and lhe WAVL OfflCCl progrdms ApplJ cants mu,;t have con.lp~eted Ithe Jamor year of college • ,n Ei.lglc sccrut IS a \.{~::~~~~,l~l t~bOu6rd:; d£~~~r~~w~ the G un~ll Hdnor CampitJ,'g SOCI etya dIS curI(>nLly Eagle "chapter I secretary 11(' l€'cclved hiS I'ro e l':ltlll .J!'tllglOus atard flam Redeetcr Luth;:l"un Ch.Ul~Ch, Wayne. I He ,ltlemls \~ ayne ]ug'h ;,chool, where he IS \lct!vc III all sports: IDeo I ()!I,U: $~7.5(J, ,,\V<l,~;:' l;iesl',: I -.. ,an~enfoS~:~ete(1 WIth thrbc scouts' Jean 1 hOtlldS., HS. 88,), $_9.00, Hos- Ton Pilots Meet . .d·' ' I , d tl 'th' I,ins Hank: Kay, Gri('~'. I-IS,840. II' , l,n t ,.1 1:>lrJC~ dtl lr{je in C $2h.OO, S I t NallOllul Bank, Captain Ray McNally, Whose'l ,:-~U~~!__ f~~ the st~_t: _~~~l._ --_..- 'Wayl1l': Sue 'AI1l GhISS, HS, 930, wife is the former Gloria JohnI , I l. 511, ],',,' 1 ~"linnal Han k, ,om, .wayne, is am. ong til<' n~ti,on" Vi.ke1n Joins .Ai'bqrne . . Wayne: hOlllas, HS,810, 1l'p ]PI pilots Who arc parhqpat, ' ., ,,-I I tlO 00,' "'raId;· ~Ulrcdla ing ill thc Air "Forcp wide fighter I . BI,n?CI;,",lk,( n" :-'O!1 ,:1 1\11:-. I: I ~l\llfelt. 7!)(I $27 ;111, 1"ar111pr'" weapons meet in !\evada during I \ lkl n'l' \\ d~ n,(' ~niJ"l( d 1I1. till t\l~ I 'if~e Hon Asmus. AH, SC'ptcmbcl'. borne £11\ I-;llltl o! Al ~11~ lIw, :: J)js·ab!l'd American Vete I' a n s, Ile Ban,k: Connie,. __...,._....:.-='.... ' month'b at l't Leon I Till.' :'<(lrll1('a.~l. \ebraska 1,~oC'k \, ayne Couilly ' d 1 b Chapter 28, wi II till(,lTY·~,· i' "r VI 0(, ',,\I~cl I\l.llll'ral el llb i.lnrl th,~ SIOUX he ld a spec'lal m~etlllg Saturday In hi' ill ('I '"1 "n ,:!u Marl<ets ~ I[ ,I .."Area Shihpe:rs r , ShIPPt'l"s t~l Stljllx tillS Wl'pk ilndwkd William! P'c-n· ('r. 20 slp('lb. Id $:,(1: .John :laxlll, L:I\II.:l'1. hi wI. 9:-;, :!1.'~} and; l{oUII'I'1 Cal fOIl. 117 lam~)s. \~t lOU, $21.75 t ,r ,I 1 IRock Clubs Plan Joint ,Ii, dnesdoy Meefc",g g -'-_1 I JUd~eS A,t ;xhibit I'I;:::~ ~;,~.'''"~~,~I,,tn'.'''lm~~~'~gW~:~'o~: mDe;;'J'~e ;el~~~~~a;~~~I!, Ihe \ Ric ,ani LC,'c-h, as~,Ol'lall' prof-, Wedn (Prices in Wayne Wednesday a.m.) " e'·sOl" ?f art at WaYIlP sCf\'ed' Dr. oats':) $.57 ' as a m!~(' ol an art at I Soybea s 2,04 JoslYn l\lllS,eum,. Oll\a]w,! rC'l'l'nlly. ! Crea 1.57 He ell 1St' 40 pamtrngs from some arc Cocks,lb :.05 300 (' t n l ' S . ,'I[f,,' Hens, l b . . 1,04 " l Enrolls at Bethel Cal ge In R fie, Pistol ' M~et hOuse l i e EtChIson a d Department VltC C mand r, Eugene Illl I \~ III b pres nt WIth Imporl_ featuriel La t rnform lOon fdr veterans, ac meetmg I c rdmg to George Hoffman, loea HIlton • , 'J \\ STC ge Ito I 'I' P I ~' ~l I ' 'I I , Nt'b1'1 "PO 'II 11~.t I'I \(1\1\ __ Pl~_~~ Minn., 1I~__~~_~, _ _I~r~!S at _~~~~~_~~TY. OhIO. ~ I Onve llc~nRe exams Will b IF: \en m the[ basement of the COli h use Friel y Ip m -F~-r- It~!,-d~,-'o'y---g-S-+"I,+-·---t--- ~ ' I Lifense Exams I ! Arm' SFC ~('nnelh "~rpeg('l", ~.on: Er " . Kenneth Headl'ee, f,Son of o~ Mr.1~l!1d i\1l s. Leo KIlq:'g('r: \\ In- I leI's, ?Olh of Wayne. will grad· The <;k <1 I Tll\ l!',!On of Ihe and :\Irs, Ralph HeadleE'. a n(', ~ 'de, l1Pccntly partlClpat('rl 111 the' lIat from the iOmaha School of r<\j~ \\111 hl1d nt~tlltl J11f'l'tmg eNoiled at Beth~1 College II SI.; 1~6~ ~.ltional Rifll(' and .l'lstolI \cC',tlOnal :\"urJing Sept. 30. AR to Meetlin West Po.nt I COlli t -...,.. For W~ol', Pro ,' For', those ,jvh~ are rl-ligible to \ o\e in lhf' rC'rC'r':''l~u:n on t1Jr _. \\001 Ima.rl·;(,'-~[(~lr I',' j l~rr.~r'lm. your ball 1 '", ,.j' tc lin r:() laler th~n Fnday . T~l~' last-:11lnule rl:'" nllndE'~ '" 3", I.:rl~'rl l')day ,b~ ,Jo.~,n ;H. MC~~T, Clla:rr"TJ, AS( \\a~ne I Committee I 1 ; To he '.elig.j:"l~.' tM producer ; must h.).\·e r:wne . ~beep Or lambs, month., of <Ige cr cldeir. for any onk period of ,t lea~t 30 days I si~.ce Januilry I; of this year. , '. , . _ . ~. I Ballctd,q may lake place at tl1e ASCS c~ur.ty o¥ice serviOg the county: wherel the prod~cer'~ farm tan c.h headqjJartets is lo~ated today and tomor~ow, :he 1I:: a1I0ts" may ~e Ci!st el,he, In ptrson or by ma,1. ,.6 or : i The Chairman ~mphasized that '111 no~. affect t~e thg re~t:'r{'ndllm The ·aynp Lion,; Club will sponsel' a Tri-S tat e Lions Bowling Tournament in :'>Iovemher at ~]('I· II', ody Heading the committee \\'lll Lanes, be Cliff Dahl with AI Bahe and Don Easley. In other adion, Bill Kemp was I' elected to the board of directors ~ pn activitiuo; are carried out u~- ito fill the vacancy crEtateod when riFr an 'aglfeement between t~('"1 Dcn Easley was eletted secreS cretary of Agriculture and t~e" tary.treasurer. . imerican Sl~eep Producers COu1jl·l! President Charles I?ene~ia an· cjI' as aOthdrized b.y law.1 i I '. flounced that .octoher .IS LIOns In· I ~1~'1C'rnatlOnal Membership Month' 1 If growflrs .vote approval, th Iand prizes Will be offered to the, greement WIll 'be extended fo Members whe sign the most new i our more yea r s. To be a - Imembers.. ! . roved, the agreement m1:'st b .. The club' also invited the Wakeavored by produc:ers haVing a lifield and Laurel clubs to attend le~st tv.:0-t~irds of the volume Ithe formal' presentation of the pre-duchon' repr:rsrnted by thF1 ;.Eye Bank Kit to the Wayne hosotal vote. : itaI I, . . ' . P , ; 'Under SImilar agreements., iD ect siDce the 1955 market g ~ar, deductions have amounted to I,... ; : Icent per :pound from shorn w 01 i . , ents alnd 5 cent per hu.n dr ,d- I; Arnold Maurer, Wayne, AId Asrom, unshorn lamb p y- 'I ~ociation for Lutheran representae~.u~tions under the n w; bve, recently graduated from the t would not exceed th se pie Cnderwriters Training Coun- 1If----------...,.·, II Business Notes ::l~l eltt~:~l, ior01~~~ ~t~:~f.y;;:;: I udder le~isla~on ~nacted last sum-: 1 MOhr m~r. I be ,·oting ~\'iIIl dete~mine. ' ...·het~- i er ,growers wadt to cantlOue flI~ancing »'001: apd lamb marketp1omotion afthJities through de- d~ction ~rom tb;e}', re{,~ive) '; re. e I I.' 'I wool pa:rments market-promo- II II l' ' i ril Course. s~i,d t hat all grow rs vfl teceived ~heir ball ts '~b S t 10 I y If: trau jep, D; 'rho believes that h~ IS lij'ible to I vo~e and who hasi ?t ec ived hi~ Iballot ishould ge~ In u h with!: tljie AsCS. countYI of~ I eiI t ri~t w4y · • i I I, I, "II. I ,i ~_ \ I II. \ • I. Clo.ns Bargholi att:ended a sales ~l I~ I . L white bread . 2 1-lb. l\loves I u.s. CHOIj:E 31 C ROUND S;TEAK Lb. 79c Fluffo or SWlft/ning N'o. 1 Font)!' Red POTATPES I I 10 Ib.S+g ,:#,,' . , WEI-lAVE THESIk,NAMIE B ANd GUNS TO' CHOqSE FRO : .. INGTON •• SPRI WIN •• 'REM MARLIN • SAV~GE • STE • MOSSBERG. BRO e. ITHAcA • "NE • KOD1A:K '.I~UG olVER JOHNSON . • ';HI .. HE~TER GF ELD ENS NI'1(; HAVEN R Dee'sJ:al~e. TA~DARD We also c;a.!'}' you'.fa~or'te:shot GJn,.R;tle and. Pi$toIA"'Imuni~ian! c:;~;;,~c~t'sr~~s ..V~.~I.t IRuth_Elof+~,"9~'?"r ~ I: . .- • ' f 2% P nned Offices . ! are Efficient Offices i . d . hen plan*ed aroun L.U: T SPACE I, Discount I' I I SAVF+Rl~ ~ffer I 1ofifl~r - , AS 'L.Units the utmost econom spa e. Select yow! desk, chairs, cabine~ and "0 • g cabinets &oJn the wide range of tt1¥as AS colors. Our office planning staff ils at '~ ~, J.I ?lithou,t tou or obligation. ~ lus toda, lETTER litlt!IFbil I~ER IUS/NESS ! i "p.e He~ The . '-7c YOUR CHOICE- 1 d I 1 or Stamps It won't be tong now! ............... _lIerties , REDSTAR ~'" EAST 3,~69c ,~fried 3 ~kgs~ ,1Sc potatoes2S 2.,= . ,Il. Hcnt1 r , ,CI (As aaverti.'d in the eSe c:tio ) Farm . I ;Bill'sMQrk~tl oJEN':WEE~~A~S 8:~O ~PE~lsuND a. ",. to 8;:JO P.·/ i ,\ I " , ·\'1 lutheran ladie ' Aid Holds Sept. 12 leeting rs. tlWIIlt' of 1 ~ g ll'"h WtTt' 11Il1'1Itllt.,r~ ,lIld 1~f(',"(,llt lind A.A.V,W. role,s fOf llitt' Wayn1J hrqn{'h n(~w memht'r· l'jlip mectling ~t 7:45' p,m, in the Ilolll'j:!;(>ILlbrarly Lmmgc Sept. 20', :\olh. Canipl~{'I~, Norfolk, is MellI· l'lt' l~(jn' cbutl~,y, s~peri?t~ndcnt. ('ur. r~ntly prti~idcpt of :tl1c Nl'hraska' FlduclItioJ;l, As~ociaq{'ln, SPI'Vl'S on the ('om~nitt(je r 0 r Nebraska (~hildrcnJ and I Youtl1, and was COlin ry ClUj To Present Golfi 9 Awa ds Sept. 23' tW>I.' \1 r, ':. { 1'.lIIH'1! to \\",",'}'(' IIII' I'll;:! 1111"\1"';"1',, \\'I'rt' ;\11", K {' ~plsml ~,r" \11''' III (he;II' 1!I('lr (t~llght{,l" .' IIi 10 !lOf.;prl ~1l11 AGED """I"I'L AT 'W,L~ I r,lllior MIDDLE: I' I)\xon - Bernic(' 27? ;;;" and \~ lit and a graduale the t'nivprsi\y of "m~l"y,,,1 "I,,, I .1,\ Ill'. Sunny Homemafers Club Holds Sept. 13 uncheon I Sunny J ('.'ill,!.'" T~, ,11\:lth ,path"I" \\1 \\;1S I'll's. \Val (;lll's!S til"." : .....=..........P=niiFiii - 1- Mrs. Ill:ln S~. M(lrr"SIP"i~' MeetS To J)ISC'i1SS~lcq :re~i9n.$ -- - I I Ladies of St Mar's GuIld met' Sept. 12 at 81. ary'S'Schao! Hall Arc\1dlOcesan un\ ehtIon was diS cussed Mrs red S Berry and Mrs John F ElllJng were ap pOlnted ddcgatc and alternate to the con~entlOt1 In Omaha Sept. 25, Presldt'nt, l\hs, William F'1Il1l informed the group of the Jal'kson Dl'B1H'ry fall mpcting to he held in Winnebago Dc!. B Rl'v, William KI{'ffJ'nan rt'por1l'd on the' CYO program f{)r 11962-63, Mrs, J, FulhC'rg and ]\'[1';;, WII" !iam Fox _ ~ve~=-_(~ljlO~·t{'~ses. G.ay NEW The THEATRE - PHONE 261 FRIDAYTHRU MONDAY 1.1 clPorte Meets Wednesday LflPol'le dub ll1el Wednesday Carl Sundl'l!, UUl'st:-l Wal· \'~lI~ l\lrs. \('I'e Cora Haglulnd, I\'!rs, lICt' Ring and Mr.s.IWinter. EARL Y SHOW 6 P,M. MONDAY Jt I Wi m SINGING! LOVINGISWINGINGI Jj ~ with Ilhe gals ... H with \he gloves .•. with the guitar... 1 Mrs. Kollat~ Honored At W~dnesqay Shower !Ioiki~s ~ Mh.lewen Kolwas' hon- I!o"tes:;es W('!" Wln L}lnl'h, 1\1r, (,'re 1\1r:s, LI~()r1i.lrd 11 a rll r~r,lllk :l-Idrll'n, :'III'S tlH'S, ~r~~:~' ~(~I~aelll~,~('l1ath ~r~I::Se::;~r:l17~;e;a~~~:.missi . The gilt t a bll (' guesLs, Prizes \\',lync Tietg('n,. Ed al11d qzacir and Sale Planned IWayne lI()spi1a~ Community Allxiliary met at the REA office Saturclay, 2 p.m" Inth an al l\rr~, Edw1l1 KjOlltlh and :\lrs Wtlllam Wlllprs,1 h,d thargc ot: tlc,:,nl'(~<1.~'~e: d()!,.,4'Ull.·on~sl.rSanYda[l)cr.KReO'bs: e,''''"- ('1'1 Ir. Benthaek gave a talk on '~I:lollJ... ' lIostes.~e~ were Mrs Rotwrt Renthae!{, :'Ilrs, George Btirlcls, Mrs, Julia Perdue 'and ontesls W('H' Ha1Y .\Irs. Otto S8UJ, ,The bazaar and rummage sale. \~hiGh \.... ill be held at the City auuitorium Nov, 17, was dig.. l'u~sed and planried. The bazaar ntHl be open from 8 a,m. to .t p,m., and ,the rummage sale amI hmeh eounlpr wil,1 re:nain open u:ntil 7 p.m, A':l proceeds from Ihe project will be used for purcha~ing h!lspltal equipment. ll;~l w~se:r~~~~ncJ-~~s~ta\t';:lt:i~~ l' Jary meeting will be held in I Omaha Oct. 18 at the FonteneUe hotel. Anyone wishing to altend 's'~ould cont,aet Mrs,~avld. Gar~~~~~a:;esldent of e \\ ayne Nl~ the OCl 2 H ~;r,~III!IIIlIIIr''''' ~'I ,I· -', :S ~ I ~ Hasp'ita,1 Auxiliary condue {'d with Ill'des presenll'd to th honoree! fJnze \.... inners WI'T'C Mrs, 'Brumels for hring mlarnied the longest, 51 ye~rs. 1\ rs. WIli!Jam Willers for bC'lng ,the shorttst tim e, four yrlll'S and Mr,.:;", Edwin Kollath for a\'ing th(' \~'{>[!ding d ate ncar st 'the hOJIjIoree's. i\ ton. trst, "Tile W (' r] rI I n g Of the Bircls," c los c rl the entertain. menlo ,I!' Rei tl\'€S a tit end (' d from Piprce, andolWI1. Pilger" We~,t PClIlt, Stan n aind Hoskins. . I \\'(',1'(' ;lnd !'I'Irs, (' L.• nl~lell'B. Uel lG l1lPl'tmg is \~Ith :\] r~. 'WIlliam Koe1Jer, gift hOOK. and :'III'S, Int'anne KolJa:h helped oppn gdts. 1\Irs, Ernest Kullat ,poured' meeting t wiU be held Ii _ J.' Strate Marries ' J. ~e1erson Set. 2 .1 H9s~ins - Joann Strate: daugh- tcrliof'l\1r. and ,Mrs. Harry Strate, ~~~~~~~~~.,~,_~,_~ '~f~~~~~S~n~ndM;:.Sti~l~ne~e~s~~~s~On~ "'i tub r. I ~ l'RI'DAy'THIRU'SU"DAY 1; N ,i ~d ~. ; :D!f!'" , e. . I il l i . ~~ 1iUn~' $15995 I, AGNESLAUROO'J i ' , I McNATT 'HA DwA~~ l :-;~Il\'(',rn'dc \\'t'rlt 'In :\'flrs and ~\l'"l'''''~ i n tor the TuC':::<!ay mcpling of the D('lta Del< bncl~(' club, i\'lrs cil"US 511;11'('1' and Mr,~, ,Jal11(''1-; :1~1:11e \\:~rtt~~ (~t~~~l'ai~'<:\.(~~~h hold W<lS in l'h;JrSl' of till' • ?nl y ,! ~IIJ~~I ]~~;{ ~~~:~sW~ui:~~~; l\lr,~, \'1111<1 n Willer~, Reuben J'1I I,'; and 1\lr:; \\':lnl .JOhnsoll. ~.lllrs. 'rank 1\-1 ill': (('n {lnd Mrs. ErlWlIl i1rll'h were rl'('l'pIIOliists, Th\{' IH~lt('s.,;P" pn'· 1>enlu] pll1k, andl Whl l' Kollath, I\lr,. ~::~:~gI~gallS ~ws,s Bit massive wringer that does an exce~lent iob of wringing. Self-adjusting pI' 'ssure. A:utomatic" ' Brulnflls, :;lz:~dW¥~S~vo a~~l~,~~~~~fl~:~~ 1-=-0.::";.. L°:::'·~ t Timer M:r:", ErC n, Mr~" E: d win ~V:,tha~~el~~~t, ~~~b~~:sp~~ls~~t l dr in. Wrings in eight positjon . Next Illccting is- Oc!. 12 in the \itt ,Auker home, Biddingl Biddi '~ m t with Mrs. Si,d Harr~ngton 'nue day evening' ' to give you .the fastest .I· water actiom tQ g t clothes clecm iand DOUBLE WALLS to keep water hot, longe and prot,eet I slainl ss steel Itub ,, : an and Mr, and Mrs, Art Auk'I', Mrs. librringto ,Hosts Bidding 'Bidl~es J'uesday '~8~U:~U;~f;SI Wtl~ed 'S-teel outer chassis' l':riclay e\'enin~ Golden Age 'Iuh. IllHfi a co·operative supper 01 the Carl Wright home. prizes +nt to Mr. and Mrs, John Gelt- ol'ed at a misccllane us ,;hov.er in the 'Frank M' rlen home Wednesday artertloo 1 hy 24 rei a· 1 ialso' , : 'Ex~ra large capacity stain;less st~el a~1 WrightsJHost Club la'th, a recent pride . 'With ;BOWL-~HAPED TUB, (leL 10 meeting lS with J\'1rs, :l,f[ord lla~c iln~k(' i the' rnt( rtainnH'l1t. MATINEE 3 P.I\jI, SUNDAY i Mrs, Alffl'd Sydow, A illld 11'11'1('\ conv('ntion is slated Oct In 1111' WIlY~(' WOlllnn's cluh 'oonh al 1':JO p,m, A ('{Jw'l'('d ilsh supper I. SdH'lI11kd Oct, al G'30 Pill. Loul'- Tl'~t, M~~X\I~1;1~~~:ti1f(,Qi~, (~l~t~t:,;ls. with I\I"ndny "L~i,})l~~~~;l~~ '~~~~.' !P~~~1~1(~7{\' 1~:~I~~ !f:t' Mr.s, !t(Jh~'rt (;~'l'in, Mrs. I!l'l'mun. R('l'g, l\lrs, ~l[rl ,';wl, Marlha HeH'r and 1\11"' Frf!d nt'('1!: Prr Zt'S Wi'nt to l\lrs. W'lillHllTl Brune. l\11':~, WlllJalll Sclln!Jl0r, !'III'S. l';d Thle..:, ,\lrs 1'1!('tl !fd'lC'r and Mrs. Frecl Hecj..(, 111l,11' WAYNe -I.. WPIT ,1 S Jlwan (;!"Ir~:(' :\ ngnll~u was l<.1f\dcf at tlltllr afternoon 'n ('ding:. r 1bil'tha ,and I cbcl'cH CrrC'ifls r'llit Wt',lrH'sday cvcmn.'g WIth Griess I Allxiilary tlll'l Oln~ With 14 111('Il1\)f'r:-i and i-iUI'S!, lVIF5. Weltha' \\'inll'rs, l\lrs, ,\Il'rltn Frahm. :\-[1": Wavm' (;{'siripcll, Mrs, Walfred Carls"on, sr" 1\1rs, Mqlvln Hrune, i\lrs, Art Longe, MIl":· Willst', • :\1J"s (', 1'1 Eller meier was Dol" ('.1$ ('11 ell' horl 'S~', and Mrs Rexa~lj 'Store I "'ill III e III k (' r S llH't \Voman's <-'Iu:) clay [hl\ " W tht't1iIl' for thtJ m-PI'tmg Wed- 1\11-..,. Hrn-. res lccllVe hoslcSS('s, Mrs, (' :L. Cll.lel1o ,Il d Mrs. Oscar TIl~lI1, },l" PCl'Ci w'rc Mrs. Dean rs. Don Tang('I Ba:t'1{o;[ro l~ and m~1l Hl'Jt'('ca Crde guesl \vas :'Ii I'S Bub Peters, A gene 'al mcetin'g' will be held; ! ,,' ,11",<) lirch,OW 10'., & p.ni. "'1".<1 Sl> AMr! ",UI be! Rev. ,WalRow ldt, "president I-,<if" thl;;! ' N rllll'as conf~rence, from' Pen- (1 HI the It 0 () m s wlt!l ho~ll's", Emllit' Heeg, A ('ov('f('d (~ish Illndwon 'W(\S fratul"Pc! the: ann\l<ll gUt' 1 held Sept. ,wi~h' ,11]('il" sl'paratC' IT ()l'nlng J i. Thllfsd<'IY HI'(IP(,nl!'!' ('d'dles I:': )1]("('lrllgs Pho " 108 I ,1'11d ::;(//.;,~.(~\ ~r (' (~lr:~l,1 J,~. pr~.~{:nti~vcl~(~;~ hll~I('.~s(,s'l l\Ln'y ~'lrclc mel L. GIles is a grnrlnatt' nf Rel!eemer· q1cles Meet H!ostesJes Sept. 12 I and Mrs grudual<>r] i With A~tomatit: _ SI1l' <l : I, (;('orgc :/1\ ':,; i~ dI;; ~ 111\~':~~('rt ~'~'l t I:~:,~~ _ ..,._- IIl.tH I~ .1 If'ndrng tht' {Tn'ivct'sityi CIH:1I'('il, II ~ ormlln A.'kcf'l- II ;\lr",iIHI Ml's. 1 1 lllluglH'l'l}, PClIlt,l ,lllnoUnrt' th(' Of tl1c1r dflughlpl", l\tal'l'('lla JanJ', In Mkllael l.ro. WiSnl!W~,ki, snn of Mrs. Vall', \\lsrH'wski, (; r 11 n d l\lll'h, bridt"I'iI'd i,: a J!rndl!i~tt' ,f ]'):;"llll hil.'h sclloo] and Is .11· ('f1~a;';{,l1wnt :'Ill' all I Mrs Emil BnH!CI' anIlll'. 'lltrl~!rOilt'J:1ing mul'- I 1; pl/gherty-Wislneweski ~Irs Ralpb Sh<'r<'1 :---~--+----1-Mr~ HogCI Andt'r ngage~ . t Announced :t--'--------....;.,.-+...::::::...+===::J::.:.:~:..:.+~;g:;~ Broder, Ac~~rman Plan Septem er ~o. Wedding I 1---,...-------- ill he 'the. ExC'\'u· C 1116 h NeprllCl, p'rcsident; M s, E d win Vuhll~amp, vjce nresldent; Beulah I'ornhoft.' tre ~am'r, and ~1yrtlc ~nd('rson, se rctary. HOSlt'S)'CS .1 . .'\1. Sir han lind Mrs. Jail. . \ (" :\'1'1'1 rl rl Ls!l '.upper lind pr l ~I') lalll))) 1)[ l,.;Olfin g award." will II' Iwld SI'P ~3, 6::m p.1l1, .II 111(' ell IIItry dJlllJ. ,\ {' Hlntr\' r'lu,lj ~d<lnee with live 111\1:'>1\ \'vl I Ill' j{i<Hurl'd Sept. 29. 1):111 ,IS"l~ll'd Illillrlll;ln, Illdlall \111-1'1 I COlllmcnccmcnt : th'c Board; \l;'.:~:::'~ I;:~,\.~r~~o~' I~~ 1:,')( ht' t!fmn'fltilill III Ill' lu,ld In W,a,1 Ill: The ('llill I" Wighlmtll~ :'vII's. Don ('nffo,'d Wl.lil hostc·(J al tlH' nfl('l'li lUll luncheon. 1"1"4"1 ll'lillldl'-l \ ~ ~~I~Ji~:~tt\{' ~~~('rl'~:\~~~I~~;1 .~~ (:::~ \ STC A, p r tllis year, Ililrv~'y won the golf'.' J r~. ~'7 IOTl,'1'111111l1 IIl'JtI SI'p1 :'\ a\ tl](' I hurell, 1:100111[11'111 \ ,111'1! 10 l'xtl'I)(1 ,11\ 11\\ I j'Jr I Ill' I 'Hj,! Ill!!'!" "OIlI~ll \'i11 a trice itl-ele ate to the Whit~ } ousc Educa ion confl'fellCl' in W a~ AllkPl' or 1m akfast and golf,. lilt .\11 t (' "4'II! Und "(idling To Kllow YOl!' I ('('{(1T1Il/IIII('d h' ,\1 r '. i': \'11 • ll1ith Mrs, f);rI'I' Tl]('llphiltis "pokt' 1111 wl',y Wt' "hili lId klll)W (111' IWIgl1hllr~L ;lIld :\l'hrask:l 11('1· 1'1', and Inlro!llll'l'd Ill' () 1\ Irol'll, wi I'! Irr[l'l'\'lI'w\'d Itll'lll11'!"s wllh ,I 1"1\ Ing llill roplllllll bar l ,( :l\\\l:..~(~ ~~rl;I?h 1~I~e~~f~~~ \'\('1'(' " , A !'lllgt,tl, fllqn 'rlv o! \Vaynl', I II I l' l' l'IHIIII) J[ 0 {;~:~~I:: ,~~ JlI'I'sid('nl, :\11'-" 'j'llhn ()W('I1~, ('J.;{('IHlt'd .1 \'ft'koll t' I\ll"; fl/,· ,til OW('l1s salll~l ",~l'bl'n'ik;1 :\ly I lltl\'(' l,allll," \\ rllll'n bv 1\1 rs 'I'hl' ~I)II\IIIL; '~rcnds 1'> n.JI('d thaI (;/ II Mrs, l~conar(l A. Cilmpbell will SPl:'ll k 011 ~; II r r c n It Education '~ll) Il(' WOlll:JIl'S dill! [IllS yl'al', Prt'st'ntl'd ill l\s rll",l I1H'('I, i, ' I"ndll~' a(I('rllfJO'l 111 lhl' l'lub I' (I1ll.~ by :\11's /)t'lIll I'it'r"oll, p Ilgr:lrn l'halfrrl<tll ,\11'" K, ,:, l ark, Inl'llllH'r"lllp l'I!;llrm:lp, ., I~ I ill Speak Fo~ AAUW eeting Held Friday o Wayne Woman's Club I'NI'hrllsk:l, .Jhl' I' l~!>n4rd ~ampbell , , ;, '-, 7 'NBENTtE'tl"'~' ,- Ft', Dodge, la., were married Sept. 2 at Longmont, Colo. Rev'l E. Sef{- ling officiated. Th.e bride was graduate'd . frofTI \.N.-orfolk . . 51'C high She was schoolemployed and.attended! as a ~e~ret~ry fot' the Board of Educa'i in Omaha. . , ' t h e bridegroom recen-ed his deII ?ree at. WSTC in Augt1s~·lIe is ,an I llOfl mi;l.ustnal arts and phYSical educa- Uon instructor at Lyons, Colo. Mr~. • Joe Bur~h and J~'l;YI Mo-l bile, Ala" are ,"~itii::ag in th~ home C>f: Mrs. !BurCh's aunt, Mrs. iRobert FIIahm. :Mrs. Buich's mother, Mrs. yne,1 Jebr.\ W ¥uter Bpr~rs. Mobile~ ca~e with +--r-!--+-+-.;.....;.~~.:..:~~:t::4~~~~S~!~kn: rfthe \~ j' I ';~~~~:es, I I .. : I ::' ,J I!; I !I' tL-T---~---:-~-"Tt~i~-~~~0~t~~1i~m~~i~~~:li,:i!1 I and "_ ... ~I II j I Fune','al ·Servo.ces 'Id:.'Mon'day Fo, N..eOIO S Y WI lam.. oung 62'6 mauhng Snt.ur JCI:1ll01 blanJwd fH d\-Y stress d~lIckcd Itheir wounds bllef!y (,n pa~:i ddl~nS( HilS \H'('k, a weak /then(plunge9 mto drills for their pOllll at IKlIlksvdle. Hc ub o wrest· conference 1pener this weel.. TIH'Y Jed vv'jth It,ll{~ pnlblcm' of a starting wiU,be at Kparn~y saturday ni~ht. lineup a,~ai~l.st l~earm~y, Recovery If the ~ridders 'we..re discourl,ged from llquri~~s will dctC'rmlOe ~ome by the Jolt, last ~atul'day, lIH'Y s!urkr>", g(rOd pc-rfol'manl'c some could taRe ~ome (,o~lsolatjon from othe!' .!Icveral ~act~rs, '~'heY wefC' h.{'~tell Till,' Wilrl~:als will have not only by a pO\l,fcrl~llI,sCI'te'llm that I~ gUll I !:Isl \\.I'r'k·~ hurpbli!Jg to. avenge, ning for t~) n,ltltHlii I )Itll the' 10-01 beating which Kearney and co~jd \ well I,~{~I d" ~Id IllilllSll(:rJd to an injury-riddled MJsBourl St~lte ,dCl.d().\,~d 11.~ (up \\',I:>"e' ~;quAd in the 1961 finale, troops for Ibo."1' III the 1ll·; ,.;..'-+1..... 1 order to .SWfll th(' ' . W.vn~'s I and ,,'ali~ely uw~tt~ }:~~::th~l~~{~J :~,~, '::::: B\";:';';i~'IIl~:~: land, TIll',\' ,'dJ)'('d pa,~':lin~:, :I .',arl-l.l', hacks of 1\'.-u Plllllo.; off I O~h~,t:J(: I ~,~~'~~~d I foru'd ~~~~~./i)e:lll~t by ,Irll} '1)111' run kick _L YIlI1_' w i t tp () o( 32 U U 7 (j (J 7 J 0 1:1 1 U 7 ~ U 6 w I tp U 11 I I J U 41 ' Results' fa$t i' week: Yel \\'lIyn(' erill:llI's fOund -,sume PI<Jintie)v 19, Wayne 13 crazy," salt! Madi$on 7, Pierce 6 Neligll 2 Bloomfield 6 Stantl)1] 9, Albion 12 ~,l,l~i;orm~:I,~li~!~:~~~ Coach, J 0 h l~ 1,1l'rnJicr, "hul wr ~~~ld ~~~ :1 \:,~,~, 1Jr/I~~:\J ~1}{~~l::yWl~l~~ ' f ~(~t.:: ~~~~~i~g Acad. - L• KEN OLOS o,~rH~.I.).Ii.' I s 'OlhC II I\. l't, ' [Yoph. 1 t. I ',I: In. Iltllln . i I ,,~real-gran.1 , ·IHil-wu-.' 1 f~m. L.~!.,9., I'!~.," E wagn.er Carmll 'Nash Ramb t!n:n 'and 18 dO.hildl'('n, an,d HY . went Lo Ring. L.ake. at C1l,.rl\stOJlIH'r 011, l\-Ir;i •. ••"'I•. r..:.d., " • Valley SundaYI, where they w're ('111' stoplH'r, on 1l1l~I, M ., ,Rl ~m, 1954 I dJl1ner ~uests ~iI1 tht' home of ev, I Skbtduhl, llrool'lllf!S, S ': bj~i:;,:~'and Dane C. Ellermeier, Wayne. Fd I .'nrl J\> I'S. Lester Johnson. Mr~. Anna )llhl, ~il1ui, . ' Mr. JVI I'll' Tletsort, Wayne, Dodge . Mr. a,nd Mr~, Clifford John .on, LJ1,d ~I<.'S' Cl f.fOl'd ~llhl. ifil'~"','<<j. ',.JJ.','.l.h., 1953 south~ate, C~lif., visited Ule ast I Mj', l lind Irs, nlph ~tet"~~,ut.,:, Wayne dom,in<Jted the st quar" '_! M r.tin RQsenby, Wayne, Ford \\eek ,\'lth her.mother., EI.za.- 1''!Ll:monl, F'lduy a tern . .. '.':: tel' play, endmg the perlO ,on the Ve non Behmer, Hoskins, Chev beth ay and bther re1att.ycs, T ey ""r, and rs. ,Ilffor 1D~h .• ~:, Plainview 83. Ken.Olds' oed tile ~ rkup IPturn'd Mon~ay, tended a NOt1llCaStiN(!blfS~ r~; ~ha;l-';~ai;,~ f\a;~~r~~e ~ g 3~i~~ 1951 • Mrs. Huel, Mau and Pat, ert in~: HOHlt' nJceting at ~TC utes of the second/quarter, Then' I Le ne Kirsch, Hoskins, Ply Funeral servjce~ for Ida Rebec- ~tt~d d a b;r.u~y showda~ c~ Ie day, .' I j' li""'1' ' l Don ,Meyc.r puncl)ed over for the . 1950 [' cn,NeelY, 82, wer~ hel? ~uesday ~~ ~~ec~~~~;aini~I; :~s :i~eno~ns score. Doug Mahske kicked the Deeds Filed Jol n Ehlers, WinsidG-, Chrys ~ilt:e .Mortuary, Wmslde. S, h e ing an~ care f wigs. I PAT and Wayne led 7-0. .Myron and Irehc Larsen to St.ate 1948 dlCd, Fnday at a Norfolk hO$p~tal.' Maulrice Burlington, a., I"' !-_+-_~:-"-~+' Wayne ,threatened again when elr Nebraska, traf,t uf land in SE 1.~. Pa ricia Strong" Wayne, Olds James Gerrad, Schuyler, of£l.ci- son o~ Mr, jt(Id Mrs. Carl Wri 'ht Doug Harrison intercepted ~ Pi. NE 1,1, Seet. 3J, T27N, R2E, Tax, 1947 ated at the rites. Pallbearers were is a delegate! to the "Fifth a· rate pass on the Plainview 40. $0,55, ,I La renee Joe hen s Hoskins Alvin Schmode, F I' n k Weible, tional i Salary ,~chool" uf the a· The Blue Devils moved it to the Selma and W,~C, Coryell ,to W. Chev pkup , , Wa'rren Jacobsen,1 Leo Jensen, tiona I, Educ~tlOn Association l ' n , ' ' " one yard line with 16 seconds ~:, C~ryell, parL of Out,lots 1 and " ~ He~man C a rs ten s and Frank W,ashmgton, ,C. next week, Til rc c.,o,n, {:S~ SFS, llgG~r. ,,:Iii,; to go in the half but failed to 2, ,Bntton and ~rcssler s Add t o . Bnght. Honorary pal~bearers were Will I~ repr sentatives from 'f ve l' 1. MUlll11(~L1thl Ne~' Jcrse,Y , make the TD in three plays. Wayne..: .Go che Leo~a.rd and Mrs. Ray E, Warne~unde, Jean A. Boyd, ~ta~es; He X· chairman of he -:,I II' i The Pirates came back in the I County Court ~ , Dilts ,entortamed Mr; ,and Mrs. Joh: G;' SweIgard, JPr, N. L, D,H· T('a~hers and ISchools Commissi 'n. l'\e\',' addl'('. ~:, ' i' 1" third, quarter when Weber scam. i Sept. 10: Mrs, Hllsscll Pryor,ll\1ar n M~ycr fnd Debbie and .Mr. ma~ "and Dr, )Georg~ John, ~urlal HI' Is a gra uat'; of, Wayne' nd R{'~'nlit IldlllHII·ID, "uLJ pered over from. the fivc, The PAT: Wuyne, fined SUJ <i,nd $4 costs for i ~~~n ,I",s,. Rudo ph ~a~mer Fnday was. In ,th.~ r leasfln~ VICW Ccme· ~orthwestcrnJI Unrvcrslty, , NC 277 ,:J17(;:! __ W<Js, ood and the score was tied' l',"(iure to .':>lop ~t slop sign, Com-: ng ,Ill Mrs, Dilts, h.ome, Joh~ tcr WlIlsule.! Wednesday afternoon Mrs. A na I ,II ,1,1 '" :, i,; 7-7 g . . .' Plain~. Keith l. tced. dlY police, ". Low I' a~e, Mary 1\fa~,tmson w.ele J.- a Rehecca NeclY.. daUghter. of I. Mau and Mr,., R, II.. II. ans.'.'". 'w 'n:, i. . 1'1', On . ( 'J1lf(r."lua .". ... ' '" Byrun l"lgt Wayne Sund y dmner guests In the DIlts Phi cas and Mary Miller was born I luntheon guests m the .EmlJfa au' \ Oi I I', 1 Sept , Late 11} the lImd, p,cn od Olcls~1 finet! $3U ud $~' cost~'fut: intoxiea: i hom. Sunday evening visitors in S('p, 10, 1880 at. Davenp&t,~fa, She: !lome. .i " , AI \'3t Wayne enjored 'a second quarter-'~---" ~ ~ ..._,,_ _ ,_._ lead. agains.t piainview. '" ' , oul the <'Io<.k, "I, , e only to see.lt fade .befor .n ome Wayne tn\\!eJ~. lo Madbon Fricellent broken fifl? 't:un ng. day.' i ~i ~o 1 f)"ll~ll:-; g: [.', eX-I mo.v c a'g:ljnst 1orthr<lf:L" Blllll(~ C '{'<'II 7, Wake'field 2 Waynels lOIre to u·<!: h dow n Oakland' 61. Valley 14 capped a 65r.vard drive, with f~eshman' ful! ack, Burt Matth- '. \Ve'st 1'(~iJll :14, .North Bent! 13 i~s, Stanton, plun,ging the last I ya r d. 'Fres~man quar'erback Sunday Hinner, guesh in the Evan Dean de~uhr, C'ha,rles City, la" Hilmer hdme were Mr, and Mrs, .nglneer1d the'drive. Dave- IIaJher. Mr, and Mrs, Lin Wayne'1 opening ]tirknff in the Whittlesey Long Beach, Mrs, Vio· second h,[l[ bounced off a l\'odh- lel GilderSleeve, Los Angeles, Mrs. east pla:"tfr. an (I Wayn(' n'cov('rNl, 1\1 ary SWfhart, Carrgll, and Ken The. Wi~a.~ats pl1Sh,ed lo ,(h(' Mis-'I J.f a In (' r were Tuesday dinner, S?u.~, 11 ll}efvre l(Jo;J~I~_~f~~mlJle, . ~lIes!s, ~~_ _ , ~h'. c Ii PI· • -- R WO ong OlnVleWJi uns f ~ I · eVI-I S 19 .113 ~ Sf Op B D ue I " :, ! ~ ~ I J op 20 6 0 19 13 14 op 0 ~ ~ '. ard .Mau, 'red n.armond. e., Alden at. U I i .... eratty,of Ne rag- ~I"er(',a.Il\I Dun~lat1, FU(}l;S, Ott Emil Hoge· .enroll ka, · S, .. MI... D, Hnnn\li, ..~l Ol'ke 'w,a:-; len, and Albert Huetl~( Burial wa:> I M d M~J E H d kl "lJ:Ul'::;~ III tt t' hOllll1 (JI It'S, Will, in t~l(, Laurel cemetery. ~on r~n~n da'ug,hll'·r.in:laU:, l\o~/ ~n~ ~ilnt [~lecli.c.: [Illdl~: Il:,t~e-I' l~IOl~, Vh/) William 5, Young, son of Mr, Mrs, qarence I~ Hedrick iii ont- Ilto~., mAils Uh c!,(, &'110' and Mrs, Chris Young, w.as borl1!gtJlll-ery! Ala" ~'r~'ived $at~rdll tOldD~II('.v~'nmg, \\":1'(', ,~1rs, ~tudolph, March 12, 1873 at Streator, III. spend ~ week. i Guesl~ hono'ing., Ll~~{jn~e~l, ~ IlkjJul(~ "n, Mr~,; Decemh('r 11, 1893 he marrted Es· !ll' lit sid, d ~' " t1' i Ll',:lcl I uul,s III und l~d)l \'I~ cndel, tella Halladay at Hancock, In I./~, ~~edaric~Jl~au~~e \~~e~~l l\~~,.. '1&I~n' Gil ~~'slc0r.e, ~.; '.M.a,~ Thq- rnov,cd- 10 Of ~ar'm north f B. U'bfu Cd·. u' . I' 1\1 ' d g. nnd l\ s. Julin ~ el(t~! \'.". I.e,. Wayne in 1902 and m 0 v cd. ~o 1\1' I ~,il 'D aP\lI,~ ~i, ~'I an. I~Uj:d~coll ~\Il sis SUl~idl\Y iii Ie Jbhu . _ , rs,.J I ('s a~, e a c an ,Ill (;r!l'r homl'. Lalll'cll, I' Laurel III 1923, I.n ,~943.ther mov£"d il:", ~e~ard, 1', and Mrs., ,ern i ',Mrs. R 0 'a I d 'com.t'. k..' ~n'd, l~ W?y~e and leslded, th~rc u~t11 r>;lsscn{uml. M s. An.n" lied Ick, lIt/hda SOl th Si J~I:X:.. li~:,~ I, 1.~',ce.11l".1 ~:: :~e ~~~l~t~~'i~e~~~~ lIved With l"r(,l~o t. ~~ I . ,ThlJtsd~y aId FI':9~1)' if n, . J. e , Frrd y eve~,ng VISItors In the Chalice hOllle,i " ' Iseven yards to TO His wl~e',two sons, n.lve brotherJiIOrVUl HiCkers ..n. h.om(' wore .11". 'in.l.\W. C!lll.l1(1' 1l01ll.i.' and four Sisters, prec~ded him in und ~ s. Glenn Walker. 'Mrs, A \'in Milt. ('ictus Hl'illl'l~~ ~-~~-~_ _'~ death. ,. Voorh h was Ia, Tu('sday mon lng ~ljl'folk, .Ii! i', '. T. C, Horn,",Cflrroll. Bukk SUl",\'i\'ors include,two sons, AI'- guest bf Mrs, larval H1ckcrso I. Mr. and rs.; Clitfor >bahl r.~< 1\1 rvin A, Andersen, Winside, .I I Che\ thur,'L~urel and Alvio, Randolph; ~r~, ~Ib&rt Sahs, Carroll" as. h~l~';d hO~l! IUtil MOn~'aYI,'::A~~~!=I;.!.J. G raId W, Carstens, Way,ne, Ford one bloth~r, Edward" Hancoc,k, a ,vlslt.r III t1!e lhomc of Mrs; He ;y ~'I Itmc w~t1 Mrs. Don ~dh'9~nUfg. pku In,: one Sister, Lena, Simon, Ma- Hmnenchs Sa~urday mormng, ]\1 '[Jm'UPollsjl\II'S. HlllPhI.Ita.Pll,!,Ar. 1955 sen Cit y. la., eight grandchilMr, nd Mrls, Stanley John on Iingtoll, S, ),. nnq' M1sr KtJl'lmi( ,.1-.. . . . - ....---1 weathe~, Severtl first stringers went,Dut e~r1'1 ,with iniuriG'S. So did s9.v'!rol 5ubttitUh~!>' However, ~,IJd.IS()lI none sc'emcd b dly hurt. Among ~('IJgtr the wounded: alfbacks Die k W<JjlH' Chochon, , JeriI' y l<ileoin and Stilll(on Gena- Hil)ri,chstn, end S t eve J'J('rl'I' Kreuch, and 9u~1rd Vic Kenslar. : Husker Eabt Northeas:l <11'(IIWd do.; atl,aljl, in: J'('ndn '11 'r W' I '5e By The Her Id (ollferi!nce Standings ----. Husl(er weft I'laimw\' ,JII 1 I a dh j Cith'i1i.trtjl'nOOll' ' Warrle Stute's football WJldcots,-- - - - - ',ma I :'' jr . -c, hel' hu" .nd, D .J I,: Neoll an<1 111111<' .ud ohlll1','n, l:+dO/Ph, \'JC1'. her son, Harold L Neely Sunl.lu)' cvcnllg l,ue Is In lho wall surV1V rR Inc udd rOll r d lugh LoII~' homl', ;ul'lOH. roi' lhcl~i !hlr· ten;, Mis I I" GJICbll'r, "!'ttl!> L l~.S·~OIHI .1111 IVet'SU I W Knhl nnd Mr Uo {'mal)' i\ tnt~, and Ms. Eu 0"8 Leonard, 1\\mSlde. nnd h5 P E e wnn. Om lilli, vlsll't1 Sllturduy with 1';vanston, Ill, Ottl giundcllllll'l'n, Gailit' Lconu d \ I • I' , .'. ,. fl\e g rle n t g {lndclllldrcn. hl'l'(' rs, Carl Sundoll, W.kefleld. ~ Fun; ~ sel~lces for WlllJan~ 5,. sisterl',. 1\Irs, ,1\ erie 1,:. Ii'ISh,. I\os, (,.UI~("I on l\1ts.,S, ,I!. lIlll.. l l ,.Sulll.ItI Y, Young. ,,~(re held ~londa} ati' AngclC's Calif. Mrs, '.John I I, i 'I .the Meth? 1st (',hurch, \\ ayne, Mr,,~ Slln Belnllrdino, Calif" nnd l\1r's,! ,r" Gnd M 's.. ,La~l~onto Ro~~lor Y?U~g dlC. Frlda. y, al a NorfoU, I Chllrl('s ~~l'Kln ('y, OXIHII'.d, :<lIIf.I' Iltllll.(.h'~.I.i1 ~IlIlH' :Illld.. '.h~IW. '.. fm' hosplt.al. i 'lJ('e~lll('III11S lWi \\'('N~\'nd jill Lin· Rev, Willia Simmer officiated" cuI, 'Ill pC'l'shing ulllIJilndun\, I'~ , at the rites, M~s LO('('n Ellis song:i 1, S~lurdllY Jr, ~nd .IMrs.. L~on.;a~d. ~'Rock of Ages, 'and "I " ' 13h~ 'ke amI ullllly ,<Jlld ~l'1'f' WI\'· I Garden," a'ccomplln , Irs, C ' I . . 1i?ll B I t,~.-c k (' vi.:>!itl'd I' '1 1eon'urd N. O.lson, Ijallbearers were How'reh e .'rra' eft lut :Tuosd y to ~1~1t:~e~s \sor~ in· 111',\: il,l~d {~8llg."I,I;tcr, A\i$souri Power~ ••se jRaps ,Wildcats ~2~~ 6 I~ 1--Opener - ~~:~P~~i~';~~d 'hb~~ qi~~~ J I , T~. W~yne (Nebr,) Herald, Thur Iida ,Sople ber 20, 1962 VIctims of . ~ . "I',ll"'" I' I ~i 1 COURTHOUtE RO,UNDUP , FuneraI Serv'.Oces NId T d e. ..es oy For Ida' R Neely, 82 p. 1 l\-~rs. 1 O.I.