Patriot News - Wheeling Park High School
Patriot News - Wheeling Park High School
Wheeling Park High School PATRIOT NEWS SPECIAL EDITION Issue 1 LET’S GET READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!! Make plans now to attend the first home football game of the season when the Wheeling Park Patriots host Bridgeport High School at Wheeling Island Stadium on Friday, September 2, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets for admission to the game are available in advance for $4.00 for adults and may be purchased at Wheeling Park High School and the Ohio County Schools Central Office. Wheeling Park High School students may purchase their ticket for $1.00 IN ADVANCE ONLY in the school’s Main Office. All tickets at the gate (INCLUDING WPHS STUDENTS) will be $5.00. August 2016 Principal Addresses Parents Dear Parents, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. I look forward to again leading the dedicated faculty and staff of Wheeling Park High School as they continue to keep our school one of the best in the State of West Virginia. At this time of year, it is always exciting as we renew friendships and build new relationships that continue the tradition of excellence firmly established at Wheeling Park High. As always, we welcome new faculty and staff to our Wheeling Park family. We know that we have chosen the most qualified and experienced applicants to continue to provide quality education programs to our students. Active involvement on the part of parents and adults in each child’s education is essential to his or her success. We invite each and every one of you to join us in our continued efforts to provide educational opportunities so that Together We Achieve. Enclosed with this newsletter is a Photography and Media Coverage Permission Form. This form (which is printed on green paper) needs to be reviewed and signed by you and returned to your student’s Homeroom teacher on the first day of school. The first day of school for ALL students is Monday, August 15, 2016, and will be a regular school day. Please logon to busschedules for bus transportation times and locations prior to the orientation. Sincerely, Amy Minch Homecoming Activities Planned Homecoming Parade: Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 6:30 p.m., downtown Wheeling. Homecoming Game: Friday, October 7, 2016, 7:00 p.m., Wheeling Island Stadium, Wheeling Park vs. Morgantown. Homecoming Dance: Saturday, October 8, 2016, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m., WPHS Gymnasium. Cost: $10.00 per couple, $5.00 per single. First Day of School For All Students Monday, August 15, 2016 Report to Homerooms Amy Minch Principal Selective Service Sign-Up Required All males who have reached the age of 18 must sign up for the U.S. Selective Service. You may do so online at or you may pick up forms in the Guidance Office. Also available in Guidance are video and audio cassettes pertaining to the Armed Forces. If you DO NOT wish to receive information from the Armed Forces, you must sign the list in the Guidance Office. Students Must Have Identification Cards All students are required to keep their identification cards (IDs) with them at all times during the school day. The ID card is also required for admittance to school activities and lunches. Any student who loses his or her ID card will be issued a replacement at a cost of $3.00. Failure to produce the ID card when asked may result in disciplinary action. Page 2 WPHS PATRIOT NEWS—SPECIAL EDITION Student Dress Code Explained While Wheeling Park High School does not establish a specific dress code for students, students are expected to dress in an acceptable and appropriate manner in order not to disrupt the educational process. Students will be given clothing if available or they may be sent to the InSchool Suspension Room and parents may be contacted if student dress is unacceptable. Students are NOT to wear the following: Head coverings (remove upon entering building) Clothing with unacceptable language; anything relating to alcohol, tobacco, drug use, weapons, sexual connotations, or insinuations Long coats of any type Chains, gloves, spiked clothing, and spiked accessories Tops cut above the waist Pants and shorts that are not worn at the waist Beachwear, sunglasses, and bandanas Boxer shorts Shorts and skirt lengths must be below finger tips when arms are fully extended downward along the side of body Yogas/Leggings/Tight-fitting pants may be deemed inappropriate unless worn with tops that are below finger tips when arms are fully extended downward along the side of body Sheer clothing, sleepwear, or