2016 Term 1 Issue 1 - Granville South Creative and Performing Arts
2016 Term 1 Issue 1 - Granville South Creative and Performing Arts
GRANVILLE SOUTH CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ISSUE 1 2016 VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool IMPORTANT NOTICES News from the administration office ….. Fee letters have now been posted and I would like to remind parents that school fees may be paid in A Block office, before school, recess or lunch. We accept EFTPOS however if using EFTPOS it must be before 1.30pm. Thank you to the parents/carers who have supported our school in this way and in many other ways. It is most important that the school has up to date contact numbers, both telephone and email and an emergency contact name and number. If you change your numbers please advise the office immediately. We have limited stock of school uniform at a very reduced price. Mrs S Grinyer Business Manager Granville Creative and Performing Arts High School Pastoral Care Youth Worker This year we welcome Yusuf Mehcur into the role of Pastoral Care Youth Worker. This has been possible through National Chaplaincy Programme Funding and the support of STARTTS (Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors) and our school P and C. Yusuf Mehcur will commence this position in the next few weeks in a part time capacity and will continue his voluntary role in delivering scripture lessons to students on a Friday. Mr Mehcur will support students in years 7-12, including the implementation of programs in the school that support student well-being. This can be on an individual or group basis. He will also run a welcome program for students transitioning from Intensive English Centres. At times the role will involve working with parents, community organisations, agencies and external professionals to support the growth and development of our students. Students and parents will be able to make appointments to speak with or meet with Mr Mehcur to discuss issues relating to student well-being by contacting the school office during school hours. Front page photos: Courtesy of School Archive VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool DEPUTY PRINCIPALS REPORT Deputy Principal Deputy Principal Mr Price Ms Issa We near the end of term 1 I would like to take the opportunity of reminding both students and their families of the importance of pedestrian safety at the end of the school day. Students are required to leave the school via the pedestrian gate only. No student should walk through the upper carpark. This carpark is strictly out of bounds for obvious safety reasons. Students catching buses are reminded that they should line up inside the gate nearest the bus bay and await the directions of the Head Teacher on duty. There are also strict speed limits in school zones. The police and council rangers have indicated that patrols of school zones are conducted regularly to monitor driving habits and issue infringement notices. I encourage parents to pick up students further up Rowley Rd, or at the back of the school so as to ease traffic congestion directly at the front of the school. May I take this opportunity to wish our students and school community a safe and relaxing holiday. Welcome back to school in Term 1, 2016. This year saw the start of many inspiring Initiatives and projects to increase students’ learning opportunities and engagement. As we are a Positive Behaviour for Learning school, the LEARN expectations have now been placed in each classroom for students to comply with in class, in the canteen and in the playground. This is to explicitly ensure that students know what our expectations are in terms of to their roles and responsibilities at school. We welcomed to our Year 7 students and parents; who have made steady progress in their studies and continue to follow our LEARN expectations. Year 9 students have been enjoying their learning and are performing well in their subjects. Throughout this Term, students have been participating in many activities to help increase their love for learning; some of those include our i-Connect project including the digital stories from 2015 and Flashmob this year: Mr T Price, Deputy Principal VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool The school welcomed the following special guests to present students and parents with certificates of participation in the 2 components of the iConnect project presented by: Mr Hakan Harman CEO of Multicultural NSW and Ms Randa Kattan CEO Arab Council Australia. The school was presented with an award from Arab Council during the Annual General Meeting on 31.3.16. Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The message of Harmony Day is: “everyone belongs”. It’s a day to celebrate Australia’s diversity – a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. A great contribution from the team! Our Senior Year 11 students have signed off on their Preliminary Studies and received their Assessment booklets outlining our expectations for their journey into their future aspirations. Our Welfare is on track with our students’ wellbeing programs, Year Advisers and Assistant Year Adviser have mentored and coached students to make good choices and achieve personal goals. They have worked with the Learning Support Team to cater for our students’ needs and ensure that they have access to the curriculum according to their ability through the creation of Individual Education Plans to improve students learning outcomes and cater for their needs. The Learning and Support Team have been collating Data for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data NCCD. This process provides the school with accurate information and details of students who need accommodation, differentiation and adjustment in their learning styles. This process will be completed by the end of Term 1. A job well done to team! Our