nearing - Maranatha Volunteers International


nearing - Maranatha Volunteers International
A Weekend Celebrating World Missions
OCTOBER 2-3, 2015
Convention Overview
9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Shaping the Mission Experience: A seminar on Maranatha
project leadership
Learn how to set priorities and purpose, create positive experiences, organize a team
and schedule, and shape expectations as a project leader. Anyone can join, but the
session is designed for current and potential project leaders. Presented by David
Lopez, director of volunteer projects at Maranatha Volunteers International, and the
volunteer services team. Lunch will be provided.
3:00 p.m.
Building a Legacy: A seminar on planned giving
Learn the importance of creating a trust and how proper estate planning can benefit
you and your family. Presented by Tim Murphrey, JD, CPA, and owner of Capital
Wealth Management.
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Evening Program
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Morning Program
12:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Afternoon Program
The welcome desk is located at the center lobby of the church. Also, any Maranatha
staff member wearing a blue lanyard will be happy to assist you.
Your nametag is your meal ticket for Sabbath lunch.
The weekend program will be broadcast live on 3ABN and Hope Church Channel.
Thank you for silencing your electronic devices.
Convention Program
7:00 p.m.
“Coming Again” Wintley Phipps
Welcome & Prayer Don & Laura Noble
A Changed Life Kimberly Miracle
The Value of a Church Danny Poljak
“Amazing Love” Wintley Phipps
Maranatha in Zimbabwe & Zambia David Woods
The Impact in Zimbabwe Makhosiwonke Moyo
A Mission Field in Oregon Randy Thornton
“Kumbaya” Wintley Phipps
Maranatha in the Middle East & North Africa Gilberto Araujo
Supporting the Mission Kyle Fiess
The Big God That Could Jay Prall
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Lisa Anderson
Musical Selections Wintley Phipps
Benediction Mary Johnson
Convention Program
10:00 a.m.
Welcome & Prayer Kenneth Weiss
Connecting to Christ Through Service Kia Kraulik & Kim Kraulik
Maranatha in India Ezras Lakra, Measapogu Wilson
“Let There Be Peace on Earth” Wintley Phipps
Maranatha in Cuba Don Noble
One-Day Churches of Hope Julie Lee
Congregational Singing Calvin Knipschild
Welcome Don Noble & Al Reimche
Responsive Reading Paul & Shelley Stokstad
Prayer Jim Pedersen
Maranatha in Brazil Geovani Queiroz & Leonino Santiago
Maranatha in Southern Africa Paul Ratsara
Maranatha in East-Central Africa Blasius Ruguri
A Reason for Giving: Offering Appeal Bruce Fjarli & Kenneth Weiss
Offertory Cheri Carrick
Maranatha in South America Erton Köhler
“I Surrender All” Wintley Phipps
Benediction Dan Weber
Please join us for lunch, served in the lobby, followed by the afternoon program.
Responsive Reading
LEADER Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord. (Psalm 31:24)
GROUP The great day of the Lord is near, near and coming quickly.
(Zephaniah 1:14)
LEADER And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)
GROUP The Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
(Matthew 24:44)
LEADER Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear
a second time… to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him. (Hebrews 9:28)
GROUP Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. (Titus 2:13)
LEADER For in just a little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay. (Hebrews 10:37)
GROUP Yes, be patient. And take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near. ( James 5:8)
LEADER He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” (Revelation 22:20)
ALL Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)
ALL Jesus is coming! MARANATHA!
Convention Program
2:00 p.m.
Welcome & Prayer Karen Godfrey
Experiencing God Kurt Bower
Building a Stronger Church Lenson Wong
An Extracurricular Mission Zoila Gordon
The Maranatha Story in Brazil Elmer Barbosa
A Look Ahead: Upcoming Projects Kyle Fiess
Wintley Phipps
A Family of Service Dina Ramirez
Nearing Home Kenneth Weiss
“This Little Light of Mine” Wintley Phipps
Benediction Tasha Schellenberg
Take a look into the heart of missions with Maranatha Mission Stories, a television
series that will touch your life. In each episode, viewers will join Maranatha on a halfhour adventure around the world to witness the exciting growth of the Gospel message.
Schedule (times are in Pacific Standard Time)
3ABN Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Sabbath, 2:00 p.m.
Hope Channel
Sabbath, 5:30 p.m.; Sunday, 8:30 p.m.; Wednesday, 3:30 p.m.
Blue Mountain TV Friday, 5:30 p.m.; Sabbath, 10:00 a.m.; Sunday, 8:30 p.m.
Better Life TV
Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, 10:30 p.m.
Weekend Presenters
Wintley Phipps is a Grammy Award-nominated vocal
artist, pastor, motivational speaker, and education activist. He
has performed for many notable occasions around the world,
including as the guest soloist for the Presidential Inaugural Prayer
Service, which was attended by President Barack Obama and
First Lady Michelle Obama.
