CitizenInformer2012 - Council of Conservative Citizens


CitizenInformer2012 - Council of Conservative Citizens
Citizens Informer
P.O. Box 221683
St. Louis, MO 63122
Vol. 45 No. 3 (Sept-Dec, 2012)
Address Service Requested
Citizens Informer
CofCC Statement of Principles
The American men and women who make up the Council of
Conservative Citizens (CofCC) believe in, commit themselves to,
and pledge to work for and support these fundamental principles
of American civilization, liberty, justice, and national safety:
(1) We believe the United States is a Christian country. We
believe that the United States of America is a Christian country,
that its people are a Christian people, and that its government and
public leaders at all levels must reflect Christian beliefs and values.
We therefore oppose all efforts to deny or weaken the Christian
heritage of the United States, including the unconstitutional prohibitions of prayers and other religious
expression in schools and other public
(2) We believe the United States is
a European country and that Americans are part of the European people.
We believe that the United States derives from and is an integral part of European civilization and the European
people and that the American people
and government should remain European in their composition and character. We therefore oppose the massive
immigration of non-European and
non-Western peoples into the United
States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European
majority in our lifetime. We believe that illegal immigration must
be stopped, if necessary by military force and placing troops on our
national borders; that illegal aliens must be returned to their own
countries; and that legal immigration must be severely restricted
or halted through appropriate changes in our laws and policies. We
also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote
non-white races over the European-American people through socalled “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of
the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races.
(3) The United States is a sovereign and independent nation.
We believe the United States is a sovereign and independent nation, that our independence as a nation is the most precious legacy
of our Founding Fathers, and that all treaties, agreements, conventions, international organizations, and institutions must recognize
and respect our national sovereignty and independence. We therefore oppose the so-called “New World Order” and its attempts to
abolish national sovereignty and independence and to construct a
one-world state in which America would vanish and Americans
would be enslaved. We call for the U.S. government to withdraw
from membership in the United Nations, the World Court, the
International Monetary Fund, NAFTA, and the World Trade Organization. We oppose any attempt to place American military
personnel under foreign command. We oppose any effort to place
Americans, military or civilian, on trial before, or subject them to
legal punishments by, international courts or organizations. We
oppose, and we support official U.S. renunciation of, any treaty,
agreement, or convention that seeks to dictate law to the United
States or any state, that violates national sovereignty, or denies or
violates the constitutional rights of Americans.
(4) The United States is a constitutional republic. We believe
the United States is a constitutional republic, governed by law and
by the original intent of the United States Constitution and of the
men who framed it. We believe the Constitution can be changed
only by the proper procedure of amendment or constitutional convention and not by court decision, popular majority, political whim,
or legislative fiat. We therefore oppose the “imperial judiciary” in
the U.S. Supreme Court and the federal courts that has usurped
more and more power to itself in the last century and has imposed
on our country the most odious and harmful rulings. We reject the
legitimacy and constitutionality of the
rulings handed down by the imperial
judiciary; we support the appointment
of judges and justices who are qualified to interpret the Constitution and
the laws and are committed to their
proper interpretation; and we support the impeachment of judges and
justices who usurp or claim powers
not granted them by the Constitution.
We also oppose the “imperial bureaucracy” that imposes unconstitutional
administrative decrees in such fields
as business, agriculture, labor, and
education that tyrannically interfere
with personal liberty and dignity, private property, the sanctity of
the family, and ethical conduct. We support the abolition of those
government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels that have
no constitutional foundation, including the U.S. Departments of
Education, Housing and Urban Development, Energy, Health and
Human Services, and similar agencies. We support the separation
of powers that is a fundamental principle of the U.S. Constitution
and of basic human liberty. We support the restoration of the constitutionally proper balance among the three branches of the federal government and the reduction of their powers, size, personnel,
and costs to the limits intended by the Constitution.
(5) We believe in States’ Rights, the Right to Keep and Bear
Arms, and the Bill of Rights. We believe in states’ rights, as guaranteed by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution;
in the individual right to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the
Second Amendment to the Constitution; and in all the rights and
liberties guaranteed by the body of the Constitution and the Bill of
Rights. We therefore oppose all efforts by the federal government
to dictate to the states and local governments and communities,
and we oppose federal efforts to engineer or impose behavior and
beliefs on citizens and communities. We oppose “gun control” in
all forms and demand that all such legislation and policies be repealed. We also oppose all such legislation as so-called “hate crime”
or “bias crime” laws. Such laws merely penalize thought and expression rather than genuinely criminal action and are a dangerous and
frightening step toward government Thought Control. Similarly,
we oppose all so-called “politically correct” speech codes and “sensitivity training” in schools, colleges, universities, and businesses
that punish free expression, restrict thought and study, intimidate
dissent, and generally demean and diminish human communications and community. We also op- Continued on page 35
Vol. 45 No. 3
Sept - Dec 2012
Newsstand: $2.50
Council of Conservative Citizens:
Fighting Back Against The Radical Left-Wing.
Why does the media hate
Golden Dawn? - Page 14
Jared Taylor goes to Australia
Page 30
Movie Review: Lincoln
Page 4
What does the Nation of Islam
believe? - Page 7
Puerto Rican Statehoood
Page 17
Gun Control? - Page 6
CofCC News - Page 10
Letters to the Editor - Page 26
Citizens Informer
Citizens Informer
Editorial Advisory Board
ISSN: 0887-3186
Sam G. Dickson, Esq.
Gordon L. Baum, Esq.
Brent Nelson, Ph.D.
Miles Wolpin, J.D. Ph.D.
Col. Robert L. Slimp, (Ret) M. Div.
Jared Taylor
P.O. Box 221683
St.Louis, MO 63122
In Memoriam:
Samuel Francis, Ph.D. Editor 99-05.
Fred C. Jennings founder.
Kyle Rogers
Brent Nelson, Ph.D.
Assistant Editor
The Citizens Informer contains a wide variety of views and
opinions. The views express in articles, letters, and advertised materials are those of the author or contributor and do
not necessarily represent the views of the editor, publisher,
or the Council of Conservative Citizens.
The Citizens Informer is published by the Tri-State Informer/CofCC.
Sidney Secular
Council News & LTE
Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln
Reviewed by Hunter Wallace
Is there anything new to say about Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln?
In my opinion, Lincoln is an excellent recruiting tool for
Southern Nationalism. There are times when the movie almost seems like a Hollywood cartoon of the Southern Nationalist worldview.
Lincoln opens with a horrific battle
scene. The White Republic has disintegrated. United States Colored Troops
wearing the Union blue are bayoneting
helpless Confederates. In the end of the
scene, the film zooms in on a black soldier with his boot on the face of a drowning White Confederate soldier.
After the battle, Lincoln congratulates
the superior black soldiers in person for
slaying all the inept White Confederates.
They pepper him with questions about
the persistence of racism and segregation in the Union Army. Two White Union
soldiers then give a rendition of the Gettysburg Address.
Right from the outset, I knew that I was
going to be treated to another comic
book version of Abraham Lincoln. There
is no evidence that Lincoln ever personally met with U.S. Colored Troops on the
battlefield or that he would have been serenaded with the
Gettysburg Address which didn’t take on its present historical importance until the twentieth century.
The whole plot of the film revolves around an angelic Lincoln using his political skills – lying, dissembling, and bribery – to personally engineer the passage of the Thirteenth
Amendment before the Confederacy can surrender and the
ex-Confederates return to Congress and block the abolition
of slavery.
In order to do this, Lincoln must convince conservative
Republicans led by Francis Blair that he seeks peace with
the Confederacy, temper the rhetoric of the Radical Republican wing led by Thaddeus Stevens, and win the support
of twenty racist lame duck Democrats
while keeping the Confederate peace
commissioners at bay.
According to historian Thomas J.
DiLorenzo, none of it is true:
“It never happened according to the
foremost authority on Lincoln among
mainstream Lincoln scholars, Harvard
University Professor David H. Donald,
the recipient of several Pulitzer prizes for
his historical writings, including a biography of Lincoln. David Donald is the preeminent Lincoln scholar of our time who
began writing award-winning books on
the subject in the early 1960s. On page
545 of his magnus opus, Lincoln, Donald notes that Lincoln did discuss the
Thirteenth Amendment with two members of Congress – James M. Ashley of
Ohio and James S. Rollins of Missouri.
But if he used “means of persuading congressmen to vote
for the Thirteeth Amendment,” the theme of the Spielberg
movie, “his actions are not recorded. Conclusions about the
President’s role rested on gossip . . .”
Moreover, there is not a shred of evidence that even
one Democratic member of Congress changed his vote on
the Thirteenth Amendment Continued from page 4
(which had previously been defeated) because of Lincoln’s righteous Yankees.
actions. Donald documents that Lincoln was told that some
Much of the conflict in Lincoln centers on the rivalry and inNew Jersey Democrats could possibly be persuaded to vote fighting between the Northern sub-nations in the Republicanfor the amendment “if he could persuade [Senator] Charles controlled Congress: conservative Republicans who come
Sumner to drop a bill to regulate the Camden & Amboy [New from Union Greater Appalachia and Copperhead Democrats
Jersey] Railroad, but he declined to intervene“ (emphasis from Union Greater Appalachia and New Netherland oppose
added). “One New Jersey Democrat,” writes David Donald, the Thirteenth Amendment and support a negotiated truce
“well known as a lobbyist for the Camden & Amboy, who with the Confederacy.
had voted against the amendment in July, did abstain in the
Fernando Wood of New York City and George Pendleton of
final vote, but it cannot be proved that Lincoln influenced Ohio accuse Thaddeus Stevens and the Black Republicans
his change“ (emphasis added). Thus, according to the fore- of conspiring to dramatically change America. They accuse
most authority on Lincoln, there is no evidence at all that Stevens of believing in literal racial equality and predict that
Lincoln influenced even a single vote in the U.S. House of abolition will inevitably lead to all kinds of other evils. The
Representatives, in complete contradiction of the writings of House erupts in outrage and Stevens is forced to humiliate
the confessed plagiarist Doris Kearns-Goodwin and Steven himself and dissemble to pass the bill.
Spielberg’s movie (See my review of Goodwin’s book, enStephen F. Hale nailed it in his letter to the Governor of
titled “A Plagiarist’s Contribution to Lincoln Idolatry”).”
By the way, some people will be disappointed to learn the
real Abraham Lincoln wasn’t a “vampire hunter” either.
In the Spielberg movie, Lincoln the atheist is bathed in light
as church bells ring and Washington erupts in celebration
after the House of Representatives passes the Thirteenth
Amendment. Lincoln’s son Tad is a negrophile obsessed
with glass negatives of slaves. This is also pure fiction.
The Confederates exist mostly as props in the background
of this insufferable Judeo-Yankee morality tale: as piles of
dead bodies, as bayoneted victims of righteous black soldiers, as peace commissioners intimidated by glowering
black soldiers. The one exception is Vice President Alexander Stephens who is given a handful of lines toward the end
of the movie.
In his confrontation with Lincoln, Alexander Stephens asks
“how many hundreds of thousands have died during your
administration” and “have you conquered us with ballots”
and asserts “your democracy is held together by bayonets
and cannonade.” Lincoln responds with another incomprehensible abstract digression into the true meaning of “democracy.”
The Yankees we encounter in Lincoln unwittingly conform
to the traditional Southern stereotype: moralizing fanatics
who use violence to force the real world to conform to their
insane abstractions, corrupt party hacks gorging themselves
at the trough of federal patronage, and negrophiles who will
tolerate any evil so long as they can bask in the approval of
smiling, helpless black people.
After Ulysses S. Grant informs Lincoln that he believes the
Confederates genuinely want peace, Lincoln cites Euclid to
demonstrate the existence of human equality (in reality, the
Ancient Greeks enslaved their barbarian inferiors like the
Confederates) and telegraphs a message to Grant to continue the war.
At the end of the movie, Thaddeus Stevens is shown taking
the actual bill that abolished slavery home where he presents it as a gift to his black housekeeper before the crawls
into bed with her. Earlier in his meeting with Lincoln, the
same vindictive, bloodthirsty Stevens described his Carthaginian plan to strip the Confederates of all their property
and repopulate the defeated South with free negroes and
“But, it is said, there are many Constitutional, conservative men at the North, who sympathize with and battle for
us. That is true; but they are utterly powerless, as the late
Presidential election unequivocally shows, to breast the tide
of fanaticism that threatens to roll over and crush us. With
them it is a question of principle, and we award to them all
honor for their loyalty to the Constitution of our Fathers.
But their defeat is not their ruin. With us it is a question of
self-preservation — our lives, our property, the safety of our
homes and our hearthstones — all that men hold dear on
earth, is involved in the issue.
If we triumph, vindicate our rights and maintain our
institutions, a bright and joyous future lies before us. … If
we fail, the light of our civilization goes down in blood, our
wives and our little ones will be driven from their homes by
the light of our own dwellings. The dark pall of barbarism
must soon gather over our sunny land, and the scenes of
West India emancipation, with its attendant horrors and
crimes (that monument of British fanaticism and folly), be
re-enacted in our own land upon a more gigantic scale.”
The late presidential election of 2012 shows that nothing
much has changed in 150 years and the stakes are exactly
the same as they were back then.
The “tide of fanaticism that threatens to roll over and crush
us” is still emanating from the Northeast. There are still outnumbered conservatives like Wood and Pendleton fighting
a rear guard action behind Union lines against the same fanatics who are desperately trying to sink “our sunny land”
beneath the dark pall of Third World barbarism.
Fernando Wood’s “Emperor Abrahamus Africanus the First”
has been reincarnated as Barack Hussein Obama. In 1860
and 1864, the White majority in New England voted for Abraham Lincoln. In 2008 and 2012, they turned out again as a
solid phalanx for Barack Obama.
America has now failed twice. Lincoln is the latest film that
shows White Southerners exist in this Union only to be denigrated and destroyed. It is time to secede and create something new.
America’s Coming Gun War
Citizens Informer
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Eight days after the massacre of 20 first-graders at Sandy
Hook Elementary, where each child was shot with a Bushmaster .223, The Nation’s Gun Show, the biggest east of the
Mississippi, opened.
“A line already snaked around the building shortly after the
three-day event began at 3 p.m., and the parking lot was
jammed” at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Va., wrote
Justin Jouvenal of The Washington Post:
“With an AK-47 slung over one shoulder, Marco Hernandez
offered one word when asked why he was in the overflow
crowd at the gun show.”
“Obama,” he said. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the
possible gun ban.”
And this is the story across America since Sandy Hook.
The weapon most in demand at Chantilly?
The AR-15 black rifle, a version of which was used to
slaughter the innocents in Newtown. At Chantilly, their price
doubled in hours to $1,800. Gun stores have sold out their
Yet for weeks after Sandy Hook, journalists and politicians
from the president to Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who were
making the case for a new assault weapons ban, dominated
the airwaves. Those calling for reinstatement of the ban that
was in effect from 1994 to 2004 had the national audience
almost entirely to themselves.
The National Rifle Association was largely silent. Not until nine days after Newtown did the NRA‘s Wayne LaPierre
appear on “Meet the Press” to be subjected to hostile interrogation.
