July2015 - uss ticonderoga veterans` association
July2015 - uss ticonderoga veterans` association
CV / CVA / CVS-14 CG-47 The USS TICONDEROGA Veterans’ Association VOLUME 42 NO 3 JULY 2015 NEWS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE GREETINGS: SHIPMATES, FRIENDS, & FAMILY, It is with great pleasure that I assume the responsibilities as your President of the USS Ticonderoga Veterans Association for the year 2015/2016. I want to thank Lloyd Frank for all of the work he did as your president this past year. These will be big shoes to fill! I hope all those that attended the reunion in Minneapolis during May 14th to the 18th enjoyed themselves and were able to take in both tours that were offered and the Mall of America. Art and Kris Casello who also Co-Chaired this reunion put together a great selection of “Raffle Items” and Ship Store Products that sold very well. On a personal note, I had the distinct pleasure of sitting next to George Garcia a World War II Veteran on the Tico from 1944-1945 during our Gala Dinner. His experience during the Japanese kamikaze attack on the Tico was most interesting and intriging. Thank you George and to all of our World War II Tico Vets! A special welcome to those CG-47 members that attended. Dave Graf a CG-47 member and our Tico Historian has also volunteered to be our Second Vice President. I look forward to the CG-47 Members as the future of our Tico Association. I want to wish all of our Association Members and their families a great summer. God Bless America John Dupont PAGE 2 OUTGOING PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE GREETINGS: SHIPMATES, NEW MEMBERS, FRIENDS, & FAMILY, This past year 2014 was a very interesting year for the association. Our finances are now in the black and we just completed our 44th, annual reunion which was a great success for all who attended. Our guest speaker, Frank Partel, was very interesting in his presentation of events of the 1968 combat cruise. I want to thank our new President John DuPont, as well as Art and Kris Casello, for planning and putting together a great reunion. Job well done! The Bruno Romanoski Award was given to our secretary Dennis Sabell, for his outstanding service to the association and for all his help keeping our members’ dues up to date. This is a function that goes on all year. In passing the gavel to our new President John DuPont, we are confident he will do a great job this year. I wish him well and know he will have our support throughout the year. Fred Vance will now move to Executive Vice President. Steven Codding will move to 1st Vice President, and David Graf will now be our 2nd Vice President and will also hold the job as Historian. I want to thank all of them for their commitment to our association. I hope all our members and new members from CG 47 have a great summer. “Next year’s reunion will be in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino. The dates are May 19, 2016 through May 23, 2016. More information to come.” Lloyd Frank PAGE 3 Directors (continued) Directors (continued) Committees (continued) President: John B. Dupont 4590 Linwood Circle Deep Haven, MN 55331-9297 (952) 474-4731 Director John F. Deasy P. P. 560 Maple Ave. Doylestown, PA 18901-4451 (215) 348-9981 deasyjjr@aol.com Director: Parker W. Patterson P. P. 4 Terrace Hill Road Pine Grove, PA 17963-9399 (570) 345-3344 Chaplain: Pastor Brett Inman 8838 E Cooper St Tucson, AZ 85710-4416 (520) 909-3998 Binman4@Cox.net jdupont@sssalesinc.com President@bigt.net Executive Vice President: Fred Vance 5808 SW 27TH STREET Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 271-5900 Director: John Rochford P. P. 1926 East Bancroft Camarillo, CA 93010-4510 (805) 484-1368 Director Lloyd Frank P. P. 2129 Bliss Comer St Henderson, NV 89044-0174 (702) 361-6660 papacva14@aol.com jhox123@yahoo.com EVP@bigt.net First Vice President: Steven Codding 9260 Hilltop Lane Bloomington, IL 61705 (309) 827-4017 sandycodd@aol.com 1stVP@bigt.net Second Vice President: David Graf 262 Broadway Norwich, CT 06360-3527 (860) 608-5943 dgraf88@gmail.com 2ndVP@bigt.net Secretary: Dennis SaBell 3930 Quay St Wheatridge, CO 80033 (303) 422-8690 red62lion@gmail.com Treasurer: Thomas L Thompson 3043 Canyon Overlook Burlington KY 41005-7888 (859) 444-7577 Director Victor Godfrey 138 Briarwood Dr. Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087-4018 609-294-0955 vicg636@gmail.com Director Charles E. Hill 22 W. Hancock St. Lansdale, PA 19446-3812 (215) 855-5299 c.hill55@verizon.net Director Ronald W. Lee P. P. 8920 Dawes Point Dr. Mobile, AL 36695-9336 (251) 599-8559 rl2424@bellsouth.net Director: Calvin S. Turner P. P. 130 Silver Leaf Dr. Fayetteville, GA 30214-1055 (770) 461-4106 cjturnerxx@bellsouth.net Committees Newsletter Editor: Cruiser Store Operator Edgar S. Trotter, Jr. 1150 Baywood Ave. Camarillo, CA 93010-3005 (805) 484-2930 ticovet@verizon.net Directors Director * * Arthur Avery 1694 Fillner Ave. North Tonawanda, NY 14120 (716) 669-2678 tozamanart@RoadRunner.com Director: Joseph McDonnell P. P. 4141 Inola Trl. Ne Roswell, GA 30075-1658 (770) 335-1715 © joemac1948@yahoo.com Director Jerry H. Cole P. P. 945 N. Delacroix Dr Green Valley, AZ 85614-5266 (708) 227-0073 JCole251@yahoo.com Director: George Passantino P. P. PO BOX 3101 Pagosa Springs, CO 81147-3101 (303) 884-7565 georgepsr@aol.com Treasurer@bigt.net Director: Edgar S. Trotter, Jr. 1150 Baywood Ave. Camarillo, CA 93010-3005 (805) 484-2930 ticovet@verizon.net Memorials Chairman Robert Hildebrand 2016 Reseda Way Antioch, CA 94509-5834 (925) 757-1836 rah2016@sbcglobal.net Membership Chairman: David Litzinger 1101 Prariewood Ln Warwick, ND 58381 (612) 600-4160 dlitzin101@msn.com Membership@bigt.net Budget Chairman Thomas L Thompson 3043 Canyon Overlook Burlington KY 41005-7888 (859) 444-7577 t0mthompsonge@gmail.com Director John Lunsford P.P. 2504 McNutt Bakersfield, CA 93306-4469 (661) 872-8850 jlunscva14@sbcglobal.net Director Alfred F. McDonnell P.P. 1749 9th Ave San Francisco, CA 94122 415-661-6753 jagranieri@sbcglobal.net t0mthompsonge@gmail.com Director: Doc Simon P. P. 803 Hartford Ave. White River Jct, VT 05001-8052 (802) 295-2851 AIRNAVY42@msn.com Public Relations Chairman Jerry H. Cole 17840 Oakwood Ave. Lansing, IL 60438-1934 (708) 474-9331 jcstvic1@juno.com Historian David Graf 262 Broadway Norwich, CT 06360-3527 (860) 608-5943 ticonderogahistorian@gmail.com Historian@BigT.net New Sites Coordinator Joyce Frank 2129 Bliss Comer St Henderson, NV 89044-0174 (702) 361-6660 Joyce.frank@centurylink.net Treasurer@bigt.net Carrier Store Operator Art Casello 1737 Hoyt Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55106-1328 (651) 774-1685 Art_Casella@Yahoo.com CarrierStore@BigT.net CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT: WWW.BIGT.NET OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2014 - 2015 Officers 2015-2016 Liaison USS HORNET CVS-12 Richard Radigonda 357 Jade Circle Vallejo CA. 94590 (707) 563-5556 etalyun@aol.com/Hornet@BigT.net WebMaster: Gordon S. Humphrey, Jr. 15030 223rd Drive SE Monroe, WA 98272-9089 (425) 785-8094 WebMaster@bigt.net SHIPMATES! NOW HEAR THIS! We are always looking for Memorabilia for our Museum Rooms. Soon we will be starting one at the Mississippi Maritime and Warship Museum in Pascagoula, MS. Keep us in mind as we’ll be starting with very little memorabilia. One thing we would like to find is Military Payment Certificates "Funny Money" used to pay us during the Viet Nam war. If you have anything you want to donate contact Ed Trotter at Ticovet@verizon.net. Thanks for your help in keeping our memories alive to others through our Museum Rooms. PAGE 4 Chaplains Corner By: LCDR Brett Inman Fellow Shipmates & Friends, The life we live on earth is a precious gift from God. Despite our circumstances it is left up to us to make it a life well lived. In the average human life span our hearts will beat between 2.5 to 3 billion times. That is a lot of heartbeats in which to make something meaningful of your life. At our stage in life, I think it is a safe bet that most of us have experienced a significant loss of a loved one. For me, this always brings into focus the importance of current relationships I have with others. Whether it is with family or past shipmates, the joy and satisfaction in life comes though the quality of our relations we have with others, not from the material things we own. None of us want to be poor, but to have riches without others to share them with leads to an empty life. Take time out of your day today and be thankful for the people that are in your life. If you have not done so recently, call someone who you value and let them know how you feel. If you do not have anyone to call, perhaps it is time to reach out and start developing some new friendships. One easy way to do this is to get connected to the Tico