Light The World


Light The World
Summer 2009
Light the World for $20
We are encouraged to see how God is blessing the projects we are currently involved in and would like to do
even more to expand the work in other fields. Every month we receive several requests from around the world,
from Australia to Zimbabwe, to come and conduct one-month training schools and help establish health
ministries. Unfortunately we are not able to meet all the requests because of two things: not enough
missionary teachers and inadequate funds.
The $20 Light the World project helps fulfill this need by encouraging hundreds of people to contribute just
$20 a month toward the training of thousands of missionaries. In 2009 L.I.G.H.T. will train an estimated
1000 workers in twenty countries on six continents. We could do much more if we had more money to pay
stipends to our missionary teachers and develop self-supporting industries. For only $5 a week you can touch
someone’s life in a dramatic way. Listen to Roberto’s testimony of how a recent L.I.G.H.T. training impacted
After my near death experience with cancer and having so many people praying for me, we all noticed
my aggressive attitude was much less. My life has changed after this school and I feel great peace now.
God has used these instructors who are full of the Holy Spirit and bring this health experience to us
showing us how true Christians should live. My wife told me that she felt the Medical Missionary teachers
faces looked like angels.
How it Started
The initial idea for the $20 Light the World project was patterned after Maranatha Volunteer International’s
$10 Church project. Since 1988, their program has built more than 200 churches in 24 countries.
In reality though, this type of project dates back much further. In 1879 a group of church members in
Michigan covenanted with one another to set aside a dime each week to build their long awaited church. Not
only did this project build the Dime tabernacle, it also built a strong sense of community among the members.
Inspired by the success of these projects we eagerly anticipate the rapid expansion of lay-training schools that
God will bring about.
How it Works
Each month L.I.G.H.T. will choose one or several projects to receive the funds raised through the $20 Light
the World project. We encourage individuals, families, church groups and various humanitarian aid
organizations to consider partnering with us as we train people around the world to share the gospel through
medical missionary work. It is easy to begin, simply visit our website at and click on
the get involved link and choose donate from the dropdown menu. You may either set up an automatic credit
card payment or mail your monthly gift. You may cancel at anytime. Thank you for prayerfully considering
this project.
For more information please contact:
Rodney Bowes
Field Director
Lay Institute for Global Health Training
+1 (706) 820-9804
“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of
the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6

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