Tioga Freedomist News Journal Second Draft 5 20 15.pub


Tioga Freedomist News Journal Second Draft 5 20 15.pub
FR EE - V ol um e 4, I s s u e 1 0 - M ay 2 0t h , 2 0 1 5
News-Community Focused, People Powered - Free and Independent
11 Candidates, including 5 incumbents,
faced off May 19th in the WASD Board elections. Only five candidates were left standing. Of those five, only one was an incumbent. We have the details on this stunning
Deats, Coolidge,
Bunn among the
big winners in the
May 19th Primary. Find out who
else won and who
More Hot Stories
State Rep Matt Baker stands in the middle
of the debate over the legalization of medical
marijuana. Opinions
and more inside.
Ramadi Falls– Former Freedomist Editor Bill Collier Analyses the Fall of Ramadi What’s behind this
story that’s not being reported?
Obamacare Czar?– Our US Representative Tom
Marino (R) joins others in calling for an Inspector
General for Obamacare.
First Friday News– Wellsboro’s First Friday gets
ready for June. “Earth Day, Every Day” is the
theme of this upcoming event.
Digital Newspaper and Print News Journal for Tioga County PA, Surrounding Areas and Beyond
Four out of the five incumbents up for reelecon in the WASD Board race lost their
seats in the May 19th Primary. Here are
the details of the events that led up to the
elecon, as well as the results.
Paul Gordon Collier- In the Wellsboro
Area School Board elecon, there was a lot
of controversy leading up to this primary
elecon around two votes the school board
made on April 14th to use public funding to
help pay for upgrades to the athlec facilies.
By a vote of 5-4, the board approved two
separate resoluons. Vong in favor of
both were: Carl Chambers, Stewart Burrous, Steven Kramer, John Peropat and Lana Shabloski. Vong no to both resoluons
were: Chris Gastrock, Wayne Hacke3,
Ma3hew Feil and Susan Rudy.
The school board inially announced a
meeng on the votes to take place in a
small room in the high school, but the ven-
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
ue was quickly changed once the community found out about the meeng. The
meeng took place in the school auditorium and was a3ended by hundreds of
Wellsboro residents, most of whom were
not in favor of using public funds to upgrade the athlec facility.
As it so happened, 5 of the incumbents on
the WASD board were up for re-elecon.
Four out of the five incumbents voted for
the measure with only one, Chris Gastrock,
vong against it. The four incumbents who
voted for the resoluons, and were up for
re-elecon, were Carl Chambers, Steven
Kramer, John Peropat and Lana Shabloski.
Shortly a7er this vote, four challengers
emerged, running together as “Vote 4 Posive Change.” These four candidates ran
specifically in opposion to the decision to
use public funds for athlec field upgrades.
The four challengers were Duane Cotner,
John Hoover, Tim McCrac and Denise
Two addional challengers
arose, previous school board director Craig
West and Blake Maxson
We sent quesonnaires to all of the candidates, incumbents and challengers alike.
While we did receive a noficaon from
Chris Gastrock, we received no responses
from any of the incumbents.
All four of the “Vote 4 Posive Change”
challengers sent in responses, as did Craig
West. Blake Maxson was the lone challenger who did not respond.
A7er the votes were tallied, it soon became apparent that all four of the “Vote 4
Posive Change” candidates had won,
while the lone incumbent up for re-elecon
who voted against both resoluons, Chris
Gastrock, also won.
Here are the final numbers in this race:
(Connued on page 8)
Your Digital Newspaper and Print News Journal Serving Tioga County PA, Surrounding Areas and Beyond
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
Paul Gordon Collier- The May 19th Primary offered some stunning results in the
WASD Board race (see pg. 2 for our coverage), but also offered some more predictable results in a few of the major races.
Krista Deats, the current Tioga County DA,
fought off two challengers in Tom Walrath
and Mary Morris, but failed to reach a majority. She won with a plurality vote of
Roger Bunn topped the four republican
candidates for County Commissioner, with
Erick Coolidge earning the second spot on
the Republican cket for the November
general elecon. Both men are incumbents. The odd man out turned out to be
Mark Hamilton, who finished third, with
William Neuhauser finishing fourth, followed by Pam English.
On the Democrat side, Joseph Drue3o
won the nominaon. Unless someone
chooses to run a write-in campaign, these
three candidates will run unopposed in the
General elecon. Speculaon is circulang
of a possible independent campaign being
run by Paul Watkins, who ran for Tioga
County Sheriff in 2013.
Unconfirmed rumors are also circulang
about possible write-in campaigns by Hamilton and/or Neuhauser.
In the race for District Judge, James
Edgcomb beat Bobby Ghee 68% to 32% in
the Republican Primary and 56% to 44% in
the Democrac Primary, meaning Edgcomb
will run unopposed in November unless
someone chooses to run a write-in campaign.