~'I'.I,~'~I':L.'.' 0: 1 j ' I'1'J 1'1" , I,' ", wJgh.t, 4 I· I t 1 f l~t.~rccPted a. :r~fll,~~1CW., ~~r.,I,?I'1 tioD, . (,)on;plai.nl: .U;' -, D: l\.latfjkq, the ilts home \ver~ Mr. and Mrs,. resjded in.V'(inside for the la~1 flft)' fAr .. and M s;...i(:Ii'1o.r~ H~le, I ~ REAq T]'I. ,E W_'J glVmg, W~yne ,~oss.es,SlOn ,on ,t.h~lt:'il~tat) "a~roL " ,F.ld o Bal'el~an, RI?ky, Alan .and yeah, , <'dd Mrs, HaTy Beckner, Mrs, S, WAN ow.n.:42" N.l.e.~.e. 'l, Illt.., ~C.II)'¥'. ?r.~n.'-J i3: 'AIt.'xa..Udcr. 1{<j.lUiltQn IWar) Wakefield: Slle was preceded III ,de.atl'1. Qy'.J"Ha!e and ..1\lr, ~nd ~rs, (;,,1' Id! .'. ' . I' I scfJ.pr. I r. .II.IE~';~E¥r"L-9 'D·.'\~ I" «. ";,1,« . . .' ; ' ,~~i~~2D~l~~:XI~a~::,:lo::::,P:~;:l::,etjf;lfi:;;~~::i~~:~E~~!:d1J~I'J!Fi~iil'---~-B-L'-'-(fl' n"~T--e-'-"'--~-~.~, - ~"'-;:R-~' -··-U·~."··--'D'-· 'Q"i-'p';" I ~~~it:;~:n~I,}~~' t~~e ~%:~o~~iiS~%:;~la~d'~':I:~:'t' con:~;~~~ri~~' LOAD UP OM Tn'6"S'6" ,I <;';B'~O\' B'10 '8:a 'R'O' 1i~I'i ,I:I! 'I· n '::; ,J .' In.". . ,c, '1)" 'view's McCrady intercepted' a P:ISS SYPL 1:1: John exlra pOlnl lallod and the "ore I Sepl It IT,\lold Emhall, Sar was 713 LU favor of PlamvlCw I gent, fmed $10 and $4 costs fp,r, g Wayne .. mgJls.p.O.O.'d.,.n. m... '.'. 1;, . by 40 Reed, O1Ph.. lI1. ,30. nl. P.b.. ,. :from the came, ,PlamvIew back, seven,n.,ov after zone, Complaint a pass from Meyer .to Olds.'~Q;\1ereq , .'*¢p,~,- 1'3: DavJn Cl~Yto'n, ,McLpa,01 ' 20 'yarrl5~ Tht! BennIs ihen:,lwggedlf,.ncd $)0' and '$4 costs, il11Pto.per ! d0v.: n ,on ,the,:"Plrate's se\f e. n. a,nd 'tum, Complaint by E, L, Hailey, Plamvlew toof over on dowm, IlClty police" I , I r.I.~ht un.able to Imo.ve"lho,.p<raIU" kioked to the,bevir, 35 and Wayne put ~cgethcr lanothc,r seorinc: drivo, Movmg dowq- the, field, Meyer and , ' and the score r~intltes. I EAS EL MONTE SWEET I 1 303 Can 15 ' 1 1 Reg'$ .. t·ere d t('~:l~~~~~;~t T'.~' Co" (J~JlCSPi.(', Wayne, In- 25 .. i' 6. $1 00 (~EEF, TUI}K Y, "":-;1 1'1 I 'I I,,' HlC.~EN)I' 4ft!. En hi 'lIe ~c :! ' -----'e-,.-"..'----f-----I ATSliP' EL MONTE - . : ...', " 1 ' 1 14-0£.- BolUes - I . II 1 E.D STAR YEAST I •• :the Batter·Way yeast.. , no kneading· no shaping of dough • just mix like a cake bailer! Get FREE Batter-Way roci.pes here I:A~lIl1J~ PUM-I» ACTION SHOTGUN IN 12, 16, ~O GAUGE AND 12 GAUGE MAGNUM· M9DEl 87iO -' ChDrhbf.red for , 2 3,'_inch shells. lightweight an.d f~~:a~~::~g~oR:;;~d~ ann~'id~ pe.ndable throY9hout. ~ '. MS"".. i tit .,1 1 rS£~~ I~r(hotr. h MOOE~ 870 MAG,NUM 'r.'I.·.1 TV 'D£j I 'jl I ' , I: . , ' 'B·IR:I. -J""'·.. "ii,'-.-. 'I PRIC 0TS 'C 2fYz Can < I" ! ", ' ' C I, I ' I I I ' With abotjt tWei left in Rol >rl J, yVaync, the game, ~Vayne kIcked off, TIH' Hans Block~l', Hos~ms, Chev ball was fi~lded Ion the P~rale 15 r\an y Dane: Nlclhan, \Vaync. by Weber, vf'ho displayed ,111". speed I Volk~:, 'agQn I I a1I4.i ru*,~ng taletJl by s~onng. on! , I !.J961 :~t;l '~5;:':' ,~rdl run~ The PAT fallert l Jol n Grc\'q'. 'j-r., Wisner, Che\' '·~nd,:th ' sccre '~~Clod w-q in fa\'or i Da Tell Luedtke. Wisner, Chev '?f ~laipv-ict wtth 'about' 1:40 left,. ,I .958 l~, the ,gam,e,. I : I HI bert. Llbengood. Winside, Merc :,: 'PIa.:lJViewl. kl~k~d ~hor1, and lo\\'. Jo Dorce~', Wayn(f. Cbev pkup r~:¢9~'e ing heliilown kick on the ' '1957 Wa!,;,ei 40, 1'I~ej~~~~~~,~1:n ran Q val Uic~erson, Wayne, Olds I , ELMONTEWHOLEIUNPEELEO Oids again ~'onne('ted for a pass l that took th' D-evils from th(' 35 to the Plai View. 18, Throe moro, i I plays put tijem .on the Plainview 1 seven. Olds then drolled around the 1 " 1962 left end; to Score standing up. TIll''' William Cavocl', Wayne, Ford PAT w~s good 'on the first try. 1 Wayn~ lOll'!' \Vmsldc. Dodge but a Pf'!nal~ fotced a sQcond try Virgll ShUf~~t. Winside. Mercury ~:~ ~~\i~', :";<'"1. Hartington, I l- l;bam. bered fot 3-in~h ~eI1S'~~i11 ~Iso handl.e 2%~inclj: shells. R oil pod. Many exclusive featur . Befor~ you buy you~ew shotgun, be sure to, see the ,Win master" Mod11 870 and .• ~el 870 Ma9~um. I 1034 Main ,) 1 11 i I' "1 .", joined l' Ith otl ers In celebrating tc·· the birt.hday 0 Adolph Jlenlichkc r ";c t1' thrcl'·Wt' 'k ! I':"_"'i't__.&._+-~_-+_,S&turda:,yc\'onl ~cpt. 21: Junior choir ' l'{ln\l'n\lor~ 11(,1 Suuth Satuj"Ll~IJ. se'PLJ2:.!' Senior conL y\ S'~I.llqla .... Alll~lldJlll.': [r!JIIl lnm,atlOn:1 '.J il,m; .JunlOr MissionW.. k 'fldd \\~'r,! ,\~llJkr. 1I1'y, ~ P 111/. !\II' undo Mr~. A, tire" sorenson,' SUJI(Jay. SppL 2 : Sunday school Lo.l n Cony ntion . 1)1 '''''' L "wn ,and \\ s , Fnday, p.m. Auxil'4", [at SI(JUX I . t J \Ul'tIliUl I I ''''J''''', ., CIIIII'I",)Sd",an"n. Mr and:" ,15 an,. "",I;lp Mn; 'WPJdOll SIIH\L1rlPIl, Mrs 1 _ ~lrs. M:llgn'( Cisn '}., Mr. allll MnL r:u. ~,!ml "rn' S"an.<O/l, "" a"d 1Ial . (ll(! FISdH.'1' .\lr. amI l\lrs. IJIJ.: ~II1I' Bokl'IllIHlI', , j ~r('J..:atl{jn·1. IAlI!lI'l" an dlllr('h 11 j'()OPI'r;J!I,(' sup· pel Sunday l+d ,( V('1l11 III Illt. dllll'('h ,a.lll, ~ Ila, <'n.wnl ~ SlInda~r sehool. Til t I VII~CI W k to- I a e~le J11l1<d'l~t :w~ ~unday 'S~'I)1 ~rs ·Ch~rc·h ~'ta!soo ~('pt. 7 Sd d 193'1: i 2r ~:' Boys sa!urd,n,' .)', -(. Stl ~ ~:~e~~orHoy rl~ ---: Wrigh~: ~)maha, werc, Sunday dinner guests the Arlhur l\lallum home. They ~II I l , iI • • ~4__' ~ 't, l"'.l,\\"ll'~' ,I', "1 ~~ , 1 i ~ NEW ~:arm Bllr!au you~ ! .' g~ ." N~~ ~3 HI~h ~,pl;k ,::.' r~ur~day r . : • ablll!;res re(op tWI) [llmosl' 1:, 11('\ Tuwn & ('"unr.\"!ll!H'!.\-IH'tipllric<.'. II I T I ~~~~:'I'lr;.~:r~'llh:t:~ ~i;;:' l~ri('~\~~it~ J Tll\~n & ('0 Illltrv Nf'w I"Ir('slolwBuill Trl'[l(!IH. with til<' high ljl131i!v trr ad and the J ~. H~ndicap .!..., ,,' L BreSSler.s~. ,'nd,M,". lIarry Sc'hul" Wayn". ,--. ERe ANT. iV' pne Low'Prl¢e-Tubeless or ~' ----.'"~H' 0"1 In .. sc~.oenfeldt Kenhe~y, ~lunday afl('rno~11 1 ~ ~ ,01 8 0 '8 l~; and 2, 585, .. ,Glen, O~aha, Lc~rnan 1 d Gr~ggs, I E~.all te~ ~'f ~~c~str0l!\l' w.:,~ne. ·~'~eifi.Ickson I I (F ! , I F d H' B ormer re I : ' m!les eas~ and one of I mil"s west mile IT ' i ,I :Wayne. r I Hog House; I,b 1 small machine 0nl 'l t 'b ,and g,anary; I ~h~ d'; I cattle sheld ~' I I ' Jto farm is being sold I i If yo I i 177 I' .h o,US;T; ~ I under, cUltivotio, I, i... I I r I· .'.. , 'd 5 ,inS' e 'd InSI e, B tqte N k I an I k' ebras a t ] I I March ~red 1I 1963 ft. ~:~~;p,M~'in:~eda~~sAlf~f,~Vi~re~a~I~~', I NOWr! 100 \ The he er. C. r. Mrs. Paul Fred, Dener, D rroll abde spent several days Mrs. Lowell Swis· er adoka S ' st wee in Spencer, Ia., at the spent last We nesd y to S'un: 1'1 oss an home. . ct~y .in the VernE! Fjs her home r. a d I Mrs. Oscar Becker, ,v.nd visit"d other IEstat~. I 1 .! .' W109. . Wes t 2 I 1 I , 'I I ~,ne, i. I r~atl\' (E.M~· a~~nd:I~~s.. ~lmer i Ili~:£;~~,~~reH;~~,lelor ~:ts ~ft~; I 'yvonne a.nd Mrs. t d St. ,,::;1 a~n~~~~~ l~*t \j.:eek \ isiting~;rg~f:; a[ niece so;:~~~~ Mrs. Lee Senderhoff and cl:jPdr'Bp, Lo~ An· i geles, George \[ollers nd Mr~. ' : Anna 'ielson. Laurel, spent Sattir, day enning at Art Doe chers. I Marda i Cot:: .sP~l.It lh weekepd II N'eb aska I I. Felt and ~ Andrews, g I ' I LllJ:::lrllLi1l,"u.~,u.;,I"od!.";"'i,i'd,li""'·';I"I'IH'iil"'ii",.iil':I".I" •. ,,.:,..1,.. :"",.,1", 'A" i,i,': .'}'fili,,', ,1+,: •. h,.'.,:..!..• 1.: i II s. • Mr. and' ;,\[rs. G'!~n Lundahl and I sons were Sunci;ay ~inne guests at i Mrs, I ' ~i i' Mr. J. J O'Conner, Sioux City, an Lor tta Kjer went to Baker, ~r., ~w e~e Larry Baker is sta:; eed'B~~~yar~:~;~:~d~~:;aa.:: ,~n the Loran Meskes., Pullman, ,or, I .....f'.,., , - " ~'I _b Jnd 80~Y 'LotIO.N i PL'IJ,STAX , < ' 'II_::::t::::::::::,;P' bea~ty event women wait fo!' every ye f, to11ltdck . 6ave save! I .,. ... I It's tbe p tal·pink lotion WIlh the Uheart" of lanolin to lore and re,tore mois'ure 10 dry, el, ppc,d ,',on, Up and 8~lon, +ve r PS400I6 .. oz sIze t FE B!R PHARM!AC "55 . ears 0 f Re r18 bl e Prescrlphon . . ToRe Istered Pharmacists to 5e..,.. ervlce" l 10iU , j I 'j I .K p 1astlc squeeze b oUIc .. on120' y • .., 216 Main MAC •• , I'VE GOT THREE ACES TOO!" ~ 'Iii;'; S UODY'S! CHEA!TING! DON'T CHEAT yO SELF w~en it comes to your health. Don't diog oS,e own Let you. Doct0f;'o this. Early dlagn~s,.ng. can. aid in ~reventin . serious ond costly IrI/UrlOUS effects In mony iseases. Then have y,*,r prescriptions filled by ~ur pharmacists at tl1e SAY - MOR DRUG, INC, you~ iII~. , I Reg, 79c Fiter91ass InsulatiDn / Sweati Stops . 9 . PIPES 49ct and . . daughJter. AinS.l-vor,th_ 'iI'hey al· I j large 8I' oz. 2.00 size "HOLD IT me, , , , . . ~ldents of Legion Aux· i1~a' y ~I Ilmeet on 1;uesday eve· run ;.v' Mrs. OlivelLam~ ,I M . an Mrs. Jahde were at Art re oehl~S Pender, Sunday, for a Ij '0 visited horShad gr~'dmolher. Mrs, Carrie Lamb, Rest Lodge, ! Brune re intetested sbe' ,I' °,l.OUX I e;,o enson and !ldren join· M . an Mrs. Ker:{IlIt FloPine, and P~m and Mr, and Mrs. and F1loriI;'e and; family were s Su day m the Arthur Flor- I'D., iE. T,' wall-n. em~ndei Exe,.c tor~.',I,r ~ , B. B. B, orn·"n0 t A~,tor I~ HI' tend Mrs. Otto N~lson's birthday party. i: Mr. and Mrs. Al*tin ing. Dav· jd and Richard, a~FI Mr.: and :Mrs, : E,nes[ winegard!\1" Joellen and RI~hard ~pent SU~Eay ~vening. at I tht' Lloyd ChriSlel}l~n,. City. I Guests in the Ms. 've Lamb home last Wednes ay to iSaturday were Mr, and Mrs Nell' Johnson I I and I I ' settle the I I . Ind an. lis, Ind" wore goosts : the e al o~ ... M s:..E Muh~, Mrs, WIlliam Hill nd I C'hlld en, Mrs. Merlin Wilson nd ~ons. Mrs. Curtis Maus and :lU hjter, s.tanton and Mrs. ~Allen I'U y a.n sons, Allen, were Sat- i I'd dl ner guests at Andrew' 0 lIn the afternoon Mrs, ~;~: :;dwa~:~::l~ ~;i1!;S;0 I:;: Id, I. I chicke ' , ,l M". .! I' I J cr ' ,I I Possession can bt givcli.n,"I: I , 'I s and bath II , I acres, n o,lfolfo;40 acres Ipost,' e; buildings and lots. i ! This I I 1.1 ' ~oubl,e I I . I . 9ran~ry; : 18 i(' : , t o n H Imberg. Ejlme,. Florines ,rehlrne home ~edne$day and Ho be,.· .".mp.nled I them to Sioux Ci~ to visit her ! ' daughter and fa'!1ily, the Lloyd ~ ! ':hristiansons. MIl'S. Christenson, mil'es outh ,and 0 r I' Mrs.. Holmberg and Mrs. Tom I , ' . '. I I I ' ',', 1,M:F~~rs:.:::E~rv~ln:::B:ot:lc:e~r::. ¥nd::E~.d;:th;'::;:::;;:;:::;::::::~;:::::::;:::;::::::::=::¥:~t5~'~ Androw Soron, _on ':; nad0 d'M", inner Sunday at the AI· er B ckman hortte, Carter cll!Jdre spent Su~day €venmg m L.a e~ la In the aft~.rnoon they tbe Be Frcdrickqon ho e. I lsi *d a the Theodore Sorenson 'Mr. and Mrs. !Arthu Florine i an~ Mrs. Efd Grant homes, Blair. ,<lnd r. and Mrt Eln'ler Flor. I Mr. Th mas Nye and daughter, I day i~e, Rd nn-er d Wing. Mittn., were Toe" guest* of ""rs. An. ! I -;0 M~, waYne,~' t' I 3 ~ I. ~ wo story Ir ronie house with 7 I Larg,~ Bor~; une Urm north,l of :,' Winsid.e; I i Im~rovements:.' r F"') • II , foU1 l' ' HAND AND BODY "--:'1 AI1', OTION r;. "'SlI Ihe Ho,bld O,tergleo llomC'. , : ~lr. a d !'III'S, Marvin Fell aorl , I I' ]) " ~~ IV' F L E ERJ: ' rT01i.rER F ,.~E ~ YV j " ' : l?lvv I I 1.1" 235 ACRE: AYNE COUNT FA M EXCELIII:INT . I' nd MJs , guests at the home of' furs. Aida Dilts. and Mrs, Billy .H nsen and family were Sunday dm er guesls at Henry Muelle,rs. Erne son. , Mr. _a,ndand Mrs, EldorPaul Hen r.cnschkC, chke ~nd I Mr. Mrs. families, Mr, and !\'Irs, I' Rudo ph I Hanjmer, Mr. and' Mrs: OHo Fre· .1 h~.,; Of: E~nost j ', A R.,'M F, )), H~m~e:n we~ a~hurs~sJy ~:po ~r wel'(~ enstrand Sunday u s~s 0I Mr. and Mrs',Clin.' ,,,"erson, Sunday. In the Gon y attended open house r qgda jLarson's golden wedng an spent the eVi~niflg with 1's.. J::.ul ~t qn n • .1 £SERif. 'k .;' '", .1 J ~rs. I nee S,a.,Ie . Delln Meyer, MI', and rs. bert L. Nelson, Mr. andjlMrs. Ed t<'rusemark and famil es and Julius Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hen chkeflill'Tl"d family w~e Wednesday evenIng! visitors a Ervin Bottgers!. Mr. and ~1rs,. Flo d Johnson werefhUrSdliY evemng ests. Mr. and Mrs, Marvin eier ~nd D bb·c d M d M R h lIlt~ ~vo Rartels, Mr, and n I 11 ~ 72' ,~~d M'" Mrs. Billy Hansen, Mr, ~ vernl - liorn~roy -- -- ---~ )]tL I Annua1 ',' ~im M", Arnold B,udigam J~ n~on Mr. And 1\1rs. Leonard: Dersch. L u ,I ,n"try 1 t' .• ' 1 H~;:r:~~~:mpe~ George, Eic among, hoff apdother rel~tiv:S Hen': 10/,Mrs. Had..'. Sund,,.Haglu "veJlng. ' afternoon Jim chkc were Katherine, d, Oal· '.~.:C ~v a's: on In of the Norman McCaw, helping Ado ph He~lschke celebrate ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ., a~ ng?, I~., and ~r?, Mable Mc· I hi" birthda . HEglun , .Atlantic, G., were a\\, DIX Ii, ~ere .vls1tors. Phonel 99 Wayne I 1. ' Thursda dinner guest of Cora 1\1 + Ch 1St me FIscher and Mrs. I r \ I E Mr. and 1'5. ljieorge EIckhoff, Haglund They are guests of Cole Iga' Bjo kL'und were Sunday din_._~ I _~_~~~I-c_~ke, Mr. and Mrs. Haglund. , r uesl~ 9f M,rs, Gust Hanson. j----r-----"'--.:.:.:.:.:.::::~:::.::::F::::::::::::::::::::::::;.=:...:+=:::::j:::=:;Mr. an Mrs. 'Walter l Johnson 1\1 s. E, J~ ErIckson, Shady Rest PI.an to lcave On\aha ~'ednesday od ~.' was.' with the Elmer Felts , lor Harl ord. Conn:, for ~ 'month's I(mer Sunday, I 1 l v~sitors'at I , ~. F.~ ~ (,h~' I octo~er t IlI.vin Fuscl1Cr!, 228 Bl1.1 (;flggs and Dougla5l1 ' it I and Mrs, Fred 'ere Sun· _._.~I 1 I day dlUncr guests of Mr ,Geneva ,Mr. ,and Mrs. George I Jensen , • , wer~ Sunda supp~r 'guests d~ Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Qon Peters, Mrs, Mr SSIIe" t>aVI,4~oh, ';~ayne, Tube l1y'e and, Mrs, 'reeman Lubberstedt, l{asll'up, MI.. . and.M.rs. Dick r. .'s, Denms Wayne. I DlOn, \Va:- Ill', attrnded Ihe v.edding ~ d '. no M:s. Preston Turner ' S a t u r d a y evcninj?: 1\11' and Mrs of Joan \'e:;ter and Domvan Koeh- \ ere S n a,Y dmner guests of L. I:I'L' Mrs. • N. ~ brid'sori· l ;~~ ~"~~'inlti",M~lo~ l~ ~t Ir °i ~ r 'j ,.. , The Loun e ~ind t e snow ~1· '.~, ._~" ~~04.5 ~l::,':l',.!i~:~:(l\\\~(:f~~~:;'I~ll&i~~H~~t;~ t i D '( , 'I h " ~~~::s, M,. an1,r", Ma,vln Mo,ten, s lI(mR~tcr lr. 1.'" L,'c' SIIl\lffl"'. Lin,l, ! Higl1 scar s: Cl mlents F(1 rt i1 iz CI'.1 Longe and chlldren, Mr.: and Mrs, 'lllat~'ril~ls I: 5 and wlthn r Ca~ol ~\nn ~~,~.rt~~~:~.'~I:(~1 Sl~~:l;~r~~~tts(;J~r~~r~ ~S1: ~Iatl~~.:Ii·, ~~~~;~: ~~th~~~ ~~b;ue;t~nk:~beR.a:~er;fr:n:~~~ ~':~~~~ h~~:~; w~~: ;':~d::d 5 b1~'~"Cb'1a' ~ Irn~'lemer,t~' I I I ',1 Twin Cyli derg'.,.. ,. ~an~(' f1\~:~<;: .. ~~,l:nw\\'t~\~dl;t 3 ',~SChfoe:~1,' '~e , S i z e 6.70.15 , 8lACKWAllS Plu~llax and 'I : \\'e~k I~I·/·Ollo"t. II w, lUI', : nd MNl!. on " 010 " wllr'o she ,hOI ed . I dm~ p~ft ~~~s b~lJi~~~r::5cr:i:ithoer~ 'b ' e~cl·t1~Di'~; DO~I' )ro : ' Is the • TTU)!ne,. ~URS I d IDly Dnd ,Art!A a Dod fol' 1('1' t sold Sept 2II anti TI mothy ItI 'oon An"! M lcs" . •nd M. \r , nn and' 'I, W"tet",rv n, re Mr~ M~. and Mr, .nd MIS, and f!lmlly spent Y I ~he Rev. Donald Rob· I r 'lAkron, la. 7 0 I . 8 Art h u r Ooeschers -"Hernoon Mrs,. Walter Haglund s('orJs: 094.' gUl!sts were Mr and Mrs. Rob· i c tE: ft dmner Sunday for t",llrr''s 1044." JI 'k', ert Kennedy, Stacia It n: Haglundsl lwelfth an· 247 a d 61 , 'I ate i and Mrs. \f.I.u ren' Nor. mve, :' I I ,J. folk.. ; : Gll st~ ~dnesday ev~ning for Ni e ,W L anti!. supper I pp ,10 111 e !I1 r s. EmIl Miller ~I mcer., .:7 :1 guests of 1\.'lrl" ClirisLmt' Rlsscll m, ~.~,er I Mr. and Mrs. Earl ' . ert.'. 5 ,21'2 \\Cl'e i\trs, Anna Clot:!<er and Mrs.' r and, Mont., Mrs. Chris· V tl e IS III M d t et 5 3 1 (' tor Clocker. Slanton, Mrs. s;.l. r. an Mrs. Elon P .,5 .! 3 \harles G i 1J b Mrs. ,fj.wren-ce 11 ! an '1l,usan and Olga Bjork· Icc' 5, 3 Walmsley and Mrs, Voecks, ' , j , : Herlls Hd <'les .. .;... 4 '31 l.Norfolk. .: Faces Hypse returned 'I henclr 4 4 1.1\11'. and Mrs Earl ea r Wood. fr m Spencer, la" where Tom r Il'-llld \lml h b ' h &1 e sent the past week at th J I . eo 4 4 I .. , ." a\'e cell u.cst'S.' l e , e 44 ! "l'll PISI week 01 l\lrs. Chntme H.is·I M m H sehome, ' :1Carpenter Clements s ertH ze~' 44 Mrs. Grover Carr; and 2 ?4 4 2 ~'lvpl : , al"~l Mr~I'':' 1 Mr. and Mrs. ArVid !Peterson u ! and MI s Ofeha ¥agnlt$on, Con. B Pt?w~crbS I"" ,I ,2 ' I cord, Were S\"IndaV VISItors of. ADS ~ J- ~ :1, fta~ n~I'grh'bors, "~' I:Y 5:J M~rkeL Afplied on sound t ro bodies or 1011 own. lires I ns. Amorican "ogil", Quahty Eg I TIR lebr4t~d ! ~:I~~~~~~ i~:':Y V~~.jtors Pi ~,.. H ~ t t • McNut~· rfll".'1",d S.III Iny m~ llnc'a[1or spondlnk • SlIn· ..or.~ , N b u r , wa. ;ho~ ra~ othY'r,ilson l\1rs 'I See BYTh" I e eraId' ,- al ern on in the George G'm home. l<'turnC't! to Omaha but lcft lhe lrs An~a Stalling' birthd clllidref!l, Mitchell and Maycille w s c on TueSd Lynelle were Sunday \\lth th!' .grandparents while they flO n . y HerS :YranDdseorn Roy Habrocks. g. It" d I 01"> Mr. and Mrs, Au USI a,' spon't nove o.vran .sJanel. an wi e, 1': and Mrs. Wendel LI', DennIs Mallum r t d T b Sunday evening at Dan d e urne ues· c ~o tl. B l' e, Idaho, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Walter olphs. Burhoop from fF,ormosa: for a month's da I 'ith h " Other Irelatives and were Sunday supper uests at a.ve b e ore ~Olng to Idaho frien 'ea e' It the clolening for:further service. f ' III . and Sbh. i\'lri\1r f)eJbpl't ,[\'olte and he e r.eckloth were Satllrda!' d,'noer - . an{ J" "S 1eQry Nolle, Wayne, bi lh , . i Ilelp~d Ml's. I'aulinl' Bargp ~%ady I o •. d y F,'t"I ay. Mrs, Fredrick· guests at Robert Hansenst R('st ccJebralP hl'~ birlh-I v,s blrthray ,was remembered Mr.famUy, and Mrs. Jack S~hrOeder • ,lors:on Thllrsday alternoon. 'nd Norfolk, and ' Im~lc~ent ('n~~{~aIBtO"k"I'DI f~1nilY,I' II In Wakepel~ arfl. mee~Inf!S, j \~ ,roh:l.~(ln, ~, a~ ~agee 5'~ ngade, 8 pim. 3 ' 1 I' III.l 3 1 I Ch.Jtislian Crutch Fredri~kso 's Service l' :) Sll,llday, :!!l' (MPl'lJjl pastor) Bank 11 3 ( P tlllOI1 hOllr', .J <l III . \\urshl\l "'.. vRng(·llsll Monday W.kfd: Llq, }<"' 'rt. 1 I 3 r(,:c!I~tl'al.ion, lor t11l'{lUg! Fr 7 30 " High score' Wakefield F r ' "'l'\'. _','_'1'10,s~"'''ic'''l' I l<ay, :', p·~m. . ,. 'u,.nl· , Surlday. S,lpl. ,23: Sur-day school, ture. 882 an 21499; Ernest SW.lft. 'f C 248 Salem Lutheran Church (,vl'n~·glll.; Ij~1l'nm8g wo~ship, 10:551 and 606. i I 1_~~ servJlc(', p.r1· T, uesday Nit I Handiup W :L "fBolwrt pnslm'), : : Carr's 8,.U the hweek . ' Erwin serl,icCj t' l'll l Sl'nlor cholr, pCI' SnP"kn 7 1 '1 lam' 0 .mper orne, Lund's Barbdr Shop 6 2 f j 1 Coca Cola! I 5 3 II Shcrrv's c'I" , , Iqc, 9' "0 i)I:~~rsday, r I j' 'UlI. sr r Il. h ur'C"es ~v. Saturday. ~dlool. !:l::10 ~n Mr~ a~ld '1~larket I EV8n~elical. . 'bv I rf' toTed Tarnow] spent Mrs Gem'vici ~her motber'tMrs Tuesday Geo.ge LaDs, Wisner I ' Mr. W e R g a d MIl'S, Mr. and George Jul,lIn Mr Gear e 13uskirk visi l ed Mable /lnd Mrs Don uhlm' nnd Mar>' Ka; Bard, Monday. Ie/lllcd 10 the I ,Ii r I' y McMillan M~s John Bresdtcr a d rt~rs home last Thur day aItt'1 noon Mrs Dar~el Puckett and ~hiJ ren \+Is Les Cromn, 0 aha, arm ed lasl nedtat Mrs C Wj MfG*lres last Friday lo care or hel unl:h',lI,lIry wee l\1tMJilan !\It Iy Ann Wllllmc( M s. C. W Me UI+ Mrs F I { III I n g Mrs I'aui Grorge Buskirk. ~r andJMrs W I'lellllng and MIl'S LOl~ L.uld spt'nl C ijmg and Mr land rs John I last Sundu) \\ll)l Ml' ,Ind MIs !'Ill I nre~sler attended the gol cn wed Millan MI an I MiS lIaloJd Juh open house of Mr od Mrs lin vIsited Mt'M!llIans lalt'l lhat af I Ed~.adLarson at St. Paul' church ternoon WafDC, Sunday afternoon 'JanEtt BanlstJ,., who teaches In Mr and Mrs Georg Bruns, Mmden, spenl ~hc weekend with Mrs Mable Clmkenbea dan d her parents, and MI s. Cllllk He~ry.Korth attended the birthday Banister. Mr, nd Mn: Eugene gatttermg Thursday for Mrs. Em· Anderson. Vic y, Kuthy, Slur Icy mal Brun6, ~ee":,er., M~s: . A'lna lind Tercsa werel dinn<'1" guests Sun· tMheo~BnerYun' sCb~ohmloer.nta, IS v~,sltlng at day in the Ban1~ler home M VI Mr. and Mrs. August $:01 wero ing ,pend'i dmner guests Larry home. , I . , wuuson, were Wendell 'Korth nd·"rs. Bill Carls.ons I S.unday din. I Wilbur Utecht were hos es-se;~ at ner guests m l~e nlrdl(~ MitChl'lI] h(lme" o N r f0 lk • I '" Ft. Jaul aid Thursday. I Mrs MHrs. JOhnUIGreve and rs, Billy I .M ...·l and t · °1 ick Thompson, , anseD w serve, I ~lOCO n. re urne9 ast Saturday, af- ; lph and ----~- "'"- ._. f\'fr. and Mrs, Dan D,r - With f'\ li;l.~('lill'1I1 l I worSlllp'l. 11; can· base· 1dmner, churdh I ./(, lIlSUI1, AUg~t \'em Flr't Lutheran hurch (( dlyl Ity HJlchc), pas or) Mis Stamm, Han!OIPh Thul suay Slept 20 chollr, 8 p m I 1 1\11' and :\11's Georg? J nsen en M Thomas Johnson j ven Sol.llLd«y S 'pt Sunday school, I I tertaJEled MI and MIS III Drls· Stu rt III d , Albion, spent " 1) <l HI UI SlfP' 10 30 I ItOU Mr and Mrs qoyd Sacker &un ay Ith 1'5. Otto Nelsf;lO. _ 1 1 Woman's wedl W L I Ison, ~all Bel nal dmo CalIf and rs, Ime Nelson and Mrs. St Pa li's L theran et:hurch Fullerton's 9 I Mr :\lIs Alfred Mewl al sup· 1: II A denon returned from a III ld :iol(lndll,\, ,11 !'n'slnll'nan, (( at~vll Hit hey. pastor) RexaU Drug Ii ~ per l"flday tn to he ..yest C,olllt. Whil. In ("] 1I1'l'!l \\Illi 11\1: Hlllh' I S t p t Quality Egg it 2 Mr. Lawrence praf. S4 ram nto Ivisitlng the Oscar ('1(']1' st'l\"ll1!..: t;;ill' 01 ... d~(I·Ji (('aJ~Prsm(,l'ting,BP,m, TNT Motel " 4 2 fls, M (. rv I Childers and M gees II lCnic was held for \, ('aIJ()J1 [.t'lll'll ('01l11l11IlE'I' III ~Llndlly,1 ep! 2:1: Wor~IJlp ~erV'11 .Farmer.s LJ1i n 4 2 their gue rand Mt§ Ar. forme:~ WakrfuJld residpnts, Mr. ("I ar~t' \\('1'(' ~.llrla~1I ('UI', !':dla Col 11('('. !l a ml.l, Sunday school. lJO:15 Waldbaum's ,..', 4 2 thur Childers, Mountain View, an "f\! s. R'rihA,fd Anderson and 111.";, 1"lon'lld' UJrll'hutl illH.l Anll a til I, I Gamble's 4 2 Calif, spent Saturday evening fa II I Mr ,1 Mrs. Dorsey 11 I' uq'man i - I I . !Hue Bunny 4 2With Mrs. Edna Childers, Belden. H Ine Em~1 Bjorklund, Mr. and Covenantj!Church 'Busby Eleva or 3:-1 Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. M scal'I and family E5. EntertaIn!> ,. (f'n'~ J.8nsson, pa~tor) Helen's Shop c 3 3' James Yale, Kansas CIty/I' Mr. I a . an~Mrs. Howard Guest. II~lI~sd~lr, Sept. 20: lI:oung Pea. ~harpics 3 3'. Olnd Mrs. Walter Yale, Sioux I 1\1 Gus ~fson Jeft Montlay for CuJtkn. Hot' ('h,~pkr ur the Ea:.t ('111 SIal' t'nf('rlal'I1('d Ull' P('ndt'r pIps SOl:l(·t~, 8 p.Nl. 11 Herb's Hone 8 1 51 Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Frlal( Gra· llorrah I and ~pent the D1g~t with ;,1(1 Allt'l1 clpaJll\'r~ <11 tl'lelr la~t Salurday,! Sept. 22: C~nfihnation Cash Store I ham and Ellen, Cole ....d e and Lt Co We ¢s and famllYI. Tues· I l'1'L11l~. Fjfl~\-"'IX, \\('1'(' lIn'sent ! (la,s\'. :J ,a [~~. "I' Wkfd, Grain Lbr, 1 Mrs Clara La~~ and Ms. Lula 1(1£1. h left bY plane for Hunts· _,_.___ , Sllnd<l). ~(pt 2~, Sunpay school, Sorensen's'f, cking 1 Graffls, Wakefi8ld. 1\ il e la, f a week's VISit With III <lolll ; 11ldrnlllg worsh:'1p, 11; eve· Thomsen Hd 1': U 6 l\IJ Ilml l\1r< Arthur cOllders,llll A liB!' anz family, Mr and ,'ling """"'1, " p " , \ , . High scores: lfllll"rton" 9:J3 abd Mn nla", \,,," I ahf I" I Sunday M, M spent Tburs St. John's Lutheran .M,uHla y, 24:,Pi9neer Girls, 2,631; Betty resSler, 50'6 Vera aflelnopn fOJ thcII llOllq aflerld<l e mil I WIth the MaurIce Mls'soun Sjt10d ;~~ut,~n. ~I 2~ I' C Jensen, ~pendl~;,g sC\leral days III the Law I~ll tailons I observe hiS birth· (Sallllldl :\kskl', pastot') C'()Upl~/'~' r .m<:P 0:>: ovenant Scratch Leag : ~ •.~'nc.e lr.affls hOlne ~nd \\.Il,h Mr? a, 1 Thursdu'. S,"'I't. ~IJ '.I,""s c'lub, j W akefield F niture lc:dna Wesley P 111 ,J," W(!dn<'sda ,Sept. W:(cliffe ' Mr. Childers, und Mrs,Beld~n, Rpbcrt Mallum, an II', I',.nd Mrs, Wausa, wereAnderson Sunday ,"f)f BiUy Hansen and edncsda)' l!venilllo: The Marvl" \elo,', visited day vcning t the c Th Ge hom',Buskirk Wayne, has -' r I'and. • Mrs. us~mll.rk Curl Mrs, an e .mlly allen4e Ihe moved hou,e on larm It w,lI ob anee of Willi. IDIbe K birthday semar.k. be Intoh r akeflcld la I oDday eveDlD 11,01 lllIlg PH'll1 I' I t)~'.orlt. ,.Jelll-nlt'I'S and altt' Itkd ' ,erving Wl'n' I\lr~,nliorsHalph,! l'vlr!i Kermll j\'II:,~. Dal' AlId<'I"SOll, /llld ~I_I_ ~_. lIullt'rt EMilI!. p 0 Dinner Held t('il~Sl'lllblt! lor l'EU .... as I RU~~.i~IC.'Circle, study 'cpt. 20,: SundllY. S.p' 23: L<.at.lJ~' (~f S,il~.tll L IUll'r Thllrbd.af·" )IDrvi~ udlllnms. CDrroll visitors 01 h. G(.'OrgQ Eickho ~I " ,~ "n,~ lour', . 19Uand l l, I tin 0 I, Mrs. El'vin Boltgel' and Edith were Sundll)' a(ternoon visitors at n ' :.J;' . 'vISitors at Hob 'ft, Thomsen!. !'I1.rs.Mr'l. oSlA.t.'1. IlI".,rl'uspisii. home, B. i):, "1 luI er l ...",. Su"pe, II. DoD Tho i B wore Thunday ;Meiera. ! M.r. DDd Mrs p,mlly were, \ unitedl P Eisby erian Church (.lui" l"""nm, paslor) I g. Cigafelfes 'SILlcoINE II! , Cln. ~eg. $2 19 1; Cln. Ki ~ Size $22~ , I IRONING BOARD . , II I '1 i : I: ,I ~ . ' he Wayne .lCNtibr.l llerold) T~u"day, .,~epte ber 20,'1962.., Hnnten an I Dwi ht, Mr, an ~lrs, ,Jensen,...1 omf cid,. Ed Ii' d M: CI r~ 6 ' f'.' W Ch' rch i ~u1i aa~d :~n~ -CO'l::id~e, :,:~~~ !) .. W",c r,'rhursduy i ~f r;.. !IIcr \.l~ . sl~u \ un tbMcr,.t~oot~oelpereSI'~~somwee're' i1y I and· (aol' gUe:;ls. Mr. a :'Ions Eveni , '. i Dnd r d M 'I" I' M d' L' nda dinner uests jn the ay,.e' : I. e s l Shol", ' a r, Jl a,.r m sen, .,.. ~und aupper ~uests in the Ed Mt' , Jo n ,D,lh h M ea· 'I . a eh e ,orne, ere Mr.' 'and Mrs 'Ed' Strat I an Iman hOI e,;;RalldoIpti.._ Gr ve, : and l Mrs.; ~an1ol. ere T'hutsday e e~ing M. and Mrs l~vm Janssen, Fre· er eck iand ra.lllil Y• MI;'. and ':"""'-----..,.I-+-----~-----lgue8 s ·lfr he to Peters orne mo t. were w ek;'end guests in the Deck Karolyn and E iSClopal Church ('flld1en attending ublt(' schoofs, Mr, and l~S~ harlie petcr~.land Chull Smith llot4' Ro cr 8 d Ml("s. Deck. . Wiltse Chapel) 5 Mary's Behoo1, 1 ~0:5 pm, can uaughtcr, lieN: , were last 11'rMay Mr. and Mrs J~mes T~etgen and . es. larence B ~)Dzynski and 811(1<1<1), Sl!~)l 23 Mormnl-: pI ay fl S:-ilUn:-i 1 30·5 30 an 7 30 9 gllc~tS, . I daughters wer Sunday I afternoon wer~ SUd. a y dinner cr, 1030 III Sunday, Sept 2:-1 Low mass, 7 Mr. and Mrs, John Mocr,·1 : ond visitor'$ in the iUred Meyer home, s I the! Don, amter home. I a Ill; low mass anr benediction, Denhis, Wa nc, lwe~re ca-liers Slq the aandolph, " i h~ ~ Fir t Church of Christ J llllor <'hOII', 8; high mass, semor, MaoN Stahl 10m( Sunda.y. Mr. and Mr-. Bin ,Broer and ' ! ( (2{ Eust/llh Stre('{) l'IOlr,lG; corporat communion Mr, and irs. Max Stahl~ere daughUers, 510 x;Cily, Iwere S u n · , ., ••• Sunday! St'pt. 23: Bible SdlOOI. uflday for the m?n 'bf t1}~ parish; last I Monda s}per guests i 'the (,iay' afternoon vi~ilors in the Walt St Pau '" Ev. Lu eran C~urch. 10 u:m.; '0Il1111ulllon 11l1d morning '<'wman ~Iub l'(,glOn~1 PIClllC, CO,I l'~rl J,cns n DIne :and vewed 'tietgen home., j I! Iu(H · yM,' S,!!iplPt,e ·2.,pa ,IO r ') r c h Cb U sC'rVICe, I~ I \mbus. j" !>lld~! PlUtu cs hey hlad taken. on Mr. and Mr~. Albert Pondevigne is rd '" WI't1ne'S{ ny. SI'P~ 2U Blhll' study Monday, Sf'pt. 24: .)blri.hUtiOn of theIr trip t lh~ World's Faitl.• Se- visited in thel C; s. Hansen and sc .101. fp.m.; S un,d a y SChO.01 <lnd pray 'I" mel'1mg, 8 p.lll. loly t'ommunion, c13pel, 7 a,m.;.iattle, ,:1 hl Kalin ho~esi Coleridge, Wed- Bi e te$chets mec ing, 8 p,lll, B ?ss, chap<-:l, 8;~. 't' . . Mrs., Em na andherg and ~,wan nesday to Frl ay, nda~r Sept, 23: Sunday schoOl, Immp uel Lutheran Church i rw..'.sduy, Sept. 25: )lsll'lbutlOn of \vere Bund y dnner guest:; iln1the Mr. and l\fr. Wayne Johnson, 9:3. a.m~; worship !erVice, 10:20. , lsso,uri SynO'd i 101y..communlOn, ('ha )PI, G:30 a.m.; :\lux Btahl honle to observe :.' Mrs. Omaha, were dinnel' and supper " I, :" (h., W. (,mk, pastor) ,\ cnlng mass, Churcll7 p.m.; eon- Landberg's bil't lday. gm'sts Saturda in the Martin Mad- Th" phil,s Bv. Ref rmed Church Satunilu, 'SJEoj'('j,ll 2'\: SaL II I' day CSSI?-tlS for Newm,•• n. \ club and .Mr. and .. rs.jk:harIiC petel'.~ and sen home to. v sit Mr. and Mrs, Al. ~,(A. p~ Weage pastor) st'hool, 0:,0·11 :30 ,til. ill, 6-7. daughlPr, llcr ,I!. and Mrs: Ray I bert Pondevlg e, nda ,!.sept, 23: unday school, Sundar, Se ' : Sundar schooL Wednesdat, Sl'pt. 21: Ma~!'i, chap-- - I ---...,~----- 9:'( a.m; worship service, 10:30, 9:30 u nj,; wor~lllp ~:enll:e, J(}:30. pJ, 11:3() a,lh; CYo meeting, 51. Mary's hall, 7'30 p.m i . et~odist ~hurc'h St. Pa I's Lutheran Church --' (Vl tor Irelan, pastor) (H . .:. Schlrlck, pastor) United Presbyter an Church $. 'nda , Sept, 23: unday school, Thur~f' Y. SppL 2()' LeA Synod (Olivcr B. Pro('tt' mmister) 10i .m,; worship se vice, 11. mcptill" ,Fremont: adulL InstrUl'- I Fl'lday, Sept. :n; 1:Mf'n's councll I! By Gladys Reichert ,_ Phone Z 82 lion CI~ssl7::\U p.m, ('Xt'l'utIVt' committcl'; lll,lnSL', 7 a. 1m anu lEv. Rof rmed Church Sund'!y. Sppl 2:1: Churfb school, m. . d b F~ Ht'mcdit's." 'ard prizes went to (Jo n $, Sa"to , pastor) 9 :H.l 3,(11. ;If.llJlL Bihk ('ILs.~, 9::j(]; Sunday, Sf'pt. 23: Christian Edu- Inlure y a .6. nda , "Sr",pt. 23: Worship serMr and Mr . Don Powley and Mrs. Rieharr Car~tens, M\l's. Le ,.. ~J'h'P lU.lII ~a,~~~~ ~,~r:~~~: ~~'~~F'I~~~~::~Jlm Bal,., e'~' to Omaha Sunday Anderson an Mrs. Annn Ander VIC, 9 N'~. .S 0 I gu:1s:.s an r ----'+.... Dla , t'..' " 5 I d 9 ,'(RU~s~,n:.ai~:15(~~~,lJ~}:~tOr) '~~~~~'I"Of~~eder~led~~~I\O~a~~e~,~,ll~~~ ~~rr~~~i~vh( li;~ ;:'Op::~~~~ i~rpt~~~,. ~~h ~hr~~,O~~lt~('rD~,~~ting Thurkday, Srpt. 20: Women's PrcRbytery ~/I~~~:: 2<;rip(:~:~~Y, S l' 9·4~Jn~~(~, BY!' S i\'frs. Eugene l ')'1 S I I er~dse, fall Belden, An-12'~;':lJ~t:~'ay, Sept. \~~ r~:~~~\;({1 1:IS~~~:. in~~~yl~~W~ 26: High school fa1l1 r~llle was working h . , l for a t'lln. tn dian company His e and ('ondition i,' (]'JUral. ' ~-i ' Ppn r. TtlOot 179 met t the 1'i Hall Thurstla' aflt'rnool, Sept. 13. The TPWd the Iil pting with ie the' ou, a;i7 ;:; h II ~~(;r~'i~g' l:~);:hi~~ lOI~;1 ~)(~IITJ(:n's P,~~~iy g~(I)I~I;,('~~'Hr!'al p- Jl1 ('\'('nlng til 7 M'I'VI('t',,' Sept. 20· "Ch\lrc1 quart{Tly pin; chOIr pl'<Ic, ~)lIsill('~~ Sh 0 Ies : llt'sdu he ~'uh'" ~~o~:s48~~~h~~:~:~ fla:..(~' ;~I('f'· nt~~~~ 1-,;"..__ 1w,th til" ""rT".lv'r,'ngmC""ree'I'e. n !...°1 Reueemer Lu'heran Cturch w ~- an d M rs. Joe ' HlD'kle and r Sat;~'d~~"rl~SI~,~~·e~('i P';;I'~~r:nt'l"~.. I~\r:r<,a~~st!'lk~~d~;,~l'~llsl;el)I~,~llg''lt~~~~r\~; JO V;;per Ii I JD~""'"'I·nO,'(I,o,., n u" _ Grace Lut}'leran Chorch .'\li~sOllri Synod (E . .1. Bernthal, pastor) Silturday, Sf'pt. 22: Junior clloir, 1 p,m.: Saturday sC'hool, 1:30; no con.firmatlOll instruction, Sllnday, Sept. Sunday school <lnd Bible classes, cit;\' 3uditorium, 9 a m.; ,worship service, Rev. Paul 2:1: Stl'n~el. ~orfolk, f,~nomtheJastwT",ul,~a'mdaYptuOntSn"ety- '" c!1{Jlr, l-i:4tJ p.m., Ch:lI11't'1 chOir, 7'1:): Luther Lpa:,,:ul', H. --- • . First Methodist Church (WIlliam Sllnmcr, pa~toj') Friday, S cpt ~I 1\1t'lhodl$t I\1<:l(p,~, 7::10 11.111. Sunday, S('P!. ~:l: ('!lurch sC'hool, 9:30 a,m,; morning w 0 r s hip, "There"f; a Light Upon Tho Mouri· lains" 10:45, Wt'( Iens( I a:v, Sl'PL. ~f;: "~ wcsleyan ' , Servin' (;uiJd !lo(lul'k Slipper, 6.;1O , p,m,: . lInlOl' lllgh MYF, 7; Chant't'i eholl". 