Annual Report 2013 - Providence Washington
Annual Report 2013 - Providence Washington
CULTIVATING HOPE & HEALING 2013 Annual Report Harv Jubie Carolyn Black Providence General Foundation Mission Providence General Foundation cultivates the charitable spirit of the community by raising and distributing funds to promote health and wellness primarily through the programs and services of Providence Regional Medical Center Everett. Our fundraising efforts are guided by our core values of respect, compassion, justice, excellence, and stewardship. Providence Mission As people of Providence, we reveal God’s love for all, especially the poor and vulnerable, through our compassionate service. Dear Friends, As we reflect back on 2013, we have much for which we are grateful. Through the uplifting support that community members, employees, and our many dedicated friends generously extended to the Foundation, we experienced a very productive year. We are honored by the opportunity to serve this thriving organization as we work together to cultivate and nurture our growth for many seasons ahead. Summer 2013 marked the completion of The Campaign for Providence—the largest campaign ever undertaken in Snohomish County. Throughout the Campaign, a group of more than 70 committed volunteers devoted countless hours to encourage support of the Marshall and Katherine Cymbaluk Medical Tower and our mission. Their work—and the Campaign’s impact—will benefit this community for many decades by planting the seeds now to allow Providence to meet our region’s burgeoning healthcare needs going forward. In 2013, more than $2 million of valuable donor contributions were distributed and invested into Providence and community initiatives focusing on improving health and wellbeing. A highlight of the year was the investment of $730,000 for a new Center for Autism for the Providence Children’s Center. An additional $100,000 was awarded to the Inside Out Organ Show—an educational outreach program that vividly demonstrates the negative impact unhealthy habits can have on our bodies. Another $270,000 was distributed to the Providence Everett Healthcare Clinic in continued support of its important work with our underserved population. These are just a few examples of how your generous support is making a profound positive impact on those we serve. Other 2013 highlights include record-breaking revenue at both of our signature events—The Epicurean Affair and Festival of Trees. The annual “I Give” Employee Campaign also had a landmark year, with an unprecedented $328,000 raised by hospital staff in support of the Foundation and United Way of Snohomish County. As one season changed into another, so too there were changes in leadership at Providence in 2013. We bid farewell to Randy Petty who retired from his position as Chief Development Officer after years of dedicated service and after faithfully shepherding The Campaign for Providence through to its successful conclusion. Preston Simmons replaced David Brooks as Chief Executive Officer for Providence Northwest Washington; our new CEO offers experience, a devout sense of mission, and continuity as we face transformational change in the healthcare world. As we continue to cultivate hope and healing through our ministry at Providence, we look to coming seasons with expectation and enthusiasm. We thank you sincerely for your continued support, and pledge to maximize the impact of every dollar that is entrusted to us. We look forward to connecting our supporters’ passions to grow our mission in new ways. Sincerely, Harv JubieCarolyn Black Chief Development Officer 2013 Chairman, Board of Directors Providence General Foundation Providence General Foundation 2 SERVE GROWING TO Today, more and more children of services, and many families Early intervention is key. “If are being diagnosed with are facing long waiting lists— autism is identified early, we can autism. Sadly, there are few up to 18 months—to access teach coping behaviors that places for families to turn the much needed services. help a child to communicate wants and needs, self-soothe for the help, education and support that they desperately “Autism incidence has sky- when over-stimulated, and do need at this time, and it can be rocketed in the last ten years, well in school,” Christie says. overwhelming and discourag- and the rise in rates in western “Our program identifies a child’s ing. But it doesn’t have to be. Washington is especially high,” deficits and strengths; we Christie says. “Researchers develop a plan that focuses on Erin Lolohea remembers the are trying to figure out what’s the strengths. Treatment and moment she heard her son triggering the change. But education go far toward helping Mason’s diagnosis. “It can for now, early intervention is these kids and families to be be scary, because autism is the only way to minimize the successful.” often misunderstood.” Erin impact on our kids, young says. “But the Providence adults, families and greater Children’s Center’s therapists community.” Donor support through fundrais- the diagnosis doesn’t change Tending to needs Festival of Trees, has made it your child—you just have a To help meet the growing possible for the Foundation better understanding of what needs for diagnosis and to invest $730,000 in 2013 they are going through. And treatment, Providence will towards the new center’s cap- they offered me strategies that soon open a new compre- ital and programmatic needs. really help.” hensive Center for Autism at Because of this funding, the helped me to understand that Sowing the seeds ing efforts, including the annual Providence. The groundbreak- Center for Autism will open its The rise of autism in our community ing program will have three doors in 2014 with the ex- components: a multi-disci- panded capacity to serve more Christine Tipton, manager of plinary team of experts for children like Mason. Children & Family Services diagnosis; a 12-week intensive at Providence, says the treatment program customized “Honestly, I don’t know what we Children’s Center is one of just to each child’s needs; and a would have done without the three Centers of Excellence training program for parents. therapists at the Center,” Erin in the state approved to diag- says. “They are our support, nose autism. Community need our team. I can’t imagine how is quickly outpacing availability disheartened we’d have been if we had been turned away or put on a waiting list.” Erin Lolohea and her son Mason 4 FUTURE NURTURING THE “Until they see it, kids damaged by substance The presentation is also taken don’t really understand abuse, poor eating habits and to community health fairs and the multi-symptom impact unsafe behaviors. Inside Out events where attendees can that a habit like smoking shows people first-hand what stop by a booth to see the has—on their lungs, brain, really happens to their bodies organs and ask questions. heart and vascular system,” when they choose harmful says Shawneri Guzman, habits and lifestyles. Keeping it real Shawneri says she believes Trauma and Injury Prevention Sharing knowledge, shaping lives one reason the program tends The program reaches ap- well is that she and Kathy proximately 20,000 people “put a person” behind each annually through more than organ. “We talk about the true, 70 presentations. In 2013, harsh consequences of our life the Providence General choices. The organs we show Helping kids make better health choices Foundation funded a two- are not fit for conventional year, $100,000 grant for the organ donation—because of Shawneri and her colleague Inside Out program to enable the person’s health choices, Kathy Ketchum take their the program to continue their organs are badly dam- health education mission through 2015. aged. Still, these organs could Specialist at Providence and one of the presenters for the Inside Out program. “But when they get it, something clicks. I can see it when they get the message.” on the road with Inside Out: to engage the audience so potentially save thousands The Original Organ Show, a Currently, the program’s who learn the lesson before program designed to help primary outreach focus is local they make bad decisions.” its audience make informed schools. “It is unfortunate, but decisions about behaviors and we are finding that a growing lifestyle choices which impact Shawneri says the connec- number of students, even their long-term wellbeing. tion she makes with her in elementary school, have audience—kids especially—is already tried unhealthy and rewarding. “Some kids cry. Inside Out presentations illegal substances,” Shawneri They write us letters. Even feature actual human organs, says. “In many cases, we’re their parents write to thank us such as hearts, lungs, brains, trying to undo habits that the for enlightening their kids,” she livers, kidneys and aortas. kids pick up at home.” says. “It can be life changing Some of the organs are healthy; others have been for many of them.” Shawneri Guzman encourages students at Marysville Mountain View High School to examine first-hand the impact unhealthy choices can have on our organs. Many documented the unsightly findings with their cell phone cameras. 