Yet, from the record gun sales in December, and 2012
— there were 16.8 million calls to the FBI for background
checks for gun purchases last year — the elites have lost the
argument with the audience that counts. They have failed to
convince those who buy guns.
Just as East Berliners, before the Wall was built, voted
with their feet, fleeing west, Americans are voting with their
checkbooks, paying hundreds and thousands of dollars to
buy the guns liberals loathe.
The reflexive response of the gun controllers is to blame
this on that malevolent force, the gun lobby, at whose apex
is the NRA.
But those crowds coming to gun shows in droves and buying semi-automatics are not there because the NRA issued
some order.
Today, we Americans are a far more heavily armed people
than half a century ago. Forty-seven percent of adult males
own a firearm. There are 270 million rifles, shotguns and
pistols in private hands.
Are they for hunting? Not according to the Financial Times.
“The number of hunters fell from 16.6 million in 1975 to
12.5 million in 2006, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Service.” That number will continue to shrink as America’s
suburbs further encroach on rural areas, limiting hunting
grounds and reducing game.
The FT notes that Freedom Group, owner of Bushmaster,
has estimated that while “total sales of long guns to U.S.
consumers rose at an annual rate of just 3 percent during
2007-2011, modern sporting rifles grew at an annual rate of
27 percent.” Last year, sporting rifle sales doubled.
The number of rifles like the AR-15 in private hands has
probably tripled since the assault weapons ban expired. The
NRA‘s David Keene estimates the number now at above 3
Who owns these weapons?
Half are owned by veterans and cops. Writes Keene:
“Nearly 90 percent of those who own an AR-15 use it for
recreational target shooting; 51 percent of AR owners are
members of shooting clubs and visit the range regularly; the
typical AR owner is not a crazed teenage psychopath, but a
35-plus-year-old, married and has some college education.”
These figures suggest that a successful effort to restrict the
sale and transfer of “assault rifles” will, as did the Volstead
Act and Prohibition, drive the market underground, create
lawbreakers out of folks who are law-abiding and send the
AR-15 price further skyward.
Many gun controllers not only do not understand what motivates those who disagree with them, they do not like them,
reflexively calling them gun nuts, a reaction as foolish as it is
arrogant and bigoted.
For given the loosening of gun laws at the state level in recent years, the gun controllers no longer have the numbers
to impose their will on the folks who have a love for, or feel
a need for, guns.
To most Americans, an armed guard in a school is a good
idea in our too-violent nation. Most Americans realize that
when shooting breaks out in a gun-free zone — a school,
movie theater, mall — the first call goes to 911 to get cops
with Glocks and a SWAT team with black rifles there as soon
as possible.
Most folks understand why air marshals on planes might
have to be armed. Most folks know that the people running
up the death toll in murder capitals like Chicago are not using AR-15s. And many Americans yet accept that in the last
analysis it is a man’s duty to be the defender and protector
of his wife and children.
Human nature will ultimately triumph over ideology.
Nation of Islam; Undermining race relations in America.
by Kyle Rogers
will burn America with fire and the white race will be exterminated from North America. He says that eventually all white
people will be exterminated from the earth.
Also available online with with extensive links to all
The NOI surged during the 50s and early 60s with a charsources.
ismatic spokesman named Malcom X. However, after Malcom X visited Mecca, he split with the Nation of Islam. He
“America must be burned” - Louis Farrakhan, 2008
said that he had met “white Arabs” and decided that not all
“By devil, we mean the Caucasian people” - Louis Far- white people were bad. He was gunned down in a crowded
rakhan, 1989
Mosque shortly after.
The son of Elijah Muhammad, Warith Deen Muhammad,
The Nation of Islam [NOI] is a large religious cult that took over the NOI for one year after his father’s death. His
forms the core of the American “Black Power” movement. father had excommunicated him repeatedly for disputing the
They own several large properties that form their regional divinity of Wallace Fard, but always let him back in. In 1976
headquarters. They run numerous Mosques and business- Warith Muhammad renounced NOI theology and led a group
es around the nation. They even
of NOI followers in a mass conhave several black only schools
version to Sunni Islam. He forthat receive taxpayer support.
mally disbanded the NOI.
Prior to the US war on Libya,
Louis Farrakhan started a new
they had a major foreign sponNOI with himself as the leader.
sor. The man whom Obama deFarrakhan is usually accused of
scribes as his “mentor” is closely
being behind the murder of Maltied to the group. Major black cecolm X. In 1993, Farrakhan gave
lebrities, such as Snoop Dogg,
a speech in which he appears to
Ice Cube, and Dave Chapelle
accept responsibility for and jusare members.
tifies the killing on Malcolm X for
The NOI was founded by Wal“treason.”
lace Fard. He was born in Ha- Al Sharpton is a supporter of National of Islam
Farrakhan is well known for his
waii to a white father and a Hatheology. He has also publically supported the belief in UFOs. He says “they
waiian Native mother. He was
follow me wherever I go.” FarNew Black Panther Party
also a convicted drug dealer. He
rakhan claims that a giant ship
started the NOI in Detroit in 1929 and claimed to be a proph- known as “the mother plane” is orbiting the earth. He says
et of Allah. He vanished in 1934, and was never seen again. it was built by black people before the creation of the white
Elijah Muhammad took over the NOI. He “revealed” to fol- race. Sitting on top of the mother plane is New Jerusalem.
lowers that Wallace Fard had been Allah, and that Fard had Inside the giant ship are1,500 UFO bombers. These bombleft in a space ship. Today the NOI teaches that Fard was ers will destroy the United States military and aid in the exthe “Grand Mahdi” of Islam and was “all knowing.” Fard, ac- termination of all white people.
cording to NOI, was “an Arab from Mecca.” NOI teaches that
​Farrakhan has his own uniformed elite guard known as the
Elijah Muhammad was a prophet of Allah.
“Fruit of Islam.” They are sometimes seen wearing matching
Muhammad wrote several books, which the NOI treats as suits with bowties and sometime in matching uniforms with
holy books. His book Message to the Black Man explains “FOI” on their hats.
the origin of the races. The entire book can be read online.
There are numerous groups associated with the NOI. One
is the 5% Nation of Gods and Earths. This is an NOI splinter
It says that black people were building space ships be- group that also counts major black celebrities as members.
fore the creation of white people.
Rap stars Busta Rhymes, Nas, and the members of WuWhite people were created by an evil wizard 6,000 years Tang Clan belong to the 5% Nation.
However, the most high profile group is the New Black PanWhite people are literally devils and demons.
ther Party [NBPP]. The NBPP advocates NOI theology and
Monkeys, Dogs, and Swine are descended from white calls Louis Farrakhan their “spiritual father.” The group was
taken over by Dr. Khallid Muhammed in the 90s. He was the
Black people taught white people how to walk on two legs former National Youth Minister of the NOI. Its current leader
and be civilized.
is Malik Zulu Shabazz, who says “there is no division beWhite people have tormented black people relentlessly tween the NBPP and the NOI.”
since their creation.
Khallid Muhammed called himself “Farrakhan’s Flamethrower” and was notorious for violent rhetoric. Numerous
Elijah Muhammad also wrote Fall of America. This book leaders of the NBPP have been recorded calling for violent
details an apocalyptic race war. Muhammad says that Allah race war. The groups claims Continued on page 9
Citizens Informer
The “secret” pro-gun clause hidden in Obamacare
If Obama orders a forced gun registration, he may be violating his
own health care reform law.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) was trying to reduce
opposition to Obamacare by inserting favors into the 2,800 pages.
In order to keep the NRA from entering the debate Reid added this
gun rights clause.
Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used to maintain
records of individual ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.
and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)
(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to–
premium rate may not be increased, health insurance
coverage may not be denied, and a discount, rebate, or
reward offered for participation in a wellness program
may not be reduced or withheld under any health
benefit plan issued pursuant to or in accordance with
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an
amendment made by that Act on the basis of, or on
reliance upon–
(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully-possessed firearm or
ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual;
(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual.
(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm
or ammunition; or
(B) the lawful use or storage of a firearm or ammunition.
authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall
be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any
information relating to–
shall be required to disclose any information under
any data collection activity authorized under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act relating to–
Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c.:
(c) Protection of Second Amendment Gun Rights.–
(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition;
(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or
(C) the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition.
of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that
(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm
or ammunition; or
(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm
or ammunition.
COFCC CELT FEST 2013 - Highland Games
April 27th
Continued from page 7 that it is involved in paramilitary training. Despite their
I know that Farrakhan is your baby Jesus
rhetoric, the group has no problem getting black celebrities
devil don’t you know I’m a soldier?
to associate with them
Al Sharpton spoke at a NBPP rally in Harlem in 1998. Rap
now it’s Judgement Day, and Allah’ll never play
star Master P provided financial support for the rally. In 2010,
“freedom got an AK,” them Guerilla say
grammy winning pop star Andre 3000 spoke at a NBPP conBobby Seale said, “please make it rough, bro” [Bobby
ference in Atlanta, GA. Former US congresswoman Cynthia Seal was a Black Panther Leader]
McKinney also spoke at the 2010 conference and has nuwhen God give the word, me herd like the buffalo [Waiting
merous connections to the group.
for a sign to begin murdering white people]
There are also associated groups. Rev. Jeremiah Wright,
through your neighborhood, watch me blast
who Obama calls his “mentor,” has close ties to the NOI.
tribe of Shabazz, get in that ass [Tribe of Shabazz are the
Wright studied Islam in college. His masters’ degree is in Is- original black people in NOI theology]
lam, not Christianity. He preaches something he calls “Black
Liberation Theology.” Christianity is second to the goal of
sent me a subpoena
“Black Liberation.” Wright is a follower of James Cones, who
cause I kill more crackas then Bosnia, Herzegovina
started Black Liberation Theology and wrote Black Theol...
ogy and Black Power. Malcolm X is widely credited as being
now you treat me like a germ
Cone’s biggest inspiration.
cause your scared of the super sperm
Wright is part of Louis Farrakhan’s inner circle and accomplease don’t bust til you see, the whites of his eyes
panied Farrakhan to meet Libyan dictator Muammar Gadthe whites of his skin, the whites of his lies
dafi twice.
There are also multiple “Jewish” versions of the NOI. The
Ice Cube brought the Nation of Islam, and its belief in an
Black Hebrew Israelites and the Nation of Yahweh are apocalyptic race war, into the homes of an entire generation
militant Black Power religious cults based around Judaism of black youth.
instead of Islam or Christianity. Members of the Nation of
Nation of Islam theology has inspired atrocities. The San
Yahweh have been convicted of fourteen murders in Florida. Fransisco Bay area “Zebra Killers” are among the most proThese groups preach that blacks are “God’s Chosen Peo- lific serial killers in US history. They were a group of NOI folple,” and that an apocalyptic race war is coming.
lowers who wanted to start the race war early. They formed a
The greatest proliferators of NOI theology, including its be- cell called the “Black Angels of Death.” They awarded points
lief in a race war, are black celebrities in the hip hop and for killing white people. Several members eventually went to
ganster rap music genres. The greatest offender is prob- prison for the murder of twelve whites, and several attemptably rap star and actor Ice Cube. Not only did he place NOI ed murders, during 1973 and 1974. However, local police
theology and race war lyrics in many songs, he gravitated believed them to be responsible for many more.
towards the most extreme personalities. In the early 90s,
Retired SFPD Lt. Lou Calabro was an officer who inveshe brought then NOI Nation Youth Minister Dr. Khallid Mu- tigated the Zebra Killers. I brought him to speak in Greenhammad into the recording studio. He recorded voice overs ville, SC back in 2007. He said that police believe the Zebra
of Khallid making derogatory statements about white people Killers claimed seventy two victims or more. In 2011, three
for at least two of his albums. Both albums reached #1 on more Nation of Islam followers were convicted for three murthe R&B/HipHop charts and reached #2 and #5 on the Bill- ders. One was a random white man. The triggerman was an
board 200.
admirer of the Zebra Killers and wanted to “earn his death
In the song “Enemy,” Ice Cub lays out the NOI belief in a wings.” Another victim was a black newspaper editor they
coming race war. It starts off with a voice over from Khallid accused of being a race traitor.
Muhammad calling white people “the enemy” and calling the
One of the DC snipers was a former member of Farrakhan’s
rhetoric of Martin Luther King “sick.” The following are some “Fruit of Islam.” In fact, he served as a bodyguard to Louis
lyrics from the song.
Farrakhan during the “Million Man March.”
​The Nation of Islam presents a serious problem for US race
​bust a gloc, bust a gloc, devils get shot [“devils” means relations. Since race war is a religious tenet, the group must
white people]
show that race relations are getting worse. If race relations
nappy-headed, no-dreded look where ya read it
improved, it would undermine the group’s theology.
​ uck the devil, buck the devil, look who said it
Farrakhan recently concluded a speaking tour. He hinted
listen what I say after 1995 not one devil will be alive
that the prophesied race war is coming. At the University of
god will survive, him protect the civilized [“civilized” Arkansas he said that he knew how long white people “were
means a black Muslim]
set to live.” Then he said “unless you [white people] change,
who really cares if the enemy lives or dies?
your end has come.” At another speech he stated “let me
acquaint you [America] with your destruction.”
with the boom ping ping is the ring from the fire
It looks like a “post-racial” America is a long way off.
me not afraid, cause me know Elijah [Elijah Muhammad,
prophet in the NOI]
Citizens Informer
Birmingham Begins Year Long “Celebration,”
But What Is There To Celebrate?
by Paul Kersey
2013 is a most fortuitous year for a resurgent American,
authentic nationalism, the type that the Council of Conservative Citizens has long championed. It is, after all, the 50th
anniversary of the events in Birmingham in 1963; the year
Bull Connor, water cannons, and vicious dogs were packaged as the last vestiges of dying way of life – the American
way of life.
Think about it, but for Birmingham, would we have watched
Watts, Rochester, Detroit, and Newark go up in flames by,
what Life magazine dubbed, the “Negro Revolt”? Had the
events of Birmingham transpired differently, would the Western World have… capitulated?
It is one city, and the events of 1963 in particular, that have
been used to promote the radical transformation of America
--- the ghosts of Birmingham haunt America, allowing the
man that Time magazine calls the “Architect of a New America” to engineer dramatic changes to the country.
In Barnett Wright’s book 1963: How the Birmingham Civil
Rights Movement Changed America and the World, he
On January 1, 1964, The Birmingham news published
a nearly 6,000 word front-page editorial reflecting on
the “Trials and Blessings of 1963,” in which the newspaper asked future generations:
“Did the older folks make the tough but right decisions in 1963 – did they carry them out in year after
year that followed? Did we serve you youngsters –
our children – by putting you ahead of our personal
wishes or prejudices or desire? Did we pay the price
for your future?
Fifty year later, the verdict is in.
Since 1963, Birmingham has elected four black mayors, appointed three black police chiefs, and installed
seven black school superintendents. Still, much work
remains to be in the city according to Edward Shannon LaMonte – retired Birmingham Southern College
professor – and others.
“Prejudice and social injustice still exist in this city,
and they play a role in terms of the opportunities people enjoy today,” said Jefferson County Circuit Judge
Helen Shores Lee. “Jim Crow laws may not exist anymore, but the spirit of Jim Crow is alive and well, primarily due to institutional racism, which often make it
difficult for us [sic] recognize it and root it out.
