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MUSTANG COUNTRY Westfall Mustangs News brought to you through a partnership of the Westfall Local Schools and The Circleville Herald Across the curriculum collaboration benefits students Westfall Elementary welcomes new staff members Seventh grade art teacher Kathy Fuller and social studies teacher Eddie Brown are collaborating on a project about ancient Greece. In social studies, the students are learning about the impact ancient Greece had on Western Civilization. While in art, the students are learning about sculptors from multiple time periods, and discussing why this art form is used by artists. Collaborating on this project allows Fuller and Brown to expand on their state content standards, but more importantly it has helped increase student learning across curriculum units. The lesson first incorporated technology, as students used iPads¨ to search for information and images about a Greek deity of their choice. The students researched symbols, myths, festivals, and more that were associated with their deity. Then using higher-thinking skills, the students took research about the deity and artistically display that information in a statue, using paper, cardboard, clay or other materials. Collaboration between the art and social studies departments has allowed students to use hands-on learning to understand the connection between art and history. Senior citizens share life experiences, wisdom and knowledge with 8th graders via renowned program Listening to their elders took on a whole new twist in Megan VanBuskirkÕs Advanced 8th grade Language Arts class recently. The nationally renowned Life Bio program brings together students and elderly residents of nursing homes or assisted living facilities, allowing them to build friendships and giving the students an insight into their life experiences. Thirteen residents from Traditions, an assisted living community in Chillicothe, visited Westfall Middle school twice and were scheduled to return Nov. 8 for another session. Two or three students are paired up with a resident, and then can ask them about their life. Some of the topics discussed included education, career choices, the importance of family, dreams and aspirations, overcoming adversity, and fond memories. As part of the project, students keep a journal from the interviews. Those journals will ultimately become a book to turn in as a language arts project. When completed, the senior visitors will return, receive their own Life Bio books as a gift of appreciation for their First-Hand knowledge – A local senior shares stories and information with Westfall Middle School students time and tales. as part of the Life Bio program. Several new staff members have joined the Westfall Elementary family this year in various capacities: • Beth Eichelberger comes to Westfall from Waverly to teach Disabilities Preschool. • Ashton Phillips is a recent graduate of Wright State University and is teaching kindergarten. • New first grade teachers are Chelsea Martin, a recent Ohio State graduate, and Dakota VanSickle, a recent graduate of Ohio University. • New to second grade is Sarah Davis, a graduate of Rio Grande University. • Traci Tallman and Amy Johnson have joined the staff as instructional aides. • Lisa O’Neill is the new guidance counselor at the elementary. • Amber Johnson has taken over the role of librarian and media specialist. • Two new members to the cafeteria staff are Julie Prushing and Michelle Gardner. • Also joining the staff this year is Brandon Speakman serving as Dean of Students. Westfall welcomes these new energetic and skilled members to the staff and looks forward to collaborating with them to best meet the needs of all students. It’s All Elementary – New Westfall Elementary staff member include, (Front row, L. to R.) Sarah Davis, Ashton Phillips, Dakota Vansickle, Beth Eichelberger, Michelle Gardner and Traci Tallman, and (Back row, L. to R.) Lisa O’Neill, Amy Johnson, Amber Johnson, Julie Prushing, Chelsea Martin. Westfall High School welcomes new staff members Brandon L. Moss, a native of Parkersburg, WV, holds a bachelor’s degree in Music Education from Otterbein University, and a master’s degree in Choral Conducting from The Ohio State University. Prior to coming to Westfall, Moss taught high school and middle school in Dover City Schools in Dover, and the Three Rivers Local Schools in Cleves. Moss directs the Chalice Choir at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus, as well as the Clintonville Community Choir. He has also directed and worked with several other community and school choirs in Central Ohio. Moss is co-chairman of the 2013 Ohio All-State Choir for the Ohio Music Education Association and the State Conference Chair for the Ohio Choral Directors Association. An active performer, he often sings as a soloist and chorister in Central Ohio and currently sings with the Columbus Symphony Chorus. ÒI am excited to assume the role as choral director at Westfall High School,Ó he said. Megan McDowell joins Westfall High School as a biology teacher. A graduate of Wittenberg University, McDowell studied biology and Spanish in college. After graduating, she went on to work as a research assistant in an Immunology laboratory at The Ohio State University. While at OSU, McDowell discovered her calling to go into education, particularly the sciences. In 2011, she completed her teacher licensure program at Ashland University. The OSU experience allows McDowell to bring real-world knowledge and applications to Westfall.ÒI am thrilled to be a Mustang,Ó she said. Get district transportation notifications Sign up today to receive district transportation updates from Westfall Local Schools using a new cell phone or email system called Remind101¨. To sign up, either text: @buses to (802) 275-4821 or send an email to: buses@mail.remind101. Cara S. Riddel com. Superintendent Your cell phone number of email address will be automatically saved and you will receive I hope you share my excitement over the recent state report card that showed our district transportation updates from the district. earning an ÒExcellentÓ rating for its academic performance during the 2011-12 school year. If you have any questions, please call Peggy Shaw at (740) 986-8805. This overall rating was bolstered by Westfall Middle SchoolÕs first-ever ÒExcellent with DistinctionÓ rating, and Westfall Elementary SchoolÕs first-ever ÒExcellentÓ rating. The Westfall Booster Club, and the students of Westfall Local Schools I am so pleased and proud of everything we are doing, and I want to commend our staff, which has persevered through some challenging years. The state report card reflects their want to thank Cargill, Inc. of Circleville for supporting the district focused efforts, hard work and dedication to our students and the community. by permitting it to use the companyÕs parking lot to raise money Even so, I also know that our job is just beginning. We are not satisfied with the ÒEffectiveÓ during the 106th Annual Circleville Pumpkin Show. rating earned by our high school and will strive to make it an ÒExcellentÓ or ÒExcellent with DistinctionÓ building. I know we will be successful in meeting this challenge. Please enjoy this edition of Mustang Country. I always marvel at the fun, compelling and academically sound projects taking place in our buildings. This issue in particular covers everything from Greek gods and goddesses to creative collaborations to empower our students to learn. Enjoy. ou Y k n CARGILL! Tha SPONSORS Circleville Plant AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 151 W. Main Street Circleville 740-420-6309 Where Fashion Means Everything! 159 W. Main St., Downtown Circleville 497-4768 Facebook Us! Ashville • Circleville • Commercial Point • Grove City Member FDIC Now Available Exclusively in Circleville at... MARSHALL’S AUTO PARTS FREE LAYAWAY FOR CHRISTMAS 116 W. Main St. 474-3179 1091 St. Rt. 56 E • Circleville 474-2104 Shop 9:30 am-6:00 pm M-F • 9:30-5:30 Sat. Fresh & Silk Flowers for all occasions! 204 Long St. Ashville 983-2424 SERVING ALL OF PICKAWAY COUNT Y Circleville Herald Home of the Trailblazers 1476 Lancaster Pike, Circleville, Ohio 43113 111 N. 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