6 THRIVING PARTNERSHIPS On a ship, the word partner by investing significant support from across the county to refers to the wooden frame- for our annual signature meet and discuss ideas for work used to strengthen the events—Festival of Trees and creating a more sustainable deck around the mast—the The Epicurean Affair. Since healthcare system. powerful spire that holds sails 2010, Premera event spon- and moves a ship forward. sorship to the Foundation Out of that initial work by This uncommon, yet mean- totals more than $100,000. the Coalition, two new ingful, definition of the word Combined with additional initiatives were created, and paints the perfect picture of support from grant funding the Providence General the value and importance of and other programs, their Foundation awarded a partners for the Providence total giving to the Foundation $65,000 grant in support of General Foundation. Without exceeds $217,000 to date. these efforts. forward progress would “Providence and Premera “The two initiatives are book- be impossible. are like-minded organizations ends in life,” shared Preston when it comes to promoting Simmons, Chief Executive A perfect example of this health and investing in initia- Officer of Providence Regional type of partner is Premera tives that help build a strong Medical Center. “One is Blue Cross, one of the healthcare system,” said Rich focused on combating youth Pacific Northwest’s largest Maturi, Senior Vice President obesity, and the other is on health plans. of Healthcare Delivery Systems addressing care in the final at Premera. “Our successful stages of life.” their strengthening support, Stronger together partnership with Providence Premera’s partnership with allows us to combine our the Providence General The youth obesity initiative efforts and strengthen our Foundation began in 2009 encourages area students impact on the communities when Premera stepped for- to be more active and foster we serve.” a lifelong commitment to a ward with a $100,000 grant to the Foundation in support of a regional cardiac community education and outreach program designed to raise public awareness on the importance of calling 911 at the first sign Providence supports innovation In 2013, Providence’s partnership with Premera continued to blossom through the work of the Snohomish of a heart attack or stroke. County Health Leadership In addition to the Cardiac formed in 2012 when Scott and Stroke Network Grant, Premera has partnered with the Foundation over the years Coalition. The Coalition was Forslund, Director of Strategic Communications for Premera Blue Cross, invited leaders healthy lifestyle. Students receive accelerometers to track the duration and intensity of their daily activity. They can sync their gadgets, log their progress, and view earned points and rewards online. The second initiative focuses on palliative care, ensuring that people with life-threatening illnesses receive care that is in line with their values. “Multidisciplinary partnerships like this serve as the catalyst for true forward progress in health care,” added Simmons. “We are grateful that Premera is a partner who shares that vision with us.” Rich Maturi and Scott Forslund, Premera Blue Cross 8 SOWING THE SEEDS OF GENEROSITY John Lundquist, a 75-year-old every day and lifts weights— ing at attention at their stations. Smokey Point resident, toured he has a family history of heart I stared around me like a kid at the Cymbaluk Medical Tower disease. A troubling tightness his first Christmas.” before it opened in 2010. “They in his chest turned out to be opened it up to the community, angina, and his next visit to “It was, and is, humbling to and I wanted to see it,” John Providence wasn’t planned. think of all the attention and says. “I remember walking This time, he was there as a effort given to me on that morn- through a cardiac operating patient—getting a quadruple ing, and also on the seventh room, listening to a doctor who coronary artery bypass. floor for the next five days,” was talking about the surgeries they could do. He was holding A spirit of gratitude a model of the heart.” John says he believes his John says. “I thank everyone so much for all of their efforts.” team of Providence caregivers Inspired to give saved his life, and he’s incredi- John is retired from a long bly thankful. He remembers so career, having worked as a many of the people who cared heavy equipment operator is the place to get it.’” for him—Dr. Tim Byrnes, for Scott Paper and later as Dr. Joe Austin, the physician’s a driver for the Forest Service Fast-forward to 2013, and John assistant Karen Tooley, his and Star Rentals. After his cardiac nurses, and his anes- discharge from the hospital thesiologist. Some names he he was inspired to send a can’t recall, but he will never donation, along with a note of forget the care and attention gratitude for his care in honor each person provided to make of the caregivers who saved him feel safe and cared for his life. “It was fascinating,” John says. “I honestly thought to myself, ‘if I ever need cardiac care, this was back, but this time he didn’t walk in on his own. Even though John is fit and healthy— he eats a balanced diet, walks while at Providence. “I’m not a wealthy man,” John “My gratitude goes out to all says. “I’m a pensioner, and I the staff who performed my live on Social Security. But I open heart surgery,” he says. really wanted to give something “As I was wheeled into surgery to recognize how kind and con- that morning, I was in awe at scientious everyone was.” the sight of the fantastic light display and the people stand- “So I wrote a letter, and I made a little offering,” he continued. “Because, you know, they treated me like a king.” John Lundquist reunites with Drs. Timothy Byrnes and Joseph Austin for the first time after his week-long recovery at Providence. 10 2013 SIGNATURE EVENTS A Seaside Epicurean Affair A Holly Jolly Holiday Festival With Anthony’s Homeport Restaurant as a The 2013 Festival of Trees was a “Holly Jolly” gracious host, more than 200 guests gath- holiday success with record-breaking results ered on March 12, 2013, for the 27th Annual for this annual affair. Guided by the leadership Epicurean Affair. Chaired by Medical Oncologist of Joel and Mary French and Joel (Buzz) and Dr. Oliver Batson and his wife Julie, the gourmet Suzanne French, the event grossed more than event helped raise more than $126,000 for local $667,000 in proceeds to benefit the Providence cancer patients enduring financial struggles General Foundation Children’s Services fund in while undergoing treatment. support of the new Center for Autism. The sold-out crowd enjoyed a special tropical Throughout the weeklong events—includ- menu crafted for the night’s festivities. In addition ing Opening Night, Holiday Gala & Auction, to the lively auction and fund-a-need, the Everett Community Open House, and Teddy Bear Silvertips were presented with the third annual Breakfast—nearly 5,000 people made their Budd Gould Award for their outstanding support way through the tinsel and trees at the Everett of breast cancer screening programs through Comcast Arena to experience the beautiful the annual Pink the Rink event. holiday décor. More than 22 wreaths and trees were elaborately decorated with ornaments of A sincere thank you to Anthony’s Homeport all shapes and sizes, from sock monkeys and Restaurant, the Batson’s, event guests, vol- Disney characters to coveted bottles of Quilceda unteers, and all the generous event sponsors Creek wine. including The Everett Clinic and Premera Blue Cross for helping to provide funding for local A sincere thank you to the French family, the cancer patients in need. many volunteers, tree and wreath designers, guests, and sponsors who helped make Festival of Trees so successful. And a special thank you to our Platinum Sponsors: Premera Blue Cross, Radia, and K&H Printing; and our Gold sponsors: SCI Solutions, Sean Kelly Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, Tulalip Tribes, The Everett Clinic, Providence Medical Group, and Western Washington Medical Group for their very generous support. 