Newsletter Issue 17 - Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern


Newsletter Issue 17 - Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern
Issue 17
FALL 2013
Angels Baseball Family Game Days
August 4 & 20 and September 22, 2013
Childhood Cancer Foundation is very fortunate to receive support from various local sports teams to offer game experiences specially offered to our families. The Los
Angeles Angels of Anaheim graciously donated tickets to various games this season
allowing families to enjoy a baseball game with family and friends.
Thank you to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim for their support of families who
have a child diagnosed with cancer. It was very nice to head out to the stadium for
some baseball fun!
Angels Baseball - Dia de Familia
4 & 20 agosto y 22 septiembre 2013
Childhood Cancer Foundation es muy afortunada de recibir el apoyo de varios equipos deportivos locales para ofrecer experiencias divertidas a nuestras familias. Los
Angeles Angels of Anaheim gentilmente donaron entradas para varios partidos
esta temporada permitiendo a las familias disfrutar de un partido de béisbol con la
familia y amistades.
¡Gracias al equipo de Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim por su apoyo a las familias que
tienen un niño diagnosticado con cáncer! ¡Fue muy agradable salir al estadio para
diversión de béisbol!
Dodgers Game Night
August 12, 2013
Childhood Cancer Foundation was also fortunate to receive support from the Los
Angeles Dodgers who offered an evening of family fun at the Dodgers versus the
New York Mets on August 12th. Families enjoyed an evening of baseball fun with
family and friends.
A special thank you to Kip Sturgeon with United Cancer Research Society and the
Inland Empire Buses for providing families transportation to and from Dodgers
Stadium. Also, a special thank you to the Los Angeles Dodgers for their support of
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose
mission is to provide emotional, social, educational and emergency assistance to families
who have or have had children with cancer.
We are committed to supporting the families emotionally so they feel less isolated, frustrated and fearful in dealing with the problems that cancer can manifest within the family
structure. By the age of 20, one child or teen in 330 is diagnosed in the United States.
More children die of cancer than of any other disease, including asthma, diabetes, cystic
fibrosis, congenital anomalies and AIDS, COMBINED.
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California, Inc. relies on donations from individuals, businesses, organizations and clubs in the community to continue to provide assistance and support to
children and their families.
Formerly known as Candlelighters
FALL 2013 • Page 2
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California’s
families who have a child diagnosed
with cancer.
Noche de Dodgers
John Benstead
Ines Stewart
Board Member
12 agosto 2013
Bernard Kersey
Terry Lundy
Peter Brierty
Brenda Ebrahim
Susan McKee
Lisa Bates
Armida Kersey
Stacey Aldstadt
Childhood Cancer Foundation también tuvo la suerte de recibir el apoyo
de los Dodgers de Los Ángeles, que
ofreció una noche de diversión familiar en el juego de los Dodgers contra
los Mets de Nueva York el 12 de agosto. Las familias disfrutaron de una
noche de diversión de béisbol con la
familia y amistades.
Un agradecimiento especial a Kip
Sturgeon con la Sociedad de Investigación del Cáncer Unidas y los Inland
Empire autobuses por proporcionar
a las familias el transporte al juego.
También, un agradecimiento especial a los Dodgers de Los Ángeles por
su apoyo a las familias que tienen un
niño diagnosticado con cáncer.
VP Finance
Executive Director
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
From the Department of
Pediatrics Hematology / Oncology
Antranik Bedros, MD
Albert Kheradpour, MD
P.O. Box 1663
Loma Linda,CA 92354
PHONE: (909) 558-3419
FAX: (909) 558-3420
11155 Mt. View Ave., Suite 105
Loma Linda, CA 92354
“Those who bring sunshine to
the lives of others cannot keep
it from themselves.”