Birmingham today is 74 percent black; the Birmingham City
Council (of which only two of the nine members are white),
when they weren’t banning Title Loan or Payday Stores from
opening in the city, was entertaining Trayvon Martin’s parents and making him an honorary citizen.
This is the Birmingham of 2012, a city rated as the seventh
most dangerous in America by the FBI for violent crime –-which is defined as murder and non-negligent manslaughter,
forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
Birmingham reported 1,483 violent crimes per 100,000
The city also reported 853 forcible rapes per 100,000 people. The national average is 26.8 forcible rapes for 100,000
It was in 2010 that Winnie Mandela, longtime bride to
known Communist Nelson Mandela, compared the struggle in Birmingham to the struggle against Apartheid rule in
South Africa.
Much like South Africa under black political control, Birmingham has completely collapsed with the absence of white
people in government positions and in creating an economy
capable of producing tax revenue to keep the city afloat.
No story can quite describe what life is like in a 74 percent
black city - with a city government that is almost completely
black in every level and department – like the tale of a city
council ban on the issuing of business permits to new title
loan or pawn shops. Joseph Bryant of the Birmingham News
reported on September 12, 2011 [Birmingham council may
block title, payday loan businesses]:
The rising number of check-cashing, title loan and payday lending businesses along Birmingham streets could
be halted if the City Council approves a proposed moratorium on the companies.
Birmingham has been inundated with businesses that
strangle residents financially, stifle other economic development opportunities and must be controlled, said Councilwoman Lashunda Scales, who proposed the ordinance
that appears on Tuesday’s council agenda.
Scales is chairwoman of the council’s economic development committee, which recently endorsed the measure.
“Our desire as a city is to attract healthy communityfriendly businesses to all parts of the city,” Scales said.
“We want to bring in businesses that create wealth and
create prosperity and not take away from it.”
Scales said a drive along the city’s main thoroughfares
quickly illustrates the proliferation of the businesses her
ordinance is targeting.
“The excessive concentration of these types of businesses within the territorial confines of the Birmingham city limits effectively limits the ability of the city of Birmingham
to attract various and different types of businesses which
would conform to the city’s long-range comprehensive
land use plan,” the ordinance reads.
Such is life in 2012 Birmingham where that ban on title loan
and pawnshops was just recently extended.
You see, all white people, re-
Continued on page 16
horror visited upon their
victims, but also that ultimately done to themselves.
by Earl P. Holt III
Fourth, the CLM and
their co-conspirators in
When the Corrupt Leftist Media engage in a predictable the entertainment industry
“feeding frenzy” following each tragic school shooting inci- and the public education
dent, they have one purpose in mind, and it doesn’t involve swindle have bombarded
sympathy for the victims: Their agenda is to promote gun middle-class white kids
control upon a shocked and horrified nation, too numb to with the message that
their culture is “unjust”
It is doubly ironic, however, that the Corrupt Leftist Media and evil and, moreover,
(CLM) and their allies are, themselves, partly culpable for that they are somehow
most of these violent incidents, whose perpetrators are im- responsible for the intelmune to any kind of gun control legislation, but not to the lectual and moral failings
verminous influences of the CLM and other leftists.
of other races.
First, even unreasonable people should now recognize
For example, ALL
that when the CLM collaborate to make a tragic incident whites are expected to accept guilt for the institution of chatlike a school shooting the lead story for weeks on end, they tel slavery – practiced by about 8 percent of the U.S. popugreatly increase the likelihood that some other, equally dis- lation during the 18th and 19th Centuries – yet, America’s
turbed and violent narcissist will eventually repeat the sce- blacks are NOT expected to acknowledge collective guilt
nario in order to lay claim to his own 15 minutes of infamy… for the staggering levels of black crime and violence which
The day before their treachery in 1999, the two misan- overwhelm our criminal justice system.
thropes responsible for the carnage at Columbine High in
In addition to this societal “guilt-trip,” white kids are also
Littleton, Colorado had the audacity to record a videotape in indoctrinated with the notion that they should never take
which they spoke of their own immortality and “fame,” and pride in their own race or culture, although every other dein which they recommended Hollywood directors to make mographic group is encouraged to do so.
the movie of their lives! Clearly, the notoriety generated by
White kids feel alienated by a culture in which they have
the CLM’s coverage of such events is appealing to certain become second-class citizens -- through no fault of their own
deranged adolescents.
-- and in which those in authority appear singularly intent
Secondly, prolonged exposure to violent images in the en- on censoring any expression of white cultural pride. Indeed,
tertainment industry – particularly television, movies, video most whites in authority seem genuinely incapable of recgames and “rap” music – desensitizes impressionable youth ognizing the virtues of their own culture, even as they heap
to violence and murder.
effusive praise on every Third World dung-hole, struggling to
After one has “vaporized” thousands of video enemies, or achieve the cultural triumphs of “Neanderthal Man.”
cheered the slaughter of legions in the latest toxic release
Fourth, as part of the “feel-good” egalitarianism taught in
by Hollywood Shylocks, it is a very brief and easy transition most schools, kids are also indoctrinated with the notion that
to the three-dimensional world of one’s perceived enemies. “all people are the same except for trivial differences in skin
Yet, it is the left who hide behind the First Amendment in color.”
defense of these violent images, even as they hypocriticalEven kids can see through this lie: It doesn’t require proly advocate eliminating the Second Amendment’s Right to longed exposure to the black race to realize that profound
Bear Arms.
intellectual and moral differences exist between blacks and
Additionally, the influence of leftist psycho-babble -- such whites, which dwarf whatever differences may remain reas the so-called “death studies” curriculum -- should not be garding skin color.
underestimated as a catalyst in school shootings.
Kids experience what psychologists call “cognitive dissoThanks to Phyllis Schlafly’s EDUCATION REPORTER, nance” when they gain real-life experience with the black
we now know that Littleton, Colorado public schools were race, and ultimately realize that much of the alleged truths
pioneers in implementing a “death” curriculum: And, while it they have been force-fed as “gospel,” are actually baldmay pose little risk to well-adjusted students, there is good faced lies.
reason to assume that more maladjusted types can become
Nevertheless, they are expected to pay homage to such
dangerously obsessed with the subject
lies all their lives, or else be shunned by so-called “polite”
Most teenagers and young adults have little conception society. This generates no small amount of confusion and
of their own mortality. Indeed, it is probably fair to say that alienation.
until one has lost a parent, spouse or close family member,
Finally, it is an empirical fact that violent criminals prefer
death remains a mere abstraction and its finality underap- unarmed victims. This fact is reflected in the work of Profespreciated.
sor Gary Kleck of Florida State University, who has demMany school shootings are actually murder-suicides, onstrated that between one million and two million violent
whose perpetrators not only appear to misunderstand the felonies per year are deterred Continued on page 12
Citizens Informer
by armed citizens merely displaying a firearm.
Consular personnel had made multiple frantic requests for
Yet, nowhere in the U.S. is there a more disarmed and additional security for several months prior to the incident,
vulnerable group of potential victims than in our schools. only to see these requests rejected each time by the Obama
Schools stand as an open invitation to any disturbed and Administration.
violent predator.
In addition to the absence of an armed Marine Guard, a
However, the very leftist dolts and bed-wetters who now 16-Man security team at the consulate was disbanded and
wring their hands over school shootings are the same peo- sent home approximately a month before the attack. Even
ple who would shriek the loudest if a select number of school the Libyan “Government” (whatever that means) repeatedly
officials were permitted to arm themselves, in what would be warned U.S. officials of threats to the Consulate by radical,
the single, most effective means of deterring future incidents terrorist elements.
of such violence.
We have also learned that much of the assault on the
As the left has done so frequently in other contexts, in the Consulate was viewed by the National Security Agency
case of school shootings, they propose solutions that cannot and State Department in “real time” -- thanks to our drone
work to resolve problems they, themselves have created and technology -- but no forces were scrambled in an attempt
at a rescue mission. Even though the drones were armed,
and could have thwarted the attack as soon as they were in
range, they were never used, either.
These facts lead to the unavoidable conclusion that a terrorist assault on the Consulate in Benghazi was both inevitable and eminently predictable. Indeed, it was probably
INVITED: What was not anticipated was that Ambassador
by Earl P. Holt III
Stevens and three others would be killed, rather than merely
taken hostage.
The September 11th siege of our Benghazi Consulate -Second, it explains the Obama Administration’s motive.
in which U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others The attack on an American Consulate and the capture of
were murdered by Islamic terrorists – may well have been Consular Personnel would have afforded the Bolshevik-inthe Obama Administration’s attempt to generate an “Octo- Chief an opportunity to negotiate with Libyan Authorities for
ber Surprise.” Like everything else Barack Hussein Obama their release. (Don’t forget: Obama supplied military equipand his minions have attempted,
ment and some intelligence to
it went awry with catastrophic rethe Libyan “rebels,” so they are
indebted to him for their coup.)
I believe this theory explains all
With the assistance of the Corof the currently available facts
rupt Leftist Media in the United
better than any other, and is
States, any successes would
eminently plausible: It is exactly
have been portrayed as the
the sort of ploy the Obama Adgreatest humanitarian effort
ministration would use as a tacsince the Normandy Invasion,
tical diversion upon finding itself
and would probably have enin a tight re-election campaign.
sured an Obama landslide and a
(Even Obama didn’t expect to
second Nobel Peace Prize. His
win re-election, if his uninspired
triumphant return would have
performance in the first televised
dwarfed Julius Caesar’s return to
Presidential Debate is any indiRome from the Gallic Wars.
Third, it explains the puzzling
The possibility that the Benghazi incident was orchestrated blizzard of lies in the aftermath of the attack. This theory also
by Bolsheviks and other traitors in the Administration helps explains why key administration figures -- such as President
explain another curiosity: The glaring absence of any other Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Chief Prevaricaevent that might have served the Obama Campaign as an tor Jay Carney and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice -- stuck
“October Surprise.”
to their puzzling narrative about “spontaneous” demonstraThe fact that no other crisis was exploited by the Adminis- tions, while attributing the entire incident to a phony antitration speaks volumes, especially for a political party heav- Islamic video that no one ever heard of or viewed.
ily dependent upon “crises” of their own manufacture, which
Indeed, they stuck to this phony narrative for days and
are shamelessly misused to ensure the election of their can- weeks after it was decisively disproved, suggesting that the
didates for national office, as in the case of the burst hous- game plan was already drawn-up, but when things fell apart
ing “bubble” in 2008. Moreover, this theory has the added they had no alternative but a resort to their pre-written script.
benefit of explaining the following:
If this theory is correct, then Ambassador Stevens and
First, it explains the glaring lack of security at the Beng- these three other brave Americans were sacrificed on the
hazi Consulate. Security Guards guarding the Consulate altar of Obama’s reelection effort...
were not issued ammunition for their weapons. Moreover,
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Citizens Informer
Media Lies About Golden Dawn
Despite the lambasting of the media, the highly successful right wing party Golden Dawn is
not neo-Nazi, its conservatism on steroids.
esies it claims to abhor, such as multiculturalism, secularism
and a polyglotted society.
It is therefore key for the average Right Winger to understand this contrast, to see that Golden Dawn is neither regressing the Occident to the dark ages of National SocialBy Christian Stadler
ism, but neither it is a phony nationalist movement such as
the SNP or Sinn Fein, who are both regarded as agents of
Despite the endless rhetoric of main stream commenta- Left wing progress.
According to their own website, they describe their own
tors that consistently label anything right-wing as neo-Nazi,
“ at the forefront of the struggle against eththe growth and success of Greece’s newest political player,
for a Greece that belongs to Greeks.”
Golden Dawn, is in actual hardly Nazi at all, but rather is a
from Sinn Fein’s desire to protect the
presuppositional bias of most modern reporters.
and biological assimilation into
On any given news story about the Golden Dawn, one
Scots who wish to have the
hears relentlessly about “Nazi like symbols” or fascistic like
their own future.
salutes with “youth” marching in black uniforms. Despite this,
goal is to use
almost no reporters or commentators actually have investithe
powers of the
gated or reported
and nation to
on the actual misadvance
the evosion statement or
worldview of the
Golden Dawn.
There are sevÜbermensch
(sueral key points
perman), Golden
that are important
Dawn in contrast
to note for both
is not seeking to
Greece and forengage in a unieign
when discussing
improvethe true nature of
ment of mankind
the Golden Dawn.
or the white race,
If activists of the
but rather for the
Right are to be afadvancement of
fluent on the globthe Greek people
al transformation
and her spiritual
and cultural herithey need to be
Golden Dawn Marches In Athens
the same salute
with the correct definitions.
Dawn members
Firstly, Golden Dawn is ethno nationalist in its outlook, not
each other and
fascistic or neo-Nazi. Though the Left prefers to liken any
in a fashion of
ethno-nationalist movement to National Socialism, the Goldthe
in the inen Dawn is more akin to the identitarian movements of Sinn
from the
Fein in Ireland or the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP).
However, the Left loves both the SNP and Sinn Fein, for
The signature of the salute originated in the early days
both are “progressive” in the Leftist sense of the word, and
the Roman Empire and has been an integral part of the
support universalist, egalitarianism everywhere they turn.
culture ever since. And though it was used in
Golden Dawn in contrast has not enslaved itself to such conHitler’s
and Mussolini’s fascistic regime, it was
temporary ideas, but rather rests upon genuine nationalism
Franco’s authoritarian Catholic rethat not only compares itself to Greece’s glorious past, but
regime of Ioannis Metaxas,
yet contrasts itself against “neo-barbarians” of the technothe
was responsible for supcratic EU and barbaric Turkish and Egyptian immigrants.
in the late 1930s,
This double standard of the Left is their attempt to actually
geld nationalism’s healthy core, which is its ability to stratify
and promote hierarchy, which produces stability and prosNazi
antiperity for both individuals and the collective. Nationalism to
the Left, is only good in so long as it endorses the very her- Nazi resistance, Greek resisters would salute each other in
the then fashionable Roman Salute.
and has been consistently transforming Western CivilizaThirdly, the often described “swastika like” symbol of Gold- tion according to an egalitarian and multicultural utopian vien Dawn that is often displayed at rallies and the party’s sion, Golden Dawn is simply working to revive the traditional
headquarters is in no way related to the Nazi swastika. Right-Wing principles of God/Religion, traditional family valThe symbol displayed by Golden Dawn is in fact an ancient ues and love for Fatherland.
