Past President`s message - Illinois Central College


Past President`s message - Illinois Central College
march 2015
Past President’s Message
by Gene Humke
March 18 • 8:30 a.m.
Men’s Warm Oatmeal Club
and Marching Society
Denhart’s • Washington
—— • ——
April 30 • Midnight
Newsletter Deadline
Gene Humke
past president
Marilyn Walter
Louise Heimann
Bob Wegner
newsletter editor
Gene Humke
SUAA & SUAA Action representative
Your contributions are essential
for both an informative and entertaining
newsletter. Anyone who would like to
contribute to the ICCAA newsletter may
submit copy directly to the editor,
Bob Wegner, at
It is a sad note for me to realize that this newsletter is going to reflect the obituary
pages of the Peoria Journal Star. What is even more challenging is the realization
that there are fewer members of the ICCAA to take up the cause to protect and
save our pensions. Our state government has been “shorting” the pension systems in Illinois since 1939. (As quoted in an open letter written by Richard Ingram,
Executive Director of the Teacher’s Retirement System of the State of Illinois, in
Topics and Reports, winter 2015, a newsletter sent to members.)
As a social scientist, it is my job to try to predict and explain the events which
envelope our human life. Yes, I know that death is inevitable and dead individuals
do not respond. However, the real question centers on what we humans do while
we are “not dead yet.” When we have the opportunity, why do we not take it? Yet
answering can become a sociologist’s dilemma. I have spent quite some time
pondering this question, and I am left with mostly social scientist hypotheses.
An obvious hypothesis is that our members are so ill that they do not have the
energy to take up the challenge. They cannot even come to a meeting and elect
officers. I have been the President of this organization for some time. I should be
familiar with every person whose obituary is in this newsletter, but of course, I am
not. It is like I am meeting some of them for the first time. Something should have
happened. Yes, I will admit my memory is not what it used to be!
I have, however, had to come up with far too many hypotheses to fill the empty
explanations. Some of these explanations are not very complimentary in terms of
the amount of effort our members do not expend. If you were so unwilling to teach
or to fulfill the job you were hired to do at ICC, how did you ever get to retire from
the place? But we all know this cannot be true since you did apply yourself and
now are retired.
Maybe it is politics or religion that can provide some suggestive hypotheses.
Could it be that you are failing to commit to “save our pensions” because politically you are living in another time or place? I have spoken before about people I
know who are members of a political party because of issues which may have
prompted their ancestors to become a Republican or a Democrat. Folks, the
Civil War is over. Yet some of the issues of that War are alive and well. I hope,
however, that we are living the 2015 versions of equality and not the 1860
Then there is religion. Do you avoid putting any effort into getting the pension money you were promised because you were socialized to accept your lot
on Earth and you are awaiting your reward in heaven when you get there? Most
religions, and even atheism, will ask you to do something now to demonstrate
your faith.
Well, we can come up with all the excuses in the world for not applying ourselves to the pension cause. My challenge for you is to end the procrastination,
drop the excuses, and start applying yourself. Since you are reading this, “You
aren’t dead yet!”
Insurance Committee
Meeting Minutes
submitted by Deb Pence and Angie McElyea
december 8, 2014
Members Present:
Tim Anderson
Ed Babcock
Marti Bloodsaw (chair)
Bruce Budde
Maxine Cordell-Brunton
Pat Garman
Gregory Herron
Richard Karnopp
Deb Pence
Sherry Sauder
Shirley Sollenberger
Member Absent:
Ronald Lombard
Health Plan Costs
Tim reported that the health
plan costs for FY15 were up
2.2%. There was a discussion
regarding the comparison
of costs between FY14 and
FY15 and the number of
covered employees.
Plan Design
Tim and Marti distributed
the communication to the
committee regarding the
spousal carve out change
and the committee discussed
the timeline for distribution
to the members. Maxine
asked when, according to
the Affordable Care Act, the
College is required to have an
open enrollment. Tim stated
that the open enrollment will be
on 1/1/16 unless the percentage of covered lives increases
to a certain amount before
then. Rich asked if the spousal
carve out will affect the retirees.
It will not but Marti and Tim
agreed that it could be sent for
informational purposes.