school was fortunate enough to have the CEO of Multicultural NSW as a guest speaker we celebrated Harmony Day which was held every year on 21st of March to coincide with the United We are here to help our students through the Learning Centre every Friday during periods 5&6 and our Homework Centre will operate in term 2 after school. The days will be determined and notified to parents in term 2. Our scripture lessons are on every Friday during period 4, please ensure that you have signed the permission notes and returned them to the front office. Check out our Facebook page for a download. We would like you to participate in the upcoming celebrations of our 50th anniversary; there will be an open day, fun activities, dinner and many special surprises! Please check our 50th Anniversary Facebook page Ms.D. Issa Deputy Principal VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool NRL Harmony Day Festival As part of Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School’s Harmony Day celebrations, a group of handpicked students attended a starstudded event down at Merrylands Oval on Friday the 18th of March. Rugby League stars Robbie Farah and Nathan Merritt talk about diversity and were treated to an exceptional Polynesian dance performance. Schools also competed against each other in a friendly touch football competition and the Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School team is to be congratulated on coming away undefeated. A great day was had by everyone and the students involved deserve special recognition for their behaviour on the day. Mr White HT PDHPE Women’s Seminar In its fourth year, the NRL Harmony Day festival promotes social inclusion and helps celebrate cultural diversity in rugby league and in the wider community. A group of ten Granville South CAPA High School students attended the day, including our three Year 11 NRL ambassadors. The group, along with over 100 students from schools all across the Sydney West region, viewed an opening ceremony presented by Rugby League star Nathan Hindmarsh. There were also addresses by local Aboriginal elders and members of the local parliament, listened to Allanah Macatangay and Maryam El-Ahmad of Year 11 represented Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School at the Women’s Leadership Seminar held at Parliament House on 10th of March 2016. The seminar aimed at awakening a sense of curiosity with an explorer’s mind while simultaneously upholding their high family ideals. The audience comprising of year 11 students from various public and private schools experienced the incredible exposure of balanced family lives along with flourishing careers. The female parliamentarians talked about their lives while giving lessons on prioritising ethical career choices in order to be pioneers rather than ‘shaving the yack’ as the guest speaker rightly pointed out. VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool The speakers also advised girls on choosing a partner sensibly for a naturally evolving good quality life. To be resilient, compensate negative reaction with empathy and networking continually is essential in order to be an active member of the present highly demanding society. The incredible speeches inspired the girls to have natural intuition for volunteer work, limit accidents, be flexible, and own mistakes in order to be a better person. Critical thinking and meeting diverse section of society is vital to identify the new vision encompassing our society. Every speaker emphasised on adaptability in order to move from job to job and involve family and children in every adventure in order to strengthen the sane society where females are a pivot around which various social and professional fragments revolve. Shams Hussain Learning and Support Student Representative Council The SRC have been hard at work this term with various events already well underway and planning for 2016 in full effect. On the 29th February Granville South CAPA was proud to support HeartKids’ national Sweetheart Day campaign. HeartKids supports and raises awareness for the innocent lives of children born with Childhood Heart Disease. The SRC organised a range of fundraising initiatives leading up to this important event. The SRC sold Sweetheart pins to staff and hosted a lolly jar guessing competition for staff and students. Congratulations to both our first place winners Hanna Yaakub and Laara Elhassan. The SRC also hosted a “Wear a Splash of Red Day” for staff and students. In total the SRC managed to raise an impressive $417.00. All funds raised were donated to the HeartKids Foundation. On the 3rd March selected members of our Year 11 and Year 12 leadership group attended a staff meeting after school. Here students presented an update to staff about current structures and future goals and initiatives of the SRC. Congratulations to Iasinita Fangupo, Raven-Lee Kairua, Layla Saddik and Mary-Tania Tolo Faaoloii for their outstanding leadership and presentation. On 15th March our school captains Raven-Lee Kairua and Khaled Ahmadzai along with Mr Abbas attended the 2016 Civics and Citizenship School Leadership Program at the NSW Parliament House. The civics and citizenship program offers Year 12 school leaders the opportunity to develop their knowledge of systems of government and parliamentary proceedings, and the role of the Governor. Both our leaders represented Granville South CAPA with pride and honour. VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool The SRC are currently in the planning stage for the following upcoming events: Harmony Day – 21st March 2015 Character Day – Education wk (August 1-5) 50th Anniversary Open Day Mr Abbas, Ms Katrib and Ms Cameron SRC Coordinators Open Girls Softball On Monday 29th February 2016 the Open Girls Softball team played their first round knockout match against Rooty Hill High School. It was a close