blankets Low-cut tops, tank tops, cut-off t- shirts and sleeveless tops Unacceptable jewelry Additional dress code requirements apply as noted in the participation regulations for special events such as Homecoming Court, Queen of Queens, Prom Court, etc. August 2016 Guidance Department Provides Assistance to Students The primary objectives of the Guidance Department are to assist students in their educational planning, to help them establish an attainable career direction, and to assist them with their personal concerns. Counselors are involved in many activities; however, the most prevalent are listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Work with students in the areas of educational goals and objectives. Provide students with information related to colleges and universities, trade or technical schools, and any other post high school programs. Assist in presenting scholarship materials. Provide information and services necessary for lifelong learning. Guidance Counselor Assignments Counselor Direct Line Students with Last Name Beginning with these Letters Mr. John Helms 304-243-0336 A—Da Mrs. Jennifer Kucera-Short 304-243-0348 Db—Hol Mr. Eric Francis 304-243-0352 Hom—Mil Ms. Alyssa Patton 304-243-0359 Mim—Sel Ms. Emily Trifaro 304-243-0349 Sem—Z Guidance Department Phone: 304-243-0418 Balfour Visit Announced Representatives from the Balfour Company will be at Wheeling Park High School on Thursday and Friday, September 8 and 9, 2016, during all three unches, with ring displays to view and order. Also, Balfour will be here on Thursday, September 8, from 2:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. in the Activities Entrance hallway. PLAN TO ATTEND AN OPEN HOUSE FOR INCOMING FRESHMEN AND THEIR PARENTS FRESHMEN TAILGATE OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2016 4:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Enjoy food, fun, and free school supplies in the Food Court and on the Plaza. Freshmen will be given their schedules, and mentors will take individual students through the school following their schedule. We encourage you to attend the Freshmen Tailgate between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to get your schedule prior to the first day of school. WPHS PATRIOT NEWS—SPECIAL EDITION Page 3 August 2016 EXTRACURRICULAR/DANCE PROCEDURES Dances are held throughout the school year. Guests may attend designated dances with students from WPHS. These procedures must be followed: (1) A dance permission form must be completed; (2) The dance permission form must be approved by the Administration; and (3) Guests must be at least a freshman in high school and under 21 years of age. Guests MUST NOT be a high school dropout; (4) All dance participants are subject to Breathalyzer testing. WPHS students must meet the criteria identified on the dance permission form to attend school– sponsored dances. Below are examples of guidelines addressing grades and behavior that are made specific for each dance: Must not be failing a class or have an Incomplete. Must not have an out-of-school suspension or more than two full days of in-school suspension or more than three referrals that result in any form of in-school suspensions during the semester in which the dance occurs. Must not have more than five days of unexcused absences for the semester in which the dance occurs. Must have a completed school dance permission form to validate the approval of the noted criteria. This form must be signed by the student’s parent/guardian and approved by the grade-level principal. Students must adhere to the established deadlines for the submission of dance permission forms in order to participate. LATE FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED due to the time needed to verify the criteria listed above. GRADE-LEVEL PRINCIPALS Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Mrs. Bugaj Mrs. Lewis Mr. Sexton Mr. Ochsenbein ELECTRONIC DEVICES/CELL PHONES The following items are ONLY PERMITTED to be used in the Food Court during a student’s lunch period and after school: Season passes for football, as well as All-Sport passes, are available in the Main Office at the high school. Football season passes are good for all regular season home football games (including JV and Freshman home games). All-Sport passes are good for all regular season home athletic events. These passes are not accepted for playoff games or OVAC/ TRAC-sponsored events. All electronic devices/headphones (Listening/Visual) SPEAKERS ARE NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME. SEASON PASSES Cellular phones Wheeling Park High School will