7-:10. H. C. I'tht' 10, h,IldO,Bndga,Ys' Sp".',Pnl., 24: Duo club, REA bu Wednesday, Sept. 26; A I tar Guild, Ed EC'htenkamp home, 2 p. m,; s('nior thaiI'. 7; Walther . league, WJ1liam Eynons, 803 Nebraska, 8. St.-Mary's Catholic Church (William K1c'fflllan, pastor) Thursday, Sept. 20: 1\1ass, chapel, 8:30 a.m.: DarLy, SI, Mary's hall. September groups of men and ~\'omcn ~~ill supervise the games and serve hml'h, 8:30 p.m. Friday. Sppt. 21: Mass. chapel, 11:30 a.m. Satunllly. Sept. 22: :Mas~, ehurch, 8 a.m.; __ home. Mr. and Mrs. William I Puntney and Edith Burrus took Mrs, Frazer to Sioux City last Saturday evening when she took the bus to her home. I Mr. and Mrs. Warren Janssen !<JT11.I family were Sunda§ cvenmg guests In lhe WJlliam Puntney nome. Diann Folkers and Betll Mathers, Norfolk', were Tnursday evenll1g guests. . Mr. and Nil'S. DeWa'·'ne Granfield , . J <lnd tamlly! were last Sunl,lay cnl· mng guest.<:1 In the Roy Granfield hOlTIe. Ernest Pippett, Ft. Morgan, Colo" was a guest Friday afternoon. 'Mr, and Mrs. Cene Samuelson, Colorado, werc gucsts last Friday evening. . Mr, and Mr~, Daryl Granfield 2nd sons were supperiguests'in the Roy Granfield home Monday, Mrs. Fred Meyer, Randolph, was a guest ~ast SUllday in, the James Tietgen home. I'j\r. and Mrs. Albert Pondevigne, 'Anaheim, Calif.} ca,me last Monday noon to Visit; 1n the Mar tin "Madsen, C. s. Hansen and! Ed ·l<a'Uns 'homes. Mr!. and Mrs. I Kalin and C, S. ~ansen and Dwighl', Coleri!dge an~! the 'Pondevignes we r e ,Tuesday dinner gue'h ;n the Ma,Ho home, A fainily piclnic was held in the American Legion hall, Coleridge, Sunday in l!onpr Df Mr. and Mrs. Alb e'r t Poqdevigne, Anaheim, Calif. other guests were Mr, and Mrs, Vern LarSon, Wayne, Leonard Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Lowe ~nd sons, Mr. and Mrs. Har'Laurel, C. S. I ~.d,eo r('1igim~~ ~nstru:tio_~~_~o~~r~~~ons, 1 "'.OW'S THE TIME TO I,C'lILL cUR'~'~C1'lf ~·IL. AI "H U US"" FOR SUELLY . ... and Save. ;j' 1 YIOU to You'll Prevent Rust Daniage V '~~,-""!.... ~ ,..' ..". 'CD . '.,. . ~j: , ......~ I R..:. tank now can &ave you, time, and money, ~K-12~, dean your ,I i sen, .. ! ....--'_--'....--' II Xr.. I . B;- :::::::r,r~:fant 1 I :. a,li'lg~ln' " i . , i.• l 1 hOn:'d~frldnY. Cards furnlshe'l g&', bkth ay Satu,d.y, M" , ' ~'~~~::;~o~~~\~:~~~!t~~;:::~! 1 N . eigh lneT. ~ ~.3. hirlhda~ were 1 "all , cw.•S' "Gr'rldl;"~'IJOYdRoeber~dl,:f.mI1Y o~ Mr I~ I I l 1MESi., ' i, il RIC I ~ " I rentrs ~' , I' home Friday I evei).ing.. for ., r CJI I"f"IedAd' b F,O R '1' ass' ' , In Mr, a d M"'. rtng Circ1e .etub Thtmi.d.a Y. Adolph Millet., M'r.. and rs non 0;11 :u: .' • I F I ,I I T,· z..:' l fl. . 1, i : " . Place thl! ad ith us •.• at thl! reg Jar rate 0 5c a word and sc, edule, f 1_ I, Atriheend of the tim you are billed for o.nl, 2 insl.ert OhS , •• a savings f.,.anl!;t ird. . I I I wee", I·ust .ca P,' I I , d h" 'f II 'ut ev , ryf'h,'ng the first ~An' . eJi!'s,ins ranee ... I you se e' r' j i" pay 'for GIlly,the inse io., you used. You ca. t b eat that I e est If auk I I ,en and ,f~. Uy:Noriolk, w&,~ Sunday VIsitors,: the Rhy ers 'Mrs..Don Sj~dSCIl.la9._.and evinr .Norfelk, M~. land Mrs. I Dallas I . I" " Don a , .' WRY un 0', .' M" the and w "i A,With tl eth ;,hel spent mllY , Sioux City, Rhymers' Mr. and Mr • Norman c.'h isten. 1 , I were MD. Mrs Charles Bract man an fa iJy . , WS~S ,'. I' ; ih· s nl'Sun in the' HansOn me. 3Y.' afternoon . Mr. and Mlrs. David Sch rtinghaus and fa,lmil~', Omaha, ware Shturday OVlnight guefts n the Wilbur Bens oof' home ff,ek~n~ . E' V,~i ry' Week' fOlk,. I.mndr RgndD.' Hum· phrcy.anI gClesls In the Brock~an ho e Iwere IY,Itr. and' Mrs. E:ugcne GC9tsch, Mr. and Mr~. Otto Sc l\l:t~. l' and Randal,' Hum, phrey, h' i and Mrs. Herman ~;I,:ek~";IO~nd ant ~~~~n~~~a ~~i~~n; yO·U C' I, , H' ere s A B 'I 1Vinsid~ R.f'beka~ lie A'D''. WIAN,IT I ' Anna C r s ten s entertamed first __ b~rthday, eo ,S, Neighb ring Circle Meets +-_~:r;.-- Herman Bo!'f' lmd ]!M Ph~~~:C~~~:I,il'l .¥favne ~~~~~:'a~e~~s~'i;eJ~sS~~ ~::~~esan~nd~~:~fsMr~sdC~: -;;;~ 1=................'_ l\1~s, 4 ~~~~~eV~'h~d~ir~e~~;;~~; e~~ ;g~::'9rh:~:.::::::~~t 'M&SOlL CO. Mr and ,nu I\.'~rs_ A~ders for~£'~s~n cnJ1t*,d SundayMrsIII Wa fieldPH!nJe pa k dmn<>1' to, observe [,ror nson's Hay Hingst, Em' s.on, Sopf'lnt Sunday cH'nmg in th I (' Sl' home. and ~'l:'s, Ed Oftedahl re.. tu ned to t e LeRoy Johnson ho~e fOllojin g a weddIng trip to. gheMr. Black ni ar'fdHills. Mrs.ThUrSday.eveOelbert Jen~ ,..-or. b ' r Fb 1'Irs.• H rmaln Steube was a PrIzes were won by Mrs ii, d P e Skelly·!urnace,oil. with keeps fuelUnes 'open, filters and ipozzles tree of obstructions. Result: heat.; ing system works at top efficienct, gives more heat lor less money. : lis. ' Mrs. H.ia1m1r Lund, Mrs. Ernest AlHlb'son andl Mrs. Lylo Johanson l['ndl(~allghtc.'rs hclP£'~1 Mrs'. V£'rdel, Lundtlobserve' her bIrthday Satur· I 'I s faimfJ~,a ~~:rs~p~~~nsu~~t:; e~:~ I home, Tho~e fro Winside at nd~g : Ithe bU'thday o~ Georg~ 11 ~t i· Norfolk Sat rd~. y. evemng were. ~. and MI.". Cbrist Wei le,Mr.. ~nd Mrs. Her a.n Jaeger, r._ a~<f 'I Mrs. Herman 1<.•.011' Mr, nn Mrs, '~obert Kon nd family, . aqd Mrs, F. C. V 88, lIirr. and M " L~o ' Voss and Ann~8;nt;l Emil Ko. : I . The follow ~ ,relatives eld surprise pa Yi Thur~aay even~ l.n9 fl)., M'~.alld ',Mrs. Ed Sc'helj ! '~G;nbe!1l on t ~ e i r fou .fir-St' wedding a i.~rsa<y: Mr ·and _I Pinochl CI b Meets Mrs. ·Harlan t1 e 'i bolsheim .~ I G.Tl fmo hIe c 1u b met IWJth ~aughter, Pief~e, Mr, a · i Mrs E a I\.ahl Fnday after~Gn d win Brp~ and M . an Y~U'II Get More Heat p~r DOII~r ~J~~h \~~c ~~~rk~e~ahlgrC('n~~e~~n- nea ~I~ er;~urasd~~ok;n('~~~~mWI~~~l'nan~I M~. ~~~%il~;. C~'~l1~J[:lt~a~~~0~~bs:rCi~~. met bers Tu an I,da tw ;fternoon. guests, :l\1!rs. Teo'd,e",. Ch~rl~s Farran and Mrs. Sam Riecpett, were pr sen, Mrs. William Lib~n,good ga e t e pray~r.' Mrs, ~ail1rice Lin say read scripture ve;rsts. Mrs, Ralph Ring pre,eO.ledi Ite jesson, "M ssions: assisted y other 0 emb rs, Mrs, Prinee, I', Libengo d nd Mrs. J, B:t . e Wylie ere onored with the ;hir ,hda)' so g. ept. 2~ is guest day. M.rs.. e r a n Rasmusse~ Wias hostess. uble at Elmer Ech- ?eal~ Dahl~re~ Mts . I1lne·~ear old.lda,Ughti:lrl~':~~I~f~el;~;;ic~~ni~;dg:~~~;v~'rn of Dcn 2, Paek 17 M Bartels Is Hostess afternoon, Sept. ) ,·n.·e w,'lh hl'S m'olher, Mrs. Dora . .. ., Bartels was hostess at the Fire H~1l with den mothers HIH c, t 1rs"k. lr\'ln I-nl I I ~r 'f· ,Mrs. Eddie \~I('lble and Mrs. WH!v Irs. ' .. mma Woehler, Pilger, (l <II' I Cll) ues.ayator'I no n Mrs Anna !\.ll'yers and Mrs lard Jeffrey jill charge Roll cal Wa, a ~ B.kend gu.est in the Carl' , . " Was answe;c( by namin'g a planet Nie ,an home. ' ~.l1.ard .Bartels \V.ere guests. Mr.s. ' E II MIlicI' presided Mrs I WIll M.embers Tmade lbg books. T h ' .of . ~nterr. ';nd Mrs. Eugene Miller W41lter. was 1I1 charge SCOUl'; 0 Ruth C;' cle!Meet,' Ruth Cirq'le Methodist When your tank isn't full, water can condense from the air and cautrust d~mage to delicate furnaCle parts.iA full D66 U(,.Q, Cub ~~tr. tNg NO THWEST an Kilnlberfy Sue, 0 m a 11 a, tajnmen\. Mrs. Elton Miller gaye sen and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ausp nt t e weekerid in the Alfred a I~eadl.ng. Mrs, Joe .El'lCkSOn won gust Loren~en and son, Wayne, Ladies Aid f.'uest Day M.llle-r and George Farran: pr~zes 10 Dower con~e-"ts. Mrs. and Mh. Earl Johnson a d\ "0 es Rthert Blatchford Wll! he OClober v'" 11, 'trinity Ll theran Ladie" Ai ~, . hi" G~rge, Thurstan, and Gladys S . I t !M. a d Mrs. Norris Weible, s ess. Brader a ~ d Rodney, Pender, OCIO Lecos .!;u<!',st day w s ob~l'rved Wedn~s- Lin a at I d Dean, Wayne, were ---'-, Thursday, S,:pt. 20 da} at the c~unh, Twcnty-flv SiUQ ay afternoon and luncheon !Mr, and Mrs. Raymonu Hart, ccah ,~,vafo,~"l,f,aa'newdeMII"P,ao'tItYedaOnhdl Center C:f' de Club m~mb('rs and,1 eighteen guests wer g"e Is '·0 her pareots, Mr, and'S" d h '" TrlDity L t1lf'ran missionary M 'EI M k d'" 'fenan oa , la". and M. r. a~d Mrs, sp nt Frid~y afternoon w.lth her I 21 Friday, se1' pq,·~jent., rs, 'mer on rea Mrs Ma tin Pfeiffer, Verner Hart, Com, la., were week· gr ndparen.'s, Mr. Dnd Mrs. AI. Wmslc1e Voman's SocIety ~~el1:(:lf)~~:~ ~:v'p~'ye~~', ~~~. 1M. 'an 'Mrs. Kenneth \yagner end guests ~t J,oc-<F.r~~k~~ns,.~~n. bert Brader, Wayne, and left Tuesday, S pt. 2S L~o Jensen ~as in charge 'of th ard faml.Jy were callers m the ?ay th,cy enJoyed a PICDlC at Gav- Sa~urday morning for their hame WSCS GUi't Dav 1ro g r a. m andj'Wl'lCO. merl the guests. D,nn wac~.er .b.om~ Sunday after- mSMPrso.l:otw · alla"e R,'ng and jara i~Ch.icago~ \IeI;;. Jac k K ueger and Mrs_ L.yl noo ~ M Wed",~:: d ay, Sept. 26 M' W',ll,'s R"lz and Hoglu"d were." guest' of Mrs. a'r\ r. and rs. Thure J ohnson, K tuegcr p I aye d an ,organ-Plan e ., Auxlil<lry (31pet r3g sewIng . ' an " rs , Sundell ,Wednesday afternoon hen nll( Mr. an M1'8. C 1a.renee HI 0 m. ,li el . Mrs.' onal,l KI'llle read R'll. an' Mr,s. D.ora Rltze spent W d d g t --- ~ F d th N she was hostess to LaPorte club, wc_ e ens ay evcmng ue~ s 111 Neighborho d Card Club I p em.' Mrs. ndy' Mann presente' ,n y ~enJ¥g- ·Ul:. e orman thl' Martin Holmberg home where e Neighbor :~o·d C- a T d' Ch-\.p} met, 8 "Tater T .eater," Cheryl Aqn Sr sen ante, Stanton. , Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rmg He~ry C.arlf,on, Omaha, was visit1 WIth Mr. Jltd Mil'S. Wilmer ~Ueck Bel1mer Pla~Y"a t>iano sofa; l\1fs -~' rs. OWaI'P, Ivers~? land her tende Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. A. Larson s ir.g~The la tel' had. been, ~mploy,cd Friday P~' es went to .¥r ~nd ~,~thur Rabe ead 'an, article' Keith ,P her, .Mrs. ~A n n'a' Andersen, gpltle weddmg o.bserva~~e 15 un a y un arms 1J.~.'re ~. eVe'rt.!1 Yea.f~i;ag'Q}·" 1\11':-;.. \V~rr ~ 'Marotz, Mrs. ·:'R. ay- Mrueger pl~ ~d. .a iru. mpet s~lo, i~i eel ~:rs. G:I.Jii~ FrallCiS,. Wh.O atten]. 011, ,at St. ,Paul s ~hurfh" ob Cul.on' ;a~:Mari,~n"'Sraux ~I'I' mond WI~t ur.. Gerald BE:!cker: and .Mrs. Jenc:c.n .v. e ,a demOrlstrallQ. ~ 5\1 patent .. n Our Lad y of V; ayne. tl Ci, wer~ Sund.y dini'ler guests Mrs Fra Bru~an, 'MJr"1 'and 'iHats are Iats.': "Kitchen com ! q ~des: h~SP.I~al, N~~oIk, Sat. Mr.1 and Mrs. ~eron CuI on . atl Theron Culfons. Ev'ening vis· ;l,.lrs. Fran Drudigan will be' hosts mittee was rs,"AJ:1dr~:w Ander . rdi V a[ terno'a~. They also spent I Thursday evenmg at Verd~l it~rs wer Mr, and Mrs. Will Oct, 5. I Mrs, . antin, Pfeiffe!", a n ·f~1 I the Chris Andersen Lund$. Klejn an, !,Ii.ce Mr. anc;t Mrs. _! NIts., Dora Ril:ze,' ""'.A., rumm;;rge M e. 1 I 'Mr*. Delmar Carrison, Wayne, DOUilla's i,el~ l!I~d'twa children, Mallks Eiglttieth Blrthday', rale will bel' held.;.~t' the chure' D~ Powley spent Friday vis~t~d Mrs. Ernest Anderson last Battle Cr ek~ e~ Mrs. ,v..~U Wol. Mr, and I Mr~;, Carl Ni-eman en.. -parlors Sent 27 • 28, Next reg 1 1;8 uth I IOUX City, 4 Tues~ay afternoon. Mrs. J.e s s tel'. Th~ roup 'had· attended the tert,ainE'd ~'r~latives and fTI~.ends ula,r me.ct1ll1 will b e . 9Ct. 10.., INTI! Sll Reichert, Gladys and Bf(}";nell and Mrs, Oscar J?~nson Wolter ~e nion. Friday in hlmor of Mr. Nieman's +---.-I , ,,\~ I lIb sMnt'Saturday evening m wetel,Wedncsda y afternoon VISItorS. Mr. andjMrs. Adolph Berg:, Sioux eightieth I r t h day. Afternoon L. Mr. .and Frs. Juijus l\iJ~Ak. 4ie altff Fenske- borne, Hoskms Last Monday evening Mr. and Cit~, wer ,Sunday evening guesls guests w~r~_ Mr. and Mrs'.' Ed Wayne, ana r, attd MJrs/Wi1lfa 'i ¥ aij,1!l Mrs EdWln Br:ogren, Nirs.1 Albert Echtenkamp, Mr. and fit Levi 0 hlgrens. Mrs. Levi DahlBargstad~,,: !y!rs. Richar.d BU:dken- lJanke spent Sunday even;ng in Norf lk, I ere ~.y..~_ ~rs'1 Ha~l.:~~~son _~_~d ~~r._,.~~~~~~~it ~_~h~~l~~_s~~te_r~_ dahl and, Dora E h l,~ r .<;, the A. B. J,aljlke h Q m e . " .-- . . ----<---jPierce an~1 rs. Alvin Bargfbdl. I Mrs. Apdrbw Andersen was I' About [hltl} gucsts were pr{l,;cnt ,Sunday dinner guest in lhe Maf\,'i .. / I for 00 "v""ing uf curds. ptizes Ander'en home. were W()~ 1:)y Fl-ed Wittler, Mr. Mr. and l\rrs, Alfred Ja,nke an and Mrs, Richard Jllgcl and Mr, Randy, IVlr. and Mrs, Willial und 1\'1rs' J. E. Pingel. .Janke, Mr. ~~d Mrs. Harold Sip· l Out of,to"Jvn guests were from hley and farrfllly and Mrs. Emm Omaha, PieJce, Hoskins. No'T'folk Siphley, had Ipicnic dinner at Ga'l' and : Pilg~r. Mrs, Car I Ehlers' in's Point Sunday, I I bakl'd alte! ,decorated thc hirth-l 1\11' and NIl'S. August Franz~, day cuke. spen~ Sunday evening in the Dat I Fran cn hon)e ~el(ah ,iLodge Supper l\IL .A. A, 'R i.s sal'. Norfolk LodgE', mem· "pent Thursday With her parents I b.ers and ..'lhmr fam,lies attend.rd a' Mr. and Mr.~ II. C·Hansen. i chicken SHpper ID the Chester WY-111 I 'honor 0 Miss Martha Krue. Soc,-tt.· Iy I you'll be ready because you won't have wait for service. A6 .I'~f!1, Sept~e~:r'~r~~<;::nary 1 met TUl'srlay 1\11'. Sch~ueter, Winter has a sneaky way jo£ bloWiPtg in before you know it. If ,you order now, ~ecn('klU~~:sP{'r gl {,5t!> fur ished enlel'lainlllcnl. ~~e ~J~r:('~ :.r. *~ge~llPG~~ts~~rn~~~ ~sn( e~~r~~rLnugrf!f~~~a~~e~nj:~~'f:r:;~ Need It t. ] !1°r aOli ..' ". , You'll Have Fue! When y, Chur'Cth) Bapti,ed Debra i, LY n , infant daughter o,r . w s a guest; Mr. ,Jaek Broe,.man, . rs: Jack IBroekman and Mr!. was ba t\ze~l at Sl. P~ul s ~.. ~- A hur Rabe' s!Jent Friday aftertlleran hUJ1~h S~nday mprmng no n with Mr~. H. ~. Hanson!, who [I i es "Na1i(]n~" WIll. .J ~ u~sd Mrs. I aQ.s li.rog:ren and Hodncy,i Th~ Lloyd Ho"bet· r~mny SPl'ot 'Mr, nd !\l'rs, Warren HOltgI1r Frid.,y ('vcnir)g 'n lit V~.l'll Miller an (8lJghlcrs we l' e SalUf(1 y honH, lo obse vc Bl'cpt's first even g Visitors in the Wilbur B . bIrth ay. shoof Orne. I Til, Ml'l"lin $nul [anlily were Mrs "Iva HalUm W!l!> 11 Sundp Tut.'s ay eV(,lIln~ gu sts at Floyd aItern 0 visitor in the Mrs. Sa:m Roeber:; Reich'rt me. 1"1' day MI', ~llnd Mrs, I,' Thurc MI'. and Irs. Harlan Herb I· John 'on and Mr and I\lrs. 1"81' An· shie cr an daughters, Picn,c, c<'rs n, Cont'or, Wl're ,supper sp<mt Tuesda'y c cning in gucs s of Mrs~>'AXlll l"redl'ickson nis· I'. aW.nedrs,\hrO,',1lCJ·an,;'s '11'III'ken, ·IUOf · M". D' _Imo, SChWO',. Mr nd n c!> ~ay e, spent. ,Sunday aftcrn.o~n ten a r.. nd Mrs. Kermit m th Fred I'.nckson home. Tur er atte ltd the Fair at Mr, and !\Irs, Hit'han! Miller Spe cer, la.; Friday. Mr .. and and u.lecne were Sunday dinn~r Mr. Dean Da Igron were there gucs s m the August Vaccks homle. W nO$day. Mjrs. Paul Dahlgren Afte noon and. luncheon guests spe t the ti":.~1 with the children. werel• Mr. and Mn;. Fred Lchm~n Mr. and Mrls, Fred Roebe~, and ~amil)" PIlger, and Mrs. TH~y Wa ne, were f ' the Lloyd Roeber AveJ![man and Mrs, I::lla. Kuhl. ho e while th latter couple, ac·· M, and Mrs. Christ Weible co panled by Mr. and !Mrs. Dan spef Wednesday evening in t~le Joh son, Saut Sioux, I attended L . . Kahl home, . the Fair Satu day anBISunday. In honpr of Jlmmi(, A, Jensen's M and Mr . Verdel ilLund and birt! day Monday, guest:-i In his' and Ga~'llin w re Sund~y evening home were Mr. and Mrs, Chest~r gUeJts at warrtn BiIsonsl, Wayne. Wyl e, Mr. and Mrs, Krisl Jcn. Ml nnd Mrs. Addan Burns, sen, Mrs, Willis Hit7:e and BiIllY, Har~ington, an th('ir s9n, Owain Ma garet and Ed 01 e I'eteden, Burtns, San Ditgo, who IS home 01) I 'd' !\1othc)dH per Cirde 'me ~= ~~~~: ~. p,m.; Lutheran men's akef.oeld Tuesday I've mg at the church S turd y, Seot. 22: Confirm aMrs. Clarence Bronzyn~ki conduct· ti~n !irs year -class, 9 a.m.; sct'By Mrs. Wallace Ring t>d thE' meetl g. '[\;ine mE'mber (J~d yea class, 10. ' Wakefield ATlas 7.2872 were present. Mrs. VIdor lrelam 's nda Sept 23' Sunday school ('~~,e~lr:" ~~JC~n:~~i(:rs~~~e ~:~ Id." .m,; 'worship ~ervtde, 11. 'Ini red At School son, Was led by Mrs IT esday, Sept. 25: Senior choir, ar,bara, William Wylir, 1\.11'';. Elmer Niel 8, day, Sept. 26: J u n i 0 r of Mr. and Mrs, K{'nTllt : UI'Dor, tegs , C\!Ohl'I',.'pd sen was etilo 1', 4 p.m. I , b k t I I d h f II Cub Scout N¢ws ~ sw ng ro c a sc 100 an see st'l'li:e. ,lnel' Mrs. AIl.gust Voe.cks ehe.l l !" pr<letll."." ) ..30 p.ll1 Il. a r I' y Samut'lsol1 home, 1" Sllnd<lY, SI'Ot. 23: Ellrly \VuYI1f' and I\lr, uod l M'n. RIchard Miller spl'nt Wi'~llrl('sfl.ay Hl the Otto "One Out 01 Ten," Sunday I\Irs. Myron Strathman, MdA_'an, VOt'('ks hOml{' :--.Iorlolk JO, late' sl'rvlt:('s, 11, I,spcnt la~t Monday evening In the Carla I\'lilll I' spent s('vel'al days J\lond,I)', Sept, 24: Mission study LlOyd Dunkll.lll home. , covl'n'l! di~h :-;\lP]WI', 7 p,m.; meetMrs. Betle Frazer, Des Moines, 'n th(' MI'r in Saul home last S'" n I ?{','. ,Yo"tl,. 'uPredn,ty W('I'K, I .. Circl~1 i n, the Dennis no. wcr" hOl~.e, Mrs. DelWYIl S vnnson, Onklnnd, 1I Mrs, Bill Brogrcn nlld h('lpcd· Mij. o.n Mr~'. Gnl'>' Ncl~' ere afternoon \'iSito~s: son, CarrolJ, cc CbrJ~ ,[theil' f""sl ' vil'lilol'S were Mr. n Id "·('ddiing uJlnivcl' 'sry: -~, I I ~~; : I~;,~:e~r~~~e:'~~n E'~I~e:(?~ i~:r~ "atW~;~dr "~':~ds~ve;~:; ~~sd '''1f' ;HTr~!'itbt~u~er~~ will b III \ ., . ..,'. ~ , :.f ~ T W HE o~. .',1, .. •.. : .'. '.1."', .' U.' l ~ <. : :' .! ,I I I ,: , 'c •• f.', II I: 7 :.' I . I I W~ *I" HE I' ~ . i I', Ie'13.0'1 or I ~h" ." ~ II I .': '1" I .. I: .' . . ., i,. ,: \ I' L • J Ii· t If F!O~ SAL~i.: r"~JI'Wl'Cd D~;A~: J ,~~~, .,.. "" I Ii t,mp- ,0 h:irc BO 8 Sired by a son 0 su N'btaska" G and C UPion,Boar. of W Dl, uble va, c· aled an I bl~dtest_ed. Slca ~ mel Iw'ay & n, I Dakota No I , ~ 1]. 91312 letgh n SA:LE: Rcgi lercd Angus ulls of I Bardolicr and, Eileenm breeding, Hesse Angus Farm, I' n~er, Nebr, 56eow c I'~ FOR SALE F()H , ·, I ~." ~..J,. L err In ayne county or City y~. w h Rawlelgh products , y ~od armngs year around' FOR It NT. T\~o. 2·mom apart. ap al equlfc~1 Wtite Raw~ mcnts Call 261 sGtr 'pt NBI-15011. Freeport, }O'OR I 1"!"~~-+-""--"'---J1 .re SALK Extra {'](>an 1!l56, 4· dotH" ('h.·\ rokt'" (i ('~'l str,'lJ~ht :!~I.()()1) ,l<,llla} shifl llliJps, ('oJllph'll> .' /,(.-~:';;~I)[OI' Illstallplj al ::!,I,()OU mill's ~. :'Ilr:s_'l"oJ'~(' Bn'JtlJal'tli. W,lYnl", 01 I'lJlllacl Arl AIlI"I".-;. Pt'mlt-I', Nt·br. !"UH SAl.E :.00 om' ,\('<11" lUI (jld '\0\\ ~,()(' ('II(.'h ..-\rl ..\llkr~, Ht'Kalb Ih'lhi, JlJYln~ (j~Y;; j'endpl', NC' hraska. I'hon,' 1l;l}o .'120 KELLY RYAN Ii<""'O;~Q,~,I':~:d wag- Fill' litt'rJl!urp and rurther \~1'11l' Box :m8, Blair, Nt'll!' Au16t( Otl ..... infornwtilln. I'.ijWEH ;\lO\\'J':H clOSt'out, Our I'll tin' ... tock ,II dl'>('(IlHll pl"u'('s, Btl) now al hlg .,,;t\ In~s;1I {'O<lst to ( (I,l.... t Slllrl' .... \\';1.\ IH' .... li1:1 COLD SORES~ FREE 1Sc BLiSTEX, Adults Only Griess Rexoll Store TIl E WAr\T ADS are the larmerR rnarke.tphlcP, 1'0 !:icll Iive!:itock or Ilsed farm equipment wHh fI low-eost WDyne HCf(lJd Want Ad, iust phone 1:10 lJ.0{~ ask for Ad ,laklT. s6t4 L.ow In'erest Rate • Long Term Feder'll Lan.d Bank Loans FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSOCIATION BENSON IMPLEMENT & HDWE. l'hOl1{' 5281 I1"S--- REALLY' ppndcr, Ne[SOM~:Ti-IIN(;--'h'i·~ new Seal Gloss finish for v nyJ F&llx Jelinek, ManageT Wakefield. Nebraska ;1IHI lino](outll floors, M,cNlltl II, nl~\';I!·(', Wa.yrH~ Np!lr Is20 and Now, o'Ur biggest savings ever on brpnd new 1962 Chevrclets and Oldsmobiles. Don't Iniss this oppor'unity tb save cis muth as $500 on a new car! . , 1962 IMPALA SPORT COUPE' T0UY TO SELL R AL ESTATE Pro' erty Excbonge 117 1962 IMPALA SPORT COUPE U Polar white, V-S, Aowerglide, whitewall tires. tinted windshield, heater. . LIST PRICE - $3,190.00 1962 BEL AIR 4 - DOOR 'I 'I' Light blue 6-cylinde r, standard transmission, tinted windshield, l1eater. ' LIST PRICE - $2,682.00 . I $26172 '$ 2.'5 2, 2. '. e,d roo m s" Finished n'2,5' 8.. I Maroon 6-cylinder standard transmission, tintetl windshield, podded dash, whitewall , tires. LIST PRiCE - $2,336.00 1962 OLDSMOBILE F· 85 4· DOOR ,Deluxe V-S, blue, Hydrama~ic, radio, heater, tinte~ gloss, whitetails. LIST PRICE - $3,0213.00 $20190 $261t8 A eT10N SALE ON FARM I I ; , I I .QNE MI~ENORTH OF. WISN~R "$ 19''-5' _. b"SE~;~:~$2~~~~~J~,R,ATO, S 1962 FL~E!SIDE Y2 - TON PICKUP , Gray 6-cylinder, 3-speed transmissiqn, heavyl d"ty clutch, deluxe heater, turn signals, widel ~. I \ * • I ' 1962 CHEVY II 4 -' DOOR At Even Greater Fotdor. R~diO~ Helt.r, v· ~.' Enbine, st_nda itrllnt. Lel~ than; 8,0001 mill 1 ~ee Dick! 1 W~ier fo~ big savmtJfl '" s13t3 FOR SAL : Five room house, close to college, partly', modern. 926 Walnut St., or Phone 562W. , 52013 , 1 '~ , , ; RIDAY, ;'NIGMT, SErr. 21 I , I"", ' . Save lD~aylat I I'll Same ~g R'':! '~l.,.' !COM r' ~~,~ ~ "~~~~S,~~t,he champion 14ark~t H09. a"d PiO"~"n ot the waYn~rCOU~tty'F~" chll II MGUI AU ,I I Sired: .y two p~ce setters, certified meat.. sires .., 1Il0tars PCMS MasterJiece~CMS , \ I ' 7:3Qp.m.,' Selli.. 100 Head Registere4 Ha\Dpshires , .0 ;RU.~Qdilotlrs, -sO:qfenflts l~vingJ ne, ,I - .j(' DEMO· Gal xie 500 . carpels, eotral air-conditioning. alk-out bas e men t. Phone 340- . ~HAMPSHI;E 1 ';,ner Nebros Au~rion..~ , deil. yo';'l 56t4 SALE in Pine Heights. I II·r•• 1 Factory b nus passed on to: ::n~es~~: f~J:r~~~l r;;; ~:w:~~~ I:=::=::=:l~~~a~~= 1 1 Sept. 28 a d 9 t countless other things. Read the 1 1 With Win±ows on RISht',.S'de end Rear. B y fthls before A PROF :ABLE HOBBY for shoppers is 'watching classified ads for good 'YS in homes, cars, and I Tutane red andwhiteV-S, Pawerglide, tinted I windshield, 2-s pe e d. washer-wiper, heater. LIST PRICE - $2,91~.00 -. 1962 BEL AIR 4 - DboR I NEW Ecdno ine IVan Phooe 197 F RM ,per ot 6,~.m. I .j( ,'. "I" I Hans~, r. ' f were oy Johnson, MrJ,.iilY, Mr. and Mrs.IQUlnten'Efwln Gear e Ande son, Clara Johnson,·laqd iam Iy, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs 'inton . Wallin and daugh- !Ahderso and fa'mily, Mr. i and tcr od Dor~ Pe~erson. ;Mrs. M tvin Magnuson D'nd. fams~ Tpny ~tockem, Mrs. C, J. 'i1y, Mr. and Mrs. Vi~i1 Pea'rson lHeIlnann i:d G. cneva Sullivan .Ia.nd fa Iy and Winton .wallin. and took frances sUlliyan to Lincoln Idaughte:r, , where ahe e oUed at the Univer-, . LeW e ucational committee met sity. . ' : in the h me of Mr's. W: E. Han· Wednesday dtnner ,guests· In a :son. Att nding were Mrs. Pat Er. La~el ~afe f~r Mrs. 'Bernard As· Iwin, Mr'. Marlen Johnson, Mrs. bra s blrthdaf we.re the Asbras'''IWallace Magnlison' and Mrs. VirMr. and Mrr" Gunnar Swanson'!I,gil Pear op. and Mr. and ~rs. Rolland Hell·', Satur ay overnight 9UB,'ts in bush and fa il.y, Humphrey. I the Er In Kraemer home were Blan~h~ H~rTlson s pen It last Mr. II d Mrs, Leonard Kraeweek In thJe Raymond Malco mer, artha and Elaine. Paul, home. Idaho. Sunday a moOn e u est s in Saturd 'y evening visitors in the the CJa~ncel Pearson home to Ervin aemer home were Mr help birthday were and Mr'. Melvin Kraemer and Mr. and Mr. H 8 r 0 I d Ol~on, Melva a d Mr. and Mrs. Anders Wakefield, ,r. and Mr~, Car· Jorgens n. l-~riday callers were ence Rasted~ and family; and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kraemer and M~ :nd 'IM~SSiJ~a~len John~on Thursda callers were Mr, and an tsam~r~'e ~~c~~io:ve.:~: ;Mr". Ca I Koch. ~ues d M W'lb 8 k ~ M Patty Gunnarson, who teaches a;rs. r~ en I R~~e, aMer : a~ in. Sioux Fa~15. spent the weekend Mrs. Alvin R steele and Mr:. and ,wI'a'~o'ldhe 'unPnaar:~o"n. Mr. and Mrs. ~ .... Mrs. Roy Pe rson. Sunda dinner and luncheon Mrs. Bern~rd Asbra r~turne iguesls i the Ervin Kraemer'home home Saturdaf after a visit, in th [Of; Joni's baptismal were IMr, and Gunnar Swan~on home. 'Mrs. Gu Kraemer,' 'Mrs. Don Mil· Mr. and Mlrs. George Malco ler, Nor olk, Mr. and Mrs, Harry spenl Friday in the Raymon:d Mal Baker ~11,Lnrry, Mr. and Mrs. corn home, JqJan Malcom was a Wa I d 'g,",.IRrae_mer and family, overnight gue'ft of Lynn Havork Wakefie d Mrs. Verna Flege- and ....t_--_+--·I · t Sot,e I {?1 ? C~b '1;Il'asantDnleClbmebThur~ay in the Npal Mc :orkindale home. i\ine rnemb<'rs w rc present. Mrs. .Jini Kirchner ha charge of the plllt'rtalOmenL Pons w('rp mode fur . <1 hake ::>al." 0rt, 2U at lhe fire Iwll CMla ; r ~ .. TI Marlen JOhnspn and children. Jane Slolle! left Thursday fo Sioux Ci~y, where she enrolled jl the Luther1tnl School of Nuro;ing SundaY dinnicr guests in the Mar vin Stolle hOl1j1e fcw Duane's birth day were Mjr. and Mrs. Harr Lempke, Wa,k~field, Mr. and Mrsf John Halt a~d fa,mily, Omaha ••nndd Mf.rm·,alyn,d jMm~eS~"oMny.ron Lempk E ." Vic key and: Den i s e Eriekso spent Sunday, evening with thei grandparents ,Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Erieks~n I second birthday were Mr, and h?me Saturd~Y for an extended Mrs. Emil Swanson, Mr. 'anti VI!>11."1 i Mrs. Art Johnson, 'Mrs. E~her and Mr~,. Harold Burns and Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. 'ean ~<ImJIY w('rc nday supper guest.,; Salmon and family, Mr. a'n d In n"lhc L{,J~,CI" 'n10'b"" t Bem . k Mrs. Wallace Magnuson £' nd r, an.! 1> rs. a e lersc en f ·1 M :I Mr E 'est and family WJre Sun ay afterno s::~:~n a:d f::ilv a~d J: ,e.ne aBnU~n.~llPI1POe,nrc guests i the Harold d D N I ~. " a~ellYan;;:rr;as:~. spenL F' 'day M~·. nnd M'r . Rob . Sherry and I ner guests and Saturda in the Cliff Sta ling ~JmlJy were unda I y ~'In the Dan Sherry e, Wayne~ 1O;:;:s G e 0 r g e And;rson, rs t o"rl,l, ei,.,p . cele~,rate Mrs. SherrY'$ j d v b f red Johnson, Mrs Fritz R'lth, Mi·s. ·Mal){'IIMc.caw. and .Jimmy ~\r~IOMe~~.I~~l J~~:~n:t~~ ~~~e \~)~k McCa\\:- Marongo, I~ .. were Fr!~ es" E t l' j - .J I . -~-- I MOVING We Are Ready toGo B~:~DY: CAL LOCA PAC , . fOR or LONG'"DISTANC'E,MOVING ING - And reme, ber - g;I~'rkdl~~~r(' CRATING _IS!rORING 57 years of 'experience costs no morel I ~~mplete Mr. ~a "w., n ilL .1r:.., ~~yrr.oll, unehcon,~.uJe,,".:S."lt"""'.~O~I·.,~i sO~lr~o~~~l rVlh, ~ony bir~~~YAlden Serven .was a dinne a d luncheon guest III lhe MerI~ ~ van~ugh hbme for Ga~y.'s con: fl atlOn. Mrs. Serven JOlOed all gr up I Friday. in the, Ed K~ssle~1 h me to hon(lr Larry- s conflrma, ti n. I Mr. and M s. Ale~ Brown spen~.'1 t e weekend' the Harold Gunnarrl s n home.. ' Mlrs. Edna, aIseh spent TueSda)/'j 0 Frida~ in ~he Orville Rltterling t Orne, LindaLmcoJrl. and ila Haisch enroIle~! uesday at t e University of NeL,1 r~~:~~day la M:.on'n~o~ ~. Bob ~i ;-" . Refres! ment Cente~ [ T~e Min. Bar I ' ,£76-. Come In and WednJ!s ay Nite Owl~ W Try OUr Wa~o Wheel 11 Froeh ick Hot Shots 10 Marti dale's Chnst. 9 ' -Pilger Corner IService 8 ~ Bill's ar 8 7 D~'fferenf Varieties Trout an's Grocery 7 I, ~rah er's Bar .... 7 to Ohoose From and Jake' Corner ~Market 4 "'" Winsi e Produ¢.'e 3 2luiffe.ent Sizes Pfi,le .. 187 3 Poxbi t Feeds j 2 at I ~ Dixon 0, , PIZZA NU TAVERN High PL,·ACE Td, EAT! ~ , ~ ~ I; I h:vj:in~o '~el;h~el:~~~ql l ~OOD ' OOD With Fost,. ~fficient ,I Serv!'iC:e I ! Emil Erl.nd,q I M f rchant; f i "'•••• ; ~:~_~~a ST'AND~NGS iCouples Leag.ue Jech-Barn-ef Thompson-West ; ~~:j:~t'lrf,~tlnde 3 4 5 5 5 6' 7 7 Equip ent hO;r;;. B iIi e r Pearson was :' ~h Virgil Pearson home.visitor in .•!' Th,Ursd.y a.ft..•." moon Slcve Erwili spent the weeked In the Clarerlce Raslcdc home. Sunday dinfler guests in the Ve del ijome wer-e and Air- f_3 l\frs. Erwin' Wallac~' bI.agnuson" . , . I, 111 H E HOME OF • , 'GOa, BEEF! JE RY'S h NCHO 1 -- -----.. 1 o Carman-Zach Luschen· Whitney Behmer-Baker Hall-Danielson Roeber-Hanks dathje-Tfu1msen Sicvcr$-Doescher Woods·Rees _ f ~- .~f~,,'i'i'[J" IAt[fOUilt I CA~ NEEDS W 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 INIONEI Fast, I Compl~ ASY~TOP ~fici~~t, e Se,yice G o M (s S~ I 188 High scores: John Luscb-en, 205, 'anA Nadine -Tho~pson-., 180;., ~uschen, 582, Lois Jech, 451; Thom'RsonWest, 666 and 1,843. I I 208 L 1 2 3 ,4 4 5 5 8 9 9 10 12 and ',.e<' ., '"' ' . • J'BOIIS ;e U 'i e.: : CiE~~t ~:"y Hit 'N Mrs., League a;f~nc~~~~o E, ~ancho Squirt" SIiper ValU' Mi & SOil pjonecr Wlagon Wheel Carhart's Jim & Nyla:'s C6ca Cola M,elodee Cleaners W : 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 1 51~ 5 5 5 41~ ~ 21,~ 3 3 31,~ 5 6 2 7 7 7 .10.. 1 11 :) H;i g ~ score~: Joyc'1 CI~yt1?n, 198; Gloria A. n n Koest.er I 5(13; Carl's Conoco, 789; Lars~J1fKuhn, I--c'-~"Trr-~r....,....,- TJ4p ( W 9· 9 8 L 3 3 4 6"6 i' * I c.~m nity Leag~e upe Valu .j.' I otel Morrison! , lle e AU Sta#s ... Lang meier,'s '.+ ~:~ ;~:rber Carb rt's . Shop I W L 6 6 5 5 5 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 2 6 "e'toGol: IFod\l '{OIUJ Friday Nite Ladies Nixon's Feed Arnie's In~tilution Inc. In~'estor's Wol,k 's 4 4 ~i;~~~~ ~; t'SHdwr. Pierson': 3 9 Farm r'g Elevalor 1 7 E~win's 3 9 1 Dixon Ramblerls 1 7 I H(gh scores; SallY Schro~der,l8B I-High cores: M. Lessman, 212; j <lnd:456; Arnie's, 578 and 1,606. 1\'1. Bru mond, 537; Wolske's, 892 I . and 2,5 irestone I Y~u B~unswic~ Bowling I Headq/.~rters ,.. ~ ! y Hill, ~ii;~~ " and Norma 'fe~e Frid.y aIternoo callers, in tije A r IV i d Peterso home. .i I I ft t' , •. ne of All Mrs. Ote' . Magnuson s p e DI, C " ' m U p l e t""' Tuesday i I.the Kenneth OIs 'r.,nswic Bo;w-ling i ,r cores \'et's lub Fredr ckson's North up-King Sherr " Sioux and I Ji,q,I & Nyl 's Cafe : 1 L 198, EAT OUT OF EN! W~en Bo,\,ling Is h.o~gh, +-A-l-W-A-Y-s-'-A'-G-O-O-D-r hO;;;. and *rs. Henry JOhnso l! and Arnie an4 Mr. and Mrs. E ,I w.ard For.seb~rg visited relativt:l.·[1 in Omaha THursday. I MT. and' Mrs. Meredith Johm son and famdy spent the weeken.' . in the Frankl Ediger home, Spe(J cer, S..·D. I ~. . Mr. ~nd 1'.Irs. Oscar Johns weJ'le SUnday.I,d inner guests in Arvid Petersbn home. [ M'r. and, Mt~. Bill.Johnson spe~ I f I 219l. ISO~' . HIGH SERIES 616 Pauline W Monda Nite L~dies 8 Love Bee'sl·· ..· I·..··· ..·.··· 7 Jerry's 6 5 Hilh Gillet e's Dahl' . N& Oil Nu·T vern Hotel·_ .... Farm l"s State ational Schm de·WeibJe H h Ji H'nk ld paujlTne ~f:I~~:52$~nJl:l;ry'~' ~~9 I.. I I I LEAGUE Are Over I WOMEN HIGH GAME 245 I Joyce Clayton ,. . I-~+--+-----------' When the Games Saturda~ hi~l:ic~:~al*cs _Srmid~~~ I_L_e_on---r-._d Evert HUddlesto: i KoeJter was a dinner guest, in lhe Deo I ~:t~~: nde.