game, with the girls very unlucky to come away with a win. Congratulations to the following students for their effort and outstanding performance: Haitelenisia Sio Brodie Dillon Akosita Masima Atelina Rakuli Suliana Taukolo Iasinita Fangupo Allanah Macatangay Yasmin Abdallah Veisinia Mainuu Jade Johnston Marian Lee Abbas Siu-Ki-Moana Finau Oceana Taula Ali Dulleh for his role as an assistant coach. Miss Rama and Miss Collins Open Girls Softball Coaches On Tuesday 9th February 2016, the following Year 11 and 12 students assisted staff at the school swimming carnival in a number of duties including timekeeper, runner, marshalling and novelty events to gain experience in carnival planning and running a carnival: • • Brodie Dillon Karim Jebara Maryam El Ahmad • • • Amanda Charrouf Heidi Irving Kohlahse Cherrington Faafua Mainuu On Thursday 18th February 2016 the following Year 11 and 12 students assisted staff at Blaxcell St PS Swimming Time Trials as time keepers: • Heidi Irving • • • • • • Khaled Hamdoun Ali Al Tameemi Karim Jebara Cooper Avery Yasmin Abdallah Maryam El Ahmad This experience allowed students to become extremely confident and competent in the role of a timekeeper and in the use of equipment. i.e. using stop watches to record race times. Recently students in the preliminary course have been assisting staff at Blaxcell St PS during sport on Friday afternoons. This allowing student to improve their confidence levels as coaches and also gain experience as an assistant coach in a variety of sports. This will continue throughout the year. Miss Rama VET Sports Coaching Teacher P and C Meeting The next P and C Meeting will be held Wednesday 11th May at 5.00pm in A-Block Administration Office. The meeting will commence with voting for P&C President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. We have 1 nomination submitted and others who have expressed interest. You need to pay $2 to Mrs Grinyer in the office to become a financial member to both be nominated and to vote. This must be paid before 5.00pm 11/5/16. Details have been previously sent via email and facebook. Once voting has finished, the P&C meeting will take place. All parents welcome. VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool The i-Connect project was supported by Arab Council Australia and funded by Multicultural NSW. There were students from years 7-12 including support unit students as well as parents involved in the project. The project included student enquiry and interviewing of parents, preparation of digital stories from the interviews, and the presentation of a flash mob in Parramatta Centenary Square. At the time of publishing this newsletter there were 15,079 viewings online of the flashmob and over 2,000 likes. The school would like to acknowledge the fantastic team of staff who helped make this project a success. These staff included, led by Ms Issa, Ms Cristie Collins – HT CAPA, Ms Amina Husic – Visual Arts Teacher, Ms May Jouni – CLO, and Ms Tsaloukas - Support Unit Teacher. The iConnect project was designed to bring communities, family, staff and students together. Students had different workshops that they participated in and were taught many things. For example how to ask positive questions so they receive a positive answer, how to ask open ended questions, how to interview, how to edit etc. Students interviewed parents about their journey through life. One thing that students were invited to participate in was a flash mob. A flash mob is a group of people that gather and perform. When the performance is done the group of people normally disperse. This is usually done at a random time and it organised through social media or the internet. This was planned by Arab Council Australia and Multicultural NSW Unit through the iConnect project. Students rehearsed several times and eventually performed at Parramatta Town Hall. Everyone had fun participating in this event. Emma Roulston and Josefa Toga VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool “ iConnect project has two components: the first was through the digital stories, parents told their stories through interviews by students who were trained to ask appreciative inquiry questions, which in turn built their communications skills, leadership skills and sense of belonging and the second component was Flashmob which harnessed a sense of identity and creativity through expression and built students' self-esteem. - Ms Issa "It is part of celebrating our 50th Anniversary at Granville South Creative and Performing Arts" Ms Issa said… “iConnect is about bringing our peers, parents, teachers and the community together and celebrating all the different cultures in our community,” “It allows us to learn more about each other’s culture. It was fun being able to socialise with everyone, especially younger students and act as their mentors.” “The idea was to bring about social inclusion and community harmony. Being from a different culture I try my best to understand and learn about different backgrounds. That was one of the main reasons I wanted to be a part of this project and I think I am so grateful for the opportunity.” Nita Fangupo Ahmad Eldirani, who played the Lebanese drum known as the durbakke - said it was important to highlight his culture in the area. “Flashmob aims at bringing about unity and community harmony, with staff, students, and parents, through a creative and performing arts focus” “It is also about embracing social inclusion and understanding of diversity in our wider school community”. “We work especially hard as a school and with the community to make sure no one feels excluded and that all cultures are accepted and celebrated.” “Flashmob is about unity and community and coming together to accept all cultures,” “I’ve played the drums since I was in Year 4. It’s been a part of my upbringing since I can remember.” Ahmad Eldirani VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool Two years later they then went on to start up the Environment Centre; this later became the Community Garden. The high fence was to keep vandals out of the two areas of the garden, one section which grew plants and flowers and the other was for keeping animals. Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School’s 50th Anniversary preparations are coming along well. Dinner Tickets are now available through Trybooking (http://www.trybooking.com/180589) for the Dinner night, which is being held on Saturday 30th July 2016 Holroyd Function Centre, Merrylands. Open Day September in 1982 saw the History Faculty organise a Medieval Day for the students and this became a yearly event. The Open Day is on Saturday 6th August and we welcome students (past and present), parents, teachers and the community to come and celebrate the 50 years of the school with us. There will be tours, student performances, photo displays and stalls. If you are interested in having a stall on the day, contact details are below. Students and Teachers dressed up as Kings, Queens, Slaves, Wenches, Jesters and Damsels to recreate the medieval period. Whilst some students wore armour and battled, others chose less serious events such as wrestling, apple-bobbing, skittles and jelly eating. Taking at trip down memory lane The day ended after lunch with a medieval feast which consisted of a feast of cheese, fruit, chicken and damper. This term we will be covering 1981-1990, which was quite a busy decade! The end of term 1 in 1981 the Environment Club was established by a group of junior students. Their goal was to raise money and awareness for animal or environment projects along with making the school environment a better for all. The “Back to Guildford” Festival which was held on Saturday 24th October 1983 had students turning up to the school to prepare their entry to the Float Competition. Their entry was a recreation of the court of Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses XI. VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool The float was covered in gold and silver, with students dressed as Egyptians handing out balloons. The float ended up winning First Prize in the competition! This musical comedy was a large task undertaken by students totalling 50 actors, singers and dancers as well as 20 musicians. The 2hour performance ran for a two week season; improving each time. The first computer room was opened in A block in 1984 with help from the Ladies Auxiliary and P&C, it consisted of eight computers linked to a master computer and printer. This was then moved in 1987 to D Block class D3, by this time there were 13 computers and a new Apple computer was installed. The school decided to go all out again in 1988 with the musical “It’s a Great War Mate!”. The first bilingual vocational officer was appointed to the school in 1984 with the job of helping to communicate with those from non-English speaking backgrounds and increasing multicultural awareness. Mr Neil Kadomi also helped to form links with the community, organisations and advise students of job opportunities. And just to prove they could do it again but better 1989 saw them do another performance which consisted of 3 shows over a week. “Bye, Bye Birdie” had over 200 students from years 7-12 participating which was such a success that people came to multiple shows. Now one of the biggest milestones that took 12 years of campaigning by the school, P&C and the community was achieved, the School Hall was finally completed in September 1986 after the area was originally sited in 1974. The completion of the hall meant that students could now sit their HSC at the school. This also meant future performances could be run at the school. Somehow the students managed to produce a musical that not only educated and unveiled the realities of war but also managed to bring some laughter and humour to the sadness of WW1. The ‘Computer Education Program’ in 1989 saw the school gain IBM compatible computers to add to the Computer rooms which were well enjoyed. The 25th Anniversary of the school was held in October 1990 and attended by 570 ex-students and staff. Let’s try to top that with our 50th Anniversary this year! For up to date information about our activities please visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/gscapahs50thanniversa ry/ Contact Leia Tookey at the school on Tuesdays between 9am – 3pm on (02)98922654 Leia Tookey - 50th Anniversary Team The first performance to grace the new Hall was in 1987, a musical production created by the students called The Merchant of Venice (With Apologies to Will Shakespeare). VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool FACULTY REPORTS CAPA Faculty Ensemble Classes: New Year 7 Following an extensive audition process at the beginning of the year, we have welcomed a total of 25 Year 7 students into our Circus, Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts Ensembles classes. 7C have proven to be a hard-working, talented group of students who have already demonstrated some outstanding learning habits. As the semester progresses, we look forward to seeing the impact these new students will have in their individual Ensembles classes and hope to be able to celebrate their individual successes at performance and showcase events. Performance at Parra Town Hall Students from the Music and Dance Ensembles performed at Parramatta Town Hall in February as part of a Cultural Exchange program. 