not be responsible for lost/stolen or damaged electronic devices. SEASON PASS PRICES Adult Football Passes Non-WP Student Football Passes All-Sport Passes $20.00 $15.00 $75.00 If you have any questions, please call the Athletic Office at 304-243-0405. Dear Parent or Guardian: The teen years are marked by a roller-coaster ride of emotions. It is easy to misread depression as normal adolescent turmoil; however, depression appears to be occurring at a much earlier age, and the past decade has seen teen suicide rates double. To proactively address this issue, Wheeling Park High School is offering depression screening and suicide prevention training for all 9th grade students as part of the SOS Signs Suicide® Prevention Program. This program has proven successful at increasing help-seeking by students concerned about themselves or a friend and is the only school-based suicide prevention program that addresses suicide risk and depression, while reducing suicide attempts. Last year, we successfully offered this program to all grade levels; this year, we are offering the program for all incoming freshmen. Our goals in participating in this program are straightforward: To help our students understand that depression is a treatable illness, and help them assess whether or not they may have symptoms consistent with depression; To explain that suicide is a preventable tragedy that often occurs as a result of untreated depression; To provide students training in how to identify serious depression and potential suicidality in a friend; To impress upon teens that they can help themselves or a friend by taking the simple step of talking to a responsible adult about their concerns. We will provide this program to all 9th grade students. The program includes a 22minute video, followed by a discussion/presentation about the facts and myths surrounding depression and suicide. Following the video and discussion, students will complete a brief screening form in their homerooms. The depression screening tool we are using concerns thoughts and feelings which a parent may be unaware that their child is having. This tool cannot provide a diagnosis of depression but does give an indication of whether a young person should be referred for evaluation by a mental health professional. If you do NOT wish your freshman son/daughter to take a written screening test for depression and participate in SOS: Signs of Suicide intervention training in school, please send a note to school with your child, and have him or her give the note to the Main Office or to his or her homeroom teacher. If we do not hear from you, we will assume your child has permission to participate in this program. If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please do not hesitate to contact the school at any time. Sincerely, Amy L. Minch Amy L. Minch Principal WPHS PATRIOT NEWS - SPECIAL EDITION Page 4 August 2016 Student Attendance Guidelines Noted Being in school is not only important to student success, it’s the law. EXCUSED ABSENCE REASONS 1. Illness or injury of the student requiring physician’s verification. 2. Medical or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside of the school day. Absences must be verified in writing by the physician or dentist. 3. Illness of student verified by a parent (not to exceed three [3] consecutive days or ten [10] total days per school year). Excuses must be turned in to the school within ten (10) days after the absence. 4. Illness or injury in family when student absence is verified essential by a physician. 5. Calamity, such as fire in the home, flood, or family emergency. 6. Death in the immediate family. 7. Leaves of educational value, approved by school administrator prior to travel. 8. School-approved curricular and extracurricular activities. 9. Legal obligations with verification. 10. Failure of bus to run. 11. Observance of religious holidays. 12. College or military visits (three [3] a year for Juniors and Seniors) with documentation. PARENT/GUARDIAN NOTES EXPLAINED Students returning to school after any absence have ten (10) days from the date of the absence to bring in written documentation from the parent, guardian, doctor, dentist, etc., explaining the reason for the absence. The note should have the following information on it: Student’s first and last name Grade Phone Number Date of Absence Reason for Absence Signature of Parent / Guardian WPHS John Smith EXAMPLE: Grade 10 243-0000 Absent October 6, 2016 Due to illness Written excuses may be e-mailed to Parents Asked to Report Student Absences Parents/guardians are asked to call the school (243-0413) after 7:00 a.m. if a student must be absent. Care calls to home are made daily to verify the student’s absence if the school has not heard from you. Anna M. Smith Monitoring is Important Please help your son or daughter monitor his or her attendance. If you need assistance, do not hesitate to call the school at 243-0400. Page 5 WPHS PATRIOT NEWS - SPECIAL EDITION FRESHMAN HOMEROOMS, 2016-2017 Orth ....................... B313……A-Az Weir ...................... R244 ....... B-Bo Turbanic ................ R235 ....... Bp-Ch Cirilli..................... G337B .... Ci-Cr Vacancy-LA.......... G340A .... Cs-Don Young ................... O354 ....... Doo-Fe Goodrich ............... G342 ....... Ff-Gor Fromhart ............... B 207 ...... Gos-Haw Shanley ................. O345B .... Hax-Jar Adams ................... R332C .... Jas-K Vacancy-SS .......... O347. ...... L-Mas Demarest ............... G341 ....... Mat-Mie Joseph ................... R319B .... Mif-New Gaudino ................ R324B .... Nex-Pen Payne .................... G247 ....... Peo-Re Abraham ............... B200 ....... Rf-Sa Hepburn ................ R213 ....... Sb-Sp Suter ...................... R321 ....... Sq-V Monteleone ........... O261 ....... W-Wh M. Jebbia .............. B307 ....... Wi-Z August 2016 SOPHOMORE HOMEROOMS, 2016-2017 Witzberger ............ B310 ....... A-Bar Romick.................. G340D .... Bas-Bro Powell ................... G344 ....... Brp-Coo Higley ................... R320 ....... Cop-Del Peace ..................... B308 ....... Dem-E Cornforth .............. B203A .... F-Gi Triveri ................... G337D .... Gj-Heb Ickes ...................... B200A .... Hec-Hz Mrs. Yost .............. R238 ....... I-Kr Blaney ................... R326 ....... Ks-L Farrow .................. G348 ....... M-McCa Mosca.................... R334C .... McCb-Mil B. Durkin .............. R211 ....... Mim-N Robbins ................. G337A .... O-Per Crow ..................... O345 ....... Pes-Ram McGinley .............. O349 ....... Ran-Sa Leggett .................. Media ..... Sb-Sl Lewis .................... B311 ....... Sm-Ta Kidwell ................. R324C .... Tb-War Baker ..................... O258A .... Was-Z (On August 15, 2016, all students will report to HR.) (On August 15, 2016, all students will report to HR.) JUNIOR HOMEROOMS, 2016-2017 SENIOR HOMEROOMS, 2016-2017 Hoffman ................ R334B.....A-Bai Daugherty.............. R222 .......Baj-Bor White ..................... R334A ....Bos-Ca Vacancy-Math ....... O360 .......Cb-Cr Shriner ................... R332B.....Cs-Dun Reinhardt ............... R316 .......Duo-Ga Johnson ................ G340C ....Gb-Hal Wilson ................... O357 .......Ham-Hol Conley ................... G245 .......Hom-Ka McCormick ........... O259 .......Kb-Li D. Davis ................ R223. ......Lj-McA Cook ...................... O260 .......McB-Min Branstetter ............. G333 .......Mio-On Romanek ............... R323 .......Oo-Pq Stanton .................. O356 .......Pr-Ros Phillips .................. G346 .......Rot-Sd Miller .................... R332D ....Se-Sp Fetty ...................... G337C ....Sq-Tt Hensler .................. R331B.....Tu-Wg Galik...................... O359 .......Wh-Z Seals ...................... G340B .... A-Bei Milliken ................ G111 ....... Bej-Br P. Chacalos ........... B304 ....... Bs-Com Curley/S.Jebbia ..... R226 ....... Con-Da Schehl ................... R250 ....... Db-Dr Dayton .................. R327 ....... Ds-Fos Crews .................... R324A .... Fot-G J. Chacalos ............ B306…....Ha-Hl Schrebe ................. R334D….Hm-J Elson ..................... R227 ....... K-La Mr. J. Doyle .......... O358 ....... Lb-Ma Redilla .................. R319A .... Mb-Mil Hill ........................ R233 ....... Mim-N Eller ...................... B305 ....... O-P Carder ................... R332A .... Q-R Bennett .................. G339 ....... Sa-Se Leffe ..................... B309 ....... Sf-Sta Vac-Title Math/Stillion ... O258 ....... Stb-Tri Villani ................... R318 ....... Trj-Wei Reynolds ............... R229 ....... Wej-Z (On August 15, 2016, all students will report to HR.) (On August 15, 2016, all students will report to HR.) Page 6 WPHS PATRIOT NEWS - SPECIAL EDITION August 2016 ~ Breakfast and Lunch Payment Program ~ Wheeling Park High School, along with all Ohio County Schools, are now part of the Community Eligibility Provision Program where all students can receive ONE free breakfast and ONE free lunch daily free of charge. No free/reduced meal applications are necessary to receive the free meals. This program applies to all students and NOT to adults. If students want a second breakfast or lunch meal, the cost is $1.00 for a second breakfast and $1.75 for a second lunch which MUST be paid in cash (no charging of second meals is allowed). Extra milk will be available for a cost of 40 cents (no charging permitted). Students must go through the line to receive the breakfast or lunch meal and finger scan or show a student ID at the computer cashier station to receive the meal. A fruit or vegetable serving must be taken with any meal served. Students will be offered breakfast daily at the following times and locations: Grab and Go Breakfast is available daily fr om 7:00 a.m.