Greek symbol called a “Meander.” The symbol is common
Rather than languishing in the minutia of free market ecoin Greek and Roman art dating back to centuries before the nomics, tax breaks for the rich or how to grant soft amnesty
birth of Jesus Christ (and hence before there was a National to illegal aliens, the Golden Dawn fights for every principle
Socialist German Worker’s Party).
the paleo-conservative movement is founded on. If you supIts meaning is not totally clear throughout history, other than port defending national sovereignty, ending illegal immigrait is a distinct symtion, ending banking
bol of Greco-Roman
monopoly control over
heritage and art. This
your nation, preventsame art style mind
ing multiculturalism,
you, is displayed in
protecting traditional
many of the Grecofamily values and
Roman styled buildresisting one world
ings in Washington
government, then you
might be a member of
Let it also be said,
the Golden Dawn.
that though there have
Golden Dawn is not
been isolated cases of
a retrograde Fascisa Golden Dawn memtic or neo-Nazi moveber spraying a Nazi or
ment that is spontanefascist like symbol on
ously arising because
wall, it does not repreof economic diffiGolden Dawn Chapter in New York City
sent that values and
culty, but rather it is
beliefs of the party at
a growing expression
large. Just as there are Republicans who describe them- of the lasting changes occurring in the Greek consciousselves as Tea Party members and wave Gadsden Flags, it ness. Greeks increasingly no longer wish to be a part of a
does not imply that Speaker Boehner is all of a sudden a New World Order dominated by oppressive government or
Ron Paul voter.
lag under the suffocating of illegal immigrants, while native
Golden Dawn is without a doubt a revolutionary movement, born Greeks cannot find work. Golden Dawn’s message and
but it could also be just as easily described as a counter- goals are simple, in that it is time for the elitist domination of
revolutionary movement. Considering that the Revolution of Greece to end and the power to be given back to the original
the Left has been ongoing since the murder of King Louis inhabitants of the house of Hellas.
XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette in the French Revolution
Citizens Informer
born, als at Kelly Ingram Park honoring the civil rights foot solContinued from page 10
bear the mark of Birmingham diers and the four girls killed in the bombing of Sixteenth
on them: thus, we lack the moral authority to defend America Street Baptist Church,” reported the Birmingham News in a
when it comes to issues like immigration – legal or illegal – December 11, 2012 article by Joseph Bryant [Birmingham
because of what happened in the city of Birmingham.
City Council approves $300,000 spending plan for civil rights
2013 will be an endless celebration of Birmingham, despite commemorations]
the fact that black citizens of the city are regularly featured
But isn’t the most fitting memorial for the 50th anniversary
on A&E’s show “The First 48” in ways the almost exclusively of the 1963 Civil Rights movement in Birmingham the very
white citizens of Mountain Brook – a white suburb of the city condition of Birmingham in 2012 – a city whose current sta– never would be.
tus as one of the most violent in all of America and where
But don’t worry, The Birmingham News reported that the the only economic activity transpiring is at title loan or pawn74 percent black city of Birmingham is prepared to engage in shops, which the City Council is successfully regulating the
a self-congratulatory year-long celebration of 50th anniver- expansion of new stores to serve the financial needs of a 74
sary of the civil rights moments of 1963 – though the original, percent black city?
excessive plans have been tampered.
A proposed downtown street festival and 40,000-person
Paul Kersey is the author of “Escape from Detroit: The Colyouth rally at Legion Field have been scrapped, though lapse of America’s Black Metropolis”, “Black Mecca Down:
the city council will spend $125,000 on such events as, “an The Fall of The City too Busy to Hate”, and the soon-to-be
NAACP symposium featuring activist and Birmingham na- released “Second City Confidential: The Black Experience in
tive Angela Davis, a Black Radio Hall of Fame exhibit and a Chicagoland.” His writing has appeared at, Tasymphonic production in the park.”, and Alternative Right.
Mayor William Bell’s office and the city of Birmingham will
chip in another $175,000 that will fund “two new memori16
Black Mecca Down by Paul Kersey
Available Now On
Are blacks in America immune from criticism? Are they never responsible for their
own failures? And most importantly, is black rule the end for an American city? Paul
Kersey of SBPDL has an emphatic “yes” to all three in “Black Mecca Down” – a shocking, controversial, and uproarious account of the fall of Atlanta. Once dubbed “The City
Too Busy To Hate,” Atlanta, GA was supposed to be the model city for the New South,
a thriving metropolis that would show the old Confederacy had moved beyond race
and joined the global economy. Instead, Atlanta became a black dystopia dominated
by corruption, incompetence, and crime. Starting with Maynard Jackson, Atlanta’s first
black mayor, the greatest city in the South followed the pattern of Detroit, with basic
institutions collapsing even as the cries of “racism” increased. The sequel to the bombshell “Escape From Detroit” is Kersey at his best, showing the tragic aftermath of the
Civil Rights Movement in the decline of a once great city. More than that, you’ll find the
original reporting, remarkable anecdotes, and trademark wit that have made the author
and his site a sensation.
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Just Say “NO” to Puerto Rican Statehood
By Gordon Lee Baum
A major effort is now underway to make Puerto Rico the
51st state which, if successful, would be a major disaster for
white conservative voters and the Republican Party. If successful, it would ensure that the U.S. Senate would remain
in the hands of the Democrats and make it far more difficult
to elect a Republican as president.
The last time making Puerto Rico a state
was brought up was in
1998 when the Republicans controlled both the
U.S. House and the U.S.
Senate. Newt Gingrich,
speaker of the house at
the time, allowed it to
pass the U.S. House. The
Council of Conservative
Citizens was the only organization to mount opposition to the proposal.
Fortunately, Mississippi
Senator Trent Lott was
the Senate Majority Leader and the bill was stalled in the senate.
Now, with the Obama Administration and the Senate in the
hands of the Democrats, the chances of it passing are much
greater. There are some Republicans in the house and senate that will not oppose the bill because they foolishly believe they might gain some Hispanic votes.
Each state is guaranteed two U.S. Senators, which would
ensure two more liberal, Democrat senators. In addition, by
law, the U.S. House of Representatives is limited to only 435
members total, apportioned according to state population.
So, a state could have just one representative and two U.S.
Senators. If Puerto Rico’s population would allow them 4
or 5 U.S. Representatives that number of representatives
would probably be taken from less populated states in the
center of the country, which usually vote Republican. Therefore, there would be fewer Republicans in both the Senate
and the House of Representatives.
In addition, each state is given an electoral vote for electing
the President, for each one of its members of congress (two
U.S. Senators plus the
number of congressman
it is apportioned). This
guarantees the Democrats additional state
electoral votes in presidential elections
What would the nation
gain by adding Puerto
Rico? Very little. But it
would lose a lot. It would
turn a third world country
into a U.S. state, it would
be the poorest state in
the union with the highest
poverty and welfare rate,
with notorious high crime
and drug problems. Currently, a lot of drug traffic comes through Puerto Rico into
the United States and, if it were a state, it would make it
more difficult to control the traffic. In addition, it would be the
first state where Spanish – not English, is the primary language. Puerto Rico also has one of the highest percentages
of blacks and mixed in the Caribbean. All in all, this hastens’
Obama’s dream to make the United States a majority nonwhite, third world nation.
Efforts are also being renewed to make Washington, D.C.
a state.
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Calhoun City, MS 38916
On The Square
Flowers, Balloons & Animals
For All Occasions
Citizens Informer
St. Louis CofCC Christmas Party
St. Louis CofCC Meeting
Paul Fromm Speaks at Board Meeting
Knoxville CofCC at Gun Show
Nashville, TN Monthly Meeting
Eastern PA CofCC Cookout
Press Release
The United States of America has lost 63.41 million jobs
per year since NAFTA and WTO went into effect. President
Clinton favored the Nation Trade Pact.
If the United States pulled out of NAFTA and WTO today,
we could lose 48.39 million jobs, but we would gain 63.41
million jobs manufacturing all imports in the USA. That gives
us 15.02 million net job gains. That is an increase of 31%
over export job loss.
The Council of Conservative Citizens is urging the United
States Senate and Congress to enact legislation that will
create jobs for America.
Review the present EPA regulations. Revise all EPA
regulation to a minimum. The federal government would pay
all the cost of meeting new EPA regulations imposed on any
businesses or corporation.
Stop all tax breaks, and subsidies to corporations
that move off shore.
Impose a tax on products imported into the United
States of America equal to the cost to produce the product in
the United States of America. The tax will be put into a fund
to finance the unemployment payment and health care for
the unemployed.
A corporation that moves back to United States of
America will be given a five-year tax exemption. federal
government will pay for the training of the employees; they
will use the education system in the United States.
Stop all foreign aid to countries who are in competition
with products made in the United States of America.
The Alabama CofCC State Director, Leonard Wilson, was
interviewed in Birmingham for a radio program of the British
Broadcasting Company by their Washington correspondent.
This was followed by an interview of Mr. Wilson by an Italian
TV network representative in Birmingham that was filmed for
later broadcast. The Italian TV representative had heard the
BBC broadcast earlier and his interest in CofCC was piqued
by the BBC broadcast. Both interviews were on Mr. Wilson’s
views on the upcoming presidential election and the role
racial issues could play in the election.
There are four CofCC chapters in Alabama--in Florence,
Cullman, Birmingham and Montgomery and all will be
commemorating the Robert E. Lee holiday in January. These
chapters meet either monthly or quarterly. For information
on these events and other issues relating to CofCC activity
in Alabama or joining CofCC , please contact Mr. Leonard
Wilson, Drawer G, Townley, AL 35587.
There are a large number of CofCC members in Alabama
and members are encouraged to start chapters in their area.
There is a special need for a chapter in the Mobile area, and
members in that area are invited to step up to the plate and
volunteer to start a chapter there.
An important development in this region during September
was the formation of the White Student Union(WSU) at
Towson University, near Baltimore, MD, the second largest
university in MD. This is the first student union on a college
campus in America to specifically represent the interests of
White students. There are student unions in every institution
of higher learning in the U.S. to represent nearly every racial
or ethnic group imaginable with the conspicuous absence
of whites qua whites, until now. Since the educational
establishment in general represents the most anti-white and
overtly liberal element of American society, this development
could establish a very important precedent or wedge to
foster free speech and white consciousness among bright
white students, and whites in general.
The WSU, established by CofCC member Matthew
Heimbach, a senior at the university, arranged for CofCC
Board member and American Renaissance editor, Mr. Jared
Taylor to speak at Towson U. on October 2nd to the general
student body to discuss the legitimacy of a white student
union and white racial consciousness and interests in the
contemporary West. The audience of nearly 250 students
and faculty (with many others turned away due to lack of
space) included a large contingent from this CofCC chapter
who had been notified of the event by the chapter director.
CofCC had two large literature tables at the event where 100
copies of the Citizens Informer and other items of literature
were distributed. Mr. Taylor’s latest book,White Identity:
Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century was distributed
gratis to the attendees.
Mr. Heimbach has been successful in establishing a quasipolice patrol force on campus composed of WSU members
to deter and report any instances of crime and make the
campus a safer place. This is a great public relations coup
for the WSU.
Mr. Heimbach has arranged for the chapter director to be
apprised of WSU activities and be sent an invitation to all
WSU general meetings.
The chapter director and several chapter members attended
the CofCC Board Meeting in Nashville, TN on November
10th, and the chapter director gave a presentation to the
CofCC Board of Directors on preparing effective lettersto-the-editor and chapter activity reports to appear in the
Citizens Informer.
The Chapter hosted a very successful program on
December 6th including presentations by CofCC Board
Member, Mr. Paul Fromm; U.S. Presidential candidate in
2012, Ms. Samm Tittle; and the chapter director.
Mr. Fromm is Canada’s leading conservative immigration
reform protagonist and free speech advocate. He spoke
about the emerging anti-white majority in North America and
what that means to the founding stock of both the U.S. and
Canada. Mr. Fromm said that immigration, both illegal and
legal, is our greatest enemy since it is almost entirely of Third
World peoples which are displacing the native populations,
and must be halted almost immediately if the future is not
to be bleak for European-Americans. The white birthrate
must also increase dramatically in order to preserve our
Citizens Informer
civilization. Halting immigration would be a strong signal and gave a report on issues of concern to the chapter and CofCC
inducement for whites to begin raising their birthrates above in general. All attendees purchased polo shirts and caps with
replacement levels.
the CofCC logo on them.
Ms. Tittle spoke at the CofCC National Meeting in June
2011. She ran as an independent for U.S. President in 2012
There is a great concentration of CofCC members in MS
with tremendous success for a “first-timer”, getting on the and members are encouraged to form their own local CofCC
ballot in 38 states and obtaining nearly 25,000 votes. She chapters in areas somewhat distant from existing chapters.
announced that she will run for U.S. President again in 2016.
Contact: CofCC Regional Office, P.O. Box 1204,
Her populist platform is based on the America First concept Greenwood, MS 38935
with respect to jobs, foreign trade, Second Amendment
rights, states rights, immigration restriction, right-to-life,
capping federal taxes at 10% of income, etc. She is very
amenable to hearing our views on her positions. Check her
In September, Mr. Edward Stephens, a Kansas City, MO
website: for details.
chapter member, attended a St. Louis CofCC chapter
The chapter director lauded many of the attendees who meeting where he was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation
have contributed to the success of the chapter and delineated for dedicated and effective service to the conservative cause.
their contributions.
Mr. Stephens was personally responsible for distributing
The event also featured an extremely well received raffle, thousands of copies of the Citizens Informer. At the meeting,
door prize, and distribution of a multitude of Christmas gifts he elaborated upon the techniques he used to successfully
organized by CofCC life member, Ms. Mary Markett.
execute a mass distribution of literature. Edward also
One attendee at the event, Mr. Ken Kreitz, Ms. Tittle’s announced that he will be running to become a school board
campaign manager, was the originator of the Tea Party of education member for the Park Hill School District(R-5)
movement. He will be a presenter at a chapter event in the in Platte County, MO for a three-year term. Edward is an
near future
electrical engineer who graduated magna cum laude from
the University of Missouri-Rolla several years ago and was
president of the local college fraternity. Edward emphasized
the importance of winning power through the political process
The Great Southern CofCC Chapter hosted a “Southern beginning at the local levels.
Heritage Conservative Conference” in Jackson, MS, on
Although the CofCC cannot endorse any political candidate,
September 22, 2012. The guest speakers were:
Mr. Stephens’ platform and the principles he expounds
Leonard Wilson of Townley, AL. Mr. Wilson is the CofCC are in line with the views we all share at the CofCC. His
state chapter director for AL, past Commander of the AL campaign platform is centered on three objectives: securing
Sons of Confederate Veterans, and Secretary and member employment for school graduates, fiscal responsibility in
of the National Board of Directors of the CofCC.
governmental operations, and a Pro-American curriculum
Tom Dover of Marietta, SC. Mr. Dover is the National for our students. Pro-American, as he defines it, means
President of the CofCC.
supporting curricula aimed at promoting our true American
Keith Alexander, Esq. of Memphis, TN. Mr. Alexander is a heritage and removing offensive materials and lesson plans
CofCC National Board of Advisors member and broadcaster that over-emphasize racial diversity and the extreme socialist
for the “Political Cesspool” radio program.
curricula of the National Education Assn. as supported by
James Edwards of Memphis, TN. Mr. Edwards is a CofCC hate groups such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai
National Board of Directors member and moderator of the Brith, Southern Poverty Law Center, NAACP, and other like“Political Cesspool” radio program.
minded un-patriotic groups.