~on,.,.,. PRODUCE You. I EN GAME HIGH SERIES he Place til Meet in the Harr.y. f.'Huddleston hOme. I. Mr. and M s. Dick Stalling an Kim, South S oux City, and Stace and Todd ~ester were Frida overnight gu~st~ in the Ded Iso ( hO~~~y l " Harol~1 a ternoon Mrs unnarson vi ited in the Emil E~-i r HIG. ;~~:;;dL~~~~~ & I [ e Stcl"p Service for all I , I Sweet Lassy Feeds I I ":=====I==============~lIf:~i:'.t.:'lI~le~~~hrs"~' ~·~l"l11n,,:orr.':e~w~a'.tllli>in~h~o~¢e - (I I THiS WEEK'S TOP BOWLERS Line of J I I "CAREFUL TO THE FINISH" 9115 Dace St.' Phone 2·1335 (Collect) Sioux Ci 'I S LERS' CQRNER Mr". Anna Salling home, Wlake field, to help celebrate her birth day l Mr. and ~,rs. Bob Dunn an I daughter, Hattington, were Monl day evening Visitors in the Keith Erickson hom~. Friday luntheon guests ,'n the',' Raymond E ,ickson home r'er, M d M' Lo II N ren' r. an ,S. we yg , Mrs. Linnea! Nygren, Norfolk Mrs. Robert! Hageman, Ithiea,r Mr. and Mrs. Gereon Allvln, Mr. and Mrs. Jo~n Surber, ,IMr. and Mrs. Kennetb Erickson and Mrll I and Mrs. Keith Erickson and ' Vicky. Last Saturday I\-lr. and Mrs Roy KuhnlentJ, Des Moines, an Mrs. Florence1-lubbard, Coleridge visited In' the ''HaMd 'E"twin home J\.rrs. HenrY~' Rastede, MiS. QUi~' ten Erwin an, Mrs-. A:t1na Stalling, Wakefield, vi ited 1.'u'esdaY after noon with Mil's. Ben Chase. Mr. and 'Mrs. George': Voller, and family were Sunday, 'evenin guests in thd Jim Hank home t I h~lp celebrat~ Mrs.' Hank 1s birth,' daY. I ", ! Greg B r w n teturned hom : Sl~n.day. after.. spending tw~ w~eek I' WIth hiS gr ndparents, Mr.' an '( MrS. Harold !GUnnarson. Mrs. HEmrY Rasied-e and Mrs';1 Quinten Erw~in, J6ni and Rodney", were ~ednesday afternoon cal·II' lers i~ the Mrs. Emennl Fluen ,I, home .. Laurel, to help celebrateJ~, her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. George Vollers ani::! fa~ily were Tuesday evening guests III the Art Doescher home,1 Wakefield, to help celebrate his tS' Stockem 1d Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wittem n I spent '.fhUrS(!'.y at t;avin's Poi t. Gencva S Illivan, Mrs. Toy i Stockcm, Mfr, Stan Swanson, M ,s. 'C. ,J. Witle)man and Mrs. Gail Martindale were Wednesday at· ternoon gueJt.s i'l1 the Ivan Clark home. Dora petekon spent lhe we~k· end with IVIJs. Wymore Wallin. I Saturday a;fternoon guests 'jn r. so:r~ear:d T~~~:d~a~~~~to~~OI~~ ~~( rests 10 lhe Ceci Vichy an'c! Den i s.e Erickso were TU('.!)d~Y'1 and Friday lunch eon :uests In the Norman Ander ~o~G orne. . N . d uests 10 ~he o~man .An er· son home Tuesday evenmg for Alvina's birthda Were Mr. and M G ~'AIlY' M E th rs. ereon VIn, r.s.. s er! Johnson and Grace, LIllian An'l derson W Mr nd M " a ne, d 'I a. rs., Roland Cols~en an amlly and, Mrs. Keith ~rickson and'daUg'h.~ ters. '. Mr. and l\Irf". Ervin Koeppe an family, Lawton, la" were Sut].. day dinner nel luncheon guestl.s in tll(' wlUrch Nobbe home. I, Dinner nnn lunchcon guests in the Wallaee tnderson home Su _ daY fur Dl't1 is' baptismal we Me and Mr.. Harlan Allderso and Stevc. pr and Mrs. AI;.... Anderson, a~d . fam.ily, Mr. a d Mr~; Clayton- Anderson and She 'l~y, I\1r. <Jnd i Mrs. Art Anderso , r- ern nnd Earl, Mr. and Mr.. Kenneth Andrrson, Mr. and Mr. LeRoy Kock and family, Fra k Carlson, fIaz 1, Minnie and Opal, lVlr. and Mr Vern Car,lson a d family, fI'1 r. and Mrs. Ern e t Witte and f mil~ ~nQ Mr. a d Mrs. Luther fMilIikeh' Wayne. Tammv an I Jeff Carlson spe t Sunday ~ight in the I Vern Carls n home., Mr. and c.IJ. Witteman Milwaukee, is., Ibft for thei hOme Frid y a f t'e r .spendi~ same time In the Tony Stocke~ hOme. ' JTr. and M~S. rl,lartin Hanson a{d Jiine. Carro 1, were Teusday f· ternoon call rs in the Vern Ca I· . t SOON? I I nCr JgUe'l Unrold Gunnar,.,,--'-+•. sPo home S Ilday, !dr. and Mrs'. e .• Hera"'"I'd" We ley Rice and Hanis' Dab~. ' " " , 'I;',' , . ; qUi; w~rc S nday afternoon and , , < : , ' I.LI,'lb<,"',' '>:~': ~\;lP r gues s. Mrs, Glen Paul R.y. RUlli I Dicken" ,~,d ,'hi.,,', s~e t;; Wedoe day afternoon in the mother M.rs. arlo Dacke,flt, lett G,~ arson home. TuCtldD~ to A nd S~VC -8: ll'l,,~ fS. J,im ' atsukis and Nancy Chlcag .. Rev. PackeD tten.Q'.,-,: visi cd in the Mike Matsukis home t hlC orthC'rn QupUs., ~nry Sat Irda}'. Vi itors in tho Jarh.es bobd e,etlng . ..'. ,"~,':I!., '" I Mn sUkis ho c last week inc)udc,U Honrl,St. Pie re, S~n Fn'c:ls~qf'.; Mr. Edwin Olson, Mrs. Esther Mrs; C 1'0 OZ ~II~H~', JLori~': "c:nc~."t;.;;:·. Ho Ie nnd r. rs. Jim WoU:e. and M s, ,Leijt ,r Hans~n·ran~:,'sonEl,"'.'· : ~~r, nnd Irs. R. B. Mlchacl~ Wef€! T 1C9ch,y lhmcr guests:1 in ,th~.! andl Dale wer visitors in Ute Kim. Marlin Lage h me, Sund.~y, .Mr~., .• net~ Olson h me Thursday even- nnd M . Lag, nnd un~ Mrs. ' ,'!\<lrs. Ke ooth Olson called On Hansen and 5" ~s were y!,si~Q1"S )n.. ;~ M 'Ivar A denon Thursday nC. the Ge e Cumi iogs ,hom~, GI·~.n~Il', ter 000. ~' Mrs. ~yrtle Hiller, H•. rt,~lItQn, ..; r.. and Irs. Kenneth Olson h~r .d~ ghter nd '90n~h\-J'{&.~~l,C~I~.", spe t Wedne day in Si.OUX City..forma,'and. an thcr ught.e.. I.., M.r..s,. Wa dn Olson, Frcmopt, spent lhe Georgi Blae~ Snit Lo.ke Cj~rl.an~",:,' wee eod wit M.r. and Mrs. Ken. Mr, nn. Mrs Art AUk~~,II; w~r~ net Olson. guests n the OOle- 0(: Mrs, ~,~: M. aDd Mrs. Elray Hank and Llndsu ..Suo< y af~crno~ni'.: The.' fam'ly, Ev'erretl Hank, Mr -and group' Is}tcd 11 tel' in thc,,~fl,~r~O~"! Mrs. Bernard. 1 Pehrson, Mr. and with rt lIya tat lhe Wny~c hos·;, Mrst Ernest ~Chtenkamp, Mr. and pita!. I" ,!' Mrs Max H ddorC and Vernita, MI', nd Mr~, Pete Col~ t!f1;rJ fl,",,';,:< 'Earl .L. ihengo d and Mr. and Mrs. Li coin, sl cot the wCQk,e•.nd ~'iII~rd Hol~o f were guests of Mr. the He ry WC$ lolt home.... '," : and"·~1rs. Ju Hao)c Tuesday ev(!. Mrs. Allan Perdue In~I,.~.tttf);.. njn~ In honor of Mr. Hanls's birth. !,vere g Jests W. ldneSdflY...C. v.c..,.!•i.U.R•. i.,n.:.•.• day Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hadk, Mr.1 the Mr1. Juli~ Pel'due 1-UI';OlC., Wh~.~',· and Mrs. B rnard' Pehl'shn and' nic' an Anna I f.lYN' wercO~islto~s . Cha lesLess .anspentSalurdayat Thursd y. 1\'1;1~. RdWo,l.i ..R.~b.. ert$'i SPocu ','eyr"'al'.•;'. :,attendin g lhe C I a y WitS a . • c L " M:. S Milhe Nelson, Mrs 'I·hor.:a~ Concordia Lu eran Ch:rc:' e lMI (S. E. Pele son, pastor) ~~~~~d f%~~ rf(;a~~s E:~10 K%~rs P ; Thursd;y, Sep~,. 20: ALeW, 2 and Jcrene ~p~tcrson we:e p, m. , day aflernoon guests In the E[ er Sunday, se.Pt, 2t,.: Sunday scl.wol Knapp home to help celebrale rs .and Bib I c da'ses, 9:00. a m.; Knapp's birthday. Dil/,inc worship 0.. M d M 'B'" Sl"l' ~.' .' . r. an r~. I a 1I1~ ele Thursday, Stpt 27. Cradic. roll Tuesday evenlOg callers. 10 the party, 2~;10 p.m. . erff St 11" I " 1 ,a 109 wnw. Tammy and Jeff Carlson sent Evangelical ree Church Thursday morning in the Delr,ar A I' . J II', 't· ( III )IOSC , () HIS, pas OJ) Carlson hume, W~y,nre. Mr. a~d 911.ndO Y, Sept. 2 , SundaY sch?ol ~rs. Veri Carlson JOlOcd them Jar for all, ages,. 10 a.m,; mo;mn g d i O n c r . . WO:S~IP serv!ces, ~l a,m.; EvanMr, an.d Mrs~. Jim Cla.r~~on "fenl gellst!c serVIce, Concord school, ~unday m CreIghton vlsl,tmg cia· 8 p.m. . tIves. I\Ionday, Sppt. 4·29: EvangclJs· Mr, and Mrs: Lawrence Back· tic SrrVll:es, Conc I'd school, 8 p.m. strom and faml1y, Mr: and l'f1rs Leanar aerner ~nd Martlia and Eilline, iD I, ldah~. ' Mrs... Melvin Domme, r. nd ~ Mlrs. Kenneth raem , olfax, Wis., Rev, and M . N er ann an1=! CamUy, Mrs. Ann' alii g and' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff S a1li~g and family. After· ~oon. ller~ were the W. D, Stal· hngs. ~ , Mr. a Mrs. Ervin KoeplM, Lawto " ,Mt-. and Mrs. Or· ville obb" r, and r,; ton A arso,,- an and Mrs. Wllfre Nobbe h.d, dinner S.t· urday., In Sioux City to honor Mr. '. Mn. Wilfred N~.'s anniv 5ary. Mrs. Ina Lee and Roberta were SundaY supper guests in the Bob Sherry home. Last Tuesda;y evening Nancy Matsuk s Was one of t~e models Cor the new fall and wmter Casht ions al a style show in Cherokee, la. Or;•. ames Gleason, Maryville, Mo., nd Ro. B. Smith, Plain· view, visited at the Jim Olscon home Saturday, Dr. Gleason, a for.me s.uperlntendent at ~oncord, Is a faculty member at North estern State college, Misso rl· t Mrs. HHdur Carlson was a din· I' ~lIf:-" . .:o.....;, ~.io ."' ' 'The, 1/':==~==========~==========~==~=========~=;===~F~~ i j> l'MCL Meets YMCL held g' est nlghl Sunday Tw('nly·five couples fro m \-\'Hllsa and Wake ield were guests. 1\11'. and Mrs. W nton Wallin and Mr, and Mrs. CI fford Erwin had ch,lrg(' of tile pr gram. .leT!'" a:d ~rs.~n yersanddaught~sFriday. arr..1ved, m tI e Marlyn DahlqUist enWceednpees.d:!o icahIloemrse inwel~ee In~the tinson Mrs.. celebra~.hiS ~o.n ~.n FrldaYeveninggues~inlilie Evert JOhnson. home for carlO'S I :1' ' \ r5'~' w. E, ct Mr, and Mrs. AT' TS vid 11 ,er 'OIl' .l\1 ' Otelia Mag. Duson, Mn a d M:rs. Kenneth 01 son Dnd fa ily~ Mr. and Mrs. George M"ag usan, Mr. a Mrs, Glen M'agnus nand oria, il/red Nobbe - Phone J U 4,·2520 and ,Mrs, -IWa lace Magnuson and ------t_----~---Cam. Mr. d Mrs. Ted J'ohnson Mr. nnd Mrs. iClifford E in and and Berni~a, ~r. and Mrs. Gereon fillllily spent SOnday afte oon in Allvin, arid r. and Mrs. Ham thc}'r1ed Huser ,home, Wa ne. . Johnson and amily were Wednes· C~neord Cem~er Association 1\11. . and Mrs. 'Ivar Andclson and day evcnih.,guests In the Oscar Mrs. Vc~del E win and Mrs. !\1r. ~nd Mrs. Thurc Johns~n were' Johnson, to help celebrate ______------,'Vallace Mugnuso 1 were hostess Friday dinner guests of Mts. Axel tllP host s' Ir May. (lo Concord ccme ery association Fredrick~on and Clifford.+ Mr. and M ~.'" Alph?nse Reic~s, last Wednesday . t the Lutheran Mr, and Mr.s. Art J hnlOn, ~elersbur, - ,Islt e m the JIm Delwyn and Dwight, M. and Clarkson hom Friday and Saturchurch_, Plans w e made for a ('hit'ken Rupper tal be held at the Mrs. Marlen Jo'hnlon .:~ fam· day. sehool auditorIum OcL 13. lIy, Mr. and Mrs. Eve~tr John· Mary Kaye, Danny. Jodene aod sOn and family, Mr, an~ Mrs. Todd Nelson spent Sunday night Merry Hqmemak rs Club Dean. Salmon and famll, Mr. in the Lavern Clarkspn home. :\oIerry Homcma ers c I u'b met and Mr,•.. Jim Nelson an, famLuncher~n g u est 51 in the RoY Wednesday evcm 19 in the Incr i1y and '~B'rlys Hank wer'e :, uests JohDfiOn hom, SundalY were Mr. Petc'rson home. M s. Dale Flower- in the' Leon Johnson home Lau- and Mrs" Geprge Anderson. <In)' demonstrat4d mnking jewelry. rei.' for a housewarming I.partv. H a r r j S~loahlqUist returned All' Ivan.... J®h (n will h host Sunday. I home Wed sdav evening after cs/'for the--ui:·to~.r meeon; to b~ Mary Kaye and Todd INelson sp~nding so e time in MinneaplH'ld in the evelli 19, spent Thursday to Saturday in thc olis ~nd ~t. Paul, ~I~n. I~ Evert Johnson homo(!. Lydia WelCr heuser 'VIsited TuesGolden Rule Clu Friday M'rs .. Herman Krlaemcr (.Ia y evening in the L~verne Clark· and Mrs. Veri Carlson and fam. son homp. , " nolden Rulp ell b met Thursday ily visited in the W. W. Illenkel.,. Mr. and M.Jrs. 1edl Gunnarson., in the Hoy Pl'arso home. A 'white home, Norfolk. 1 1 : Jr., and daug tcr wcr~ Sunday af t'lt'phant sale is lannNI for the M nnd Mr' J' N 'I'..J Mr I [NnOon ('ial.le S In the Don Dahl· O(·tober meeting hich will be held and r'Mrs. M~~It'nlmJOh~~:;~\\' anct quist home. in thl; Erie NeisJO home. Mr, and Mrs. Verdel, Erwin spenl ,Mr. and,o\~ rs. Laver.ne Clark several days 'al the Spence', la, d fam.l[ spent Friday even, Pleasant Oale fair last week. 109 III the Jl Clarkson hom€!. co I " Businessmen's Scratch W First N~tional.. ......._._ 16 M'oller Ins. 12 P looeer Seed 12 M'cDonald's 12. Lfssmann'ls _... . _. 10 ~fhl Nursing ._ . .. 10 iJ:::tl~r~~~~... : 4 4 Bever~ I Op«;,n e Fi~ Foo~S T~ eI~ 1,:OOIP,M. I.IEXC•. su. ndo.'y.5...••.••. Smo.g , o.d Erery .• . I ' T ~ sdoyJ "'11 H~tel i I . 11 . I L o 4 4 4 6 6 8 10 12 12 ~ I Shoes ' B~.9S ccessorieli e Our Eos Jloyment " p .I,a ! 1'--t---.L;=t~~--..I.--i--~+--";----t---t"""!'':''"'-'7i':''"'':'""-''''~IT7"1tllt1tdk 1 I Needs ' [ I \i : ~. ,J SOUTHweST Wa~~fiE Id Mrs. LBwrcn, C' Ring W~k"fl~ld ATla 7-2620 Soulll SIOll:>; lunch eaftr', By 1hl' '(till !II. till' !.I'sli(' Rot'!twcll hqme SIlO· parents. Mr, and P. O. Jor. da,\ to {'('lebral~' W.ayne'l'l birth- lcnsoll, Cherok.ce, a dl hCir. brother,l day Others Ihere wel'e lhe TJon- EVI:rl'tt and his son, :Rk~ard. Chi· ;lld Ho('kwl'll family. Omaha, lind w;~~ g~:~~~s ~ ~~~In~~m~ing Iht Honuld HOl'kwllll.s, South Sioux. 1\11,_ nnd MI·<,'. W~ltcr ,1\lol'knson, visited Or. ~nd Mr : J n well (Julin. . •Hl,'icn) in t.hC F.rick C1ll'rokl'l'. la" w('re SUOI.lay llln· Thom.n tome. W y'nt', Sunday, 1)('1" and supper !-l(]('sls III the Bud Lrlall(bon bornl', La~11 Tuesday alter rn~Vl - to W, )'o{, Mrs. Ed Sandahl ltl('nd"d Mrs, ,illll WI·r!rll'sday 1\11"s EI'lanuson'H , Bell Frc<,lril'kson's ." r.thda Y part>.· Thursday' afternoon If. and Mrs Fl'l! and family welt' the're Sun· I day ('veiling. Rpv .. and Mrs. RJ$sell Dacken BlIl;': !.I1(jil~ ~\ln ltl lnr :1 !, III I1.1' , dlllll('l aDd a CT eets S· t en JllCmbcn, of the W,C.T.U. ay ;;tt;r:~~~·. L~i~~e~.e :.In~y~~~I-:~:-c:--'-:-:-=---+-~- '::n d:e\~~~~~ls a.a~~a~~~a o?~~~ I --+---I---~~-~- .-:-4<;:---+'--,--+ tudy hook. Mrs. ~ing and Mrs. C. '. Bard met with the executives u('sday en:,ni~g.: Directors were aml'u for Ihe year al1d the work utlined. The October meeting wili (' postponed a week because of hI' State convention at ~earney. I· and hIs mother Whne visited the tlede R",g ~o",e Friday, The Jack rUfger ram tudv Circle Meet, In Il'Vellml; 11\ WJn~J(I{' • unday (,H'n Study Cire'le met with Mrs, Gar· lon Bar d last Tuesday. Mrs. Ji <thambers waine Bjorklund, who will have went to Oakland, la. Sunday to he n('xt meeting. gave a demonvisit the: Be r t Bes. s Mr and tration on "Usc of P\laslics." Mrs. Ray Chamb rs, Dakota City, ",ccompanied hje m and The Glen Obon and Bill)' Han· vIsited the I r da ,h er, Mrs. !;('n families were in the Floyd Donald Knud$en anlfamil V• ohn.~()n home Saturday evenmg Mr band !'Ilrs, .Jim Gustafson and 0 observe Val's second birthday. I'hildl'l".l and 1\"l.rs, u*er (;ro~('! . M,L and I\[rs,. Elvis Olson B.nd LOOgl' \H're c\ cnlng \ IqlOI s "lOg Thurstla) afternoon to It' WI'f(' Sunday alternmnlgu(,sts IHI(,wln and t~e (.l~n Olson family rs Lawrel1(pRlOg\lsltpd!\lrs par~t1 H rill m 'r Pr the La ll,.\' (' n (' e Me.yer home.! l,t,tendi'd. a ~hnnpr 10 ob~ervance of (,I nn Maglmson Voia\flP lasl'lotl I Owl )I'~; '~h' fll~t ~n~~~~~lI:~~ I::: Fun('ral SI'I\ 1¢t'S fUI :-'IIS \ I( Ilil III I hlJ~h Ilid 1\\[1 N01IS, Cllll'CllCC Hooper, aul Olson s birthday In the My· da after'1 0on .lOd Mrs (' K \l jl \\111 be With Mrs lund l'llcson 82 \H~rt' Iwld Illda\ .If ,Jnl! Hllttol, II lind nne dauy;htcr, 1\lrs_ .Jllll, (;USI<lfS~n was a ,I'on ()l~...on ho.me Sunday. FI ('hel Tu('sday .If!('rnoon : I]'lllsdav afl'lnoon • ternoOll al 1I1l'jCOnlillftl L\al;glll I dn,l PrI'l 'lind hur 1I~ dOlllh. y brunch H:\H''''lln!hlC.' Fr nei::; M\l.lh•. rlIVi~Jr... and MIS· Harsr dwertd·were liS Mallin 1101rnlJ(lg llllppd l Dlnnl'l andsuppergllI'S~Sllllda\ (,II Frll' ('hUIll! \11'" 1111-011 ( Sll1ll\ol;; 1I1~I\ldl' Ol\(' son J:'D~I h()lIH' Mundav• , morn ng comph- ,\~ 1 a group ror un ay lOner MOlt \ IL t h 'I " . Itl 1\1 I i W'l h Th S O 1\ t I:-lon {( I{'lra I'lL' DI(k alldahl hOIH' (0 ob djNI 1 UIS{U\ l'\ ('11 tni-: UI I1~1 IWUIL' I \\' I \ III (lfll'dlll\i-:htcr Ih)nl'D ;:~~~~/I~lg" ~~;:', l:l::~:;~vLrn~II'f whose' 11~~wnl e the C l:v~nin:r wit~m~·r. a~~ hi thda} 'l1hursud} evpnmg <,,1\ p the bl thdu} s of \ I S San liftt'l a l!'ngth} Illnl'''S \\ <1\ Ill' (jIll htot!H'I'. EII11~r "loom: jl,jr IVil't ' .,." , Mrs Hen i\'1i'yer. Yyonne'I'erger, WSTC, spent dlhl and Mr Bob SHlltl SiouX H(\ A/Ilbros~' lllllilb ~Jffl(J.I1\'dl\\ <1\ Ill' \~O g:1~llld('hlldl'enl Jon <"'llfjd~ dinn('r- ' f f.~ ab,1 \'y(',r~ (ltjl \H'le tI {' Bob SIllI, {<llllll\ ,1 lin lllt'!i to.ll'j>; KI'Il1111h K,lldl III I III MIll ;\1 HllSOll \\lIs, and aoull Mr :;, Erick Johnson and Mrs, t e weekend 1n the Martin Holm IS,'I.rlll -! ~.esl~ ntheAlla ILUlh(,r Bard attended Elsie Col.i rg home Mrs. Carl Sundell !'IllS Onille :rJcksonan thl'N(,lllsall~ ,Dots ~('s(Js (lilt \oIl '1,lllall 1111011] ul1dtw0t;rclll , ... m.dl )JITH, Isnlr.~. lin's birthday parly Saturday Ufol e tertained LaPorte club mem'lsandahlcamlY I\l~ht Iht'lt' clnd tit 'Iht, I'(<lll\ 1~ldntllltlldl'rI ,Idlley and Ann Al~:~ne;u~due~~t\o~Uenr ~r~n :;;. 1l':·~{Jon, . ~rs and guests Mrs.. Welfha . • ("Ills Will OPI'II !\11~ 10\ Il:.ll\ :'I1,III,lIl II](oln . ~. I tll' Ed- Doescher family joined mters, Mrs. Wallace Ring and, and Mrs. Jerry Retc II ger a.nd ,111 a fumily ol)s('rvaoee for tht' ora Hag'lmd at her home Wed- I erVI~S sons, Gen":lva. The t, ee ladles I ('Igllly-first !)il'thdav of C. H. Does· afternoon." 'I. who were, ciassma:es' at Iowa ! clJI'r SUnd:lV.,\. . '.lrs., lJaglltnrl .. 1);1I.(On" I ~'a:~:n~:~eo;';t~:~l::le e una: r . i \Ir, and· Mrs. Glenn Lundahl a d Mr. ynd 1\11:". :ita~III~~- lIag ·mU Wi'rp dinn('r guests Sun· Iu d. AtlqnLa, (,a .. ha\1 I to atte~~. 0)(' r:' W. Lundahl home. : g es~s in lh,(' Colt,. Haglund ~. ~ Last IUl'Sr!llY 1\11". !\1ort('mon al1d Larry Wi!- ,t IS week. 1 hi' ladl('s were Fl"lday , day 8R~ age families are tcnllnK to I IJarold Olson Rl1d fI.lr " 'S U'. . . la tel'OOon ,gul'::;ls in the Waltel' .!·lllwral_sp vic('s for 1\I s, PI'Hr.1 b comclar~cr. Tbijjrncumlcvcry, 1I1llily [':d l',aul wI'rp in Spf:n la,. for 1~:l;{H~~I~ 1~~m:~lPp('r guests C linn hOlne. ~)~)I;ld~18~;leW~1~;hl~~\(~ll~.~~(;\~ a:l~':; DecOs lhe ijecurity and protectiort of B 11](' I' <Ilr and allio \ IS t, the In· Mrs \\'eldon l\'Iortenlion and Mrs Charles Pierson s pen I I!\I l W d I '1 I I· p~opcrly planned Accident and Si~'klll''':i (:if's' <,Istf',r., i\1~'s, I?i('~ l~l.t.l:rho{'l" ',john BO~'l'ke'nhaller· attended rom Monday to Wednesday at :~, ln : SI:lX ~II:~ h;:;:ll all(nlS Jiro~rumLOI}fOleclCachallllcvcryj)('r~()n! \, hll f( d .a. blok('? \-I I lSI. not Ellner Bo('ckt'nhaul'r's IHrth: rand Island as a delegate to HI'\ (i U ) O!!ll ,\If'd al the {ami This is CllSl'lItiul so n I .\go. I ,~ , parly Fl'iday aft('rnoon. he Slate conventIon of Protect Ihp Iltl'S MI K (' I 1 h dlllland ""dl be ne~lcct('d \\I1l'1l all accHI.'nt or III. ,itpd III ;;;::' J;lt'~" ~,ll;'\~~(;~ '1~:)t;~~J(:\ S~II~ and. fill's. John ,Suller and lubs. ~<Jllg I'll\. Fai h Louks up 11 'lhelC De,"'! reqUUtlIJ ho~pltah~llLion, LI'! III ~(61 aftprnl)OIl were Sun day supper Mr ,md MI - I·ldon Bdll tlOan and 'I Need 1 hel' 1-,\ 1'1 yl BOlli you 1;0011 ;)bout ~,tlttlg llP ~uch n I) [In Ifor and !'tIl'S Sl.alnll('\' Ilahl the LlOyd Bohlke home Ichalu Waf(~ and Alan \1~Jt((1 [)((ompanlC'd J) 1\1r~ K l P n L' l h YOy and your family. Ther 'tJl no gl'en alld chid!"!'n wer~ 'I'hul'sdav Laurel the Herhert I,arclillan home Sun I Walkcl Pall ealels \H'r('~H<\rold obligation. I ~ 1· F·Mrs. Leonard Robert's mother, fay afternoon.,~ Wl'f( \-\-1111 MIS 1 1 \-\-lford Hov.a d P(hlson I I 'I'l h (~I::~SlS ~~1l'lh~al ;,:l~nfal~; Mrs Charles Menkens, Niobrara, va DIltS, w,iS5h6, In Ill£' {\{nlllg (ampi)lll Ca Addl-on I Stan 1 Id' , ¢ returned during the week from Mr and Mrs M'll \-In 1\lnl It nson ky jJphrijon a d Neal r I Illtl Btll iI:111~' rf'ttlll'!lC'd I 1 r 'IJter I Portland, Ore, w her e she atr all( I M rs Cl aude Dutton <ill( lui \\.Is In the LaUi 1'1 C('IllP I I ~ 800 Pine Heights Road rI;,I,:~l' I j(' tended the wedding of her grandhe Ald~n Johm;on I,~lllll.'l \-\-( I'('url Cah c1auglJlf'r! of !\II. 1 \ , . daughter, Eleanor Mae Menkens 'uppPI' guests Sunday In I]w 1{1'\·,', and Mrs, Fr(' Calvpr!. v.~s 'horn Phone 609 ~tdfl and John Rogers Sept. 1. )o~Clld Roberts h[}lllf~. Akroll. la_I.'I,ll]Y:n 1882' t. Sl. .I amps l,') Neill" : I_::~' d-illlll'l' 1\11'. and Mrs. OSCar Bloomquist .Inn StOll! Wll"'a SI!1I1day dlnn!']" ~h~ w~s mar led in Sep'elllbpl-', I I 1\1' . I Elmer Sundell, !'tlrs. Viol('! Dahlgren were oest iQll."tlw Gordon :Bard hOJnf' '19()5 to Volney W;lrd at N('.wcastlf', I ~ 1 - 1 <iot l.'nday ('v('ning visitors in the Joe The SClndy Martmsoo [amdy jo!tl('d 'rhl' COUpll' live In Un' DaJ\y {'omERS l~~~O~~N IE' )IXOTI,. w('rp , lin thl' Al them for supper. ~ I '[ munlty until 19':3 when thpy moved I 1[' I h('rt Sundf'll home Surflay afterH('lati\"~~I~~v(' rN'l'iv('d word of Mr. and Mrs. ~V<J1t{~r Chum and to a farm sout~ of Laurel. \ SrJl'llt llll-! llJ('fl.' Mr and Mrs I Llmil 11 H1I,n sr ':[1<1 il I e~day \ \ Fun era IS' I Held. Fr day F r Mr5. P orIW0 d Kallhr~'r.l 10 I I, IN·, ' I l r' . :;1 ~l~rfl ~Chjf(' m r Oll~ y. wi D,·ck Jones II I(: I nO~I~·, and :\lr~, Cliff 1\1~1'l1son spenl I ~(I_,\~\d<l~' ('vening WIth t\-rtlJur Mun , Ill£' marriage of Clar('nce Sahdahl. ~tL~:l~tt.t'altl:,<d~ee;~~L~.~rg~~:~dl' III 15 dunior, 40P ncedl", RUN-RESISTANT Sheelr scamlc5~J heel and toe reinfot·ced. : Beautiful newlFdl1 shades... sea shell, so~th'wjnd. an' lagoon. Sizes: 81 to 11. Mr. and ,Mrs. Den~i~ carlso.n i :::~~n~~i:u;oda:he f~'Xj'ld'~ BANI{. BRAS·..K._A. I 1\11". and 1\1r:-. Jot' .Jdhnson Wt'l"(' H. AJ'tN Kel'lllit .Iohnsbn hOJll(' Sal· till' to ('('lehl'atl' Kenny's' \11', and, 1 H'\·('Ilth (;W('11 were 'I, , C]' (i) ••• Thcle ,uPrlior "RUN-RESISTANT" seam;1, less are so shrer. you forget you have them on. Treatedlcarefully these will give you I exteillent pel,formance and longer wear. Und~r normal', conditions, run will not develop. I I ti\'CS Mrs.~w~·e~ll~ha~.=w~·~,n~le~.r~'~VI~ijl~l'~'d~l~n~S~·I~,"~w~as~p~re~f~C(~~:-~d~rn~d~e~~l~"~,,~y~'~~;;~~~~~:E~~::~~~t~~===~~ trip to Hl(' west coast will live in Stuart. Mrs_ Elvis Olson and with a group of rela· in the Bill Park hom . e Sunday ~:~; ~~r~~~nagy. to celebrate the hoste~~' -,a,nd" otller -plac::es- ",o~- interest. ,- Mr'. and Mrs. Claude Dutton\ They also visited wit the Nim- SOlllthern Pines, S. C., who visited ;. ~od family, Colton, Or .' and the !, their niec('s M,rs_ Marvm Morten· I Gilry Lunds, Hanlin~ n, Mont. : son and Mrs. Alden Johnson, earDouglas Carlson was i the M'y- Ilier. have returned for a longer ron Olson home duri ~, his par· sta~·, ·Wednesday Mrs. M6rtenso ents' absence. , and her gue,sts. Mrs. Alden John 01 thl' npighl*"hoOr! were, son and I\-Jic!1ael. Mrl". Mike Meye l ........;;--i--t----I-----.;~.;..;..;.,;,;;;,;..;.,;,;;';O= _ _J ;';t~:lrn(}()n t~I~~l~e-I::~lIl·:;. :1~~~~~~'.1 ~~~ \~~;·x~~:lr~~~(Fl~~~. B3~:~~~ Glidden END,URANCE Hbu5E PAl T , foUl) neW 1/3 CMVl'DloliTl'lli 'S am hl1PD! I ' . 1 ' ." I. Film adheles I tightl'. $' '~"kl" \ , .. I,,, I craek,nr and scalJ Ii: NOW. S~5 ~itl. I reg. $6.95 ~al. · .'- SHINGLE AND SHAKE' ENDURANCE VELVET I. ... ME ONES THAT WHIPPED THE BAJA RUN; .. TOUCHEST UNOER THE SUN., TOiSHOW'T E WORTH OF NEW ENCINES,FRAMES AND SUSPEWSIONS FLAT HOUSE RAINT design~d to dry fast ~hd 8!Ve c1e~n appearance, espeCIally n Shingle·siding. .,~~;;;;:~ reg. $8.95 gal. Controlled cleaning keeps it glossy white, newly painted looking longer and gives you double beauty, stay white longer. reg. $6,&5 ga I. I Glidden FLORENAMEL porch & deck enamel • Will take abuse of slidin furniture alld scuHlllg feet 100% latex paint for walls and ceilings • Repeated washings will not mar or dull its luster Still tops in perfOrt;nonce, • Dries overnight to a beauty and service, ~~aSy~e~ri~~~t . ""=~= • Creamy conslstency , SATIN SHEEN VARNISH tbr satin·like finishes witJuiut hand· rubbing IJi;;:~Y I Creates Sometimes the caravan crept atong for hours in low gear. t tool< /1 ddJS /0 go I.O~~ mtesl This is the rOild near Loret • .e:zDU beautiful hand·rubbed . • ~Q.n-Yellow.. •::~W:~:ork 109 Sale Priced ~ ~ ~~ r --, • Guaranteed serubba- • Up fo 1000 gorgeous 01. \ CRAFTSMAN ' $394, Big 7" x 4lh" x 3" UTILITY SPONGE , • Flexible • Rinses Clean ; bing. Wdn't hide natural wood • Always Soft • For Floors or Cars ~ Our most eco· n~inical interior ~:.u:- ~~~ wa~~I~~~oh~ $333 of colors. Wash brushes and 0 uti n . reg. $3,95 value : 2 gal. ~S.99 Per pi. Special 24c SPREDLUSIRE High Performing . latex Wall Painf at Low, Econbmy Cost '. ga. 1001 HOUSEHOLD USES water decorator <;olors • $;..1_.3_4;..0;..1._-+-1 1- ridge marb '" : effect without tiresome rub- beauty. • Dries in 20 minutes • Clean up tools with . - I. ·~:~·Ie.I.~ ~.OSS!. • EXtra White GLiD-TONE • No strong ammonia odor • Flows on smoothly with brush or rorrer • No brosh, lap or ~~~~~{ QUALITY TRUCKS COST LESS' " See the "New Reliable~" 11010 at your ehetrolel d aler's! 112'~S~~:D~ORYELL 1~~~,CO~PANY--p~:~~S2 rh 1 rt RjC:O: I '. 2 . . -("1 ('dt/fJr;nl dl'flartmen of a weeJ:ly newJ'~ ill/porlant d"pf1rt~ li'lIt. Normnlly it ;J /la.I'flll\ r!,i"i'm 01 !opit that {OTUer'l most ¥lOll NT 1(1 0 Sundu, morning ~ie lInd u CI rlstliln n,ng j ad the eOl\~I'('gation by ,I C Lutheran church, Win. Ide may not agree 'lifi/II an ed'/orinl - If) till' slIbjrc/ diH'USSI'tl J'OI1 have (}ainr'd. You rJ'l/1 ph/Uri' (;1 I nl';u.;ons tn 'OI1P sld(', th R iH tak'in - !.1rH'lIln ;-" Till' Lq,:isl \ t UI' 1', 1'.IIIeil did SOllll' f a I l' J Ilt'ITl' '\ I mer ]p,l!;Jslall\'" 1 I'd I.". \11\ III \\111 have to C(lInP In (':11'- :;:,~:l"lli;" I~~~~},l ,. ,,',l,·,I"\'\,I,',.;.~lt,rl," " 'prllbl~l1r "I \,~lourtrl",~,7,(I',I,',~ ,!,-l,'('I', LL" '('I"~: L hH~ * * i 1 I " 7( ',I/UI{ '!i II {/I<:' 111,111 I/'nl !Jfl1'/ /,II,I'!III.I', * * 2 Y eors A go Sept 24, 19~2 The gay 90's \\111 be re\ol\oed b W yne Players Thursday fjvcnmg lD a melodl'alT:.I + ------r :~~~(;;~t:ae~l1ot n~Ot~l~1 'ta el~ud~;: fa fOJ'llllng nl'w leglslalin.' districts ; lid lh(' l);\r[ providing for area \\('lgI11mg could be held invalid or \ It'l' \Tr'sa TIl(' judge'S said, ''It Ie' no! for at ll'ast at thIS llml', to that tho two changes Ilun' lo or fall together," i\ilOtlwr par t of the opinion !'O!t'l! thut Jhe l'ollirt had been ;1"]{(,(] to prpvenl a: vote on the 1I~, mJuru~s recflved when \ehl(lcs the \\ re dnvmg c~lllded wesl of Wayne SatUl da m rmng. I ~ I I :f :ou d tJH'li! have lo d 'al wIth t llc,dlh, Edul'a Ion and Welfa e tlepartment. i\lllil e I' aid this would b, ",,,nr,,,'",,ml b"cao '0 the Federal tvernmen wou d ' ,outh) * * ~ ., country and cifY and wilal mod. ~rn agrlcultuf(~ means tOI tnem. cation depart cnL If is a proaeh wen' u. ed, Miller said, it would Ida.ve t'I.1 stat.c without an f1genyy La had Il' admlnl.str~'lIOn ot 1he pro ram, OPPOSillO I I d lnl'lllbers ~ t'('luctnnc(' til get the state Ihv(Jlved in thlJ type of Federal aid program, I O\!er 700 photographs help make yearbook one of the most at, tr ctive issued to date, ' opies are pistributed mainly by members of Congress, It is' also sold by the Superintepdent of Documents, Government iPrin\ing Office,Washington 25, D,C" at $3 lhf a7)p~l~e~t1~°s~~s )fOr~ 111 l' n d- ;;~',\,.ll:~'Il\\'I~'~']ilg~\;O~~{~I~~~'l~~i::~~n~~ j:i,(: ILln' 1l'glslatlvp rl'apPol'~lOnmenL' ~'/,l,t,l,1'(;h~~n;}~~~\l~l~'~~~J(~:If"a\~~ ~~~ ~~cooJYCows 1 ~ P!lwer Brepkthrough • T h C Nebr~ska Public Power sucr L" J ~~~ hl~~es~ ;a:~~J~'~latfl~~~CPt~~ tee b Department of Agriculture announeing so e col!cge was gil· ing waterml'lon vines thaI woulrl grow six or ('igbt melons to the vine lfke to ato vines, Ed clailll' cd the coun ry was, already ov;. erstoeked w th watermelons and afore we k ew it tl'le taxpayers r ! L t 11 If 10 L' -.-+--~-. ~~-i -T.?.-....---..-. ;~,,~::J' ~:~IOI~~;;;~:n~~~~lO:~ Sur,prise nding ul,n.tnee of a t beu~:e~e~~fe~%:res~e~duce n.e. :r, ----""'i.. . ----h-- AlANCE BaIaDce both froDt wti..IO aDd lnalaIl nece-ary weig!lfa to~er". specfficatioaa. W~~eY;;;:o;~arbook , 1 I The seco~d P~?~ was t~umped 11?' dum~~. tacked ne~t. round of tru Dl~r~onds w~re at- a,s~",won the qecond p with.his ace, and in, tbe galnel'of j>nidge;name!y, a sure .thing, s better' than, s,omething. which ! ill succeed most of the.time. t 'I t ••••••••• -I i e!Der eney sbelter for ,284 per- sons the need ever arose. • R ,AD WAYNE HER,tIILD WANT ,ADS lems p£ farm income, ,lbe sbaring ~tL.ou~ abun~a'nce of food, the I Hotel Morri.... Griess Rexall ,[~~~~:;~h~~:~;:~i~~ :,_-+1:---.:E~':"" ...,. : Illig_ IIts focus ,is on peqple iiJ III Ii.'. . ) , Tll~'sd.aY ".l'b~.her Oil one ShOUld('.r Wh.cn an U.X hI5.. .. , was using in chopPing w otl: acci( entany li'ppcd and struck him, , ' F'ir "Which s nrted"f o~"an oil stove did consid"rabl damllgc to the. l-fcnr~ , BURl, sr" residC'nce, 7th nd and ebrnsk; parly Tue day mornlllg , ' . J ybe Tar ow, Wa cltlcld, ' Sll 'ered a eompound fra('tol'c of her rig l: arm ~_ 5~~I~II~_p~Ying _o,_n !j(~~s('h_ool gr~~~I_s,_:, __ eign aid. Ha k s'lid it would save lbe taxpayer IlllllOns, Sam, who is a authority on wiml1\pn, put the bd-on this subject by cia. mg it waR a dead iSSUtb Y 1I0W anyhow, Sam r('ck· oned that 24 hours Biter the Spn· ator' annou ('cmenl, Alaska was stampcdmg ·ith wimmcn, Another it'm Ed claimed up- Times c han g e and pe pie pj1ey More i change with thcm, Gues~ thi is he simplest way toll increase the way it was intended .to be', d iry profit i, from high produc, for Wf' can't verv well stand till iQ cows. MOlt reeord;how that r:nd Let the wo;ld go by, ou 'j 11(' .""g,""" .. ',''''( "»"n,I,,, "nl, . "'" '"" .'.(',1 ('I1C(' (' In I cGmmiUee " Mo.-.. L ,n__ C , ) 0 d ' }, I n g either agrc c t (NIPPC) has reaehtd d th most pro itable co s are the hl'.!\ Y \ olt' o! approval Iand \\ dl l'i1~lllg(' If; ('onslllu!iohal, we would Whie~~s nal~njdl ;;~~~~neanti~~1 o~ know though, sometimes pc pie o es produci~g the m st milk, change all out of propol'tio to A recent survey sho\fs that the ~T!~l;:~~n ~)I~v;~i~ e Nllv. {[,;t'IHTClI :~~~~I~;,~~J'()lilbI1l'(1l Icgalcnadcompetition, ~ n d duphcatlOn of the times, Perhaps it isn't a dihJrds producing 6,000 'pounds per :\ 'lhl'C('-J,lldgc palwl !Jas ruled TIll' court. also tuqned dbwn rep~wer fa('J!ltlf S at the retal! l1 V- red change in people themsel es, C0W made about $25 p~r eow anbut rather in their sense of alIII ]<'l,t.!Prali Dlslnl'l Court that it <jlwsls for at largq eleetions in e'RalPh Forqman, NPPC seeJe. nuaJly. Herd at the 1P,000 pound ups. By that I don't mean q,v rylqvel triple~' the neti,return, At ~~\I(:l pl~'~)~Jlt~~:~frl~'~;~~~~~:\ ~~n~"~)l~i,' 1~: ~::::.lll~f('~;~l~i(~fH'~~~:O;L,i~;,r~ia:~'~s~ tary, Colum1J~ls, sUld the spl'e al hody. changcs and a fellow sr ufd 14,000 pountts per e\Ciw, net retltt' . . ame ,lime till' pal 1'1 s;lld il Jllrl.~dldlOn of !IllS lease, wG. can coml,nittee hla s reached agrec- qualify that statement by saj ing trlrns were ~ix times Ilgreater, \\(luld not: order rp(!lsl 'klm'f Oil 1 /llen on a recommendation .seTckthat some pcople change, thl"hasis!,of population alon~, as t'l1 l'r slIch an ol'uel'llatl'r if It being lcgislatio~ which would leg 1Average herd PTOdrCtiOn in Ne' Its been sort of interestin to 'braska has bee n t the 6,000 .,,( ",'"n,' " " g g" ",' ( ,I '}y 'I," -l'(JIlWS neccssary," ~he court said. ize retail a~1 wholesale serv ce wa!eh this evolution in the ast ~" The la\\suitihad ttiggered some (" pound per cow rate, This means ],('ague or Nebraska lunil'lpalJof Ill[' harshest lan,rkage in many areas by neg ltiations, few years, particularly, du ing that half of the herds are below Ill'S and,' olhc!'s who nitiall'd a l l ' N b The recol mendation gives a the years of this late golld r sh. tiJis level. There v{as no profit l~lWS"'.