September 2006 - Kingdom Builders Ministries | Jamaica
September 2006 - Kingdom Builders Ministries | Jamaica
Kingdom Builders Ministry Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of widows. Isaiah 1:17 (NLT) August / Sept. 2006 James W. Koch & Penie M. Koch Founders & Directors 168 South Sea Park, Whitehouse, Westmoreland, Jamaica (876) 963-5827 Board of Directors James W. Koch KBM Penie M. Koch KBM Kevin R. Kreft Pilot—Delta Airlines Andrew D. Babel Senior Tech. Premier Internet. William G. Bennett Mktg.Mgr. Cin. Tyrolit Michael W. Koch President—Fitness Mgt. Alex Blaine CEO—Blaine Pharm. Mary E. Kreft Treasurer Homemaker Please send all contributions and official mail to : KBM 6800 Hazel Court, Florence, KY 41042-1399 Busy would be an understatement! This summer has been packed full of activity! To the right you see Novlette’s twin girls, Amaya & Amoya, who were born May 16, 2006. Mother and girls are all well. Novlette rents a home from her aunt in Petersville near her mom. Her mom baby-sits when Novlette works at Sandals. We enjoy occasional visits from all three as you can see here to the right— “Grandma Penie” is holding Amaya. 1st Annual KBM Golf Outing was very successful in raising funds and having fun! God gave us a beautiful day to enjoy family & friends while most hit the little white balls around Hickory Sticks Golf Course. We shared a great meal and many donated prizes. A silent auction contributed to the grand total of funds raised by this event. There will definitely be a 2nd Annual KBM Golf Outing! A special THANK YOU to all who help make the outing the huge success that is was! The funds raised by the golf outing helped send this container the following week! With the help of many and contributions from many more, a 45 foot container was filled and shipped to My Father’s House. Items were shared with other schools, homes and ministries as well as distributed to needy families KBM ministers to on a regular basis. Residents of My Father’s House were blessed with many nice furnishings, clothes, toys for birthdays and Christmas as well as much food. THANK YOU to all who donated, loaded, unloaded, reloaded and prayed!!!! Visit to learn more and see all the pictures! In My Father’s House there are many SERVANTS! Alex, Jackie and their son, Daniel, enjoyed caring for the children along with Steve, Sherine and Kristina while Jim, Penie and Jordan were in the USA in May. Boy, that’s a lot of names! It takes a lot to keep the home going. KBM is thankful for those who come and serve, like the Blaine family. We also give thanks to the many who send helpers and finances to keep Jim & Penie Koch on the field. Together, we make a tremendous difference in many lives! Summer Camp 2006 A summer stuffed full of activity was made possible for the resident children of My Father’s House by the planning and supervision of Paul & Dulcie Bushhorn who served as interns at My Father’s House this summer. Paul & Dulcie were accompanied by their four children, (left to right) Hannah, Jaycee, Alyssa & Levi. The entire family served faithfully as part of My Father’s House for the summer. A magnificent time of wholesome competition was had by all. Each day began with our “family” devotion typically followed by an outside activity until lunch. After lunch, the children had quiet time before beginning an indoor competition since it frequently rains on summer afternoons. Every day was filled with enjoyment resulting in points being earned according to the team’s accomplishments of that day. In the end, Power Strikers came out on top, Mighty Lions were second and Star Fire took third place. All participants earned an ice-cream sunday and the Power Strikers celebrated their victory at Ruby’s, a local chicken joint. THANK YOU BUSHHORNS! PROM 2006 With Rochelle’s graduation came a My Father’s House tradition called PROM. All of our teens and their friends dress formally— thanks to your many donations of beautiful clothes—for an evening of dinner and dancing on our deck decked out in twinkle lights. The younger double digit tweenies serve their older siblings and friends under the stars. My Father’s House teens are pictured here with Sherine, Kristina & Steve, wonderful friends of the “family”! Clough United Methodist Church had an active week in Jamaica in June! The team from the east side of Cincinnati, OH conducted devotions in the morning at local schools. Beenie Babies were given out as an example of a free gift like God the Father has given us salvation through Christ. To the right you see the team ministering to the children at Culloden Basic School. This team also conducted a Vacation Bible School at My Father’s House where about 50 students from town joined us each day for the fun activities including music, stories, crafts and jump rope. Thank you to all of the Clough UNC—those who came and those who sent! w a s Team members helped out with daily duties around My Father’s House each day too. The younger boys really enjoyed Mr. Bruce’s bedtime stories! Unexpected opportunities can provide occasions for blessings for those willing. Pastor