MES Principal Report for November 2014 Conferences Thur, Nov 6
MES Principal Report for November 2014 Conferences Thur, Nov 6
MES Principal Report for November 2014 Conferences Thur, Nov 6 Conferences were held on Thursday, Nov 6. I have created a Google Document for teachers to complete regarding the percentage of parents that attended conferences. The elementary school goal is to have 100% participation from parents for conferences. Scholastic Book Fair The Scholastic Book Fair was held from Tuesday, Nov 4th-Thursday, Nov 6. Students and parents had opportunities both during the day and the evenings to visit the book fair and find some great reading material! Donation Drive The elementary school is participating with the high school in a food and clothing drive. The drive began November 5"t and ends November 19 th We are collecting non-perishable non-expired food items, new gloves, mittens, hats, and socks. There will be a prize for the grade that collects the most items. Apple Crunch MES celebrated National Food Day and Farm to School month on Friday, Oct 24 by participating in an Apple Crunch activity. All students and staff members bit into an apple at the same time on this date as a fun way to engage our children and school in eating healthy and buying locally grown foods. Wolf Walk NFL Challenge a HUGE Success It was a gorgeous day, kids were dressed in their neon shirts, smiles were abundant and this PE teacher was so proud to see all her students outside, enjoying exercise. Once again the Wolf Walk was a huge success and, with the added NFL Challenge, a cross-curricular activity. With the mi le totals added up and the math all done, I am excited to announce that, not only did every grade level actually walk enough miles to make it to their assigned NFL stadium, but that they also walked enough to greatly exceed their goals! Originally I was planning on multiplying each grade levels total miles by 4 in order for them to reach their team's stadium, but most grades would have reached their goal by only multiplying by 2! On average, students walked over 4 miles a piece! That is truly awesome' As an entire school, students and staff, a total of 1,511.50 miles were walked! That is enough miles for one person to walk from Lambeau Field to Raymond James Stadium where the Tampa Bay Buccaneers play! Along with "walking" to their designated team's stadium, each grade level filled out a questionnaire about their NFL team. This information can be viewed on the NFL map outside the gym doors. Check it out sometime to see the great work our students have been involved in! Thanks to everyone for planning, participating in and embracing such a remarkable event! Mrs. Ziemer Red Ribbon Week wrap-up MES participated in Red Ribbon Week from October 27-31. Red Ribbon Week is a national observance that focuses on drug prevention. Each day, the school had a special dress-up day, theme and activity planned that emphasizes drug prevention. The dress-up days were: Monday, Oct 27: Turn Your Back On Drugs! Students wore their clothes backwards. Tuesday, Oct 28: Me and Drugs Don ' t Match! Students wore mismatched clothes. Wednesday, Oct 29: Stomp Out Drugs! We asked students to wear their favorite pair of boots. We also had a visit from the Waupaca County K9 unit! Thursday, Oct 30: These Paws Don't Touch Drugs! We asked students to wear red to show they are drug free. We took a picture of all MES students and staff spelling out MES and the design of the ribbon Friday, Oct 31: Say " BOO! " To Drugs!: Students brought costumes to wear during their classroom's Halloween celebration. Each day, the PTO gave students a token or reminder with the Red Ribbon Week slogan of the day. Special thanks to Brenda Strebe, Stephanie Riske, and Megan Driebel for organizing Red Ribbon Week! Here are some pictures from the week: Dan Wolfgram Board Briefs: November 2014 National FFA convention Oct 28 th - Nov. 1'" Mrs. Cordes and severa l students attended the annual event. She will be recognized and prepare a few short statements for the meeting. New Focus for Wolftime: A survey was given to staff members to provide feedback regarding the effectiveness of Wolftime for academics and enrichment. The results are as follows: • 100% of respondents felt undecided or was not effective for remediation and enrichment. • 80% of respondents did not like the component of forced programmed enrichment. Therefore, with staff input the focus has now changed to more of an academic nature . See below for new expectations. Wolftime Academic Advisory Hour Expectations: • All Students will continue to report to their assigned areas for attendance . • All Students will have an academic purpose. They w ill either have a pass to a designated area for assistance, or will remain in Wolftime Room and work on homework or read. • Students designated for Academy of Reading and Math will continue to use this time for that specific intervention. • If you desire to see a student or a group of stude nts you will provide passes via the agenda . Students without passes will not be allowed to wander the school. If students want to go to a designated area to meet with a teacher, they must have a pass before Wolftime . • No Clubs or organizations will meet during this time period. • Cell phone use is prohibited during this time period. • District focus this year is on literacy. If a student is a straight "A" student and does not have homework, the expectation is that they should be reading. No matter who you are there is always room for growth! • This is not social media time or free time . • Computers are to be used for academics not for playing games Academic Testing: ACT Aspire and WKCE tests have been administered since the last board meeting. See Mrs. Obrien's Board Brief for details. Faculty Meetings: Two faculty meetings were held to allow staff to personally attempt the Smarter Balanced Assessments and to address the academy of Reading Programs. Staff found the new test particularly challenging and brought insight into how they should be preparing the students. Wolf River Career Pathways: I met with Dr. Oppor, Sandy Cordes, and Carmen O'Brien to co ntinue our discussion on how Manawa will participate . There are still many questions left una nswered . Completion of the Gym Sound System: The sound system in the gym is now fully operational and being used on a regular basis wi th great success. Cafeteria/Commons Sound System : This system is also currently "dead", and I have had two companies provide estimates for resurrection. I am awaiting official word from Angela Hanson and Dr. Oppor to see if we have funds for upgrades. Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent Teacher Conferences were held on Thursday November 6th and teachers commented that attendance was up. Skylert Technology Use: I have been shown how to use the Skylert phone messaging system to parents and have used it twice to great success. One of the advantages to the system is that calis or texts can be used to inform parents of important information, and reminders of upcoming events. The system generates a record of successful receipts, messages left and duplicated numbers. It has also been useful in identifying numbers that have been disconnected, so we can in turn request updated information for emergency purposes. Skylert messages were sent home to inform parents that students needed to purchase parking permits, and to remind them of upcoming parent teacher conferences. (BCTI Building Consultation Team Meetings: The BCT team continues to look at student data to target individuals in need of academic, behavioral, and attendance remediation. This past month was focused on both candidacy for the Academy program, and students whose attendance has been directly linked to poor grades. Weight Room Meeting: A meeting was held with ali stakeholders being invited to attend on Thursday th Nov. 6 • Outcomes of the meeting were forwarded to Dr. Oppor for your consideration. Emergency Response Team meeting: I met with Dr. Oppor, Carmen O' Brien, Megan Driebel and Trisha Taber to streamline and revise some of our emergency response protocol. Irrigation specialist: contract has now ended with our current contractor and paid in full for se rvices rendered. The Board must determine a new vendor for 2015-20126 HS Ski Club: An information meeting was held for all students interested in jOining the HS Ski Club . Mr. Murphy is facilitating. It wi ll be patterned after the already eXisting ES Ski Club . School District of Manawa Summary of Receipts and Expenditures Period Ending October 31, 2014 BUDGET Receipts School Tax Receipts Prior Year School Tax Mobile Home Tax/Fees Local Sources Transfers from Other School Districts Intermediate Sources State Sources Federal Sources Other Revenue / Miscellaneous Use of Fund Balance TOTAL GENERAL FUND Special Revenue Trust Fund Transfer from Fund Balance (Fund 21) Special Programs Fund Transfer from Fund 10 (to Fund 27) Capital Projects Fund Food Service Fund Community Service Fund TOTAL RECEIPTS MONTH-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE BALANCE 3,027,000 $ 5,000 83,800 146,500 500 4,529,387 160,706 11 ,000 640,816 8,604,709 20,000 3,027,000.00 $ 402.33 3,868.91 2,725.23 28,807.79 80.00 80.00 657,283.00 5.30 9,538.02 4,356.54 6,797.68 $ 698,434.04 11,494.70 $ 1,002,634 $ Expenditures Undifferentiated Curriculum Regular Curriculum Vocational Curriculum Physical Curriculum Co-Curricular Activities Pupil Services Instructional Staff District Admini stration School Administration Business/Operations/MainUTransportation Central Services Insurance Debt Retirement Other Support Services Transfer to Other Funds Non-Program Transactions Refund of Prior Year Taxes Transfer to Fund Balance TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ Special Revenue Trust Fund Transfer to Fund Balance (Fund 21) Special Programs Fund Other Capital Projects (Fund 49) Capital Projects Fund Transfer to Capital Projects Fund Balance Food Service Fund Private Trust Fund (Fund 72) Transfer to Food Service Fund Balance Community Service Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 40,000 294,500 41 ,500 10,003,343 1,002 ,634.00 $ 1,890,094 1,483,406 209 ,720 178,169 228,890 172,935 223,200 287,900 347 ,340 1,995,050 265,849 121 ,900 563,471 636,785 8,604,709 20,000 2,274.77 54,992.21 146,500.00 420.00 3,872 ,104.00 160,706.00 1,461.98 640,816.00 7,906,274.96 8,505.30 $ 15,395.30 135.00 26,684.52 $ 23,840 .36 29,874.25 1,155.00 764,798.35 204,114.58 194,928.25 26,453.42 22 ,112.86 16,402.39 23,928.93 32 ,637.12 41,412.35 44,588.98 117,310 .98 127,896.86 1,819.00 377,241 .17 121,073.57 44,091 .35 36,943 .95 34,328 .16 48 ,179.27 74,482.29 105,205.37 117,100.69 908,837.36 209,950 .06 103,988.83 99.00 1,197.00 1,893.34 1,893.34 855,598.06 $ 2,184,512.41 $ 16,159.64 264,625.75 40,345.00 9,238,544.65 1,512,852.83 1,362 ,332.43 165,628.65 141,225.05 194,561.84 124,755.73 148,717.71 182,694.63 230,239.31 1,086,212 .64 55,898.94 17,911.17 (1 ,197.00) 563,471.00 634,891.66 $ 6,420,196.59 20,000.00 1,002 ,634 113,854.11 175,032 .53 827,601.47 40,000 293,950 34,878.67 45,370.47 40,000.00 248,579.53 550 41 ,500 10,003,343 5,444.97 1,009,775.81 6,970.05 2,411,885.46 550 .00 34,529.95 7,591,457.54 $ $ $ SCHOOL DI STRICT OF MANAWA 3frd t l 01.p 05 . 1 4. 1 0.00.00-01008 0 BATCH CHECK NQMBE. November 17, "V~END~~O~'c- ____________ NQMBE. 72284 BEHM, CHRIS DAWN CHECK ~DA~To=E ______ 2 014 Checklist 5 : 12 PM (Dates : 10 / 16 / 1 4 - 11 / 13 / 14 ) INVOICE AMOeNT NUMBE' o 15.00 Totals for 72284 15.00 o o 13.50 GENERAL FUND/STUDENT 72285 EAST SLOP'E FAR!>I LLC DAWN 10/20/2014 FOOD SERVICE CABBAGE ~D 72285 EAST SLOPE FARM LLC DAWN 10/20/2014 FOOD SERVICE TOMATOES FOOD SERVICE FUND/Fa SERVICE FUND/ FO Totals for 72285 72286 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUT DAWN 10/20 / 2014 TM~Y SJOBERG - BOOKS FOR NEW 1 PO ACCOUNT ___________________ DESCRIPTION =D~E~S~C~'~I~P~T~I~O~N 10/20/2014 DOUBLE P'AYMENT OF DIST FEE 11/13 / 14 PAGE : GENERAL FUND/OTHER I 0 13.00 26.50 4 ,157.11 (ES) BOOK ROOM Totals for 72286 7 2287 JOSTENS INC. DAWN 10/20 / 2014 HS YEARBOOK - 1ST WORK IN GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 4,157 . 11 0 2 ,24 0.00 Totals for 72:287 2,2 4 0.00 o 23 . 84 Totals for 72288 23.84 o 29.50 PROGRESS DEPOSIT FOR 14/15 DUE 11/3/14 - ADVISOR, I·IINDI WAGNER 72288 LANE, JAMIE DAWN 10 / 20/2014 SUPPLIES FOR FOOD SCIENCE GENERAL FUND/GENERAL CLASS LAB - SANDY CORDES 72289 LANG EQUIPMENT CaMPA DAWN 10/20/2014 ES - (36) CHAIR GLIDES (DAVE GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL GUNDERSON) Totals for 72289 29.50 o 56,75 Totals for 72290 56.75 o 9 . 10 72290 MID-AMERICAN RESEARC DAWN 10 / 20/2014 HS - CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 72291 NOLLENBERG, TYLER 10/20/2014 BALANCE IN FOOD SERVICE FOOD SERVICE FUND/aT DAWN ACCOUNT Totals for 72291 9.10 o o o 10 . 05 20.36 FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o 12 .98 10/20/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND / SU 50.76 DAWN 10/20 /2 014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 7229 2 SAM'S CLUB DAWN 10/20 / 2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 72292 SAM'S CLUB DAWN 10/20/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD FOOD SERVICE FUND/Fa o o o o 157.22 Totals for 72292 540.66 o 8.60 10/ 2 0/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO DAWN 10/20/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU DAWN 10/ 2 0/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 72292 SAW S CLUB DAWN 10/20/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD 72292 SAWS CLUB DAWN 72292 SAW S CLUB 72292 SAM'S CLUB DAWN 72292 SAM ' S CLUB 72292 SAWS CLUB 72 2 93 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF M DAWN 10/20/2014 FAMILY LEFT THE DIST WITH FOOD SERVICE FUND/ aT 9 . 