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View PDF - City of East Peoria
NOTICE OF MEETING AND AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT 401 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS MARCH 15, 2016 DATE: MARCH 15, 2016 TIME: 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: MAYOR MINGUS COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER COMMISSIONER DECKER COMMISSIONER JEFFERS COMMISSIONER KAHL INVOCATION: PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting and Closed Meeting/Executive Session held on March 1, 2016. COMMUNICATIONS: PUBLIC COMMENT: COUNCIL BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON AGENDA ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE: (All matters listed under CONSENT AGENDA are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. There will not be separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired by Members of the City Council, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed immediately after approval of the Consent Agenda. Citizens desiring discussion on any item listed under the CONSENT AGENDA should contact a City Council Member and request that the item be removed for discussion.) Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Item No. 1 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-113 - Resolution to Approve Payment of the Schedule of Bills No. 21 in the amount of $1,795,664.28. Item No. 2 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-112 on its Second Reading – Resolution to approve Contract for Actuarial Services for Pension Funds with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company in the amount of $19,000. Item No. 3 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-109 on its Second Reading – Resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2014 Dodge Charger Police Cruiser from the Missouri Highway Patrol and the outfitting by Ragan Communications of such vehicle in the amount of $21,977.10 for the Police Department. Item No. 4 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-110 on its Second Reading – Resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2016 Dodge Ambulance Chassis from Roanoke Motor Co., Inc. in the amount of $51,548 for the Fire Department. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER: Adoption of Ordinance No. 4266 on its Second Reading - (AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING BIDS FOR SALE OF CITY-OWNED SURPLUS REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 118 WOODLAWN BOULEVARD, 119 EDEN STREET, AND 320 PARK AVENUE.) Approval of Ordinance No. 4268 – (AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ANNEXATION OF HARRINGTON LANE, A PRIVATE ROADWAY.) To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Approval of Resolution No. 1516-120 – Resolution granting Utility Easement to iTV-3 over and across a part of the property known as 2807 E. Washington Street in East Peoria, Illinois. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Approval of Resolution No. 1516-114 – Resolution authorizing the purchase of two large format printers/scanners from SHI International Corp. at a cost of $15,060. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Approval of Resolution No. 1516-115 – Resolution authorizing the purchase of twelve computer monitors for the Fire Department from PTC Select in the amount of $2,016.96. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Approval of Resolution No. 1516-117 – Resolution authorizing the purchase of a Samsung MultiXpress K7500LX Copier for Dispatch from C.D.S. Office Systems Incorporated in the amount of $4,650. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Approval of Resolution No. 1516-118 – Resolution approving Contract with Optimum Health Solutions for assisting with the Employee Wellness Program. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Approval of Resolution No. 1516-121 - Resolution regarding Employee Contribution Rates for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Page 2 Approval of Resolution No. 1516-122 – Resolution regarding Reinsurance Carrier for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Approval of Resolution No. 1516-119 – Resolution accepting Low Bid for the Civic Triangle Landscaping Project adjacent to the New City Hall with Commercial Irrigation & Turf, Inc. in the amount of $17,233.10. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. COMMISSIONER DECKER: COMMISSIONER JEFFERS: Approval of Resolution No. 1516-116 – Resolution approving a proposal from Hosler Roofing for the recoating of the roof of the Public Works Building in the amount of $33,936. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. COMMISSIONER KAHL: Approval of Ordinance No. 4269 - (AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE ACQUIRED BY THE CITY THROUGH FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS.) To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. MAYOR MINGUS: PUBLIC COMMENT: COUNCIL BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: COMMISSIONER DECKER: COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER: COMMISSIONER JEFFERS: COMMISSIONER KAHL: MAYOR MINGUS: MOTION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION/CLOSED MEETING: MOTION TO ADJOURN: /s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader City Clerk, Morgan R. Cadwalader Dated and Posted: March 11, 2016 401 W. Washington Street. East Peoria, Illinois 61611. Phone (309) 698-4715 FAX (309) 698-4747 NOTICE AND AGENDA OF SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS _______________________________________________________________________________________________ TO: Members of the Public News Media City of East Peoria City Council NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA THAT A SPECIAL MEETING TO HOLD A WORKING SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 AT 5:30 P.M. AT THE NEW COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN THE CIVIC COMPLEX, 401 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS. *PLEASE NOTE THE LOCATION OF THE MEETING AT THE NEW COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN THE CIVIC COMPLEX, 401 W. WASHINGTON STREET, EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS. DATE: MARCH 15, 2016 TIME: 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA: WORKING SESSION of the City Council to discuss the following: New Ambulance Purchase and Replacement Scheduling of Future Ambulance Purchases COMMENTS FROM THE COUNCIL: MAYOR MINGUS: COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER: COMMISSIONER DECKER: COMMISSIONER JEFFERS: COMMISSIONER KAHL: COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: MOTION TO ADJOURN: __/s/ David W. Mingus___________________________ __03/11/2016_________________________________ DAVID W. MINGUS, MAYOR DATE THERE WILL BE NO ACTION TAKEN. **CERTIFICATION OF POSTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT** I, MORGAN R. CADWALADER, as duly qualified City Clerk of the City of East Peoria, Tazewell County, Illinois, do hereby certify that true and correct copies of the foregoing Notice and Agenda of Special Meeting have been posted in a clearly visible location in the public lobby of City Hall, 401 W. Washington Street, East Peoria, Illinois, same being the principal office of the City of East Peoria, Illinois and the location of the meeting and on the City’s website on the date specified below. I do further certify that copies of the foregoing Notice and Agenda of Special Meeting have been sent to the Mayor and Commissioners of the City Council of East Peoria and to the local News Media which have filed annual requests for such notices, on the date specified below. POSTED AND SENT: __03/11/2016__ __/s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader____________________ MORGAN R. CADWALADER, CITY CLERK “EAST PEORIA-HOME OF THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS” MINUTES NEW COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN THE CIVIC COMPLEX 401 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS MARCH 1, 2016 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of East Peoria, Illinois was called to order by his Honor Mayor David Mingus presiding at 6:00 P.M. with proper notice having been given. Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor David W. Mingus, Commissioner Daniel S. Decker, Commissioner Gary R. Densberger, Commissioner Timothy J. Jeffers and Commissioner John P. Kahl. Absent: None. The invocation was given by Commissioner Jeffers. Mayor Mingus led the Council and the audience in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Motion by Commissioner Kahl, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move that the minutes of the Regular Meeting and Closed Meeting/Executive Session held on February 16, 2016 be approved as printed. Yeas: Commissioner Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Mayor Mingus proclaimed March 2, 2016 as “Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day).” He presented the proclamation to representatives from the library. Mayor Mingus extended congratulations and appreciation to Walz Label & Mailing Systems on their 50th Anniversary. He presented the proclamation to Nate Walz of Walz Label & Mailing Systems. Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items on the agenda to come to the podium and state the matter or matters to be discussed. There was no response. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE: Mayor Mingus asked if any Commissioner wished to remove any items from the Consent Agenda for discussion. There was no response. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move to adopt a consent agenda consisting of items numbered 1 through 6 as listed on the agenda for this meeting to be considered by omnibus vote. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Items numbered 1-6 listed on the Consent Agenda be hereby approved and adopted, the items numbered 2-6 having been read once by their title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection be adopted as presented. Item No. 1 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-051 – Resolution to Approve Payment of the Schedule of Bills No. 7 in the amount of $1,329,936.17. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Item No. 1 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-111 - Resolution to Approve Payment of the Schedule of Bills No. 20 in the amount of $952,105.07. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Item No. 2 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-103 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving the purchase of software licenses for two desktops and purchase a one year subscription for up to fifty users for ArcGIS Online from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. at a total cost of $11,900. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Item No. 3 - Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-105 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving Microsoft Software Licensing Renewal for the City in the amount of $28,559. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Item No. 4 - Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-106 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving the purchase of three laptops and associated equipment for police vehicles from SHI in the amount of $9,747 and two laptops and associated equipment for police vehicles from Brite in the amount of $6,629.30. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Item No. 5 - Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-107 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving the purchase of four bathroom partitions for EastSide Centre Concession bathrooms from S & S Builders Hardware Co. in the amount of $9,550. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Item No. 6 - Adoption of Resolution No. 1516-104 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving the purchase of three motion tablets and associated equipment for Fire Department vehicles from SHI in the amount of $8,289. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the items adopted by omnibus vote designation. Page 2 Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4264, hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING BID FOR SALE OF CITY-OWNED SURPLUS REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 107 NEUMANN LANE) having been read once by its title and having been laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented. Commissioner Densberger explained that this ordinance involved the sale of City owned property that was part of an open bid about a month ago. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4264 be adopted as presented. Resolution No. 1516-100 by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1516-100 hereto attached, a Resolution to approve an agreement for mechanical and electrical engineering services for the EastSide Centre HVAC with Keith Engineering Design, Inc. in the amount of $9,600, be hereby approved, and that this Resolution No. 1516100 having been read once by its title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented. Commissioner Densberger discussed the agreement. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1516-100 be duly adopted as presented. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4265, hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE ADDING A PROVISION TO THE CITY CODE PROHIBITING THE SMOKING OF E-CIGARETTES AND ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICES IN CITY FACILITIES) having been read once by its title and having been laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented. Commissioner Decker discussed issues with e-cigarettes and popcorn lung and there is not yet knowledge about the effects. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4265 be adopted as presented. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4266 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING BIDS FOR SALE OF CITY-OWNED SURPLUS REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 118 WOODLAWN BOULEVARD, 119 EDEN STREET, AND 320 PARK AVENUE) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Commissioner Densberger discussed the properties being a part of the sealed bids process about a month ago. He discussed the amounts involved. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Resolution No. 1516-112 by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1516-112, hereto attached, a Resolution to approve Contract for Actuarial Services for Pension Funds with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company in the amount of $19,000, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1516-112 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Commissioner Densberger explained that this a yearly contract and that the City is making sure that we are doing what is needed to fund the pension funds and make them viable. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Resolution No. 1516-109 by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Densberger; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1516-109, hereto attached, a Resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2014 Dodge Charger Police Cruiser from the Missouri Highway Patrol and the outfitting by Ragan Communications of such vehicle in the amount of $21,977.10 for the Police Department, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1516-109 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Commissioner Decker discussed Chief of Police Ganschow driving the oldest vehicle in the fleet and the success of using this Missouri High Patrol purchase process. Chief Ganschow discussed the Police Vehicle Fund that is being used for the purchase. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Page 3 Resolution No. 1516-108 by Commissioner Kahl, seconded by Commissioner Decker; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1516-108 hereto attached, a Resolution Approving the EastPort Marina Management Agreement between the City of East Peoria and Roberts & Sons Marine Management, LLC, be hereby approved, and that this Resolution No. 1516-108 having been read once by its title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented. Commissioner Kahl discussed the contract provisions, including the length of the contract and an opt out provision for either party. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1516-108 be duly adopted as presented. Resolution No. 1516-110 by Commissioner Kahl, seconded by Commissioner Densberger; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1516-110, hereto attached, a Resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2016 Dodge Ambulance Chassis from Roanoke Motor Co., Inc. in the amount of $51,548 for the Fire Department, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1516-110 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Commissioner Kahl discussed budgeting $115,000 in this fiscal year and the same amount in the next fiscal year. This is a portion of the ambulance purchase. He discussed a timing issue and the need to get the purchase done so that there is not a longer wait. There was a discussion about the chassis being the first ambulance with four wheel drive. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Motion by Commissioner Kahl, seconded by Commissioner Densberger, Mr. Mayor, I move that a closed meeting or session of the city council be held at the conclusion of this regular meeting to discuss the following matter or matters according to exceptions provided in the “Open Meetings Act” 5 ILCS 120and specified as follows: Section 2(c)(11) – Pending litigation or litigation which is probable or imminent. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Decker, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items not on the agenda to come to the podium state the matter or matters to be discussed. Gary Rafool and Carl Stauske residents of Harbor Pointe and members of the East Peoria Harbor Pointe Homeowners’ Association came to the podium to discussed two floating modular homes at EastPort Marina. He discussed issues with these modular homes and explained that the Homeowners Association passed a Resolution requesting that the City remove the homes before the start of the boating season. He handed the resolution to the Mayor to file with the City Clerk. Jeffr Albright came up to the podium and invited members of City Council and residents to the East Peoria St. Jude runners fundraising event on Saturday, March 5 at the East Peoria Applebee’s. Mayor Mingus asked for any additional comments from the audience. There was no response. Mayor Mingus then asked for comments from Council. Commissioner Decker explained that clean-up week is scheduled for May 9-13, 2016. Commissioner Densberger explained that the budget is being worked on and we are now waiting on the December 2015 sales tax numbers. He discussed the next steps with the budget, including at least one working session. Commissioner Jeffers discussed the State of the City that is being hosted by the East Peoria Chamber of Commerce on Friday, March 4, 2016. Commissioner Kahl discussed the statewide tornado drill that took place Tuesday. He discussed tornado safety information and free car seat checks that are available through the fire department. Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn until Tuesday evening, March 15, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:43 P.M. _/s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader________ City Clerk Morgan R. Cadwalader RESOLUTION NO. 1516-113 March 15, 2016 EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS THAT THE CLAIMS AS LISTED ON SCHEDULE NO. 21 BE ALLOWED. MR. MAYOR, I MOVE THAT THE CLERK IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO ISSUE ORDERS ON THE TREASURER FOR THE VARIOUS AMOUNTS, TOTALING $1,795,664.28 AND THE SCHEDULE OF BILLS BE HEREBY ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 1 GENERAL CORPORATE FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------01-01-3-070 CAMPION, BARROW & ASSOCIATES POST OFFER TESTING 415.00 POST OFFER TESTING 415.00 POST OFFER TESTING 415.00 01-01-4-025 E P CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGGS/ISSUES CADWALADER 15.00 01-02-0-040 CONSOCIATE GROUP GROUP INSURANCE PREMIUM 44,953.24 ADMINSTRATION FEES 8,047.72 01-02-0-070 WAL-MART COMMUNITY KITCHEN SUPPLIES 26.63 01-02-0-183 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER, LLC CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION 12,508.00 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP DISPLAY CONTROL 186.00 DISPLAY CONTROL 223.00 THOMPSON ELECTRONICS CO CH AV SYSTEM FINAL PROJECT BAL 5,568.00 HENRICKSENS NEW CITY HALL FURNITURE 15,349.61 NEW CITY HALL FURNITURE 2,039.64 01-03-0-025 E P CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGGS/ISSUES LIVINGSTON 15.00 EGGS/ISSUES WETTEROW 15.00 EGGS/ISSUES FAULKNER 15.00 EGGS/ISSUES LAUTERBACH 15.00 IL ENTERPRISE ZONE ASSOC 2016 IEZA MEMBERSHIP DUES 200.00 01-03-0-035 JOURNAL STAR LEGAL NOTICES 60.06 01-03-0-045 XPEDITE SYSTEMS, LLC FAX2MAIL BILLING 100.35 01-03-0-047 R&D COMPUTER SYSTEMS LLC LASERFICHE USER LICENSING 1,627.50 CHRISTENBERRY SYSTEMS & ALARM PW/FOL SECURITY CAMERA UPGRADE 854.00 01-03-0-048 PTC SELECT TONER RESTOCK 253.79 TONER RESTOCK 268.45 01-03-0-100 IOWA-ILLINOIS OFFICE PRODUCTS INK CARTRIDGES/WRIST REST 73.73 MULTIPURPOSE PAPER YELLOW/BLUE 18.80 01-04-0-071 S.J. SMITH WELDING SUPPLY ACETYLENE/ARGON/OXYGEN 9.30 01-04-0-110 G & K SERVICES VM UNIFORMS 40.64 VM UNIFORMS 58.79 01-04-0-115 CHART DISTRIBUTION GROUP 55 GAL SHELL TELLUS OIL 2,198.85 CAR WASH SOAP 267.67 01-05-0-020 BAYNARD PLUMBING PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 202.08 LIBERTY TERMITE & PEST CONTROL CP PEST CONTROL 28.00 SAFETY FIRST LIFE SAFETY REVIEWS 1,225.00 RICHARD YOUNG ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS 483.78 01-05-0-045 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER CITY BLDS 1,578.23 01-05-0-050 ALTORFER CREDIT- CRANE PICK UP -75.00 CARRY DECK CRANE RENTAL 931.00 THOMPSON ELECTRONICS CO 50% CP SPEAKERS 265.00 40% CP PROJECTOR MAINT 418.00 OGBORN PLUMBING, INC CP LAVATORY REPAIR 260.18 ENTEC MOVED UNIT FROM CH TO PW 372.50 01-05-0-051 OGBORN PLUMBING, INC 50% CP SEWER CLEAN OUT 125.00 01-05-0-052 E P TIRE & VULCANIZING CHEVY TIRE REPAIR 05-6 447.16 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT GLOVES/RUBBERMAID TRACK 15.50 01-05-0-070 HOMEPAGES TEXTING PROGRAM ANNUAL FEE 199.00 HAGERTY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY DRILL COMBO KITS 599.98 DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 2 GENERAL CORPORATE FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------01-05-0-100 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT NOTICE ADHESIVE 12.33 01-05-0-121 SUPPLYWORKS SOAP 63.14 PAPER PRODUCTS/SOAP 154.09 PAPER PRODUCTS/SHAMPOO/SOAP 499.24 COMFORT MATS 124.34 LOBBY BROOM/DUSTPAN 71.46 SQUEEGEE GUM BLADE 21.05 SAFETY POLE 67.60 SAFETY POLE 33.80 PAPER PRODUCTS/LINERS 245.39 PAPER PRODUCTS/SHAMPOO/SOAP 928.34 PAPER PRODUCTS 86.19 01-05-0-155 HENRICKSENS NEW CITY HALL FURNITURE 2,012.69 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 107,648.84 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 3 POLICE PROTECTION FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------03-00-0-025 APCO INTERNATIONAL INC COMMUNICATION TRNG- BURMEISTER 389.00 E P CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGGS/ISSUES GANSCHOW 15.00 EGGS/ISSUES SWEARINGEN 15.00 EGGS/ISSUES BRODRICK 15.00 CENTRAL IL POLICE TRAINING 7/16-6/17 MEMBERSHIP FEES 3,288.00 03-00-0-035 HOMEPAGES TEXTING PROGRAM ANNUAL FEE 199.00 COMCAST MONTHLY CABLE/INTERNET 5.97 03-00-0-045 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER POLICE BLDS 668.60 FRONTIER 2/28/16-3/27/16 PHONE SERVICE 58.28 03-00-0-050 IL OIL MARKETING KEYGUARD REPAIR 379.25 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT ROLL FLASHING/CAULK 116.76 03-00-0-051 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC WIRE MOUSE/KEYBOARD 25.38 03-00-0-052 CAPTIAL ONE COMMERCIAL WIPER BLADES 283.24 GOODYEAR AUTO SERVICE CENTER 10 CHEVY ALIGNMENT 10-4 366.04 08 CHEVY TIRES/BEARINGS 08-3 631.43 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM OF BATTERY 87.95 RAGAN COMMUNICATIONS, INC. CAMERA WIRING REPAIR 95.00 RED CARPET CAR WASH 2/16 CAR WASH SERVICES 400.00 WAL-MART COMMUNITY HEADLIGHTS 32.91 HEADLIGHTS 10.97 ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 11 CHEVY OIL/FILTER 11-4 24.99 08 FORD OIL/FILTER 08-8 24.99 13 CHEVY OIL/FILTER 13-4 34.81 08 FORD OIL/FILTER 08-7 428.51 08 CHEVY THERMOSTAT REPAIR 089 167.50 09 CHEVY OIL/BRAKE PAD/MUFFLER 480.95 03-00-0-070 TAZEWELL/PEKIN COMMUNICATIONS LEAD SERVICES 150.12 03-00-0-100 IOWA-ILLINOIS OFFICE PRODUCTS REPORT COVERS/FILE FOLDERS 60.10 COPY PAPER/LEGAL PADS/FOLDERS 175.57 WAL-MART COMMUNITY DRY ERASE MARKER KIT 7.44 DVD-R DISKS 124.61 03-00-0-115 IL OIL MARKETING SINGLE HOSE GAS PUMP REPAIR 289.85 03-00-0-121 SUPPLYWORKS RETURN- DAWN DETERGENT -7.95 PAPER PRODUCTS/LINERS/SOAP 289.72 03-00-0-127 TRITECH FORENSICS INC GLOVES 52.28 SEAL/LABELS/SWABS/SUPPLIES 233.81 03-00-0-183 ALCROPRO, INC ALCO SENSOR 1,132.00 03-00-0-185 PVP COMMUNICATIONS PTT INTERFACE SWITCH 104.83 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 10,856.91 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 4 FIRE PROTECTION FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------04-00-0-021 MID-CENTRAL BUSINESS FORMS TIME OFF REQUEST FORMS 158.24 04-00-0-025 CENTRAL IL FIRE INVESTIGATORS 2016 CIFIA CONF REG- KNAPP 120.00 2016 CIFIA CONF REG- PIRAINO 120.00 2016 CIFIA CONF REG- DUCKWORTH 120.00 2016 CIFIA CONF REG- MENSSEN 120.00 E P CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGGS/ISSUES BECK 15.00 EGGS/ISSUES SERVIS 15.00 EGGS/ISSUES PETERSON 15.00 EGGS/ISSUES KNAPP 15.00 NICK HILLEBRAND REIMBURSEMENT- MEAL AT TRNG 15.77 REIMBURSEMENT- LODGING AT TRNG 77.14 ROSS AHRENS REIMBURSEMENT- MEALS AT TRNG 37.05 SOUTH BELOIT FIRE DEPARTMENT ICE RESCUE TECH COURSE HILLEBR 100.00 ICE RESCUE TECH COURSE AHRENS 100.00 04-00-0-045 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER FIRE BLDS 1,479.09 04-00-0-050 HASTINGS AIR-ENERGY CONTROL STATION #3 PLYMOVENT REPAIR 1,080.23 CENTRAL HOUSE- PLYMOVENT 331.33 LIBERTY TERMITE & PEST CONTROL CENTRAL (FEB 16) PEST CONTROL 36.00 #3 HOUSE (FEB 16) PEST CONTROL 34.00 #4 HOUSE (FEB 16) PEST CONTROL 65.00 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT BUSHING/PIPE/TEE 11.08 04-00-0-051 MES-ILLINOIS AIR PACK DRIVER MODULE 175.00 AIR PACK ANNUAL SERVICE TESTS 3,606.90 04-00-0-052 UFTRING AUTOMALL B-1 OIL CHANGE 41.05 GLOBAL EMERGENCY PRODUCTS E-5 PUMP SERVICE TEST 374.25 E-4 PUMP SERVICE TEST/LIGHTS 352.51 UL LLC ANNUAL LADDER TESTS 2,237.00 04-00-0-053 RAGAN COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PORTABLE RADIO BATTERY 79.64 TRUCK #1 LIGHT REPAIR LABOR 95.00 TRUCK #1 STROBE LIGHT REPAIR 95.00 P-1 RADIO REPAIR 277.50 04-00-0-070 HOMEPAGES TEXTING PROGRAM ANNUAL FEE 199.00 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE FOIL/MOUNTING TAPE 12.48 UNION JOINT/ADAPTER 24.56 04-00-0-073 IWIRC ANNUAL PHYSICAL 175 296.99 ANNUAL PHYSICAL 217 506.22 ANNUAL PHYSICAL 239 404.99 ANNUAL PHYSICAL 336 404.99 ANNUAL PHYSICAL 571 376.83 ANNUAL PHYSICAL 730 478.06 ANNUAL PHYSICAL 780 478.06 ANNUAL PHYSICAL 802 376.83 ANNUAL PHYSICAL 950 478.06 04-00-0-100 IOWA-ILLINOIS OFFICE PRODUCTS RETURN- CD-R -26.95 LASER PRINT PAPER/CD-R 35.06 PADDED MAILING ENVELOPES 47.86 COPY PAPER 71.80 DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 5 FIRE PROTECTION FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------04-00-0-110 TEAM WORKS FIRE DEPT HATS 324.00 MES-ILLINOIS STOCK HELMETS 774.95 04-00-0-121 SUPPLYWORKS PAPER PRODUCTS/LINERS/CLEANERS 180.87 LINERS/DETERGENT 142.77 PAPER PRODUCTS/SOAP/CLEANERS 125.53 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 17,111.74 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 6 SOLID WASTE INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------05-00-0-017 WASTE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE TIPPING FEES 12,033.00 05-00-0-018 WASTE MANAGEMENT RECYCLING TIPPING FEES 172.69 MIDWEST FIBER RECYCLING TIPPING FEES 3,037.99 05-00-0-052 MACK SALES & SERVICE OF MORTON TURBINE/LEVEL SENSOR 214.83 05-00-0-070 PARTIAL TOTER REFUND 8.00 RICHS AUTO PARTS & SERVICE INC SAFETY TESTS 193.50 05-00-0-127 KEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY MISC TOTER PARTS 1,984.50 MUTUAL WHEEL COMPANY MISC TRUCK PARTS 724.50 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 18,369.01 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 7 STREET & BRIDGE FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-00-0-020 ANDREWS TREE SERVICE STORM BRUSH REMOVAL 13,687.50 11-00-0-052 AUTOZONE COMMERCIAL TOGGLE SWITCH 9.83 ROTORS/PADS/CALIPERS 306.21 ALTERNATOR 191.95 SEALANT/TUBING CUTTER 23.46 INTAKE GASKET 15.02 SPARK PLUGS/FUEL INJECTOR 882.30 FUEL INJECTOR 687.52 PRESSURE REGULATOR/VALVE 50.88 O-RING 6.28 WHEEL NUT 1.97 CLEAR WELD EPOXY 7.79 VALVE GASKET 2.83 FUEL PUMP 183.14 IGNITION COIL 45.31 TAILGATE HANDLE 19.69 IGNITION MODULE 63.37 MILLER-BATTERIES PLUS BATTERIES 115.94 ALTORFER SHACKLE 119.00 FILL CAP 18.88 FILL CAP 20.50 CENTRE STATE INTN'L TRUCKING HEAT CLAMP 44.02 TRANSMITTER 103.35 SYNTHETIC FLUID 449.88 TANK SURGE/FLEX HOSE/CLAMP 395.68 RADIATOR CAP/CAP KIT 74.53 HEAT CLAMP 66.03 FLEET PRIDE INC WHEEL KNUCKLE INSTALLER 79.93 FASTENAL COMPANY FLANGE TOP LOCK NUTS 64.50 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM OF BATTERY 89.95 BATTERY 110.95 KOENIG BODY & EQUIPMENT INC. LIGHT MODULE 154.06 RICHS AUTO PARTS & SERVICE INC SAFETY TESTS 356.00 11-00-0-054 LASER ELECTRIC INC IL40/RIVER RD SIGNAL MAINT 296.70 CAMP/RIVERFRONT DR SIG MAINT 93.13 11-00-0-061 SUNBELT RENTALS INC PUMP/CHIP RENTAL 12/15 FLOOD 1,676.16 CREDIT- CHIPPER RENTAL -349.23 11-00-0-070 BIG R- WASHINGTON SPRAYER PUMP 86.99 CENTRE STATE INTN'L TRUCKING HAND PUMP/CHECK BALL 68.75 HOMEPAGES TEXTING PROGRAM ANNUAL FEE 199.00 HAGERTY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY GRINDING WHEEL 90.80 EXTENSION CORD 115.50 HOTSY EQUIPMENT CO PRESSURE WASHER REPAIR 374.50 S.J. SMITH WELDING SUPPLY ACETYLENE/OXYGEN 55.84 ARGON 67.12 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE SINGLE KEY CUT 3.70 EXT CORD/GORILLA TAPE 41.93 DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 8 STREET & BRIDGE FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-00-0-070 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE RUBBER MALLET/PLUMBER GLUE 32.47 WRENCH 5.99 SLEDGE HAMMER 32.99 FLEXIBLE FUNNEL 8.47 SCREWS 2.58 CHAIN SAW 81.96 HOIST HOOK/GLOVES/WRENCH 77.95 TAPE MEASURE/SAW BLADE 26.98 SPRAYER 7.47 SUPER REMOVER 4.49 HEX BOLTS/WASHERS 24.50 NUTS/HEX BOLTS 10.20 CEMENT/PRIMER/ADAPTER/WASHER 34.00 LOCK WASHER/NUTS 3.64 ADAPTER/HEX BOLTS/WASHERS/NUTS 12.60 PVC PIPE 12.98 LYSOL SPRAY 16.98 HOSE HANGER/BATTERIES 38.46 BULK CHAIN 12.98 POWER INSERTS 5.28 HOSE HANGER 7.49 PVC GROUND CONNECTOR 7.49 MOUSE TRAPS/SPRAYER 16.97 11-00-0-110 GETZ FIRE EQUIPMENT ANNUAL SAFETY SERVICE 158.00 GRAINGER INC. SAFETY VESTS 140.60 SENTRY SAFETY SUPPLY, INC RAIN GEAR/GLOVES 168.04 11-00-0-122 CARGILL INC-SALT DIVISION ROAD SALT 7,155.49 ROAD SALT 4,356.69 ROAD SALT 4,620.29 ROAD SALT 14,869.11 ROAD SALT 22,168.50 ROAD SALT 1,444.27 ROAD SALT 8,764.05 R.A. CULLINAN & SON INC. FILL SAND 207.44 N E FINCH COMPANY CA-6 ROAD MIX 1,088.10 CA-6 ROAD MIX 110.99 CA-6 ROAD MIX 480.68 CA-6 ROAD MIX 237.58 SPRING BAY MATERIALS TORPEDO SAND 156.98 TORPEDO SAND 261.25 TORPEDO SAND 166.67 ROGERS GROUP, INC CA-6 ROAD MIX 142.08 QPR COLD PATCH 716.10 COLD PATCH 1,197.00 SICALCO LTD. LIQUID CALCIUM CHLORIDE 2,882.88 11-00-0-129 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT MAILBOX/POST/WIRE TACKER 79.89 RETURN- MAILBOX/POST -47.47 DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 9 STREET & BRIDGE FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-00-0-129 MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION PADDLE SIGNS 207.36 PADDLE SIGNS 207.36 OBJECT MARKERS 299.20 SIGNS 473.98 11-00-0-163 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS YELLOW/WHITE PAINT 8,199.40 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 102,666.57 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 10 SEWER CHLORINATION INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-00-0-124 BRENNTAG MID-SOUTH, INC DRUM RETURN -490.00 DRUM RETURN -200.00 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,099.41 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORNER ANGLE/FLAT PLATE/POST 331.59 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 741.00 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 11 STREET LIGHTING FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16-00-0-046 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER STREET LIGHTING 17,352.57 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 17,352.57 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 12 EASTSIDE CENTRE INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21-01-0-020 CHRISTENBERRY SYSTEMS & ALARM ESC ALARM MONITORING 347.40 21-01-0-033 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 1,029.66 21-01-0-036 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 13.11 21-01-0-070 HOMEPAGES TEXTING PROGRAM ANNUAL FEE 199.00 21-02-0-033 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 1,029.65 21-02-0-036 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 13.10 21-02-0-050 ALTORFER SCISSOR LIFT RENTAL 368.50 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT DUCT BOOT/REDUCER/REGISTER 131.86 21-03-0-030 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 427.39 21-03-0-032 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 39.31 21-03-0-034 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 284.28 21-03-0-035 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 225.46 21-03-0-036 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER ESC 13.10 21-03-0-050 GRAINGER INC. INLINE FAN 473.02 INSULATED FLEXIBLE DUCT 89.64 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY STORM COLLAR 3.66 PIPE/ELBOW/VENT/WIND CAP/FLASH 105.23 21-03-0-052 RICHS AUTO PARTS & SERVICE INC SAFETY TESTS 20.50 21-03-0-060 GERMAN BLISS LOADER/TRACTOR RENTAL 1,425.00 LOADER/TRACTOR RENTAL 475.00 21-03-0-070 BROGAN HAYWORTH FENCE CO. GATE REPAIR 900.00 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 7,613.87 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 13 MARINA DEBT SERVICE INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22-00-0-070 US BANK 1998-B ADMIN FEES 1,650.00 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 1,650.00 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 14 HOTEL-MOTEL TAX INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23-00-0-025 TREY BRABSON REIMBURSEMENT- CDL LICENSE 50.00 E P CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGGS/ISSUES MCCARTY 15.00 HEART OF ILLINOIS WINTERFEST DINNER TICKETS 135.00 23-00-0-072 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS SPARK PLUGS 18.81 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE BUSHING/HOSE CLAMP/COUPLING 16.72 SCREWS/SPLICE/CAULK 31.58 SCREWS/WASHERS 7.36 23-00-0-074 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER FOL CITY LIGHTING 190.78 23-00-0-150 ALTORFER FORKLIFT/HOOK RENTAL 736.00 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER WINTER WONDERLAND 444.27 KELLOGG PLASTICS LTD CLIPS 76.95 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LOCKING TIE 43.68 VITAL SIGNS INC. VINYL DECAL FOL SANCKS SIGN 8.00 GEORGE YOUNG & SONS INC. FOL GRITBLASTING/PAINTING 1,500.00 23-00-0-151 AIRGAS USA LLC MIG LINER 45.46 ACETYLENE/ARGON/OXYGEN 65.36 ACETYLENE/ARGON/OXYGEN 65.36 RNS ELECTRIC, INC FEST BLD WALL LIGHTS INSTALL 375.00 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER MARKET PLACE 1,015.37 HAGERTY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY DRILL/BENCH/PEDESTAL 313.97 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT PVC/BOX COVER/RECEPTACLE 29.15 PIPCO COMPANY LTD FEST BLD PIPE/VALVE REPAIR 1,772.05 RIVER VALLEY MECHANICAL SVC FEST BLD EMERGENCY HVAC REPAIR 8,682.00 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LAMP 53.50 CHRISTENBERRY SYSTEMS & ALARM FEST BLD ANNUAL ALARM INSP 447.00 23-00-0-152 