Linden Food Group Will Welcome New Partner
Linden Food Group Will Welcome New Partner
Winter 2016 Linden Food Group Will Welcome New Partner Inside this issue... • Beef & Lamb Partnership For Linden Food Group • Tracesure® Cu/I Maintains Efficient Daily Production • LINERGY Welcomes Merger With Ulster Farm By Products • Maximise Effective Lamb Productivity • White’s Oats Scoop Top CIMI Marketing Award • Fane Valley Dairies - Quality Focus In Milk • BVD Tags - The Choice Is Yours At Fane Valley Stores • Fane Valley Support Local Breast Screening Charity • Christmas Toys Appeal Is Huge Success Across Group • Fane Valley Feeds Host Omagh Agri Students • Linden Foods Voted ‘Green’ Company of The Year Linden Food Group Announce New Beef & Lamb Partnership In RoI Linden Food Group have announced details of a proposed restructuring of its Slaney Foods business in the Republic of Ireland, resulting in the creation of a new partnership with ABP. The companies have confirmed that an agreement in principle has been reached subject to approval by the relevant regulatory and competition authorities. The ABP Group will invest in Slaney Foods to form a Joint Venture with Linden/Fane Valley. The new partnership will not impact on the day-to-day operations of either Slaney or ICM with business to continue as usual on all sites. Trevor Lockhart, Chairman of Linden Foods commented, “Linden Food Group, like ABP, have over many years developed successful national, european and world market/customer positions, focussed on the retail and food service sectors. Exciting new opportunities are continuing to emerge across the globe and the challenge for us is to create the business models, with internationally competitive scale, capable of securing the best markets and commanding the highest return for our products. Our objective, extending back to our co-operative roots, is to maximise the value of our quality beef and lamb and to deliver competitive and sustainable returns to our farmer suppliers. “The Allen Family have been exceptional partners for the past 15 years during which time the company has invested heavily to create some of the best processing assets in the country. The continuation of this partnership approach will enable both Slaney Foods and ABP to better service our existing and potentially new customers whilst leading the way on process efficiencies, product quality, innovation and overall supply chain sustainability. The existing operational and management structure of the business will remain in place but now complimented with a shareholder with considerable market reach and processing expertise”, concluded Mr Lockhart. Tracesure® Cu/I Maintains Daily Efficient Production Linergy Completes Merger With UFBP Linergy have welcomed the news from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to clear their recent acquisition of Ulster Farm By-Products (UFBP). An initial inquiry was opened on 20th May 2015, following the completion of the merger between the two rendering companies. The clearance follows an in depth Phase 2 investigation carried out by the CMA, which has concluded that the merger has not resulted in a substantial lessening of competition, and is not expected to do so. Linergy is a Category 1 rendering plant based in Granville Industrial Estate Dungannon. It processes animal byproducts from animal slaughtering processes, as well as fallen stock directly off farms. Linergy have entered into the first ever ‘Prosperity Agreement’ with the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) and have recently been crowned ‘Green Company of the Year’ at the prestigious UTV Business Eye Awards. Providing trace elements by bolus means that each animal gets what it needs. Dairy and beef farmers who have traditionally supplemented their herds’ diets with conventional minerals are switching to a bolus which delivers a daily dose of the essential trace elements needed for production and performance. Relying on minerals to get the essential micro-nutrients into livestock is highly variable, especially in situations of free access where the intakes differ hugely. As commodity prices have increased, farmers are recognising that they can get all of their selenium, iodine, copper and cobalt needs from Tracesure® Cu/I. The bolus is manufactured by Animax Ltd and the company’s approach is to focus on the elements which are often low, and which will cause problems if not corrected. The four production limiters are selenium, iodine, copper and cobalt. If any of these are low in the animal, production will be limited, Tracesure® Cu/I provides a slow release of selenium, iodine, copper and cobalt for up to six months, giving farmers the reassurance that animals