38 90.07 189.84 OUTSTANDING FEES - CLOSED THEIR FOOD ACCT TO APPLY TOWARD THEIR FEE BALANCE Tot a ls for 72293 72294 SCHOOL DISTRICT WEYA DAWN 10/20/2014 CROSS COUNTRY CONFERENCE MEET 72294 SCHOOL DISTRICT WEYA DAWN 10 / 20/2014 VARSITY VOLLEYBALL 8 . 60 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN 0 85.38 GENERAL FUND / DUES AN o 2 68. 00 Totals for 72294 353.38 EXPENSES CONFERENCE POOL PLAY EXPENSES 72295 TWEET - GAROT MECHANIC DAWN 10/20/2014 JEFF STEVENS - ES CHILLER NOT GENERAL FUND/ro1AINTEN 0 356 . 00 Totals for 72295 356.00 o 75 . 0 0 WORKING - POWER OUTAGE WEEK BEFORE - COMPANY PUSHED RESET ON THE 72296 WAUPACA HIGH SCHOOL DAWN prn~p STARTER - ALL OK 10/20/2014 10/22/14 - ONE ACT PLAY GENERAL FUND/DUES AN CONTEST Totals for 72296 72297 WSMA DAWN 10/20/2014 7/8TH GENERAL MUSIC, 75.00 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN 0 150 . 00 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN o 150 . 00 CHORUS/BAND - 14/15 MEMBERSHIP DUES 72297 WSMA DAWN 10 / 20/2014 7/8TH GENERAL MUSIC; CHORUS/BAND - 14/15 SCHOOL DI STR ICT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 . p 05 . 14 . 10 .00.00-0 10080 BATCH CHECK NUMBER 5 : 12 PM November 17, 20 14 Checkli st (Dates : 10/16 / 14 - 11 / 13/14) ~V"""""",O"R,-_ _ _ _ _ _ CHECK INVOICE ACCOUNT 11/1 3/ 14 PAGE : 2 PO NUMBER eD"AT-'-E"--_ _ eD"E"SC"'R"'I"P"T"I"'O"'N'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eD"E"SC"'R"'I"P"T"I"O"'N'-_ _ _ eN"DMB""E",R,,-_ "AM"O"UNT""''--_ _ _ __ MEMBERSHIP DOES DAWN 72297 WSMA 10/ 20 / 2014 HS CHORUS/BAND - 14 /15 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN o 182.50 GENERAL FUND/ DUES AN o 182.50 MENBERSHIP DUES (9TH - 12TH GRADE) DAWN 72297 WSMA 10/20/2014 HS CHORUS/BAND - 14/15 MEMBERSHIP DUES (9TH-12TH GRADE) 72299 CTL COMPANY, INC . Totals for 72297 665.00 251.30 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o o o o GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o -19.03 DAWN 10/21/2014 HS-CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 72299 CTL COMPANY , INC. DAWN 10/21 / 2014 HS -COSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 72299 CTL COMPhNY , INC. DAWN 10 / 21 / 2014 ES - CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 72299 CTL COMPANY, DAWN 10/21/2014 HS CREDIT - (2) CASES 14" CASE FLOOR PAD INC. 102 .4 0 2 5.92 -3 8.0 6 FLOOR PADS 72299 CTL COMPANY, INC . DAWN 10/21/ 20 14 HS CREDIT BUFFERS 72299 CTL COHPANY, INC . DAWN 10/21/2014 HS-CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 76 . 98 72299 CTL COMPANY, INC . DAWN 10 / 21 /20 14 ES-CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 162 .32 72299 CTL COMPANY, INC. DAWN 10 /2 1/2014 HS-CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 72299 CTL COMPANY, INC. DA\,<N 10 /21/201 4 HS-CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 107.70 72299 CTL COMPANY, INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 HS -CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o o o 1,006.25 Totals for 7:299 1,773.08 o 9 9.00 72300 E!<lPLQYEE BENEFITS co DAWN 10 / 21/2014 SEPT 2014 - MONTHLY GENERAL FUND /OTHER E 97.30 ADMINISTRATION FEE 72303 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN 10/21/2014 HS CHOIR r-1USIC - A LA NAN I TA Totals for 72300 99.00 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 196.7 4 NANA ; XMAS SONG CONCERT BAND; CHRIST!>1AS SONG; TOI·IORROW SHALL BE MY DANCING DAY 72303 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN 10/21 / 2014 HS BAND - 30 SECOND BLASTERS GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 60 . 00 72303 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN 1 0/ 21 / 2014 HS BAND-(16) INSTRUMENTAL GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 275.19 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 195.0 0 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 147 . 99 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 69 . 99 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 254. 99 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 52.50 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 255.49 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL FOLIO BLACK; AND (32) IIoIPRINT NAME FEE 72303 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN 10/21/2014 HS CHOIR - (20) CHORAL FOLIO BLACK 72303 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN 10 / ~1/2014 HS BAND MUSIC - AWAY IN A MANGER & SIR DUKE 723 03 J W PEP PER ~ SON INC DAWN 10/21/2014 HS BAND JAM, 72303 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN ~ROCKIN ' SPORTS VOL 3" 10/21/2014 HS BAND MUSIC -ALL I WANT FOR XMAS IS YOUi AMERICAN XMAS; GETTYSBURG A NEW BIRTH OF FREEDOM; I'IAKE ME UP 72303 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN 10/21 / 201 4 HS CHOIR (70) CHORAL FOLIO PAPERBOARD WITH NOTE DESIGN 72303 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN 10/21 / 2014 HS CHOIR- (20) CHORAL FOLIO BLACK, & (70) ~ IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER " MUSIC 723 03 J W PEPPER & SON INC DAWN 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 10/21 / 2 01 4 HS CHOIR - FILE FINDER BOXES 10/21 /201 4 #13 -CH K TURN SIGNAL - REPL o 50.9 9 Totals for 7 23 03 1,558.88 GENERAL FUND/ OPERATI o 30.00 FLASHER - PART NO CHARGE UNDER WARRANTY - JUST PAY LABOR 7230 9 SUEHS !o1OTORS, INC. DAI</N 10 / 21/2014 RETURN (1) 6" BUS HANDLE GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o -4 6.2 0 72309 SUEHS MOTORS , INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 BUS HEADLAMP BULB GENERAL FUND/OPERATI 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 1 0 /21/2014 #19-(1) o o 5.99 HEADLN~P BULB GENERAL FUND/OPERATI 7.99 SCHOOL DISTRI CT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 .p 05 . 14 . 10 .00.00-0 1 00 80 BATCH CHECK NUMBER 5 : 1 2 PM November 17, 2 014 Che cklist (Dates : 10 / 16 / 14 - 11/13 / 14 ) CHECK INVOICE ACCOUNT 11/13/ 14 PAGE : 3 .0 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. NUMBER "DA"T"E"---__ "D"E"SC"'R"'".,,T,,'' 'O"'N'-_ _______ "D"'."S"CR"'=c.<.T"',,O,,N'-____ cNUMB="',,R,,--_ cAM=OONT='---_____ DAWN 10/21/2014 BUSES - 10" AND 6" HANDLES GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 229. 69 DAWN 10/21/2014 BUSES-SCREWS/NUT GENERAL FUND/OPERATI 11.2£ o DAWN 10/21/2014 n7-(1) SEAT BACK AND (1) SEAT S PECIAL EDUCATION FU 70 . 84 o 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN VENDOR BOTTO!'I 10/21/2014 nI7-STEPWELL LIGHT INOP-REPR GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 20.00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 140.00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 24.13 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 75.00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 145.00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 245.00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 293.14 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 1,942.95 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 270 . 00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 355.59 GENERAL FUND/ OPERATI o 660.00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 1,060 . 53 AND FULLY INSERT WIRE TERMINAL INTO CONNECTOR ABSY 72309 SUEHS HOTORS , INC. D;'WN 1 0/21/2014 #10-SERVICE CALL TO SCHOOL-LOOSE SHIFTER; SHIFT HANDLE BROKEN, LINKAGE ROD OUT OF PLACE ; INSTALL NEW ASSY 72309 SUEHS !;tQTORS, INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 #lO -SERVICE CALL TO SCHOOL-LOOSE SHIFTER; SHIFT HANDLE BROKEN, LINKAGE ROO OUT OF PLACE, INSTALL NEW ASSY 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 n1 0-NO START, TO SCHOOL JUMP START; BY JUMP STARTING BUS IT MAY HAVE FREED UP THE RELAY; IF PERSISTS REPLACE RELAY 7230 9 SUEHS !"IOTORS , INC. DAWN 10 / 21/2014 # 15-SHAKES ON ACCELERATION SCHOOL WILL TAKE TO IHC FOR FUTHER DIAG 7 2309 SUEHS MOTORS , INC. DAWN 10/21 / 2014 #47 -REPL FR BRAKE CALIPERS ; TO INTERNATIONAL FOR: POSSIBLE HYDROBOOST, STEERING PUMP, OR STEERING RACK PROBLEM 7230 9 SUEHS MOTORS, INC . DAWN 10/21/2014 n47-REPL FR BRAKE CALIPERS; TO INTERNATIONAL FOR: POSSIBLE HYDROBOOST, STEERING PUf-1P, OR STEERING RACK PROBLEM 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 1997 DODGE CARAVAN-REPL IP CIRCUIT BOARD THAT SHORTED OUT; SUBLET REPAIR NEUVILLE TO REPL 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN BCI~ - IP NOW WORKS 10 / 21/2 014 #10 -REPR WIRING PASSENGERS S I DE HEATED MI RROR ; REPL ASS SENOR ASS Y; REP L FR ARI.I I.IOTOR ASSY CROSSING GATE-SCHL PART 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 #10 -REPR WIRING PASSENGERS SIDE HEATED MIRROR; REPL ASS SENOR ASSY; REPL FR ARM MOTOR ASSY CROSSING GATE-SCHL PART 72309 SUEHS !o1OTORS, INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 n1 2-REPL FR BRAKE PADS. ROTORS, & CALIPERS, REAR BRAKE PADS, FR ASS SENSOR, TRANS FILTER, REPACK FR WHEEL BEARINGS 72309 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 #12 -REPL FR BRAKE PADS, ROTORS, & CALIPERS, REAR BRAKE PADS . FR ABS SENSOR, TRANS FILTER, REPACK FR WHEEL SCHOOL DISTR I CT OF 3frdt l Ol.p 0 5 . 1 4 . 1 0 . 00 . 00-0100 80 Novembe r CHECK NUMBER BATCH ______________ NUMBER V~END~~O~R 17, ~~AWA ____ 5 : 12 PM ACCOUNT ___________________ eD=E~S=C~R='~P=T='~O~N 1 1/13/14 PAGE : (Dates : 10/16 / 14 - 1 1/13/14) INVOICE CHECK ~D~A=T~ Ec- 2014 Che ckl is t 4. PO ~D~E~S=C~R='~P=T='~O~N_________ "NUMB~~E~Rc-__ OAM~O~ON~T___________ BEARINGS 72309 SUEHS MOTORS , INC. DAWN 1 0 /21 / 2014 #14 - CHECK OVERHEAT - CONNECTOR GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 85.00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 485 . 00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 657. 45 ON WIRING HARNESS TO ENGINE COOLING FAN CLUTCH DISCONNECTED 72309 SUEHS ",rOTORS, INC. DAWN 10/21/2014 #47-BRAKE FLUID LEAK-REPL STEEL BRAKE LINE, FRONT PADS & ROTORS, AND HOSE ELBOW, REFILL COOLANT 72309 SUEHS ",rOTORS, INC. DAWN 10 /21 / 2014 #47-BRAKE FLUIO LEAK - REPL STEEL BRAKE LINE , FRONT PADS & ROTORS , AND HOSE ELBOW, REFILL COOLANT 72310 CITY OF MANAWA DAWN 10/22 / 2014 ES - (JULY-SEPT 2014) WATER Totals for 7230 9 6,768.36 GENERAL FUND/WATER/ O o 34 4.G8 GENERAL FUND/SEWERAG o 464 . 86 GENERAL FUND/ WATER/O o 332 . 04 GENERAL FUND/SEWERAG o 516.90 GENERAL FUNO/WATER/ O o 2 3.40 GENERAL FUNO/SEWERAG o 44.36 Totals for 72310 1,726.24 o o 557. -!9 $344 . 68 AND SEWER $464.86 72310 CITY OF f.1ANAWA DAWN 10 /22/2014 ES - (JULY - SEPT 2014) WATER $344 . 68 AND SEWER $464 . 86 72310 CITY OF "'~AWA DAWN 10/22/2014 HS - (JULY-SEPT 2014) WATER $332.04 AND SEWER $5 16 .90 72310 CITY OF MANAWA DAWN 10/22/2014 HS - (JULY-SEPT 2 014) I'IATER $332.04 AND SEWER $516.90 72310 CITY OF MANAWA DAWN (JULY - SEPT 10/2 2 /2014 CLOSED SCHOOL 20 14) WATER $23.40 AND SEWER $44.3 6 72310 CITY OF MANA\'IA DAWN 10 /22/2014 CLOSED SCHOOL - (JULY-SEPT 2014) WATER $23.40 AND SEWER $44.36 72311 DIERKS WAUKESHh DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU 72311 DIERKS WAUKESHA DAh'N 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 116.88 72311 DIERKS WAUKESHA DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/ SU o 5.40 72311 DIERKS WAUKESHA DAWN 10/ 22/20 1 4 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 671.89 72311 DIERKS WAUKESHA DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU o o 72311 DIERKS WAUKESHA DAWN 10 /22/20 1 4 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o 656 . 58 72311 DIERKS WAUKESHA DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVI CE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU 72311 DIERKS WAUKESHA DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o o 883.99 Totals for 72311 2 , 919.44 o 31 0 .42 Totals for 72312 310 . 42 72312 EARTHGRAINS BAKING C DAWN 10 / 22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD - INV FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 5.40 21. 81 OATES: 9/ 2 /14, 9/8/14 , 9 /15/14, 9/22/14 72313 ENGELHARDT DAIRY, LL DAWN 10/22/2014 SEPT 2014 HS MILK FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o 777 . 74 72313 ENGELHARDT DAIRY, LL DAWN 10/22/2014 SEPT 2014 ES MILK FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o 2,216.63 Totals for 72313 2 , 994 . 3 7 72314 GRAI CHEN SANITATION 10/22/2014 SEPT 2014 - CONTAINER SERVICE 72315 HIGHWAY TRUCK PARTS DAWN DAWN 72316 HODEL'S PLUMBING & H OAWN 10/22 / 201 4 #10 - (1) BUS STOP ARM ASSY 10 /22/2014 HS-RE PR TOILET BOYS BATHROOM o 75 5 .00 Totals for 7231 4 755.00 o 40 . 00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI GENERAL FUNO/ OPERATI Totals for 72315 40.00 o 60 . 00 rotals for 72316 60 . 00 GENERAL FUND/MAINTEN EAST END; REPR FAUCETS IN ART ROOM - USED SCHOOL PARTS 72317 MANAWA LIONS CLUB DAWN 72318 MARSHFIELD BOOK & ST DAWN 10/22 / 2014 14/15 MEMBERSHIP DUES 10/22 / 2014 HS OFFICE - SHREDDER OIL GENERAL FUND / DUES AN 0 80.00 Totals for 723 1 7 80 . 00 GENERAL FUND/EQUIPME 4001400000 47.80 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 . p Nove mber 17 , 2 014 Che c kl ist (Dates : 10/16/14 - 11/ 13 / 14) 05. 1 4 . 10 .00.0 0-010080 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR BATCH CHECK NUMBER ~A~T==E D ______ I NVOI CE ACCOUNT ~D~E~S=C~R~ I~ P~ T~ I ~ON~__________________ DESCRIPTION 5 : 12 PM 1 1 /13 / 14 PAGE : 5 PO 72318 MARSHFIELD BOOK & ST DAWN 10/22/2014 HS OFFICE-SHREDDER "NtJMB="'E"R '---_ AM=O " 'U ='---______ NT _ GENERAL FUND/EQUIPME 4001400000 1,04 9.00 72318 MARSHFIELD BOOK 10 / 22/2014 JEFF STEVENS - GENERAL FUND/GENERAL & ST DAWN (4 ) MASTER 0 15.00 Totals for 72318 1,111.80 KEYS 72319 NATIONAL ART EDUCATI DAWN 10/22/201 4 NANCY ZABLER - 14/15 RENEW ~ffiMBERSHIP 72319 NATIONAL ART EDUCATI DAWN GENERAL FUND/DUES AN 0 85 . 00 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN o 85.00 Totals for 72319 170.00 - NhEA 10 #3789 10/22/2014 LORI WILSON - 14 / 15 RENEW MEI1BERSHIP - N';EA ID 11 4G9 44 72320 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 1 0/22/2014 DR. OPPOR NAME PLATE GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 0 10.05 7 2320 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 10/ 22/20 14 DIST OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 32.29 72320 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 10/22 / 2014 DIST OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 72320 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 10/22/2014 DIST OFFICE GREEN CODING GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o o o °o 19.00 30 . 