The County Auditor, Recorder of Deeds,
Coroner and Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas were all uncontested races. Of note,
the appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and former Tioga County DA,
George Wheeler, is no longer an appointed
judge, but an elected one, albeit an uncon-
tested one.
elecon2015 you will find a link to the complete unofficial elecon results, which includes all of the borough races as well.
Here are the numbers in the two countywide races we were following:
Tioga County DA
Krista Deats 44.79% 2389 Votes
Tom Walrath 29.47% 1572 Votes
Mary Morris 25.68% 1370 Votes
Tioga County Commissioner
Roger Bunn
25.06% 2449 Votes
Erick Coolidge
2329 Votes
Mark Hamilton
21.35% 2087 Votes
William Neuhauser 15.42% 1507 Votes
Pam English
13.15% 1285 Votes
Joseph Drue3o
64.58% 1286 Votes
Write-In Votes
678 Votes
Your Digital Newspaper and Print News Journal Serving Tioga County PA, Surrounding Areas and Beyond
Paul Gordon Collier-The
Marijuana Bill passed the
PA Senate last week by a
decisive 40-7 majority
that crossed party lines.
Our local lawmaker, Ma3
Baker, is the chairman of
the House Health Commi3ee. He has stated
that he does not intend to
bring the bill up for consideraon, nor
would he consider any legislaon legalizing
medical marijuana.
The point may soon be moot if Representave Jim Cox of Berks County has his
way. He plans on introducing the measure
in the form of an amendment to a bill outside of the House Health Commi3ee.
Some pro-marijuana acvists have doubts
about the substance of this bill to begin
with. Chris Goldstein, the chair of Phil-
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
promarijuana acvist group,
says the Senate bill "may
help a handful of paents. In the short term,
it will do nothing but
offer false hope.”
The Pi3sburg chair, Patrick Nighngale, says he's
disappointed by "the
[that were] made in order to appease a
very small number of entrenched socially
conservave legislators in order to get the
bill passed."
To these charges, the sponsor of the Senate bill, Daylin Leach (D) said, "I think anyone looking at this issue objecvely would
say the fact that we passed a medical marijuana bill that includes vaping, that includes
chronic pain, which is a very controversial
condion to include...in a legislature in
Pennsylvania that is overwhelmingly controlled by Republicans is a miracle.”
Here are two tesmonies offered by medical professionals during the Senate Hearing, one for and one against:
Dr. Bruce MacLeod, an emergency physician from Allegheny County and the society's immediate past president, said this at
the Senate Hearing when the bill was being
considered: "Senate Bill 3 goes far beyond
the use of cannabidiol oil to treat children
with seizure disorders, permiQng the use
of marijuana with THC, its psychoacve
ingredient, to treat a long list of disorders.
This despite a review in this month's Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, the official journal of the Society for
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics,
stang that a growing body of evidence
links cannabis to 'long-term and potenally
irreversible physical, neurocognive, psy(Connued on page 10)
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™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
Forces) to slaughter Sunni in the area.
Ali Hammad told the
Indian mes, “They
wanted us to reach this
point. The people and
the provincial council
were forced to accept
the entrance of the
Hashid because they
didn’t give weapons to
doesn’t rule Baghdad;
William Raymond Collier- Forget the socalled “Islamic State”, the future in Iraq
may very well belong to Iran.
Sheikh Ali Hammad of Falluja in the Anbar
province of Iraq says that the Prime Minister of Iraq has deliberately allowed Ramadi
to fall to ISIL in order to create a pretext for
sending in the Iranian-backed Shia milia,
the Hashid Shaabi (Popular Mobilizaon
The milias rule.”
Haider Al-Abadi, Iraq’s current Prime Minister, replaced Nuri al-Maliki, who was
overtly an-Sunni and rather cozy with Iran.
But while Abadi’s rhetoric is more conciliatory, his acons play into the hands of Tehran and worry the Sunnis who oppose both
the Salafism of the “Islamic State” (which is
a Sunni brand of Salafism) and the Salafism
of the Iran-backed Shia milias. (Salafism is
the Jihadist and imperialisc version of Islam as a polical movement.)
On the morning of May 18th, there were
3,000 well armed Hashid Shaabi ready to go
back into Ramadi, all sporng Iranian
equipment and allegedly including among
their number Iranian special operaves.
Meanwhile the Sunni, who were promised
arms, never received them- They are sidelined in the fight for their homeland between two essenally Salafist forces.
As of this wring, the Hashid Shaabi have
not retaken anything, but already there are
accusaons that as ISIS slaughter Sunni
moderates in Ramadi, Shia Salafists are
persecung Sunni moderates outside the
fallen city.
Whatever Washington’s strategy for Iraq
might be, it would appear that the winner
is going to be Iran.