Sam Dickson, Esq. of Atlanta, GA. Mr. Dickson is a CofCC
School board elections will be held April 2nd, 2013. If you
National Board of Directors member.
have questions about the campaign or would like to help,
Rev. Thomas Ray Floyd of Mendenhall, MS. Rev. Floyd is please contact Edward Stephens at eestephens@gmail.
a Baptist Minister and a member of the Board of the Great com. The Kansas city, MO chapter can be reached at
Southern CofCC chapter.
Roan Garcia-Quintana. Mr. Quintana is a member of the
CofCC members from the Kansas City chapter rented a
CofCC Board of Directors.
table at a local gun show on December 22nd & 23rd in order
Guests were present from TX, LA, AL and MS. A dinner was to talk with the public about the Council and its mission.
held after the meeting and was enjoyed by all.
The table was neatly decorated and displayed car flags,
membership pamphlets, CofCC business cards, and issues
The Webster County and Calhoun County, MS Council of the Citizen’s Informer- all free for the taking. As a result
Chapters met jointly in September. Rev. Benny Hill, the guest of this community outreach, hundreds of pieces of literature
speaker, spoke on the future of America and the decline of were distributed to eager patriots. To say the mood was
morals in the nation.
conducive to talking about our message- that would be an
The Carroll County, MS, CofCC chapter met in Carrollton, understatement. The public enthusiastically agreed with the
MS, in October. Local issues and the national election were message of the Council, and many people were reassured
discussed. Garland L. Denley, a charter member of CofCC that our people can turn this unfavorable situation around if
unsuccessfully pursuing their causes which includes an
undue obsession with the evils of the Federal Reserve,
The St. Louis Area CofCC continues to hold monthly which we all know is insulated from any real reform.
business meetings.
We are attempting to enlighten Tea Party types to the
On Sunday, December 16, 2012, the St. Louis Area CofCC greater importance of cultural and social issues (such as
held its annual Christmas/New Year’s Party and dinner at immigration, free trade evils, and the debasement of normal
a well-known Italian restaurant in South St. Louis County. morality represented by the homosexual agenda) in their
The room was completely packed with about 50 members search for improvements in the political life, vibrancy, and
in attendance. Attendees were treated to a delicious Italian advancement of the country.
dinner and enjoyed games and attendance prizes. There
Local crime is on the upswing, but because it is largely of
were also several short speeches and a great time was had the omnipresent black-on-white variety, political pressure on
by all.
local prosecutors keeps them from doing anything significant
about it.
New Jersey
Monthly meetings on the last Sunday of each month are
now in full swing. For now, meetings are low-key and merely
In September 2012, the NJ / E PA Chapter of the Council of social; however, people of influence such as Tea Party
Conservative Citizens held its annual picnic at our traditional representatives and conservative political officials are being
location on the Taylor Family Farm in Bucks County, PA. invited, but not yet to give presentations, which may come
The event was well attended by members and supporters later. This is to invite participation in such a manner as to not
throughout the region. Members also attended several local scare newcomers away. Members and interested persons
European cultural events and celebrations in New Jersey are invited to meet those of like mind and have stimulating
and Pennsylvania where in addition to our support of ongoing social intercourse in a geographic area not noteworthy for
efforts to preserve unique European Culture in the US, we such experiences.
promoted the CofCC contacts and acquaintences that were
An “apprentice” is being tutored to eventually become a
also in attendance.
successor chapter director but we need others to become
October : The chapter leadership discussed with the more involved and become familiar with organizational strategies
regularly active local membership how to increase our and the important issues that affect the area.
presence and influence in the region. Also, requests were
Contact: P.O. Box 160, Parishville, NY 13672-0160
put out for any issues that needed to be brought up at the
The NYC-TRI State Chapter of CofCC has successfully
upcoming Board Meeting in November.
obtained the consent of the Citizens Stamp Advisory
November : The NJ / E. PA Chapter of the CofCC was Committee of the USPS to take up a discussion on issuing
represented at the Board of Directors Meeting in Nashville, a commemorative postage stamp recognizing ItalianTN.
Americans for their contributions to America. Mr. Bill Aiello,
December: On December 7th the NJ / E. PA Chapter of the sponsor of this effort and a chapter member, will continue
the CofCC hosted its 4th successful speaker meeting in monitoring the situation to assure the issue reaches a
2012 in Philadelphia, PA. Over thirty attendees had the successful conclusion.
opportunity to listen to speeches given by Erick Weigel, Paul
The chapter is engaged in an ongoing campaign to reverse
DiBenedetto, and Paul Fromm. The meeting focused on local government initiatives requiring housing developments
ethnocentrism, white displacement, the threat of unrestricted to have a certain percentage of housing units assigned
Third World immigration, and low white birthrates. The to low income residents. This invariably results in the
meeting was deemed a huge success due to the higher than intrusion of the minority criminal element into relatively safe,
normal turnout in Philadelphia; a known hotbed of anti-white predominantly white neighborhoods. The services of a Pro
activists with a tendency to disrupt and attack meetings Bono lawyer and volunteers to distribute flyers are sought in
in the area. It is a testament to the changing views of the this effort.
people and the gathering strength of Our Cause.
The chapter needs members to attend regular social-type
In the wake of the past year’s successes, directors Erick meetings (initially without formal programs/presenters)
Weigel and Paul Fromm are working together planning for interaction amongst people of our mindset, which is a
future events for 2013 in the region.
successful methodology in a few other chapters. That way,
influential or well-known movers/shakers can meet informally
with “regular folk” in the Greater NY City area and stimulate
New York
them into participatory action without obvious “arm-twisting.”
Contact: tel# 636-940-8474.
The NY Adirondacks/Upstate NY CofCC Chapter Director
continues his attempts to make inroads into the “pinko”
North Carolina
political correctness climate and its inherent lassitude that
characterize political “life” in the area.
The North Carolina CofCC chapter met on September 8,
Tea Party representatives in the area are obsessed with 2012. It was a great get-together with nearly 50 attendees
economic or “Wall Street”-type issues and will continue with outstanding speakers and great camaraderie. Dr.
to blame the increasingly cowardly Republican Party for Edward Butler, a stalwart patriot of long standing spoke on
those who agree will unite and fight.
Citizens Informer
“Who Controls America?” Tea Party leader Joe Hyatt spoke Cesspool” radio show. This show, heard on Saturday
on the Tea Party phenomenon and the future goals of that evenings, has recently broadcast several high-profile
movement. Jeff Cartrett, a long time leader for European- interviews, including one with U.S. Congressman Walter
American causes, spiritual leader, and CofCC organizer for Jones of North Carolina. Rep. Jones has expressed his
eastern NC spoke on “The Assault on Christianity” discussing desire to appear again on the “Cesspool.”
the palpable forces of evil that are “hell-bent” on destroying
The West TN chapter is actively recruiting new participants
and is networking with other organizations, with promising
results. Meetings are planned with a social theme instead of
Please contact Mr. A.J. Barker, State Chapter Director , on a formal speaker-audience format.
tel#336-778-9047 to ascertain how your skills and abilities
can be utilized. Mr. Barker invites you to suggest activities
and topics for the chapter to cover and become involved
At our November Middle Tennessee chapter meeting, we
in. You need not have a speaking background to try giving viewed a Dennis Michael Lynch film:
presentations on important subjects. We need the benefit of
“They Come to America – The Cost of Illegal Immigration
your ideas, suggestions, and experience
“ This film was well done and covered the topic thoroughly.
Of particular interest was on-site inspection of portions of the
fence between the United States and Mexico by the film’s
producer. It is flimsy in places and easily penetrated.
Mr. Sonny Thomas, Chapter Director, is publicizing
After the film was shown,, a lively roundtable discussion
the new CofCC chapter and conservative issues by ensued. We agreed that the illegal immigration problem
getting guest articles and columns into local newspapers remains an appalling political and cultural threat to our
throughout southern and western Ohio and via publicizing people. We also agreed that there will likely be a secession
and enhancing the public access cable channel he created of states into smaller regional governments. This will be
and by constantly adding new programs and features to the necessary to regain self-government.
channel. The channel plays an enhanced version of CofCC’s
As always, our meeting hall was filled with delightful
Frankfurt School DVD which has a “trailer” giving his CofCC camaraderie and enthusiasm. It is a real pleasure for us to
chapter information. The potential audience for this channel enjoy the company of like-minded patriots!
is in the hundreds of thousands, and he has received much
positive feedback from viewers. The channel operates with
In September and October, the East Tennessee chapter
the Time Warner digital system and is based in Dayton. The held bi-weekly meetings with concerned citizens in Knox,
channel plays such popular Tea Party-oriented fare as an Sevier and Blount Counties, TN. Some of the focal
Edward Griffin Federal Reserve System movie, Alex Jones points included combatting the extension of James White
videos, the “America Under Attack” video as well as the Parkway in South Knoxville and organizing individuals,
Frankfurt School video. Mr. Thomas would like to initiate local businesses and churches together to strengthen our
regular chapter meetings in centrally located Columbus in community bonds. Also in September, several members of
March and would like your suggestions for an appropriate the Chapter aided in organizing the Stormfront Conference
venue, such as a restaurant. Please contact him now to in East Tennessee. The Seminar went off without a hitch for
get on his mailing list, volunteer for chapter promotional the second year in a row.
activities, or furnish suggestions via telephone at (937)On November 3rd and 4th, three Chapter members and
903-1250 or by email at one other local community activist set up a CofCC Exhibit
The chapter will soon have booths at gun shows and state at the Knoxville Expo Center at a very heavily attended Gun
fairs where CofCC literature and the Frankfurt School video Show. Hundreds of Citizens Informers were handed out
will be distributed free or at nominal cost, and the chapter free of charge and we quickly dispensed the most literature,
plans to continue disseminating the Frankfurt School DVD brochures and merchandise than ever before at one of these
to libraries. Activists throughout Ohio are needed for these Shows. On November 10th, the State of Franklin Chapter
sent three members to the National CofCC Board Meeting
which gave us a good showing there.
South Carolina
On December 14th, 15th and 16th the State of Franklin
Chapter attended an annual Yuletide campout held by
Col. Robert Slimp continues to hold coalition meetings in another local civic group.
Columbia, SC every month. CofCC members remain active
Upcoming events include the Spring Celt Fest plus four
in a variety of causes.
rallies for 2013 as part of our continuing ‘Stop the Third
Many CofCC members are planning to participate in nullify World Invasion Project’. We are aiming to hold the rallies
Obamacare rallies in South Carolina in 2013.
in Morristown, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and the Tri-Cities,
TN, These major cities are seeing the worst and most
visible negatives of this Invasion. On our website at www., we have made
The West TN chapter, presently active in Shelby County, an interactive map, much like the famed SPLC Hate Map,
works very closely with the nationally accessible “Political highlighting the Third World Continued on page 25
CofCC 2012 Fall Board Meeting
Kyle Rogers at Board Meeting
Paul Fromm & Earl Holt at Board Meeting
Tom Dover at Board Meeting
Jackson, MS Conference
David Hill & L.E. Matthews, Jackson, MS Conference
Citizens Informer
identity politics, except for Europeans, for which it is considered taboo. We can extrapolate from this reality to conclude
that in the America of tomorrow, group identity politics will
by Thomas Conway
still continue to hold sway, and members of various ethnic
electorates will continue to vote for whatever is in their best
They lie.
interests, including things like more immigration and more
They lie when they speak in glowing terms of the “enrich- racial preferences in job hiring and college placements. The
only group which will be regarded with horror if it does likement” created for us by America’s burgeoning “diversity.”
In reality, a vast and inexorable destruction is spreading wise will be Americans who are pigmentationally impaired.
across America, and it is the entirely unnecessary and en- The latter group, of course, will in time no longer be in contirely deliberate dissolution of what we once revered as our trol of its own political destiny. Its wealth will be taxed away
nation and culture. Americans had a people to which they from it to support hundreds of millions of imported poor, and
belonged, and a cultural identity as distinct as that of any racial preferences and quotas will be expanded to create
other society on earth. Only the willfully blind can fail to places for unending onslaughts of new arrivals at the Amerisee that both of those things are now vanishing quickly and can table.
We, the descendants of America’s founders, will have faforever.
our own political and cultural dispossession, foolIt is a tribute to the gullibility of human beings, our accepishly,
in defiance of the way every other group
tance of the lie that our dispossession “enriches” us, even as
Ominously, we will have rendered
the waves of people displacing us reach deeper and deeper
irrelevant in a world growing ever
into our public coffers and polling booths. It is a tribute to
our ignorance, that we sit unblinking when our leaders tell
The traditional American nation, the one with roots extendus America has always been an experiment in multiculturaling
back four centuries, will have committed suicide. In the
ism, and the evolving New Babylon is rooted in our historical
of a single lifetime, an eye blink in history, we will
ourselves. In the final analysis, we will have
At its founding, America was 80 percent European, and undone
rationale that is genuinely pressing, unless
deniably Christian, Western, and European in its character.
one’s children’s birthright to strangers.
For 200 years that identity was promoted by our immigration
all immigration to Swedes, it would
laws, and those laws in time fostered a nation 90 percent
done so. Instead, we will have
European. It was indeed no perfect experiment, and there
left to us by the unimaginable
were definite fault lines involving race or ethnicity, but we
disinheriting our progknew who we were and with God’s help and great suffering
civilization into the
we created the most magnificent civilization in human hisabyss
Now, in the course of a single lifetime, our identity will be
reactionextinguished. With the gutting of our immigration laws in
1965, in the course of a single 70 year average life span, by
galvanizthe year 2035 or thereabouts we will have gone from a nation ninety percent white to one in which Europeans are but ing public resistance until Americans of color, and even imone of many minorities, floating in a polyglot sea drawn from migrants themselves, can be persuaded that the magnitude
of today’s mass immigration is replicating in America the
every corner of the globe.
In the fevered minds of the cultural Marxists and the stu- same environmental and social problems the immigrants
pid, we will be a happy picture of coexistence and coopera- have fled and erasing the nation and culture they once estion to which the rest of the world can aspire. Such folks teemed highly enough to leave their own homelands to join.
Whether Americans of color can respond to this reality or
currently argue that the rights of the individual will still take
the descendants of America’s founders have every right
precedence over group rights. They insist our standard of
their current beguilement and to act in their own best
living will remain intact or actually improve, as the numbers
They should do so because a sane man does
of consumers and producers expand. They reassure us our
house away and pretend he has honored the
principles of government will protect everyone, and those,
built it for him. They should do so because
along with the English language, will be the glue that will
does not give his house away and pretend
bind our society together. This future, they would have us
for his children. They should do
believe, is our natural and inevitable destiny as a nation, a
not give his house away and
destiny we can embrace without further examination or fear.
cellar, that the new residents
Those are the biggest lies of all.
posted in the foyer.
The entire world operates on the premise of group identity
not confer any form of
politics, in which members of racial or ethnic groups vote or
act in unison on the basis of what they perceive to be in the
It is oblivion.
best interests of their group. It is entirely natural for groups
to engage in this behavior. What’s more important, every
group in America also operates on the premise of group
The Morality of Extinction
Invasion of Southern Appalachia
The new Texas Chapter Director, Mr. Eric Belanger,
attended the CofCC Board meeting in November 2012 to
become familiar with the CofCC, its members, and goals.