2013 Festival of Trees Chairs Mary French, Joel French, Jr., Joel French, Sr. & Suzanne French 2013 Epicurean Chairs Dr. Oliver & Julie Batson 12 EVENTS 2013 THAT ENHANCE OUR MISSION The Providence General Foundation would like to thank the many individuals and organizations who help further the mission of Providence through third-party fundraisers. Through these efforts, $144,000 was invested into funds that assist cancer patients encountering financial challenges or provide mammogram screenings to those in need. Washington Stealth The Washington Stealth professional lacrosse team partnered with Providence General Foundation for a night of fast-paced action and fundraising on March 30 to support the Providence Breast Center Fund. Proceeds from the event exceeded $14,500. Annual Women’s Golf Outing Rummage for Relief The Everett Golf & Country Relief garage sale was held Club Women’s Division hosted at the Providence Regional the 36th annual Women’s Cancer Partnership on Golf Tournament on May 3. August 3 to raise funds for The group raised more than the Cancer Patient Assistance $18,000 to benefit the Cancer Fund. Thanks to Julie Batson Patient Assistance Fund. and countless volunteers, Almost 90 women gathered to more than $3,200 was raised enjoy a day of golf, lunch and on the Foundation’s behalf. The first-ever Rummage for live and silent auctions. Columbia Funding Mortgage’s Run of the Mill Thousands of runners and walkers gathered in the Mill Creek Town Center for the Columbia Funding Mortgage’s Run of the Mill July 6. Proceeds from the race were donated to area non-profits, with $10,000 allocated to the Cancer Patient Assistance Fund at Providence. Wheels on the Waterfront On September 7, the second annual Wheels on the Waterfront classic car fundraising event drove home $6,600—four times the previous year’s proceeds—to benefit the Cancer Patient Assistance Fund. Silvertips Pink the Rink The annual Everett Silvertips Pink the Rink hockey event, held on November 2, brought in $71,000 in support of the free mammogram program for women without insurance. Proceeds from the event included a generous $50,000 donation from the Safeway Foundation—the premier sponsor for the annual Tips fundraiser. Run of the Mill Silvertips Pink the Rink Wheels on the Waterfront Annual Women’s Golf Outing Rummage for Relief 14 2013 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW IMPACT Support to Providence Regional Medical Center Everett & Community Initiatives Cancer Center Programs Providence Children’s Center $10,000 $719,566 Complete Health Improvement Program Grant $5,100 Comprehensive Breast Center & Mammogram Assistance $4,021 Diabetes Education Programs Education & Scholarship Programs Helping Hand Employee Assistance Inside Out Organ Show Grant Linda Baltzell Cancer Patient Assistance $1,190 $61,754 $4,623 $100,000 $34,886 Patient Care Tower Capital Support $750,000 Providence Everett Healthcare Clinic $270,167 Cardiac Level 1 Network Heart Attack Education $3,000 Project Access Northwest Initiatives $10,000 Snohomish County Health Leadership Coalition Initiatives $65,000 Total Support in 2013* $2,039,307 *reflects accounting adjustments FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Assets Cash & Equivalents $1,507,522 Net Pledge & Other Receivables $4,539,486 Investments$18,805,392 Gift & Annuity Trust Funds Total $526,713 $25,379,113 Liabilities Gift & Annuity Trust Funds Liability Beginning Fund Balances Excess Revenue over Expenses Total The 2013 Financial Overview is reported with pre-audited financials. $391,968 $22,821,635 $2,165,510 $25,379,113 TOTAL NEW GIFTS & COMMITMENTS BY YEAR $9m $8m $7m $6m $5m $4m $3m $2m $1m 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 New Gifts & Commitments in 2013: $2,450,602 2012 2013 16 2013 INDIVIDUAL & CORPORATE DONORS The individuals and organizations listed in this Thank you to all who donated financial resources, section reflect only new gifts and commitments time and energy to Providence General received from January 1, 2013, through December Foundation. Your support contributes greatly to 31, 2013. This does not include payments made transforming health care for our community. on pledges recognized in previous years. $999,999 – $250,000 Dick & Judy Oberg Dr. Jay & Christine Cook Providence General Children’s Association Pacific Gynecology Specialists Rick Cooper & Robin Hilton Rick & Diane Pedack Dr. Kim Costas & Darius Schenck Premera Blue Cross Dr. Jim Courrier $249,999 – $100,000 Providence Medical Group Steve Cox M.A. Mortenson Construction Company Radia Inc., PS Marv & Susan Crum Brad & Lynnette Roberson Marshall & Katherine Cymbaluk Buzz & Carol Rodland Dr. Harold Dash & Victoria Romero United Way of Snohomish County $99,999 – $25,000 Jay & Terry Ackley Carrol Walker Western Washington Medical Group Nik & Janice Halladay Mike & Pat Holcomb The Safeway Foundation Dr. William & Elizabeth Dickinson Bob & Lizbeth Dobler Robert Doyle $9,999 – $2,500 Vern & Stephanie Allen Everett Community College Foundation Ralph Arney Falck $24,999 – $10,000 Bank of America Mike & Maggie Faulkner Dr. Frank & Jan Andersen Banner Bank Bill & Sheri Feeney Dave & Marilyn Beck Stuart Barger & Dr. Naomi Katsh-Barger Dr. Bill & Katie Finley Gordon & Carol Bjorg Dr. Amy & Matt BonDurant Dr. Oliver & Julie Batson Frontier Communications Elizabeth Campbell Tom & Sue Gaffney Vandana & Vikram Chalana Dr. Earl & Isabel Sloan-Kerr Beegle Coastal Community Bank Gordon & Donna Bjorg Walt Gillette & Saundra Cope Jeff & Jodie Cymbaluk Botesch Nash & Hall Architects Geoff & Carlene Goldfinch The Everett Clinic Beau & Debra Bradley Randy & Ruthe Graybeal Everett Steel Companies Paul & Ruth Brandal Ed & Andi Hansen Tim & Tania Halladay Dr. James Brevig & Meredith Gould Chris & Jennifer Heman Phil & Kelly Johnson Built Design, Inc. Rick & Julie Hermanson Sean Kelly, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Mike & Stephanie Castle Hermanson Company, LLP Todd & Lolly Hofheins Mark & Patty Lervick CellNetix Pathology & Laboratories Kathleen Munding Ken & Sharon Clay Annette Colombini Dr. Jim & Mary Lou Finley Gaffney Construction Holiday Inn Downtown Everett Harv & Jan Jubie Larry & Linda Jubie Dennis & Susan Wilson Nancy Farley Dr. Ernest & Debra Kawamoto Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects, LLP Sonia Fenske Ray & Anna Lee Kirtley Bob & Shirley Ferguson Jodi Ferguson Steve & Carol Klein $2,499 – $1,000 Klein Honda Brent & Kelly Allen Linda Field Greg & Kathleen Lawson American Pacific Mortgage Corporation Dr. Albert Fisk & Judith Harris Robert Leith ManorCare, Lynnwood Matt & Anne Masterson Whidbey Island Bank Mill Creek Run of the Mill Mary Jane Miller Molina Healthcare of Washington MOM 365 Moss Adams Dr. Nancy & Larry Neubauer George & Maribeth Newland Norco Medical Edmund & Glenda Oas Olga Ortuzar Pediatrix Medical Group Peoples Bank Joe & Charlie Pignataro Puget Sound Kidney Centers RBA Productions, Inc. Rodland Toyota Roy Robinson Chevrolet Subaru Rural Metro Ambulance Dr. Pat & Denise Ryan Idamae Schack Dr. Frank & Candace Schramm Jerry & Michele Arneson Patricia Artache Don & Shirley Ayres Ken & Susie Baldwin Geoffrey Bedell & Sheila Bleakney Patricia Beginski Judy Bekker Dr. David & Janelle Beyer Carolyn Black Paula Bradlee Erica Branca Duane Brandvold Tom & Sally Brennan