( a,·n,ed at w 1 a 1 (I,cv IllOI1 lS, m C rasl~a, But after procedure t1' be followed when I\ot too long ago, in th~ thi sty 0.11' rulmg was handled down, both the r shown .in hErds prqducing under ('alJl'd rrtorc reallstir- eprescnt~. :,l(!es SCCI)lNl happ)./, Lloyd Chap. a gh CdC Vill thirties and early forties, j s t O l en t s ,cannot be 41000"poun~s per c~w, lam lor the more ,dt' sely POPU111:111, Lea" g u e of iMunicipalities r? untnrily, Distri ts about',everybody was ppor. We l;ll('l! areas in the'sla e, <'!torney saId he ~i?Oked on the WIt lOut agr ements would h ve were all in the same boat. 1\ ost In lhe opinion 3(' ompanying court retaincd jurisdiction "and to apply to teState Departm nt everybody was broke, A lot 0 us thl~ jll(l~ft's_ ruling, the court sal(l: \ 11 ling as a victory since the of Water He ources for appro al were broke and knew it and lot "We \\'ijl not rush i to a flt'ld g(\\'{' the Legislature a chance to to. cO,nstrueJ any additional tra s' ?f us were broke and did{'t k nw \\,)wre. Iibcre: is reas n lo thmk rl'apportion," mISSIOn or (t'stribut~p: Jines, It But whether we, re",li ed i ' or tllat tl1'e state go v (.' r n III I' n I, The rec mmendatron a l~S 0 not, or rather acknowled ed i or , tllnlugh, appropriate ge II (' i (' s, "'Deadlock would contin e and broaden a aw not, we were all pretty roue in 6 rail 1ll1d will afford reli('1'. We "!'hc Slate Board! of Education ~~st~d m 1. Under that I w, ~he sam? fixi Everybod~: see , ~d ~a~tt'll to a(~d, howc\!('l', ~hat wc hJls tUl'npd down,' for the time IS rids mjs-t seek approval of Just a little 'chastened In s mt, \, ,U not heSitate to 'ft'l it ap· being, Nebras~a participation in ~~~st~~~~~~n ,o~ll~~~s ao;oet~lc~' Cr'~~~ perhaps a litl~e more tolerant and there seemed to be a littlc ore ~,.\\~'.[~fs, later that wq should do ~!](' Federal 1'I'1anpowor and Train· ,triet ob. jed, a hearing is held by of a dlsposition to help one an,~ lIlg ad. At a r~.cent meeting th d t L f The court earefull pointed out board members ~eadlocked 2-2 so~rce~~'C~i~~lsio~. the water, re- (,ther, Times of adversity t y a man's so!:!l and gcneraqy bing ~ile\~~~tt~~,t~i~~n;ai'1u':;~~i~~i~\?a~~~ on a ,n~)tion not to exeeute lhe agDistrids Iw i I h service areas out the best there is in }!jim, but ('(1 to "make it cloar that w(' are ~;~'~<ljn~a~~\r~U~o~~ide~~~i~~~~b~I~~ would hav91'territorial protection in ,hmes of prosperity - ell, not saYI'ng, in the e ent that [he tl TI' and would ~not have to go to I(be that's liable to be a horslC of annex.t Legi,slature dl es not take :,l~~te~r:at ~~I~~~P~w~l~ea~~.t\~ar~: dll'l:'dOys o~ water resou~ce::; 'f~r other color, J,: allthonty build lines III tl~ell' ,\('tlOn ,or ,Ill ,1I~e eve t the ,action ing of rorkers wllo have been reToday it's a lit tie differ nt. t;'].;en IS' [~vldIOIIS 11' arllltrary, placcd l by all~omation, arca, Foreman said, I; Everybody seems to have mo ey/ tl:at we WIll not at empt to dl'. Dr. jFloyd *iller. state comResignJtion at least they have a job cap ble '\ 1St' a remedy," ,missiO,ter of education, had urged of PI' dueing more than a 10 of Commentin~ o~ ,he 20 to 30 ,the bo I'd to approve partieipa- no~~~~~n~te ~~~~~~:~onh~: ~~~~ us e er dreamed we would h ve. p {' l' C e n t l'om'lItu lom}l am~ndt\On in the program, The goverRobert Gl Hoagland, HastJm.gs, lVIem ries are short. Gone are the days of hardshIp, stinted inc me l1ll'nl. the .c.,ourt S~I it is flO.sSlbl.e nor .. ('Ollld s.ig.n~ .the fede.rall~.'.fias chairrhan of the Nebr.'oka that part of the amendllldnt per· nancec! aet. Bll! If he did so, w:ith'" and struggle to m a k ends 1111ttmr:: (hdsion 0 counl,L's m (lU! apprO\ al of the hoard, the FQod-for-Beaee committee, H~IPh mel' Some people have forgo ten that such times cver existed, G ne is a lot of that old s irit l'es\gnallOb was prompted b il~ of insillp, toleranlCe and h Ip,Weekly Bridg Tip rl'tllrnrd his last trump, DecJar- I health, I ' , fuln ss that prevaire9, when the C',. wo~ in 1m hand with the Heed did efforts will bc madel goi g was rough. Not everyb dy, (]uC't'n,1 and I'ccilHing 'Ihat ~stto "readivalc interest" in ('onjus some folks, seem to have adhad overcalled in hearts, de tributing Ito the Christian Rural op cd .the old slogan of "e ery NQRT to tak(' what would certain e On~rs~asl program's oversea~ efm n for himself, and the d viI ~ .4 <l. sll('(!essful heart \finesse. The forts m ~he Lmcoln are a !and ta e the hindmost." Some f lks Save L bor it' .A10 2 j.;mg Of hearts wa's lFd first, folthroughout the state. Whe 'e and how a' feeder stores .J10 532 10wC'd by the play 'of .the five I I ' no vadays don't secltl. to have ny fou -cylinder friends, The yare his fe~d crop he Ips determine tT-K92 spot. ~VlJen \Vest contributed a Nebr~ska Taxes all ix-cylindet or eight-cyli del' livestock labor costs for the folEAST ."malJ ,heart, the ten was put LIp The CQmmerec Clearing hOllse WEST mod with v.'hom they fra erIO\~lin~ year, Consider these sug4K.J1U H5 fn:m dum~ny. ~ast gratefully ~eleased a report recently s~ow.A~~li2 nizc, I've scen, some pretty big gestiotts: ' .~l3 look the trick With his queen, mg the 962 average per ea:pita '!iUS76,l Storr feeds at or near the point jobs stranded on the road nd tAG,1 With a club still to lose, South tax burd n for state government~ \'lilling to accept a little pus or Wher~ they will be fed to avoid ~10 ;i:l suffer0d a one trick set., al purpo es ranEes from Nel.as. "'QJ84 ,. ssary moving of materials a pull from a four· cylinder job Of course, there was no ex. ka's 10 of $66.22 to Haw Ii's SOU H r that m~ght happen along, C uld 1:1 cuse for failinb to make' the high of 201.38.' The organiz tion "'973 be that a lot us might need his ' If t is is not pos$ible, use small said the indIvidual state tax ur· bid, Deciarer.F had played the .iu assistance and' be thankful fo 'it tempqrary storag~nits set up at hand properly up to thc point den of eery person in the U ited +K 87 some of these pays', " t b e point of feedo! the return of East's last trump, States as almost doubled duiring "'A7' Sure times <f, adversity try the ing so that mathe pas 10 years. 1 ' Aftel' winning the trump return Neither side vui erable; South st?uls of men, put so do time of ~~ri%Sov~: ~ro~ with his queen, South's last Durin fiscal 1962 the average deal::;, Bidding: . prosperity, mflybe eve n i ~ !:'pade ~hollld be trumped in dumper ca ita state tax amounted to South West' North East greater fashiop, for then co es main storage ar$112,86, compared with $65 in fismy, The aee and king of clubs 1~ 1" 3. 3$ the d~termination as to whe heir eas I e s s f l' e· come next. the third round cal 195 , All 50 states have indi~ 4+ 4. 5+ DOLLbl0 the core has rt}mained sound, uriquently ~ once clubs is no\\' played, It does not cated I creases in their total 1962 ,1 ass Pass Pass :h~~ ~:i~e r:~~~~ spoiled and ulljtouched in spit qf matter which opponent wins, tax col eetions, Of these, 48 also Opening lead: A • prosperity, rather than bee use PiIrchase' find store supplemen- \ The North ana South hands have showe increases in their state SOltfh learned something from I of adversity_ been stripped of spades and tax pe capita burdens witb only today's hand, ut it was necesIts fine t iog to !be a o~d '~~l f~~~d~ ;~de ~:,te:I~~~t~~s b~~ J!awai' and Nebraska showing clubs, A heart return lets deloser, but its finer thing t tie ,othqr labor-saving equipment can ~~~~ tfn t~~dera th~~feh~ l~~r;h: clarer lnake all the hearts good. 'Domin 1 decreases, The return of any other ~uit valuable lesso . 1. ."_gr_a_e_iO_US_W_ibl.' -I-.l-: time gives South a', ruff and a sluff to Foil ut Shelter, South' opene)1 w.th a bid of one fulfill the contract. The tate Capitol has officialiy andi labor needed for livestock diamond. Rat leI than make a South was so certain that the been 1 censed as a fallout shelt~r wo~ects too small for'full mechweak double, West decided to heart finesse would succeed that in the 'event of a civil defense ~nization, hid Il'is five cal'd heart suit. he did not bother to look for a emer Cl Dey. North, with hi six diamonds and ,line of play which would make by of AgriculGov rnor Morrrisdn has ~lso Singleton spa e, had enough the !Contract! unbeatable,' Had issue a proclamation to state deA~l:;~:n t~lfe, "After a Hundred' Years," vulues to ra'se Ito three diaWest i not inserted his heart bid l part ent heads authorizing them monds, After the bidding had \i.. as issued :May 15. ,THE WAYNe HERAL.D it is qui~e likely, that declarer to sig fallout shelter licenses at reached five i~monds, E~st 'deThe volume, which is cbnsid· jOn Sale Every Wee1c: at would have \ observed, that by the r quest of local !civil defense cided that a doy,b1e w,as in o~·· Jre~ the, Cent~nnial Yearbook, Felber Pharmacy stripping the', North-South, hands direct n. , I der. Five ·ljia ODds, doubled, pc· of spades and clu~s, the contract t~~~:ss ~~ to~:Y~Sh ::i~ul~~:i Arniels Super Saver came the !fin 1 contract. Ric ard Vesteeka,. L3;D:caster is safe again~t the, world. revolution, and the new metlwds i Perry Janis, Carroll Count C i viI Def~n~~:!directo~I West lea t le spade ace, and The' lesson ISouth learned from and tools of 'reseafch~ the prob· Bill's Marker Basket said t e statehouse \Vou1~ provide continued I w th, another spade. today's handl,lapplies many timf;:s 1'11!fHI'-.t'd .cons1IlutJUIl~1 a , vcrYjligbt '~ Wayn~, Dqparlm~tt -~ab:- , "'-" -- S(ule , I Sept 25, 194 FIre Of~undetermmcd OTlgI I I ' aged the en roll mUlllCI al light plantl!j'hlllid I " ' I' and equlpme 1 early Mo day mormng 'I hl"P{ _ 30 Yea rs Ago, ~ ~!," . er~tors were Idamaged co slderably, two drh Sept. 23, 1932: ,,~Oy tnmm's senior ~~~U.E1" ts burned and l a nearby b ttery room was bllst placed as grund' chnmpi rt amon the 5.1,~:baby d and Charre~ The D n and Clair Theophll heeves shown by Wayne l)\mty 4· mcml :~~s ak,' farm, southe st Carroll, has been purchase the fair last week Don ~~tl's junior II t. f.~,r.d; , iJYI~Henry .Cherty, Laurel, who Will move thel' was reserve ch'lIu pion , , . i.-\\ ir S, ::wa~: m the sprmg 'laude Stanley now lives on th reported in valleys Tnes' uy morn ng: , , ".! nay: , fa~m Mrs Henry Rethwlsch Wajne, suffcl ' l'lllchcster, who is J't'eov I'lqg fron n br.o ~Q, leg: cd severe cuts ~nd brUises and August C WIttier ~ustained several monlhs l~~, had deep g' ~~ cur' da If! ge be cr us ).I't's hope al~ a\\'<~k(~ninJ.t ('o1'\H'S ~11()lJ and that lIn1on. rrjemlJer~ will, reaJiz ' j', Ii I 15 Yeors A9~ that they call prlt'e them*plve,"i out n' jobs, precisel.v,a,'-1 prodtlctlffHn be Pl'ice<ll (lui of markets. MCet New Focel of Illdi 4!tr;cf.·ng II~ P)'esident world, tra(~e p,o,"lilO;n Hnd tf' un. dermilll what IS l(dt 01 tht' dIOll'l), vjalup. "d ~ th(~ IJ('{~n pleading for wagp al d price Rta~ ldlit,\' on the Houlld,ground, rising rost~ threaten to fllrih~l: ,veakctl his cOllntI'Y'~ News • • • -l~gislafu.r IIII1l" gHill'' f'IfHI plan' at a time \vh}'11 i'4 !lIar' Fedpl'<l orrkial:-: (·}Hll'j.!PI! \'. il)1 maintaining thp l<lLion':--; indu:;irial )H';[('(', TIll'\' fl'u! it is IHltllHI to jll(,I'ea~(' l:lhr'l'-mana',l.!UOwll! di.,tI'U;--l! Hill! 1{'ad lo 11)1)l'l' Hilli IOllg-PI' :-:Il'ik 'c>." This i,,, it j'elllti\ i'I,\' III'\\' d('\,(')opnwJ1L l'IIIOll IJrl'il'j;t!H nll'i'l with ]'I'IIl'PSi'Jltati\'('s ()I' mHlHlJtt'mC'tli alltl \\ I)l'k 0111 agTPcI11t'Il1...;, flft"l1 after ](n g and hard delih1'1',lt ifln,", TIH~tl, wht,tl the ag'l'('('tnent i.'-1 to t hI' Ullioll nwml)('I';--lhip, it is 1'1' :Illd lhl' lH'~~dti:ttol':-: :In' told to ,",' J ~lill t!lOl':(,. \V a! k j' r ('ilj'''' \'Hl'iou:-: 1(':1,' .'1\:-: for 1hi:-l Htti lid!' (Jllp 111'illj.! :" 'J' F'l'" Sept. 23, 1937: th _ i eeand Slralgb! ear, ' Lestcl' LUll, 15, Wuyne~ en (II cd th grand I¢. ~am. ' pIOn aWUJ d In the' 4-H b lj beef 1 ompell.Uop at Wayne county fair. DOlla (~ MeYC1\ Wayiu:i, 'I,look the reserve champion han rio , . Mr , H. n, l~~ncy llrrivcd homu Sun(,lny £1'01 i Eur ea'l) trJ'p t~·, ~,' ~,lrs, Antone Pcte~sen" W ns'de, fc.1' frorn :~:'i,stcp ladder while picking !plum : "l'iduy and di-slo~~,lCd' her riglit shoulder, : . Fir ~ b undct ,l,'mlnc~fplri~ln 1 '" destroyed a cob house 'at h: Glenn Wlnl;(~t~:'~r'rn,ly: l'al'roll, Saturday, ' , St IJ Bzed 0[1 mat wi L bo' I~id this fall on thc'lflrst t1~. ce mi eg, oC ,th~)'! nc~ , .. , highway Wayn , , . : ',' bIg, I!,ayrnl~ ran ll( satH'Ifwd with mod ~~t: impI:ove mellt in wages and other lJ nefits, (ii'" (~Ipitol * * 2S Years Ago' I haJ rr~(,('I\'lllg longer lw A:!-Isocillt.('d PI'['~."1 lall >)" Wrif(']' ~()rman \Valk('l", ruports:' "A I' :-;in,l.! tl'llf!t'!'U'v of 1:lllor union l1l'mlJ( rs 0 l'l',i('d \'olllrad !('i'lll,'4 \\'orkecl (\It II,\' tlH'il' own llt'gotiat- ~ -'I, hal 0\'('1' a perioil of year" wlorkerR l)('l'o,m,e ac~m;tomed to demlanding aIlj Priced Out f Jobs sJ'lk ,nnd:'gl of 'j . Xb,A dunlt.'e.1d 600 if f1'nd the edi/orial and give s ,-ious though (1S (/ reader, have giVCfl w'reful tho !lh! to an imj !J()rffmt praMi'm and the writrr is 'roud to hI/V wlh'd your attention to an importa It s,ubj/'et tlla yolt may !I(lf:e overlooked. ' ' imjJnr/fl1I1 toPICS. dan! i )£ [I!i Jes' u~ *ynfi l'ounly sdul{)1 childre~:,. wll ,1 C Im'n TI~ur8~ ilny by <!(jctors of thl'IYICi 1 ,.. r~1;' E. E. !Pot. lei', Ilosk us, l'eCl'nt y rcc d $100 Rlld th~ OXy. dol Crlmay company sc~tt a 00 che 'It to uS'o~wnr ((lnt! as II l'mmlt or Mt'~, 0 01' belt ~ II wi do l' in :1 I'cccnt contest I I • I 1m IHI/' (;1 111(' r(faders. :! . 'I . ".nd in .son 01 tile ely a ~ lorhltni .S; it / ] It j.r tlte duty of an edit rinl writ",. to srarch ,./ (111 (I1)"i!(J!l/t' tocU l)f,/ore he sits down to writf'. ""')1lI /hi.1' IHlJis IIIf writrr s/ould hI' r1Me to,give ((~ ~r the autunl faU op ~nln /••• I~ !wp·~ 1.1' flrl j'OIJ l: ~'I ,g Tho Waynel' Nebr.! Herald, Thursday, September 20, 1962 EDIT RIAL COMM 'J il I, would' le-,l pnyin 1l1il1ions for' 1>lol'inv:, he Burpl s., ,'" All tll( f(ollers as agrocd'~thu~,: folks wo 1<1 have more ·PCli'C,C. 9£ e, mrnd if lhe Depa tme'lt of !~gri: ould qdt puum~ out Ill'ly mo (' pamph ets till wq, gil tlH~ Ne~ Fo"rontlc beUer cxp}or· ('<I Fer lnfltunt, Ed c1alm~d he l \\o1:IS r('Blllig a pIe 'e about a Can- nlltm,e! I ~:~r~l aCt;J(:i ~h~:eO h~e~~'lg ;;i~;lr" <l \,li'tltl r('ady ft' dinner. ltd ai-I lowed il how the piece said the ('I1\('f was (('a{lin f U U S Dcpal'tm(' t or IIgrl 'uHure pnmphII I 11111' ,"100 aV5 To ~erve Mankin ," ',. ~ Your, truN, Un'cie Zek~ 1< , I nfl~~h DIXON NEWS • . ship Unio wW host al til{' Con· cord chur h beginning at U 45 I Mrs. Sterling Borg _ Phone JU~4~2877 Friday Se t 28 Re' Ch,nl!)!!!' ~~~~:d ~~d 'h Mrs Allen P To Attl:lnd Nebraska U l!\olrs Park and daughters returned _ n V('ldl'l r\0l' son of ~11 .md Mli'i home With th<'m and ViSited unhl L<sIJ(' r-!Ot' ll'fl Thur-da\ mOIIlJng Thursd,lY when the group were LCA Meet fOI LUlll)11l \\hllrt' hI' wdl ('nroll supper guest.s at the Park home Wednc!jd y afternoon llll' lOll as a sOp!lOlllOf(' ilL !Ill' Unt\elsll) 1\11 nnd Mrs Garold Jewell and cord C~niC cry a~SO(1a!lOn ml'\ ,II V('lde!11S /I l~hl gl,uluat< of L.1lI jMlll) wrre m Alldobon, la, Sun.l the Con oru Lutheran lhllllh n'! lugh Sl hoo! I D()llS Watton ~'n day wlwr(' they altende1l the wed. Plans wer made fof the anllual rolled In ttu. Agrll.:llJturt lolltgl Idmg of 1\1rs. ,Jewell's niece, Judy Bu~per Od 13 at the Co~(ord aullJ ~ E('onolllie$ dl'partmt'nl. l\1i!i,~ I Smith, tonum, R freshments .... ere sl']'\'l'd ./ Wnlt'n IS a Hl62 grlldua!(' of lIarl· Ml'rlin. Karan and. LaNae" John.. by the me nbers of the 1lUSI chun'h IOgton lugh sehon!. .~~JlJ were Monday Visitors in the I'ay Walton home. Confirm.tion pinner Wins Blue Ribbon at State Fair \11' and ~Ir.s, Clarence Hay· Thursda morning Gary Kav:l Amonl~ Ihe IJJIJl' r1IJllOn \\ITUll'rs ford" ,LUUt~('J. D:~r~d s;:n~ay dhlnner nnugh wa, a nH\mbcl" of the ('1<10.;0.; un 4·H enlfll'S III the SI.lll' FUJI' gU('~ S III H' a n eny orne, confirmed at the ColI.'ridge Cntho Was Patly Thomas, daught('r IIf lie churc Dinner gU('~ts in till' Mr. and Mrs. Palll TI~ollla~, who r('l'eivcd the aW<lrlJ on a lUll('lll'on srt sho cxhiblll'(l, I'alt~' J~ a llH·1ll M, p, Kavanaugh, Mr, and 1\lrs ~IJ(' DiXIlt1:J'lln1,·11 dub, Social ForeCQ$t Vincent K vanaugh, Mr. and !\I 1'.', Thursday, Sept, 20, Ed Kess r, l\'Ir. and 1\1 rs , JUt'k Kavanaug and family, 1\Ir. and Enrolls. at Midla Tara Hill Allar Sociely, Dampl ,Johnson, )ion (If l\Ir. and i Daily Hall lV!rs, Lav Jrnl' Kavanaugh and fam Mrs .. HUllS .Ioh'flson .. h~:-. ('nrtJllpd : Sunday, Sept. 23 il)". Mrs. orth, Mrs. Jam<,s"Ka\'a· ill MJdland (,Illl~'gl', j'lTnwllt, a~ '~i SI. Anm"s supper Dixon juOlor. U<lnH'J l~ a I:JI;(j gl'<Hluatl' 01 I auditonum' I.ullrelllrgh s!'lHlId and a J!J!i2 grad ! Monday, Sept. 24 lIall' of \V<lhoo JI:IIJ(Jl' (,IJllr'.~I' : Twilight Lim' Society . . . 1\11', and fallilly Mr~, \\'('rt' Tl'd .Johnson and .'-\IIIHla\ ItUI'S 'lll till' i\lr~. Ella 1':111:-. SOllth SIOUX ('11:.", Ml': and .'Ir.~. II:lI"Iild (;I'urg(',<IlJd 'fa 1I111,Y \ l~ltt'(1 .\1 r.~. (' \'11 (;t'urge S"tlll'day :11 1.IJl('olll. Wedne~day evening guests. in the Oscar Johnson home to help Ihe host observe his birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bsckstrom and family, Mr. and Mrs: Bud Hanson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Magnuson llnd family, Mr. and Mrs, Ken· neth Olson and' family, Mr. and Mrs, Hans Johnson, Alice and Lee, Mr, and Mrs, Ted Johnson and Bernita, Mr, a.nd Mrs. Atvid Peterson, Mrs. Ofelia Magnu· son, Mr. and Mrs. George Mag· nuson and Mr. and Mrs. Gcrcon Allvln. 1\11'. and \Ir.~. !I('II Cl"(l~·" wel"v Wl'dlll'S(i;l.\' ('\('11111:-', Jt1 thl' ['aul Bon:, hnll\('. ,\11' <lIHI ,'\]r, Unll'l" Sundt'11 ('r!'llln;.:. \\(']'(' till' I TOI1I \'i.~il(ll·s ~lrs'l ,:1 "~>' l,,: ,.,'., nnd nlso vis lied Th. Way ., IN.ebr. \ H.ral , Thursday, septal.r 20 2 hdwanl Mathew!>. : -,' I sundh u£tcmoolL nnd cv(mine ~ "f.:: guests. in' the Enrl, E('k(~rt home DcnniR .un I !'twlv:\ KlIlll'l. IS,Olllh \\If')"!' Mr~. Ll·hnnrd Baillie, I were r ..nnd Mr/>. LeRoy Pc'nler- EioliX Cll~' nnd !\lI's. enrol IIn'h· I ('hddl'l'n, \\(n llrll(~ld. Mir. nn.'d.._Mr.'~. ConfIrm t n D,"ne~ ick an I ramily~nd Mr. and Mrs, frl nnd l'Illdl"('lI. .11m Kh'{'h~~ ~nd ehlUdren' ~cr~'-:,-~':' ' . morlling ~arr} Kessler ,.,.thodilt Church Larry" ub-bersledl and family. Mrs. nnk Lisle returned. (1\'('nln~ ,rm~. 1'11,1 I, I',:, ,': ,I .... as t.'onflrmed at St Frances (MrS~ Charlotte Dillon, pastor) Mdn ay evening Mr and Mrs Monday fter- s,..ndlng a week Mr~. (,err e iKavan~u,h "n"'"A' 1 d urd1 Randolph G ests In the Ed Sund ~I, Sept 23 World Servltie ~I~ron. )irks and. r.ll'fillY W{,.I".~ i In, th M $. Vera PhlUlps 'h~!1'o. ~1~tJnf'S~a.y. c o~lng visitor ;:1n.·.. .t. h•.•. h.Ps'll, r hOllJ<' for d no!'r followmg Und,l\, Sunday ~chool. 10 am, visitor i the l"rank K()(>ster, if-'j LI,ncoln. he lad~es ot1end~d the lIrtld 'M~tt(lf'i 1l<'tlnC'. I' ',,',;, I ill! senllt's \\1'1"(' \1 P Kav 1\ OIsl11P 11 1 horne, Jeff( !-lon, S D St,.te F.I , Mr. lI.rd :1\ rN" Mal',',n, narhnlll\ MIIl\lgh \Irs Vlllqlllt Ka\.maugb j rhurlida~, Sept 27 WSCS fall Mr, tTld l'i I.)all' St. anll'Y and I,•. SflturdU) .'.Oln,C.'1! a,n,d ('I,nlIOO ...ar l.h. .'. ~d \J[Jlll \Ir \Iutn S{'I\Cn I~lpp('rl family Wl'rc ~ rnday dinner guesls I tI group () Alh n ,I FA I Il H'tnhtrl> (],IY CO\llJll>1 nl" S\llmccl', la. .;: "I r .md \11 s :\ll"l l K,n ana ugh 1_ in. the Newell 'tanlcy IWIllt' , ,\~h() atll'nc('d till' ~)ny (,OIr~I~' CCllI', Mr. f"d r,' Dl~k, ~h.mb.rt: : \Ir unrl \Irs Jadi a\a~au~h and I St. Anne's ICatholic C.hurch M " ' Spc-n('('r, I t . , ' returne ~ r'd.y YI.I~ 1 larnlly, \Ir~, La~l't!H' K<JvanHu~h qrhomas Hitch, pastor) Mr, and " rs .• , Vil,1 N(';t~n lind DWI~ht lohnsl-In was' II \\'('~'kt'nd In the Aa on'j Armfi.ld hom.; i ~~d ,ch.J1dren, \Irs., ,Jame,s' ~ava~, Tbuniday, Sept. 30: Parish work. ~ons \ ere Sunda~ cnlOg \ ors of ('11(> Quil.t In 1h(' !\llll'ion Greel_ ~b. . " ': In t~C! clal'enf c McC~, ~(', Quisl n.. ' M r , Il~;d 1,[\ 1'81 F~y Walton, Qna~ : Ka~'~~laaUn'~hJllllmy a d Mrs. (ler~l( ! n ghl, Olxo~ auditorium, ,.., I Sunday, Sept. 23: Mass, 9 a,m,; Fri{~aY afh'tnoon vl~ltors In t~e Mr,.n rs, F'rank Johnson .I0Y(,(l \y (' ~ !' ~hUl'9daY ~YeniD'~" a~ter threo gU('sts ill till: Gl m WaltoD'homoJIJ" :\1 'S F' V," It J) ,', , d f. II supper, serving begins" 4:3U Ray S ahr home Wl'I·P Mrs, Merrill, returned Saturday Clalls.~n and Mrs. !\11kP Thompson day's vlst 1n Iowa, They oro !wlp Jt'amltl t'll.ebrate 'hqr;,b.ir.I..ti.".' ,l;l'n/'; ';md ~~r.~, J~r~ ~~'t P\l~:(~; v.~~.l' P 111, and c1lldren. Thursdav overnight guests In the tillY. : ' : Fnday af!£'rnoon '\J{'.~t~ of "Irs, ~-~~Mfand Mrs, Fred Mattes and i H. L. August home, Spence,r, Wptllw~tJn~' ~hllner Iind,~)u~~)1 Emll1~ Booth, l-Iarlllgtun. ~Illfon.l'Walton, Plainview, was a and 1 mmy, and Mrs, Hnmml home', Norfolk, to f:clebratc <:,·,·"1,, K.. " '''u"h "0.1 M".Al· Icbhl', ,eeond birthday. dl'n Serve hurch es ... I I' " lind \..,'.., •' I " 1 MIS I'~, R(l~Uld~ ,I'~t('rs I I I Mr, and Mrs. ax Rah~ :~:~I~.y "'Isl~or re" ~" "...m '. Ig I .. p.~nt ,satu.r~'bY I w. y the Fay }Vailon thl~ L.'VO zn. eand and family ,Mr, andwere Mrs. Frldav W.lUis .and a . and nigh.t and Evan Sat. .I '.;HII gtlPsI,;Sl'llon" .".1 .tll>.' Spah:.home.' Schu urday,.pe.n. with Frid. "Rev. Mrs., ~Ill.rcnc(l McCaw:W'.,•...r."... APU, even ng guests In the Vern Nobbe Routh, line Rock, S/lIlH~c.lsdn, . h~m . t~ help the host celebrate 1\11's Harold Erwin nnd SOli wert' '1\11', nnd M ·S" Oliver Nop, D.~. St, Peter, Minn., and the Nor: hiS Irthday. Vvl'dnesda ('v('nlll~ vi .. itOl"S in, the IplJ{' lind Job yn, Noe were,Bunda) u, man McCaw hom~, Marengo, la, . !'vir. and Mrs, Lester Patton were Las Saturday afternoon \'Isitors Mrs. Ma( J('wpll' hOI11':-' g,ll('sts In Ih l " G, E, Joncs 'h. Mr, and Mrs. Ear~ Peterson were i Omaha Tuesday where they at· in the Ernest Knoell home w('re TUl'sda)' afternoon :uIlI .~'lIPJll'r' ( IllTol\. , . Sunday djnn£'r_~~~~~~~~ ~1~'~.l~_~(~.~I~~~unll'l"al services for Mrs, Mr. nd Mrs, C('rald StolzI:' and ~lll'sts' In Ihl' Dick Ilnlph hUl1ltll Morc DiXON'...; page 4 ~--- ~-~._~-_.-TT~ i ~~:~te1nht~:eN:~:1 ~Yu:~~~w~:~: In Ililln'Y ~Ir, a:nd rltr~. Adol'p~ Bloo~ were Ill:'I~I.~,ad·yBloeov'cn'"'hnogmeV.lsllors In the ' I orne. . I T~~:~=~~, ~:~'~~l~:S Thursday, Sept. 21 A-Il'thudist W;;CS supper WSCS Meets Thursday Tbul':-.uay aft~rnoon Women's So· lil'ty uf Clll'JsLian Service met at Ill(' church parlors, Mrs. Earl Pet I'l'SIlIl Il'd tlie lesson on "United Efjorts 1'!allS wm-e completed for till' :.ItUlual fall !:iupper which will 1)(' hdd ut the church Sepl. 27, I St'rvlng will begin at 5 p.m, Mrs, Floyd Wug and Mrs, Louis Ab(s I \\ pn' hoslt':-'Sl'S and served refresh· llH'tlL's <It lile dose. I . ~_ I Pitch Club Dinner : Stilldlly I'V('llIng the ~ Pitch dub opt'tlt'd its fall )ieason with a dill 111'1' aL lin' Laurel steakhouse. The rl'J1lalnder (If the evening , Sl'l'flt pluYll1g cards, Best Ever Club Meets Wednt'sday afternoon Mrs, Arth· Ikll was hostess lo Best Ever club. Thl' next meeting will be Del. 111 \\Jth 1\-'lrs. William Eckert. \II' III SI01lX Cit:> 1IIIllll', ~~rl~e~~ :sna~~~e ~\~~n<' afr~)}/o~l\~~~ ~fr I \ ~.l on,l ~unl I Garden Club Guest Day , \\'t't!rwsday jlft('rnoon Gar d (' n dub llH't with LiJi Mills for' a ?l;('st day program. Mrs, Dave ~~~:l,1. I /1 It ~;r~~:kw Tl;l~na;~J :~~ prt'sl'n!cd 1l11' pI' o'g I' a m, Mrs. Charles Mills, 1\1rs, Ed Sala, Mrs. J. (' 1\lcC<lw and Lin Mills,served it coo!lerativl' lunch. Mrs. Charles l\lJlb \\'111 Ile Od. 10 hO)iLess. i-- , Out-Our·Way Club Meets I \VpdJ1{'stiay aftt>rnoon, Out·Our· I Wa\' dub mel at lbe Earl Evers !lolite, Eleven aUeoded. Amanda Schutt£' won the door prize, Plans wer(' made for the club's annual trip, to, Sioux. City with dinner at the Biltmore Sept. 27, Mrs. Earl MRttes was assistant hostess. The ~~~ltifj.~~;;;;;:;~1 nC'xt mceting will be Oct. 10 'with 1\lrs. l\'p\\,cll Stanley, 470 Perch Fillets so 48' Haddock Fillets ::..... .' .so FRESH . J.Lb. Pkg,j...... · FRESH I :~ I ....' ! , ,. .I WCTU Meets Tuesdav Tu('sdhy afternoon Friendship , 1Jel~ (It 'tJ1f' WOl1lfn'S Christian Temper· PEACHJ;S ancc Union met at·.te Di~on. Meth-' codisl Ch\llTI, Mrs, Lucilie thomp'~I' son prese.nt d the prograW','"A ~Ollt : ::,~:~s, p~i~t YELLOW CLING, So :Good ·;,·i O , ri~, were made efr' 'a which will be held CODy-ordia Lutheran i, PILLSBURY BUTTERMI K BISCUITS FOOD lS.A BARGAIN 1 'lopTGste MEAT I Rent A WItT~R KING SOFTENER From liedtke's . .. . 5 CHiCKEN TURKEY , Or BEEF;8.0ZOIPiEiS',;..... 'I $I iI OR ! ~-._-----~~ _-_>----'- J1 I am inte ested in renting a Water King Softener. Please :: ~dme i , : Aiddress i , . , . , , L~~=~-~i~-·-~~~~~-·-~~~~~-·-~~~~~~-~~~~~~:_~_. I TIEDT~E/S '220 Main St.Way'ne i 1 10 I'., -=-__-+-,i I /# ~ , .OANANAS \ ORr GEs ' ror29 $ PUR~ O~ND B ge . ' ~LEAN eOMET : ~~.1.H;,:.3Vi' ESyd~~x CtOkies~:.RISCO~ .. Call·.............. 7 ZEST , ..5C .~~~~~ ~ ·,·Ige ;R~;r PREM~ COOKIES_1- HOC. QROP I·Lb. P'g,.. ,9 TOlLET.SqAl' 3, ... 7. OFF ON . ..•......•.... 22·Ot,;Net .,,, :rJEER·!Gl":il1iiHg.~ Nei:""4AaCc""Yc~o,_ I ~ lor . .p'g··.. I IVOR.X .soap N:l.~::: 4c JOY UQUID _ ,22-ch:'.S""'lN i.... OII 0' Bars ~ 67e . .. ,; . . .':. . . . . . . . .a.. 1 . 1 <.', l' PEP IR 2' 33e ·2·~ ·· ~;: ~ ~T~l ;I.]lars S LVa· ~!Ioor ,z25]lars 36' 2ge GI" ~1:>~E.···....r..· TOII,S'SOAl' ..··'.... . G B LA 1(1 K HEAVY WITH JUICY FRESH FLAVOR ER )4-0<.5......... . REG. 'SIZE J .cRY- '.LicMd: P~one 268 LB .... .......... BA6 1tJer"LFOR THE WNCH.80X. Tiedtke~!.s • 303 Cans u.s. All P rpose : : 220'Ma n : Wayne, Nebr. have your Irepresentative c~ntad me. ... .a;.o; ;,:~.'~ ";d~':,'lt. THIS COUPON TODAY : • • •••••••• =••• _-_._.---._ ••••••••••• ~llP ~R • I ' I . GARDEN FRESH . lor EANS I 2400<. '"' Nol· FRO~EN , :II CHILI ........ i Mt, »'9.... S~\~kS Golden C ~ I 'l LF( GOLD . . . e NATCO SMALL : ',RENCHIFRIES~:;" ..... ~9 June PEA Water King,!,1 is made of Lifetime Fiberglass that lasts forever. We guarantee this in writing. ~ IOc OFF oN Cloth~s lost longer • Soo~ Goes Farther e Easier O]ishwashing • No Monthly Service Visits I . .1ge' 3 . '25e 45e STY~·. 8 $1 RN... 4 g:, $1: Marshmal OWS 'Pkg, SOFT WATER i • "BlG" FOOD 'S A BARGAIN DOUMAK MINIATUR 10'l2'O~ UNLIMITED • 4 5.;1.· .... ; No,2'12 CANS For a lifetime of " . Se.aliM I" ... Mr. CL¥N NrW LIQUID ,IT , _.·.· ·;;: , 190go ···..·...... I J~.ILL.:J~or.sa. •. ~.!'_l!:~· ' . ...... O ' • O·n 5IX ....__ l' I· ~epltcmbcr ~i ne 1 ~. 4 The Wayne (Ncbr.) Hcrold.:Thursday, 20, 1 G1 1\frs.. M.a 1e McCaw and .Ilm Me· urday dl 0 c guest, in lhe "':==========:j::=:"7,;::::-:=::-;;:::-t~lcaw Ma la McCa 0 ngo supp~r rs. ~rs, C Diek homb. and c, JUl'. g-nd Mrs.' Robert Schr'm Sun I"riday, evening' ViSitorSt,iO ["atsY Mr. and Mrs., Hnrold Dirks wer.., lh~r~'l'~S~~ ~~~:r~;~~nh~Tn~~, Si ux vieve Bi 'Iu~8da:y evening visitors in, the Cily. returned home F.riday a tcrr Sioux Ci · k ~ h orne. Mr. a M yron D·JI:' a visH in the Merle Sherman hof/U,·. e.~ ~';"'_"'_lwCl'·e ~~~;'U::en1~~an~i~it~I~I~U\t~~ ~!~lr:. ~ ewell Stanley home. Mrs.' George Rasmussen Wrl1; II Wednesday morning vl~llur in the Itay Walton home. Mr,. Jack We.stcrllla"n waS a Silt· urday morning ('ulll'll In the Hay Spahr home. Mrs. Frank Lisle and Lori HIlrt· mun w (' r e Sntlll'day overnight gUl'sts in tile .'ens J(\'ols lwnw. . Mr. and Mrs . .J. L. SfJunders were Tliesda~"(~i'~nl'r gUt'sts in the Lowell Sllll~ home. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stingley and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Pehrson and sons had a weiner roast at Gavin'S point. Thursday eV'pning gues!" in the I\frs. S3d. i P Briney hO.JI1P wprl' 1\lr ond Mrs, S. ¢. Eddy. Ed Bokemper. Redfield, S. D., was 1I Fridat over~ight guest in Mr. 8nd Mrs. Keith afternoon' callers in the I an in home were ,. ..... encland and Mickel MCAITie, y. U Mrs. :Lowell d T~o,mpson .. , 1 er~ g\1e~t~t~ th~. in Wate1'bu y, we.1'e Thursday ,atter· noon visi '0 S In the Vincent, Ka'v· anaugh bo e~ l'-'riday vening guests in- the Lowell deI'Sb home hd tolcelebrate M' SjU Hp~~.tOgnU~s~·'inw:~: ~~~r~:~k:::; Laurel. serve his birthday. MI'. nnd Mr;;;. 'Glen Ma'ck1cm and Steve were Thursday evening vlisitors in the Melvin Swick home·t Sunday visitors in the F oyd Bloom hOme were Mr. and 1'8. C.Ufford Carlson and family. lvlarAyona Brldgford, Newea tie, wu. ~ a Wednes(~ay overnight gluest In the Waller $chulte home. :Frida y afternoon visitorS in tile Fred Wolter home w~re I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bose and .Jlmn1y. My, and Mrs. ~lIen Prescott Iand f~l~liY .w c r e Sund~~ afterh90n vl.~llors In the Mrs. Tillie Anddrson h()~H', Ladure~'l' D' k Ch ~h lair. a~ nrs. Ie. a ers \\('1'(' FrJ?ay callers 10 th? Mrs. I .JO~lCl~a a~~nC~l~s(~m~ia~i~:e~~r gl~y Mr. a d Mrs. Mt>rle Sherman and fam ly were Sunday dinner gu('sts i the l\Irs. Clifford Monk home. M ville. la. Bobby Schutle spent Sunday af· ternoon in th£" Walter Schulte !llOme. Mrs. oy Hanson and Verlyn were Frday af~ernoon visitors in th!' FliJy Blooml home. . Mr. a d Mrs. J. 'L. Saunders were. W dnesday evening visitors in the 1\1 s. Lois Swallow home, Co leridge. Frida afternbon guests in the Carol irchert ~ borne were Mrs Bill C ham he r s, Mrs. Elm e r SchUlte, Mrs. ,'.JaUlda Rastl'ck and Mrs. Do ald Knoell. Mr. ald Mrs, Clarence McCaw, Esther nd ~Io~~~ w~:~e_l_,,_·t Sat· home. , arid 'family were Sunday d'nner .Jlm Me!a". Mar:ngo.'la. was guest, in he A. K Stingley hpme. '~ Monday llniough Satu~day guest Ltlurel. In the afternoon all ~ere In II).£! 1\11'.... Ma.1Wl Mt'CI.IW ho.me' '~lIests in the Glenn Stmgley hpme, Mr. and !'Ms. Ted .J()hns()~ and Randolph. I RPfnl{a W('l'(' rlllilwr gUf'sl.<, I' rJd .. ~y Mr. and Mrs. Marion Quist were or ~ll" Hnt,l ]\-11'". Earl I'l'l£'l'son In I TuesdaY evening callers inl the a SIOUX CIty rt'st~·aunl. Russell An!{eny home. Mr. and Mr> l'rC'd Mll1tl'~ were Mr. and. Mrs. Don Curry and Tuesday t'V,eulni: \'JSJ1()r~ 10 the family were Moncla,y C'vening ivisitEnrl Mason hOIn!·. ors in the Dudiey Blatchford Home. M.r• . and Mrs. George Wintz Mr. and Mrs. ,AI HuhelCk iwere and Dora Ulrich, Belden, were Wednesday visitdrs in the derele Thursday sliPper guests in t'he Kavan<lugh home: Hel;lt"y H~nsbn home, Stanton. Darlene Nop was a F'r~clay ('ven~Ir, and 1\ll·S. ,Jchn Thoms£'n anrl in,r: visitbr in the L c s I i ('~ :'Jo(' Wilhur were' Wedn('sclay through hO!ilC'. Friduy guests in Ihc Edwin Maas S. W.: Johnston, Battle Sreek~ hornf', .Elm CrCi"k~ ,WH .... a Friday visitor 10 thel Earl i\-lnnduy ('vpning gll(',;ts in the ~ .Johnston heml'. Bill Sehullc hOJl\(' tu £'elehratc Tuesday evening guests iM the Milton JOhnsbn home to observe the host·s birthday and Mr'.I.od Mrs. Emil Thies' wedding an· 'niversary were Mr .and Mrs. Willis Johnson,. Mr. and IMrs. Geor'ge Lippolt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D?ngberg and family, Mrs. HenrV Dangberg, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Thies, Mrs. Jay Mattes and TEEN TIME DANCE Harlen, Mr, and Mrs. Larr'y jLub· Friday, Sept. 21 berstedt and family and GJrald Becker. DON SOHL Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pete sand ,1nd the Roadrunners family were Sunday evening visitAdm.75c Parents Invited ors in the Henry Nolte [10 e. ;...,___________ Sunday evening gue~;ts the LC'Hoy Creamer home .wer~ Mr. Sat,urdoy, Sept. l22 ,lnc! ~~:~.Dale Davidson and, fam- and :Mrs. tanley Mitchell, Laurel. Mr. and, Mrs. Roy Ankeny: and Donna, $j ux City, were Sunday dinner g~csts in the Russell Ankeny Randy a d Lavonne Bloom were Wctlnpsd y through Friday visiturs in the larvin Hartman home. Sunday Mr. iii n d Mrs. J. L. ~<lunde,rs nd Mr. and Mrs. Lawell Sau ders and Bra die Y joined ... CJrouFl of relatives in the Kenn KoclC: home. Fremont, ,for a Salu clers hmily reunion, Mr. an~ Mrs.' Earl McCaw, AIIlcn. were "riday evening visitors in the I\-tax Rahn home. Mr. aor, Mrs. Marvin Ellyson and famll~, Sioux City, were last wlCckend g lests in the Soren Han· sen home., sat\lrd~~II__~n~r~~_tS_in_t~~ hOll , II ,dnrence' Blo~m they called the Mrs. lome, Albert Cit~J la. . Delia Erwin home. ' M r . and M,rs.,j Lawrcn("C) -Yrb. Mr.