Jonathan had the privilege to pray over the fishermen and their boats when this team visited the fish market. Conducting a VBS that would reach as many children as possible with the love of God and a small construction job that would bless someone in the community with an act of the love of God were the goals of this team. Both goals were well met! A tent was erected on Seaview Lawn across from the bakery in town. The children from My Father’s House joined the children from town for three mornings for music, crafts, drama and sports all pointing to the love of Christ. Each afternoon the team went back to the tent and did it all again for another group of children! Another day was spent in the hills at Sonja’s yard. Sonja is Jadah, Paige and Felix’s grandma. KBM built the home for her family a few years ago. The porch you see here is new and sturdy now thanks to the sweat and funds of the Parkside team. Thank you PARKSIDE —those who came and those who sent! Overcomers Fellowship Church What a wonderful blessing to have Miriam Ford lead a team to minister with! Miriam was a senior in high school the year Jim and Penie began serving as Youth and Children’s Pastors at Fellowship of Believers Church in Florence, KY many moons ago. Being active in her church in Dallas, TX, gave her opportunity to bless KBM with a visit from a tremendous group of servants. Anyone who has lived or served in ministry even a short time in Jamaica will testify to the fact that flexibility is a key to life in Jamaica. We had many tasks planned for this team to accomplish during their visit to My Father’s House. They were able to join the PURPLE team for our annual Sports Day (above) and minister in our local church services. The supplies for the other tasks were in the container that was not released until OFC was here and half through the week! Praise God they were here to unload the container! They also painted a few areas in the house that were in dire need of a fresh coat of paint. This team went into the local community and shared God’s love to individuals like Reggie, a local man who was so severely burned that it left him handicapped with a limp, useless arm. Reggie was homeless until another group built him a home. This team painted Reggie’s house and shared the Gospel with many of his neighbors. Certainly, their steps were “We can make our ordered by the Lord! plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 Freedom House Our last team of the summer was a real treat for all! The Bushhorn family was especially thrilled to see a team from their home church in Trenton, OH. This team had planned a trip to Guatemala this year, but God brought them to Jamaica instead. KBM as well as many in our community were blessed by that change of plans! Freedom House blessed KBM with their fellowship, prayers and labors of love around the home. They also hung a ceiling bed in Reggie’s house which will make his home much more comfortable in the heat of the day. While they were at Reggie’s which is an area of severe poverty, they visited his neighbors and blessed them with items they brought to distribute as well as clothes and toys from the container. A visit to the home for the elderly touched the hearts of team members as well as the residents. A wonderful week was had by all! Hannah was extremely happy to see her best friend, Amaris, the pastor’s youngest daughter who came on this team. Prayer Requests Trust with us praying for God to provide for all our needs. There are many ways you can be a part of Kingdom Builders Ministry. • • • • • • Pray for KBM Sponsor a Child Become an intern Give financially Come on a short term missions project Tell someone else about KBM • • • • Our family’s health Financial needs Future interns The children at My Father’s House & those who have moved on. Find out more about all of these opportunities at Jodelle found KBM on the internet and got to know us by enjoying all the pictures on the web site before she even came for her week’s visit. As you can see in these pictures, she shared lots of love and fun with the children at My Father’s House. THANKS Jodelle! “SO WE HAVE CONTINUED PRAYING FOR YOU EVER SINCE WE FIRST HEARD ABOUT YOU. WE ASK GOD TO GIVE YOU A COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT HE WANTS TO DO IN YOUR LIVES, AND WE ASK HIM TO MAKE YOU WISE WITH SPIRITUAL WISDOM. THEN THE WAY YOU LIVE WILL ALWAYS HONOR AND PLEASE THE LORD, AND YOU WILL CONTINUALLY DO GOOD, KIND THINGS FOR OTHERS. A LL THE WHILE, YOU WILL LEARN TO KNOW GOD BETTER AND BETTER. WE ALSO PRAY THAT YOU WILL BE STRENGTHENED WITH HIS GLORIOUS POWER SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE ALL THE PATIENCE AND ENDURANCE YOU NEED. MAY YOU BE FILLED WITH JOY, ALWAYS THANKING THE FATHER, WHO HAS ENABLED YOU TO SHARE THE INHERITANCE THAT BELONGS TO GOD'S HOLY PEOPLE, WHO LIVE IN THE LIGHT.” Colossians 1:9-12 NLT Kingdom Builders Ministry c/o Fellowship of Believers 6800 Hazel Ct. Florence, KY 41042-1399 NonProfit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Florence, KY Permit No. 155 PICTURES, GUEST BOOK & INFORMATION at