desso branding book
desso branding book
The Floor is Yours OUR BRANDING BOOK DESSO BRANDING BOOK Published by: Desso Corporate Communications Reproduction in part or in whole of this publication via printing, photocopying, microfilm or any other means, whether within Desso or externally, is expressly forbidden without the written authorization of the Desso’s Corporate Communications Department. © Copyright Desso, 2009. Guardians of the brand The guidelines set out in this branding manual must be followed by all companies operating under the Desso name. Companies wishing to use the Desso brand should consult with the company to ensure plans meet brand standards – which are in place to ensure maximum brand benefit for all Desso’s associates. For more specific advice on how to use the Desso brand and brand identifiers please contact: OUR VALUES WHAT MAKES US GREAT Standards exist to be improved upon, and the high standards we set in our work today present us with our challenges for tomorrow. We are determined to offer our customers the very best possible products, processes, applications and services. This dedication to excellence makes the company successful, and embraces our core brand values. Creativity Ambition Flexibility Cradle to Cradle CREATIVITY We are committed to extending the boundaries of what is achievable. We are constantly striving to create new and improved products and services which provide even better answers to our customers’ needs. AMBITION Desso is a company of enormous drive and ambition. Our strategy is not only to build and strengthen our current markets but to develop and widen our product portfolio. We aim to target activities that will increase our profitability and earnings stability. FLEXIBILITY Desso possesses the ability to change – to respond quickly and effectively to the ever-changing business environment. We remain alert to what our markets and customers require, and can use our knowledge and resources to take any required action swiftly and efficiently. CRADLE TO CRADLE It has always been important to DESSO to make beautiful, beneficial products. Now a new dimension of quality is added to this aim: C2C quality. Under this vision, quality no longer entails merely the tangible properties of the product, but also its effects on humans and the environment in the widest sense possible. It also entails the identity of the company that produced the product. Following are the details of DESSO’s C2C vision. t t t t t %&440XJMMJODPSQPSBUFUIF$$UIJOLJOHJOUPJUTTZTUFNT %&440XJMMBEPQUBHFOFSBMHPBMPGQSPHSFTTGPSUIFJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPG$$ It will periodically seek new C2C horizons for its operation as a company and strive to reach them. %&440XJMMOPUCFMFTTCBECVUUSVMZHPPE5IF$$DBSQFUTXJMMCFQPTJUJWFMZ designed products. No more “using less of the poisonous substances” but careful choice of good materials that do not harm health or environment, leaving the carpet with only its benefits, not its guilt issues. "MMNBUFSJBMXJMMCFOVUSJFOUT1SPEVDUTXJMMCFNBOVGBDUVSFEFOUJSFMZGSPN materials which can be truly recycled, thus re-entering the technical cycle, or safely composted, thus re-entering the biological cycle. 1SPEVDUTXJMMCFEFTJHOFEGPSEJTBTTFNCMZ&BTZEJTBTTFNCMZQSFWFOUT contamination of the material streams and facilitates reutilization. DESSO CORPORATE IDENTITY *CLEAR SPACE AREA An area of clear space must be maintained on all sides of the Desso image logo. To help designers in implementing this rule, we have constructed a framework for clear space based on the height of the letters Desso. REFLECTION OF THE LOGO t t t t t t t t t t t -PHPBQQFBSTJOSFEPSCMBDL *GSFEJTVTFEJUTIPVMECFFJUIFS1.4PSUIF$.:, *GQBJOUDPMPVSTBSFVTFEPOMVVTF3"- 6TFUIFUBHMJOFJOCMBDLPS1.4$PPM(SBZ 5IFQSFGFSSFECBDLHSPVOEDPMPVSGPSUIF%FTTPMPHPJTXIJUF 8IFOXIJUFJTOPUQPTTJCMFVTFBCMBDLCBDLHSPVOE %POPUEJTUPSUPSSFDSFBUFUIFMPHPJOBOZXBZ -PHPTIPVMEOFWFSCFVTFEXJUIPVUUIFUBHMJOF %POPUVTFMPHP-PDLVQT "MXBZTQMBDFUIFMPHPPOUIFSJHIUUPQ %POPUVTFUIFMPHPJOBOZPUIFSXBZBTTIPXOCFMPX D D Logo in Pantone 179 with marked clear space* Tagline in 80% Black or PMS Cool Gray 10 Logo in CMYK with marked clear space* Tagline in 80% Black Logo in 100% Black and the tagline in 80% Black Logo in a black background and the tagline in White CLEAR SPACE AND MINIMUM SIZE .BJOUBJOJOHQSPQFSDMFBSTQBDFQSPUFDUTUIFWJTVBMJEFOUJUZGSPNDPNQFUJUJOHHSBQIJD elements such as text, photography, or background patterns that may otherwise divert attention from the signature. The Desso signature can appear in a variety of sizes depending on the layout and image area, but at some sizes legibility can be compromised. To protect against this, a minimum size has been established: The %FTTPMPHPTIPVMEOFWFSCFSFQSPEVDFETNBMMFSUIBODNXJEUI5IJTJTGPSUIF readability of the Desso tagline. 35mm 2,1mm .BJOUBJOJOHQSPQFSDMFBSTQBDFGPSFYBNQMFUIF%FTTPMPHPPGNNXJEUIPOB" paper. And always put the logo at the upper right corner. 10mm 44mm 10mm DESSO COLOURS AND TYPEFACE REPRODUCING THE COLOURS Using Desso brand colours A consistency of colour is important regardless of media – the Desso shade JT1"/50/&BOEDPMPVSNBUDITIFFUTBSFTVQQMJFEXJUIUIJTHVJEFGPS easy reference, ensuring the right result every time. It is also imperative that a consistent colour is carried through all e-media productions and the Desso shade is faithfully reproduced in all web content and PowerPoint presentations. DESSO brand colours CMYK: 0/85/100/0 PANTONE PMS 179 CMYK: 0/80/0/0 DESSO, a Cradle to Cradle company (only in Bold) CMYK: 95/0/100/0 PANTONE PMS 355 RGB: 0/149/53 PANTONE PMS Cool Gray 10 TYPEFACES As an international brand Desso is aware of the need for global consistency in copy in both internal and external publications. For this reason all company copy should be presented in the Helvetica Neue LT Pro or Universe typefaces. For internet Arial is suitable. For extra attention or design possibilities we have the Elca Media Stencil type font. It contains only the DESSO name and numbers. DESSO 1234567890 NEW HELVETICA NEUE LT PRO THIN abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:; NEW HELVETICA NEUE LT PRO ROMAN abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NEW HELVETICA NEUE LT PRO BOLD abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NEW HELVETICA NEUE LT PRO HEAVY abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ARIAL Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg UNIVERSE Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg NEW HELVETICA NEUE LT PRO THIN ITALIC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NEW HELVETICA NEUE LT PRO ITALIC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NEW HELVETICA NEUE LT PRO MEDIUM ITALIC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NEW HELVETICA NEUE LT PRO HEAVY ITALIC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ USE OF THE CRADLE TO CRADLE LOGO Below you will find the rules regarding the use of the Cradle to Cradle logo: t5IF$SBEMFUP$SBEMF® Trademark logo is only for internal use, EPEA has to give their approval for all special cases in which we want to use this logo externally. t5IF$SBEMFUP$SBEMF$FSUJmDBUJPONBSLSFMBUFTUP%&440TQSPEVDUDFSUJmDBUJPOBOE can be used only combined with DESSO’s certified products. For DESSO in general the following pay off can be used: DESSO, a Cradle to Cradle company 1.4$.:,3(# If there are any questions or doubts regarding the use of the Cradle to Cradle logo QMFBTFDPOUBDU$FOUSBM.BSLFUJOH THE WRITTEN WORD THE WRITTEN WORD Desso is a company that strives to improve the lives of those with whom we deal. We want to work with our customers to create solutions to their needs. All our written communications should reflect this attitude. All written communication should bolster the Desso brand identity