- and Mrs. Ray' Spahr -and 1 ichs, moomticld" were Mond8~ Rahns. ~amily we r e Sunday nClcrnoon isitors in the l~c~Uc Nne home. " , Slindll gue!>ts in the Lloyd Wendell home. Tuesday' cvt-nlqg llJr. nnd Mrit 'Clarm;ce:; g.cn J~ck . esterman.' home. 1r. ,and MTS. Lauren Johnson aDald Peters 'a~.d family jOl.ncd: Vi.o.JI' n. kcmncl.. It t.ho W ... 81<..el.l.e.ld' .' ~ ~gn S Brentlinger' was- a Wed. an sons" ere Friday evening latlves in tbe loyd Park home, I, hogpllut. '.1 ." '.""'. .'.... '.. 1'.',", . n~sda 'overnight "fWest of Donn visit s in the John Thom~en borne, ~akcf~cld, to obServe the ,hostess'! :', I '. ."','i':;· ";' ,:h';!< Kaye eters; in the Qonald Pctcr Mr, and Mrs.! Clarencc McCaw )lrtbday~ I " F·OR F451 1 1 SULTS<,'USI home. ' and d rghters were Wednesday Mr. aod Mrs. Vern Murray and H R'A''I" W "~'A"'~" .. M d M, , ,.. ,. ""' I ,. l . K8m~l, ~~~t::~ilYtl~eS~rhS:ni;mi:cJ:~Oe~ ~~~d~;~. i.r~. ~~~nda:rsw:~~ M~: 'G.r~"'r,lI~••, vJ~~'e F;::c.a:i:~d~ 4:~~:~go;isitors home to 'help M.r. Macklem ob:' .th~ Clare~ce Hen~lngS8n morn. ing 1.!?mc were" Mr Yvonne Engstedt hom c. Friday I aqd :r.Fred Ntiner Bill nd -S~da guests in the John ME n I's M. P Kava~ugb Lircol ,"'and: Mrs.- Joreta Miner d Young me were Mr. an Mrs. we u d y dinner guests in the Wra ke. f eoJd · M·rs."J. C. Me'Caw wer Alllunda Schul't~ and r. n Sherman Jensen, and fa By, es ~a ana ugh home. Mr d M~s. Earl Mattes and' familt ea, I Mrs: rl ne Clough and Lesa, Mpnda supper g lfe s.t s in th Mll;I'Y'S birthday were Emila M (Continued from page :1) .,"'""!~_ \ I \ Tues ay vlJito,:,s In" the EaTl i Jlohn toni home. I ~lr. and Mrs. Clarence Henning~ sc!n I' turned Sunday after a tr~ tn, ea ifornia and a visit in thl CJ:yde Evert home Derby Colo I Sun ay ~vening' guests' in tM Wesle Rice ,home were Mr. and Mrs. -Iarold GUnnerson and Greg Brow '~ Roe elle pregeou..was a Wednes day' Hernoon visitor in the Allel Ptcsc tt ho~e. , : :Fri lay afternoon M.rs. Don Ca~ sdy a d ch!'dr,cn, ·Mrs. Kendall Marti and ~hke, Laurel, and Mrsl Il-~a'nrnr KUKhIJlh~I'dhosmones 'SiSJo'ute1hd inSI'otuh' ,. ~,~~J~g l~~:i~~r~tO{I; ~~:CL~olidon;; ,.-.."- in the Marion Mrs. Osca Borg was. a Friday {'Hernoon' visi in the n ~scolt homc. ,Mr. a~d Mrs. Clal'cnce McCuw ~nd f~I.UlIY ~vcrc Th,ursda y e,-,cnmg VISitors In the Clayton Stmg· le)' hamel ' Mr. ancJl Mrs. Marion Quist spent lhe weekend in Crcstbard, S. D., where th~Y attended, a 40th an.niversaqrlopen ~lOUSC honoring Mr. and Mrs. ,Maunee lIunt. M~rle nU~el'k. was a ,Wednesday evenmg v sitor III the Gercle Kavanauj:th ~h me. Fr'idav[ afternoon callers ,in 'Jh,emJeo,h,O LY .O .,U,O,. ChOoIOm.,• •wnedr.OW.'.lel 'I , . ' ',' j: '. :rt:umer hom.e.. 1\11'. and 1\t:rs. I'.:orl Johnston WCl'C' ' ursday visitorsl in Ole Otis Wick hOl , ·Hubbard. Mr. Mrs. Jfhn Pehrson were 1 mong Sunday fternoon visitors 'n the Allan Shiv ly home, Wayne, 0 help the host observe his birthny. I!CLI~lc'.I'hS,:.I"I,tnlr~lnaYa.dMrfa·maUnydalI.cMndrs•. J\. ~.........~, ~d the wedding pf Shirley v_.auleave aod CiaYlflln Obermeyer at luskell. ,, " Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. 'auillorg and Karen ware visitors (1 the Stel'lirrg Borg borne!. Maureen Spath wa·s a Monday TheoPhil~s, Wayne, ivernight guest of Annette SdlUlte Mr. aO Mrs. Floyd Bloom and n the Walter dSeh'utte home. B'riari at nded the Clay County Mrs. Maber McCalw .and .Jim: fair at Sp ~_cc_·r._l_a_ .. !~~_~_'d_a_y_a,~n,-,d+l,'::ct::a".'w,::._~,-,I",ar",c.'Ing~o~., ....I.":a.::.'•.::w~e~re:....'.T~ue~s::..~==~=~~~~ r '1 City , " Mr. ,Mabe~ McCaw and Jim Me Caw, '1\far~~gO, Ia .• were Thurs dny vel11l~ visitor:'s in the Mrs ,~i'; h·IS wee kI....CIX · ·IS th,: m,aglc · nu , I I t's cheaper by the half~dozenthi~! Safe", .. ay.' Loo.L ~or all the great 1'r 'O.dsallovt:rthe I bargai slonfine stor • Mix or m~uch purc ases to suit d ' , nd get variety as wfll as s gs. Come and brojwse. Take time to check all the bargains a1'd you'll your nee J. see why ~our money's alway, worth more I I at Safeway. Stock ujp now and save! KING'S if j Harold W~anl. Sioux Cily. was a Thursday· dinner guest m the Alwin Anderspn home. 'I su.nda;r guests,.in e Wesley nice home were Mr, and IVlrs. Eric Anderson, I;'ender. \Vednesday afternoon. guelts in the Gerald Stole home, South Sioux City, were Mrs. Carol Hi chert, ~ Brian and Sandra and Mrs. onald Knoell and Marlin. - Wednesday morning gue, ts in the Oscur Borg home waSI Mrs. Mabel McCaw and Jim l\11cCaw, Marengo, lao . I Mrs. Kendall Martin ang, Mike, l.a lll-el, weI' c. Thursday $upper !:,'1l'('sls in the Lynn Kuhl Mme. Wednesday' evening Mrs. Nor~ man Lubberstedt entertained her bowling teiilm at the ,coffee party ~~lIo.win9 bow:l.ing, Guests were M s. Anifs Kuhl, Mrs. Cor· inne ta ey, Mrs, Beverly Peterson an 'Mrs. Gloria KO"ester, Sunday- idternoon and supper gue."ts in the Bill Ghambers'home were Mr and' Mrs. Jim Chambers, Wakefield. FI'ank Thomas, sr.,- Sioqx City, [,WI'S a Tuesday ·visitor in the Paul DUFFY BELDRAD and His Orchestra . Adm. 7Sc Su'nday, Sept. t·r 23 I tax paid Reservafions Available Plenty of good seats left! A-dm.' 1/' ;. ~2$O : Cake Donuts "'" W,IghV,- f,,,h P~'i; 29c Tea Rolls ~Ii~~ ~r~~~\:a~~<li(~~:tt~r ., ~flr2 19c Coffee Cake ~;,~"::~'~;'::k~"~:~~.~2:~P.; 34c Ballerina Bread ;I~;:~e~::- .. _ :t 22c Fresh Buller Sh"",y La,",~,oHd _ ,;,~, SSe . Lucerne",_·low. gal. Ice ,Milk ,"Iod, d .. ley d,,,,,' ..••••.. 2 ,",. $1 , 'd M'lk Lu"""~ ;;- 'al 45 Homogenize I Ge",·A Caei"~ C Instant Chocolate :'e~~~~~;'::- ~~-;:; ]$1.09 6·6,. 43c ' s"OW Coop-foo,,". 2 c1ns Or ange J;ulce ~~ 1270z. Can 41C •.•••• Sandwich Cookies ~~':::'::;;;-m" ... )ii~ 49c Star-Kist; 6\4.7.. Chunk Tuna, Ugh' mo..' ....... _...... "" 3Bc Chunk lIun~~,~,::;~~~, fam"y ,'" ..~', ~ 51c Peanut Bul r ;;fC;;;-;~h7 ~: :; 45c Dotty Be",-p"foot 2 p.kg•. 25c Bak 'l.ng Cup tor baking cup cakes , of 60 I Chi,k," of th, S"f:' ,. 3Bc Ch unk TunJi1I Sea-light meat ., ••••• , ... Instant Stath ~~~c~~~a;;,~s::.~~ •... ~~- :: 21 c • '. Soft-Wcve· 2-pa:ck Toilet 11lss e whil,,, ';'0" ..... _.... Pkg. 29c I , I _.~~ .. I M rgarlne 6 cJbrook;tareal"bi9,iX" .~IIP· s' ;,.....~~.:T:'J'::,17C I-lb. ~~~oQI.q-.-.q-<.Q;~q Mu~~~~~I~'~f"A2PI~~~~3A5cIlCE $100 With ~"q-.q-. '\6 ;:~s~ 79c S 6 89c Peas' 1('0'rn l'l ·6 89c Pot"toes I~IED Shor'ten-Ing ROyaISotin-l"I2iOH"~aCkl ~.Ib, 73c Salad Dressin, ~=:;:., j}-;;; 39( i"~ - I . , , . -~----~--- ~~~~!~~~,~~~~~f~~:~1 ! ~:"Qi~atiosl:=:.:.:-:;;.,61~:: 53( Ia' .' BeLr;p.riemiumQuality;lrzn. e,22C, or more 00 6 pkg.J. . FRENCH qR CRINKLE CUT, 'Bel-air; Ir~zen (~ave 16c on 6 pkg5J. .. 'i COl .q;<Qd7..~~ SED~L 1P,-oz. ~kgs. 9-oz. ~kgs. ' . I '1""""""""""11I011I"'""'' '"' ' ' '"'"' ';' ' """,o,,,n,,",,,I'",III,,,",,,,,,",,n,,"I",,,,,,"'""",",,,,,"'~ .1, WANTEDI I (nn~ ~q.qq,~.q-. ~.-.Qi</;N-b>' I fans (5a'1 6cft"m regular pme) " " ..... "I' Can i.. ork ~,,~~:urOR~:,:!I~C on 6 pkg.J. Vegetarian Veg eta,l>le or ·JgetabJe •••• ".,.. I ......_ ......---1i! _ ......- I . I Earl Peterson home were Mrs. Merle Hamm and Debbi Norfolk. -_.- . U ----------,..-..;.1 Wednesday, SeDt. 26 ~=~"~W~N:A~X~B~O~h~em;;i~~n~,_-- ; ~i ·~n~ ~ ~ild~Ii'ei:'i~ail~ eidli·o~neiri.igu~e~Slisi ~n~l~he Adm. $1.01) I >6- I .J'i!IvL- Sto1yland Sak Pineapple Juice'JibbY" 46C~~ 31c ~:!:'f,~t . N°gl~ 39c Beef Stew ~~:t~S~d rich . 2.~~ 49c Tomatoes ~~r,,:,,:: 4NC~~~3 $1.00 Libby's Pears I Swee t PIe· kleSLib~Y'S- Start today ••• build your com Jete Libby·.t::' 3,",,0.303 raut delici = ' Cans Sauer K SafewaY's easy book·a·week FOR ONLY 5 LABELS purch:\Se plan. Glorious fuJ color ~CORNED on every'page wi~over600 al junior high and high school s bjects; SE,EF HASH . VolJme 1 on ' f1onlY: llJlI!~--~"'-_-';'uI-~- OUhgjrur~l,evs b 3 I':.I:DIIrmzmll 1 I ~ike'."fi~di.ng,:_·mo~et! 6 , off nOs .BEn rabels ~-US'~~'Nm,"~, M~ 'EM OR MATCH ,'I anor HOuae)- Ne~~O .~~'.. . • e to 1....Jb., '.' . ••.. ~ . . •. .~.... ..Grade-A. u.s. pected BraDd1-10:1 11 $au .... '~ ~1ean'''',''''Pkg_,5ic I ", " ; " ' , i, ' • • • fiye is ~lr you n~d. • - , ~, . f' :,-Q",:, red"m,pt;Qn,to ahoust! NCE . , '" ,p,. O. Box 570STA ',Denver.! 17.. COlo· I " t ,j,"'I,"",("II' Gr iuId Rl:'daesn Maii ,With ypur ~ame and a~dre;, to: ~'clNVENI ~---rr FOOD . . sale rlEE:F stEw I '4 This wee", I l<;t ThisQffer~i~Nov.-30, 19l?2', ,Safe y'. Superil 'l' ty. tfryaway_ ...... 1 Lb.49c Br unsch':iger":; ~dwlehes I.. Lb.39c eel Shrimp~-']r' 1~69, I' I I 1 I 22-0'. cucjJrnber ... Jar set of 20 magnificent vohures on U.S.D.A r Grade-A 1 33 C 39", C FRYERS CiRAPE'S 't:29~' ). . Ibs! 29,( I " ~ ,~il I l:f~ Plwrlp an" tull~e!lted,tJ.s~Inspe~ I; '.'. I Ope" Friday Tokay Varietyl refreshingly delicious 'II )' i I ,I (~ "1 ;l' " ,~:' i\. II , I ~I I: GoldenY~tl>Pi~~· ..·Lb.l~ New(ropp~~= ... ak.. $1.08.~. SWeli~_atId I ,--,,1,1, ' < 1,' 1 ~. ' .. (~~. ·····...:c;········f· , ~I +u~I'I·1 ::IFill~31;:ii~~.'~·",····,J,· ; I, :~ i .• "~.. , ;,J::;,~tl.:yr:.l{;d ,::·!',.'>':-:!b•.;,::.: 'I &:;:;. •'.•....•...•...... , ii, to ~r'on~ heml, Mlnn S n III r d.,! SlI perl ernOOn pl.n 1. I ~rrefi~'ill~n ~~~ ~~l~.~s~~Jltlh~%~<; ere '1:11~:de:y.s6~~~cw i~ Mrs MaUl'I(,(> Hansen ~ctu ned home Sund\lv nlghl n£l('f sjpen m~ -,J,;.-----+---+-:----..;..-:-I----.... -.I~I:e;,~ ~lln(by ('\'('llil\J~ ~~I ~he Randolph, p",ts in Enlt'sl .Junek 11011H' \v~'rc Mr. llnd and 1\11'. and fS. G. E. Joncs, .\ll'li. IIt~rh B,IH!t'1" ~I If] ~IJ'. a!ld SlIlllrdijy evcnirig railers in the Mrs. Leslpf Borpt-'. ! Roberti Jones h me were MIl', and • Lundlf'on gu('"ts'S!1I1ilny at the Mrs, Lcm Jon!s and (family and ~f/~':.~~:~ )llll~'~Sl~ r 1 1 / 1--- 0; TUl'!>da; 'l'\'l'ning (,.dlprs in Ill! Knittin Club to Meet I 1I11rllwri hl.Jlm' w(~rl' :\-Jr 1 Knitl?ng Club will meet..fepte m - wilh Mrs. Mar¥ RO?ert s as Mrs. ho.. . tl'ss. !i 21 Catholic Guild Meets "I The Catholil' Sep~=~~~~~::~~;~II~mIJ{'1' ]2, There WCI'~~twe~e Mr. a . St(lia~:'s ~~~~;;,a~a :~eh 1 1 '. ,<lVf'rn lind I Soc,·ely .~nd Ml's. Ml'rlt· WhJln('y and fam1 her .lInd familY. r--; Johnson and H('\ Vtltorllrel nd I. Sunday, Sept 23 WorShp, 850 Mrs N II Dowlmg t;pp-nl art m Sunday school. 950,1 of last week In lhe Melvin Do Img "--I home' I Methodist Church- I Mrs I tZZl(' Cllffl!h ~Jicnt last (VIetor Ireland. past9r) week wIth lUI bruthel ~ AI~ert I Sunday, Sept 23 Wors~lp 945 .Jenkins. I la,m. Sunday school, 11. ! Friday aHprnuon ('allerls in! tho • • • home of Mrs, Anna HanJ~n 'ere Presbyterian.Congregat'ClnIllI MerryMakers Mrs. Matt Luckas. ,Mrs. ~~ma HoChurch-. Merry Makcl's will meet Sept. kamp, Belden, 11 n d M.rs. arl, (Gail Axen. pastOj 27 in the John (leHman home. Duffy, Madelia. Minn. I I Sunday, Sept. 23: WQr hip, 10 Mr. and Mrs, F=orrest f'IIettle on a.m.. Sunday school, 11. GST Club ! and Mr. and Mrs. Edward 5(;,sT dub will m(',ct Fri~Jy night wald and Doug were ~hurs ay Friday evening callers i the Ed in thl' stan[t'y Morris homcl ~a~I:~,inwtahkeefi~~:.en;rit:;1 '~~~ar~o~~w:;~rean~rD~~g~ Mrs. t' Mr. lid ~ lour S;JPPCr Vif;ilOl's in,tlc Emil Tictgen hom!' s,undny fternoon, were Mr. aod Mrs, Gl'arjt 1.'ietf.:cn, Waync. Mr. lind Mrs. ,Em'll 'fletg-en were W"dn('sdIlY dinner gUCHts in the Lon'n stoltenberg home'. .tlt 1~~;nn~~:l~;;;~iH'i~::~r, Mr. an~. Mrs. Lavern ijIII"""";.,.""r-c"':1'- es the HU''l'llcker h m c , ' " •• Mr and Mrs Clalr Swn~son and L.dy Of Sorraw. MlIVHl were !"l'IdllY g ests (D carh~ici Churc~t ) In the Clnrcll<c l\lorns Inme amc a as, pas r I, Last week calkrs In the WJlllam Sunday, Sept 23 Mast;, 9 8.m Swanson h 0 In e WCl'C Mrs var In ~,~:;j;I(~X \~~f~lt V~~;e~li~Z~~s~ayne, ~11~r::~s' ~~~~h~'~~ga~~~\la~~r~b{l~St w('r(' M'r t\'lr. lind ~ll·s. Ejnor Cook sp{'~t thl' wl'clu",nr! in Colfax N"brask~ . :\11'. undo Mrs. Fn'd laird spe 1t t.he, w('ckt'nd in Linculn at the j)( 11 BaIrd hOTlH'. Tlll'srlay .t.'vPrJin g gU(.'. t" in Dalills ('llnnmgham h me WI'I'(' Mr. 'and '~M'rs. !\1(']vir Erhurd. Randolph. Hnd :'vll', Ilnd ,!\Irs. Aiel Eddip lind Dorothy, :1~ Kar<'11 Ittll'lIlNt was h T~'~HJa ('\'~'nil1g sllppt'r gUt'sl i.!L.!J!.t Hon· nil' RilltH'inH'I' 11001(', Mr, and ,\-lrs. 1,)'11' Cunninghanl :,nd famlly WI'rt· Sunday g~u.st~ ~~()[:~H'l'l:~~'O !'I'l('ypr hOtlH', SOllt1 durlbert, Mrs. l~uild I 1ft 1 ~nd ~'rs. Forrest Nettle-ton is~ Mr. and Mrs. lted '" the Hubert ~ettl ton Thursday in the 'home. home. A com'!1,itlee of Pr~_~byt ri~n Mr. a~d Mrs. women with Mrs. Leot1j!lrd nt- and. family were h d d Mr 0 Ji k· t f M.It of Art La~c spent M 0 r r ij s Lage I Gurney! Lorenz Wednes.Ray supF ~o~;hai~~~;et w:~ I~~~d~n :f~ ~~. gaU;~ SM~s. J:ttn ~: k'i L im o~::.; ~-~~=~~~-~~~~~-~~--~~~~~=~~~~-~-+-+-~~=~------~~~~~~ Dangberg· homp, Win~idf' I ~1~::::;('::nP~~·,~,en~;·iz~rsl'Jr ~:o~~ \.1:1 1" .... 11 dnlJghkr Mr. \lrs, HoiH~l'l, ,JOhrJsonl,. 'ruclllred disCllHS('d I)]('ir lInnual IHl;1lpa r. hl'r, :1 nil, ... kallng ThI1l1 s r!, Y. IUghl. Lutheran Ladies' Aid a I \\lUi be held andl (;(~:ll;,I~II~IY,]r:~~:·'~~~'~~ ~~~;~t,." f~~ S\I~,l: .Th~' 1.1,101(':an Ladles' Aid met 1 11 1\11 ~.d.<I). Spplemher 13' There Alvin J.!'inkJ~s. Stanton. Mr. Hnd ~~~('J~'~7},ll;Jtm~:~h~~~ ~~~~~.; . ~;~: \'('11· ... lllrlhd ll y \\'l'l"t' ]\'h·. Jnd :'III'S, f ~~::s. il;)(~dM/<jan-;:~~nh~n~~~11~~:'~~JI;,~ Ili]pNt ("onduc(ed II Bib e quiz M·ll' . 'I and 1\lrs. Lynn, Isoffil prcse'~tcd the ,('sSt' t. 19an. , : aid twplv(' s('rving t.rnys. 'Jht' next .\!onday pvpn,lllg 1!',II('~1s1 111 011': ItH'("tin" will he Odobel' 0. with .\l.an'ltl Isom IVlllH' Wl'I"!' l:'l'lr, and':\1 ,.., . 1 h .'\11"..... (;r'lllfil']d <I\\() fam-!:' rs. :VJarvln SOlO UH OSJ~ss, iI.\'" ('V('tung callers! EOT Club ' \Vl'1'l' :\11', HtH] 0 .J, Jones ,lllll, rOT;1 I t I '. t' T ·d I' ,I In I I y IlOd TlllJr<;f!av ('veiling: ~ t l ) mc a s I r s ay Wl'rt' :VII' 'lI1d ·:\lrs Bill I M~s, j]l'nry Haase ,1OstCSf-:, l'otl!'(JI'd·. ' , . .. , : ~~ . ;.~~~ ~~('~(~ (~I:;r\V~~~~~e~:t ~h~li~~ I I· ,ItH h w.as .J:l\;~::'IlW)\'l~'t~H'{'~\~:'\\'~ ()ril' )i';n [l~('('\~:~~.~ ~lr. and 1\1.1'''' 11<~·rman ,Thtin ~ere rVIJJlJrlll'l' IlansPIl :1.a ttlrdaY night guests m the I aul n~d ,S(pvpn .lor. Knoll homc. Way~e. ,1lHI .]l:".... (' 1\lWigan. Star Extension Club HI('hnrdi'llrs. (~(~lilf:·nl(,I.'I~I;;:~~" TIll' Star Extension Cluh met IIIIl"lhf'rt. nnd HUll/-': . .Iudv .\I(;rll> llOBW. I'il'f{'l'. 'lf1~,Ji·~i\l::;~ ~llrt~;l' .J(~~~;~~ and lh'rh homes, Tuesday afterrJqon guests in the Beach Hurlbert home were I Mr and Mrs H L Harmer! La~rel, and Mrs. ~Cha'rles Mills: I Laurel, Thursday :afternoon Mr, I and Mrs Beach Hurlbert called' on Mrs.. Everett Roberts in the I Dwight Roberts h<lme ~':;;~ll~hl;I~~:: ~te:~e lJ:~le~la~~;~~ h('rs presenl and two guests. The f(~:~s~~ft~r;s.M~~·i.Je~~I~~~~'S~~n~ City,. la, ~he, roll call was. our vocutlOn h1ghhghts ..New. officers \\'('l'{' pleeted and will toke over [hI'. rirst of ,January. ~hey, were ~:Irs. non H~rm~r, presl.dent, Mrs. (,ordon DaVIS, vice presldt'nL Mrs. ' ICel"ll1tl Benshoof, Sf' c. I' C I a r .y. I 1'('<1 sllrcr; Mrs. E I' W I t1 Morns, ~lrs., Hohl'rts v;sj~ed Tom Sllllda y 111 A hospItal: He n't.llrnpd hotllf' .evenmg, .Sunda\'. dll1nn 1O lh(', Er\Vlt;<;. \\-~::111\\\)1()111(' 3ndMr)\l~~~: wiler, reading lea·der and Mrs. ,John Hees, health leader. The next, meeting will be with Mrs. Kermit Bl'nshoof. Shirley W;jS "JWI1W Lincoln for ill(' w('PKend. I County Achievettnent Day will be held at the C!arroll aUditor_j ium and the fbur \iolunteer workers are Mrs. Keith OWl'mS, Mrs. Lynn Jones, Mrs: J o_'h n Rees and M~s. Kermit iB~m"$hoof, Satilrdny thl"N' 'C~Il'I·olI wome eo atle~~l('d 1.11(' DiSh'i.ct' thl"P(' LegiO~ Auxlltary al SOl,lth ~tOtlX City. The \\'('I'l' 1\-Irs eharll's Whitney. Mrs. }:1'1'\·('IIl' Wplll'r a~ delegates an I :\]1'''-. 11nlland Slohl: as page. Thursday dinner! guests at th(' ell1\-I ' I i\I I l\ir's, . 1\(,(;lJ~~~S '1~~;:}j~I~~~~:c i~n~· ~~~. Pc'lks. Colo" 1\1r.. E. Jones Mrs. l'Il<llHle Fish('{ ISund,~y guest w('re Rev. Gail Aipn and Mr, Frances Axen. i !\II'. <lnd l\Irs. ;E!t'l'rett JaneL, Dc\vilte. la., canie Salurday t spl'nd a fe\\' day,;; 111 t.he RObell Jones 110mI'. Sunday Idinner guest in tlH' Robert Jone~ home weI' Carroll Woman's Club Car r oj 1 WOman's Club met Thursday in the Woman's Club room. There .were 18 members and three guests pr.esent. The role rall was favorite television pro· grams. Mrs. Levi Roberts gave the olans for the year on the theme "The I·louse." Mrs" L. E. Jenkins led the club in singing. The topic for the day was "The ~ i v i n g Roo m." Mrs. Charles Whitney gave a talk on meQtal health. Mrs. Norman Sorensen, executive secretary. of the Opportunity Center, Norfolk, gave a talk on the school and its accomplishment. Mrs. E. L. Pearson gave a rcport on the School fd't Disabled children, Greeley', Colorado. Mrs. Robert Johnson contucted two games for m)'stery. Mrs. Walter Rethwisch and Mrs. J? L. Pearson are on the membership committee and they wish to invite anyone in the community to join , ',rom ~v! an~ i· ~~Jt~~\~: \~~I~I~:'\ %~~;. rg~~al~Of~~: ~~.1:,~":.~~~:~J,~~~~I.e~_~~ ~~~~li~~e ~:~be~rs~fLl~~dl~~r~ ,l. ·1· !'is, Mrs. Grover Bass., M:rs. Fred . . . , DIV.' YOU KNOW,~ Baird and Mrs. Art Glass, that It ,costs less, to run a' full page ,atl than it ~oes to send . . P.. 051. card to' all ~t!..,e readers 0 Wef'kend g u est s m the Clalr -';-he Wayne Heral~t. .• Swanson home were Mr. and ¥rs. ~====.,."..'±~_ Norman Sorby and Sharon, Moore- I . Peas o lPea~ o & : french Ifries o : o 1 peter~ Fr1etn1:5 ST£AK, I : 0 •o No hwest 8 s~~a~ A9 c ··: BrllettlPears :s 1S-erz. pkg. " I; 0 ~ :.. •·•t•••••·•·•.' .•...: 1 ·'·T ixed Vegetables I t pour Sto,e~i9C & c~rro s l%.lb.bag~ HaRMEL'S !QUANTITY RI,:: GESER:E::H GREEN STArpS , Spl.M AJfuraCy is the hidden ingredient I 16.1. -'k!lj p~~~ Lem~nOde '/ , I ir . ~ . i~~~,~i i, , ASADVElttlSED 1 I Way,ne's Only T1"~ l'~armFcistDru9 . . Cherry " with which it is compounded by a hi hly skill d registered pharmacist. ' 1 ' '. BQSil~ to the eff€diveness of ~ny rescri P.t.i1 m,js the.. accuracy , .-White ,I ' Store ss YEARS ~F, P~ES~RI.PTION SER1JICE 216 F..,~BERIIPHARMA~! ' \; ., Pho"e 31 ............ 2 giaJtU 4'c FAI , .. , , , . ,. .., .vEL •... _,' ,. ,I, , , ,gillnt bQJf.19t , , . - . i . , ".' Abc , .... ,. , • - . - . - , - .. - . - - ,F!-ORIENT" Lila or Pine .•. 'I", ··i·········· '·'1·" .'{.";., I 9!Ont bo~~S~c 9 ,on l" b't"f~~'" spray. can719~ . ,.[\1"1(1' Ib.19c \i ,"',I " C.... " "I' ~':' .. I i ,I , ''''..'"'G' A' L-;;p''IJ'' a' L' ,mTi""';--orr ~OTIC~ PRO ATE, 10 the County couh qounly. NebllVlJui , III till' ;\ll1lter or t1\8 -----"*-.:..-I-----;-----i-------I ~I;.~~('e S~O~~HNj' el~:~~:~'lO <ll'rtU'd. gllltllc or all con- Nolle/.! 1/1 llj'lf'b gIV('fl thul 0. petltlon ha/l ~('ell n cd fOI the probate of tht, will of llld detcltlll'l!, und for th.- uppulntnwrlt Jf \Vllluen T. I"f.'I~ he", ahm ](11 () I'; n /111 H'llld"n TudlJ"elh.... lUI exceulor thel'f'of, whleh will be r'r h"arlnlr In ('J' tf" court on HCfJtcm el O'c!Ol'l1 A .\1 :l8, l!IG2, at 10 I DllVld .J. Ham!"r n':;"nl) 813t:] / ~ County JudCe H.-ory Loebsnck, .,t ai, P]l\llltJrtll II\' H. n. BOl'nhurt 'TII(;lr Att0 JrHlI' '01'U'N UI'- s~ 1'1' 'I'q \,1<'1"1 ~1!ll1~1L, l'ILul iIB"j, ltil I ~'I'jall ~hl! HllFlflll. ,lid I('} LEGAL pUa!LICAT'O-N---- , 1'lLlll' III ~Ilnllil. '''Il,ILI)(l"lI~'or.,(lUllll'lI'.r('h\ ""II tl~'11 ! lin I .. II :-;"1 1.'11 1"'1 I, I !'{;:i. 11,11 1\' L"lo! "Ill II HIli 01 Ill't fl. H" 1'I/lln(lrfll.llI. ! IH,IIIII"llln til,' 1l1!'!111,' 1',1\111] of \\ lIynl('OIHln, ~"hru"l,fl It ndl , "min' n, ~'Il fill Il'" 1<>11 IIgnllll<! \,.u !lfl d, f.'lIrl"nl'l h Ii l'oUlIII "I niR" 11>< Il '!I'(""IUlIl \)lII)"! "r \\hldl Ill<' U d,·· r<>II"\\IrIj.( pll1lnllrffi JI ,J! \"11, lIUllllt'ln ~~~~~~~'~~I~~:'~~~~Z:: /'l1~'1"[,I,r':J\-"'::Nrr ~.'\"~~:~l~.~ 01,- UP ACf:UL l'IO'I' (";llit or \\'Ilynl" Count,. l·~!!tute uf li:dwlln( I". Il"'lllu-r, De('PitHed ce;~:~~lllte ~If !'"ebrll~I'Il.. to Illl '<Jn~ tlt~~:I\~lt~H1:4rl~br~If!~t~~I.t~'I~ltllt' fil,',';: Ilern'lIt 11"1'1'\11 dl'tl'I'mtnlltloll of ~l~~ :nhl~'I~~:~l ~'t~ ~~\~ (;;;uti~~ :;Il, ~"':H;~::(f IiPP1'UVl~11i (J nnd of fllllll. II' ('nunt llnd rlb'dIHq:;l', WHllt'll wIll be fot· hellllllg: In thlH ( \lIt Ull ~f'ptfllllbf'I' 24th, Int,:!, fit :i.OO 0,10' k, P;'II I;llt"j'ed II EI 31Ml dll!r or AlIg'Ullt t!lh:!. '\,hl""I", }'l"I()!ll'f" 01"" PIli\' r.>! r-..,..__...._~!"".... JIllvld.T I g-l III lid 1I1~ltun, l[llmer ('''lIl1'~' .ludA"- I IRI';J,L) ~III\lllOIi & Atty'" I<ljt'l LEG_~!:-PU@L1CATION :\()'I'I('I'l TOll IlI'lU)'I'OIl'" JII lli,' ('11l11l!1 ('''Ult :\"~~r'~·~'L::~ll "f Walllo 1;~llll ""ll:lll\\;C or IIIP .. uf .loll 1\ L J OI~('S. I).. , eUlwd 11ht, ~tlil(' of ;>';et))u~ka, to l\ll C<)I1("1'n"d I l'io'f<'" 1H I h"l'pLv /.\IV1'11 that all ~:;~:ln~)I:l~~~.lltl:~r,~~'~d tl:;~l~~'~hll\,;j:~. ~,~ n'-'·('lllbl'I·. "lfl~ ul h,. fUl,~vpr blllrl'd IInu h('~lllllg:R nn l'IHlmH will I,,, 11'·fjld 11\ thlH CUUlt on S"plem1Jf'l ~Ii. 1%:':, !llnl Oil IJO<'('III1)C) :nl'll, LetU5 tel1YO~hOWYDugm 100 shells frle if evon ono R 1~l!ton plil~itc shell Wls to ~~e~~~~r tt 5sehe'~:Ulntfs ••• thrQuglf :: I 'tlJ~, III I 00 !' \1 j) it .. " llill< lOti, lIn\ • GUARANTEEP AGAINST POWER lOSS I • GUARAHTEED PERF!CT[OWER SEALING • GUARANTE~D TO FIT Y~UR CHAMBER • GUARANTE~O AGAINST ~CUFFING DR SPLITTING ~ • GUARANTEED PERFECT IGNITION "f :-;"pl"lIIbt'l, '1~~ I ~~~~~~el~~ ~£~~r~~:'~~I~Oh~~~~: loads ... Pflclfld the sa~eas'!!!y high-. basepaperlshelts. I I ~l1iblglo t ~ '[.pn~."I, RQi U.S. hI. OW. by ll~m'"iIQ" Arm~ Conlp.ny, Ie, OII~iIP~ft 1, CQnn~ Off S·h~~r:a~~~h~~~CJ ~~ ~drefODe~~03~~a1952. ,GAS HEAT GIVES , , I I I i i i I, I I I I ,) , , I I I, I' YOU COMFORT piS I THRIFT I i I You save money ~ith gas heat, because n~tu ral gal' is a thrifty fuel. And gas heat sal:e,s you valuable sparce. Modern gas furnafes fit into a corner of tjle basement ... fit i to attics, closets or crawl space. Savings are eyen bigger when you ~lan to'adqI centr~l air qonditioning, because you use the same ductwr.rk and registers. If XtJu live beyond the gas TrU:!ins' see your trienJldlY LP d l ! a l e r . ' mounted head look too high to you? A prize rack of "mbeyond your reach? Look again. You may he ,0 a trophy than you think. ' ,ct is~ in spite of booming human population pressures, the ,e are still places in this country where spor~smen can go aftt more big game than their griffidfathers could-:"'and prac. ticel conservation in the bargain. Pbpular"J:>elief to the contrary, the whitetail deer is not a lov~r of the forest primeval. He prefers young, brushy wood-' lands, especially those with irregular ,edges and opening:>, so he follows close on the heels of lumbering and small-scale farrping. rrhus th,ere are many mO,re whitetails in the uni,ted Sta~es today than there were 100 years ago. ","s a matteMf fact, the whitetail is present in such numbers in spme spots that he threatens to eat himself out of house and hoTe. As state after state seeks to crop its deer herd down to the! capacity of its, deer range, we are seeing regulations that peJnit the shooting of either sex over an extended season, and in ~eas close to big cities where the crack of a rifle has not beEln heard for a generation. "PACKING IN" is the s ylish way to penetrate ig game country. Wl1lile eer may dwell close to usycrossroads, shebp, oats,' and grizzlies are i tolerant of human haitation., Amidst the ~randest, wildest 'scenelY' above the timberline, these species live in s rene isolation. ! - -, I,'-,l'=';--~ I _I ~~r<:'1.~~~l ~ .~R--= ~:.. I ~ J I THE WHITETAIL ~EER was the first big game ani~al killed f~r 'ff),od by the pioneers, iand,"yet it hfs been sa)d ."it will be the last o~ the large hfofed animals .0fNorth AmericCito Hecome ex" tirct.1I The has more than 100 yeclrs ago. ujs. I n the western states the mule deer' takes the place of the w itetail;, He, too, is thriving where intelligent management pr cticescan be followed. ore and more hunters are also experiencing the thrill of g ., after two otner trophy species in the west. One is the e , o'r~piti, he of the rocking-chair horns, now present again in/fOOd na:ers in and around Wyoming. The other target is e antelo e, or pronghorn, the only American representatie of a f ily with many.famous branches in Africa. You 't have to "pack in" to reach these animals, but it's well to h e a rifle with a long, flat trajectory and a scope sight. e black bear, tool is back again on the list of shootable . als in many stat~~. Oddly enough, it is tourist garbage dqmps that are respoqsible for the jump in his.population. , IAJl told, the United IStates ttophy silfation is such this fall thra fine set of hO~:iS in reach of many a hunter, thanks to a untiful Nature thit won't let civilization keep her down. i I ' I· " , r 'T .RemiDgtolts , • • \ ] . I . I • I Other shells ",!a~ c1ai~ superior perfor~ance~ gas-tight seal of plastic aga nst plastic. but only RemlO~ton~Peters guarantees It! Re... Guaranteed to fit yo r ohamber. Only \ gardless of hun~ing and weather condjti.qns, i~ plastic shells are waterpro f, can't swell or get even one Remin~on-Peters plastic shell fails to\ soggy like paper shells. . meet any of the iguarantees listed here, through \ Guaranteed alrain~t80, ffing or 8plitting,: the fault of the ~.hell, w~'ll send you 100 brand- \ Only tough, self-Iub~icatin~ plas~ic shell.s can't new shells abso*tely free! * \ scuff, scrape or drag ... woftspht even 10 sub- . GuaI'anteed ~ainst power 108s for up to \ zemcold or extreme heat. '. ~ . bneyearfromdafeofpurcha~e.Onlyplasticlocks \ Guaranteed perfect Waterproof in factory-fresh power, reg&rdless of storage or \ plastic keeps moisture fro seeping in to ruin temperature conditions. Paper shells can lose \ powder. And exclusive "Klanbore" priming as\ sures perfect ignition.: . power from day ithey're made. Guaranteed lerfect P1wer 8ealing. No . I i · ; h II h h t'. 'Guaranl~eof!" validonIYln.U.S.A.,foroneyear. paper wa d 10 a paper sec n matc t e perlect, i on shells 'purchased before D~c. 31, 1962. 1 ittiOn. I I : YOII can get powellful plastic shells in all 12, 16 and 20 i shells fail to measure up to any ~f the guarantees stated gauge Remington '1Express" and Peters "High Velocity!' iabove, save the. box and any u fired shells, send fired high-base loads, in~luding buckshot and rifled slugs. And Ishell to Earl Larson for ballisti analysis. He'll be in they'rll priced the ~me as any high-base paper shells. - r - [touch with you immediately. Rem'ngton Arm$ Company, If y~u ever find that your Remington or Peters plastic lIne., Bridgeport 2, Conn. ' j The photographs above show t 0 hot charges as they leave ~ the barrel. The top one.is fro or plastic shell.; the othh, from a paper shell. Notice how th!e powder gas In our phistic shell stays behind the shot, ppshing it with maxim~m power and velocity. The powderlgas from the pa r sh~lI : has leaked past the wad into the Ishot, wea~enin the shpt I charge-proof that only our plastic wad in a pIa tic bolly .fC.U,S·IPAT.orr. I gives you a/l the power you paidl for. i "High Velocity" is a trademarkjof Peters Cartridge Division, and uExpr~s"and"Kleanb~re'~are Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. by Remington Arms C mpany,lnc" I aborato..ry sts- unde~ 'v.aried onditions.' show that .or4inary paper shells can lqsepowe and veloCity from the d~y ~h~y're maae. On the olher had 'Remin~on-petersPlas c Shell.Slose nothing..... k~.P100% 0...f the.if wer and veloci .Y after a year' or ,more.iUnless y u're ext emely careful n storing your p<l-per shells fro~ ne seaso, to the next, y. u Iiee.~. the full-power; .p..r?tectlon you are, guaranteed wI~h Remm~ton-Peters plas~c srells I JL.: te. , The high-speed! ph ograph above shows the shot charge from our plasti~ she. when it's three feet from the muzzle. Note the short. uni~orm stringing and good distribution. You get this becaus4 our (riction-free, phlstic-against-plastic design seals powder gas perfectly. There's no escaping gas to scatter or disrhpt the chan~e. Rl1su1t: better patterns, longer range ... tha,ks to aU-plastic construction. 1 I ;~ I Bridgeport2,Co~~. ~ i I I 1& ,,,,1,,,,,,,··,*_1 I 2 . I I I .i j .~ I l ltJMt;Pylures tho i~ I CLAY SCHOENFELD F aced this fall with some of the most stringent regulations in , history, you might think wattjrfowlers would call it quit~l Not so. Across the couptry they are counting the hours to opening day as eagerly as ever. " , '!his is because a duck hunt is hot just a simple sporting!event. It IS a great American ritual. Its special lure lies in its! secret incantations, esoteric garments, and sacred proceedings!. The ceremony begins early in August, with the re-painting of decoys and the camouflaging of boats and blinds, all iccording to a routine as immutable as a baptism. Caught up in the spell,. the duck hunter spends hours stmring into sportir/g store windliJws or practicing on his duck call. ' On a late fall night the ancient ceremony will approach its peak. To keep a: date with a storm hont moving do'Wn from Canada, the hunter flees the, city in fraJiltic haste. ' The shore of a hidden lake is his lodge room. In the toW dark that precedes the dawn he loa~s his skiff by instinct and paddles off. At an appropriate spot~e assumes a kneeling p,.:osition, tosses out the decoys, and mu ers a sllPplication to the gods of the chase. I Off to the east the dawn is wrestling with the night In a mat of low-hanging clouds. The huqter hunkers down in th4 cattails . to wait~and wait. At last outiof the west there comes thesllssurant sound of Winnowing wings. A flock of. mallards has joined 'the ceremony. To the waterfowler this is living. ~othing can match his personal eXcitemen.t over· a' atch of feathered beauties coming into range of 's buckshot. Cautiously the ducks look 0 er the set. As they flare they hear a plaintive chu¢kle from a call. A half~dozeh break off and come tdesliPPing dO~r I I I· . "7","~,~ ......... • ,,,,,_~~=*'" ~-==-=----l- t"'- ".. • I I • !.