- Sir James M. Barrie
British Writer
1. Barrios family
2. Diaz Family
4. Gonzalez family
5. Poulson family
FALL 2013 • Page 3
Chip Away at Cancer
August 21, 2013
Dominick Gonzalez is an adorable soon-to-be 3 year old
boy who was diagnosed with cancer at the very young
age of 5 months. Childhood Cancer Foundation was fortunate to have had the opportunity to offer support services
to the family while he was in treatment. We are pleased
to share that he is doing very well and recently, a family
friend coordinated a charity golf tournament, Chip Away
at Cancer, to benefit Childhood Cancer Foundation in order to continue providing the services that once helped
Dominick and his family through their journey through
The supporters of the tournament helped raise an amazing $4,200 in support of our programs! Childhood Cancer
Foundation is very grateful to Jonathan Quijano, the tournament director, and the Gonzalez family for their support and dedication to children like Dominick.
Chip Away at Cancer
21 agosto 2013
Dominick González pronto cumplirá 3 años y fue diagnosticado con cáncer a la temprana edad de 5 meses. Childhood Cancer
Foundation tuvo la suerte de haber tenido la oportunidad de ofrecer servicios de apoyo a la familia mientras estaba en tratamiento. Nos complace compartir que está muy bien y hace poco, un amigo de la familia coordinó un torneo de golf, “Chip Away
at Cancer,” en beneficio de la fundación con el fin de continuar dando el servicio que un tiempo ayudó a Dominick y su familia
a través de su viaje a través del tratamiento.
¡Los participantes y patrocinadores del torneo ayudaron a recaudar una increíble donación de $4,200 en apoyo a nuestros programas! Childhood Cancer Foundation está muy agradecida con Jonathan Quijano, el director del torneo, y la familia Gonzalez
por su apoyo y dedicación a los niños como Dominick.
Candle Lighting Ceremonies
September 4 & 25, 2013
Every year Childhood Cancer Foundation invites families to join together in the month of September for two Candle Lighting Ceremonies
in honor of children who have or had cancer. September is Childhood
Cancer Awareness month and we strive to bring as much community
awareness as we can throughout the entire month.
The first Candle Lighting Ceremony was held in the breezeway between Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital and the Medical Center on September 4th. We invite childhood cancer patients currently in
treatment and those who are now survivors to join us in a ceremony to
mark the continued effort we will put together in their honor. Families
join together and visit with families who are recently diagnosed and
offer their support. Others meet with old friends they haven’t seen in
a while. This year we had the honor of welcoming Kitzia Gomez and
Shawn Graham, both cancer survivors, to share about their journey
with cancer and survivorship.
Later in the month on September 25, we joined together once again
this time to honor the memory of all the children we have grown to
love and admire through their battle with cancer. Families are invited
to bring photos to share of their children. Every family has experienced
FALL 2013 • Page 4
a loss and this offers them a moment to share memories, stories, and
encouragement to everyone who understands what they are going
through. We light four candles: one for our sadness, one for our memories, one for our love, and one for our commitment and then release
balloons that carry messages of love, of longing, and of hope to one
day be with them again.
We would like to thank the National Charity League for offering their
support and sponsoring the refreshments at the Candle Lighting Ceremonies and many thanks to Elena Klopfer for her kindness and support of the Memorial Ceremony.
Ceremonias de Velas
4 & 25 septiembre 2013
Cada año Childhood Cancer Foundation invita a todas las familias en
el mes de Septiembre para dos Ceremonias de Velas en honor a los
niños que tienen o han tenido cáncer. Septiembre es el mes del Conocimiento de cáncer infantil y nos esforzamos por traer conocimiento a
la comunidad durante todo el mes.
La primera Ceremonia de Velas fue en la brisa en medio de Loma Linda
University Children’s Hospital el 4 de septiembre. Invitamos a las familias que tienen a un hijo/a actualmente recibiendo tratamiento y los
que son ahora sobrevivientes para acompañarnos en una ceremonia,
en la cual marcamos el esfuerzo continuó que ponemos junto en su
honor. Las familias que tienen tiempo en su batalla contra el cáncer visitan con familias que recientemente han sido diagnosticadas y ofrecen
su apoyo. Otros se reencuentran con amigos viejos que no han visto
por mucho tiempo. Este año tuvimos el honor de estar acompañados
por Kitzia Gómez y Shawn Graham, ambos sobrevivientes de cáncer,
donde compartieron de sus experiencias con el cáncer y sobrevivencia.