are getting precisely what they need, minus unnecessary elements which reduce the effectiveness of these. Neill Acheson, of Animax Ltd, says Tracesure® Cu/I only includes trace elements that stock need. “Conventional supplements contain materials that there is absolutely no point in giving to animals,’’ he says. “A prime example is phosphorus. Grass won’t grow without phosphorus so we know that stock are getting enough in their diets. And iron, which is frequently given in mineral formulations, doesn’t become deficient in cattle other than in the extreme situation of calves reared on milk. The overall effect therefore is to reduce absorption of key trace elements. Neill continued; “We provide trace elements by bolus, so that each animal gets enough. To maintain efficient production, farmers should consider how the focused bolus approach might best fit the needs of their herd.’’ Tracesure® Cu/I can be purchased at Fane Valley Stores. For more information with no obligation please speak with a member of our Stores staff. UFBP is a Category 3 rendering plant located at Glenavy, processing by-products from animal slaughtering processes. Originally established in 1952 by the Glenfarm Holdings Co-Operative; it was then purchased in 2012 by SAPI SpA an Italian based rendering company. SAPI have interests throughout the world in rendering plants and also trade in the end products of the rendering process, Tallow and Meat & Bone Meal. Richard Moore, Managing Director of Linergy, commented: “We are delighted to have received full clearance from the CMA on this matter. It has been a long and complex process and we are pleased that the final outcome is as we expected. We can now focus on the future and plan to meet the demands of the ever-changing rendering industry, as it emerges from the BSE era. We aim to bring value to the market and meet the needs of our customer base and this merger is an important step in achieving this. We look forward to working with SAPI and believe that their wide-reaching network and global expertise will help achieve our goals.” Francesco Arico, Managing Director of UFBP, said: “This is an important decision in the future development of UFBP which will allow us to expand our capabilities and offer a greater service to our current customers and potential new customers. It will also give us the base from which to further develop our processes and bring more efficiency and value into our day-to-day operations. Linergy are an established and well recognised local partner who will add expertise to our business in UFBP. Additionally, Linergy share our commitment towards maintaining and promoting high environmental standards within our operations.” Forward-Thinking In Late Pregnancy Maximises Effective Lamb Productiviconcentrate per head per day. Fresh silage should be offered daily to prevent secondary fermentation and energy loss. Table 1 indicates the levels of concentrate feed required for good and poor quality silages. Lamb Survival and Colostrum Quality Colostrum is vital to lamb health and survival. Ideally lambs should suck within 30-40 minutes of birth and require the equivalent of 50 ml/ kg birthweight. Ewes should be vaccinated for clostridial diseases to protect new-born lambs against these common diseases with defence immunity passed through the colostrum. Fane Valley Feeds Ewe feed range has a unique yeast, “Safmannan” which increases the immunoglobulin content of colostrum maximising immunity prior to the lamb developing its own immune system. The Fane Valley Feeds mineral package is specifically formulated to ensure high levels of Vitamin E, Selenium, Iodine and Cobalt to produce vigorous lambs which are ready to suckle. Pictured: Mathew Armstrong, Ruminant Technical Specialist at Fane Valley Feeds carrying out on-farm silage analysis. With the main lambing season fast approaching, it is critical to start planning ahead for the feeding and management of pregnant ewes. Matthew Armstrong, Ruminant Technical Specialist at Fane Valley Feeds outlines some of the important factors affecting pre-lambing ewes. Ewes that are under-conditioned at lambing will have lambs of lower birth weight, produce poorer quality colostrum, produce less milk and have lower lamb survival rates. For every 0.5 kg extra lamb birth-weight, weaning weight increases by 1.7kg. Mammary development is of key importance therefore energy and protein supplementation are vital to maximise colostrum quality and milk production. Twin Lamb Disease (Pregnancy Toxaemia) Twin Lamb Disease affects ewes bearing twin or triplet lambs and is the result of up to 70% of foetal growth occurring in the last 6 weeks of gestation. During this time, the increasing size of the