70 5.8 6 LABELS 72320 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 10/22/2014 HS OFFICE - GOLD PAPER GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 72320 OFFICEI·tAX INCORPORAT DAWN 10 / 22/2014 BOARD MEMBER NAME PLATES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL Totals for 72320 72321 PACKER CITY INTERNAT DAWN 10 / 22/2014 1I15-ENGINE-REPL INJECTOR fi3, 8 0 .4 0 178.30 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI ° 489.5 0 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 59 9. 8 0 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 133 . 50 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 68 .34 Totals for 72321 1,291.14 O-RINGS, AND REASSEMBLED; REPL 1 EGR CROSSOVER TUBE CLAMP THAT WAS RUSTED 72321 PACKER CITY INTERNAT DAWN 10 / 22 / 2014 1n5 -ENGINE-REPL INJECTOR fi3, a-RINGS, AND REASSEMBLED ; REPL 1 EGR CROSSOVER TUBE CLAr-!P THAT WAS RUSTED 72321 PACKER CITY INTERNAT DAWN 10 /22/2014 11 18-ELEC BRAKES - ASS & BRAKE PRESSURE LIGHT ON - BODY CONTROLLER REPROGRAHt'[ED, UNINSTALL FEATURE CODE 595ANR 72321 PACKER CITY INTERNAT DAWN 10/22 / 2014 #18-ELEC BRAKES - ASS & BRrlKE PRESSURE LIGHT ON - BODY CONTROLLER REPROGRAMMED, UN INSTALL FEATURE CODE 595ANR 72322 SILVER LAKE LANES DAWN 10/22/2014 Fe/ve kLL CONF BANQUET - BOB SELL, GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 0 66.00 RANDY RADLOFF, ZAK BENHAMIDI, BRAD JOHNSON, JILL SEKA, & DAWN MILLARD ($ll/EA) Totals for 72322 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES 6 6.00 FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU 0 17 0 .98 o o o o 770 .31 7 232 4 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD /SUPPLIES FOOD SERVI CE FUND/FO 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DAWN 10/22/2 01 4 FOOD SERVICE SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCOH DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DAWN 10/ 22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DAWN 10 / 22/2 014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/ SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU o 262 . 41 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DhWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/ FO 1,3% . 8 4 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DAWN 10/22/2014 USDA INVOICES: 9/4/14, o o FOOD SERVICE FUND/ FO 18. 8 6 2 6 .41 927.39 70.95 9/11/14, 9/25/14 o o o 1,102 . 73 Totals for 72324 4,945.09 o 233 . 4 0 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DhWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/ SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE FOOD/SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 72324 SYSCO EASTERN WISCON DAWN 10/22/2014 FOOD SERVICE SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU 72325 WISCONSIN ASSOC OF S DAWN 10/22/2014 AUGUST 2014 - SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH - CONTACT ALL FINAL CANDIDATES , BACKGROUND CHECKS (RCVD CREDIT $6 4. 90 ) GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 145. 93 52.28 SCHOOL DI STRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 . p 05 . 14 . 10 .0 0 . 00-010080 BATCH CHECK NUMBER November 17, !V .ENDO""'''''R' -_ _ _ _ _ _ NUMBER 72326 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE DAWN CHECK 2 01 4 Check11 st 5: 1 2 PM INVOI CE ACCOtmT ~DA"T""E"__ _ ~ D "ES::;C"'R """P"T,,'''' O'''N'__ _ _ _ _ _ __ 10/22/2014 SEPT 2014 - (6) NEW STAFF 1 1/13/14 PAGE: (Dates : 10/16/ 1 4 - 11/13 / 14) 6 PO DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT Totals for 72325 233 . 40 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN o 35.00 COMMUNITY SERVICE FU o 7.00 VERIFICATIONS 72326 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE DAWN 10/22/2014 SEPT 2014 - (6) NEW STAFF VERIFICATIONS Totals for 72326 72 3 2 7 ALLIANT ENERGY DAWN 72327 ALLIANT ENERGY 72327 ALLIANT ENERGY 42.00 10/24/2014 SEPT 2014 ES GAS GENERAL FUND/ GAS FOR D 361.47 DAWN 10 /24 / 2014 SEPT 2014 ES ELECTRIC GENERhL FUND/ELECTRI D 5,154.30 DAWN 10/24/2014 SEPT 2014 HS ELECTRIC GENERAL FUND/ELECTRI D 6 , 699.07 72327 ALLIANT ENERGY DAWN 10/24 / 2014 SEPT 2014 HS GAS GENERAL FUND/GAS FOR D 757.52 72327 ALLIANT ENERGY DAWN 10/24/2014 SEPT 2014 NEW SIGN ELECTRIC GENERAL FUND/ELECTRI D 25.01 72327 ALLIANT ENERGY DAWN 10/24/2014 SEPT 2014 CONCESSION STAND GENERAL FUND/ELECTRI o 7 . 53 Totals for 72327 13,004.90 o 58.01 ELECTRIC 72328 BADGER SPORTING GOOD DAWN 10 / 24/2014 NATE - (2) PLASTI C \'1HISTLES GENERAL FUND/OTHER S AND ( 2 ) STOP WATCHES 72329 BAUERNFEIND BUSINESS DAWN 10/24/2014 HS - JEFF BORTLE - BIZHUB 72329 HAUERNFEIND BUSINESS DAWN 10/24/2014 (8 / 27/14 Totals for 72328 58.01 GENERAL FUND/COMPUTE o 195.00 GENERAL FUND/MAINTEN D 3,766.08 Totals for 72329 3 ,961. 08 PRINTER 9/27/14) f'lONTHLY COPY FEE (BLACK/COLOR PRINTS) 72330 CINTAS CORPORATION L DAWN 10/24/2014 HS - CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL D 72330 CINTAS CORPORATION L DAWN 10/24/2014 HS / ES - MOP SERVICE GENERhL FUND/ OPERATI D 44.8 0 723 3 0 CINTAS CORPORATION L 1 0/24/2014 HS - FLOOR MAT SERVICE GENERAL FUND/ OPERATI D 113 . 05 72330 CINTAS CORPORATION L DAWN 10/24 / 2014 HS/ES - MOP SERVICE GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 87 . 60 72330 CINTAS CORPORATI ON L DAWN 10/24 / 2014 HS FLOOR MAT SERVICE GENERAL FUND/OPERATI D 113.05 72330 CINTAS CORPORATION L DAWN 10/24/2014 ES CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 72331 DALLt-IAN , WILLIArJ! DA~m DAWN 10/24 / 2014 8/28/14, 9/ 5/14, 9/26 / 14 - 72.00 o 137.52 Totals for 72330 568.02 o 48 .00 Tota l s for 72331 48 . 00 o 6 , 188.06 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA VAR FOOTBALL CHAINS @ $1 6 /EA 72332 DAVIS & KUELTHAU, SC DAWN 72333 FOX VALLEY TECHNICAL DAWN 10 / 24 /2014 SEPT 2014 - LEGAL SERVICES 10/24/2014 YOUTH OPTIONS-(l) INTRO TO DIVERSITY STUDIES; GENERAL FUND/PERSONA Totals for 72332 6 , 188.06 o 1,349.55 Totals for 72333 1,3 4 9.55 o 16.00 Totals f or 7 2 334 16 . 00 o 48.00 Totals for 723 3 5 48.00 GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE AND (2) PSYCHOLOGY OF HUMAN RELATIONS @ 72334 GRIFFIN, GARRET 72335 HASS, MARK DAWN DAWN $449.85/BACH 10/24/2014 8/25 /14 - JV FOOTBALL CHAINS 10/24/2014 8/28/14, 9/5/14, 9/26/1 4 VARSITY FOOTBALL CHAINS GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA GENERAL FUND/PERSONA (3 $16/EA 72336 HOLTZ, JOHN DAWN 10 / 24/2014 9/1 8 /14 - CTEAH VOLLEYBALL GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA D 23. 00 BOCK Totals for 7 2336 72337 JOSTENS I NC. DAWN 10/24 /2014 HS - (47) DI PLOMAS; BLACK COVERS; COVERS ; SEALS; (4) (55) GENERAL FUND /GENERAL D 23 . 00 741.16 PURPLE (4) VALEDICTORIAN ( 4 ) SCHOLARSHIP CERTIFICATES 72338 KEY BENEFIT CONCEPTS DAWN 10/24 / 2014 OCT 2014-POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFIT VALUATION & Totals for 72337 741.16 o 5,600.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3f rdt l 0 1 . p 05 . 14 . 10 . 00 . 00-010080 BATCH CHECK NUMBER !V~END~O ~R"- 5: 1 2 PM November 17, 2014 Checklist (Dates: 1 0/ 16 / 14 - 11/ 13 / 14) ____________ NUMBER CHECK D~ ~ AT ~E ~ INVOI CE ACCOUNT ____ DESCRIPTI ON 11 / 1 3 / 1 4 PAGE : 7 PO DESCRIPTION NOMS.R AMOUNT SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION VALUATION Totals for 72338 72339 KOEHN, SAMUEL DAI</N 10/24/2014 8/25/14 - JV FOOTBALL CHAINS GENERAL FUND /PERSONA 0 Totals for 7 2 339 72340 MASTER ELECTRICAL SE DAWN 10/24/2014 HS-RESET TIME CLOCK, CHECKED 5,600.00 16.00 16.00 GENERAL FUND /MAI NTEN 0 271.85 GENERAL FUND/MAI NTEN o 6 ,036 . 00 Totals for 72340 6,3 07 .85 VOLTAGE FOR FLAG LIGHT, REPL ~4P BY COMPUTER ROOM, ADDED LIGHT FOR FLAG 72340 !·lASTER ELECTRICAL SE DAWN 10/24/2014 HS -PROPOSAL n22 530R - 2ND DRAW FOR LABOR AND ~IATERIAL THROUGH 9/30/1 4 - JOB IS NOT COMPLETE 72341 MOSER, CAMDEN DAWN 10/24 / 2014 9/2/14, 9/18/14, 9/22/14 , GENERAL FUND / PERSONA 0 69.00 COl4lruNITY SERVICE FU o 162 . 00 Total s for 72341 2 31.00 9/23/1 4, 9/25 / 14, 9/29/14 ~ 7/STH VB CLOCK $27/EA; 9/9 / 14, 9 /11/14, 9/18/14 ~ CTEAM VB CLOCK 72341 NOSER, CAt-IDEN DAWN $23/EA 10/24 / 2014 9j:!./14 , )/18/14, 9/22 / 14, 9/23/14, 9/25 / 14, 9/29/14 7/8TH '1B CLOCK ~ S27/EA ; 9/9 / 14, 9/11/14 , 9/18/14 CTEAM VB CLOCK V· $23/EA 72342 PRECISION GLASS AND DA~m 1 0/24 / 2014 JEFF STEVENS- (HS) I NSTALL GENERAL FUND/1>IAINTEN 0 550.00 GLASS WHERE AIR CONDITIONING UNIT I·IAS INSTALLED - NEW " U " CHANNEL TO USE FOR GLASS STOPS Totals for 72342 72344 REMLLY GOOD STUFF IN DAWN 10/24/2014 MEGAN ANDERSON - MISC 72344 REALLY GOOD STUFF IN DAWN 10/24/2014 KRIS WEGENER - ES SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 550.0 0 271400003 165 .33 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 1011400041 56.71 178.00 SUPPLIES OFFICE - STUDENT TAKE HOME ENVELOPES 72344 REALLY GOOD STUFF IN DAWN 10/24 / 2014 AMY BUSSE MISC SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1011400042 72344 REALLY GOOD STUFF IN DhWN 10/ 24 /2014 AMY BUSSE MISC SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1011400042 79 .98 7234 4 REALLY GOOD STUFF I N DAWN 10/24/2 01 4 CATHY MCCOY MISC SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1011400034 484.66 MISC SUPPLIES 72344 REALLY GOOD STUFF I N DAWN 10 /24/20 14 CATHY MCCOY GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1011400022 170.99 72 3 44 REALLY GOOD STUFF I N DAWN 10/24/2014 MISSY TASSONE - MISC SUPPLIES GENERAL FUNDI GENERAL 101140004 6 136.77 Totals for 72344 1,272.4 4 72347 REMINGTON'S QUALITY DAWN 10/24/2014 FOOD SERVICE PRODUCE FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 0 4 . 57 72347 REMINGTON'S QUALITY DAWN 10 / 24/2 014 FOOD SERVICE JUICE FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o 9.26 723 4 7 RENINGTON'S QU;;LITY DAWN 10/24 / 2 0 1~ GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL DAWN 10/24 / 2014 DAVID BESSETTE - LIFE SKILLS o o 10 . 00 72347 REMINGTON'S QUALITY o o 11.40 & PEPPERS HS - CUSTODIAL LAUNDRY SOAP SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 9.16 COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 7 2 3 4 7 REMINGTON'S QUALITY DAWN 10/24/2014 HS CUSTODIANS - VINEGAR GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 72347 REMINGTON'S QUALITY DAWN 10/24/20101 DAVID BESSETTE-MUFFIN PROJECT SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 20.68 SUPPLIES o o 20. 02 FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o 12 . 49 FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o 12 .54 72347 REMINGTON'S QUALITY DAIt/N 1 0/ 24 /2014 FOOD SERVICE - BUNS FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 72347 REMINGTON'S QUALITY DAWN 10/24 /201 4 DAVID BESSETTE- LIFE SKILLS SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 72347 RE!<lINGTON ' S QUALITY DAWN 10/24/2014 FOOD SERVI CE VEGETABLES 72347 REMINGTON ' S QUALITY DAWN 1 0/24/2 01 4 FOOD SERVICE FOOD 5.97 COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtlOl.p 05. 14 . 1 0.00.00-010080 CHECK NUMBER BATCH V~END~O~R"- 5: 1 2 PM November 1 7 , 20 1 4 Checklist (Dates: 10/16/14 - 11/13/14) _____________ NUMBER CHECK eD~A~T=EC- INVOICE ____ ACCOUNT eD=E~S~C~R=I~P=T=I~O~NC- 11 / 13 / 14 PAGE : 8 PO _________________ DESCRIPTION NOMB==E"R_ _ "AM"'O"UNT=_ _ __ 72347 REMINGTON'S QUALITY DAWN 10/24 / 2014 FOOD SERVICE LEMONADE FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO o 30.00 72347 RElo1INGTON'S QUALITY DAWN 10/24/20 14 FOOD SERVICE YOGURT FOOD SERVICE FUND/FO 72347 REMINGTON'S QUALITY DAWN 10/24/2014 DAVID BESSETTE-LIFE SKILLS °o 28.17 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 6.49 COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 72348 RENAISSANCE LEARNING DAWN 10/24/2014 JEFF BORTLE - 7/8TH ACCELERATED t·1ATH - Totals for 72347 lS0.75 o 263. 36 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL (5) SCAN CARDS - PK OF 1,000 Totals for 72348 72349 SELL, ROBERT DAWN 10/2 4/2014 OCT 2014-FB JERSEY -FOX CITIES 2 63.3 6 COftIMUNITY SERVICE FU ° 559 . 05 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 467.06 Totals for 72349 1,026 . 11 o 500.00 Totals for 72350 500.00 o 3 2.00 Totals for 72351 32 . 00 EMBRO I DERY; GATORADE-AIA; TACKLE MACHINE-RODGER ATHLETIC; FB EQUIP-RAE CROWTHER CO 72349 SELL, ROBERT DAWN 10/24 /2 01 4 OCT 2014-FB JERSEY-FOX CITIES EMBROIDERY; GATORADE-AIA; TACKLE MACHINE-RODGER ATHLETIC; FB EQUIP-RAE CROWI'HER CO 72350 STEBBINS-HINTZ, KATH DriWN 10/24/2014 8/27/14 & 10 / 10/14 - HS BLOCK GENERAL FUND/PERSONA SCHEDULING INSEkVICE 72351 TEUSCHER, STEVEN DAWN 10/24 /2014 9/2/14 & 9/15/14 - JV FOOTBALL CHAINS 72353 THEDACARE AT WORK DAWN ~ GENERAL FUND/PERSONA $16/EA 10/24/2014 9/26/14-BUS DRIVER TB TEST - GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 0 20 . 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 95.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 145.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 145.00 STEP 2 72353 THEDACARE AT WORK DMlN 10/24/2014 9/18/14-8US DRIVER PHSICAL & TB TEST 72 3 53 THEDACARE AT WORK DAWN 10/ 24 /2014 10 / 3/14-NEW EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL, DRUG TEST, & TB SKIN TEST 72353 THEDACARE AT WORK DAWN 10/24 / 2014 1 0/ 2/ 14 - NE1'1 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL, DRUG TEST, TB SKIN TEST Totals for 72 353 72354 THEDACARE AT WORK DAWN 10/24/2014 OCT 2014 - ONSITE HEALTH 4 05.00 0 2,176 . 00 Totals for 72354 2 , 176.00 o 165 . 00 Totals for 7235 5 165.00 o 593.79 GENERAL FUND/SELF FU COACH 7235 5 THEDACARE PHYSICIANS DAWN 10/24/2014 a /14 /1 4 -NEW EMPLOYEE GENERAL FUND/PERSONA PHYSICAL, DRUG TEST, & (2) TB SKIN TEST 7235 6 UW FOX VALLEY - BUSI DAWN 10/24 / 2014 FALL 2014 - (1) STUDENT GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE TUITION/FEES - -ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALSft CLASS (3 CREDITS) 72357 TRANE U.S. INC DAWN 10/24/2014 HVAC PROJECT-SIZE (12) Totals for 72356 593.79 GENERAL FUND/EQUIP/V 8001400001 1,963. 