Facebook groups and/or attend the annual reunions and start reconnecting with shipmates. Our military service is something we all have in common and creates an automatic bond between the faithful Naval brothers and sisters who have been “Haze gray and under way”. Of course I would be remiss not to mention the most important relationship we should have and develop. That would be your relationship with God. In the Christian Scriptures (Luke 12:16-21) there is a story about a wealthy man who had a very good harvest. The harvest was so plentiful that he had to tear down all his storage barns and build bigger ones. As a result, he felt very secure about his future. God however, called him a foolish man, because despite the man’s planning and wealth, he would die that very night. God asked the question, “‘…now who will own what you have prepared?’ So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” Let us be thankful for the life God has given to us and may we be a blessing to family and friends alike. Strive to not only make your life better, but also the lives of those around you. PAGE 5 Air Force Commemorative Museum Tour PAGE 6 Air Force Commemorative Museum Tour PAGE 7 Secretary’s Letter Shipmates, Friends & Family: As usual Holly and I really enjoyed the Minneapolis reunion. It is always great to get together with old friends and meet new members. It was especially nice to have some cruiser sailors to help the older carrier guys find our way to the bar. Seriously, it was fun to have you aboard! Bring your CG friends, we need new (um... true) stories (and new victims for ours). I hope we have been doing a good job keeping everyone informed. I especially want to make sure I am answering any questions you may have about your membership or dues status. I know we had a problem with the “dues paid thru” dates on the mailing labels (I think that should be fixed now). I also try to make sure I send out letters to acknowledge all dues payments and donations. So, if you have made a payment and we didn’t respond (I can be a little slow), or if you think we may have made a mistake, let me know. Don’t forget our website www.BigT.net has a wealth of information. The Association is non-profit and your donations (but not dues) are tax deductible. We have a new Treasurer (Tom Thompson) who I will be working closely with. George Passantino deserves a big thank you for taking on a bad situation, working to fix it, and handing Tom a Treasury in excellent condition. I know that Tom will continue to make improvements and will do a great job. Your dues payments and donations by check will still go to: P.O. Box 474, Wheat Ridge CO 80034 (see the form inside the back cover of this newsletter). PayPal options are still available from the Website. WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS !!!! FIRST NAME Keith Morris Thomas Timothy John Carl Michael Fred James Dennis Gary Allen Jerry Lyle Thomas Greg NEW MEMBERS BETWEEN 4/01/15 to 6/30/15 WELCOME ABOARD! LAST NAME DIVISION RATE/RANK YRS ABOARD CURRENTLY LIVES IN Alyea CG-47 (E-Div) EM2 83-87 Lafayette Berend V-4 Division ABF-3 66-70 Decatur Ferry CG-47 .. 85-88 Virginia Beach Foster CG-47 HT2 85-89 Indian Hills Graves B Division E-4 65-68 Rison Griffith M Division MMC 69-71 Swansboro Hayden VMA-331 LT 1955 Greenwich Loeffler V-1 Division AN 62-65 Birnamwood Loney S-6 Division LT 71-73 Newhall Malarkey CVA-14 .. .. Hemet Mason V-2 ABE 67-70 White Bear Lake Oakland CVA-14 FN 64-66 Maple Grove Ratcliff VA-66 AO-2 55-56 Minneapolis Underwood V-1 Division ABHC 66-67 Crawfordsville Van Loon V-4 Division AN 70-73 Clear Lake Yale CG-47 (R-Div) HTCS 82-86 Richfield PAGE 8 STATE IN TX VA CO AR NC CT WI CA CA MN MN MN IN WI MN It is with great sadness that we report the deaths of the following shipmates George E Nowack Sr – George was a Life Member who passed away December 3, 2002. He was an active member of the Association who held numerous positions including President. He did a lot of work on the Tico room on the Yorktown in Charleston SC. While on board George was an EM2 in E Division from 1944-1945. He lived in Raleigh NC. John J DePoulter – John was a Life Member who passed away May 2, 2015. His wife Joan wrote that every time they received the newsletter they both read it cover to cover and that John was a loving, caring, compassionate man of Faith who missed only two reunions up until Atlantic City and survived 29 operations on his body. While on board John was an FP2 in R Division from 1953-1957. He lived in Chestertown, MD. Donald W Monson (Capt USN Ret) – Don passed away February 19, 2015 with his family at his side. He is survived by his wife Etta, Four sons and their wives, ten grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. He served 32 years in the Navy and participated in WWII and Vietnam. He was a pilot with 718 carrier landings flying the SB2C Dive Bomber. His first combat mission was aboard Tico with VB-80. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He was commanding officer of VS-23 in 1959 and Executive Officer of the USS Bennington in 1964. While on board in 1944 he was a LTJG. He lived in Fullerton, CA. Richard C Harrison – Richard was a Life Member who passed away November 17, 2014. While on board he was an AB3 in V-4 Division from 1957 through 1960. We were notified by his son Alan. He lived in Douglasville, GA. John Thomas – John passed away March 8, 2014. He was born and raised in Niagra Falls NY. We were notified of his death by Art Avery. John served aboard Ticonderoga from 1954 through 1957 in V-1 Division with Vic Godfrey. He lived in Sunnyvale CA and had five children. Pielocik, Walter J – Walter was a Life Member who passed away March 24, 2015. He served in the Navy from 1942 – 1946. While on board Ticonderoga from 1944-1946 he was an AMM2 in V-2 Division. We were notified by his son Joe who wrote that Walter “considered his service years to be among the best of his life and often spoke fondly of his shipmates and experiences aboard the Ticonderoga”. Walter lived in Daleville, VA. Scohy, John N – John was a Life Member who passed away April 4, 2014. We were notified by his son Patrick who wrote: He was a proud American who loved being in the Navy and telling stories of his adventures. While on board John was an ETR2 in OE Division from 1960-1964. He lived in Loveland, CO. McConnell, Walter J – Walter was Life Member who passed away March 25, 2015. His Daughter Laurie wrote: “He was a proud combat veteran from WWII” While on board he was an AEM3 in V-2 Division during 1944. He lived in St. Petersburg, FL. Schulte, Richard J (Capt USN Ret)– “Dick” passed away January 22, 2015. He was “Air Boss” on the Ticonderoga in 1968-1969 who went on to become Commanding Officer of the Midway. Schumacher, Albert W – Albert was a Life Member who passed away in March 2014 at the age of 90. While on board he was a GM2 in 6th & 8th Divisions during 1944. He lived in Albany NY. Suchomel, Don – Don was a Life Member whose newsletter was returned marked “Deceased”. Don was an RMCM in POSTMASTER and O Divisions from 1958 to 1960. PAGE 9 Minutes of General Meeting at Minneapolis: President Lloyd Frank (2014-2015) called the meeting to order. Ed Trotter said the opening prayer. The membership recited the Pledge of Allegiance. President Frank then asked that each attending member verbally introduce himself to the membership. Upon completion of the introductions, Lloyd thanked the CG sailors and new members for their attendance. Secretary Dennis SaBell read the minutes from the 2014 General meeting. Treasurer George Passantino presented the Association’s Current Financial Reports. Copies of the financial statements were distributed to the members. George discussed how the misappropriation of funds problem was ultimately resolved and the $20,000 in missing funds recovered. He thanked the membership for stepping up and donating to help the association get through the problem period and thanked Lloyd Frank and John Deasy for their essential roles in the recovery. George then presented a summary of the procedures and reports that will keep the membership informed going forward. He showed how fiscal year financial statements and quarterly reports will be provided in the newsletter and how redundant receipt schedules will be kept. The new budget was presented and approved by voice vote. Next, Ed Trotter was introduced to give the newsletter and membership reports. Discussion included need for volunteers to assist in ongoing personnel data records conversion and possibly using a paid contractor to assist in recruiting new members from the list. No motions were made or voted on. Ed next praised webmaster Gordon Humphrey for his continued excellence and professionalism in maintaining our website and organizing the quarterly newsletter. He noted that the newsletter printer went