Congratulations Abrielle Watson Grade 6
Congratulations Abrielle Watson Grade 6
Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education M r. B l a c k m e r ’s M e s s a g e : The school year has now come to its official close! Our 50th anniversary year has been very eventful and tremendous year for growing in knowledge, the arts and of course our Catholic faith. Again, I must reiterate how very proud I am to be the principal of such an outstanding school with terrific students, an amazing staff, and wonderfully supportive parents! I am very grateful to all of you! As we end this academic year, I pray that all in our school community would enjoy a great summer with rest and relaxation among friends and family. I also wish to take this time to wish all those who will not be returning to St. Michael’s all the best in their future endeavors, especially to a few of our families who are moving away from the community of Medicine Hat. I also wish a fond farewell to two of our treasured staff members; Miss Gregus who will be leaving her grade two position here to work full time at St. Francis Xavier, and Mrs. Domagala, who after years of work in our Early Learning Program, is beginning her welldeserved retirement! Both of these wonderful ladies will be greatly missed for their outstanding contributions towards excellence of learning at St. Michael’s. June 28, 2016 Items in this Edition 1 2 3,4 510 On behalf of the entire staff, we wish all of you a blessed and refreshing summer. We look forward to seeing you in September! 11, Mr. R. Blackmer Congratulations Abrielle Watson Grade 6 The 2016-17 School Year begins on Tuesday, Sept 6. Our school times are as follows: First bell -8:37 am Second bell - 8:40 am Noon recess – 12:00 pm Dismissal – 3:10 pm For those students taking a school bus to and from school, please check the Southland’s Website for the times and locations of your child’s bus stop. Farewell and Best wishes for our staff at St. Michael’s that will be leaving us in the fall! Ms. Gregus—Gr. 2 teacher Mrs. Domagala– Learning Assistant New staff at St. Michael’s Mrs. Meier– Learning Assistant Gr. 3 Fall News and Reminders 1. Please be reminded that our school has become “paperless” newsletters. Our newsletter can be sent directly to your home or work e-mail address. If you would like to have it sent directly to your email please subscribe on our website at If for some reason you do not have access to a computer, please call the school and a printed copy can be sent home. School phone number is 403-527-7242. 2. We will continue to send home a two month calendar at the end of each month. Thank you to our new executives for School Council and Society for the Fine Arts for 2016-2017 Fee Schedule for 2015-2016 School Council Grade 1-6 – $60.00 President— Jennifer Dewald Agenda’s Gr. 1-6- $5.00 Vice President – Shayla Bengert Fine Arts Fee Gr. 1-6 -$20.00 Kindergarten -$55.00 Secretary - Lana Johnson Society for the Fine Arts President— Laurie Pearse Vice President - Natasha Joyal Secretary - Lana Johnson Start Date for 2015-2016 Grade 1-6– Tues, Sept 6 ELP and Kindergarten– Mon, Sept 12 Treasurer—Sabrina Baker Hot Lunch Coordinators vacant Thank you to all the Volunteers that helped With Hot Lunches this Year! Thank you School Council for your generous donation of $4000.00 towards our Playground Project. School Photos Kindergarten– Grade 6 September 20, 2016 School Supply List 2016-2017 Kindergarten School Supply List (Mrs. Fune) 1 box or original wax crayons 12 - 24 pack (regular size) 4 large glue sticks 1 pair scissors 1 pair of running shoes (children will wear inside the classroom and keep at school) medium – large size backpack 1 scrapbook ( Hilroy, coil binding 35.6 x 27.9 cm – this will be used to make a memory book for your child) 1 box of Kleenex 1 plastic folder with inside pockets (will be sent home daily with any notes, newsletters, or children’s completed work that needs to go home) 2 black dry erase markers (for printing on whiteboards) 2 large Ziploc type bags headphones (to be used later on in the year when we go to the computer lab) extra change of clothes (to be kept at school in case of an accident or spill) Please print your child’s name clearly on backpack, scissors, folder, running shoes, scrapbook, Ziploc bags and extra clothing. This helps greatly in eliminating confusion and loss. The remainder of the school supplies (wax crayons, glue, Kleenex) will be shared by the class, and therefore do not need to be labeled. At the end of the year, any remaining wax crayons and glue will be divided evenly among the children and sent home with them. School Supply List 2016-2017 Grade One Mrs. Scory (Please label all items with your child’s name) 1. a pair of scissors 2. 