6 4 GENERAL FUND/EQUIP / V 8001400001 3,139.47 Totals for 72357 5,103.11 COOLING COIL - PER QUOTE DATED 5/21/14 72357 TRANE U.S. INC DAWN 10/24/2014 HVAC PROJECT-SIZE (21) COOLING COIL - PER QUOTE DATED 5/21/14 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtl0 1 .p Novembe r 05. 14 . 1 0.00.00 - 0 10 080 CHECK NUMBER ~V~ENDO~~Rc-____________ 72358 DURRANT, PHILLIP 1 7 , 20 1 4 Che c k list 5 : 1 2 PM (Da t e s: 1 0/16/ 14 - 1 1 / 13 / 1 4 ) INVOICE ACCOUNT 11/13 / 1 4 PAGE : 9 BATCH CHECK NUMBER =D~A~T~EC-____ ,D~E~S~C~R~I~P~ T~I~O~NC-_________________ =D=E=S~C~R=I=P~T~I~O~NC-_______ "NUMB~=='=RC-__ "AMo=0~UNT~___________ PO DAWN 10/28/2014 7 / 8TH BOYS BASKETBALL COMHUNITY SERVICE FU D 60 . 00 Totals for 72358 60.00 o 60.00 OFFICIAL 72359 MOHR, JAMES DAWN 10 / 28/2014 7 ! 8TH BOYS BASKETBALL COMMUNITY SERVICE FU OFFICIAL 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 mNDI WAGNER - BUSINESS ED 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY I NC DAWN 10 /2 8/2014 PATRICK COLLINS - HATH CLASS Totals for 7 2359 60.00 GENERAL FUND /GENERAL 4001400004 87.00 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400020 75. 6 3 CLASS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10 / 28 / 2014 NURSE TRISHA - ES SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 8001400006 93 .9 5 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 ANDREA PETERSON GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4 001400017 110 . 4 3 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/2 8 /2014 LORI MILLER - CLASS SUPPLIES SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 271400001 4 83.93 7236 5 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 MEGAN DRIEBEL-GUIDANCE OFFICE GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 400 1 4 00018 85 . 57 GENERAL FUND/GENERhL 40 01 4 000 14 166.80 GENERhL FUND/ GENERAL 4 001400005 54.44 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 8001 40 0 007 47.91 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400027 76.48 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400010 296 . 00 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400002 142 . 13 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400001 237.63 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400024 1 97 . 79 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 400140002 2 221. 82 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 4001400019 323. 4 6 MATH CLASS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 723 6 5 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10 / 28/2014 SHAWN hLLEN-SPANISH CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2 014 TRACY KONKOL - ENGLISH CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28 /2014 KRIS THOMPSON-HEALTH COLORED PAPER 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 SHANNON HUETTNER - SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS SUPPLIES 723 65 SCHOOL SPECIALTY I NC DAWN 10/28/2014 NATE ZIEI>1ER 7/8TH CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 JENN KRUEGER - COJ.1PUTER CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 CAREY CELSKE-SCIENCE ROO!·I SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 SANDY CORDES - AG CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHeOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28 / 2014 SANDY CORDES - rlG CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10 / 28/2014 PATRICK COLLINS-HATH CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 JEFF BORTLE-CLASS SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400 016 220 . 53 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 NATE ZIE1>1ER - 7/8TH CLASS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400010 1. 40 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4 00 140000 9 16.22 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400009 2 95.5 1 SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/ 2 8/201 4 JACKIE GAST - 7 /STH LANGUAGE ARTS CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/201 4 JACKIE GAST - 7 /8 TH LANGUAGE ARTS CLASS SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 HARY ECK CLASS SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400008 212 . 47 72365 SCHOOL SPECIhLTY INC DAWN 10/28 / 2014 VAL PARI 7/8TH SOCIAL GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400006 155 . 47 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001400007 240.51 36.21 STUDIES SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DA\·m 10/28/2014 VAL PARI-7/8TH ENGLISH/ LANG SUPPLIES 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2 01 4 JULIE ES LIBRARY SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 8001400010 72365 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 10/28/2014 JULIE HS LIBRARY SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 8001400009 92.90 Totals for 72365 3,972.19 7236 6 SCHOOL SPECIALTY/CLA DAWN 72367 WISCONSIN SCTF 72368 AWSA P9 DAWN 10/28/2014 JILL SEKA - EC CLASS SUPPLIES 10/31/2014 payroll accrual 11 / 03/ 20 1 4 1 4 /15 DUES FOR: AWSA SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 271400002 504.67 Totals for 72366 504.57 o 57 . 80 GENERAL FUND/GARNISH Totals for 72367 57 .80 o 7 50 . 00 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 . p 0 5 . 1 4 . 1 0 . 00.0 0 -010080 BATCH CHECK NUMBER November 17 , CHECK "V"END=O"R"--______ NUMBER eD",A",T,,"_ __ 2014 Check list 5 : 1 2 PM INVOICE 11/13/14 PAGE : (Da tes : 1 0/16/14 - 11/13 / 1 4 ) 10 PO ACCOUNT D!':e""S=C~R="~P=T=""ON~_________________ eD="~S=C=R~I"'P~T~I~O~NC________ ~N~UMB~="",Rc-_ "AM~O~UNT~___________ MEMBERSHIP AND NAESP 72369 DALLNAN , WI LLIAN DAWN Totals for 72368 750 . 00 o 16.00 GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA 11/03/2014 1 0 /10/14 - VAR FOOTBALL CHhINS 72370 DISTRICT PETTY CASH DAWN 11/03 / 2014 POSTAGE $106.84 ; GUIDANCE Totals f or 72369 16 . 00 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 52.75 GENERAL FUND/ POSTAGE o 106.84 Totals for 72370 15 S .5 9 o 8 1. 00 Total s for 72371 81. 00 o 32.00 MTG/LUNCH - SUBWAY $27.75; APPRECIATION GIFT CERT FOR J . QUINN - CEDAR SPRINGS $25 72370 DISTRICT PETTY CASH DAWN 11/03/2014 POSTAGE $106.84 ; GUIDANCE r.1TG/LUNCH-SUBWAY $27.75; APPRECI ATION GIFT CERT FOR J. QUINN - CEDAR SPRINGS $25 72371 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CO DMm 11/03 / 2014 OCT 2014 - MONTHLY GENERAL FUND/OTHER E ADMINISTRATION FEE 72372 FORBES, STANLEY DAWN 11 / 03 / 2014 9/30/14 & 10/7/14 COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 7 / 8TH FOOTBALL CHAINS 0 $16 / EA 72373 HASS, RANDALL DAWN 11/03/20 1 4 1 0/1 0 /1 4 VARSITY Total s for 72372 32 . 00 o 16.00 Totals for 72373 16.00 o 23 . 00 FOOTBALL GENERAL FUND / PERSONA VOLLEYBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA CHAI NS 72 3 74 HOLTZ, JOHN DAWN 11/03 /2014 9/ 30/14 - CTEN~ BOOK 7237 5 KOEHN , MICHAEL DAWN 11/0 3/2 014 9/30/14 - 7 / STH FOOTBALL Totals for 72374 23 . 00 o 16. 0 0 CO!'>II..fUNITY SERVICE FU CHAINS 72376 KOEHN, SAMUEL DAWN 1 1 /0 3 /201 4 FOOTBALL SEASON Pl'... INTING Totals for 72375 16.00 o 4 3 7.40 Totals for 72376 437.40 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA FIELD (24.3 HRS @ $1S/HR) 72377 KONS, PAUL 72378 LIQUIDATORS PLUS DAWN DANN 11 1 03/2 0 14 1 0 /6/ 14 JV FOOTBALL CHAINS o 16 . 00 To t als for 72 3 77 16.00 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 6.00 GENEP~ FUND/GENERAL o 80.00 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 46 . 00 To t als for 723 78 132 . 00 o 35.9S GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA 11/03 / 2014 DAN KOEHLER - WELDING SOAPSTONE HOLDER 7 2 378 LIQUIDATORS PLUS DAWN 11/lJ3 / 2014 DAN KOEHLER - RH STEEL NEW EXPANDED/ SHEET 72378 LIQUIDATORS PLUS DAWN 11 / 03/2014 DAN KOEHLER WELDING GAS DIFFUSE, NOZZLE ADAPTER, AND TIPS 7237 9 LWHS ACTIVITY ACCOUN DAWN 11/03/2014 HS - ( $29. 9 8 STUDENT COUNCIL) GENERAL FUND/ OBJECTS AND ($6 FFA) THEIR SHARE OF CAN/BOTTLE REBATE 72380 LWHS TEACHER ACCOUNT DAWN 11/03/2014 HS TEACHERS SHARE OF Totals for 72 3 79 35.98 o 87.90 GENERAL FUND/ OBJECTS CAN/BOTTLE REBATE 72381 MOSER, CAMDEN DAWN 11 / 03 / 2014 9/3 0 /14-CTEAI.] VB CLOCK Q $23 i Totals for 723S0 87. 90 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 23 . 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 16 . 00 9/30/ 1 4 7/BTH VB CLOCK @ $ 27 ; 10/6/14 JV FB CHAINS @ $16; AND 10/7/14 7/8TH FB CHAINS ~ $16 72381 !'>IOSER, CAMDEN DAWN 11/03/2014 9/ 30 / 14 - CTEAM VB CLOCK @ $23; 9/30/14 7/ STH VB CLOCK @ $27 ; SCHOOL DISTR I CT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 . p 05.14 . 10 . 00 . 00-010080 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR November 17, 2 0 14 Checkl ist BATCH CHECK NUMBER ~D~A~T~E 5 : 12 PM (Dates : 10/16/14 - 11 / 13/14) INVOICE ACCOUNT ______ DESCRIPTION 11 / 13/14 PAGE : 11 PO DESCRIPTION "NUMB="E"R"---_ oAM:.:O"tJNT='---_________ 10/6/14 JV FB CHAINS @ $16; AND 10/7/14 7/8TH FB CHAINS Q $16 72381 MOSER, CAI·mEN DAWN 11/03 / 2014 9/30/1 4 -CTEAM VB CLOCK il $23; COJ.1MUNITY SERVICE FU o 43.00 9/30/14 7/8TH VB CLOCK G $27; 10/6/14 JV FB CHAINS G $16; AND 10/ 7/14 7/8TH FB CHAINS ~ $16 Totals for 72381 82 . 00 72382 NORTH EASTERN WISCON DAWN 11/03 / 2014 SEPT 2014 - O.T. SERVICES SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 72383 NEW LONDON FANILY ME DAWN 11/03/2014 SEPT 2014 - P.T . SERVICES SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 72383 NEW LONDON FAI>IILY ME DAWN 11/03/2014 AUG 2014 - P . T. SERVICES SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 14.3.10 Totals for 72383 3,784.20 72384 WAGNER, AUSTIN DAWN 11/03/2014 9/30/14 7/8TH FOOTBALL 0 3,773 . 27 Totals for 723 82 3,773.2 7 0 3,6 4 1.10 COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 0 16.00 CHAINS Totals for 72384 72385 WHSFA SECTION II DAWN 11/03/2014 KARYN PAMPERIN - SECTIONAL GENERAL FUND/DUES AN 16.00 0 135.00 Totals for 72385 135 . 00 THEATRE NOV 4, 2014 0 OCONTO FALLS 72386 DURRANT, PHILLIP DME 11 / 04/2014 7/8TH BOYS BASKETBALL COMl.flJNITY SERVICE FU 0 60.00 OFFICIAL Tot ~ls 72387 SPRING TIME LAWN & LOMB 11/0 4 /2014 HS-REPAIR IRRIGATION - REPL for 72386 60 . 00 0 2,130.00 Total s for 72387 2,130.00 GENERAL FUND/MAINTEN (3) VALVES, RAISE SETTLED BOXES, REPL & AOJ THE HEADS, ADJ CLOCK, ETC. & 723 88 STEINGRABER, ANGELA OMS MIse PARTS LABOR 11/04/2014 7/8TH BOYS BASKETBALL COI'lHUNITY SERVICE FU 0 60.00 Totals for 72388 60 .00 OFFICIAL 7238 9 B & B AUTO REPAIR DAWN 11/0 4 / 2014 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO - GENERAL FUND/OPERATI 0 5.31 GENERAL FUND/MAINTEN o 6.85 PLUGGED RIGHT FRONT TIRE 72389 B .~ B ;"UTO REPAIR DAWN 11/04 / 2014 NATE ZIEMER - TIRE TUBE FOR SPRAY MACHINE FOR PAINTING LINES Totals f or 72389 72393 C.E .S. A . #6 DAI'1N 11/04/2014 SEPT 2014 - 7/2 9/14 & 7 /30 /14 12.16 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 0 100.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 200 . 00 GENERAL FUND/TRANS FE o 1,725.00 GENERAL FUND/ TRANS FE o 3,279.00 SPEC IAL EDUCATION FU o 7 , 500.00 GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE o 4,500. 00 o o 1,183.00 - CARNEN O'BRIEN ATTENDED "1'lISEXPLDRE DATA RETREAT " 72393 C .E . S.A. #6 DAWN 11/04/2014 SEPT 201 4 - 8/4/14 AMY BUSSE ATTENDED "SLO'S FOR K-12- 72393 C.E.S.A. #6 DAWN 11/04/2014 SEPT 2014 - CMS4 SCHOOLS WEB PAGE 72393 C . E.S.A. #6 DAWN 1 1 /04 / 2014 SEPT 20 14 - LEARNING & ASSESS!<lENT CENTER (CAR1·1EN 0 ' BRIEN) 72393 C.E.S .A. #6 DAWN 11 / 04 /2014 SEPT 2014 - ALLIES IN AUTISM (COHORT 1) OUR FINAL YEAR 72393 C.E.S.A. #6 DAWN 11/04/2014 SE PT 2014 - GRANT WRITING CONSORTIU!>t (4. 5 \ FEE ON ALL OBTAINED GRANTS) 72393 C.E . S. A. #6 DhWN 11/04/2014 SEPT 2014 TITLE II SERVICES GENERAL FUND / TRANS FE 72393 C . E.S .A. # 6 DAWN 11/ 04/2014 SEPT 2014 TITLE I SERVICES GENERAL FUND/ TRANSFE 6,508.00 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA November 17, 2014 Checklist (Dates : 10/16/14 - 11/13/14) 3frdtl0 1 .p - 010080 CHBCK NUMBE. VENDOR 72393 C.E.S .A. #6 BATCH CHECK INVOICE ACCOUNT NUMBE' =D~A~T~E,---_ _ D~E~SC~'~'~P~T='~ON~_ _ _ _ _ __ DAWN 11 / 04/2014 SEPT 2014 - ___ (AODA) SAFE AND 5 : 12 PM 11/ 1 3/14 PAGE: 12 PO =D= E~S=C~'~I=P~T~I~ O~N_ _ _ _ _ "NUMB~~'~'c-_"AM~O=UN~T_ _ _ _ __ GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE o 525.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 15,428. 00 GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE o 4,490 . 00 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 5,940.0 0 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 1,313 . 20 o o 260.93 HEALTHY SCHOOLS 72393 C.E . S.A. #6 DAWN 11/04/2014 SEPT 2014 - 3RD PARTY GRANT AGREEMENT DAWN 72393 C.E.S.A. #6 11 / 04/2014 SEPT 2014 - AGENCY ADMINISTRATION FEE DAWN 72393 C.E.S.A . #6 11 / 04/2014 SEPT 2014 - SPECIAL ED LEADERSHIP DAWN 72393 C.E.S.A . #6 LITE~CY 11/04 / 2014 SEPT 2014 - CONTRACT - STANDARDIZED LITERACY PRACTICES 72393 C.E .S.A. #6 DAWN 11/04 / 2014 SEPT 2014 HEARING ITINERANT SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 72393 C E.S.A. # 6 DAWN 11/04 / 2014 SEPT 2014 AUDIOLOGY SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 72398 HEro l4USIC CO, INC. D';WN 11/04/2014 MOLLY - BAND REPAIR - SEJ.1.IER 171.60 Totals for 723 93 53,123.73 GENERAL FUND/MAINTEN o 129.68 GENERAL FUND/MAINTEN o 145.10 GENERAL FUND/MAINTEN o 56.80 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o o 70.70 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS o 3 3.36 GENERAL FUND / OBJECTS o 27.80 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 79 . 