Para el 25 de septiembre, nos juntamos una vez más para honorar esta
vez la memoria de todos los niños que hemos crecido admirar por su
batalla contra el cáncer. Las familias son invitadas a traer fotos de sus
niños para compartir. Cada familia ha sido afectada por una pérdida y
esta ceremonia les ofrece un momento de compartir memorias, historias, y de dar ánimo a todos quienes comprenden sus sentimientos.
Encendemos cuatro velas: una para nuestra tristeza, una para nuestras
memorias, una para nuestro amor, y una para nuestro compromiso. Al
final soltamos globos que llevan mensajes de amor, anhelo, y esperanza a un día estar junto con ellos.
Querremos dar gracias a National Charity League por ofrecer su apoyo
y patrocinar los refrescos en la ceremonia de velas. Un agradecimiento
especial a Elena Klopfer por patrocinar la ceremonia conmemorativa.
FALL 2013 • Page 5
Kids Walk
September 8, 2013
On Sunday, September 8, Childhood Cancer Foundation hosted its
14th Annual Kids Walk. This is a 1.5 mile walk from the CCFSC Office
to the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. The community
is invited to come out and show support of families who have lost
a child to cancer or have a child with cancer and bring community
awareness to this disease through this walk.
The walk was attended by over 400 participants, who carried posters and banners with pictures of their children, sang team chants
and made noise to bring awareness to childhood cancer. With the
help of our sponsors: Family and Friends of Rodolfo Escobar, Beaver
Medical Group, Family and Friends of Aaron Michael Sandoval, Family and Friends of Junior & Jessica, “Our Little Angel” Andrew Barboza, Loma Linda University Cancer and along with the support of
the entire community, CCFSC was able to raise an amazing $10,000
in funds to be used for services to families who have a child with
Special thank you to all our above mentioned sponsors. We would
also like to thank our In-Kind donors: Loma Linda University Cancer
Center, Arthur Murray Dance Studio – Redlands, Chivas USA, Baker’s
Drive Thru®, Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Inland Empire 66ers, Redbox, Palm Springs Tramway, Napoli-Italian, In-N-Out Burger, Bates
Auto Body, City of San Bernardino Water Department and World
Discoveries – Redlands.
Caminata de Niños
8 septiembre, 2013
El 8 de septiembre, Childhood Cancer Foundation celebró su 14
Caminata de Niños. La caminata es de una milla y media a pie desde la Oficina de CCFSC al Hospital de Niños de la Universidad de
Loma Linda. Se invita a la comunidad a salir y mostrar el apoyo de
las familias que han perdido a un hijo con cáncer o que tienen un
hijo con cáncer y concienciar a la comunidad de esta enfermedad a
través de este evento.
Asistieron más de 400 participantes que llevaban carteles y pancartas con fotos de sus hijos, cantaron cánticos e hacían ruido para
crear conciencia del cáncer infantil. Con la ayuda de nuestros patrocinadores: Family and Friends of Rodolfo Escobar, Beaver Medical Group, Family and Friends of Aaron Michael Sandoval, Family
and Friends of Junior & Jessica, “Our Little Angel” Andrew Barboza,
Loma Linda University Cancer Center y junto con el apoyo de toda
la comunidad, CCFSC pudo recaudar una increíble cantidad de
$10,000 en fondos que se utilizarán para los servicios a las familias
que tienen un niño con cáncer.
Agradecimiento especial a todos nuestros patrocinadores mencionados. También nos gustaría agradecer a nuestros donantes en amables: Loma Linda University Cancer Center, Arthur Murray Dance
Studio – Redlands, Chivas USA, Baker’s Drive Thru®, Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Inland Empire 66ers, Redbox, Palm Springs Tramway,
Napoli-Italian, In-N-Out Burger, Bates Auto Body, City of San Bernardino Water Department y World Discoveries – Redlands.
FALL 2013 • Page 6
San Manuel Grant
Thank you San Manuel Band of Mission Indians!
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California is
very grateful to have received a $25,000 grant from the
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. The funds will support core programs of the Childhood Cancer Foundation,
including the Christmas Celebration, 2014 Calendar, and Family Assistance Program. The funds will be used to further sustain the
organization’s efforts to make support programs accessible to families who have a child with cancer.