This gave him a springboard to send out a letter of invitation
to a list of prospective members in the state. Mr. Belanger
is following up this letter campaign with followup letters,
emails, and telephone calls. Mr. Belanger is very “gung-ho”
and is developing a chapter website, chapter bank account,
and chapter business cards. He has many plans for the
chapter and is trying very hard to get the participation of
Texan patriots. Mr. Belanger is a very intelligent and capable
young man and needs your support.
Contact: CofCC of Texas
1030 East Highway 377, Suite 110/192
Granbury, TX 76048
On January 18th and 19th, 2013, CofCC members from
Maryland, DC, and Virginia intend to travel to Lexington,
VA to celebrate the birthdays of Robert E. Lee and
Thomas(Stonewall) Jackson, which is an annual observance
throughout the South, including Maryland (on the grounds of
Johns Hopkins University). Lee and Jackson are very closely
associated with Lexington, VA, where they spent portions
of their careers and are buried there. Two intense days of
activities will include an educational symposium, memorial
services at the graves of Lee and Jackson, speeches,
a Memorial Ball, and parades. Last year, these events
were attended by nearly 1,000 patriots and their families.
Lexington, VA and nearby Shenandoah Valley towns retain
their old-time flavor and are well worth a visit as a side trip to
the Lee-Jackson activities.
Contact--The Stonewall Brigade, SCV, P.O. Box 466,
Lexington, VA 24450.
Baulch Helvenston.
He was a graduate of
In Memoriam
New Mexico Military InstiReginald Heber Helvenston
tute and during World War
II, served aboard a patrol
On December 12, 2012, a great patriot passed craft as a sonarman in the
away in Little Rock, Arkansas. America, the Con- South Pacific. After the
servative Cause, and the CofCC lost a leader & war he graduated from the
crusader. I lost a personal friend.
University of Texas where
I met heber in 1968 at a council organizational he was a member of Phi
meeting and he never faltered in his ideals and Gamma Delta and a letterdedication to the conservative pricinples that man in swimming in 1947 and 1948. From 1950
made America great. He was very active in the to 1957 he was a fieldman for Aetna Insurance
George Wallace presidential campaigns. One of Company and owned and operated Helvenston
his last acts was picketing the SPLC headquar- & Co., a local fire and casualty agency, until his
ters in Montgomery, Alabama along with dozens retirement in 1982.
of other CofCC members.
He was a vestryman and served several times
Heber was one of the founders of the CofCC in as Senior Warden of St. Alban’s Anglican Church
Atlanta, Georgia and never missed a semi-annu- in Little Rock. He was a member of the Sons of
al meeting of the board until he became very ill. Confederate Veterans, Trinity Lodge #694, ScotHe also attended state and llocal CofCC meeting tish Rite Bodies, Scimitar Shrine Temple and the
across Arkansas.
Country Club of Little Rock.
He is survived by his wife, Betty Buzbee Helby Bill Lord
venston; daughter, Ellen A. Tolley and husband,
Steve of Perryville, AR; grandchildren, Travis Tolley and wife, Kelly and Hallie Tolley Finkbeiner
and husband, David; great-grandchildren, Ella
Reginald Heber Helvenston of Little Rock passed Jane, Carter and Harper; brother, Phelps Helvenaway Wednesday, December 12, 2012. He was ston and wife, Pat of Flagstaff, Arizona and two
born August 17, 1926, in Live Oak, Florida, the nephews.
son of Reginald Heber Helvenston, Sr. and Edna
Citizens Informer
stop berating them and start talking to them instead.
They would then have some appreciation for the compassion they in fact do have. It is a shame that liberals
can be such “know-nothings” and lemmings.”
Ralph Iver
Baltimore, MD
Who will stand up for white people?
Volunteerism Depends Upon Conservative, White Christians.
I’ve worked with homeless people for 6 years, in concert with hundreds of staff members of organizations
and cooperative volunteers, and most of them are conservative and Christian. Outside county agencies, the
vast majority of agencies that serve the homeless and
the very poor are Christian agencies--and they do not
discriminate in who they serve. Conservative people
and Christians work their backsides off to help. I have
been an overwhelmed witness to the Christian and
conservative volunteer ministration to the homeless,
and sorely underwhelmed by the lack of identified nonChristian and liberal agencies who support the homeless. There are no atheist agencies helping the homeless--and I’ve worked with a ton of agencies. I have
rarely seen any non-Christian religion donate time, effort, money or supplies. Most of the liberals I know are
paid staff, usually in county taxpayer-supported agencies--which is fine, for at least they are there. The liberals who show up at anti-war marches in the hundreds
of thousands, passing out flyers on the social issues of
the day are not the people who help the homeless. The
vast majority of the hundreds of volunteers who I work
with are conservative, White, middle-class and over
the age of 50 while most of the people they help are
minorities and the foreign born--and the American-born
clients have a high rate of mental illness and addiction.
These volunteers have phenomenal patience in what
they do and they volunteer many hours every week.
Many of the minorities who work for either counties
or non-profits lean socially conservative based on my
many discussions with them. Often staff themselves
are former homeless individuals and/or former substance abusers, and the majority of them are Christian
conservatives. Readers of mainstream newspapers
and those who obtain their news from the liberal media
need to know that Christians and conservatives are not
the enemy--and so I wish “open-minded” liberals would
Pretty obviously---not even the caucasians. I don’t
have a nice thing to say about the LDS but there I
was phone-banking for the NRA ( they got me in
there by presenting it as “to defeat Obama”) and I
did my stint in the polls to make sure they weren’t
just standing there stuffing the ballot box or coming
in and voting two or three times apiece. All I got for
my trouble was my first ( and hopefully last ) mild
dose of Shigellosis off something I ate at the NRA
thing ( I think ) and the flu from talking myself
hoarse explaining the Simplest-to-operate Machine
Ever Created to a bunch of people who were happy
to tell me “I didn’t use one since 4 years ago” and
then breathing in all their germs onto my talked-raw
naso-pharyngeal tissues.
The G.O.P. needs to G.O. They created this fiasco.
Turn the lights out and lock the door on your way
James Stenzel
Newtown Massacre
The killing of young children at the Newtown school
will be linked by liberal pundits to the availability of
guns, and to a lesser extent to what we used to call
mental cases who are not sufficiently institutionalized
anymore, or to the usual violence-soaked Hollywood
productions. Virtually no one will call what occurred in
Newtown an act of evil.
Probably not a single sermon will be preached
throughout the land wherein the perpetrator will have
been condemned to hell. A splintered and weak American church driven by a pew-hungry, feel-good message will offer assurances that eternal peace awaits all
who died, including the shooter. The words “hell” and
“sin” will very likely not be used in these sermons.
Yes, there is societal blame: Ridiculous privacy rules
that allow the mentally ill to conceal their condition from
schools, employers, and gun-shop owners is just one.
The constant artificial esteem building in public schools
teaching low-functioning kids with anger problems to
judge themselves equal to the valedictorian is another.
But the greatest villain is a church that has accepted
the world’s view that hell does not await evildoers. With
a weak message from a weak church, there is no restraint or lessening of the violence. The response of the
church to this violence is, “God loves you. Have a nice
day.” A large advertising sign near my home reads, “A
church for those who don’t like church”. Translation:
“No condemnation of sin here--we have coffee latte
and great music.”
Morals? Without the authority of God, there are no
morals, and none are taught in the public schools today. The ethics that are taught are situational, perhaps
the same situational ethics that led to the logic that
caused the tragic shootings in Newtown.
No number of gun-control laws can contain the evil
that has been let loose in America. Not even black-clad
police with masks and automatic weapons can maintain social order in our out-of-control society. The nation needs a religious revival to steer it away from certain moral destruction.
Bud Grant,
Frederick, Maryland
The Road To Ruin
For years, a transformed America has been traveling
down the road to ruin.
This new Frankenstein Monster version of America
features a massive invasion of illegal aliens, affirmative action quotas, White dispossession aka “diversity”,
secular humanism, promotion of homosexuals and
same-sex “marriages” including adoption of children by
same-sex “partners”, the wholesale murder of babies
by abortion, and massive hoaxes like blaming climate
change/global warming mainly on human activities.
In this “New America”, America’s founders are reviled
while the immoral Communist Martin Luther King, Jr.
tops popularity polls and has his own special holiday,
an honor not bestowed on any Founding Father except
indirectly and watered down through “President’s Day”.
Hollywood personalities are better known and respected than the Founding Fathers.
Barack Hussein Obama runs a lawless regime, refusing to enforce U.S. laws and taking actions to shred
the US Constitution. This Pretender to the Presidency
is not only a criminal in America, but is considered a
war criminal around the world, yet he received the Nobel Peace Prize before his true colors could become
known. The media continues to idolize him, with Time
Magazine nominating him “Person of the Year” for
It is time to bring back decency and sanity to America!
Ray F. Dively,
Baden, PA
Cultural Marxism Marches On
The New York City Public Library recently published
a booklist, “The Struggle for Civil Rights” with the collaboration of the NYC Board of Education and the U.S.
Department of Education. As one would expect, the
booklist represented a one-sided warped viewpoint
that does not contain a single book that reflects a conservative or even balanced viewpoint on race.
During the 1960’s and 1970’s, Alan Stang wrote his
documented history of the Civil Rights movement,
“It’s Very Simple”, which showed that the Communist
movement was influencing and supporting the socalled “Civil Rights” leaders. Another book of the period, Ken Steffgen’s “The Bondage of the Free”, gave a
balanced review of the “Civil Rights” movement. The
booklist could have included George Schuyler’s work,
“Black and Conservative”, but of course, even that was
In the culture wars, the Frankfurt School sponsored
“March Through The Institutions” continues unabated.
It is a march meant to destroy America with a focus
on America’s youth, and it must be reversed and not
allowed to reach it’s final aim of a complete transformation and destruction of American society.
David Hammer,
The Bronx, New York
More Guns - Less Killing
In the wake of the recent mass shootings, the liberals and their media allies are scheming and trying their
best to disarm Americans. They are asking foolish and
leading questions to arouse the general public and
those who are undermining our freedom and way of
life. “Can we stop the killings?” “Answers seem elusive!” “Where do we begin?” and such. The media had
saturation coverage but could offer no solution, other
than of course, “Gun Control!”
I have the solution and you don’t have to be particularly clever to see that it works: Less gun control! Disarming lawful citizens and banning assault weapons
is only arming the criminal and criminalizing the lawabiding citizen. We’ve tried that and should now realize how foolish it was.The same guns are still for sale
, less the cosmetic elements Continued on page 28
Citizens Informer
that make it an assault weapon. The guns still perform
and now they’re in the hands of the criminal! Those that
are going to kill will always find a way to do so. They did
it with bows and arrows and sticks and stones before
we had guns. Remember...there were no legal guns allowed in the Aurora, Colorado theater...the only gun in
the theater was in the hands of the accused murderer.
Think about it...the number of casualties in that incident
could have been fewer if the lawful citizens had been
allowed to carry guns to protect themselves and others!
The Government needs to get serious about enforcing
the laws that we already have on the books and administering punishment according to God’s law, saving us
billions of dollars in the housing, feeding, and healthcare of those that have no regard for life(Genesis 9:6).
Think about that if you are one of the unfortunate ones
that have had a family member or loved one robbed or
murdered in a shopping mall in broad daylight! Those
thugs will think twice if they know that a grandmother
is armed! One thing proven to stop casualties during a
mass shooting is an armed potential victim!
Carl A. Hinson, Sr.,
Whiteville, NC
Urgent Call For Convention
Armed with the 1965 Immigration Law, and infiltrated
by and under the sway of The Council on Foreign Relations and other traitorous organizations, the U.S. Government is waging total genocide against the White
Race in America.
The call hereby goes out for a convention of White Nationalists from Canada, the U.S., Australia, and Europe
to determine how to proceed to save the White Race.
George Bernard Van Haven,
Omaha, NE
Rape and Ruin in South Africa
I found the extensive information in the Citizens Informer on South Africa to be very disturbing. We were
led to believe that South Africa after apartheid would be
a Marxian style people’s paradise. Actually, during the
apartheid years many Blacks entered South Africa illegally because it had one of the most advanced and productive economies in Africa. Nowadays, White farmers
are being steadily run off their farms and a significant
number have been killed, leading the remaining farmers and other Whites to seek refuge elsewhere, and the
nation’s economy is accordingly spiraling downwards.
Wikipedia, the internet encyclopedia, states that mod-
ern South Africa is referred to as “the rape capital of the
world”. In one survey, “one in three of the four thousand
women questioned stated that they had been raped in
the past year”. More than 25% of the South African
men queried in another survey admitted to rape, and
nearly half of these men stated that they had raped
more than one person. Wikipedia also points out that
the country has one of the “highest incidences of child
and baby rape around the world”.
The New York Times concurred, pointing out that
South Africa has an “abnormally high number of rapes,
hijackings, and armed robberies”, and that “the murder
rate is about eight times that of the United States”.
Let us pray for deliverance from liberal benevolence
and rule.
David Hammer,
The Bronx, NY
Big Government
We are watching as big government shakes our very freedom. We see the principles of liberty and our Constitutional
Republic are threatened by an oversized government, an
unruly Congress, an out-of-bounds bureaucracy, and a neophyte in the White House with no respect for the landmarks
of liberty that have stood for generations– Constitutional limits of government, separation of powers, and the free market
system. Where is hope amidst despair?
The time was December 1944 and an entire American armored division was retreating from Hitler’s Army in the Ardennes Forest. As the unit retreated, a Sergeant and a US
tank destroyer spotted a lone American soldier digging a
foxhole. The soldier, a private named Martin, of the 325th
Glider Infantry Regiment, looked up and asked, are you men
looking for a safe place? Yes, answered the Tanker. Private
Martin responded well, Buddy, pull your vehicle behind me.
I’m 82nd Airborne, and this is as far as the enemy is going.
The attitude of that young soldier is the heart attitude
that we must adopt. Courage and conviction, tempered with
godly wisdom is that which brought our freedom in the days
of the American Revolution, sustained our freedom in threatening days of the War of 1812. The blood in our veins is the
blood of those Revolutionary forebears. With God’s help, we
can rise to the occasion to save our land. This land is worth
saving! Our ancestors demand it and our children deserve
our best!
Pastor Jack Harris
Southern Baptist Minister
Believe in the White Man
-- by L. Regan O’Carroll
O’er sea and land we did explore,
We conquered far and wide.
To the stars and moon we did soar,
Our spirit would not be denied.
Since we believe in the White Man.
We invented great gadgets galore,
Airplanes, printing, your favorite toy,
Phones, cars and much, much more
Then shared with all nations to enjoy.
Because we believe in the White Man.
We heal diseases that afflict mankind,
No more smallpox with polio on the run,
Measles, tetanus, chicken pox confined,
Thank our great minds this won’t be undone.
Blessed to believe in the White Man.
Africa is hungry, we feed them;
Asia is devastated, we heal them;
Haiti is corrupt, we assist them;
Third world is hurting, we comfort them.
Grateful to believe in the White Man.
China bound women’s feet, we stopped them;
India burned widows alive, we forbade them;
Mayans cut out beating hearts, we invaded them;
Fijians ate their enemies, we prohibited them.
Thank God we believe in the White Man!