96 GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS o 5.5 6 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 23.52 GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS o 139.00 GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS o 47.98 GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS o o 114.97 GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS o 72 .28 GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS o 55.60 GENERAL FUND/ OBJECTS o 29.64 CLARINET (SERIAL #13 96673) 72398 HElD MUSIC CO , INC. DA~lN 11/04 / 2 0 14 MOLLY - BAND REPAIR - BUFFET CLARINET (SERIAL #905109) 72398 HElD MUSIC CO, INC. DA~J 11/04/ 2 014 I·IOLLY - REPAIR - YAMAHA BAND TUBA (SERIAL #101653) 72398 HElD HUSIC co, INC. DAWN 11/04/2014 I·IOLLY BAND SUPPLIES 72398 HEID NUSIC CO, DAWN 11 / 04/2014 MOLLY BAND SUPPLIES - INC. (2 ) 9.60 CLARINET LIGATURE 72398 HEID MUSIC CO, INC. DAI'lN 11/04/ 2 014 MOLLY - BAND RESALE - BCOKES: FOR CLARINET 7 2 39 8 HElD MUSIC CO, INC . DAWN 11/04/2014 ~~LLY - BAND RESALE BOOKS: BARITONE SAX, & FLUTE; AND I.USC SUPPLIES 72398 HElD MUSIC CO, INC. DAWN 11 / 04/2014 MOLLY - BAND RESALE BOOKS: BARITONE SAX, £ FLUTE; AND MISC SUPPLIES 72398 HEID !'!USIC CO, INC. DAWN 11/04/2014 MOLLY-BAND RESALE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE BOOK: DRUMS & l·lALLET PERCUSSION 72398 HEID f-ruSIC CO, INC. DAWN 11 /0 4/2014 MOLLY - BAND SUPPLIES - PITCH PIPE, f·tASTER I:EY 72398 HElD HUSI C CO, INC. DAWN 11 / 04/2 0 14 BAND RESALE BOOKS: ~~LLY DRUMS & HALLET PERCUSSION, FLUTE, CLARINET, TRUf·1PET, ALTO SAX 72398 HElD MUSIC CO, INC. DAWN 11/04/2014 MOLLY - BAND RESALE - (2) ALTO SAX REEDS 72 3 98 HElD MUSIC CO, INC. DAWN 11/04/2014 f·lOLLY-BAND RESALE - FLUTE KIT 7 2 398 HElD MUSIC co, DA"lN 11/04/2 014 MOLLY - BAND INC. RES~LE 66.n STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE: CLARINET, TRUMPET, TROt·mONE, ALTO SA.X, 72398 HElD !'IOS IC CO, INC. DAWN & FLtrrE 11/04/2014 MOLLY - BAND RESALE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE BOOKS : CLARINET, TRUMPET, TROMBONE, DRUMS 72398 HElD MUSIC CO, INC. DAWN 11/04/2014 MOLLY & HALLET PERCUSSION BAND RESALE - STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE BOOKS: CLhRINET, FLUTE. ALTO SAX, BARITONE SAX, TRUMPET 72398 HElD MUS IC co , INC. DAWN 11/04/2014 MOLLY-BAND SCHOOL DISTRI CT OF MANAWA 3 frdtl01 . p 05 . 14.10 . 00. 00 -0 1008 0 BATCH CHECK NUMBER ~V"END"",O ",R,--_ __ 5:12 PM Nov e mber 1 7, 20 1 4 Ch ecklist (Dates : 10 / 16 / 14 - 11/ 1 3/14) CHECK INVOI CE 11/13 / 14 PAGE : 13 .0 ACCOUNT _ _ _ NUMBER eD"AT-'-E"--_ _ eD"E"-SC"R"r"."T"r"O"'N'-_ __ _ _ _ _ _ eD"E"-SC"R"I"."T"I"O"'N'-_ _ _ eNUMB""""ER,--_ CAM= O= DN"T'---_ _ _ __ RESALE/SUPPLIES-BOOKS: TRUMPET . ALTO SAX. DRUMS & MALLET PERCUSSION, CLARINET/FLUTE (CLARINET MOUTHPIECE) 7239B HElD MUSIC CO, INC. DAWN 11/04/2014 MOLLY-BAND o 56 . 00 Totals for 72 398 1 , 164.27 GENERAL FUND / GENERAL RESALE / SUPPLIES - BOOKS : TRUMPET, ALTO Sl.J{, DRUMS & !·1ALLET PERCUSSION, CLARINET/FLUTE (CLARINET MOUTHPIECE) 72399 JR'S WAUPACA TRUE VA DAWN 11/ 0 4/2 014 JEFF STEVENS - HS KEYS CUT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 9.16 723 99 JR ' S WAUPACA TRUE VA DAWN 11 /0 4 /2 01 4 CINDY BUTTLES - MURIATIC REPL GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 21.1 0 hCID 72401 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 11 / 04/2014 SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPT - Totals for 723 9 9 30.26 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 17 . 70 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 19 .66 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 10.05 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 11 . 56 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o - 3 0.15 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 10.05 ADDRESS STAMP 72401 OFFICEMAX INCORPO~T DAWN 11 / 04/2014 HS - VETERANS DAY PROGRAfiI POSTCARDS 72401 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 11 / 04/20 14 DIST OFFICE - CARMEN NAME PLATE 72401 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 11/04 / 2014 DIST OFFICE - WHITE OUT CORRECTION TAPE 72401 OFFICEMAX INCORpORhT DAWN 11 / 04/2 014 CREDIT - FOR DOUBLE BILLED NAHE PLATES 72 4 01 OFFICEMAX INCORPORhT DAWN 11/0 4 /20 14 DIST OFFICE - ANGELA NAME PLATE 72402 WIESNER, TROY DAWN 11 / 04/2014 ~ /25 / 14 - 7/8TH FOOTBALL TEAM Totals for 72401 38.87 o 124.00 Totals for 724 0 2 124.00 o 65.00 COI'IMQNITY SERVICE FU TO NEW FOOTBALL MOVIE - GRAND THEATER, NEW LONDON 72403 CAREON FRECKLE DAWN 11/05/2014 ANGELA HANSON - (50 0) GENERAL FUND/PERSONA BUSINESS CARDS 72405 C.E.S.A. #6 DAWN 11/05 / 2014 OCT 2014 - 9/18 / 14 TEA/ADHIN Totals f o r 724 0 3 65.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 99.00 EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS (TPES 3; ESPES 3; SAPES 3 ) 72405 C.E . S.A. #6 DAWN 11/05/2014 OCT 2014 AUDIOLOGY SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 72405 C E.S.A. #6 DAWN 11/05/2014 OCT 2014 SBS TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o o 36 (; .85 72405 C.E.S.A. # 6 DAWN 11 / 05/2014 OCT 201 4 - TITLE I LITERACY GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA o 1,313 . 20 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 5,940.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 260.93 CLAIM FEE-REHIT DATE 6 /27 / 14 CONTRACT 72405 C .E. S . A. #6 DAWN 11/05/2014 OCT 2014 SPECIAL ED LEADERSHIP 72405 C.E.S.A. # 6 DAWN 72406 INTEGRATED SYSTEHS C DAWN 11/05 / 2014 OCT 2014 - HEARING ITINERANT 11/05 / 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 - SKYWARD o 171.60 Totals for 72405 8,151 . 58 o 360.00 GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA HOSTING SERVICES 72407 LEARNING A-Z (LAZEL) DAWN 11/05/2014 ES-(20) CLASSROOM LICENSES; READING A- Z , AND 72409 MACNEIL ENVIRONMENTA DAWN 11/05/2014 14/ 15 - Totals for 72406 360 . 00 GENERAL FUND/COMPUTE 1011400044 3,199.00 Totals for 72407 3,199.00 o 360.00 RAZ-KIDS (12) BUS DRIVERS - DRUG /ALCOHOL POOL ENTRANCE GENERAL FUND/PERSONA SCHOOL DISTR ICT OF MANAWA 3frdt lOl.p 05 . 1 4 . 10 . 00.00-010080 November 17, CHECK NUMBER ~V~END~~O~Rc-____________ 201 4 Checklist (Dates: 5 : 12 PM PAGE : 10 / 16 / 14 - 11 / 13 / 141 BATCH CHECK INVOICE ACCOUNT NUMBER =O~A~T~EC-____ =D~E~S~C~R~I~P~T~I~O~NC-_________________ DESCRIPTION 11/ 13 / 14 14 PO "NUMB="'E"'R'---_ ~AM"O"tJNT='---_________ FEE Totals for 72408 72409 NCS PEARSON INC DAWN 11/05/2014 HIKE BREEN - PSYCHOLOGICAL 72409 NCS PEARSON INC DAWN 11 /0 5/2014 HIKE BREEN - PSYCHOLOGICAL 360.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 271400004 1,062.55 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 271400004 636 . 30 Totals for 7240 9 1 ,71 8 . B5 DIAGNOSTIC TESTING !>tATERIALS DIAGNOSTIC TESTING MATERIALS 72410 PACKER CITY INTERNAT DAWN 11/05 / 201 4 #14-FLASHER GENERAL FUND/OPERAT I o 16.44 72410 PACKE R CITY INTERNAT DAWN 11/05 /2014 1t4 7-NEW POWER STEERING GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 445. 00 72410 PACKER CITY INTERNAT DAWN 11/ 05 / 20 14 #47 - NEW POWER STEERING GENERAL FUND/ OPERATI o 523. 51 PUMP-WITH NEW O-RINGS PUMP - WITH NEW O- RINGS 72411 TEAM SPORTING GOODS DAWN 11/05 /201 4 VARSITY FOOTBALL PANTS 72411 TEAM SPORTING GOODS DAWN 11 /05 / 2014 BOB SELL - FOOTBALL SUPPLIES 72411 TEAI.t SPORTING GOODS DAWN 11/05/2014 7/8TH ~TBALL PANTS - Totals for 72410 98 4. 95 o o o 1,317.9) GENERAL FUND/GENERAL (18) GENERAL FUND/GENERAL CONMUNITY SERVICE FU 707 . 76 1,014 . 33 YOUTH PANTS & ( 12) ADULT PANTS 72412 TRANE U.S. INC DAWN 11 / 05/2014 HS HVAC PROJECT - COOLING Totals for 72411 3,040 . 02 GENERAL FUND/EQUIP/V B001400001 4,707 . 00 Totals for 72412 4,707.00 o 7B9 .0 0 COIL SECTIONS-PER QUOTE DATED 5/21/14 72413 UW COLLEGES ONLINE DAWN 11 / 05/201 4 FALL 2014 - (1) STUDENT GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE TUITION FOR: " US HISTORY TO CI VIL WAR" 72414 WAEA - WI l~T EDUCAT DAWN 11/05/2014 HS - VISUAL ARTS CLASSIC Tota ls for 72413 789.0 0 o 1 2 5 . 00 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN (ENTRY FEE FOR ART TEAl·1) NANCY ZABLER 72415 WASPA (WI ASSOC SCHO DAWN 11/05/2014 14 / 15 ANNUAL r·1EMBERSHIP FEE Totals for 72414 125 . 00 o 150.00 Totals for 72415 150.00 GENERAL FUND/MEOIChL 1011400 045 42.20 GENERAL FUND/DUES AN FOR WECAN SYSTEH 7241 6 WILLIAM V. MACGILL & DANN 72417 HISCNET DAWN 11/05/2014 NURSE TRISHA-HEALTH SUPPLIES 11 / 05/2014 14 / 15 - QUARTERLY NETWORK Totals for 72416 42.20 o 2,000 . 00 Totals for 72417 2, 000 .00 o 60.00 Totals for 72416 60.00 o 60.00 GENERAL FUND/ON - LINE ACCESS PhRTICIPATION FEE (7 / 1/14 - 9/30/14) 72418 HACKBARTH , GERALD DAWN 11/06 / 2014 7/ 8TH BOYS BASKETBALL COMMUNI TY SERVICE FU OFFICIAL 72419 l>lOHR, JANES DAWN 11/ 06 / 2014 7/ STH BOYS BASKETBALL COMMUNITY SERVICE FU OFFICIAL 72420 DURRANT, PHILLIP DAWN Totals for 72419 60.00 o 30 . 00 Totals for 72420 30.00 o 30.00 Totals for 72421 30.00 o 45. 00 Totals for 72422 45 . 00 o 45.00 BASKETB~L COHHUNITY SERVICE FU 11 /0 7/2014 7/8TH GIRLS BASKETBALL COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 11/07,2 014 7/8TH GIRLS OFFICIAL 7 2 421 FAHSER, JEFF DAWN OFFICIAL 72422 THORPE, JUt DAWN 11 / 07/2014 7/BTH GIRLS BASKETBALL COMHUNITY SERVICE FU OFFICIAL 72423 THORPE, PETE DAI'lN 11/07/201 4 7/BTH GIRLS BAS KETBALL COMMUNITY SERVICE FU SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtlO1.p 05 . 14 .10.00.00-010080 BATCH CHECK NUMBER 5 : 12 Ptw1 November 17 , 2014 Checklist (Dates: 10 / 16/14 - 11 / 13/14 ) CHECK INVOICE ACCOUNT NOMEER D~A~T~E______ DESCRIPTION VENDOR 11 / 1 3 / 14 15 PAGE : PO DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT OFFICIAL Totals for 72423 45.00 11/13/2014 TAMMY- (4) CLASSROOM TABLES GENERAL FUND/FURNISH 1011400010 1,040.00 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DhWN 11 / 13/2014 TA111'IY - (2) Cu..SSRooM TABLES GENERAL FUND/ FURNISH 0 260.00 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/13/2014 KRIS WEGENER-OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL FOND / GENERAL 1011400023 828.86 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11 / 13 / 2014 ES BOOK ROOM-(18) WELDED GENERAL FUND/FURNISH 0 2,170.00 Special Rev enue Trus o 6 02.00 GENERAL FUND/FURNISH o 520.00 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY mc DAWN STEEL BOOKCASES - USED LIFE TOUCH DONATION FOR PART OF THIS INVOICE 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/13 / 2014 ES BOOK RooM- (IB) WELDED STEEL BOOKCASES - USED LIFE TOUCH DONATION FOR PART OF THIS INVOICE 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/13/2014 ES BOOK RooM - (4) WELDED STEEL BOOKCASES 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/13/2014 LISA LEE - CLASS SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 1011400001 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11 / 13 / 2014 TAMr·IY - SPECIAL EDUCATION FU (23) WOOD BACKED WALL 537.45 0 2,648.00 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1011400002 169.80 PADS FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION ROOM 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11 / 13 / 2014 CORRIE ZIEI·IER - PHY ED SUPPLIES 72~27 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/13/2014 JEANNE MEIER - CLASS SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND / GENERAL 1011400009 309 .98 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DriWN 11/13/2014 CORRIE ZIEMER - PHY ED GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1011400002 690 . 51 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/13/2014 JEANNE NEIER- LITERACY BASED GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 10114 00024 889 .4 5 SUPPLIES INSTRUCTION MATERIALS 72427 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 72428 SCHOOL SPECIALTY / CLA DAWN 11/13/2014 TAMMY- (ES) 1ST GRADE LOCKERS 11/13/2014 EMILY GUENTNER - CLASS SUPPLIES o 7,678.00 Totals for 72427 18 ,343. 05 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 101140001 3 267,93 Totals for 72428 267.93 131. 3 8 252.88 GENERAL FUND/BU I LD IN 201400060 INTERIJAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 Pay roll accrual GENERAL FUND/FEDERAL 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 / 31 / 2014 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Payroll a c crual FOOD SERVICE FUNDI FE 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 / 31/2014 payroll accrual CQ1.U,nJNITY SERVICE FU o o o o 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER F9 10 /31/2014 payroll a ccrual GENERAL FOND/ FICA (S o 109.12 201400060 INTERNAL SER P9 10 / 31/2014 Pay roll a c crual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 10/31/2014 pay roll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/ FI o o 13.62 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 2 0 14 0 0060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual COt,IMUNITY SERVICE FU o 43.13 RE\~NUE 12.52 0. 00 3 . 63 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 / 31/2014 payroll a c crual GENERAL FUND/ FICA (S o 466.12 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll a c crual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 5 8.38 201400060 INTERNriL REVENUE SER P9 1 0 /31 / 2014 payroll accrual FOOD SERVI CE FUND/FI 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 / 31/2 0 14 payroll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Payroll a ccrual CO~n"UNITY 2 0 1400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICA (S 201400060 INTERNhL RE VENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FI o o o o o o o o o o 201400060 INTERNAL REVENOE SER P9 10/31/2014 Pay roll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU o 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Pay roll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICA (S 201400060 I NTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 pay roll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Pay roll a c crual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FI 20140 00 6 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 20140 0060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P 9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o o o o o 201400060 INTERNhL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll a ccrual GENERAL FUNDI FEDERAL 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 1 0/31/2014 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICA (S 2014000 6 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/201 4 payro l l accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 / 31/20 14 Pay roll a ccrual FOOD SER\'ICE FUND/FI SERVICE FU 15.50 184.45 41.00 466.1 2 58.38 15.50 184.45 109.12 13.62 3.63 4 3 .1 3 8,092.26 1,648.24 412.17 11. 