Your Digital Newspaper and Print News Journal Serving Tioga County PA, Surrounding Areas and Beyond
Congressman Tom Marino
Supports Legislaon to Create
Obamacare Inspector General
Valia Jenkins- H.R. 2400 was
introduced on Monday in the
House by Peter Roskam (R-IL),
the Chairman of the Ways and
Means Oversight Subcommi3ee, with the support of
every Oversight Subcommi3ee
Majority member, central oversight subcommi3ee chairs, and
conservave advocacy organizaons. The
legislaon would implement a Special Inspector General for Monitoring the Affordable Care Act (SIGMA).
Much like other federal agencies that
have inspector generals that oversee their
operaons, such as U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development and United States Postal Service, the SIGMA would
oversee the Affordable Care Act. To go
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
along with H.R.
2400, Senator Pat
introduced a Senate
legislaon. Senators and Congressmen offered
their support of
SIGMA as well,
including Pennsylvania's own Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA).
Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA) has
added his support for establishing a SIGMA.
Of the SIGMA legislaon, Marino commented, “In both my legal career and service in
congress, I have seen the effecve use of
Special Inspectors General to provide the
necessary oversight and protecon the
American people demand and deserve of
their government.” Congressman Marino is
Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommi3ee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial,
and Antrust Law. “Chairman Roskam’s
SIGMA legislaon is absolutely vital to gaining access to informaon about Obamacare’s performance, or lack thereof, while
adding an independent set of eyes to watch
the law’s implementaon unl we can fully
repeal it. I applaud the Chairman’s work
and that of our colleagues who seek every
avenue to protect the American people
from Obamacare.”
Chairman Roskam went on to explain the
importance of creang a SIGMA. He menoned the wasteful spending on a "failed
website," Americans who lost the
healthcare plans they were on, and premiums that went up for small businesses and
working Americans alike. Roskam wants
Obamacare repealed, but while it is sll in
effect he says that, "We need assurance
(Connued on page 8)
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Wellsboro First Fridays June
Valia Jenkins- The Wellsboro
First Friday June event will
have many happenings you
won’t want to miss. It takes
place on Friday, June 5, 2015
and the Free Family Happenings begin at 5:00 p.m. June 5
is also World Environment
Day. There will be many free family acvies from local businesses. The theme is
“Earth Day, Every Day!”
There will be a Wellsboro First Friday
Scavenger Hunt in which you have the
chance to win a prize package from local
businesses such as Peggy’s and Arcadia.
Entry sheets may be go3en from Stained
Glass Reflecons, Shabby Rue, Pop’s Culture, and other businesses.
Emerge Healing Arts and Spa will be offering a free manicure and/or a chair massage.
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
The nail polish is chemical free. They will be set
up by the entrance to
Ginn & Vickery which is
on Main Street.
A demonstraon by The
Hula Hoop Club with
Rosie Bloom will take
place on the lawn by the
Deane Center Stage.
Rosie Bloom also did a performance in May
which was enjoyed by all.
Local fine arst Kari Roslund will be doing
a painng demonstraon at Garrison’s
Men’s shop, located on Main Street. She
will also be showing her works. Mansfield
needle felter Alaina McKee will be joining
There will be a Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest
in front of Stained Glass Reflecons. You
can win a Peggy’s Candies and Gi7s gi7
cerficate. Peggy’s Candies and Gi7s prizes
will be awarded throughout the whole First
Friday season. A few prizes will be given for
the Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest. Joe Callahan will be providing music on the outdoor
stage at the Deane Center.
The Fi7h Season will have a
planng acvity from 5:00
p.m. to 8:00
p.m. There will
also be refreshments.
From 5:00 p.m.
to 7:00 p.m.
there will be a read-along story me at
Dunham’s Children’s Department which will
feature Super Hero stories. There will also
(Connued on page 12)
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™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
(Connued from page 2)
(Connued from page 6)
Christopher Gastrock 15.84% 1312 Votes
Denise Sherman 13.56% 1123 Votes
John T. Hoover 12.64% 1047 Votes
Duane Cotner 11.16% 924 Votes
Tim McCrac 10.51% 870 Votes
F Craig West 9.07% 751 Votes
Carl M Chambers 6.23% 516 Votes
Steven Kramer 5.88%
487 Votes
Atalanta Shabloski 5.69%
471 Votes
John Peropat 5.29% 438 Votes
Blake Maxson 3.70% 306 Votes
As you can see, Christopher Gastrock got
the most votes and thus was the only incumbent to finish in the top five. The other
four incumbents finished 7th through 10th
in a field of 11 candidates.
Is this a mandate on what to do about the
WASD athlec facilies? We’ll let our readers decide.
that—unl Obamacare is repealed and replaced—there is rigorous oversight in place
to prevent more taxpayer dollars from being squandered on this law."