Gilberto Araujo, director for the Adventist Church in the East Mediterranean Region
Erton Köhler, president of the Adventist Church in South America
Ezras Lakra, president of the Adventist Church in Southern Asia
Makhosiwonke Moyo, treasurer of the Adventist Church in Zimbabwe
Jim Pedersen, president of the Adventist Church in Northern California
Geovani Queiroz, president of the Adventist Church in Eastern Brazil
Paul Ratsara, president of the Adventist Church in Southern Africa
Al Reimche, president of the Adventist Church in Oregon
Blasius Ruguri, president of the Adventist Church in Eastern Africa
Leonino Santiago, president of the Adventist Church in Northeastern Brazil
Dan Weber, communication director for the Adventist Church in North America
Measapogu Wilson, secretary of the Adventist Church in Southern Asia
Don Noble, president
Laura Noble, donor relations
Kenneth Weiss, vice president
Kyle Fiess, vice president of
marketing and projects
Karen Godfrey, vice president of
Julie Lee, director of marketing
Elmer Barbosa, country director,
David Woods, North American
projects director
Lisa Anderson
Kurt Bower
Bruce Fjarli
Zoila Gordon
Mary Johnson
Kia Kraulik
Kim Kraulik
Kimberly Miracle
Danny Poljak
Jay Prall
Dina Ramirez
Tasha Schellenberg
Paul & Shelley Stokstad
Randy Thornton
Lenson Wong
Cheri Carrick
Calvin Knipschild
Staying Connected
Sign up to receive weekly email updates about what’s happening in the mission field,
upcoming volunteer opportunities, and other stories about Maranatha. Send your
name and email address to
Are you a project leader or hoping to be one in the future? Sign up for our monthly
email newsletter for project leaders. You’ll receive helpful tips about planning a
mission trip and other news about projects.
Watch your favorite videos and segments about missions on the Maranatha YouTube
channel. Go to to watch. You can also subscribe to
the channel and automatically receive updates via email.
You can now watch Maranatha Mission Stories on the Maranatha Channel. Available
exclusively through Roku, the Maranatha Channel offers segments from our
television show along with never-aired interviews and clips from the mission field.
Roku is a device that allows you to watch internet-based programming on a TV set
without a computer. If you have a Roku device, simply subscribe to our Maranatha
Channel to begin watching!
You Can Support the Mission
As a non-profit organization, Maranatha relies on the support of volunteers and
donors to fulfill our mission to provide urgently needed buildings around the world.
Here are some ways you can help Maranatha.
This simple program invites you to give just $10
a month to go toward the full construction of a
church. The combined $10 donations of thousands
of supporters provide enough funds to build one
church a month—sometimes more!
The One-Day Church is a program that builds
a church for minimal funds and in one day.
Maranatha also builds One-Day Schools. You can
make a donation to this program or sponsor an
entire church or school.
In addition to the One-Day Program, Maranatha
builds churches and schools in various sizes and
designs. These buildings are finished with blocked
walls, stucco, and paint. Cost and availability
depend on location. To support these projects, you
can make a donation toward a specific country or
sponsor an entire church or school.
People interested in service can volunteer with
Maranatha in two ways. The first is by joining
a project that Maranatha organizes in full. The
second way is by recruiting your own team and
having Maranatha help with the details.
Where We Need Your Help
Maranatha responds to requests for Seventh-day Adventist churches and
schools around the world. In the last few years, Maranatha has received
requests totaling more than 180,000 churches and schools from countries all
over the world.
Throughout the convention we will share some of the needs around the world
related to spreading the Gospel message. We then pray that the Holy Spirit
will impress upon each person to respond to the opportunity to share their
financial resources that God has entrusted them with.
Donations can be made online at Maranatha’s website, or by using the attached envelope. All donations to
Maranatha are tax-deductible.
Over the past couple years, Maranatha has built
300 One-Day Church kits in 224 locations in
Angola. While we continue to build churches, we
are also planning to fulfill a need for schools with
200 One-Day School classrooms and an Education
and Evangelism Center. All of these projects need
your help with funding.
Maranatha has built 563 One-Day Churches in
Brazil so far. We are only halfway through fulfilling
the request for 1,000 churches in the north and
northeast regions of the country, and membership
continues to grow rapidly. You can help by
sponsoring a One-Day Church in Brazil.
After decades of waiting for permits, Maranatha
received permission to start renovations on the
Cardenas Adventist Church. However, construction
in Cuba is expensive, and Cardenas needs more
funding—will you make a donation?
Maranatha has worked in the Dominican Republic
since the 1970s, then in 1992, 2002, and again
in 2013. The impact of this work is the continual
increase in Adventist membership! And more
membership means a need for more churches. You
can help congregations in the Dominican Republic
by making a donation.
India is a place where many people have not yet
heard the Gospel! You can help to share the Good
News by donating to Maranatha’s efforts in India.
Currently, we are working in the northeastern part
of the country to provide churches and schools.
Maranatha is in discussions to provide assistance to
Kenya, in the form of churches and schools. Talk to
us about how you can be one of the early supporters
of our effort in Kenya!
Each year Maranatha coordinates about a dozen
projects in North America. These are in response
to requests for renovation or construction assistance
from churches, schools, and other Seventh-day
Adventist organizations. While Maranatha does
not fundraise for these projects, we mobilize
volunteers to provide labor.
Two years ago, Panama asked Maranatha to
provide churches for the growing membership and
a school campus in Santiago. We are continuing
to work in Panama, and we could use your help
funding these projects.
Maranatha is in discussions to provide assistance to
Uruguay, in the form of a school. Talk to us about
how you can be one of the early supporters of our
effort in Uruguay!
Adventist Church membership in Zambia is among
the largest in the world. But there is a shortage of
worship space. Maranatha has built more than
365 churches in Zambia, in addition to school
classrooms. But there are congregations that have
not yet been helped! You can make a difference by
sponsoring a church in Zambia.
For the past four years, Maranatha has constructed
more than 320 One-Day Churches throughout
Zimbabwe, plus school buildings. In 2014,
Maranatha kicked off a new effort to provide water
wells in communities where a Maranatha school
or church has been constructed. Talk to us about
how you can give for a water well or donate for a
Maranatha relies on your donations to fulfill the
mission to provide churches and schools. You can make
a donation by using the envelope provided, visiting, or scanning the QR code below.
Maranatha Volunteers International
990 Reserve Drive, Suite 100
Roseville, CA 95678
(916) 774-7700