not only with what we are saying but also with how we are saying it. The following guidelines will ensure that our writing makes the right impression every time. Be reader friendly: t 8SJUJOHTUZMFTIPVMESFnFDUUIFTUZMFPGTQFDJmDDVTUPNFSTBOETIPVMEGFFM familiar, not uncomfortable to them. t 5IFJOUFSFTUTPGUIFSFBEFSTIPVMECFQBSBNPVOUJOBMMDPNNVOJDBUJPOT t 8SJUJOHTIPVMECFDMFBSBOEDPODJTF t "EESFTTUIFSFBEFSUIFZTIPVMEGFFMUIFDPNNVOJDBUJPOJTBJNFEBUUIFN personally. THINK INSPIRATIONALLY Think inspirationally: t 6TFBOBDUJWFOPUQBTTJWFTUZMFoJUJTOPUBDBTFPGXIBU%FTTPADPVMEPS AXPVMEEPCVUXIBUXFADBOBOEAXJMM t $IPPTFXPSETUIBUSFnFDUUIFWJUBMJUZBOEESJWFPGUIFDPNQBOZoVTJOH more verbs than nouns will bring life to the written word. t 5IJOLQPTJUJWFVTFDBOEPMBOHVBHFBWPJEUIFVTFPGOFHBUJWFTFWFOGPS the sake of comparison, as they can cause text to jar, and may give the wrong impression to readers. Look forward: t 8IJMFXFBSFBDPNQBOZUIBUJTQSPVEPGJUTIJTUPSZJUJTJNQPSUBOUUIBUPVS clients see us looking to the future – so pick a sensible starting point for your communications. t 'PDVTPOXIBUXFBSFEPJOHBOEXIBUXFJOUFOEUPEPSBUIFSUIBOXIBU we have done. RULES AND REGULATIONS 45"5*0/"3:-&55&34"/%&/7&-01&4 Placing logos Logo should be placed at the upper right hand corner of a header page. With the exception of the envelopes and the business cards. Envelopes %FTTPVTFT"FOWFMPQFTCPUIXJUIBOEXJUIPVUXJOEPXTBTTUBOEBSE8IFO other envelope sizes are used the placement of the sending department and Desso logo remain the same, as do the size and colour specification to allow maximum space for franking. Fax headers Fax header forms are printed in a larger typeface than other stationary to ensure there is no loss of legibility through transmission. The Floor is Yours P.O. Box 169 5140 AD Waalwijk The Netherlands The Floor is Yours &OWFMPQFTYNN Letterhead Compliments slips When producing compliments slips it is important that maximum space is available for personalisation. Labelling To avoid incurring extra printing costs for larger envelopes, address labels can be VTFE5IFMBCFMTQSPWJEFEBSFJOBO"GPSNBUXJUIFJHIUMBCFMTUPFBDITIFFUoUIFZ can be used in all standard printers. Business cards In keeping with our aim of an instantly recognisable corporate identity, Desso employees around the world must carry business cards presented in the same size and format. Information on the cards, such as job title and contact details, should be presented working up from the bottom of the card. The Floor is Yours P.O. Box 169 5140 AD Waalwijk The Netherlands &OWFMPQFTYNN The Floor is Yours P.O. Box 169 The Floor is Yours 5140 AD Waalwijk The Netherlands Desso B.V. Taxandriaweg 15 5142 PA Waalwijk The Netherlands Tel. +31(0)416 xxxxxx Fax +31(0)416 xxxxxx Address lables Business cards Employee Name Job Title Mob. +31 (0)6 xxxxxx &."*-4*(/"563& In order to remain consistent in our external communication, e-mail signature should be homogenous and follow the format below: Name Title /PUJmDBUJPOTGPSFYBNQMFA*XJMMCFPVUPGUIFPGmDFFWFSZ8FEOFTEBZ Tel: Fax: .PCJMF E-mail: Arial font should be used in e-mails. In Lotus Notus you can open preferences and DIPPTFJOUIFUBCMFUUFSIFBEA1MBJO5FYU"MXBZTVTFBXIJUFCBDLHSPVOEBOECMBDL text. Use as pay-off DESSO, a Cradle to Cradle company. YOUR NATURAL CHOICE FOR EXCELLENCE IN FLOOR COVERING The Floor is Yours Desso Leisure and Travel boasts a global reputation for the superb custom-made and stock floor coverings we supply to prestigious hotels worldwide, with ranges including Axminster & Wilton woven and Colortec & Crossover tufted wall-to-wall carpets. Anyone who embarks on a major build or refit of the hotel will have quality and a smooth installation as first priorities. We offer these all the time, every time, making DESSO your natural choice for excellence in floor covering for the hotel industry. Supira’s rich structure and strong colours offer multiple design options within