Senator Roberts (R-KS) wants Obamacare
to be repealed but noted that while
Obamacare is sll in place, "we need a
watchdog, namely a Special Inspector General, to invesgate its implementaon and
ensure our taxpayer dollars are being spent
within the le3er of the law.” Senator Rob
Portman (R-OH), who is also the Chairman
of the Senate Permanent Subcommi3ee on
Invesgaons, said of H.R. 2400 that he
acknowledges the need for an Obamacare
watchdog - "Our bill will help to put in place
an independent watchdog so that we can
know how exactly this law is impacng
Congressman Bill Flores (R-TX), who is the
Chairman of the Republican Study Commi3ee, supports the repeal of Obamacare
and the creaon of a SIGMA in the meanme. Flores said, "While the House works
to repeal the president’s disastrous health
care law, America’s families and taxpayers
have a right to know the true cost of
Obamacare’s waste and abuse." Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), who is the Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus and
Administrave Rules, says a SIGMA is needed as Obamacare "was passed decepvely."
He says that a SIGMA "would be able to
thoroughly review Obamacare and provide
oversight of how it’s being implemented."
Jordan also expressed the need for Americans to "know exactly how their tax dollars
are being spent through this unaffordable
government takeover of the health insurance industry."
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™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
(Connued from page 4)
chiatric and psychosocial adverse outcomes.'"
Colleen L. Barry, associate professor and
associate chairwoman for research and
pracce in the Department of Health Policy
and Management at the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health in Balmore, stated: "In absolute terms, states
with a medical marijuana law had about
1,700 fewer opioid painkiller overdose
deaths overall in 2010 alone than would be
expected based on trends before the laws
were passed. While medical marijuana laws
have been controversial, our study indicates an important unintended benefit of
state medical marijuana laws."
Read Ma3 Baker’s statement on this
Reader Opinion on page 11
Editor Opinion on page 20
Paul Gordon Collier- The Pennsylvania
Medical Marijuana Bill passed the State
Senate this past week by a vote of 40-7.
The bill has now come before the Health
Commi3ee in the State House, where our
local State Representave, Ma3 Baker, resides as the chairman.
Ma3 Baker has recently stated he does
not plan on bringing this bill up before the
commi3ee, seQng off a firestorm, led by
naonal pro-marijuana groups against the
Representave. We reached out to Representave Baker and asked him to offer to
our readers where he was at regarding the
bill. Here is his response:
"Regardless of any campaign amounts
and allegaons, the truth is that I have never even discussed the topic of marijuana
with pharma as I have never been in favor
of approving an illegal schedule 1 drug such
as marijuana as medicine.
Medicine should undergo strict FDA re-
search, have extensive longitudinal randomized double blind tests to prove that it
is safe and effecve and that there are
more benefits than risks. Medicine should
be approved by the FDA, prescribed by
medical doctors and dispensed by pharmacists.
My goodness, drug addicon, dependence and overdose deaths are at an all-me
high in Pennsylvania and I am greatly troubled by the marijuana acvists and advocates that are so desperate for legalizaon
that many will say anything to discredit,
demean and lie about those who oppose
legalizaon of marijuana and merely want
medicine to be safe and effecve for both
children and adults."
We have a counter-opinion by one of our
readers on page 11, as well as an editorial
on page 20.
Your Digital Newspaper and Print News Journal Serving Tioga County PA, Surrounding Areas and Beyond
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
Representave Ma3 Baker's opposion to
SB3, a bill for strictly-limited medical cannabis in PA, puts him in opposion with 88%
of Pennsylvanians (according to state-wide
scienfic polling by Quinnipiac University).
Blocking bill SB3 denies potenal relief to
those Pennsylvanians suffering the most,
from cancer to ALS, MS, Parkinson's, and
PTSD. The PA Senate passed SB3 by a landslide 40 to 7 vote. That's decisive, surely
following reless research into the bill's
risks, benefits, and implementaon. Yet
Baker cites "unresolved issues" (He should
look into how the Senate came to such a
strong, biparsan consensus.)
Pharmaceucal corporaons rejoice:
Baker says he won't budge without the
FDA's approval. He claims that the "medical
community" is "concerned about us [...]
calling something medicine when it’s not
been conclusively proven safe or effecve."
Medical cannabis has long been offered in
many states. Besides, today's dueling pharmaceucal ads, with their litany of side
effects and risks, don't come across as comparavely safe or effecve. The FDA, with
its glacial pace and own history of mistakes,
shouldn't trump the clear will of the people. Neither should one State Representave with an extremely-minority posion.
The suffering shouldn't be le7 at the mercy
of the slow machine of FDA bureaucracy.