Tami Bullock Joanne Burke Cliff & Holly Call Clayton & Judith Canfield Ronald Carberry Heather Case Heather Coleman Tom & Jane Collins Columbia Funding Mortgage Dr. James & Sandy Congdon Angela Cope Dallas & Judy Ferrel Carol Ann Foss Tom & Patty Freeburg Joel & Suzanne French Joel & Mary French Jim & Jan Gaffney Joe & Ashley Gaffney Dave Garets & Claire McCarthy Lisa George Geoff & Kathy Gibbs Sherri Giragosian, PA-C Ann Green Jeff & Tracy Greene Kathleen Gutierrez Norma Haines Dr. Jeff & Eileen Hambleton Mike & Heidi Harder Dr. William & Marilyn Hecht Jerry & Helga Hilson Shawn & Kathie Hoban Tom & Margaret Hoban David & Gayle Holland Patricia Holmes John & Lisa Hooper Steve Hopp Barbara Howell SCI Solutions Mark Coughenour & Chris Douglas Seattle Children’s Hospital Rebekah Couper-Noles Dan & Sue Huberty The Seneca Real Estate Group, Inc. Dr. Jack & Marilyn Courrier Jennifer Armstrong Charles & Lauren Daly Jamie & Kathy Hunter Paul & Bonnie DeLong Dennis & Kathy Hutton Nancy Divers Beverly Jacobs Gayle Jago Dean & Chris Stensby Dwayne Lane’s Chrysler Jeep Dodge Chevrolet The Dragon Wolf Foundation, Inc. Terry & Cheryle Earnheart James Johnson The Tulalip Tribes Dr. James Edwards Merri Joy Vintage by the Bay Jerry & Julie Elkington Dr. Barry Kahn Gary & Carolyn Weikel Dr. Virginia Eschbach Ken & Lisa Karlberg Wells Fargo Bank Everett Golf & Country Club Women’s Division Sean & Lisa Kelly Preston & Jill Simmons Sodexo Sparling Wheels on the Waterfront Fall Classic Car Show Whidbey Island Bank Everett Sertoma Club Janice Hoyt Peter & Shanley Johndrow Chad Kent Kelly Kikuchi This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. Please contact the Foundation at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Mark & Gina King Brad & Lynnette Roberson at Friends of Providence Event 18 David & Kathie Nelson Twin City Foods, Inc. Dr. Michael Neufeld Elizabeth Newland University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Dr. J. Patrick & Rhonda Nolan Spark & Cheryl Van Winkle Northwest Washington Radiation Oncology Associates Joy Varady Tommy Obay Lori Vocca Brian & Brenda Olson Dr. Wendy Wang Eric & Heidi Overton Dr. Ying Wang & Wuyi Li Mitesh Parikh Becky Weiderstrom Carol Petersen Joseph Weller Minnie Pohlman Dr. Marcia Wharton Kim & Karie Porterfield David & Sharon White Gary & Catherine Wickman Patricia Kirby Providence WA Anesthesia Services Daren & Lori Kloes Darren & Deanna Redick Mark & Kim Williams Kevin & Christy Kosche Ed & Bunny Renouard Robert Williams Jo Kothari Allison Rodland Matt & Vicki Wonser Dwayne & Rosemary Lane Linda Rodriguez Randy & Joyce Yates Monica Lane Ed & MariLana Rubatino Dr. Thomas Yetman Jack & Gail Larson Dr. & Mrs. Tom Ruebel Elmer & Kathleen Yoder Grant & Marci Larsen Cheryl Sackrider Julie Zarn Kathy Larson Dr. Elie & Heidi Saikaly Gretchen Zemke Bob & Kathy Leach Sandy Salz Dr. David & Kathleen Zunkel Patricia Lee Dr. Richard & Carol Satre Roger & Linda Lervick Randy & Robin Schemkes John & Julie Lienhard Dr. Jeffrey & Alison Scott Joyce Lindell Sellen Construction Co., Inc. Abbatare, Inc. Lisa Link Jeff & Heather Shelby Dr. Jeffery Adams Dr. Darren Little Denton & Marilyn Sherry Vickie Ahmann Gavin & Angie Loth Reid & Linda Shockey Deanna Allen Betty Maitland Chris & Shirley Sievers Sherry Allen Tom & Sherry Marchi Ray & Mary Sievers Barbara Anderson Carol McCahon, PA-C Raminder Singh Kecia Anderson Troy & Nicole McClelland Mark Sizemore John Arends, III Pat & Julie McDonald Dr. Shawn Slack Dr. Samuel & Elizabeth Armstrong Bud & Laurie McIrvin Peter Smeltz Lawrence Asher Bruce & Cynthia McKinnon Richard & Mayumi Smith Pamela Austin Dr. Thomas & Marilyn McNamara Denny Spencer Jennifer Baker Bill & Jean Messner Debbie Steigerwald Mike & Sandra Bartlett John & Ellen Middleton Tina Stensland Amanda Barton Ron Miller Barbara Stimek Dr. Jonathan Becker Ross & Sue Miller Sherry Stoll Doug & Betts Bell Connie Mitchell Dr. Charles Sturgis Rick & Kim Bennett Dr. Mahesh Mulumudi & Srilatha Shoroff Eva Szyszka Danen & Heather Bernhart Robert & Jeanne Taller Rene Mulvaney Robert & Karen Bibb Tasky Cycles Scott & Kippy Murphy Marilyn Birchman Eric & Christie Tipton Mandalyn Musselman Jennifer Blakey Tulalip Tribe Foundation Dr. Deborah Nalty Barb Blankenship Vic & Wendy Turner Boise Cascade Lynda Kingman David & Lolly Victor Linda Wilcoxson $999 – $500 Rosalyn Abad Dani Gallinger Jocko McCants Rich & Judy Boyden Wallene Godden Ken McCumber Denny & Darlene Brawford Herbert & Christine Gould Mike McDonald Chris Britton Amy Grannum Norman & Sarah McFarland Katy Brock Cheryl Grohn Dave & Sheri McGee Mary Brown Mark & Heather Haake Sarah Meadows Steve Burns Hugh & Lynne Hall Jeanne Metzger Karla Butts Eloise Hardman Mia Miley Elizabeth Caldwell Brenden Hartford Samuel Miller Deniz Campbell Phil & Alexia Heidt Desiree & Bill Mitchell Nancy Campbell Janice Herrera Jeanne Morimoto Peggy Canell Sherri Hicks Kristin Murphy Susan Carpenter Cari Hocking Linda Myrick Danica Chadwick Jeanette Hofmann Brian & Diane Nitta Coastal Community Bank Kim Hopper Linda Nolan Eric Cobbs Jeri Howe Rhonda Coleman Patty Igo NW Washington Evergreen Chapter of AACN Myra Cooley Jovanna Jacobson Lori O’Brien Lynne Craig Stephen & Hanky Jesmer Dr. Kirstine Oh Susan Craig Dr. Peter Y.Z. Jiang Nathaniel Ohlund Colton Cravens Carolyn Johnson Tess Oliveria Carmel Creager Valerie Johnson Randall Olson Kathie Crispell Dr. William Jones Dr. Patricia P. Osetinsky Mike & Jeannie D’Ambrosia Peggy Jung-Simard Dale Osmond Dr. Stephen Dahlberg Deborah Jurgenson Deb Ossiander Sandra Darnold M.E. Kalsen George Ott Bill & Patty DeGroodt Dana Kelly Parker Smith & Feek Mike & Cathy Dire Tiffany King Leighann Pavek Ron Dobiash Rosalie Kosher Aurora Pearson Adolph Eitner Sandy Koznek Dr. Erica Peavy & Tim Blue Greg & Kathy Elder Claudia Krakora Randy Petty & Tai Le Robin Elliott Connie LaClair-Henderson Lam Phan Everett High School’s Girl Soccer Team Karen Laitinen Jim & Carla Phillips Jeff Larkin Rene Porubek Michael Farrell Steve & Brenda Larson James & Margaret Potocsnak Dr. Ellen Farrokhi Dr. William Larter & Lynn Nixon David & Sylvia Provan Doug & Robin Ferguson J. Robert Leach & Vickie Norris Debbie Finch Robert & Jackie Lee Sonja Forster Amato & Dani Amato Angelique & Ron Leone Gemma Lindsley-Beld Rick Foster Jim & Linda Lonneker Pat & Julie Franke Brian & Colleen Frauenholtz Wayne Freese Jason French Kimberly Fuller Dan & Rachel Gaffney Mike & Christine Gaffney Kelly Lontz Katie Lyon Neansai Magee Jennifer Manion Dr. Paul Mann John & Jean Marabel Dr. Brian & Monica McCallie Randy Petty & his wife Tai Le at his Retirement Reception in October This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. Please contact the Foundation at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Betsy Borst 20 Sharleen Puckett Tony & Brenda Vacca Lyle & Sue Rader Dena Van Ness Capt. Robert & Johanna Baril Dr. Susan Reis & John Engel VECA Electric Eric & Sally Barnum Dave Revell Pamela Verginia Kimberly Barrett Dr. David & Rosie Reynaud Tim & Cheryl Vincent Brianna Barstow Kristi Rhodes David & Pamela Wachob Mark Baughman Devin Schloe Mark & Kim Wagner Bob & Margaret Bavasi Vicki Scott Michael & Laurie Walsh Sheila Beal Tim & Tracee Shelton James & Magalen Webert Leanne Beane Kim Shields Paula Webster Beverly Beard-Price Lisa Shumaker Eric & Wendy Werttemberger Michael & Mary Pat Beardsley Erling Bangston Seth & Kristen Sigel Brian & Carol Westerlund Bill & Paula Beatty Ryan Simmons Ken & Kathleen Weston Ardelle Beauchamp Dr. Edward & Dori Slosberg Anthony & Mikki Williams Hannah Lynn Becker Terryl Smith Kerri Willis Dr. Russell & Louise Beckley Rick & Susan Snyder Lisa Wilson Sammie Berentsen John Somers Dr. Will & Kathy Wisbeck Harry & Robyn Beresford Melissa Sorenson Sandie Wood Gary & Barbara Bergeron Dr. Perry Soriano Wood Harbinger, Inc. Jamie Bernasconi St. Mary Magdalen School 7th Grade Students Lori Young Max Bernhardt Jim & Phillippa Yowan Sharon Berry Dr. David & Abbie Stewart Trevor Stewart Richard Bertran $499– 100 Sharon Bettinger Melinda Accetturo Louis & Sharon Bieck Stump Jumpers Motorcycle Club Breann Ackley Michelle Birchim Sunday Morning AA Group Erin Al Wazan Jonathan Bishop Paige Taylor Chris Albrecht Dr. Tajinder Bisla