uterus restricts the space available for the rumen, reducing feed intake. The pre-lambing ewe’s appetite can be reduced by up to 30% during this period, resulting in decreased energy intake and the ewe being unable to meet her energy demands leaving body reserves to be partitioned towards the growing lambs. Ewes that are too fat or too thin are most at risk. With most flocks having already completed pregnancy diagnosis at this stage, ewes that require additional concentrate feeding can be identified. Silage should be analysed and the correct feeding regime should be in place to maximise feed utilisation. Prolapsed Uterus Ewes fed poor quality silage will struggle to meet their energy requirements and will increase rumen fill in an attempt to close the energy deficit. This results in the vagina being pushed out due to the intra-abdominal pressure. Ewes in excess body condition will be more at risk and overcrowding or inadequate feed space will also put additional pressure on the pregnant ewe. Body-Condition Score and Nutrition Ewes that are too fat have more difficult lambings than thinner ewes. The difference in good and poor quality silage could be the equivalent to up to 1.0 kg of Fane Valley Feeds have a complete range of compound sheep feeds and blends available to meet the requirements of local sheep farmers. All products are nutritionally balanced to meet the energy and protein requirements of high production ewes. All products contain quality protein and energy sources. These include energy sources such as maize and barley which complement each other with their different speeds of degradation within the rumen. Hi-Pro Soya and Rapeseed are utilised to provide high levels of undegradable protein to increase milk yield, improve the production of quality colostrum and maximise lamb growth. To find out more about the complete range of Fane Valley sheep feeds please contact Matthew Armstrong on 07714 950585 or your local Fane Valley Feeds Sales Specialist. Table 1: Recommended daily concentrate feed rates according to silage quality and the number of lambs being carried. White’s Oats Scoop Top CIMI Marketing Accolade Fane Valley Dairies Quality Focus In Milk World dairy markets remain under pressure from the usual supply and demand factors and unfortunately it continues to be a buyers market. In Fane Valley Dairies we are focussing on aspects which are in our control such as improvements in quality. Mourne Maid dairy products have an excellent reputation in the global supply chain. Quality is the single biggest factor in every link of that chain, from the raw milk supplied by our dairy farmers to finished product. Increasingly, product specifications are becoming tighter particularly in relation to microbiological quality and the best way to keep levels of bacteria low in dairy products is to limit the levels in raw milk at farm level. With this in mind the following schedule applies to all milk supplied from 1st January 2016: TVC Range Financial Adjustment ..................................................................................... Pictured: (L-R) James Mathers - General Manager, Grainne Maher - Jewellery Designer, Stuart Best - Business Development Manager, Danielle McBride, Brand Manager & Mark Gowdy - Sales & Marketing Manager at White’s Oats White’s Oats, the local producer of porridge, granola and oat snacks, received the winners accolade from the Chartered Institute of Marketing Ireland (CIMI) “Marketing with Impact within the Food & Drink industry”. The judges commented on White’s winning entry; “The difference was the creative response…. clearly presenting the marketing challenge, the process that led to the development of the tactical communications plan, setting out the creative response and the results.’’ The CIMI recognition is the latest in a series of prestigious awards won by the company, which is based at Tandragee in Co. Armagh in the past 12 months for a range of oat-based products. Other Awards won in 2015 include: - UK Great Taste Awards Gold Awards; - Blas na hEireann, Irish National Food & Drink Awards Gold and Silver Awards; - Irish Quality Food & Drink Awards Winner in Cereal category; - Ulster Grocer Marketing Awards for Best New Product Launch. Danielle McBride, White’s Oats Brand Manager said: “This is an immensely important and encouraging award for White’s, reflecting the strength of our strategic and integrated marketing campaign for the launch of our rebrand from marketing professionals.” Mark Gowdy, White’s Oats Sales & Marketing Manager commented; “The awards celebrate the best marketing achievements in Ireland. Our award acknowledges the high standard of our campaign and the tremendous contribution made