Childhood Cancer Foundation Executive Director, Armida Kersey, commented on the San Manuel gift. “We are very pleased and
grateful. This is a wonderful gift, and we celebrate it as recognition of the long-term alignment and friendship between San
Manuel Band of Mission Indians and Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California. Both organizations are committed to
prevention and health information projects and direct health services for families in need.”
Donación de San Manuel
¡Gracias San Manuel Band of Mission Indians!
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California está muy agradecida por haber recibido una subvención de $25,000 de San
Manuel Band of Mission Indians. Los fondos asistirán los programas centrales de la fundación, incluyendo la celebración de Navidad, el Calendario 2014, y el Programa de Asistencia de Familias. Los fondos se utilizarán para sustentar aún más los esfuerzos de
la organización para hacer accesibles los programas de asistencia a las familias que tienen un niño con cáncer.
La Directora Ejecutiva de la fundación, Armida Kersey, comentó sobre el regalo de San Manuel. “Estamos muy contentos y agradecidos. Este es un regalo maravilloso, y lo celebramos como un reconocimiento de la alineación a largo plazo y la amistad entre
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians y Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California. Ambas organizaciones se han comprometido a la prevencion y proyectos de informacion sobre la salud y servicios de salud directos para familias damnificadas.”
Cardenas Markets Donates to CCFSC
Cardenas Markets has concluded another successful fundraising campaign in support of Childhood Cancer Foundation of
Southern California’s mission to provide emotional, social, education and emergency assistance to families who have a child
diagnosed with cancer. For 2 years now, Cardenas Market customers and employees have raised more than $16,000 through the
collection of donations at Cardenas Market check-stands. This year, Cardenas Markets exceeded their previous year’s campaign
of $4,678.84 by raising $11,366.69 for the fight against cancer. Cardenas presented Childhood Cancer Foundation with the wonderful donation on September 11, 2013.
“We are very grateful to the Cardenas Market employees and customers who are helping to make a difference in the lives of
young cancer patients and families from their communities,” said Armida Kersey, CCFSC Executive Director. “This is a wonderful
gift, and we celebrate the incredible effort and support received through this initiative.”
Every three and a half minutes a parent hears the devastating news, “Your child has cancer.” With these words, normal life stops and a difficult new journey begins; a journey
that will test families physically, emotionally, socially, and
financially. Families dealing with cancer use every last resource to fight the disease in an effort to keep their child
alive. With the support of Cardenas Market, Childhood
Cancer Foundation will continue to serve as an integral
support service for children and their families facing the
challenges that cancer can manifest in their lives.
Donación de Cardenas Markets
Cardenas Markets ha concluido una nueva campaña de
recaudación de fondos en apoyo de la misión de Childhood Cancer Foundation en proporcionar ayuda emocional , social , educativa y de emergencia a las familias que
tienen un niño diagnosticado con cáncer. Durante 2 años,
los clientes y empleados de Cardenas Markets han recau-
FALL 2013 • Page 7
dado más de $16,000 dólares a través de la recolección de donaciones en el punto de cobro. Este año, Cardenas Markets superó
su campaña del año anterior donde colectaron $4,678.84 recaudando $11,366.69 para la lucha contra el cáncer. Cardenas presentó la donación el 11 de septiembre de 2013.
“Estamos muy agradecidos a los empleados y clientes de Cardenas Markets que están ayudando a hacer una diferencia en las
vidas de los pacientes jóvenes con cáncer y sus familias,” dijo Armida Kersey, Directora Ejecutiva de CCFSC. “Este es un regalo
maravilloso, y celebramos el esfuerzo y el apoyo recibido a través de esta iniciativa increíble.”
Cada tres minutos y medio un padre recibe la noticia devastadora: “Tu hijo tiene cáncer. “ Con estas palabras, la vida normal
cambia y comienza una nueva etapa difícil, una etapa que pondrá a prueba las familias físicamente, emocionalmente, socialmente y económicamente. Las familias afectadas por el cáncer utilizan hasta el último recurso para luchar contra la enfermedad, en un esfuerzo para mantener vivo a su hijo. Con el apoyo de Cardenas Markets, Childhood Cancer Foundation continuará
sirviendo como un servicio de apoyo integral a los niños y sus familias que enfrentan los desafíos que el cáncer puede manifestar en sus vidas.