The committee also discussed
the information in the packet
from Cottingham and Butler.
The meeting adjourned at
2:30 p.m. The next meeting will
be determined at a later date.
Treasurer’s Report
submitted by Louise Heimann
Checking Account Balance (12-31-2014): $1,512.58
Membership dues received last year: $2,098.25
Supplies: $374.73; Meeting Expenses: $316.72;
2 ICC Scholarships: $750; SUAA Legal Fund: $2,000
Savings Account Balance (12-31-2014): $14,734.04
March 2015
PA 98-0599
On A
January 2015 TIER 1
No Changes
Possibilities for Supreme Court’s Consideration
> 3% Automatic Annual Increase
> No AAI Skipping
Pension reform severable provisions are: retirement age delays, earnings cap,
effective rate of interest, unused vacation/sick leave not counted in pension;
Attorney General believes the automatic annual increases (AAI) can be separated from
the original pension act;
Skip the AAI in certain years altogether;
Cap the entire AAI based on the number of years an individual worked;
State has fiscal problems which could lead to further underfunding of the pension
> No Retirement Formula Introduced
> Retirement Age Eligibility Remains
> Employee Contributions Stayed
the Same
> Vacation Pay or Unused
Sick Leave Remains Included
> No Defined Contribution Plan
> Money Purchase Intact
> No Earnings Cap
217 E. Monroe Street
Suite 100
Springfield, Illinois
Phone: 217.523.4040
Fax: 217.523.4044
SUAA fought hard for YOU in the Circuit Court and won an injunction barring the
State from enacting pension reform that steals your AAI’s, raises your retirement
age, and reduces the calculation of your pensions among other things. The State is
now appealing to the Illinois Supreme Court to reverse it. We could just sit back
and hope, but that is not a gamble SUAA is willing to take. Our attorneys must
fight the State’s appeal or your pensions could be sliced and diced.
Support SUAA’s Legal Fund NOW with a suggested contribution of one month’s
AAI, in advance of the oral arguments that will take place in March 2015.
(Example: $50,000 x 3% = $1,500 ÷ by 12 months = $125)
Volunteers Needed
The ICC Educational Foundation invites ICC’s retirees to serve on the ICC Scholarship Selection Committee.
It takes a wonderful mix of just the right people to make the best possible committee. We believe retirees
bring the needed qualities and will be a wonderful addition to this already great group of individuals. By
working together to choose the best possible scholarship recipients, the committee greatly contributes to
the success of the entire scholarship program. Every single person who has participated on this committee
has said it was a great and rewarding experience; most do it year after year. Scholarship applications are
viewed via an online process. The committee will meet once at the end
of April or beginning of May 2015 to review the selections and choose
scholarship recipients. If you are interested in serving on the
Scholarship Selection Committee, please contact Erin Bradshaw
at for more information.
March 2015
60 297
By the Numbers
submitted by Ed Smith
I would like to let anyone who receives this
this newsletter know that you are quite
welcome to join our ICCAA email list. You will
receive emails regarding ICCAA activities –
monthly breakfasts, membership meetings,
ICC health insurance updates, obituary
notices – periodically and information
or links to stories of interest to ICC and
SURS retirees. Some times will be
busier than others, e.g., I anticipate
a fair amount of traffic in news stories
sometime in February and March
when the Illinois Supreme Court will
begin taking filings for, hearing arguments
about, and making a ruling on the constitutionality of SB1, the recent pension law. If you want
to receive such notifications just send an email
to the following address and ask to be included.
Be sure to give your full name in the request.
Send to:
You can get on the email list for the State Universities Annuitants Association and
receive updates from that organization by
making a request to:
We have 178 persons on our ICCAA email list. Of those 144 are retirees, 6 are survivors, and 28 are still working. Not all of the
people on the list are ICCAA/SUAA members.
Our ICCAA chapter has 231 members. SUAA has a total of 16,095 members as
of December, 2014 so we are 1.4% of the organization’s membership. SUAA started 2014 with
15,675 members so the year saw an increase
of 420 members or 2.7%. That’s not surprising
given the aging of the workforce at universities
and community colleges and the shenanigans
the legislature has tried to pull off with regard
to pension benefits.