by everyone at White’s Oats.” 20 and Under +0.25ppl 21-25 +0.12ppl 26-50 Base - no adjustment 51-100 -0.15ppl 101-300 -2.2ppl* Greater than 300 -6.2ppl* Penalties marked * will be increased if TVC of greater than 101 are detected in concurrent months. However, it is not our desire to penalise producers but rather to encourage and incentivise producers to reach the base or bonus categories. A study of Society averages on recent milk statements will confirm that most producers already have TVC of less than 25 and therefore this change in structure will have little effect on the vast majority of our suppliers. The biggest change is around base levels (TVC 26-50) and above. These changes bring our payment schedule into line with other processors. The CIMI Excellence Awards is now in its 15th year and the awards programme and categories are specifically designed to attract entries from businesses of all sizes, operating in all sectors in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Field staff are available to discuss any issues / problems you may have with TVC levels and an information leaflet is available which contains practical guidelines. Winning a CIM Marketing Excellence Award means that a recipient company has created results that deliver real business benefits. • Present clean cows for milking White’s was founded in 1841 and currently employs 36 people in its milling and processing operations to produce a range of branded and private label porridge products and oat snacks. • Use approved chemicals at the correct concentration Northern Ireland’s only oat miller, White’s also supplies products to other manufacturers of breakfast cereals and has grown sales in export markets including the Republic of Ireland, Spain, US, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Hong Kong. Below is a summary of good practise which, if implemented, will deliver low TVC levels: • Wash/pre-dip teats • Dry teats thoroughly • Hot washes need to start at 85°C and finish at no less than 55°C (Please ask our field staff for indicator strips to check your plant.) • Replace rubberware regularly • Check the plant/bulk tank regularly for any residue build up • Cool milk quickly to at least 3.5-4°C BVD Tags - The Choice Is Yours With Fane Valley Fane Valley Support Local Cancer Charity Fane Valley and its group of companies have raised over £5000 for Action Cancer Breast Screening Services. Over 60 free mammograms will now be made available because of staff fundraising efforts and the generous donations made across Fane Valley Stores by customers. Pictured: Pat Donnelly, Livestock Identification Manager at Fane Valley Stores. ALL three types of BVD tissue sampling ear tags approved for use in NI are promptly available at Fane Valley Stores. With the BVD eradication scheme becoming compulsory from Tuesday 1st March 2016, Fane Valley Stores can offer you the choice of Caisley, Allflex or Typifix tissue sampling ear tags. “No matter which tag type a customer chooses our experienced staff can offer clear advice and guidance on their use and how to send the resultant tissue samples to the testing laboratories.“ explained Pat Donnelly, Livestock Identification Manager at Fane Valley Stores. Testing to eradicate Bovine Viral Diarrhoea is a major step forward in protecting herd health and livestock performance. BVD in your herd costs money due to lack of thrive, increased risk of pneumonia and mortality. For those starting to undertake compulsory testing Fane Valley Stores offer a unique level of service combined with choice of BVD tag type to suit your farm. Orders placed over the counter or by phone are efficiently processed and completed using our in-house tag printing technology. Christmas Toy Appeal Success At Fane Valley Time is money in farming and getting PI individuals identified and removed with haste from other cattle is vital. Thus, all our tissue sampling is undertaken right here in NI using the world class expertise of AFBI veterinary laboratories. Farmer owned Fane Valley Stores offers a complete package of BVD ear tags, applicators, training and the required packaging for sending tissue samples to the laboratory for testing. Taking the Fane Valley Stores route to BVD tagging and testing is a simple first step to becoming BVD free. By taking tissue samples when tagging calves, stock carrying this easily spread viral disease are identified and should be quickly removed from your herd. Remember, the longer an animal identified as being persistently Infected (PI), remains in contact with other cattle the greater the risk of BVD spreading throughout your herd thereby causing long term loss of potential income. “No wonder almost 5,000 NI farmers joined the