Farrelli`s: A Family Affair - Bellarmine Preparatory School
Farrelli`s: A Family Affair - Bellarmine Preparatory School
Issue 3, April 2011 Page 1 Farrelli’s: A Family Affair By Craig Coovert Alumni Relations Director If you have lived in the greater Tacoma area over the last 30 years, there is a good chance you have eaten at a restaurant owned by the Farrell family. Beginning in the early 1980‘s, John Farrell B‘62 purchased The Huckleberry Inn in Key Center. John and family then went on to own Engine House #9, John's Hob Nob, and John's Restaurants in Lakewood and Gig Harbor. This then lead to the birth of Farrelli‘s. A good deal on a lease in a building in Lacey, and many hours of research later, the concept of a restaurant with gourmet wood fire pizza was born. The Lacey restaurant is the flagship restaurant. However, the restaurant has since added locations in Dupont, Tacoma, Sumner, and Parkland. The Farrell‘s are also a Bellarmine family through and through. Along with John, John‘s wife, Margaret, is a 1964 Aquinas grad, and their four daughters are all Bellarmine grads: Ann Farrell B‘85, Katie Farrell B‘86, Jacque Farrell B‘89 and Lizz FarrellLewis B‘94. Jacque was a co-founder of Farrelli‘s with her parents in 1995, and all four of the Farrell daughters work for Farrelli‘s. Jacque, Lizz and Ann work full-time for the restaurant, while Katie Farrell, a registered dietician and diabetes educator, consults for Farrelli‘s on nutritional information and helps develop healthy recipes and diabetic friendly foods. Lizz Farrell-Lewis says working with family can be very difficult at times, but also extremely rewarding. ―We are a family full of passion and we evoke passion in one another, as well. We don't always agree, but we do always support each other 100%,‖ Lizz said. ―There is a feeling of honesty and trust that is immeasurable, and I believe that it contributes to our success.‖ Lizz credits Bellarmine with teaching her the value of community service, and she tries to bring the values she learned at Bellarmine to how Farrelli‘s is run. Farrelli‘s recently won an award from the National Restaurant Assoc., the "2010 Good Neighbor Did you know… There are five Farrelli‘s locations in the area: Dupont, Tacoma, Parkland, Sumner, and Lacey The Farrell‘s also own McNamara‘s Pup and Eatery, located in Dupont across the street from Farrelli‘s. The Farrell’s on a family trip to the ocean this March. From left to right: Top Row: Patrick Lewis, Lizz Farrell Lewis, Emilie Becker (Ann's daughter), Margaret Farrell, JJ Becker (Ann's daughter), John Farrell Middle Row: Don Smith (Jacque's husband), Jacque Farrell, Madison Becker (Ann's daughter and general manager of McNamara's), Katie Farrell, Ann Farrell Bottom Row: Michael Thulin (Katie's husband), Meg Lewis (Lizz's daughter), Mary Bethune (Katie's daughter), Monica Bethune ( Katie's daughter). Award". In September, the whole family went to D.C. to receive the award for the work they do with the military as well as other community service projects in the surrounding communities. ―We do lots of projects in our restaurants that encourage our young staff members to become involved in the community,‖ Lizz said. ―We try to teach our staff the values that we grew up with and the responsibility we all have to help those who need it.‖ Lizz is especially proud of the restaurant‘s Mission Statement: ―To use our business system to create a vibrant working family that provides nourishment to our neighborhood.‖ One of the restaurant‘s values listed on their website is growth, and Lizz said that is currently a high priority. As she puts it, ―Farrelli‘s would like to have another growth spurt.‖ ―We are still interested in growing our company so that we can nourish many new communities,‖ Lizz added. And on a personal note, Lizz wanted to add that their family continues to grow in numbers as well. ―This summer, my husband and I will have the first boy in our family since my dad!