3 glue sticks and one large bottle of white glue (recommended Elmer’s 225 ml size) 3. 5 white art erasers 4. 2 highlighter markers 5. 2 large boxes of wax crayons 6. 1 package of pencil crayons (24 pkg. Laurentian) please bring sharpened. 7. 24 HB pencils 8. 1 small whiteboard 9. 1 pkg. of whiteboard markers 10. 8 large Ziploc bags, 8 sandwich size Ziploc bags 11. headphones (not “ear buds”) for computer use 12. 1 water bottle (preferably with a straw) 13. an old adult shirt for art/painting 14. runners for phys. ed. or indoor use-non-marking soles only *please label with their name. 15. 2 large boxes of Kleenex 16. 1 large container of Lysol wipes 17. 1 box of Band-aids Grade One/two Mrs. Dobek (Please label all items with your child’s name) Pencil box (small) 1 pair of scissors 3 glue sticks and one large bottle of white glue (recommended Elmer’s 225 ml size cylinder shape is easier to squeeze ) 5 white art erasers 1 large box of Kleenex 1 box of bandaids 1 large box of wax crayons 1 package of pencil crayons (24 Laurentian crayons please bring sharpened) 1 enclosed sharpener 10 duotangs ( 2 of each color: red, yellow, blue, green, orange) Whiteboard (no bigger than a duotang) 6 Whiteboard Markers (no yellow) Whiteboard eraser 24 HB pencils (please label with their names) 1 pencil box 1 box of large ziploc bags 1 box of small Ziploc bags Paintshirt 1 set of headphones for computer Runners for gym/Water bottle (Please undo all supplies and put into a large Ziploc bag with name on) Grade Two Mrs. Sehn (Please label all items with your child’s name) 1. 1 box of wax crayons 2. 3 erasers (white art erasers) with student’s name 3. Scissors (fiscars) 4. 1 large plastic bottle of glue and 3 glue sticks (recommended Elmer’s 225 ml size 5. 1 package of dry erase markers (3-4 Expo Chisel Tip) 6. Pencil case or pencil box 7. Running shoes for gym use and indoor use (white soles) 8. Paint shirt 9. 1 large box of Kleenex 11. 12 duotangs 12. 1 package of pencil crayons (24 pkg. –labeled) sharpened 13. Set of flash cards for addition, subtraction to 10) keep at home to study 14. 3 boxes of 12 HB pencils (labeled and sharpened) 15. One set of head phones for computer use—stored in a large ziplock bag with child’s name 16. OPTIONAL: Waterbottle – If sending a water bottle to school, please make sure it is one that the lid does not need to be removed in order to drink. It should be a straw or squirt type bottle. Grade Three Ms. Rath (Please label all items with your child’s name) 1. 30 cm ruler 2. 1 small size bottle of clear glue 3. 15 duo tangs—paper not plastic and various colors 4. Pencil Sharpener 5. 1 pkg. of pencil crayons (24 pkg) -please sharpen and label 6. 1 pair scissors 7. 10 erasers (pink pearl) or white (staedtler) 8. 1 pencil case or pencil box 9. 1 pkg (48) of wax crayons 10. 24 HB pencils (labeled and sharpened) 11. 3 glue sticks (white glue only please – no purple) 12. Runners for gym class (these will stay at school) white soles only 13. Three boxes of Kleenex 14. One box of large Ziploc bags 15. One container of Lysol wipes 16. Headphones Grade Three /Four Mrs. Kowalchuk (Please label all items with your child’s name) 30 cm ruler (showing centimeters and millimeters) 1 medium size bottle of white glue 20 duo tangs 1 pkg Pencil crayons (pkg. of 24 Laurentian) 1 highlighter 5 erasers (white) 1 pair of scissors 4 whiteboard felts (small) 24 HB pencils (labeled and sharpened) Pencil case Runners for gym class- white soles only please 2 large boxes of Kleenex One set of head phones for computer use One hand held pencil sharpener Grade Four-Five Mr. Loehndorf ( Please label all items with your child’s name) Please label all supplies, runners, lunch bags, jackets and individual pencils/markers with your child’s name. 1. 