I could use a little help. Lately, each time
I send an email I get six that bounce back
to me as “undeliverable.” It is possible that
these folks changed email providers and did
not let me know. (It is also possible that these
people are sick of getting emails from me and
wish I would just go away). If you are one of the
following persons please let me know if you
want or do not want to continue to receive email
information from ICCAA. If you have contact with
one of the following folks, I would be grateful if
you would bring this message to their attention.
Contact me at:
The persons in question are:
• Betty Doversberger
• Rick Farmer
• Kay Giles
• Don Gordon
• Herb Spinder
• Pam Wilfinger
March 2015
Charles F. Rolinski
GROVELAND – Charles F. Rolinski,
76, of Groveland passed away at
12:33 a.m. Saturday, November 29,
2014, at the OSF Richard L. Owens
Hospice Home in Peoria.
He was born Nov. 22, 1938, in
Streator to Charles James and
Katheryn Isbell Meredith Rolinski
of LaRose.
Surviving are family members, Howard Meredith of Chenoa, Sue Ann Meredith of Round Lake,
Jason (Kim) Meredith of Round Lake Beach, Julie
Meredith of Chenoa, Tanna (Ralph) Krey, Michaele
(Tom) Webber and Michael (Kerry) Leighton, all
of Princeville, Marc (Heather) Leighton of Peoria,
Tanya Drummond of Princeville and Jama (Dennis)
Whetstone of Bartonville.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a
cousin, Kenneth Camp.
Charles graduated from LaRose Community High
School in 1956. In 1960, he received his bachelor
of education from Illinois State University, and in
1970, he received his master’s degree from Eastern Illinois University. From 1956-1960, he served
in the Peace Corps in Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
He began his teaching career in Marengo as a
speech and U.S. history teacher. Charles went on
to teach at Pekin Community High School, Spalding Academy and Richwoods High School and
then spent 26 years at Illinois Central College as a
speech professor. He retired from ICC in 2001, but
continued teaching there part-time, as well as at
Bradley University until 2011.
At ICC, he participated in the Readers’ Theatre
and was director of the Drama Club’s productions.
Charles got great enjoyment from musicals, plays
and classic movies and very much enjoyed taking
friends and family out to dinner. A reception was
held to celebrate his life and a toast in his honor
concluded the reception. Inurnment is at Swan
Lake Memory Gardens in Peoria. In lieu of flowers,
memorial contributions may be made to the ICC
Education Fund.
March 2015
Rita Fischbach
WASHINGTON – Dr. Rita Marie
Fischbach, 72, of Washington,
died at 12:13 a.m. Tuesday,
January 13, 2015.
She was born on June 6, 1942,
in Chicago, to Austin Edward
and Veronica Katherine (Burke)
She attended Our Lady of Peace
Grade School until 7th grade. Rita’s childhood
was very warm and loving. She has a younger
brother, Thomas James, and she had two caring
parents, two grandfathers, and one grandmother
who were very good to her. She also had several
aunts who gave her much attention.
Rita attended Aquinas Dominican High School
in Chicago, as did her mother and several aunts.
She was an extremely strong student and
received many academic awards. Athletics were
not her talent. She attended and graduated from
Marquette University in Milwaukee, a Jesuit
college and majored in mathematics.
She met her husband-to-be, Peter Fischbach, in
a math class when she was a junior. She received
her master’s degree in math from the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1965.
She and Pete were married on Aug. 28, 1965,
and she began teaching math at Marquette. Her
daughter, Anne Marie, was born in 1967. She
taught part time, staying home to be mom. Her
son, Thomas Peter, was born in 1968. Pete joined
IBM in 1969, so the family moved to Omaha,
Neb., with subsequent moves to Springfield,
Wheeling, Ill., and Hoffman Estates. Her daughter,
Carol Lee, was born in 1972. While she focused
on being a great mom, Rita taught math part time
at community colleges in the Chicago suburbs.
In 1976, Pete took a job in Peoria. They settled in
Washington, where they have been living since.