‖ Lizz beamed. The Farrell‘s are a great example of an extended family taking the values they learned at Bellarmine and applying them to running a business. This is evident when reading their Mission and Value Statements displayed at their restaurants. Page 2 Booster Athletic Hall of Fame a Success! The 2011 Bellarmine Booster Hall Fame was a huge success, attracting over 400 alumni and friends to the new gym last January. The event honors many of those who have contributed to Bellarmine's athletic program over the years including distinguished athletes, coaches/administrators and friends. You can enjoy a few pictures from the event below. Once again, here are the 2011 inductees: Individuals Allan Prentice, Class of 1960 Mike Turner, Class of 1962 John Rehberger, Class of 1970 Pat Medved, Class of 1973 Jim McPhee, Class of 1985 Tina Campbell, Class of 1981 Nanci Estabrook Ubben, Class of 1982 Wendy Walters Nesser, Class of 1986 Sarna Renfro Becker, Class of 1994 Teams The back-to-back City Champion Baseball teams of 1959 & 1960. The back-to-back City Champion Basketball teams of 1966-1967 & 1967-1968. The 3-time Women‘s State Champion Cross Country teams of 1977, 1978, & 1979 Coach Jerry Sullivan Fr. Sneeringer Award Mike and Mary Jo Tucci & Family Alumni Basketball Tournament Returns June 3 -4 The 2011 Alumni Basketball tournament will be held Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4. The success of last year‘s tournament, combined with the opening of the new Booster Gym should make for an exciting and fun tournament. Game play will begin Friday at 6pm, and continue all day on Satuday. Each team will be guaranteed at least one game in the new gym Each team will be guaranteed at least one game on Saturday. There will be a Friday night social in the lobby of the new gym hosted by the Bellarmine Boosters. Cost to play in the tournament is $25. You can sign up as a full team, or you can sign up as an individual and be placed on a team. You can register by going to the Bellarmine website, or contact Craig Coovert at 253-756-3857 Right Top: Class of 2000 Blue Division championship team or coovertc@bellarmineprep.org. Right Bottom: Class of 1984 White Division championship team Issue 3 Page 3 Bellarmine Welcomes Dean Hanks as it’s New Major Giving Director Dean brings with him over 30 years of experience in not-for-profit organizational leadership, community development, executive level consulting, and capital campaigns. He is a mission-driven executive with a proven track record including successful capital campaign planning and execution in projects exceeding $80 Million. Dean comes to us following a very successful 6+ years as the Executive Director of Tacoma Goodwill Foundation where he was responsible for all annual, capital and endowment fundraising activity. He successfully led the organization to a $12 million capital campaign to build its new Milgard Work Opportunity Center in downtown Tacoma. He has also managed and raised funds for United Way, Overlake Hospital Foundation, and Seattle Center Foundation to name a few. Dean earned his BA in Sociology from Brandeis University and did graduate work at Seattle University in their Non-profit Leadership Program. Dean's community involvement includes the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 where he serves on the Board of Directors, Treasurer of the South Sound Association of Fundraising Professionals, Board Member Tacoma Philharmonic and member of the Washington State Building Communities Fund Advisory Committee. A Message from Dean: "It is an honor to be part of the Bellarmine Family and to work with the Development team as we strive to increase the resources needed for the students and the school. I am looking forward to a high degree of interaction with all of the fantastic supporters of Bellarmine in the months and years to come. " Bellarmine Honors it’s SRBC Members at the Spring Musical The St. Robert Bellarmine Circle of contributors help to raise a significant portion of our annual giving dollars, which are then made available as unrestricted support to the school. These larger SRBC annual gifts are critical to meeting the financial goals of the school. The SRBC gift reflects the givers ―vote of approval‖ for the school and the transformational opportunity it offers to all our students who will become our community‘s future leaders. 2010-2011 Leadership Team* Fred Bevegni Steve Brown Peter Comfort Membership in the St. Robert Bellarmine Circle is exclusive to those donors who make an annual Jack Connelly leadership gift to the Bellarmine Fund of $3,000 or more each year. Furthermore, these major Brianne Kampbell annual gifts validate to foundations, corporations, other major donors and friends that we are Jason Kors committed to the extraordinary educational and spiritual programs our school offers to our stu- Greg Unruh dents and that we care deeply about its future. A host of benefits accompany membership in this Tim Pavolka special giving society. One such benefit is being invited to a private wine social and performance Denise Ploof of the spring musical. This year