5 white erasers 2. 1 pkg. pencil crayons ( 24 pkg. of Laurentian) 3. 1 pencil case/box 4. One 30 cm ruler (centimeters and millimeters) 5. 1 bottle of white glue, 2 large glue sticks 6. One pair of sharp scissors (rounded tip preferred) 7. 15 duotangs (different colours if possible) 8. 30 HB pencils (15 in September, 15 in January) 9. 3 blue pens 10. 2 hand held pencil sharpener 11. 1 calculator (a simple functions solar powered calculator is acceptable. Please note that the calculator will be used in only certain areas of math such as some problem solving strands and will not be used in the basic mastery of essential math facts/concepts) 12. 3 large boxes of Kleenex 13. Loose leaf refill paper (200 sheets) 14. 1 pkg. of felt markers (thinner kind) for art 15. 1-2 pkg. of yellow (lighter coloured) square sticky notes (7.5 cm X 7.5 cm). These will be used in Language Arts. 16. Dry Erase Markers (Expo 2 thinner kind-comes in a set of 8)- for math 17. Rubber sole runners with good arch support and with laces for gym (white soles only so it won’t leave black marks on the floor) 18. One good quality binder (2 inch preferred) 19. One set of dividers- preferably the cardstock type that comes in a variety of colours. 20. One package of reinforcements 21. One geometry set 22. 2 highlighter pens 23. 1 Black Sharpie felt marker (Fine Point) Grade Five Mrs. L. Hoffman ( Please label all items with your child’s name) Please label all supplies, runners, lunch bags, jackets and individual pencils/ markers with your child’s name. 1. 5 white erasers 2. 1 pkg. pencil crayons ( 24 pkg. Crayola) 3. 1 pencil case-preferably not a pencil box 4. One 30 cm ruler (centimeters and millimeters clearly indicated) 5. 1 bottle of white glue, 2 large glue sticks 6. One pair of sharp scissors (rounded tip preferred) 7. 15 duotangs (different colours if possible) 8. 30 HB pencils (15 in September, 15 in January) 9. One set of head phones for computer use-Please label and put in labeled Ziplock bag 10. 1 hand held pencil sharpener 11. 1 calculator (a simple functions solar powered calculator is acceptable. Please note that the calculator will be used in only certain areas of math such as some problem solving strands and will not be used in the basic mastery of essential math facts/concepts) 12. 2 large boxes of Kleenex 13. Loose leaf refill paper (only 200 sheets) 14. 1 pkg. of felt markers (thinner kind) for art related work 15. 1 pkg. of yellow (lighter coloured) square sticky notes (7.5 cm X 7.5 cm). These will be used in Language Arts. 16. Dry Erase Markers (Expo 2 thinner kind-comes in a set of 8)- for math (Students only need 2) 17. One good quality binder (2-3 inch) 18. One set of dividers- preferably the cardstock type that comes in a variety of colours. 19. 2 highlighter pens 20. 1 Black Sharpie felt marker (Fine Point) 21. Rubber sole runners with good arch support and with laces for gym (white soles only so it won’t leave black marks on the floor) Grade six Mrs. Wirachowsky (please label all items with your child’s name) 3 - 1.5" binders (please no bigger as they do not fit in the desks then) 2 sets of Dividers (at least 5 in the pack) 8 Duotangs 500 sheets of lined paper Binder page reinforcements 3 - 24 pack of HB pencils (bring one pack after each report period) Pencil sharpener Set of white erasers (2) Complete set of Pencil Crayons 3-4 highlighters Pencil case 5-6 Dry Erase markers 2 fine point sharpie/permanent markers (Black) Standard calculator Glue Sticks Scissors Standard Ruler (metric) Protractor and small ruler needed (Geometry set) Runners for indoor use and gym – white soles only please One set of head phones for computer use 3 Boxes of Kleenex 1 large 3” binder (to be kept at home so that students can move completed unit out of their binders to keep at home to study for PAT exams)
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