- = , • ._ , ,~:r ,--,~"'.!!1..,--,~, J.~_11,"".............-+-t..~ = .. ." . .~ =.. I ~·-'T"I",-=- "iI h~w This is' the climax of t hn' e! i al. Nd matter many times he has been initi ted, to the wate~, fowler it is always a hreatht g experience. For him no other occasion is so fra, ght witp 'primeval ! drama. For o~e awful moment there is lnotping in 0 time but the hunter, a little s61etch of Wind-swept p.Oth~le, Of.W~'. and a. hU.ddle wI.eye Forof a magic moment he looks ri t W,aterf. intQ the nature. . I ' ~ The firing of his~n is s .ctIy aiiti.climacti~~ THE CANADA! GOOSE is to the waterfowle~wha the wate'r£owter !,(J.Qesn't.carj- ~e 4u ... . have 'fought ag4 fIght, and he kept ihe faith. tcn:get; .Goosejpopulations .are'mghernow- tha they have be'ln for many years. thanks to mod ern manageJ.ent techniques. 0. Uke the benediction ,afterll" rmoo. IF h~'misses, las ~ f104 .. ' -. ~ •• ~ I ,. ........ too-- . FO~R MAIN "FLYWAYS" mark the migratory routes of North' Ambrica's waterfowl - the Pacific, the Central, the Mississippi, and the Atlantic. From breeding- grounds in Canada the' birds down the sky trails to Caribbean winter "resorts." . """'= . th~moose is tpthebig-game hunter - atroph I- i J I' .1 , ,·1 "S:PORTS ANr' 58 : ,"SPORTSMAN" 58 Autoh,atic Shotgun. This I~~htweight beauty is pa ked with morei quality, morel uniq~e featu~es .than any other shotgun in trew.arid. ~c!usive Remin on "Power·Malic" gas~ctionl absorbs recoil With no p()wer loss ... reduces barrel l whip so you .can g t off an accurate sefond and thirdlshot. Quick·Chang~ barrels of steel c~n be switched instantly fO upland, marshland or targetl I From $139.95'" shooting. Beautifully ins¢ribed. 3 shots. In 1~, 16 and'20 gauges. I , : I I , I ,===================_ I ii .1 '. M~EL !MDEL87· . qUiCk."~nd;ing gam~! 870 ''Winglna.\e,,, Pump-Action Shotgun. A . un that gets Exclusiv Re ington dQuble-actiqn bars give a fast, velvet-smooth stroke ... pre lent sticky,wobbly ~ction faun on b me pumps. Shoot¢rs call jt the gun wit,h the "ball·bearing" action'l Quick·Change barr~lsgive to ve~s~tility. The balance perfect. And so is ~he price~ 5 shots. In 12, and 20 gauges. Fr~m $89.9 ,S I I I I Ie " I. ' =========--= _ ==" I ' I. MODEL 11-48 I I I MODEL 11-48A utom.tic Shotgun. The on!ly automatic shotgun mad~ in all popular gauges-12, 1 , 28 and 410. Each iwith a wide selectioh of barrel lengths and ch de~(tndable, the balan~e is perfect. It's the '!work horse" of the auto 20, '~! • Remlngto~ Ilp~astic Powerful shel now same price as, ~I~h-base pa ~ ~n 12.: I " I1 , \ 16 .nd 20 gaUl.. er/lo,d~!.', ~ow getto.ugh, waterproo~ .~emin~on pla~. .t ,*ellin~.'.rscu~., i ~ I~ I trc shells for the same ph~e as hlgh·base paper shells ... in all 12, 1,,6 and 20. gauge I I Remington. "/:xpres.s" IOd And..getfhes.e -\ . ,ng, regardless of wea etconc",ons. ~ . slue to chamber in any ..•.... ~!J,un. ~e , your dealer now. while f If'sUP.'.pliers,l.ast. , , I ·Prices subjecl to change without notire.• i e•• ~ . unmatched huntingadva ages:Maximum long-range knockdown o .. er, regardless ' ~f. gaU~el.of. thO.k.e •••,no. . ' ~ll" .". I ' '#hfj,', ~v. I .' .' : . D'U' "PO''N"F, t: . I. • ..• ' ! ,I ' ' ,I' . I ~~ . .' '. '. ....u.s...., . - H \... :1 a ..... . I I I kes. The action is sturdy a d atics ... trouble-free as a g n I From $129.9 '" " ca~1 be. With Q ck-Change barrels. Big 5-shot capacity. ,. ! I I i i .' r; ,J1_·:·_·-.-...............1IIId,·'... . . I . . . ._ :! _ oI_..,.,-.• . '~,•.~ . I ~u·S.i.0Il·1Iy _ _ ~jJO<.,~z.CaoA.I._: -..r_ ,. ,,:r'"I"':'I' I I .',':,:t lI)i\':1.,::: J ./'. ' • ,I, ' 1',:1 I II ' " · ' . . QlMo£J I '" i/III' ,.I:.••..I.·•., :.!!.' '.'. 1 I ' ame~Reg by Mrs. Ada IMitCh~" • I ; n'~rs ~ ~hO.S~ I . ,1 I 6ue~1yo~ll I I ,j/IIf'-- ~ .. When \be h return with their 'game hags want to pr.e r C9nQuerors,. a wild game feast e' aordihere .w.OOT suggeStions to make your bonr ' gI tahle nary. And, pare I' i \ ters nnforgettable . I" I• ', These will! .uj.e recipes have I-n teSted and tried hi' lun1 and bunters' ebe I I'!'here's 00 to preparing - wild ga/neo meal. Cooking wild g . can l>e Inn. bol eating it is even more <1ni Yf'hle, ;)r¢~A ,~ ,! kr>-"" JOst think, phe- _ oodergl-" in ~oor own dining room· ! ' >,1 ~ '~,'~Ji'fll)) [I .~,., I • erool<lngs , southl ~ 1 ,,~) I I ~!, ' . \,.,' I O~l<Ota ·. <;l~' ~ 0~" 7" · " :1 ~ . \. ') '. .lllf \'1Jf'0 r' , \ /,: ~,.\,rl.J~ :,i' \ ., '~'~. J f .' .11) ;' . ,t '1, \ ,'" ..' t .-~ t'1> \ . ,.,. i4 } '--' ,m I W fLD RfCS' .' EN CA~~:ANDINE , QLE I Wash 2 i ' dra'm. Heatcups . Ji w'ld 1 nee' cup oli In several h I chopp d Stir th e onion and oil or butt c anges of iring"::"nUxtuie Into 3 ..hJe.;;"a", In • ~e ::,v~ i i i J wa"" taJ:: ChOPPed~ and cups h t tautly, until th nee and cook ns pOOns each • 0 chick ' toover .' eenh p epper. egms tu a very g utI ,, tnmmin en broth eriee b Ond Ja.tI1l'. Se"on to, '" game "ock m yellowi h ; . ":" ..... -In, Yadd t cop hb."" w;,], ..I, • h"' '" 4-4Jj nnOJ """""'Ie and and tender. ake, cOvered monds.IT pepper ., at 300 fori' urn. the m.ix.{ 45mmt ' , i uesor .1 ri~ ~ ~e,nth!b' ~ ~ ~_Iy ,j>.,::",:'' ' ~ ., J t ! I f I PHEASANT LA CHASSEUR / i j / , .. /4I I Salt phemtmt Pepper I ' ' II green oni0n3 ounce brandy II ZI cup dry wh' fresh 10 lie Lemon . . ble JUICe fa spoon butter 'dblespoonolilJe o i l ' ozen mushrooms Cut pheasant in se. . wme ! l& cup chic;:;::et, ~~ ! 1 ! ~ cup mint:ed. r~ . .'f Pinch tarrag':: , s~lt and pepper. In ;:~g pIe.eep, rub the pieces with Ie ., Oil, when hot brown the a1 skillet put the butterr:od rooms, onions . (.mcI'ud'mg, P th ,ant Then addn musholive (cho ed to until s) bgolden. y pp ), chicken br.othi d p , ran.d , wine tom. t gentle fire for hour t '1 h ' parsley. Cover and ' k a oes , ant-or until t der. ,sprm e yvith tarragon. . )U1~' ~a ~efo;:fs:~;ding.oknltlie ~ge o~e ;~:ras~ . I JrT / I ,; I I II 1 1 j 9/ I I' II , I! i I { ; i ; The apples in this Swedish pie bake up tender but c~i~p inside·a butter.rich.short Delicious with w*,ippe4 cream or ice cream and cdDee! " q SWEDISH APPLE SHORTCAKE PIE * cup cup buuer si"ed con/ecJioners' sugar ~ % cup comsJarch .~ cup si/Jed all purpose flour 6 cups Jhinly sliced cooking apples 1 cup sugar ~ cup all purpos, flour I Jeaspoon cinnamon 2 Jablespoons bueJer Cream butter until fluffy; add confectioners' sugar gradually, continuing to cream until light. A-dd cornstarch and flour, and beat well. Chill a~Qut two hours. Pat pastry into a 9-inch pie pan; Mte' edges. ~ ico.mbine sliced a.pples, su ar~ flour, cion.amon. P~ace in shell and dot with b tter,. Cover pan with foil; • bake 50 minutes at 37 0. Remove 'foil and . bake 25 minutes longer. I • GINGERBREAD S'fItEUSEL ** cup aU bh.~cereal cup fighe molasses cup so" shortening ~ ~ Now, after a citrus srimmer, September brings apVles back to the food istores. You may have al~ ready tasted this year'~ Wealthies - tart, spicy and truly all purpose. Crimes Colden is a less~ known all purpose apple-:-bland, sweet, saucf. Arid do~'t forget the ju~cy,:spicy Jonathansl' ! Here are the recipes ~o do justice to the fresh flavor of apples-recipe~ for now and next month, when a whole new crop of good baking apples ' will appear! PINE-APPLE PIE , . Winner, 9th Grand l'lational Bake-Off by Mrs. Sulan Jonel, 'Oelaware, Ohio 2 cups si/Jed all purpQse flour I teaspoon sale % cup shoreening 1 egg yolk , 2 teaspoons lemon juice 4 Jablespoons waJer cup boiling WOJer .1 egg I cup si/Jed aU purpose flour teaspoon baking soda teaspoon baking pOwder teaspoon ginger . ~ Jeaspoon saU . ~ teaspoon ground: cloves ** * FILLING: 4 cups (4 medium) apples, pared and sliced I cup (9-oz. can) crushed' pineapple, undrained % cup sugar I I teaspoon cinnamon' Combine bran, mOlasses, shortening and boil~ ing water in mixing bowl. Add ~gg and beat well; let stand 5 minutes. Sift together flour, soda, baking powder, ginger, salt and cloves; add to bran m~ture, stirring only until combined. Spread in greased 8x8x2-inch pan. Bakem 350° oven about 25 minutes. Cover with Apple Streusel Topping. BIioil slowly 5 minutes, or tintil bubbly and browned. Serve warm with spiced butter, cinnamon sauce or lemon sauee:.:-or plainl Apple Streusel Topping: Drain 1 ean (16 or 7 otplces) sliced apples and arrange on baked '! ~erbread. Combine" cup sugar, ~ cup soften d I b~tter, ~ cup chopped walnuts or pecans. Th n , I q>rinkle mixture ""'" apple 1 .uee.. 3 tablespoons fl.our I Jablespoon meued ".uJeer Sift Hour and salt ihto mixing bowl. Cut in shortening. Blend tog~ther ~gg yolk, lemon juice and water; sprinkle over flour mixture,' stirring with fork. Mix until just Ipoist enough to hold together. Divide in hl\l.lf. ....oll out one half on floured surface 1" mchrs"larger than jnverted 9inch piepan. Fit loosely into pan. Combine, apples, pmeapple, sugar, cinnamon and flour. Place in pastry-lined pan. Roll out remaining dough, cut slits. Place over lilling; seal and flute. Brush with butter. Bake at 425° for 10 minutes, tJten iat 350° for 25 to 30 minutes, or until applef ar~ tender. " ! MARBAPPLE GINGER Junior Winner In the 5th Grand Nation I Boke·Off by Joanne l. UHley, Bluff Point, Ne York '" 4 cups pared, sliced apples (4 to S rMdium) I cup sugar I Jablespoon flour 1 teasyoon ciImGmon 2 tablespoons bue,er 2 Jablespoons tmJer I Jablespoon lemon juice 2~ cups si/Jed all purpose flour 2 t~spoons doubl_ding baking powder I teaspoon ging~ teaspoon saU I cup sugar cup shortening Z unbeaeen eggs % cup milk ~ .cup molasses 1 tetUpoon cinnamon ~ teaspoon cl.otIeB .W teaspoon nutrMg ~ teaspoon.oda I * * . . Co~bine in saucepan apples,. sugar, flour;dnnamon, butter,. water !lnd lemo.n juice. COOk. o'.eer medium heat, stirring gently and occasionalfY' until apples are tender. Pour intow~ll-greas~d 13x9x2-inch pan. (If desired, ingredients may be cut in haH and cake baked in 8x8x2-inch pan for 40 to 50 minutes.)' I. Sift flour with baking powder, ginger and s t. Set aside. Add 1 cup sugar gradually to short ing, creaming well. Blend in eggs; beat for 1 m' • ute. .Add milk alternately with dry ingredi .s, beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Bl .d thoroughly after each addition. (Use low s d with electric mixer. ) , Blend~' in Place half of batter in second bowl. I molasses, cinnamon, cloves,' nutmeg and sa. Spoon, light and dark batters alternately 0 er apples. . I Bake at 350° for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool in ~an 15 to 20 minutes, then invert on serving platel br on wire rack covered with foil. Serve warm b~ cold; plain or with whipped creaItt, . . -. , I I I. I I , I, "l~ "~, \1.'" ~"" ," "-''''', '. _ ~",.""., New... ,", I ':~, ,"', < :""" :';":' I ~,'l' j, ''', '/~~,: "1;1,'0"."" ' "~:,, •• t" t H-,t':-. ,-' , twut jor ap.p.".. pie.: M ..~ .t;~Iu!d... .pineapple ... uisJeiu tlelighf.I,/lIlSUTPre flavor• •1 : . .,,1 'I -J I I , 1.1' i. , I To help you serve mutlms and rOlls~'Ping hot ... th makers! of Brer Rabbit Molasses . offer-~his ttractive bas.ket server w th separate cera ic tile ~texceptional value. The unus ded basket measures 9 . ches in diamet rand 6 ~nches in height. The till! can be heate along with muffins -. en placed in rver to ~eep contents hot. Com~ personalized with you.l' name or any' name you spec fy if youi prefer to use it as a gift! , I' . ''':! Try this~itchen-tested Br.er Aab~it recipe fo.r ~olasse~ Da~e Muffins. They're light and delicious for a breakfa~t treat or a hot~a~ at lunch o,r dinner. .' MOLAssbs DATE V2 cup Bre,r i Rabbit MOlasse~* 11 V2 cups WhO.'Ie bran cereal I I 1V2 cups milk 1 egg, slightly beaten! whol~ MUFF~~S a~milk 1 cup .ifted flour 1 teaspoon baking soda Y2 tea,poon salt 1 cup ~hopped dates • --~:~:Jbit MOlas:~ Box70 1 Ypnkers,!New York I h I --- ·~~-I'\1 'I: I: - I· i I I enclose $2.00 and label from Brer R bbit Molasses (~ither Green Label or Gold 'bel). Please se~d Muffin and-Roll server an per-' name:' I I , I PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ' Pface molasses, Il:>ran cereal in miJingbowl and jet stand 15 millUtes. Blend in egg. Sift flour, baking.. soda and sa,lt. n.d ,add to d~tes. Ad.d to m..hlasses mixture, stirring jUst. enough to blend. Fill grr'ased muffin ns ¥.! full and bake in hot/oven (400°F) about 20 minbutter~ *Elthe Green Label or Gbld Label Brer Rabbit Molasses may be used. utes. Makes approximat Iy 1 dozen m it" I; I rJ I ADDRESS ins. Serve hot with BRER~1BITI MqLASSE~ I NAME- CITY i ! . I ZONEJ-STATE...+--: A,II~W three weeks for delivery. off",r expires December 31. 1962 I I I 'I L-----r---------:-t~i(~1! J_.: ~ Rot-e , .LIlltU D SOC~ble8 , . Her'e are three tilrles, six recipes to wo~k like magic! i I, Crowned Beans mixe' ingred' rats from 1M Crl'1.n(:h", Sandwich CQokie are easy, "eri,en~en.~'V ikel" . : . take; [minute to make! very special . . . choc late;y! Rule 1, Keep.n "em",\lcy "'ell" ul """"J foods and quick mixes.iSUCh preparation h~ saved more than one hos ess' reputation at th~ table! Pork and beans, ned sausage, ham ot lu.?C~eon .meat, ,cans of pi eapple and onions WiU., mIX mto so many dishes! nd not just plain fare but informal party foods, 00. Rule 2: If you h.aven't~t the, habi.t of keeping frankfurters and. hamb ger on hand always (freezer?) you just don't ow how handy they can be! Rule 3: Select one or tvfo favorite cookies that' store well. Keep the cooki~ jllr or freezer supplied -or have the ingredients~readY at a gu'est's notice. Serve with lots of c ffee for dessert with cocoa at an afternoon get-t gether. See how' easy? , KABOB d lb. CROW~ED BEANS l~ork and beans IS oz. ea;h) Small cooked onions I can pijaeapple chunks I can 'lUJCheonmeat, cub .d 2 cans I In saucepan, bring pork land beans toa simmer. On skewers, alternate rest bf ingredients,. Blioil in oven until meat is cooked 0 yourti)cmg. 'Pour hot beans into ,serving casser Ie. Lay grilled kabobs on top. Rush to the table Serves 6 td 8. . CORN.I BR .. EAD A1' . BEAN SUPPElt (nat illru rated) BEAN MIXTURE: I can (I lb.) pork and eans I can M oz.) Vienna ge ~ cup linelr qhopped 0 .ion I tabkitpoon shortening . * teas~'on dltr mustard ~ cup hili s«uce ' ~ BEAN SAN WICH LUNCHEON I ~ I 'I· *Ut 6 ,6 , 6 oven. Cool 5 minutes; • II edgr of foil flatten pleats; loosen sticks frrm foil Makes about 4 dozen sticks. , ·1 I . (not ~trated) can (I lb. 5 a".) porkland bea'!s cup pickle relish ,. teaspoon prepared teaspotJn atilt slices sandwich bread I slices sharp cheese strips bacon rmf'tard CRUN~HY SAN~WIC11 COOKIES l cup aifted aU Combine pork and beans, relish, seasonings. \ Pl4ce bread on baking sheet covered with foil; tQP Wl~ bean mixture. Add to each a slice of cheese, th n a bacon strip cut in half. Broil till bacon is co ked, cheese melted. Serve with fruit or tossed green salad, cookies, coffee. . , i Cream butter'5dUallyadd sugar and cream fI . ,Blend in eggs, salt, vanilla; b4at well. Gradu ly add flour; mix thoroughly. F~ld in chocolate morsels, cocOnut. I~old two 36-inch pieces()f heavY·duty foil in h$lf lengthw.ise; make pleated pan by folding foil crosswise in, I-inch pleats or troughs; open sli~t ly to Rt baking sheet approximately 17xl4 mcIies. Drop level teaSpoonfUls of dough into "troughs" in pan about 2 inches apart; do not use two outer . troughs. Bake 25 to 30 minutes in preheated 325° ~tillight and 1,·[ D: ** cup f!.our ellow com meal table~poons cup 2 sugar ,teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder I egg * cup milk 2 tablespoons shortening ~ Combine in one-quart buttered casserole (line dish with oil fo.r easy clean-up) po.rk and~eans"., sausages, onion, mustard and chili sauce. I • . Prepare corn bread: sift dry ingredien s blto bowl. Add other ingredients. Beat j st till smooth. Pour batter over beans. Bake at 3 5° fot 40 minutes. Makes 4 to 6 servings. f. HqBO HAMBURGER COOK:~2 pomaas ground round steak .' Salt, pepper to taste 4 tablespoons butter . to~oes, sliced about,* inch thick, . 4 med' m potatoes, peeled, sliced about ~ iru:h chicle 2 large onions, sliced about ~ inch thick · 2 10-0:' packages /rozen mixed vegetables (can 6.e omitted, if fes;red) I 3 or 4 3-ounce cans ~hroo""" sliced . Salt, 'pepper, thyme " . Mixgrdund steak, salt' and pepper, Divide into 8 portion.$;; form into l>a 'eS:arldbrown in butter.· (do not ePok througll), Reserve drippings. ' Place <me patty in ,ce tel' of each of 8 18-inclil ~quares leavy.duty. W. . urn foil; gather foil loosely around meat. : T p each patty with slice$ of tomatq,potato, OJlio , vegetables and mushrooms; Season. . i .' I Close '~9il ~ck-faslp.o .;place onhaking-sheet; B~k~ l~ hours i at3S0r; Midces8 great servings.' I .. WIBppet!.in~ethe_ptlflY':1fmchcartdlit~~S .ptJlU!) Chocolate Sti4kcookies Ilre,,~ i~ s~e, bra easy w ! ;1 , ',I.~1MI,~~~I~f~1';llWN~~afl.jl~~~\1!~~_j8WM~rWFi~,1~~~~r(f"II!:llllJ:'r!~~'~I;"lW4~I~~'I~'Ml\l"'"rl~'''''lIH!W'",;'''''Vlc-.c"",,",';""".'-<"'" j. II i T :J. J. "..,.. T""":" """"_~"'"""M . . Sift flour, baking soda ~nd salt. Set aside. Combine white and brown s~gar with the shortening and beat till light and ctpamy. Blend in egg and vanilla. Stir in flour m~t.,ure, then rest of ingredients till blended. Re· ove and reserve " of dough. Shape remainin "of dough into balls using level teaspoons fori each. Place on greased cookie sheets. Flatten wit~ bottom of glass ,dipped i' ..' in flour. Bake in preheated 350° oven 8 to 10 minutes. Shape reserved ~ dough ibto balls, using half tea.spoons for each. Bake ii,8 minutes .ongreased cookie sheets. Cool, whi e preparing RIling. ; Chocolate Filling: Melt over hot (not boiUhg) water: 16-oz. pkg. semi-~weet chocolate morsels, ~ cup sifted confectionerst sugar and 1 tablespoon. water. Blend in 1 3-oz. pkg. soft cream cheese.. Beat till smooth. Cool: and spread on larger cookies; top with small ~es. Makes 31' dozen. CHOCOLATE STI(:KS 3A cup butter 3A cup sugar 2 eggs ~ teaspoon salt I teaspoon vanilla I'A cups sifted all purpose flour I 6-oz. pkg. semi'$weet c~acolate morsels I cup toasted shredded coconut purpo~.... flour * teaapaon baking , ~ teaspaon salt . * cup granulated su,aJ cup fi.rmlr packed brown sugar * cup shorJenin, i I egg i teaspoon vanilla I I cup cornflakes, cru,hled I cup 'qnick-eooking ro~ed oats i ' * cup coconut * * CORN DR . ~o i',: .. _ ~I- , ,~--, ~~--~-'--"'T-:--'------'i":"""-":'"T~---rr-:---.,..,.""'::'J'!Il ( , i , ' , ------+".;;;.;.--.. . . ',' II r ----,----~--.------, , GET .,NESTLE'S NEW DELUXE DESSERT RECIPE -~OOK 00 1i ONLY· I 192 pages lOver 350 ecipes! Washable cover! 28 page~ in full color I I" 11 TOLL HO SEe MARBLE SQUARES , 1. Beat till, breamy 112 c. soft, b tter,' 6 tbs:' sugar, 6 tbs. brown suga1, 11'2 ts p.. van"i1la, 1A sp. Water. Beat in 1 egg. 2. Sift; mix 1 c. plus 2 tbs. s fted flour, 11'2'1:1 tsp. baking soda', 11'2 tsp. salt. Add 11'2 c. cho eo California walnuts. Spread in ~g~eaSed 13 x 9 x 2-inch pa, Sprinkle with one 6-oz. pkg'. (1 ,) NESTL~'se $Ef\.ksWEIET Chocolate Morsels. Bake at 375 F, for one min~te.! Run knife through dough to marbleize. ~ake 12 to 14 min. more. Makes 24 sQuare~. t: (offer good in U.S.A. 0 Iy) Send to: Nestle's f>erfe-ct I ,: 1_' I f' 'II NEsTLF$ 1 MAKES THEVERY I 1 I I --"STATE _ _ _"7"""""" < "BEST CH?C?LA~E j' .' , I - " , drngs, P. O. Box ll, Garden iCily, N. Y. -----------t---'--- Cookie Mix. Recipe on ,very pox. Copyright 1962. The Nestl,e L. I (, Compa~~, j---~---;-~ , :/ I r STREETADDRESS.S New easJI way too, use, Nestle's All-Purpose " I NAME .:s-: ! _ '-~ I , fl!rl • . ll I " I. _(i " I I I Start with the with molasses p~.e color of appl~uce, tint it I andlyou~l start a cake that turns to Ii" i' Ii,', , ", , " ~D gold under orange-flavored frosting. Begin with , the special, auturhn taste of butterscotdh-then , erts to 8rt~,<~D.S~fe~"er tUrn a simple cak¢ saucyl Add pineapples gold~n lining to yeasty 11~i)okies . . . let brow~ sugar /1 J,rap chocolate mpfsels into brOwnie~codkie-des I, sert. Results shine ,Ias bright as a harvest moonl I' MOLASS~ pINtAPPL~ BARS APPLESA:(JCE'CAKE 2 cups sijred a' purpose flbur "~ IetUpoOll lI(J!t \ 1 teaspoon bah~g soda n 1 teaspOlJ 11I teaspoon lIU g ~ teaspoon clo es cup .horlflnirl.g ~ cup .ugat I 2 egg., j -l1I cup dark .mOlasses , 1 cup thick .tI'4Uaed applesauce 1 teaspoon vanUla % cup rai.ins i cinF * Preheat oven to 350°. Sift together flour, saltj paking soda and ISJ?i~s. Cre~m. sllOrtening; add sugar and beat ubtil hght. StIr III eggs, pne at a time. Combine molasses, applesauce and vanilla; Ildd alternately with dry ingredients, mixing just enough to blend. Add raisins by combining with last portion of fl~ur mixture. Do not overbeat. Pour batter into 21greased and floured 8-inch cake pans and bake abput 30 minutes, or until done. ORANGE IMOLASSES FROSTING ¥.1 cup butter I 3 cup. silted ~f'wtleretl sugar MI teaspoon satt 3 tablespoons dark molasses 1 tablespoon nge juice 2 teaspoons gr ted orange rind OJ Cream butter ntil s~ft. Gradually stir in one cup powdered su ar and salt. Blend in molasses, orange juice an, grated rind. Add remaining sugar gradually pntil frosting is of proper con" .sistency for spreading. I BU1TERSCqrCH BUTIER FROSTING 1 ¥.1 2 MI 3 234 cups silted aU purpose (lour 1 tablespoon M4gar ~ teaspoon lI(Jlt. " '4 cup butter . 1 pkg. dry yeast (or I cake compressed yeast) 2 tablespoons warm water lor dry yeast, lukewarm lor compres.ed 4 egg yolks (room temperature) ~ cup scalded milk I Me~sure the si£t,ed flour, sugar, salt and butter i to a medium-sized bowl. Blend butter into dry igredients with a fork. Scald. milk. :Dissolve yeast in water. Let stand 3 to 5 minutes, then stir. Bltjud in yolks and cooled milk., ' "A,dd yeast miX[ture to Hour mixture. Blend'i dov~r bowl and refrigerate 4 to not more than hours. (This is a rich dough, it rises very little. ) :Prepare filling desired. jWhen ready to finish, grease two 9-inch square pans or one 12id8-inch pan. Remove ~ df thed'ough from the refriger~ hilr at a time. Roll out into a lO-inch square on Hghtly Houred surface. Pick up the square of dough and press in~o pan, letting e,dge~ ext~nd up the sides, about ~ Illch. If the 12x18-mch pan IS used, press one square into half the pan, another into the other hal~. Being alrich dough, it is easier tp handle in small amounts. . Spread filling ion dough. Roll out squares tO dover the Blling. ',Cover pans ,with foil and let rise I ill a warm place iabout one hOur or until dough is puffy when pressed geI1ltly 'with the finger. ! Bake 25 to 351 minutes or until golden brown, itI preheated 37$° oven. Garefully remove froml wan and cool onjrack. To ~erve, cut in thin slices, ~nd shake confelilioners' st:\gar over the top. ~ 2. I I cup (6-011. p~g.) butterscotch morsels clt,P milk tablespoons Ibutter tetJspoon Pineapple Filling: Blend ~ CUI slgar, 3 ta leater. Sti in spoons cornstarch and ~ CUp col 1 beaten egg. and, one No. 2 ca ,\Ished pi eapple. Cook over low heat until hick,ened. aut .. 5 minutes, stirring constantly. A d 2 tablesp ns lemon juice a few minutes befor removing f ~ heat. Cool to lukewarm beforeJuSing. (Filii gs may be made the day before an warmed bef re using.) Makes 3 cups filling. J Date FiUing: Cook over.low h,bat, stirring .. stantly until thickened: 3 cups cu~-up dates, ~ up sugar,: 1~ cups water, rind of 1 orange, ~ ,p orange juice. This will take about ]0 minulles. Makes about 2~cups filling. , ;}",;:,?II,"" .,J, 3Itlll cups sifted ,10wdered sugar ~"" Over hot, not~oiling, water, melt ~o~sels. Remove from heat. Add milk, butter and salt and stir till smooth. ICradually beat in powdered sugar; beat until lit's thick enough to spread. This will fill and frost two 8 pr 9-inch layers. . I BUTIERSC9TCH ~INEAPPLt SAUCE 2 tablespoons I butter , 1 cup canned crushed pineapple. well drained ~, cup light corn syrup ~ cup evaporated milk 1 cup (6-0z. pkg.) butterscotch morsels I Melt butter in skillet. ,Add pineapple alfry over high heat until golden brown. Set asid . Combine light corn syrup and milk and ring iu.st to a boil over moderate heat, stirring. Rove from heat and ~ in morsels. Stir until s th, Add the pineagple mixture and serve w 011 cool over ice cream or cake. If sauce becoj~S too thick, reheat ovcjJr hot water. Makes 1~ cup. l ~ J~ ~ 1', ,',J ., I The light golden Yrosting has spicy orange flavor . .. just right with the rich molasses spice cake. I ' CbNGO SQUARES \ cup butte~ 2JAi cups bro$ sugar. firmly packed (l lb. 2¥.? (:ups silte' /lour ~. 2¥.? teaspoons J~~king powder " ,'II teaspoon F 3 eggs I, , ! 1 cup chOPDed wtdnuts I i 1 Clip (6-0%:,1 pkg.) semi·sweet chocolate morselS ~k * Melt lJutt~r' largesaucepan. Stir in browJ sugar; remove om heat and let cool approxi1 mately 10 min tes. Sift together Hotu;', bakin& powder and sal . , Set aside. One at a time, bea~ eggs into sugar niixture. 'then add flour niixture, nuts and morse 5, beating well. Spread dough iq greased pan 15 'IOxl-inch (or make a pan of dOU1 ble-strength alQminum foil'). Uake at 350° 25 t~ 30 minutes.C t in 2-inch square~, youll havEi about 3 dozen. ' 'i ! .o,! Walnuts and ch.ocolate morsels nestle inside these buttery brown fuga,. squares. Rick IJ3 rich! i I " n,';' cdued "Mazurek" i i by their Polish originatOrs PiFapple and Date Bars are good fnanr J ~\ I I *ake thes~ very special du~plings to top beef stew that's ready to heat , Take it easy, ~~ke it east, with Dinty Moore Beef Stew. Rich Wi.~h jUiCY." lean beef, garden carr ts ~nd pot~toes in good beef graviY. Now ad a special tjwist: I "\. tpjke Deauvllle Dumplings. 0 good, thely .". \ron $1,000 at the Pillsbu YBake-Ofn !Recipe's • ' ! ' ' ::1~~:;;:~:;~;:;~§i~;:' a*d Pil~sbury's EESTFlour/ \ II : II lQC p.s.2$c ScivilliQ' TJl, 'll:'IC ~CI.4L, , 1 'USERS OF fIGGER,SA.CKSr MARKED ' LY 5 LB. SAGKS BRING; , rou: ' tl j COUPON ON DINty :,1. I 'I .C?UPON MOOR~ BEEF STEW· O~ NE~T 25 LBJ bR LARGER SACK OF I I '.~ ~l PIllspury s BEST Flour· The jWur the best bread bak~8 li~e bestj'iUi " l '. ! I I" : i~\;i·"i 1'1"l1il~~i"",,:,qr'1<t.:i?,li~f!ll11lt11lt5l/{'J~~"'~lj!m~II~1'\1~1!!~-l(ld"";~~Ir,¥H'1!':tk4~~!1:i;~~I~<'f:m'!"~'1f'mtr'l~.' ~~'t\1<}:~1\1!1,~I~"~~i!JJt',J',)ljN,llfl:~!"~. ',,,,".~i'li'~i'il.W:I'",,"'. '.t,.,,!OIi"I~' l' '""I'~"" eo I' I f I:: I ! "..,.. Ii i il ~oa8t I I • CLOVE~I qmFSE ROLLS 2 pJeg•• active dryly"'; (or Z ca1cll& co~pr~ed yea") 47 fiuP MHU'm wotl1' lor dry lukewarm lor c"mpreued 47 P ,hortenmll I : ~ ,.eat. E p 1U1fdI" ! ea.poons soli up scalded mi~, cooled lult_rm ellll I • 547 cup. si/t'tJd all purpose flour ~up melted burter . .7,4 up grG'ed Par~ellln cheese 2 1 1 5 HI tht· f'4 vor , of/Falll • I I' I ' I I " ·rw~ .. ~ \, 1""'""1 ;t:eli"r!;.~~~ "'~,,* "'i'~"" ". ,,", ., ~'\/i!""" , "'W,,,,,,,.,>"',~l,"',, '"ill''''',''' .I", ': '",' I"-'I',,' I~t;'''", '",~o,"l1;' ,~ 'I"!'~ ~"1li""'\,,', "",llh1,"~,'&~"~ ",V, ''I ,. ,.' "".,kri ""~"I'"'""'I"""'I!' Wlnn.r. Gra~d lfIatlonaIBaIc.·O/J by Mr•• Ha~.1 W••tbrqolc, tiburon. 'California ., '. II '0 I, '0 Soft n yeast in ~ater. Combine shortening, sugar,salt atld,milklin mixing bowl. Blend in egg , and s~ftened yeast.: Gradually add Hour to form a stiff I dougb, beadng well after each addition. I.. Cover. Let rise until lig~t ~d doubled in size, abo\lt I~ hours. Roll out ~ne-third of dough on Houred surface to I5x7-inc~ re<ltangIe.Brush with melt-, ed butter; sprinkle', with p,armesan. Cut lengthwise into two 15x3Jtinch strips. Roll up, starting with I5·inch side. ! Cut into 12 slices. Place 3 slices, cut-side do~, in well-greased muffin cups. Repeat with remaihing dough. Cover. Let rise in warm place untfil doubled in size, about 30 minutes. Bake at 4poo for 12 to 15 minutes until golden brown. RElmove from oven; place teaspoon of Topping ojl each. "'eturn to oven to melt cheese, 1 to 2 minultes;.J.' Ma~es 24 rolls. Cheese Topping,: uom'bine 1 cup shredded Cheddar, 2 tablesp~nslmeIted butter, ~ teaspoon onion salt and ~ te\lSpqon cayenne ~epper. ..... I It's baking ~ime again! liAs days get cooler, ovens get war~er and kitchens become ~romatic with breads as Jull and hearty as the. fall season. For times like I·this, spice good rye bread with cloves and car~way . , . or bake a wholesome molasses-oatmeal loaf" The autumn way with cloverleaf roll$: bake them golden good with ~heese and a hint of onion. The easy way With coffee cake: spread a batterway dough under a topping of preserves. and pecans! Luscious! I I, SPICY RYE 4-r ~READ 2 pkgs. active y~iilll: , (or 2 cakes ciJmpJjeue~ rellll) % cup MHU'm Wf#er~f'or dry yea", lukewarm lo~ co"'preMed 2 'easpoons salt ' 'easpoon clmlfJ' HI 'easpoon aUspice 1 'easpoon car~ay 'seed 2 IlIblespoons l1rOlv" sUllar,' packed in cup 3 IlIblespoons ,..o~es 1 cup ho' wotel!' , 2 IlIblespoomtoft shorteninll 2H1 cups sifted ,.joe /l9ur 3 3~ cups ~i/'etl aU purpose flour * EASY CARAMEL KUCHEN Winner, 12th Grand Notional Bake·Off by Mrs. Maurice Gadsel, Chicago., Illinois 1 pkg. active dry yeas' (or 1 cake compressed yeast) cup warm water lor dry yeas'. lukewarm lor compressed M1 cup SUBar M1 cup buuer I 'easpoon IlIlt I 'easpoon cardamom HI cup ho, scalded milk 2 unbea'en ellBS 3 10 3~ cups all purpose flour !11 cup firmly packed brown sUllar 2 IlIblespoons /lour 2 IlIblespoons melted buuer HI 'easpoon cinnamon M1 cup pecan,s, chopped !11 cup pinea('ple preserves HI cup aprico, preserves ~ '0 Soften yeast in water. Combine in mixing bowl sugar, ~ cup butter, salt, cardamom and milk. Stir to melt butter;, cool to lukewarm. Blend in eggs and softened y;east. Add Hour gradually to fOmi a stiff dough, 'beating well after each addition; cover. Let rise in warm place (85° to 90°) until . light and doubled in size (1* to 2 hours).. Combine in. ,mall bowl brown., sugar, 2 tablespoons Hour, m,ted butter, cinnamon and pecans. Spread batter' ill well-greased 13x9x2-inch pan. (For easier s~rving and cleaning, linep with foil. ) Place preserves in alternating rows over batter. Sprinkle with cinnamon-brown sug mixture. Let rise in warm place untillight-30 0 45 minutes. Bake at 350° for 35 to 40 minute until deep golden brown. SerVe wanD. Easy Caramel Kuchen. . • • pin.etJpple (1M apric~ jam make. this coRee cake good and gooey! i I I Dissolve yeastib tlie water. Let stapd. Measure salt, spices, sugar, moJasses and shortening into a large bowl vyith the hot water. Blend well. Add rye Hour with Iabout one cup'white Hour and the yeast mixture.. Beat until smooth, about 100 strokes. Add Hour 'gradually, first with the spoon, then the hand. Sq1Jeete dough through fingers to blend ingredients. i Dough should clean sides and bottom of bowl. i .' Turn dough ont/l lightly Houred board. Knead about 75 strokes pr until dough is smooth and bounces under!b~ hand. Place dough in greased bowl, sntooth sid~ clown, tuhring once. Cover. Let l rise in warm place 45 to 60 minutes, or until doubled. .. . ~unch down dOugp. TUJ:D over. Let rise 10 m~utes longer. DiVide douWt into two parts. Round each half into a smootfi ball and place on opPosite comers qf a greased J>aking sheet. Cover with a "tent" of aluminum Joil'and let rise in IWaml place. Loaves wiIll be doubled in about ~ minutes. Preheat ov~ to 3 7 5 ° . , Just before baJPng, slash tops of loaves 2 or 3 times with a sh~ knife, making cuts ~ to l:'inch deep. Eake! 35 to 4/5 minutes or until well browned. Remote to rack to cool. Brush with water for slightlt glazed crust. Makes 2 loaves. Spicy Rye Bread! iis with cluve~, alUpice, caraway. Two bitl'oaves bake on ),our cooTM sbee" . II touched \i , You won', know til ~ou tq&te, how good Mola.sses Oatmeal Brea4 can Ibe! (rry it toasted, too.) I 1 pkll. ac'ive dry iyea" (or 1 cake com.preued rea,,) I cup warm wa.