Campaign finance records at FollowTheMoney.org show that Baker propor-
onally accepted more campaign money
from pharmaceucal (and healthcare product) companies than from any other group.
Let's say there's no correlaon between
Baker's posion and the drug manufacturers standing to profit most from SB3's
blockage...his posion sll benefits Big
Pharmaceucal at the expense of suffering
PA cizens' liberty and healthcare choices.
The sickest among us suffer in search of the
right medicine, all while the pharmaceucal
painkiller OxyConn, along with its big
brother, heroin, ravage our state. Does anyone sll believe that opiate-based pharmaceucals are safer than cannabis? Cannabis
is now is a medicine in nearly half of US
states. Suffering Pennsylvanians deserve
the same choice, and we--the vast majority-ask Representave Baker to accept the
clear will of the people.
Thomas Dalton
Wellsboro PA
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(Connued from page 7)
be a cra7 to go along with the stories with
Chandia who reads for Story Hour at the
Green Free Library.
Enjoy free dirt pudding at In My Shoes on
Main Street.
At Stained Glass Reflecons’ side window
on Cra7on Street will be James States, who
is an arst, teacher, and po3er in Wellsboro. He will have finished pieces on display
to look at and purchase and he will be
demonstrang how to throw po3ery at his
po3er’s wheel. You can also try using the
po3er’s wheel.
Cache Me If You Can!
Pop’s Culture Shoppe on Main Street invites you to celebrate Earth Day Every Day.
Meet at 5:00 p.m. to help plant some flowers. Game designer Dan Hundycz will also
be there demonstrang all of his games
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
including the
game “Cache
Me If You
Wild Asaph
will have a
JetBoil backpacking stoves demonstraon. They will
also be offering free dehydrated food samples.
The Nave Bagel will have a free cupcake
decorang acvity for kids. The Nave Bagel is located around the corner on Central
Avenue. It will be open late during First
An author event will take place at From
My Shelf Books and Gi7s from 6:00 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. Pennsylvania author Joseph
Berube who wrote “The Buckskin Saint” will
be there signing books. “The Buckskin
Saint” is set in the American Colonies of the
1770s. At the
me, central
and western
PA were considered “the
western froner.”
The protagonist is Henry
who was born
as a child of
Brish society.
issues of his father forced him into a new life
on a colonial farm as an indentured bondsman. Real events and people are woven
into “The Buckskin Saint.” Joe is a lifelong
American history student who especially
likes the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
The idea for “The Buckskin Saint” came
(Connued on page 13)
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™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
(Connued from page 12)
when he made up the story to tell his dying
father. His dad enjoyed hearing Joe’s history inspired stories. Joe’s dad lost his ba3le
with lung cancer in September 2011. From
My Shelf will also have a trivia table with
HAVEN, including free prizes for contestants of all ages! In addion, we will have
FREE popcorn and co3on candy …. and possibly, just possibly, the Sno-Cone machine!!
Enjoy listening to music by Vernal Pool in
front of Stained Glass Reflecons on Main
Street. Acousc musicians Anne and Ciro
LoPinto will also be present. They may use
instruments such as a guitar, bagpipes,
hammered dulcimer, squeezebox, etc.
Caleb Rutherword, a musician and banjo
player will be performing in front of Country Ski and Sports on Main Street.
Violinist Johanna Vogt will also perform at
Cafe 1905, also on Main Street.
There will be many shopping and dining
specials. When you purchase a pair of
shoes at In My Shoes on Main Street during
First Friday Hours you will be entered to
win a pedicure from Jeane3e’s Hair Care.
The Fi7h Season’s “Spring Fever” inventory reducon sale will connue with 20% to
60% off items in the store.
Shabby Rue will have 15% off everything
during First Friday Hours.
First Friday June 2015 sales
Shoppe will have
10% off all DPH
games and 15% off
Take a Hike dice
game, Wildlife Track
Mold kit, and all
Handy Books during
First Friday Hours.
Handy Books features nostalgic outdoor ps for boys and girls from D.C.
Beard, Boy Scout
Founder, and his sisters Adelia and Lina
Wild Asaph Ou]i3ers on Main Street will
have 15% off ALL dehydrated foods and instock backpacking
Peggy’s Candies and Gi7s on Main Street
will have a buy one ice cream, get a second
one 1/2 price sale during First Friday Hours.
Cafe 1905 will have $1 tall coffee from
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. During First Friday
Hours they will have any flavor Frappuccino
for $3.
Get bonus bucks for every
$20 you spend at Dunham’s,
including sidewalk sale purchases.
Sign up for a stained glass or
fused glass class at Stained
Glass Reflecons during First
Friday Hours and pay 20%
less. You can schedule the
class at your convenience.