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT REBAR/BLOCK ADHESIVE 26.58 CARPET ADHESIVE 5.09 CATCH BASIN/HEATER 135.35 WASHER FLUID/TOOL HANGER 23.62 PROPANE 43.59 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORD 109.97 NYLON CABLE TIES 134.93 NYLON CABLE TIES 118.50 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE PROPANE 36.50 PROPANE 18.25 23-00-0-153 E P TIRE & VULCANIZING TRAILER TIRES/MOUNT 138.90 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS USA ELECTRIC MONITOR 24.99 MATHIS-KELLEY BELT 45.41 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE SINGLE CUT KEY 7.40 DRILL BIT 22.99 DRILL BIT 22.99 SLIP HOOK/PAINT SUPPLIES 49.96 SAFETY PINS 13.00 CHAIN OIL 5.99 SUPPLYWORKS ICE MELT 981.00 ICE MELT 374.40 23-00-0-183 DOTCOM STUDIO WEBSITE HOSTING 124.95 ---------------- DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 15 HOTEL-MOTEL TAX INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 18,602.73 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 16 AMBULANCE FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24-00-0-025 IL CENTRAL COLLEGE PARAMEDIC CLASS- DRISSI 1,012.50 PEORIA FOREIGN FIRE CAPNOGRAPHY SEMINAR X 3 150.00 24-00-0-051 PHYSIO-CONTROL, INC 3 CARDIAC MONITOR MODEMS 2,106.80 24-00-0-052 FOSTER COACH SALES INC P-1 COMPRESSOR KIT 293.62 P-3 REAR HVAC BLOWER MOTOR 202.35 24-00-0-127 BOUND TREE CORPORATION IV SOLUTION/GAUZE/NALOXONE 604.47 OXYGEN HOSE 40.49 IV CATHETER/THERMOMETERS 851.88 IV SOLUTION/GLOVES/NEEDLE SET 340.37 24-00-0-181 ANDRES MEDICAL BILLING (AMB) 2/16 AMBULANCE BILLING 3,401.17 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 9,003.65 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 17 W. WASHINGTON ST TIF INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26-00-0-070 JOHN BROSHEARS REIMBURSEMENT- CLOCK SUPPLIES 146.90 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LEVEE DISTRICT CLOCK PART 93.15 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 240.05 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 18 WATER & SEWER INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50-50-0-020 PDC LABORATORIES INC CONTRACTUAL SERVICE COLIFORM 192.00 CONTRACT SERVICE COLIFORM 680.00 50-50-0-025 E P CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGGS & ISSUES FERGUSON 15.00 50-50-0-045 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER CITY BLDS 1,890.13 FRONTIER 2/22/16-3/21/16 PHONE SERVICE 46.58 2/22/16-3/21/16 PHONE SERVICE 27.59 50-50-0-047 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER FOR PUMPING WATER 7,364.66 50-50-0-050 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE FENCE BANDBRACE 45.55 KEY SINGLE CUT 3.70 KEY SINGLE CUT 7.40 50-50-0-051 ARMATURE MOTOR & PUMP CO SHAFT COUPLING W/O KEYWAY 88.36 GRAINGER INC. KMO4 MIXER MOTER 196.38 MIDWEST MAILING & SHIPPING MAILING SYSTEM 2016 686.00 50-50-0-052 PAFCO TRUCK BODIES TRUCK #5 UTILITY BODY KEYS 30.00 50-50-0-070 LIBERTY TERMITE & PEST CONTROL PUBLIC WORK PEST CONTROL 34.00 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPACT BAGLESS VACUUM 56.99 TIE DOWN STRAPS 14.23 WIRE SHELF 6.62 UNITYPOINT HEALTH PHYSICIANS DRUG SCREEN 80.00 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE WIRE TIE RE-BAR/NETTING 21.48 ELBOW,/DRILL BIT/ ANCHOR SCREW 51.08 SOCKET 5.18 BIT DRILL 11.49 SOCKET 10.99 SOCKETS 2.10 SPRAYER 23.16 SPARK TORCH LIGHTER 15.98 UTILITY LIGHTER 2 PK 25.47 POWER CENTER 17.99 SOCKET 5.20 KEY SINGLE CUT 3.70 HEX BOLT 14.40 EYE BOLT W NUT 5.58 WASHER 2.10 SWIVEL TRIGGER SNAP 1.99 RSTP SPRAY SAFETY GRN 8.98 CUTTER PVC PIPE 41.97 CUTTER PVC PIPE HOSE -12.99 PROPANE 66.22 CAULK PLYSEAM 7.98 HEX BOLT/NUTS 9.00 WAL-MART COMMUNITY RETIREMENT PARTY SUPPLIES 87.78 50-50-0-100 IOWA-ILLINOIS OFFICE PRODUCTS COPY PAPER 107.70 SUGAR, CREAMER, SWEETNER 44.46 LEGAL PADS, FOLDERS, PENS 204.62 HANGING FOLDERS - LEGAL 81.78 CORRECTION TAPE, 34.68 DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 19 WATER & SEWER INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50-50-0-100 IOWA-ILLINOIS OFFICE PRODUCTS COPY PAPER, FILE JACKETS 137.58 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT SHELVING UNIT 71.23 NCR CORPORATION RIBBON ITHACA PERIPHERALS 47.34 50-50-0-110 ALTORFER SHOVEL, SAFETY GLASSES 40.53 HAGERTY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY WIRE CUP BRUSH, FACESHIELD 85.75 50-50-0-120 MUTUAL WHEEL COMPANY D RING W-BRK 53.56 50-50-0-121 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT PAPER PRODUCTS/CLEANERS 94.78 50-50-0-123 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. 8 X 3/4 CC BRS SAD 82.05 3/4 CORP STOP CCXCTSC 430.20 CLAMP, AMP FULL CIRCLE 57.06 CLAMPS 77.81 CLAMPS 183.66 CLAMPS 317.37 EXTENDABLE VALVE WRENCH 126.90 ALTORFER 4' MEASURE WHEEL 82.95 SPRING BAY MATERIALS TORPEDO SAND 63.04 TORPEDO SAND 225.05 50-50-0-124 BRENNTAG MID-SOUTH, INC DRUM RETURN -1,050.00 DRUM RETURN -150.00 DRUM RETURN -600.00 DRUM RETURN -300.00 HYDROFLUOSILICIC 541.50 HYDROFLUOSILICIC, CHLORINE 1,641.00 CHLORINE 480.00 HYDROFLUOSILICIC, CHLORINE 1,360.68 POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE 2,103.13 50-50-0-126 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. CLAMP, RESTRAINT COUPLING 520.38 COLUMBIA PIPE & SUPPLY CO. S80 PVC SXFIP ADAP 835-020 23.10 SUTHERLAND ACE HARDWARE COUPLINGS 19.47 ELBOW GALVANIZED 23.98 50-50-0-127 C & H REPAIR & SUPPLY CO 18V CUTOFF GRINDER 145.67 50-50-0-130 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. HYD EXT MUELLER 6,431.55 A-51 GAL HYDRANT OIL 164.10 O-RING SEAT RING 27.60 50-50-0-155 IOWA-ILLINOIS OFFICE PRODUCTS 2 DR LATERAL FILE 1,045.20 LATERAL FILE 1,216.80 50-50-0-180 WATER DEPOSIT REFUNDS 100-D WASHINGTON31.66 523 PEKIN AVE54.44 214 RANDOLPH15.83 339 MARIA8.76 W & S BILL OVERPAYMENT REFUND 301 CYPRESS PT111.39 50-51-0-012 FARNSWORTH GROUP WWTP #1 & #3 PLANNING REPORT 23,406.19 IEPA CONSULT ON COPPER PLT#3 2,208.00 50-51-0-047 AMEREN ILLINOIS 3/16 POWER FOR PUMPING SEWER 10,691.38 50-51-0-052 ALTORFER COOLANT 75.36 COLUMBIA PIPE & SUPPLY CO. CL2 ROOM SMALL CUTTER 99.59 E P TIRE & VULCANIZING TRUCK # 51 TIRE REPAIR 30.00 DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 20 WATER & SEWER INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50-51-0-052 RICHS AUTO PARTS & SERVICE INC SAFETY INSPECTION 51.50 50-51-0-070 G & K SERVICES MISC SUPPLIES 45.83 MISC SUPPLIES 45.83 MISC SUPPLIES 45.83 MISC SUPPLIES 45.83 HAGERTY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY NUT 1 COUPLING NUT 4.80 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT BATTERIES 28.41 50-51-0-080 ARMATURE MOTOR & PUMP CO #3 SECONDARY CLARIFIER 1,318.23 BESSLER WELDING INC ROLLER BARSCREEN REPLACEMENT 775.06 LIBERTY TERMITE & PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL 39.00 TERMITE CONTROL PLT #1 425.00 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT ADAPTERS/NIPPLES/PLUGS 66.81 ADAPTERS/PLUMBERS TAPE 19.03 DRILL BITS/LINERS/POWER CORD 105.22 CLAMPS/PLIERS/RATCHET SET 150.57 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY GARAGE DOOR MAINT. 701 CASS 194.93 G.A. RICH & SONS INC RPZ'S TESTING 848.26 50-51-0-086 GETZ FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRST AIDE KIT SUPPLIES 91.95 HAGERTY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY HYDRAULIC KIT 173.52 HYDRAULIC JACK 130.01 MTCO INTERNET SERVICE 50.92 WAL-MART COMMUNITY PENS/COPY PAPER 46.22 50-51-0-087 ALTORFER WASH HOSE KOMLINE BUILDING 105.90 HAGERTY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 14 PC BLACKHAWK U2-1514DS 72.39 DRILL SET KOMLINE BLDG 79.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT SLUDGE HANDLING/DISPOSAL 7,032.47 RUYLE CORPORATION BOILER REPAIR 1,511.34 50-51-0-092 ALTORFER 16 GENERATORS- QTRLY MAINT 3,744.00 KINNEY LAND SURVEYING COMPANY ROW VERIFICATION OAKWOOD LFT 200.00 AMERICAN HOIST & MANLIFT INC. ROUTE 8 ANNUAL INSPECTION 2,349.50 50-51-0-102 FARNSWORTH GROUP WWTP #1 & #3 PLANNING REPORT 30,692.50 HACH COMPANY NITRIFICATION INHIBITOR LAB 241.39 LBOD PROBE 2 W/ CABLE LAB TEST 971.00 PDC LABORATORIES INC COPPER & CYNAIDE TESTING 431.40 LAB TESTING NPDES 6,867.85 LAB TEST PERMIT REQUIRED 866.45 50-51-0-110 FASTENAL COMPANY 3 SAFETY GLASSES 12.56 GETZ FIRE EQUIPMENT ANNUAL SERVICE EXTINGUSHERS 8.80 FIRST AIDE KIT SUPPLIES 143.10 TAZEWELL COUNTY HEALTH DEPT HEPATITIS A & B VAC HUMPHRES 83.00 50-51-0-127 ALTORFER EXTENSION CORDS 182.70 FASTENAL COMPANY ANCHORS 120.99 HAGERTY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY STOCK SCREWS, NUTS, COUPLING 168.27 LINDEN & COMPANY, INC. CHECK VALVES 2,618.00 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT COUPLING/CABLE TIES 21.32 50-53-0-052 AUTOZONE COMMERCIAL TRUCK #4 BRAKES/PADS 73.43 RAIN-X FOR CAMERA LENSE 5.84 DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 21 WATER & SEWER INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50-53-0-052 COE EQUIPMENT CO TRUCK #58 PIPE RACK & STRAPS 230.89 RICHS AUTO PARTS & SERVICE INC SAFETY INSPECTION 30.50 50-56-0-053 BESSLER WELDING INC STEPS #1 CLARIFIER SAFETY 459.00 50-56-0-160 RNS ELECTRIC, INC OIL SENSOR EFFLUENT PLT #1 1,830.00 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 130,775.23 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 22 RIVERBOAT GAMING TAX FUND INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 ACCOUNT # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE AMOUNT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------80-00-0-072 P.A. ATHERTON EP STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT 7,500.00 80-00-0-140 ROANOKE MOTOR CO INC AMBULANCE CHASSIS DEPOSIT 1,000.00 80-00-0-163 P.A. ATHERTON 2015 ST MAINT RIO ST OUTFALL 25,250.00 AMEREN ILLINOIS SUMMIT DR 12 OF 12 14,583.34 80-00-0-165 CITY OF PEORIA 7/15 50% WAGERING TAX 198,296.15 8/15 50 % WAGERING TAX 186,270.34 9/15 50% WAGERING TAX 175,345.43 JULY, AUG, SEPT ADMISSIONS TAX 125,018.50 10/15 50% WAGERING TAX 180,739.43 11/15 50% WAGERING TAX 161,611.01 12/15 50% WAGERING TAX 167,584.77 OCT,NOV,DEC ADMISSIONS TAX 108,710.50 80-01-0-030 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY DATA CABLING 40.64 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP SERVER STORAGE 1,082.00 ---------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: 1,353,032.11 ================ DATE: 03/10/16 TIME: 15:16:38 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 23 FINAL TOTALS INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/15/2016 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL CORPORATE FUND 107,648.84 POLICE PROTECTION FUND 10,856.91 FIRE PROTECTION FUND 17,111.74 SOLID WASTE 18,369.01 STREET & BRIDGE FUND SEWER CHLORINATION STREET LIGHTING FUND 102,666.57 741.00 17,352.57 EASTSIDE CENTRE 7,613.87 MARINA DEBT SERVICE 1,650.00 HOTEL-MOTEL TAX AMBULANCE FUND W. WASHINGTON ST TIF WATER & SEWER 18,602.73 9,003.65 240.05 130,775.23 RIVERBOAT GAMING TAX FUND 1,353,032.11 ---------------- GRAND TOTAL 1,795,664.28 ================ Resolution No. 1516-112 MEMORANDUM February 26, 2016 TO: Mayor David W. Mingus and Members of City Council FROM: City Attorney’s Office (Scott A. Brunton) SUBJECT: Resolution Regarding Actuarial Services for City’s Police and Firefighter Pension Funds _____________________________________________________________________ DISCUSSION: The City has contracted with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company for several years to provide actuarial services for the City’s Police and Firefighter Pension Funds. The City is obligated to obtain annual valuations of the funding in these Pension Funds, which has been completed by Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company during these past several years. Also, actuarial services are needed for the Pension Funds occasionally throughout the year to address Pension Fund related matters. The Pension Boards continue to find Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company to be a qualified and responsible firm for providing these actuarial services for the Pension Funds. The City Treasurer has obtained a quote for these actuarial services for the upcoming year from Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company. This Company’s quote provides these services at a cost of $9,500 for each Pension Fund, totaling $19,000 for the two Pension Funds. The City and the Boards overseeing the Pension Funds have been satisfied with the services provided by Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company in the past. RECOMMENDATION: Our office recommends that the Council pass this Resolution. c: Terri Gualandi Dennis R. Triggs RESOLUTION NO. 1516-112 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CONTRACT FOR ACTUARIAL SERVICES FOR PENSION FUNDS WHEREAS, the City maintains both the Police Pension Fund and the Firefighters Pension Fund (the “Pension Funds”) for the benefit of the City’s police officers and firefighters; and WHEREAS, the City is obligated to provide annual valuations of the funding in the Pension Funds as part of the City’s obligation to provide an annual audit of the City’s financial matters and to properly and adequately maintain the Pension Funds; and WHEREAS, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company has previously provided these professional actuarial services for the City’s Pension Funds for several years in a responsible, satisfactory, and sufficient manner; and WHEREAS, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company has provided a quote to provide these actuarial services for the Pension Funds for the next year at a total cost not to exceed $19,000.00 under the contract attached hereto as Exhibit A (the “Contract”); and WHEREAS, the City hereby finds that Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company is a responsible and qualified firm for providing these professional actuarial services for the City’s Pension Funds, and that it is in the best interests of the City to enter into this oneyear Contract with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company for these services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The above recitations are found to be true and correct. Section 2. The Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Contract with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company for actuarial services for the City’s Pension Funds in accordance with the Contract (attached hereto as Exhibit A) at a total cost not to exceed $19,000.00, under such terms and conditions as the Mayor in his discretion deems appropriate; provided that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of such contract until a fully-executed original has been provided to both the City and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk 2 Resolution No. 1516-109 East Peoria Police Department TO: The Honorable Mayor and the City Council FROM: Chief Dick Ganschow DATE: February 24, 2016 SUBJECT: Purchase of Vehicle for Police Department DISCUSSION: The East Peoria Police Department was granted previous approval from Council to dispose of out of service squad cars, seized vehicles and other unused equipment. Since our last purchase of a used police vehicle in August of 2015 the Department has sold additional vehicles and equipment which total approximately $24,800.00 . The Chief of Police is currently driving a 2006 Ford Taurus, the oldest vehicle in the Police fleet. The Department has purchased and outfitted two used Missouri Highway Patrol units in the past two years and has had very good results with those units and believe the program to be an excellent alternative for the purchase of administrative vehicles. The Department can purchase a 2014 Dodge Charger for $16,950.00. Outfitting costs are estimated to be $5,027.10 for a total of $21,977.10. This purchase would be made from the Department’s Police Vehicle Fund which results in no taxpayer money being expended on the purchase. REQUEST: Approval of purchase and outfitting of a 2014 Dodge Charger from the Missouri Highway Patrol in amount not to exceed $21,977.10. cc: City Clerk Morgan Cadwalader Treasurer/Comptroller Terri Gualandi 201 W. Washington St., East Peoria, Illinois 61611 Phone: (309) 698-4700 Fax: (309) 698-4725 RESOLUTION NO. 1516-109 East Peoria, Illinois , 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Police Department is in need of an additional police cruiser; and WHEREAS, the Police Department has disposed of out of service squad cars and other unused equipment totaling $24,800.00 which will be used to offset the cost of this vehicle purchase; and WHEREAS, the Missouri Highway Patrol has a 2014 Dodge Charger police cruiser (the “Dodge Cruiser”) available for purchase in the amount of $16,950.00; and WHEREAS, the Dodge Cruiser will need to be outfitted; and WHEREAS, Ragan Communications, Inc. has offered to provide the outfitting of the Dodge Cruiser in the amount of $5,027.10; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City to purchase and outfit one Dodge Cruiser in an amount not to exceed $21,977.10 as specified in Exhibits A and B attached here to and incorporated herein by reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The above recitations are found to be true and correct. Section 2. The Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Missouri Highway Patrol in the amount of $16,950.00 for purchasing the Dodge Cruiser on behalf of the City’s Police Department, together with such changes as the Mayor in his discretion may approve; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this resolution to the Missouri Highway Patrol until an original purchase order or agreement has been delivered to the Missouri Highway Patrol. Section 3. The Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Ragan Communications, Inc. in the amount of $5,027.10 for outfitting the Dodge Cruiser on behalf of the City’s Police Department, together with such changes as the Mayor in his discretion may approve; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this resolution to Ragan Communications, Inc. until an original purchase order or agreement has been delivered to Ragan Communications, Inc. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ City Clerk 2 Resolution No. 1516-110 EAST PEORIA FIRE DEPARTMENT 201 W. Washington Street East Peoria, IL 61611 Phone: (309) 427-7671 Al Servis Fire Chief TO: The Honorable Mayor and the City Council THRU: Commissioner John Kahl FROM: Chief Al Servis DATE: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 SUBJECT: Approval for purchase 2016 Dodge Ram 5500 Chassis DISCUSSION: The East Peoria Fire Department ambulance committee has researched our next ambulance purchase and has recommended a 2016 Dodge Ram 5500 SLT Regular Cab 4 x 4 Chassis. We are able to order a 2016 model if we can place the order on or before March 10, 2016. This will allow Foster Coach to proceed with construction of the ambulance patient compartment (BOX) as planned. If we are unable to order by March 10, 2016 we will have to wait for a 2017 model. If that is the case we will be looking at an 18-month lead time from the date of order to take possession of the ambulance. By going with the Dodge Chassis the total price of the ambulance would come in at $214,323. This is $15,677 under the total $230,000 that was budgeted over two fiscal years. The committee contacted numerous dealerships in the area and only three were able to meet specifications for the commercial chassis: Roanoke Motor Company Sam Leman Peoria Heller Dodge Pontiac $ 51,548.00 $ 51,982.00 $ 53,600.27 RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that the city council approve the lowest bid of $ 51,548.00 from Roanoke Motor Company at the March 1, 2016 city council meeting. The remaining $ 63,452.00 would be held until full payment in the next fiscal year. RESOLUTION NO. 1516-110 East Peoria, Illinois , 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Fire Department is in need of an ambulance chassis; and WHEREAS, the Fire Department sought bids for the chassis; and WHEREAS, Roanoke Motor Co., Inc. provided the lowest bid for a 2016 Dodge Ram 5500 SLT Regular Cab 4x4 Chassis (“Dodge Ambulance Chassis”) in the amount of $51,548.00; WHEREAS, the City desires now to accept the lowest responsible bid for the purchase of the Dodge Ambulance Chassis as specified at Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the Fire Department is hereby authorized to purchase one Dodge Ambulance Chassis from Roanoke Motor Co., Inc. in an amount not to exceed $51,548.00. The Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreements or execute purchase orders which provide for the acquisition of the vehicle identified in this resolution and to take such other action as is necessary to conclude the transaction herein authorized; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation to Roanoke Motor Co., Inc. until an original purchase order or agreement has been delivered to Roanoke Motor Co., Inc. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ City Clerk Exhibit A ROANOKE MOTOR CO INC 1313 W FRONT STREET ROANOKE,IL Configuraticn Preview 615617432 Date Printed: J:stimated Ship Date: 2016-02-154:15PM Sold to: ROANOKE t.10i0Ft CC INC P9136) 1313 \-','FRONT STREET Sales Code PR< 1313 W FRONr STP..E.Ei Dascrlptfon MSRP(USO) 5500 REG CAB CHASSIS t.x� -XS Blael\iDiese! Gray 0 0 Cloth M)i20!40 Sem:h Sea l LM1 Daytimeo R.1,:nnirg Head!Gm"s low B-eam XKH C!5'a.f"l Idle Emissions Lab<:>! C!<J RA2 /�H2 XEF CJT t25 Black Vinyl Ficcr Co·.·'!:ltir.y 0 ?.65 95 1,0&5 19.5X6.0 F�tgOd A!um Polishe-d 'Nh.H;Is 295 250 .2'2Si70R19.5G ;\1: Tr3ctiotl Tres 570 t.u10.ury Group 125 4.10 Rear Axle Rollo DK3 Elec Shift·On�Tl'le·Fl'l Trm'!&fer Case 5N6 Easy Order, 4EX Sales Tmcklng 151 ·20 t�(} De!ete Frcnt Seal Pcwer Tak� O�f Prep OMF ?.1.:5 Ambulan.;a Pt!;lp G:O'-l? 1'rans1er.esse ;Skld PiJte Sr.ield LBX' ADA D U:cn!19Cl5,tl Rear Sliding Wim::!m•• TUZ 0 50 Co!d Wee1h;r Group GFD 1,.�/?4 0 FlilmC! Rad Clea;o Coa! Morol-onf.! Pair,t. ADE UiiKl 6-Spd Aula Ai5ir. ASG9RC HD Tr.;�r;s ,\PA 'V9 Options: ROANOKE MOTOR CO iNC {J91�fi) Ml.�20 (192 Sin 'NS- CA or 106 ir.i �;:�:'::: 29G�-:�;!G�1ionitir P,��rer�dP��g�e 2902 ��"7' - �;:_:·_: ·����r;::'-ir���?/:���-:�::�Ti�q'S�f�.':_ :.:: .f ·:. 7,.!0(.) 6..7L 16 Cummins-Turbo Oit�sei Engir-� ETK 0Pi;l.U5 DF2 PaintJSe-.:!t/Trim: Ship to: 2016 5500 REG CAB CHASSIS 4x4 !192.5 in WB- CA of 10G In) !DPOL65} Vehicle: Package: BA. ?ending o�dor Status: ROANOKE. IL £15617432 ROA.NOKE.ll 6�56-17432 Mo.dol! Quanlity: VIN: VON: 2�5 c Zor.e 51�Ci1-le<:tgo 0 1,195 Oe$tination Fees: � Rostriction Tot;;�l Price: Order Typo: SchedlJiing flTiarity: R�lait 4-0ea!er Or<dc: PSP Manth!Week: Build Priority: 99 Customt!r Name: Customer Address: Jnstructions: ' Note: 1hls i& not an invoice. The p ric es nnd equipme-nt show� on this prict!d crdur confirmation •ne t entative and subject lo change or correction wllhout prior notice. No claims against th.o content Hstli?d or prices quoted will b� accepted. Refer to lht!- vt!bicle vehicle content and pri ci ng , Orders arc acccptud anlV when the vehicle is shipped by the factory. Invoice for final �aga 1 of 1 2016 RAM 5500 Chassis 4x4 Regular Cab 192.5" WB Tradesman/SLT (DPOL65)Exterior Engine: 6.7L 16 cummins Turbo Diesel Transmission: 6-Speed Automatic Aisin AS69RC HC Interior (0 P) Flame Red Clearcoat (0 I) Diesel Gray/Black Primary : Flame Red Clearcoat Cj'>"<-r- p <:'' --� -1 s i C) � 2._ ""' J �� CITYMPG N/A � -- NIC � HIGHWAYMPG N/A SUBTOTAL Destination TOTAL $56,740.00 $1,195.00 $57,935.00 2016 RAM 5500 Chassis 4x4 Regular Cab 192.5" WB Tradesman/SLT (DPOL65)Exterior (0 P) Flame Red Clearcoat Engine: 6.7L 16 Cummins Turbo Diesel Transmission: 6-Speed Automatic Aisin AS69RC HC Interior Standard Equipment STANDARD VEHICLE PRICE Items Featured Below are induded at NO EXTRA CHARGE in the Standard Vehide Price Shown at Right • HEMI 6.4L V-8 OHV w/SMPI367hp • 6 speed automatic trans w/OD • 4-wheel ABS •Traction control • 225nOR19.5G BSW tires • Battery with run down protection •Electronic stability •Air conditioning • AM/FM/Satellite-prep • Variable intermittent wipers • 19.5" x 6" wheels •Dual front airbags •Driver & front passenger seat mounted side airbags • Airbag occupancy sensor • Sentry Key immobilizer (0 I) Diesel Gray/Black •Tachometer Quick Order Package 29G SLT •Reclining front 40-20-40 split-bench seats • Vinyl seats • 18,0001bs. GVWR • 7,0001bs. front GAWR 50 State Emissions Engine: 6.7L 16 Cummins Turbo Diesel Transmission: 6-Speed Automatic Aisin AS69RC HD 4.1 0 Rear Axle Ratio • 13,5001bs. rear GAWR •52gal. fuel tank (behind rear axle) GVWR: 18,000 lbs • 7,0001bs. front axle capacity • 13,5001bs. rear axle capacity Tires: 225nOR19.5G All Traction •107.9" cab to axle • 51.2" axle to end of frame Delete Front Center Seat 220 Amp Alternator Ambulance Prep Group B-20 Bio DiE'!sel Capability Black Vinyl Floor Covering Wheels: 19. 5 x 6.0" Forged Aluminum Polished Cloth 40/20/40 Bench Seat •50,000 frame yield strength (psi) • 192.5" wheelbase " • 282.3" overall length • Transmission PTO provision Engine Block Heater Manufacturer's Statement of Origin Power Take Off Prep • $125.00 STD $250.00 $1,095.00 INC -$20.00 INC $445.00 N/C NIC NIC $125.00 $50.00 $245.00 INC N/C SiriusXM Satellite Radio Radio: Uconnect 5.0 $465.00 Interior : Diesel Gray/Black N/A N/C $7,400.00 $1,600.00 $295.00 $140.00 Upfitte r Electronic Module (VSIM) N/A $3,605.00 Rear Sliding Window Voltage Monitoring Auto Idle Up Sys HIGHWAYMPG $40,920.00 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Clean Idle Emissions Label Cold Weather Group Low Beam Daytime Running Headlamps Electric Shift-On-The-Fly Transfer Case CITYMPG -- SUBTOTAL Destination TOTAL INC INC INC N/C $56,740.00 $1,195.00 $57,935.00 2016 MODEL YEAR RAM 5500 CHA'SSIS ,SLT REG CAB 108"C/A 4X4 PRICE INFORMATION PRICE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE OF THIS MODEL INCLUDING DEALER PREPARATION •1 _,l � ---'-l•_•_•_P_r_ci _•_:_$_4_o_9 , _z_o __ L RAM 5500 REG CAB CHASSIS -� -- -�- Ext eriorColor.Aame Red Clear Coat Exterior Paint Interior Color: Black I Diesel Gray .Interior COlors · ·rnterJor:crour4U720.t4o··se, n ch··seac- -. - · --- Englne:6.7-liter 16 Cummins® Turbo Diesel Engine Transmission:AJSIN Heavy Duty 6 -Speed Automa!lc Transmission STANQARD EQUIPMENT (IJNLESSREPlACEDBY OPT!otlAl EOUIP!.IENn FUNCTIONAL/SAFETY FEATURES Ram Chassis Cabs are Job-Rated® 180-Amp Alternator Electronic Stability Control Anli-Spin Differential Rear Axle Dana® Rear Axle Conventional Differential Front Axle Manual Shift-On-The.Fly Transfer Case Front Stabirrzer Bar Rear Heavy Duty Stabilizer Bar Heavy Duty Engine Cooling Instrument Panel Mounted Auxiliary Switches Auxiliary Transmission Oil Cooler Automatic Headlamps Tip Start Sentry Key® Theft Deterrent System 7 Pin Wiring Harness Tow Hooks 52,Gallon Rear Fuel Tank Advanced Multistage Front Airbags Anti-Lock 4-Wheel Disc Brakes INTERIOR FEATURES Air Conditioning Radio 3.0 Audio Jack Input for Mobile Devices 40 I 20 I 40 Split Bench Seat Brack Vinyl Floor Covering Power Steering Power Accessory Delay Electronic Vehide Information Center Speed Control T ilt Steering Column Manual Windows Manual Door Locks 12-Volt Auxiliary Power Ounet Instrument Cluster with Display EXTERIOR FEATURES Black Front Bumper Black Grille Black Wheel Flares 19.5-fnch x 6.0-lnch Steel Vlllleels 225/70R19.5G All Position Front and Rear Traclion Clearance Lamps Folding Trailer Tow Mirrors Hc.logen Quad Headlamps (contd.) OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT s 3,605 Customer Preferred Package 29G Bright Grille Cloth 40 I 20 140 Bench Seat Front Floor Mats Remote Keyless Entry SiriusXM® Sat Radio wf1,Yr Radio ------ -- ·-""--.---- ---··�···..--·----..-·---·· Subscription Power Black Trailer Tow Mirrors wl · ·- Manual Fold Away Luxury Group -"'"\ $570 Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel Cold Weather Group s Engine Block Heater Winter Front Grille Cover Ambulance Prep Group 125 5445 220-Amp Alternator Upfitter Electronic Module (VSIM) Voltage Monitoring System w/Auto Idle Up Control Red Seat Belts Delete Front Center Seal $75 S-20 Black,Vinyl Floor Covering Delete Floor Mats AISIN Heavy Duty &Speed Automatic s 1,600 Transmission Electric Shif-t on-the.Fiy Transfer Case 5245 s 125 4.10 Rear Axle Ratio 6.7-Uter 16 Cummins® Turbo Diesel $ 7,400 Engin� Smart Exhaust Brake Rear Sliding Wmdow $140 Power Take Off Prep Low Beam Daytime Running Headlamps $295 $50 $465 Uconnect® s:o 5.0-Jnch Touchscreen Display SJSO Full Size Spare Tire 19.5-lnch'Steel Spare Wheel 225/70R19.5G All Tracllon Tires 19.5- lnch x 6-lnch Forged Aluminum Polished Wheels Power Adjustable Pedals Transfer Case Skid Plate $250 $1.095 $125 s 95 Clean Idle Emissions Label DESTINATION CHARGE $1,195 • t.r _,,. T_O_T_A_L_P_R_Ic _ E_:_* _$_59_, _ 1s _o _ _ _ Ordinance No. 4266 TO: The Honorable Mayor and the City Council FROM: Ty Livingston, Director of Planning & Community Development DATE: February 24, 2016 SUBJECT: Lot Sales BACKGROUND: As a follow-up to the City’s sealed bid process for the sale of excess property, these are the other three parcels in addition to 107 Neumann. One bidder, Vickie Stiel, offered the high bid on all three properties. These properties and the corresponding offers are as follows: 118 Woodlawn: $5,000 119 Eden: $2,000 320 Park: $2,000 She intends to construct new homes on these lots where feasible. Staff intends to work with her on this process as new homes are preferred to the lots remaining vacant. RECOMMENDATION: Approval as presented. ORDINANCE NO. 4266 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING BIDS FOR SALE OF CITY-OWNED SURPLUS REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 118 WOODLAWN BOULEVARD, 119 EDEN STREET, AND 320 PARK AVENUE WHEREAS, the City approved selling several surplus parcels of real estate owned by the City by the sealed bid process pursuant to Ordinance No. 4257, including the properties located at 118 Woodlawn Boulevard, 119 Eden Street, and 320 Park Avenue in East Peoria, which are legally described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B (the “Properties”); and WHEREAS, after adopting Ordinance No. 4257, the City properly published notice for three successive weeks pursuant to the public sealed bidding process for the Properties as provided under Section 11-76-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/11-76-2) prior to the bid opening held during the City Council meeting on January 19, 2016; and WHEREAS, the City received sealed bids from Vicki Stiel (“Purchaser”) for 118 Woodlawn Boulevard in the amount of $5,000.00, for 119 Eden Street in the amount of $2,000.00, and for 320 Park Avenue in the amount of $2,000.00; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that these bids presented by the Purchaser for each of the Properties are acceptable bids and the best bids for each of the respective Properties, and further that these bids should be accepted by the City and the Properties should be thereby sold to the Purchaser; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The sealed bids from the Vicki Stiel (the Purchaser) for each of the Properties are hereby accepted by the City. Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of East Peoria are hereby authorized and instructed to execute all documents necessary to effectuate the sale of each of the Properties to the Purchaser upon the respective payments of the bid amounts to the City for a total of $9,000.00. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by a vote of at least three-fourths (3/4) of the City Council holding office in the manner as provided by law. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN REGULAR AND PUBLIC SESSION BY A THREE-FOURTHS (3/4) MAJORITY VOTE THEREOF THIS _____ DAY OF _____________, 2016. APPROVED: __________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ City Clerk EXAMINED AND APPROVED: ___________________________________ Corporation Counsel 2 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE: Parcel #1: 118 Woodlawn Boulevard, East Peoria Legal Description: Lot Twenty-Nine in View Point Subdivision, Being Part of Lot Two of the Northwest Quarter of Section Four and Part of Lot Two of the Northwest Quarter of Section Five, all in Township Twenty-Five North, Range Four West of the Third Principal Meridian, in the City of East Peoria, Tazewell County, Illinois. Tax I.D. No. 05-05-04-102-009 Parcel #2: 119 Eden Street, East Peoria Legal Description: Lot 74 in Highway Village Section Three, a Subdivision in Tazewell County, Illinois, in accordance with the recorded Plat of said Subdivision, all situated in Tazewell County, Illinois. Tax I.D. No. 01-01-35-414-004 Parcel #3: 320 Park Avenue, East Peoria Legal Description: Lot 181 in Plat Three Brown’s Addition on East Peoria Heights, Tazewell County, Illinois. Tax I.D. No. 05-05-05-120-006 3 EXHIBIT B MAPS OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE: 4 Ordinance No. 4268 TO: The Honorable Mayor and the City Council FROM: Ty Livingston, Director of Planning & Community Development DATE: March 8, 2016 SUBJECT: Annexation of land related to Shady Knolls subdivision, 5th extension. BACKGROUND: The petitioners are requesting annexation of property related to this subdivision. When this last phase was platted it included a portion of the former Harrington Lane, which is located in the County. To complete the process for the subdivision, this strip of the former Harrington Lane needs to be annexed into the City and attached to the remaining developable area of this subdivision. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. ORDINANCE NO. 4268 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ANNEXATION OF HARRINGTON LANE, A PRIVATE ROADWAY WHEREAS, a petition signed and verified on behalf of William C. Harrmann, John J. Harrmann, Carolyn A. Hutchcraft and Mary K. Grimm (collectively, the “Petitioners”) has been filed with the City Clerk pursuant to and in conformance with 65 ILCS 5/7-1-8 requesting annexation to this City of a certain tract of land hereinafter described (the “Territory”); and WHEREAS, attached hereto labeled as "Exhibit A" is a map (hereinafter the "Plat of Annexation") showing the location of the Territory with respect to the current corporate limits of the City of East Peoria; and WHEREAS, it appears that the Petitioners are the owners of record of the Territory; that no electors reside within the Territory; that the Territory is not within the corporate limits of any municipality; and that the Territory is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of East Peoria; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The following described tract of land, to-wit: A part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Two (2), Township Twenty-Five (25) North, Range Four (4) of the Third Principal Meridian, Tazewell County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2; thence South 01°-06’-33” East, along the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2, 321.49 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described: From the point of beginning, thence South 89°-50’-00” East, 33.01 feet; thence South 01°-06’-33” East, parallel to and 30 feet normally distant easterly from the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2, 923.22 feet to the northerly right of way line of Bloomington Road; thence South 35°-43’-12: West, 55.05 feet to the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2; thence North 01°-06’-33” West along said west line, 968.02 feet to the point of beginning; said tract containing 0.716 acre, more or less. Part of PIN: 05-05-02-400-001 be and the same is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of East Peoria in the County of Tazewell and State of Illinois. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Tazewell County, Illinois and in the office of the Clerk of Tazewell County, Illinois a certified copy of this Ordinance together with the Plat of Annexation attached thereto. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and recordation as provided by law. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN REGULAR AND PUBLIC SESSION THIS DAY OF , 2013. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk EXAMINED AND APPROVED: Corporation Counsel 2 3 ANNEXATION NOTICE - Tazewell County THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY: MICHAEL J. TIBBS 1125 Commerce Bank Building 416 Main Street Peoria, Illinois 61602 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: MICHAEL J. TIBBS 416 Main St., Ste. 1125 Peoria, IL 61602 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY PRESENTLY LOCATED WITHIN THE GARDENA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TO THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA TO: Tony Griffin, 13 Apple Tree Lane, East Peoria, IL 61611 Richard P. Scott, 116 Patterson, East Peoria, IL 61611 Fred C. Schmidgall, c/ o Morton Supplies, 1310 W. Birchwood, Morton, IL 61550 being all of the Trustees of the Gardena Fire Protection District, Tazewell, Illinois. YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby notified that the City of East Peoria, County of Tazewell, a municipality which provides fire protection services, is about to annex the territory hereinafter described pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, Division 1 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/ 7- 1- 1, et seq.) and that such annexation will take place not less than ten ( 10) days after the service of this Notice upon you. Said real estate proposed to be annexed is described as follows: A the Northwest Quarter the Southeast Quarter Section Two ( 2), Township Twenty- Five (25) North, Range Four( 4) of the Third Principal Meridian, Tazewell County, part of of of Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2; thence South 01°- 06'- 33" East, along the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2, 321. 49 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described: From the point of beginning, thence South 89°- 50'- 00" East, 33. 01 feet; thence South 01°- 06'- 33" East, parallel to and 30 feet normally distant easterly from the said west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2, 923. 22 feet to the northerly right of way line of Bloomington Road; thence South 35°- 43'- 12: West, 55. 05 feet to the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2; thence North 01°- 06'- 33" West along said west line, 968. 02 feet to the point of beginning; said tract containing 0. 716 acre, more or less. Part of PIN: 05- 05- 02- 400- 001 Page- 1- of 2 THE CITY OF EST,PEORIA K By. , or L-- 6 MILLER, HALL & TRIGGS Its Attorneys AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF ILLINOIS SS COUNTY OF TAZEWELL ) The undersigned, being first duly sworn deposes and says on oath that as Attorney for the City of East Peoria he did cause the foregoing Notice to be served upon the Trustees of the Gardena Fire Protection District, and each of them by mailing true and correct copies of the same by certified mail to the said Trustees at the addresses set forth beside their names on October 29, 2013, by depositing the same in the United States Mail at Peoria, Illinois, with all postage prepaid.// c; , r/( MICHAEL J TIBBS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of October, 2013. 114 / /I Notary Public OFFICK SEAL ANNA_ STO weft M uuS I n MICHAEL J. TIBBS MILLER, HALL & TRIGGS 1125 Commerce Bank Building Peoria, IL 61602- 1161 309) 671- 9600 Page- 2- of 2 pC7 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE Tazewell County THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: MICHAEL J. TIBBS Miller, Hall & Triggs, LLC 416 Main Street, Suite 1125 Peoria, Illinois 61602 ORDINANCE NO. 4268 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ANNEXATION OF HARRINGTON LANE, A PRIVATE ROADWAY WHEREAS, a petition signed and verified on behalf of William C. Harrmann, John J. Harrmann, Carolyn A. Hutchcraft and Mary K. Grimm (collectively, the “Petitioners”) has been filed with the City Clerk pursuant to and in conformance with 65 ILCS 5/7-1-8 requesting annexation to this City of a certain tract of land hereinafter described (the “Territory”); and WHEREAS, attached hereto labeled as "Exhibit A" is a map (hereinafter the "Plat of Annexation") showing the location of the Territory with respect to the current corporate limits of the City of East Peoria; and WHEREAS, it appears that the Petitioners are the owners of record of the Territory; that no electors reside within the Territory; that the Territory is not within the corporate limits of any municipality; and that the Territory is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of East Peoria; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The following described tract of land, to-wit: A part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Two (2), Township Twenty-Five (25) North, Range Four (4) of the Third Principal Meridian, Tazewell County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2; thence South 01°-06’-33” East, along Page -1- of 3 the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2, 321.49 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described: From the point of beginning, thence South 89°-50’-00” East, 33.01 feet; thence South 01°-06’-33” East, parallel to and 30 feet normally distant easterly from the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2, 923.22 feet to the northerly right of way line of Bloomington Road; thence South 35°-43’-12: West, 55.05 feet to the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 2; thence North 01°-06’-33” West along said west line, 968.02 feet to the point of beginning; said tract containing 0.716 acre, more or less. Part of PIN: 05-05-02-400-001 be and the same is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of East Peoria in the County of Tazewell and State of Illinois. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Tazewell County, Illinois and in the office of the Clerk of Tazewell County, Illinois a certified copy of this Ordinance together with the Plat of Annexation attached thereto. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and recordation as provided by law. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN REGULAR AND PUBLIC SESSION THIS DAY OF , 2013. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk EXAMINED AND APPROVED: Corporation Counsel Page -2- of 3 Page -3- of 3 Resolution No. 1516-120 TO: The Honorable Mayor and the City Council FROM: Ty Livingston, Director of Planning & Community Development DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: iTV-3 Easement Agreement BACKGROUND: As a part of their system build-out a few years ago, iTV-3 worked with the City to identify a location on public property that was ideal to both parties for an equipment cabinet. A location along the 2800 block of East Washington Street (just east of McDonald’s) was identified as the preferred site. Since then, the cabinet (which looks like a rectangular shed) has been installed at the location with some landscaping around it. Recently, iTV-3 has follow-up with City staff to request a formal easement for this structure and access to it. This is a pretty typical request that was just overlooked during the initial installation process. The agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney’s Office. RECOMMENDATION: Approval as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 1516-120 East Peoria, Illinois , 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _______________________________ RESOLUTION GRANTING UTILITY EASEMENT WHEREAS, iTV-3, an Illinois corporation (“iTV-3”) presently has a franchise with the City of East Peoria for installation and operation of a cable television and internet service franchise; and WHEREAS, iTV-3 requires an easement on property owned by the City of East Peoria for location of a utility cabinet and underground cables; and WHEREAS, iTV-3 has proposed an easement (as set forth in attached Exhibit A) that does not appear to present any additional challenges to future use or development of the site owned by the City in this location; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The City finds it to be in the best interest of the City of East Peoria to grant the easement attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute and have recorded said easement, as set forth in attached Exhibit A, in addition to authorizing any changes consistent with this resolution or the overall development of the site. APPROVED: _________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ City Clerk This Document Prepared By: Brandon Henricks iTV-3, Inc. 602 High Point Lane East Peoria, IL 61611 UTILITY EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, THAT THE GRANTOR, THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, an Illinois municipal corporation, County of Tazewell, State of Illinois, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements herein expressed, the undersigned hereby grant unto the Grantee, iTV-3, Inc., an Illinois corporation, its successors, and assigns, a non-exclusive perpetual utility easement in, over and across a part of the property described on Exhibit B known as 2807 E. Washington Street in East Peoria, Illinois (the “Property”) and said easement, more particularly described as follows: commencing at the SE corner of the Property and following the south property line southwest for a distance of one hundred feet (100’), then bearing generally northwest parallel to the east property line for a distance of forty feet (40’), then bearing generally northeast parallel to the south property line for a distance of forty-nine feet (49’), then bearing generally northwest parallel to the east property line for a distance of thirty-eight feet (38’), then bearing generally northeast parallel to the south property line for a distance of fifty-four feet (54’) to the east property line, then following the east property line southeast to the point of beginning. The easement so described is depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto, being situated in the City of East Peoria, in the County of Tazewell and State of Illinois. Said perpetual easement is for the purposes of laying, constructing, maintaining and repairing public utilities, specifically including but not limited to cables, telecommunications shelters, electrical cabling and systems necessary to support said shelters, and other communication transmission items. The Grantor herein for itself and its assigns covenants and agrees that no permanent building, paved parking areas, trees or other improvements shall ever be constructed on the land herein above described; provided, however, the surface of said land may be used for driveways, unpaved parking areas, fences or lawn improvements, which do not deny access to the Grantee for maintenance or inspection purposes. This grant includes the right of ingress and egress to and from said above described tract of land for the uses and purposes herein set out. This grant does not include the right, without Grantor’s prior written approval, to remove trees or shrubbery or other items of landscape, however approval of such items shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Grantee will pay for all damages to persons or property caused by the construction or maintenance of such utility services or Grantee’s use of the easement granted herein and shall defend and indemnify, save, and hold harmless the Grantor from any loss, damage, or expense, including attorney’s fees, constituting a legal liability which it may suffer, incur or sustain or for which it may become liable growing out of any injury to persons or to real or personal property caused by any of the work performed under this grant and easement. The Grantee hereby represents and warrants that it shall at all times maintain such liability and other insurance as appropriate and as approved by the Grantor for the work and use contemplated by this utility easement and such insurance will provide protection from claims which may arise out of or result from the Grantee’s or its agent’s performance of any work or use contemplated by this utility easement. Grantor shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance coverage, and the Grantor shall be provided with a copy of a certificate of insurance covering such work, prior to the commencement of work on the Grantor’s property. The Grantee shall keep any equipment used or brought on the Grantor’s property under its absolute and complete control at all times, and said equipment shall be used at the sole risk of the Grantee. The Grantor shall not be responsible in any manner for theft or damage to the equipment or other property of the Grantee. The Grantee will not permit any mechanic’s, materialmen’s or other similar liens or claims to stand against the Grantor’s property for labor and material furnished in connection with any activities performed therein by or on behalf of the Grantee. Upon reasonable and timely notice of any such lien or claim delivered to the Grantee by Grantor, the Grantee may bond and contest the validity and the amount of such lien, but Grantee will immediately pay any judgment rendered, will immediately pay all proper costs and charges, and will have the lien or claim released at its sole expense. The Grantee agrees that it will notify Grantor at least ten (10) days prior to the beginning of any construction, repair, or maintenance in, over or upon the Grantor’s property, such notice to include a description of the construction, repair or maintenance to be performed and an estimate of the duration of such work. If Grantee believes that a repair is an emergency, then Grantee can begin repairs immediately and will notify the Grantor of the necessity of such work at that time. The Grantee hereby agrees to restore the property encompassed by this easement to a condition equal to than that existing prior to the construction or maintenance of said utility. Restoration shall include all necessary rough and finish grade work and seeding the construction area. The Grantor agrees to cooperate with Grantee to allow Grantee to obtain all necessary permits for the construction, repair or maintenance of said utility to allow for the relocation of the utility from its current location to the easement area described above. To these covenants and agreements, the undersigned hereby bind themselves, and their assigns, forever, provided, however, that in the event that the Grantee ceases to use the easement granted herein for a period in excess of 24 consecutive months, this easement will terminate and no longer be of any force or effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal on the _____ day of ______________, 2016. CITY OF EAST PEORIA By: Its: STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF TAZEWELL ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in Tazewell County, Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ____________________ personally known to me to be the _______________ of EAST PEORIA CITY OF, an Illinois municipal corporation, and personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as such, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as his free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth; and on his oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed thereto is the seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and notarial seal this ____ day of ____________, 2016. _______________________________________ Notary Public ACCEPTANCE Approved and accepted by the Grantee as of the ___ day of _____________, 2016. iTV-3, an Illinois corporation By: ______________________________________ Its: _________________________ STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF TAZEWELL ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in Tazewell County, Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ____________________ personally known to me to be the _______________ of iTV-3, an Illinois corporation, and personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as such, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as his free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth; and on his oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed thereto is the seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and notarial seal this ____ day of ____________, 2016. _______________________________________ Notary Public Exhibit "A" OAKWOOD RD Legal Description: P.I.N.: 01-01-26-400-008 E N GTO ST OLD FARMDALE RD IL 8 IN ASH EW EXHIBIT B PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 26 North, Range 4 West of the Third Principal Meridian, Tazewell County, Illinois, lying North of the North right of way line of State Bond Issue Route No. 8, EXCEPTING the following parts thereof: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. That part conveyed by Warranty Deed in Vol. 359, Page 465; That part conveyed by Warranty Deed in Vol. 367, Page 440; That part conveyed by Warranty Deed in Vol. 367, Page 560; That part conveyed by Warranty Deed in Vol. 421, Page 319; That property described in Warranty Deed dated March 30, 1994 and recorded in Book 4100, Page 254; Also excepting therefrom that property conveyed to the State of Illinois by Warranty Deed recorded March 18, 2002 as Document No. 200200008250. PIN: 01-01-26-400-008 401 W. Washington St. East Peoria, Illinois 61611 Phone: (309) 698-4715 Fax: (309) 698-4747 David W. Mingus Mayor COMMISSIONERS John P. Kahl Public Health & Safety Gary R. Densberger Dept. of Accounts & Finance Daniel S. Decker Dept. Streets & Public improvements Timothy J. Jeffers Dept. Public Property _________ Morgan Cadwalader City Clerk Theresa L. Gualandi Treasurer/Comptroller Resolution No. 1516-114 TO: FROM: DATE: TheHonorableMayorDavidMingusandMembersofthe CityCouncil TyLivingston,DirectorofPlanningandCommunityDevelopment andMattBerger,ITCoordinator 3‐8‐2016 SUBJECT: Largeformatprinter/scannerpurchase DISCUSSION: Thecityhastwolargeformatprintersandonelarge formatscannerthatarebetween13and16yearsold.Thecityhasalso hadanincreaseintheneedforscanninglargeformatdocumentsover thepastfewyearsandtheexistinglargeformatscannerisnoteasyto use.Thecityhassolicitedbidsfrommultipleresellersandreceiveda lowbidfromSHI. RECOMMENDATION: PurchasetwoHPT2530PS36”multifunction printer/copiersfromSHIforapricenottoexceed$15,060.00. Dick Ganschow Police Chief Alan Servis Fire Chief Matt Berger IT Coordinator Office: (309) 427-7741 Email: Ty Livingston Director of Planning and Community Development Steven J. Ferguson Director of Public Works Douglas E. McCarty Director of Tourism & Special Events Robert Cole Director of Buildings & Inspections Dennis R. Triggs City Attorney - “EAST PEORIA HOME OF THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS” RESOLUTION NO. 1516-114 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the City has heretofore solicited proposals for two large format printer/scanners; and WHEREAS, the City received low pricing from SHI International Corp. (“SHI”) for two HP T2530 PS 36 inch large format printer/scanners (“the printer/scanners”); and WHEREAS, SHI’s low pricing is for the printer/scanners at a total cost of $15,060.00; and WHEREAS, the City hereby finds that it is in the best interest of the City to accept the proposal from SHI for the printer/scanners in substantially the form attached hereto labeled as “Exhibit A” (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchase Order”); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The above recitations are found to be true and correct. Section 2. The Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with SHI in the amount of $15,060.00 on behalf of the City, together with such changes as the Mayor in his discretion may approve with SHI to provide the printer/scanners; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this resolution until executed originals of such Agreement has been delivered to SHI. APPROVED: ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk _______________________________ Mayor "Exhibit A" Pricing Proposal Quotation #: 11112622 Created On: Feb-25-2016 Valid Until: Mar-31-2016 City of East Peoria IL Inside Account Executive Matt Berger Bill Scioscia Phone: (309) 427-7602 Fax: Email: 300 Davidson Ave. Somerset, NJ 08873 Phone: 732-564-8554 Fax: 732-564-8224 Email: All Prices are in US Dollar (USD) Product Qty Your Price Total 2 $7,355.00 $14,710.00 Shipping Total $350.00 $15,060.00 1 HP DesignJet T2530 PostScript - 36" multifunction printer - color - ink-jet - 914 x 8000 mm, 610 x 15000 mm (original) - Roll (91.4 cm x 91.4 m), 914 x 1219 mm (media) - up to 0.35 min/page (printing) - 2 rolls - Gigabit LAN, USB 2.0 host HP, Inc. - Part#: L2Y26A#B1K The Products offered under this proposal are subject to the SHI Return Policy posted at, unless there is an existing agreement between SHI and the Customer. 