our guests got the opportunity to not only mingle with other Michael B. Smith Saint Robert Bellarmine Circle members, but to talk with the cast of ―Pippin‖ before the evening performance. Jay Stricherz For more information about giving at this level, or the benefits, contact Jessica Achziger, Direc- Bruce Titus tor of Annual Giving at 253.756.3878. Educating for Life Luncheons Join us for our next free lunch, inspirational stories, and a brief campus tour. This is not a fundraiser--it's a new way of telling Bellarmine‘s story every month. Bring a friend who wants to learn about our great school. Please RSVP to: deguiaa@bellarmineprep.org. Upcoming Luncheons: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 12:30-1:30PM *This group of Bellarmine volunteers are partnering with members of the Development Department in helping to identify, cultivate, and cultivate prospect for this level of support. Upcoming Dates April 30: Booster Crab Feed June 5: Graduation May 6: Battle of the Bands June 27: First day of Summer May 7: Junior Prom School May 14: Robotics Year-end CelebraQuestions? tion Dinner—4pm Student Center Contact Craig Coovert, May 19: Educating for Life Breakfast Alumni Relations Director June 3-4: Alumni Basketball Tourna- coovertc@bellarmineprep.org ment 253-756-387 Issue 3 Page 4 Alumni Class Challenge a Huge Success! After a lengthy hiatus, Bellarmine‘s Alumni Class Challenge Phone-a-thon returned this year, and the end result can be summed in one word – Success! We are excited to announce that we brought in over $161,000 this year, approximately $11,000 over our goal for the year. Much credit goes to the planning, preparing, recruiting, and long hours from Jessica Achziger (Director of Annual Giving), Craig Coovert (Alumni Relations Director) and Fr. Fred Mayovsky (Donor Relations Associate). Calling took place in two phases, in November and February, with over 73 past graduates of Bellarmine, Aquinas, and St. Leo‘s (class years ranging from ‗44 to ‘03), as well as 20 current parents and staff members, coming up to call fellow classmates and past parents. Many alumni callers who had been regulars during the heyday of the Class Challenge returned to help out this year. One such caller was Charlene Baker A‘58. Charlene volunteers at Bellarmine because she ―enjoys being in the faith and academic community that Bellarmine provides.‖ ―The students energize me, the teachers inspire me, and the presence of the Jesuits on campus is like coming home, a continued reminder of our history and faith,‖ Baker added. The response from those asked to come up to do the calling was overwhelming. Many of our callers volunteered to call during both phases. Brian Kampbell B‘96 was among the many. ―I really believe in Bellarmine and the impact it has on the lives of its students,‖ Kampbell said. ―I know personally how it affected me. I feel it is important to help give back to Bellarmine so it can continue its mission.‖ It was very excited and reaffirming to see the response to the younger classes willing to volunteer. Megan Fouty B‘02, was one of the youngest alumni to come to call. She said ―It was a great way to re-connect with some friends and to give back to a great school.‖ When asked how she felt when a past classmates supports Bellarmine, Fouty said, ―I think that's wonderful, especially considering our class is still getting on its feet financially. It shows some Bellarmine pride and generosity!‖ With the success of the Alumni Class Challenge this year, it appears it will be here to stay. Steve Anstett B‘60, a wellknown teacher and administrator at Bellarmine for many years, jokingly said he would be back to call if we had good candy, but he also went on to say that seeing classmates still giving to the school 50 years after graduation makes him feel good. SPECIAL THANKS! Bellarmine would especially like to thank Rick Oldenburg, a former Bellarmine employee and parent of two Bel- Former Bellarmine Prep employee and phone-a-thon volunteer Rick Oldenburg making yet another call trying to raise funds for Bellarmine and it’s students. larmine alums, who ran many phone-a-thons during the 90‘s. Oldenburg offered up his expertise to help revive the Alumni Class Challenge. Oldenburg was also a familiar face for past alumni who used to call when he was running the phone-a-thons. His commitment and dedication to the school does is remarkable. Oldenburg was a dedicated caller, calling multiple nights during both phases. ―I cannot imagine a world where those who received the benefits of