Your Digital Newspaper and Print News Journal Serving Tioga County PA, Surrounding Areas and Beyond
Valia Jenkins- Military Service
Academy Representaves Vising PA High Schools
Representaves of Military
Service Academies throughout
the United States will be vising
two Pennsylvania high schools,
announces Congressman Tom
Marino. The visits are part of
‘Academy Days’ aimed at leQng
students preview the Military
Service Academies and meet
the representaves. The Pennsylvania High
Schools representaves will be vising include Williamsport Area High School on
May 30, 2015, and Abington Heights High
School on June 13th. Both events are on a
Students wishing to a3end a Military Service Academy have to be nominated by a
congressional representave. They also
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
have to complete the applicaon requirements and submit
their applicaon before October 5, 2015. These Military
Service Academies have nominaons available: the Coast
Guard Academy in New London, CT; the Merchant Marine
Academy in Great Neck, NY;
the U.S. Military Academy at
West Point, NY; the Air Force
Academy in Colorado Springs,
CO; and the Naval Academy in Annapolis,
Here is the official Press ReleaseWashington D.C.—Congressman Tom
Marino (PA-10) has announced two
‘Academy Days’ at local high schools in the
10th District where students can preview
and meet representaves from each of
America’s presgious Military Service Acad-
emies. Marino’s congressional office is now
accepng applicaons for nominaons to
the United States Service Academies and all
interested students are invited to a3end
one or both of the following events:
Locaon 1:
Saturday, May 30th, 2015
Williamsport Area High School,
2990 West Fourth Street,
Williamsport, PA 17701
From 11:00AM to 1:00PM
Locaon 2:
Saturday, June 13th, 2015
Abington Heights High School,
222 Noble Road, Clarks Summit, PA 18411
From 1:00PM to 3:00PM
Applicants to U.S. Service Academies
must be nominated by their congressional
(Connued on page 15)
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(Connued from page 14)
representave and complete all applicaon
requirements and submit before October
5th, 2015.
For more informaon on Academy Days,
academy applicaons, and the nominaon
process please contact Ryan Barton at (570)
ryan.barton@mail.house.gov. All applicaons should be mailed to Congressman
Marino’s Williamsport office at 1020 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 1A, Williamsport,
PA 17701.
Nominaons are available to the following: the U.S. Military Academy at West
Point, NY; the Naval Academy in Annapolis,
MD; the Air Force Academy in Colorado
Springs, CO; the Coast Guard Academy in
New London, CT; and the Merchant Marine
Academy in Great Neck, NY.
Susan Graver- The
annual Nave Bagel
Open Golf Tourney
will take place on
Wednesday, July 22
at 4 PM at Tyoga
Country Club in
All proceeds will be given to Wellsboro
Food Pantry and the Medard Kowalski Family. Medard went hunng on December 1st
in the Susquehanna River.
His canoe capsized and his body was recovered on March 16th. Funds raised will
benefit the brothers and sister of Medard.
Medard was the son of Susan Griscavage
Kowalski, a former resident of Wellsboro,
and the grandson of Charlie, Sandy and
Maryanne Griscavage of Wellsboro.
The Nave Bagel Open is a nine-hole
It will be a fun golf
tournament for everyone! Parcipants &
teams are now being
You may make your
own teams or call
Angelo Serva at 570-723-3212 or Sue Cummings at 570-724-0900 for any other informaon. The tourney will be limited to 72
The cost to parcipate will be $50.00 per
golfer which includes golf, cart, prizes and a
buffet at The Nave Bagel a7er the tournament.
All golfers who parcipate will receive a
chance to win two ckets to see the New
York Yankees and Chicago White Sox on
September 27th at Yankee Stadium
(Courtesy of Benedicts Bus Service.)
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Valia Jenkins- A fraudulent email claiming
to be from PennDOT is making the rounds,
the Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PaCIC) warns. The subject line of the
email reads “Acon Required – Fine For
Traffic Violaons.” Text in the body of the
email reads “a vehicle registered to you
was captured running a red light” and also
lists a cket number, date of the supposed
violaon, and a fine amount.
The email also includes links to photos,
links to pay the “fine,” and links with more
informaon about the email security service. If you receive an email like this, delete
it. Do not click the links as they redirect to
websites not related to PennDOT.
The fraudulent email itself contains certain elements revealing that it is, in fact, a
phishing scam. There are misspellings, bad
grammar, and different violaon dates.
Traffic ckets and citaons do not get paid
directly to PennDOT, yet another clue that
™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
the email is not from PennDOT.
Phishing is something cyber a3ackers do
to trick email recipients into revealing personal informaon about themselves.
For instance, the email may appear to be
from PennDOT or another legimate business or organizaon, but it is not. The email
address may even look like one that a real
business or organizaon would use, but
that is because cyber a3ackers go so far as
to spoof email addresses.
To guard yourself against email phishing
scams, don’t give out any personal informaon such as your social security number,
date of birth, phone number or address.