39 143.11 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3 frdt l 0 1 . p 0 5 . 14 .10.00.00-010080 November 1 7 . BATCH CHECK NUMBER !V~ENDO~~R ______________ NUMBER CHECK =D~A~T~Ec- 20 1 4 Ch ecklist INVOICE ____ eD~E=S=C~R~I~PT~IO~N"- 5 : 1 2 PM ACCOUNT 11 / 13 /14 PAGE : (Dates: 10/ 1 6/ 14 - 11 / 1 3/14) 16 PO __________________ DESCRIPTION NOMB==E"R___ "AM"'O"UNT=__________ 416.67 COt>1MUNITY SERVICE FU o o o o o o o o 10 / 31/2014 pay roll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o 109 . 62 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 /31 /2014 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/ FICA (S 10 / 31/201 4 pay roll accrual S PECI AL EDUCATION FU 201 4 00060 INTERNAL RE VENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FI o o o 1, 8 92 . 56 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 pay roll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU o 2.66 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU 3 3 .50 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FI CA {S 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 pay ro ll accrua l SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FI 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual COMtofUNITY SERVICE FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FEDERAL 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/20 14 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FE 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU 201400060 INTERNhL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL Fmm/FBDERAL 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 / 31/201 4 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 /3 1/2014 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/ FE 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual P~ 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 435. 00 59.00 50. 00 11,2 34. 90 1 , 868.93 300.79 1 0.33 385 . 46 96.39 2 0 140006 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICA {S 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 / 2014 Payroll accrual FOOD S ERVICE FUND/PI 201400060 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10 / 31/2014 payroll accrual COMl·IUNITY SERVICE FU o o o o o o o o o o 2014000 60 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 10/31 /~01 4 Payrol l accrual EI·!PLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o 143 . 11 Totals for 201400060 42 , 1 4 6 . 40 2 01400061 MASSI1UTUAL F'INANCIAL P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/HARTFOR o 710 . 00 201400061 MASSMUTUAL FINANCIAL P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/HARTFOR o 450 . 00 Totals for 2014000C1 1,160 . 00 201400062 WEA TAX SHELTERED AN P9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WEA TRU 0 380.00 201400062 WEA TAX SHELTERED AN P9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WEA TRU o 100.00 201400062 WEA TAX SHELTERED rlN P9 10/31/2014 Pay roll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o o 100.00 201400 062 WEA TAX SHELTERED AN P9 Totals for 201400062 593.4 7 1,892.56 385.46 96.39 2.66 33.5 0 8,092.26 1,648.24 412 . 17 11.39 13.47 2 01400063 WEA MEr·lBER BENEFIT T P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/ WEA TRU 0 115.0 0 201400063 WEA MEMBER BENEFIT T PJ 10 / 31 / 2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WEA TRU o 57.18 10 /31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WEA TRU o 4.34 Totals for 201400063 176. 52 201400063 wE.., HEI1BER BENEFIT T P9 201400064 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE R9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/GARNISH 0 Totals for 201400064 201 4 00065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P 9 27 . 00 2 7 . 00 10/31/2014 payroll ac cru.l GENERAL FUND/STATE I 0 20 1 400065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 1 0/31/2014 Payroll accrual SPECI AL EDUCATION FU 20 1 4 00065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/ST 201400065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10 / 3 1 / 2014 payroll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 201400065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10 / 31/2014 Payroll accr ual GENERAL FUND/ STATE I 2 0 1400065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/STATE I 201400065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10 / 31 / 2014 Pay roll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/ST 201400065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 2014 00065 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o o o o o o o o o o 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WI RETI 0 309 . 50 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 19.60 2014000 66 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual F00D SERVICE FUND/WI 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31 / 2014 payroll accrual CO~~UN I TY 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10 / 31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WI RETI o o o o Totals for 201400065 SERVICE FU 62 . 44 7 . 46 0.00 117 . 15 10 . 00 5 . 00 5,466.09 881 . 10 144.68 4.27 26.87 6 ,725 .05 1 7 . 50 202.79 30 9. 50 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3f r d t l0 1.p 05 . 14 . 10 . 00 . 00-0 10 080 BATCH CHECK NUMBER 5 : 1 2 PM November 1 7 , 2014 Checklist (Date s : 10/ 1 6/ 14 - 11 / 1 3/14) CHECK .v:.END="'°"R' -_ _ _ _ _ _ NUMBER =P"A"-T,,E_ __ INVOICE ACCOUNT =P"E=S"C"R"-'=P=T='" O"N_ __ _______ = P" E" S= CRe='=PT=='O"N~ 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201-100066 WISCONSIN RETIREt-IENT R9 10/31/2 01 4 pay roll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/WI 20140006 6 WISCONSIN RETIREI·IENT R9 1 0/31/2014 Payroll accrual COMl.fUNITY SERVICE FU 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/ WI RETI 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31/2014 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31/2014 Pay roll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/WI 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual CO!o1l.fUNITY SERVICE FU 2014000 66 WISCONSIN RETIREME NT R9 10 / 31/2014 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/ WI RET I 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/3112014 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201 4 00066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUNDI WI 201 4 00066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 10/31/2014 payroll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 10/ 3 1/2014 AUTO DEBIT TO ESC : $14 6.16) & (13/14 MED 17 PO _ _ __ 201400066 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 2 01 4 00077 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CO DAWN 11/ 1 3 /1 4 PAGE : __ N~UMB ~=E=R o o o o o o o o o o o AM~=O=PNT~ _ _ _ _ __ 19 . 60 17.50 202.79 9 ,323.13 1,509.11 42 8 . 6 4 8.70 9 , 323.13 1 , 509.11 4 28 . 64 8 . 70 Totals for 201 4 00066 23, 637 . 9 4 GENERAL FUNDI FLEX PL o 164.86 GENERAL FUND/FLEX PL o 146.16 GENERAL FUNDI FLEX PL o 133 . 70 Totals for 201 4 00077 444.72 o 16 . 80 (14/15 MED $164 . 86) EFFECTIVE DATE 10/30/14 201400077 EHPLOYEE BENEFITS CO DAWN 10/3112014 AUTO DEBIT TO ESC: (13/14 roiED $146.16 ) & (14/15 MED $164.86 ) EFFECTIVE DATE 10/30 / 14 201400077 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CO DAWN 10/31/2014 AUTO DEBIT TO EBC: (MED $133.70) EFFECTIVE DATE 10/9/14 2014 0 0078 I1AGIC WRIGHTER INC Dh WN 10/31/2014 SEPT 2014 - (42) I NTERNET GENERAL FUNDI PERSONA PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS 201400079 WEX BANK - MOBIL DAloffi 10/31/2014 SEPT 2014 - FUEL FOR BUSES 201400079 WEX BANK - MOBIL DAWN 10/31/2014 SEPT 2014 - FUEL FOR BUSES Totals for 201 4 00078 16 . 80 GENERAL FUND/FUEL -VE o 6,3 6 6 . 72 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 397.30 AND DIST VEHICLES AND DIST VEHICLES 2014 00080 MANNATEC - FOR DAWN 10/31/2014 9/23 /14 - " THE STORE M CHARGES Totals for 201400079 6,764.02 GENERAL FUND/FUEL-VE o 248 . 91 GENERAL FUND/FUEL-VE o 192. 89 Totals for 20140008 0 44 1 . 80 Totals for checks 28 3 , 8 05 . 75 - PARK ' N SHOP WAS OO\oJN AND (2) BUSES NEEDED FUEL TO RUN THEIR ROUTES 201400080 MANNATEC - FOR DAWN 10/31/2014 (8/31/1 4 THRU 9/22114) "THE STORE" CHARGES FOR KUSOTA FUEL SCHOOL DISTRI CT OF MANAWA 3frdtl02 . p - 010034 Name 5 : 1 5 PM Cash Rece i pts (Dat es : 10 /01/2014 - 10 /3 1 /20 14 ) Reference Trans Date Description LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH VOLLEYBALL ADMISSION 10/01/2014 9 / 30/14-VARSITY VOLLEYBALL GAME PAGE : Post Date Amount 1 0/31/201 4 16 9 .00 10 / 02/ 2014 2,592 . 64 Totals for 17 566 DISTRICT OFFICE OCT RETIREE INS 10 / 02/2014 OCT 2014 RETIREE INS DISTRICT WIDE FOOD SERVICE 10/03/2014 FOOD 11 / 13/14 169.0 0 Totals f or 17563 2,592.6 4 $ 10/31/2 0 14 2,262.75 DEPT OF PUBLIC INSTR DPI AIDS REGISTER 10/06/2014 13/14-EDUCATQR EFFECTIVE EVAL SYSTEM GRA 10/ 31/2014 5,520.00 LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH HS BAND-RESALE 10/09/2014 BAND RESALE Totals for 17567 2,262 . 75 Totals for 175 64 5,520.00 10 / 31/ 2 014 155.16 17,741.10 Totals for 17569 1 55 . 16 QBE A&H LLC CLMIMS REFUND - QaE A&H 10 / 09/2014 REFUND: CLAIr-IS OVER DEDUCTIBLE 10/31/ 2014 QBE A&H LLC CLAnlS REFUND - QBE A&H 10/08 / 2014 REFUND: CLAIMS OVER DEDUCTIBLE 10/31/ 2 014 Totals for 17569 LI<JHS ACTIVITY ACCOUN ACTIVITY ACCT REIMB 10/08/2014 ST COUNCIL-CONCESSION SUPPLIES & HOMECO'" 10/ 31/20 14 LWHS ACTIVITY ACCOUN ACTIVITY ACCT REIMB 10 / 08/2014 FFA - THINK PINK BEADS - SCHOOL CR CARD 10/31/2014 Totals for 17570 DISTRICT WIDE FOOD SERVICE 477 .12 18,218.22 304 . 97 36.72 341. 69 10/10/2014 FOOD $ 10/31/2014 Totals for 17 571 2, 4 22 . 35 2 ,4 22 . 35 LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH FOOTBALL ADMISSIONS 10/1 4 /2014 9/26/1 4 - FooTBALL GAME 10/31/ 2014 200.00 LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH FOOTBALL ADNISSIONS 10/14/2014 10/10/1 4- FOOTBALL GAHE 10/31/201 4 881.00 DISTRICT WIDE FOOD SERVICE 1 0 /16 / 2014 FOOD $ 10/31/2014 1,5 82.50 GRAY, HOLLY REH1BURSEMENT 10 / 17/2014 STUDENT REIMBURSEMENT - (1) CHROME BOOK SC 10/31/20 14 Totals for 17572 1,081.00 Totals for 17573 1,582 . 50 Totals for 17574 41. 00 BLUM, SARAH/DANIEL FEE - DROPPED CLASS 10 / 17 / 2014 YOUTH OPTIONS -STUDENT DROPPED CLASS (UW CENTRAL WI ELECTRIC REFUND 10 / 17 / 2014 REFUND OF CAPITOL CREDIT (OLD SCHOOL HWY 1 0/31/2014 10/31 /2014 Totals for 17575 10 / 17/2014 9/26/14-BUS TRIP: TURNERS 50. 00 50.00 Totals for 17576 ST PAUL LUTHERAN SCH BUS TRIP - ST PAULS 41. 00 5.30 5.30 ~~KET 10/ 3 1/ 2 014 98.25 10/17/2014 REFUND -CLAIMS OVER DEDUCTIBLE 10/31/2014 2 , 070.05 Totals f or 17577 98 . 25 QBE A&H LLC CLAIMS REFUND - QBE A&H QBE A&H LLC CLAItIJS REFUN D- QBE A&H 10/17/2014 REFUND- CLAIr.IJS OVER DEDUCTIBLE 10/31/ 2014 9 , 013 . 31 QBE A&H LLC CLAn-IS REFUND-QBE A&H 10/17/2014 REFUN D- CLAIJ>.lS OVER DEDUCTIBLE 10/31/ 2014 4,113.40 QBE A&H LLC CLAnlS REFUND - QBE M. H 10/17/2014 REFUND - CLAIMS OVER DEDUCTIBLE 10/ 3 1/2014 1,373.14 QBE A&H LLC CLAIIIJS REFUND- OBE A&H 10/17/2014 REFUND-CLAH1S OVER DEDUCTIBLE 10 / 31/2014 Totals for 1757 5 QBE A&H LLC CLAIr-IS REFUND - QBE A&H 10/21/2014 REF'UND-CLhIr·1S OVER DEDUCTIBLE 10 / 31/2014 Totals for 17579 FOX VALLEY TECHNICAL FVTC - STAFF STIPEND 10/21/2014 10/14 /14 - ARTICULATION WORKSHOP 12,8 0 5.21 80.00 10/31/ 2014 402.33 10/ 31 / 2014 123.88 10/31/2014 4,176.30 CITY - t<lOBILE H01.1E TAX 10/2 2 /2014 MOBILE HOME TAX 80.00 Totals for 17581 PEPSI - COLA GENERAL B PEPSI-COMMISSION CHK 10/24/2 0 14 PEPSI COHf.lISSION - GEN FUND CHECKS; $6 TO 402.33 Totals for 17582 DISTRICT WIDE FOOD SERVICE 10 / 24/2014 FOOD $ 123.88 Totals for 17593 LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH BAND RESALE 10/27/2014 HS-BAND RESALE 4,1 76.30 10 /31/2014 86.00 10/31/2014 1 , 622.50 Totals for 17584 DISTRICT WIDE OCT - FOOD EFUNDS $ 10/31 / 20 14 OCT - FOOD EFUNDS DISTRICT WIDE FOOD SERVICE 10 / 31/2014 FOOD $ 8 6 .00 Totals for 17 565 1,622.50 10/31/201 4 Totals for 17585 12,8 0 5.21 (D IST PAY 10/31/ 2014 Totals for 17590 CITY OF IIJANAWA 1,785 . 83 17,415.73 3,328 . 90 3,328.90 1 3 frdtl02 . p 5 : 1 5 PM SCHOOL DI STRICT OF MANAWA 05 . 14 . 1 0 . 00 . 00-010034 Cas h Receipts (Dates : 1 0/01/20 1 4 - 10 / 31 /2 01 4) Name Refe rence Trans Date Des cript i on QBE A&H LLC CLAIMS REFUND-QBE A&H 10/31/2014 REFUND -CLAIMS OVER DEDUCTIBLE PAGE : Pos t Date 10/31 / 2014 Totals for 175 86 FERGS DRIVING SCHOOL DR ED - ROOM RENT Amount 1, 46 3 . .n 1,46 3 .41 10/31/2014 NOV Roof<1 RENT - DRIVERS ED CLASS 10/31/2014 Totals for 17587 150.00 150.00 TARGET STORES DIVISI DONATION-FOR ES PBIS 10 / 31/2014 DONATION-2014 TAKE CHARGE OF EDUCATION" 10/ 3 1 / 2014 39.13 TARGET STORES DIVIS I DONATION -FOR ES PBIS 10 / 31/2014 DONATION-2014 TAKE CHARGE OF EDUCATION" 10/31/2014 48.55 10/31/2014 4,710 .00 10/31 / 2014 2 , 000. 00 Totals for 17588 87. 6 8 MANAWA YOUTH WRESTLI DONATION-WRESTLING 10/31 / 2014 DONATION-WRESTLING MAT - DOLLAMUR SPORT GRIFFIN, MARY 10/31/201 4 DONATION-WRESTLING MAT - DOLLAMUR SPORT 4,710 .00 To t als for 17589 DONATION-HRESTLING Totals for 1 7 590 RomlS 2,000. 00 LWHS ACTIVITY ACCOUN ACTI VITY REIMB DIST 10 / 31/2014 VAR VOLLEYBALL TOURNEY LWHS ACTIVITY ACCOUN ACTIVITY REIMB DIST 10 /31/201 4 ST COUNCIL LEADERSHIP CONF - HOTEL RooJJlS 10 / 31 / 2014 @ HILTON Totals for 17591 Total for Cash Receipts 10 / 31/2014 495. 00 312. 