Yet now White lands suffer horrific invasion,
Muslim, Mexican, black and Asian,
They have babies, six, seven or eight,
While Whites sit around tranquil and sedate.
Because we don’t Believe in the White Man.
We’ve gone to war and killed each other,
Got face-to-face and murdered our brother,
We squabble and quarrel, bicker and fight
When instead we should stand together and
Sadly, we don’t Believe in the White Man.
The liberals keep shouting we need diversity,
But what does that mean except perversity.
Our governments have spent us into debt,
A hole so deep even our children will regret.
Since we don’t Believe in the White Man.
We’ve been conditioned to shudder and wilt,
Can’t love our Heritage, too full of guilt.
The end result is dreadful and scary,
A person of color is who many will marry.
Tragic, we don’t Believe in the White Man.
Believe in the White Man!
We have much to be proud,
Believe in the White Man!
I’ll shout it out loud,
Believe in the White Man!,
If for no other reason why
Our Heritage will crumble, wither and die
If we don’t believe in the White Man.
Quentin Tarantino promoted hard-core XXX
RAPE PORN in 2005
In 2005 Tarantino was host of the Quentin Tarantino Film festival in Austin, Texas. All
the movies were identified as Tarantino’s “favorite films” and came from his own collection of original films. One of the movies that Tarantino picked as a favorite was the 1976
XXX-rated rape porn “Hot Summer In The City.” Tarantino stated that it was “the greatest porno of all time.” According to the International Movie Database it features a white
female virgin being gang raped by “black militants.” The males yell racial slurs during the
assault. It is part of an extremely controversial genre of “rape porn” that shows graphic
depictions of violent sexual assaults against women.
Tarantino concealed the movie in literature for the film festival. It was simply billed as
“Midnight Mystery Movie” on literature.
Jamie Foxx, the star of “Django Unchained” is promoting the movie by going on antiwhite racial rants in public. This weekend, on Saturday Night Live, he stated “I get to kill
all the white people, how great is that!”
Citizens Informer
The changing face of Sydney
by Jared Taylor
I was invited to give a talk in Sydney by an Australian group
called Klub Nation that opposes Third-World immigration to
their country. On September 15, I spoke for about 40 minutes on the importance of racial consciousness and the need
to control immigration. The talk was warmly received, and a
very well informed audience kept me on my feet for another
40 minutes of questions.
After I spoke, Professor Drew Fraser gave a talk on the
importance of WASP consciousness, and afterwards he
and I debated whether it made sense to appeal specifically
to American WASPs. Prof. Fraser argued that ethnic consciousness is more powerful than racial consciousness and
would be a better way to mobilize people. I argued that at
least in the United States, appealing to WASPs would be
divisive, and that when white Americans have a group consciousness that goes beyond food and holidays to include a
political dimension, it is racial rather than ethnic.
This was my first visit to Australia, so I arrived a few days
early to poke around. There is much to see in and around
I stayed in Parramatta, which is a suburb to the west of
Sydney that has become the home of many of the “new Australians” who are changing the face of the country. There is
a train that runs through Parramatta into Sydney, and I was
surprised to be one of just a handful of whites on board. The
rest were Orientals, Middle-Easterners, dark-skinned Indians, and a sprinkling of Africans. It is a different racial mix
from that of the United States, and it was not always easy
to guess the origins of my fellow passengers. Many spoke
languages I did not recognize.
Australia does not keep a racial count of its population,
so there are no official figures on the percentage of nonwhites, but estimates put them at 15 to 20 percent. Most
live in big cities such as Melbourne and Sydney, while the
back country is still overwhelmingly white. I cannot guess
the non-white population of Sydney, but they are certainly
everywhere you look.
Many of the people a tourist would deal with, such as trainticket sellers, shop keepers, and counter clerks are “new
Australians” from Asia and the Middle East. They tend to
have the same affectless, minimalist view of customer service that their counterparts have in the United States. Museums and historical sites, however, were staffed by white
Australians who were uniformly polite and agreeable.
Australia was first settled in 1788, so there are no buildings
older than that, but early convict barracks, government buildings, and even a few early 19th-century private houses are
carefully maintained and open to visitors. Parramatta was
one of the first settlements, because the land in Sydney was
salty and infertile. Early buildings there are well maintained,
and offer excellent guided tours.
Although Parramatta must be one of the most heavily nonwhite cites in Australia, the historical preservation effort
seems to be entirely white. I did not see a single “new Aus-
tralian” among the staff, guides, or visitors. It is like visiting
the Smithsonian museums in Washington, DC: diversity outside, white visitors inside.
In Sydney, I stopped by the Parliament House, where the
state government of New South Wales meets. The upper house was in session, and from the gallery I watched
members of the opposition questioning ministers. There
is not much worry about security: From the gallery I could
have walked right onto the floor of the chamber. I had gone
through a security check to get into the building, but when I
left the gallery I went out to the street through an unguarded
gate. It is pleasant to be in a country that trusts its people.
Parliament House has an exhibition room. At the time of
my visit, there was a display called “In Living Memory” about
the activities of the now defunct Aborigines Welfare Board
of New South Wales. The exhibit was a breast-beating portrayal of the early 20th century program of taking aboriginal children—many of them part white—out of the bush,
and putting them in boarding schools. The plan was to give
them Anglo-Australian training so they could get jobs in the
modern economy, but the program is now reviled as cultural
genocide. The captions of the photographs contained such
phrases as “children smile grimly as . . . .”
It is my impression that official Australian remorse about
aborigines may be even more heavy-handed than American
remorse for slavery or dispossession of the Indians. Public
buildings often have Aborigine-motif decorations. A restaurant in the Sydney Opera Hall, for example, has a sculpture
of didgeridoos, an aboriginal musical instrument (see one
played here). Walkways in Parramatta are decorated with
aboriginal-style drawings.
The Australian Museum in Sydney has a wing devoted to
Aboriginal artifacts, but they are unimpressive. There are
boomerangs and “message sticks” (sticks with grooves and
notches carved on them to convey messages), and kangaroo-skin cloaks, but not much else. As I walked through the
museum, I caught sight of some very striking masks and for
a moment thought that Aborigines must have a real creative
streak after all. The masks turned out to be from New Guinea.
More impressive to me than the Aboriginal exhibit was a
display of all the Australian sea creatures that can kill you:
not just sharks, but box jellyfish, lion fish, blue-ringed octopi,
cone shells, and stone fish.
Did I see any aboriginals while I was in Sydney? I don’t
know. Australia seems to follow the one-drop rule, and many
people who look white claim to be aboriginal because of the
benefits and social cachet. Aboriginal traits are generally recessive, so even a first-generation cross between a pureblood aborigine and a white could be hard for an outsider
to place.
On the Friday evening before my talk, Prof. Fraser and his
wife Kathe took me to see the second night of a new play
called Australia Day. The title Continued on page 31
comes from Australia’s annual celebration of the arrival of
Likewise, during the Second World War, the United States
the first convict fleet in 1788 and is a national holiday. The did not join the fight until it was attacked, but Australia implay, written by the well known political satirist Jonathan Big- mediately declared war. As Prime Minister Robert Menzies
gins, is set in a small Australian town, where the town coun- explained, “Britain is at war; therefore Australia is at war.”
cil is planning this year’s celebration.
Australians had no quarrel with Boers or Germans, and
Prof. Fraser warned me to expect an evening of unrelieved their country had no vital interests at stake (the Japanese
multi-culti, but we were pleasantly surprised. The “bigot” bombed Darwin during the Second World War, but Australia
who yearns for the days before Third-World immigration is was already a combatant). Australians rallied to Britain belikeable and has clever lines.
cause they were overwhelmHis foil is a Green Party town
ingly of British stock and concouncilor who mouths platisidered themselves the same
tudes, and is exposed in the
people. If Britons were dying
end as a scheming, dishonAustralians would die beside
est politician, like all the rest.
There are some forthright
I visited the ANZAC memoarguments against immigrarial on a sunny day, and Hyde
tion, though the playwright
Park was full of visitors. There
did the safe thing and put
were hundreds of “new Austhem into the mouth of an
tralians” outside the memoAustralian-born Oriental. In
rial, but not one inside. The
all, it was a clever, entertaincall of the mother country no
ing performance, and I was
doubt means nothing to them.
sorry when it ended. I did not
I read a history of Austranotice a single non-white face
lia before I went to Sydney,
in an audience that must have
a book called Australia by a
numbered more than 600.
British author named Frank
Perhaps the most impressive
Welsh. I was curious to see
and moving place I visited
how he would treat the “White
was the ANZAC memorial in
Australia Policy” that restrictHyde Park in Sydney. It was
ed immigration to whites, and
dedicated in 1934 to the peowas not fully dismantled until
ple of New South Wales who
the 1970s. He described it as
served in The Great War. AN“bigoted” and “damaging,” but
ZAC stands for Australia New
never explained why it was
Zealand Army Corps, which
wrong. No doubt, in these enwas the name of the force
lightened times, no one needs
that served in Europe, and
to be told why it is wrong for a
even individual soldiers are
nation built by whites to stay
referred to as Anzacs. In later
years, the memorial has been
But Mr. Welsh’s praise for
rededicated to all Australians
the consequences of maswho served their country.
sive non-white immigration is
There is a spacious, diga miracle of stupidity: “From
nified rotunda inside, with
being a colonial backwater
Jared Taylor speaking in Australia
120,000 gold stars embedsearching for an identity, Ausded on the underside of the dome—one star each for the tralia has become a multi-cultural society.”
men and women of New South Wales who rallied to the flag
If men and women who were proud subjects of the Britduring The Great War. At the center of the memorial is a very ish crown really had been “searching for an identity” how
striking statue of women carrying a dead soldier who has could they possibly have found one by importing millions of
come home, like the Spartan, on his shield.
foreigners who have nothing in common with the founding
There are small displays inside the memorial commemorat- stock? This is the foolishness that now passes for wisdom.
ing the major wars Australia has fought. The first engageA minority of Anglo-Australians fully understand the terrible
ment of Australian troops outside their country was during mistake their country made when it abolished the “White
the Boer War in South Africa. Since then, whenever Great Australia Policy.” They are working hard to preserve the naBritain was at war, Australia loyally fought for the mother tion of their ancestors and they deserve our full support.
country. The very day after Britain declared war on the Kaiser, Australian Prime Minister Joseph Cook declared that
“when the Empire is at war, so is Australia.” The United
States waited three years before going to war.
Citizens Informer
of PinkMeth so that he “can be brought to justice.”
Van Dyke is no stranger to conservative activism. On, there is an article about Van Dyke entitled
“An ‘Honorary White Male’ in a Vast Right-Wing ConspiraThis past week, an epic legal battle has been waged in Tex- cy,” which praises his conservative activism while he was an
as by Attorney Jason L. Van Dyke against, a undergraduate student at Michigan State University. Years
“revenge porn” website that targeted for humiliation almost later, the neo-perverts of the leftist Southern Poverty Law
exclusively young white American females. “Revenge porn” Center saw fit to slur Van Dyke on their website as a “neois a recent phenomenon in which vindictive ex-boyfriends Confederate lawyer.” The SPLC was displeased with Van
forward to smut websites the nude pictures that their former Dyke, because he was once involved with and served as
girlfriends sent to them via email or cellular phone as “sext the legal advisor for the Michigan State University chapter of
messages” during their relationships. The website adminis- the Young Americans for Freedom, which gained notoriety
trators then search for the contact and identification informa- on a national level after hosting as speakers: Chris Simcox
tion of the women—including email addresses, residential of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps; Jennifer Gratz, who
addresses, phone numbers, Facebook profiles, MySpace sued the University of Michigan over its affirmative action
profiles, and LinkedIn profiles—, and synthesize the infor- policies and took her case all the way to the United States
mation into a package that is then posted online for all to Supreme Court; Nick Griffin of the British National Party;
Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies; and
Once their nude images are posted online without their anti-immigration hardliner
Tom Tancredo, who was then a United States congressconsent, random strangers use the contact information to
Kyle Bristow, who was the chairman of MSU-YAF
send lewd messages and images to the mortified victims
these speakers were brought to campus, is a good
of the websites. Van Dyke’s client believed the likelihood of
of Van Dyke’s and is now an Ohio attorney. Bristow
sexual assault for her to be so great that she has seen fit to
that he is seeking clients in Ohio to sue similar “reborrow a firearm from a family friend so as to protect herself
from predators.
and Van Dyke aggressively pursuing justice
PinkMeth, which has now been rendered inoperative due to
victims of the involuntary pornography webthe efforts of Van Dyke, was sued in the 393rd District Court
porn” industry’s days may very well be
of Denton County of Texas on November 29, 2012, for over
one million dollars in punitive damages. VeriSign, which acts
Since the cause is just, Van Dyke is representing his clias the registry operator for “.com” addresses, settled with
in litigation against PinkMeth at no cost to her. However,
the plaintiff out of court last week. On December 12, 2012,
expenses—such as depositions, travel exa temporary injunction was put in place by Judge Douglas
filing fees—can still be costly, so I enRobinson to enjoin the deactivation of the website. Since
of Van Dyke’s mission to send him cash
then, other women have come forward and contacted Van
written on the subject line—for
Dyke to request his legal assistance in litigation against simithese
can be made out to “The
lar websites.
16901 Dallas Parkway,
In a press release issued by Van Dyke today, he observed
that his next goal is to identify, by way of his subpoena powers, the identity of the individual responsible for the content
Suing for American Women
by David Blade IV
10 X 1,000 Gives CofCC The World
by Sidney Secular
If 1,000 CofCC members and supporters would kick
in $10 per month in voluntary contributions, or tithes,
or gifts or however one may characterize it, that would
come to $10,000 per month, or $120,000 per year,
roughly the remuneration of a country doctor or lawyer. Now, if these same people would kick in an extra
$100 twice per year, once in the Spring and once in
the Fall--and anyone can scrape up a C-Note twice a
year for a hobby he or she is really “into”--then that
would be an income for the CofCC of $320,000 per
year over and above income from dues. That $320,000
per year would be our seed money to prime the pump,
that would bring in yet more money. Such a sum would
enable us to have a headquarters facility; an internet,
printing and media center; the capability to improve
and enlarge the Citizens Informer; to develop a book
catalog; to hire a small staff to handle correspondence
and distribute a much larger number of newspapers;
funding to publish a whole range of books by kindred
authors; production money to produce and sell CDs
and DVDs; and very importantly, the ability to fund our
chapters activities, which we have not been able to do
for some time. It also gives us the wherewithal to assure our race will survive into the 22nd Century; to win
back the USA; and perhaps thusly the Western World.
Ten dollars is also the price of a 12-pack of cheap domestic beer--so which will it be--the beer or saving our
culture and civilization? Let not the epitaph engraved
on the Cosmic tombstone of the White race be: “They
preferred the beer”.
Readers enamored of free trade and Libertarianism need to
begin their reading with this essay.