Do not open links or a3achments from
unknown senders. Also, don’t click on links
in emails that only contain an IP address.
Finally, never allow plug-ins or run programs from unknown or un-trusted
Hamilton-Gibson 20th Season Reunion
May 23 Rehearsal, May 24 Concert
20 years of singers are gathering this May
23rd and 24th to join forces in a Hamilton
Gibson reunion that’s sure to put a song in
your heart. Here are more details:
WELLSBORO, PA—Everyone who has sung
in the Hamilton-Gibson Community Choral
Arts Program’s Children and Youth Choirs
between January 1996 and May 2015 is
invited to a3end the 20th Season Reunion
on Memorial Day Weekend, May 23 and
“We’re hoping that many of the former
singers from past years can join us for our
20th season celebraon,” said Thomas Putnam. He has served as choir director for all
20 seasons.
(Connued on page 18)
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™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
Bennie and the Jets at the Deane Center
May 22
Greg Ransom brings his unique Elton John
Tribute Band to the Deane Center this May
22nd. Here are the details of this excing
performance coming up:
WELLSBORO, PA—He makes you believe
he is Elton John with his spot-on vocals,
piano playing, mannerisms and the plumage and costumes he wears.
His real name is Greg Ransom and he is
the leader of the “Premier Elton John Tribute Band” called Bennie and the Jets. This
band will perform at the Deane Center’s
Coolidge Theatre next week on Friday, May
22 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $20 per person.
In big sunglasses and a straw boater hat
playing a baby grand piano and belng out
Elton John tunes, Ransom looks and sounds
like the real deal. Accompanying him are
Dan Moraski on guitar, Steve Lawton on
drums and Mike Gibbs on bass. Moraski
and Lawton sing backup vocals.
The 90-minute show at the Deane Center
will include two costume changes and 17 to
21 Elton John hits, like “Mona Lisas and
Mad Ha3ers.”
Elton John has been performing for five
decades, since the 1960s. Ransom said.
“Because he is sll touring and doing newer
music, we focus on his earlier hits, from
1970 to 1991. We do a blend of his songs,
both his big hits and the ones you don’t
hear as o7en. We frequently perform
‘Rocket Man’ and ‘Crocodile Rock.’”
Ransom began taking piano lessons at 10
years old, studied music and started his
own band in high school.
In 1991, a7er a snt in the Air Force, the
21-year-old was playing piano in a hotel
lounge in Springfield, Massachuse3s, his
hometown when his boss asked him to sing
an Elton John tune. “He told me no ma3er
what song I sang I sounded like Elton John
to him and suggested I start a tribute
band.” Ransom bought a box set of Elton
John tunes and began memorizing his music. He a3ended his live shows to study
what the arst did when performing.
By 1994, Ransom felt he knew enough
Elton John songs to successfully start a tribute band. “I asked Dan Moraski who I could
get to play guitar.” Moraski has been in the
band ever since.
”In 1995, I started the band. I was 25. We
had played two local gigs when a naonally
known entertainment broker hired us to do
a show in California,” Ransom added. Bennie and the Jets has been on the road ever
since traveling the world and performing.
Lawton became the band’s drummer in
1996 and Gibbs the bassist in 2003. “The
four of us hail from Springfield. That’s our
home base,” Ransom said.
For more informaon or ckets, call the
Deane Center at 570-724-6220 or visit
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™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
ing nine counes to
achieve the iniave
goal to sing in all 67
counes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. On Wednesday,
April 29 they sang in
the Rotunda at the
state capitol in Harrisburg where the inia-
(Connued from page 16)
“It would be helpful for returning singers
to let us know they plan to a3end so we
can have enough music ready,” he connued.
“If any H-G choir members are in contact
with other former singers, please pass on
the invitaon in case we have not been
able to locate them.”
The rehearsal for the Reunion Concert
will be Saturday, May 23, from 9:30 a.m. to
12 p.m. at the Wellsboro High School auditorium at 227 Nichols Street in Wellsboro.
All of the former singers are invited to get
together at the Warehouse Theatre on Central Avenue in Wellsboro immediately following the rehearsal.
“Because we don’t know how many may
a3end, we are asking each individual singer
to bring his or her own lunch. Ordering
lunch ahead from an area restaurant may
help speed up the process,” Putnam said.
The Reunion Concert will be at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 24 at the Wellsboro High
School auditorium. Favorite songs from the
20 seasons will be sung at the concert.
More than 350 former choir members were
invited to parcipate.
Being celebrated at the 20th Season Reunion will be the choirs’ 20th anniversary
and compleon of the H-G choirs’ 67 Iniave. From April 26-28, 46 fourth through
twel7h graders sang in each of the remain-
ve started in 2008.