00 807 .00 83,798.80 11 / 13 / 14 2 MEMO TO: Board of Education Members FROM: Angela Hanson, Business Manager DATE: November 12, 2014 RE: Short-Term Line of Credit At Monday's meeting, the Board of Education wi ll be asked to adopt a resolution authorizing the Administration to secure a line of credit to be used for cash flow purposes during the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Board Members may recall that a simi la r agenda item was discussed at the September 15, 2014 meeting. Since that time, cash flow projections have been updated to reflect audited beginning fund balances, expected monthly cash outlays, and the use of the general fund balance to pay for a portion of the HVAC project. Calculations indicate that the School District of Manawa may access up to $750,000 in additional funds to provide liquidity during the lean cash flow months of late November, December, and May. Funds will be accessed only as necessary. A draft copy of the Resolution that the Board will co nsider is attached to this memo . As time is of the essence this year, we have only contacted one local back, First State Bank, for a bid request. We anticipate that we w ill be able to complete all documentation at Monday's Board meeting. If you have any questions or require additiona l information please contact me (920-596-5332) . cc: Dr. Melanie Oppor Exhibit A RESOLUTION NO.1 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A TAXABLE TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION PROMISSORY NOTE FOR CASH FLOW PURPOSES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $750,000 WHEREAS, the School District of Manawa, Waupaca County, Wisconsin (the "District"), may be in temporary need of funds from time to time in an amount not to exceed $750,000 outstanding at any one time to meet the immediate expenses of operating and maintaining the public instruction in the District during the current school year and in anticipation of taxes, state aids, income, revenue, cash receipts and other monies to be received by the District for the current school year (the "Expenses"); WHEREAS, the school districts are authorized by the provisions of Section 67.12(8)(a)l , Wisconsin Statutes, to borrow money for such Expenses; WHEREAS, First State Bank, New London, Wisconsin (the "Bank") has agreed to provide the District with a taxable revolving line of credit (the "Line of Credit") to cover such Expenses which Line of Credit shall be authorized by this Resolution in accordance with the provisions of Section 67. 12(8)(a) I , Wisconsin Statutes; WHEREAS, as required by Section 67.12(8)(a)l, Wisconsin Statutes, the total amount borrowed pursuant to the Line of Credit shall be for the purpose of meeting the immediate expenses of operating and maintaining the public instruction in the District during the current school year, and together with any other borrowings for such purposes during the current school year, shall not exceed one-half of the estimated receipts forthe operation and maintenance of the District for the current school year as heretofore certified by the District Clerk; WHEREAS, any draws or disbursements pursuant to the Line of Credit shall be made on or before June 30 of the current school year, and the Line of Credit shall repaid in full by November I ofthe next school year; WHEREAS, the tax for the operation and maintenance of the schools of the District for the current school year has been voted to be collected on the next tax roll prior to the adoption of this Resolution or any draw or disbursement on the Line of Credit; and, WHEREAS, to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the School Board, the District complies with the revenue limits set forth in Sections 121.91 and 121.92, Wisconsin Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of the District that: I. Authorization. The District be authorized to borrow funds for the purpose of paying the immediate expenses of operating and maintaining the public instruction in the District pursuant to Section 67. I 2(8)(a) I, Wisconsin Statutes, from the Bank from time to time as needed pursuant to the Line of Credit so that the amount outstanding at anyone time does not exceed $750,000 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bank 's commitment letter attached hereto as Exhibit A-I (the UCommitment"). 2. Terms of the Note(s). To evidence such borrowing, the District President and District Clerk are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to make, execute, issue, sell and deliver to the Bank, as set forth below, for and on behalf of the District, its Taxable Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory Note (the "Note") payable to the Bank. The Note shall be dated as of its date of issuance; shall bear interest at the rate per aIUlum determined pursuant to the formula set forth on the Commitment (which rate shall not be less than 4.25% per aIUlum and shall not exceed 5.25% per aIUlum) from its dated date until paid; and shall mature no later than October 31 of the following fiscal year. In no event will the interest rate on the Note exceed the rate permitted by applicable law. Interest on the Note shall be paid from the date of the Note monthly on the last business day of the month until the Note is repaid or matures. The Note is subject to optional redemption at the option of the District at any time. 3. Irrepealable Tax; Segregated Fund; Compliance With Revenue Limits. So long as the Note, or interest thereon, remain unpaid, the aforesaid tax for operation and maintenance of the District (including the amount budgeted to pay interest on the Note) shall be and continues irrepealable. The District shall segregate in a special fund, tax monies and other available revenues received for operation and maintenance of the District sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Note as the same becomes due. Said special fund shall be used for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Note. If there shall be insufficient sums in said special fund to meet such payments, the District shall promptly pay the same when due from other monies available in or attributable to the current school year. This covenant specifically includes monies (i.e. deferred tax and state aid payments) attributable to the current school year which are not received prior to the end of the current school year. The District complies with and covenants to continue to comply with the revenue limits set forth in Sections 121.91 and 121.92, Wisconsin Statutes. 4. Form, Execution and Payment of Note; Disbursement Requests; Appointment of Acting Officers. The Note shall be issued as a master note and delivered to the Bank in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B-1 (the "Master Note"). Any disbursements under the Master Note shall be made pursuant to a disbursement request in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C-l (the "Disbursement Request"). The Master Note and any Disbursement Requests shall be executed on behalf of the District by the District President and District Clerk, or other authorized officer under Section 120.05, Wisconsin Statutes to sign on their behalf, sealed with its official or corporate seal, if any, and delivered to the Bank. A facsimile signature of either of the officers may be imprinted on the Master Note in lieu of the manual signature of such officer, but unless the District has contracted with a fiscal agent under Section 67.1 0(2), Wisconsin Statutes, at least one of the signatures shall be manual. In the event that any of the officers whose signatures appear on the Master Note shall cease to be such officers before the delivery of the Master Note or any Disbursement Request, such signatures shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for the purposes to the same extent as if they remained in office until such delivery. The Master Note and any Disbursement Request shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America by the District Clerk or District Treasurer. In accordance with Section 120.05(3), Wisconsin Statutes, the School Board hereby appoints the Vice President to discharge the duties of the President and anyone of the other School Board members to discharge the duties of the District Clerk as Acting Clerk in cOIUlection with the issuance of the Master Note and any Disbursement Request in the event the President andlor the District Clerk are unable to discharge such duties due to disability or absence. 5. Certification and Draw Request; Disbursement. The appropriate officers and agents are hereby authorized and directed to present any certifications or other documents requested by the Bank at the times amounts are borrowed pursuant to this Resolution. Each draw or disbursement under the Master Note shall be evidenced by a Disbursement Request to be delivered to the Bank. 6. Summary of Disbursements. The District hereby directs the Bank to keep a record of the amounts disbursed pursuant to this Resolution and any Disbursement Request on Exhibit 0-1 . 7. Conflicting Resolutions; Severability; Effective Date. All prior resolutions, rules or other actions of the School Board or any parts thereof in conflict with the provisions hereof shall be, and the same are, hereby rescinded insofar as the same may so conflict. In the event that anyone or more provisions hereof shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions hereof. The foregoing shall take effect immediately upon adoption and approval in the manner provided by law. Adopted and recorded this November 17,2014. By: Scott Rice District President (SEAL) And: David Strebe District Clerk SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACT 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR This SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACT ("Agreement") is entered into this 1l2!aay of '1l ~WoJ!f-, between the SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA (" District") and _NEW LONDON ASPHALT_ ("Contractor") . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the District wishe s to contract with a suitable Contractor for snow plowing; and WHEREAS, (New London Asphalt) has been selected as the Contractor to provide snow plowing services, and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Agreement is to outline the terms and condi tions of the Agreement between the parties. NOW, THEREFoRE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Scope of Services. Contractor, upon the conditions hereinafter set forth, agrees to perform snow plowing services at the following locations: 1. A. Little Wolf Jr'/Sr. High School, 515 E. 4th Street, Manawa WI, including: 1. All drives around build ing. 2. All parking lots. 3. All sidewalks, stairways, and entrance ways as per walk through. 4. All other areas as needed and requested . B. Manawa Elementary School, 800 Beech Street, Manawa WI, including: 1. All drives around building. All parking lots. 2. 3. All sidewalks, entrance ways, and pathways around building as per walk through . 4. All other areas as needed and requested. C. Bus Parking Lot Across from Manawa Elementary School (West of School) 1. Entire Parking Lot. D. Retired 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Elementary Building, 585 E. 4th Street, Manawa WI, includ ing: Drive on west side of building. Drive on south side of building as per walk through. All sidewalks, in front of and to the east of the building as per walk through. South entrances as per walk through . All other areas as needed and requested. 2. Time of Performance. Upon the accumulation of two (2) or more inches of snow, Contractor is required to remove snow from the areas described in paragraph 1, above . Snow removal of all areas described in paragraph 1, above, must be completed by 7:00 a.m. on school days. The Manawa Elementary School (sec. B) shall be the first school to be cleared, followed by the Little Wolf Jr./Sr. High School (sec. A), and then the Retired Elementary School (sec. C). Due to the presence of students, staff, vehicles, and other people and/or activities associated with the regular operation ofthe District's schools, all snow plowing activities must cease at 7:00 a.m. If two (2) or more inches of snow accumulate during the regular school day, Contractor will focus on the main entrances of the buildings in paragraph 1, sections A and B above for foot traffic, bus loading, and parking lot safety. All other remaining areas shall follow after school hours, unless instructed otherwise . If it snows during school hours and it is less than two (2) inches, the District staff will be responsible for the main entrances of the buildings in paragraph 1, sections A and B, unless instructed otherwise. In summary, the Contractor will monitor weather conditions and clear areas identified above in an appropriate and timely manner. If the District requires snow removal services on Saturdays, Sundays, vacation days, or holidays, the Contractor will follow the procedures for two (2) or more inches listed above; however, the time restriction of 7:00 a.m. will not be required, unless instructed otherwise due to a weekend activity being held at one of the buildings. The expectation is that the parking lots and the main entrances are to remain bare to minimize falls by staff, students, or any other persons that may be walking in the high traffic areas. 3. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall commence from the date the Agreement is signed for the 2014-2015 Budget Year. 4. Compensation . The District agrees to pay Contractor the contracted amount, described in the bid proposal (attachment 1) for services described above . 5. Payment. Invoices from Contractor must be submitted to the District Business Office to be processed . Contractor invoices for services must separately identify the portion of the bill attributed to work in the following areas: a. b. Snow Plowing Salting/Sanding If there is a dispute regarding se rvices on an invoice, payment will not be made until the dispute is resolved . 