Caryl Thorp Dr. Jasmine Albrecht Gene & Barbara Bisol Brittania Torkkola Michelle Alleman Marjorie Bissell Wallace & Karen Trana Elizabeth Altabef Alexandria Bisset Bill Tsoukalas Tim & Anne Marie Alton Dr. Jeffrey Bissey Mildred Uzoma Julie Amdal Jim & Susie Black Wilhelmina Amlag Frank & Lynn Blosser Terry Anderson Denice Bochantin Dr. Robert & Christy Andre’ Carolyn Bodeen Ken & Jan Stone Steve & Carol Klein at Friends of Providence Event Francis Andrews Jacob & Pearl Boersema Laurinda Andrews Anita Boesche Melida Ardon Elizabeth Bogart John Arends Lynnwood Cycle Barn Paul & Rebekah Arends Teodulo Bongat Karlee Aronson Thomas Borgford Eleanor Artman Kelly Bowie Dr. Alka Atal-Barrio Rene Bowlin Dr. Joseph Austin Boyden Robinett & Associates Jon & Shannon Aylesworth Sr. Chauncey Boyle Patricia Aymond Patricia Bradbury Martin Badie Dennis Bradford Robin Baird Roger Bradt Jeff Baltzell Mary Brannon Eric & Heidi Overton at Friends of Providence Event Clark Nuber, PS Dale & Candyce Brevik Becky Clausen Brien Motors Inc. Gabrielle Clay Seth & Kimberly Brigden Alison Cline Margaret Bright Dr. Melissa Closs-Brewer Dave & Laura Brooks Wendy Coffman Tracy Brossard Dr. B. Sharon Cole Charles Brown Emory & Molly Cole Daun Brown John & Ann Collier Geoff Brown Cathleen Collins Nicole Brown Lisa Collins Rose Brown Ruth Collins Will & Annie Bruce Steven Collins William Bruno Connie Compean Harvey & Nancy Buek Terry Conner Jude Bulman & Chris Spencer Dr. Dominic & Sonya Connolly Dr. Katherine Bumstead Brenda Cook John Burgess James Cooke Cory & Gigi Burke Lin & Marci Cooper Erin & Jeff Burkholder Jana Copeland Mary Burpee Karen Hart Cordell Peggy Busch Timothy Coulter Andraya Bustad Carolyn Coward Carrie Button Dr. George & Annette Cox C.O.R.E. Group Overeaters Anonymous Drs. John Cramer & Suzanne Poppema Julius Caesar Ervin Cress D.W. & Terrie Donovan Christine Campos Dorothy Crossman Kimberly Doolittle Anna Leah Canoy Kathleen Crumley Michael & Anna Downey Dennis & Cynthia Carlin Jenelle Cummins Robert & Jamie Downey Brett & Kendra Carlton Cathy Curtis Dustin Doyle Cheri Carmean Renee Curtis Rod & Deborah Drivstuen Eliza Carmichael Natalie & Dominic D’Angelo Dr. Glen & Rebecca Drumheller Katie Carpenter Kara Dacquisto Susan Dubuc Rachael Carpenter Melody Dana Julie Duda Dale Carter Karine Davis Sr. Mary Duffy John Casprowitz Lori Davis Benjamin Dumlao Pamela Cassarino Davis Wire Corporation Bruce & Jane Dunham Dr. E. Scott & Jane Casselman Danny Dawson Michelle Durant Pamela Cassidy Faye Dawson Angelika Durovchic Brent Castano & Katherine Dietz William Deckard Mary Webb Duryee Kathy Chambers Ray & Arley Decker Tim Dutton Erin Chaney Drexel DeFord Sarah Eacret Romae Chapman Arthur & Grace DeGroot Marilyn Echelbarger Chicago Title Insurance Company Pam DeGroot David Edwards Yapyee Chong Mike & Cathy Deller Steven Edwards Burnill & Diane Clark Jen DeLong Christine Egelstad Loreny Clark Joy Dennis Cassie Elwell Brett Deroven Gary & Cathryn Desilet Michelle Desoto Victoria DeVine Debra Dial Paul & Mary Lou Dibianco John & Julie Dickson Juliann Dillhoff Jim & Linda Dippman Bryon & Edi Dirkes Bill & Bev Dobler Jennifer Donnell Karen Donnellan Chad & Ginger Donohue This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. Please contact the Foundation at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Mary Bredereck Michelle James & Patty Freeburg at Hour for the Tower Reception 22 Solma Empinado Sue Hanson Keith & Nancy England Augustina Harper Dr. Enrique & Paula Enguidanos Gabriel Harriman Julie & David Erdmann Tanya Hegr Dr. Ali Erickson Kevin & Jody Heiser Amy Erickson Dick & Mary Henderson Travis Erickson Debra Ericson Jim & Traci Erlewine Linda Evans Everguard Insurance Services, Inc. Wendy Fagan Penny Fagerlie Paul Farmer Rick & Happi Favro April Felke Louise Ferber Stan & Laurie Ferwerda Rich & Angela Fetro Larry & Barbara Fetzer Caroline Fewing Linda Filippi Julie Finnell Kathleen Finnell Shannon Fitzgerald Flack Northwest Fleet Reserve Association Club 170 Rose Fleischmann Emelita Floresca Steve Folmar Forever Green Illumination Dennis & Patricia Forster Cassie Franklin Jeri Fraser Keith & Diana Frazier Dianna Freeman Anne Marie Frisby Darrin Fuller Tracy Fulton Frank Gadwa Sean & Karen Gagne Kimberly Galus Margaret Garcia Dr. Geraldine Gardner Mark Garm Ron Garneau Jeff & Lynn Gay Robert & Wilma Gay John & Susan Hawley Vicki Gebow Linda Geddes Leone Gelderman Shari Geller Ralph Gellerson John & Wilhelmina Gelston George Brown Dr. Art & Peggy Gerdes Ann Gibson Wyendie Gibson Dawn Gilbert Sally Gjendem Michael Glaser Duane & Pamela Gleave Laurie Gober Sharon Goetz Jessica Golde Jenae Goldfinch & Boe Nelson Liz Goldfinch Bernadeth Gonzales Michael & Kathleen Goodhew Shannon Gordon Robert & Evelyn Graef Sally Greve Eileen Grimes William & Mary Grosse James Gutmann Shawneri Guzman Suzanne Habben Paul & Jami Hagman Sharon Hall Roy & Linda Halverson Greg & Valerie Hamada Barb Haner Sandra Lee Hanlin Arthur & Margaret Hansen Dan Hansen & Leslie Hollenbeck Lynn Hansen Martha Hansen Matt Hansen Paul Hansen Randy & Janice Hansen Pat & Rae Ann Henderson Jason & Amy Hennerberg Myra Hentchell William & Linda Heron Dr. Nariman Heshmati & Kathryne Hughes Dawn Hickman George & Harleen Hieber Kyle Higaki David High Kevin Hill Kathleen Hillis Mike & Laura Hoiland Janine Holbrook Erich & Callie Holcomb Leslie Hollenbeck Joseph & Cathlyn Holton Rebecca Hope Steve Knudson & Mardi Hopkins Roxanne Hostrauser Shelley Houston Kristen Howell Patrick & Anneliese Howell Yunchun Huang Andrea Hudson Steve Hudson Stasia Huiner Charlene Hulskamp Rebecca Huning David & Janice Huss Jasmine Hutchinson Mary Hutchinson Lai Huynh Barbara Hyland-Hill Theresa Ilano Leslie Ile Marjorie Ingram Dr. Michael & Barbara Ingram Interiorfix Inc. Mayra Jacobs Larry & Patty Jacobson Dr. Elizabeth Jacobson-Misbe Gerald & Eula Mae James Jan Larsen Dr. Ignatius & Susan Marsidi Harold Jensen Arlis Larson Katy Martin Cathy Johnson Dorothy Larson Charlie Martinez Julie Johnson Dr. Duane & Sharon Larson Steve Martinez Patricia Johnson Teresa Lawlis Kaydee Martinez-Carlos Scott & Linda Jones Suzanne & Dennis Lawson Nancy & Charles Marvin Eric & Tiffani Jorgensen Dan & Shannon Leach Donna Mattern Susan Jorgensen Cynthia Leaverton Barbara McLaren Travis & Deonna Jorgensen Dr. James Lee Joseph McCarthy Thomas & Sally Joy John Lehman Kim Nordstrom McCaw Rebecca Jubie Michael Leibold Sherri McCord Douglas & Nina Juntwait Linda Lennox Darlene McCourt Steven & Nancy Juntwait Michael Leone Rachel McCoy Mark Jupiter Tammi Letain William & Grace McCredie Kelley Kanehen Tracy Lightfoot Bryan & Kristin McDonald Teri Karpen Cheryl Linder Molly McDonald Elona Kasimaj Pauline Lindsey Stephanie McDonald Harjinderpal Kaur Gary Linger Bill & Sally McElroy Doris Keck Dr. Brandon Liu Kathryn McGarvey Arnold & Martha Kegel James & Marianne Lockhart Todd McGill Dennis Keller Karen Lohse Jean McKay Steve & Carol Kelly Carl Lombardi Karen McKay Kim Kennedy Sue Long Joe & Melissa McKenny Rhonell Kercheval Phyllis Lont Mary McKibben Steve & Bonnie Keres Troy & Kathy Lowery Leslie McMillen Diane Kieland Heather Lucas Lynne & Michael McNamara AnneMarie Killen-Gall Oscar Lucas Rob & Megan McQueen Monina Kim Margaret Luckel Dorothy Merritt Dr. Peter Kinahan Sydney Lund Sue Metzler Gene Kinder Judy Lundgren Dr. Deborah Meyers Linda Kinder John Lundquist Shirley Miller Carrie King Dan & Cindy Lykken Teresa Mills Janis Kinney Roni Lyons Dr. Judith Milner Katie Kintner Dale & Joyce Lyski Dr. Hugh & Jackie Minor Kip & Linda Kipperberg Dale & Marsha Lyski Jeannette Mitchell Dr. James & Bobbi Klicpera Julie & Robert MacDougall Jeffrey Mitchell Leroy & Donna Kloes Kari Mack Robert & Donna Moch Christopher & Holly Knapp Richard & Pearl Maddy Mary Mohr Melissa Knapp Linda Monroe Dr. Isabella Knox Magnusson Klemencic Associate, Inc. Herb Knudson Donald Mahlum Ralph & Mary Ann Monty Valerie Koepnick Joelle Mahlum Ray & Junie Moore Chuck & Charlotte Koerber Arthur & Jo Ann Mandell Vicki Moore Mary Koontz Welindo & Leanne Mangrobang Brad & Lindsey Moorhouse Sharon Koontz Mark & Paula Mantei Charles & Barbara Morgan Carole Korelin Fe Marave Virgil & Mary Morgan Tracie Kovac Kelly Mardesich June Morley Dr. Kim Kron Marijuana