out of business and a new printer was contracted this year so seamlessly that is was hardly noticed except for a few minor issues with the date on the labels. Discussion of the cost and need for quarterly hard-copy newsletters ensued. No motions for change were made. It was noted that we now have a reduced “non-profit” mailing status. Lloyd Frank then stated that Jerry Cole (Public Relations Chairman) is in the middle of a move and could not attend but will be working to get ads in several magazines (VFW, American Legion, AARP, etc.) to promote our reunions and association. Historian David Graf was then introduced. David noted, in reference to the Membership issues above, that the CG 47 Facebook page has 700 CG contributors who are all potential members and that he has been challenging the CG 47 sailors to join and sponsor others. He then moved on to a discussion of his goals as historian. David said that he has received several boxes of unsorted, often fragile, and unorganized documents and objects. He has scanned most of the data over the past 3 months is beginning the process of cataloging as much as he can electronically and PAGE 10 Minutes of General Meeting at Minneapolis - Continued organizing the data and making it available. Discussion of CG 47 artifacts now in storage ensued. David initiated discussion about possible display of the ships bell and anchor in a more publicly accessible locations and his desire to acquire history through member interviews etc. before it is lost. Next, Al McDonnell was called on to report on the status of the Hornet Museum. He stated that there is a current effort to raise money (at least $100,000 - $40,000 already raised) to move the Hornet around the point at Alameda to make it more visible and accessible to the Ferry landing. He reported that the Ticonderoga Room continues to be maintained in excellent condition (we have $2100 dedicated to the museum that is available for improvements to that room). Membership Chairman David Litzinger discussed how he and others have been attempting to recruit through the guestbook and asked that anyone willing to volunteer for any of the membership recruiting efforts contact him. Next on the agenda was a lengthy process to nominate and confirm the officers and board by voice vote. In summary: John Dupont moved to President for 2015-2016, David Graf was voted 2nd Vice President, All 2014-2015 Vice Presidents moved up one position, Tom Thompson was voted new Treasurer. Dennis SaBell remained Secretary. Lloyd Frank moved to Director. All existing Directors remained the same. A financial review (audit) committee was formed under the direction of 2nd Vice President David Graf. Two appointees to this committee were John Lunsford and Bill Spanbauer. Lloyd Frank discussed the 2016 Las Vegas reunion. The dates will be May 19thMay 23rd. at the Gold Coast Hotel . Room rates will average about $82/day. Tours are being arranged and may include: Hoover Dam, Nellis AFB, a reasonably priced Show, etc). Joyce Frank has volunteered as New Sites Coordinator. Joyce proposed two possible sites for 2017: a Carribean Cruise out of Ft Lauderdale or a traditional land reunion at Jacksonville FL. After some discussion the membership voted on the Cruise with Jacksonville as a back-up if the cruise doesn’t work for some reason. Joyce will be reporting in future newsletters. The meeting was adjourned. PAGE 11 GUEST SPEAKER AT REUNION MANY THANKS TO A GREAT GUEST SPEAKER! PAGE 12 Banquet & Officer’s Installation MANY THANK YOU’S TO REUNION ORGANIZERS! PAGE 13 OUR NEW TREASURER Greetings: to all of the Men & Women of the USS Ticonderoga Veterans Association. My name is Tom Thompson and I was voted in as the new Treasurer at the reunion in Minneapolis and I am proud to serve the Association in that capacity. I’ve been asked by George Passantino to tell you a little about myself. I was aboard the Tico from August 28, 1968 to April 1972 in V4 Division. I was an ABF2 when discharged in San Diego (just before the first Apollo pickup). My wife and I then moved to Kentucky in April 1972. In February 1975 our first daughter was born followed by another daughter in May of 1978. I am now the proud grandpa of 3 grand-sons and 2 grand-daughters. My oldest grand-daughter has Down syndrome and I am currently doing volunteer work for the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati. I attend First Church of Christ in Burlington