-7:20 a.m. in the Activities Entrance by the Gym. Students can take the Grab and Go Breakfast to the Gym to eat. Traditional Breakfast is available daily in the Food Cour t fr om 7:00 a.m.-7:20 a.m. Students may eat in the Food Court area until dismissal to their 1st period class. Second Chance Breakfast is available daily after 2nd Per iod in both the Food Cour t and in the Media Center for students to take directly to their 3rd period class to eat. Only students getting a Second Chance Breakfast are permitted through the lines in the Food Court or Media at that time. All Lunches will be ser ved in the Food Cour t dur ing all Advisor y Per iods (for students who do not have a scheduled lunch) and during scheduled lunch periods daily. A hot entrée, several entrée salads and wrap meals are available daily in addition to a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other side options. Bagged lunches can be taken only during Advisory Periods. Bills for unpaid outstanding meal balances from prior years will continue to be mailed to the parent/guardian of students. Those accrued charges remain the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Bills may still be paid online at or can be paid with cash or check to the Child Second meals for all students will Nutrition Office at WPHS. Please contact our office at 304-243-0477 with any questions regarding bills or to set up a payment plan to pay off old meal balances if needed. be cash only at a cost of $1.00 for This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. breakfast and $1.75 for lunch. Extra milk will be available at a cost of $.40. WHEELING PARK HIGH SCHOOL LOCAL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL Two parent representatives were needed to serve two-year terms on the Wheeling Park High School Local School Improvement . Tonya Anderson and Jen Kloss were the only parents who expressed interest to Principal Amy Minch by the July 25, 2016, deadline; therefore, no election is necessary at this time. Come out and support all of our Fall Sports Teams in their home openers: Thursday, August 11-Golf at Jones Golf Course-8:30 a.m.-Oglebay Park Tuesday, August 23—Girls’ Soccer vs Brooke-6:00 p.m.-Stadium Saturday, August 20—Boys’ Soccer vs Hurricane—2:00 p.m.-Stadium Friday, September 2—Football vs Bridgeport WV—7:00 p.m.-Stadium Thursday, September 1—Volleyball vs Parkersburg—6:30 p.m.-WPHS Gym Saturday, September 17-Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country-WPHS Fall Classic-9:00 a.m. Page 7 WPHS PATRIOT NEWS - SPECIAL EDITION Report Card and Interim Report Dates Listed Listed below are the dates that mark the end of each nine-week grading period. Report cards will be distributed approximately one week after the closing dates. October 18, 2016 March 14, 2017 December 20, 2016 May 24, 2017 Interim Reports are completed for each student midway through each grading period and will be distributed a few days after the closing dates. Listed below are the dates on which Interim Reports will be completed this year: September 14, 2016 February 6, 2017 November 17, 2016 April 18, 2017 August 2016 SCHOOL INSURANCE Student accident insurance is available through Markel, Inc. of Glen Allen, Virginia. For information or to enroll, access or call 1877-444-5014. Payment must be made by credit or debit card. Additional information is available in the Student Management Office. Parent and Teacher Conferences planned for September 21 All parents are invited to meet with teachers on Wednesday, September 21, 2016, from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. CONTINUING EDUCATION DAY There is NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS on Friday, October 14; it is a Continuing Education Day for our faculty and staff. CURRENT RESIDENT or Wheeling Park High School 1976 Park View Road Wheeling, WV 26003 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID WHEELING WV PERMIT NO. 684