Rita began teaching part time at Illinois Central
College in East Peoria. Her teaching eventually
became full-time as the children grew older and
c o ntinued
professional opportunities arose. Rita received
her Ph.D in vocational education from the
University of Illinois in 1993. To accomplish this,
she went to school for many years part time, and
one year full time, living in Champaign. Opportunities arose at the college, and Rita became
dean of vocational education, and later dean of
liberal arts and science. She held several offices
in professional organizations. She had worked for
Illinois Central College for 28 years as a teacher
and administrator, retiring in 2003.
Surviving are her husband, Pete Fischbach;
daughter, Anne (Tom) Buttolph of Aberdeen, S.D.;
son, Tom (Sue) Fischbach of Brentwood, Tenn.;
and daughter, Carol (John) Clavadetscher of
Chicago. She has nine grandchildren: Austin,
Emily, Nathan, Katie, Sara, Julia, Meghan,
Sean and Audrey, whom she absolutely adored.
Also surviving are her brother, Tom (Marianne)
McDonough of Minnesota; and her foster
daughter, Christelle N’Garsanet, originally from
Cote D’Ivoire.
Rita’s professional activities included
membership and holding office in IMACC (Illinois
Mathematics Association of Community Colleges),
ICTM (Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics), and many other professional math and
teaching organizations.
Rita was a member of St. Patrick Church in
Washington, where she was a member of the
choir and was a driver for medical appointments.
She was a regular Red Cross blood donor,
co-chaired the Pride of Washington cleanup
day for two years, and supported local efforts to
improve the Washington community.
She was a member of the Peoria Chapter of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Rotary Club
of Washington.
She was an avid walker and litter cleaner upper,
enjoyed reading, and spending time with her
family. She and her husband Pete enjoyed
traveling, especially their three trips to Alaska.
A memorial Mass was Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015,
at St. Patrick Church in Washington, held by
Father Steve Willard. A gathering to celebrate the
gift of Rita’s life directly followed the Mass at Five
Points Washington.
Memorials may be made to the Illinois Central
College Foundation Scholarship Fund or the OSF
St. Francis Nursing Scholarship Fund.
Barbara Taylor
PEORIA – Barbara Taylor, 67, of
Peoria, passed away at 7:07 a.m.
Sunday, Jan. 18, 2015, at OSF Saint
Francis Medical Center.Born Dec. 1,
1947, in Omaha, Neb., to Barry and
Emma (Cobbs) Blow, she married
Robert Taylor on July 5, 1974.
Barbara was head registration
clerk at ICC for many years, retiring in
June of 2010.
Barbara is survived by her husband of 40 years,
Robert Taylor; two daughters, Morgan Taylor of
Lewisville, Texas, and Kenzie Tyler of Peoria; one
sister, Helen Houston of Omaha, Neb.; and one
grandson, Aidan Tyler.
She was preceded in death by her parents, two
sisters and one brother.
Funeral services were at on Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015,
at the Church of the Living God Temple 130, with a
visitation at 9 a.m. Elder Felton Beck and Superintendant Eddie Bell officiated. Barbara was laid to rest at
Parkview Cemetery.
Editor’s Note
Information has been received
that retired faculty member
Tom Nelson has died, but no
obituary is available to provide
more details.
March 2015
Prince Dorough
PEKIN – Prince Leon Dorough, 75,
of Pekin, passed away at 10:40 a.m.
Saturday, January 31, 2015 at Pekin
Born May 19, 1939 in Birmingham,
AL to Fred and Gladys (Pearson)
Dorough, he married Angelia Fowler
on October 21, 2001. She survives.
Also surviving are two sons,
Kristopher (Stacy) Dorough of Wilmington, NC and
Andrew (Tara) Dorough of Tucson, AZ; two daughters,
Leigh (Allen) Pridgen of Wilmington, NC and Jessica
Dorough of Pekin; two grandchildren, Aurora and
Garion and one brother, Allen (Pam) Bourgeois of Oak
Park. He was preceded in death by his parents.
A graduate of the University of Montevallo, AL in
1975 with his Bachelor of Music Education Degree,
Prince earned his Master of Music Education from
there in 1979. In 1986 he received his Doctorate in
Music Education from the University of Illinois at
Prince was music educator, teaching for 35 years.