one product. Its subtle high-low weave simultaneously gives the impression of soft, voluminous carpeting and strong, bold flooring. Small highlight stripes in multiple bright colours, against a dark background palette of anthracites, blues, browns and reds, create the impression of a two layer effect in the carpet. The contrasting – but harmoniously matched – colours mean that Supira combines superbly with other interior elements, and within different colour schemes. Part of the CARPETECTURE® Colour Dimensions collection. For more information, please visit our website Example of the Portrait adverts CARPETECTURE® is a new way of thinking, one that uses elements from modern international architecture to create emotionally expressive carpet designs. It is also the driving force behind the new Desso CARPETECTURE® collection: “Pure Lines”. A collection that includes the new products Trax, Connect and Scape, and embodies the tactile qualities of natural building materials such as wood and stone. A combination that creates a true platform for confidence and well-being. Discover more about CARPETECTURE® at Example of the Landscape adverts $0..6/*$"5*0/4500-4 Landscape adverts Whatever format Desso advertising takes it is important that powerful images are carefully incorporated to draw the reader’s eye. Eye-catching images should be teamed with inspirational tag-lines, which should always reflect Desso’s five core brand values of creativity, ambition, flexibility, responsibility and Cradle to Cradle. For Carpetecture ads please use: t JOTQJSBUJPOQIPUP t DMPTFVQBOE t BQQMJDBUJPOQIPUP Portrait adverts The outline process for creating advertising can be applied to adverts in any format created for any purpose – such as specialised recruitment campaigns. Standard recruitment advertisements should adhere to the portrait advertisements shown on the left. Posters or Panels Below is a example of a poster or banner. The Floor is Yours Y Neo Flux BRIGHT LINES EXPRESSIVE COLOURS CLEAN AND ELEGANT 9111* 9504* 2025* 2914* 9095* 4411* 2921+ 9053* 9514+ 2951* 2111+ 9032* 9051+ 3411* 2922* * 2121* 6303 9975* 8811* 9512* 9965* 8521* 4311* 9104* 2941* Carpet tile 50x50 cm/ Bahnenware Loop pile 18 colours Brick*/ Chequerboard+ 9501* Example of the Panels 7117 The colour range is rich and diverse, with a combination of warm naturals and strong bright colours. Flux is available as carpet tile and broadloom allowing for combination possibilities in both colour and installation. Neo’s strong accents bring vibrant colours into an interior without being too overwhelming. Neo Core adds combination possibilities with the expressive Neo allowing creation of individual floor design. Carpet tile 50x50 cm Loop pile 8 colours Neo*/ Neo Core+ Monolithic/ Brick Y Yours 9502+ 8901* 8811+ 9511* 9980+ 9990* 9502+ The Floor is Yours The Floor is Yours DESSO: Cradle to Cradle Company New dawn for DESSO Cradle to Cradle at DESSO Products will have been produced using manufacturing processes which: Rely on renewable energy Seek to conserve water Strive to embrace social responsibility Our new design objective is to ensure that our products: are made from environmentally friendly materials are good for human health can be biologically or technically recycled at the end of their useful lives Cradle to Cradle at DESSO Four Seasons 2 The Floor is Yours CONTRACT CARPETS DESSO Contract Carpets is a leading European manufacturer of high quality, durable contract carpets and carpet tiles for commercial applications such as offices, public buildings, banks, schools, universities, retail shops and hospitals. Product Split: Tiles Broadloom 80% 20% 2008 Figures Corporate Presentation DESSO Group POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS PowerPoint presentations are on the white background with the Desso logo in the upper right hand corner. Above you see pages