6. Insurance. Contractor shall procure, carry and maintain comprehensive general liability insu ra nce, which includes coverage for damage to or destruction of building, light poles, railings, curbs, car stops, fences, driveways, other vehicles, and any other school or personal property on site. Contractor shall also procure, carry and maintain automobile insurance on all vehicles performing the services described in paragraph 1, above . 7. Indemnity. Except as provided herein, Contractor shall indemn ify and hold harmless the District, and its officers, administrators, employees, volunteers and agents, from any and all damages, claims, lawsuits, demands and other actions resulting out of the performance of services described in paragraph 1 above, and from Contractor breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement. 8. Failure to Perform. Time is of the essence for Contractor's performance of its obligations under this Agreement. If Contractor fails to perform its snow removal services within the parameters established in paragraph 2 above, the District reserves the right to secure replacement snow removal services. If Contractor fails to perform within the parameters established in paragraph 2 above, Contractor shall be considered to be in default of this Agreement and subject to termination provisions set forth in paragraph 9 below. If the replacement snow removal services cost the District more than the Contractor would have charged for that work, the District may deduct any excess amounts paid from any payments then due and owed to Contractor. This provision in no way restricts or diminishes any other rights the District may have to enforce or seek relief for the breach ofthis Agreement. 9. Default and Termination. In the event either Party shall fail or refuse to satisfy their obligation set forth herein or otherwise breach the terms contained in this Agreement, the Party in question shall be in default, and the other party may terminate this Agreement, and all the rights of the Party in default under this Agreement shall cease. 10. Proper Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be deemed to be properly served by registered or certified mail to the last address previously furnished by the parties. Until changed by notice in writing, the notices shall be sent to the parties as follows: District: School District of Manawa 800 Beech Street Manawa WI 54949 920-596-2525 Vendor: New London Asphalt E5542 Butternut Ridge Road Weyauwega WI 54983 920-574-0592 Contact: Rod Johnson 11. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth all covenants, promises, agreements, conditions and understandings between the District and Contractor concerning snow removal services. There are no covenants, promises, agreements, conditions or understandings, either oral or written, between the Parties other than those contained in the Agreement that shall be binding upon the Parties unless reduced to writing and signed by them. 12. Assignment of Contract. It is agreed that Contractor shall not assign or transfer this contract, or sublet any part of the work embraced in it, without the prior written consent of the District. 13. Applicable Law. This Agreement, its validity, construction, enforcement, and performance shall be governed, in all respects, by the laws of the State of Wisconsin. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties he reto have caused this Agreement to be signed in their respective names or by their respective officers, as the case may be, on the date and year first written above. Printed Na e G " I ~ d{ll l'-fJtL it-ill 1/- 13 School District Manawa U Date 1+ Curriculum & Instruction Highlights October/November ACT Aspire testing for 9th graders was completed using the Chromebooks. Julie Vander Grinten, Lori Miller, and I proctored all sessions. The test went very smoothly and we had no technology issues. Results are expected in December. ACT Aspire assesses student readiness in English, math, reading, science, and writing. ACT Aspire is an online assessment in Wisconsin except for students who require accommodations through Braille, Large Print or American Sign Language who will take ACT Aspire in a paper and pencil format. I presented information about the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) at both the Manawa Elementary School and the Jr.lSr. High School. Teachers were surprised at the level of rigor in the SBA and the amount of keyboarding students will be expected to do. Everyone did a practice test and noted difficulties and ideas about how to prepare students for the spring, 2015 required exam. Tammy Sjoberg and I worked on developing a plan to implement a typing program for students in grades 2-6 . As part of the Smarter Balanced Assessment, students will need to key answers for this computer-based test. A group of teachers will assess 4 different programs as well as what we are currently using. We want students to begin learning keyboarding starting in January 2015. I met with each of 11 department groups at the Jr.lSr. High. We discussed the following: 1. What is the purpose of the curriculum? Is it obligatory or suggestive? 2. For whom is the curriculum written? 3. What must the design and review process be, given the purpose and audience? 4. Why do most curricula rarely get consulted? What must a curriculum entail for it to be more regularly used and more effective? 5. What role should textbooks/programs play and not play in the curriculum? This led to the introduction of Understanding by Design format for writing curriculum . It was agreed that the curriculum must be written and reviewed more regularly that has been past practice. We will be working toward linking our data and classroom observations to better teaching practices. I presented information about the Academy of Reading to both the Elementary and Jr.lSr. High staff at their staff meetings. We discussed the research behind the program , how it is implemented, and the results we are hopeful to see with this program. I attended Building Consultation Team (BCT) meetings at both the Jr.lSr. High and Elementary School. At both meetings we discuss student data and evaluate the whole student (behavior, attendance, classroom observations, with testing data) and build a plan for their individual learning. The Dynamic Learning Map assessment was completed by 2 of our students in the 9th grade as an alternate to the ACT Aspire . David Bessette had to watch 7 modules and pass a test for each before he was able to administer this exam . This is the alternate assessment that will be used for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The DLM allows students to show what they know in ways that traditional multiple-choice tests cannot. On October 23rd I attended the Gifted and Talented network meeting at CESA 6. In the future, we would like to develop a more comprehensive GIT plan for the District. PALS - Both the 4K and 5K classrooms have completed this test. This is a screener for "phonological awareness literacy." On Friday, October 31 st I met with the 6th grade teachers and Lori Loehr from CESA 6 to learn about Math Expressions implementation. Lori is a math coach and will be back on November 11th to follow-up with teachers in grades 4-6. I met with Dr. Oppor, Mr. Wolfgram , and Ms. Cordes to discuss the Wolf River Career Pathway. Because this program is in the development stages, we ended with more questions than answers . We will continue to define the role our district will playas part of this consortium . I met with the Sophomore class on Wednesday, October 29th to go over information about the WKCE test. The WKCE will only include sections on Science and Social Studies this year. Sophomores will take 2-25 minute exams for each subject area. This test will occur in the Commons on November 4th and all 10th graders will be tested from 8-10 am. The 4th and 8th grade students completed the Science and Social Studies WKCE tests . Both grade levels took 1-40 minute test in Science and 1-40 minute test in Social Studies. Both grade levels did those tests within their classrooms during instructional time . I am continuing to work on and amend the Academy of Reading and Math intervention program for the Jr./Sr. High. Jeff Bortle, Tracy Breaker, Jackie Gast, and Val Pari are the interventionists for the school and Sue Suehs is our progress monitor. We are determined to use this program with the fidelity that the EPS Company recommends to see the most gains from our students. The interventionists playa huge role in this process and I am thankful to have staff members available that are both trained and eager to meet student needs. Tammy Sjoberg and I are currently working on district plans for Rtl , K-8 Literacy, and staff professional development. They are all "works-in-progress" at this time . Su mmer Sch 2014 Summ ary Dear Members of the Manawa School Board : The last summer school class ended on August 15, 2014. Our coursework provided educational and enriching experiences for our children. We offered a variety of course options geared to various age groups. Over four hundred students participated in some part of the School District of Manawa's summer programming. This may have included a single course or multiple courses. Staff members, aides, substitutes, and a host of valuable support staff provided quality instruction. Once again we partnered with the City of Manawa, the Sturm Memorial Library, and the New London Municipal Pool to offer a well rounded summer experience. We organized this year's programming into two components. The majority of the courses were offered in June for a three week period. A few of the courses extended into July to accommodate the requirements of a particular course. The second component was scheduled in August for a two week period and was designed to help students prepare for the upcoming school year. Various camps also occurred throughout the summer, scheduled around access to facilities. Once again, I would like to personally thank Jeanne Frazier, who is the liaison for reporting course requirements and other data to the Department of Instruction, Angela Hanson and Dawn Bauer for handling the financial concerns. I would also like to extend a special thank you to Mrs. Sjoberg, Mr. Wolfgram, and the support staff of the MES and Little Wolf Jr. /Sr. High for hosting classes. Attached you will find a list of courses that were offered as well as a financial report based on the total number of minutes attended by our students. I hope that these summer experiences can continue in 2015. We need to continue to utilize the data collected throughout the year to design opportunities for children to be successful. I truly believe summer school courses help support our district goals. If you have any questions or concerns, I would be more than happy to respond to them. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Keller Summer School Coordinator School District of Manawa Summer School 2014 Coursework Arts Dimension Clay 1-3 Arts Dimension Clay 4-8 Arts Dimension Drawing 1-3 Arts Dimension Drawing 4-8 Band Instruction Basketball Instructional Skills 5K-2 Basketball Instructional Skills 3-5 Basketball Instructional Skills 6-9 Class Guitar 4-8 Class Piano3-7 Computer 3-4 Computer 5-8 Computer1-3 Cooking 5-7 Core Instruction Plato Section 9-12 Core Instruction Plato Section 9-12 Crafts Basketry 3-8 Drama Lights Camera Action 1-3 Drama Lights, Camera, Action 4-6 Drivers Education Fitness/Weightlifting High School/Middle History/Social Studies Mad Scientist 1-3 Mad Scientist 4-6 Math 1-2 Math 3-4 Math Math Math Math Logic/Problem Solving 4-8 Readiness 1-3 Readiness 4-6 Readiness 1-3 Math Readiness 4-6 Next Stop Kindergarten Outdoor Exploration 4-9 Reading 1-2 Reading 3-4 Reading 5-8 Reading Readiness 1-3 Reading Readiness 4-6 Remediation Skills 7-8 Rocketry Begin. Rocketry Inter. Safety Hunter Softball Instructional Skills- 12-14 Softball Instructional Skills- 9-11 Special Education Primary Special Education Secondary Sports Fund . 1-2 Sports/Leisure Fund.3-4 Sports/LeisureFund.5-8 Summer Agriculture Swimming Instruction I Swimming Instruction II T-Baliinstructional Skills Mon.,Tues.,Wed. TumblinglDance Volleyball Basics 10-12 Volleyball Basics 4-6 Volleyball Basics 7-9 Wrestling Basics K-3 Wrestling Basics 4-7 Wrestling Basics 8-12 Zumba Fitness/Recreation 3-6 Zumba Fitness/Recreation K-2 Financial Statement 2013-2014 Summer School REVENUE Fees $1,552 Revenue Limit $73,000 Total Revenue $74,552 'Revenue is based on the number of minutes attended by the students. EXPENSES Salaries $42,856 Benefits $5,887 Personal Service $7,632 Supplies $3,544 Total Expenses Gain I (loss) $59,919 $14,633 AGENDA SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE MEETING Date: November 7, 2014 Location: Meet at MES Front Lobby @ 4:00 p.m. With a Tour of Building Sites to Follow Time: 4:00 pm Board Committee Members: Johnson, Hebert, Hollman Timer: _ _ _ __ _ _ I. 2. Recorder: 0pt=oc Long Range Maintenance Plarming for Buildings & Grounds (site tour) Next Meeting Date Long Range Maintenance Planning for Building & Grounds Action Table oc.~i~ d",,, ...i;,<>ns S-'OO 2 LLUHS Next Meeling Date In Attendance: Veuiec.0 fI,o-t Sef; qdyyun, askeol-l:o Secure +u,-6l-lfU- de-6o. i{SBn s~ {;"op,osec/ ~ChI"' "",.,." , 'l-tt.ber--t , p ~ L Q (PY:.J Wd ,h fY ~ L.L Z/,-·f)CfJ-, S. Chair: Date: Signature Time: 2:,', a9J proje c6s emorandum To: Dr. Melanie Oppor From: Tammy Sjoberg Date: 11113 /2014 Re: Re-sale of recorders Each year, the School District of Manawa purchases recorders for music for students in third and fourth grades. The cost of the recorders is $5 and includes a storage case and neck strap. The recorders are purchased for re-sale to students who would like to have their own recorder for the Recorder unit. The purchase of the recorders is optional for parents and students. Students may also bring a recorder that is at home that may have been used by a sibling, or the elementary schoo l will provide a recorder to students for their use during this unit. 1