Monetary donations
also accepted.
FALL 2013 • Page 8
Teen Connection is a service to adolescents who have been diagnosed with cancer. Being a teen is very difficult and having cancer
compounds that difficulty. Being able to speak and interact with
other teens experiencing cancer can be helpful. This is where Teen
Connection steps in. Teen Connection gets together once a month
to do various activities.
Teen Connection es un servicio a los adolescentes que han sido diagnosticados con cáncer. Ser un adolescente es muy difícil y ser diagnosticado con cáncer crece esa dificultad. El poder hablar e interactuar
con otros adolescentes que sufren de los mismo, cáncer, puede ser de
ayuda. Aquí es donde Teen Connection habre las puertas. Teen Connection se reúne una vez al mes para diversas actividades.
Movie Night
July 20, 2013
Teen Connection reconnected for a fun Dinner and a Movie Night on
July 20th. Ismael, Jorge, Kitzia, Matthew, and Nicholas along with chaperones Kristin and Stephanie gathered around the table at the CCF office
for a pizza dinner and had a great time sharing stories and laughs.
Once we arrived at the cinema in Redlands, we filed in to the theater to
watch Grown-Ups 2. The movie was amazingly funny and entertaining.
A special thank you to Krikorian Premiere Theatres for their donation of
admission passes for the event as well as our guest chaperone Kristin for
joining us on this trip!
Noche de Peliculas
20 julio 2013
Teen Connection volvió a conectarse para una cena divertida y una
noche de cine el 20 de julio. Ismael, Jorge, Kitzia, Matthew, y Nicholas
junto con chaperones Kristin y Stephanie se reunieron alrededor de la
mesa en la oficina CCF para una cena de pizza mientras compartían historias.
Una vez que llegamos en el cine en Redlands, nos presentamos en el
teatro para ver Grown-Ups 2. La película fue increíblemente divertida y
entretenida. ¡Un agradecimiento especial a Krikorian Premiere Theatres
por su donación de admisión para el evento, así como nuestra acompañante Kristin por acompañarnos en este viaje!
Beach Reunion
August 10, 2013
Teen Connection was excited to host its 2nd Beach BBQ Reunion this
year. Teen Connection “graduates” and current teens were invited to join
in some fun under the sun at Huntington Beach on August 10th.
The teens couldn’t wait to get down to the water once we arrived, they
all flung off their sweaters and shoes and ran straight into the ocean not
concerned about how cold the water might be. The gang rounded up
for lunch under pop-up tents that shaded all of us nicely as we enjoyed
FALL 2013 • Page 9
yummy hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and all sorts of other goodies. All the teens
were very supportive of each other and they all agreed that they were looking
forward to their wonderful lives ahead of them. We enjoyed a game of beach
volleyball, took pictures, and roasted s’mores on the fire.
We would like to thank the Brierty Family, Larita, Janelle and Kristin for joining
the teens in this adventure under the sun. We hope you enjoyed your time with
the teens.
Reunion en la Playa
10 agosto 2013
Teen Connection se emocionó al celebrar su segunda reunión en la playa. Adolescentes del grupo Teen Connection que se han “graduado” del programo junto a los adolescentes actualmente participantes del programa fueron invitados
a participar en día de diversión bajo el sol en Huntington Beach, el 10 de agosto.
No podían esperar a llegar al agua, en cuanto llegamos todos se quitaron sus
suéteres y zapatos y corrieron directamente hacia el océano sin preocuparse
de lo frio que estuviera el agua. Nos juntamos para almorzar bajo tiendas de
campaña que daban sombra, y disfrutamos deliciosas hamburguesas, perritos
calientes, chips, y mucho más. Todos los jóvenes fueron un gran apoyo el uno
del otro y todos coincidieron en que estaban ansiosos en disfrutar sus vidas por
delante de ellos. Disfrutamos de un partido de voleibol, fotos y s’mores tostados
en el fuego.