Bellarmine‘s influence and teachings DON‘T give back to the school in some measure that has meaning. As I make calls to others who have been recipients, it is absolutely gratifying to learn that while their stories may be somewhat different, their desire to support the school continues on, even into retirement‖ explained Oldenburg. During the second phase of the phone-a-thon, cell phones were generously donated to us to use for our calling. The cell phones made things easier for our callers, as well as helped immensely with the set-up and tear down each night. We would like to thank Tom Bordeaux B‘86 for securing this donation for us. Finally, the Alumni Class Challenge would not have been successful without the generous donations of Bellarmine, Aquinas, and St Leo‘s alumni and past parents of Bellarmine students. Thank you for your support this year, and your continued support of Bellarmine Preparatory School. If you would like more information on the Alumni Class Challenge Phone-a-thon, or would like to take part in next year’s calling, please contact Craig Coovert at coovertc@bellarmineprep.org or 253-756-3857. Issue 3 Page 5 Thank You to All our Callers and Volunteers! Alumni: Daniel Stumpf B'44 Mercedes Pellessier SL'45 Jean Anderson A'50 Ron Johnson B'50 Paul LeBlanc B'50 Jerry O'Leary B'50 Florence Verhaar S'50 Dave McHugh B'51 Harold Bucholz B'54 Joan Imhof A'56 Jean Greinke A'57 Mary Lou Hertzberg A'57 Dennis McMenamin B'57 Al Morris B'57 Dave Seiwerath B'57 Mary Simon A'57 Charlene Baker A'58 Charlene Guetle SL'59 Steve Anstett B'60 Fr. John Fuchs, SJ B'60 Melvin Mackay B'63 Dave Maddock B'64 Bill Bailey B'65 Paula Hagstrom SL'65 Ron Rosi B'65 Pierre LaPorte B'66 Vern Harkins B'67 Ed Danz B'68 Larry Gaffney B'68 Kris Grose SL'69 Marguerite Gerontis SL'70 Margie Mautino SL'70 Terry Bender A'72 Mary Swenson A'72 Peter Comfort B'75 Joel Hellenkamp B'75 Mary Senecal B'75 Milissa Burkey B'76 Nick Hilger B'76 Paul Mernaugh B'76 Barbara Henderson Davis B'77 Darlene Nickelson B'77 Mary Byrne B'79 Judy Reha B'79 Bob Turner B‘79 Jennifer O'Loughlin B'80 Steve Coleman B'83 Gregory Glick B'83 Fralisa McFall B'83 Marc Morris B'84 Mike Rosati B'92 Christian Trandum B'92 Steve Seiwerath B'93 Jennifer Drew B'95 Marquelle Meisberger B'95 Benjamin Norbe B'95 Kelly Rosati B'95 Heather Trandum B'95 John Harkins B'96 Brian Kampbell B'96 Evan Boulanger B'00 Matt Holland, SJ B'00 Marian Ladenburg B'01 Ben Arthur B'02 Megan Fouty B'02 Jessica Achziger B'02 Jessica Maine B'02 Vanessa Padelford B'02 Gian Rosati B'03 Marianna Rosati B'06 Parents/Friends: Cecilia Brennan Florence Bucholz Jeff Butler Leigh Butler Marilyn Coleman Craig Coovert Kelly DeGideo Fr. Fred Mayovsky Lance Gildea Deanna Gildea Holly Hickok Michelle Hunt Jan Kuwahara Pam Leazer Stephenie Lynn Rick Oldenburg Jack Peterson Greg Unruh Florence Verhaar Jason Whalen Food Donations: Jessica Achziger Charlene Baker Marissa Bendebel Marilou Bickel Amy de Guia Lizz Farrell Marguerite Gerontis Brianne Kampbell Pam Leazer Margie Mauntio Tami McKenna Annette Michalson Lynn Miller Susie Morely Mary Peterson Bill Rosendin Kim Sevigny Tiffany Spaulding Linda Stackpole Kari Whitney Laura Williamson Kathy Zimmerman Top Ten Classes - Highest Class % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 YEAR 1950 1955 1946 1966 1958 1960 1964 1995 1968 1979 PERCENTAGE 22.60% 13.04% 12.50% 12.23% 11.97% 11.89% 11.21% 11.20% 9.96% 9.50% Top Ten Classes – Amount Raised 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 YEAR 1964 1967 1973 1983 1990 1953 1976 1995 1979 1968 MONEY RAISED $5,651.00 $4,500.06 $4,205.00 $3,830.00 $3,700.00 $3,615.00 $3,595.00 $3,236.30 $3,240.00 $3,117.00 Above: Gian (left) B’03 and Mike B’92 Rosati reconnect with fellow alumni. Far left: Larry Gafney B’68 chats with a fellow classmate. Left: Mary Swenson (left) A’72 and Terry Bender A’72 tale a break to pose for our photo. Page 6 Spring Musical a ‘Pippin’ Hot Performance From the Lion... By Elle Sharrard B’12 ―Pippin‖, the critically acclaimed musical written by Stephen Schwartz, tells the tale of its namesake‘s quest to find himself. Pippin searches for satisfaction in war, women and living wild and free. Through his trials and tribulations, Pippin realizes that the adage ―Home is where the heart is‖ rings true as he decides to settle down with his true love Catherine and her son Theo. Although the plot is not novel or profound, it appeals to the human condition in the sense that there is no blanket answer to the question ―What is the meaning of life?