KY where I am the leader of the Communion Prep Team. I worked as an Electrician in Local 212, Cincinnati, OH for 13 years and then moved to General Electric, Cincinnati, OH working in the engine and combustor test cells and retired in 2012 but still work at GE as a pensioner. I keep busy in my free time playing golf as much as I can and I’m still not good at the game. I will carry on the duties of the Treasurer for our Association and will uphold the standards that George Passantino has established during his time in the office of Treasurer. If you need to contact me please see the Officers page on page 4 of this newsletter. Tom Thompson DONATIONS MADE TO USS TICONDEROGA VETERANS ASSN 04/01/15 THRU 06/30/15 THANK YOU FIRST NAME Wally Michael William Ed Bill Keith Calvin Lyle Ray Frank LAST NAME Blinde Hayden Klein Gorton Blythe Alyea Turner Underwood Wieser Partel GENERAL FUND MEMORIAL FUND HORNET MUSEUM HORNET Ens/Admrl X X X X X X X X X X X X PAGE 14 TREASURERS REPORT USS TICONDEROGA VETERANS ASSOCIATION FISCAL YEAR 05/01/2014 – 04/30/2015 TREASURERS REPORT CHECKING ACCT BALANCE AS OF 05/01/14 INCOME RECEIVED: Membership Receipts $ 5,074.65 Charleston Reunion Startup Refund $ 2,500.00 Charleston Reunion Proceeds $ 4,791.00 Total $12,365.65 DONATIONS: General Fund $6,669.19 Hornet Museum $ 110.00 Hornet (Ensign-Admiral) $1,500.00 Memorial Fund $ 165.00 Miscellaneous $ 15.00 Total $ 8,459.19 $ 12,365.65 $ 8,459.19 $20,824.84 EXPENSES PAID: Presidents Expense $ 30.10 Secretary Expense $ 495.71 Newsletter Expense $ 7,810.11 Website Expense $ 566.44 Minneapolis Reunion Startup Advance $ 2,500.00 Las Vegas Reunion Startup Advance $ 900.00 Total $12,302.36 Ending Checking Acct Balance 4/30/15 SAVINGS ACCT BALANCE AS OF 05/01/14 INCOME RECEIVED Recovery Of Association Funds Donation Into Savings Account Interest On Savings Acct $ 4,850.10 $20,824.84 $ 12,302.36 $ 13,372.58 $ 0.0 $20,000.00 $ 50.00 $ 3.27 $20,053.27 $20,053.27 Ending Savings Acct Balance 4/30/15 $20,053.27 CHECKING ACCOUNT $13,372.58 SAVINGS ACCOUNT $20,053.27 TOTAL BANK $33,425.85 2014 – 2015 BigT Budget President $ 400.00 Secretary $ 1,000.00 Treasurer $ 200.00 Newsletters $ 8,500.00 Membership $ 300.00 Miscellaneous $ 700.00 Public Relations $ 100.00 Website $ 300.00 GRAND TOTAL $11,500.00 PAGE 15 2015 – 2016 BigT Proposed Budget President $ 400.00 Secretary $1,000.00 Treasurer $ 200.00 Newsletters $8,200.00 Membership $ 300.00 Miscellaneous $ 700.00 Public Relations $ 100.00 Website $ 600.00 GRAND TOTAL $11,500.00 roclamation BIG "T" VETERANS' REUNION DAYS May 14-18, 2015 WHEREAS, the Big "T" Veterans' Association will hold its 44th annual reunion in Bloomington, MN on May 14-18, 2015; and WHEREAS, the attendees of this reunion are veterans and active duty members of our illustrious U.S. Navy who served from 1944 to the present, their wives and friends who have gathered together to honor their comrades; and WHEREAS, this famous Essex class U.S. Navy Carrier, the fourth TICONDEROGA, was built and launched at Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company on February 7, 1944; and was placed in commission as CV-14 on May 8, 1944, at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, VA; and WHEREAS, in January 1945, the ship survived two direct suicide planes crashing into the flight deck and bridge superstructure resulting in 345 officers and men killed, missing or wounded in action, and after extensive repairs, continued to serve in the Pacific until the completion of the war against Japan; and WHEREAS, after being decommissioned in 1945, the ship was recommissioned as CVA-14 on September 11, 1954 in New York City. After making numerous peacetime deployments, the ship made five combat deployments to Southeast Asia; and WHEREAS, the ship was redesignated as CVS-14 on October 21, 1969, and made two more peacetime deployments and participated in the recovery of two Apollo moon mission capsules before being decommissioned on September 1; 1973; and WHEREAS, the ship was recognized by the federal government by awarding 5 Battle Stars, 3 Navy Unit Commendations, a Meritorious Unit Commendation and 12 Battle Stars for service in the Vietnam Conflict; and WHEREAS, CG-47 is the fifth ship to bear the name TICONDEROGA; and PAGE 16 WHEREAS, on January 22, 1983, CG-47, built by Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS, was commissioned as the lead ship of the AEGIS GUIDED MISSILE