Anonymous April Morris Nancy & Norman Lang Mary Marks Dr. Beena Morris Debora Monsey This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. Please contact the Foundation at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Noel & Michelle James 24 David Morris Elizabeth Pacely John Rashford Dianne Morrison Dennielle Padgett Angela Ratcliff James & Susan Morrison Penny Page Wanita Reader Lea Mortelmans Adam Painter Kerry Redman Scott & Kassie Morton Mark & Gwendalyn Papenhausen Nancy Reese Jackie Mossakowski Parkside Group, Inc. Jennifer Reiner Mike & Michelle Mustell Paul Parsons Jim Richards Jennifer Myers Ali Pater Donald Richardson Lynn Myers Neal Pattison Gary Richardson Lilly Ann Myhre Duane & Lianne Pearson Barb Richer Pam Nagel Carole Penwell Michael & Barbara Ripp Sonia Nakamoto Cheryl Perhatch Debra & Steve Ritchie Raymond Nalty Molly Perry Drs. Robert & Stephen Lee Christi Nance Jessica Peterson Gisele Roberts Christina Nelson Jody Peterson Robbie & Kitty Roberts Karl Nelson Leslie Peterson Nancy Robertson Sandy Nelson Cheryl Petruccelli Warner Nelson Tu Pham Jason Olsson & Christy Robicheaux-Olsson David Neumann Lisa Phelps Paul Robinett Mary Neuschwanger Katie Phillips Kristi Robinson Eileen Newton Louis Phillips Betty Rodland Pamela Nicholson Dr. Kevin Pieper Dr. Michael & Mara Rohrenbach Anne Nielsen Pignataro Volkswagen Inc. Julie Romanick Stephan Nielsen Christy Pinto Anita Rossen Mei Ninman Michael Pirkle James & Dorothy Rothnie Patti Nitz T. Clyde & Judy Pitcher Martin & Gerri Rowen Molly Nolan Jeff & Kathy Pittman RTI International Hassan Noorbakhsh Bonnie Pittrof Jaime Ruddell Hugo & Betty Nord Dr. & Mrs. Martin Pointon Harmon Rulifson Beverly Norris Nick & Chris Polifroni Amy Ruotsala Carla Norris Marion Pope Mason & Brenda Rutledge Alford Northcutt Gwen Powers Lynna Rux Patrick & Jenn Novack Judith Ann Powers Jeri Sackett Kathy & Brad Nysether Carol Prange SacredFlight Stephen & Kate O’Brien Karla Preece Margaret Salmassy Lawrence & Joyce O’Donnell Trenia Preus Shanna Salo Dr. Oliver & Mollie Ochs Lynn Price Mary Ann Sande Brad & Christine Oldfield Lynn Prigg Vanessa Sanger Laurie Olliges Rolly & Loretta Radwick Sandhya Sargunar Alex Olson Karine Raetzloff J. Duncan Saunders Scott & Kathleen Olson Zoran & Mirran Rajcic Donald & Angelita Saylor Paul & Carol Onerheim Devin & Laurie Saylor Hella Oppegard Dr. Larry & Sheryl Schecter Theodore Ormbrek Stokes Auction Group, Inc. Gayle Ossenkop-Faubion Katherine Schiffner & Bryan Fullerton Sambath Ouk Bob & Myrna Overstreet Margaret Overturf Becky Owensby Jan Schlameus Christian Schmalz Mersedeh Schmidt Bev Miller and daughter Bonnie Ronan Miller at Friends of Providence Event Michael & Arlene Sullivan Terry Walker Screen Printing Northwest Stanley & Marian Swanson Marilyn Walker Cox Linda Severs Jamie Tasky Rochelle Wallace Surinder & Sawarnlata Sharma Paris & Poh Lee Templin Richard Walsh & Alice Rolph Dr. Dan & Jana Shaw Eva Terry Sherrie Walthers Drs. Joshua & Jennifer Shaw Angela Thayer Laura Walton Richard & Susan Shine The Bridge Club of Everett John Wardlaw Mark Shissler The Herald Newspaper Jane Warner Kathleen Shoup Rebecca Thomas Dawn Watson Rose Silsbee Jim & Karen Thompson Marie Webster Gordon Simmons Mark & Karen Thompson Douglas Weigold Dan Simpson Arthur & Susie Thomson Kelly Weiz Luann Sines Kari Thorsen Ted & Teresa Wenta Randall Sinn Carolyn Thostenson Lisa Wenzel Beth Sirlin Western Facilities Supply Dr. Thomas & Marion Skalley Tiger Paws and Maws Booster Club Dr. Thomas & Marianna Skalley Tipsy Cakes Western Washington Medical Group Steven & Margaret Skiftenes John & Paula Tiscornia Eldon & Carolyn Wexler Paula Skomski Greg Tisdel Yolanda Whipple Carrie Sledge Karen Todd Bob Whisman Jessica Slocum Jeffrey Toffic Lori White & Marc Baker Brett & Sara Smith Kimberly Toler Angi Whiteley Dennis & Terri Smith Kelly & Sheila Tolle Mary Wickert Don Smith Joy Toth Randy & Char Wicklund Mary Smith Sally Townsan Dr. Crispin Wilhelm Leslie Smithson Robyn Townsend Quinn Wilks Smokey Point Cycle Barn Lucas & Erin Tramontozzi Dana Williams Swanhild Solchany Dr. Charles & Joan Trask Georgann Williamson Wendy Soper James & Mary Tremayne Lori Wilson Sparling Lea Treml-Ellis Tamara Wilson Gale Springer Charles Tripp Wayne & Kelli Wilson Josephine Stacruz Kathryn Troll Connie Wittren Judith Stanley Dr. & Mrs. Robert Trosvig Beverly Wold Marilyn Stansbury Glen & Ella Tuininga Mark & Susan Wolken Barbara Stave Jon Turner Isie Wong Robert & Sharon Steele United Way of King County Jo Ann Woolpert Margaret Steen Lisa Van Dam Workforce Snohomish Jim & Dawn Steinruck Mary Van Houten Tere Worl Earl Stephens Tasha Vander Meer-Fellows Linda Wright Terry Stoecklhuber Carol Vandevanter Vicki Wright Nick & Katherine Stojkovic Tom & Jude Vang Carolyn Wyble Kathy Stormo Christopher Varley Brad Yeager & Bill Strong Sean & Brittni Straub Deborah Vessey YMCA of Snohomish County Harry Stuchell Calie Vick Carol Zanzig John & Lauray Stupey Jose & Danuta Villa Yunlin Zheng Trudy Ann Sturdivant Sue Vita Sandy Ziemer Loy Suderman Larry & Dorothy Vognild Michelle Zoerb James Sullivan Lisa Votava Nichey Zollman Claudia Walker Doug & Jean Zook This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. Please contact the Foundation at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Robert Scott 26 IN HONOR 7th Floor Cardiac Clinicians Doctors, Nurses, & Caregivers Ross & Mary Jane Miller Dr. Duane & Sharon Larson Ann Arnold Dr. David & Rosie Reynaud All Pre-op Staff & Nurses Bruce Ellis Robert Modrell Charlie Nicholson, Jr. Dr. David & Kathleen Zunkel Gearldine Modrell All Who Cared for Me Excellent Staff The Organizational Quality Team Louis Phillips David & Sylvia Provan Paula Bradlee Armed Forces Eric & Jodi Fogelin Randy Petty John Casprowitz Rob & Megan McQueen Nancy Riordan Don & Gloria Beadle Dr. Fong & His Surgery Team John & Suzanne Rettenmier Beverly Beard-Price John Lehman Harmon Rulifson Matt Blackmore Joel & Mary French Dr. Clifford Rogers Melissa Sorenson Dr. Pat & Rhonda Nolan Irene Pascoe Dr. James Brevig Tom Gaffney Dr. Patrick Ryan Tony & Brenda Vacca PRMCE Board of Directors James & Sheila Campbell Dave Brooks Kathleen Gutierrez PRMCE Sonographers Dr. David & Kathleen Zunkel PRMCE Board of Directors Dr. David & Kathleen Zunkel Dr. Mark Carlson Rod Hortillosa Dr. Perry Soriano John & Wilhelmina Gelston Dr. David & Kathleen Zunkel Larry & Jackie Slosson CCU Nurses; Rick, Sunshine, & Hector Dr. J. Jacobsen Staff, Doctors, & Nurses Irene Pascoe Tu Pham Aileen Langhans Surgery Department Dr. David & Kathleen Zunkel Steven Lyons Lynnette, Kory, Ken & Lucy Siv Houng Taing Roland Eddy Sambath Ouk Ross Miller, Sr. Ella Tuininga Vicky Ahmann Will & Annie Bruce Harvey & Nancy Buek Cathy Hieb Don & Terri O’Neal Jeannette Pearson Sue Rader Dennis Keller Glen Tuininga John & Helen Hopkins Wendy Coffman Margaret Luckel Tom Collins PRMCE Board of Directors Dr. Kim Costas George & Inger Penwell Kashmir Dhanzal Jo Kothari Sonia Fenske Danna & Skylar Waggoner Robert Doyle Dr. Sanford J. Wright Jan Fuller IN MEMORY Dorothy Albano Aurora Brandvold Dekang & Kathy Deng Jamie Bernasconi Kathleen Finnell Duane Brandvold Sherry Teng Richard Brannon Deborah Dietz Doug & Betts Bell Eileen Arrington Luella Brown Lillian Dolan Charles Brown Kathleen Shoup J. Wayne Burt Patricia Dorning Shelia Starrett Donna Mattern Barbara Byrd Dorothy Jean Downes Marcia Buchanan E. B. & Eunice Allan Steve & Cindy Blair Ruby Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. K.T. MacDicken James Amunsis Fleet Reserve Association Club 170 Lawrence W. Anderson Bud & Laurie McIrvin Patti Arney Buzz Arney Reid & Linda Shockey Angela Arnold Alison Blackford Gerri Atkinson Michael Leibold George Bader, Jr. Scott & Jeanette Bader Jean Berkey Larry & Dorothy Vognild Evelyn & Manney Berman Everett Steel Companies Christine Bond Leslie Ile Eugene Bond, MD Leslie Ile Judy Borgford Thomas Borgford Janice Carson Doug & Betts Bell Joan Hilton Cates Margaret Overturf Skip Chapman Eileen Arrington Bill Chester Marion Falkmann Ralph & Doreen Boy John Flynn, M.D. Stephen Libera Barbara Friend Arthur & Jo Ann Mandell Robert Friend Jean Helm Frank Clifton Cal Frombach Nick & Chris Polifroni Aaron & Sherry Prestegard