401 W. Washington St. East Peoria, Illinois 61611 Phone: (309) 698-4715 Fax: (309) 698-4747 David W. Mingus Mayor COMMISSIONERS John P. Kahl Public Health & Safety Gary R. Densberger Dept. of Accounts & Finance Daniel S. Decker Dept. Streets & Public improvements Timothy J. Jeffers Dept. Public Property _________ Morgan Cadwalader City Clerk Theresa L. Gualandi Treasurer/Comptroller Resolution No. 1516-115 TO: FROM: DATE: TheHonorableMayorDavidMingusandMembersofthe CityCouncil TyLivingston,DirectorofPlanningandCommunityDevelopment andMattBerger,ITCoordinator 3‐8‐2016 SUBJECT: Firedepartmentmonitorreplacement DISCUSSION: Thefiredepartmentcurrentlyhasanassortmentof varioussizesofcomputermonitorsofvaryingages.We’verequested quotesfrommultiplevendorsstandardizeondualHPmonitorsfor eachofthe6computersatthefirestations.PTCwasthelowbidat $168.08permonitor. RECOMMENDATION: Purchase12new23”monitorsfromPTCSelect for$2,016.96. Dick Ganschow Police Chief Alan Servis Fire Chief Matt Berger IT Coordinator Office: (309) 427-7741 Email: Ty Livingston Director of Planning and Community Development Steven J. Ferguson Director of Public Works Douglas E. McCarty Director of Tourism & Special Events Robert Cole Director of Buildings & Inspections Dennis R. Triggs City Attorney - “EAST PEORIA HOME OF THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS” RESOLUTION NO. 1516-115 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the City has heretofore solicited quotes for twelve dual Hewlett Packard computer monitors for the Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the City received low pricing from PTC Select (“PTC”) for twelve dual HP computer monitors (“the Monitors”) for the Fire Department; and WHEREAS, PTC’s low pricing is for the Monitors at a total cost of $2,016.96; and WHEREAS, the City hereby finds that it is in the best interest of the City to accept the proposal from PTC for the Monitors in substantially the form attached hereto labeled as “Exhibit A” (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchase Order”); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The above recitations are found to be true and correct. Section 2. The Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with PTC in the amount of $2,016.96 on behalf of the City, together with such changes as the Mayor in his discretion may approve with PTC to provide the Monitors; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this resolution until executed originals of such Agreement has been delivered to PTC. APPROVED: ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk _______________________________ Mayor SALES QUOTE "Exhibit A" Sales Quote No: 15835 Date: 3/9/16 Account No: E00500 2450 N. Knoxville Avenue Peoria, IL 61604 P: 309-685-8400 F: 309-685-9522 Bill To: East Peoria, City of 401 W. Washington Street East Peoria, IL 61611 USA Sales Person East Peoria, City of Attn: Matt Berger 401 W. Washington Street East Peoria, IL 61611 USA Ship To: P.O. Number Cory G. Knoll Ship Method Payment Terms Quote Expires On Supplier Truck Net 30 4/8/16 Notes Quote for Hp E232 23" monitor per Matt Berger Item No M1N98A8#ABA Description Quantity UM 12.00 EA HP Monitor EliteDisplay E232 23" IPS w/ LED flat panel monitor, VGA, HDMI, DP, 3 year warrty TERMS: Full payment due upon receipt of this invoice, Balances past due 30 days are subject to 1.5% service charge per month. Use of a credit card to pay terms account will be subject to a 3% handling fee. Thank you for your business. Price Disc $168.08 0.00 GST: 37-0841284 $2,016.96 Invoice Subtotal: $2,016.96 Discount: $0.00 Freight: $0.00 -AU1: $0.00 Total Tax: $0.00 Invoice Total: $2,016.96 NT 2450 N. Knoxville Avenue Peoria, IL 61604 Amount 309-685-8400 Page 1 of 1 401 W. Washington St. East Peoria, Illinois 61611 Phone: (309) 698-4715 Fax: (309) 698-4747 David W. Mingus Mayor COMMISSIONERS John P. Kahl Public Health & Safety Gary R. Densberger Dept. of Accounts & Finance Daniel S. Decker Dept. Streets & Public improvements Timothy J. Jeffers Dept. Public Property _________ Morgan Cadwalader City Clerk Theresa L. Gualandi Treasurer/Comptroller Resolution No. 1516-117 TO: FROM: DATE: TheHonorableMayorDavidMingusandMembersofthe CityCouncil TyLivingston,DirectorofPlanningandCommunityDevelopment andMattBerger,ITCoordinator 3‐8‐2016 SUBJECT: Dispatchcopier DISCUSSION: Thecopierindispatchsuffersregularbreak‐downsand isexpensivetooperate.Thecityhasrequestedquotesfora replacementandselectedaSamsungcopierfromCDS.Thenewcopier isquieterandcheapertooperate($0.004perpagecomparedto $0.0353perpagefortheexistingcopier). RECOMMENDATION: PurchaseaSamsungMultiXpressK7500LXfrom CDSfor$4650.00. Dick Ganschow Police Chief Alan Servis Fire Chief Matt Berger IT Coordinator Office: (309) 427-7741 Email: Ty Livingston Director of Planning and Community Development Steven J. Ferguson Director of Public Works Douglas E. McCarty Director of Tourism & Special Events Robert Cole Director of Buildings & Inspections Dennis R. Triggs City Attorney - “EAST PEORIA HOME OF THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS” RESOLUTION NO. 1516-117 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the City is in need of a new copier for Dispatch due to regular breakdowns and the expense to operate the current copier; WHEREAS, the City has heretofore solicited quotes for a new copier for Dispatch; and WHEREAS, the City received low pricing from C.D.S. Office Systems Incorporated dba CDS Office Technologies (“CDS”) for a Samsung MultiXpress K7500LX copier (the “Copier”) for Dispatch; and WHEREAS, CDS’s low pricing is for the Copier at a total cost of $4,650.00; and WHEREAS, the City hereby finds that it is in the best interest of the City to accept the proposal from CDS for the Copier in substantially the form attached hereto labeled as “Exhibit A” (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchase Order”); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The above recitations are found to be true and correct. Section 2. The Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with CDS in the amount of $4,650.00 on behalf of the City, together with such changes as the Mayor in his discretion may approve with CDS to provide the Copier; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this resolution until executed originals of such Agreement has been delivered to CDS. APPROVED: ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk _______________________________ Mayor "Exhibit A" City of East Peoria Dispatch Proposed By: Jeremy Harper & CDS Office Technologies February 29, 2016 Benefits of Partnering with CDS J.D. Powers Award Winning Product Lines Branch Locations in Champaign, Springfield, Bloomington, Peoria, Marion, Chicago, St. Louis, and Terre Haute Security of The “No Excuse” Performance Bond System Loaners Guaranteed Maximum 5 hour Response Time 5 Year System Replacement Guarantee Factory Authorized Technical Support with Parts and Supplies CDS Offers Over 39 years Industry experience Quincy Fully Staffed Branch Location offers 2 Dedicated Network Engineers 2 Dedicated Local Technicians 3 Administrative personnel with over 42 years’ experience Full Time Dedicated Warehouse Manager Support Staff Specializing in Total Network Support, Document Management and Hardware Peripheral Support Samsung, Konica Minolta, Panasonic, Sharp, Cisco Systems, 3Com, HP, Dell Service Center, Lexmark, Oki data, IBM, Captaris, and Print Management Plus MultiXpress K7500LX Key Features Outstanding Performance Black and White Printing, Copying, Scanning 50 pages per minute B&W / Color 160 IPM scanning speed 600 x 600 dpi up to 4,800 x 4,800 dpi printing Standard dual scan doc feeder- scans both sides at once. 10.1” color touch screen tablet Less than 18 second warm up time Job timer – shows how many clicks have been or is left for a job is done 9,999 job quantity selector for long runs or big jobs Award winning MyTab:quick access to custom print settings USB Thumbdrive printing & scanning- for on the go work too or from the office 100 sheet automatic document feeder High speed stackless duplexing Standard Hard Drive Over write security- all documents are secure and safe Standard Hard Drive Encryption – encrypts all documents for security Standard Encrypted Secure Print- user can have job print when they are at machine Standard 340 GB HDD 3,190 sheet paper capacity standard (520, 520, 2000) w/ 150 bypass for extra-long runs or bigger jobs Heaviest industry leading paper handling from the trays 1 Booklet and Image Combination Modes Watermarking and Stamping (date/time, page number, custom text) Full Network Scanning (Scan to: e-mail; desktop; FTP) Investment Summary 60 Month Lease Purchase $95.00 Per Month $4,650.00 Service and Supplies Includes all parts, toner, labor, delivery and Training. Specifically excludes paper. $0.004 per click. This will be left open with no minimum clicks. $0.004 is locked for the first 3 years and will raise to $0.006 for years 4 and 5. Resolution No. 1516-118 MEMORANDUM March 11, 2016 TO: Mayor David W. Mingus and Members of City Council FROM: City Attorney’s Office (Scott A. Brunton) SUBJECT: Resolution Regarding Services for City’s Employee Wellness Program _____________________________________________________________________ DISCUSSION: The City’s Wellness Committee conducts an employee health and wellness program, which includes an annual health and wellness seminar during the annual employee enrollment meetings being held in April this year prior to the beginning of the plan year for the City’s Health Plan, which begins on May 1st. The Wellness Committee has determined that in order to develop and implement wellness programs and activities best tailored for the City employees, City employees should be given the opportunity to participate in a current health risk assessment program. The Wellness Committee has negotiated a contract with Optimum Health Solutions, Inc., to conduct individual health screening and health risk assessment programs for City employees and to assist the Wellness Committee with the City’s Wellness program throughout the year. Further, the Wellness Incentive available to employees and retirees under the City’s Group Health Care Plan requires City employees or retirees to participate in these health risk assessment programs. The contract with Optimum Health Solutions, Inc. provides health assessment services for $70 per individual health screening performed at the annual health and wellness seminar, while coaching services are provided at $25 per coaching meeting or telephone call. The contract further provides for ongoing meetings with the City’s Wellness Committee to review wellness initiatives and to educational wellness presentations for the City. RECOMMENDATION: Our office recommends that the Council pass this Resolution. c: Teresa Durm Dennis Triggs RESOLUTION NO. 1516-118 East Peoria, Illinois , 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER ______________________________ RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT WITH OPTIMUM HEALTH SOLUTIONS FOR ASSISTING WITH EMPLOYEE WELLNESS PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City’s employee Wellness Committee will be holding a health and wellness seminar for all City employees on April 12, 2016, as part of the annual employee health plan enrollment and wellness activities held each year; and WHEREAS, the Wellness Committee has determined that in order to develop and implement wellness programs and activities for City employees, City employees should be given the opportunity to participate in a current health risk assessment program as a means to provide meaningful individual wellness programs and activities for participating City employees; and WHEREAS, the Wellness Committee recommends that the City enter into a contract with Optimum Health Solutions, Inc., for the purpose of conducting health screening and health risk assessment programs for City employee participating in the City’s Wellness program and for employees and retirees participating in the Wellness Incentive under the City’s Group Health Care Plan; and WHEREAS, Optimum Health Solutions, Inc., has been assisting the City with the City’s Wellness Program and related wellness initiatives for the past several years; and WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Wellness Committee, the City Council hereby finds that it is in the best interests of the City to approve and enter into a contract with Optimum Health Solutions, Inc. (attached as “Exhibit A”), for conducting a health risk assessment program for City employees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The City adopts the recommendations made by the Wellness Committee, as set forth above, and approves the contract (Exhibit A) with Optimum Health Solutions, Inc. Section 2. The Mayor, or his designee, and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract with Optimum Health Solutions, Inc., attached as “Exhibit A”, together with such changes therein as the Mayor in his discretion deems appropriate; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the contract with the Optimum Health Solutions, Inc. until such time as an executed original of such documentation has been delivered to the Optimum Health Solutions, Inc. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk "Exhibit A" AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE HEALTH PROMOTION SERVICES This is an Agreement entered this 6th day of January, 2016 by and between Optimum Health Solutions, Inc. (“OHS”) and City of East Peoria (“Employer”). 1. 2. 3. Definitions (a) The term “Eligible Employees” shall mean all employees of the Employer. For purposes of the Fee provisions of this Agreement, the Employer shall certify in writing the number of Eligible Employees on the Effective Date and thereafter on each anniversary of the Effective Date. Employees acquired by the Employer as part of a merger or acquisition of another entity shall not be deemed Eligible Employees until the first anniversary of the Effective Date after they become employees. (b) The term “Program Goals” shall mean, for Eligible Employees who participate in the programs offered by OHS, the assessment of their current health risk status, identifying areas of concern, establishment of goals for personal improvement, providing skills and motivation for health improvement, and measuring individual progress and establishing benchmarks for improvement in the areas of concern. (c) The term “Effective Date” shall mean January 6th, 2016. Health Screening (a) OHS shall provide a health screening and health risk appraisal questionnaire to the Employer’s Eligible Employees during the Employer’s regular business hours on a mutually agreeable time and date. Standard services shall include the items listed in Exhibit A. (b) The Employer may elect to permit the spouses of Eligible Employees or non- Eligible Employees and their spouses to participate in the screening and, if so, the Employer will so notify OHS in advance and identify each person who participates in the screening who is not an eligible employee. Cooperation The Employer shall designate an employee to serve as coordinator with OHS in connection with its duties under this Agreement. The Employer shall promote and support the programs offered by OHS and encourage its Eligible Employees to participate therein. 1 4. Confidentiality OHS shall handle confidential protected health information in accordance with the provisions of the attached Business Associate Addendum. OHS will not disclose individually identifiable health information to the Employer. 5. Fee The Employer shall pay to OHS a fee for standard services as described on Exhibit A. Billing will be on immediately following the last screening and will be calculated based on the number of individuals that participated in any portion of the screening. 6. Term This Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date and continue until the Employer Reports and Employee One-on-One consultations have been completed. 