CRUISER CLASS, TICONDEROGA as the world's first surface combatant equipped with the AEGIS combat system; the most sophisticated air defense system in the world; and WHEREAS, she has seen duty in the Gulf of Sidra, off the coast of Beirut, three tours in the Mediterranean, five tours in the Caribbean, and one tour in the Eastern Pacific; and WHEREAS, TICONDEROGA was the first ship to report on station in the Red Sea to support Operation DESERT SHIELD after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, later serving with distinction in DESERT STORM; and WHEREAS, her adventures have taken her to the Arctic Circle, the Equator, and through the Suez and Panama Canals, earning the distinction of"Blue Nose," "Shell Back" and "Suez Safari"; and WHEREAS, the ship has been recognized by the federal government by the awarding of 2 Joint. Meritorious Unit Awards, 2 Navy Unit Commendations, 2 Meritorious Unit Awards, and 3 Battle Efficiency Awards; and WHEREAS, the ship was installed with the SMART SHIP Integrated Bridge System in April of 1999; and WHEREAS, TICONDEROGA was the first ship out of Pascagoula to participate in OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE, supporting the homeland defense after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, TICONDEROGA was decommissioned September 30, 2004, in Pascagoula, MS. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gene Winstead, Mayor of the City of Bloomington, Minnesota, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim May 14-18, 2015 as · BIG "T" VETERANS' REUNION DAYS in the city of Bloomington, Minnesota and extend a very warm and cordial welcome to the Veterans and their families and friends and wish you a successful, enjoyable, and memorable reunion. Dated this 14th day of May 2015. ene Winstead, Mayor City of Bloomington, Minnesota PAGE 17 MALL OF AMERICA IN MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA! AMAZING PLACE! PAGE 18 WAITING FOR TOUR BUSSES! WE ARE ALREADY HAVING A GREAT TIME! PAGE 19 SHIP STORE ORDER FORM: CRUISER ITEMS NO ITEM PRICE 1 Antique Bronze Coin $15 plus $5 shipping 2 Peter Hsu Drawing $10 plus $5 shipping 3 Color picture of ship $4 plus $1 shipping 4 Color collage of ship pictures $4 plus $1 shipping 5 Radar waveguide seal $4 plus $1 shipping 6 Cachet/Ship/Pascagoula Cancel $3 plus $1 shipping 7 Cachet/Decom Today/ Pascagoula $3 plus $1 shipping 8 Cachet/Last Day Postal Service Pascagoula $3 plus $1 shipping 9 10 11 #7 & #8 above signed by CO Cachet/Ship/Ticonderoga Cancel Cachet/Decom Today/Ticonderoga $6 plus $1 shipping $3 plus $1 shipping $3 plus $1 shipping 12 Cachet/Last Day Postal Service Tico $3 plus $1 shipping 13 #10, #11, #12 above signed by CO $6 plus $1 shipping 14 Flag flown over ship on 25 Sept 04 USS TICONDEROGA History/Educational Video Set (Just $3.00 per DVD!) 15 16 CG Holiday Ornaments (Need 250 orders first) PRICE $50 plus $5 shipping $55 plus $5 shipping Price same as CV PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE! FOR ORDERS OF ITEMS 1‐16 ORDER AS FOLLOWS: On orders of $30 a Peter Hsu drawing will be included free of charge. Checks (if you are not ordering using PAYPAL) should be made to USS TICONDEROGA! VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION Orders should be mailed to: Ed Trotter 1150 Baywood Ave Camarillo, CA 93010‐3005 ticovet@verizon.net If you have an e‐mail address it is suggested that you include it here:____________________________________ and your phone number here:_______________________ in case we have to contact you for some reason. PLEASE check availability of products & SEE images of these items on the “Ship's Store” page at: www.bigt.net. PAGE 20 QTY Total: _______ SHIP STORE ORDER FORM: CARRIER ITEMS NO ITEM PRICE $12 + $9 Parcel Post $12 + $11 Priority/Track# $20 includes shipping ADD $2.25 for Scrambled 17 Ceramic Coffee Mug w/Logo & Tiger 18 Ball Caps–CV‐14 or CVA‐14 or CVS‐14 or CG‐47 19 USS TICONDEROGA Warship Pictorial Book 20 20 $20 includes shipping CV,CVA,CVS CARRIER CVA ATTACK CARRIER Blue Polo Shirt ‐ S,M,L,XL CG 47 CRUISER CV,CVA,CVS CARRIER Blue Polo Shirts – 2X,3X CVA ATTACK CARRIER CG 47 CRUISER $29 includes shipping $31 includes shipping 21 Round TICO Patch (5 inches) $11 includes shipping 22 TICO Tiger patch $11 includes shipping $5 for 1, $12 for 4, $8 for 2, $17 for 5, $10 for 3, $25 for 10 $10 for 1 $18 for 2 $24 for 3 Includes Shipping White W/Blue Letters 23 License