~'.(110··115·) for dry yeas' lukewarm. lor , ompre$$ed ~. cup quick 061 I . ~ cup molasses I 1 IlIltIi!",ed Gil ' purpose flour 3~ IelIIpoon 3% cups 1 IlIblespoon .0 , .ho rlenin:1I * '0 Add yeast to th. water in a large bowl; let ' stand a few minu~t" then stir. Add the oatmeal, molasses, salt andalf the sifted flour. Beat until well blended, abou. 100 strokes. Stir in the shortening. Then add ore ffour, ~ little .at a tlim~,un til the sidesand·bo tom of the bowl are cleaned. 'Turn dou@t ont~: a lightly Houred board. Grease fingers-the doug!:1' may be slightly sticky. If:nead 25 to 35 strokes, oJ until smC/loth. I ' • ' Round up dou~ andplaee lth-SideidOwn: . in a lightly grease,.. bowl,. turn.ing once to grease: top of dough. Cover and let.rise 'n warm lace" about one hour, or/until dent rem 'ns when ~nger is pressed deep i~~o side of dou '. Punch down dqugh. Turn out onto ~e board and shape ini.0 a~'!.loaf. Place in lightly ~eased. bread pan, 'x" x 2l:'-inches. II>ough wpl fill pan about hlll fq. Cover and let rise 'in !warm place, 35 to 45~.utes, or until dough begins to round over top 0 . pan. ' Bake 35 to 45 inutes in preheated 400° oven. If bread is quite rown in 20 minutes, COV.'.;er .top of loaf with foil e rest of baking time. Rfmlove loaf from pan; ~l on rack. Makes 1 loaf. A~d save some to to~t. for breakfast! I ' -Toast Toppintk: Apple butter, butter whipptid and blended wiiji apple or aprioot jelly, orange marmalade, butter whipped with bluebeny syrup! . Sandwich Spr~ads: Compliment dark sliceS of bread with white slices 'of turkey, anyone of these: whipped )cream cheese and chives; corned beef and sauel'~raut; pOI'k and beans, sliced brown 'n serve. is/lusages broiled until bubbly. . I Clover c.mese Ro14. r1lMe'~ a ~l 01 chwe 'in each "c1m:er" plus more Ori top! ,[ . . , I I ." ** ** * * ** * * * * * * * *1'* * : $25,000 Grand : : Prize Winner : * ** **. Mrs. Leona Schnuelle, Crab .. Orchard, Nebraska, grandD;1o~her and rancher's wife, came up'With this de!ici01,lB bread. She too~ an.. old recIpe and experimented \fith .,; it until it pleased both family and judges aUhe 12th Grand Natibnal : Bake-Off. They awarded it the $25,000 grand prize. You'll find it it a prize winner, too I * * * * * ** * * * ************"'**** DILLY CASSEROL~ BREAD 1 packet RED STAR Spe~lal Ac~ive Dry Yeast (or 1 cake Red Star Compressed Yeast) 1.4 cup water (warm for dry, lukeWarm 'lor compressed) , 1 cup creamed cottagj, cheese; heated . to lukewarm 2 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp. Instant minced onion 1 tbsp. butter 2 tsp. diil seed 1 tsp. salt % tsp. soda 1 unbeaten egg 21A to 2Vz cups all·purpose flour ! Ii I Dill-lighfully difftrent! , • " I D· y Cas~erole Breau i . I /iOften yeast In ·water. (:ombi.lile in mbdng 'bowl cottage cheese, sugar, ~,"ion, butter, 'dill seed, salt, soda, egg and softened yeast. i Add flour to form stiff dough, beatlRg wel~ :after each addition. Cover. Lilt rise in warm I place (85 to 90") until light and double in isize, 50 to 60 min. iSti'r down dough. Turn into well-greased 8l ,linch round (lVz or 2 qt.) casserole. Let riSe iin warm place until light. 30 to 40 min. Pref [heat oven. Bake at 350· for 40 to 50 min.; ;until golden brown'l Brush with soft butter .and sprinkle with ~It. Makes 1 round loaf. ' , ' . Makelit easy and skre with RED STAR YEASt i I '~ ... '.' How pJi'oud you'll be to serve hi; fragrant homema4~ Batter-Way Bread ... with its marlveloUs~y moist textur , ry<?h golden crust,ex~~~ing new flavor. So good, so delicio~ly different it won $~,OOO Grand Prize..• You can bake Dilly C rple Bread like an ~~pert-even if you've never b;iked \>read before. There's oikneading, no shapm~. And with Red Star Active Dry Y~ast you're sure of r uIts. Special actiue Red Star Dry Yeast is the one I '1 ingredi~nt that makes all he pthers do their J:>es~'. Woul4n?t homemade ~y. Casserole Bread make a w ndetful treat for your fJmily tonight? Go on, try "t. , , SPECIAL '\l ~/~ONS 'N BOWS 01tF£R ! : I * ~TAR .RED BOll 5050, Of~ER' RIB8, NS 'N BOWS at. Paul .., MInn. )" I ' Send me 6 "s.Sheet" ribbons and bows, plus 8 1ft wrapplll8 booklet. I enc/o" Sot. together WIth 3 empty Red Star Actiye Dry Yeast peckallel. . I I NAME"--- with 3 empty STREET . RedS'-ACtive»" ¥ustpackq.. , • 8 colorful "SashHn", ribbons • 8 beautlfu' "SUh••n" bows • Illustrated booklet of olft .,.ppiili Idi.. " II ii, CiTY..,..·. -...,---+-"- -+--'-- --'---'-- ~-,J-Z,ONE.__STATI'lC.._· . _ _ Off.r ends December 31, 1963. Void where "'xed, I p~" O~ otherwise restrict8d. I' , , 'I' ,I _ _ ' •• 1 I I ' st. , PORK Cl\OP 'NlllE CASSEROLE 4 lean loin porIc Salt Savory pork chops . . . Vien~ saijsages . . . steaks of ham ... here too areJth~ subtle flavors of autumn. And here they mafre.new~style oven dinners, big on flavor-but easy on your busy September time. STUFFED HAM STEAK IN FOIL i - 4 ::-~... , tart ~"1',appler Itea.pooIJ, gruted 1~"monl,rUad I 1,4 cup darmolaue~ " , ,1,4 cup Ii I, 1 Preheat ~vr:o 350°. Sr.,'rinkll'l chOps with salt;' saute in s 0 ing ,until bro~. Mix together apples, raiin, and l~onl rind;' place in 2-quart greased baking dish. !( Save clea~-up time ... line dish with greased fqiII >. Com~ine molasses and water; pout over apple mrturel Top with chops. Cover, bake] hour. Rempve cbver, bake" hour mC?re. ! ' Serve with string beans or b~ked onions, gelatin salad, cornbread" Mol~sses :Applesauce Cake. SURPRISE CHOJts po"" AND BEANS I can (1 lb. 15 o~.) and jbea,., 4 pork clwps, cut, one-hall inch thick 1,4 teaspooIJ caraway seed 1,4 cup apple jeUy PORK ANn BEANS VIENNA 2 cam (1 lb. each) pork and ,beans 2 tablespoons minted onion "I, , 1 tablespoon preptired mustard 1,4 cup chili sauce 2 cans (4 oz. each) Vie,ana sausage Parmesan cheese, grated ys moist, tender in its I Combine beans, oni(mJ mustard and chili sauce in a casserole. Top with drained Vienna sausage. Sprinkle with cheese. Ba'ke at 375° about 30 minutes. Makes 6 to 8 servings. For fun, wrap individual servings in foil, bake ' as directed. Serve with crisp celery, carrots; olives and cheese squares; thick slices oErye bread; com on the cob. ~wn juices as foil wrapJ ituBed /uun steaks. I' 1* J Pour be'ans into greastjd 1" quart baking dish. Brown chops and place on top of beans. Stir caraway seed into jelly. Spread on top of chops. Cover; bake at 350° for 35 minutes. Uncover, bake 10 to 15 minutes longer, or until chops are done. Serve with tomato slices, pineapple in cottage cheese; dinner rolls, :apple pie. Pork chops get new flavor with apples, raisins, ' a touch of dark molasses. 2 ham 1,4 incA·' thick "hole clov... Ur 'cup finel,., clwpped onion % cup finely chopped celery 2 tablespoolJS bwler CUp& bread cubes 2 I/,Iblespoon3 clwpped parsley I teaspooll sail ' WI tea,pooIJ cinnamoIJ I e~t slightly beaten 'I 1 tablespo~IJ JaoI1~ing 'i Septe"'lber' SUpp~r8! cM,n I ~ POll to ...",p , Slash fat around ham; stud with whole cloves I set" aside. Saute onion, celery in butter 10 IJ1in utes. Ad.d. b,,r.ead cubes, parsley, salt, cinnamonf , egg; toss liglltly. I ! Place one ham steak in center of large dOUbli thick square of foil; cover steak with stufllng. To with second ham stea~; if necessary hold in pIa with toothpicks. Bring foil up over ham; seal t~ gether in a double fold; fold each end up close t ham. Place on oven rack; bake 25 minutes in 450 oven. Open foil, bake 10 minutes longer. Make~ 4 or 5 servings. ' , ' I Garnish with dev,Hed eggs, pineapple, SPici apricots or peaches l Serve with tomato juice, calloped potatoes, hot rolls, Pine-Apple Pie. '~ PORK CHOP~ WITH HAM STUFFING 3 (:ups solt bread cmmbs I cup cooked ham, finely chopped 1,4 teaspoon salt I WI teaapooIJ pepper ~ ,easr'Don nutmeg I ,bee bouillon cube 1,4 (:up boiling water . 6 rib chops, I·inch thick. cut with pockets 1,4 cup all purpose flo!U' % teaspoon salt Dam pepper Z tablespoonS' shortening ! ! i Combine bread crumbs, ham, salt, pepper, nu meg. Dissolve bouillon cUbe in boiling' wate ; pour over mjxture, tossing lightly. Stuff po k chops, fasten with .toothpicks. Combine flo , salt, pepper; coat chops with m*ture. Melt sho ening in heavy fry pan; saute chops until w 11 browned. . Place chops in center of 6 double-thick squarr. of aluminum fojl; bring up sides and ends double fOldS;•• place on baking sheet. Ba,ke 1 ho r at 450°. Makes 6 servings. Serve with.",' hot curried peaches, sweet potatr, s" tossed salad" ¥arbapple Ginger Cake. -i A packet of jail preserves every bit of the meat's flavor, juices a~ tendernes . Satve the flavor :~a~:~~:::l~;~~~~~~~::~~~ of extra-special Ie overs A~~~~_I~~~~~~i~;~>" Heavy Duty .,~~~~r~~~r~:l!tr~~:~~;blf:'d~~is~~~~1 , \ ItetuHt dubf.( i : ~~~j~gH~I~~~ r.~~A1~:j~L:r:~il~'4~~ ALe OA ~~:hv~~e ~~~7al'~~~t~I~~ ~~~~~~i~U~~;Y~ M_'_~"_~~'~_~. ""'~""'"'.'~.~"""" dinner fresh or days. Try jt this week. I Iintert.:inlment at Its Best ... , I J I I r i I """""••" " 1":" ", ,'1 , , ', ,\ ,;:, ", ,10" , , , <1;, , , 1, ,\':"' ' ' \f, , , ,",' ' '<' ' !Jil' .,", , \ , !, , , , ~", ; "•.•I.""",•• ",~·,"·, ,,"'~CI:IL.JI· WVR~P,~.:FlJEEZ@,'RlltJ ,...... . . ,.1" •••• , .... !. . II ,.{.... ~""-- ~LCOA P'REMIERE with Fre " "'""1,-,,"" 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHUTNEY PEACHES , A utumn marks th¢ rene,wal of social life iJ the c;6mmunity CURRY: cup, salad oil I pound beef rump, cut in I·inch cubes 2 tablespooR5 flour 1 (lOMl·ounce) ' can condensed consomme 1 cup water ' 4 tablespoons instant minced onion or, 1 cup chopped raw onion 11I teaspo6n garlic p~der ' or, 4 cloves gftrlic, chopped ~ cup tomato plJSte 1 teaspoon ,salt Il1I tiJblespoons curry powder Steamed rice * a~d the beginning:; of parties and gala affars, Often entertamment takes the! form of a fall buffet. It may be an opening meeting of a cl~b or organization which has bekm inactive through hot summer months, or it "may be ~ P~ given just for one's close fri~nds. It may be a one o'c~oqk lp,ncheon or a buffet supper btitt in any event a buffetprdves a gay and colorful way to e~tertain. i ,I ,I" I CHUTNEY PEACHES: I 1 cup wine vine,ar 1MI cups brown sugar (packed) 1 lime, sliced 1 tablespoon instant minted onion' or, cup finely-ehopped raw onion teaspoon garlic powder or, 2 clo~es garlic, finely-ehopped , 1 tablespool' chopped crystallized MI teaspoon salt " ,l 1 (l lb. 13 oz.} can cli~g peach halves * * 1 ,in,er Citrry: Heat oil in Ii heavy skillet; ,add meat and brown it well. Stir in flour. Add consomme, water, instant minced onion, garlic, tomato paste and salt. Cover and simmer UD!til meat is t,ender-about 45 minutes., Add curry powder and cook !u~covered 10 nlli;lute~ longer. Serve over Huffy rice. ' Chutney Peaches: Mix all ingredients except-peaches in saucep*n. Heat to boilihg and 'simmer uncovered for 5 minutes. P,our hot syrup over drained peath halves. Coo,I,I.covef' and refrigerate several hours or overrj.ight. Serve with curry, roast pork, or ham. Sflve remaining spicy syrup to baste chicken, ham, meat loaves, etc. Or,! re-heat and POIlU" over drained peaches from another (1 lb. ;13 oz.) can cling peach halves. Makes 4 serVings. PINEAPr~E UPSJDE.DOWN CAKE PARTY CHICKEN I V4 cup softened margarine Y4 cup light brown sugar 36 crackers, finely rolled (about 2 cups crumbs) 2 cups pared, ,diced cooking apple5 3,4 cup golden raisiR5 MI cup minced onion MI teaspoon cinnamon VI cup Karo Red or Blue Label Syrup 12 slices well-drained . pineap'ple' 1. pkg, white or yellow lA' cup sugar 1A cup butter,melted 8 small chicken breasu or 4 large one~ split and ready to cook Combine all ingredients, except chicken breasts, and mix well. Spread stuffing on bottom of baking dish. Brush chicken breasts with butter and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt and ~ tea,~pepper. Layover stufI .ake· in moderately hot n ' 75° F.) 1 hour. GREEN BEANS - ALMOND CASSEROLE: D~p 2 packages unthawed frozen green beans, ~ cup blanched almonds, 2 cups mushroom I caps, ~ cup butter and salt aqd pepper to taste in covered~' , ' g dish. Bake in oven 'tit chicken.' Serve with grill tomatoes. GASBORD MEATBALLS IN SOUR'CREAM 4 ta espoons butter 11I C~finelr chopped onion I eg , lightly beaten 11I cu milk ,.! 18.wa ers, finely rolled ( ~ 1 cup crumbs) I~ te pOoR-.§6lt 2 tea4POOR5 broibn sugar (lllspice *11I2 •tetdpoon teailpoon nutmeg teaspoons anchovy paSte 1 lb. 'grourrd beef (chuck or round) lb. pork shoulder, gro~ * Saujte onions in 2 tablespoons buttel,. Meanwhile, combtne other ingredients, except remainipg butter. Add ~nion and mix thoroughly. Roll into bit~-size balls (maki:2 doze.n). Refrigerate. Ju~t before serving, fry . in re aining butter until brown1 on all sfdes. SerV~ hot chafing dish. I SOUR CREA~ DIP: Stir 2 table$~ns Ho~ into pan drippings. Heat until smooth. While constantly, add ~cup water, ~ cup commercUiI sour earn, pinch of sal an.d a teaspoon anchovy pas~; Spoo over meatballs, or serve in wann container! and I guests dip their meatb;ills. stirrin1 rwn I I I cake mix Glazes Perfectly-Never Gets Sugary! Preheat oven to temperature directed on cake mix package. Blend margarine, sugar, Karo in 13x9x2 in. pan. arrange pineapple on mixture. Heat in oven 15 min. Meanwhile, mix cake batter as directed on package. Remove pan from oven, pour batter carefully over fruit. Bake 45 to 55 min. o,r until cake is done. Remqve from oven; invert onto rack. Let stand 1 min.; remove pan. Delicious tol(l or served hot with w ipped cream. KA esylUP ma~es it with the Whole$o~e Ki~dof Sweetne$$ that comes froln Corn! I 'n cooking and as a pour-on-no otl¢r brand has more uses than Karo- I America's favorite synIp! Get rich, dark ~Iue ta~l, crystal-clear Red Labell and maple-y flavored Green Label Karo $yrups. In pints, quarts, also Sand 10 lb. cans. I i I I I I I , I . HAM WHAT A~ I WI H CRA.NBE~RY.MAND RIN SAUCE I 'PI die ham on rack in shan w baking pan. Loos ly cover top s~ldace of h$ with piece of, ~lum num foil. Heat, in 325° F. If'ven for time in-I I I dicat d on can,. I , " ,I I' To make sauce: Mi?')i cup brqwn sugar, l)i ta-I bles oons comstarch\ " teaspoon cinnamon and I "te. spoon cloves in s.aucepan,£raduallYStir inl I cu~ cranberry juice cocktail d 1 tablespoo~ oran e juice concentr.ate.. Cook 0, er medium hes.. unti fairly thick, ~bout 5 minf'tes. Add Js: co man arin orang~. Serve hot 0 er ham. Mak l~ c ps sauce. I I I . I I I ·.',r l I . I I I I I , I I I I II .~","~/O...-.;r '. _~', ''''.•,.,., r:: .. .-).,,~:.,_,.,,/;,:j!;' '" I ! APRICOT JELIGHT I 2 cups (l pound I ounce can) aprk", halves 8 to J(J cooked prUnes I pa~'kge (3 ounces) orange flavored ~~. 3,4 cup boiling water ,I cup undiluted evaporated milk 2 tablespoons lemon juke ~ cup chopped nuts ,/" \ ' Dr n the prunes and apricots thoroughly. Cut in pieces. PI~~gelatin in m' ng bowl. Add boiling watetStir'until dissolved. Chill UI!ltil syrupy. Chill vaporated milk in refrige ator" tray until soh ice crystals form aroun edges of tray (15 to 20 m' utes). Whip until stiJI (about 2 minutes) .: Add lemon juice. Whip ve stiff (2 minutes longer). Stir apricots, prone and nuts into chilled gel ·n. FJld whipped evaporated milk into gela . -fruit inixture. s~oon int a 2-q•. mold. Chill until fum (about 2 hours . Unmold by dip iog in h t watet for a few seconds. SerVes 8 to 10. , I ' STyFFED CABBAGE I I . III to 14 large cab~age I leaVeJI ~ pounda 1T0und beel 115 walers, finelr rolled I (about I cUf crumbs), II cup' chop~. onion I , ~I cu 1e, WEDISif PANCAKES I ~i cup " .w Mlt"::tter, cte Ii cup lig'" cream (% stkk),buner s flour alterlnately,beatin~otoughly after each addition. Beat 'iI/., b ,ller. Drop teas~~nsfOf blttter on lightly buttered hot griddl~. Move S1>oo in circular motion' on pbured b~tter to make a 2"-inch pancake. doo until pancakes look dt:Y and can l)e turned easily. Turn and brown he side. PJa#,pancakesin stadcs of e~ght on squares of ~um foil a "t the Size,,of sm" all, de~sert plates. C,ot,er ea~h stack with second square f IiI. Keep in; refrigerator f:lbout 1 hotq\before serving. Pancakes can be reed seve~lll days ~ advance, if de$ired. ~ T"serve, ,p,l~ce pancak,,!'e stac,ks With, f1!il on a baking sheet ~bake in lJ P eheated hot oven, ,~ degrees, for 10 minutes. Flip pancakes from , foill to seiving p~tes. ropwith lingon I rrie~· or oth«;r fruit dessert sauce.F' ,",'I . " I j I Soak cabbag~ leaveS' in boiling water for a ut . l~t Jol slightly\ RPat JggS and sugar until Huffy. Add and Hour ~. I teaspoon salt , MI teaspoon gllTlk ' minutes. DJain. Combine remaining ingr ents mix wel~. Spoon about 4 tablespoons of mixure . to ceDller of each leaf. Fold c;>ver env lope in shallow bing dish. Pour sauce over ca bage lrolls and b . e in moderate oven (325° F) 45 !minutes. Se e fro~chafing dish. Serves iSAUCE: Cfmbine 2 8-ounce cans tomato auee, ,. I~ cup chili I auce, and 1 tbsp. horsera1ish. Heat. , I Lei'disc... ~~:t~=-~. program to prevent trtuction of diseases into your herd or ont Y9 premises: 1) Know where Y1ur replacemJnts come from. Purchase only'fr m i ources ~6wn to be 1 II reliable and having a 0 disease llstory. Do not patronize sales, au.cti ns, etc., tltnless you are willing to W!sume Ithe risks involved. 2) Examine stock tJt he seller's farm. If possible use a veterin*ia to advise you. This should include blood ~est for brucellosis and leptospirosis. Results 1f t ..e exam should be in your hands before mqvin animals. '3) Isolate new aequO ions at flour HERD HEALT,, PRO,GRAM I I IN· A! NUTSHELL farm. rl t,' II The i$olation period 40u d be at least 21 days, and preferably 30 days. . ring this tlIDe the animals should be under jthe obse~ation of a fompetent veterinari1n. I ' f for the mOder? swine producer 4) Several states now. have Swlne Health ICertification programs. IJn these (pfograms, D1. S. H.' ,Morrison !breeding herds are give1 periOdi~,'.'¢xamina Itions and certified free 0 certain diseases. I 5) DetermineWhethe~heW stQdk has been "fVaeCina!ed ' for ~~h dis' q,Ses as hog cholera land swme erysipelas. If! hogs have not been vaccinated for hog cho' era give them hog I cholera, serum before .ansporting to your farm, then if normal at ~nd of 2 weeks isolaI tion, vaccinate them ustng attenuated virus and serum. If you do not yaccinatefor cholera, Igive all purchased pigs ia large dose of hog :cholera serum before brmging them to your Ifarm in addition to the isolation period of 30160 days. 'I 1 6) If atrophic rhinitis and virw pig pneu- C'fnton, Iowa 1 1 1 I mbnia are problems consider repopulation with I SPF pigs. I 1 I I 7) You, your help, and visitors all can spread disease on your farm. Do not permit visitors in your farrowing houses, etc. Foot baths, etc., are of little value in prevention of disease in my opinion and only give the fa.-mer' a false sense of security. Adopt a work 'program as follows: Feed and care for young animals first, secondly the breeding animals,' thirdly .the feeder sto~~, and lastly the new 'acquisitions in isolation. 8) Whkn. animal8 are moved on the farm, haul them, do not drive them. Try to avoid driving through pastures 01' pens in which other anUnals are kept. 'This avoids spread of disease ahd internal parasites. 9) Good equipment· kept clean will help in the problem. This'is especially true in the far- rowing house. Farrowing equiPPtent should not be used for othet; purposes and should he , thoroughly ~eaned before use (Steam cleaning and str~ng disinfectants recbmmended). Sows should be washed with so~py water if weather permits, otherwise brush them well USing a dry disinfectant non-toldc to them. Pens should' be cleaned daily ot· else slatted .floors, etc., should be used. Pr~~r manure disposal regardless of method of iho1Jsing is a must. Baby pigs must be kept warm and dry. 10) Care for newborn pigs TJ1'01?erly. Dip each pig's navel in a disinfectant as ~oon after birth as possible (71, iodine solution is still ~ good onel). Ifnecessary, tie off and clip navel cord, but this is not usually necessary unless it ise~treJ;Dely long. CUp "needle teeth" imniedi. at~l' 'At about 3-10days,~epending upon ed, use an injection of iron-dextran p .. ' cOmpound' prev:ent,baby pig anenlia. Usually one injection is enou~, but if pigs are gomg to stay on concrete it mlly be neCessary to iive another~jectioJilater. ttabo~t.4 weeks of age. all male ~igs should ~ castrated. An identification system s9~ as ",arnotching will help yo~ to make a tecc,rd ~£ performance of your hero· and i'Will piDpoint animals ~ot of good breeding Or t,hose which may betilore suscep-' tibIe to' disease, etc., than others within your' herd. Merely .k~ping records is. not enough, one mustlstU:dy,theman~ then make prOper use.ofth~1 Young·aniJJials should be vacci-! Dllted forhogQholeral()~ayst~ 2 Weeks before w~ ; (if .w~lat·S08w~·of.. ~)~ ~~.~~.:'Yn~.i. ·.. ~ . :.\";;~~~.: · .'·. :~4~··. • L,~~h~~ O· .•. ariathe~ofVaoobf~::~, - ,)-r i " I i i; I I Per' Henl Houseid! I':i '12-4on1h records ~n 73,(65 layers sho~ ~Wayne" Egg Feed prografs g/~e yq,!" M01E FOR YOUR MaNE~ .:253 Eggs Per Hen irsed. 40 Lbs, Feed Per Oozen Eggs· c~n: It I i,55% t'bil!~ ~ th~ sam~, ~ 'gil [sustained rate of y, profit making feed 'prove)wayne Egg Feed Programs, At versifnand longer pr0'l'uctiye life give "More fa I time, you benefit from the personaliz~d s~rvice,gt"i ,( I~ YOUriMoney" returns on your flock invest· ' your Wayne dealer, and poultry sp~cialists " These records whow Wayne Egg in the. field., WOrking'. toget,her. ·.to g . ive, yo.u r.' ;1 Prog ams 'produce for: flocks large an\d "More for Your Money" Oll your flOCk in· .ij smal, ... ,from 375bird.:.. s to over 27,O~ vestmen.t. seeyourway.ne De. ale~iorwrite!.: I ... all across the country. ,Jormoreinformation on a Wayne ~ Feeq r:~ Yo~ too can feed to br1ng out the bred.in Erogr.amjthat can benefit you. caPfityOfthebirc;lsyoUjbUy'(V/thResearch 'e _ '. ; ;1 men~ Sh~,' !i I' 1 £1_... r I ALLlfD -go, ~/L.L~, INC.. I ~ _..- m° Ui1Il.t Cao......n.. ~ °ea_lIt. Ca. °........ 111 ° WI SI ' I " I I laoia. W 0 . ." 1 ..... 0 _ ollllalo•• ' 0 - ~fIf1dtl h. 0 , . ., I J I " ," "If'" -. Tal" """""'*'~:II, I 1 TO,d.Y / I " I Tomorrow's CilJ. Ia. ° Oooab. ... I I" : 'Bulffl"'tI of .' , I 'lid1 'I , ,1,]7,1 1 I ' ~, ,,\11 ~ " l 0.:. After carefully studying the twelve PQints'of "Swine Health Program in a Nutshell", one of better h~g. farm~rs remarked, "I agree with Dr M 100 per~nt ... except in one area." ~I The.. serwer~ the words of Mr. Don Prill, farm anag . ' of Dr. W. E. Brown's 500-acre farm just west of auk a, WisCOnsin. ' I I I I , , $SCONSIN ,1 II F4RMER I ' , PUT$ ~~RD *EALTH PRO~R~M TQ>; WORK X . _J , I I C\ i I I may winithe , I I y~ar $25,00000 check this --......,--- ENTER THE SECON~ ANNUAL . Terra;mycin Clieck~takes. . * * * *1 * i , ': I I FIRST~PRIZE $25 OOOpo Cash , I 1 I 2,~00 Second Prizes: WORTH $5.00 EACH !J , \, AJt ;i ~cinch~~" .... stakes is,being brought back beq use thousands found it f.un (andl profitable) last year. You could a winner this I' . year ... even the 125,000 winner! · ,IS . asl,easy I •• as SIgnIng E n tenng your nanIe after 'pay to." Enter aQ many times you like. Just follow the direcd us on the entry blanks. I , Ge, entry blanks at our feed or ~n'mal health sup ~or look for the, plank in FARM JOURNAL (Sept. issue) Write your iname on this $25,OO~ check ' nd WI·n' lOt' ( ... a ~ FIRST PRIZE, ) ~1-~~.~O:~~~~- I, Get YQur Fun Potential with PO lENT IN 1~~AMYCIN@ NUVlAL HEA~TH ~ROD~,CT~ • IN GOOD F~E?S Th..e far..m. repre.sents the. kind of place tha,t. mo[.t ,p.eoPI.e in, the area sorttpf dream of. On it, YOlJ'l16nd about every of soil imaginable. This is because 'the terrain has its ups D.d downs, it~ hills and valleys. Everything about i ,includ g Prill's cOlpmercial hogs; seems to blend into t e coun side ... t~e nahnal beauty of the kettle morainecounl:r>j. , Don Prill is an agricultural graduate from th, Univerl'ty iscon~ of W. .• . in,. Madison. He. farms with skill, ent'USiasm.. d imagination. He does every practical thing within his po er to keep h~s hogs healthy. He knows h~w ma,nyf live ho s it take.s. to forevery dead one. Perhaps this is. w~y he a 1QO percet (almost) wi,th Dr· Morrison. I [Maybe e ought to explain his one small ar~a of p . 'al disagreem~nt. It has to do with item number six of orrison:s artitle. Prill believes that Specific Pathogen Free' ogs would be lfine if it were possible to. run an operation t woul.d kee~ them that way. But, he feels that i~ perhapsl the second or ~ird litter, a lack of natural immuni~ is liab~e to catchup fith the pigs. He added tihat, inflfu'ness toror. Morrison, ~t ~hould be pointed out that he (MQh-ison) didn't : recommen~them across the board. Only if a ~peciIic health problem 0 two is prevalent on a farm. One of rill's friends is just getting started ,in a SPF hog operation. on intends to just sit back and watch. He said, i "I may ha e to eat my words, we'll see." ,.1 MARKETS 000 The prqgressive young farmer, who has managed the Brown farm for several years, raises all his own pigs. H~ has been marketing around 600 hogs a year and selling a few I· feeder pigs now and then, as well. The hogs $.fe a nice ~ong~ I , lean three way combination Landrace, PolllDd China and Hamp. Good commercial conformation; the Itype th~t. dQas well when marketed on a grade and yield plan. Prill looked back at Dr. Morrison's item nufnbersit, shook his head as he recalled a costly spring experience, and told of his recent bout with baby pig pneumoniai , "It was probably my own fault, too," he paIitially admitted. "We had 31 sows farrow during the month of March," he went on. "Needless to say, we had far too many baby pigs for the size of the barn." , ' To make a long story short, overcrowding,' high hUmidity, grouping the baby pigs too soon to make room for other fatrowing sows plus a fe'w other reasons, led to a 20 percent pig loss, due to p~eumonia. CALLS THE DOCTOR Prill told of another health problem he had on the place' thaI: seems to have been corrected now. Baby pig scpurs. He and farm owner, Dr, Brown, M.D., got thea beads together and 'apparently came,up with something th~t worked. Don had long believed ithat the organism that lactwUly caused scours did its dirty Iwork only after 'the babf pigs bad been weakened by an i~regular or spasmodic H~w of the sow's milk. Working on this theory, Dr. Brown prescribed 10 to 20 cc's of calcium glutinate per sow to stitn~late the How of miQc by merely rela~g the muscles. : Referring to Morris~)D's item number ten, Prill remarked, "These things are most important, too. Farrowing sows should be watched carefully and the baby pi~ cared for quickly." 1 He said they always clip the needle teeth, disinfect the navel in an iodine solution, tie and clip off navel cords when, necessary and give each an iron shot. They also try to cas·, tr~t at 10 days of age to minimize shock. LITTERS GET TOO BIG What a t the size of the' litters? Don says they have had many litters f from 15 to 20 pigs. He doesn't like big litters like this at all. The pigs are tpleven. Sqme weigh' a pound; some five pounds. The small ones just cah't compete like they should for their dinner and you are always faced with. the. decision of letting them die or1try to wet-nurse them. In li.t~ ters this large you get far too many small pigs to suit Don Prill. He'd rather have 10 to 12 pig litters of uniform size•. Morrison's point number twelve was then referred to. Our hog raising specialist says we can't emphasize too strongly the necessity of controlling parasites. He said mange and lice are so prevalent on so many farms that quite often they are never treated for. He says he knows for abct that either~" both can slow down gains considerably. .. PtY . E'.. ees. i L I II, f ,I As a rule it takes tht prafit from several h09~ to pay for ;one dead ol'l~, This is one reason wilt farm manager Don Pri,~1 observes such basicrule~ of herd health as state~ by Dr, Morrison on thjJ opposite page. I 1 I , Some ~OO hogs, per year are housed and marketed through these building~ under the management of Don Prill, a leading Wisconsin hog producer. The disease threat is multiplied more and more as hog numbers increase, I MORE FARMERS HAVE PLANTED DEKA~B C RN FOR 23STR~IGHTIYEARS THAN ANY OTH R B APilD, I I On the theory thatl it migh,t reduce,' scou, r~ in pigs, Dr. Brown and farm manager Don rill tried an inie~ion of 120 cc's of calcium glutinbte per sow. The idea warto relax the sow's 'mus~les and help he~ mil~ ~ow morF evenly. It wor~ed. , I r I~ I I I 1 I 1 I' 1 I I i , '. DOES~ JOBS IN 1 APPLICATION , · I Why pay to spray rrns and poultry houses two or thr e times 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I fhorw~itbeni~g. disinf ctilng and for fly control? Cabrbola ,does all t ese 10 s In one ea~y, ower cost operation. Car 010 won't chip or peel off-saves )'0\1 time and money. 90% LESS CQBWEBS FOR 8 TO lG MONltHSI Mastitis "' __ I , Carllflla kills these duea.e germs: • tubercuWsis Chicken and Hog f(:holera , NATURAL BRIDGE, NEW YORK I_.-~ I • __-±_.. ' S:.i;:'ION-"'~;:E~aC!05' ' B.~S;;iR I CAllBOLA CHEMICAL CO. I Dept. RG-29 ,I ",'" ,,~._, ."" ;> . .__~~._~lILl ... 1 I ( Wl.S WHILE 8) . . , i Want t, 'be younger looking? Try Pink Palmolive care. Pink Palmoli~e gives yol}. the mild, nat ral cle,ansing ihgredients that have helped tiUions of women be y unger looking. i See if it won't, help Y., ou. An wha,t d,,elightful color acc,ents these tf,,'o p,almOliVe~,,' Pink falmoli e a~d pll;stel Green Pal olive, add to jour bathroom! i Try tl is new Pihk soap, with tH skin-smoothidg kiss of Palmolive's " • . ! )fewtJ~1f~€1 i I IT~ I I costly complexion aids. treamy Pink I"p,almolive or pastel Gr,een Palmolive-in all the wo~ld there is nolmilder soap, no easier way . for most women to b y nger looking.ISirnply . . . 1. Massage yodr skin ig fously for I rpinute with mild Palmolive I' lather. Rinse and pat 2. Repeat three times eac i ! I ~ BJWV~fVV"lArUV\.l , \ r i 1 \ i I I \ I \ \ !. I, I , I