‖ However, every person has the ability to choose what has value in their lives and the power to live accordingly. The Bellarmine production gave the show a valiant effort in its six runs. It involved 25 student cast members with a representation of all classes, who put in tremendous amounts of energy into this musical. Auditions were held in December with rehearsals starting right after Christmas Break. As with any sport or hobby, practice makes perfect; these thespians put in endless hours. As opening night approached, night rehearsals from 5:30-10:30pm took center stage in everyone‘s lives. Then, despite the chaotic nature of putting on a production, it all came together. ―Like the show, (the students involved) have heart,‖ director Nancy Wilkinson remarks in the program. The weeks of performances were a blur – ―The whole production was over in no time at all,‖ says junior Jessica Hernandez, who played Berthe, Pippin‘s sassy grandmother. ―I felt like all of my hard work paid off once we performed. It was a bit stressful to keep up with homework and studies but it was completely worth it,‖ says junior Lauren Pecaro, a member of the chorus. Performance after performance, the cast entertained in a packed theater, giving everyone an enjoyable evening. The end of a show is always bittersweet – those involved regain a degree of freedom in their lives, but also lost an extremely close bond that took place every night, with Bellarmine brothers and sisters. ―At the end of ‗Pippin,‘ I felt a huge relief. No more getting home late. No more slippage of grades. Some more sleep. But… I did shed some tears. As cliché as it sounds, it was a bittersweet moment,‖ says sophomore Sarah Chae. With the end of the musical comes the end of an era for this group of theater kids. This was the last Bellarmine production for beloved seniors. Hannah Carmichael, Bryce Cleary, Isabella Dahlgren and Wesley VanDevanter, as well as our adored director Nancy Wilkinson. They are all moving on to wonderful new chapters of their lives and we hope that they find that their lives are something more than long. They will be greatly missed in the Bellarmine community. However, the show may not be quite over yet. Bellarmine‘s musical productions have had a history of recognition through the 5 th Avenue High School Musical Theater Awards. Judges from this program view a myriad of performances across the state and nominate certain productions for special recognition. Although nominations are not announced until May 16, the theater department has a winning record in the past and can hopefully expect to see some reward from their labor. Depending on if, and in what categories the ―Pippin‖ cast is nominated, they may have the opportunity to perform on Fifth Avenue‘s stage, which is an unforgettable experience as only Henry Nettleton, winner of an Outstanding Actor and also Supporting Actor award, and the cast of ―Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat,‖ remember. In its run, ―Pippin‖ managed to spread a little sunshine and earn a spot in Bellarmine‘s heart. Lion Summer Camps June 22-25: Volleyball Camp Registration Questions? Contact Martha Parent, Camp Registration Manager, parentm@bellarmineprep.org, 253-752-7701, ext. 817. June 27-30: Little Lions Basketball Camp Questions? Contact Kevin Meines, 253-879-9814. Information on other camps will be posted on our website soon! Awards and Kuddos Bellarmine is proud of the many talents and accomplishments of our students, faculty, and staff. We have created a page on our website dedicated to highlighting all of their achivements. Go to www.bellarmineprep.org/ page.php?id=885 to check it out. Do you have a good story about a student, faculty/staff member or alum? Submit your story to Di Martin at martind@bellarmineprep.org. Issue 3 Regional Alumni Gatherings a Success! Portland Gathering Bellarmine recently held a successful Alumni gathering n Portland on January 27th. The Portland event was held in conjunction with a Portland Trailblazers/Bosten Celtics game. Former Bellarmine student Avery Bradley currently plays for the Celtics. We had a great turnout, and also had a large group from Tacoma travel down to the gathering and the game, including Principal Chris Gavin. Los Angeles Gathering The Los Angeles alumni gathering took place at the ESPN Zone in Downtown Los Angeles on April 2nd. Many alumni and friends of Bellarmine attended the gathering. Bellarmine provided the food and drinks and the group attending provided great conversation. Page 7 Alumni Nights Kick-Off at