Shirley Frombach Jenica Cooper Myra Hentchell Joe Cordell Karen Hart Cordell Paul Delaney Sharon Goetz Mark Gilbert Ralph & Mary Ann Monty Wendy Gobin Janice Sabo Jack Gray Joann Gray 28 In Memory continued... Bud Haines Francis Klein Lindsay MacDonnell Norma Haines Susan Jorgensen Michael Farrell William Hanlin, Sr. Dr. Paul Knoll Shirley Ann Mahlum Sandra Lee Hanlin Dr. Ernest & Debra Kawamoto Donald Mahlum Linda Hansen Joe Kosher Steven & Paul Maxwell Paul Hansen Rosalie Kosher Dorothy Boyster Toni Lynn Watson Haugen Walter Krom Frank McLaren Dr. Ernest & Debra Kawamoto Doris Beech William & Nadine Carrington Barbara McLaren Walter Hayfield Mary Jane Hayfield Helen Kron Marilyn McNamara Dr. Thomas McNamara Dr. Kim Kron Robert Hickman Dawn Hickman Paul Kuntz Frank McLaren Gene & Barbara Bisol Elma Kuntz Erna Hoffman Fred & Rose Marie Branson Melvin Larson Jake Meier Matilda Meier Dolores Larson Cecila Frances Leier Horton Barb Chinen Cynthia Leaverton Jean Jespersen Larry & Dianna Baldwin Craig Davis Larry & Barbara Fetzer Luther & Dee Jonson Kim Kennedy Arthur & Marjorie Maden Edward Mesker Nancy Nguyen Mei Ninman Suzanne Setvik Richard & Susan Shine Michael Smith Isie Wong F. Vernon Johnson Eileen Arrington Aaron Kardock Regina Posey Jerry Kimball Theodore Ormbrek Vic & Karen Ledoux Capt. Robert & Johanna Baril Patricia Dvornick Jim & Mary Orvis Gary Richardson Shirley Schenk Victor Ledoux Ann Lane William O’Rourke Barb Leith Robert Elton Leith Minnie Lind Margaret Overturf Kay Linger Scott & Toni Fulcher Gary Linger Ross Miller, Sr. Sandy Bailey Dale & Dawn Bechtholdt Jay Belan James & Judith Berger Marjorie Bissell Gordon & Carol Bjorg Roger & Denise Bradt W. John & Susan Carl Arthur & Margaret Hansen Gabriel Harriman Don & Shirley Hofstrand Philip & Sue Latendresse Robert & Jane Lewis Beverly Miller Ross & Sue Miller Lilly Ann Myhre Henry & Sandi Newton Anne Nielsen Robert & Rea Phillips PRMCE Dr. David & Rosie Reynaud Dionne Smith Trudy Tobiason Judith Whitman Larry & Lynn Wilson Richard Loderhose Susan Carpenter Richard Morrison James & Susan Morrison Kay Lyons Bob & Liz Dobler Dr. Robert & June Trosvig Carl Munding Nancy Quam Charles Stormo PRMCE Dick & Pat Newbill Kathy Stormo June Murray Walt Ramage RL Stormo Charles & Nancy Marvin Elizabeth Abbott Kathy Stormo Matthew Myers Delores Ramstead Lund Victor Stull Dr. Samuel & Elizabeth Armstrong Arthur & Margaret Hansen Duane & Pamela Gleave Bud & Laurie McIrvin Diane Reichle Julie Tokofsky Patricia Aymond Boeing Management Association Dustin Doyle David High Sue Hoppe Dr. Jeff & Cheryl Christensen John Riewer Lynn Triplett L. Lynne Tracy Julenne Triplett Ray Schemkes Betty Tveit Shirley Apprill Jean Joyce Leora McAnally Dennis Nakamoto Sonia Nakamoto Wanda Newcombe Charles Newcombe Jerry Nielsen Roy & Linda Halverson Kenneth L. Nye, Jr. Kenneth & Karen Gast Ken Larson Jerry Oss Helen Oss Frank Otteni Elizabeth Otteni Jim Pearson Mary Webb Duryee John & Sally Galt Kris Hausmann Hugh & Judy Matheson Dr. Thomas & Nana Skalley Lenora Peterson Tony Pietromonaco The Bridge Club of Everett Dale Pope Marion Pope Bud & Laurie McIrvin Florentina Vasquez Rosemary Schoeler Mary Pat Beardsley Edward Schoeler Carrol Walker Maxine Sheehan Doug & Betts Bell James Shipman Doug & Betts Bell Gerry Smith Dick & Pat Newbill Phyllis Smith Robert Smith Davis Wire Corporation Martha Pietromonaco Jim Trader Bud Soluberg Duane & Pamela Gleave Virginia Spaulding Max Bernhardt Barbara Stave Vicky Ahmann Shelly Kurtenbach Richard Walsh & Alice Rolph Michael & Laurie Walsh Dominic Christian Wattum Glenn & Tami Wattum Marie Webb Betty Resseguie Abe & Gilda Wexler Eldon & Carolyn Wexler John Williams Mary Jane Hayfield Richard Young Barry & Linda Jaffe 30 IN-KIND GIVING Thank you to the following individuals and organizations for their generous in-kind donations valued at $100 or more. ABC Special Event Rentals by CORT Mike & Maggie Faulkner Pi Plus Tutors Ace Hardware G. Doug & Robin Ferguson Joe & Charlie Pignataro Mitch Acevedo Dr. Bill & Katie Finley Kim & Karie Porterfield Act Theatre Dr. Jim & Mary Lou Finley PRMCE Nutritional Therapy Alderbrook Resort & Spa Dr. Albert Fisk & Judith Harris PRMCE Human Resources All Aboard Tom & Patty Freeburg PRMCE Laboratory Staff All Star Fishing Charters Joel & Suzanne French Vern & Stephanie Allen Joel & Mary French Providence Comprehensive Breast Center American Dance Institute General Brushless Carwash Dr. H. Frank & Jan Andersen Geoffrey & Kathy Gibbs Dr. Samuel & Elizabeth Armstrong Walt Gillette & Saundra Cope Judy Baker Glorietta Bay Inn Phil & Scuttle Bannan Geoff & Carlene Goldfinch Dr. Oliver & Julie Batson Gordon Thomas Honeywell, LLP Bob & Margaret Bavasi Guild 18 PGCA Gordy & Donna Bjorg Nik & Janice Halladay Jim & Susie Black Historic Flight Foundation Bluewater Organic Distilling Hotel Monaco—Seattle Denny & Darlene Brawford Patty Igo & John Lanes Jennifer Bugni Imaging Services Department Burkett’s Distinctive Apparel for Women Inn at Langley Holly Call K & H Integrated Print Solutions Camano Island Coffee Roaster Kahler Glen Golf & Ski Resort Canopy Tours Northwest Kaspars Special Events & Catering Caruh Salon & Spa Kaufman Chiropractic Clinic Charles at Smuggler’s Cove Sean & Lisa Kelly Chateau Ste. Michelle George Kincade Col Solare Daren & Lori Kloes Columbia Winery Leonetti Cellar Dr. James & Sandra Congdon Roger & Linda Lervick Rick Cooper & Robin Hilton Dr. Friedrich & Jane Loura CRO Signature Design Maryhill Winery Dacels Jewelers & Gallery Mukilteo QFC Dr. Bill & Elizabeth Dickinson Mike & Michelle Mustell Dimensional Communications Mary Neuschwanger Dimitrious Jazz Alley Elizabeth Newland DoodleBug Sportz Pacific Coast Feather Co. Mark & Kathy Duffy Pacific Northwest Ballet Emory’s on Silver Lake Jessica Pak Dr. Virginia Eschbach Patagonia Ethical Choices Debra Patterson Everett Golf & Country Club Duane & Lianne Pearson Fairmont Olympic Hotel Lisa Phelps Harv & Jan Jubie Providence General Children’s Association Guilds Joan Raab Thomas & Davis Rainville Flora Ramirez Bustamante Buzz & Carol Rodland Salud y Paz Volunteers Dr. Larry & Sheryl Schecter Randy & Robin Schemkes SCI Solutions Scrub City Seattle Marriott Waterfront Seattle Rep Theater Sheraton Hotel, Seattle Reid & Linda Shockey Sorrento Hotel Stadium Flowers Swanson’s Nursery Ted’s Sports Center The 5th Avenue Theater The Center for Wooden Boats The Everett Clinic Vision Center The Everett Fire Department The Garage Salon The Parlor Billiards & Spirits The Resort at Port Ludlow Trudy Tobiason Total Wine Tulalip Resort & Casino Va Piano Vineyards W Seattle Hotel Waterways Cruises and Events West Seattle Bowl Willows Lodge Worldmark by Wyndham Doug & Jean Zook FRIENDS OF PROVIDENCE DONOR SOCIETY The Friends of Providence Donor Society was Suite on the Colby Campus—a home-like place established in 2010 to help recognize and thank of respite for Friends of Providence members in Providence General Foundation donors for their the event a friend or loved one is hospitalized. extraordinary support and commitment to con- The Society is the Foundation’s way to express tinuing the legacy of quality medical care for our sincere thanks to those donors who have made community. Membership in the society begins an extraordinary investment in the mission and with a minimum of $10,000 in cumulative gifts work of Providence. Listed here are more than to Providence General Foundation and includes 300 couples and individuals who belong to the many benefits, including appreciation receptions Friends of Providence—together, their cumula- and access to the Friends of Providence Donor tive support totals approximately $35 million. Premier Patron Gold Patrons Elizabeth Ruthford Marshall & Katherine Cymbaluk Jay & Terry Ackley Fred & Jo Anne Sjoholm Elizabeth Moody Campbell Art & Marianne Skotdal Distinguished Patron Robert Dickson Harry Stuchell Phil & Kelly Johnson Mary Webb Duryee Glenn & Joanne Wimpy Terry & Cheryle Earnheart Grand Patrons Dr. Jim & Mary Lou Finley Bob & Amy Beil Silver Patrons Walt Gillette & Saundra Cope Dr. H. Frank & Jan Andersen Harvey Bernhard Geoff & Carlene Goldfinch Don & Shirley Ayres Gordon & Carol Bjorg Greg & Nga Goldfinch Bob & Margaret Bavasi Rich & Judy