Nos gustaría dar las gracias a la Familia Brierty, Larita, Janelle y Kristin por acompañar a los adolescentes en esta aventura bajo el sol. Esperamos que hayan
disfrutado de su tiempo con el grupo.
Knott’s Scary Farm
September 28, 2013
We all got our share of spooks at our annual trip to Knott’s Scary Farm. We loaded up the van and headed down to Buena Park to begin our trail through the
haunted mazes and spooky rides on September 28th.
Donato, Charlotte, Ismael, Jennifer, Matthew, Kitzia, Sabree, and Elizabeth along
with chaperones firefighter Chad, Kristin and Stephanie trailed down to Knott’s
Scary Farm after they had their fill of yummy pizza. We walked through many
of their mazes, enjoyed some of the rides and took pictures with the monsters
and with their displays. Everyone enjoyed their time there and had lots of fun.
We would like to thank firefighter Chad and Kristin for joining us and sharing
the laughs and the scares!
Knott’s Scary Farm
28 septiembre 2013
Todos disfrutamos de fantasmas y miedo en nuestro viaje anual a Knott’s Scary
Farm. Nos subimos a la camioneta y nos dirigimos hacia Buena Park para comenzar nuestro camino a través de los laberintos embrujados y paseos miedosos el 28 de septiembre.
Donato, Charlotte, Ismael, Jennifer, Matthew, Kitzia, Sabree, y Elizabeth junto
con acompañantes bombero Chad, Kristin y Stephanie caminaron todo el
parque de Knott’s Scary Farm después de haber disfrutado pizza deliciosa. Caminamos a través de muchos de los laberintos, disfrutamos de algunos de los paseos y tomamos fotos con los monstruos y con sus pantallas. Todos disfrutamos
de la diversión que nos ofreció nuestra noche de miedo.
¡Nos gustaría dar las gracias al bombero Chad y Kristin por acompañarnos y
compartir las risas y sustos!
FALL 2013 • Page 10
HappY birthday
Alex Ventura
Allen Stewart
Allison Lysiak
Andrew Bay
Andrew Guerrero
Andy Ochoa
Antonio Vasquez
Carlos Velasquez
Crystal Martinez
David Kersey
Dominic Casillas
Donato Franco
Dontavius Minter
Eileen Ortega
Elvis Lopez de Leon
Erick Romero
Erika Escupinichi
Esteban Trujillo
Ferdinand Bellermann
Haily Rottigni
Hariz Quijano
Ismael Areas
Jayden Perez-Vanhorn
Jesus Tejeda
Jose Ocadiz
Juan Velez
Justin Levens
Kalista Blunt
Karen Patlan
Mariana Franco
Markie Luna
Martin Olivas
Maya Alabbasi
Micaela Camarillo
Michael Pettit
Nessa Acosta
Precious Parks
Preston Stoner
Raul Rosas
Raylene Arteaga
Serenity Barrios
Sierra Scothorn
Sophia Rivera
Steve Sanchez-Cruz
Vanessa Duran
Vanessa Farfan
Yareli Cisneros
Zaria Talavera
Adeline Bravo
Alexis Martinez
Alissia Parga
Amina Ihmud
Andrew Curtis
Angel Curiel
Angel Lujano
Ashley Ramos
Asia McKnight
Bodie Sanders
Breanna Hall
Briselda Molquecho
Camila Quino
Christian Marcelo
David Sandez
Destiny Cruz Paz
Dianna Hernandez
Diego Rodriguez
Dorian Christie
Dulce Esquivel
Dwayne Davis
Dylan Russin
Elizabeth Hoelscher
Evett Meza
Genaro Ortega
Gilberto Lopez
Glenn Guardamondo
Henry Cesena
Hikari Powers
Holly Tomlin
Ivan Castro
Jasmine Lyn
Jason Martin
Johanna Muñoz
Jonathan Espinoza
Juan Mora
Justin Bivians
Kamila Rojas
Kerri Keyser
Kobe Garcia
Lauryn Jackson
Leslie Lopez Santa Cruz
Lillian Bensen
Lindsey Krueger
Madelyn Leonard
Manuel Contreras
Mariana Molina
Maryclare Ramirez
Matthew Torres
Mayra Gomez
McKayla Wood
Michael Valle
Mischa Towner
Neilyn Estrella
Nicholas Kern