7. Indemnity OHS shall indemnify the Employer and hold it harmless from any and all loss, cost, claim, liability, damage or expense, including reasonable attorney fees, which it may incur with respect to any third party claims resulting solely from the negligent acts or omissions of OHS in connection with conduct of the annual health screening or follow-up program. 8. Relationship of Parties The relationship created by this Agreement is that of independent contractors. Nothing herein shall be construed to create a relationship between the parties of employer and employee, principal and agent, partners or joint venturers. 9. Entire Agreement This is the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all other agreements, either oral or in writing. No promises, warranties, inducements or representations have been made except as set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified except by written agreements signed by authorized officers of the parties. 10. Governing Law This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. 2 11. Waiver of Breach The failure of either party to require strict adherence of the other to the requirements of this Agreement shall in no way affect the respective rights of either party to enforce same nor shall any waiver of any breach of this contract be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or a waiver or modification of the provisions of this Agreement. 12. Force Majeure Neither party shall be liable for failure or delay of performance hereunder arising from Acts of God or other acts or occurrences beyond control of the parties, including but not limited to acts of courts and regulatory bodies, fires, explosions, weather-related obstacles to performance, labor stoppages, war or rebellion. 13. Notices All notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, to the other party as set forth below, or to such other person or address as either party may designate from time to time in writing to the other party. To OHS: Chris McMillin Optimum Health Solutions, Inc. 7210 N Villa Lake Drive Suite A Peoria, Illinois 61614 To Employer: Teresa Durm City of East Peoria 1 Eastside Drive East Peoria, Illinois, 61611 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated below. OPTIMUM HEALTH SOLUTIONS, INC. CITY OF EAST PEORIA By:__________________________ By:______________________________ Date:_______________ Date:________________ 3 EXHIBIT A Services and Fees 4 BUSINESS ASSOCIATE ADDENDUM This is an Addendum to the Agreement to Provide Wellness Services dated January 6, 2016,(“Agreement”) by and between Optimum Health Solutions, Inc. (“OHS”) and City of East Peoria, (“Client”). WHEREAS, OHS and Client have entered into an Agreement whereby OHS has agreed to perform certain services for Client on behalf of its employee health benefits plan (Plan); and WHEREAS, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-191, and its implementing regulations (collectively, the “Privacy Rule”) require Client and its Plan to protect the privacy rights of persons covered under the Plan as described therein; and WHEREAS, under the Privacy Rule, OHS is considered a Business Associate of the Plan by reason of the duties that it has undertaken pursuant to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Privacy Rule requires OHS and the Plan to enter into a business associate agreement in order to permit the appropriate exchange of Protected Health Information (PHI) between the Plan, Client and OHS; and WHEREAS, the Plan had adopted a Privacy Policy that reflects its privacy practices and procedures; NOW, THEREFORE, in order to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Rule and the Plan’s Privacy Policy, OHS, Client and the Plan agree as follow: 1. Definitions. Terms used, but not otherwise defined, in this Addendum shall have the same meaning as those terms in the Privacy Rule. 2. Obligations and Activities of OHS. (a) OHS agrees to not use or disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by the Agreement or as Required By Law. (b) OHS agrees to use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of the PHI other than as provided for by this Agreement. (c) OHS agrees to mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that is known to OHS of a use or disclosure of PHI by OHS in violation of the requirements of this Agreement. (d) OHS agrees to report to the Plan any use or disclosure of the PHI not provided for by this Agreement of which it becomes aware. (e) OHS agrees to ensure that any agent, including a subcontractor, to whom it provides PHI received from, or created or received by OHS on behalf of the Plan agrees to the same restrictions and conditions that apply through this Agreement to OHS with respect to such information. 5 (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 3. OHS agrees to provide access, at the request of the Plan to PHI in a Designated Record Set, to the Plan or, as directed by the Plan, to an Individual in order to meet the requirements under 45 CFR § 164.524(c)(4). OHS agrees to make any amendment(s) to PHI in a Designated Record Set that the Plan directs or agrees to pursuant to 45 CFR § 164.526 at the request of the Plan or an Individual. OHS agrees to make internal practices, books, and records, including policies and procedures and PHI, relating to the use and disclosure of PHI received from, or created or received by OHS on behalf of, the Plan available to the Plan, or to the Client’s Corporate Secretary or his designee for purposes of the Secretary determining the Plan’s compliance with the Privacy Rule. OHS agrees to document such disclosures of PHI and information related to such disclosures as would be required for the Plan to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.528. OHS agrees to provide to the Plan or an Individual information collected in accordance with the Agreement to permit the Plan to respond to a request by an individual for an accounting of disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.528. Permitted Uses and Disclosures by OHS. Except as otherwise limited in this Agreement: (a) OHS may use or disclose PHI to perform functions, activities, or services for, or on behalf of, the Plan as specified in the Agreement, provided that such use or disclosure would not violate the Privacy rule if done by the Plan or the minimum necessary policies and procedures of the Plan. (b) OHS may use PHI for its proper management and administration or to carry out its legal responsibilities, and disclose it for those purposes but only if the disclosures are Required By Law or OHS obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom the information is disclosed that it will remain confidential and used or further disclosed only as Required By Law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the person, and the person notifies OHS of any instances of which it is aware in which the confidentiality of the information has been breached. (c) OHS may use PHI to provide Data Aggregation services to the Plan as permitted by 42 CFR § 164.504(e)(2)(i)(B). (d) OHS may de-identify PHI that it receives from or on behalf of the Plan or creates for the Plan and use and disclose the de-identified data in any manner permitted by law. (e) OHS may use PHI to report violations of law to appropriate Federal and State authorities, consistent with § 164.502(j)(1). 6 (f) OHS may use or disclose PHI in any other manner permitted by law. 4. Obligations of The Plan. (a) The Plan will provide OHS with a copy of its privacy policy and notice of privacy practices, including any amendment thereto. The Plan shall notify OHS of any limitation(s) in its notice of privacy practices of the Plan in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.520, to the extent that such limitation may affect OHS’s use or disclosure of PHI. (b) The Plan shall notify OHS of any changes in, or revocation of, permission by an Individual to use or disclose PHI, to the extent that such changes may affect OHS’s use or disclosure of PHI. (c) The Plan shall notify OHS of any restriction to the use or disclosure of PHI that the Plan has agreed to in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.522, to the extent that such restriction may affect OHS’s use or disclosure of PHI. If the Plan agrees to any restriction that materially increases OHS’s cost of performing its services pursuant to the Agreement (other than a restriction required by 45 CFR § 164.522(b)(ii), Client shall pay an additional fee as needed to defray the additional cost. 5. Permissible Requests by the Plan. The Plan shall not request OHS to use or disclose PHI in any manner that would not be permissible under the Privacy Rule or its Privacy Policy if done by the Plan. However, this will not be deemed to prevent OHS from using or disclosing PHI for date aggregation or management to the extent required by the Agreement or for OHS’s administrative activities. 6. Permissible Requests by Client. Client will not request OHS to use or disclose PHI in any manner that would not be permissible under the Privacy Rule or its Privacy Policy if done by the Plan. Client will abide by the terms of the Privacy Rule and the Plan’s Privacy Policy. Client will not request that OHS disclose to it PHI in excess of the minimum necessary to satisfy the need that underlies any such request. 7. Term and Termination. (a) This Addendum is effective from the date of this agreement and shall terminate when all of the PHI provided by the Plan to OHS, or created or received by OHS on behalf of the Plan, is destroyed or returned to the Plan, or, if it is infeasible to return or destroy PHI, protections are extended to such information, in accordance with the termination provisions in this Section. (b) Upon the Plan’s knowledge of a material breach by OHS, the Plan shall give OHS written notice detailing the nature of the breach. The Plan shall provide an opportunity for OHS to cure the breach 7 (c) 7. or end the violation. If OHS fails to substantially cure the breach within 30 days after receiving notice from the Plan, the Plan may terminate this Agreement. However, if termination is not feasible, the Plan will report the violation to the Secretary. Except as expressly provided in this section, upon termination of the Agreement, for any reason, OHS shall return or destroy all PHI received from the Plan, or created or received by OHS on behalf of the Plan. This provision shall also apply to PHI that is in the possession of the subcontractors or agent of OHS. OHS shall retain no copies of the PHI. However, if OHS determines that returning or destroying the PHI is infeasible, OHS shall provide to the Plan notification of the conditions that make return or destruction infeasible. Upon OHS’s determination that return or destruction of PHI is infeasible, OHS shall extend the protections of this Agreement to such PHI and limit further uses and disclosures of such PHI to those purposes that make the return or destruction infeasible, for so long as OHS maintains such PHI. Miscellaneous. (a) A reference in this Addendum to a section in the Privacy Rule means the section as in effect or as amended. (b) The parties agree to take such action as in necessary to amend the Agreement and this Addendum from time to time as necessary for the Plan to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Rule. (c) The respective rights and obligations of OHS under Section 7 of this Addendum shall survive the termination of this Agreement. (d) Any ambiguity in this Addendum shall be resolved to permit the Plan to comply with the Privacy Rule. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Business Associate Addendum on the dates indicated below. OPTIMUM HEALTH SOLUTIONS, INC. By:______________________________ Date:____________ CITY OF EAST PEORIA By:_____________________________ Date:___________ 8 Schedule A Effective January 2016 CITY OF EAST PEORIA Standard Pricing: Screening Service (Items 1 thru 4 outlined below): $70.00 per person Online HRA if participation is 55% or more of eligible participation (one time billing) $75.00 per person Online HRA if participation is less than 55% of eligible participation (one time billing) Health Coaching (Item 5 outlined below): Telephonic Health coaching if the participant has 1 risk factors (2 calls February and August) $25 per person per call Face to Face coaching if participant has 2 or more risk factors. (2 meetings February and August) $25 per person per meeting Quarterly Educational Presentations (Item 6 outlined below): $2000 per year (billed $200/month for 10 months) Summary of services offered by Optimum Health Solutions, Inc.: 1. On‐Line Health Risk Assessment to be completed by each member; 2. On‐site screening to include; a. Lipid Profile; b. Complete Metabolic Panel; c. Complete Blood Count; d. Blood Pressure; e. Heart Rate Check; f. Height and Weight; g. Body Fat Content Analysis; h. Waist Circumference. 3. Personal Wellness Report (HRA results) for each member to be accessed on line. Lab Results will be mailed to the participant’s home or given to them during 1‐1 consultation; 4. Aggregate Reports to the employer to identify the risk factors present in your population; 5. Telephonic /Face to Face Health Coaching protocol is based on the number of risk factors present (TBD); 6. Quarterly meetings to discuss health topics agreed upon by City of East Peoria and OHS. Quarterly OHS will present two presentations at a City of East Peoria location. Place a check mark in the box and your initials beside the service(s) that you would like to purchase. I would like to purchase the Health Screening Services ____________ (initials) I would like to purchase the Health Coaching Services ____________ (initials) I would like to purchase the Quarterly Educational Presentations ____________ (initials) I understand there will be a $10.00 missed appointment fee for missed 1‐1’s, telephonic, or face to face appointments ____________ (initials) ___________________________ ______________________________ City of East Peoria Optimum Health Solutions ___________________________ ______________________________ Dated Dated Resolution No. 1516-121 MEMORANDUM March 11, 2016 TO: Mayor David W. Mingus and Members of City Council FROM: City Attorney’s Office (Scott A. Brunton) SUBJECT: Resolutions for the City’s Group Health Care Plan (1) Resolution Regarding Employee Contribution Rates for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan (2) Resolution Regarding Reinsurance Carrier for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan _____________________________________________________________________ DISCUSSION: Annually, the City’s Insurance & Benefits Committee reviews the City’s self-funded Group Health Care Plan and the financial status of the Plan. With the assistance of Consociate (the Third Party Administrator for the City’s Health Care Plan), the Committee has again completed this annual review process. As a part of this annual review process, the Insurance Committee adjusts the Plan contribution rates for plan options under the City’s Health Plan for the City and the City’s employees for the upcoming plan year. Due to the City-wide move to the reduced benefit PPO plan option on January 1, 2015, the Plan’s overall financial picture saw a positive year in 2015. Thus, the reinsurance rates for the upcoming year are being held steady (no change), while the expected overall claims funding is anticipated to decrease. Accordingly, effective May 1, 2016, the monthly employee contribution rates for the two plan options are as follows (the change from current rates are shown in parentheses): Individual Individual + Child(ren) Individual + Spouse Family PPO Plan High Deductible Plan $153.08 $288.88 $308.42 $410.00 $123.08 $243.88 $258.42 $335.00 (-2.04) (+8.64) (-18.98) (-73.32) (-2.04) (+8.64) (-18.98) (-73.32) As a reminder, all rate adjustments (increases or decreases) are split evenly between the City and the City employees when the new rates are set. With regard to the High Deductible Plan option, as participation rates have been extremely low, the contribution rates continue to be adjusted in a manner to make this plan option a more attractive option. The Insurance Committee is also recommending maintaining the $25 per month wellness incentive for employees participating in the City’s wellness program. Further, the Insurance Committee is recommending that the City maintain the current HSA (health savings account) contributions for active employees who enroll in the High Deductible Plan option under the City’s Health Plan (Individual coverage: $50 per month; Individual + Children coverage and Individual + Spouse coverage: $75 per month; and Family coverage: $100 per month). As you may recall, the enrollment period for the City’s Health Plan has now been shifted to the month of April. This shift in the enrollment period will allow employees to review the new contribution rates for both of the plan options and determine which option is the best choice for the employee for the upcoming 12-month period. Regarding the Committee’s annual review of reinsurance rates for the Plan, the Committee is recommending that the City approve a reinsurance contract with HM Life (as underwritten by Consociate) for the upcoming fiscal year, as HM Life continues to provide competitive rates. HM Life has provided the City’s reinsurance coverage during the past several fiscal years. Additionally, the Committee is recommending that the City maintain the annual specific deductible for each covered individual at $110,000 as provided in the reinsurance contract with HM Life. The second resolution approves the reinsurance policy with HM Life at this individual specific deductible rate. The determination of the Plan contribution rates and ultimately the employee contribution rates are primarily based upon the reinsurance rates and the associated funding rates received from the City’s reinsurance carrier. RECOMMENDATION: The Insurance & Benefits Committee, as well as our office, recommends that the Council pass each of these two Resolutions. c: Brad Lovell, Co-Chair of the Insurance & Benefits Committee Teresa Durm Terri Gualandi DRT RESOLUTION NO. 1516-121 East Peoria, Illinois , 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _________________________________ RESOLUTION REGARDING EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION RATES FOR THE CITY’S GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of East Peoria maintains a self-insured group health care plan (“Plan”) for the benefit of its employees, and the City’s Insurance & Benefits Committee oversees the Plan; and WHEREAS, under the Plan, two plan options are available for employee and retiree participation, which includes the PPO plan (preferred provider option) and the HDHP plan (high deductible health plan option); and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee has undertaken their annual review of the financial aspects of the Plan and contribution rates for the upcoming new plan year for the Plan which begins May 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee has accepted and approved the administrative costs, reinsurance costs, and the funding costs for the new fiscal Plan Year which will change employee monthly contribution rates for the two plan options as provided below; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee seeks to continue offering the $25 per month wellness incentive to employees participating in the Plan who participate in the City’s wellness program as a means to improve the health and welfare of the participating employees and as a means to lead to long-term cost savings for the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee also seeks to continue providing an incentive for employees to choose the HDHP plan option by providing City-funded contributions to an employee’s health savings account (HSA) for employees choosing coverage under the HDHP plan option, while also making the employee contribution rates more attractive for all tiers of the HDHP plan option; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee, by a proper vote, has approved these recommended adjustments to the employee contribution rates for both Plan options that will be effective at the beginning of the new Plan year on May 1, 2016; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The City adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to change the employee monthly contribution rates for the City’s PPO plan option effective May 1, 2016, as follows: PPO Plan Individual Individual + Child(ren) Individual + Spouse Family $153.08 $288.88 $308.42 $410.00 Section 2. The City adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to change the employee monthly contribution rates for the City’s HDHP plan option effective May 1, 2016, as follows: HDHP Plan Individual Individual + Child(ren) Individual + Spouse Family $123.08 $243.88 $258.42 $335.00 Section 3. The City further adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to continue offering the $25.00 per month wellness incentive for employees participating in the City’s Wellness Plan, as defined by the City’s Wellness Committee, during the Plan year commencing May 1, 2016, and ending on April 30, 2017. Section 4. The City also adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to continue offering the City’s contribution into a Health Savings Account during the 2016-2017 fiscal year for employees enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan at the rates of $50 per month for Individual coverage, $75 per month for Individual plus Children coverage, $75 per month for Individual plus Spouse coverage, and $100 per month for Family coverage Section 5. The City Treasurer and the City’s Human Resources Director are hereby authorized and directed to take appropriate action as necessary to implement the new employee contribution rates for the City’s Plan effective May 1, 2016. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ City Clerk Resolution No. 1516-122 MEMORANDUM March 11, 2016 TO: Mayor David W. Mingus and Members of City Council FROM: City Attorney’s Office (Scott A. Brunton) SUBJECT: Resolutions for the City’s Group Health Care Plan (1) Resolution Regarding Employee Contribution Rates for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan (2) Resolution Regarding Reinsurance Carrier for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan _____________________________________________________________________ DISCUSSION: Annually, the City’s Insurance & Benefits Committee reviews the City’s self-funded Group Health Care Plan and the financial status of the Plan. With the assistance of Consociate (the Third Party Administrator for the City’s Health Care Plan), the Committee has again completed this annual review process. As a part of this annual review process, the Insurance Committee adjusts the Plan contribution rates for plan options under the City’s Health Plan for the City and the City’s employees for the upcoming plan year. Due to the City-wide move to the reduced benefit PPO plan option on January 1, 2015, the Plan’s overall financial picture saw a positive year in 2015. Thus, the reinsurance rates for the upcoming year are being held steady (no change), while the expected overall claims funding is anticipated to decrease. Accordingly, effective May 1, 2016, the monthly employee contribution rates for the two plan options are as follows (the change from current rates are shown in parentheses): Individual Individual + Child(ren) Individual + Spouse Family PPO Plan High Deductible Plan $153.08 $288.88 $308.42 $410.00 $123.08 $243.88 $258.42 $335.00 (-2.04) (+8.64) (-18.98) (-73.32) (-2.04) (+8.64) (-18.98) (-73.32) As a reminder, all rate adjustments (increases or decreases) are split evenly between the City and the City employees when the new rates are set. With regard to the High Deductible Plan option, as participation rates have been extremely low, the contribution rates continue to be adjusted in a manner to make this plan option a more attractive option. The Insurance Committee is also recommending maintaining the $25 per month wellness incentive for employees participating in the City’s wellness program. Further, the Insurance Committee is recommending that the City maintain the current HSA (health savings account) contributions for active employees who enroll in the High Deductible Plan option under the City’s Health Plan (Individual coverage: $50 per month; Individual + Children coverage and Individual + Spouse coverage: $75 per month; and Family coverage: $100 per month). As you may recall, the enrollment period for the City’s Health Plan has now been shifted to the month of April. This shift in the enrollment period will allow employees to review the new contribution rates for both of the plan options and determine which option is the best choice for the employee for the upcoming 12-month period. Regarding the Committee’s annual review of reinsurance rates for the Plan, the Committee is recommending that the City approve a reinsurance contract with HM Life (as underwritten by Consociate) for the upcoming fiscal year, as HM Life continues to provide competitive rates. HM Life has provided the City’s reinsurance coverage during the past several fiscal years. Additionally, the Committee is recommending that the City maintain the annual specific deductible for each covered individual at $110,000 as provided in the reinsurance contract with HM Life. The second resolution approves the reinsurance policy with HM Life at this individual specific deductible rate. The determination of the Plan contribution rates and ultimately the employee contribution rates are primarily based upon the reinsurance rates and the associated funding rates received from the City’s reinsurance carrier. RECOMMENDATION: The Insurance & Benefits Committee, as well as our office, recommends that the Council pass each of these two Resolutions. c: Brad Lovell, Co-Chair of the Insurance & Benefits Committee Teresa Durm Terri Gualandi DRT RESOLUTION NO. 1516-122 East Peoria, Illinois , 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _________________________________ RESOLUTION REGARDING REINSURANCE CARRIER FOR THE CITY’S GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of East Peoria maintains a self-insured group health care plan (“Plan”) for the benefit of its employees, and the City’s Insurance and Benefits Committee oversees the Plan; and WHEREAS, in order to secure the financial viability of the Plan, the City obtains reinsurance (stop loss) coverage for the Plan which covers catastrophic claims made against the Plan by persons covered under the Plan or catastrophic charges made against the Plan by the group of covered persons as a whole; and WHEREAS, the City’s Insurance and Benefits Committee has recently completed their annual review of quotes for renewal of this reinsurance coverage from several insurance companies in an effort to obtain the best coverage at the lowest cost to the City and its employees; and WHEREAS, the City’s Insurance and Benefits Committee has also recently reviewed the appropriate level of deductible for the individual specific reinsurance coverage that is obtained as part of the City’s reinsurance coverage for the Plan, and has determined that it is in the best interests of the City and the Plan to maintain the specific deductible for each covered individual at $110,000 per year; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee has reviewed the quotes for reinsurance coverage for the Plan for the upcoming 2016-2017 fiscal year, and recommends that the City contract with HM Life (the City’s current reinsurance coverage provider) for the 20162017 fiscal year based upon the quotes for individual specific monthly premium rates for single coverage at $86.64 per employee and family coverage at $202.19 per employee and for aggregate monthly premium rates at $7.53 per employee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The City adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to obtain reinsurance coverage for the City’s Group Health Care Plan from HM Life for the 2015-2016 fiscal year at the rates set forth above and to maintain the individual specific deductible at $110,000 per year. Further, this Resolution ratifies any prior action taken by City officials to lock in these quoted rates with HM Life for the 20162017 fiscal year. Section 2. The Mayor, or his designee, is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to execute and implement an agreement for the reinsurance coverage as described above for the 2016-2017 fiscal year that begins May 1, 2016. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ City Clerk Resolution No. 1516-119 Department of Tourism and Special Events TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Doug McCarty, Director of Tourism and Special Events DATE: March 10, 2016 SUBJECT: Irrigation around City Hall DISCUSSION: One of the final pieces of the City Hall construction project is the outside landscaping. Because the construction of the building ended in November, waiting until spring was necessary to complete the outside landscaping portion. All of the dirt work, landscaping, seeding, planting, etc. will be done in-house to save money vs. contracting it out. The only portion of this project that needs to be contracted out is the irrigation. This irrigation system will tie into the existing system that is currently in the open triangle area. Conduit installation and other measures were taken during construction to prepare for this project. The irrigation plan and bids are attached. There were 2 bids for this project. Commercial Irrigation in East Peoria was the low bid. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the low bid from Commercial Irrigation in the amount of $17,233.10 RESOLUTION NO. 1516-119 East Peoria, Illinois , 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _______________________________ RESOLUTION ACCEPTING LOW BID FOR THE CIVIC TRIANGLE LANDSCAPING PROJECT ADJACENT TO THE NEW CITY HALL WHEREAS, the City has undertaken a project known as the New EP Downtown Development Project on the former Caterpillar site located in the City’s amended and expanded West Washington Street TIF District, which Development Project Area has been designated as “The Levee District”; and WHEREAS, the City has recently completed the New City Hall project as part of the Civic Complex in the Civic Triangle portion of The Levee District; and WHEREAS, with the completion of the New City Hall in the Civic Complex, the City seeks to improve the open and undeveloped portions of the Civic Triangle adjacent to the New City Hall and the parking area for the Civic Complex; and WHEREAS, the City shall undertake the major portion of grading and landscaping work for the improvement of this undeveloped area in the Civic Triangle adjacent to the New City Hall and the parking area for the Civic Complex; and WHEREAS, in an effort to ensure proper watering and irrigation for this landscaped area adjacent to the New City Hall and the parking area for the Civic Complex, the City has received bids for an irrigation system for this undeveloped area (the “Irrigation Project”) to be installed prior the City undertaking the landscaping portion of this project; and WHEREAS, the City desires to approve the contract award with Commercial Irrigation & Turf, Inc. (the “Contractor”) for the Irrigation Project in the Civic Triangle; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The above recitations are found to be true and correct. Section 2. Commercial Irrigation & Turf, Inc. is awarded the contract for the Civic Triangle Irrigation Project in the EP Downtown Development Project Area (The Levee District). Section 3. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute an Agreement for the Irrigation Project with the Contractor on behalf of the City, together with such changes therein as the Mayor in his discretion deems appropriate, at a total cost not to exceed $17,233.10; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the Agreement with the Contractor until such time as an executed original of such documentation has been delivered to the Contractor. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk 2 Resolution No. 1516-116 Department of PUBLIC WORKS 2232 E. Washington Street, East Peoria, IL 61611 (309) 698-4716 FAX (309) 698-4730 Commissioners Dan Decker Tim Jeffers TO: The Honorable Mayor and the City Council FROM Steve Ferguson, Director of Public Works DATE: March 9, 2016 SUBJECT: Public Works Roof Repairs DISCUSSION: The Public Works Building has numerous leaks in the roof that are causing unsafe conditions for personnel. The water from on the roof is traveling to the electrical conduits and getting into the electrical boxes. We obtained a quote from Hosler Roofing Company tore-coat the roof for $33,936.00. This is guaranteed for 10 years. We recognize that this is not as permanent of a fix as tearing off the foam that is sprayed on top ofthe roof at the current time and replacing it with a traditional roofing material. Robert Cole obtained a quote to perform this complete replacement for approximately $95,000. We had a meeting regarding the long-term future of this public works building and it was decided to patch the roof and other building issues that need to be done for the time being. A new or different Public Works facility will be sought in 3 to 5 years. This recoding of the roof will serve the purpose for that length of time. Hosler Roofing re-coated the office section of the building and it did not leak through the winter. The cost of this re-coat will be divided between the street department, water department, solid waste department and wastewater Department and be paid for from operation and maintenance funds. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the proposal by Hosler Roofing Company in the amount of $33,936.00 tore-coat the roof of the Public Works building. "EAST PEORIA- HOME OF THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS" RESOLUTION NO. 1516-116 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2016 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City to recoat the roof on the public works building in order to eliminate numerous leaks in the roof (the “Project”) ; and WHEREAS, Hosler Roofing Company (“Hosler Roofing”) has offered to complete the Project at a cost of $33,936 under the terms and conditions set forth in the proposal (the “Proposal”) labeled “Exhibit A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the Director of Public Works or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to accept the proposal on behalf of the City; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the Proposal until an executed original thereof has been delivered to Hosler Roofing. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4269 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE ACQUIRED BY THE CITY THROUGH FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS WHEREAS, the City of East Peoria Police Department is in possession of a 1995 White Mercury Village Sport Van, VIN# 4M2DV11W4SDJ39405, (“Forfeited Vehicle”) acquired by the City through forfeiture proceedings prosecuted by the Tazewell County State’s Attorney; and WHEREAS, retaining the Forfeited Vehicle is not necessary or useful to or in the best interests of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The Chief of Police in consultation with the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sell the Forfeited Vehicle under such terms and conditions as he deems appropriate with or without advertising the sale. Section 2. This Ordinance is hereby ordered to be published in pamphlet form by the East Peoria City Clerk and said Clerk is ordered to keep at least three (3) copies hereof available for public inspection in the future and in accordance with the Illinois Municipal Code. Section 3. This Ordinance is in addition to all other ordinances on the subject and shall be construed therewith excepting as to that part in direct conflict with any other ordinance, and in the event of such conflict, the provisions hereof shall govern. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and ten (10) day period of publication in the manner provided by law. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN REGULAR AND PUBLIC SESSION THIS DAY OF _________________, 2016. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ City Clerk EXAMINED AND APPROVED: ________________________________ Corporation Counsel