of a PowerPoint Presentation of Cradle to Cradle and a Corporate Presentation. Note: The nature of Desso’s business means that we produce a wide variety of printed materials. It is important, however, that any material bearing the Desso brand, whether a floor covering brochure or our annual company report, accurately reflects the Desso brand identity as outlined in this branding manual. When reproducing the Desso logo the colours should be matched as advised in this manual, with the supplied colour match sheets used for reference if necessary. BROCHURE DESIGN The cover of any brochure will be the first thing noted by readers, so use of the signature Desso red is important, as is the inclusion of brand identifiers such as the Desso logo. t %&440CSPDIVSFTTVDIBTTFHNFOU$BSQFUFDUVSFDPSQPSBUFTIPVMEBMXBZT IBWFUIFGPSNBUYDN t %&440CSPDIVSFTXIJDIIBWFNPSFBOJOGPSNBUJWFQSBDUJDBMSPMFQSJDFMJTU 'PVOEBUJPO TIPVMEBMXBZTIBWFUIFGPSNBU" Hospitality SUSTAINABILITY OUR GREEN BOOK Aircraft Carpets A Great Start for the Perfect Finish A Great Start for the Perfect Finish Example of the Brochure design CONCERTINA DESIGN 5IFDPODFSUJOBJTBOJDFTNBMMYDNGPMEFEJOGPSNBUJPOCVMMFUJO"OFYBNQMFPGB concertina you can see below. ARCHITECTURE IS SOMETIMES DESCRIBED AS THE CARPET BECOMES MORE THAN A FLOOR COVERING. an ‘Experiential Encounter‘. Because it stimulates spatial perception, volumetric perspective and self-awareness. It performs alongside other architectural elements. Intensifying the sensation. PURE 6 COLOURS Product type: Tile/ Loop Pile Installation: Chequerboard only 2924 9503 2922 9501 9091 8901 Pure Lines DESSO | Hitching Court, Abingdon Business Park | Oxon OX14 1RB | United Kingdom T. +44 1235 554 848 | F. +44 1235 553 583 | E. | PURE LINES PURE 9091 Inspired by the linear effects of building strata and parallel forms that run throughout a building and its very fabric. PURE LINES PURE 9501 Celebrates the repeated familiarity of movement in nature: fields of corn, forests of trees, rays of sunshine. PURE LINES For this reason the CARPETECTURE® Pure Lines collection uses natural toned colours, structure and volume. Pure is a modern office tile with a subtle rib-effect, which adds depth and dimension for a warmer, more natural environment - even in a commercial setting. The neutral palette focuses on blue, grey and brown - easy to combine with other interior products such as office furniture and textiles. PURE LINES PURE 2924 PANEL WALL In the design of the Panel Walls a clear DESSO logo and DESSO branding must be used, focus on the visual aspect and only one message must be used. t 4J[FNUSYNUS ROLL-UPS In the design of the roll-ups a clear DESSO logo and DESSO branding must be used, focus on the visual aspect and only one message per roll-ups must be used. t 4J[FDNYDN &9)*#*5*0/45"/%4 Use of the DESSO logo may differ because of different products and print possibilities. To avoid duplication of work and ensure brand consistncy final approval OFFETUPCFHJWFOCZ$FOUSBM.BSLFUJOH 1. Size: 4 m x 3 m 2. Size 5 m x 3 m .&3$)"/%*4*/(&9".1-&4 Use of DESSO logo may differ because of different products and print possibilities. To avoid duplication of work and ensure brand consistency final approval needs to be HJWFOCZ$FOUSBM.BSLFUJOH Example: DESSO pen DESSO usb stick & box logo size: 41x15mm Example: DESSO t-shirt front back SIGNAGE Signs designating Desso premises should clearly show the brand logo, although the name of a department or division can also be included. The design of the signage may be dependent on architectural factors, which may preclude the use of first choice designs in some situations. Cost is also a factor in such designs. It is important to consider the legibility of signage to both visitors and passers-by. Both neon and painted signs are approved by Desso but all must incorporate the designated Desso colours. Promotional presence All