Boyden JoAnn Gray Dr. Earl & Isabel Sloan-Kerr Beegle Robert & Lorelei Christenson Andy & Kaye Hall Jeri Estis Nik & Janice Halladay Dr. Cheryl Beighle & Steve Schroeder Budd & Kathy Gould Ed & Andi Hansen Dick & Mary Brannon Herb & Christine Gould Donna Johnson Gene & Sue Closser Harv & Jan Jubie Larry & Linda Jubie Tom & Jane Collins Dwayne & Rosemary Lane Ray & Anna Lee Kirtley Annette Colombini Beverly Miller Steve & Carol Klein Dr. Jack & Marilyn Courrier Ross & Mary Jane Miller Jack & Gail Larson Ray Crerand & Cindy Davis Kathy & Brad Nysether Bob & Kathy Leach Dr. Harold Dash & Victoria Romero Eldon & Shirley Nysether Dr. Richard Lyons Bill & Patty DeGroodt Mark & Vickie Nysether George & Maribeth Newland John & Julie Dickson Hank & Donna Robinett Sam & Karen Newland Bob & Liz Dobler Steve & Jo Saunders Si & Lisa Newland Mike & Maggie Faulkner Idamae Schack Henry & Sandi Newton John & Anne Fletcher Debra Waterman Robert Nord Jim & Jan Gaffney Robert & Ruth Wetter T. Clyde & Judy Pitcher Tom & Sue Gaffney Buzz & Carol Rodland Tim & Tania Halladay Jim Hayes 32 Shawn & Kathie Hoban Bob Boyle Joel & Suzanne French Tom & Margaret Hoban Paul & Ruth Brandal Joel & Mary French Mike & Pat Holcomb Denny & Darlene Brawford Dr. James Geier & Janet Hamilton Dr. Robert & Eileen Iguchi Tom & Sally Brennan Kathleen Gutierrez Alan & Mary Johnson Dr. James Brevig & Meredith Gould Rob Haines Dr. Ernest & Debra Kawamoto Dave & Laura Brooks Jeff & Eileen Hambleton Dr. Cynthia Markus Geoff Brown Elizabeth Hannley Bruce & Cynthia McKinnon Dr. Ronald Lee Brown Art & Margaret Hansen Bill & Jean Messner Dr. Bruce & Lauren Buchea Ben & Florence Hansen Dr. Frank Nieto & Barb Siray-Nieto JoAnn Burkett Mike & Heidi Harder Connie Niva Mike & Patti Butler Dr. William & Marilyn Hecht Dr. J. Patrick & Rhonda Nolan Drs. Timothy Byrnes & Catherine Hawkins Carroll & Doreen Heffron Eric & Heidi Overton Charles & Gayle Pancerzewski Judith Campbell Don & Dottie Piasecki Dr. E. Scott & Jane Casselman Drs. Philip Henderson & Mary Frances Read Joe & Charlie Pignataro Vandana & Vikram Chalana Janice Henning Brad & Lynnette Roberson Dennis & Margaret Channing Rick & Julie Hermanson Ed & MariLana Rubatino Dr. James & Sandy Congdon Fred & Dawn Hines Bill Rucker Dr. Jay & Christine Cook Todd & Lolly Hofheins Dr. Pat & Denise Ryan Dr. Thomas & Sue Cooper Steve Holtgeerts Ralph & Shirley Schapler Dr. Kim Costas & Darius Schenck John & Helen Hopkins Dr. Larry & Sheryl Schecter Harold & Mary Craggs Dr. Kevin & Melanie Hori Chris & Shirley Sievers Drs. John Cramer & Suzanne Poppema Dan & Sue Huberty Marv & Susan Crum Doris Hummel Jeff & Jodie Cymbaluk Jamie & Kathy Hunter Pam Daniels Dr. Michael & Barbara Ingram Bud & Norma Darling Helen Jackson Jack & Marjorie Decker Michelle & Noel James Mike & Cathy Deller Paul Johansen Dr. William & Elizabeth Dickinson Peter & Shanley Johndrow Bill & Bev Dobler Libby Johnson Robert Downey Luther & Dee Jonson Margaret Duecy Mark & Terri Judy Jerry & Julie Elkington Sean & Lisa Kelly Dr. Enrique & Paula Enguidanos Dr. J. Bruce Kennedy Dr. Virginia Eschbach Diane Kieland Tom & Debi Fairbanks Ruth Kiltz John & Kerry Fairchild Mark & Gina King Robert & Jennifer Bayersdorfer Bill & Sheri Feeney James & Lisa King Bill & Paula Beatty Bob & Shirley Ferguson Daren & Lori Kloes Geoffrey Bedell & Sheila Bleakney Doug & Robin Ferguson Paul & Nancy Kniest Doug & Betts Bell Dallas & Judy Ferrel Dr. Randal & Aline Bensen Dr. Bill & Katie Finley Drs. L. Albert Labib & Salwa R. Labib Dr. Herb & Karen Berry Dr. Samuel & Charlene Finn Tom & Kjersti Lane Marjorie Bissell Dr. Albert Fisk & Judith Harris Aileen Langhans Gordon & Donna Bjorg Sandy Forman Dr. Duane & Sharon Larson Carolyn Bodeen Carol Ann Foss Jeanne Lavell Matt Bolin Tom & Patty Freeburg Greg & Kathleen Lawson Caryl Thorp Spark & Cheryl Van Winkle Gary & Carolyn Weikel Dr. Will & Kathy Wisbeck Dr. Liam & Liza Yore Leadership Patrons Vicky Ahmann Vern & Stephanie Allen Jim & Rhoda Amunsis Dr. Samuel & Elizabeth Armstrong Dr. Joseph Austin Pete & Mary Baffaro Judy Baker Stuart Barger & Dr. Naomi Katsh-Barger Phil & Alexia Heidt Eva Hughes J. Robert Leach & Vickie Norris Dr. Tony & Kathie Roon Frank & Barbara Strahm Mark & Patty Lervick Dr. J. Michael Roseberry Janet Straus & Kit Raney Roger & Linda Lervick Rev. H. Stewart Ross Eric & Christie Tipton Dr. James & Sarah Lipo Judy & Chas Roudebush Greg Tisdel Drs. John Little & Marina Zeiber Lyle & PJ Ryan LaRae Tisdel Dr. Friedrich & Jane Loura Cheryl Sackrider Trudy Tobiason Betty Maitland Arnold & Diane Schaffer Dr. James Torres II David & Lisa Martin Randy & Robin Schemkes Dr. Charles & Joan Trask Matthew & Anne Masterson Lilma & Frank Schlaefer Vic & Wendy Turner Pat & Claudia McClain Dr. Frank & Candace Schramm Greg & Joan Van Pelt Julie & Pat McDonald Walter & Melissa Selden Christopher Varley Michael & Julia McDonnell Dr. Richard & Andrea Semon Hans von Der Hofen J. Brent & Connie McKinley Tim & Carla Serban Dr. Jeffery & Debbie Wajda Dr. Thomas & Marilyn McNamara James & Gretchen Shaffer Carrol Walker Jeff & Christie Messmer Dr. Steven & Willa Sharmahd Ted & Teresa Wenta Jeanne Metzger Jeff & Heather Shelby Michael & Deborah Werner John & Ellen Middleton Reid & Linda Shockey Gary & Catherine Wickman Barry & Char Miller Ray & Mary Sievers Mark & Kim Williams Bliss Miller Preston & Jill Simmons Dr. Karen Woncik Bruce & Jan Miller Paramjit Singh & Harmeet Kaur Matt & Vicki Wonser Ross & Sue Miller Dr. Thomas & Nana Skalley Roy & Barbara Yates Bruce Milne Dr. Edward & Dori Slosberg Dr. Thomas Yetman Dr. Hugh & Jackie Minor Adelaide Smith Jim & Phillippa Yowan Richard & Janis Moeller Mary Smith Julie Zarn & Dr. Rod Hanna Jim & JoAnn Mulligan Dr. Tracy & Patti Spencer Sandy Ziemer Scott & Kippy Murphy Dean & Chris Stensby Doug & Jean Zook Dr. Deborah Nalty Dr. David & Abbie Stewart Dr. David & Kathleen Zunkel Elizabeth Newland Tom & Rosie Stiger Peter Newland & Robyn Johnson Ken & Jan Stone Lorraine Novack Edmund & Glenda Oas Dick & Judy Oberg Brian & Brenda Olson Paul & Carol Onerheim Rock & Maggie Peterson Randy Petty & Tai Le Dr. Richard & Lynn Phillips Millie Philpott Tony & Susie Pignataro Dr. Richard Rafoth Thomas & Davis Rainville Darren & Deanna Redick Matt & Keeley Reinhard Ed & Bunny Renouard Dr. Joanne Roberts Randy & Debbie Roberts John & Kathy Robinett Marty & Laureen Robinett Betty Rodland Family fun at the Friends of Providence event 34 2014 PROVIDENCE GENERAL FOUNDATION BOARD MEMBERS Officers Jean Messner Mark Duffy Larry Jubie Gail Larson Janice Halladay Harv Jubie Chairperson Treasurer First Vice Chair Secretary Second Vice Chair Immediate Past Chair Ex-Officio Members Carolyn Black Mary Morgan Bob Leach Preston Simmons Chief Development Officer, Providence General Foundation Providence General Children’s Center Representative Chairman, Providence Regional Medical Center Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer, Providence Health & Services, Northwest Washington Region 2013 Retired Board Members In Memoriam Dave Brooks Ross Miller Former CEO, Providence Regional Medical Center Sr. Chauncey Boyle Providence Peter Claver House Joel French, First Vice Chair Randy Petty Former Chief Development Officer, Providence General Foundation Larry Wilson Dr. Liam Yore Providence General Foundation Board of Directors, 2003–2013 Emeritus Members Jim Cassidy, Doug Ferguson Diane Guildner, Helen Jackson, Henry Newton, Tom Rainville, Len Roberts, Steve Saunders, Fredric Sjoholm, Roy Yates Members Shirley Ayres Kathy Hunter Doug Bell Carol Rodland Jeff Cymbaluk Dr. Pat Ryan Dr. Jim Finley Mel Sheldon Jan Gaffney Dr. Marcia Wharton Andy Hall Current Foundation Staff Carolyn Black Jen DeLong Lori Kloes Susan Snyder Tina Gilson Sammie Berentsen Chief Development Officer Director of Development Director of Annual Giving & Communications Special Events Manager Prospect Research & Database Manager Administrative Coordinator Providence General Foundation 916 Pacific Avenue Everett, Washington 98201 (425) 258-7500 Everett, WA 98206 P.O. Box 1067 Providence General Foundation If you do not wish to receive future fundraising materials from Providence General Foundation or Providence Regional Medical Center Everett, please let us know.