In January 1996, the Hamilton-Gibson
choral program began with one choir with
18 singers in grades 4-8. This year, there
are four choirs and more than 60 singers in
grades 2-12 who are from communies
throughout Tioga County.
Admission at the door for adults is $8 and
free for children and students. This event is
sponsored in part by Partners in Progress.
For more informaon, call 570-724-2079
or email hamgib@gmail.com.
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™ Tioga Freedomist– People-Powered Press - Volume 4, Issue 10 - May 20th, 2015
Paul Gordon Collier- Whether you are for
or against the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Bill, the merits for or against this legislaon are there for all to consider. Ancillary
issues arise when opponents from either
side of the debate engage in personal targeng of parcipants in this discourse.
One such targeng has come in the form
of the man who has been deemed the one
person who is stopping the passage of the
PA Medical Marijuana Bill, our own representave, Ma3 Baker (R). Two charges
have been leveled against Baker.
The first charge is that Baker will somehow benefit economically from this bill not
passing. Allegedly, if this bill does pass, it
might hurt sales of an alternave, alreadylegal drug. We have found absolutely no
connecon between Baker and any commercial interest that would benefit from
the sale of alternave drugs to cannabis-oilbased treatments.
It should be noted that the leading proponents of that theory come from outside of
Pennsylvania, from powerful pro-marijuana
groups that seem to have engaged in a ‘by
any means’ scorched earth campaign to
push this legislaon through, not on its
merits, but by demonizing the opposion.
The second charge is that Ma3 Baker is
simply in the pocket of big pharma. This is
the allegaon that we will examine.
Ma3 Baker received a total of $32,800
from the Pharmaceucal industry, with the
bulk of that money coming a7er he was
appointed to the Health and Human Services Commi3ee in 2009, and he has since
become the Chairman of the Health Commi3ee.
Prior to the 2010 Elecon, Baker had received a total of $32,000 over the course of
14 years. A7er his appointment to the
Health and Human Services Commi3ee,
and then to the Health Commi3ee, Baker
has received a total of $29,700. He received
$6,900 in 2010, $11,500 in 2012 and
$11,300 in 2014.
In 2014, Baker raised a total of $55,925,
with roughly 20% of his funding coming
from the pharmaceucal industry. That
funding came from 13 different contributors, with no contributor giving more than
As the Chairman of the Health Commi3ee, from a pharmaceucal perspecve,
Ma3 Baker is the most powerful man in the
If we look at how the pharmaceucal industry has given to other candidates, we
see a proporonal giving commensurate
with the influence that polician has in Harrisburg. We decided to look at three Democrats, the sponsor of the PA Medical Marijuana Bill, the ranking member of the
House Health Commi3ee, and a lowranking Democrac member of the House
Health commi3ee.
The sponsor of the PA Medical Marijuana
Bill is State Senator (D) Daylin Leach. Leach
has been in office for 13 years, 6 years as a
State Representave and 7 years as a State
Senator. In his last race as a PA State Representave, he raised $124,000.
All total, Leach has raised over $2.073
million throughout his polical career, with
the largest industry donor coming from
lawyers and lobbyists, who gave him
Leach has not served on any major health
commi3ees in the House or the Senate, but
sll received a total of $4,600 from Pharmaceucal Companies, with $2,400 coming
to him in 2012. He received no money from
pharmaceucal companies in 2014
The ranking member of the House Health
Commi3ee is Florindino Fabrizio (D). Fabrizio has been in office for 13 years and has
raised $148,728 during that me.
Up unl the 2014 elecon, the first elecon in which Fabrizio was the ranking
member of the Health Commi3ee, the Representave received no money from the
pharmaceucal industry. In 2014, Fabrizio
received $2,000 from the pharmaceucal
industry. We would be willing to bet he will
receive at least as much, if not more, in
Another Democrat, Mary Jo Daley, was
appointed to the Health Commi3ee in
2013. Daley was elected in 2012. In only 2
elecons, Daley has already raised
$159,523, with $94,110 being raised in her
first elecon bid.
She received no money from the pharmaceucal industry in her first run. In 2014,
Daley received $1,200.
Whatever your posion on money in polics, what our study reveals is that interests
follow power, but power does not necessarily conform to those interests, though, of
course, it might.
The fact that Ma3 Baker received the
amount of money he has received so far, as
the Chairman of the most powerful commi3ee to the pharmaceucal industry,
should be of li3le surprise to anyone.
Would you assume that Senator Leach is
beholden to lawyers and lobbyists because
he has received so much money from
them? Given the fact that he is the Democrac Chairman of the Judiciary Commi3ee,
is at any surprise lawyers and lobbyists
would want to contribute heavily to his
Issues that go a7er personalies, unless a
CLEAR case of undue influence can be
made, only serve to distract us all from this
important debate now facing our elected
officials today.
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