Plate Frame(s): 24 Blue W/White Letters Carrier Holiday Ornaments Colors: BLUE, RED, GREEN 25 Gray Tee Shirts – S,M,L,XL 25 Gray Tee Shirts – 2X,3X 26 QTY CV CVA,CVS CRUISER CV CVA,CVS CRUISER 40th REUNION Commemorative booklet $20 Includes Shipping $22 Includes Shipping $10 plus $5 shipping PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE! FOR ITEMS 17-26 ORDER AS FOLLOWS: CHECKS: (if you are not ordering using PAYPAL) should be made to: USS TICONDEROGA VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION Orders should be mailed to: Arthur Casello 1737 Hoyt Ave. E. St. Paul, MN. 55106 Email: CarrierStore@BigT.Net If you have an e‐mail address, it is suggested that you include it here: _____ and your phone number here: in case we have to contact you for some reason or send you a tracking # PLEASE check availability of products & SEE images of these items on the “Carrier Store” page at: www.bigt.net OR Email CarrierStore@BigT.net PAGE 21 Total: PRICE $10,000 - FLEET ADMIRAL $5,000 - ADMIRAL $2,500 - VICE ADMIRAL $1,500 - REAR ADMIRAL $1,000 - COMMODORE $500 - CAPTAIN $250 - COMMANDER $100 - LIEUTENANT $50 - ENSIGN USS TICONDEROGA MUSEUM ROOM ON USS HORNET INDIVIDUAL PLANK OWNER BENEFITS NAME PERMANENTLY DISPLAYED ON THE SHIP X X X X X X X X X 10% DISCOUNTS AT USS HORNET'S GIFT SHOP X X X X X LIFE TIME 4 3 2 1 X X X X X X NUMBER OF YEARS FREE ADMISSION TO USS HORNET AND USS YORKTOWN LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN BIG T VETERANS ASSOCIATION SPECIAL GUEST PASSES TO ALL SHIP EVENTS STATEROOM STAY ON THE USS HORNET (2 NIGHTS PER YEAR) LIFE ONE TIME TIME YES, I want to support the USS TICONDEROGA Museum Room on USS HORNET. I have enclosed my tax deductible gift of $________to “The Big T Veterans’ Association”. Over the next three years I plan to reach the following plank owner level: $50 $100 $250 $500 $1000 Ensign Lieutenant Commander Captain Commodore ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ $1500 Rear Admiral $2500 Vice Admiral $5,000 Admiral $10,000 Fleet Admiral ____ ____ ____ ____ Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: _____________________State: _____ Zip: ____________ Optional: Phone no._________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________ I also want to volunteer my services or make the following donations, please contact me. I can help with or will loan/donate the following: PAGE 22 PLEASE SEND THIS FORM AND YOUR DUES TO: DENNIS W. SABELL - SECRETARY P. O. BOX 474 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80034 Make Check Payable to Big T Veterans’ Association PLEASE PRINT NAME: DIVISION: RANK: (highest while aboard) YEARS ABOARD: APT. # / LOT #: to (reported ‐left) SPOUSE'S NAME: ADDRESS/ P.O. BOX: CITY: STATE: ZIP: Alternate Address: Above Alternate Address for Newsletters Mailed in: Jan Apr Jul Oct Optional Information: If the information below is provided you will be giving permission for this information to be shared with other members PHONE#: FAX#: E‐MAIL ADDRESS: CELL#: @ Dues Included for Period: ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2015 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2016 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2017 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2018 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2019 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2020 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2021 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2022 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2023 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2024 . . . Or Lifetime Membership Amount (See Below) THIS FORM CAN BE PRINTED FROM WWW.BIGT.NET MEMBERSHIP PAGE. Personal Gift Contributions to: Memorial Fund General Fund USS Hornet Museum Room USS CG‐47 Museum Room TOTAL Please Remember: For dues or contribution, notify treasurer and secretary of any change of address. Lifetime Membership Amounts: Age 29 & under= $ 1,100 Age 39 & under = $ 900 Age 49 & under = $ 700 Age 59 & under= Age 69 & under = Age 70 & older = PAGE 23 $ 500 $ 300 $ 100 The BigT Veterans’ Association of the USS Ticonderoga 3930 QUAY STREET Wheat Ridge CO 80033-4954 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 178 SALEM, OR MALL OF AMERICA! 3 STORY LEGO! GO TO WWW.BIGT.NET REUNION PAGE FOR ITINERARY & REGISTRATION FORMS!
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