He retired as Associate Professor and Director of
Choral Activities and Music Education at Illinois Central
College in 2009 with 13 years of service. He previously taught as a music educator and director of choral
activities at Mississippi University for Women in
Columbus, MS and Wallace State Community
College in Selma, AL. His first teaching position was
with Southview Junior High School in Danville, IL in
August of 1975. He also had taught at Shades Valley
High School in Birmingham, AL and Palmetto High
School in Palmetto, GA. He will be fondly remembered
as a very passionate music educator who did all things
with passion and great abandon.
Prince was generous to a fault and he never missed
an opportunity to tell the people in his life how much
he loved them.
His memorial service was at 6:30 p.m. Thursday,
February 5, 2015 at Peoria First Church of the
Nazarene. Pastor Mark McCall officiated. There was
no visitation. Cremation has been accorded by
Preston-Hanley Funeral Homes and Crematory in
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial
contributions be made to Illinois Central College
Educational Foundation for a scholarship to be
established in his honor, 1 College Drive, East Peoria,
IL 61635.
Joanne Fought
PEORIA – Joanne “Della” Fought, 83,
of Peoria passed away at 5:55 a.m.
Thursday, February 19, 2015, at
OSF Saint Francis Medical Center.
Joanne was born Oct. 27, 1931,
in Denver, Colorado, to William and
Grace Hoagland. She married John
“Jack” Fought in Denver on Aug. 4,
1951. They moved to Peoria in 1969.
Jack died on Nov. 25, 1998. They
had three sons, John, Jeff and Jason. John and Jeff
preceded her in death, as well as her grandson, Bryan
Fought. Jason lives in Peoria.
Joanne earned her master’s degree in library
science from the University of Illinois in 1974 and
worked as a librarian at Trewyn School and ICC,
retiring in 1988. She also created a library at the
Peoria County Jail and founded the Alpha Park Library
in Bartonville.She was active in many community
organizations, including Common Place and Center
for Prevention of Abuse. Along with her husband,
Jack, she ran the Community Word newspaper for
many years.
Joanne was a leader at the Universalist Unitarian
Church, serving as President of the Board, Chair of
Social Action, on two ministerial search committees,
the Building Committee, UU Women’s Fellowship and
Women in Religion, as well as district and national
A memorial service was held at the Universalist
Unitarian Church, 3000 W. Richwoods Blvd., on
Saturday, Feb. 28. The Reverend Michael Brown
officiated. A reception followed the service.
Arrangements were handled by The Wilton Mortuary.
Memorials may be made to Jason Fought to contribute
to memorial expenses.
If you have fond memories of
Chuck, Rita, Barb,
Prince, or Joanne
that you’d like to share
in a future issue of this newsletter,
please send to
Bob Wegner,
March 2015
Men’s Warm Oatmeal Club
and Marching Society
Friday, March 27, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Jonah’s Restaurant, East Peoria
Hors d’oeuvres, Coffee, Tea, Cash Bar
RSVP by Friday, March 20
Please join us to remember Marilyn Walker, who
passed December 31, 2014
Marilyn's brothers, John and Bill Walker, will
be hosting a gathering in her memory to provide
an informal opportunity for those who knew her to
honor and reminisce about her.
You are welcome to stay for dinner and more
conversation at 6:00 in a private dining room,
with orders from a menu at the diner's expense.
Please RSVP, especially if you plan to stay for
dinner. Contact any one of the following by this
Friday, March 20:
• Leanne Schertz
309-691-3393 or
• Nancy Varness
309-231-3263 or
• Barb Emerson
309-686-1706 or
All dates are on the third Wednesday of each
month. Everything always starts at 8:30 a.m.
March 18 – Denhart’s • Washington Square
April 15 – Diddly’s • North Side of Metamora on 89
May 20 – Gebby’s – North University
June 17 – Wild Berries • War Memorial, West of University
July 15 – Filling Station • Rt. 8, Sunnyland
August 19 – Washington Family Restaurant – Rt. 24
September 16 – Groveland
October 21 – Rt. 74, Goodfield
November 18 – Cracker Barrel • Morton
December 16 – Denhart’s • Washington Square