voluntary scheme to remove BVD from their herds.” continued Pat Donnelly “We are very pleased to help support Action Cancer and specifically their breast screening services and to know that all proceeds will go specifically towards completing 60 local breast screenings is very reassuring and most of all, life changing.” commented; Trevor Lockhart – Fane Valley Chief Executive For further information about Caisley, Allflex or Typifix tissue sampling ear tags please contact Pat Donnelly - Livestock Indentification Manager Tel: 028 3839 4900 Fane Valley recently donated 100s of toys and gifts from across their wider Group for local charity ACTION FOR CHILDREN during the Christmas period, through a Business In The Community initiative. “It was our pleasure to be able to help with the children’s toy appeal through ‘Business In The Community’ in aid of Action for Children. The charity provides a very important and valuable service all year round, but most importantly, during the festive season they make it their priority to help those children in real need. Our staff were very happy to help the appeal again this year.” said; Trevor Lockhart – Fane Valley Chief Executive. Fane Valley Feeds Host Local School Fane Valley Feeds recently welcomed a group of GCSE Agricultural students from the local Omagh CBS for a mill tour. The students enjoyed a detailed visit of the state-of-the-art mill where they were introduced to the process of manufacturing animal feed. The agri pupils received a talk from the very experienced staff onsite and had an opportunity to engage and ask questions. Fane Valley appreciate the important role they can play in helping to educate and shape the next generation within the agri industry. “We are delighted to welcome Omagh CBS students to our feed mill. We hope this experience will help contribute towards their GCSE Agriculture programme and we wish them all the best in their future studies.” said; Ronan McCanny - Operations Manager - Fane Valley Feeds Pictured: (L-R) Ronan McCanny, Omagh CBS Pupils & Martin Morris Teacher. Linden Voted ‘Green’ Company of The Year Fane Valley Co-operative Society Ltd Alexander Road, Armagh BT61 7JJ T: 028 3752 2344 F: 028 3752 7876 E: Omagh T: 028 8224 3221 Pictured: (L-R) Brenda Buckley presents Mael Wilford - Environmental Manager From Linden Foods with the ‘Green Company of The Year’ Award 2015/16 Linden Foods the red meat processor based in Dungannon have recently been crowned UTV Business Eye ‘Green’ Company of The Year. Now in its ninth year, the star-studded event held in The Culloden Estate & Spa honours the high achievers of the Northern Ireland business community as well as the public sector. Hundreds of entries from across sixteen different categories were entered and the lucky winners chosen by a distinguished panel of judges including; UTV’s Business Correspondent Jamie Delargy, Business Eye Editor Richard Buckley as well as the Business Editor of Northern Ireland’s main morning newspaper Gary McDonald - Irish News. Linden Foods was one of the big winners on the night when they picked up the accolade for ‘Green’ Company of The Year 2015/16 “We are delighted to be voted ‘Green Company of the Year’ at the UTV Business Eye Awards. We have really enjoyed the environmental and sustainable journey we have been on since establishing our GreenTrack strategy. To win an accolade of this stature is a testament to the great efforts and major difference we are making as a whole company. We are all passionate about what we do and how we do it. We have trusted and established relationships with our farmers, customers and colleagues. We pride ourselves on putting the customer at the heart of the business and doing it right first time every time.“ commented; Mael Wilford – Environmental Manager Linden Foods Speaking on the night Richard Buckley Editor - Business Eye said; “Linden Foods was a clear winner in this category, which drew a wide-ranging variety of entries from companies covering a diverse selection of environmental initiatives. Linden is a pace setter in an industry which hasn’t been renowned for its environmental best practice through the years. This is a company that applies environmental standards across all that it does.” Newry T: 028 3026 2305 Armagh T: 028 3752 0229 Altnamachin T: 028 3087 8402 Augher T: 028 8554 9330 Banbridge T: 028 4062 8778 Ballycastle T: 028 2076 8800 Ballymena Mart T: 028 2563 7778 Lisbane T: 028 9754 1087 Lane Ends T: 028 3755 1223 Markethill Mart T: 028 3755 2523 Omagh T: 028 8225 5350 Omagh Mart T: 028 8224 5361 Portadown T: 028 3839 4900 Rathfriland T: 028 4063 0394 Banbridge T: 028 4066 2742 Find Us On Facebook!
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