50+ students from Northern China toured the local area, performing for many schools, and our school along with one other was invited to join them in their Tour Finale Concert held for local community members. Our students valued the experience to engage with students from different backgrounds and share with them the different cultures that make up our school community. A wonderful time was had by all students involved. HSC Excursions During February our Dance, Drama and Music students attended the OnStage, Callback and Encore performances held at the Seymour Centre and Sydney Opera House. These events are held each year and showcase the outstanding Higher School Certificate performances from the previous year. Our students really enjoyed watching these outstanding performances and each came away with a greater understanding of the work and commitment required in their senior CAPA studies to achieve their best HSC marks. VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool School Spectacular Auditions Akosita Masima and Angel Tairua have now submitted their auditions to be involved in the 2016 Schools Spectacular to be held at Allphones Area in November. Angel, as part of the Talent Development Project and a performer in last year’s showcase, immediately progresses to the live audition stage. Being the first time she has auditioned for Schools Spectacular, Akosita has recorded and uploaded a 5 minute audition video in the hope to move to the second stage of auditions. We wish both Angel and Akosita the best of luck as they look to proudly represent our school at this outstanding showcase event. Ms Collins HT CAPA 50th Anniversary Celebrations Intergenerational lunch The CAPA faculty have begun the preparations for our contributions to the 50th Anniversary celebrations here at Granville South CAPA HS. Ensemble classes will have a big part to play in the events we will hold throughout term 3 to celebrate our schools achievement over the last 50 years. On Thursday 7th April, 4 students accompanied Principal Melissa Johnston to Auburn Girls High School for a lunch funded by Auburn Council. This enabled senior members of the community to dine with youth and engage in discussion. The Visual Arts Ensemble have designed and started work on a large mural that will be hung in A Block. Students lucky enough to have their Visual Arts classes in B10 will get to see how this piece progresses, but everyone else will need to wait until it’s unveiled at our Open Day. The Senior Music Ensemble have also been hard at work writing and recording two school songs with help from Matt and Chris at Granville Youth and Community Centre. These students are also working on a documentary film that outlines the process involved in this project. Josefa Toga, Karim Jebara, Maryam El-Ahmad and Iasinita Fangupo represented our school at this event. For regular updates on the happenings in the CAPA faculty make sure you “like” and follow the GSCAPAHS Facebook page. VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool PDHPE Faculty Year 11 Crossroads – Wheelchair Basketball A compulsory part of Year 11 study this year is the completion of the BOSTES required course ‘Crossroads’. Crossroads is a course that aims to teach Year 11 students about health issues that young people face at this important ‘crossroads’ in their life, when they are nearing the end of adolescence and about to embark on the next stage of their lives as young adults. Issues discussed include road safety, resilience, alcohol and drug use and mental health. Under the organisation of PDHPE faculty member Mr Latulipe, Year 11 students, as part of their Crossroads course, were given the exciting opportunity to participate in the highly entertaining activity of Wheelchair Basketball. After an insightful presentation from NSW Wheelchair sports on the importance of being safe on the roads and in particular, refraining from ‘texting’ while driving, Year 11 students participated in a Wheelchair Basketball competition in the school canteen. Students thoroughly enjoyed this experience and where highly enthusiastic about participating in an activity outside their comfort zone. A big thank you to Mr Latulipe for his organisation, NSW Wheelchair Sports for their time and Year 11 for their outstanding participation and behaviour. David White Head Teacher PDHPE Parent Discussion Morning Tea In my role as CLO, I can organise information session on topics of interest for parents. I would like to invite parents to attend a discussion Morning Tea to find out what is of interest to our parents. The morning tea will be held on Tuesday 10th May 2016 from 10:00am – 12.00 noon We have a number of community organisations that are able to assist in providing information sessions on different topics. I will be inviting these providers to attend our Parents Discussion Morning Tea. Please contact May Jouni on 9892 2654 during school hours. Dear parents You are cordially invited to a: Mother’s Day Morning Tea Where: A Block (common room) When: Thursday 19th May Time: 10:00am -12:00pm RSVP May Jouni: 98922654 VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool The Young Worker Toolkit - The Australian Government has a website to help you find information about your workplace rights and obligations Visit http://www.fairwork.gov.au/ MoneySmart Rookie Campaign Learn more about managing your money, moving out of home, studying, budgeting, credit cards, debt and more. Visit: www.moneysmart.gov.au/life-events-andyou/under-25s RESUME Template - Available in Careers office. Need a TAX FILE NUMBER: Do you have a tax file number (TFN)? If you don’t, you will need one soon- for employment, youth allowance or for the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). Schools no longer process the Tax File form. The application process requires you to apply online and visit your nearest Australian Post Office. For more information visit: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Taxfile-number/ VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool ave saf VISIT: http://www.granvilles-h.schools.nsw.edu.au * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Granvillesouthcreativeandperformingartshighschool a
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