Masa The newly formed Alumni Board hosted an informal alumni get-together at Masa on 6th Avenue in Tacoma on March 31st. Over 40 Alumni and friends of Bellarmine, Aquinas and St. Leo‘s came out for the evening. This event was the beginning of scheduled local alumni events. There is tentatively another gathering planned at Masa in June or July. These gatherings are a great way to meet up with fellow classmates and friends in a casual, laid back atmosphere, while also finding out what‘s currently going on at Bellarmine. We‘d like to thank Masa, owned by Bellarmine grad John Xitco B‘87, for hosting us in their upstairs banquet area. It was a great place to hold an event. The response was so strong to this event, Bellarmine plans to continue holding Alumni events and gatherings in the Southern California area. If you live in this area, and missed this gathering, make sure you make it out to the next one. Up-Coming Class Reunions The group at the Courtyard by Marriot in Portland in January 1951: Aug. 6, Bellarmine Student Center, 11:30am Mass, 1pm Lunch, RSVP by July 6th to Kenny Roberts, (253) 565-4962 | marrob317@comcast.net 1961: Aug. 12, Bellarmine Student Center, 6:30pm, Alumni Only, $30; August 13, Bellarmine Student Center, 5pm Mass, 6pm Social Hour and Campus Tours, 7pm Dinner, RSVP to John Richmond (206) 390-0599 | jjrichmond@hotmail.com 1971: Aug. 13, Lobby of Bellarmine‘s New gym & Courtyard, Contact: Christy Ward, christy07.ward@gmail.com 1976: Aug. 27, 12:30 Golf @ Allenmore, 6:30 Gathering @ Harmon Tap Room; Aug. 28, 9am Mass with campus tours to follow, Contact: Colleen Hall Barta, chgocougs@gmail.com 1981: Aug. 6, Lobby of Bellarmine‘s New gym & Courtyard, Contact: Colleen Schacht, colleenamaria@hotmail.com 1986: Aug. 19-20, Contact: Tiffany Brain, tiffany.brain@ml.com 1991: June 24-25, Contact: Jannae Jolibois, jannaejoli@comcast.net The group at the ESPN Zone in LA earlier this month 2001: Aug. 13-14, Contact: Allison Scanlin, scanlin33@yahoo.com Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Tacoma, WA Permit #187 Bellarmine Today In Brief April 2011 Published Twice Yearly Bellarmine Preparatory School 2300 S. Washington Tacoma, WA 98405 Issue #3 Phone: 253-756-3857 Email: coovertc@bellarmineprep.org www.bellarmineprep.org Our PRIDE auction, ―No Place Like Home‖ was held on Sat. April 16th, in our newly built Booster Gym. Our guests were very happy to be back ―home‖ and showed their excitement by bidding often and high on original and unique items. The 2011 chairs, Maria Hilger B‘78 and Chong Hilger, along with the PRIDE Board and Steering Committee chairs, would like to thank the hundreds of volunteers, donors, bidders and sponsors who made this year‘s event successful. A special thank you goes to Columbia Bank for their continued generous support as the Presenting Sponsor. We also thank the following businesses and individuals who committed their support to this year’s event: Circle of PRIDE Hilger Construction Tucci & Sons Table Sponsors Brown & Brown of Washington Bruce/Titus Automotive Group Cashman Consulting & Investments, LLC Dwyer, Pemberton & Coulson, PC Edman Company Eisenhower-Carlson Evergreen Excavation Franciscan Health System Goins Family Heritage Bank Optic Fusion Patriot Fire Peninsula Subaru-Suzuki & Triumph Motorcycles Propel Insurance Frank & Mary Senecal Sessler Inc. URBAN Electrical Services LLC Wells Fargo Friends Of PRIDE Business Interiors Northwest Follett Virtual Bookstore, Inc. Gordon Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca Great West Property Management Greg Plancich, DDS Joseph M Bordeaux, DDS, MS K.M. Perry Trucking, Inc. Law Offices of Steve M. Hansen Morgan Stanley Smith –Barney Olympic sports & Spine Rehabilitation Puget Sound Orthopaedics Rush, Hannula, Harkins, Kyler, LLP Christopher & Mary Schneider Spectra Analytical Inc Jeff & Ellen McVicker and John & Karen Strub/Subway/Taco Del Mar Vandeberg Johnson & Gandara, LL 2011-12 PRIDE Auction co-Chairs: Chong Hilger & Maria Hilger B‘78 Officers: Greg Unruh, President; Susie Roberts A‘73, Vice President; Laura Perry Treasurer; Donna Meyer, Secretary; Lynn Miller, PRIDE Auction Director; Pam Leazer, Administrative Rep; Aida Galbraith, Faculty Rep Board Members: Lauren Hiterbrant B‘84 Trish Joyce, Johnny Maes, Ellen Martin, Gina McCarthy B‘87, Suzanne Molt, Kate Morton, Jennifer Welch-Peterson B‘87 Patty Price, Maria Sessler B‘84, Karin Strub, Holli Tollan, SAVE THE DATE! For the 2012 PRIDE event: March 31, 2012
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