Nick Roman
Noe Jacobo
Oscar Contreras
Reid Cowan
Rolando Orozco
Sandra Nava
Sandra Silva
Starlette Knight
Sydney Satterwhite
Tiffany Vargas
Ulises Gonzalez
Valerie Espinoza
Valery Perez
Yahaira Juarez
Alexis Buss
Alfonso Gutierrez
Andy Finnigan
Aries Williams
Ashley Lloyd
Brenda Haro
Brian Morris
Brianna Conticelli
Chris Mokbel
Crystal Binnie
David Ochoa
Dominick Gonzales
Dylan Matthews
Elizabeth Dhami
Faith Marie Justice
Gabriel Smith
Isai Gallegos
Isaias Rincon
Israel Rivas
Jacorrey Sampson
Ja'Mes Jenkins
Jenna Garday
Jimena Felix
Jocelyn Cruz
Jonathan Hernandez
Juliet Martinez
Kayla Gronley
Keyla Vargas
Koen VanderMeer
Leslie Duarte
Marcus Smith
Maria Luisa Alvarez
Miguel Manzo
Mya Beckwith
Nicholas Trejo
Olamide Okusanya
Reef Allen
Sabree Roby
Samantha Rodriguez
Sany Ramirez
Stephany Peñaloza
Thomas (Jay) Lillard
Tyler Borden
Uziel Davis
Xander Moncada
FALL 2013 • Page 11
“Our Little Angel” Andrew
Allstate Giving Campaign
American Integrative Medical
Beaver Medical Group
Cardenas Market
Carmen Vasquez
Chip Away At Cancer Golf
Downey Short Foundation
Edison Employe Campaign
Everest College Nursing
Family and Friends of Aaron
Michael Sandoval
Family and Friends of Junior &
Family and Friends of Rodolfo
Arthur Murray Dance Studio –
Baker’s Drive Thru®
Bates Auto Body
Bates Auto Body
Carol Meisner
Chivas USA
City of San Bernardino Water
Elena Klopfer
Inland Empire 66ers
Inland Empire Buses
In-N-Out Burger
Knott’s Berry Farm
Krikorian Premiere Theatres
Lisa and Erick Lippincolt
Loma Linda Children’s
Hospital Volunteer Services
Jennifer Van Ette
Loma Linda University Cancer
Morongo Band of Mission
Pacific High School
REW & Associates
San Manuel Band of Mission
Sempra Employee Giving
Truist Employee Donation
United Way Arrowhead
United Way Greater LA
United Way Inland Valley
Variety Club of the Desert
Loma Linda University Cancer
Los Angeles Angels of
Los Angeles Dodgers
Nancy and Paul Mahoney
National Charity League
Nestle Water North America
Palm Springs Tramway
Rightway Site Services Inc.
Riverside International Wine
Rory Ward
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
Stacey Aldstadt
World Discoveries – Redlands
Arlene Barton in memory of Paul Kanka
Connie Cunningham in memory of Nancy Hadaway
Kent Downs in memory of Nancy Hadoway
Larry Lee in memory of Nancy Hadoway
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
San Bernardino, CA
Permit No. 2051
PO Box 1663
11155 Mt. View Ave, Suite 105
Loma Linda, CA 92354
Would you like to join us as
a volunteer? Are you interested in making a financial
contribution? If so, Please
call us at (909) 558-3419 or
visit us at
To make a secure on-line donation please visit and click on Make a
Donation under the Wish List
section. Donations can also
be made over the phone or
via mail. Call CCFSC for more
information. (909) 558-3419.
In-kind donations help us off
set the costs of our various
events. To make a donation
contact us at (909) 558-3419
or visit our website and click
on Wish List to view a list of
items to consider donating.
Our events would not be possible without our volunteers.
To join as a volunteer visit and click
on Volunteer Opportunities
under the About Us section
or contact us via email at
Newsletters also
available online! Visit our
website to view additional
event photos and sign up
for the ccfsc E-Newsletter.