Desso premises are asked to demonstrate corporate unity by flying the Desso flag. The company flag has been designed to be a recognisable beacon of our brand as a whole. As such it must not bear the name of any single department or division, which could detract from the unified image it is there to represent. DESSO FLAG To create awareness that DESSO products are actively being sold in this store. .FTTBHFOFFETUPCFDMFBS HOSPITALITY For hospitality ads please use: t JOTQJSBUJPOQIPUP t DMPTFVQPGUIFEFTJHO t BQQMJDBUJPOQIPUP Always use the slogan: “custom hospitality carpets ” on the right or MFGUTJEFJOMJOFXJUIUIF%&440MPHPPSUIFUFYUPOUIFMFGUTJEFJOB"GPSNBUNN below the DESSO logo. Other formats should be in adjust. 5IFUFYUAIPTQJUBMJUZTIPVMECFJOUZQFGBDF4BHPF1SJOUBOEBMXBZTUXJDFBTCJHBTUIF UFYUADVTUPNBOEADBSQFUT'PSFYBNQMFADVTUPNBOEADBSQFUTJOQUBOEIPTQJUBMJUZ JOQU5IFUFYUADVTUPNBOEADBSQFUTNVTUCFJOB6OJWFST-U4UE-JHIU The Floor is Yours The Floor is Yours custom hospitality carpets custom hospitality carpets De Axminster collectie is de meest luxe uit de serie van de DESSO collecties. Door het gebruik van verschillende designs is er altijd een Axminster design te vinden die volledig aansluit bij uw smaak en wensen. Alleen al de gedachte om met blote voeten over het tapijt te kunnen lopen creëert een gevoel van rijkdom. Deze prachtige tapijten omvatten een groot scala aan kleuren. De Axminster collectie is de meest luxe uit de serie van de DESSO collecties. Door het gebruik van verschillende designs is er altijd een Axminster design te vinden die volledig aansluit bij uw smaak en wensen. Alleen al de gedachte om met blote voeten over het tapijt te kunnen lopen creëert een gevoel van rijkdom. Deze prachtige tapijten omvatten een groot scala aan kleuren. Kijk voor uw dichtstbijzijnde kantoor op onze website: Kijk voor uw dichtstbijzijnde kantoor op onze website: HOME Examples of a DESSO home ad: The Floor is Yours The Floor is Yours De Royal collectie is de meest luxe uit de serie van de DESSO collecties. Door zowel mat als glans garens te gebruiken is er altijd een Royal type te vinden die volledig aansluit bij uw smaak en wensen. Alleen al de gedachte om met blote voeten over het tapijt te kunnen lopen creëert een gevoel van rijkdom. Deze prachtige tapijten omvatten een kleurgamma voor de trendy interieuren. Kijk voor uw dichtstbijzijnde Royal dealer op onze website: De Royal collectie is de meest luxe uit de serie van de DESSO collecties. Door zowel mat als glans garens te gebruiken is er altijd een Royal type te vinden die volledig aansluit bij uw smaak en wensen. Alleen al de gedachte om met blote voeten over het tapijt te kunnen lopen creëert een gevoel van rijkdom. Deze prachtige tapijten omvatten een kleurgamma voor de trendy interieuren. Kijk voor uw dichtstbijzijnde Royal dealer op onze website: Below you see an example of a DESSO home flyer front and back: The Floor is Yours CHRYSTAL ASTERANNE Sentez lachaleur agréable du tapis DESSO. Jouissez d’une atmosphère confortable de ce produit de ce naturel haut de gamme. Faites confiance dans la qualité, la durabilité des moquettes DESSO, produits traités et fabiqués pour une très grande résistance à la salissure et apportant un air plus sain pour les occupants. Le Sentiment La Qualité SABANA Entourez-vous des nuances de couleurs subtiles et relaxantes. GOYA Le Confort Profitez d’un entretien très facile et efficace avec le conseil professionnel de votre fabricant DESSO. Consultez notre site internet: Bénéficiez des qualités acoustiques de la moquette pour atténuer le bruit des jeux d’enfants. Entourez-vous des nuances de couleurs contemporaines, et créezune atmosphère chaleureuse. La Couleur La vue L’accoustique INOVA TWIN GOYA INOVA TWIN GOYA CONGA All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Copyright © Desso 2009.
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