This is followed by a very brief introduction to the economic
Kyle Bristow, The Conscience of a Right-Winger. Toledo,
theory of Wilhelm Roepke, an essay which won a prize in
OH: 2012. Paperback. 165 p. $11.90. Order from www.
an essay contest sponsored by the Intercollegiate Studies or
Institute. Roepke should be brought to the attention of those
right-wingers for whom the whole of economics is summed
reviewed by Brent Nelson
up in the works of Ludwig von Mises. A reading of this
little essay will bring much-needed enlightenment to those
Kyle Bristow, a young attorney in Ohio, recently came to the rightists who have been misled into believing that the only
attention of a national audience as the head of the Michigan economic alternative to Marxism or Keynesianism is laissezState University chapter of Young Americans for Freedom faire (i.e., Libertarianism).
(Y.A.F.) , an organization founded more than half a century
These two essays may well be followed with a reading of
ago by William F. Buckley. The title of Bristow’s collection of “Globalization and Materialism: Mortal Dangers to the Soul
essays, The Conscience of a Right-Winger, also hearkens of Western Man.” Not only is the content of this essay most
back to that era, specifically to Barry Goldwater’s The Con- worthy, it will also serve to introduce to young readers some
science of a Conservative.
thinkers who deserve their study (e.g., Belloc, Huntington,
The fifteen essays coolected in this book are quite vari- Yockey).
able in length. The first three, focused on legal questions
The closing essay in this volume, “The Government Cover(the 2nd Amendment and weapons of contemporary military Up of the Solutrean Hypothesis,” is a look behind the scenes
grade; the 14th amendment and state laws against sodomy; of the never-ending struggle to claim who was here first.
the relevance of Rhodesia to international sovereignty) are
The Conscience of a Right-Winger is a worthy beginning for
rather lengthy and will appeal to students of the law. Other its author. It will also, it is hoped, be a worthy stimulus for
readers will want to open this book at some other place.
further reading and study by young people in Y.A.F., Youth
This reviewer greatly appreciates Bristow’s well-researched for Western Civilization, and the Council of Conservative
essay on “The Consequences of NAFTA on the American Citizens. This is a book which should be read by future
Economy.” Bristow particularly attends to the impact of leaders.
NAFTA on the working middle class of the United States.
A Worthy Beginning
Hearts and Minds
by Tom Pierce
With the current political atmosphere, Conservatives
across America are angry, disenfranchised and feeling a
little hopeless to say the least. The Republican Party is in
a panic and across the GOP congressmen and senators
are either leaning left or pandering to the Mestizo millions.
White, Christian values are obviously not going to get
anyone elected, right? So let’s abandon these old, intolerant,
gasbags and dinosaurs and move forward to a new dawn,
as long as it’s not a Golden Dawn. This is the sentiment of
the Republican Party.
Where do we find ourselves in this spectrum? Millions of
Americans are looking for a solution to restore our Republic.
The TEA Party was a start, but where is it now? What do we
still have? We still have the Council of Conservative Citizens
and now more than ever this organization needs to be at the
forefront. Town halls, City Councils, public demonstrations,
gun shows, you name it. We should be there fighting and
roaring to get our word out. A lot of folks have never even
heard of us and this needs to be rectified.
At Conservative activist meetings there tends to be a lot of
finger pointing, gossip, arguments over banner colors, and
preaching to the choir. The real enemy isn’t at the gates; they
are within our gates and about to complete their wholesale
domination and destruction of our society while we bicker
about titles, names and tell each other how bad banksters
and the third world are. We should instead be devising
strategies to retake the Republican Party or moving to an
alternative Third Party and, as afore mentioned, stamping
our feet as loud as possible.
Tip O’Neil once said, “All politics is local.” He really hit
the nail on the head. By networking likeminded folk in
our communities towards common goals we can organize
and keep control of our hometowns. Rallying neighbors
to fight urban development and land seizures, supporting
private Christian schools, being active in a local church,
corresponding with local politicians; all of these are perfectly
legal and can bring about in tangible, positive results. If our
communities begin to see us an asset, then the lefty media
bosses will not be able to convince them that we are a bunch
of raving, old timey, relics reminiscent of America’s horrid
glory days. This is the Council’s purpose as a grassroots
organization. We may not get every tom, dick and harry to
become card carrying members, but if we can show them
that we aren’t raving lunatics like the media portrays and
that there is still hope we can really take advantage of this
socialist meltdown and become the beacon for our Folk. A
grassroots revolution started in our backyards may unite
enough of us to be the next TEA Party. I have heard from
a County Commissioner and a State Representative that
there is very little feedback from the constituents and many
times they simply go with the ideas of those who are actively
campaigning them for lack of any other opinions. Make sure
the loony tune left isn’t the only feed your politicians are
getting. We have to stand up and be the strong voice while
many of our kin are hanging their heads and contemplating
the best options for surrender. Deo Vindice!
Citizens Informer
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100 cards $9.00
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(Postage Paid)
Council of Conservative Citizens
P.O. Box 221683, St. Louis, MO 63122
You can also join or renew your dues online via credit card or paypal at
About time you became a member?
Council of Conservative Citizens
P.O. Box 221683
St. Louis, MO 63122
Send to: The Council of Conservative Citizens,
P.O. Box 221683, St. Louis, MO 63122
Yes, I want to join the CofCC!
All members of the CofCC receive a subscrip- Address:______________________________
tion to the Citizens Informer newspaper and The
Council Reporter newsletter, as well as a copy City:________________________________
of the booklet, The King Holiday and Its Meaning.
Circle One:
Regular Member ($36)
If paying by credit card:
Life Membership ($1,000)
(circle one)
Five Year Membership ($120)
All life members will receive a special life mem- Card Number:_________________________
bership certificate, suitable for framing, a gold Life
Membership card (laminated), and a CofCC lapel Exp:________
pose, as stated, all efforts to deny peace-keeping missions or into similar unconstitutionally undeAmericans their rights of reli- clared wars under the names of “police actions.” We oppose sendgious expression and worship as guaranteed in the First Amend- ing American military personnel into wars and conflicts that do
ment, as well as efforts to deny rights of assembly and association. not concern our national security and interests. We oppose ever
(6) The traditional family is the basic unit of human society. sending American military men into combat without the intenWe believe in the traditional family as the basic unit of human so- tion to achieve victory. We oppose using American prisoners of
ciety and morality, and we oppose all efforts by the state and other war as diplomatic “bargaining chips” under any circumstances,
powers to weaken the structure of the American family through and we oppose abandoning American POWs to merciless enemies
toleration of sexual licentiousness, homosexuality and other per- after the cessation of conflict to suit the political interests of officeversions, mixture of the races, pornography in all forms, and sub- holders. We oppose all foreign aid and call for its termination. We
support the investigation of lobbying groups that represent the inversion of the authority of parents.
(7) Private property and free enterprise are the foundations of terests of foreign states or foreign powers and the enactment of legour economy. We believe in private property and free enterprise islation that will outlaw lobbying Congress or the executive branch
as the foundations of our economic life and the basis of American on behalf of foreign states.
(11) America First Trade Policy. We believe that just as our nawealth. We oppose efforts by the state to regulate, plan, manage,
control, or nationalize private property in any form. We oppose the tion has legitimate international political and military interests, so
ruinous taxation that government has imposed on working Ameri- it also has a legitimate international economic interest. We believe
cans and we call for real tax reform that will allow working men our trade policy should reflect our national economic interest and
and women to retain what they have earned. We support the repeal that the protection of our economy, including the jobs of our workof the estate tax. We affirm that the best economic decision-maker ers, our farms, and our manufacturing industries, is a vitally necesis the individual acting in what he believes is his own best inter- sary duty of our national government.
(12) Traditional Education under Local Control. We believe
est. We believe that tax policies and other economic legislation and
policies should reflect the importance of small businessmen, the that education is primarily the concern of parents and families and
family farm, and other independent, locally and privately owned local communities and therefore we oppose federal aid to educaand operated enterprises. While we accept the need for some pub- tion and federal efforts to control or direct education. We believe
lic welfare, health care, unemployment, and old age assistance, we that education should inform and build the mind and character, not
believe in such programs only as a last resort for those who truly brainwash children with political propaganda or “liberate” them
need them. We believe tax laws should encourage private char- from the traditional values and loyalties their families have taught
ity rather than public support for the poor, the disabled, and the them. We therefore oppose all “sex education” as well as so-called
sick and elderly who are unable to care for themselves. We sup- “multiculturalist” and “Afrocentric” curricula, “Outcome-Based
port welfare programs that seek to return recipients of welfare to Education,” and similar radical indoctrination in the schools. We
productive work as soon as possible. We oppose all welfare for im- oppose all efforts to inflate grades, adulterate or “dumb down” tests
and examinations, and introduce irrelevant and wasteful courses
migrants, whether legal or illegal.
(8) Cultural, national, and racial integrity. We support the cul- for the purpose of advancing some backward students over others
tural and national heritage of the United States and the race and more talented or more productive. We believe the schools, public,
civilization of which it is a part, as well as the expression and cele- private, and parochial, should teach students to be proud of bebration of the legitimate subcultures and ethnic and regional iden- ing Americans and proud of their national and local identities, and
tities of our people. We oppose all efforts to discredit, “debunk,” that they should instill in them the values of Western, Christian,
denigrate, ridicule, subvert, or express disrespect for that heritage. and American civilization. We support the authority of teachers
We believe public monuments and symbols should reflect the real and school administrators to discipline students, including the auheritage of our people, and not a politically convenient, inaccurate, thority to expel them from school if students will not abide by the
rules and laws of the community. We support the right of parents to
insulting, or fictitious heritage.
(9) A Strong National Defense. We believe in the strongest pos- send their children to private schools or to educate their children
sible defense for the United States. We oppose the presence of ho- at home if they so desire, without government intrusion or control.
mosexuals and women in the military services and especially of We support the right of private schools to select their own students,
faculty, curricula, standards, and methods of administration.
women in combat roles.
(13) Strong and Just Law Enforcement. We believe in the
(10) America First Foreign Policy. We believe that in the aftermath of the U.S. victory over Soviet Communism, the United moral and legal responsibility of the individual and therefore that
States has little need to retain the political and military commit- good behavior should be rewarded and bad behavior should be
ments to allies made during the Cold War. While we wish these punished. We believe the most effective and most just response
allies well, we believe we cannot continue to support their defense to crime is swift, certain, and morally appropriate punishment.
budgets, guarantee their security, fight their wars, or finance their We believe in capital punishment for the crimes of murder, rape,
governments and economies through foreign aid. We therefore call treason, and espionage. We oppose the substitution of the pseudofor a comprehensive review of all U.S. diplomatic commitments sciences of psychiatry, sociology, and “rehabilitation” for real
and U.S. withdrawal from those alliances and commitments that justice. We believe law enforcement should be mainly a function
no longer serve our national interests or that threaten to entangle of local and state government, and we therefore oppose all efforts
us in unnecessary foreign wars, conflicts, and quarrels. We there- to establish a national police force or to nationalize law enforcefore oppose continued membership in NATO and similar outdated ment; we oppose similar efforts to create a global or international
Continued on page 36
Cold War alliances; we oppose sending American troops on U.N. police force and to “globalize”
Continued from page 2
Citizens Informer
tion of truly endangered species of wildlife and areas of natural
Continued from page 35
the extradition of law-abiding
American citizens to trials before foreign courts under laws to
Samuel Francis Ph.D., who died of a heart aneurysm in 2005, was
which they have never assented. We oppose all international
the former editor of the Citizen’s Informer newspaper and a member
criminal tribunals and all efforts to diminish national sovereignty
of the CofCC National Board of Directors. He was also a nationally
through the internationalization of criminal law. While we supsyndicated columnists and former writer for the Washington Times.
port and deeply respect all law enforcement officers, we also insist Francis was also a regular contributor to American Renaissance
that law enforcement at all levels operate within the law, that law
Magazine, Chronicles Magazine, the Occidental Quarterly, Vdare.
enforcement respect the rights of all citizens, and that spying on
com, and others.
and harassment of loyal and law-abiding citizens by law enforceBefore his unexpected death, the Council of Conservative Citiment agencies, by the military services, or by intelligence serzen’s Statement of Principles was the last thing he wrote. Francis was
vices at any level of government should be strictly forbidden and
rushed to the hospital just days after submitting his first draft to the
severely punished.
rest of the Board.
(14) Protection of the Environment and Natural Heritage. We
At the 2005 Spring National Board meeting, the CofCC National
believe that the natural environment and resources of a nation are Directors voted unanimously to adopt the Statement of Principles
among its most precious, valuable, and irreplaceable treasures. We completely unaltered from Francis’ original version as a tribute to all
believe in the protection of the environment from reckless greed
he had done for the CofCC.
as well as from irresponsible government. We support the protec36
Council of Conservative Citizens Legacy Society
Empower the next generation of patriots.
When you include the Council of Conservative Citizens in your
estate plans, you will be welcomed as a member of the Council of
Conservative Citizens Legacy Society.
This group was formed to recognize our outstanding friends and
donors whose long-term support will help the CofCC continue to
advocate for our cultural heritage and political rights.
Members of the society will receive special recognition as testimony of your commitment. Each year, the CofCC will honor the
members at a special Legacy Society table during the luncheon at
our annual conference.
If you have included the CofCC in your plans, we hope that you
will let us know. We would appreciate the opportunity to express our
gratitude, and to welcome you into the Legacy Society. Of course, if
you wish to remain anonymous, we will respect your wishes.
For more information about the CofCC Legacy Society, please
contact us at 636-940-8474.
The are several ways to make a contribution to the CofCC after
your lifetime. You can leave your legacy through a will, a living trust,
an insurance policy, or an IRA or qualified retirement plan.
Through a will...
powerful legacy as you would a will. Living trusts are gaining popularity as they can eliminate the need for a lengthy and expensive
probate process.
Sample language for wills or living trusts...
Whether you use a codicil (an addition to an existing will) or are
having a will prepared for the first time, you can use these words
to make a gift to the CofCC: “I give, devise and bequeath (choose
one: ____ percent of my estate, ____ dollars, ____ percent of the
residue of my estate (or) the residue of my estate.) to the Council
of Conservative Citizens.”
However, if you have a specific purpose in mind, please contact
us at 636-940-8474 so that we can assist you in planning a gift that
meets both your interests and the goals of the CofCC.
It is wise to discuss with your attorney how best to structure your
will to provide for loved ones and achieve your philanthropic objectives.
With life insurance policies...
The Council of Conservative Citizens can be named as the sole
or partial beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Leaving a bequest in your will is a simple process.
The Council of Conservative Citizens can be named as the beneficiary of a set dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or specific assets.
If you wish, you may name CofCC as a contingent beneficiary of
assets designated for loved ones in the event they do not survive
Using your IRA or qualified retirement plan...
Our legal designation is:
Council of Conservative Citizens
P.O. Box 221683
Saint Louis, MO 63122
Conservative Citizens Foundation
Through a living trust...
By including the CofCC in your living trust, you create the same
Retirement plans are also attractive planned gift vehicles. The
CofCC can be named as the beneficiary (primary, secondary, or
percentage.) of an IRA or other qualified retirement account.
For more information please contact us at 636-940-8474.
Similar provision can be made for bequest or naming as a beneficiary the Conservative Citizens Foundation, which is a 501 (c)
(3) tax-exempt public foundation. Gifts to the Conservative Citizens
Foundation are tax deductible.